Breaking down Barriers: MSU Acronyms & Jargon

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MUSC: McMaster University Students Centre

MSU - MCMASTER STUDENTS UNION An organization supported by each full-time undergraduate student, anyone taking 18 or more credits in a term, that aims to support and improve their university experience. Get in touch, find out more, or get involved: Website: www.msumcmaster.c Twitter: @MSU_McMaster Twitter Hashtag: #McSU Text Updates: Text “MSU� to 71441 to sign up.

DISCLAIMER: In general, using acronyms and jargon is counter-productive to the goals of the MSU. While our organization strives to bring students together, ambiguous terminology actively builds walls between students with different levels of MSU-specific knowledge. This guide is meant to help minimize feelings of disconnection that can be caused by jargon, not to encourage further usage.

MCMASTER STUDENTS UNION ORGANIZATIONAL COMPONENTS These terms relate to specific components of the MSU as an organization.

AAC: Academic Affairs Council. A group made up of the Vice-President Academic/ Education from the MSU as well as from each Faculty Society. BOD: Board of Directors. The President and three Vice Presidents that oversee the MSU. governance/board-of-directors Business Units: Services run by the MSU that operate as a traditional business (1280, Union Market, Compass, The Sil, CFMU, Avtek/Campus Events, Underground) Committee Room: A space attached to the MSU office in MUSC 201, that acts as both a work and storage area for PTMs. EB: Executive Board. A group of the BOD, the MSU’s General Manager, Student Life Development Coordinator, and 5 elected SRA members, who oversee the day to day operation of the MSU. www. EC: Elections Committee. An impartial group that oversees the fair and just administration of general MSU elections. elections-committee FAC: Financial Affairs Council. A group made up of the Vice-President Finance from the MSU, as well as from each faculty society. FYC: First-Year Council. The elected body representing first-year students within the MSU. first-year-council-fyc GA: General Assembly. An annual meeting designed to give students the opportunity to voice concerns and create change in the MSU. General Assembly is the highest governing body of the MSU. general-assembly Governance: The systems in place designed to make over-arching decisions for the MSU. governance MUSC: McMaster University Students Centre. MSU Office: Located in MUSC room 201, the MSU office house the offices for all of the MSU’s full time staff, the BOD, many Student Opportunity Positions, as well as a reception area. SLDC: Student Life Development Coordinator. Full-time staff employed by the MSU to support the operations of the MSU. SOP: Student Opportunity Position. A one-year contracted position for a McMaster graduate, within the MSU. SRA: Student Representative Assembly. The governing body of the MSU, made up of 31 representatives from different academic divisions plus the 4 elected Board of Directors members. VP: Vice-President. One of three executive members elected by the SRA to oversee a specific area across the MSU. sra/2014-2015-sra-information-page/vicepresidents-information Zero cost centres: services intended to not make or lose money in a year (Compass, Child Care Centre).

MCMASTER COMMUNITY TERMINOLOGY These terms relate to groups or bodies on campus that are not a part of the MSU

AVP: Associate Vice President – works directly for a university VP, and the VP reports to the president HSR: The Hamilton Street Railway Hamilton’s bus service. All MSU members receive a 12-month bus pass. This costs $138.65. Make sure you put your bus pass sticker on your student card! OPIRG: Ontario Public Interest Research Group. A student-funded group that supports positive social change. SLEF: Student Life Enhancement fund. A sum of money dedicated to funding student ideas that may enhance the undergraduate experience. SRC: Student Relations Committee. A group chaired by Alumni that oversees student-centric initiatives. events.html SSC: Student Services Committee – oversees the groups on campus that receive mandatory ancillary fees from students. studaff.cfm

USIF: Undergraduate Student Initiative Fund – a pocket of money that funds special projects designed to support student need. undergraduate_student_initiatives_fund. html WW: Welcome Week. The week of programming prior to the start of Fall semester each year. Welcome Week aims to create community amongst incoming students. orientation/welcome-week.html WWAC: Welcome Week Advisory Committee - the group of campus stakeholders who advise and provide overarching strategic direction to the Welcome Week Planning and Implementation Committee. WW Levy: The orientation fee charged to all Level 1 students for Welcome Week. On March 28, 2012, McMaster students voted in favour of a University Orientation Fee (MacPass) in the amount of $112.66 for all level 1 undergrad students registered for 18 or more units

SERVICES These are the services that the MSU offers to help meet a diverse range of student need.

TwelvEighty Bar & Grill: The MSU’s Bar and Grill, 1280 offers warm meals at a reasonable price, and employs a large number of students. Swing by club night on Thursdays. Advocacy: A pillar of the MSU that aims to create discussion and awareness around important issues that affect post secondary education. AVTEK: The MSU’s audio-visual and production service. www.msumcmaster. ca/services-directory/21-avtekproductions Campus Events: The MSU’s team dedicated to bringing concerts and various entertainment to campus. CFMU: CFMU 93.3 is the MSU-owned campus/community radio station located in the basement of MUSC. Charity Ball: Each year the MSU hosts a gala event known as the McMaster Charity Ball. In the last 15 years, the event has raised over $240,000 for local Hamilton and area charities. Child Care Centre: The Child Care Center provides programming for children ages 18 months to 6 years in order to support students and members of the community with young children. www.msumcmaster. ca/services-directory/30-child-carecentre CLAY: Creating Leadership Amongst Youth: An annual leadership conference for high school students, facilitated by McMaster Students. www.msumcmaster.

ca/services-directory/1-clay Compass: An information center located in MUSC that also provides transportation, event tickets, and merchandise. www.msumcmaster. ca/services-directory/4-compassinformation-centre Diversity Services: MSU Diversity Services exists in order to celebrate and unite the variety of diverse groups on campus within pillars of: multiculturalism, interfaith, abilities, gender equity, and indigenous affairs. www.msumcmaster. ca/services-directory/11-diversity-services Elections: This service organizes and runs MSU elections in a fair and transparent manner. EFRT: Emergency First Response Team. A confidential, student-run medical emergency response service. www. Horizons: The Horizons Leadership Conference is a 3-day, 2-night leadershipexpanding campus experience exclusively for first years coming to McMaster in September. www.msumcmaster. ca/services-directory/33-horizonsleadership-conference Mac Bread Bin: A campus food distribution service funded by the MSU that provides anonymous food assistance to students. Bread Bin also provides the Good Food Box, which helps students eat healthy, local food. www.msumcmaster. ca/services-directory/14-macbreadbin Mac Farm Stand: An on-campus farmers market that provides students access to local fruit and vegetables between June and October. services-directory/15-mac-farmstand

SERVICES These are the services that the MSU offers to help meet a diverse range of student need.

MACgreen: The environmental sustainability service provided by the MSU that offers a variety of educational and volunteer programming for McMaster students and community members. MACycle: MACycle Co-op is your on campus “Do it Yourself” bike repair shop. Marmor: The undergraduate student yearbook. services-directory/25-marmor Maroons: The Maroons are a unique service that works to connect the undergraduate student population to the MSU. Ombuds Office: A confidential service that provides impartial dispute-resolution advice to all members of the University community. services-directory/44-ombuds-office QSCC: Queer Students Community Centre: The contact point for McMaster students that may identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, or queer, and their allies. PSL: Peer Support Line: A confidential phone support service offered to McMaster Students. www.msumcmaster. ca/services-directory/41-peer-support-line PTM: Part-Time Manager (of an MSU service). The individual who oversees a specific service. Shinerama/Terry Fox: Shinerama is Canada’s largest post-secondary school fundraiser that raises money and generates awareness for Cystic

Fibrosis. The Terry Fox run is an annual, commemorative event designed to raise awareness and support for cancer. SPARK: A service designed to help firstyear students transition into university life at McMaster. Weekly sessions are run by upper-year mentors focusing on the keys to university success such as time and stress management. www.msumcmaster. ca/services-directory/45-spark SCSN: Student Community Support Network: SCSN strives to expand and strengthen positive relationships between students and the local community. SHEC: Student Health Education Centre: A peer-run health promotion, education, and referral service that focuses on engaging with students about healthrelated issues through performances, peer support, fundraisers, and events. www. SWHAT: Student Walk Home Attendant Team: is a volunteer service within the MSU that will walk or bus with students during the evening hours 7 days a week. services-directory/3-student-walk-homeattendant-team-swhat TAC: Teaching Awards Committee: Designed to recognize and encourage excellence in teaching at McMaster University by awarding Teaching Awards on behalf of all students

Silhouette: The MSU’s student-run newspaper. services-directory/24-the-silhouette Twelve-Eighty: The on-campus bar & grill located in the basement of MUSC Underground: The Media and Design Centre located in the basement of MUSC that offers products and services such as printing, photocopying, and graphic design.

UM: Union Market: The MSU convenient store that has a lot of your campus essentials including food, snacks and coffee. WGEN: Women and Gender Equity Network: A service that aims to establish services and events that will move towards the goal of creating a safe space on campus for women-identified people, trans people and survivors of sexual assault.

STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY (SRA) These terms are related to the SRA or assembly procedures during SRA meetings.

Amendment (of a motion): A motion that is used to change the wording a motion on the floor. B&P: Bylaws and Procedures. The SRA Standing Committee on Bylaws and Procedures, responsible for overseeing the documents which dictate McMaster Students Union protocol. sra-standing-committees/bylaws-andprocedures-committee

Ops: Operations. Refers to the SRA Standing Committee on Operations, responsible for overseeing the operating policies that govern the MSU. sra-standing-committees/operationscommittee. Point of Personal Privilege: Utilized when a member wants to make an urgent statement regarding personal comfort or rights.

Call to Question: A motion that, if successful, will end discussion and have the assembly proceed to a vote on the motion on the floor.

Point of Parliamentary Inquiry: Utilized when a member wants to ask an urgent question regarding procedures within the assembly.

EA: External Affairs. Refers to the SRA Standing Committee on External Affairs, responsible for overseeing policy and interactions related to groups outside of McMaster. governance/sra/sra-standing-committees/ external-affairs-committee

Refer to Committee: this is a motion that is used when it is felt that the details of a motion either need to be worked out, or be revisited by one of the committees.

Motion: The formal request that the SRA does something. Motions must be approved by a vote of the assembly. On the Floor: The motion, or topic that is currently being discussed.

Speakers List: The order of individuals who have indicated they wish to speak to a topic or motion. Straw poll: An informal vote designed to gauge the current sentiments of the Assembly.

FACULTY SOCIETIES AND OTHER STUDENT GROUPS These groups are not a part of the MSU, but are also organized and run by students for students.

CUPE 3906: Canadian Union of Public Employees. 3906 represents McMaster teaching assistants, research assistants, sessional faculty and post-doctoral fellows. DCS: Degroote Commerce Society. MSSS: McMaster Social Sciences Society SASS: Society of Arts and Science students MUNSS: McMaster University Nursing Students Society BHSS: Bachelor of Health Sciences Society MES: McMaster Engineering Society MSS: McMaster Science Society

MHS: McMaster Humanities Society GSA: Graduate Students Association gsa. MAPS: McMaster Association of Part-Time Students MISCA: McMaster Indigenous Students Community Alliance MSUAA: MSU Alumni Association SOCS: Society of Off-Campus Students: a social group for students living offcampus, who provide events and organize intramural sports teams throughout the year. Â


These groups are not a part of the MSU, but are funded through tuition and ancillary fees paid to the university.

BOG: Board of Governors (of McMaster University). One of the key governing bodies of the university.

MIIETL: McMaster Institute for Innovation and Excellence in Teaching and Learning. A resource for effective approaches to post-secondary teaching at McMaster. SAS: Student Accessibility Services. The group responsible for providing academic accommodation to students with visible or invisible disabilities.

SSC: Student Success Centre - A group that provides opportunities for academic, personal, and professional development. SFAS: Student Financial Aid and Scholarships - The university group that oversees distribution of scholarships and financial aid programs.

ADVOCACY Advocacy is the act of influencing institutions beyond the MSU to initiate change that will benefit students.

CASA: Canadian Alliance of Student Associations. CASA is a body that represents the interests of 22 student groups across Canada by lobbying the Federal Government for change. The MSU is a member of CASA. CFS: Canadian Federation of Students. An organization which lobbies provincial and federal governments on behalf of its member schools. The MSU is not a member of CASA. MTCU: Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities - The ministry responsible for post-secondary education in Ontario. Lobbying: Sharing concerns and recommendations with elected officials. OUSA: Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance. OUSA represents seven student unions across Ontario, and lobbies the provinicial government on their behalf. The MSU is a member of OUSA.

PSE: Post-Secondary Education. Education that occurs following secondary school. SC: OUSA Steering Committee. The group of Vice-President (Education) equivalents from all of the student unions within OUSA. SMA: Strategic Mandate Agreement. Each post-secondary institution in Ontario has published a strategic mandate agreement, which outlines the areas where they excel and the qualities that make them unique. Stakeholders: Persons or groups that have a clearly defined interest or relationship with a specific topic. WIL - Work integrated learning. Experience in a workplace setting that will be redeemable for course credit.

EQUITY These terms relate to the language of equity and inclusivity. AOP: Anti-Oppression Training: Training aimed at reducing oppressive patterns of thought or action, while increasing awareness of the systemic nature of oppression.

Cissexism: The system of oppression which considers cis individuals superior to trans individuals, particularly through the assumption that an individual’s assigned sex dictates their gender identity.

Asexuality: A umbrella term used to describe a person who experiences somewhere between incidental to no sexual attraction.

Equity: The belief that equal opportunity, not equal treatment, is necessary to the establishment of a just and fair society.

Cis / Cisgender: Individuals whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth.

Gender and Gender Identity: Separate from sex, gender identity is the sense of yourself as male, female, somewhere in between the two, or neither.

Gender-based Violence: Violence, including physical, verbal, and emotional, that is directed against a person on the basis of gender. Gender Binary: The social normative idea that there are only two ‘‘opposite’’ genders, male and female, with no intersection or possibility of identification between or around. Genderqueer: An individual who does not identify with traditional gender identities. Heteronormativity: A viewpoint that expresses Heterosexuality as a given, rather than considering it one of many possibilities. This erases LGBTQ+ identities. Homophobia: Irrational fear or discrimination towards LGBTQ+ identified people based on their sexual identity. HRES: Human Rights and Equity Service Intersectionality: Multiple forms of discrimination occurring simultaneously due to the various components of an individuals identity. Misogyny: Hatred of women and characteristics deemed feminine. Non-Binary: An umbrella term for people who identify outside of the male or female binary gender identities.

category of people by another through systematic differences in power. PACBIC: Presidents Advisory Committee on Building an Inclusive Community: A group who works to improve equitable practice across McMaster. pacbic. Privilege: An advantage given to a group of individuals through systemic or societal preferences and prejudices. Safe(r) space: A space where oppressed people can speak openly about their experience without fear of judgement. Sexual Assault: Unwanted, coerced, or forced involvement in sexual activity. Sexual Orientation: The pattern of attraction an individual experiences. Sex Positivity: A framework of ideas encouraging healthy exploration of sexuality, sexual relationships and sex in general. Trans / Transgender: Individuals whose gender identity does not match the sex they were assigned at birth. Transmisogyny: Marginalization, or discrimination of trans people. Transphobia: Irrational fear or discrimination towards trans people based on their gender expression and/or gender identity.

Oppression: The unfair treatment of one

MENTAL HEALTH These terms are related to Mental health

Good2Talk: A 24/7 confidential phone line, operated by professionals PSO: Peer Support OnLine: The online version of Peer Support Line where you can chat online with a trained volunteer SWC: Student Wellness Centre: The place on campus to address your wellness

needs by providing students with a wide range of Counselling Options, Medical Services and Wellness Education resources. SWELL: Student Wellness Education Lower Lounge: A lounge located in the basement of MUSC that can be used as a relaxing or study space. Wellness - The state or condition of being in good physical and mental health

SERVICE SPECIFIC TERMINOLOGY These terms are used frequently in the context of specific services. AED: Automated External Defibrillator, a device in the event of a cardiac arrest to possible restart the electrical activity in the persons heart. Carried by the EFRT and available on campus, these life-saving devices are proven to increase chance of survival the earlier they arrive. LD: Leadership Developer: A group facilitator for the CLAY and Horizons Conference LDL: Leadership Developer Logistics: A group facilitator for the CLAY and Horizons Conference that is responsible for the logistics and scheduling of their group. Response Time: How long it takes the EFRT to arrive on scene after dispatch from Security Services. On average 2-3 minutes on campus for the EFRT. SET/CST:- Special Errands Team/ Conference Support Team: A group of volunteers for the clay conference that contribute to some of the background work and setup for the conference

by the Canadian Red Cross and taught by the EFRT teaching how to respond to important emergency and nonemergency situations. TL: A Spark Team Leader: these individuals lead weekly sessions aimed at providing first year students skills that will make their transition easier. CRO: Chief Returning Officer, the head of the Elections Department DRO: Deputy Returning Officer, the second-in-command of the Elections Department Presidentials: the process of campaigning and voting for the next MSU President. SRA “Generals”: refers to the election of the entire Student Representative Assembly for the next year SRA By-Election: refers to an election to fill an SRA seat during the school year Seat: a position on the Student Representative Assembly Simply Voting: the online voting system we use to run our elections

SFA: Standard First Aid. A course offered

FINANCE These terms are related to how the MSU and other groups utilize your money. Ancillary Fee: A fee paid by students that is additional to their tuition. Bylaw 5: New bylaw update which stipulates how non-MSU, non-University ancillary fees are governed bylaws-policies/msu-bylaws CAF: Compulsory Ancillary Fee: An agreement between the MSU and the university which regulates fee matching and dictates where student fees are

allocated. CPI: Consumer Price Index: which the MSU increases their fees by each year (set by the province of Ontario) Deficit: the financial loss for a period of time SFA: student financial assistance Surplus: the financial gain (profit) for a period of time

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