Office of Technology Impact Report

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FIVE YEAR impact report

PUBLISHED spring 2023 officeoftechnologytransfer
of Research and Economic Development


The Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) was established as a unit of the Division of Research and Economic Development in 2017 The OTT manages the university’s intellectual property and assists Morgan faculty on issues such as patent applications, software, and copyrights. The office assists faculty, staff, and students in transferring innovations to business and industry to develop products and services that benefit society. It also provides seed funding to further proofs-of-concept and prototypes and positions university IP for state, federal and other external funding.

Once established, the office developed and began implementing its original five-year strategic plan. The Strategic Plan included three phases: Startup, Growth and Maturity. Once the office was fully funded through Maryland legislation in FY2018, Phase I was quickly implemented, resulting in several record setting successes. Throughout the university, many innovations were identified, and multiple patent applications were filed, representing a diverse range of schools, colleges, and departments throughout Morgan

The OTT now receives a new intellectual property disclosure every 12 days or less and files more than two new U.S. patent application per month. In its first five years, OTT has received IP disclosures from 27 departments and units across the university.


"Facilitate the transfer of university technology and innovation to business and industry, foster local economic development and provide benefit to the public "


"An urban university where: faculty and staff are recognized and rewarded for innovation, are well informed and actively engaged; a spectrum of new technologies are transferred to existing and new businesses to benefit the public; and the University's contributions to economic development and quality of life have a positive, measured and documented impact "


In Reach: Campus Innovation Programs

Technology Licensing: Technology Push and Market Pull

Economic Development: Benefit to the Community, Region and State

Best Practices: Management of University Intellectual Property



The technology transfer cycle illustrates a high-level overview of how research, development and funding produce innovation outcomes here at Morgan. The funding lays the groundwork for research and development projects spearheaded by Morgan professors, staff and students that over time become tangible innovations The innovations range from methodologies and concepts to products and services, as indicated in the story on page 3 Once the technology/invention has been more fully developed and tested, the Office of Technology Transfer team works to ensure the University and inventors are protected and credited for their work through the filing of patents with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

The next phase in the cycle includes marketing and licensing of innovations through various platforms depending on the innovation OTT works to identify licensing opportunities with local entrepreneurs and businesses that can produce noteworthy commercial success in the marketplace, in turn generating revenue. A small portion of a company ’ s revenue in the form of royalties and fees are shared with Morgan innovators and used to fund additional projects and continued innovation



an innovative journey highlighting select msu innovations



key growth areas


*OTT Strategic Plan (0.25 FTE)

**New MD Law to Enhance OTT (0.5 FTE)

***Full Funding Commenced

The Office of Technology Transfer experienced tremendous growth in executing Phase I of its strategic plan. After receiving full funding in 2018, the Office of Technology Transfer exceeded yearly goals associated with intellectual property disclosures, patent applications, and license agreements and options, as illustrated in the graphs below Prior to the establishment of the Office of Technology Transfer, there was virtually no activity in these areas throughout the University in terms of intellectual property disclosures, patent applications, start-up companies and license agreements and options. Currently,theOfficeofTechnology

Transferfosteredintellectualproperty (IP)disclosuresubmissions(innovations), atarateofoneevery12days.
142 15 22
Intellectual Property Disclosures Issued U.S. Patents License & Option Agreements
numbers to date through fy2022

OTTIN-REACH on campus innovation programs

The Office of Technology Transfer is charged with custody and management of Morgan intellectual property. The office works with students, faculty and staff to identify and disclose MSU inventions and work to identify commercialization opportunities and secure funding to move Morgan innovations along the commercialization pathway.


The Office of Technology Transfer spearheads several in-reach programs throughout the university to promote a culture of innovation. These programs create various touch points campuswide with engagement from different schools, colleges, offices and University departments. The Innovation of the Year (IoY) award event hosted annually by OTT recognizes and rewards innovative contributions of Morgan faculty, students, and staff Award categories include Intellectual Property Innovation awards in the area of Life Science, Physical Science and Information Science, in addition to Community Innovator Awards in the categories of Staff Innovator of the Year, Instructional Innovator of the Year, and Student Innovator of the Year. The Innovation of the Year awards also recognize inventors that were issued U.S. patents from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Since the inaugural IoY ceremony in 2018, OTT has awarded over 40 Innovator of the Year awards, with a diverse group of winners representing the entire University. In addition to the Intellectual Property and Community Innovation awards, OTT has also given special awards including the President’s Award for Innovation, and Innovation Leader awards to Morgan innovators that have led in their respective fields These innovators have contributed towards multiple intellectual property disclosures, student engagement, and issued patents and other activities that lead to commercialization OTT will continue to interface with the Morgan community to ensure the spirit of innovation continues to permeate through campus in varying fields and disciplines.


To ensure the Morgan community is aware of the innovation taking place on campus, OTT also publishes the Innovations newsletter. The newsletter, released on a bi-yearly basis, features Morgan innovators and highlights their innovative works and projects, often funded through grants provided by the Office of Technology Transfer In addition to the feature stories, innovators with technical and social science-related projects are included to denote their ongoing work. The newsletter also lists the active intellectual property disclosures submitted to the office, issued U.S. patents and innovationrelated activities taking place on campus



translating innovation into jobs

The Office of Technology Transfer developed their signature initiative, Innovation Works (I-Works) to translate innovation into local economic development opportunities and jobs Throughout the past five years, the office has partnered with a number of students, faculty, staff and community members to manifest projects and ideas, facilitate start-up businesses, and strengthen relationships within the Morgan community

The awarding of I-GAP grants to Morgan innovators provides seed funding and helps to facilitate transition results of laboratory research to the public, to generate societal value through new and improved products and services.


The Innovation Grant Assistance Program provides early stage grants to MSU inventors to further develop MSU innovations

Since the Office of Technology Transfer was established in 2017 and received full funding in 2018, OTT has awarded over 90 I-GAP grants to innovators campus wide, representing 20 University departments and 8 schools and colleges and other major administrative divisions, representing a broad spectrum of innovation


Reaches out to both new and seasoned entrepreneurs, in-search-of innovations for new technology-based businesses

Cykloburn Technologies, LLC (start-up) was facilitated through an ISO technology match between Morgan inventors and local entrepreneurs looking to make a positive impact on Maryland’s local agricultural community.

OTT worked with Morgan’s University Innovation Fellows, supporting the ISO program –promoting innovation, tech transfer, and student start-up companies.


Engages the Morgan Community Mile (MCM), the PEARL Aquaculture community and other regional and business communities to promote and enhance innovation

PEARL Aquaculture Community: The PEARL resident tech transfer liaison coordinated projects to advance innovations in the State's aquaculture community, including technology assistance projects, joint industry inventions, PEARL aquaculture innovations, and I-GAP projects.


Start-up spaces being developed for entrepreneurs, start-up companies and students.

OTT has secured space in a local pre-incubator for use by Morgan start-ups



On behalf of the Department of Research and Economic Development, the OTT team spearheaded the new University Conflict of Interest and Intellectual Property Policies, both which were approved by the University Board of Regents In addition, OTT authored and implemented Morgan’s Procedures for Patents and Technology Transfer, while establishing the Office as a “ one stop shop” for Morgan intellectual property, tech transfer and start-up companies. OTT also leads the Morgan Innovation Day event, on behalf of the division and The Office of the President This annual event takes place in Annapolis, MD and serves as a showcase of Morgan Research and Innovation for legislators and political leaders

The Office of Technology also worked to make Morgan’s innovation mission known within the greater Baltimore community and statewide. A report facilitated by OTT, entitled The Economic and Social Impact of Morgan State University, highlighted the over $1.1 billion of economic impact in the university has produced within the State of Maryland and the greater Baltimore community The office funded projects in the local community through partnerships with businesses in the Morgan Community Mile, to house Morgan’s new startup companies. OTT also joined forces with the PEARL to deepen Morgan’s reach in Southern Maryland, engage the aquaculture community and enhance innovations and tech transfer.

The graphic above illustrates the social and economic impact of Morgan in the state of Maryland and the greater Baltimore area.


At the start of FY2021, the Office of Technology transitioned into Phase II: Growth of their Strategic Plan. Despite the pivot caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the office saw another record-breaking year. The office saw moderate growth in all areas including new IP disclosures, new U.S. patent applications, Issued Patents and start-up companies, continuing the upward trend from the previous year.

OTT’s proactive in-reach programs, led by the I-Works initiative, continued to make a difference throughout the University, with faculty and staff awards spanning the campus from a diverse range of schools/colleges and disciplines The office also published its Innovations newsletter, recognized the 2020 Innovation of the Year awardees virtually and hosted a STEM forum in partnership with the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine

As the office continues to grow and transitions into the next two years of Phase II, OTT will expand their Innovation Works initiative and further the reach and awareness of the innovation taking place at Morgan, with continued efforts to secure intellectual property disclosures and protect Morgan intellectual property. OTT will publish success stories and innovation announcements throughout campus, informing University stakeholders and the Morgan community of the innovation taking place campuswide. The office will also continue to enhance the For Industry database, to partner Morgan technologies with local entrepreneurs for potential license agreements, partnerships and other economic development opportunities.

Additionally, the Office of Technology Transfer will continue to expand Innovation Works throughout campus and the greater Baltimore area The team will continue to nurture relationships with University inventors to identify new technologies, methodologies and innovations

Per$10millioninresearchexpenditures,Morganproducesinvention disclosuresandnewpatentapplicationsataratesignificantlyhigher thanthestate(4to1)andnationalaverages(3to1).

Theofficefacilitatedover$4millionintechtransfer researchanddevelopmentfundingthroughstrategic partnershipswiththeMarylandEnergyInitiative(MEI), MarylandInnovationInitiative(MII),MarylandIndustrial Partners(MIPS),foundationsandtheU.S.Government's SBIR,STTR,MarylandEnergyInitiative(MEI),for technologycommercialization.



Since 2020, the OTT has been actively engaged in Morgan’s strategic goal of reaching Carnegie R1 classification. The Director of OTT, serving as Morgan’s Chief R1 Strategist, works with the VP for Research and Economic Development and the President to support Morgan’s Strategic Goal to achieve a Carnegie placement in the top 50% tier of Doctoral Research Universities (DRU) in the U.S. (R1) by 2030. A “Morgan Roadmap to R1” by 2030 has been developed and is informed by a Morgan duplicate Carnegie model to track Morgan’s ascension to R1 This includes real-time analysis of Morgan’s performance in 10 key Carnegie metrics, and trend analysis compared to other DRU R2/R1 institutions Additionally, in 2022, the OTT developed a proposal resulting in a 5-year $9 million grant from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) The ONR solicitation was designed to help elevate Carnegie HBCU/MSI R2 institutions to R1 status Proposals were to be focused on a technical area of national importance - in this case AI/ML

Morgan’s R1 goal is not confined by the ten key Carnegie metrics, but to be a highly respected R1 HBCU Doctoral Research University. As such, the R1 team initiated efforts to position Morgan’s R1 story around our major research centers by placements in wellrespected science publications. The office is partnering with internal stakeholders and external partners to create and solidify the narrative of Morgan as a well-respected and well-rounded doctoral research institution. The goal is to expand the reach of Morgan’s successes beyond the greater Baltimore area and the state of Maryland.

Morgan's accession to R1 designation will strengthen the public persona of the University beyond a leading institution for minorities in STEM fields While the designation positions Morgan as a research force, it will also highlight the successes Morgan is achieving in social sciences, business, and beyond The designation will position the University as a wellrounded institution that provides students with an education that allows them compete in all industries and disciplines

The importance of R1 designation for Morgan extends beyond acclaim within the HBCU community It also attracts funding from a federal level and other entities to enhance research opportunities for students and attract prestigious faculty who are leaders in their respective fields. R1 classification will allow the University to grow programs that will continue to provide students with experiential learning opportunities and hands-on experiences that will make them competitive in the evolving landscape of science and technology fields.

"AttainingR1(‘veryhighresearch’)classificationisaloftygoal forMorgan,butweareprimedforthechallenge, understandingthatattainingR1willnotonlyraiseourprofile withintheresearchandscientificcommunitybutalsohelpto ensureMorganstudentshaveaccesstotheexpertise,facilities andcurriculatopreparethemforanincreasinglycompetitive marketplace."

INNOVATIONSTORY innovation key

innovation title

Computer Network Security for the Internet of Things

Monitoring Computer Traffic for Cyber Threat Risk Embedded in Electronic Document

Non-Uniform Image Deblurring Using an Algorithm Unrolling Neural Network

Community Health and Risk Measurement Assessments to Improve Health Outcomes

Peer-to-Peer Multi-Driver, Multi-Rider Ridesharing Method

Predicting Student Success through a Noncognitive Instrument

Production of Natural Products, Nutraceuticals and Biofuel from Renewable Sources

Platform for Communications Between Patients and Mental Health Providers

Nanoscale Sensors for the Detection of Chemical and Biological Agents

Highly Sensitive Detection of Biological Molecules

Performance Golf Training Apparatus and Method

Environmentally Friendly System to Remove Biowaste & Provide Energy for Poultry Farms

Accurate Sickle Cell Detection Method Using Deep Transfer Learning

Topographic Diagnostic for Corneal Disease

Detection of Skin Cancer through Image Screening

Software to Improve Telecommunication Processes

Transportation Safety Applications for Work Zones

Integrated Automated Wheelchair and Adapted Automated Vehicle System

Authenticity of Currency and Articles of Merchandise

Pulmonary Vest to Aid Breathing of Patients with Cystic Fibrosis

Improved Energy Efficiency of Cellular Networks

Intrusion Detection Using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Supply Chain Management Instruction

Global STEAM Experiential Learning Program

Development of Maryland Chesapeake PEARL Oyster Lines

lead msu innovator

Dr Kevin Kornegay

Dr Garfield Jones

Dr Arlene Cole-Rhodes

Dr Lorece Edwards

Dr Young-Jae Lee

Dr Carrol Perrino

Dr Viji Sitther

Dr Dawn Thurman

Dr Ramesh Budhani

Dr. Birol Ozturk

Dr. Cassandra Dickerson

Dr. Seong Lee

Dr Md Rahman

Dr Shiva Mehravaran

Dr Md Rahman

Dr Kofi Nyarko

Dr Mansoureh Jeihani

Dr Mansoureh Jeihani

Dr Alexander Shamokhvalov

Dr Timothy Akers

Dr Hailu Kassa

Dr Wondimu Zegeye

Dr. Ziping Wang

Dr. Kimberly Warren

Dr. Ming Liu

msu department/unit

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Industrial & Systems Engineering

Electrical & Computer


Behavioral Health

Transportation & Urban Infrastructure Psychology


Social Work



Family & Consumer Sciences

Industrial & Systems


Computer Science


Computer Science

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Transportation & Urban Infrastructure

Transportation & Urban Infrastructure Chemistry

Research & Economic Development


Assurance & Policy

Electrical & Computer


Information Science & Systems

Psychology PEARL

The innovations above were included in the "Waking Up to Morgan" innovation story on page 3 All currently active intellectual property disclosures can be found online at www morgan edu/technologytransfer

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