Catalogo whistle 2016

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2016 BIKE COLLECTION ebike mtb road tkk

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6 catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 1


design e dei componenti per arrivare al massimo della QUALITÀ . Peso ridotto, telai moderni, innovazioni tecnologiche

Una collezione di biciclette sviluppate a seguito di approfonditi studi del

che offrono la massima efficienza e comfort. A collection of bicycles developped as a result of deep studies of the design and components to get to the highest quality. Reduced weight, modern frames, technological innovations that offer the maximum efficiency and comfort.


Whistle opera da sempre prestando la massima attenzione alla qualità e alla

sicurezza dei suoi

prodotti. Tutte le biciclette rispondono agli standard qualitativi dell’Unione Europea ed i nostri partner di produzione conducono

rigorosi controlli come espressamente richiesto dalle norme ISO. Whistle has always operated with the utmost attention to quality and safety of its products.

Every Whistle bicycle complies with the qualitative standard by European Union. In our laboratories many tests are performed as expressly requested by the ISO standards.

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32 - 33



12 - 15


34 - 37



16 - 19


38 - 41



20 - 23

- ALIKUT 650B+




44 - 47


48 - 53


54 - 60






66 - 71


75 - 77


78 - 81


We develope innovative Bikes, attractively designed, performance to the max level.

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016 L L1



























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E-BIKE catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 6


19/06/15 16:29

E.TECHNOLOGIES Fluida o energica? Quello che conta è avere una pedalata assolutamente naturale. Una sensazione che solo un’eBike Bosch vi farà godere, un’esperienza di guida del tutto nuova resa possibile dal sistema a tre sensori che misura 1000 volte al secondo la potenza e la frequenza della pedalata, oltre alla velocità, assistendo il ciclista in modo ottimale. Harmonious or powerful? The main thing is that it needs to feel natural. The Bosch riding sensation creates a unique eBike experience. This is based on the 3-sensor concept, which measures pedal power, cadence, and speed 1000 times per second – and thus provides optimum support during pedalling.


Il sistema elettrico Bosch è composto da una Drive Unit (motore + sensore), una batteria ed un computer di bordo. L’offerta di Bosch si declina su tre linee di prodotto: Active, Performance e Performance CX, per trovare la eBike Bosch che fa per te, rispondendo ognuna ad esigenze differenti.

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Per gli amanti di una guida veloce e sportiva, la linea Performance è la soluzione. Il dinamico sistema di propulsione fornisce un’energica assistenza alla pedalata, su qualsiasi terreno, in pianura o in salita, sull’asfalto o su pista. Con le sue componenti altamente performanti, la linea Performance è un concept che anticipa il futuro. Ideale sia per andare al mercato, che per una gita in campagna: la linea Active rende possibile andare in bicicletta con il “vento a favore” ogni qualvolta lo si desideri. La propulsione bilanciata consente una pedalata uniforme con il giusto livello di assistenza. I componenti tecnologicamente collaudati formano un sistema completo perfettamente coordinato che coniuga il massimo livello di ergonomia ad un design accattivante.

The Bosch eBike System is composed by the Drive Unit (motor + sensor), the battery and the on board computer. Three are the lines of products proposed by Bosch: Active, Performance and Performance CX. Find the eBike Bosch that is more suitable for you. Do you love performance? The Performance CX line with its groundbreaking design has now been expanded to include an additional variant. The black body of the motor is extremely compact and lightweight thanks to the powder coating. For the fans of riding in a fast and sportive manner the Performance Line is the best solution. The dynamic drive impresses with its powerful support on any terrain. From flat to steep. From asphalt to trail. With components the Performance Line represents a drive concept of the future. Whether traveling to the farmers’ market or taking a trip to the countryside: The Bosch Active Line makes ebiking into cycling with a tailwind whenever you want. The balanced drive gives you a harmonious riding experience with the right level of support. Three well-engineered components are combined to create a perfectly balanced system that brings together maximum ergonomics with attractive design.



Amante dello sport? Sempre alla ricerca del massimo nella prestazione? Con la linea Performance CX dal design essenziale, Bosch innalza il punto di riferimento della categoria.

Il corpo motore di colore nero a vista è estremamente compatto, leggero e molto robusto grazie alla verniciatura a polvere.

19/06/15 16:29



you reliably about range, trip time, average speed, and much more. Even if you remove it from the eBike.

Nyon cresce in base alle vostre personali esigenze: con ogni nuovo aggiornamento e grazie alle funzioni supplementari opzionali, la vostra esperienza eBike diventerà ancora più emozionante. Rimarrete entusiasti delle nuove possibilità di connessione wireless che mettono voi e le vostre esigenze al centro dell’attenzione.

display, which is easy to read even in sunlight, informs

NYON: Connect your way Il nuovo computer di bordo Nyon All-in-one vi apre le porte di un nuovo mondo eBike con possibilità di connessioni mai viste prima. Sarete accompagnati dalla pianificazione del percorso fino all’analisi della vostra performance. Collegandosi al portale online e alla smartphone app eBike Connect, predisporrete di funzionalità che vi supporteranno prima, durante e dopo la corsa. Prima di partire, potrete utilizzare mappe molto precise per pianificare perfettamente il vostro percorso; durante la corsa riceverete informazioni personalizzate sulla vostra uscita, ed una volta arrivati alla meta potrete analizzare i dati di allenamento.

NYON – Connect your way Nyon is constantly developing further in accordance with your needs: with each new update and optional additional features, your personal eBike experience becomes even more versatile. You can look forward to all-new e-mobility focused on you and your wishes. With Nyon you hold the key to a new, uniquely networked eBike world in your hands. Nyon accompanies you from the planning of the route to the evaluation of your personal performance. Nyon connects you with the online portal and the smartphone app eBike Connect, and offers features that support you before, during, and after your trip. Even before you start your journey, precise maps enable optimal route planning. Nyon also assists you on the road with customized information about your trip, and at your destination you can analyze the effctiveness of your training, for example.

MODALITA’ DI GUIDA Dallo stile sportivo alla camminata Cinque diversi livelli di assistenza supportano in modo personalizzato il vostro stile di guida: Eco, Tour, Sport, Turbo e Off.

Inoltre, la funzione di camminata assistita fino a 6 km/h vi agevolerà ulteriormente, permettendo di accompagnare la bici senza salire in sella e senza dover esercitare sforzi.

TURBO Supporto diretto, con massima potenza fino alle massime frequenze di pedalata, per una guida spiccatamente sportiva.

INTUVIA: La vostra centrale di comando Con il computer di bordo Intuvia è facile e intuitivo controllare le funzioni della eBike utilizzando i comandi dell’apparecchio o tramite il comando remoto posto sul manubrio. Il display, ben leggibile anche sotto la luce del sole, vi informerà in modo sicuro sull’autonomia, la percorrenza, la velocità media e su tanto altro ancora, anche quando staccato dall’eBike. INTUVIA: Your control center With the on-board computer Intuvia, you control your eBike experience easily and intuitively on the device or


using the separate control unit on the handlebar. The

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Ottimizzate per una grande autonomia Le PowerPacks sono le fonti di energia dei sistemi eBike Bosch sia per la linea Active che Performance, disponibili con montaggio a telaio o al portapacchi, a scelta con 300 Wh, 400 Wh o 500 Wh. Più leggera di così non si può Le PowerPacks si distinguono non solo per la loro leggerezza (da 1,96 a 2,7 kg), ma anche per l’elevata densità energetica, tanto leggera che il suo peso quasi non si sente. Semplice e geniale: la maneggevolezza Grazie all’impugnatura e al supporto, le batterie

SPORT Supporto diretto, potente, per una guida sportiva fuoristrada e anche in città. TOUR Supporto uniforme per percorsi con lunga autonomia.

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si montano e smontano con facilità. Ora la ricarica delle PowerPack è ancora più facile: può avvenire direttamente a bordo dell’eBike. Lunga durata ed elevata funzionalità Il Battery Management System protegge con sicurezza la batteria da sovraccarica, surriscaldamento e cortocircuito. Ciò permette un lungo ciclo di vita e prestazioni ottimali.

High mileage and long life The Battery Management System (BMS) reliably protects your battery against overload, undervoltage, overheating, and short circuit. A long service life with high mileage is something you can count on. Easy to store and charge – anytime and anywhere Lithium-ion batteries have neither memory nor self-discharge effects. This means the PowerPacks can also be partially recharged at any time – without affecting the life of the battery.

Conservare e ricaricare senza problemi, sempre e ovunque Le batterie agli ioni di litio non soffrono dell’effetto memoria e hanno un ridotto effetto di autoscarica. Possono pertanto essere ricaricate in qualsiasi momento anche parzialmente, senza effetti negativi.


Best in class: There’s nothing lighter PowerPacks are the energy source of the Bosch eBike Active and Performance Lines systems. At approx. 2 to 2.6 kg, they are real lightweight. Simply ingenious: The handling easily inserted and removed again. It is even easier to recharge the PowerPacks, directly from the eBike.

ECO Supporto efficace per la massima efficienza e la massima autonomia. OFF Nessun supporto, tutte le funzioni del computer di bordo sono richiamabili.

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PERFORMANCE E PERFORMANCE CX La Performance Line accelera con una spinta vigorosa, energica e al tempo stesso omogenea. Ideale per guidare un’eBike in modo sportivo e dinamico. Per pendolari, per ciclisti appassionati: ideale per chiunque non ha tempo da perdere o chi vuole allenarsi in modo intenso. Una guida sportiva, un cambio dolce Durante la cambiata, il motore adegua la coppia alla marcia, attenuando il carico sulle componenti e riducendone così l’usura. Non vi accorgerete quasi di cambiare.

The Drive Unit is composed by the following components located into the BB set: the motor, the electronic controller and the sensors, that ensure an energic, progressive and direct assistance with a thrust up to 25 km/h. ACTIVE: A miracle of smoothness Hardly noticeable and yet incredibly effective: the Active Unit gives you a unique, natural, and relaxed riding experience. This is made possible by a small marvel of engineering: the 3-sensor concept for optimal balancing of forces. Even more comfort: Gear shift detection While you are shifting, the drive adapts its torque to the shifting process. This reduces the stress on the components, cuts down on wear, and also makes you barely feel the shift. PERFORMANCE E PERFORMANCE CX The Performance Line accelerates with a noticeable boost that is powerful but homogeneous. Ideal for sportive and dynamic eBike. Whether commuter or touring cyclist: this is the answer for all those who have no time to lose or who want to take their workout to the limit.


Sportive riding, gentle shifting While you are shifting, the drive adapts its torque to the shifting process. This reduces the strain on the components, cuts down on wear, and also makes you barely feel the shifting process.


Thanks to the handle and mount, the batteries can be

La Drive Unit comprende nel movimento centrale: motore, centralina elettronica e sensori che consentono un’assistenza energica, progressiva e diretta su tutto il range di velocità con una spinta fino alla velocità massima di 25 km/h.

ACTIVE: Il massimo in termini di fluidità Non si sente quasi ma è estremamente efficace: la Drive Unit Active rende la pedalata un’esperienza unica, naturale e rilassata. Tutto ciò è reso possibile da una piccola meraviglia della tecnica: il sistema a tre sensori che consente una distribuzione ottimale della forza. Maggiore comfort e minore usura con il riconoscimento automatico della cambiata.


makes your life a little easier.


From support to walk assistance



You have the choice. Five riding modes assist you

cadence for ambitious and athletic riding.

maximum range.

in individual mobility: Eco, Tour, Sport, Turbo, and Off.



The additional walk assistance up to 6 km/h

riding offroad and in city traffic.

Direct, powerful support up to maximum Immediate, powerful support for athletic

Steady support for long tours. Effctive support at maximum effiency for No support, all computer functions are available.

19/06/15 16:29

BISON: BORN TO FLOAT L’Evoluzione della MTB a pedalata assistita con coperture FAT: ecco la Bison, bicicletta ideale per pedalare su qualsiasi terreno, dove prima era impensabile arrivare. Sabbia e neve non saranno più limiti invalicabili. Nonostante la dimensione delle ruote, agilità e leggerezza sono tratti distintivi. Qual’è il successo? La dimensione delle coperture è sicuramente il fattore che principalmente cade all’occhio, ma anche la pressione di gonfiaggio è fondamentale. Le coperture larghe e la pressione relativamente bassa permettono di aumentare la superficie di appoggio e di distribuire quindi il peso della bici e del ciclista su una superficie più ampia, riducendo la pressione sul terreno.


Che caratteristiche deve avere il telaio? Il telaio è stato studiato specificatamente per ospitare le coperture di dimensioni generose, allargando la battuta dei mozzi e la struttura dei foderi e della forcella. Questo accorgimento sposta il deragliatore posteriore verso l’esterno e quindi aumenta il valore della linea catena, il cui allineamento è necessario per il buon funzionamento del sistema di trasmissione. A tal proposito è stata introdotta la tecnologia Asymmetric Motor Interface, che sposta la scatola di alloggiamento del motore in modo da garantire un perfetto allineamento tra guarnitura e pacco pignoni. La rigidità torsionale è garantita dall’innovativa tecnologia Airforming che usa aria ad alta temperatura per plasmare le tubazioni, con un migliore controllo sugli spessori e la distribuzione degli sforzi.


The MTB evolution with FAT wheels: here is the Bison, the ideal bicycle to ride on any terrain, wherever you want. Sand and snow are no longer a limit. Despite the big size of the tyres, agility and lightness, proportion and texture are other main features of the bike. What’s the success? The size of the tyres is definitely the aspect that capt the attention most, but also the inflation pressure is very important. The wide tyres and the relatively low pressure allow the increasing of the supporting surface and the distribution of the bicycle and the biker’s weight on a larger surface area, reducing the pressure on the ground. What are the frame features? The frame has been designed to host the tyres, enlarging the joke of the hubs and the structure of the seat stays and fork. This arrangement moves the rear derailleur towards the outside and thus increases the value of the chain line. For this reason, the Asymmetric Motor Interface, which moves the cover of the motor in order to ensure the perfect alignment between the crankset and the cassette. A torsional stiffness is ensured by the Airforming technique that use high temperature air to shape the pipes, with a better control on the blocks and on the stress distribution.

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PROGETTAZIONE DEL TELAIO La forma dei tubi, la posizione delle giunzioni e le saldature vengono ottimizzate per permettere la resistenza alle sollecitazioni tipiche di questa bicicletta. Il disegno tecnico del telaio è sviluppato tramite un CAD in 3 dimensioni e discretizzato utilizzando la tecnica FEM (Finite Element Method), che permette di risolvere le complesse equazioni che descrivono il movimento e le deformazioni del telaio sottoposto ad un sistema di forze. Applicando al modello ottenuto le forze date dalle condizioni di utilizzo peggiore, si evidenzia la sollecitazione in ogni punto del telaio, rendendo così possibile ottimizzare la forma e gli spessori per garantire la massima rigidità con il minimo peso. FRAME DESIGN

The shape of tubes, the place of joints and the weldings

are optimized in order to allow the frame to resist to stress and strain of the bike. The frame technical drawing is developed through a 3D CAD and discretized using FEM (Finite Element Method) technique, that allows to solve the complex equations that describe the frame movement and the deformation under a load configuration. Applying the worst load configuration to the discretized model, the stress of the frame is highlighted, allowing the optimization of shape and thickness of the tubes to guarantee the maximum stiffness and the minimum weight.

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Kit Type Performance Battery 400 Wh Display Intuvia


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Frame Alu 26” FAT, airforming tubes, tapered 1”1/2 Head Tube, Post mount rear brake bracket, rear E-Thru axle Fork Alu 26” Fat, One piece, tapered 1”1/2 steerer, Post mount brake bracket, E-Thru axle 15x150 mm Headset FSA No.57B tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Miranda Delta, 18T Rear Derailleur Shimano SLX RD-M670 SGS, Shadow Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M610 Rapidfire Plus, 10s Brakes Shimano Altus BR-M355, Rotor SM-RT20 180 mm F / 160 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG50 10s 11/36 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Alu, 32h, INT, F: E-Thru 15x150 mm, R: E-Thru 12x197 mm Rims Alu fat, 32h Stem Byte Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Flat Alu Oversize, 680 mm Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9 mm Saddle Selle Royal Viper RVS Tyres CST BFT 26”x4,00” Size 18” Colours Blue/White/Green Matt

22/06/15 11:31

B.rush SLS

Kit Type Performance CX Battery 500 Wh Display Nyon




Frame Alu 27,5", hydroformed, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 130 mm, Post mount rear brake bracket, E-Thru axle 12x142 mm Fork Rock Shox Revelation RL, 140 mm, E-thru 15 mm, tapered 1”1/2 steerer, with remote lockout Rear Shock Rock Shox Monarch Plus R, 51 mm Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Fsa 15T Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 Rapidfire-Plus, 11s Brakes Shimano XT BR-M8000, Rotor SM-RT81 203 mm F / 180 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/42 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M618, E-Thru 15 mm/12 mm, CL, 32h Rims DT 533d, 27,5”, 32h Stem Kyte Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 720 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Fizik Tundra M5 Tyres Michelin Wild Grip’R 27,5x2,35 Size 16” - 18” - 20” Colours Ultralight/Yellow Matt Weight Kg 22,18 • TELAIO IN ALLUMINIO IDROFORMATO Hydroformed aluminium frame • STERZO CONICO 1” 1/2 - 1” 1/8 Tapered 1” 1/2 - 1” 1/8 headtube • PASSAGGIO CAVI INTERNO Internal cable routing • PERNO POSTERIORE PASSANTE E-Thru rear Axle

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B.rush SL

Kit Type Performance CX Battery 500 Wh Display Intuvia


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Frame Alu 27,5", hydroformed, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 130 mm, Post mount rear brake bracket, E-Thru axle 12x142 mm Fork Rock Shox Revelation RL, 140 mm, E-thru 15 mm, tapered 1”1/2 steerer, with remote lockout Rear Shock Rock Shox Monarch Plus R, 51 mm Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Fsa 15T Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 Rapidfire-Plus, 11s Brakes Shimano Deore BR-M615, Rotor SM-RT68 180 mm F / 180 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/42 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M618, E-Thru 15 mm/12 mm, CL, 32h Rims DT 533d, 27,5”, 32h Stem Kyte Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 720 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Shadow Tyres Schwalbe Nobby Nic Performance 27,5x2,35 Size 16” - 18” - 20” Colours Black/Sky Matt Weight Kg 21,52

19/06/15 16:30

B.rush S

Kit Type Performance CX Battery 400 Wh Display Intuvia




Frame Alu 27,5", hydroformed, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 130 mm, Post mount rear brake bracket, E-Thru axle 12x142 mm Fork Rock Shox Sektor TK, 140 mm, E-thru 15 mm, tapered 1”1/2 steerer, with remote lockout Rear Shock Rock Shox Monarch R, 51 mm Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Fsa 15T Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M786 SGS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M780 RapidfirePlus, 10s Brakes Shimano Altus BR-M355, Rotor SM-RT30 180 mm F / 180 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG50 10s 11/36 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M618, E-Thru 15 mm/12 mm, CL, 32h Rims DT 533d, 27,5”, 32h Stem Kyte Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 720 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Shadow Tyres Schwalbe Nobby Nic Performance 27,5x2,35 Size 16” - 18” - 20” Colours Black/Yellow Fluo Matt Weight Kg 21,77

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Kit Type Performance CX Battery 400 Wh Display Intuvia


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Frame Alu 27,5", hydroformed, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 130 mm, Post mount rear brake bracket, E-Thru axle 12x142 mm Fork Suntour Epixon TR RL-R, E-thru 15 mm, tapered 1”1/2 steerer, with remote lockout Rear Shock Suntour Raidon R, 50 mm Headset FSA No.57B tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Fsa Dyna Drive, 15T Rear Derailleur Shimano Deore RD-M610 SGS, Shadow Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M610, Rapidfire-Plus, 10s Brakes Shimano Altus BR-M355, Rotor SM-RT30 180 mm F / 180 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG50 10s 11/36 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M618, E-Thru 15 mm/12 mm, CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Pulse, 27,5”, 32h Stem Byte Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Flat Alu Oversize, 680 mm Seatpost Byte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Viper RVS Tyres Schwalbe Smart Sam Performance 27,5x2,10 Size 16” - 18” - 20” Colours Black/Red Matt Weight Kg 21,50

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Kit Type Performance CX Battery 500 Wh Display Nyon




Frame Alu 29", hydroformed, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, custom tubing, Post mount rear brake bracket, internal cable routing, naked motor interface Fork Rock Shox Reba RL, 100 mm, E-thru 15 mm, tapered 1”1/2 steerer, with remote lockout Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Fsa 15T Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 Rapidfire-Plus, 11s Brakes Shimano SLX BR-M675, Rotor SM-RT30 180 mm F / 160 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/42 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M618, E-thru 15 mm / HB-RM33, CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Pulse, 29”, 32h Stem Kyte Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 680 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 0-offset 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Shadow Tyres Schwalbe Rocket Ron Performance 29x2,25 Size 16” - 18” - 20” Colours Ultralight/Black Matt Weight Kg 20,23

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Kit Type Performance CX Battery 400 Wh Display Nyon


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Frame Alu 29", hydroformed, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, custom tubing, Post mount rear brake bracket, internal cable routing, naked motor interface Fork Suntour XCR 32 RL-R, 100 mm, tapered 1”1/2 steerer, with remote lockout Headset FSA No.57B tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Fsa Dyna Drive, 15T Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 Rapidfire-Plus, 11s Brakes Shimano BR-M355, Rotor SMRT20 180 mm F / 160 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/42 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano RM33 CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Pulse, 29”, 32h Stem Kyte Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 680 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 0-offset 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Shadow Tyres Schwalbe Rapid Rob Performance 29x2,25 Size 16” - 18” - 20” Colours Black/Neon Orange Matt Weight Kg 21,28

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Kit Type Performance Battery 500 Wh Display Intuvia

27,5” - 11S



Frame Alu 27,5", tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, custom tubing, Post mount rear brake bracket Fork Suntour XCR 32 RL-R, 100 mm, tapered 1”1/2 steerer, with remote lockout Headset FSA No.57B tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Fsa Dyna Drive, 15T Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 RapidfirePlus, 11s Brakes Shimano Altus BR-M355, Rotor SM-RT20 180 mm F / 160 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/42 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano RM33 CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Pulse, 27,5”, 32h Stem Byte Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Flat Alu Oversize, 680 mm Seatpost Byte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Viper RVS Tyres Kyte Manghen 27,5x2,25 Size 16” - 18” - 20” Colours Black/Neon Red Matt Weight Kg 21,44

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Kit Type Performance Battery 400 Wh Display Intuvia

29” - 9S

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Frame Alu 29", tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, custom tubing, Post mount rear brake bracket Fork Suntour XCM DS 29, 100 mm, 1”1/8 steerer Headset FSA No.57BP ZS-1 for 1"1/8 steerer Crankset Fsa Dyna Drive, 15T Rear Derailleur Shimano Alivio RD-M4000 SGS, Shadow Shifters Levers Shimano Altus SL-M370, Rapidfire, 9s Brakes Tektro HD-M290, Rotor 180 mm F / 160 mm R INT Cassette Shimano CS-HG200 9s 11/34 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano M475, INT, 36h Rims Ambrosio Pulse, 29”, 36h Stem Byte Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Flat Alu Oversize, 680 mm Seatpost Byte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach Tyres Byte Plose 29x2,10 Size 16” - 18” - 20” Colours Black/Neon Green Matt Weight Kg 22,53

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Kit Type Performance Cx Battery 400 Wh Display Nyon




Frame Alu 29", hydroformed, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, custom tubing, Post mount rear brake bracket, internal cable routing, naked motor interface Fork Alu 29”, One piece, tapered 1”1/2 steerer, Post mount brake bracket Headset FSA No.57B tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Fsa Metropolis, 15T Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M786 SGS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M610 Rapidfire-Plus, 10s Brakes Shimano Altus BR-M355, Rotor SM-RT20 180 mm F / 160 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG50 10s 11/36 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano RM33 CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Pulse, 29”, 32h Stem Kyte Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 680 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 0-offset 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Shadow Tyres Michelin Protek 700x40, reflex, punctureproof Size 16” - 18” - 20” Colours Anthracite/Blue Matt Weight Kg 20,28

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19/06/15 16:32

B.WARE RUN naked S

Kit Type Performance Battery 400 Wh Display Intuvia

29” - 9S

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 21



Frame Alu 29", tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, custom tubing, Post mount rear brake bracket Fork Alu 29”, One piece, tapered 1”1/2 steerer, Post mount brake bracket Headset FSA No.57B tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Fsa Metropolis, 15T Rear Derailleur Shimano Altus RD-M370 SGS Shifters Levers Shimano Altus SL-M370, Rapidfire, 9s Brakes Tektro HD-M290, Rotor 180 mm F / 160 mm R INT Cassette Shimano CS-HG200 9s 11/34 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano M475, INT, 36h Rims Ambrosio Pulse, 29”, 36h Stem Byte Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Flat Alu Oversize, 680 mm Seatpost Byte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach Tyres Michelin Protek 700x40, reflex, punctureproof Size 16” - 18” - 20” Colours Black/Neon Green Matt Weight Kg 20,45

19/06/15 16:32


Kit Type Performance Cx Battery 400 Wh Display Nyon




Frame Alu 29", hydroformed, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, custom tubing, Post mount rear brake bracket, internal cable routing, naked motor interface Fork Alu 29”, One piece, tapered 1”1/2 steerer, Post mount brake bracket Headset FSA No.57B tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Fsa Metropolis, 15T Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M786 SGS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M610 Rapidfire Plus, 10s Brakes Shimano Deore BR-M615, Rotor SM-RT54 180 mm F / 160 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG50 10s 11/36 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano RM33 CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Pulse, 29”, 32h Stem Kyte Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 680 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 0-offset 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Shadow Tyres Michelin Protek 700x40, reflex, punctureproof Size 16” - 18” - 20” Colours Ultralight/Black Matt Weight Kg 21,45

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 22

19/06/15 16:32


Kit Type Performance Battery 400 Wh Display Intuvia

29” - 9S

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 23



Frame Alu 29", tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, custom tubing, Post mount rear brake bracket Fork Alu 29”, One piece, tapered 1”1/2 steerer, Post mount brake bracket Headset FSA No.57B tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Fsa Metropolis, 15T Rear Derailleur Shimano Altus RD-M370 SGS Shifters Levers Shimano Altus SL-M370, Rapidfire, 9s Brakes Tektro HD-M290, Rotor 180 mm F / 160 mm R INT Cassette Shimano CS-HG200 9s 11/34 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano M475, INT, 36h Rims Ambrosio Pulse, 29”, 36h Stem Byte Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Flat Alu Oversize, 680 mm Seatpost Byte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach Tyres Michelin Protek 700x40, reflex, punctureproof Size 16” - 18” - 20” Colours Black/Neon Orange Matt Weight Kg 21,68

19/06/15 16:32

Kit Type Active Battery 300 Wh Display Intuvia

28” - 7S


Frame Alu Easy Access 700c Fork Suntour NEX HLO P-700C, with Hydraulic lockout Headset Semi-integrated 1”1/8 Crankset FSA Metropolis, 18T Rear Derailleur Shimano Nexus 7R, internal hub Shifters Levers Shimano Nexus SL-7S31, RevoShift, 7s Brakes Magura Hydraulic Rim brakes Freewheel Shimano 20T Pedals Alu TKK Hubs Alu, 36h, Quick Release Rims Alu double/wall, 36h, V-brake Stem Byte ahead Alu, adjustable Handlebar Byte Alu City Seatpost Byte Alu 27,2 mm Suspended Saddle Selle Royal Freeway SlowFoamFit Tyres Michelin Protek 700x40, reflex, punctureproof Size 48 Colours Anthracite/Dark red Matt Weight Kg 25,53

E-BIKE catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 24

19/06/15 16:33

SPECS Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance Active CX Cruise 500 Wh CX Cruise 400 Wh CX Cruise 500 Wh CX Cruise 400 Wh Cruise 500 Wh Cruise 400 Wh Cruise 500 Wh Cruise 400 Wh Cruise 300 Wh Nyon Nyon Intuvia Intuvia Nyon Nyon Intuvia Intuvia Intuvia Motor

Brushless Bosch Performance CX Line, 36 V, on the bottom bracket

Brushless Bosch Performance CX Line, 36 V, on the bottom bracket

Brushless Bosch Performance CX Line, 36 V, on the bottom bracket

Brushless Bosch Performance CX Line, 36 V, on the bottom bracket

Brushless Bosch Performance Line, 36 V, on the bottom bracket

Brushless Bosch Performance Line, 36 V, on the bottom bracket

Brushless Bosch Performance Line, 36 V, on the bottom bracket

Brushless Bosch Performance Line, 36 V, on the bottom bracket

Brushless Bosch Active Line, 36 V, on the bottom bracket

Potenza nominale

Nominal power

250 W

250 W

250 W

250 W

250 W

250 W

250 W

250 W

250 W

Potenza picco

Peak power

550 W

550 W

550 W

550 W

550 W

550 W

550 W

550 W

400 W

Coppia massima Maximum torque 75 Nm

75 Nm

75 Nm

75 Nm

60 Nm

60 Nm

60 Nm

60 Nm

48 Nm



Powerpack 500, frametype, weight 2,6 kg

Powerpack 400, frametype, weight 2,5 kg

Powerpack 500, frametype, weight 2,6 kg

Powerpack 400, frametype, weight 2,5 kg

Powerpack 500, frametype, weight 2,6 kg

Powerpack 400, frametype, weight 2,5 kg

Powerpack 500, frametype, weight 2,6 kg

Powerpack 400, frametype, weight 2,5 kg

Powerpack 300, racktype, weight 2,4 kg



Torque and pedal

Torque and pedal

Torque and pedal

Torque and pedal

Torque and pedal

Torque and pedal

Torque and pedal

Torque and pedal

Torque and pedal



Up to 215 km in Eco Up to 115 km in Tour Up to 90 km in Sport Up to 75 km in Turbo

Up to 175 km in Eco Up to 95 km in Tour Up to 75 km in Sport Up to 60 km in Turbo

Up to 215 km in Eco Up to 115 km in Tour Up to 90 km in Sport Up to 75 km in Turbo

Up to 175 km in Eco Up to 95 km in Tour Up to 75 km in Sport Up to 60 km in Turbo

Up to 215 km in Eco Up to 115 km in Tour Up to 100 km in Sport Up to 90 km in Turbo

Up to 175 km in Eco Up to 95 km in Tour Up to 80 km in Sport Up to 70 km in Turbo

Up to 215 km in Eco Up to 115 km in Tour Up to 100 km in Sport Up to 90 km in Turbo

Up to 175 km in Eco Up to 95 km in Tour Up to 80 km in Sport Up to 70 km in Turbo

Up to 145 km in Eco Up to 85 km in Tour Up to 70 km in Sport Up to 65 km in Turbo

Tempo di ricarica Charge time

Up to 4,5 hours

Up to 3,5 hours

Up to 4,5 hours

Up to 3,5 hours

Up to 4,5 hours

Up to 3,5 hours

Up to 4,5 hours

Up to 3,5 hours

Up to 2,5 hours

Velocità max assistita

Maximum assisted speed

25 km/h

25 km/h

25 km/h

25 km/h

25 km/h

25 km/h

25 km/h

25 km/h

25 km/h



Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120 % Sport: 210 % Turbo: 300 %

Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120 % Sport: 210 % Turbo: 300 %

Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120 % Sport: 210 % Turbo: 300 %

Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120 % Sport: 210 % Turbo: 300 %

Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120 % Sport: 190 % Turbo: 275 %

Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120 % Sport: 190 % Turbo: 275 %

Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120 % Sport: 190 % Turbo: 275 %

Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120 % Sport: 190 % Turbo: 275 %

Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 40% Tour: 100 % Sport: 150 % Turbo: 225 %

ALTRE FUNZIONI INTUVIA | Other functions Intuvia - Walk assist: 0 - 6 km/h without pedalling - Mobile devices recharge on board

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 25

- Wheel circumference ±5% - On board battery recharge - Gear shift recognition

ALTRE FUNZIONI NYON | Other functions Nyon - High precision GPS - INTUVIA functions - Barometric air pressure sensor - CO2 savings - Light sensor (auto on/off) - Fitness function




- Smartphone connection - SMS reading - Wi-Fi

19/06/15 16:33

Which ebike fit you best?




B-Rush SLS

B-Rush SL

B-Rush S

Enorme! Telaio con geometria dedicata per un miglior bilanciamento dei pesi al fine di garantire più aderenza su sabbia e neve. Con il motore Performance sembrerà di pedalare sull’asfalto.

Massime performance su terreni molto sconnessi, sia in salita che in discesa. Elevata autonomia e display GPS per arrivare dove prima sembrava impossibile.

Innovativo sistema di sospensione di tipo Horst Link per massimizzare l’efficienza e batteria ad elevata capacità per massimizzare l’autonomia.

Massimo equilibrio tra telaio, componenti e sistema elettrico per raggiungere prestazioni elevate in fuori strada.

Huge! The frame with dedicated geometry to improve the balance of the weights to ensure adherence on sand and snow. With the engine Performance will seem grip to ride on the asphalt.

The best performances on any terrain, both uphill and downhill. High range and a display GPS display to get where before seemed impossible.

Innovative Horst link suspension to maximize the efficiency and a high capacity battery to maximize the range.

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 26

Maximum balance between frame, components and electrical system to achieve high performance in off-road.

Which ebike f 19/06/15 16:33

B-Ware HF SL

B-Ware HF S

B-Ware S

Componenti di qualità per la massima affidabilità in ogni situazione, telaio idroformato con sistema di sospensione Horst Link e motore Bosch in versione CX, aggressivo e potente.

Telaio con nuova interfaccia motore per più rigidità nella zona del movimento centrale. Componenti e kit elettrico top per più potenza, autonomia ed efficienza nella pedalata.

Telaio idroformato e cavi interni per evitare rotture e per una linea pulita. Motore CX, display con GPS e funzione fitness per gestire meglio la potenza nelle escursioni e in allenamento.

Componenti di alta gamma e batteria con capacità elevata per garantire lunghe pedalate su percorsi off-road di tipo XC.

High quality components for maximum reliability in all situations. Hydroformed frame with Horst Link suspension and Bosch CX Performance, aggressive and powerful.

Frame with a new interface to stiffness in central movement area.Top components and electrical kit to increase power, range and efficiency in pedaling.

Maximum balance between frame, components and electrical system to achieve high performance in off-road.

Top range components and battery with high capacity to ensure long rides on XC trails.

e fit you best? catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 27




19/06/15 16:33



B-Ware Run Naked HF SL

B-Ware Run Naked S

B-Ware Run HF SL


Modello di ingresso per avvicinare tutti al mondo e-MTB. Componenti di qualità, motore Bosch performance e batteria da 400 Wh: prestazioni e autonomia!

Nuova linea naked, telaio idroformato con geometria sportiva, linea filante, motore CX e i componenti essenziali per muoversi velocemente su strada.

Telaio con geometria tipicamente da MTB, forcella rigida “one piece”: massima rigidità per massimizzare l’agilità nei percorsi urbani.

Sembianze cittadine ma agile, veloce e sportiva. Il motore CX supporta al meglio il ciclista per evitare il traffico e il display con navigatore porta in qualsiasi luogo.

Entry level model to approch to the e-Mtb world. Quality components, Bosch Performance line and 400Wh battery: Good quality components ensured!

New naked line, hydroformed frame with sportive geometry, streamlined, Bosch Performance CX line and essential components to move quickly on the road.

Tipically MTB frame geometry, rigid fork “one piece“: maximum stiffness to maximize agility into the city.

Appearance of city bike but it is agile, quick and sportive. The CX line supports the biker to avoid traffic.The display with GPS let you going everywhere you need it.

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 28

19/06/15 16:34


Muoversi velocemente in cittĂ . Con parafanghi e portapacchi potete trasportare piccoli carichi sfruttando il motore Bosch Performance per ridurre la fatica.

Telaio ad accesso facilitato e componenti di buon livello: comfort, affidabilitĂ , manutenzione ridotta. Prestazioni equilibrate e progressive.

Moving fast in the city. With fenders and carriers you can carry small loads thanks also to the carrier of Bosch Performance engine.

Easy access frame and good quality components: comfort, reliability and less maintenance. Balanced and progressive performances.

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 29



B-Ware Run S

Which ebike fit you best?

19/06/15 16:34


MTB catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 30

19/06/15 16:34


catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 31

19/06/15 16:34

DAkota 1611 27,5” - 22S



Frame Alu 27,5" triple butted, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 150mm, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 30, 12mm E-Thru rear axle, internal cables Fork Rock Shox Revelation RL 27,5 SoloAir, 150mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, 15mm thru axle, with remote lockout Rear Shock Rock Shox Monarch RT3 63mm, 3 position compression (open/ platform/lock) Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano FC-MT700-2 Hollowtech II, 36/26, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Front Derailleur Shimano XT FD-M8020-H Side Swing Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 11x2s Brakes Shimano SLX BR-M675 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT68 203mm F / 180mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/40 Hubs Shimano SLX M678, E-Thru 15mm/12mm, CL, 32h Rims Mavic EN 423 27,5" 32h, 23mm wide Stem Gravity Gap Handlebar Gravity Gap Riser OS, 740mm Seatpost X-Fusion HILO 125 adjustable 125mm with remote, 30,9mm Saddle Whistle 2059 Tyres Schwalbe Nobby Nic performance 27,5x2,25 Size 17" - 19" Colours Acid Green Matt Weight Kg 14,47

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 32


19/06/15 16:34

DAkota 1612 27,5� - 20S

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 33



Frame Alu 27,5" triple butted, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 150mm, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 30, 12mm E-Thru rear axle, internal cables Fork Suntour Aion RL-L 27,5 Air, 160mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, 15mm thru axle, with remote lockout Rear Shock Rock Shox Monarch RL 63mm, with lockout Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano FC-M627, 36/22, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M786 Shadow Plus, 10 speed Front Derailleur Shimano Deore FD-M617-H Side Swing Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M610 10x2s Brakes Shimano BL-M506/BR-M447 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT54 180mm Cassette Shimano CS-HG50 10s 11/36 Hubs Shimano Deore M618, E-Thru 15mm/12mm, CL, 32h Rims DT Swiss 483d 27,5" 32h, 22,5mm wide Stem Gravity Gap Handlebar Gravity Gap Riser OS, 740mm Seatpost X-Fusion HILO ACE adjustable 125mm with remote, 30,9mm Saddle Whistle 2059 Tyres Schwalbe Nobby Nic Performance 27,5x2,25 Size 17" - 19" Colours Neon Orange Matt Weight Kg 14,89

19/06/15 16:34

MOJAG 1610 29” - 22S



Frame Carbon Monocoque 29", tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 30, 12mm E-Thru rear axle, internal cables Fork Rock Shox Reba RL 29" SoloAir, 100mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, with remote lockout, E-thru 15mm Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano XT FC-M8000-2 Hollowtech II, 34/24, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Front Derailleur Shimano XT FD-M8020-H Side Swing Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 I-Spec II 11x2s Brakes Shimano XT BR-M8000 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT86 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/40 Wheels Mavic Crossride 29" INT, E-Thru 15mm/12mm OPTION Mavic Crossmax SL 29” INT, E-Thru 15mm/12mm Stem Kyte Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 720mm Seatpost Kyte 0-offset Alu 27,2mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Racing Ralph performance 29x2,25 Size 17" - 19" - 21" Colours Black/Anthracite Matt Weight Kg 11,46

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 34

• TELAIO IN CARBONIO MONOSCOCCA Carbon monocoque frame • PERNO POSTERIORE PASSANTE E-Thru rear Axle • RUOTE MAVIC Mavic Wheels • PASSAGGIO CAVI INTERNO Internal cable routing • SHIMANO XT 11S • GUARNITURA SHIMANO XT ALUMINIUM HOLLOWTECH II Shimano XT cranckset with Aluminium Hollowtech II • CAMBIO SHADOW PLUS Rear derailleur Shadow Plus

19/06/15 16:35

MOJAG 1611 29” - 22S

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 35



Frame Carbon Monocoque 29", tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 30, 12mm E-Thru rear axle, internal cables Fork Rock Shox Reba RL 29" SoloAir, 100mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, with remote lockout, E-thru 15mm Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano FC-MT700-2 Hollowtech II, 36/26, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Front Derailleur Shimano XT FD-M8020-H Side Swing Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 11x2s Brakes Shimano SLX BR-M675 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT68 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/40 Hubs Shimano Deore M618, E-Thru 15mm/12mm, CL, 32h Rims DT Swiss 466d 29" 32h WHEELS OPTION Mavic Crossride Tubeless Pulse 29” INT, E-Thru 15mm/12mm Stem Kyte Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 720mm Seatpost Kyte 0-offset Alu 27,2mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Racing Ralph performance 29x2,25 Size 17" - 19" - 21" Colours Black/Neon Green Matt Weight Kg 11,98

19/06/15 16:35

MOJAG 1612 29” - 22S



Frame Carbon Monocoque 29", tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 30, internal cables Fork Suntour Raidon RL-R 29" Air, 100mm, with remote lockout Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano FC-MT700-2 Hollowtech II, 36/26, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Front Derailleur Shimano XT FD-M8020-H Side Swing Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 11x2s Brakes Shimano BL-M396/BR-M395 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT30 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/40 Hubs Shimano M4050, CL, 32h Rims Alex MD19 29" 32h WHEELS OPTION Mavic Crossride 29” INT Stem Byte Kute Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Keek Alu Oversize, flat, 680mm Seatpost Byte King Alu 27,2mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Rapid Rob 29x2,25 Size 17" - 19" - 21" Colours Black/Neon Red Matt Weight Kg 12,30

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 36

19/06/15 16:35

MOJAG 1502 29� - 20S

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 37



Frame Carbon Monocoque 29", tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 30, internal cables Fork Rock Shox XC30 TK 29" SoloAir, 100mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, with remote lockout Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano Deore FC-M615 38/24, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M781 Shadow Front Derailleur Shimano Deore FD-M616 high clamp, for double Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M610 10x2s Brakes Shimano BR-M395 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT30 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG50 10s 11/36 Hubs Shimano RM66, CL, 32h Rims Alex MD19 29" 32h Stem Byte Kute Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Keek Alu Oversize, flat, 680mm Seatpost Byte King Alu 27,2mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Kyte Manghen 27 TPI 29x2,10 Size 17" - 19" - 21" Colours Anthracite/Blue Matt Weight Kg 12,20

19/06/15 16:35

HAKAN 1610 27,5” - 22S



Frame Carbon Monocoque 27,5", tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 30, 12mm E-Thru rear axle, internal cables Fork Rock Shox Reba RL 27,5" SoloAir, 100mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, with remote lockout, E-thru 15mm Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano XT FC-M8000-2 Hollowtech II, 34/24, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Front Derailleur Shimano XT FD-M8020-H Side Swing Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 I-Spec II 11x2s Brakes Shimano XT BR-M8000 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT86 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/40 Wheels Mavic Crossride 27,5" INT, E-Thru 15mm/12mm OPTION Mavic Crossmax SL 27,5” INT, E-Thru 15mm/12mm Stem Kyte Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 640mm Seatpost Byte King Alu 27,2mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Rocket Ron performance 27,5x2,25 Size 15" - 17" - 19" Colours Anthracite/Neon Red Matt Weight Kg 10,75

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 38

• TELAIO IN CARBONIO MONOSCOCCA Carbon monocoque frame • PERNO POSTERIORE PASSANTE E-Thru rear Axle • RUOTE MAVIC Mavic Wheels • PASSAGGIO CAVI INTERNO Internal cable routing • SHIMANO XT 11S • GUARNITURA SHIMANO XT ALUMINIUM HOLLOWTECH II Shimano XT cranckset with Aluminium Hollowtech II

19/06/15 16:35

Hakan 1611 27,5” - 22S

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 39



Frame Carbon Monocoque 27,5", tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 30, 12mm E-Thru rear axle, internal cables Fork Rock Shox Reba RL 27,5" SoloAir, 100mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, with remote lockout, E-thru 15mm Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano FC-MT700-2 Hollowtech II, 36/26, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Front Derailleur Shimano XT FD-M8020-H Side Swing Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 11x2s Brakes Shimano SLX BR-M675 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT68 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/40 Hubs Shimano Deore M618, E-Thru 15mm/12mm, CL, 32h Rims DT Swiss 466d 27,5" 32h WHEELS OPTION Mavic Crossride Tubeless Pulse 27,5” INT, E-Thru 15mm/12mm Stem Kyte Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 640mm Seatpost Byte King Alu 27,2mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Rocket Ron performance 27,5x2,25 Size 15" - 17" - 19" Colours Black/Sky Matt Weight Kg 11,07

19/06/15 16:36

HAkan 1612 27,5” - 22S



Frame Carbon Monocoque 27,5", tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 30, internal cables Fork Suntour Raidon RL-R 27,5" Air, 100mm, with remote lockout Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano FC-MT700-2 Hollowtech II, 36/26, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Front Derailleur Shimano XT FD-M8020-H Side Swing Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 11x2s Brakes Shimano BL-M396/BR-M395 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT30 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/40 Hubs Shimano M4050, CL, 32h Rims Alex MD19 27,5" 32h WHEELS OPTION Mavic Crossride 27,5” INT Stem Byte Kute Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Keek Alu Oversize, flat, 640mm Seatpost Byte King Alu 27,2mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Rapid Rob 27,5x2,25 Size 15" - 17" - 19" Colours Anthracite/Neon Yellow Matt Weight Kg 11,97

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 40

19/06/15 16:36

HAkan 1502 27,5” - 20S

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 41



Frame Carbon Monocoque 27,5”, tapered 1”1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 30, internal cables Fork Rock Shox XC30 TK 27,5" SoloAir, 100mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, with remote lockout Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1”1/2 Crankset Shimano Deore FC-M615 38/24, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M781 Shadow Front Derailleur Shimano Deore FD-M616 high clamp, for double Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M610 10x2s Brakes Shimano BR-M395 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT30 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG50 10s 11/36 Hubs Shimano RM66 CL, 32h Rims Alex MD19 27,5" 32h Stem Byte Kute Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Keek Alu Oversize, flat, 640mm Seatpost Byte King Alu 27,2mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Kyte Manghen 27 TPI 27,5x2,25 Size 15” - 17” - 21” Colours Anthracite_GreenFluo Matt Weight Kg 12,12

19/06/15 16:36

alikut 27,5 Plus 27,5” PLUS - 20S



Frame Alu. 650B+ triple butted, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, BB Press Fit 92, integrated cables Fork Suntour Raidon LO 27,5” Plus Air, 100mm, tapered 1”1/2 steerer, with lockout, E-thru 15mm Headset FSA No.42/ABC tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano Deore FC-M627-B 36/22, BB-MT500-PS Press Fit 92 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M786-D Shadow Plus, Direct Mount Front Derailleur Shimano Deore FD-M618-H, for double Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M610 10x2s Brakes Shimano BL-M396/BR-M395 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT56 INT 160mm Cassette Shimano CS-HG50 10s 11/36 Hubs Alu INT, 110/148mm, 32h, quick release Rims Alex MD50 27,5" 32h, 50mm wide Stem Byte Kute Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Keel Alu Oversize, rise 30mm, 620mm Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Whistle 2059 Tyres Schwalbe Nobby Nic performance folding 27,5x2,95 Size 18" - 20" Colours Anthracite/Neon Orange Matt

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 42

19/06/15 16:36

650B Plus



catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 43

Anche il telaio è stato completamente rinnovato, per ospitare le ruote sovradimensionate e per trarre tutti i benefici di guida che questo nuovo formato garantisce. Difatti la battuta del mozzo posteriore è maggiorata con una linea catena più spostata verso l’esterno in modo da avvicinare la ruota posteriore al tubo piantone e mantenere compatto il carro, mentre la battuta del mozzo sull’anteriore passa da 100 a 110 mm e il perno passante ha un diametro di 15 mm.

Non si tratta quindi di un nuovo diametro di ruota, ma di un nuovo modo di concepire la ruota di una Mtb. E la Mtb stessa.

One of the news of the 2016 range is represented by the new standard 650b Plus which give to the wheel a similar diameter to the 29er one with 2.8” tyre. So it needs a wider rim (from 40 to 45 mm). This means that the 650B Plus are tyres for the 650b+ standard, but with a wider section between the Fat Bike and the traditional 27.5”.

The wide tyres guarantee a higher grip on any terrain, while the wider rims allow a better bycicle handling. The frame has been renovated: the rear hub O.L.D. is increased with a more external chain line made to reduce the lenght of chain stays, while the front hub O.L.D. is increased from 100 to 110 mm with 15 mm E-thru axle. So, we are not referring to a new wheel size, but a new way to see the Mtb wheel, a new way to see the Mtb.



Una delle novità della gamma 2016 è rappresentata dalle 650B+, ovvero un nuovo formato di copertura che conferisce alla ruota un diametro molto vicino allo standard 29” con gomma da 2,8” di sezione e necessita quindi un cerchio con canale interno piuttosto largo, approssimativamente dai 40mm ai 45mm. In termini pratici, le 650B+ sono delle gomme per standard 650B con una larghezza maggiorata, definibile intermedia tra i pneumatici da Fat Bike e le gomme tradizionali montate sulle normali bici 27.5”.

Le ampie coperture garantiscono un migliore grip su qualsiasi terreno, mentre i cerchi con canale maggiorato permettono un controllo migliore della bici in curva.

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alikut 29 1611 29” - 22S



Frame Alu. 29” triple butted, tapered 1”1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, BB Press Fit 92, internal cables Fork Rock Shox Reba RL 29" SoloAir, 100mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, with remote lockout, E-thru 15mm Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano FC-MT700-2 Hollowtech II, 36/26, BB-MT500-PA Press Fit 92 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Front Derailleur Shimano XT FD-M8025-H Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 11x2s Brakes Shimano BL-M506/BR-M447 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT54 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/40 Hubs Shimano HB-M618 E-thru 15mm / HB-M4050 9mm, CL, 32h Rims DT Swiss 466d 29" 32h Stem Kyte Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 720mm Seatpost Kyte 0-offset Alu 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Rapid Rob 29x2,25 Size 17" - 19" - 21" Colours Black/Silver/Blue Matt Weight Kg 12,73

• ALLUMINIO TRIPLO SPESSORE Aluminium triple butted • STERZO CONICO 1” ½ Tapered 1” ½ headtube • SCATOLA MOVIMENTO PRESSFIT BB PressFit • PERNO ANTERIORE PASSANTE E-Thru front Axle

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• PASSAGGIO CAVI INTERNO Internal cable routing • SHIMANO XT 11S • CAMBIO SHADOW PLUS Rear derailleur Shadow Plus

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alikut 29 1612 29� - 22S

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 45



Frame Alu. 29" triple butted, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, BB Press Fit 92, internal cables Fork Suntour XCR RL-R 29", 100mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, with remote lockout Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano FC-MT700-2 Hollowtech II, 36/26, BB-MT500-PA Press Fit 92 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Front Derailleur Shimano XT FD-M8025-H Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 11x2s Brakes Shimano BL-M396/BR-M395 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT30 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/40 Hubs Shimano M4050 CL, 32h Rims Alex MD19 29" 32h Stem Byte Kute Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Keek Alu Oversize, flat, 680mm Seatpost Byte King Alu 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Rapid Rob 29x2,25 Size 17" - 19" - 21" Colours Anthracite/Neon Orange Matt Weight Kg 13,28

19/06/15 16:37

alikut 27,5 1611 27,5” - 22S



Frame Alu. 27,5" triple butted, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, BB Press Fit 92, internal cables Fork Rock Shox Reba RL 27,5" SoloAir, 100mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, with remote lockout, E-thru 15mm Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano FC-MT700-2 Hollowtech II, 36/26, BB-MT500-PA Press Fit 92 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Front Derailleur Shimano XT FD-M8025-H Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 11x2s Brakes Shimano BL-M506/BR-M447 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT54 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/40 Hubs Shimano HB-M618 E-thru 15mm / HB-M4050 9mm, CL, 32h Rims DT Swiss 466d 27,5" 32h Stem Kyte Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 640mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Rapid Rob 27,5x2,25 Size 16" - 18" - 20" Colours Anthracite/Neon Red Matt Weight Kg 12,27

• ALLUMINIO TRIPLO SPESSORE Aluminium triple butted • STERZO CONICO 1” ½ Tapered 1” ½ headtube • SCATOLA MOVIMENTO PRESSFIT BB PressFit • PERNO ANTERIORE PASSANTE E-Thru front Axle

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• PASSAGGIO CAVI INTERNO Internal cable routing • SHIMANO XT 11S • CAMBIO SHADOW PLUS Rear derailleur Shadow Plus

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alikut 27,5 1612 27,5” - 22S

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 47



Frame Alu. 27,5" triple butted, tapered 1”1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, BB Press Fit 92, internal cables Fork Suntour XCR RL-R 27,5", 100mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, with remote lockout Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano FC-MT700-2 Hollowtech II, 36/26, BB-MT500-PA Press Fit 92 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Front Derailleur Shimano XT FD-M8025-H Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 11x2s Brakes Shimano BL-M396/BR-M395 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT30 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/40 Hubs Shimano M4050 CL, 32h Rims Alex MD19 27,5" 32h Stem Byte Kute Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Keek Alu Oversize, flat, 640mm Seatpost Byte King Alu 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Rapid Rob 27,5x2,25 Size 16" - 18" - 20" Colours Black/Neon Yellow/Blue Matt Weight Kg 13,04

19/06/15 16:37

PATWIN 1609 29” - 22S



Frame Alu formed tubes 29", 100mm Fork Suntour XCM RL 29" 100mm with remote lockout Headset FSA No.11 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano FC-MT700-2 Hollowtech II, 36/26 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Front Derailleur Shimano XT FD-M8025-H Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 11x2s Brakes Shimano BR-M355 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT30 160mm CL Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/40 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano M4050 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte Kute Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Keek Alu Oversize, lat, 680mm Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Kyte Manghen 27TPI 29x2,25 Size 17" - 19" - 21" Colours Black/Neon Red Matt Weight Kg 15,00

• FORCELLA IN ALLUMINIO CON CONTROLLO REMOTO Aluminium fork with remote lockout

• FRENO IDRAULICO SHIMANO Hydraulic Shimano Brakes • COPERTURE KYTE CON 27TPI Coperture Kyte with 27TPI

• SHIMANO XT 11S • CAMBIO SHADOW PLUS Rear derailleur Shadow Plus

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PATWIN 1610 29� - 20S

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Frame Alu formed tubes 29", 100mm Fork Suntour XCM RL 29" 100mm with remote lockout Headset FSA No.11 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano Deore FC-M617 38/24 Rear Derailleur Shimano SLX RD-M670 Shadow Front Derailleur Shimano Deore FD-M618-H, for double Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M610 10x2s Brakes Shimano BR-M355 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT30 160mm CL Cassette Shimano CS-HG50 10s 11/36 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano RM35 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte Kute Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Keek Alu Oversize, flat, 680mm Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Kyte Manghen 27TPI 29x2,25 Size 17" - 19" - 21" Colours Anthracite/Neon Red Matt Weight Kg 15,06

19/06/15 16:38

PATWIN 1611 29� - 27S



Frame Alu formed tubes 29", 100mm Fork Suntour XCM RL 29" 100mm with remote lockout Headset FSA No.11 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano Acera FC-M3000 40/30/22 Rear Derailleur Shimano Deore RD-M592 Shadow Front Derailleur Shimano Acera FD-M3000 Shifters Levers Shimano Altus SL-M370 9x3s Brakes Shimano BR-M355 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT20 160mm CL Cassette Shimano CS-HG20 9s 11/34 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano RM33 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte Kute Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Keek Alu Oversize, flat, 680mm Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Kyte Manghen 27TPI 29x2,25 Size 17" - 19" - 21" Colours Black/Neon Yellow/Blue Matt Weight Kg 15,57

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19/06/15 16:38

PATWIN 1612 29� - 27S Frame Alu formed tubes 29", 100mm Fork Suntour XCM RL 29" 100mm with remote lockout Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano FC-M351 44/32/22 Rear Derailleur Shimano Alivio RD-M4000 Front Derailleur Shimano Altus FD-M370 Shifters Levers Shimano Altus SL-M370 9x3s Brakes Tektro HD-M290 hydraulic disc, Rotor 160mm INT Cassette Shimano CS-HG20 9s 11/34 Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Alu INT, 32h, Quick Release Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, flat, 680mm Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Tyres Byte Plose 29x2,10 Size 17" - 19" - 21" Colours Black/Neon Green Matt Weight Kg 16,08



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29” - 24S 52


Frame Alu formed tubes 29", 100mm Fork Suntour XCM RL 29" 100mm with remote lockout Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano FC-171 42/34/24 Rear Derailleur Shimano Acera RD-M360 Front Derailleur Shimano FD-M190 Shifters Levers Shimano SL-M310 8x3s Brakes Tektro HD-M290 hydraulic disc, Rotor 160mm INT Cassette Shimano CS-HG31 8s 11/34 Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Alu INT, 32h, Quick Release Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, flat, 680mm

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29” - 24S Seatpost Saddle Tyres Size Colours Weight

Byte Alu 30,9mm Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Byte Plose 29x2,10 17" - 19" - 21" Black/Neon Red/Blue Matt Kg 15,96

Frame Alu formed tubes 29", 100mm Fork Suntour XCT HLO 29" 100mm with hydraulic lockout Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Byte Alluminio 42/34/24 Rear Derailleur Shimano Altus RD-M310 Front Derailleur Shimano FD-M190 Shifters Levers Shimano SL-M310 8x3s Brakes Tektro HD-M290 hydraulic disc, Rotor 160mm INT Cassette Shimano CS-HG20 8s 12/32 Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Alu INT, 32h, Quick Release Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, flat, 680mm

Seatpost Saddle Tyres Size Colours

Byte Alu 30,9mm Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Byte Plose 29x2,10 17” - 19” - 21” Neon Yellow/Black Matt Dark Red/Orange Matt Weight Kg 16,20

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29” - 21S

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29” - 24S Seatpost Saddle Tyres Size Colours Weight

Byte Alu 30,9mm Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Byte Plose 29x2,10 17" - 19" - 21" Blue/Black Matt Kg 16,12

Frame Alu formed tubes 29", 100mm Fork Suntour XCM RL 29" 100mm with remote lockout Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano FC-131 42/34/24 Rear Derailleur Shimano Acera RD-M360 Front Derailleur Shimano Tourney FD-M190 Shifters Levers Shimano SL-M310 8x3s Brakes Tektro HD-M290 hydraulic disc, Rotor 160mm INT Cassette Shimano CS-HG31 8s 11/34 Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Alu INT, 32h, Quick Release Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, flat, 680mm

Seatpost Saddle Tyres Size Colours Weight

Byte Alu 31,6mm Selle Royal Mach/Whistle MTB 29x2,25 17" - 19" - 21" Blue/White Matt Kg 16,30



Frame Alu formed tubes 29", 100mm Fork Suntour XCT HLO 29" 100mm with hydraulic lockout Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Byte Alluminio 42/34/24 Rear Derailleur Shimano RD-TX800 Front Derailleur Shimano FD-M190 Shifters Levers Shimano ST-EF51-A EZ Fire Plus Brakes Mechanical Disc brake, Rotor 160mm INT Cassette Shimano 7s 14/28, threaded Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Alu INT, 32h, Quick Release Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, flat, 680mm


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MIWOK 1609 27,5” - 22S



Frame Alu formed tubes, 27,5", 100mm Fork Suntour XCM RL 27,5" 100mm with remote lockout Headset FSA No.11 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano FC-MT700-2 Hollowtech II, 36/26 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Front Derailleur Shimano XT FD-M8025-H Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 11x2s Brakes Shimano BR-M355 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT30 160mm CL Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/40 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano M4050 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte Kute Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Keek Alu Oversize, flat, 640mm Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Kyte Manghen 27TPI 27,5x2,25 Size 16" - 18" - 20" Colours Black/Neon Green Matt Weight Kg 14,53

• FORCELLA IN ALLUMINIO CON CONTROLLO REMOTO Aluminium fork with remote lockout

• FRENO IDRAULICO SHIMANO Hydraulic Shimano Brakes • COPERTURE KYTE CON 27TPI Coperture Kyte with 27TPI

• SHIMANO XT 11S • CAMBIO SHADOW PLUS Rear derailleur Shadow Plus

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19/06/15 16:39

MIWOK 1610 27,5� - 20S Frame Alu formed tubes, 27,5", 100mm Fork Suntour XCM RL 27,5" 100mm with remote lockout Headset FSA No.11 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano Deore FC-M617 38/24 Rear Derailleur Shimano SLX RD-M670 Shadow Front Derailleur Shimano Deore FD-M618-H, for double Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M610 10x2s Brakes Shimano BR-M355 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT30 160mm CL Cassette Shimano CS-HG50 10s 11/36 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano RM35 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte Kute Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Keek Alu Oversize, flat Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Kyte Manghen 27TPI 27,5x2,25 Size 16" - 18" - 20" Colours Black/Neon Red Matt Weight Kg 14,59



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MIWOK 1611 27,5� - 27S



Frame Alu formed tubes, 27,5", 100mm Fork Suntour XCM RL 27,5" 100mm with remote lockout Headset FSA No.11 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano Acera FC-M3000 40/30/22 Rear Derailleur Shimano Deore RD-M592 Shadow Front Derailleur Shimano Acera FD-M3000 Shifters Levers Shimano Altus SL-M370 9x3s Brakes Shimano BR-M355 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT20 160mm CL Cassette Shimano CS-HG20 9s 11/34 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano RM33 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte Kute Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Keek Alu Oversize, flat Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Kyte Manghen 27TPI 27,5x2,25 Size 16" - 18" - 20" Colours Anthracite/Neon Red Matt Weight Kg 15,08

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19/06/15 16:40

MIWOK 1612 27,5� - 27S Frame Alu formed tubes, 27,5", 100mm Fork Suntour XCM RL 27,5" 100mm with remote lockout Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano FC-M351 44/32/22 Rear Derailleur Shimano Alivio RD-M4000 Front Derailleur Shimano Altus FD-M370 Shifters Levers Shimano Altus SL-M370 9x3s Brakes Tektro HD-M290 hydraulic disc, Rotor 160mm INT Cassette Shimano CS-HG20 9s 11/34 Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Alu INT, 32h, Quick Release Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, flat Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Tyres Byte Plose 27,5x2,10 Size 16" - 18" - 20" Colours Black/Neon Green/Blue Matt Weight Kg 15,95



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MIWOK 1613 27,5� - 24S


Frame Alu formed tubes, 27,5", 100mm Fork Suntour XCM RL 27,5" 100mm with remote lockout Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano FC-171 42/34/24 Rear Derailleur Shimano Acera RD-M360 Front Derailleur Shimano FD-M190 Shifters Levers Shimano SL-M310 8x3s Brakes Tektro HD-M290 hydraulic disc, Rotor 160mm INT Cassette Shimano CS-HG31 8s 11/34 Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Alu INT, 32h, Quick Release Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, flat Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Tyres Byte Plose 27,5x2,10 Size 16" - 18" - 20" Colours Black/Neon Red/Blue Matt Weight Kg 15,84

MTB catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 58

19/06/15 16:40

MIWOK 1614

27,5” - 24S

MIWOK 1615

27,5” - 21S 59

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Stem Handlebar Seatpost Saddle Tyres Size Colours Weight

Byte ahead Alu Oversize Byte Alu Oversize, flat Byte Alu 30,9mm Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Byte Plose 27,5x2,10 16” - 18” - 20” Blue/Neon Yellow Matt - Anthracite/Neon Red Matt Kg 15,98

Frame Alu formed tubes, 27,5", 100mm Fork Suntour XCT HLO 27,5" 100mm with hydraulic lockout Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Byte Alu 42/34/24 Rear Derailleur Shimano RD-TX800 Front Derailleur Shimano FD-M190 Shifters Levers Shimano ST-EF51-A EZ Fire Plus Brakes Mechanical Disc, Rotor 160mm INT Cassette Shimano 7s 14/28, threaded Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Alu INT, 32h, Quick Release Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize

Handlebar Seatpost Saddle Tyres Size Colours

Byte Alu Oversize, flat Byte Alu 30,9mm Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Byte Plose 27,5x2,10 16” - 18” - 20” Black/Neon Yellow Matt Dark Red/Orange Matt Weight Kg 15,92


Frame Alu formed tubes, 27,5", 100mm Fork Suntour XCT HLO 27,5" 100mm with hydraulic lockout Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Byte Alu 42/34/24 Rear Derailleur Shimano Altus RD-M310 Front Derailleur Shimano FD-M190 Shifters Levers Shimano SL-M310 8x3s Brakes Tektro HD-M290 hydraulic disc, Rotor 160mm INT Cassette Shimano CS-HG20 8s 12/32 Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Alu INT, 32h, Quick Release Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc

19/06/15 16:41

MIWOK 1503 27,5� - 24S


Frame Alu formed tubes, 27,5", 100mm Fork Suntour XCM RL 27,5" 100mm with remote lockout Headset integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano FC-131 42/34/24 Rear Derailleur Shimano Acera RD-M360 Front Derailleur Shimano Tourney FD-M190 Shifters Levers Shimano SL-M310 8x3s Brakes Tektro HD-M290 hydraulic disc, Rotor 160mm INT Cassette Shimano CS-HG31 8s 11/34 Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Alu INT, 32h, Quick Release Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, flat Seatpost Byte Alu 31,6mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Tyres Byte Plose 27,5x2,10 Size 16" - 18" - 20" Colours Black/White Matt Weight Kg 15,00

MTB catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 60

19/06/15 16:41

KANGEE BMX Frame Fork Headset Crankset Brakes Cassette Pedals Hubs Rims Stem Handlebar Seatpost Saddle Tyres Peg Size Colours Weight

Alu freestyle BMX Steel BMX Steel 1" 3-pieces, steel 175mm, Cr-Mo axle, alu 26T Alu U-brake 9T Alu BMX 9/16" Alu 48 holes, Cr-Mo axle 3/8" Alu 48h Alu/Steel Steel freestyle with crossbar & Rotor Steel 25,4mm Velo BMX 20x1,95 2 pairs steel 26 White/Blue/Red - Black/Red Matt Kg 14,00



• TELAIO LEGGERO IN ALLUMINIO Lightweight aluminium frame • GUARNITURA 3 PEZZI ALTA RESISTENZA CON PERNO CR-MO High strength 3 pieces crankset with Cr-Mo axle • REATTIVI FRENI U-BRAKE IN ALLUMINIO Aluminium U-Brake • CERCHI RIGIDI IN ALLUMINIO CON 48 RAGGI E PERNO CR-MO High stiffness aluminium wheels with 48 spokes and Cr-Mo axles • SERIE STERZO CON ROTORE Headset with rotor

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ROAD catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 62

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19/06/15 16:41

STRONG, LIGHT, STIFF, AERO – THE WHISTLE PROCESS La produzione di bici in carbonio è un gioco di compromessi. Quando siete alla ricerca di una nuova bici, dovete farvi queste domande: • Posso avere un telaio robusto ma ancora più leggero? • Posso avere una bici da competizione senza rinunciare al comfort? • Se io uso questa bici ogni giorno, quanto manutenzione richiede?

Così, in WHISTLE siamo alla ricerca del meglio per ridurre compromessi. Vogliamo tutto; producendo una bici che è leggera e affidabile, rigida e confortevole, veloce e stabile, durevole e senza manutenzione. Noi non crediamo solo in “bici da gara”. Crediamo che le vere biciclette debbano essere usate ogni giorno. Realizzare bici da corsa per un utilizzo quotidiano, richiede una continua ricerca, un constante miglioramento delle tecnologie, una passione che contraddistingue WHISTLE dagli altri.


Il peso è nemico della velocità. Tuttavia, la leggerezza non è in genere associata alla forza. Nel ciclismo, si desidera che ogni grammo sia impiegato a rendere il telaio ed i componenti rigidi. I telai WHISTLE sono fibra di carbonio monoscocca che può far risparmiare fino a 120 g di peso su un kit telaio. Così, siamo sicuri che tutto il peso è congruo a renderlo funzionalmente robusto. In poche parole, i telai WHISTLE sono rigidi in tutti i punti giusti. Attraverso l’uso della fibra di carbonio unidirezionale, siamo in grado di raggiungere l’equilibrio ottimale di rigidezza verticale, laterale e torsionale.


Rigidezza laterale - si riferisce alla forza cui è sottoposo il telaio durante le curve e in acellerazione.

Carbon fiber manufacturing is a game of compromises. When you are looking for a new bycicle, you need to ask these questions: • How can I get the strongest, yet lightest frame? • Can I get a stiff and efficient bike without sacrificing comfort? • If I ride these bikes every day, do they require lots of services? So, at WHISTLE We are always looking for the best on the bycicles we produce: lightness and reliability, stiffness and comfort, speed and stability. We want it all; producing a bike that is light and strong, stiff and comfortable, fast and stable, durable and maintenance-free. We don’t believe in “race-only” bikes. We believe that a real bycicle is th eone used daily. Making race bycicles for a daily use requires a continous resarch, an improvements if technology, a passion: this is WHISTLE philosophy. Weight is the sworn enemy of speed. However, light is typically not associated with strength. In cycling, each gram is used to strengthen the frames and all the components.The Whistle frames are made with carbon monocoque;. This can save as much as 120g lightweight over a frame kit. So – when asking how much something weighs, make sure all the weight is there to also help make it functionally strong.

WHISTLE frames are stiff in all the right places. Through the use of unidirectional carbon fiber, we are able to achieve the optimal balance of vertical, lateral, and torsional stiffness. Lateral stiffness – affects how a wheel tracks and manages forces that it is subjected to when navigating corners and accelerating. Torsional stiffness – affects how a wheel feels when accelerating and decelerating. Optimized torsional stiffness means that power from the pedals is transferred through the drivetrain, hub, spokes and ultimately the rim in the quickest most efficient manner possible. Vertical stiffness – is the amount of deflection a wheel experiences when compressed and/or impacted.

Rigidezza torsionale - colpisce un telaio in fase di acellerazione e decellerazione. Ottimizzare la rigidezza torsionale significa che la potenza dai pedali viene trasferita meglio alla trasmissione, riducendo la dispersione di forze. Rigidezza verticale - contrasta la flessione del telaio quando è sottoposto ad impatti e brusche sollecitazioni.

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Frame High Module Carbon Monocoque, ISP, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, BB30 Fork High Module Carbon Monocoque, tapered 1"1/2 steering Headset Ritchey WCS Logic Zero Drop In tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano Dura Ace FC-9000 Hollowtech 2 34/50 Rear Derailleur Shimano Dura-Ace RD-9000 11s Front Derailleur Shimano Dura-Ace FD-9000 Shifters Levers Shimano Dura-Ace ST-9000 Dual Control Brakes Shimano Dura-Ace BR-9000 Cassette Shimano Dura-Ace CS-9000 11s 11/25 Wheels Mavic Cosmic Carbons SLS OPTION Mavic Ksyrium Pro Carbon SL C 25 Stem Ritchey WCS C260 Handlebar Ritchey Super Logic Carbon UD Seatpost Alu 34,9mm for ISP Saddle Selle Italia SLR XC Gel Flow Tyres Mavic Yksion Pro 700x23c Size 52 - 54 - 56 - 60 Colours White/Red/Carbon White/ Ultralight/Red Weight Kg 7,05

19/06/15 16:42




Frame Carbon Monocoque, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Press Fit 30, internal cables Fork Carbon Monocoque tapered 1"1/2 steering Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano Ultegra FC-6800 Hollowtech 2 Mega Exo 34/50, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano Ultegra RD-6870 Di2 11s Front Derailleur Shimano Ultegra FD-6870 Di2 Shifters Levers Shimano Ultegra ST-6870 Di2 Brakes Shimano Ultegra BR-6800 Cassette Shimano Ultegra CS-5800 11s 11/25 Wheels Shimano WH-RS11 30mm OPTION Mavic Ksyrium Pro Exalith SL 25 Stem Kyte HL Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte HL Alu Compact Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6mm Saddle Selle Italia SL Flow Tyres Schwalbe Durano 700x25 Size 47 - 49 - 51 - 54 - 57 Colours Black/Sky Matt Weight Kg 8,17

• TELAIO CARBONIO MONOSCOCCA Carbon monocoque frame • PASSAGGIO CAVI INTERNO Internal cable routing

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 66

• CAMBIO SHIMANO ELETTRONICO Di2 Shimano Di2 Electronic gear control • RUOTE SHIMANO MEDIO PROFILO 30MM Shimano wheels with 30 mm middle profile

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catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 67



Frame Carbon Monocoque, tapered 1”1/2 Head Tube, Press Fit 30, internal cables Fork Carbon Monocoque tapered 1"1/2 steering Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1”1/2 Crankset Shimano FC-RS500 Hollowtech 2 Mega Exo 34/50, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano Ultegra RD-6870 Di2 11s Front Derailleur Shimano Ultegra FD-6870 Di2 Shifters Levers Shimano Ultegra ST-6870 Di2 Brakes Shimano BR-R561 Cassette Shimano Ultegra CS-5800 11s 11/25 Wheels Shimano WH-RS11 30mm Stem Kyte HL Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte HL Alu Compact Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6mm Saddle Selle Italia SL Flow Tyres Schwalbe Lugano 700x23 Size 47 - 49 - 51 - 54 Colours Black/GeenFluo Matt Weight Kg 8,22

19/06/15 16:42




Frame Carbon Monocoque, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Press Fit 30, internal cables Fork Carbon Monocoque tapered 1"1/2 steering Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano Ultegra FC-6800 Hollowtech 2 Mega Exo 34/50, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano Ultegra RD-6800 11s Front Derailleur Shimano Ultegra FD-6800 Shifters Levers Shimano Ultegra ST-6800 Brakes Shimano Ultegra BR-6800 Cassette Shimano Ultegra CS-5800 11s 11/25 Wheels Shimano WH-RS11 30mm OPTION Mavic Aksium Elite 25 Stem Kyte HL Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte HL Alu Compact Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6mm Saddle Selle Italia SL Flow Tyres Schwalbe Durano 700x25 Size 47 - 49 - 51 - 54 - 57 Colours Black/Neon Red Matt Weight Kg 8,12

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 68

19/06/15 16:43

Sauk ULTEGRA 11S Frame Carbon Monocoque, tapered 1”1/2 Head Tube, Press Fit 30, internal cables Fork Carbon Monocoque tapered 1"1/2 steering Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1”1/2 Crankset Shimano FC-RS500 Hollowtech 2 Mega Exo 34/50, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano Ultegra RD-6800 11s Front Derailleur Shimano Ultegra FD-6800 Shifters Levers Shimano Ultegra ST-6800 Brakes Shimano BR-R561 Cassette Shimano Ultegra CS-5800 11s 11/25 Wheels Shimano WH-RS11 30mm Stem Kyte HL Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte HL Alu Compact Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6mm Saddle Selle Italia SL Flow Tyres Schwalbe Lugano 700x23 Size 47 - 49 - 51 - 54 Colours Black/Anthracite Weight Kg 8,20



catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 69

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SAUK SL 105 11S



Frame Carbon Monocoque, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Press Fit 30, internal cables Fork Carbon Monocoque tapered 1"1/2 steering Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano 105 FC-5800 Hollowtech 2 Mega Exo 34/50, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano 105 RD-5800 11s Front Derailleur Shimano 105 FD-5800 Shifters Levers Shimano 105 ST-5800 Brakes Shimano 105 BR-58000 Cassette Shimano Ultegra CS-5800 11s 11/25 Wheels Shimano WH-RS010 Stem Kyte HL Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte HL Alu Compact Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6mm Saddle Selle Italia X1 Flow Tyres Schwalbe Durano 700x25 Size 47 - 49 - 51 - 54 - 57 Colours Black/Neon Yellow Matt Weight Kg 8,39

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 70

19/06/15 16:43

SAUK 105 11S Frame Carbon Monocoque, tapered 1”1/2 Head Tube, Press Fit 30, internal cables Fork Carbon Monocoque tapered 1"1/2 steering Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1”1/2 Crankset Shimano FC-R565 Hollowtech 2 Mega Exo 34/50, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano 105 RD-5800 11s Front Derailleur Shimano 105 FD-5800 Shifters Levers Shimano 105 ST-5800 Brakes Shimano BR-R451 Cassette Shimano Ultegra CS-5800 11s 11/25 Wheels Shimano WH-RS010 Stem Kyte HL Alu Oversize Handlebar Kyte HL Alu Compact Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6mm Saddle Selle Italia X1 Flow Tyres Schwalbe Lugano 700x23 Size 47 - 49 - 51 - 54 Colours Black/Red Weight Kg 8,38



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Frame Alu. Hydroformed triple butted Whistle Custom Fork Whistle Alu Headset FSA No.16CC 1"1/8 Crankset Byte Alu Compact 34/50 Rear Derailleur Shimano Claris RD-2400 8s Front Derailleur Shimano Claris FD-2400 Shifters Levers Shimano Claris ST-R240 Brakes Alu caliper Cassette Shimano CS-HG41 8s 11/30 Pedals Alu Sport Wheels Whistle Road Stem Byte Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize flat Seatpost Byte Alu 27,2 Saddle Selle Royal Viper RVL Whistle, with protections Tyres Schwalbe Lugano 700x25 Size 51 - 54 Colours Black/Neon Yellow Matt Weight Kg 10,32

ROAD • ALLUMINIO TRIPLO SPESSORE Aluminium triple butted • GRUPPO SHIMANO CLARIS 8V Full Shimano Claris 8S

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 72

• GUARNITURA COMPATTA 50/34 IN ALLUMINIO Aluminium compact crankset 50/34 • LEVE CAMBIO MTB AL MANUBRIO FLAT Mtb shifters levers on flat handlebar

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19/06/15 16:44

GUIPAGO: ALL AROUND YOU Biciclette leggere e versatili, robuste ma agili per pedalare comodamente su tratti urbani o per piacevoli passeggiate fuori porta. Le Guipago sono adatte per brevi uscite giornaliere, per un utilizzo intenso e per lunghe escursioni su strade bianche. Una bici che dalla linea leggera grazie ai componenti dal design minimale, come il portapacchi a larghezza ridotta. Il telaio in alluminio è leggero e rigido, assicura quindi maneggevolezza, precisione e stabilità, caratteristiche fondamentali soprattutto quando ci si trova a destreggiarsi nel traffico cittadino. Il freno a disco, con l’attacco pinza posteriore post-mount, garantisce una frenata sicura, pronta e modulabile in tutte le situazioni.

Lightweight and versatile, strong but responsive bicycles to ride comfortably into the city or into the countryside. The Guipago Bicycles are the solution for a daily trip, but also for a longer use on white roads. The minimal design components, such as the lenght reduced rack, ensure the bicycle a clean and lightweight line. The aluminium frame is lightweight and stiff ensuring a good handling, precision and stability, main features for moving into the city traffic. The disc brake whith post-mount rear brake braket ensure a safe, prompt and modular brake in every situation. The rigid fork is the best choice for a sportive use. It guarantees a more sincere behaviour, a higher agility and a better handling, while the suspended fork is suggested for the rough roads, thanks to the ability to absorb the vibrations. The saddle position is sportive, but at the same time comfortable, thanks to the ergonomic frame geometry specifically studied for an intensive use. The drivetrain from 21 to 30s allow to choose the best gear anywhere.



La forcella rigida è adatta per un utilizzo sportivo ed una guida scattante. Tale caratteristica garantisce un comportamento più reattivo, una maggior agilità e miglior guidabilità. La forcella ammortizzata invece, è più indicata per i percorsi più accidentati, fuoristrada e strade bianche, grazie alla capacità di assorbimento delle vibrazioni. Il sistema di trasmissione, a scelta da 21 o da 30 velocità, permette di scegliere sempre la marcia corretta in qualsiasi situazione e su ogni pendio. La postura in sella è sportiva ma comunque confortevole, grazie alla geometria del telaio studiata appositamente per un utilizzo intensivo e di lunga durata.

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19/06/15 16:44

GUIPAGO 1610 30S Frame Alu formed tubes Hybrid 700c, Post mount disc brake Fork Alu Hybrid 28", disc brake Headset FSA No.11 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano Deore FC-T521 48/36/26, octalink Rear Derailleur Shimano Deore RD-M610 Front Derailleur Shimano Deore FD-T610 Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M610 10x3s Brakes Shimano BR-M355 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT20 160mm Cassette Shimano CS-HG50 10s 11/36 Pedals Alu Hubs Shimano M33 CL, 36h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 36h, disc Stem Byte A-Head alu Oversize, adjustable Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, rise 25mm Seatpost Byte Alu 31,6mm Saddle Selle Royal Viper RVL Whistle, with protections Tyres Michelin Protek 700x35 Size 49 - 54 Colours Anthracite/Neon Red Matt Weight Kg 12,96

Lightweight frame and aluminium fork





• SHIMANO DEORE 10V 10s Shimano Deore • FRENI A DISCO IDRAULICI Hydraulic Disc brakes • ATTACCO MANUBRIO REGOLABILE Adjustable a-head stem

Shimano crankset with OctalinkShimano Claris 8S

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 75

19/06/15 16:44

GUIPAGO 1611 27S



Frame Alu formed tubes Hybrid 700c, Post mount disc brake Fork Alu Hybrid 28", disc brake Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano Acera FC-M351 44/32/22 Rear Derailleur Shimano Acera RD-M3000 Front Derailleur Shimano Altus FD-M370 Shifters Levers Shimano Altus SL-M370 9x3s Brakes Shimano BR-M355 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT20 160mm Cassette Shimano CS-HG20 9s 11/34 Pedals Alu Hubs Shimano M33 CL, 36h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 36h, disc Stem Byte A-Head alu Oversize, adjustable Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, rise 25mm Seatpost Byte Alu 31,6mm Saddle Selle Royal Viper RVL Whistle, with protections Tyres Byte 28x1*5/8x1*1/4 (32-622) Size 49 - 54 Colours Ultralight/Anthracite Matt Weight Kg 12,90

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 76

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GUIPAGO 1612 24S

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 77



Frame Alu formed tubes Hybrid 700c, Post mount disc brake Fork Alu Hybrid 28", disc brake Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano Acera FC-M171 48/38/28 Rear Derailleur Shimano Acera RD-M360 Front Derailleur Shimano FD-M191 Shifters Levers Shimano SL-M310 8x3s Brakes Tektro HD-T290 hydraulic disc, Rotor 160mm INT Cassette Shimano CS-HG20 8s 12-32 Pedals Steel Hubs Alu INT, 36h, Quick Release Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 36h, disc Stem Byte A-Head alu Oversize, adjustable Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, rise 25mm Seatpost Byte Alu 31,6mm Saddle Selle Royal Viper RVL Whistle, with protections Tyres Byte 28x1*5/8x1*1/4 (32-622) Size 49 - 54 Colours Blue/Ultralight Matt Weight Kg 12,96

19/06/15 16:44




Frame Alu formed tubes Hybrid 700c, Post mount disc brake Fork Suntour NEX 700c Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Byte Alluminio 48/38/28 Rear Derailleur Shimano Altus RD-M310 Front Derailleur Shimano Tourney FD-TX51 Shifters Levers Shimano SL-M310 8x3s Brakes Tektro HD-T290 hydraulic disc, Rotor 160mm INT Cassette Shimano CS-HG20 8s 12-32 Pedals Steel Hubs Alu INT, 36h, Quick Release Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 36h, disc Stem Byte A-Head alu, adjustable Handlebar Byte Alu, rise 20mm Seatpost Byte Alu 31,6mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Tyres Byte Verona 700x35 banda riflettente Size 49 - 54 Colours Anthracite/Black Matt Weight Kg 16,46 Note portapacco alluminio, parafanghi, carter Hesling, luci a batteria Spanninga/Herrmans, cavalletto al forcellino, campanello

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 78

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catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 79



Frame Alu formed tubes Hybrid 700c, Post mount disc brake Fork Suntour NEX 700c Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Byte Alluminio 48/38/28 Rear Derailleur Shimano Altus RD-M310 Front Derailleur Shimano Tourney FD-TX51 Shifters Levers Shimano SL-M310 8x3s Brakes Tektro HD-T290 hydraulic disc, Rotor 160mm INT Cassette Shimano CS-HG20 8s 12-32 Pedals Steel Hubs Alu INT, 36h, Quick Release Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 36h, disc Stem Byte A-Head alu, adjustable Handlebar Byte Alu, rise 20mm Seatpost Byte Alu 31,6mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Tyres Byte Verona 700x35 banda riflettente Size 44 Colours Anthracite/White Matt Weight Kg 16,55 Note portapacco alluminio, parafanghi, carter Hesling, luci a batteria Spanninga/Herrmans, cavalletto al forcellino, campanello

19/06/15 16:45

GUIPAGO 1614T MAN - 21S Frame Fork Headset Crankset Rear Derailleur Front Derailleur Shifters Levers Brakes Cassette Pedals Hubs Rims


Stem Handlebar Seatpost Saddle Tyres


Size Colours Weight Note

Alu formed tubes Hybrid 700c Hi-Ten Tig Hybrid 700c Integrated 1"1/8 Byte Alluminio 48/38/28 Shimano RD-TX800 Shimano Tourney FD-TX51 Shimano ST-EF51 EZ 7x3s Alu V-brake Shimano 7s 14-34, threaded Steel Alu 36h, Quick Release Whistle Alu double/wall, 36h, V-brake Byte A-Head alu, adjustable Byte Alu, rise 20mm Byte Alu 31,6mm Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Byte Verona 700x35 banda riflettente 49 - 54 Coffee/White Matt Kg 15,04 portapacco alluminio, parafanghi, carter Hesling, luci a batteria Spanninga/Herrmans, cavalletto, campanello

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 80

19/06/15 16:45

GUIPAGO 1614T LADY - 21S Frame Fork Headset Crankset Rear Derailleur Front Derailleur Shifters Levers Brakes Cassette Pedals Hubs Rims Stem Handlebar Seatpost Saddle Tyres

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 81



Size Colours Weight Note

Alu formed tubes Hybrid 700c Hi-Ten Tig Hybrid 700c Integrated 1"1/8 Byte Alluminio 48/38/28 Shimano RD-TX800 Shimano Tourney FD-TX51 Shimano ST-EF51 EZ 7x3s Alu V-brake Shimano 7s 14-34, threaded Steel Alu 36h, Quick Release Whistle Alu double/wall, 36h, V-brake Byte A-Head alu, adjustable Byte Alu, rise 20mm Byte Alu 31,6mm Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Byte Verona 700x35 banda riflettente 44 Coffee/White Matt Kg 14,97 portapacco alluminio, parafanghi, carter Hesling, luci a batteria Spanninga/Herrmans, cavalletto, campanello

19/06/15 16:46






Frame Shawnee Carbon Monocoque Fork High Module Carbon Monocoque, tapered 1”1/2 steering Headset Ritchey WCS Logic Zero Drop In tapered 1”1/2 Frame Specs FEA tests: analysis of stresses, weight and rigidity BB30 integrated oversize bearing Tapered steerer 1”1/2 - 1”1/8 ISP integrated seatpost Inner cables Integrated carbon dropout High modulus Toray® carbon 30T/40T Monocoque front triangle Non distortion test: the 100% of the frame is tested to exclude any possible fault Size 52 - 54 - 56 - 60 Colours White/Red/Carbon Weight 995 gr* (920 gr**)

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 82

** Peso telaio senza ISP e con reggisella Ritchey WCS carbon one bolt (185 gr) ** Weight frame without ISP and with Ritchey WCS one bolt (185 gr) seatpost

Frame Fork Headset Seat Clamp

Carbon Monocoque, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Press Fit 30, internal cables Carbon Monocoque, tapered 1"1/2 steering FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1”1/2 Alu 34,9 mm

Frame Specs Monocoque carbon unidirectional Tapered steerer 1”1/2 - 1”1/8 BB Press Fit 30 Integrated carbon dropout Integrated cables Di2 ready Size 47 - 49 - 51 - 54 - 57 Colours Black/Red Matt Weight 970* gr

* Il peso si riferisce alla misura 49 del telaio grezzo con una tolleranza di ± 4% * Weight is referred to raw frame, size 49, with ± 4% tolerance

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Frame Specs Monocoque carbon unidirectional Tapered steerer 1”1/2 - 1”1/8 BB Press Fit 30 Integrated carbon dropout Rear axle e-thru Brake caliper post mount Hidded brake caliper on chain stay Integrated cables Size 17” - 19” - 21” Colours Black/Anthracite Matt Weight 1.180 gr*

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 83


Frame Carbon Monocoque 27,5”, tapered 1”1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 30, 12mm E-Thru rear axle, internal cables E-Thru rear axle Shimano SM-AX58 12mm Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1”1/2 Seat Clamp Alu 31,8 mm Frame Specs Monocoque carbon unidirectional Tapered steerer 1”1/2 - 1”1/8 BB Press Fit 30 Integrated carbon dropout Rear axle e-thru Brake caliper post mount Hidded brake caliper on chain stay Integrated cables Size 15” - 17” - 19” Colours Black/Red Matt Weight 1.180 gr*

* Il peso si riferisce alla misura 49 del telaio grezzo con una tolleranza di ± 4%


Frame Carbon Monocoque 29”, tapered 1”1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 30, 12mm E-Thru rear axle, internal cables E-Thru rear axle Shimano SM-AX58 12mm Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1”1/2 Seat Clamp Alu 31,8 mm

* Weight is referred to raw frame, size 49, with ± 4% tolerance

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3 6


SUGGEST YOU catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 84



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8 1 ROAD RACE SHOES AS 27 23391 9352001438 23393 9352001439 23394 9352001440 23395 9352001441 23397 9352001442 23398 9352001443 23399 9352001444 23400 9352001445 23401 9352001446 23402 9352001447

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47



3 MTB SHOES AS 50 10

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 85

23392 9352001738 23414 9352001739 23415 9352001740 23416 9352001741 23417 9352001742 23418 9352001743 23419 9352001744 23420 9352001745 23421 9352001746 23422 9352001747

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

22291 9322512201 54-58 22292 9322512202 59-64

5 CASCO AT.S BAT EVO 22289 9322517101 22290 9322517102 22299 9322517103 22343 9322517104



9 COMPUTER SIGMA ROX 10.0 GPS 17884 1231106000

B/BLK 54-61 N/R/B 54-61 ORA.F.54-61 AZZ.O.54-61





6 MAGLIA M/C WHISTLE TEAM 21353 9325445322 21354 9325445323 21355 9325445324 21356 9325445325 21357 9325445326


7 SALOPETTE WHISTLE MAN TEAM 21348 9322045322 21349 9322045323 21350 9322045324 21351 9322045325 21352 9322045326




23390 9352001538 23403 9352001539 23404 9352001540 23405 9352001541 23406 9352001542 23409 9352001543 23410 9352001544 23411 9352001545 23412 9352001546 23413 9352001547


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B (mm)

C (mm)

D (mm)

E (mm)

F (degrees)

G (degrees)

H (degrees)

I (mm)

J (mm)

K (mm)

L (mm)

M (mm)














406 457 508

580 595 610

-20 -20 -20

337 337 337

468,58 468,58 468,58

73,5 73,5 73,5

73,5 73,5 73,5

68,5 68,5 68,5

44 44 44


112 117 120

405 417 430

597 601 606

400 450 500

570 585 600

-62 -62 -62

306 306 306

495 495 495

73 73 73

90 90 90

70 70 70

45 45 45

1123,23 1138,23 1153,23

140 140 140

375,77 391,77 406,77

632,04 632,04 632,04

410 460 500

558 598 618

-66 -66 -66

283 283 283

490 490 490

73,5 73,5 73,5

73,5 73,5 73,5

72,5 72,5 72,5

45 45 45

1082 1121 1141

120 120 120

376 415 435

619 619 619

400 450 500

570 585 600

-62 -62 -62

306 306 306

495 495 495

73 73 73

90 90 90

70 70 70

45 45 45

1123,23 1138,23 1153,23

140 140 140

375,77 391,77 406,77

632,04 632,04 632,04

410 460 500

560 600 620

-62 -62 -62

306 306 306

490 490 490

73 73 73

73 73 73

72 72 72

44 44 44

1084 1124 1144

120 120 120

370 411 430

622 622 622














BISON M (18”) B-RUSH S (16”) M (18”) L (20”) B-WARE HF HF S (16”) M (18”) L (20”) B-WARE S (16”) M (18”) L (20”) B-WARE RUN HF S (16”) M (18”) L (20”) B-WARE RUN S (16”) M (18”) L (20”) B-YOU M







































L’azienda si riserva il diritto di modificare le immagini ed i componenti in ogni momento e senza alcun preavviso. The company reserves the right to modify pictures and the bicycle parts at any time without prior notice.

catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 86

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catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 87

H (mm)

Hcc (mm)

L (mm)

L1 (mm)

A (degrees)

A1 (degrees)

B (mm)

S (mm)

C (mm)


432 483

322 370

586 598

556 565

70° 70°

67° 67°

5 5

100 110

438 438

1.65 – 1.80 1.80 – 1.95

432 483 533

362 413 463

584 605 630

560 579 604

73° 73° 73°

71° 71,5° 71,5°

60 60 60

100 110 120

440 440 440

1.60 – 1.70 1.70 – 1.85 1.85 – 2.00

430 480 530

375 425 475

580 600 620

567 584 605

73,5° 73,5° 73,5°

70° 70° 70°

58 58 58

100 110 120

445 445 445

1.60 – 1.70 1.70 – 1.85 1.85 – 2.00

430 480 530

375 425 475

580 600 620

562 577 596

73,5° 73,5° 73,5°

70° 70° 70°

58 58 58

100 110 120

450 450 450

1.60 – 1.70 1.70 – 1.85 1.85 – 2.00

381 432 483

311 362 413

550 585 602

532 560 575

73,5° 73° 72,5°

70° 70,5° 71°

50 50 50

100 110 120

430 430 430

1.50 – 1.65 1.65 – 1.80 1.80 – 1.90

410 460 510

355 405 455

560 582 604

540 557 577

72,5° 72,5° 72,5°

70.5° 70.5° 71°

48 48 48

110 120 130

425 425 425

1.55 – 1.70 1.70 – 1.80 1.80 – 1.95

460 510

405 455

580 604

563 583

74° 74°

69° 69°

60 60

120 130

435 435

1.65 – 1.80 1.80 – 1.95

410 460 510 (whithout ISP) 720 (*520) 740 (*540) 760 (*560) 800 (*600)

355 405 455

560 582 604

540 557 578

72,5° 72.5° 72.5°

70.5° 70.5° 71°

48 48 48

110 120 130

430 430 430

1.55 – 1.70 1.70 – 1.80 1.80 – 1.95

470 490 510 550

527 539 558 578

518 530 550 570

74.5° 74° 73.5° 73°

72° 72.5° 72.5° 73°

70 70 70 70

130 145 155 190

406 406 406 406

1.58 – 1.66 1.66 – 1.76 1.76 – 1.88 1.88 – 2.00

470 490 510 540 570

429 450 469 473 501

520 535 555 555 570

507 522 542 542 557

74° 73.5° 73° 73.5° 73°

71° 71.5° 73° 73° 73°

67 67 67 68 68

110 120 130 155 175

408 408 408 408 410

1.55 – 1.62 1.62 – 1.68 1.68 – 1.77 1.77 – 1.86 1.86 – 1.95

510 540

465 495

545 560

532 548

73.5° 73°

73° 73°

68 68

125 145

405 405

1.65 – 1.76 1.76 – 1.90

440 490 540

385 435 485

560 570 580

575 548 564

73° 73° 73°

71° 71° 71°

45 45 45

145 145 145

445 445 445

1.60 – 1.75 1.75 – 1.90



DAKOTA 150mm M (17") L (19") MOJAG S (17") M (19") L (21") ALIKUT 29" S (17") M (19") L (21") PATWIN S (17") M (19") L (21") HAKAN S (15") M (17") L (19") ALIKUT 27,5" S (16") M (18") L (20") ALIKUT 650B+ M (18") L (20") MIWOK 27,5" S (16") M (18") L (20") SHAWNEE S M L XL SAUK S M L XL XXL MODOC M L GUIPAGO Lady Man M Man L

19/06/15 16:48

Whistle Bikes è un brand del Gruppo Atala S.p.A. che ne segue la distribuzione in Italia e nel Mondo attraverso una forte rete di vendita. L’elenco completo dei rivenditori di tutto il territorio italiano, è disponibile sul sito

Whistle Bikes is a brand of Atala S.p.A. Group which can count on a deep sales network in Italy and worldwide. You can find the complete list of the Italian dealers on the website


catalogo Whistle_2016_6.indd 88

22/06/15 09:48


Concept Atala S.p.A.- ADL Grafica Layout

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ADL Grafica


Concept s.n.c.


Atala S.p.A.

22/06/15 11:17


Atala S.p.A.

Via della Guerrina, 108 - 20900 Monza (MB)

Tel. +39 039 2045311 - Fax +39 039 2045300

Copertina2.indd 4

22/06/15 13:31

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