March 31, 2022

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Cloudy for the most part, sunny for a little part.




MARCHING FOR PEACE Students participated in “Our Walk for Peace” to protest war globally.

By MAX MAYLEBEN Editor in Chief


The Kearney International Center at Minnesota State University, Mankato hosted the walk for peace protest on Wednesday at the mall outside the Centennial Student Union. The event highlighted the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine as well as addressed the impacts of war in other parts of the world. Attendees, including MSU students and faculty who gathered to show their support and use their voice to raise awareness about the events currently unfolding in Ukraine. The protest provided an avenue for students on campus to peacefully march and publicly voice their opinions on the invasion of Ukraine by Russia that began on the morning of Feb. 24, 2022. Participants in the march held anti-war posters and spoke on the realities of war and the suffering caused by it. Majd Alharbi, a sophomore here at MSU, was one of the organizers of the protest. Speaking to the attendees Alharbi summarized the current situation in Ukraine and spoke on the consequences of war. “We know what’s happening in Ukraine. There’s violence, genocide, suffering, injustice,

MANSOOR AHMAD • The Reporter

After a night of non-stop rain, MSU students marched around the Centennial Student Union Mall protesting war worldwide while shedding light on the recent events in Ukraine.

“We are here raising awareness for all the people that are suffering everywhere.” Majd Alharbi, a sophomore at MSU children dying, families separating, and homes destroyed. It is hard to hear, hard to say yet it is happening right now as we

speak,” said Alharbi. Adding to the issue of war, Alharbi further used the opportunity to highlight ongoing wars and conflicts around the globe. “Unfortunately, war is not just happening in Ukraine. It’s happening in places like Palestine and Ethiopia and in over 30 countries all over the world,” voiced Alharbi. “We are here raising awareness for all the people that are suffering everywhere.” A minute of silence was also observed during the protest for

those that have perished and those that are currently suffering as a consequence of war. Darria Hozhenko, an international student from Ukraine, was also in attendance. Hozhenko paid homage to her homeland and showed her love and admiration for her country. “My name is Ukraine. I am only 30 but my roots are strong, expanding deep into history. All the past years have cultivated in me a love of freedom and a desire to be free but now war has fallen on us. PEACE on page 2 

Staff Writer

This past Wednesday, Minnesota State University Mankato hosted its fourth annual Health and Biomedical Sciences Summit. This year’s summit centered around mental health, an issue that has become more topical and less stigmatized in recent years. The summit featured New York Times bestseller Johann Hari and leading child psychologist Abigail Gewirtz, as well as numerous Minnesota-based mental health professionals. Hari opened the event at 8:30 a.m., speaking about the importance of acknowledging

COVID’s effect on the mental health crisis in the world. “Why would a pandemic lead to an enormous increase in depression, anxiety, addiction, and overdose rates? I think if we can understand the key to that question, if we can figure that out, then we can figure out what was happening before the pandemic and what we need to change as we emerge from it,” said Hari during his talk. Addressing the often overlooked social causes of mental illness, Hari voiced how communities around the world are substituting chemical solutions with connection. “If you’re depressed, you’re not weak, you’re not crazy,

DYLAN ENGEL • The Reporter

‘Mental Health is Health’ summit comes to MSU By ALEXANDRA TOSTRUD

Student Gov. addresses budget meeting

Johann Hari, shared his “War on Drugs” segment during the Health and Biomedical Sciences Summit at MSU on Wednesday.

you’re not a machine with broken parts. You’re a human being with unmet needs. What you need is love and practical support,” Hari said. Brooke Sargent, a junior at MSU majoring in communication sciences, attended the sum-

mit for her coursework along with Laura Morrison. “We have a class that recommended it for us. We’re learning about mental health, specifically depression and anxiety,” Sargent said. The two also read Hari’s HEALTH on page 4 

Last night’s Student Government meeting achieved the passing of four different fees paid for by students, but the meeting was defined by what was said in the officer reports. The meeting last week, which decided the budget for the Student Activity Fee, lasted over 10 hours, and was hampered by confusion and disagreements from members of the senate and the executive team. Following the chaotic budget meeting last week, President Reauna Stiff, Vice President Kara Svercl and Speaker Minahil Khan addressed the senate, expressing their disappointment in the behavior that some senators exhibited. “I cannot even fathom how disappointed I am in some of the people in this room,” said Stiff during her report to the senate. During the executive team’s individual officer reports, they each took time to speak about how they felt that last week went. “I’m afraid our kindness has been taken advantage of,” said Stiff to the senate. “While we have constantly preached holistic support and grace for others, this year, there wasn’t much of that when it comes to us.” Stiff went on to speak about the amount of time that she, Svercl, and Khan had put in preparing for the budget meeting, and expressed worry that senators did not do the same. “We did our due diligence, as most of us were advised to do,” said Stiff. Stiff went on to state her disappointment in the senate’s conduct during the budget meeting. “It was disrespectful to this body, to our guests, and especially executive leadership,” said Stiff. “Multiple times this year, we have been interrupted, talked over, we have had our comments disregarded,” Stiff said, referring to previous senate meetings. Svercl went on to speak on the different knowledge that is held by senators and the executive team. “You as senators know different than us,” said Svercl, “however, that does not STU GOV on page 5 

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