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Fishing ‘Angler Options’
Lakes, Rivers, Streams Offer Options For Anglers
There are many places to fish in this region, from Tennessee Valley Authority lakes to area rivers and streams.
Among the most notable nearby lakes are Douglas Lake in Cocke and Jefferson counties, Cherokee Lake in Hamblen and Jefferson counties and Watauga Lake in Carter County.
The Nolichucky River flows through the southern part of Greene County from Washington County to Cocke County, while the French Broad and Pigeon Rivers are close by in Cocke County.
The annually stocked trout streams in Greene County are too numerous to mention, but among the best known are Paint Creek, Camp Creek and Horse Creek.
However, if you take fish or attempt to take fish by any method, or if you assist someone else in doing so, you must have a valid fishing license.
There are some exceptions. Among them, no fishing license is required if you are 12 years old or younger, fishing on your own private water, or if it is a free-fishing day or free-fishing week.
More details about licenses, exceptions and other laws and regulations are listed in the handbook provided by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.
Anglers are encouraged to get the guide, available at locations throughout the state, on the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency website and via the TWRA “On the Go App.”
Fishing licenses go on sale Feb. 18 and do not expire until the last day of February the following year.
Most licenses, except Lifetime Sportsman License and specialty licenses, such as Wheelchair, Disabled Veteran, Supplemental Security Income, and Blind Fishing licenses, may be purchased from court clerks, sporting good stores, hardware stores, boat docks, online, and at all TWRA regional offices or www. tnwildlife.org.
The phone number for TWRA is 1-800-332-0900, or 423-587-7037 for the Morristown office.
Licenses also may be obtained by mail. Send your name, address, Social Security number, date of birth, physical features (height, weight, eye and hair color) and enclose the correct fee to: TWRA, Sales Office, P.O. Box 41729, Nashville, TN 37204-1729.
The following are the creel and size limits that apply statewide.
Several waters have exceptions to these limits. Anglers should refer to the Tennessee Fishing Guide for specific exceptions to the statewide regulations.
If you are fishing in a location that does not have exceptions listed in the guide, then the statewide limits apply.
The following are the creel and size limits that apply across Tennessee, in general: smallmouth, spotted and coosa). Creel limit is five (no more than five black bass per day in any combination may be taken). No minimum length. limit is 15, minimum length limit is 10 inches. minimum length. (any combination). Creel limit is two, minimum length is 15 inches. minimum length. minimum length is 36 inches. limit is 10, minimum length limit is 15 inches. length is 16 inches. Creel limit is seven. There is no minimum length. Only two trout can be lake trout.
is 20. There is no minimum length. Pickerel, Northern Pike, Yellow Perch and other non-game species. No creel limit or minimum length. There is no minimum length. may be harvested per day. No harvest limit on catfish less than 34 inches. harvested from April 24 through May 31. Daily creel limit is two with no size limit. Culling is prohibited. Exceptions are listed in the TWRA guide. hybrids). No harvesting allowed. Must be returned to water immediately. TWRA requests that all catches be reported.
Only rods and reels, poles, hand-held lines and jigs may be used; trotlines, cast nets and limblines are illegal on all agency lakes.
Stocking of any fish into public waters is strictly prohibited.
Explosives, chemicals and electrical shocking devices are strictly forbidden, and their use carries heavy penalties.
Shooting in the water with any type of firearm to injure or take fish or turtles is prohibited.
All boaters and passengers must wear a Coast Guard-approved life jacket within the area designated and appropriately marked as a hazardous area below any dam or lock.
It is illegal to take any fish or turtle that is listed as endangered, threatened or in need of management.
It is illegal to sell or offer to sell fish or turtles without a commercial fishing license.