Conference programme Saturday 6th October 9.30: Coffee and Registration 10.00: Introduction 10.15 – 12.30: 1st session – Artefact production and exchange (chair: Dr. Tom Moore, Durham University) 10.15 – 10.35: A. Quercia (University of Leicester): “Weaving ancient networks. Loomweights as cross cultural and craft indicators in the Iron Age and Archaic communities of Southern Italy” 10.35 - 10.55: L. Morandi (university of Reading): "The Early Iron Age Cemetery of Colle Baroncio. New Data on Villanovan Vetulonia". 11.00-11.30 Coffee Break
11.30-11.50: A. LeFort (Université de Bourgogne): “Urville-Nacqueville as a port of trade” 11.50-12.10: H. Chittock (University of Southampton): “What are Weaving Combs? Interrogating the Weaving Assemblage at Glastonbury Lake Village” 12.10-12.30: Discussion
12.30-14.30 Lunch and poster sessions (Provisional list of posters): - Clémentine Barbau (Universitè Strasbourg) - "Roman artefacts in galli contexts: romanization of the everyday life" 14.30-17.00: 2nd session - Material culture and identity (chair: Adam Gwilt, National Museum Wales) 14.30-14.50: M. Edgar (University of Leicester): “Beyond typology: Late Iron Age and Early Roman Brooches in Northern France” 14.50-15.10: S. Scheffler (Independent Researcher): “Copies and display – Approaching the world of the Celts with the eyes of a child”
15.15-15.45 Coffee Break
15.45-16.05: T. Macenka (University of Leicester): “Chalk figurines: sacred or profane?”
16.05-16.25: J. Horn (Cardiff University): “Getting a handle on Iron Age Tankards” 16.25-16.45: Discussion
17.15 Wine Reception 19.00 Dinner
Sunday 7th October 10.00-10.10.30: Coffee
10.30-12.30: 3rd session – Artefact analysis, curation and display (chair: Dr. Julia Farley, British Museum) 10.30-10.50: J. Bayley (Institute of Archaeology, UCL and Historical Metallurgy Society): “Iron Age non-ferrous metalworking in Britain - a review of the evidence” 10.50-11.10: M. Bertini (University of Aberdeen): “The colour through the glass”
11.10-11.40: Coffee Break
11.40-12.00: Alexandre Disser, Sylvain Bauvais, Stephanie Leroy, Marion Berranger, Gaspard Pagès, Philippe Dillmann (CNRS, CEA/CNRS and Zentrum Archäometrie gGmbH, Mannheim): “Circulation of iron artefacts and semi-products during the Iron Age: chariot tyres and bipyramidal ingots in eastern France” 12.00-12.20: S. Wear (Warwick Museum): “A Late Iron Age Bronze Miniature Shield from Warwickshire” 12.20-12.30: Discussion
12.30-14.30 Lunch 14.30-16.30: 4th session: Artefact deposition and distribution (Dr. Rachel Pope, The University of Liverpool) 14.30-14.50: E. Schech (University of Durham): “A Colourful Past: exploring the use of colour through glass beads” 14.50-15.10: M. Marshall (Museum of London Archaeology): “Objects, practice and identity: The wearing and wielding of swords inIron Age Central Britain”
15.10-15.40: Coffee Break
15.40-16.00: L. Brown: “A coin in the grave: Charon’s obol?” 16.00-16.20: S. Adams (University of Leicester): “Middle Iron Age brooches: where can I get me one of them?”
16.30-17.30: Closing discussion