HW #2
1-point Perspective 'Expanding the Square'
In this next week, your assignment will allow you to practice your understanding and knowledge of 1 point perspective by using a value scale. You must find an image from a magazine or online that shows 1 point perspective. It may be in color or black and white. It's up to you. You will cut out a 7 cm square around the vanishing point in this image. Then glue this square on your sketchbook page (center of page or close to the center). Now the fun part: fill up the page expanding on the image inside the cut out square. You may use the original image to help guide what you draw, or you may use your imagination a bit as well. When grading, I am looking for CORRECT use of LINEAR PERSEPECTIVE, high quality of WORKMANSHIP as well as a RANGE OF VALUES. Optional Extra challenge: Instead of shading with a graphite pencil to add in the values, use color pencil to give your page a burst of color. If you decide to use color pencil, you still need to show a range of values. These student examples do not show a wide range of values and shading, but they give you an idea of what I mean by expanding the image square.