HS COURSE OUTLINE 2012-13 High School Art INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Aimee Zvinakis URL: http://kashsartdept.ning.com
“Art does not reproduce what we see. It makes us see.” -Paul Klee Course Description: The HS Art course invites students into the creative art-making process. Through skill practice, art appreciation, and culminating projects, students develop their understanding of what goes into making a successful work of art. They develop skills with materials, deepen their visual awareness, and expand their understanding of the elements of art and principles of design. They also learn strategies for generating and developing their ideas. This class will offer students the opportunity to work with a variety of art media including drawing, painting, sculpture, paper-cutting, photography and digital art. We will study and research major artistic styles and movements in historical context throughout the year. Demonstrations, presentations and group critiques will be given throughout the course. This may seem like a lot to absorb – but remember that our emphasis is to encourage and nourish and creativity. Course Standards-AERO standards for art: 1. CREATING ART: Use the creative processes and the language of art to communicate through a variety of media and techniques. 2. HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL CONTEXT: Understand how art has shaped and preserved history and culture. 3. PERCEPTION AND EVALUATION: Using the language of art, students critically analyze, derive meaning from, and evaluate artwork. 4. CONNECTIONS: Make connections between art, personal experience, and the world. Course Aims: 1. Improve students’ perceptive skills. 2. Develop students’ confidence in making artworks using a variety of materials and techniques 3. Encourage creativity and visual problem solving 4. Develop students’ ability to verbalize ideas and processes in art making. 5. Explore art movements within history and examine contemporary issues in art. Outcomes: By the end of this course, it is a goal that each student will be able to: 1. Use close observation to render proportion and detail in two and three dimensional representation 2. Solve problems using brainstorming, sketching, revising, discussion, and presentation 3. Use a variety of media in solving visual and functional problems 4. Apply knowledge of principles and elements of design in constructive self evaluation
Student Expectations: 1. Student are expected to arrive on time to class. 2. Students are expected to use their class time appropriately and productively. 3. Students are expected to participate and be attentive in class discussions. 4. Students are expected to be respectful and communicative to their teacher and fellow classmates. 5. Students are expected to take care of classroom art materials and school property. Assessment of Student Performance: For each project, students will be assessed based on how they engage with the art-making process, how they incorporate key concepts, and how they use creativity to solve problems and express themselves. Artifacts will include: presentation response, practice exercises, finished art products, and written reflections. Grading Policy: Distribution for overall Semester grade:
50% Art projects 20% Class work/Quizzes 20% Homework 10% Engagement/Participation Art Project grades are based on a total score that reflects the following general areas: 1. Comprehension and application of the concepts and skills required in the assignment 2. Originality and creativity 3. Craftsmanship and presentation 4. Engagement in the work Art Homework will be given in the form of sketchbook assignments. Typically, students will be given 1 assignment per week. This sketchbook assignment should take about 2 hours of focused time. These assignments are given to reinforce certain skills learned in class and should be enjoyable. Students will always have a full weekend for their sketchbook assignment. Late Work Policy: 1. Art projects: An art project that cannot be finished in the allotted class time must be completed in the student’s own time. I keep the art room available until 4:30pm most afternoons for students to work independently. Students have a 1 week grace period to finish their projects before receiving grade reduction penalties. For every day it is late past this 1 week period, 10 percentage points will be deducted. 2. Art Homework: Art homework is due on the assignment due date. For every day it is late, 5 percentage points will be deducted. Absences: For work missed due to absences, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed. A student who is in school but not in class for an excused reason may still turn in their assignment, but should do so on the same day. Generally for each day students are absent, they have an equal amount of time to make up the work. In the event of a prearranged absence, it is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with me to make up missed work. Credit will not be given for work missed due to an unexcused absence.
Additional Expectations: Students taking HS Art for the year are required to purchase the items on the art materials list to complete their homework assignments. The list of materials is in this packet as well as listed online on the kas art website (URL above) on our class group page. Students are expected to bring their laptop, sketchbook, a drawing pencil (not mechanical) and an eraser to class each day. Academic Dishonesty: Academic honesty is fundamental to the activities and principles of school. All members of the academic community must be confident that each person’s work has been responsibly and honorably acquired, developed, and presented. Any effort to gain an advantage not given to all students is dishonest whether or not the effort is successful. The academic community regards academic dishonesty as an extremely serious matter, with serious consequences that range from suspension to expulsion. When in doubt about plagiarism, paraphrasing, quoting or collaboration, please consult me. Any student suspected of submitting work done by someone else will be reported to Ms. Rock’s office. Communication: Parents and students, please feel free to contact me if you have questions, concerns, ideas or anything else you would like to discuss. My email address is azvinakis@kas.kh.edu.tw
Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. -Chinese Proverb
HS COURSE OUTLINE 2012-13 High School Art INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Aimee Zvinakis URL: http://kashsartdept.ning.com
Please fill out the following section and return this page by ___________________________. HS ART STUDENT: ___________________________________________(please print name) Block: _____________ Signature_________________________________________________ Date_____________ Email address: ______________________________________________________________ Comments/Questions:_________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN: ________________________________________(please print name) Signature_________________________________________________ Date_____________ Contact Phone #: ____________________________________________________________ Email address: ______________________________________________________________ Comments/Questions:_________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Your signature acknowledges that you have read and understood the course outline.