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-.. "" ~ ""







- ~..~

"~oJIIIo.C, -....



. BGall 2.35 BGa1l3.r,-2

Ac~illes Tatius, Leueipp~and Glitophqllc::i. 8.9.3 198 Amnúanus Marcellinus 61 24-4.27

Appian BCiv lorO B(i;iv 1.38 BCiv 3.15 BCiv 3.91-92 'Hisp. 48 Hisp. 52 Hisp. 73 IlI. 21 Mae, 5 .Mith. 47 Mith.II7 . Pun. 76 Pun. 76-93 Syr. 20 Syr. 23 Syr. 45 Syr. 47 Asconius Pis. 13.16-17

Athenaeus 15.681C

BGall 5.22-23 B.Gall5-27 BGall? .2 Cassius Dio

47 77 48 183, 190 43 65 54,65 65 41 65 97, 181 63 64 41 41,60 . 15 57

BGall 1.31 BGa1l2.1

57 77 72

BGa1l2.3 '111



66 4,4 90

4°.3.2 49.22.2 51.r6.1-2 5u8.2-3 53.26. r;-3 53.33.1;-2 58.26 59.17

II5 99 61 85 175 85 232 122, 197




Fam.4.18.5 Fam. 15.4.IO

45 45 90 II4 IIO

Leg.2.23.59 Leg. Agr. 2.95 Off. 1.61 Phil. 1. 13.31 Phil. 2.36.9° Rep. 4.3.3

38 155 196 48 48 204

Caee.72 Cat.4.3 Dom. 66


47 77 II2

26.89.1 37.2.6 38.30.1-2

3.8.4 Cicero


BCiv 1.84 BGall 1.19 BGall 1.28

72 65 II3 61,91 77

60.3~.5 237" '79.27.5 247 Chariton, Chaere,asand Callirhoe







725-'731 Cornelius Nepos Hann.7.2-3 Q. Curtius 3.12.21 4.II.5-6 7.2.18




Heroclian 3.2.3-4 Herodotus

61 185 182


Dio Chrysostom Oro 49.5 Diodorus Siculus 16.2.2-3 20.104.3-4 21.18 24.10.2 28.15.1 31. 18.1 31.26.5 32.6.1-4


n.6.II9-236 Horace


Hyginus;De 18

Lat. Lat. Lat. Lat.

9, 189 78, 129 9, 82, 94 196 53 44, 55, 182 182 58 71, 102

9.4.1 9.5.4 9.8.2 9.17.3-4

2.13.1-II 2.16.9 9.5.8--9 9.14:I3-16 9.15.7-8

175 85 85 155

10.10.4-5 10.Il.13 21.6I.5-8 22.20.IIi' 22.22.6-,.21

munitione eastrorum, 87

John Malalas 230.1O-Il Josephus AJ 2.3°0-3°6 AJ 11.3°3 AJ 13.247-249 AJ 15.25-3° AJ 15.343 AJ 16.6 AJ 16.90 AJ 16.106 AJ 17.20-21 AJ 17.53 , AJ 17.146147 AJ 17.188-19°' AJ 18.39-42 AJ 18.47-48 AJ 18.51 AJ 18.96 AJ 18.104-105 AJ 20.36-37 BJ 1.II8 BJ 1.454 BJ3.3 Justin, Epit. 7.3.2 24.5 42.5.7


Eumenius Pan. Pan. Pan. Pan.

Livy 1.4.7



33.15.1-2 57 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Ant. Rom.

6.30.1 6.62.5 8.43.4 14.6.2-3 17.1.2-3

Juvenal 2.166-170

22.33.5 23.4.7-8 23.7.2 23.31.II 25.7.II-13


II9 160

158 190 44 70 41 89 206 63

1.43.1 1.58.5-59.2 5.31-35



Carm. 1.22.15-16 Carm. 1.26.5 Carm.2.2.17 Carm. Saee. 45

161 161 1°9 108

Digest 48.4.1 49.14.31-32


1.1-4 1.IlO Homer

Dessau (Inseriptiones Latinae Seleetae) 1 101 843 846 985 986



De Viris fllustribus 13


163 164 165 163 282

26.49.1-16 26.50

168 183 187 70 193 142 157 142 143 143 143 143 143 146 176, 228 228 44 II7 146 182 142 46 44 122 84

28.34.7-,.10 32.2.3-5 32.26.5-8 32:26.16-18 33.1J.I4 33.22.9 33.3°.10 34.27.7-8 34.32. II-12 34.5°.10 34.51.6 34.52 35.31.4-6 36.35.12-13 36.39-40


37.25.12 38.24 38.28-29 39.35-2-3 39.46.6 39.47.1-10 39.53.1-II 4°.5.2 40.5.7-8 40.6.4 40.7.4


53 98

4o.II.12 4°.15.7 40.20.3-4 4o.21.10-II 4°.23.1-2 40.23.7-II 4°.34.14, 4°.55 4L20.9'-13

55 98 48 71, 102 54' 72 60

42.19.4-5/" 42.39.4-8 44.7.5 45.14.5 45.31.9 45.42.6""II

199 83

155 82, 196

4° 185 186 186 53,.87 22,94 61, 134 17,56 5°, 89 50,89 16,50 3 99 2,3 .91 91


132 133 7 7 7 7 5, 51 7 159, 168 216 156

48, 100;

7° 5, 51 203 61,:80


8.129-133 Lucian, True History 1. 10-26 2.20

73 178 151

Mon. Ane. (Augustus, Res Gestae) 32

Oppian, Halieutika cL.412-43° Ovid Her.6.122 Her.l1.U3 Met.Í.164-252Met. 5.523 . Met. 8.48

2 2

1,97 41,59 41,59 99 59,60 191, 196

17, 85, 104 226

79 75 75 91 75 1'98


42, 55, 65 6, 132 216

Amat. narro 14 Pausanias

137, 191

7.10.12 8.3°.9 Plautus, Poenulus 985-1031

2°5 2°9

Philo, On Joseph, Pliny the Elder, HN 5.9 34.13.29

6, 8, 132, 158 6 6 7 3 7

Pliny the Younger Pan. 12.1-2


162 48, 57 205 83, 196 124





"i' ,

Plutarch Aem. 33.4 Aem. 37 Ale. 9 Caes. 23.3 Cam. 33 Cato Maj. 9.2-3 Cato Min. 30.3'-4 Flam. 9.5 Flam. 14.2 Mor. 197A Mor. 178€' Mor. 215B Mor. 235B Mor. 248E Mor. 250B-"F Mor. 312E-313A Mor. 659F Mor. 865B-D Nie. 27.2 Pero 28,1

155 lI5 187 2°4, 213 187 3 41 48 68

4° 4°

Pyrrh. 4.4 Rom. 16.2

137 17, 189 187

Polyaenus, 1.47.2 4.3.30 4.6.17 5.3.4 7.23.2 8.31 8.55

9° 187 81

31.23-24 31.29.8 32.3.14 34.2.2 35.6 36.3--6 36.9.2-17 36.lI-13 38.3.8-13 38.11.7-lI 38.13.5-9

150, 175 53 57,61


Polybius 1.16.4 1.68.3 1.83.2-4 3.4.12- 13 3.11. 7 3.48.12 3.98-99 6.54.3 10.11.4

66 43 40 192 61 196 57

Pomporuus 2.96

220 182 221 222

Propertius 4'11.73

154 205 60, 181 2 2°4-2°5

Thye~te$)519 Silius:Iciilicus,


PIÚÚ:ijl0.485-+490 Pkn.,iJ.S28 Strabo 1.2.9 '

203 218

4.5.3 6.4.2'

167 2°3 2°3,2°4 62, '131 15, 89, 210 204, 206, 208 205 221

11. 14. 15 16'!T.28

83, 196 187 93 )

Calig. '19 Calig. 36 Calig.44-46

Atin. I2.WSlI ,Ann. 13.6-9


Ann. 15.1 Ann.15.6-18 Ann. 15.3° Germ.8.1 Hist. L31 Hist.2.1


HisC~.28 Thucydides 3.37""'48 4.17-20

I'j'o 'lI5 122, 197

243 ", 181,243 88 46' 77 , '1O 10

Vitruvius 172

Tacitus Agr.2{).I--'21.2' Agr. 38.3-39.1 Agr. 43.2 Ann. 1.44 Atin.2.1-2


Varr(). Ling. 5.159 Vergil' Aen. 1.421-449' Aen.4.173-195 Georg.4


120 120 145 146, 176, 226



17° 95 .)'17° ,


Quintilian 1.1.4


Sallust, Jug. 6.3 9.3

147 147




2]2 135, 233 195, 233 21; 234,237 136, 238 73, lI8, 146 24° "242 242 '242 243


Tib.49 Tit.3.2

64, 214 214 2°5 2°5 205,221 206 206


232 236 23° 163


Ann.:,~.43'&:'¡' Ann.Uil6..,..18

170, 174

Aug..21.2 AUg:28 Caes. 25..2


Annc'J.42-43 Ann.6.31-32 Ann.6:37 '

23 lI4, lI6 72, 14° 153 145, '181

17.3.12 SuetoruUS

21, 236 23° 23° 229

Ann. 3.12~15

187 ,76

16:273;, , Phaedra85c.W

Ann..2.9-1O Ann. 2.43 Ann. 2.55-56 Ann. 2.58 Ann. 2:88

Sene¡;:athe)Younger ad'Mare. de.Gonsol

23 2°4 62

38.21-22 39.5


6.5:( 9.6.3

7 159, 216 156 202, 221 202

28.13 30.13.1-lI 3°.18'5 3°.25.1 3°.29 30.32.1-12 31.2 31.lI-15



Probo 14.2~3 ,66 Seneca the Elder, Contr.

6, 7, 216 6

26.1.1-'7 27.15.4 28.6


ScriptoresHistoriaeAugustae Ant. PiuS9.1O 44

2, 3 40 59 191,212 8 6

23.2.2-9 23.2.9-lI 23.3.6-9 23.7.1-3 23.1O-lI



90 49 220

21.3.3 21.11.9 21.38

44 8 1, 196 187 206

97, 181

24, 13°, 18í; 190 61

18.13.4-5 18.39.5

57, 182 158

Pompo 45.4 Pompo 48.6 Pompo 7°.4 Publ. 18-19

Rom. 29 Sert. 14 Sert. 25.4 Thes. 19.5-7

10.18.7-15 10.19 10.38.1-3 14.8.7

158 160



".. "







Caligula,120, 12I. See a/soSuetonius and procession 197

over Bay ofNaples,

and school for German ,protected 145



Adherbal 21

(son ofMicipsa


Ariarathes V ofCappadocia, Ariovistus, 57




Armenes (son ofNabis ofSparta), 3 Armenia. See Tacitus, Juvenal, Tigranes (three entries), Tiridates (king of Armenia), Zeno Arminius (chieftain ofCherusci), 20-21, 236



adoption, 127 Adrianople, Batde of, 21, 53 Aemilius Paullus, Lucius, 97, 127, 167 Aeneas, 9, 78 Aetolian League, hostages from, 2, 10, 13, 15,41, 157



Chariton;'Chaereas'and Callirhoe, 76

Atríum Líbertatís, 87, 156, 251 auctoritas, 95 Augustodunum (AutUn, France), school for Gallic children in, 163-165

Charops 6fEpirus, 20-21, 156 Chiomara (Galatian hostage, toRoman centurion), 191,212 Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 38



and German hostages, 180 and Herod the Great, 142-144

Agricola, Gnaeus Julius (governor of Britain), 72, 120, 121, 149, 244, 249 Alexander the Great, 43, 48, 58, 61, 185 Antioch, alleged Romanization of, 168-169, 250 Antiochus III (Seleucid king), 13, 103, 144, 157. See a/so Seleucid monarchy Antiochus IV (Seleucid king) as hostage in Rome, 13, 16, 89, 158 as king ofthe Seleucids, 62, 159-160, 166-170, 216

hostages frolD, 42-43,

Artabanus (king ofParthia). SeePartbia ,


h~stages from Britain,

on figudtive'hostages politi2s, 45-46;,

and IDyrian hostages, 11,65' and Juba 11, 138 and Parthian hostages, 84-87, 135, 226

on,Caesar's 114

iñ domestic ,',

on hostages from Cilicia, 110-111 Cilicia, hostages from; 110 Claudius(emperor ofRome), 136, 146. See also Tacitus


Commodus (emperor ofRome), 47 conferences, secured by hostages, 47, 100-101 Corbulo,

Gnaeus Domitius

and hostage from Tiridates, 182 and hostages ttom Vologaeses, 73, 146

as a boy,

on Caesar's hostages from Britain, 115 on Caligula's triumphoverBayof Naples, 122 on Parthian hostage of 20S BCE, 85, Cato the Younger, 187 Cephallonia, 66

Augustus (also Octavian) and Britain, 116

Agathocles (tyrant ofSyracuse), 192 Agenaric (Alamannic hostage in Rome), 151

as characterized by Tacitus, 23']-238, 240-244,245-247,249,252 competition with Quadratus, 118-119, 241,249' memoirs of, 119 Coriolanus, Gaius Marcius, 182 Cossutius, Decimus(Roman architect); 169 Crassus, Marcus Licinius; 111 Dacia, 253 hostages from, 246 Decebalus, 253 Demetrius(son ofPhilip V ofMacedon) as ambassador in Rome, 5-'7 as hostage in Rome, 216

3-4, 97, 158,

conspiracyagainst, 7-8;132-133 release of, 41, 59, 60 Demetrius (son ofSeleucus IV ofthe rSeleucids) as hostage in Rome, 15, 16,,41,62,89, 131-132, 158 escape of, 66,:2.10-211' Digest and law encouraging Romanization

hostages, 160, 224 and law prohibiting 119-120



murder ofhostages,


appears obliquely in Ovid, Metamorphoses, 92, 198 as imperial pateifamilias in Strabo, 140 autobiography (non-epigraphic) of, 104 commandeers hostages in Alexandria, 61

Appian on Iberian hostages, 65 on origins of Third Punic War, 64 Appius Claudius (consul of 495 BCE), 44, 53 Ara Pacis (Altar ofPeace), 105-108, 133-134, 170, 238-239, 245-246, 248

nearly loses OC,tavia as hostage, 183 Bithys (son ofCotys 80-81, 89


Boü, hostages frolD, 4, 99 Britain, hostages from, 114. See Agricola; Julius Caesar

286 /'


hostages, 150

from hostageship

Callicrates'(opponent ofPolybius), 203 Capua, youth of, as hostages, 185""187 Caracalla (emperor ofRome), 247 Carthage hos,tages from, in Second Punic War, !.j.-5; 10, 13, 14, 15-16,49-52,54,88, 189;,157;162 ¡,,; hostages ttom, before Third Punic War, 63-65, 66, 214 Cassius Dio


Achaean League, hostages from, 11, 19, 90,203-205,213. Seea/so Polybius Achilles Tatius, Leucippe and Clitophon, 198-í99, 252




CleopatraSelene, clientela, 20-22 ']'



Clodius Pulcher, Publius, 90, 117 Cloelia, 9,94, 182, 192 ambiguous status of, as a hostage, 81-84 as mannish, 195-197 bronze statue of, 83, 196 coercion absence of, in hostage-taking, 71-'74 failure of, in hostage-taking, 62-66 presence of, in rhetoric of hostage-taking, 55

Dio Chrysostom, 192, 240-244, 249 Divico (Helvetian chieftain), 112 Domitian (emperor dowry, 135


education ofnon-Romans, 156-157,

120, 121



ethnicity and diplomacy, 5 hybrid forms of, 28-35, 78-'79, 129, 161, 251 Etruscans, 9. Seealso Cloelia



fatherhood, categories of, 126-129 Fides, Temple of, 74, 156 Flamininus, Titus Quinctius, 1,6,48,91, 132 Flavus (brother of Arminius), 236 fosterage, 126 Fulvius Nobilior,

mu,ttial exchange p~liticallegitimacy 146

Hyginus, 81'

Marcus, 42

hostages &om, held by AUgÜstus, '106. See also Ara Pacis

indemnity, sectired(or ;40"'-42,49


rndibilis (Spanish chieftain);56,90



MarcusAurelius , ".'.161.

submits hostages to Metellus;' 66 Julia (daughter ofJulius Caesar), Julius Caesar, Gaius, 138 and reception ofhis Comméntarii, 1I4-1I7,250 on hostages in civil war, 47 onhostages trom Britain, 1I3-1I7 on hostages trom.Gaul, 1I, 57,61,65, 66,72,77,91, 1I2-1I3, 250 Julius Civilis, Gaius, 77 Julius Sacrovir, Gaius, 163 Jupiter Optimus Maximus Philip V sacrifices to, 59 Temple of, in Antioch, 159, 168, 250 Juvenal, Satire 2, 199-200,252

ancient vocabulary for, 17-18, 39 and Italian towns of detention, 89-90 as ambiguous category, 16-22 as metaphor far couple's offspring, 75-'76 as untrustworthy heirs, 145-148 competition for, 1I7-120 demographic characteristics of, 13-16 false representations of, 120-125 in domestic politics, 44-47, 51 influence of, on Roman culture, 151 living conditions of, 87-90


gives so..ntO,conspira:tors,

18, 138-139,

Part1¡.ep'Ílls, ,m, 191


hos~ilge~&Pm1\rtaq'Wus;ill'37fE, 122'


136. See also Tacitus .

See also

Perseus,(king ofMacedon), 7, 48., 80,97, .' . 'iI9C¡!¡,U2 childrkn of, in Rqnie, 158, 160 Philip q(ki,ng ofMace9()p.),!IO,,68, 144, 158,' 165, 192,241,'249 Philip V (king ofMacedon), 1,6,48, 144 Philo, Onjoseph, 48, 57 . Phraates IV (king ofParthia). Se~~arthia Phraates V (Parthian Rome).), See Tacitus


.. ¡¡¡ i1l !IJ


hostages¡,f~()rn Y8~ogaeses, in 54 CE, 73. 1I8;,!146, 249' ,

pax (P\aF~),ias,A~fi~ed.?y: hostages"42-44, 58,237,::M7 .. " .' , Pe~estae(and ~aftwpi), i~l ,',89

Minucius Rufus,; Quinsus (consul of 197:BCE); 98;-99'.

Nabis (tyrant ofSparta), 91,145.

17, 72,I04-i,8~, B5,145,:190",16~, 176,¡I81, 195'f~6i250"

.retrie,'!Calo(sta¡;¡dards fi:i>m,8.6, ~05 pate1ftmilias, 126 .

Ma~~etania, Roman control of, 174-175 Meherdates (parthian hostage in Rome),


Nero (empero~ofRome), 1I9. Seealso Tacitus and hostages from Vespasian, 46 fails to honor Tiberius Plautius

Pineus (king of Illyria), 40 Piso, Gnaeus Calpurnius, and connections to Vonones, 229,

Aelianus, 109 nexum (debt bondage), 38 Numidia, hostages trom, 1I, 43

Plautius Aelianus, Tiberius and 74 CE), 108-1I0

Octavia (sister of Augustus), 190

Plautus, Poenulus, 52, 155, 16r-163 Pliny the Younger, Panegyric, 124, 252


139, 183,




hostage;frq~:Bhraate,s ,.lY. 84:-;~7 ; oo'; . . .1"". , hostagesfromPhraates;IV;,in,¡ Q/ 9 BCE,


Moesia; h¿stages fro~" lQ9 "monument ofthe A¿iankings," 74



Parthia~~52. $ee qlsq 'Í'aci~u~,

marriage alliance; and hostage-taking, .;184-188

as student among'Ronians, 156 modern


Mhamorphoses;.{SqYJ1a);l19 8,),\\"

Mark Antony and Herod the Great, 193;-194, holds hostages in Alexanqria, 1I, 61, 99, 181 '.

as king ofMauretania,. 170..c174~ 250 portraiture of, 139-140 Jugurtha, 43

and Juba n, 175 Carmen Saeculare; 155 hospitality, 67-68


,9 ,¡'o ,<" . 1~3'


Jovinianus (hostage in Antioch), 151 Juba n (king of M:).llretania)"Sieáls(¡, rol/ Caesarea ; among Romans, 160



maiestasHlI9 ,'" "o., Mand(¡n:{u~,:~ife,of, 130;,,181, 190.., !flap ofthe \yorld, Agdppa's, 107".250 Marcius Philippus, Qu,inius; 48,70,,100, 202 ,


on Mark Antúny and Herod,I94 on Vonones, 228',

to Mark

(legate to Seleuci.ds), 56,





Oppian, Halieutika,;79 Otho (emperor ofRome), 47 "overclass," in imperial contexts, 33 Ovid Heroides

Lucania'::h~stag~s trom,,71, ,102, 250+,;. .. Lucian;r. True.Histories, 27, 151, 1787"""179


by Tacitus,

Livy,j~~:-;'~,~~¡,80"81,98-99. See ,also index if pf!fs(lges discussed on 1\ntiochus ry Epiphanes, 159, 170, 250

Octavius"Gn¡teus 63

;''151' "


Izates (king'o['Adiaqene)


by::T~~itus, 239, 248 Lucan, Phil

65, 66,' II3

rtalicus (chieftain ()fCherusci),'20'-'-2I:>'8e~.,

Antony/,193-194 sons of, 20-22, 88, 141~144,156 HerodAntipas, 1I7 Herodotus, lO, 123 Horace

hostage identificatioll'syndrome, studies of, 30-32 hostages

Illyria, hostagestrom,

Lex AtI¡o~ia de Termessibus, 74

on r;>,~t;Q;etriusof Macedon, 59. on Séipio' Spain, 134,251 Longiiicls;1 Gai~s Cassius, as characterized

military camps,

rol/ Caesarea (city ofJubaII),

Hannibal, 44-, 60, 154 Herod the Great refuses to send Aristobulus



gender, and representations ofhostages, 179-180, 194-200 Germanic tribes. See also Arminius, Caligula female hostages from, 180 characterized 252

of, 68, 76~80 of,8, 141,

rescue of, by third parties, 60-61 secondary heirsisubmitted as, 144-145 hybridity. See ethnicity


Galba (emperor ofRome), 46 Gannascus (Roman recruit turned bandit), 237,247 Gaul, 77, 163-165.'See alsoJulius Gaesar

Germanicus,as 229-231,


(consul of 45



" Plutarch on Caesar's hostages ftom Britain, on Cloelia, 81-84 on Herodotus, 123-124 Polybius and his audience,



Scipio Aemilianus, Pllblius Cornelius, and Polybius, 205, 208

on geography, 206 on origins of ThirdPunic 214-215

IV), 62,

Scipio Barbatus, Lucius Cornelius Of298 BCB), 101-103,240,250

War, 64.

Scipio Nasica, PubliusCornelius of 191 BCB),99, 1°3

on ScipioAemilianus, 205, 213 on Scipio A&icanus in Spain, 130 on treachery, 220 suspected of treason, 221-222 Pompey (Quintus Pompeius Magnus) and hostages ftom Asian campaigns, 44,97, III, 181

dispute with Clodius Pulcher over Tigranes, 90, II7 seeks strategic marriage alli:inces, 187 wife of, as figurative hostage, 73 prisoners ofwar, 1,21,91,97 Propertius, 75 Ptolemy Ceraunus (king ofMacedon), 122 Punic Wars. 8ee Carthage Pyrrhus,'as hostage to PtóleInies, 136-137 Quintilian,


rape, 130, 188-194 Romanization, 21, 150-154 denied by Polybius, 216 or "creolization," 173 rejected by Tacitus, 244.

I7, 189

sacrosanctity, alleged, of hostages, 93

29° ~


. \. . 53.'15°



of, 58

Valeria (co-hostage with Cloelia), 82 Vergil, Aeneid, 17° Vespasian sons of, 46 honors Tiberius Plautius Aelianus, 109 Vícus Afticus, 88 violence


absence of, in hostage-taking,


presence of, in hostage-taking, 55-57 Vitellius (emperor ofRome), 46


Tigranes (detainee ofpompey), 152


Twelve Tablt;s, Laws of, 38

Thurü(and Tarentum), hostages ftom, 53, 87, 251 Tiberius (emperor ofRome), 44, II7, 135. 8ee also Tacitus .


Sitalces (Thra'cianhostage in'Rome), 161 Spain, hostages ftom, 11,43,44, 54,65, 121. 8ee a/so Scipio A&icanus; Gnaeus and Publius Scipio; Sertorius Sparta, 57,91. 8ee also Armenes, Nabis as feIninine when giving hostages, 195 fears of, concerning agoge, 158 Stockholm Syndrome. See hostage identification syndrome


90, II7,

Vitellius, Lucius (governor of Syria) as characterizedby Tacitus, 233 escorts Tiridates to Parthia, 135 receives hostages ftom Artabanus, 44, 117-118, 120 Vitruvius, 172

Tigranes (name parodied by Lucian), 152 Tigranes (Neronian hostage). 8ee Tacitus

Vologaeses (king ofParthia). Volsci, hostages ftom, 53

Tiridates (king of Armepia), 181,243,249 Tiridates (parthian hostage in Rome), 136. See a/so Tacitus

Vonones (parthian hostage in Rome). a/so TacitUs; Piso

Tiridates(renegade Part~annobleman), 84

8ee Parthia

. .,"'



coinage of, 176-177 Zeno (pontic hostage in Armenia),

on Augustus as patetfamilias, 140 on Caesar's hostages ftom Britain, II4 on Parthian hostages ofIo/9 BCB, 72, 145 Stratius of 1'l'itaea (fellow hostage of Polybius), 221

(fama), 95

Sabine women,

Phaedra, 187 Thyestes, 93 SeptiIniusSeverus,47 Sertorius, Quintus,

significance ofhostages in, 1-4, 96-101 on the Alban Mount, 99

Tampius Flavianus (governor 109 Tarentum. See Thurü


Apamea, lO, 14, 15,41. See a/so "Antiochus 111,Antiochus IV, Demetrius (son ofSeleucus IV) Seneca the Elder; Controversiae;' 76,187 Seneca the Younger '


Romulus an~ Remus, as hostages of Latinus, 78, 129, 130, 251.8ee a/so Sabine women. rumor


Peace of


on feIninine qualities ofhostages, 195 onNeró and Tigranes, 239-244, 249 on Tiberins and Phraates V. 232-233 on Tiberius and Tiridates, 233-234on Tiberins and Vonones, 226-232

Seleucid monar~hy hostages ftom, following

on Caligula's alleged perversions, 252

Titus (emperor ofRome), as hostage in domestic politics, 46 Trajan, 124,244,249 victory colurnn of, 237-238, 239, 245-247,248 triumphal processions

on Agricola, 149,239-244,249 on Claudins and Italicus, 234-235 on Claudius and Meherdates, 238-239, 248


Scipiones, Tomb of, 101-104,218,250" secession of the plebs. See Struggle of the Orders II,


Tacitus, 252

supportsJugurtha,I47,I57 Scipio A&icanus, Publius Cornelius, 60, 103, 128 and Spanishhostages, 23, 56,61,90,94. 130-131, 134, 181, 190

of, 222 191, 212-213

on Caesar's hostages ftom Britain,

on female hostages ftom Germany, 181 Struggle ofthe Orders, 44-45, 55, 182

Scipio, Gnaeus (and Publius) Cornelius (uncle and father of A&icanus), 54, 60,72, 1°3, 181

as hipparch, before detention, 202-203 as hostage in Rome, 205-206 compared with Josephus, 202

on Demetrius (sonófSelel1cUs 132, 210-212


holding Roman hostages, 55,98-99,251 Sardinia, hostages ftom, 54 Scaevola, Gaius Mucius, 9

meeting with Lucius Aemilius Paullus, 9°,207-210

last te~books on Chiomara,


Sallust. Jugurtha, 147 Samnites, 9, 72


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