November 16, 2021

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Soccer wins


conference page



Cloudy throughout the day; windy in the afternoon.




MavPods’ accessibility result in DOJ complaint By JENNA PETERSON News Director

International Festival celebrates culture and community By JULIA BARTON • Variety Editor This year’s Mankato Area International Festival brought in hundreds as they celebrated international cultures at Minnesota State University, Mankato on Sunday. Food, fashion and performances were highlighted during the festival along with a photo contest, trivia and culture booths set up all around Centennial Student Union. With MNSU having a large represen-

tation of international students on campus coming from roughly 96 different countries, the festival was rich with culture. “We need to celebrate our differences because that is what makes us special, that’s what makes our community special,” MNSU President Edward Inch said. “This is a real opportunity to come to understand, appreciate, celebrate, and enjoy those differences that make our campus such an incredibly special place.” International students at MNSU were able to express their culture as well as prepare some of their traditional culinary foods and dresses. Food, beverages and desserts were prepared for the event that lined Mav Ave. “This is my first time experiencing and meeting so many different cultures since this is my first time out of my country,” said Shizra Tariq, an exchange student

During the Mankato Area International Festival, students and community members tried several traditional international foods. Photos by MADDIE BEHRENS • The Reporter

at MNSU from Pakistan. “I think everyone should know more about different cultures because even things like marFESTIVAL on page 4 u

Minnesota Milers host 5k for students, community By CLAIRE BRUNEAU • Staff Writer The Minnesota State University, Mankato Integrated Business Experience company Minnesota Millers held a 5K run this past Saturday at Myers Field House to help sell their products and earn money for the non-profit United Way Making. This program is a semester-long involvement for students who are looking for real-world business experience. In the IBE program students get put into differ-

ent groups to start their very own company. Students get to take out real loans to start up their business, hold events and sell their products. “I think It’s a great way to dive into the real world. We get a taste of what it really takes to do some of this stuff. To be able to get real world experience with people all around you that are ready to support you is a great way to learn,” secretary of Minnesota Milers Kristyn Thielbar said. When this group was brainstorming ideas they knew they wanted to do

something more exciting for this year. Their intention behind doing the 5k run was to make it more interesting and fun for the students, rather than just selling their product. They felt it would be nice to bring in the community, especially following the COVID-19 shutdown. Minnesota Milers partnered with local shop Krusty’s Donuts to help bring in people to participate in the run and support the company. “Sponsoring with Krusty’s Donuts has RUN on page 4 u

A Minnesota State University, Mankato professor has filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice alleging the university’s new $1 million MavPod project offers unequal access to students with disabilities. Nancy Fitzsimons, professor of social work, said she and nine students conducted research on the accessibility level of the MavPods. The research found students with physical disabilities would need to travel further, requiring more time, to find MavPods with the same ease of students without disabilities. “They accepted my complaint of a Title II ADA violation of discrimination against people with mobility disabilities,” Fitzsimons said. The State’s Attorney’s Office is representing the University.” The report, compiled by Fitzsimons and the students, says the MavPods have been “enthusiastically promoted as a beneficial resource to faculty, staff and most notably students. They are scattered across campus, with an invitation to request that additional locations be added, suggestive of plans for continued investment. The MavPODS are now part of the campus tour for prospective students and their families.” The research was done by calculating how long it would take to find a suitable, nearby MavPod for a person walking, a person in a wheelchair, and a person in a wheelchair who first went to a regular MavPod, then rerouted themselves to a wheelMAVPODS on page 5 u

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