Appreciat10n Magazine - Spring Edition

Page 1

children & dogs 01 beauty 02 fitness 03 recipes 04 homeless youth 05 milken award 06 bookworm 07 arts & crafts 08 teacher appreciation night 09 laughs & giggles 10


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a p p r e c 1 a t 1on

“Changing the saving habits of America Through Appreciation”

Founder } Terry Kennedy

Publisher } Pauline Kennedy

Art Director } Dan McElhattan III

Editor } Erin Moore

Executive Contributor } Dominique Moore

Features } Erin Moore, Geralynn Cada, Lisa Strawther

Support Staff } Tiffany Hatter & Tammy Hatter

Beauty } Pauline Castillo

Issue #3

Spring Edition

Special Thanks to The Clark County School District Appreciation Financial M3 Advertising Design

Our supporting corporations who believe in supporting our teachers through appreciation.

...and all the teachers who inspire future generations.

Cover Portrait of: Photo Illustration by: Mthree

our appreciation logo is has replaced the letter “i’s’ intentionally. On a scale from 1-10 how are you appreciated? email us your story at:



contents ISSUE 03

Children and Dogs } 09 Appreciating Beauty } 12 Appreciation Recipes } XX Appreciation Fitness } XX Homeless Youth } XX Appreciation’s Teacher Award }


The Book Worm } XX Teacher Appreciation Night } XX Letters from Our Readers } XX Arts & Crafts }


Laughs & Giggles } XX

Never mind likes or dislikes; just do what needs to be done. This may not be happiness, but it is greatness.

George Bernard Shaw






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{Children & Dogs} by Geralynn Cada

C & C People and Dog Training BY GERALYNN CADA CPDT, APDT, AKC CGC Evaluator

My mother Charlotte, a retired LD/BD teacher afte 15 years of working in the public school system could not have chosen a better best friend for m as a child than all of the older stray dogs that wan dered onto our farm in Nebraska. She would we Nutsthem with open arms; as these dogs alway come Walnuts are played welland with macadamia me, listened tonuts my problems with especially Effects canme be unconditiona anyout passing toxic. judgment, gave love, stayed close toto me. They even thingand from vomiting paralysis to allowe me to dress them up once in a while, and death. Within 12 hours of eating theunde went and showing, of course. nuts,training pets start to develop symp-

toms such as an inability to stand or

It didn't take current research at Kansas Stat walk, vomiting, hyperthermia (eleUniversity, which is one of many institutions cur vatedexamining body temperature), weakness, rently the impact on children, of havin and an elevated heart rate. a pet in the home, to prove to meThese what effect an symptoms be even worse yourSom mals have on can children, as I am living if proof. dog eatsfindings some include chocolate with that the childre of these evidence nuts.are The effectwith canand cause kidney who involved attached to pets de velop higher levels of empathy, learn responsibi failure, often leading to death. ity earlier, and may even have higher IQ score than children who don't have pets. In one stud Chocolate they found 3- and theobromine, 4- year olds with pets i Chocolatethat contains their homes were better able to understand th which can kill your pet if eaten in feelings of other children than those without pet large quantities. Dark and unsweetin their homes.

ened baking chocolates are especially Giving yourwith pupthe a entire As pet dangerous. trainers we serve and work piece of chocolate cake or even letfamily unit, and witness first-hand the changes tingpet him lick theand chocolate icingbring on to tha that ownership responsibility the cake cause to become family unit;could especially thehim children. One of my ill. Theobromine can also cause recent dog training family’s father hadaa conver dog or cat’s beat session very rapsation with me heart after ato training where he mentioned that his seven-year-old son, who has a idly or irregularly, which could result and is usually developmental in death if thedisability pet is exercising or away during our training sessions, is building such a overly active.

positive relationship with their two yellow labs. We both are witnesses to his ability to be motivated to Candy become involved in so many more activities than Candy or anything containing Xybefore. There are many life lessons to be learned litol (a common sweetener found from taking on the responsibility role of a pe Avocados in some diet products and chewing owner. The more time the child spends with thei owne They contain a toxic component gum) cause a sudden drop anchild's pet, thecan greater the positive impact onin that called persin, which can damage animal’s sugar, loss ofhasn't coordilife. Even ifblood your child or family had a pe heart, lung and other tissue in many during nationitsand If left earlyseizures. years, older dogsuntreated, and cats are sti animal couldfordie. animals. This fruit is very toxic to athe good first choice a pet. Animal shelters and rescue organizations are full. dogs, cats and most animals.

Our puppy-dogs eyes are hard to resist. They watch you eat, or simply give you that ”look” and try to convince you that they are starving! It makes you want to give them a taste of everything you eat, or drink. The children and the dogs are not the But eyes only beware: ones that Giving benefit. in Asto anthose instructor and giving dogs human foods can Beer and a mentor, parents can benefit from being and able even to do kill something harm them. that adds Alcoholic beverages can cause the value to their children’s lives, both same damage to an animal’s liver human andthe animal. In 2007, ASPCA’s Animal Poison and brain as they cause in humans. Control Center received more than But the effects can be deadly on More and more every day, I am grateful 130,000 calls. Most cases of animal animals since they are much smaller for the life lessons that my mother Charpoisoning were caused by comthan us. The smaller the animal, lotte, my teachers (too many to name), mon human foodstooand household and my pets (again many to name) the more deadly the effects can be. have brought to me have that shaped into items that could been me easily Even a small amount of alcohol may person I am today. petthe to love avoided. Here areHaving a fewaof most cause vomiting and damage the adds value to anyone’s life. Its not only toxic foods that can harm your pet: liver and brain. something that brings much joy, but it Deadly Dogafoods also creates better quality of life for these children as well as their new furry best friends.



-Geralynn Cada

Caffeine Coffee, tea or any product that contains caffeine stimulates an animal’s central nervous and cardiac systems. This can lead to restlessness, heart palpitations and death, depending on how much the animal consumes. Grapes and raisins Grapes and raisins can lead to kidney failure in dogs. As little as a single serving of raisins can kill them. And the effects are cumulative, which means that even if a dog eats just one or two grapes or raisins regularly, the toxin that builds in his system will eventually kill him.

deadly dog foods Lean meats Onions Any cooked lean meat should Cada be Onions are another common food{Children & Dogs} by Geralynn fine for most dogs. High-fat meats, that can be highly toxic to pets. chicken skin and fat from steaks or They can destroy an animal’s red roasts are not recommended. Ingesblood cells and lead to anemia, weakness and breathing difficulties. tion may lead to gastrointestinal upset or even pancreatitis. This can be Their effects are also cumulative a very painful condition for dogs. In over time. addition, most companion animals do not need extra fat in their diets. Medicine Never give your pet meat with the Hide medicine from your pets just bone in it. Animals can choke on the like you would from your children. bones, and they can splinter as well. The most common cause of pet poisoning is from animals ingesting Vegetables a medicine or drug normally preCarrot sticks, green beans, cucumscribed for humans. ber slices and zucchini slices are all And this is not just because furry OK Fruit Apple slices, orange slices, pals are getting into their pet bananas parent’s medicine cabinets. In and watermelon are all OK. Make many cases, pet owners give their sure the seeds have been taken out; feline and canine friends an overseeds are not good for your pet! the-counter medication to ease an animal’s pain. But acetaminophen Baked potatoes and ibuprofen, the active ingrediPlain baked potatoes are fine, but ents in many common pain relievers, are extremely toxic to dogs and make sure they are cooked — no unripe potatoes or potato plants. cats. They can cause gastric ulcers, liver damage, kidney failure and Rice and pasta sometimes death. Plain, cooked pasta and brown or white rice are OK. Often veterinarGood News foods There are a few things that you CAN ians recommend plain rice with give to your furry pal. However, you some boiled chicken when gastroinshould always consult a dog trainer testinal upset is present. or veterinarian before introducing a new food item to your pet. Although these foods are normally children and thehave dogs sensiare not the harmless,The some animals only ones that benefit. As an instructor tive gastrointestinal tracts so and a mentor, parents can even benefit from these healthy treats should be avoidbeing able to do something that adds value to their children’s lives, ed if they cause gastrointestinal up-both human and animal. set for your pet. Keep in mind that these andMore other and “extras” more every should day, I am not grateful the life lessons that10 my percent mother Charmake up for more than 5 to lotte, my teachers (too many to name), of the pet’s daily caloric intake. and my pets (again too many to name)

In case of emergency Despite all the precautions you take My mother Charlotte, a retired LD/BD teacher after toyears keepofyour petin pals safe,school accidents 15 working the public system, could not have chosen for me do happen. That’sa better why best the friend ASPCA, as a child than all of theand older animal stray dogsadvothat wanHumane Society dered onto our farm in Nebraska. She would welcatesthem advise pet arms; owners to keep the come with open as these dogs always telephone local with played well withnumbers me, listenedofto their my problems out passing judgment, gave me unconditional veterinarian and the ASPCA Animal love, and stayed close to me. They even allowed Poison Control Center me to dress them up once in a while, and under(888) 426-4435 — in a prominent went training and showing, of course. location. Geralynn Cada It didn't take current research at Kansas State (702) 400-4442. University, which is one of many institutions currently examining the impact on children, of having aCommon pet in the home, to prove to me what include effect anisigns of poisoning mals have on children, as I am living proof. Some muscle tremors or seizures; vomiting of these findings include evidence that children andare diarrhea; drooling; redness of de who involved with and attached to pets velop of empathy, responsibilskin,higher ears levels and eyes; and learn swelling ity earlier, and may even have higher IQ scores and bleeding. If you suspect your than children who don't have pets. In one study pet found has consumed, they that 3- and 4- inhaled year olds or withcome pets in their homes were able to understand the in contact withbetter a toxic substance, feelings of other children than those without pets stay calm and call for help immediin their homes.

ately. If you see your pet consuming

As pet trainers we serve work with entire anything you thinkand might be the toxic, family unit, and witness first-hand the changes seek emergency help or call me imthat pet ownership and responsibility bring to that mediately even if the she/he is not family unit; especially children. One of my recent dog training father had a converexhibiting any family’s symptoms. Many sation after acan training where he foodswith wemeenjoy be session dangerous mentioned that his seven-year-old son, who has a to animals, and some foraway a developmental disability andare is fine usually treat now once in a while. It’s best during our training sessions, is building such a positive relationship with their twoayellow to stick to pet food and diet labs. We both are witnesses to his ability to be motivated to recommended by your dog trainer become involved in so many more activities than or veterinarian. It life haslessons always been before. There are many to be learned from takingbelief on thethat responsibility role of a pet my firm if you cannot owne owner. The more time the child spends with their feed it to your dog, you should pet, the greater the positive impact on that child's avoid well. howhasn't the had heck life. Evenit ifas your child But or family a pet during early years,to older dogs chocolate? and cats are still am I its supposed avoid a good first choice for a pet. Animal shelters and rescue organizations are full.

have brought to me that shaped me into person I am today. Having a pet to love adds value to anyone’s life. Its not only something that brings much joy, but it also creates a better quality of life for these children as well as their new furry best friends. -Geralynn Cada CPDT, APDT



natural b e a u t y secrets



appreciating beauty BY LISA STRAWTHER, Makeup Artist

702.325.6989 Hello you beautiful teachers! This issue we’ll be focusing on the subject of makeup... Q. Is mineral makeup better than traditional foundation and pressed powder makeup? A. If it is important to the client to have the most “natural” effect on their skin, mineral makeup would be recommended. Mineral-based makeup is known to not interfere with the skin’s natural function. Most mineral makeup has multiple functions, such as foundation, concealer, and sunscreen coverage. It is also determined that minerals won’t support bacterial growth like standard makeup because the minerals are inert, not able to react. Q. Can I use an exfoliating facial cleanser daily? A. Yes - if the directions recommend that you may. Most facial cleansers are gentle and are designed to effectively cleanse the skin while providing resurfacing benefits. Cosmetic stores and department store cosmetic counters have beauty consultants that will assist you with choosing the proper products for your skincare needs. This is a great way to receive product knowledge and ask specific questions.

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Q. When and where do I use a concealer? A. Concealer is designed to “conceal” dark circles and blotchy spots on your skin before you apply your foundation. It can cover acne scars, blemishes, and imperfections of the skin. It can also brighten the appearance around the eye area. It is recommended that you use “quality” makeup that is infused with vitamins and helps to fight free radicals to keep your skin looking healthy.

A non-drying, oil-absorbing powder foundation - to reduce shininess, redness, and renew the appearance of your skin Eyeliner (with a smudger end) - to give the ability to add more color to your eyes and blend at the same time Mascara – to enhance and extend your natural eyelashes for a natural to dramatic look Lip liner – to create an outline of your lips to add color or enhance their appearance

Q. What are some important items to keep in my makeup collection?

Lip gloss – to wear alone or layer with your lipstick; it can help moisturize and give you an instant shine.

A. Concealer – to touch up blemishes, brighten around the eye area, and conceal the look of tiredness

A multiple-colored compact powder - to be used ????? blush to illuminate the skin, creating a gorgeous radiance

Make sure you ask specific questions when selecting the proper products.

Pauline Castillo is a freelance hairstylist and makeup artist who has been helping women and men appreciate themselves for over sixteen years. She is the recipient of many certificates and awards due to her professional experience.Pauline welcomes your questions. Please email them to: am


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We’ve all heard a child threaten it at some time or another. We may even have loomed this over an adult’s head in our own childhood. Whether it was in response to receiving disciplinary action, experiencing a traumatic event, suffering from emotional or physical abuse, or being forbidden from pursuing a romantic relationship by disapproving parents, youngsters often view leaving home as the solution to their problems. In our previous edition of Appreciation Magazine, Larry Lovelett of the Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth shed light on how an educator can spot a homeless student.

“Where will you stay?” If the child answers that they will stay with a friend, ask them if that friend’s parents be willing to feed, clothe, and shelter them. If their reply is that they’ll live on the street, advise them as to the dangers that they will face there. Most children do not comprehend some of the graphic and harsh realities that homeless youth experience on a daily basis. He or she become vulnerable as soon as they leave home - potentially falling victim to drugs, drinking, crime, sexual exploitation, child pornography, or child prostitution.*

they’ll discover parents that are more concerned with their welfare than their own. Although it is possible, it is not always the case.

“How will your family feel when you are gone?” Point out to the student that their parents will be worried about them if they cannot find them. This may leave their parents no choice but to contact friends or parents of their friends, maybe even local law enforcement. Parents may be left with feelings of guilt or fear as a result of their absence. What about their siblings “Can your problem at home be or other non-nuclear family memworked out?” Many children may bers? If their thoughts of running have problems communicating with away are due to a desire to retaliate their parents. If they turn to you for or “make their parents pay”, remind

“I’ll run away from home, you’ll see!” “My folks are so unfair, I hate it here!” This month he talks to us about NPHY’s program addressing teachers and students in the schools.

advice, use the opportunity to steer them back to their parents for direction. Advise them that although you will not break their confidence, According to Larry, when a student you would like to call a meeting with their parents to discuss a resoconfides to an educator that they are considering running away from lution. If you discover that there is a communication problem on the home, the educator should first ask parents’ part, such as verbal abuse, the child why. If the child alleges refer them to a reliable source for that they are being abused, they can family counseling. be referred to Safe Place, where they will receive the assistance that they “Are you willing to be placed in fosneed. This is a secure place to refer ter care?” Foster care as an option them, because unfortunately, some for runaways can be a positive or a negative experience. It should be children who are handled by the brought to the child’s attention that Department of Family Services are depending on their age, there is eventually placed right back with no guarantee that they’ll be placed their abusers. with a permanent foster family. If the reason does not involve claims They’ll also be subject to other possibly mentally disturbed or bulof any type of abuse, the child lying youngsters. Will they be able should be asked as to what their to fend for themselves? They should plan of action will be when they not romanticize with an idea that run away. Ask them to think things through with questions such as:

them that the despair their parents may feel is not equitable to the student’s feelings of anger or hurt. NPHY is offering an educational program for teachers and students addressing these issues. They are willing to go to schools and personally speak about them. There are videos that they’ll provide for classroom viewing. If you would like for them to pay your school a visit, please contact them at: Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth PO Box 20135 Las Vegas, NV 89112 Office (702) 383-1332 Toll Free (866) U-R-SAFE (866-827-3723) Fax (702) 313-0216 *(taken from am


teacher fitness challenge

with Curtis of Curtis Body Shop

In our last edition, we spoke with Curtis of Curtis’ Body Shop in Las Vegas. He shed light on how teachers can stay healthy and fit. He then offered to train three teachers free of charge for four to six weeks to accomplish their fitness goals. We asked you to write in to be chosen for this unbelievable opportunity, and you responded! Introducing our Fitness Challenge Winners:

Age 40

Wendy Phelps


Fitness level

Assistant Principal Adams Empowerment School

Wendy has two children, and like many of us, she feels she let go after having them and gained weight. She leads a very busy and active lifestyle so she juggles many different activities. In addition to her duties as an assistant principal, she is a soccer mom and her husband is a coach. She also owns a side business – a daycare center in Arizona. She often visits relatives in San Diego and Paso Robles with her family on the weekends. She has really good relationships and enjoys going to happy hour and playing Bunko with friends.

Fitness Goals: To lose two clothing sizes

What meeting her fitness goal means to her: Feeling better about

Age 39

Renee Miles


Fitness level

3rd Grade Teacher Decker Elementary

Renee has two children, a sixteenyear-old son who’s a local school athlete and a twelve-year-old daughter who attends a performing arts school. Her husband is a special education teacher in the Clark County School District. Renee and her family enjoy going for drives, playing games, and playing with their adorable Yorkie/ Shih Zu mix in their spare time.

Fitness goals: Trying to get in shape and get healthy. Wants to set a good example for her daughter. She doesn’t want her to go down a bad path, although she’s in good shape now. Renee is really appreciative of the opportunity to work with Curtis to accomplish her goals.

herself. Her sister-in-law’s wedding is in April 2009 in the Caribbean. She also has family summer plans, which include going to the beach. She wants to look good in a bathing suit! She’d also like to be healthier.

What meeting her fitness goal means to her: She feels she could help her whole family and be an inspiration to them.

Curious about results? Look below.

Curious about results? Look below.

Age 34

Patti Noon

Sporadic Exercise Fitness level

Art Teacher Tarr Elementary

Most of Patti’s time is spent planing for her wedding this June. In her leftover spare time she enjoys traveling, arts and crafts, being outdoors, and visiting her family in Pennsylvania, where her wedding will take place.

Fitness Goals: New Year’s Resolution. Looking good in her wedding dress. What meeting her fitness goals means to her: Words escape Patti when describing how she feels about meeting her fitness goals. She’s never been truly happy with her fitness level, and it would be a great thing.

Curious about results? Look below.




23.75 inches

35.5 inches

17.75 inches

Patti reduced her waist by 2.5”

Wendy reduced her waist by 2”

Renee reduced her waist by 4.5”


Curtis’ Body Shop (702) 696-9292 4081 Industrial Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89103

Would you like to accomplish your fitness goals with Curtis? Mention this article, and he will provide you will an initial class for free!



F E AT U R E T E AC H E R 2008 Milken Award Winner



Dr. Carrie A. Larson Principal 2008 Milken Award Winner

Our “Feature Teacher” this month is Dr. Carrie A. Larson, principal of C. T. Sewell Elementary in Henderson. She is an accomplished educator and has contributed tremendously to the success of her school and the school district overall. In addition to her duties for the school district, Dr. Larson is mother to two students herself; she has two sons – a nine-year-old that attends C. T. Sewell, and a fifteen-year-old who attends Foothill High. She and her family like to go to dinner and the movies, and spend time together four-wheeling in addition to other things in their spare time. Dr. Larson won the award on December 19, 2008. I was happy to catch up with her at her office at Sewell. Dr. Larson’s enthusiasm for education is absolutely contagious – one can’t help but get excited about it after speaking with her. She took a few moments to talk to us about receiving this prestigious award.

AM: Where did you become assistant principal? DL: I was an assistant principal as a split position between David Cox and Ulis Newton in Henderson. I was at [Cynthia] Cunningham for six months before being promoted in January 2006 to principal at Sewell. AM: What do you find most rewarding about what you do? DL: I love my job because every day I can just walk in and have a great day. It’s never the same. It’s always a challenge but yet it’s such a rewarding challenge because you can go into the classroom and see what you’re working for, track progress, and celebrate the wonderful growth that the students have. You can bring various grants. You’re really in control of a lot of your destiny because you can write grants for funding and just be really instrumental in making and building a positive place.

AM: I love the voice recording of the student on your school’s outgoing message, it is endearing. What a AM: What initially made you want a career in education? really good idea. Could you please elaborate on your Empowerment school status? Dr. Larson: I’ve always wanted to be a teacher ever DL: We are one of fourteen Empowerment schools. since I can remember. I would teach my little sister in the basement. I taught her all of the different standards Last July, we wrote a proposal to become an Empowerment School, which basically gives us autonomy over that I had learned. things like scheduling, budget, time, and just some things that typically get in the way in a traditional elAM: What is your career history in the field of education? ementary school. We wrote a proposal for it. It has given us extra funding and the opportunity to collaborate DL: Basically, I started working in the Clark County School District in 1986. I taught fifth grade, first grade, with all of our stake holders - (whether it be our school community, our community partners, or our teachers) and then fourth grade. I then went on to be an ELL second language specialist for a few years. Then I became an assistant principal.



(continued from page 18)

AM: So it actually allows for you to employ teachers that would otherwise be worried about their jobs right now with the budget cuts. DL: Yes. It allows for us to have additional staffing. We also have a community partner that gives fifty-thousand dollars each year of their own money - their names are Duncan and Irene Lee. AM: That is wonderful.

DL: We are one of fourteen Empowerment schools. Last July, we wrote a proposal to become an Empowerment School, which basically gives us autonomy over things like scheduling, budget, time, and just some things that typically get in the way in a traditional elementary school. We wrote a proposal for it. It has given us extra funding and the opportunity to collaborate with all of our stake holders - (whether it be our school community, our community partners, or our teachers) - and create a sort of business plan and anything that allows us to pull out all the stops to do whatever we can to help and make our students become proficient. One of the examples that I always use is that we have before and after school intervention. An hour before school we target third, fourth, and fifth grade students who are going to be taking the CRT [criterion-referenced test scores], who may be struggling with specific tutoring to meet their needs. After school, we have the 21st Century Grant and After School All-Stars, which is an Elaine Wynn organization. Through that organization we’re able to offer an hour of intervention after school for first through fifth grade. We have over 200 kids in intervention. During the second hour, (it goes until 5:30pm), here on campus we have soccer, choir, music, football, chess, and science classes. We’re able to offer enrichment-type activities that keep kids coming to school. AM: Is this absolutely free to the students and the parents? DL: Yes. It keeps them off the streets too. It’s nice because it keeps them safe and parents don’t have to pay for it if they’re on a fixed income. The grant pays for the staffing, so it’s very helpful. With being able to do so much, we’re able to really uniquely schedule the kids. So for example, say that they like music but they don’t necessarily like art, so we’re able to provide intervention instead of art, but we’re able to supplement after school with art in Art Club. So it does provide a little more autonomy over our schedule and what we do for student success, because ultimately, we needs kids to read, write, and be able to do their functional math. AM: Wow, that’s wonderful. DL: It also allows for a lot of funding for extra staffing. So our kids are getting more one-on-one, and our struggling students are getting more one-on-one with adults, which is increasing discipline and attendance.



DL: They’re our benefactors who have just really adopted us. In fact, he has the Governor’s Point of Light Award for Volunteerism coming up here because of all of the altruistic things that he does for us, as well Kids to Kids and other various things in the community. So Empowerment just really provides us with this after school opportunity to collaborate for the success of every child, whether it be working in grade level teams to work for the success of every child in that grade level, and it goes all the way down to classroom teacher. We don’t want any kids to fall through the cracks. AM: What is unique about your kindergarten program? DL: What’s so nice about our kindergarten program is that the kindergarteners are a part of our school. It’s not a matter of they spend 2 ½ hours and then they head home. They actually attend all day. It’s made such a difference. They’re just as if they were in first grade. They’re in slightly larger classroom settings just because full-day kindergarten isn’t mandatory, per se. We just want them here because building those pre-literacy skills is crucial to setting the tone for the rest of their lives. For example, we have a few students that are just transferring in now from Path A programs, that don’t hold a candle to our students that have been here every single day in our full-day program – they’re almost reading. So we don’t necessarily have all of the statistical data as far as third grade, but just the students that transfer in mid-year coming from a half-day program compared to our students, who are in full-day, it’s like forty-percent proficiency difference. It is amazing. AM: So the kindergarteners do pretty well in the full-day kindergarten classes. DL: If you think about it, it is six hours and eleven minutes of school time as opposed to two and a half. The reason they do two and a half is they function in work and lunch and all of that. All of our lunchtime is building pre-literacy also with Read Between the Lions and various things that we can do, even when they’re at lunch. Half of the time with half-day kindergarten parents may feel that it’s just two and a half hours and it’s maybe not as important to bring them. We’ve had attendance issues with half-day kindergarten. If you want to go shopping or whatever, it’s hard to say, “Oh, I gotta be back in two and a half hours to pick up my kid”. It’s very beneficial for building those pre-literacy skills. I wish I could build in programs for three and four-year olds for full-day, because we go on home visits and sometimes they’re in a Play-nPack playpen while Mommy’s watching Oprah. AM: What do you think that the community could do more to help teachers and students succeed?

DL: I just need them to send kids that are ready to learn everyday. So community as in parents. In general, a lot of times, when there are different social issues that occur, it weighs so heavily and it distracts kids from what their intent of being here is. So often times you’re dealing with some mental illness and abuse cases and that sort of thing, that kids are so focused on what’s happening at home that they lose sight of what we need to do here. Of course we try to refocus them, but often times it’s such a huge barrier to what we have to accomplish to get them to focus here. AM: How many students do you have at C. T. Sewell Elementary? DL: We currently have 772. Our enrollment has increased because of our zone and just the logistics of where we are. On count day, we had 740, so we’re bursting over here. AM: What was your reaction to receiving the Milken Award? Had you heard about it before? DL: I had heard about the award, but you never think that you’re going to be the fortunate one. Did that ever cross my mind? I had received a call from Dr. Craig Kadlub, who I believe works with Walt our superintendent of schools, and he had mentioned that he wanted to throw an Empowerment Celebration Assembly at our school because Dr. Rhealt from the state’s Superintendent office was coming down and so we were going to highlight Empowerment. We had done this before, because we were instrumental in the Lindsay Grant, which gave $13.5 million to the school district, and I had also spoke at the Women’s Philanthropy Group, and the Public Education Foundation secured $500,000. It was nothing for me to speak on Empowerment, so I had prepared all of these speeches based on Empowerment because we don’t want it to go away up North. So I am an Empowerment advocate. But then when all of a sudden the tables turned and it was, “oh, by the way, you’re getting the Milken Award instead of this assembly,” I was of course shocked and humbled. I don’t even have the words to express what it’s done. I keep a binder of all of the people who have emailed me – people that I’ve had in university classes that I taught, friends here, and friends back home. I made the front page of the Hinton community newspaper. It’s just amazing what it’s done for me. I always say that it’s not even the money, it’s the fact that this is such a prestigious award...I don’t know what else to say. AM: Well, it’s good to get recognition and there’s just not enough of it, which is exactly the purpose why we do Appreciation magazine. Does the school [C.T. Sewell E.S.] do anything in particular to show recognition to your teachers? DL: We do. We have several things that occur – we’re always feeding them, and we have the Fred awards from the Fred Factor, and so we give medals, and we have drawings. We recognize staff members that go above and beyond at every single staff meeting. We also recognize as far as administration goes; teachers on staff. I’m not naive enough not to know that it takes an incredible staff to inspire to get the outcomes that you want. Without them, we would have nothing. We are always doing whatever we can to keep teachers happy and morale up; because climate, of course, is crucial to what we do when we’re dealing with human beings. Keeping them happy and functioning, I think, in a positive sense, it keeps you in line with your vision some of it. But I haven’t spent it yet.

called the Academy Awards for teachers with formal gowns and everything. They present you with the check, and I am anxiously waiting for that. [Laughs] I definitely want to start a college fund for my kids, start planning a little bit, and stick some in savings, and maybe do something fun like a trip or something with some of it. But I haven’t spent it yet. DL: We do. We have several things that occur – we’re always feeding them, and we have the Fred awards from the Fred Factor, and so we give medals, and we have drawings. We recognize staff members that go above and beyond at every single staff meeting. We also recognize as far as administration goes; teachers on staff. I’m not naive enough not to know that it takes an incredible staff to inspire to get the outcomes that you want. Without them, we would have nothing. We are always doing whatever we can to keep teachers happy and morale up; because climate, of course, is crucial to what we do when we’re dealing with human beings. Keeping them happy and functioning, I think, in a positive sense, it keeps you in line with your vision of what is best for kids and what we are all about. These people literally wear ten different hats, from counselor to instructor to’s amazing some of the sad stories we hear. They carry it with them all of the time, they make a difference every single day for these kids. We fulfill every wish to our first teachers because of that. Teachers are what makes this school; the staff here. It’s an incredibly close school. In fact, some of them have C. T. Sewell tattoos if you can believe that. On their ankles, they wear the C. T. Sewell stars. [Chuckles] I was totally against that, I said, “you’re going to get me in trouble with your parents”. AM: That’s good that they take pride in their school. DL: They take such pride in the Shining Stars that it’s funny to me. I sit back and watch what this school really has become. We want everybody that walks through our school’s doors to be somewhat changed by walking through those doors, and leaving and wanting to come back because it’s left this positive impression. Our teachers really embellish that. Just the things that they do for the kids is amazing. AM: The 2007 award recipient that we spoke to used his to remodel his kitchen, which we thought his wife must love him for. Did you do anything special with the $25,000 that you were awarded for yourself? DL: April 16-19th we’re flying to Los Angeles. It’s called the Academy Awards for teachers with formal gowns and everything. They present you with the check, and I am anxiously waiting for that. [Laughs] I definitely want to start a college fund for my kids, start planning a little bit, and stick some in savings, and maybe do something fun like a trip or something with some of it. But I haven’t spent it yet.



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Improving Life t h ro u g h E d u c at i o n Innovation through Integrity

Las Vegas, Nevada - Nine months ago the foreclosure epidemic began significantly and noticeably increasing. More and more people were losing their homes, home prices were plummeting, crime rates were growing, and an infinite amount of other hardships began to ensue. What a many people saw was just an opportunity to make a quick buck - What we at AAA Home Rescuers saw was an opportunity to improve people’s lives. Our vision is to work with homeowners to keep them in their homes while also creating educational events that teach them about finances that help them through life. While many people may believe the housing market or the economy in general is the cause of our economic floundering - it wasn’t. The real issue is the fact that a majority of us were never educated on how money works, how to make it work for us, and how we can have more of it. Most of the people who bought homes during the so-called “boom” had no real idea of what they were getting themselves into. They just knew that the American dream was to own a home and that just about anyone could buy one. The root of the problem is a lack of financial literacy in our country. There is so much more to know about buying a home that people were not educated about, not even those that were giving the loans paused to think of the bigger picture. Economic crisis’ occur nearly every 20 years - and it seems, every 20 years, America is caught completely off-guard. There is no excuse for this continued lack of financial literacy when history continues to show these cycles in our economy. This reason is the primary motivation behind our mission and vision at AAA Home Rescuers. We help homeowners make the most educated decision in remedying their current mortgage situation. We also go far deeper with people to help them grow further financially. There are so many simple ways for people to save money, make their money grow, or keep more of their money to themselves and we want to make finding and learning this information as easy as possible. We believe that our country is at a tipping point. Where the hardships so many people are experiencing will either bring a brighter (or grimmer) future for our present and future generations. Right now, there is an enormous financial struggle in our country, unemployment is up, foreclosures are up, stocks are down, home values are down, and we could go on and on. This is what is going on at the surface and it seems to be the only thing that the media discusses. What is really going on though is much worse and will continue negatively impacting our country if it is not addressed. Under the surface, divorce rates are increasing, suicides are up, child abuse has increased, and domestic violence is up as well. Those are just the measurable impacts, while there are also other implied consequences. The implied consequences include the effects that these actions are having on the children. We learn who we are, who we will be, and how we will behave for the rest of our lives at a very young age. These children are modeling after some poor behaviors right now. Take a look at how many homeowners are destroying their homes when they lose the home, the violence between couples, verbal abuse over money…

Most teachers certainly didn’t chose their occupation because of the lure of a big paycheck - most educators chose teaching because they believe that these children are our future and need to be exposed to the most positive influences available. We believe in this too, which is why time is so crucial for all of us. Now, it is possible for people to correct their current situation, while allowing them to learn practices that will forever change their situation. We want to develop a culture of financial awareness and discipline that will resonate for generations and this very moment could be the tipping point for many other positive results to come. When people are doing well, they are not typically open to learning. They go on thinking life is good and everything is okay. In hard times, people recognize they need a change, and as a result, they’re open to learning. Today, we can create a revolution, from how things are, to how things should be - it is imperative that people and companies that hold a vision to improve the future be part of the Foreclosure Relief industry. The people of our country are ready to wake up and we want them to be awaken to truth, integrity, honesty, and responsibility so that the future is a brighter one. The main principles of our company are based on education, innovation, and integrity. Education for our clients, employees, representative, and ourselves. People need to know of their choices when they are in trouble with their home - they need to understand the costs and benefits are of those choices. Our employees and representatives must know what is going on in the industry so that they can keep clients informed. And as leaders in our company and industry, we must educate ourselves because we know that education gives us the power to support those around us. Education is a key ingredient in our recipe for success. Innovation is equally as important in our strategy. We are always looking at how to keep our clients more informed - we embrace technology and new methods of disseminating information. We are always searching for ways to make our processes more streamline to obtain immediate results for our clients. Integrity. Integrity is all that we really have in life. The way that many people will view us is by our word and how true we are in following through. The AAA Home Rescuers’ team treats every person and situation with integrity. We are a different company and it’s because we know our world is changing - we think, for the better. If would like to learn more, please visit our website or visit our office.

“ E d u c at i o n i s a k e y i n g r e d i e n t in our recipe for success.”

art you can walk on Story by: Erin Moore

Floor Seasons, established in 2002, is a family-owned company in Las Vegas that is specialized in concrete staining. Integrity and honesty in business is very important to owners Cary and Julie Grant - many clients testify to this on their website. It is evident by the quality of his work and how he interacts with his clientele that Cary loves what he does. Those coming in contact with him will find him to be very outgoing. Good communication seems to come naturally to him. He draws most of the inspiration for his art from his clients. His designs vividly come to life for anyone that views them. His work varies from pure art to basic concrete staining, and he has cornered the market in the unique aspect of his profession. Cary’s designs are famous and have been featured in such distinguished publications as Redbook, Woman’s Day, and Good Housekeeping. You’ll find his work at many establishments in Las Vegas like Roadrunner Bar and Grill, Famous Dave’s, and Raising Cain. Cary Grant has the utmost respect for teachers. He believes that one has to have a high resolve to be an educator. He’s mindful that a friend of his invested lots of time and money in her education to become a teacher. Not only is she still paying off a high amount of debt from college, but is selflessly using fifteen percent of her salary to pay for school supplies for her students. Cary’s heart goes out to firefighters and police officers who “run toward buildings instead of running from them”. In his opinion, it is not much different for a teacher - there is a calling for being an educator. Cary recalls once being contacted by a man who was an elementary school principal. His wife was a teacher at the same school. The principal mentioned that they had been prepping over 1,200 square feet of their home to be stained for the last two months. Cary was so thoroughly impressed by their effort that he felt moved to help them. According to him, they were “teaching the minds of the future.” It became easy for him to offer to do the work for twenty-five percent of what he would have normally charged them. He felt it was the right thing to give a blessing to people that deserved it, and he feels the same way now. Cary was giving back to the schools the way he knew how.

He’s completely involved with various charity events that contribute to schools, which has resulted in donations of crayons, backpacks, additional school supplies, two weeks worth of food and personal supplies for students, and a shoe drive where over one thousand pairs of shoes were given to a particular school. He’s constantly finding himself in the position to be able to give back to teachers or to the school system in general. “He likes to shine light on areas that don’t have as much illumination as they should for the teachers and the students.” Cary is appreciative of the opportunity to be put directly in front of teachers. This enables him to present them with something that he hopes will be an indication of his gratitude. His wish is that teachers be given more for what they are giving. On average, it costs $1,000 ($3.50 per square foot) to stain concrete on a patio, sidewalk, or driveway. Cary is offering to do the same work at a 25% discount, which would cost $750 – that’s $250 in savings! Imagine how many additional school supplies an educator could buy with that! That’s like receiving another education tax deduction!


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art you can walk on

you will be surprised with the price and the artistry, Visit our web site for more ideas.

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spring recipes wise cooking


FRIED CABBAGE & KIELBASA Ingredients: 1 head of green cabbage 3 slices pork bacon 1 tsp. salt 1 pkg. Hillshire Farms kielbasa (any variety) Directions:

Ingredients: 1 slice of wheat bread 1 large egg Butter

1. Cut the cabbage into several sections to fit into large skillet.

2. In a large skillet, fry the bacon until cooked but not firm.

3. Pile the cabbage on top of the bacon in the skillet. Sprinkle it with salt.

Directions: 1. Butter both sides of the slice of bread.

4. Cover the cabbage and cook on medium heat. Turn cabbage once it becomes browned.

5. Add the kielbasa to the bottom of the pan underneath the cabbage. Cook until the cabbage is browned and tender. Serve.

Heat a griddle or pan to medium-high heat.

2. With a biscuit cutter, the rim of a glass, or just a knife, cut a large circle out of the center of the bread. Place the bread and the bread circle in the heated pan. Crack the egg directly into the center of the piece of bread.

3. Cook the egg white until the white becomes opaque, then flip over the circle of bread and the egg (inside the slice of bread) and cook the other side until the egg white is cooked and the yolk is runny.

BROCCOLI CRANBERRY SALAD Ingredients: 4 bunches or 5 cups broccoli florets cut into ½ inch pieces ½ cup red onion, chopped finely 1 cup roasted cashews 1 cup dried cranberries Dressing: 1 cup mayonnaise ¼ cup sugar 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar Directions:

1. Combine broccoli, red onion, and cranberries together in a large mixing bowl.

2. Combine dressing ingredients together in a small mixing bowl and mix with a whisk. Add dressing to salad ingredients and mix well.

3. Refrigerate for at least one hour. Add cashews and serve.



EARTHQUAKE CAKE Ingredients: 1 cup pecans 1 cup coconut 1 box Devil’s Food cake mix ½ cup butter (1 stick) 8 oz. cream cheese 1 box confectioners’ sugar Directions: 1.

Preheat oven to 350°F. Spread 1 cup chopped pecans on the bottom of a buttered 13x9 heavy bottom cake pan. Put coconut on top of the pecans. Pour the following batter over the pecan and coconut mixture without stirring.

2. Mix the Devil’s Food cake mix according to the package directions. Pour the batter gently over the coconut and set aside.

3. In a saucepan, melt the butter and the cream cheese. Stir the confectioners’ sugar. (Pay very close attention to the mixture in the pan as it will scorch easily. For this reason, it’s best to use a heavy bottom pan.)

4. Pour the cream cheese, sugar and butter mixture over the top of the cake batter without stirring.

5. Bake in a preheated 350°F for 45 minutes. The cake will crack in the middle. That’s why it is called Earthquake cake!









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A living trust is an entity which you create to hold title to your assets. You serve as the trustee and maintain control of your assets throughout your life. You can amend or revoke your trust at any time. If you become incapacitated, trust assets are held for your benefit without having a court-appointed guardian. Your trust also acts as a will substitute. It directs how your assets will be distributed upon your death. You appoint a successor trustee to settle your affairs. The successor trustee’s responsibilities are similar to those of a personal representative of a will, except that the trustee does not have to go through court to administer the estate. If you have minor children or beneficiaries with special needs, your trust can continue for their benefit under the terms and conditions you designate.

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arts & crafts crafty activities

Star Piñata Materials:

1 balloon – any size

An old newspaper torn into odd pieces 2 inches square

1 cup or more of flour, as you need extra paste 1/2 cup or more of water as needed Flour

6 feet of yarn or strong cord

1-3 streamers of crepe paper

1 small bottle of Elmer’s glue

Masking tape

A Pencil

You need to do the following: Inflate the balloon - make a knot to keep in the air.

Homework Hanger

Create a doorknob hanger pattern. Have each student trace the pattern onto a sheet of lightweight cardboard. Direct the student to cut out the hanger and write his/ her name on the back. Collect and paint the form of each hanger with brightly colored spray paint. Allow the hangers to dry - then return them to students. Have each child use cutout shapes and glitter to decorate his/her hanger with a design and message to promote a quiet working area. Encourage each student to use the doorknob hanger at home to create a homework-friendly environment.



Tie the balloon with a string to hang it up.

Make your paste with the flour and the water until you have the consistency of Elmer’s glue.

Start dipping the newspaper pieces into the paste and cover the balloon with two layers.

Let the layer dry for a day.

Next day if the paper feels dry when you touch it, then:

Put another two layers of newspapers dipped in paste.

Let it dry for another day.

Wrap the balloon with the yarn to give it strength to hold when swinging it.

The decoration: The crepe paper streamers have to be cut up with a fringe and curled up using the pencil. Starting from the uncut side cut them up.

Start from the bottom and layer them overlapping.

Make cones with newspaper and attach them to the balloon with masking tape.

Decorate the cones with the crepe paper, adding strings to the tips.

{AppreciationRecipes} Baked Orange Roughy Italian-Style INGREDIENTS (Nutrition) * 1/4 cup Italian seasoned bread crumbs * 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese * 2 tablespoons grated Romano cheese * 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder * 1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste * 1 pound orange roughy fillets * 1/4 cup butter, melted * 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley * add to recipe box Add to Recipe Box My folders: * add to shopping list Add to Shopping List * add a personal note Add a Personal Note DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Coat a medium baking dish with non-stick cooking spray. 2. In a shallow bowl, mix bread crumbs, Parmesan cheese, Romano cheese, garlic powder, and salt. 3. Brush both sides of orange roughy fillets with butter, and dredge in the bread crumb mixture. Arrange fillets in a single layer in the prepared baking dish, and sprinkle with parsley. 4. Bake in preheated oven 10 to 15 minutes, or until the fish flakes easily with a fork.

Chip Chicken Lollipops INGREDIENTS * 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - cut into 1/2 inch cubes * 1 egg * 2 tablespoons milk * 2 cups crushed potato chips * lollipop sticks from a craft or party store * add to recipe box Add to Recipe Box My folders: * add to shopping list Add to Shopping List * add a personal note Add a Personal Note DIRECTIONS P 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a baking sheet. 2. Crush potato chips onto a plate. In a large bowl, whisk together egg and milk. Dip the chicken cubes into the egg mixture, then coat well with potato chips. Spread the nuggets onto the baking sheet. 3. Bake for 10 minutes. Turn nuggets over, and bake for 10 minutes more, until golden brown. Remove baking sheet from oven, and insert a lollipop stick into each nugget. am


Join us as we take a look into our top picks for our favorite boos of the season.


Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope by Nikki Grimes, Bryan Collier (Illustrator) This is the moving story of an exceptional man, as told by Nikki Grimes and illustrated by Bryan Collier, both winners of the Coretta Scott King Award. Barack Obama has motivated Americans to believe with him, to believe that every one of us has the power to change ourselves and change our world.

Fifteen Animals! by Sandra Boynton The amazing Bob! The amazing Boynton! Because who else but Sandra Boynton could imagine 15 Bobs in one book? Actually, that’s 14 Bobs, and one Simon James Alexander Ragsdale the Third (he’s a turtle), which gives Fifteen Animals! the added dimension of being a unique counting book—count the Bobs, count the pets, count the bunnies, count the fish.

childrens picks

The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart, Carson Ellis (Illustrator) Dozens of children respond to this peculiar ad in the newspaper and are then put through a series of mind-bending tests, which readers take along with them. Only four children-two boys and two girls-succeed. Their challenge: to go on a secret mission that only the most intelligent and inventive children could complete. To accomplish it they will have to go undercover at the Learning Institute for the Very Enlightened, where the only rule is that there are no rules. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer Everything fans want to know about the hotly anticipated Twilight movie and much more! Designed as a celebration of the film, this lavishly illustrated paperback edition is an exclusive behind-the-scenes guide featuring full-color photos of the cast, locations, and sets, as well as storyboards, interviews, details of the special effects, and much more. The Last Straw (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series #3) by Jeff Kinney The highly anticipated third book in the critically acclaimed and bestselling series takes the art of being wimpy to a whole new level. Let’s face it: Greg Heffley will never change his wimpy ways. Somebody just needs to explain that to Greg’s father. You see, Frank Heffley actually thinks he can get his son to toughen up, and he enlists Greg in organized sports and other “manly” endeavors. Of course, Greg is able to easily sidestep his father’s efforts to change him. But when Greg’s dad threatens to send him to military academy, Greg realizes he has to shape up...or get shipped out.



Obama: The Historic Front Pages by David Elliot Cohen, Mark Greenberg, Howard Dodson Celebrate a milestone in American history: The election of President Barack Obama


Yes, he did! When Barack Obama became president-elect on November 4, 2008, he transformed Martin’s Luther King’s dream into reality. Obama, and the 66.3 million Americans who voted for him, proved to the world that all things are possible. And the day after, people from coast to coast lined up to buy newspapers as souvenirs. The demand was unprecedented, with stands and stores quickly selling out: USA Today sold an extra 380,000 copies, while the Atlanta Journal-Constitution went back to print five times. Dog on It by Spencer Quinn Set in the Valley of an unnamed Western state, Quinn’s winning debut introduces one smart canine detective and his partner, PI Bernie Little of the Little Detective Agency, who’s pretty quick on the uptake himself. Chet, a “lively mongrel” with one white ear and one black ear, serves as the book’s narrator, communicating with Bert via doggy methods that verge on the telepathic (“I wagged my tail, that quick one-two wag meaning yes, not the over-the-top one that wags itself and can mean lots of things”). Wealthy divorcée Cynthia Chambliss hires Bernie, a former cop, to find her missing 15-year-old daughter, Madison, whose father is a real estate developer who smells suspiciously of cat. (Chet’s keen sense of smell comes in handy.) When Madison reappears and disappears again, her dad says she’s just a runaway, though Bernie thinks otherwise. Chet must use all his superdog tricks to extricate Bernie from a mighty tight fix in a climax that fans of classic mysteries are sure to appreciate. The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews A unique blend of fiction, history, allegory, and inspiration.

teacher picks

David Ponder’s lost his job, his confidence, and his will to live. And just when it seems that things can’t get any worse, they do: his only child falls ill, and he’s involved in a serious car accident. But a divine adventure that includes encounters with seven of history’s most inspirational characters, among them Anne Frank, Abraham Lincoln, and Christopher Columbus, leaves him with a glimpse of life’s big picture, and seven bits of wisdom with which to confront his future. This thought-provoking book encourages readers of all ages to reach their full potential using these simple keys to success. The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher Book by Harry K. Wong, Rosemary T. Wong Over 3 million copies have been sold of the preeminent book on classroom management and teaching for lesson achievement. The book walks a teacher, either novice or veteran, through the most effective ways to begin a school year and continue to become an effective teacher. This is the most basic book on how to teach. Every teacher and administrator needs to have a copy. Jokelopedia: The Biggest, Best, Silliest, Dumbest Joke Book Ever by Ilana Weitzman, Eva Blank, Rosanne Green Kids and jokes, jokes and kids--it’s a natural marriage. Now comes the mother of all joke books. Doctor jokes and elephant jokes, banana jokes, robber jokes, dentist jokes, light bulb jokes, chicken-crossing-the-road jokes, teacher jokes, computer jokes, movie star jokes, vampire jokes-they’re all here, by the thousands, in a gut-busting, all-encompassing collection of more jokes than any kid could tell in a lifetime.



Save the date for our next event

September 25, 2009

Images from our Last E vent

Teacher Appreciation Night January 23, 2009

Teachers It’s Time to Celebrate you.

Kennedy Estate


teachers enjoyed the view of Las Vegas from the third story balcony

Congratulations to our evenings winners!

thank you to our sponsors! Fudruckers! Curtis of Curtis Body Shop, The Kennedy Estate

teachers can party and tear up the dance floor.

your night was filled with great memories. wait...until our next event!

teachers were pampered in our media room

fuddruckers earned their reputation of being the world’s greatest hamburgers their food was delicious!

event photography by: Jessica York Navarro,

Pauline Closing editorial Letter here

Community Teacher Supporters “We appreciate you�







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