SRA Maroon Minutes - November 2, 2014

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KEY DISCUSSION POINTS Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) This week the OUSA President and Executive Director presented to the SRA. OUSA is a student driven, research based lobbying group that represents McMaster and six other universities at the provincial level of government. OUSA has five lobbying priorities this year, including improving Mental Health resources and increasing the presence of work integrated learning. Each student at McMaster pays $2.90 to support the organization.

McMaster Marching Band (MMB) MMB gave a report on their financials and the service they offer to students. The group highlighted that students can join at any point throughout the Fall or Winter semesters, and that no audition is required. First time members can join at a cost of $60 dollars, twenty of which may be reclaimed as a deposit at the end of the year. Individuals do not need to own their own instrument.

INFORMATION PERIOD MacPride, November 3-7 MacPride is going on all week long! The Queer Students Community Center is hosting a number of events designed to show support for individuals who identify as LGBTQ+. More information is available here.

Women’s Leadership Summit, November 8 This exciting conference is working to ensure that all individuals have an equal opportunity to be a leader within their community. Two workshops, a keynote, and extensive opporunities to network will all be provided at a cost of $15 dollars. More information is available here.

Movember McMaster is showing their support for Men’s health initiatives throughout the month of November. More information and steps outlining how you can join is available here.

GET INVOLVED Join an Award Committee The MSU is looking for non-SRA students to provide input on different awards that recognize individual students and campus groups. Each committee is responsible for allocating one of the awards described below. If you are interested in joining or learning more, please feel free to contact for further information.

Honour M Recognizes a student that represents outstanding leadership, volunteer service, contribution, and special achievement in undergraduate extra-curricular activities.

Rudy Heinzl Award of Excellence Recognizes outstanding one-year achievement that improves the lives of McMaster students.

J. Lynn Watson Recognizes the McMaster campus group that has made the greatest contribution to charitable organizations.

MSU Spirit Award Recognizes a campus group that has demonstrated superior spirit throughout the academic year.

FIND OUT MORE You can read all of the supporting documents from this meeting, as well as find complete minutes and next meeting’s agenda here.

NEXT MEETING Sunday, November 16th, 6:30 pm in Gilmour Hall 111.

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