November 19, 2015

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미국에 온 이후 경험한 가장 큰 변화는 무엇인가요?


전유성 기자

미국에 온지 어느 덧 2 년이 다 되어간다. 이번 학기가 마지막인 나에게 있어서 지금 이 시기가 가지는 의미가 굉장히 큰 거 같다. 작년 눈보라 불던 밤 처음 미국에, 그것도 가장 추운 주 중의 하나인 미네소타에 왔던 생각이 난다. 항상 새로운 문화, 새로운 경험에 대한 동경에 사로잡혀 있던 나였지만, 막상 처음 여기 왔을 때의 그 불안함과 서러움을 잊을 수 없다.

Diversity and International Education Week

Page 04

A&E: CC BY by Swami Stream

많이 변했기 때문일 것이다.

언제 칠지 정확히 안 알려 그렇게 많은 거 같진 않고 주시기 때문에, 학업에 또 많이 유용하진 않은 거 그렇다면 우리 학교의 대한 스트레스를 더 많이 같아요.” 다른 한국인 학생들에게 받는 것 같아요.” 있어서 미국에 온 후 경험한 유다현: “저는 여기 가장 큰 변화는 무엇일까? 김은원: “저도 공부하는 학교에 와서 제 진로 쪽이 하지만 다행히도, 지난 2 몇 명의 학생들을 인터뷰 시간이 엄청나게 늘어난 좀 더 분명해지는 거 거 같아요. 저는 또 여기 같아요. 특히 300, 400 단위 년 동안 난 참 많은 그리고 해봤다. 인터내셔널 학생들이 수업을 듣다보면 리서치 새로운 것들을 배웠다. 좋은 김홍근: “한국은 특정한 친구들도 많이 사겼고, 시험 기간이 있는데, 여기는 많다고 해서 경험의 폭이 참여하는 친구들도 많고, 이곳에서 다양한 문화를 시험이 여러 번 있고 한국에 더 넑어진거 같진 않다고 경험했다. 한국에 돌아가면 비해 과제도 빈번하게 있을 느끼는게, 제가 생각하기로 나라 학생들과 KOREAN 모든 것이 너무 낯설것 뿐더러, 저희 전공 같은 다른 Page 3 같은 이 기분은 아마 내가 경우에 교수님들이 시험을 문화적으로 소통할 수 있는 기회가 여기 생각보다

Five star taste on a ramen noodle budget

Page 09


A pesar de los desafíos, la comunidad latina prospera en MSU

LUKE LARSON Escritor Empleado Desde que yo empecé a asistir a MSU, he dedicado una gran parte de mi tiempo al aprendizaje del idioma español. He buscado oportunidades para mejorar mi nivel y las he aprovechado. He participado en mesas de conversación en español, declaré una especialidad en español (algo que no estaba plane-

ando hacer cuando llegué), y decidí hacer un intercambio en Ecuador el semestre que viene. En este camino, he conocido a mucha gente fantástica de la gran comunidad hispanohablante que existe aquí en la universidad. Entrevisté a tres de ellos para saber mejor cuál es la experiencia de los latinos e hispanos aquí. ¿Cómo es estudiar en una universidad estadounidense para alguien de un país hispano o con una herencia cultural latina? María Ruiz Méndez, Edgardo Martínez, y Thalía Escobar son tres de los miembros más activos de la comunidad estudiantil de MSU y todos comparten una conexión fuerte con Latino-

américa. Para Edgardo Martínez, quien trabaja como asesor comunitario en los salones residenciales, esta transición a la vida aquí era difícil a veces. Un hondureño de Tegucigalpa, la capital de su país, él está en su sexto año estudiando en los EE.UU., dos de estos en MSU. “La transición es complicada y lenta,” dice. “Porque aun con el apoyo de la familia, estamos muy lejos de casa y esta experiencia nos obliga a madurar en niveles que muchas personas no pueden manejar.” Al principio, la cultura fue una sorpresa para él. Ha estado muy contento con el

orden y la seguridad que encuentra en la sociedad norteamericana. Thalía Escobar, quien es involucrada con muchos clubes estudiantiles como el Club de Bioquímica, Latino Wellness, y el Club de Microbiología, es de otro país centroamericano, vecino del país de Martínez. La mudanza de su hogar en El Salvador hace cuatro años además ha incluido partes difíciles, pero, según ella, vale la pena. “En algunos momentos


Maverick women look to build off of success

Page 13

INDEX: EDITORIAL..........................4 A&E.........................................9 SPORTS............................13

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2 • MSU Reporter


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Пирожки и их удачный фандрайзинг в Государственном Университете Миннесота, Манкато

Ирода Каримова Репортер

ЕСА (ESA) известно как ассоциация студентов Евроазии в Университетe Миннесота, Манкато. Этa неделя началась очень успешной для студентов этой асоциации. Айнура Бердиева, Жанна Курбанова и Наргиза Бердиева, девочки с Туркменистана будучи членами этой ассоциации приготовили пирoжки для фандрайсинг. -Мы приготовили пирожки с картошкой, капустой. Хотя я научилась делать пирожки совсем другим образом, но готовить для кемпуса было очень весело. И было забавно обменяться опытом. Я поняла, что инетересно, каждая хозяйка делает пирожки по-своему.говорит Жанна

Курбанова. -Мы сёстры, но даже у нас не одинаковый метод проготовления пирожков, так как я научилась от бабушки, сетрёнка научилась от мамы. Пирoжки можно назвать, как эта неотъемлимый “фастфуд” стран СНГ. Пирожки готовятся на праздниках, для гостей или же просто на чай. Так вот, ближе к 12 полдня, МавАве пахло пирожками домашнего приготовления. Стол с русским самоваром, аккуратно постеленная скатертью и корзины полные пирoжками были на расхват за очень короткое время на МавАве в кемпусе Университета Миннесота, Манкато. Ф а н д р а и с и н г сопроваждался короткой презентацией, песнями сопровождающиеся на разных языках стран сотружества. Студенты, профессора, а также все кто находился в кемпусе были рады домашнеприготовленному


Photo by Iroda Karimova

пирожочку, среди них оказались даже кто сделал денежное дарение. -Я всегда думала, пирожок он легко съедается и легко делается. Да, нет спору, что легко съедается так как сытный и вкусный, но уж не легко готовится. Каждая хозяйка, придаёт особую форму, когда лепит из теста положив начинку. Тут требуется быстрота рук и умелость. Когда девочки принесли корзины полные пирожков,

я была изумлена, так как я ожидала совсем другой формы пирожков. Девочки потрудились на славу. Одним словом молодцы Получились очень вкусные и понравились всем, кто остановился и попробовал. Мы рассчитывали на 2часа, но за час не осталось даже нам никаких пирожков, но мы рады. Мы так же получили денежное дарение на счёт нашей асоциации.- поделилась Екатерина Войцековская

президент ЕСА (ESA). Для тех, кому интересно, что и как делаются пирожки, то можем, что это маленькое блюдо из дрожжевого теста с начинкой, которое выпекается (в духовке) или жарится. Название образовано от слова пирог. Различных рецептов пирожков существует великое

Page 7



Good Luck Soccer Players & Coaches! from MSU Fellowship of Christian Athletes


BLK ELECTRIC 20799 594th Avenue Mankato, MN 507-388-1173

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Mankatodagi kichik O’zbekiston, yohud mustaqil yurtning iqtidorlari


Continued from page 1 또 다들 연구나 실험에 참여하는 분위기라 되게 좋은 거 같아요. 특히 교수님의 지도 아래 저만의 프로젝트를 발표하거나 연구를 할 수 기회도 여기 미국 학교에 훨씬 많은 거 같아요.”

IRODA KARIMOVA Sharxlovchi - reportyor “Bizning farzandlarimiz bizdan ko’ra dono, bilimli, kuchli va albatta baxtli bo’lishlari shart”- Islom Karimov. Yurtboshimizning bu kabi so’zlari men kabi o’zbek yoshlarini juda ham qanotlantiradi, o’qib izlanishga undaydi. Men Amerika Qoshma Shtatlariga 2004 yilda Halqaro Almashuv dasturi g’oliblari qatorida O’rta Maktabda tahsil olish uchun kelganman. U zamonda juda yosh edim, dunyo va chet davlatlari haqida bilimlarim kam edi. “Sen qayerdansan?”- degan savolga g’urur bilan: “ O’zbekistondanman, o’zbek qiziman” deya javo bergandim. Insonlar davlatim haqida ko’p ma’lumotga ega emas edilar lekin qadimiy go’zal shaharlarimiz, boy tarihimiz va takrorlanmas madaniyatimiz haqida bilishar edi. Ismim Iroda bo’lgani uchun, chet ellik do’stlarimga meni ismim bilan chaqirishi har hil bo’lgan, ya’ni “airoda”, ig’oda” “irouude” deya o’zlarini talaffuzida chaqirishar edi.

MSU Reporter • 3

Photo by Iroda Karimova

Bir kun bir dugonam ismimni eslay olmay: “Uzbek” deya chaqirdi, bilmadim, lekin meni ismimdan ko’ra davlatimni, millatimni eslab qolganiga benihoya hursand bo’ldim. O’rta maktabda junior pog’onasida o’qiganimda Algebra darsi edi. Algoritm esa o’sha kungi dars mavzusi edi. Professor Algoritm va uning tarihi haqida gapira boshladi, Muhammad ibn Musa al- Horazmiy haqida mavzuni davom etirar ekan qalbimni fahr tolg’adi. Behosdan o’rnimdan turib: ”Bu inson mening yurtimdan, bu meni ajdodim, Horazm meni yurtimni bir qismi” deb e’tirof etganimda sinfdagi do’stlarimni menga havas qilgani hali ham yodimda. Amerika diyori hilma xil madaniyatlar uyg’unlashgan mamlakat. Turli xil taomlar bo’lsada baribir bizning milliy

somsa yoki palov oshga hech nima yetmasdi. Palov osh va somsa tayyorlash jarayonida har bir taomga kerakli mahsulotni qo’l mehnati bilan bajarganimda Amerikalik do’stlarim hayratda qolishgan. Oddiy sabzini mayin qilib mehr bilan to’rgashimdan bir nafis harakatni sezishgan. Darhaqiqat, biz o’zbek qizlarini tarbiyasi, harakati, o’zini tutish odobi va so’zlashuv madaniyatiga juda kata e’tibor beriladi, bu esa o’zga millat vakillari orasida kata hurmat bilan baholanadi. Mana Amerika diyori O’rta Maktabida tahsil olganimga 11 yil bo’ldi. Dunyoning 5000 ga yaqin

강혜주: “저는 제 자신에 대해서 되게 많이 달라진거 같아요. 저는 원래 먼저 사람들에게 다가가는 성격이 아니었고, 말도 처음 보는 사람들이랑은 별로 많이 하지 않았거든요. 근데 여기에 와서 미국 문화가 활기차고 말도 많이 하는게 당연한거라 저도 그 쪽으로 많이 변한거 같아요. 이제는 처음 보는 사람들이랑도 눈이 마주치면 인사하고 항상 웃게 되요. 그런 점에서 볼 때 제가 참 사교적이고 또 어느 정도

긍정적으로 변한 같다고 느낍니다.”

모두가 공통적으로 미국에 와서 경험한 것은 단순한 것 같다. 긍정적으로든 부정적으로든 우리는 많이 변했고, 또 그 변화가 굉장히 크다는 것이다. 그런점에서, 난 내가 여기 미국 미네소타, 좁게는 멘케이토에서 보낸 2년의 시간이 내 인생의 많은 부분을 차지한다고 생각한다. 정들만큼 길었고, 아쉬울만큼 짧았던 그 시간. 항상 기억하고 그리워할 것이다. 큰 포부를 가지고 미국에 와서 열심히 공부하고 생활하는 모든 한국인 학생들에게 응원의 메세지를 보낸다.

O’zbek yoshlari Page 7

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4 • MSU Reporter

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Editorial & Opinion

Welcome to a week of diversity Here’s a little American English explanation for you.



alyssa.frame OR AT reporter-editor

FALL 2015 EDITOR IN CHIEF: EDITOR IN CHIEF: Rae Frame.............................389-5454 Rae Frame.............................389-5454 NEWS EDITOR: NEWS EDITOR: Nicole Schmidt.......................389-5450 Nicole Schmidt.......................389-5450

NICOLE SCHMIDT News Editor It’s easy to get caught up in our own cultural bubbles during the busy semester here at Minnesota State University, Mankato. Speed walking to class, barely catching the bus for school or work, and unceremoniously flopping onto our unmade beds at night all become a part of habits that prohibit us from looking up and seeing the beautiful array of diversity at MSU. This week encourages students to acknowledge the variety of cultures during Diversity and International Education Week. MSU has long prized itself as a diverse campus with more than 2,200 students of color and more than 1,100

SPORTS EDITOR: SPORTS EDITOR: Luke Lonien............................389-5227 Luke Lonien............................389-5227 VARIETY EDITOR: VARIETY EDITOR: Matthew Eberline................... 389-5157 Matthew Eberline................... 389-5157 ADVERTISING SALES: ADVERTISING SALES: Mac Boehmer........................389-5097 Mac Boehmer........................389-5097 Brandon Poliszuk....................389-5453 Brandon Poliszuk....................389-5453 Josh Crew..............................389-5451 Josh Crew..............................389-5451 Jacob Wyffels........................ 389-6765 Jacob Wyffels........................ 389-6765 Huy Nguyen.......................... 389-1079 BUSINESS MANAGER: BUSINESS MANAGER: Jane Tastad............................ 389-1926 Jane Tastad............................ 389-1926

CC BY by Free Grunge Textures - international students from over 90 countries. This fact is a pivotal contributing factor in creating well-rounded, dynamic, and socially-aware student. MSU’s slogan “Big Ideas, Real-World Thinking” truly serves its purpose. In response to this special week at MSU, The Reporter staff and editorial team de-

“This week encourages students to acknowledge the variety of cultures during Diversity and International Education Week.”


cided to publish a newspaper edition entirely in foreign languages: Korean, Spanish, Russian, and Uzbek. The staff was excited to see a paper made in such a unique fashion that acknowledges and celebrates different cultures and languages. As news editor, I had the privilege to put all of these articles into the paper. Seeing the different languages and scripts was such a rewarding experience (even if finding a Korean font was a it challenging!). Diversity is more important than we realize in today’s culture. Employers look to hire people with a diverse view. Deep friendships emerge

while exploring cultures (as a matter of fact, I met two of my best friends last year at MSU who happened to be from Helsinki, Finland). The benefits are numerous. If a person is truly open to learning and experiencing new traditions, a more whole person emerges. So this week, take out those headphones, close the computer lid. Look around the CSU and visit the people at booths promoting their club or RSO. Start a conversation with an international student and ask what they plan on doing for the holidays. And if anything, smile at the diversity here at MSU.

“What cultural tradition do you most enjoy?”

AD. DESIGN/PROD. MGR.: AD. DESIGN/PROD. MGR.: Dana Clark............................ 389-2793 Dana Clark............................ 389-2793

POLICIES & INFO • If you have a complaint, suggestion or would like to point out an error made in the Reporter, call Editor in Chief Rae Frame at 507-389-5454. The Reporter will correct any errors of fact or misspelled names in this space. Formal grievances against the Reporter are handled by the Newspaper Board. • The Minnesota State University Mankato Reporter is a student-run newspaper published twice a week, coming out on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Reporter generates 78 percent of its own income through advertising and receives approximately 22 percent from Student Activities fees. The Reporter is free to all students and faculty, but to start a subscription, please call us at 507-389-1776. Subscriptions for the academic school year are $55.00 and subscribers will receive the paper within three to five days after publishing. • Letters exceeding 400 words may not be accepted. The Reporter reserves the right to edit letters to fit space or correct punctuation. The Reporter reserves the right to publish, or not publish, at its discretion. Letters must contain year, major or affiliation with the university, or lack thereof. All letters must contain phone numbers for verification purposes. THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN THE MSU REPORTER ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF THE COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OR STUDENT BODY.

Compiled by Yohanes Ashenafi






“Arabic music.”

“Japanese things.”

“Celebrating Christmas with my family.”

“Enjoying green bean casserole and other hot dishes at Thanksgiving.”

“My own mother is Nigerian and my father is African-American; I get the best of both worlds!”

Thursday, November 19, 2015


MSU Reporter • 5

COMUNIDAD continued from page 1 me he sentido sola porque no estoy con mi madre, familia inmediata y mis mejores amigas. Extraño mucho mi comida, y por supuesto el cálido clima,” explica, añadiendo que a pesar de eso, está “muy agradecida que he tenido una experiencia muy agradable en mi estancia en los Estados Unidos.” La historia de María Ruiz Méndez es un poco diferente. Vino de Guanjuato, México cuando tenía trece años para encontrar mejores oportunidades educativas. Ella participa en la vida universitaria en una variedad de maneras. Es una senadora en el senado estudiantil (MSSA), asesora comunitaria en los salones residenciales, directora de la participación comunitaria para la Asociación de Estudiantes Internacionales (ISA), y además es un miembro de numerosos clubes estudiantiles. Todos están de acuerdo de que hay problemas que enfrentan los hispanos cuando se mudan a los Estados Unidos más allá de los que tienen que ver simplemente con irse de lo que se conoce y adaptarse a un lugar y una cultura distintos. Ruiz Méndez cita el racismo, un problema que puede enfrentar cualquier persona de una minoría racial, como una de las dificultades más fuertes para muchos hispanos. “Expresiones xenófobas tales como ‘ilegales’ o ‘delin-

cuentes’ las tenemos que escuchar día con día,” dice ella. Escobar ha estado feliz de descubrir que, en este respecto, Minnesota parece valorar la diversidad cultural mucho más. “Me sorprende mucho que en algunos estados de los Estados Unidos haya mucho racismo contra los latinos especialmente,” explica ella. “Pero en MSU nunca he visto algo semejante. Al contrario, he conocido muchas personas a las cuales les encanta saber más sobre mis raíces culturales.” Escobar añade que otra dificultad que se tiene que mencionar es la barrera lingüística. “Uno de los obstáculos más grandes es el no poder comunicarse con los demás, ya que la mayoría viene a los Estados Unidos con poco conocimiento de inglés o totalmente sin saber nada. Por lo tanto, nosotros tendemos a sentirnos menos que los demás y por falta de conocimiento no buscamos por soluciones que nos podrían ayudar a salir adelante.” Claro que estos estudiantes han hecho mucho de superar este desafío, puesto que están teniendo éxito en una universidad donde el conocimiento de inglés es indispensable. Sobre todo, Ruiz Méndez, Martínez, y Escobar sienten un orgullo fuerte por sus culturas. Es evidente que su herencia es algo central de

Photo Courtesy of Luke Larson Edgardo Martinez (left) and Maria Ruiz Mendez (right). quienes son y que nunca podrían abandonar. Todos expresan una gran gratitud por haber criado con los valores culturales de sus países nativos. “Estoy muy orgullosa de ser mexicana,” dice Ruiz Méndez. “El amor a la familia, la fe en nuestra religión, y la alegría de nuestras celebraciones son la base de nuestra cultura. Como buen país latinoamericano, sentimos una gran pasión por la música, el baile, y por la comida. Para mí, México representa mucha fuerza, color, unidad y felicidad, y el estar fuera de mi país me hace apreciar y siempre lo digo yo no cambiaría mi cultura por nada del mundo.” “Valores como la humil-


dad y gratitud es algo que no se ve en Estados Unidos, ya que ellos son mucho más privilegiados que personas en países subdesarrollados,” anota Martínez. Escobar dice que la “unidad, cariño, y hospitalidad” que se encuentra en las culturas latinas es algo que hace que ella esté orgullosa de ser latina. Hay dificultades que enfrentan los latinos e hispanos en los EE.UU., claro. Para estos tres estudiantes, sin embargo, esto no tiene ningún efecto en el orgullo que se sienten por sus países y culturas. Cada año llegan nuevos estudiantes con herencia latina. Martínez cree que es importante que ellos sepan que no tienen que preocuparse.

“Me gustaría aconsejar a todos los futuros Mavericks latinos que no se asusten por el reto que están a punto de experimentar porque nadie está solo y todos nos apoyamos mutuamente, creando una atmósfera de hogar lejos de nuestro hogar.” Ruiz Méndez también tiene consejos para cada nuevo estudiante latino en MSU. “Me gustaría decirles que se sientan muy orgullosos de quien son y sobre todo de sus raíces, que no importa si acaban de llegar desde su país o si son la tercera o cuarta gen-




6 • MSU Reporter


Thursday, November 19, 2015

MSU’s fencing club gets a facelift The new and improved club will get you saying “en garde!” ELLYN GIBBS Staff Writer Every Monday and Thursday evening at 7 p.m., a small group in white jackets gather in Myers Field House, each with an armful of weapons. This group is dedicated to the art and athletic sport of fencing. Fencing is a sport with roots in medieval Europe, stemming from the time when swords were the primary weapons soldiers used. However, fencing is a facsimile of what it used to be, as soldiers stopped using swords for their military practice in the 1800s. Now, fencers who compete score points by contacting their opponent in the right areas and with the correct moves. These are details that soldiers wouldn’t take the time to analyze if they were in a real sword fight.

Photo Courtesy of Ellyn Gibbs moment to shine,” he said. Member Miranda Baldwin enjoys the sport because of its many layers. Each person and each weapon has their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and when

“The club uses a variety of weapons, but the three core weapons used in fencing are the foil, sabre, and epee.” Club president Luke Kurkowski has been fencing since high school. “I find that fencing is a unique sport and that it gives you a chance to be yourself on the strip. [It] gives you that

pairing different people and different weapons in a fight, things never get dull. The club uses a variety of weapons, but the three core weapons used in fencing are the foil, sabre, and epee. Foil is the most restricted weap-

on, as the only target areas are the torso and groin. The sabre can score points on the head, arms, and torso. “A lot of people like the sabre, because […] it’s flashy, and you attack with the edge and not the point. Sabre is the one people like to watch more,” said Kurkowski. Kurkowski’s favorite weapon is the epee, because it’s the most permissive in rules. “It’s a lot more fun because you can do more with it. If you want to attack the foot, you can attack the foot. If you want to somehow reach the middle of their back, that’s valid.” Fencing requires some protective equipment. Fencers wear stiff jackets to provide an extra layer between themselves and the weapons’ point, and also a mesh mask over their faces. They also wear a glove on their sword

from a blade. Kurkowski has never received an injury while fencing. He said that it takes some people a while to get accustomed to receiving a hit, though. “We teach people how to hit so they won’t accidentally impale something,” he said. The most efficient blow with a fencing weapon goes right to the target, not through it. Because previous leadership did not renew their club’s status, The MSU Fencing Club is not official under the Minnesota State University, Mankato records this semester. However, Kurkowski is working to get the club

hand, to help grip the weapon and prevent blisters. Their jackets have an extra sleeve around the neck to further protect the neck and face


Good Luck Mavericks!

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Thursday, November 19, 2015



O’zbek yoshlari

Continued from page 2

Continued from page 3 talabalari qatnashadigan Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti Bosh markazi (shtab kvartira) da bo’lib o’tgan konferentsiyada ishtirok etishim meni yanada o’z ustimda ishlashga undadi. Dunyoning eng saralab olingan iqtidorli talabalar qatorida, Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti bosh vakolathonasida oddiy o’zbek qizining qatnashishi bu istiqlol ne’mati, men uchun kata imkoniyat bo’ldi. Yurtimdan yanada fahrlandim. Ona diyorimizdagi tinchlik siyosati, amalga oshirilayotgan islohotllar, yoshlarga berilayotgan imkoniyatlar natijasi barcha talabalar qatori shu nufuzli konferenciyada meni ham ishtirokim yuqori bahol-

milliy taomlarimiz, navqiron Samarqand, ko’hna Buhoro, azim Toshkent haqida juda ko’p ma’lumotlarga ega ekanligidan g’ururlandim. Algebra darsidaga qiziqqanlar Xorazm vohasini yahshi bilishadi. Minnesota Davlat Universitetida O’zbekistonlik talabalar ham tahsil oladi. Davron Noqulov 19 yosh bo’lishiga qaramay, juda bilimdon, intiluvchan. -Minnesota Universitetida tahsil olishim kelajakdagi maqsadlarim uchun ilk qadamdir. Accounting, ya’ni hisobchilik ishi va Halqaro Biznes sohasida yetuk mutahassis bo’lmoqchiman.-deydi u suhbatda. Nigina Boltayeva, Gulmira Fazilova, kabi yoshlarimiz

“‘Biz hech kimdan kam emasmiz va hech kimdan kam bo’lmaymiz...’” andi. Hozirgi kunda Amerika Qo’shma Shtatlarining Minnesota Shtatida tahsil olar ekanman, dunyo madaniyatlari, insonlari, turmush tarzi va urf-odatlari haqida yanada bilimga ega bo’lib o’zimnizni milliy madaniyatimiz, tarihimiz va urf-odatlarimiz haqida chet ellik do’stlarimga tanishtirishga yanada kopro’q ma’lumot berishga katta imkoniyat paydo bo’ldi. Lekin quvonarlisi shuki, aksariyat do’stlarim milliy libosimiz atlas, adras,

MSU Reporter • 7

ushbu Universitetni Magistratura bosqichida o’qishiga qaramay TA lavozimida ham faoliyat olib borishadi. TA bu Professor Assistenti maqomi bo’lib yil boshida tanlov asosida tanlab olingan o’z sohasida bilimli yoshlar, o’qish bilan birgalikda dars berish va shu bilan birga bilimlarini amaliyotda charhlab borishga erishadi. Shu bilan birgalikda TA lavozimidagi talabalar o’qish uchun to’lovi Universitet tamonidan to’lanishi imkoniyatni qo’lga kiritadi. Nigina ho-

zirgi kunda Ingliz tili chet tili sifatida (ESL) darslarini olib boradi, Gulmira esa Algebra va Prikalkulus fanlaridan yoshlarga Amerikaning Minnesota Universitetida dars berishmoqda. Firdavs Navruzov, Fulbright Halqaro Dasturi g’olibi sifatida ushbu Universitetni Magistratura bosqichini yakunlamoqda. Buhoro davlat Universitetini tamomlab, yanada katta maqsadlar sari Fidavs ushbu tanlovda g’olib bo’ldi va bepul Minnesota Universitetida tahsil olish imkoniyatini qo’lga kiritdi. Rustam Zufarov, O’zbekiston yoshlari orasida Minnesota Universitetini tamomlagan birinchi qaldirg’ochlardan biri. Hozirgi kunda nufuzli Rice Universitetida aspirant. Minnesota Universiteti miqyosida bu kabi iqtidorli yoshlarni ko’rish quvonarli albatta. Yoshlar bu yurt ertasi. Davlatimizda yoshlarga berilgan imkoniyatlar bugungi kunda bu kabi iqtidorli yoshlar misolida namoyon. “Biz hech kimdan kam emasmiz va hech kimdan kam bo’lmaymiz” shiori, bu kabi chet davlatlarida tahsil olayotgan ko’plab O’zbek yoshlarini qanoatlantiradi, ertangi kelajak uchun ishonchni oshiradi, yurt uchun, katta maqsadlar sari intilishda yanada o’qib izlanishda, dunyo yoshlari orasida raqobatbardosh bo’lishga undaydi.


множество. Различия касаются теста (как правило, используется дрожжевое) и начинок (с капустой, картофелем, луком и яйцом, с различными ягодами, с кашами). Пирожками также часто и ошибочно называют выпечку из других видов теста. -Я первый раз п о п р о б о в а л a пирoжки и мне очень понравилисьотметила Ишна Верма, студентка с Индии. -Они напоминают мне наши пигоди, но вкус не повторимыйговорит Хижэ Чонг, студентка с Южной Кореи -Я не успела их попробовать, сделайте ещё, пожалуйставежливо попросила Доллу Баруа, президент Асcоциации Международных Студентов. А ещё добавим, что часто путают его с другими мучными печёнными или даже в частности,

ошибочно пирожками часто называют татарские и узбекские самсы и карельские калитки. Круглый и открытый сверху пирожок, у которого защипаны только края, называется ватрушкой. Этот тип пирожка в основном содержит творог. (Вики.информация) A с с оц иа ц и я студентов Евроазии ставит цели ещё для других мероприятий в рамках деятельности а с c о ц и а ц и и . Члены асcоциации организовывают собрания, в рамках которого рассматриваются д а л ь н е й ш и е планы, задачи и предстоящие цели. Ну что же остаётся пожелать только удачи, активности данной асcоциации в ряде 300 других асcоциаций ведующие деятельность в Ун и в е р с и т е т е Миннесота, Манкато.



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8 • MSU Reporter



Thursday, November 19, 2015

continued from page 6

re-recognized and re-named in January of 2016. “In previous years, we’ve worked with this achronystic society, who tried to recreate a medieval setting,” he said. This is how the club got its name as “The College of Rivenwood,” which is still the title listed on the university website. Kurkowski does not want to rekindle this image, simply because he wants to focus on the athletic sport of fencing and its historical roots, not medieval role play. The club is very open to welcoming new members with no fencing experience, whether they attend MSU or not. Kurkowski advises those interested to wear workout pants and athletic shoes, but

Photo Courtesy of Ellyn Gibbs never shorts, because with some weapons, the fencer is

COMUNIDAD eración, aprecien la belleza y gran diversidad de nuestras culturas.” Escobar enfatiza los recursos que hay para servir la comunidad latina en la universidad. “Escogí MSU porque fue la única de las universidades que visité que tenía recursos para estudiantes latinos y demás minorías,” dice. “Me sentí bienvenida y valorada cuando llegué a MSU.” Los recursos son múltiples. El centro de Latino

permitted to attack the legs. Kurkowski will start by teach-

continued from page 5

Affairs y organizaciones estudiantiles como Latino Wellness y el Chicano Latino Student Association (CLASA) están disponibles para ayudar con las necesidades que tienen los estudiantes latinos. Escobar menciona también recursos universitarios para las minorías en general como Student Support Services y el Northstar STEM Alliance (NSSA), que sirven a los que estudian cosas relatadas con ciencias, tecnología, ingeniera, y matemáticas.

Hablando como un gringo, puedo decir que estoy muy agradecido de que tengamos tan rica diversidad cultural aquí en MSU, de la cual la comunidad latina forma una parte muy importante. Es evidente que la comunidad latina no solo está agradecida sino que es una parte valiosa e impactante de esta universidad y que aprovecha las oportunidades que les ofrece. Gracias a Dr. Alfredo Duplat Ayala por su ayuda en editar este artículo.

and the club before he lets anyone wave a sword in the air. “We’re there for fun, so if people want to just show up and fool around with a sword, they can,” he said, but finished by recommending they start by learning the official sport of fencing. There’s just something about the sound of clashing metal blades that releases a rush of adrenaline. If you still haven’t found the right sport for you, it’s not too late to try this one. Though some view it as eccentric, fencing is an exhilarating challenge for the body and mind.

ing basic safety rules and giving a synopsis of fencing

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Thursday, November 19, 2015


MSU Reporter • 9

A&E Five star taste on a ramen noodle budget How to create a great Alfredo dish with just a few simple ingredients.


Thursday August 6th IV Play @ Buster’s.......... 9pm IV Play @ Buster’s.......... 9pm Friday August 7th IV Play @ Buster’s.......... 9pm IV Play @ Buster’s.......... 9pm Saturday August 8th IV Play @ Buster’s.......... 9pm IV Play @ Buster’s.......... 9pm

“Hello” by Adele

“Hotline Bling” by Drake THEATRE

RYAN NEIL Staff Writer Ramen noodles are a must have for every college student. From freshmen to seniors, ramen is a quick and easy meal that only costs 20 cents. That being said, it is a pretty bland dish to start with. Oftentimes, we see ourselves eating it out of the same bowl and sitting in the same spot on our couch, but there are a million different ways to make ramen noodles into a ramen meal. This Alfredo recipe is one of my favorites and it is extremely cheap to make. All you will need to make this dish is a sauté pan, a pot, and a strainer. If you don’t have a strainer, put a plate over the pot and drain it that way if you are in a bind. I ran

Thursday August 6th IV Play @ Buster’s.......... 9pm IV Play @ Buster’s.......... 9pm Friday August 7th IV Play @ Buster’s.......... 9pm IV Play @ Buster’s.......... 9pm Saturday August 8th IV Play @ Buster’s.......... 9pm IV Play @ Buster’s.......... 9pm

“Sorry” by Justin Bieber

Photo by Ryan Neil out to both Cub Foods and Aldi to grab some ingredients for this recipe. If you have not checked out Aldi, I highly recommend it for a cheap alternative to the big name

stores here in town. After all, most of us live paycheck to paycheck and any way to save a few bucks is helpful. I was happy to find that I was able to make a meal for two

for less than $10, which is

FOOD page 10

“The Hills” by The Weeknd DANCE Friday August 7th “Stitches” IV Play @ Buster’s.......... 9pm IV Play @ Buster’s.......... 9pm by Shawn Saturday August 8th IV Play @ Buster’s.......... 9pm Mendes IV Play @ Buster’s.......... 9pm


Arts Center of St. Peter to host Joel Jackson exhibit “Wildlife and Bird Feathers” features digital photography and paintings.

Friday August 7th Fantastic Four Goosebumps Ricki and the Flash Shaun the Sheep Cop Car The Diary of a Teenage Girl Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet


My All American

The Peanuts MUSIC Movie Friday August 7th Cattle Decaptation


“The Anthropocene Extinction”

Fear Factory “Genexus”

Love the Coopers

EMMANUELLE KOUAME Staff Writer On Nov. 27, the renowned artist Joel Jackson will be showcasing his latest work of digital photography and paintings at the Arts Center of St. Peter. The exhibit, titled “Wildlife and Bird Feathers,” is the artist largest single exhibition to date. Joel Jackson was born in Tanzania, an eastern country of Africa known for its vast wilderness areas. After spending 18 years of his life under the tropics, he came to the United States where he obtained a degree in Art from Gustavus Adolphus

Luke Bryan

“Kill The Lights”


Photo Courtesy the Arts Center of St. Peter College. Despite his degree in Art, Jackson worked as a technology specialist for most of his career. The upcoming exhibit, “Wildlife and Bird Feathers,” brings his three passions—art, technology, and Africa—together. To realize the painted work, Jackson

used Adobe Photoshop, but he still was able to capture the warmth and tranquility of the savanna. He also used technology to manipulate his bird photos to create vibrant kaleidoscopic images. The result is mind blowing. The intensity of the chosen colors and the attention to de-

tail makes every piece a real chef-d-oeuvre. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to listen to the artist remark about his process during the free public reception on Saturday, Nov. 28 from 4-6p.m. The exhibit will run through Dec. 27, so mark your calendars!


matthew.eberline OR OR AT AT reporter-arts

10 • MSU Reporter


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Consumer group releases list of hazardous toys Dinosaur claws and quick-folding trampoline among toys declared dangerous. BOSTON (AP) — Dinosaur claws inspired by the movie “Jurassic World” and a quick-folding trampoline are among the items on a consumer watchdog group’s annual list of hazardous toys released Wednesday. The Massachusetts-based World Against Toys Causing Harm says the toys singled out as the 10 most dangerous for Christmas this year represent common problems and aren’t the only potentially dangerous products on the market. The Toy Industry Association says all toys for sale on U.S. shelves go through some of the strictest safety requirements in the world, including more than 100 safety tests and standards and certification by an independent, federally approved testing lab. The trade group says WATCH doesn’t even test the toys it names. WATCH doesn’t dispute this, saying it’s simply providing easy ways for parents to identify toy risks. “Their allegations are based on pure conjecture and opinion,” the toy association said in a statement. “When examined and reviewed, year after year these lists have repeatedly shown to be full of false claims and needlessly frighten parents and caregivers.” WATCH President Joan Siff said 3 million units of toys have been recalled just in the past year for defects that could injure children. Many

Photo Courtesy of The Associated Press of the toys were still on store shelves when recalls were issued, she said. “The $22 billion-a-year toy industry should be asking what they can do better to protect children instead of making blanket statements that ‘toys sold on U.S. toy shelves are safe,’” she said. Many of the toys on this year’s list can be found at major retailers such as Toys R Us, Wal-Mart and Kmart. They also can be bought from online sites such as and ebay. The velociraptor claws are child-sized dinosaur gloves made of foam and can cause eye and facial injuries, WATCH said. And the trampoline can lead to injuries

during use and assembly, the advocacy group said. A Play-Doh-like substance that looks like poop also made this year’s list. WATCH says the “Poo-Dough” contains wheat and could cause allergy-related injuries such as hives, headaches and difficulty breathing. Here’s WATCH’s list of the 10 worst toys for 2015: — “Bud” Skipit’s Wheely Cute Pull Along. Potential for choking injuries; made by Bunnies By The Bay; $29.99 — Foam dart gun. Realistic toy weapon; made by GD. Jiefeng Toys; $13.99. — Stats’ 38” quick-folding trampoline. Potential for head, neck and other injuries; by Toys R Us, Inc.; $49.99.

FOOD Continued from page 9 cheaper than the average Chipotle date. And let’s be real, homemade food just always has a little more flavor to it. Once you get home with all of your goodies, we can start cooking. You will want to cut your chicken up into ¼ inch strips. Put some oil in the pan and heat it up on medium. Add your chicken with a little salt and pepper seasoning. Let the chicken cook for 12-15 minutes or until it is golden on the outside. While the chicken is cooking, start dicing up your tomatoes and onions. Leave all your veggies to the side and start the pot of water for the ramen noodles. When you are done cooking the chicken, clean

out the pan and spray it down with non-stick cooking spray. Sauté your broccoli and onions for about five minutes. Cook your ramen according to the package instructions and strain all the liquid out. Do not add the flavor packets until the end. Combine all the veggies, chicken, and noodles in the pot. Add a half-cup of milk, and one tablespoon of butter or margarine along with the seasoning packets. Leave the heat on low for two minutes. Add grated Parmesan cheese, oregano, and garlic powder for flavor. Top the dish with parsley and serve it with a salad or soup. This dish is so simple but packs five-star restaurant

flavor and is a great way to mix up the mundane flavor of ramen. If you are planning on having a special someone over to share this with, or just you and your roommate sitting around, remember to double the recipe below. Check out the recipe and give it a shot for yourself! 1 large tomatoes ¼ yellow onion 1 packet of ramen Garlic powder Oregano ½ lb chicken ¼ cup milk ½ tablespoon butter ½ head of broccoli Grated Parmesan cheese (or whatever cheese you have) Parsley (optional)

— Poo-Dough. Potential for allergy-related injuries

Good Luck Maverick Women's Soccer!

(warning label says it contains wheat); by Skyrocket Toys; $4.99. — Splat X Smack Shot. Potential for eye injuries; by Imperial Toy; $10. — Kick Flipper. Potential for head and other bodily injuries; by Playsmart; $19.99. — Leonardo’s Electronic Stealth Sword. Potential for blunt force injuries; by Playmates International Company; $24.99. — Kid Connection doctor play set. Potential for ingestion and choking injuries; by Wal-Mart Stores Inc.; $4.97. — Pull Along Zebra: Potential for strangulation and entanglement injuries; by Early Learning Centre; $20.99. — Jurassic World velociraptor claws. Potential for eye and facial injuries; by Hasbro; $19.99.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


MSU Reporter • 11

Merely Players Community Theatre calls for “Santa letters” Letters to be used in stage production of Miracle on 34th Street.

KAARINA MAKI Staff Writer As we get closer and closer to Thanksgiving, most people are starting to focus on one thing: Christmas. More than anyone, though, little kids all over the world are preparing their extensive and elaborate wish lists and letters for Santa Claus to read. Some kids are writing down lists of toys in crayon during school, while others are making sure that their letters let Santa know how much his work and effort is loved and adored. When

CC BY-SA by twm1340

“Some kids are writing down lists of toys in crayon during school, while others are making sure that their letters let Santa know how much his work and effort is loved and adored.“

was the last time you wrote a letter to Santa? When you

were seven? 12? Do you still write letters to Santa?

If you haven’t done so, it’s time to break out the college-ruled paper and pen. The Merely Players Community Theatre needs “Santa letters” for their holiday stage production of Miracle on 34th Street. Corey Van Raalte, vice chair of the Merely Players Board, said, “The idea for real letters to Santa came from a desire to spread that spirit throughout our community. That’s why it’s so important that when we’re done with the letters, they’re going straight to the North Pole.” If you or someone you


know wants to send a letter to Santa and help the Mere-

ly Players with their show, letters can be sent to Kris Kringle, C/O Merely Players Community Theatre, PO BOX 3637, Mankato, Minn. 56002, or brought to the box office during any Miracle on 34th Street performance. Performances are held at Lincoln Community Center, 110 Fulton St., Mankato, Minn. Performances of Miracle on 34th Street will be at 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 11, 12, 18, & 19. There will be a 2 p.m. matinée performance on Dec. 13 & 20. If you want to find out more information about the show and who the Merely Players are, or if you would rather send your letter to Santa via email, the address is player@merelyplayers. com. Information can also be found on the Merely Players website.

Best Wishes Maverick Women's Soccer!







Good Luck to the Women's Soccer Team



12 • MSU Reporter


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Retro review: Three game show video games Classic titles are entertaining and create a sense of nostalgia.

WES HUNTINGTON Staff Writer Game shows have always been a staple of the American television landscape since their birth. Shows like What’s My Line?, To Tell the Truth, the original Jeopardy!, and others were a part of the game show craze. It was only a matter of time before the computer age revolutionized the game show format, especially with the revival of Jeopardy! in 1984 which used computers and television screens for clues and the like. That change also permeated down to video game con-

move the player or the angle and speed bars during the physical challenges or tossup challenges. The game has awesome music and makes you feel like you were at Nickelodeon Studios in Orlando, Florida, where the show was taped.

Reporter Rating Family


3 5


“Clips from the 35 years of Bob Barker’s tenure permeate the game, and you get a general sense of nostalgia from watching those clips. They might even elicit a tear or two.“ soles, and this review will look at three video game adaptations of popular game shows. Double Dare (Nintendo Entertainment System [NES]; 1990) Many think that the original Nickelodeon animated television series like Rugrats is what put the fledging kids cable network on the map. However, it wasn’t that hugely popular show that put it on the map, it’s the game show Double Dare that had various incarnations starting in 1986. Hosted by Marc Summers, the show is known for the various obstacles and the messy antics that would ensue. This NES adaptation was made by GameTek—who created many games based upon game shows—and published by Rare, the same company responsible for many classics such as Donkey Kong Country and the Kinect Sports series. This game plays like an episode of the game show, answering questions, daring the other team to answer, and completing the obstacle course and physical challenges. The controls are hard to master and require a bit of torque on your fingers to

(Various; 2011) You’d honestly think this game would let you relive nostalgia for the original versions of the popular survey-formatted game show. You couldn’t be more wrong. Family Feud Decades was released to celebrate the franchise’s 35th anniversary in 2011. It utilizes the old “party-theme” song for the questions and music cues (used during the Louie Anderson and Richard Karn eras and a part of the John O’Hurley era), but in the menu music you can definitely hear the original 1988 version of the theme song, which is now being used as the standard on the show. The questions are ordinary, and they say the questions are from the television series as they were used during a certain era. That is all a marketing ploy in order to increase sales of the game, nothing more. The game is definitely enjoyable if you


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had a bunch of friends to play with, otherwise it is a boring game all by your lonesome. Family Feud Decades is a decent game, just not a good use of the license.

Reporter Rating

3 5

The Price is Right Decades (Various; 2011) What more could you ask for from a game that had this game released to celebrate 40 years of continuous airing on CBS? The Price is Right Decades is just that kind of game. Playing through sev-

eral rounds and playing many of the famous pricing games such as 3 Strikes and Plinko, you can unlock certain video clips from the years the pricing game was introduced into the regular rotation of the series as a whole. Clips from the 35 years of Bob Barker’s tenure permeate the game, and you get a general sense of nostalgia from watching those clips. They might even elicit a tear or two. The Price is Right Decades is a fun game to be enjoyed with multiple people or by yourself.

Reporter Rating

4 5

Thursday, November 19, 2015


MSU Reporter • 13

Sports Maverick women look to build off of success The Mavericks are coming off a successful 2014-15 season where they had a 21-10 record.

SCORES: SOCCER FOOTBALL November 2015 September15, 3, 2015 Mavericks...................................2 ............................. 35 Vikings. ..........................................0 UMD.......................................... 21

WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL HOCKEY September 11, 2015 November 13, 2015 35 Mavericks............................... Maryville University.......... 21 Mavericks. ..................................1 Huskies.........................................4

KELCIE RICHMOND Staff Writer The Minnesota State Women’s basketball team has officially started their 20152016 season. The Mavericks have played two exhibition games already and begin their regular season play with two non-conference games Wednesday in Joplin, Missouri, and again Friday in St. Joseph, Missouri. The teams, Missouri Southern State and Missouri Western State, are both members of the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletic Association (MIAA). MSU has been very successful in the past few seasons. Last year they earned a trip to the NCAA Tournament by achieving a 21-10 overall record and 16-6 in the NSIC. They have an excellent home record under head coach Emilee Thiesse, who is in her fourth season at MSU. The women have gone 40-2 at the Taylor Center under coach Thiesse. “We have had a lot of success over the past three seasons,” Thiesse said. “And we’re hoping to continue to build off that success this season.” The Mavericks are predicted to finish fourth in the NSIC Preseason Coaches Poll for the South Division and sixth overall in the NSIC. Only Winona, Wayne State and the

November 14, 2015


Mavericks...................................2 Huskies.........................................4 September 20, 2015 Mavericks............................... 35 MEN’S UMD.......................................... 21 BASKETBALL GOLF 14, 2015 November September 11, 2015 79 Mavericks. .............................. Lions. .......................................... Mavericks. .............................. 67 35

Maryville University.......... 21

NEXT UP: Reporter Archives Head coach Emilee Thiesse is entering her fourth season at the helm of the Maverick’s squad. University of Sioux Falls are predicted to finish higher. MSU lost four of their starters from last year, Lexie Ulfers, Jamie Bresnahan, Aubrey Davis and Ashley Olson all graduated. The loan starter left is junior Sammie Delzotto. Coach Thiesse is aware that her team has some work to do with Delzotto being the only returning starter and several new players on the team. “Sammie is our only returning starter from last season, so expectations are high in terms of what we need from her this season,” Thiesse said. “We need her to be a playmaker for us on both ends of the floor, but even more

importantly, we need her to bring great leadership.” Delzotto made had a huge impact for the Mavericks last season, averaging 12.1 points and 4.7 rebounds per game. Delzotto also shot 42 percent from the field, 36 percent from the three-point line and an impressive 81 percent from the free-throw line. In total, Delzotto grabbed 146 rebounds, 66 assists, 37 steals and four blocks. Delzotto’s experiences as a starter are crucial for the team this year and Coach Thiesse will lean on her for help. “Sammie’s guidance is invaluable to our young team,” Thiesse said. “And we look for her to take on a very large role in her vocal communication and her consistent production on the court.” The purple and gold are very young this year. There are only four upperclassmen for the Mavericks and seven incoming players. “With seven newcomers and seven returners, chemistry is the biggest concern for a coach going into the season,” Thiesse said. “I never expected our team would have such a great connection so quickly.”

The Mavericks will have some tough opponents this year but with their preseason ranking, teams should look at the Mavericks as a challenge as well. “Every game this season is a big game,” Thiesse said. “We have a very challenging non-conference schedule, which will prepare us for the rigorous NSIC schedule.” For their first NSIC games of the year the purple and gold will take on Augustana and Wayne State, both games on the road. Coach Thiesse will have an exciting season on her hands as she and the team try to navigate the conference. However, she knows her players are ready and have confidence in each other. “They are an extremely close group who genuinely want what’s best for the team,” Thiesse said. “They are an absolute joy to coach.” Look for the Mavericks to play their first home games of the season at the Taylor Center against two non-conference teams, Missouri-St. Louis November 22 and Michigan Tech November 28.

FOOTBALL September21, November 12,2015 2015 Emporia @ Northern State State Aberdeen,Stadium Blakeslee SD

WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL BASKETBALL September 17, 2015 November 19, 2015 Winona State University @ Missouri Southern State Taylor Center Joplin, Missouri

CROSS MEN’S COUNTRY BASKETBALL September20, 27,2015 2015 November @ Roy Griak Invitational Waldorf Minneapolis, MN Taylor Center


November 20, 2015 September 18, 2015 @ Central Missouri @ UNK Invitational Warrensburg, Missouri Kearney, NE



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14 • MSU Reporter


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Men’s basketball back in action for 2015-16 season

COREY YUMAN Staff Writer Get ready hoop fans, because Maverick basketball is back in full force once again. The season is underway, and a Mavs squad full of fresh faces is looking to make their way back to the NCAA tournament. The team is split with a 1-1 record so far this year, but there is good reason to be optimistic. The Mavs ended last season with an impressive 24-8 record, but fell short in both the NSIC and NCAA tournaments. The goal this year is simple, and the same as it is every year. Make it to the NCAA tournament. It will take a team of new names to get there though. “We’ve got nine new guys

so it’s going to be a little bit of a slow process I think,” Coach Margenthaler said. While the new blood on the team may take some time to gel, the Mavs are confident that they have the depth and versatility to keep teams on their toes. A wide array of weapons gives MSU plenty of options on how to match up against opposing teams, and will keep scouts guessing as to where a game plan is going to be coming from. “We have a lot of different guys, we’re very athletic. It’s going to be a season by committee all year long. I think it’s going to be a different guy, which is going to be a good thing for us because that’s going to make it difficult for opponents to scout us, and to know exactly who that person is because it could be any person on any single night,” Coach Margenthaler explained. This season started with a split of games over last weekend. The Mavs opened the

year with a loss to the Pittsburg State Gorillas 62-59. It was a tightly contested affair, but the Gorillas managed to squeak away by three points after a late game burst. The final seven minutes saw the Gorillas go on an 11-3 run, and crushed the lead that the Mavs had to secure a victory. Senior Snoop Viser led the Mavericks with 12 points for the night. “Even after the loss on Friday we felt good about our guys because of the way we competed,” said Coach Margenthaler. The team showed heart and determination in the game. Despite not shooting well, the team continued to compete which is an essential part of reaching success. They would bounce back quickly though, as the next night the Mavs took down the Missouri Southern State Lions. The committee mentality was on full display as five different Maverick players

Reporter Archives ended the game with at least 10 points, with senior Jalen Pendleton leading the charge with 17 of his own. Junior Jon Fuqua had an impressive game as well by putting up a double with 13 points, and 10 rebounds. The game was close early in the first half, but once the Mavs pulled away with the lead there wasn’t much looking back. The Gorillas

spent the entire second half of action playing catch up. The closest they got was pulling the game back to within three, but the Mavs went on an eight point streak and secured the win with a score of 79-67. The win puts the Mavs at a 1-1 record as they prepare for their first home games of the season against the Clarke College Crusaders.

Mavericks host first round NCAA tournament game

TOMMY WIITA Staff Writer The Minnesota State football team earned the number

two seed for the first round of the NCAA Tournament, beginning this upcoming weekend. They will play host to the seventh-seeded Emporia State on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. The Mavericks are looking to end the 2015 season the way they intended to last season, as they were undefeated with their only loss coming

in the Championship game against CSU-Pueblo, 13-0. The Mavericks concluded their season as a 10-1 team, with a defense that is top five in the nation and an offense that has adapted to more balance in their attack. The Mavericks averaged 40.9 points scored per game, while their defense was allowing a minuscule 12.9 points scored

per game. The lopsidedness that is MSU has been all over the board this season. It should be a good first round matchup against an Emporia State team that is 9-2 on the season, and they started 6-0 but have gone 3-2 in their last five match-ups. The Hornets were 3-2 on the road, while the Mavericks never lost this sea-

son on the road but lost one game at home back on October 24 to the Winona State Warriors. Since that loss, the Mavericks demolished their next three opponents by a combined score of 141-34. The Mavericks are most




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Thursday, November 19, 2015


MSU Reporter • 15

Minnesota Wild pushing for contention

DREW MEZZANO Staff Writer Last season it looked as though the Minnesota Wild weren’t going to be a playoff contender after losing six straight games to begin the month of January. After a 7-2 loss against the Pittsburgh Penguins on January 13th, 2015 the Wild’s GM went out and acquired goalie, Devan Dubnyk from the Arizona Coyotes. At the time he was dressed as a third string goalie in the American Hockey League (AHL). This accusation seemed like gold for the team as Dubnyk came in and helped save their season, playing in 39 games, winning 27 of them. The Wild have begun the 2015-2016 season with vengeance. With 23 points on the season so far (10-4-3) the Wild are in the top ten of the entire league and looking to continue to climb the ranks. There have been some standout performances this season so far from players like; Thomas Vanek, Jason Zucker, Zach Parise and Devan Dubnyk.

Last year was the first season that Vanek was apart of the Minnesota Wild’s roster and the anticipation for him to be with the team was huge. Unfortunately, his season wasn’t exactly what fans and players were expecting out of him. So far, this season has been a complete 180 for Vanek. He has skated in all 16 games with the Wild and has a total of 13 points (7 goals, 6 assists). Another key player for the Wild this year has been the speedy, Jason Zucker. He was in and out of the line-up last season due to injuries. This season he has been able to stay healthy, to date, and has played in all 16 games with a total of 13 points (5 goals, 8 assists). Though Zucker only has 5 goals on the season, many of them have been categorized as highlight real caliber goals. After acquiring forward Zach Parise in the summer of 2012 he has been nothing less than perfect for the Wild. He started the ’15-’16 season out on fire scoring 9 points in just 12 games (7 goals, 2 assists). On November 5 he took an awkward hit from Nashville Predators forward, James Neal that placed him week-to-week on the injury list with a sprained MCL. It was reported by the Wild on

Photo by Associated Press November 16 that Parise had taken the ice for the first time since sustaining his injury. There is no timetable for his return to game play yet, but the Wild’s players and fans are looking forward to his return in the near future. Lastly is goaltender, Devan Dubnyk. As mentioned, he was acquired late last season

FOOTBALL continued from 14 definitely the favorite in this one, but Emporia State will give them a fight. When it comes to be playoff time, it can be any team’s time to shine, and the Mavericks have put the past behind them. “Emporia State is a great football team,” head coach Todd Hoffner said. “They’re going to use the whole football field…we’re going to have to cover the space on defense, balance it out on offense and not turn the ball over.” The last time the Mavericks lost in the first round of the NCAA Tournament was in 2013 against St. Cloud State, as they lost a shootout 54-48. That was also the last time before this season the Mavericks won a NSIC Championship outright. There will be no cake-walks for Minnesota State in this region, as they drew a difficult card. As the season has

gone however, this will be the ultimate test of overcoming diversity against great

number one wild card spot in the Western Conference. The Wild will look for better results as they take on the Boston Bruins on Thursday, November 19 at 6:00 p.m. ending their Eastern Conference road trip. They will then come home to take on division rival, the Nashville Predators on Saturday, November 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the Xcel Energy Center.


football teams.





and it seemed to be a remedy for the team. This past off season the Wild went out on a limb and signed Dubnyk long-term after being named a Vezina Trophy finalist last season. Dubnyk has a .911 save percentage and 2.44 goals against average so far on the season with 10 wins, 4 losses and 2 overtime losses under his belt. The Wild faced the Pittsburgh Penguins on Tuesday night and lost by a score of 4-3, moving them from third in the central division to the

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

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