STUDENT HANDBOOK Sensei Norm Robitza, 5th Dan 902 397 0037
Sensei Norm Robitza, 5th Dan Chief Instructor
IKD National Instructor IKD Senior Provincial Examiner IKD National Referee IKD Kenshusei IKD Web Designer IKD Multi Media Department
Welcome to Sackville Shotokan Karate., formerly known as Mount Allison Shotokan Karate Club. The club has been in operation at Mount Allison since 2002 under Sensei Norm Robitza, 5th Dan. The club has ties to the 1970, when a Japan Karate Association club was formed on the campus.
Tweedie Hall Wallace McCain Student Centre Mount Allison University 62 York Street Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada
Sackville Shotokan Karate is a budo karate club. This means that the students are focused more on personal development and self defense. The club is part of the International Karate Daigaku. The IKD is a relatively new International organization. The organization started in 2011 shortly after Shuseki Shihan Frank Woon-A-Tai, 9th Dan left the International Shotokan Karate Federation. The Mount Allison club was one of the first to join the new organization with most of the karate clubs in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. The region is collectively known as the Maritime IKD under the direction of Shihan David Pyke, 8th Dan.
SCHEDULE Classes run from September to November and January to March. Mondays & Wednesdays: 6pm-7pm—All Ranks (10 yrs and up) 7pm-8pm—All Ranks (13 yrs and up) Saturdays: 12pm-1pm—All Ranks (10 yrs and up) 1pm-2pm—Advanced Classes (Brown & Black Belts only!)
Sensei Jolene Robitza, 3rd Dan Instructor
IKD Dojo Instructor IKD Provincial Referee IKD Kenshusei
WHAT IS SHOTOKAN KARATE? Karate is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Kingdom. It developed from the indigenous Ryukyuan martial arts called te, "hand", under the influence of Kung Fu, particularly Fujian White Crane. Karate is now predominantly a striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open-hand techniques such as knife-hands, spear-hands and palmheel strikes. Historically, and in some modern styles, grappling, throws, joint locks, restraints and vital-point strikes are also taught. A karate practitioner is called a karateka. Shotokan is a style of karate, developed from various martial arts by Gichin Funakoshi (1868–1957). Gichin was born in Okinawa and is widely credited with popularizing "karate do" through a series of public demonstrations. He introduced karate to mainland Japan in 1922.
KARATE GI The students are all dressed the same, in a plain white gi. There are no fancy red, blue, or green satin uniforms with elastic waistbands. There are no names plastered across the back or sleeves. Just a small patch above the heart to signify the roots that all students have in common. It's not a boastful pride, but one of loyalty and humility for one's organization. The practical side of the gi is that it is loose to allow freedom of movement. Its interwoven cotton is strong enough to allow grappling, yet not overly heavy. The belt, or obi in Japanese, is tied in a specific way around the waist. This too is an important part of the uniform. Not only does it signify rank, but tied with the proper tension allows one to feel the tightening of the stomach muscle during focus. During focus, the stomach should be pressed against the belt, making it difficult to slip one's hand between. The white gi is a symbol of purity of spirit, modesty and cleanliness. Modesty and humility, that is what is taught and that is what is practiced.
The name Shotokan comes from Funakoshi’s pen name. He wrote poetry under the name Shoto which means Pine Waves. He would sit amongst the pine trees on Tora mountain. The sound of the wind blowing through the needles of the pine trees inspired him to pick this name. Shotokan means Pine Wave’s style or school. As the most widely practiced style, Shotokan is considered a traditional and influential form of karate do.
DOJO ETIQUETTE At Sackville Shotokan Karate, we practice budo karate. Budo means the Way of the Warrior and is associated with the Samurai. There are two distinctive forms of karate; Karate-Do (budo, traditional) and Karate-Jitsu (sports karate).
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Karate-Do means The Way of the Empty Hand. We follow the traditional rules of karate to help develop discipline and respect which are key elements in achieving our goal of personal growth.
TRAINING Everyone must train both the body and mind. Always participate with complete concentration, determination, spirit, and sincerity. Never fidget, yawn, or look disinterested.
PARTNER TRAINING Everyone must treat his/her partner courteously and with proper etiquette. Always challenge your partner to a degree that is beneficial to his/her learning. Never patronize your partner but always remember you control.
BOWING Bowing is a Japanese tradition meant to show courtesy and respect. Bow as you enter the Dojo. Bow as you walk into or leave the training area. Bow to Sensei before and after an exercise. Bow to your partner before and after an exercise.
IN CLASS Do not talk amongst yourselves in class. Show respect to the instructors by listening and observing. It is disrespectful to lean against the wall. Do not stand with your hands on your hips or your arms crossed. Avoid yawning. You may only sit if you are told to do so. You my sit in a kneeling position or with your legs crossed. Never lay down.
HYGIENE Keep your hair and body clean. Keep your finger and toe nails trimmed. Keep long hair tied back. Sackville Shotokan Karate is a scent free environment. Wash your uniform between classes. Never wash your belt!
ARRIVE EARLY Always arrive early. If you are late, you must kneel at the entrance of the dojo and bow. This demonstrates respect and signals to the instructor that you wish to enter. Wait until the instructor motions you in before entering. When you enter you walk behind the class and regardless of you belt level, position yourself at the far end to not disturb the rest of the class.
QUESTIONING Do not question the instructor during class unless asked. Save any questions for after class and discuss them with a senior belt. When approaching a senior belt, sempai, or Sensei; bow and address him/her appropriately. When finished bow and thank them for their time.
HAVE FUN Yes we have rules but you are here to learn and have fun.
DOJO KUN The Dojo Kun are repeated at the end of each class. It is very important to know and follow these maximums. As a matter of fact, they are so important that they are each numbered as 1. The Japanese for each begins with Hitotsu and ends with Koto. Together these words mean One Thing.
Seek Perfection of Character! Be Faithful! Endeavour! Respect Others! Refrain from Violent Behavior!
NIJU KUN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Do not forget that Karate begins with a bow and finishes with a bow. In karate, never attack first. One who practices karate must follow the way of justice. Know yourself first, then you can know others. Spirit and mind are more important than technique. Be ready to release your mind. Misfortune comes out of idleness. Don't think that what you learn in karate can't be used outside the dojo. It will take all of your life to learn karate. Put karate into your everyday living; that is how to see its true beauty. Karate is just like hot water; if you do not give it continuous heat, it will become cold. 12. Do not cling to the idea of winning; it is the idea of not losing that is necessary. 13. Move according to your opponent.
14. In conflict, you must discern the vulnerable from the invulnerable points. 15. Consider your opponent's legs and arms as you would lethal swords. 16. Be aware at all times that you have millions of potential opponents. 17. Postured stance is for beginners; later comes naturalness. 18. Kata is about correct and proper form; engaging in a real fight is something else. 19. Do not forget: 1) strength and weakness of power; 2) contraction and expansion of body; and 3) rhythm of techniques. 20. Always create and devise
The Sackville Shotokan Karate is one of the most affordable karate clubs around. The fees are basically to help offset the travel costs for our instructors to come to Sackville and to cover some other basic organizational fees.
One of the first things you notice about karate are several different colored belts adorning the white uniforms. The color of each belt corresponds to the level of experience and ability of the individual wearing it. Everyone begins wearing a white belt. From white they progress through the respective. We use the Japanese term kyu to refer to the colored belts and dan to refer to black belts. Examinations are held twice per year. An examiner will either be invited to conduct the test or Sensei Norm can conduct tests up to a certain rank. Each examiner has to complete a course and maintain their examination license to be able to award ranks. At each grading there will also be a special clinic held just prior to the grading. Everyone that plans on grading must attend this clinic.
Additional fees not included below are: Grading fees Rank registration fees (Black Belt ranks) IKD Annual Dues Uniforms (after initial year) IKD Uniform patches Tournaments and other Event fees
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NEW STUDENTS — $155 This fee covers: One semester (3 months) of Training A beginners karate uniform (gi)
CURRENT STUDENT (1 SEMESTER) - $50 This fee covers: One semester of Training (Sept-Dec or Jan-Mar)
CURRENT STUDENT (2 SEMESTERS) - $90 This fee covers: Two semesters of Training (Sept-Dec & Jan-Mar)
Grading Fees: Kyu Ranks (colored belts) — $50 (includes test, clinic, belt and certificate) Dan Ranks (Black Belts) — $100 with fees rising per level of black belt An additional fee equal to grading fee is charge to register a black belt rank and to receive the beautiful Dan Diploma.
Belt Color
10th Kyu
Yellow Stripe
9th Kyu
Training Time*
Black Belt Ranks
Training Years
1st Dan
1 year after 1st Kyu
3-4 months (Youth)
2nd Dan
1-2 years after Shodan
8th Kyu
3-4 months
3rd Dan
2-3 years after Nidan
7th Kyu
6 months or more
4th Dan
3 years after Sandan
6th Kyu
9 months or more
5th Dan
4 years after Yondan
5th Kyu
12 months or more
6th Dan
5 years after Godan
4th Kyu
15 months or more
7th Dan**
6 years after Rokudan
Brown (1st)
3rd Kyu
18 months or more
8th Dan
7 years after Shichidan
Brown (2nd)
2nd Kyu
21 months or more
9th Dan***
9 years after Hachidan
Browm (3rd)
1st Kyu
24 months or more
10th Dan****
10 years after Kyudan
* - Min. of 24 classes (30 for brown belts and over 100 per year for black belts) ** - Comes with the title of Shihan (Master) *** - IKD Vice Chief Instructors only. **** - IKD Chief Instructor only. NOTE: In kyu exams there are “a” and “b” grades. Both represent a passing mark but a “b” grade signifies that a little more preparation was required.
IKD GRADING REQUIREMENTS The IKD has released a manual containing information on grading requirements. Each official IKD instructor has a copy of this manual. If you wish to view the manual, there is a digital copy available in the Information section on the IKD website at or you may ask your instructor to view the hard copy of the manual.
Kyu Ranks
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Heian Shodan
Tekki Nidan
Tekki Sandan
Heian Nidan
Heian Sandan
Heian Yondan
Heian Godan
Tekki Shodan
Note: Katas in bold represent Shorei katas. Shorei means power. Therefore these katas are performed with more strength. Katas that are not in bold represent Shorin katas. Shorin means speed. Therefore the emphasis is in these kata is on speed of technique.
(Bassai-Dai) Kyu Ranks: One kata from Group 1 as determined by rank. Basic techniques and Basic Sparring as determined by rank. Shodan: One kata from Group 2, plus one kata from group 1. Shodan basic techniques, Heian Shodan bunkai and sparring. Nidan: One kata from Group 3, plus one kata from group 2. Nidan basic techniques, Heian Nidan bunkai and sparring or self defence. Sandan: One kata from Group 4, plus one kata from group 3. Sandan basic techniques, Heian Sandan bunkai and sparring or self defence from seated or kneeling. Yondan: One kata from Group 5, plus one kata from group 4. Yondan basic techniques, Heian Yondan bunkai and sparring or self defence against knife. Godan: Two kata: One major kata from Group 2 to 5, and one minor kata from Group 1 to 5. Bunkai for one of the choice kata. Heian Godan bunkai, sparring or self defence against machete. Karate essay and presentation. Ryukudan and up: Require Multiple Katas and multiple bunkai as well as self defence, essays and presentations. Examination point: Ability to use kata techniques effectively with a high level of distance, power, speed and sharpness. This syllabus allows learning and development of all kata, not just one kata. It may encourage shodan(s) and above to continue their training by provide additional kata learning between exams.
Sackville Shotokan Karate is a proud member of the International Karate Daigaku (College).
Sackville Shotokan Karate also a member of the Maritime IKD.
The IKD was formed in 2011, when Shihan Frank Woon-A-Tai left the International Shotokan Karate Federation. Shihan Woon-A-Tai was a very popular figure in the ISKF and when he announced his departure from the organization many dojos followed him.
The Maritime IKD is the regional branch of the International Karate Daigaku directed by Shihan David Pyke and Shihan Janice Pyke. The Maritime IKD is comprised of dojos in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
The IKD has grown to over 50 nations in its short time as an organization.
The Maritime IKD hosts grading clinics, tournaments and summer camps in the region.
For more details on the IKD visit the website;
For more details on the Maritime IKD visit the website;
RESOURCE MATERIALS Sensei Norm Robitza is a collector of martial arts books, videos and films. He has been acquiring resource materials for many years and has accumulated a vast library. At last count between physical and digital books, he has over a thousand titles. An incomplete list of his books can be found at
Sensei Norm Robitza, 5th Dan Chief Instructor P: 1 902 397 0037 E:
Below is listed some of his recommended resource materials.
Karate-Do Kyohan - Gichin Funakoshi Karate-Do Nyumon - Gichin Funakoshi Karate-Do: My Way of Life - Gichin Funakoshi The Essence of Karate - Gichin Funakoshi Twenty Guiding Principles of Karate - Gichin Funakoshi Dynamic Karate - Masatoshi Nakayama Best Karate series - Masatoshi Nakayama Practical Karate series - Masatoshi Nakayama Textbook of Modern Karate - Teruyuki Okazaki Perfection of Character - Teruyuki Okazaki Mind and Body Like Bullet - Yaguchi
Karate: The Art of Empty Hand Fighting - Hidetaka Nishiyama Black Belt Karate: The Intensive Course - Hirokazu Kanazawa Karate: The Complete Kata - Hirokazu Kanazawa Karate: The Complete Kumite - Hirokazu Kanazawa Moving Zen: Karate as a Way to Gentleness - CW Nicol Shotokan Myths - Kousaku Yokota Living the Martial Way - Forrest Morgan Complete Shotokan Karate - Robin Reilly Shotokan Secrets - Bruce Clayton Karate Science: Dynamic Movement - J. D. Swanson Against All Odds: My Story - Chuck Norris
Budo No Mushin (Empty Mind) - Multiple styles and Masters Empty Hand: The Real Karate Kids - follows teens preparing for the USA Nationals
Kuro Obi (Black Belt) - Shotokan Karate experts star in film The Sensei - Not for children Kill or Be Killed - Shotokan Karate experts star in film Kill and Kill Again - Shotokan Karate experts star in film
Nakayama’s Legacy series - Masatoshi Nakayama The Eclipse of Life - Frank Woon-A-Tai The Soul of Kata - Frank Woon-A-Tai Master Class Shotokan: The Legacy of a Master - Teruyuki Okazaki
Original Karate Kid series Cobra Kai series High Kick Girl - Shotokan Karate experts star in film Karate Girl - Shotokan Karate experts star in film