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Boys & Girls Club

Clubs& Organizations Guide

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Boys & Girls Clubs providing a Great Future for the Communities Youth

The Boys & Girls Club of Greeneville & Greene County is located at 740 West Church Street, and provides after-school and summer programs for ages 5-18 years old.

The Boys & Girls Club is a youth development organization dedicated to promoting the Health, Social, Educational, Vocational and Character Development of local boys & girls throughout Greeneville & Greene County. They strive to help young people improve their lives by building self-esteem and developing values and skills during the critical early years of their life.

The organization offers a safe, stable place that ensures physical and emotional safety while allowing working families the opportunity to place their children in a positive environment that provides hope and opportunity to the youth they serve.

Its educational and character programs highlight selfesteem, courage and positive values. Youth receive daily tutoring, computer training, sports education, homework assistance and mentoring. Many events, activities and field trips are also part of the organization’s programming, and it partners with a variety of community agencies and organizations that offer and provide services and opportunities.

The school-year Boys & Girls Club membership rate is $25 and $175 is the fee for the entire summer, that includes 3 meals a day. Free programming and scholarship opportunities are available.

Over the past year, many local children have participated with the local club’s programs, with more than 500 registered as Club members. The organization reaches out to the community in many ways including youth sports clinics and a traveling tackle football league and cheerleading. They reach out to local schools each year with Read Across America activities, hold a youth summit at the NPAC and host many other free community events

The club served more than 30,000 meals and snacks in 2021. In addition to its staff of roughly 25, the club has many board members and program volunteers that help support their many programs and activities.

The Boys & Girls Club partners with many organizations including both the Greeneville City and Greene County school systems, the Big Spring Masters Gardeners Association, the Greene County Health Department, Greeneville Police Department, Greeneville Fire Department, the Greeneville Parks & Recreation Department and Tusculum University.

The Boys & Girls Club also holds a free on-site dental program each summer to check for cavities and apply sealants and has programs that focus on alcohol and drug abuse-related issues, personal safety, and environmental education.

Club members are treated to field trips in the summer and do college and business tours throughout the year to help prepare the members for a college education of possible career path to take once they graduate high school. They also typically do trips to the swimming pool at Hardin Park and to the movie theater.

PHOTO SPECIAL TO THE SUN BY GGC BOYS & GIRLS CLUB Enjoying the Read Across America Program

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