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First European Symposium in Celtic Studies Erstes Europäisches Keltologie-Symposium Premier Symposium Européen de Celtologie

5–9 August 2013 Universität Trier

Call for Proposals Proposals for contributions are now invited for the First European Symposium in Celtic Studies, which will be held from 5 to 9 August 2013 at Trier University, Germany. e Symposium brings together scholars, students and other interested parties from all over Europe and beyond to present and discuss research projects, to participate in inter disciplinary exchange and to communicate their results to the public. We invite proposals for contributions on all topics related to Celtic cultures from antiq uity to the present day, including archaeology, cultural, social and folklore studies, his tory, linguistics and philology, museology and natural sciences in Celtic studies. ere will be a number of different formates such as panels, plenary sessions, poster presenta tions and sectional papers. We invite in particular students and young researchers to submit proposals. e deadline for the submission of abstracts is 30 October 2012. For more information see the website of the Symposium at hp://, which is available in English, French and German, or contact the Organisation Commiee at . We are looking forward to welcoming you to Trier and the Celtic Symposium. Sarah Junges

Sigrid Wald

Jürgen Zeidler

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