Hau 2014 , 1 - table of contents

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Table of Contents

Editorial Notice Turns and returns Giovanni da Col


Articles Malinowski magical puzzles: Towards a new theory of magic and procreation in Trobriand society Mark S. Mosko 1-47 World: An anthropological examination (part 1) João de Pina-Cabral


“She appeared to be in some kind of trance”: Anthropology and the question of unknowability in a criminal trial Joost Fontein 75-103 What Pehuenche blood does: Hemic feasting, intersubjective participation, and witchcraft in Southern Chile Cristóbal Bonelli 105-127 From village to bush in four Watchi rites: A transformational analysis of ritual space and perspective Klaus Hamberger


Transforming translations (part 2): Addressing ontological alterity Amiria J. M. Salmond 155-187 Special section: How does anthropology know?, edited by Bob W. White and Kiven Strohm Preface: Ethnographic knowledge and the aporias of intersubjectivity Bob W. White, Kiven Strohm 189-197 Ethnography and intersubjectivity: Loose ends Johannes Fabian


After objectivity: An historical approach to the intersubjective in ethnography Peter Pels


The anthropology of guilt and rapport: Moral mutuality in ethnographic fieldwork Eric Gable


Colloquia: The ontological French turn, edited by John Kelly Introduction: The ontological turn in French philosophical anthropology John D. Kelly


Modes of being and forms of predication Philippe Descola


On the ontological scheme of Beyond nature and culture Marshall Sahlins


Diagrams Mauro W. Barbosa de Almeida


The grid and the tree: Reply to Marshall Sahlins’ comment Philippe Descola


Another way to compose the common world Bruno Latour


From Latour to late industrialism Kim Fortun


The lightness of existence and the origami of “French” anthropology: Latour, Descola, Viveiros de Castro, Meillassoux, and their so-called ontological turn Michael M. J. Fischer


The ontological turn: Where are we? John D. Kelly Fora Remote and edgy: New takes on old anthropological themes Erik Harms, Shafqat Hussain, Sasha Newell, Charles Piot, Louisa Schein, Sara Shneiderman, Terence Turner, Juan Zhang That's enough about ethnography! Tim Ingold


361-381 383-395

Forum: Morals and life, edited by Jane Guyer Durational ethics: Search, finding, and translation of Fauconnet’s “Essay on responsibility and liberty” Jane I. Guyer


Selected translations from Paul Fauconnet’s Responsibility. A sociological study Paul Fauconnet


The elementary forms of moral life? Responsibility, sacred things, and Durkheim's ontological turn John D. Kelly 421-428 Book symposium - The subject of virtue: An anthropology of ethics and freedom (James Laidlaw) The ethical turn in anthropology: Promises and uncertainties Didier Fassin 429-435 Anthropologies of ethics: Where we’ve been, where we are, where we might go James Faubion 437-442 Freedom, reflexivity, and the sheer everydayness of ethics Webb Keane


Toward an ethical practice in the Anthropocene Eduardo Kohn


Uneventful ethics Michael Lempert


Moral deliberation and the agentive self in Laidlaw’s ethics Cheryl Mattingly


Ethics, the householder’s dilemma, and the difficulty of reality Veena Das


Significant differences James Laidlaw


Book symposium - Mundane objects: Materiality and non-verbal communication (Pierre Lemonnier) Technical does not mean material Bruno Latour 507-510 Technologies of transmission Chris Ballard Resonators uncased: Mundane objects or bundles of affect? Tim Ingold

511-515 517-521

The fiends of commerce smile Paul Graves-Brown


Beyond objectification Susanne Küchler


The blending power of things Pierre Lemonnier


Reprints Synthetic images Rodney Needham


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