February 20, 2014

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Thursday, February 20, 2014 @msureporter


Minnesota State University, Mankato



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MSU to celebrate the birth of a legend Dr. Seuss’ birthday will be celebrated, a healthy reminder that you’re never too young to read to a child. EMMA DEPPA Staff Writer On Friday, February 28th, Minnesota State University, Mankato will be hosting a celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Over 400 kindergartners from around the area will participate in the event remembering the beloved childhood author. Events similar to these are held all over the country as part of the National Education Association’s Read Across America Day, which includes nationwide festivities, a holiday for reading, falling on or near Dr. Seuss’ birthday, March 2nd. The campaign urges adults to take time and read to a child. Across the country, thousands of schools, libraries and community centers participate by bringing together kids, teens, and books Dr. Seuss’ impact of affecting many students through his writings speaks to the need to celebrate his birthday. According to the campaign, “Dr. Seuss epitomizes a love of children and learning. Also, his

use of rhyme makes his books an effective tool for teaching young children the basic skills they need to be successful, When we celebrate Dr. Seuss and reading, we send a clear message to America’s children that reading is fun and important.” This event, however cannot take place without volunteers! The Community Engagement office is taking part in this event and is looking for students, faculty and staff to volunteer. They are looking for volunteers to help set up and take down the event, as well as participants to assist in implementing the programs. Programming during the Dr. Seuss’ Birthday Party Reading Celebration will include a plethora of literacy and reading based activities. If you are interested in volunteering your time and talents in any of these activities at the Dr. Seuss’ Birthday Party, please stop by or contact the Community Engagement office. For more information, the Community en-

gagement office can be reached at community.engagement@mnsu.

edu or by phone at 507-389-5789. And remember, “You’re never

too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child.”

Web Photo Dr. Seuss has inspired many through his classic hits, including “Cat in the Hat.”

Event postponed due to weather Speaking event rescheduled for late April. SAM WILMES News Editor

Web Photo Alex Tabarrok (Left) will be coming to Mankato in late April after potential blizzard conditions forced him to cancel his flight.


Tonight’s presentation on Voting theory has been postponed until April 23 due to the weather. A professor from George Mason University will be presenting “What is Democracy Good For? Paradoxes of Voting theory” in Ostrander Auditorium, located in the Centennial Student Union at this later date. Alex T. Tabarrok will be spotlighting the event, which will be free and open to the public and is part of Minnesota State, Mankato’s Annual Economics Lecture Series.


Tabarrok is the Bartley J. Madden Chair of Economics at George Mason University and is also a co-author with Tyler Cowan, a well-known member of the economics blog “MarginalRevolution.” Tabarrok is also co-founder of the online educational platform “Marginal Revolution University.” He is also the author of “Launching the Innovation Renaissance and a co-author with Cowen of the book “Modern Principles of Economics.” The Department of Economics, the Kappa Chapter of Minnesota of Omicron Delta Epsilon and Economic Club are sponsoring the event.







2 • MSU Reporter


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Solar power provides bright future in time of needed energy As the need for energy increases, solar power promises to provide the needed infusion of resources.


The sun: the center of our universe. It’s 4.6 billion years old, burns at 9,932 degrees and is so large that one million Earths could fit inside of it. It is also a wellspring of renewable energy and where fossil fuel is projected to have dwindled by 2035, the sun will endure for another 5 billion years without fault. Essentially, solar power has no consequences. Since the source won’t burn out for several million years, it’s very renewable and unlike the fossil fuels we use today there is no byproduct of pollution (where fossil fuels are currently the leading cause of air pollution). Leading experts say that it is, by far, the best source of energy available; within an hour, the sun can provide all the energy the world needs for an entire year. In comparison, all the energy we reap from the world’s reserves of coal, natural gas and oil can be matched in only 20 days’ supply of sunlight. Beyond providing heat and commonplace energy, solar power can drive our vehicles, fly planes and desalinate our water supply, which is a growing issue since less than 2.5% of the world’s water is fresh and desalination is a costly process. So, if solar energy is so beneficial, why isn’t it used more often? The BP Statistical of World Energy in 2007 estimated that wind, geother-

mal and solar energy combined only account for 1% of electricity generation in the world, and solar power being only .039%. One of the problems of solar energy is that solar panels, which are chocked full of photovoltaic cells, only work well when the sun is up and shining. This means that some parts of the world are excluded and others benefit more. Germany is currently leading in the world’s solar energy production. Another reported issue is the amount of available space. Recent studies at the Rockefeller Institute of New York found that, in order to meet the projected solar energy demands in the United States for just one year, it would require solar panels that would span over 15,000 square kilometers. Scientists suspect that there may be one place in the world, though, that could accommodate the needs of available space and abundant sunlight for solar energy: the Sahara desert. 640,000 square kilometers, according to the United Nations Environment Report, could provide the world with all the required electricity. There is hope that, in the future, solar power will develop into the practiced method of electricity. The World Bank predicts that within 30 years the global market for solar energy will be worth $4 trillion and that solar power will power two billion lives by 2030.




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Thursday, February 20, 2014


MSU Reporter • 3

Situation in North Korea demands world action The inexplicable acts of terror inflicted on a wounded population should call every global citizen to action.

SAM WILMES News Editor Warning: Article contains graphic word usage There are certain times and moments that spark the need for instant involvement from the international community. The revelations that North Korea has been using tactics seldom seen since the Nazi party should spark the fire of the often- cold United Nations. Some of the details of Supreme leader of North Korea Kim Jong-un’s regime are inexplicably gruesome. One account from a publication entitled “The Independent” details the seemingly impossible: a concentration camp survivor’s detailed account of the forced execution of a child by it’s mother. “[A prison guard] told the mother to turn the baby upside down into a bowl of water. The mother begged the guard to spare her [baby], but he kept beating her. “So the mother, her hands shaking, put the baby face down in the water. The crying stopped and a bubble rose up as it died.” Another account from Kim Young-soon also details the horrific. “The other six members of my family [were] forced to go with me to the prison camp without knowing the charge; my mother and father, who were over 70 years old, my nine-year-old daughter and my three sons, who were seven, four and one. When my parents starved to death, I didn’t have coffins for them.” Accounts from survivors document that starving prisoners have been forced to eat live

worms and snakes due to their extremely low rations. Dead prisoners are routinely stripped naked, their clothes worn by survivors. Investigators who are being met with resistance by North Korea estimate that around 100,000 people remain in prison camps under some of the worst conditions imaginable. These atrocities are just the starting point of the abuse inflicted by the hands of the North Korean Communist regimes of the past 50 years. No country should have to solely bear the burden of interventioninstead, all of the members of the United Nations should set up a special intervention unit specifically designed to stop the crimes against humanity that are being carried out. In any circumstance like this, the United States shouldn’t intervene on it’s own. Whether horrific atrocities are committed in the sweltering Saharas of Africa, Iraq or Syria, these crimes do not beg only American involvement, they beg world involvement. The United Nations was partially created for this reason. Although China doesn’t want UN involvement and is a powerful world player, this shouldn’t matter. No obstacle should keep the world from removing this tyrannical dictator from power. Although I am not in favor of US invasion, I am also not an isolationist. The cries of the North Korean people are also the cries of the human race and unless these horrible acts can be accounted for and the perpetrators brought to justice, this sad and twisted saga will remain a blight on the human species.


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Web Photo North Korean soldiers patrol the along the banks of the Yalu River, near the Chinese city of Dandong.




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Thursday, February 20, 2014 Follow the Reporter on Twitter @MSU Reporter or Like Us on Facebook.com/ msureporter

Email the Editor in Chief: reporter-editor@mnsu.edu

Obsessive phone use spiraling out of control

Minnesota State University, Mankato


SPRING 2014 EDITOR IN CHIEF: Reece Hemmesch.......389-5454

More attention needed to people, not phones. EMMA DEPPA Staff Writer One can say that in today’s society people are extremely reliant upon their cellphones. They are no longer simply for calling, but also text messaging, taking photos and with smart phones there’s the Internet at your fingertips with email and social media as well. With all that it’s easy to see how we spend so much time on our phones. However, over the last few years this phone addiction has gotten out of control. According to Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers’ annual Internet Trends report, people check their phones an average of 150 times per day. This has almost become a new type of OCD, Obsessive Phone Disorder. Cellphones are one of the most distracting possessions people own. They steal their owner away from reality and suck them into what can be referred to as a “technology loop.” These are real distractions at restaurants, in classes and even while driving. It is easy to see how this would be the case, however, with the plethora of things people feel compelled to check on the regular: text messages, emails, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, the list goes on and on. Our phones are usually the first things we reach for in the morning and the last things we

use before sleeping. They are a crutch to occupy us while waiting in line, or walking towards someone we don’t want to greet. The overuse of cellphones is also causing negative health effects in their users. First off, mobile phone radiation can cause insomnia, headaches and confusion. The bright screen stimulates the brain, especially before sleep, making it more difficult to surrender to slumber. Second, U.S. adults now spend an average of two hours and twenty-one minutes per day using their mobile devices for activities other than phone calls. This time spent on cellphones removes individuals from more pressing matters and can lead to laziness. Phone usage usually leaves its user at a standstill, stagnant and consumed by a four by two screen. These two hours could be used for more beneficial activities such as exercise. I urge you all to seriously consider how much time you spend on your phone and how it affects your lives and interpersonal relationships. Some alternative practices could be looking around and enjoying your surroundings, being alone with your thoughts and contemplating, or even better, striking up a conversation with a stranger. One way to do this would be deleting the Facebook and Twitter applications on your phone and only using social media on the computer. There are many

more things to do than getting lost in your cellphone and re-

maining oblivious to the world around you.

BLAKE HOEKERT, BUSINESS MANAGEMENT “I’m usually on my phone six hours of the day, maybe. Whenever i’m bored.”

SPORTS EDITOR: Joey Denton.............. 389-5227 VARIETY EDITOR: James Houtsma.......... 389-5157 ADVERTISING SALES: Natasha Jones........... 389-1063 Mac Boehmer............389-5097 Jase Strasburg........... 389-1079 Brandon Poliszuk.......389-5453 BUSINESS MANAGER: Jane Tastad............... 389-1926 ADV. DESIGN MANAGER: Dana Clark............... 389-2793

POLICIES & INFORMATION • If you have a complaint, suggestion or would like to point out an error made in the Reporter, call Editor in Chief Reece Hemmesch at 507-3895454. The Reporter will correct any errors of fact or misspelled names in this space. Formal grievances against the Reporter are handled by the Newspaper Board. • The Minnesota State University Mankato Reporter is a studentrun newspaper published twice a week, coming out on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Reporter generates 78 percent of its own income through advertising and receives approximately 22 percent from Student Activities fees. The Reporter is free to all students and faculty, but to start a subscription, please call us at 507-3891776. Subscriptions for the academic school year are $55.00 and subscribers will receive the paper within three to five days after publishing.

Web Photo

“How often are you on your phone either through internet, texting or calling?”

LENNARD LARTEY, ECONOMICS “About 40 percent. I’ve never really been a phone person because I feel it can be a big distraction.”

NEWS EDITOR: Sam Wilmes..............389-5450

BOBBI SELLNER, HEALTH & SECONDARY ED. “I’m usually on my phone about 6-8 hours a day, on and off. I mostly go on it when I’m bored or during an awkward situation.”

ABDULLAH IBRAHIM, CIVIL ENGINEERING “I don’t usually use my phone. I just use it to call but I don’t use it for the internet.”

• Letters exceeding 400 words may not be accepted. The Reporter reserves the right to edit letters to fit space or correct punctuation. The Reporter reserves the right to publish, or not publish, at its discretion. Letters must contain year, major or affiliation with the university, or lack thereof. All letters must contain phone numbers for verification purposes.

Compiled by Arnold Bagamba

NICOLE HALVERSON, COMMUNICATION DISORDERS “All the time, most often for listening to music and Facebook updates.”

Thursday, February 20, 2014

MSU Reporter • 5


Olympics proof that too much emphasis on international competition can be disastrous Putting emphasis on international events can be great for a country’s morale, but how far is too far?

REECE HEMMESCH Editor in Chief Every four years, the world finds themselves in continuous, delightful interruptions during a two-week span more commonly known as the Olympics. I say interruptions because though the world tends to believe we shut down society for two weeks so everyone can watch every minute of the games, it is not necessarily the case. Instead, as stated before, the Olympics are pleasant little breaks in our day that take us out of our regular routine and focus our attention over something we have no control over but still hope for the best in. My normal Monday and Wednesday routine is get up, go to class and go to work; it’s a simple process that makes these days of the week feel like the same blur over and over. Then it is Olympics time and my Monday’s and Wednesday’s are filled with constant medal count and individual events checks that I personally care about. Yesterday, the office did me no good as the US hockey team aired from 11 a.m. until about 1:30 and I spent the most of that time in front of a computer screen watching the hockey team ease their way into the semi-finals to fight another day for a gold medal. If I had my way, the world would shut down for these two weeks (during the times of competition) so that everyone who wanted to watch their countrymen and countrywomen could do so and not have to worry about work, class or homework. Obviously in sport-centric America, our time would be filled with the onslaught of event after event as

the USA competes in most, unlike smaller countries like Croatia, who will only earn a few medals in this year’s Olympiad, or Luxembourg, who more than likely will not earn one at all. Though I always felt that an all-sports, all-the-time philosophy was one that could be beneficial to a society to get our minds out of the rigors of everyday life, which is what athletic competition is supposed to do in the first place, it is starting to become more apparent in this year’s Olympiad that that might not be the best idea. Take Russia, the Olympics’ host for example, who spent $50 billion in the infrastructure of Sochi so when the eyes of the world were upon them, people could be amazed. Instead, most critics were quick to point out a minor flaw in the opening ceremonies that some Russians felt were an embarrassment to their country. Though it is the symbol of international competition and an extremely important phase of the opening ceremonies, the ring miscue was ultimately a minor mistake and should not have been seen any other way, not a hoax of the person responsible being stabbed to death or sent to the other side of Siberia. Meanwhile, after Russia’s devastating loss to Finland in the men’s ice hockey quarterfinals, where many experts had the Russians winning the tournament, or at worst, medaling, Russian head

coach Zinetula Bilyaletdinov was berated by hometown journalists after saying it was an “unsuccessful appearance” when asked about the catastrophe. The ambush on Bilyaletdinov continued in the post-game press conference, when he replied to an individual reporter stating the last Russian coach was eaten alive after the Olympics by interrupting with, “Well then, eat me alive right now.” “Eat me and I won’t be here anymore” the coach stated during the back-and-forth with the reporter. This is why I now feel that possibly too much emphasis on international competitions like the Olympics can be hazard-

ous for a country in the wake of defeat. Russia had to put all their eggs in this basket as every host country has to do when holding this event, but look at Russia at this point with hindsight: they were embarrassed after the opening ceremonies and embarrassed now that their team has been eliminated from play. No one has even given them credit that they currently sit in second place of the medal count tied with the Netherlands and right behind the US, they just see the faults of the Russians so far. When you put so much emphasis on the entirety, all you do is point out the negatives that come along with it. All of Russia is watching

their national heroes fight for gold medals and all you are hearing is the shame they feel that the whole world is watching yet they are not “producing” to some extent. Though most people would like for the Olympics to trump everything else that goes on during this time, I think we as Americans have it right as delightful interruptions throughout our day where we can still root for our squads and celebrate in the time of victory, yet we do not feel the heavy burden of defeat. That is why to Americans, the Olympics is such a wonderful event and brings forward the feeling of wonderment whenever they come around.

Photo Courtesy of Associated Press Fans watch in disappointment during the men’s ice hockey game between Russia and Finland on a large screen in Olympic Park, at the 2014 Winter Olympics, Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2014, in Sochi, Russia.


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6 • MSU Reporter


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Report: Church list of abusers too short Report finds report incomplete, cites more than double the cases of sexual abuse.

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — A longstanding list from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis of 33 priests “credibly accused” of sexual abuse was incomplete, with the actual number of accused or suspected priests more than twice the official count, Minnesota Public Radio News reported Wednesday. MPR reported that its investigation found that the archdiocese dealt with allegations and suspicions of child sexual abuse involving at least 70 clergy members since 1950. The station posted a searchable database on them. The priests served in nearly every parish of the archdiocese, according to MPR, which based its own list on a review of other lists compiled by church officials, court records, private settlements, police reports and hundreds of internal church documents. The station said it also found more than a dozen other priests referred to as possible child abusers in private lists and memos but could find no information about their alleged crimes. MPR said it was not naming them. In a statement Wednesday, the archdiocese said the MPR report “includes numerous inaccuracies, misrepresentations and omissions.” The statement did not get into specifics. The list of 33 was just one of many lists of accused priests stored on computers and in filing cabinets at the chancery in St. Paul. Church officials later stopped writing lists for fear they would have to be disclosed in lawsuits, said Jennifer Haselberger, a former canon lawyer for the archdiocese who resigned last April in protest of its handling of clergy sexual misconduct. She then became a whistleblower. It’s not clear why some men weren’t named on the official list of 33, which was compiled by the Rev. Kevin McDonough, former

vicar general of the archdiocese, at the height of the national clergy abuse scandal 11 years ago, MPR reported. The archdiocese acknowledged the existence of the list in 2003 but declined to release the names until a judge ordered the archdiocese to do so in December. Documents suggest that McDonough in several cases simply lost track of all the allegations, the report said. Archbishop John Nienstedt, through a spokesman, declined MPR’s interview request and McDonough did not respond to its interview request. A spokesman for the archdiocese wouldn’t explain how abuse claims were vetted for credibility. Some of the accused on MPR’s list remain in ministry. Others are long dead. Several have been included on other lists of “credibly accused” priests from other dioceses or religious orders but their assignments in the archdiocese were kept private. MPR’s Investigation found that at least 21 priests named as suspected child abusers by other dioceses and religious orders had served in the Twin Cities archdiocese. At least four priests have been the subject of lawsuits for alleged child sexual abuse but weren’t on the archdiocese’s public list. At least 10 of the clerics were criminally investigated, the report said. MPR said it found only four priests who served or worked in the Twin Cities who were criminally convicted of child sexual abuse. In every other case, the report said, the archdiocese relied on changing often vague criteria to determine whether allegations were credible and that it set standards that were difficult for victims to meet. The archdiocese hired a private consulting firm, Kinsale Management Consulting, last year to review its clergy personnel files. On Monday, the arch-

diocese disclosed nine more names of accused priests. The archdiocese’s statement said the list of 33 credibly accused priests was disclosed as part of an individual court case,

while other disclosures are different. “The latter is our promise to victims and the community at large to do all that we can to provide safe environments for chil-

dren,” the archdiocese said. “We look forward to fulfilling our promises to the victim and the community as completely and as soon as possible.”

Web Photo The Cathedral of St. Paul. The diocese has come under strenuous accusations related to their handling of child sexual abuse accusations dating back decades.

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Thursday, February 20, 2014



MSU Reporter • 7

8 • MSU Reporter

Thursday, February 20, 2014


MSU Reporter • 9

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10 • MSU Reporter

Thursday, February 20, 2014 Follow the Reporter on Twitter @MSU Reporter or Like Us on Facebook facebook.com/msureporter

Email the A&E Editor: reporter-arts@mnsu.edu


Netflix addictions: For your enjoyment: Bates Motel

As You Like It

ANDREW SIMON Staff Writer In cinema, there are few movies that have ingrained themselves so deeply in the roots of mass culture that even if someone hasn’t seen this movie, a production still or just the title ignites immediate recognition. Alfred Hitchcock’s 1960 thriller classic Psycho is one of those movies. More specifically, the infamous shower murder scene with Janet Leigh, a sequence that is known by many and whose influence has become wide. With the second season approaching, Netflix recently released the complete first season of Bates Motel, a series depicting the young years of Norman Bates, the infamous deranged serial killer from Psycho, and his relationship with his mother, Norma, in modern day Oregon. Origin stories of serial killers don’t tend to go all that well (e.g., Hannibal Rising, Rob Zombie’s Halloween), but under the watchful guide of showrunners Carlton Cuse (of LOST fame), Kerry Ehrin and Anthony Cipriano, Bates Motel is proving itself to be an engaging character piece worthy of investment. Months after the supposedly accidental death of her husband, Norma (Vera Farmiga) relocates herself and son Norman (Freddie Highmore) to White Pine Bay, Oregon, becoming the owners of a down-on-its-luck, raggedy hotel and giant house that just screams ‘don’t-go-in-there’. Norma and Norman have a tight bond, a close relationship that ultimately exiles Norman’s older brother, Dylan (Max Thieriot), who sees Norma for the unhinged and disturbed woman she is. But she harbors secrets, secrets about Norman that she can’t explain. Meanwhile, Norman is trying to acclimate to a new town, and new school, making friends, suffering a broken heart, and surviving adolescent life – now if only the people around Norman can literally survive him. There’s a danger in origin stories of psychopaths to make each episode one new chapter of that character’s insanity, to have Norman smile creepily, or become active in messed up perversions or showcase murderous tenden-

Shakespeare’s classic comedy is next up on the theatre mainstage of MSU.

Web Photo

cies. Although there are subtle and not-so-subtle hints to Norman’s destiny, all beautifully played out in narrative context, Bates Motel is first and foremost about Norman the boy. The usual problems and heartache that come with high school, Norman faces all of that, and the genius comes with seeing how these events both are handled by Norman and how they influence him. In the rare times Norman’s darker tendencies rise, they are chilling to watch as this relatively normal, but socially awkward, kid turns into a blank-faced animal. This is one stellar debut season, with ten episodes of richly defined characters, a methodical pace that works for it (at least in a binge-viewing capacity), and an array of actors who are completely overcome by these nuanced roles. Norma is just as strong of a presence as Norman, and her character progression for the season is quite interesting, even if it’s not until the finale where her arc is crystalized. In the smallest of nitpicks, which is difficult to nitpick because it’s central to the first season’s plotting, is how every other episode Norma is faced with a new dilemma that is either life or death. Near the closing episodes, these types of plots had overstayed their welcome, but where it takes Norma – and where it can take her in season 2 – could be worth it. As Norma, Vera Farmiga is

phenomenal. At times completely loud and crazy, but at other times, recoiled and vulnerable, she is a difficult character to peg down, but with Farmiga’s performance, every beat is compelling. Freddie Highmore, a regular of voice acting and straight-to-DVD productions, really shines as Norman. Awkward, unsure of himself, Highmore plays Norman as an earnest and friendly teenager who is entirely a fish out of water. However, when the story requires Highmore to show flashes of the man he will become, it’s outright chilling as the good boy demeanor is lost and his vacant eyes and expression take over. Bates Motel works best when it’s about the Bates family, with the side elements – including a corrupt police system, mob collectors, and an underground prostitution ring – not as well received, but as they brush against the lives these characters lead, and how it informs them, makes these subplots worth the ride. In only ten episodes, the freshman season moved fast, and the closing minutes of the finale setup a dark, mystery-filled second season. For the character work alone, both in writing and performances, Bates Motel is highly recommended. Bates Motel Season 1 is streaming on Netflix Instant, now on DVD. Season 2 debuts March 3 on A&E.

Photo Courtesy of Mike Lagerquist

MADELINE ZAFFT Staff Writer A story of banishment, love and triumph is hitting the stage in the Ted Paul Theatre. The William Shakespeare play, As You Like It, starting on Feb. 20 will be kicking off at 7:30 p.m. Families will be reunited and journeys will be taken in this William Shakespeare classic. The play is based on the adventures of Rosalind, a daughter of an exiled duke. Rosalind finds herself in a predicament when she falls in love and then shortly after is banished by her uncle. Going by the new male identity, and by the name Ganymede, Rosalind is accompanied by her cousin and The Jester Touchstone, as they make their way to be with her father and his friends in the Forest of Arden where they live in exile. Faculty member Heather E. Hamilton is directing this pastoral comedy. The production will show from February 20-22 and February 28-2 of March. Regular tickets will be sold for $16, senior, youth and groups of 15+ will be sold for $14 and current Minnesota State Mankato tickets will be $11. Tickets will be available for purchase through the theatre box office or online at MSUTheatre.com.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


MSU Reporter • 11


Strange new world

Trailer drops for Marvel’s new and spacey (pun intended) film, Guardians of the Galaxy. JAMES HOUTSMA A & E Editor Marvel Studios has bragging rights at this point but now they’re just being cocky. Tuesday night saw the debut of Marvel’s sophomore film this year, Guardians of the Galaxy. Debuting on Jimmy Kimmel Live with an introduction from

to dip into their B-team almost a decade ago as part of a collective universe, people scoffed, many wondering “are they seriously going to try and make a movie with insignificant characters like Iron Man and Thor?!” After seeing the end results, there aren’t many out there who aren’t won over by the results. Now Marvel is courageously utilizing the C-team.

the aforementioned Star Lord (Pratt), the deadly Gamora (Zoe Saldana), vengeance-driven Drax (Dave Bautista), gun-toting Rocket Raccoon (voiced by Bradley Cooper) and imposing tree-man Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel). The film is reportedly an expansion on some of the cosmic elements that found their way into The Avengers.

Swede’s “Hooked on a Feeling” makes an unexpected appearance to keep the mood light. However, Marvel’s last two films, Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World have been seen by some as too reliant on the humor, so not everyone may be busting a gut over the large presence it has here as well. Most of the trailer is spent introducing us to the charac-

maligned end credits of the Thor sequel), and brief flashes of Karen Gillan’s villainous character Nebula. If this montage of story says anything else, it’s that the movie won’t be short on action either, with several intergalactic aerial and combat sequences hinted at. It’s said that trailers lie, so we’ll have to see just how accurate this preview is to the movie,

Web Photo A new breed of heroes

star Chris Pratt, Guardians of the Galaxy is directed by James Gunn and follows a ragtag group of outlaws in space, led by Peter Quill aka Star Lord, who fight to keep a deadly artifact out of the wrong hands and prevent the end of the galaxy. When Marvel revealed plans

Guardians of the Galaxy was a Marvel comic property started in 1969 that featured several different intergalactic members who appeared sporadically through the years and never quite gained the popularity of other Marvel properties. The film lineup includes


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Right off the bat in the trailer, it’s clear Marvel is using their trademark tactic to win people over towards their new, wacky characters – humor. It’s the same angle they have used for all their new characters and one that has served them well. Pratt fires off joke after joke while Blue

ters, with John C. Reilly’s officer character giving us a little insight into each member and a final barb about the group as a whole. Only some story elements are hinted at, such as the mysterious artifact everyone is after, Benicio Del Toro’s flamboyant turn as The Collector (seen in the



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but if it’s any indication, Guardians of the Galaxy looks to be an ambitious project for Marvel that may find its footing in the comedy the studio banks on. Guardians of the Galaxy opens August 1. The trailer can be viewed online now.

This event will include film clips followed by a discussion led by Dr. Angela Jill Cooley, Minnesota State Mankato History Professor. The Abolitionists Thursday, March 6, 2014 • 4:00-5:30 pm Ostrander Auditorium, Centennial Student Union Minnesota State University, Mankato This event will include film clips followed by a discussion led by Dr. Lori Lahlum, Minnesota State Mankato History Professor.


Additional information about the events, films, and Created Equal grant program is available on the Library Services website. http://libguides.mnsu.edu/ Sponsored by: Library Services, Kessel Institute for Peace and Change, Dr. Michael T. Fagin Pan African Student Leadership Conference, History Department

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Created Equal: America’s Civil Rights Struggle is made possible through a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, as part of its Bridging Cultures initiative, in partnership with the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. s r



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12 • MSU Reporter


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cold weather, hot dish Don’t call it a casserole, but do warm up with these delicious hot dish recipes. MIRANDA BRAUNWARTH Staff Writer Embrace the end of Minnesota’s long winter and indulge is some good ol’ hot dish. With this cold and very snowy winter who knows when winter will end. To continue in the hibernation, grab some tasty hot dish native to the land and remember childhood days when you loved the snow and looked forward to a warm hot dish dinner made by mom. Even though you no longer love the snow you can still enjoy some good hot dish at the end of the day. One of the best things about a hot dish is that it’s so easy, using mostly canned veggies and ground hamburger or cooked chicken. You can always doctor these recipes to your liking or to how your mom made it at home. Staying away from the classic Tator Tot but still staying traditional, the following recipes are favorites from my mom and both my grandmas, who all know how to make a mean hot dish. The first is my grandma’s Chow Mein Hot Dish, paired with white or brown rice and some egg rolls for a fulfilling, warm meal. Chow Mein Hot Dish 1 hour twenty minutes Ingredients: 1 ½ pounds ground beef 1 medium onion finely diced 1 cup chopped celery 2 cans cream of mushroom soup 1 can mixed vegetables with juice 1 can chicken rice soup 2 cups chow mein noodles 4 tablespoons soy sauce 1 small can mushrooms with juice Directions: In a medium skillet on high heat brown ground beef with chopped onions. Add salt and pepper to your liking. Drain off grease. Set aside. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. In a 2 quart casserole dish (hot dish, dish as I prefer) mix ground beef, celery cream of mushroom soup, mixed vegetables, chicken rice soup, soy sauce and mushrooms. Bake for 1 hour. When done add Chow Mein noodles to top. Some like to cook their Chow Mein noodles in the hot dish. If you prefer this, put them on top and spread evenly. For something different, substitute the can of mixed vegetables for a can of Chow Mein veggies that usually include water chestnuts, baby corn etc. The next hot dish is a taco hot

dish. Why worry about the hassle of messy tacos when you can eat this yummy hot dish – it even has all the fixings right inside. Taco Hot Dish 45 minutes Ingredients: 1 package of corn chips, crushed 1 pound ground beef 1 package dry taco mix Taco sauce (optional) 1 can cheddar cheese soup 1/3 cup milk 1 package shredded cheddar cheese 1 package shredded mozzarella cheese Chopped tomatoes Chopped lettuce Directions: In a medium skillet on high heat brown ground beef. Drain off grease. Add taco mix and cook according to package. If you want taco sauce add now. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In the bottom of a 9 by 13 inch pan spread corn chips. On top of chips layer with ground beef mixture. Set aside. In separate bowl combine cheese soup and milk. Warm a little in microwave for 1 or 2 minutes. Spread cheese over meat. Top with chopped tomatoes and lettuce. Then sprinkle mozzarella and cheddar cheese on top. Bake in oven for 30 minutes. Serve. Although this recipe does not call for onions. I like to give a little extra flavor by browning my ground beef with chopped onions. The last hot dish is Pizza Hot Dish. There are many variations to this hot dish so feel free to be creative with this hot dish and make it in different ways. Pizza Hot Dish 45 minutes Ingredients: 1 pound thin spaghetti noodles 1 cup milk 2 eggs 32 ounce jar Ragu spaghetti sauce 1 pound ground beef 1 cup sliced pepperoni 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese ½ cup chopped green pepper ½ cup chopped onion 1 small can mushrooms (drained) 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning Directions: In large pot of boiling water boil spaghetti noodles. Add salt to water for flavor. Rinse noodles and set aside in large bowl. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In small bowl beat eggs and

Web Photo Pizza hot dish, combining the best of two worlds.

milk together. Toss mixture with noodles in large bowl. In a greased 9 by 13 inch pan lay noodles. Layer with Ragu sauce. Crumble uncooked ham-

burger over sauce. Layer with Pepperoni slices. Add veggies and sprinkle with Italian seasoning. Top with mozzarella cheese. Bake for 30 minutes.

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Be a true Minnesota and don’t be afraid to experiment, pile your plate high with a warm heaping helping of hot dish (not casserole).

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Thursday, February 20, 2014 Follow the Reporter on Twitter @MSU Reporter or Like Us on Facebook facebook.com/msureporter

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Mavericks sweep no. 4 North Dakota Senior goalie Danielle Butters was named WCHA defensive player of the week while senior forward Nicole Germaine received the offensive player of the week. LUKE CARLSON Staff Writer

Ronald Sojjobe • MSU Reporter Senior forward Kelsie Scott has compiled six points so far this season on four goals and two assists.

The steam from the St. Cloud games two weekends ago really did have substance to it for the Mavericks. The Minnesota State, Mankato women’s hockey team arrived in Grand Forks, ND this last weekend and rolled over the University of North Dakota at Ralph Engelstad Arena for a stunning series sweep of the No. 4 rated team in the nation. On Saturday afternoon, the Mavericks were tested early when UND scored at 8:36 of the first period off of a weak shovein goal by UND sophomore forward Shannon Kaiser. But the Mavericks persevered. It was not long after UND’s opening goal that the Mavericks evened the score with sophomore forward Katie Johnson’s tally less than two minutes later. The Mavericks took the lead at 16:29 with a left circle blast from junior defenseman Shelby Moteyunas and never looked back. They maintained the lead throughout the rest of regulation, scored on the power play off of a pretty backhand chance by senior forward Nicole Germaine, and took the first contest by a

score of 4-2. The second game on Sunday proved to be a much tighter battle on the ice. It was a comefrom-behind story once again as MSU scored two goals in the final ten minutes of regulation after UND owned a 1-0 lead throughout most of the contest. After UND sophomore forward Meghan Dufault tallied a score through traffic at 5:40 of the first, the Mavericks’ attempts at pulling even were foiled even with numerous scoring chances. But finally at 11:44 of the third period, on MSU’s second power play chance of the game, senior forward Kari Lundberg received a backdoor pass from senior forward Lauren Barnes at the top of the right circle and buried a chance into the left side to tie the game. It was a few minutes later at 16:30 when MSU supplied the dagger to UND. After senior forward Tracy McCann carried the puck down the right side and drove the net, Germaine tapped in the rebound for her 11th goal of the season. With UND having pulled their goalie for an extra attacker, the Mavericks held off the home team’s attack in the final few minutes and took the series sweep.

The two wins elevate the Mavericks to 12-19-1 on the season and a 7-18-1 record in conference play with only two games left to play on the season. It was the Mavericks’ first sweep over UND since January, 2007. Senior goaltender Danielle Butters, in what were most likely her last two regular season road contests as a Maverick, was stellar in goal. Earning WCHA Defensive Player of the Week honors, Butters backstopped MSU in both wins during the weekend, stopping 85 of 88 total UND shots over both contests. Fellow Maverick Germaine also picked up Offensive Player of the Week accolades after contributing two goals and a +1 rating over the two games. After the University of Minnesota clinched its second straight WCHA Regular Season Championship with a road sweep of Wisconsin last week, the rest of the conference is left to jockey for the remaining playoff positions. The Mavericks will get an opportunity to improve their playoff situation with a victory or two against No. 2 University of Wisconsin this upcoming week-

HOCKEY • Page 14

Perfect weekend down south ADAM PIERSON Staff Writer After finishing within reach of their first championship at the NCAA DII World Series last season, the Mavericks swung back into action hungry for more. Two weeks into their 74th season, the MSU baseball team is already showing promise for the future, out scoring their opponents 46-24 in their first six games. Feb. 16 The Mavericks journeyed to Tahlequah, Okla. to crush the Northeastern State Riverhawks in both games. MSU outscored NSU 20-6. Game One: MSU started quickly with junior Connor McCallum’s RBI single to left field, later scoring on an error by the first basemen.

Freshman Eric Peterson doubled to left, center field bringing in two more for MSU. In the second inning, the Riverhawks’ David Weber connected on an RBI single to first base, making the score 4-1. In the fifth, the heart of the order tallied three more runs for MSU. Johnson started it with a single to right, center field, and McCallum followed with an RBI-double to left field. Olson then reached on a throwing error by NSU’s catcher before Branstad flied out to center field earning a SAC RBI bringing the score to 7-1. In the bottom of the fifth, NSU scored once more off of Cody Robinson’s solo shot to left field. After no one crossed the

BASEBALL • Page 15

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14 • MSU Reporter


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Finishing hot down the home stretch The Mavericks head into their last weekend riding on an eight-game winning streak. on the perimeter. That’s extremely hard to stop.” All five losses for the Mavericks were given up by their defense, giving their opponents 85.8 points a game in those five games. Since their loss to Wayne State back in mid-January, the Purple and Gold are only giving up 58.8 points per game with 68 points being the highest. “After our last loss to Wayne state at home, we knew our defense had to improve for us to succeed. In practice we have been competing against each other a lot better and brought our defense to a new level that continues to ride everyday,” Davis said. “We just bought in and knew defense will win us games, that has shown in these last eight

Arnold Bagamba • MSU Reporter

JOEY DENTON Sports editor Suffocating defense and a supporting bench gave the Minnesota State University, Mankato women’s basketball team a twogame sweep this past weekend, giving the squad an eight-game winning streak heading into the last conference weekend of the regular season. On Friday, the Mavericks trounced the Bemidji State Beavers 73-54 with a couple of runs in the first half to give them a sizeable lead heading into halftime. Senior Karlee Gengenbacher, who is now on a six-game double-digit scoring streak, achieved 11 points in the first half. The no. 21 team in Division II took their 39-27 lead and never looked back. Gengenbacher would end up the leading scorer with 21 points, shooting 57.1 percent from the field and making two of four shots from downtown. Junior Aubrey Davis was right behind her with 15 points.

The bench showed its depth on the defensive end with eight blocks and 19 rebounds. Sophomore Lexie Ulfers led the Mavericks with four blocks and freshman Tyra Johnson swatted three to go with her seven rebounds. “This past weekend was a solid weekend for us, it was nice to see our freshman step up and do big things for us when we needed them especially going in to post season. But as always we can learn from our mistakes and improve,” Davis said. Despite their issues of putting the ball in the basket, the Mavericks still put up 69 points against Minnesota Crookston to extend their biggest winning streak of the season to eight. Shooting a low 38.5 percent, Crookston couldn’t get anything to go either shooting just above 35 percent, courtesy of Maverick defense. Seven blocks and 12 steals led to 14 points off turnovers, and the bench handled the majority of that. Freshman Sammie Delzotto sparked the Mavericks with 12 points and tied the team-high

five steals with Johnson, who once again brought down seven boards. “It felt like there was a lid on the rim, especially in Saturday’s game, so for us to be able to force the teams to have turnovers was huge for us,” Davis said. “It got us going offensively and changed the momentum of the game to our favor.” Gengenbacher led the Mavericks offensively with 16 points, shooting 6-of-11 from the field with a perfect four-for-four from the charity stripe. The Quincy, Ill., native is averaging 17.3 points in here six-game doubledigit skid, which has a lot to do with the eight-game winning streak the Mavericks are riding on. “Karlee has been playing great in the this win streak, which has been big part of our success. She has just really found her rhythm and has been very aggressive,” Davis said. “She is using her height to her advantage down in the post on smaller guards and has been knocking down shots

HOCKEY “The two wins elevate the Mavericks to 12-19-1 on the season and a 7-18-1 record in conference play with only two games left to play on the season.” continued from 13 end. MSU sits in seventh place out of eight teams but is only two points back on sixth place Bemidji State. If the Mavericks are able to pull off a win or even a sweep of the Badgers this weekend, they have a chance to take the No. 6 spot in the standings and get a more favorable first round matchup with North Dakota. If the Mavericks don’t capitalize on this chance, they may be stuck with a first round contest against none other than No. 2 Wisconsin instead. And they have their work cut out for them too. Not only do the Mavericks face the No. 2 team this weekend, but Bemidji State gets to take on the last place St. Cloud State Huskies for its final two games. Along with a little help from

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games.” The Mavericks, who are tied for third in the NSIC, finish their regular season with one more two-game series, featuring the Sioux Falls Cougars and Southwest Minnesota State Mustangs. Tipoff is at 6 p.m. in Sioux Falls, S.D. on Friday and Saturday’s showdown tips off at 5 p.m. in Marshall, Minn. Neither team possesses a flashy record, but according to Davis, you can’t take them lightly. “Although their record doesn’t show it, you cannot look past these teams. They are competitors and fight until the end,” Davis said. “We just have to come out and improve on our defense which will create more offense.”

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St. Cloud, it will be up to the Mavericks to do all they can to play catch up and possibly skate ahead of Bemidji State in the standings. But the streaking Mavericks do have momentum on their side, along with a team full of leaders who have stepped up mightily the last couple weeks to make MSU 3-0-1 in its last four games. Game one against Wisconsin is at 7:07 pm Friday night and marks Senior Night, celebrating the eight ladies on the team set to move on and graduate this May. And if this last weekend against North Dakota was any indication, the Mavericks will stand a fighting chance in their two-game regular season finale, doing it in front of the home crowd.

Thursday, February 20, 2014 DAVID BAC K ES

BASEBALL “Two weeks into their 74th season, the MSU baseball team is already showing promise for the future, out scoring their opponents 46-24 in their first six games.” continued from 13

d r e e . , s n m e

t t e e

MSU Reporter • 15


SOCHI SPOTLIGHT Minnesota State University, Mankato hockey fans were excited Wednesday morning when they watched former Maverick and now St. Louis Blues captain David Backes help lead the U.S. men’s Olympic hockey team to a quarterfinal victory over the Czech Republic. Playing on a line with Los Angeles Kings captain Dustin Brown and New York Rangers captain Ryan Callahan, Backes and his line mates caused trouble for the Czechs all game long. Backes assisted on an early goal by Brown that gave the US a 2-1 lead in the first period. It was a beautiful pass through a crowd of defenders that found its way onto Brown’s tape. The former Maverick captain then added another point when he buried a goal with 1.8 seconds remaining in the first period when a wide shot bounced out front onto Backes’ stick with a wide open net. The goal was the eventual game winner in the 5-2 victory that sent the Americans to the semifinals, where they will face off against Canada on Friday. The victory also guaranteed a shot at playing for a medal, as a win Friday puts the U.S. in the gold medal game, and a loss puts them in the Bronze medal game. The highly anticipated USA-Canada match up will be played at 11:00 a.m. Friday morning, with all roads for the US leading to a match up with either Sweden or Finland.

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plate in the sixth and seventh inning, MSU claimed victory 7-2. Hoppe pitched five innings in his start, striking out four and walking two while allowing six hits and two earned runs. Hoppe earned the win for MSU, improving his season record to 2-0. Game Two: A slow start made for an explosive second half of the ballgame for MSU. The Riverhawks’ Robinson cracked a two-run bomb to left field in the first inning, leaving the score at 2-0 through the third. In the fourth, Olson scored on a wild pitch, and junior Max Waletich cracked an RBI single to left field, knotting the score up at two. Johnson’s two-run blast to right field gave MSU the lead and they never looked back. Andries knocked in two more runs with a single down the right field line and Waletich followed with an RBI single to right field, bringing the score to 8-2 through the first half of the fifth. NSU scored in the second half of the fifth on a MSU fielding error. The Mavericks quickly got that run back in the seventh with Peterson’s RBI single to left field, making it 9-3 through the seventh. Despite the large lead, MSU kept piling it on. Andries notched another run with a RBI single up the middle before MSU scored two more additional runs on errors by NSU’s pitcher and third basemen. In the top of the ninth, Johnson stroked a RBI single. The Riverhawks added one run in the bottom of the ninth on a fielder’s choice, completing MSU’s sweep 13-4.

Senior Bryce Bellin pitched 4.1 innings while allowing four hits, two earned runs and striking out six batters. Freshman Tyler Frohwirth earned his first win of the season in his 2.1 innings of work, striking out two and allowing two hits and one walk. Feb. 17 The next day, MSU traveled to Bolivar, Mo. and played a doubleheader against the Southwest Baptist University Bearcats. Winning both games and outscoring the Bearcats 17-7, the Mavericks extended their win streak to four games. Game One: MSU got on the board in top of the second when Waletich cracked a two-run single with the bases loaded. In the fourth inning, Branstad put his feet to the test, legging out an inside-the-park homerun. An additional run was scored from Peterson’s bases loaded, RBI single. SBU scored two runs in the latter part of the fourth, cutting MSU’s lead 4-2. Waletich produced another two-run single in the fifth, making the score 6-2. Branstad drew a walk with the bases loaded, earning his second RBI of the day in the top of the sixth. Unfortunately, MSU couldn’t score more with the bases loaded and the Bearcats answered with three of their own runs in the bottom half of the sixth inning, reducing the deficit to 7-5. MSU reached home plate three more times in the ninth. Two runs off of Peterson’s tworun single, leaving MSU to win 10-5. Larson earned the win in his four innings of work on the

mound, allowing five hits, one walk and one earned run while fanning four batters. Larson improved to 1-0 overall. Freshman Trevor Patterson allowed three earned runs, one walk and four hits while punching out two in his two innings of relief. Game Two: Recording 15 hits and seven runs in game two, MSU swept SBU with ease. Olson started things for the Mavs with an RBI single to right field in the top of the first before the Bearcats tied it up in the bottom half of the inning. Scoring four times in the fourth, Standish laid down a SAC bunt resulting in a throwing error from the pitcher allowing two runners to score. McCallum followed that up with a two-run blast. SBU scored one run in the second half of the fourth on an MSU error, decreasing the lead to 5-2. MSU scored their final two runs in the eighth inning, first off of McCallum’ RBI single through the right side and finally on Heiderscheit’s RBI triple, giving MSU the 7-2 victory and sweep of the doubleheader. Sophomore Josh Matheson took the bump for four innings while allowing one earned run and four hits. Senior Taylor Nawrocki earned the win in his four innings of relief, improving to 1-0 overall. Nawrocki allowed just one hit and struck out four without allowing an earned run. The Mavericks take action next March 6 when they travel to Clearwater, Fla. for the Russ Matt Invitational. MSU is scheduled to play nine games in an eighth-day span.




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16 • MSU Reporter


Thursday, February 20, 2014

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