Spark Sponsorship Information 2017-2018

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INTRODUCTION TO SPARK Dear Community Member, The McMaster Students Union is proud to run a first-year student mentorship program called Spark. Spark is a weekly session-based service that supports incoming first-year students at McMaster with transition into university life, and develops leadership skills, provides ne and exciting ways to challenge themselves, and cultivates lasting friendships. Spark provides students with the opportunity to share and expand student knowledge and skill set in an open, supportive, and interactive environment. Students are led through themed sessions that encourage the exploration of topics such as Teamwork & Time Management, Discover Your City, and Getting Involved. Spark also facilitates multiple events and workshops outside of the sessional structure, available to all first year students as an ongoing resource initiative. All of Spark’s sessions and events are facilitated by McMaster student leaders who themselves help foster growth within students, while forming strong mentorship bonds. The first-year students who participate in Spark are very likely to engage with community service by applying the leadership skills they have honed and apply them to be leaders in student life ehancement through clubs, services, the classroom, and the local community. As an organization committed to strengthening the community in which we live, Spark is committed to providing an experience in which all are welcome. Spark is shaped by its attendees - their energy, experiences and perspectives. Through events and sessions, students involved in Spark foster meaningful, engaging connections with themselves and their peers. With your help, Spark can provide the best of opportunities to first-year students through these events. Designing an experience that is accessible to each and every student is a difficult task, which is where you can help. Spark benefits from the great support of individuals and organizations within the McMaster community. It is through the support and dedication of our partners that Spark is able to best support the first year transition into McMaster University. Your contribution will help Spark deliver on its mission of instilling the goals of success, leadership and excellence, within the students who use our service. Please take a moment to view the sponsorship package. Should you require any further information, please let us know. On behalf of the students and volunteers of MSU Spark, thank you. Sincerely,

Lindsay D’Souza Spark Coordinator

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As a first year student, Spark was an opportunity for me to explore myself and my place in the McMaster community. Having the opportunity to learn and teach others gave me the chance to establish a sense of support, lead a better first year at McMaster, and shine brighter in the years to come.


To me, Spark is family. As a team leader, I am lucky enough to get to spend one hour each week with some amazing first-year students. I started the year expecting to be a team leader, but now I realize that I am a part of that team - and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The students I’ve met through this program have such a spark in their souls and they continuously inspire me to be the best team leader, and human being I can be. MSU Spark introduced me to people who inspired me to be better, and who helped me just do that.


Through my Spark sessions, I learned a lot about the McMaster and Hamiilton community, and made lifelong friends who helped me grow into the person I am today. I realized I had a real passion for what Spark offered, and I did not want to leave. I decided to apply to be a team leader so that I could offer others the incredible experience that was given to me.


Growing up, I always had a certain picture in my mind as to what a ‘leader’ looked like. Someone who was outgoing, smart and always had all the answers. But throughout my time in Spark, both as a student and now a team leader, I have redefined my definition. As a leader, I am constantly learning - from my co-team leader, from the students, and from myself. The relationship between a team leader and their students is actually symbiotic. No matter how my week might be going, I can look forward to seeing all the familiar faces smiling back at me.

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In return for your genenrous support, Spark would like to thank you by offering the following benefits based upon the value of your sponsorship.

DIAMOND SPONSORS: $1000+ Full-page advertisement in in all 2017-2018 Spark guidebooks Logo on Spark website - large size with hyperlink Acknowledgement of sponsorship through Spark social media pages Advertisement and/or coupons in one week’s worth of Spark session bags Acknowledgement of sponsorship in Spark closing ceremonies for Term 1 as well as opening and closing ceremonies for Term 2 Mention and logo at all Spark workshops throughout the 2017-2018 school year


Half page logo in two Spark guidebooks Logo on Spark website - medium size with hyperlink Acknowledgement of sponsorship through Spark social media pages Advertiesement and/or coupons in one week’s worth of Spark session bags Acknowledgement of sponsorship in Spark closing ceremonies for either Term 1 or Term 2 Mention and logo at one Spark workshop throughout the 2017-2018 school year


Quarter page logo in two Spark guidebooks Logo on Spark website - medium size with hyperlink Acknowledgement of sponsorship through Spark social media pages Advertisement and/or coupons in one week’s worth of Spark session bags


Eighth page logo in one Spark guidebook Logo on Spark website - small size with hyperlink Acknowledgement of sponsorship through Spark social media pages


Logo on Spark website - small size with hyperlink

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THANK YOU Dear Community Partners, We thank you for taking the time to review our Sponsorship Package for MSU Spark 2017 2018. We hope you consider one of our many sponsorship opportunities. All levels of sponsorship are extremely appreciated and will truly help to create valuable sessions and workships for students, that they will remmeber as highlights of their first year experience. Spark caters towards 250 incoming McMaster students and a staff team of over 40 members. With a diverse network, Spark provides a unique promotional opportunitiy for both services on campus and the Greater Toronto and Hamilton community partners hopign to maximize their student outreach and increase customer base. To thank you for your generousity, we will work diligently to promote your business amongst both the McMaster community. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions and inquiries. We look forward to hearing from you! Sincerely,

Sarah Mohiuddin & Lisa Tran Events Coordinators MSU Spark

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