A day in life of a
theater student page
Miserable and bitterly cold, y’all. Why am I still living in Minnesota?
MSU’s free dental care event for kids
Reporter wins 13 awards at state level
Minnesota State University, Mankato’s Dental Education Program is offering free dental care to children today as a part of the Give Kids a Smile state-wide annual event. Each year dental professionals from across the state participate in the Give Kids a Smile event, which typically happens the first week of February. Providing free dental care to children in need, some of the services they provide range anywhere from cleanings, x-rays, and exams. All of these services, among others, will be available with no cost to those patients. “It’s a really great event to provide care for those children that might otherwise not receive it due to financial situation, so this is our way of trying to give back to the community,” Brigette Cooper, Chair and Professor in the Department of Dental Education, stated. The dental hygiene program at MSU has been participating in Give Kids a Smile since 2004. “We have a lot of repeat patients since we’ve been doing this for so long during the first week of February. We also advertise on social media and put out flyers around the elementary schools,” Cooper said. MSU’s Department of Dental Education and Dental Hygiene Program are part of the University’s College of Allied Health and Nursing. The free event is made possible by donations from Henry Schein Inc. and MSU’s Dental Department. As of Tuesday, MSU’s clinic had 75 patients who booked appointments for today’s services. The clinic is open for patients from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. “Give Kids a Smile is by far my favorite event, especially for those who may not have any dental experience before,” Karmen Hazen, Senior Class President of the dental hygiene program, shared. MSU seniors who are a part of the dental hygiene program are now into their third semester conducting DENTAL on page 2
Last week members of The Reporter attended the Minnesota Newspaper Association banquet. This banquet celebrates newspapers all over Minnesota, with awards handed out to college and city newspapers in a variety of categories. The Reporter took home 13 awards, five of those being first place. In the editorial category The Reporter was awarded first and second place, covering topics of the Lincoln statue on campus and the celebration of Columbus Day. The design and layout of the website won second place with the general excellence of the newspaper winning third place. Staff writers of the newspaper took some awards home for their storytelling skills. News Director Julia Barton won third place in Investigative Reporting for her story on police education standards for Minnesota. Former sports editor Daniel McElroy was awarded first place in Sports Story for his coverage on the MSU hockey team and their advancement to the Frozen Four. Staff writer Ashley Opina took first place in Social Issues Story with her story discussing the controversy of the Lincoln statue on campus. The Reporter photographer Mansoor Ahmad left the awards ceremony with six awards. He won first and second place for both Feature Photo and Sports Photo, and won second and third place for News Photo. Ahmad was honored earlier in the school year with awards from the Associated Collegiate Press, a national organization that recognizes journalists and photojournalists throughout the country. In this national competition, he was awarded first, second, ninth, and tenth place for his photos. Categories Ahmad placed in were Feature Photo, Sports Feature Photo, Hard/Breaking News Photo, and Environmental Portrait, respectively.
News Director
Staff Writer
181 students were affected by the policy this spring semester. 140 out of the 181 students were able to re-enroll.
181 students had their registration canceled a week into the semester By MAXWELL MAYLEBEN Editor in Chief
As she sat in class on a recent Friday, Emma Zellmer received an email stating her enrollment had been canceled, and that she no longer was a student. This came to Zellmer as a surprise, as in addition to being a Minnesota State University, Mankato student, she also represents student as the State Chair of Students United. “Sitting in class finding out that I am no longer enrolled in said class was a very stressful situation,” said Zellmer, “especially on a Friday, because I could not resolve this issue for three days.”
Zellmer was one of 181 students that had their registration canceled due to not paying a $300 dollar fee by the fifth day of classes. According to Minnesota State System policy, universities may cancel a student’s registration starting 15 days before the start of the semester, with the last day to accept being the fifth business day of the semester. This cancellation is not applicable if a student has paid a $300 dollar fee or filled out their FAFSA. Many students were surprised by the fee, as it had been waived by Chancellor Devinder Malhotra since fall of spring 2020, in reaction to the COVID-19 pan-
demic. Before the pandemic, the university would run an early registration, as well as a final registration cancellation on the fifth day. This year, it was decided to simply do one on the final day. “I can understand this semester there might have been some confusion,” said Vice President of Finance and Administration Rick Straka. “New entering freshmen or transfer students might not have been here last time we ran registration for cancellation.” While 181 students were affected by the policy this year, Straka said this number resembles previous years for early regSTUDENTS on page 5
Professor honored with Research Mentor Award By JENNA PETERSON Minnesota State University, Mankato’s own Dr. Samantha Katner was awarded the 2021 Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor Award this past Thursday. This award is given out to a faculty member who gives dedication to scholarly undergraduate research and creative work. “I didn’t even know they nominated me. That was a really nice surprise, I have really good reAWARD on page 3
Staff Writer