The Cocke County High School Class of 2022 The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 Page 7
MATT WINTER Senior members of the CCHS Big Red Fire Choir sang the National Anthem to begin this year’s commencement ceremony. MATT WINTER Tyler Haney, CCHS Valedictorian of the Class of 2022, addresses his fellow classmates during his commencement speech. MATT WINTER Cocke County High School graduate Dylan Allison was the rst in his class to cross the stage and receive his diploma from Cocke County Director of Schools, Manney Moore. MATT WINTER Sydney Clevenger walks to her seat during the graduation processional held at the beginning of Cocke County’s ceremony. MATT WINTER CCHS senior Bryce Click makes his way down the aisle to join the rest of his classmates during the graduation ceremony. MATT WINTER Faith Hammonds smiles as she walks in the graduation processional held for Cocke County High School seniors. The ceremony returned to the Great Smoky Mountains Expo Center after three years. MATT WINTER Hunter Stuart descended the stairs at the Expo Center with his fellow classmates as Cocke County High School recognized the Class of 2022. MATT WINTER Carly Williams scans the crowd for familiar faces as she walks in the graduation processional to the sounds of “Pomp and Circumstance.” MATT WINTER Jaylen Coeld smiles as she receives her diploma from Cocke County Director of Schools, Manney Moore. MATT WINTER Cocke County High School graduate John Dorsey shakes hands with Manney Moore, Director of County Schools, as he receives his diploma. MATT WINTER Destiny Jenkins walks off the stage with diploma in hand, ofcially becoming a graduate of Cocke County High School. Jenkins will attend the University of Chicago in the fall as a recipient of the Questbridge scholarship. MATT WINTER CCHS Salutatorian Sophia Rouleau happily accepts her diploma from Manney Moore, Director of County Schools. Rouleau thanked her family for all of their support during her speech at graduation. She will attend the University of Tennessee in Knoxville this fall as a member of the Spirit Program.
These CCHS Class of 2022 students earned honors as Tennessee Scholars and were recognized during the CCHS Honors Night program. From left to right are Kimberly Ottinger, Tyler Haney and Karlie Souder. Not pictured is Camryn Halcomb.
Self and Cadence Gregg. From left to right are Jaylen Self, Cadence Gregg and Doris Moreland.
A total of six Cocke County High School seniors were members of the ACT 30+ Club. Students that scored 30 or higher on the ACT included from left to right, Kamila Vargas, Emily Roach, Tyler Haney and Karlie Souder. Not pictured are Harrison Sampson and Ashton Withey.
A large group of CCHS graduates were recognized as being Academic Letterman for the 20212022 school year. In the front row from left to right are, Kamila Vargs, Karlie Souder, Lily Asbury, Chloe Poteete, Brody Cabe, Faith Hammonds, Carly Williams, Tyler Haney and Michaela Rivera. In the rear are Garbiel Rathbone, Steve Blanchett, Eli Wilson, Ben Tallman and Kimberly Ottinger. Not pictured are Savannah Groth, Harrison Sampson, Dylan Strange, Ashton Withey, Christian Forrester, Elizabeth Smith,Ariana Pinto, Camryn Starnes, Mindy Hall, Hayden Jenkins and Camryn Halcomb.
Page 8 The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 JOESHULTS AffiliateBroker (423)623-1235 Cell:(423)237-1397 Fax:423-623-9081 P.O.Box6, 711CosbyHwy. Newport,TN37821 DylanStrange CockeCounty HighSchool Weareproudof youandwishyou thebest! Love,PapawandVickie,BrianandPam, MomandTim,andallyourfamily Gift A Subscription Today! Call 423-623-6171 Cocke County High School holds Honors Night MATT WINTER Roman Stewart was selected as the Cocke County High School Student of the Year for 20212022. CCHS Principal Gail Burchette presented Stewart with his award. MATT WINTER CCHS counselor Vera Pratt joined a group of scholarship recipients to be recognized for the evening. In the front row from left to right are Shan Patel, Shiya Patel, Chloe Poteete, Emily Roach, Sophia Rouleau, Thomas Runions, Jaylen Self, Karlie Souder, Roman Stewart and Malachi Townsend. In the rear are Kamila Vargas, Kameron Wheeler, Carly Williams, Aiden Williamson, Darcy Woody and Pratt. MATT WINTER New for this year was a scholarship provided by the Mission of Hope of Knoxville. Doris Moreland presented two scholarships to Cocke County seniors Jaylen The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 Page 9 SCOTT'SX-TREME SoftWash&PressureWashing 423-248-8668 Scottie,Teshia,Taylor,Brexley, Azavian&Oakleigh OurWarmestThoughts &HighestHopesAre WithYou! FaithHammonds CockeCountyHighSchool FromYouFriendsAndFamilyAt... 122Hwy.25E,Newport,TN 423-623-3069 Cocke County High School holds Honors Night MATT WINTER Other
MATT WINTER Work Ethic Diploma recipients in the Class
2022 included from
MATT WINTER AP Scholars were recognized for participating in advanced placement programs, which demonstrate college-level achievement through courses and exams. Four students were honored for achieving the status. From left to right are Karlie Souder, Thomas Runions and Kamila Vargas. Not pictured is Christian Forrester. Vargas was additionally recognized for scoring three or higher on four or more AP exams. MATT WINTER The Valedictorian and Salutatorian for the Cocke County High School Class of 2022 were recognized at the annual Senior Honors Night. Tyler Haney, left, is Valedictorian of the class, and Sophia Rouleau is the Salutatorian. MATT WINTER Kamila Vargas was named Cocke County High School’s recipient of the DAR Good Citizenship Award for 2021-22.
CCHS seniors to receive scholarships included, in the front row from left to right, Jonathan Gorman, Cadence Gregg, Faith Hammonds, Tyler Haney, Joel Hembree, Jay Hunt, Dallas Jenkins and Destiny Jenkins. In the rear are Ben Johnson, Ally McNabb, Kimberly Ottinger, Alley Overholt and CCHS counselor Danielle Joyce.
left to right, Jaylen Self, Tyler Haney, Ben Johnson, Shiya Patel, and KarlieSouder.
Several seniors were recognized as being Career Technical Education (CTE) Lettermen for the 2020-21 school year. They include in the front row from left to right, Alley Overholt, Emily Roach, Tyler Haney, Eli Wilson, Ben Tallman, Chelsea Kelley, Cherrie Turner and Kimberly Ottinger.
President’s Education Awards were presented to the students that achieved a minimum of a 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale and scored in the top 15% on a national college exam. The students received a lapel pin to wear at graduation. Earning the distinction from left to right are Lily Asbury, Tyler Haney, Jay Hunt, Emily Roach, Thomas Runions, Karlie Souder and Kamila Vargas.
These CCHS Class of 2022 students earned Tennessee State Distinction honors and were recognized during the CCHS Honors Night program. In the front row from left to right are Lily Asbury, Dallas Jenkins, Kourtney Clevenger, Destiny Jenkins, Sophia Roulea, Ally McNabb, Faith Hammonds and Joel Hembree. In the second row are Kameron Wheeler, Chloe Poteete, Kamila Vargis, Shiya Patel, Cadence Gregg, Emily Roach, Alley Overholt, Shan Patel and Thomas Runions . In the rear are Jay Hunt, Brody Cabe, Jonathan Gorman, Ben Johnson, Ethan Johnson, Tyler Haney, Karlie Souder, Malachi Townsend and Carly Williams.
Page 10 The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 NewportUtilities ELECTRIC-WATERWORKS-BROADBAND 170CopeBlvd.|Newport,TN37821 423-625-2800 GracieJohnson CosbyHighSchool FromTheEmployeesandBoardofDirectorsof HunterStuart CockeCountyHighSchool DrueCostner SevierCountyHighSchool JacobChamberlain GraingerCountyHighSchool FromYourFriendsandFamilyAt... CityofNewport 300EastMainStreet Newport,TN37821 BenJohnson CockeCountyHighSchool EthanJohnson CockeCountyHighSchool MichaelHudson CockeCountyHighSchool FaithHammonds CockeCountyHighSchool AlexisMarshall CosbyHighSchool
Night MATT WINTER Several students earned honors as Tennessee Scholars and were recognized during the program. In the front row from left to right are Lily Asbury, Faith Hammonds,
Haney, Jay Hunt, Dallas
Cocke County High School holds Honors
Jenkins, Shan Patel, Sophia Rouleau, Steve Blanchet and Emily Roach.
the rear are Thomas Runions, Karlie Souder, Kamila Vargas, Kameron Wheeler, Carly Williams and Eli Wilson. MATT WINTER CCHS counselor Crystal McGaha joined a group of seniors receiving scholarships to help them continue their education. In the front row from left to right are McGaha, Lily Asbury, Mackenzie Ball, Steve Blanchett
and Brody Cabe. The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 Page 11 Sending warmthoughts & Big Congratulations to all 2022 graduates. C.P. HOME REPAIR Call Us, If You See Our Blue Truck, You Know You’re Getting A Good Job! Call 423-625-8119 or 423-237-1772 DanBright CountyLegislative Body 5thDistrictPost1 CLASSOF2022 EvaRaines 423-237-0107 711CosbyHwy.Newport,TN CCHS seniors participate in annual Baccalaureate Service MATT WINTER CCHS Class of 2022 members participating in their school’s annual Baccalaureate service tossed their mortarboards into the air following the program held Wednesday, May 18, at First United Methodist Church. MATT WINTER CCHS senior choir members performed “A Road Home” during the annual Baccalaureate service. MATTWINTER Michael Johnson delivered the homily to students at the CCHS Class of 2022 Baccalaureate service. MATT WINTER CCHS senior Dallas Jenkins recited “Still I Rise,” poem by Maya Angelou, during the Baccalaureate service. MATT WINTER Sophia Rouleau took the spoke rst as she joined fellow seniors Kourtney Clevenger, left, and Alley Overholt as they recited an original poem about their four years at CCHS. MATT WINTER A trio of trumpeters performed “Tennessee Waltz” during the service. Pictured from left to right are Kamila Vargas, Dylan Strange and
Stay Informed. Subscribe today! Call 423-623-6171
Travis Hembree.
Page 12 The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 ERICNAILLON’SBACKHOESERVICE Excavator Dozer Bobcat Backhoe LicensedSepticSystemInstaller Footers,WaterLines & More. INSURED/FREEESTIMATES 423-613-5570or865-322-1976 OnYourWell DeservedSuccess. CircuitJudgePart1 Carter Moore CCHS seniors participate in annual Baccalaureate Service MATT WINTER CCHS Student of the Year Roman Stewart recited his favorite poem, “Footprints in the Sand,” during the Baccalaureate service. MATT WINTER Karlie Souder performed “In Jesus Name” as part of the Baccalaureate service held May 18. MATT WINTER Shiya Patel provided the Parental Thank You during the service. She became emotional as she thanked her own parents. MATT WINTER Choir members Ally McNabb, left, at Carly Williams performed “For Good” from “Wicked” during the Baccalaureate service. MATT WINTER Senior Kimberly Ottinger read 1 Timothy 4:12 during the service, encouraging her fellow classmates to become examples for others in their words, actions and faith. MATT WINTER Savannah Webb was one of several seniors to recite poems during the Baccalaureate service. MATT WINTER Kamila Vargas performed “On Eagles’ Wings” shortly after the beginning of the Baccalaureate service on May 18. MATT WINTER Camryn Halcomb read Proverbs 3:5-10 during the service, asking her fellow seniors to trust the path that the Lord is leading them on.
Cocke County Education Foundation announces scholarship recipients
TheCockeCountyEducationFoundation(CCEF)is pleasedtoannounceits2022-23ScholarshipRecipients.ThisyearCCEFwillbeawardingnewscholarshipsto43studentsgraduatesfromfourdifferenthigh schools.
Atotalof65scholarshipforatotalof$184,250in totaldollarsawarded.Thefollowinglistrepresentsthe scholarshipsawardedtothespecificstudents. AdamWilliamsMemorialScholarship CCHS –MeredithAllysonMcNabb AlexFancherJr.MemorialScholarship(Bass Club). The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 Page 13 FromYourFamily&FriendsAt 1041 W. 25/70 Hwy | Newport, TN 37821 423-623-3021 | Congratulations to the Class of 2022! Peyton Harbin Jefferson County High School MainOffice:170WestBroadway|Newport|423-623-6088 BranchOffice:263EastBroadway|Newport|423-623-8794 345CosbyHighway|Newport|423-623-8692 NEWPORTFEDERALBANK ServingCockeCountySince1934 MEMBER FDIC FromYourFriends&FamilyAt AbigailHolt CockeCountyHighSchool
MorristownWestHighSchool HarperGraceFrance Kindergarten NewportGrammarSchool
MaddenHamilton 8thGrade ParrottsvilleElementarySchool WyattJenkins Kindergarten CosbyElementarySchool KerraLovell JeersonCountyHighSchool
BryceChappell Kindergarten NewportGrammarSchool
VICKIE MASON Caden Ford, right, was awarded the Wilbur West Memorial Scholarship at the annual Education Foundation awards banquet. With Ford is foundation member Steve Davidson.
The Vondle Breeden Scholarship for 2022 was awarded to Cosby seniors Chesnie and Lexie Barnes. From left to right are Chesnie Barnes, Lexie Barnes and Education Foundation member Doug Brooks.
The Steve Ball Scholarship for 2022 was awarded to Tyler Haney. Pictured from left to right are Education Foundation member Steve Davidson, Haney and Education Foundation member Doug Brooks.
The Regenia Mason Music Scholarship for2022 was awarded to Ally McNabb. With McNabb at right is her mother, Lindsay McNabb.
MadisonWilliams—UTK CockeCountyEducation FoundationScholarship CCHS—CamrynMaeHalcomb CockeCountyRetired
AmeliaStudebaker–4th year HeavanBaxter–3rdYear—
—LMU JessicaHoldway NewStudents: CHS–KylaAlizabethFine CCHS—DarcyBellWoody CarolynRamseyScholarship CCHS–FaithElaine
–RileyEthanPatterson UnivofTennesseeatChattanooga–RachelWatts CleoStinnettMemorial
Scholarship Returning: ZacharyCortez
NewStudent: CCHS–ShanHasmuknPatel CliftonClubScholarship CHS—AlexisLynneSteelman DebraHeardLloydMemorialSwimScholarship (2) CCHS—KarlieVictoria Souder CCHS–BrodyDaltonCabe
DonnaBalchEducation Scholarship CCHS–Karlie
EleanorHickeyMusic ClubScholarship Returning Students: ChristopherBall–3rdYear.
MiddleTNStateUniv NoahWoody–3rdYear.AustinPeayUniversity ChanningWright–3rdYear. AustinPeayUniversity HallieBrickey–2ndYear.
TennesseeTech NewStudents:
CCHS–HarrisonAndrew Sampson
CCHS–VictoriaRoseKing EmmaElizabethAustin MemorialScholarship(3) CCHS—JacobAllenHoldway CHS–KimberlyElizabeth Thompson
CHS–JayclenLBlack FredandEdithWilliams MemorialScholarship CCHS—SamanthaDanielle Roberts-Wolford FredD.HarnedMemorialScholarship CHS–Tyler ShaneHill
JamesKennethPorter MemorialScholarship CCHS–ThomasIsaiahRunnions
JayGaddisMemorial Scholarship KyerstinAlyssa
Page 14 The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 FredNaillon&Sons SepticTanks&PumpSales 232EastMainStreet Newport,TN37821 Ofce:423-625-3631 Cell:423-721-3570 Congratulations! CLASSOF2022 ShaleeMcClure CockeCountyClerk Congratulationsand bestwishesforyourfuture. Setyourgoalshigh!
Harrison Sampson is the 2022 recipient of the Shan and Edna Bush Memorial Scholarship.
With Sampson at right is Education Foundation member Doug Brooks.
Malachi Townsend was presented the Scott McClure Memorial Scholarship at the annual Education Foundation Scholarship Banquet. With Townsend at left is foundation member Steve Davidson.
Jay Hunt and Dylan Marshall were awarded the Dr. Jeff Foster Vision Source Memorial Scholarship for 2022. Pictured from left to right are Dr. Emily Eisenhower Baxter, Dr. Lindsey Caudle, Hunt and Dr. Kurt Steele. Not pictured is Dylan Marshall.
Ben Johnson was awarded the McKane Ramsey Memorial Scholarship for 2022. With Johnson at left is the late Ramsey’s mother, Kayleen Ramsey.
Sophia Rouleau was awarded the Newport Federal Bank Scholarship for 2022 and Jordan Woods the Richard and Margaret Harwood Scholarship. With Rouleau and Woods at right is foundation member Doug Brooks.
The Robin Conway Memorial Scholarship was presented to two new students for 2022 and ve returning students. This year’s recipients are Alley Overholt and Kameron Wheeler. From left to right are Overholt, Wheeler and Education Foundation member Doug Brooks.
Williamson—UTK JimandYvonneGrahamMemorialScholarship CCHS–LilyKatherineAsbury
JoSykesRunnionMemorial Scholarship(2) CCHS—KamilaRose Vargas CCHS—EmilyBelleRoach
KevinandEulaDeanLambMemorialScholarship CCHS—Aiden AvrettWilliamson
LarryB.BlazerMemorialScholarship CCHS–NidyaElyssaVargas LarryFishMemorialScholarship CHS–Samuel“Ethan”Shults LarryWilliamsMemorialScholarship CCHS–SavannahLeeGroth LionsClub CCHS–ChloeElizabeth Poteete MckaneyRamseyMemorial Scholarship CCHS—BenjaminL. Johnson NewportFederalBankEmployees/DirectorsScholarship CCHS— SophiaMarieRouleau RichardandMargaretHarwood
Sophia Rouleau
Cocke County High School
We are so proud of you.
Pam and Mark Kate Kickliter
8th Grade Parrottsville Elementary
We are so proud of you. We love you forever and always.
Grandma and Granddaddy Freeman
Sophia Rouleau
Senior Cocke County High School
We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished.
Momma, Keith and Ike
Cherrie Turner
Cocke County High School
We are so proud of you. Keep reaching for the stars and you will go far.
Love, Mom, Dolan, Mammie and Pappie
Jackson Calfee
8th Grade Maury Middle School
We are proud of you.
Love, Andy, Jennifer, Carson, and grandparents, Ronnie and Kim Williams, Teresa Allman, and the late Kenneth and Sandra Calfee
Jansyn Ensley
8th Grade NGS
We’re so proud of you! Remember to always celebrate every win, no matter how small! We Love You, Aunt Sandy and Uncle Rodney
Scholarship CCHS–DerrickJordan Woods RegeniaMasonMusicScholarship CCHS–MeredithAllyson McNabb ScottMcClureMemorialScholarship CCHS–MalachiEmanuel Townsend ShanandEdnaBushMemorial Scholarship CCHS—HarrisonAndrewSampson SteveBallScholarship Returning Student: ColbyHurst–4th Year- Universityof Tennessee CarolineBrawley3rd}Year–Furman University KananWise–2ndYearUTK
NewStudent: CCHS–TylerAaronHaney RobinConwayMemorialScholarship ReturningStudents KylieHall–3rdYear–MurrayState University DanicaWorley–3rdYear—ETSU MaryWoods–3rdYear–Univof Tennessee ChristopherLoganHolt–2ndYear. UTK
Cooper Jeremiah Barnes Cosby High School Cooper,
We are so proud of your accomplishments and the ne young man you have become. We love you.
Dad, Mom and Tanner
MacKenzie Fine Kindergarten Parrottsville Elementary
Congratulations to our beautiful, brilliant, and bold little girl. We are so proud of you!
Love, Mom, Dad and Myles
Daniel Peters
8th Grade Parrottsville Elementary
We are so proud of you!
Love, Nana, Papa, Dad, Mom, Chad, Molly, Aunt Joye, and Uncle Jamey
Sadie Henderson Kindergarten Parrottsville Elementary
We are so proud of you!
Love, Mom and Dad (Lindsay and Josh Henderson) The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 Page 15
The Lions Club Scholarship for 2022 was awarded to Chloe Poteete. Presenting the scholarship is Education Foundation chairman Rich Lloyd.
VICKIE MASON Savannah Groth received the Larry Williams Memorial Scholarship for 2022. With Groth is the daughter of the late Williams, Cissy Woody.
The Kevin and Eula Dean Lamb Memorial Scholarship for 2022 was awarded to Aiden Williamson. With Williamson at right is education foundation chair Rich Lloyd.
Ethan Shults, center, was awarded the Larry Fish Memorial Scholarship for 2022. From left to right are education foundation member Doug Brooks, Shults and Kathy Fish-Brooks, daughter of the late Larry Fish.
VICKIE MASON Recipients of the Jo Sykes Runnion Memorial Scholarship for 2022 were Kamila Vargas and Emily Roach. From left to right are Pat and Susan Mason, Vargas and Roach.
Nidya Vargas, at left, was the 2022 recipient of the Larry Blazer Memorial Scholarship. With Vargas is Russell Blazer, son of the late Larry Blazer, and his daughter Avery Blazer.
CCHS–AlleyLeeAnnOverholt CCHS–KameronJamesWheeler Dr.JeffFosterVisionSourceMemorialScholarship CCHS–Jamison
Page 16 The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 2022 JayHunt CockeCountyHighSchool WewishyouthebestatMilliganUniversity! Rob,Missy,Isabelle,Ike,Bella,Robbie, Kenzie,R.J.,andEvie CongratulationstotheClassof2022... Mayallyourdreamscometrue! JansynMausielEnsley
DelilahGrice Kindergarten WhitePineElementary FromYourFriendsAt... NewportHousingAuthority 440LennonCircle|Newport,TN37821|423-623-1575
8thGrade NewportGrammarSchool
Kindergarten EdgemontElementary
Lily Asbury received the Jim and Yvonne Graham Memorial Scholarship for 2022. With Vargas and left is Nancy Brawley, daughter of the late Jim and Yvonne Graham.
VICKIE MASON Thomas Runions was the recipient of the James Kenneth Porter Memorial Scholarship for 2022. With Runions is education foundation members Steve Davidson and Doug Brooks.
The Fred D. Harned Memorial Scholarship for 2022 was awarded to Tyler Hill. Pictured with Hill is the sister of the late Harned,Cheryl Burchette.
Karlie Souder is the recipient of the new Donna Balch Education Scholarship. Pictured from left to right are Abby Balch, Donna Balch, Souder and Amy Dunn.
VICKIE MASON Jayden Black, Jacob Holdway and Kimberly Thompson all received Emma Elizabeth Austin Memorial Scholarships for the 2022 year. Pictured from left to right are Conchita Austin, Black, Holdway and Chris Austin. Not pictured is Kimberly Thompson.
VICKIE MASON Harrison Sampson and Victoria King were awarded the Eleanor Hickey Music Club Scholarship for 2022. With King and Sampson at center is Rita Messer.
Kyla Fine and Darcy Woody are the recipients of the 2022 Cocke County Retired Teachers Scholarship. Pictured from left to right are CCRT member Betty Jones, Fine, Woody and CCRT member Carwin Vinson. The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 Page 17 We Are Proud Of You! From Your Family & Friends At Strange’s Eastport Owner- Tommy Strange 622 East Broadway | Newport, TN 37821 | 423-623-0942 Cody Strange 8th Grade Bridgeport Elementary School Dylan Strange Cocke County High School Paidforbycandidate CJBall, Republican Nominee for CockeCounty Sheriff BeBold, BeCourageous, BeYourBest... Congratulations Classof2022! RayHunt CHS–DylanJamesMarshall VondleBreeden CHS–Chesnie LeannBarnes CHS–LexieTaylorBarnes WilberWestMemorialScholarship CHS—CadenTucker Ford WilliamAgeeScholarship CCHS –CarlyAnnWilliams JESSIEDENTONSCHOLARSHIP JenniferHill FOUNDATION CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 VICKIE MASON Cocke County High School senior Ally McNabb was awarded the Adam Williams Memorial Scholarship. Presenting the scholarship is Liz McNabb. VICKIE MASON Camryn Halcomb, center, was awarded the Cocke County Education Foundation Scholarship for 2022. Pictured with Halcomb are education foundation members Steve Davidson and Doug Brooks. VICKIE MASON The Cleo Stinnett Memorial Scholarship for 2022 was awarded to Shan Patel. Presenting the award is Marc Stinnett, son of the late Cleo Stinnett. VICKIE MASON The Carolyn Ramsey Scholarship is awarded to graduates whose parents are employees of Jefferson Cocke County Utilities District. The recipients for 2022 are Faith Hammonds and Riley Patterson. VICKE MASON The Clifton Club Scholarship for 2022 was awarded to Alexis Steelman. With Steelman are education foundation members Steve Davidson and Doug Brooks. VICKIE MASON Debbie Heard Lloyd Memorial Scholarships were presented to two CCHS seniors for 2022. Her husband, Dr. Rich Lloyd, presented scholarships to Karlie Souder and Brody Cabe.
Page 18 The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 CosbyRealEstate,Inc . 423-487-2705 CreeksideorMountain Property Homes|BuildingLots Acreage Wewishyouallthebesttoday andalways. 4871HooperHwy.(Hwy321-Gatlinburg)Cosby,Tennessee Paidforbycandidate Congratulations 2022Graduates! Iwisheachofyoumuchsuccess whereveryourfuturetakesyou! JohnCarrell CandidateforCocke CountySheriff Iamthankfulforthe solidfoundationIreceived throughtheCockeCounty SchoolSystem,whichhas helpedmebesuccessfulin mylife! The Cosby High School Class of 2022 MATT WINTER The Cosby High School Class of 2022 descended the stairs of the Great Smoky Mountains Expo Center during the school’s graduation ceremony held Monday, May 23. MATTWINTER Alexis Ford, Cosby High School Valedictorian, thanked her family for their lifelong support, especially as she pursued academic excellence throughout her four years of high school. MATT WINTER Caden Ford, Class of 2022 Salutatorian, spoke about the lifelong friendships he has made while at Cosby High School. MATT WINTER Harlee Taylor smiles as she accepts her diploma from Manney Moore, Cocke County Director of Schools. MATT WINTER Ethan Shults shakes hands with Manney Moore, Director of Schools,
he receives hisdiploma
MATT WINTER Alexis Marshall shares a moment with Manney Moore, Director of Schools, as she receives her diploma. MATT WINTER Dominic Cowles extends both of his hands to greet Director of Schools, Manney Moore, and receive his diploma during Cosby’s graduation ceremony. MATT WINTER Jayden Black crossed the stage to a thunderous roar of applause as she received her diploma from Manney Moore, Director of Schools. MATT WINTER Josh Baxter was one of many Cosby graduates to be clad in gold, recognizing them as students graduating with honors. Baxter was also the recipient of this year’s U.S. Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award. MATT WINTER The Cosby High School Class of 2022 celebrated at the end of the graduation ceremony by tossing their mortarboards high into the air.
graduation ceremony. The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 Page 19 2022CockeCountyHighSchool SarahBetz UniversityofTennessee ShyannWilson RachelWilson CosbyHighSchool JacobWilson ShaneWilson CosbyElementary NoahWright SmokyMountainElementaryKindergarten LoveyourFamily&Friendsat MiddleCreekChurchofGod 1205SunsetGapRd.Cosby,TN37722 423-237-6625 731CosbyHighway MaximizeYourTaxReturnWithMax-A-Tax ArianaBurton “ForIknowtheplansIhaveforyou,“ declarestheLord, “planstoprosperyouandnottoharmyou, planstogiveyouhopeandafuture.” Jeremiah29:11(NIV) Congratulations! Weareproudofyou! Love,YourFriends&Familyat BethelBaptistChurch CockeCountyHighSchool Cosby honors academic scholarship recipients, military enlistees
Cosby High School senior Brad Massey is one of several graduating students that have enlisted in the armed services. Massey will soon leave for the Navy after crossing the stage at graduation. Pictured with Massey is GySgt/USMC (RET) Jerry Clevenger.
MATT WINTER Atticus Leger, center, has received a full scholarship to Tennessee Tech. Leger was honored with several other seniors at a banquet held by Cosby High School. With Leger at left is Tina Williamson, and at right, Amy Miller.
Lexie Barnes and Chesnie Barnes will attend Berea College in the fall on academic scholarships. With Lexie and Chesnie in the rear are Joshua Barnes, Lenora Barnes, Vanessa Messer and Ronnie Messer.
Ianna Sparks also enlisted in the Navy and took her oath during the Cosby Senior Honors reception. Pictured with Sparks is MGySgt/ USMC (RET) and Emergency Management Agency Director Joe Esway and GySgt/USMC (RET) Jerry Clevenger.
Page 20 The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 It’suptoyouwhat youdonow. Keepworking hard. GARY CARVER CountyLegislativeBody 7thDistrictPost2 BestWishesInYour FutureEndeavors. MarkMcGaha RegisterofDeeds MATT WINTER Justin Stewart has joined the Army National Guard and will deploy for basic training soon. Stewart was joined by his parents at a banquet held at Cosby High School. In the rear Rusty and Rebecca Stewart and MGySgt/ USMC (RET) and EMA Director Joe Esway. MATT WINTER
MATT WINTER Jacob LaRue also enlisted in the Navy and will leave for basic training following graduation. LaRue, center, is show holding Ryker LaRue and was joined by other family members at a banquet held by Cosby High School. In therear are MGySgt/ USMC (RET) and EMA Director Joe Esway, Stacey LaRue and Allen LaRue. MATT WINTER Alexis Ford will attend East Tennessee State University in the fall on academic scholarship. With Ford are her parents Cindy
Cosby honors academic scholarship recipients, military enlistees
Jade Hagy, seated at center, has enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. She was joined by a large group of her fellow classmates who are also enlisting in the military for a banquet at Cosby school. In the rear are Isabelle Ledford, MGySgt/ USMC (RET) Joe Esway, GySgt/ USMC (RET) Jerry Clevenger and Delilah Avila.
Ben Ford. The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 Page 21 TimelessHospitalityMeetsUnsurpassedValue 423-623-8713 1015CosbyHighway-Newport,TN37821 CruzCoggins 8thGrade GrassyFork Elementary School TaylerWebb Senior CosbyHigh School
MATTWINTER Lexie Barnes was named Cosby High School’s recipient of the DAR Good Citizenship Award for 2021-22. MATT WINTER Cosby’s Who’s Who list for the 2021-22 school year included in the front row from left to right, Harlee Taylor, Alexis Ford, Kyla Fine, Tori Wright and Olivia Hicks. In the rear are Sabrina Shelton, Chris Brown, Josh Baxter and Caden Ford. MATTWINTER The Community Fireghters Service Award was presented to Grassy Fork VFD Cadet Koda Alford. MATT WINTER Several Cosby High School seniors were recognized for taking dual credit courses through Walters State Community College’s Career and Technical Education program. In the front row from left to right are Kale Krawczyk, Alexis Ford and Justin Stewart. In the rear are recipients Aaron Laws, Josh Baxter, Sawyer Barnes and Kiley Krouse. Baxter was additionallyawarded the U.S. Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award. MATTWINTER The High School Heisman Award for 2022 was presented to Lexie Barnes, center, at the Cosby High School Honors reception. Chris Brown and Gracie Johnson were recipients of the Weeks Memorial Scholarship. Johnson was also named a U.S. Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete for 2022. MATT WINTER College scholarships were awarded to several Cosby students. Recipients from left to right are Joseph Bryant, Sabrina Shelton, Lexi Barnes, Alexis Steelman, Tori Wright and Caden Ford. Steelman was also the recipient of the Plainview Healthcare Scholarship.
Cosby High School holds
Page 22 The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 May your graduation be the beginning of many more wonderful achievements in your life. Mayor Roland Dykes,III Keepupthegoodwork &continuetostrivefor excellence. SteveSmith NewportCityAlderman SUBMITTED Cosby High School seniors participated in a Baccalaureate Service at Shady Grove Baptist Church on Sunday, May 15. Pictured in the front row from left to right are Chesnie Barnes, Caleb Sutton, Cooper Barnes, Kelci Yates, Gracie Johnson, Kyla
Taylor and Kale Krawczyk. In the rear are Lexie Barnes,
Jayden Black, Caden Ford
High students participate in Baccalaureate Service CosbyHighSchoolholdsHonorsReception MATT WINTER Chesnie Barnes, center front row, was the Cosby recipient of the Farm Bureau scholarship for 2022. With her at left is Farm Bureau Board Administrative Assistant Karen Winstead and at right, Farm Bureau Board President Bettye Carver. In the rear are Cosby recipients of scholarships provided by the Education Foundation. In the second row from left to right are Sabrina Shelton, Jayden Black, Kyla Fine and Caden Ford. In the rear are Ethan Shults and Tyler Hill. MATTWINTER Alexis Ford, Cosby High School Valedictorian, center, was one of several graduates to be recognized for receiving the Work Ethic distinction on her diploma. Lexie Barnes, at left, and Chesnie Barnes were the recipients of the Mission of Hope Scholarship. MATT WINTER Several students received scholarships from the Newport Kiwanis Club. Recipients in the front row from left to right are Ethan Shults, Cameron
Fine and Joseph
In the rear are Lexie
MATT WINTER Olivia Hicks,
from left, was the recipient of the Commercial Bank Spirit Award for 2022.
Club Scholarships. From
Fine, Harlee
Sabrina Gonzalez-Salazar,
and Tyler
Anthony, Kyla
Barnes, Chesnie Barnes
Harlee Taylor.
Cameron Anthony, Kyla Fine
Gracie Johnson were
recipients of Junior Beta
left to right are Anthony, Hicks, Fine and Johnson. The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 Page 23 11th Legislative DistrictCocke, Jefferson& GreeneCounties CCHS, Cosby seniors attend annual Gradfest celebration MATT WINTER
Gradfest passing
WINTER The Wave Rider attracted the attention of many seniors who wanted to test their balance on the attraction. Hunter Messer was one of the rst to take on the challenge. MATTWINTER Gladiator jousting allowed friends to test each other’s might during Gradfest. Chaz Starnes at left, squared off against his friend Kevin Valdes. MATT WINTER Justin McCoig stretches out his arm to reach the nish line on an inatable game, before his opponent, Bryson McCarter. The inatables were sponsored once again by Rural Medical Services. MATT WINTER Dozens of prizes were up for grabs, and each senior was given 10 tickets to place on any item they desired. Top prizes for Gradfest this year included a laptop provided by Sonoco and a $500 cash price. Due to donations from the community, each senior was given a small cash amount.
Cocke County High School seniors Nikki Fine and Roman Stewart joined their fellow classmates and seniors from Cosby High School for the annual Gradfest celebration. MATT
Jody Swann
the pigskin with a fellow classmate. MATT
Page 24 The Newport Plain Talk Graduation Edition 2022 Congratulations GRADUATES GameOn! JoystickGaming &Collectibles 733CosbyHighway Newport,TN37821 423-720-9829 CONGRATULATIONS CLASSOF2022! MATT WINTER CCHS graduate Karlie Souder provided the closing remarks for the school’s ceremony held on Monday, May 23. MATT WINTER Cocke County High School Principal Gail Burchette spoke to the senior class before the end of the ceremony, ofcially recognizing them as graduates of CCHS. The Cocke County High School Class of 2022 The Cosby High School Class of 2022 MATT WINTER Madison Jenkins crossed the stage when her name was called to receive her diploma and ofcially become a graduate of Cosby High School. Presenting the diploma is Manney Moore, Director of Schools. MATT WINTER Cosby High School senior Olivia Hicks moves her tassel to the left side of her mortarboard, ofcially becoming a graduate of the Class of 2022. MATT WINTER Cosby High School Principal Shawna Murrell provided the Class of 2022 with some parting wisdom as she brought the ceremony to a close. She encouraged the class to travel, explore and seek new challenges in life. CCHS, Cosby seniors attend annual Gradfest celebration MATT WINTER Many seniors spent the afternoon playing cornhole during the annual Gradfest event. Kourtney Clevenger, center, tosses a bag while Cadence Gregg, left, and Sophia Rouleau watch where it lands. MATT WINTER Seniors had lots of food items to choose from at Gradfest thanks to the generous donations of several local restaurants. Each did their part to say congratulations to the Class of 2022.