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A new Early Bronze Age wagon model from the Carpathian Basin Mária Bondár and György V. Székely Pre-Hispanic horticulture in the Paraná Delta (Argentina): archaeological and historical evidence Mariano Bonomo, Francisco J. Aceituno, Gustavo G. Politis and Maria L. Pochettino Lapita sites in the Central Province of mainland Papua New Guinea Bruno David, Ian J. McNiven, Thomas Richards, Sean P. Connaughton, Matthew Leavesley, Bryce Barker and Cassandra Rowe
Cultivation and domestication had multiple origins: arguments against the core area hypothesis for the origins of agriculture in the Near East Dorian Q Fuller, George Willcox and Robin G. Allaby Big debates over little tools: ongoing disputes over microliths on three continents Peter Hiscock, Chris Clarkson and Alex Mackay Food globalization in prehistory Martin Jones, Harriet Hunt, Emma Lightfoot, Diane Lister, Xinyi Liu and Giedre Motuzaite-Matuzeviciute Offerings and rituals in a Messapian holy place: Vaste, Piazza Dante (Puglia, Southern Italy) Giovanni Mastronuzzi and Paolo Ciuchini
The design space of stone flaking: implications for cognitive evolution Mark W. Moore Ethnographic analogy from the Pacific: just as analogical as any other analogy Mads Ravn Continuity or discontinuity in the Late Glacial Maximum of south-western Europe: the formation of the Solutrean in France Caroline Renard
The Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in Northern Europe: the Lincombian-Ranisian-Jerzmanowician and the issue of acculturation of the last Neanderthals Damien Flas
The good, the bad and the ugly? Evaluating three models of implementing the Valletta Convention Monique van den Dries
Changing the prehistory of Sindh and Las Bela coast: twenty-five years of Italian contribution Paolo Biagi
D e b at e s i n W o r l d A r c h a e o l o g y Edited by
João Zilhão
ISSN 0043-8243
VOLUME forty three
The Archaeology of Performance
The Archaeology of Legal Culture
The Archaeology of Sound and Music
Debates in World Archaeology
Digital Imagery as an Analytical Tool
Innovation in Isotopes: Current applications of stable isotope chemistry in bioarchaeology
december 2011
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The Beginnings of Life
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The Beginnings of Life Vol. 45 No. 2 Issue Editor: Nyree Finlay Submission by September 2012 for publication in June 2013 Developments within gender archaeology have led in recent years to an increased focus on archaeologies of childhood and in particular infancy. Debate has largely moved on from discussions of infanticide to consider the tensions surrounding the cultural categorization of the infant and how this ambiguity finds material expression in the archaeological record. But what of the unborn and the place of conception and pregnancy and the embryo in ritual and symbolic practice? As a stage in the life course, conception to birth is often under-theorized. This volume invites papers that consider the complexities around the beginnings of life and the treatment of the unborn with a view to exploring themes such as conception, pregnancy, birth and embryonic identities. The ambiguous foetus is often associated with distinctly hybrid and often otherworldly entities in many societies, past and present. It is often treatment in death, as well as in site and landscape associations that reveal these distinct and often liminal properties. Papers are invited from all periods and regions to enhance our appreciation of these issues, advance theoretical perspectives and explore diverse case studies.
The Archaeology of Legal Culture Vol. 45 No. 3 Issue Editor: Andrew Reynolds Submission by January 2013 for publication in September 2013 Papers are invited which consider the archaeology of legal culture in all its guises. The archaeology of law is a topic rarely considered from an archaeological perspective, yet this is a theme which is fundamental to the sustainability of civil society, The topic can be approached from a variety of perspectives, including the landscape setting of places of judgement, confinement, banishment and capital punishment and the archaeological traces that such activities might leave. Toponymic evidence also has an important contribution to make to the reconstruction of legal systems and again a landscape dimension is apparent. Burial archaeology offers a direct and tangible reflection of judicial practice, yet problems of interpretation of such material abound. Formal legal activity is often linked to state formation and territorial organisation and, in its own right, the emergence of judicial behaviour can be read as a strong signal of the emergence of a complex society. A shift from legal culture related to ethnic groups to one based on territoriality can also be observed in many societies and this aspect provides a further avenue of enquiry with a potential archaeological signature. This much neglected topic has yet to be developed in archaeology and contributions are invited which approach the theme from regional, theoretical and methodological perspectives.
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Debates in World Archaeology Vol. 45 No. 4 Submission by May 2013 for publication in December 2013 Issue Editors: Amy Bogaard and Paul Lane The World Archaeology Debates volume is a venue for topical discussion of archaeological issues that will have a wide relevance to the field. We welcome papers offering comment on articles previously published in World Archaeology, as well as those which address new topics of wide current interest. Papers can relate to important new sites, finds, themes or methods, or offer novel insights on, or counterpoints to, previous work. We would expect submissions to be more than review papers of current topics, however, and contain original material or distinct viewpoints. Where papers specifically counter previous publications, it will be normal practice to invite replies from the authors of the original work.
Digital Imagery as an Analytical Tool Vol. 46 No. 1 Issue Editor: Michael Shott Submission by May 2013 for publication in March 2014 Digital imaging in two or three dimensions may seem a mere instrumental technique, but is a set of related methods, most of which are based on structured light or lasers, that are changing archaeological analysis and interpretation. Subjects span a range from landscapes to entire sites to buildings or their sections to artifacts. Scanning and the digital models it creates not only facilitate analysis, they can enable kinds of analysis either not before contemplated or difficult to accomplish. In this way, scanning as a method can bear upon not only presentation and representation but also upon questions asked of the archaeological record. As scanning increases in popularity, a themed issue of World Archaeology seems timely. Contributions are welcome on the subjects that include comparisons of techniques and instruments, object scanning at various scales, analytical methods applied to digital imagery, and other relevant topics.
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The Archaeology of Performance Vol. 46 No. 2 Issue Editor: Elizabeth DeMarrais Submission by September 2013 for publication in June 2014 Archaeologists have increasingly recognized that public events (such as performances and spectacles) were significant arenas for building solidarity, asserting power relations, and for managing social tensions in past societies. Recent avenues for investigation include the study of the materiality of performances, representations of bodily practice or movement in art and iconography, and kinaesthetic approaches. This issue invites articles that (1) investigate performance, spectacle or other public events in past communities (from villages to cities); (2) develop new approaches to the study of performance or ritual; or (3) consider the relationship between performance, power relations, and societal change.
The Archaeology of Sound and Music Vol. 46 No. 3 Issue Editor: John Schofield Submission by January 2014 for Publication in September 2014 Typically, archaeological studies explore what the past was like and how humans have interacted with their landscape. As archaeologists, we learn about artefacts, buildings and monuments, homes and families; how people responded to such things as conflict, death and climatic change. But recently we have become more ambitious and more experiential in our approach. We are learning to consider and interpret the past using all of our senses; and visitors to heritage sites are now often encouraged to do the same. We use evidence now to try to understand how the past smelt, and what particular foodstuffs tasted like. This collection of essays concerns the sound of the past, and its significance within current archaeological and heritage practices? Specific questions might address archaeologies of music and music-making. How important have music and sound been to people in the past, and what methods can we use to question this? To what extent have archaeological and historic sites influenced the production of music, or been designed and built for their acoustic properties? What is the material culture of music making, and how has this changed over millennia? It is the intention of this volume to question all of these and other connections between archaeology, music and sound, to the extent of also exploring whether the creative processes themselves correspond. Do archaeologists make good musicians, even, or musicians good archaeologists?
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Miniaturization Vol. 47 No. 2 Issue Editor: Lin Foxhall and Signe Barfoed Submission by September 2014 for publication in June 2015 The phenomenon of miniaturization, the production of very small, generally non-functional versions of objects, has appeared in many cultures throughout the world. Miniature versions of buildings, animals, clothing and textiles, tools, weapons, musical instruments, pots, and many other things are well known, though not always well-studied, by archaeologists. The aim of this issue is to explore the variety of roles, uses and meanings of miniature objects across a range of societies and contexts. Frequently archaeologists have assumed that such objects are simply cheap ‘imitations’, intended as substitutes for more valuable, ‘real’ items. While this may be true in some instances, it is demonstrably not the case where miniatures demonstrate high levels of craftsmanship and detail which entail more work and greater skill than the production of a ‘normal’ sized object, or where the miniature is made in precious materials. Archaeologists have also been too ready to jump to the conclusion that all such objects are ‘ritual’ without considering other possible uses and significance that they might have instead or in addition (e.g., mementos, ornaments, toys). Does the non-utility of miniatures constitute a key element of their significance, i.e., does the fact that they cannot be uses in a ‘normal’ way make them meaningful in the contexts in which they appear to be important? When miniatures are ‘functional’, e.g. tiny replica musical instruments, what is the significance of such functionality? What is the significance of the materials in which they are made, especially in instances where the miniatures are made in different material from the original? Are they produced in different ways or in different settings from ‘normal’ objects? What kinds of life cycles might miniatures have: can they change in meaning and function over their lifetime? What methodologies and theoretical frameworks might help us better understand the phenomenon of miniaturization in particular contexts? Submissions for this volume might take the form of well-contextualized and documented case studies, or studies of a particular kind of object linked to its various contexts.
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Innovation in Isotopes: Current applications of stable isotope chemistry in bioarchaeology Vol. 47 No. 3 Issue Editors: Amy Bogaard and Alan Outram Submission by January 2015 for publication in September 2015 Stable isotope analysis offers a network of inferential pathways on diet, mobility, land use and life history. The technique affords direct insight into the conditions under which humans, other animals and plants lived, their origins and interrelationships. Stable isotope analysis of biological remains has had a wide impact across archaeology in recent decades, particularly in relation to key shifts in human/hominin dietary practice, but also in the identification of variation versus continuity among social groups, cultural traditions and within individual lifespans. Meanwhile, development of laboratory techniques as well as isotopic mapping of plants and animals across different habitats and landscapes have variously refined, complicated and enriched stable isotope studies in bioarchaeology. A volume is proposed that will consider a series of innovative case studies from across the globe illustrating recent applications, methodological developments and future directions. Contributions to this volume of World Archaeology are invited that seek to identify the current potentials and limitations of stable isotope approaches in relation to archaeological inferences on diet, mobility, plant and animal management and land use. Topics for consideration include, but are not restricted to, the following: • recent methodological developments, including work on present-day human, animal and plant populations as a basis for archaeological inference; • archaeological hunter-gatherer lifeways, including hominin groups; • archaeological farming contexts, including plant and animal husbandry practices; • archaeologies of personhood, gender, identity; • problems and ways to overcome them (e.g. integration of multiple techniques to overcome equifinality); • future directions.
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