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Minnesota State University, Mankato
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Making a difference in Somalia
Muslim students to raise awareness and funds for famine victims JUAN AYALA
staff writer
The Muslim Student Association is making a fundraising effort to help those affected by famine in Somalia. “We are trying to raise some money and create some awareness about this issue. We want people to listen to the suffering of the Somali people,” said MSA President Mohamed Alammari. This campaign is to continue through the whole semester with the purpose of create awareness among Minnesota State University, Mankato students especially for those who do not follow the international events
inside: Arts & Entertainment...................5 Sports.............................................7
or the news. According to the United Nations, the Somali famine had placed 11 million people in a state of humanitarian emergency. Just like any other international crisis, MSA would like students of other ethnic backgrounds to join in their efforts. The campaign is not just limited to African and Muslim students. “Anyone can join and participate; there is no limitation for helping others,” said Alammari. The group will be tabling in the Centennial Student Union every weekday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Students are welcome to stop by to learn about the crisis and how they can contribute. So far, the International
Student Association is the only organization willing to provide any kind of help to make the campaign as effective as it can be. Mehmet Aydin, MSA’s event coordinator, hopes other organizations will join the fight. “It is not a war, it is famine. Children are dying; they are the future of that country. Twenty five cents can make the difference, believe me,” said Aydin. The MSA will be displaying posters, showing videos and holding different activities throughout the semester to create awareness of the crisis in Somalia. “We might bring a speaker from Red Cross, so he can give his insight about
Brian Rosemeyer reviews Primus’ Green Naugahyde - PAGE 5
a situation like this, what does famine mean, and how does it affect other African countries too,” Alammari said. “These kind of things need to be fast. I know there is help all around the world, but every time I hear the news, they say it’s not enough.” International students have already started volunteering for this campaign. Many exchange students can relate to the famine in Somalia because their countries are going through similar problems right now. “It’s very important to me. I am familiar with what is happening. I have some similar issues happening in Sudan,” said Dushare Dosa, an exchange student from
Sudan. Many international students believe that they provide assistance out of an obligation to their countries. “We want to make a difference. It is a Muslim country and there is a strong Somali community here on campus. I just want to help because those are children who are suffering,” said Ibrahima Tali, an MSU student from Senegal. “As a Muslim it is my duty to help people that need help.” Anyone interested on volunteering or donating can approach the MSA table along Mav Ave or can email the MSA at msa@mnsu. edu.
Page 2 • Reporter
Tuesday, September 13, 2011T
Save gas, energy, money Solar thermal wall study at MSU yields outstanding results Incorporated. Before Conserval introduced the product, the company spent several years on research and development. The research project, which took nearly three years, was conducted in three large buildings in the Twin Cities: a school, a police station and a manufacturing facility. The study was expected to estimate the total savings in cost, effectiveness and longevity of the product in Minnesota climates. Test buildings resulted by a nine percent to 20 percent a year savings. In its first year of use, one building saved $2,400. Researchers conclude larger facilities could save
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staff writer
Recent research has been conducted by three Minnesota State University, Mankato professors of solar thermal walls cutting heating ventilation costs by 20 percent. Researchers, Patrick Tebbe, Louis Schwartzkopf, and Saeed Moaveni devoted three years of time and effort to the project. Students in the Engineering and Physics departments helped the researchers gather and analyze data. helped with the gathering of data and analysis.
The solar walls are made of dark aluminum or steel collector plates with tiny holes covering the surface attached to walls facing the south. The sun is supposed to heat the metal surface, transferring that heat energy into thin layers of air on either side of the panel. The air is then circulated by a fan and pulled through the perforated holes and eventually the heated air is cycled and moved into the building. The solar thermal wall was originally developed in the ’90s by Conserval Engineering
even more. “Using solar energy to heat ventilation air means that managers of large buildings can use less fossil fuel and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Schwartzkopf. “And the savings can be substantial. Payback times can be from one to eight years.” A solar thermal wall is installed in addition to a regular building wall, so it is easy to apply the mountings to large buildings. Solar walls are also virtually maintenance free. “Solar thermal walls can operate for a decade or longer with little degradation in performance,” Schwartzkopf said.
Solar thermal walls can be cost effective towards natural gas and electric heating for large buildings such as commercial businesses, manufacturers, nonprofit headquarters and government agencies. Not only do solar thermal walls save money, the walls generally produce fewer greenhouse gases, helping the environment. The emissions measured by the three researchers showed up to 20 percent in a year for the installations studied. This is just one step toward creating a clean and efficient future with a little extra money put back into pockets.
Fall Undergraduate Research Grants are due! Deadline: Monday, September 26, 2011 Grant applications available at www.mnsu.edu/urc Questions? Contact us at urc@mnsu.edu
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Reporter • Page 3
Greeks giving back Bloody good
Annual Sigma Sigma Sigma BBQ to benefit hospitalized children MEGAN KADLEC
news editor
Participating in an eating contest has never yielded better rewards. While chowing down on some good ole’ BBQ this weekend, you can save a child’s live. Sigma Sigma Sigma, a local sorority, will be holding its second annual All You Can Eat BBQ. The event will be held at Highland Park on Saturday. Advanced tickets can be purchased from any TriSigma member or in the Centennial Student Union for $5. At the event, tickets will be $6. The barbecue is used as a fundraising technique for the sorority, with all pro-
Initiative to ‘zero-out’ road fatalities JANAY HENRY
staff writer Regions of Minnesota come together to implement a program that should “zero out” road fatalities. The Minnesota Department of Transportation has hired Amy Roggenbuck to facilitate the Toward Zero Death program in south central and southwestern Minnesota. Roggenbuck, the Community Health Liaison, is working on this plan to significantly reduce traffic-related deaths and injuries. Roggenbuck’s duty is to work with emergency medical and trauma, education, enforcement and engineering services along with DPS, MnDot, Department of Health and the University of Minnesota to uphold the goal of the TZD program. The program is funded by the Department of Public Safety and has already taken action in southeastern, northeastern, and northwestern Minnesota. The TZD initiative is replacing the Safe Communities Program, which founded the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in Minnesota, which collected data on top traffic safety issues. Roggenbuck worked for the Minnesota Department of Public Safety prior to her most recent position and has greatly combined efforts to understand what the contributing factors are in fatal crashes. Focusing to research data with both professional groups and partnerships in the state of Minnesota.
ceeds going to the Robbie Page Memorial Foundation. Robbie Page was a fiveyear-old boy who died from polio in 1951. “At the time of [Robbie’s] death his mother was the National President of Tri-Sigma. In 1954 TriSigma adopted the Robbie Page Memorial as its national philanthropy,” said Tri-Sigma Foundation Head Melissa Anderson. Though the foundation’s goals and donation efforts have changed over time, the sorority still remains dedicated to the cause. “In the beginning the proceeds raised went to finding a cure for polio and after a cure was found the proceeds went to play
therapy.” Play therapy was designed to help young patients understand their illness and communicate fears. It is meant to be a mode of expression from the students to their therapists and patients. “[Play therapy] provides a way for children to express their experiences and feelings through a natural, self-guided, self-healing process,” Anderson said. Last year, the sorority raised $900 for the Robbie Page Memorial Foundation. This year, the group hopes to raise $1,200. “We just want everyone to have fun and eat some good food,” Anderson said.
news editor
Minnesota State University, Mankato’s Upward Bound program will be sponsoring a blood drive this Wednesday from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Red Cross representatives will available in court three of Otto Recreation Center to take donations for Bloodmobile. Due to the recent hurricane on the East Coast, blood supplies are low and anyone with the ability to donate is urged to do so. Prospective donors must weigh more than 110 pounds and be in generally good health. For more information on whether or not an individual is allowed to donate, check the bloodmobile donor website. If interested in donating
blood, prepare to spend an extensive amount of time answering 90 questions regarding health concerns and anything that may taint the blood sample. The entire process, from answering basic questions to taking the blood sample, generally takes about an hour. Students can make an appointment to donate by visiting redcrossblood.org, using the sponsor code 5952. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Upward Bound is a program designed to stimulate low-income students who would be first generation college attendees. The program hopes to motivate these students to obtain a high school diploma and pursue a college or university education.
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Page 4 • Reporter
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 www.msureporter.com/arts-entertainment
PRIMUS RETURNS! R o c k R oya l t y C o m e s Back Strong From 12 -yea r H iatu s
a&e editor
Twelve years ago, after Primus released their eighth studio album, Antipop, if you told fans of the band that they would have to wait almost a decade and a half longer to hear a new release, you would have gotten pork soda dumped on your head. But here we are, 2011, and Primus, fronted by Les Claypool, has coolly laid a brand new album on the world’s record player. Green Naugahyde releases Sept. 13, to much delight for fans of America’s favorite band that sucks. Primus is an eclectic group of musicians comprised of Claypool (vocals, bass), Larry LaLonde (guitar) and Tim Alexander (drums). The remarkable talents
and chemistry of the musicians leaves for a musical experience unlike any other. Primus sounds not far off of what you would hear if you ran Rush through a fun house, sprinkled it with the grime of Blue Cheer, rolled up it in Tom Waitsesque story telling and ‘tin-can’ production methods then jarred the whole mess in ascorbic acid and let it sit in the sun for a few years. When you open the jar you are initially taken aback, but if you sip, you smile. Green Naugahyde does not stray from the aesthetics with which the group has formed their following, cult as it may be. Primus may have lost a little bit of edge sonically, but that is only in the delivery of the music. They stay away from punky or grungy songwriting and stuck to the core
Green Naugahyde releases Sept. 13, the band comes together again strong, and pleases new and old fans alike.
of what the band is; bass-drivenfunk-acid-jazz-metal-pop. The composition on the new record is as good as ever. The melding of Alexander’s drums and Claypool’s rhythm/lead bass is as tight as anyone could ever expect. LaLonde adds more to the mix than with earlier records where he just sort of fiddled around over the rhythmic elements. On Green Naugahyde he creates more of an ambient effect, setting mood and atmosphere. The mesh of all the elements within is rich and colorful, providing an enjoyable listen on both lighter and deeper levels. You do not have to look too far into Green Naugahyde to enjoy it, it stills moves with life and spunk. But if you strap in and devote all your audio attention to it, you find a special treat in the incredible playing-power of the band. Claypool’s lyricism has the same social and political sting with a crooked half-crazed grin as it always has. Lines like “Obama waved his pecker at the infrastructure wreckers, said ‘now what you gonna do about that gun control?’” from “Eyes of a Squirrel,” are indicative that Claypool has retained his sense of humor and social commentary. Similar examples are littered throughout “Moron TV” as well as “Tragedy’s a Comin’.” The strongest song that could possibly be packaged as some sort of single is “Eternal Consumption Engine.” This isn’t to say that they should market is as such, or that it would even be successful, but it is a highlight of the record. The bouncy bass line, reminiscent of “Space Farm,” is trademark Primus, with lyrics taunting the concepts of modern consumer-based society. The tongue-in-check words match the goofy splashing and clanking drumming of Alexander and Claypool’s over-exaggerated vocal performance as he proclaims “everything’s made in China!”
“They stay away from punky or grungy songwriting and stuck to the core of what the band is; bass-drivenfunk-acid-jazzmetal-pop.” Modern production techniques have benefited Primus’ sound. On the chunking “Extinction Burst,” each element of the song can be sorted through and appreciated, where as in earlier efforts from the band, some of the songs became muddled and lost in their concepts. Songs like “Lee Van Cleef,” show Primus has not exhausted itself in its purpose by not doing too much or too little to the success the group has built itself upon. Fresh songs and ideas are found on all of Green Naugahyde. Primus seems to have an apparently infinite bank of possibilities when it comes to these three musicians coming together under this moniker. Fans may have been a little doubtful that Primus could stay relevant after their 12 year hiatus. Fans could have worried that Primus would either try to reinvent their sound, or stick to their guns and become stagnant. The band did neither of these, and both at the same time. They simply rolled with what they knew, brought it into the context of their time off with other projects and tours, and produced an album which (although not necessarily “relevant” to anyone but Primus fans) delights at every song with nostalgia and intrigue from what is sure to be a staple in American alternative history.
Page 6 • Reporter
TidBits From The Entertainment Industry DETROIT (AP) — Bob Seger is ending his time as an iTunes holdout. The Detroit Free Press reports that the Grammy winner and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member’s move into digital music sales will start Tuesday, when downloads of the concert albums “’Live’ Bullet” and “Nine Tonight” are set to appear on iTunes and Amazon.com. The rocker says his remaining catalog “will come out in dribs and drabs.” Seger tells the newspaper for a story published Monday he’ll also use Apple Inc.’s iTunes to unveil songs from his sizable backlog of unreleased material. The Michigan resident had been among the few notable acts that
staunchly held out from putting his music on iTunes. Segar’s manager Ed “Punch” Andrews says the decision would keep the artist “current.”
Blood Drive sponsored by the Upward Bound Program
Wednesday, September 14 Otto Rec Center 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Appointments can be made by calling 389-1211 or at www.givebloodgivelife.org and enter sponsor code 5952 Walk-ins welcomed.
Staff: Campus Pastor Wong, Reverend Roger Knepprath, Mark Probst, Vicar Jesse DeDyne, RA Andy Ibisch
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NEW YORK (AP) — Current TV plans to air a presentation on climate change by former vice president Al Gore. The live broadcast of Gore’s multimedia talk begins Thursday at 7 p.m. Eastern time. The cable network said Monday it will culminate a worldwide, 24-hour initiative called “24 Hours of Reality,” designed to explore the scope and impact of global warming. In addition to its TV broadcast, Current will present a live Internet feed of “24 Hours of Reality” starting Wednesday at 8 p.m. Eastern time. It will feature 23 different citizen-activists from different parts of the world, beginning in Mexico City. Gore is a Nobel laureate for his environmental activism and is chairman of Current TV.
SUECA, Spain — With more than 3,000 fans cheering, a hulking, black-and-white fighting bull named “Mouse” chased one daredevil runner after another, trying to flip them airborne and skewer them as he did a month ago in a fatal goring that enshrined his reputation as Spain’s most feared and famous beast. Mouse was greeted in the southeastern farm town of Sueca like a rock star: Everyone stood up at 2 a.m. Sunday in the bull ring’s grandstands as he charged across the sand after loudspeakers introduced him with the eerie strains of the soundtrack to “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly,” the 1960s spaghetti western starring a young Clint Eastwood. The 550-kilogram (1,213-pound) bull didn’t claim any more victims this time, but
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tried his hardest to gore runners. And he captured intense media coverage in what could be his last appearance before retirement amid the controversy he has generated about Spain’s summertime tradition of bull versus human runs, a pastime that plays out in rings, narrow streets and plazas across the nation.
Sports Tuesday, September 13, 2011 www.msureporter.com/sports
The Minnesota Timberwolves have hired Rick Adelman to be the team’s new head coach. Terms of the agreement are not yet official, but the deal is rumored to be five years at $25 million. Adelman is expected to be introduced at a press conference later this week.
MSU offense clicks in home-opening win over Northern St. The Mavericks racked up 485 yards on offense, while the defense held the Wolves to 212. TIGE HUTCHESON
staff writer
Head coach Todd Hoffner and the Minnesota State, Mankato offense wasted little time getting down to business in its 32-10 home-opening victory over Northern State on Saturday afternoon. The game plan against the Wolves was very simple and something the 1-1 Mavericks do very well: take to the air. “Northern State’s whole game plan is about trying to stop the run; they’re going to put a pretty heavy box in there and they’re going to give you seven [guys] almost all the time and then adjust their coverage from there. So what that does is it frees up the flats and frees up the middle seam and it allows you to give a quarterback an opportunity to work a defense,” said Hoffner. “There’s always a void in a defense but their mission was to stop the run.” By halftime, the Mavericks had already ran up over 200 passing yards as quarterback Jon Daniels and the MSU receiving corps was having a field day picking apart the Wolves’ defense. “We finally got the ball rolling and there weren’t too many
times when we didn’t have momentum going. We just went back to the basics and took our offense back to doing the things we do best, and I feel it got us off to a very good start, so we’ll have to keep rolling and improving from here,” said senior wide receiver LaMark Brown. Brown’s 70-yard touchdown reception in the second quarter helped him become one of three Mavericks receivers to finish with more than 50 receiving yards, along with juniors Adam Thielen and Dennis Carter. The Maverick defense also deserves a ton of credit for its role in Saturday’s victory. MSU’s defense refused to allow a touchdown until the fourth quarter, and at one point just before halftime actually stood on the one-yard line on firstand-goal and came up with a huge defensive stop. “[That stand] was definitely a game changer; a fourth-andgoal stop that you always think about and want to be a part of, and it definitely got the crowd on our side and more involved in the game,” said linebacker Marcus Hall-Oliver, who finished with a team-high seven tackles and an interception.
The 32-10 victory to start conference play is already a turning point in the season, as the Mavericks were able to shake off the disappointing 31-24 road loss to Northern Michigan in the season opener. “Lots of big plays were made and I thought the coaches did a great job of putting our players in a position to make plays, and low and behold they defishannon rathmanner • msu reporter nitely fulfilled the Sophomore quarterback Jon Wolf dives for the pylon on an eight-yard touchdown destiny we had for run in the second quarter of the Mavericks 32-10 win on Saturday. them in this game,” said Hoffner. “The State University. “They show cially at the end of the game,” outcome was indicative of our a lot of passion for what we’re said Hall-Oliver, following his preparation and I thought our doing out there and I apprecifirst game since transferring guys prepared very hard for ate everybody coming out and from the University of Nebrasa very solid Northern State supporting us.” ka-Omaha. “It felt a little like team.” With things now looking up high school out there and was a With so many new faces lot of fun.” for the MSU football team, the on the team for the first time, “I was fortunate to be here victory will have to be shortthere were plenty of jitters and and on the sidelines last year, lived as the University of Minnerves early on, but starting but to actually be on the field nesota, Crookston represents with a win at home was a speand play this year was very the Mavericks’ next challenge cial moment, especially for the special to me,” said Brown, waiting right around the corner new guys. who had to sit out last season this Saturday at Blakeslee Sta“The fans were great; they due to NCAA transfer rules dium in Mankato. were rocking and rolling espeafter transferring from Kansas
MSU plays well despite suffering first loss of season, sits at 7-1
staff writer
The Mavericks suffered their first loss of the 2011 season Friday in second round action of the Southwest Baptist Purple Bash. The first matchup of the tournament pitted the Mavericks against Truman State; the No. 22 team in the country. Truman State made it close, but MSU ended up taking the 3-2 victory. MSU would win the first game of the set, only to find themselves struggling in the next two and quickly down 2-1 with its backs against the wall. Sets four and five would both to go to MSU, as junior Jill Storlie made a kill to receive the final point and give MSU the win. Senior defensive specialist Alli Rice finished with 25 digs to become the second Maverick all-time to achieve 1,000 career digs. Junior Chelsea Fogarty
finished the match with 19 kills. MSU fell to Colorado School of Mines Friday night by a 3-1 decision. The Mavericks took game one by a score of 25-18, but it would all fall apart from there. They had a 23-21 lead in game two, but failed to hold on as the Orediggers went on a 4-0 run to win 25-23. A 14-5 run would put the School of Mines ahead of MSU and win the third match 25-16. With their backs against the wall, the Mavericks found themselves tied at 24 in the fourth match. But the Orediggers dug a little deeper, scoring the last two points to win the set and match. Leading MSU offensively was Storlie, who finished with 19 kills, and senior setter Brittany Stamer finished with 36 assists. Things would pick up the next day for the Mavericks, as they narrowly defeated Arkansas Ft. Smith 3-2. After losing the
second and third matches by two points each, the Mavericks pushed back once again to win the fourth and fifth sets to take the match. Stamer finished this match with a game-high 60 assists, and Chelsea Fogarty finished with 20 digs. The Mavericks closed out the tourney Saturday afternoon with a commanding 3-0 victory over NW Missouri State. The first game was won decisively 31-29 by the Mavericks, as two blocking errors by Missouri State gave MSU the victory. Two points again decided game two as MSU junior Courtney Steinhauser denied the Bobcats’ late rally and gave the Mavericks a 25-23 win with her game-ending kill. The final game again went into extras and again was decided by two points as the Mavericks finished off the sweep 27-25 to finish the Bash 3-1.
MSU splits in Denver
staff writer
Coming off a great start to the season, the Minnesota State, Mankato women’s soccer team took that confidence and momentum to the Mile High City, Denver, Colo. Even though they had a tough 2-1 loss on Friday to Metro State, they showed resilience and showed a strong offense against Regis on Sunday to win 3-2. In the second half on Friday against Metro, the Mavericks fought hard and even tied up the game 1-1 at the 86:20 mark with an unassisted goal by sophomore midfielder Tori Meinhardt, her first goal of the season. But the tie didn’t last very long. After 40 seconds went by, the Roadrunners took the lead back with an unassisted goal by sophomore midfielder Becca Medina and went on to win 2-1. With this being the first loss for the Mavericks this season, they didn’t let it get them down for the rest of the weekend, as they came away with a 3-2 victory against
the No. 25 Regis Rangers on Sunday. “We didn’t have out strongest performance against Metro State, and unfortunately had our first loss of the season,” said junior forward Brittany Henry. “Sunday against Regis we really stepped up our game and played to win.” The Mavericks started off the game scoring the first three goals. Henry scored her third goal of the season and the only goal in the first half at the 19:14 mark. Then junior forward Nicole Dooher scored on an assist by junior midfielder Brianne West 56:17 into the game. Later in the second half, the Mavericks extended their lead to 3-0 with freshman midfielder Kari Becker scoring her first collegiate goal. Another freshman midfielder, Ashley Harlan, picked up the first assist of her career on the goal and MSU held on to win 3-2. “It was nice to see some of our new players step up and make some plays. It helped us out a lot,” said head coach Peter McGahey.
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LIVE BAND: Saturday, September 17 New Primitives 9 p.m. NO COVER!