SANTA Letters to
Presented by:

Mrs. Bible
Dear Santa, I would like a toy car and a marshall toy, toy dinosaur, toy pup cake
Dear Santa, My name is Jupiter and what I want for Christmas is Paw Patrol Car and play cheetah. Jupiter Story
Dear Santa, This year I have been really good. I would like to have a RC car, a tablet, a dirt bike and a hamster. Thanks Santa!! Waylon Chesteen
Dear Santa, This is River Chesteen. I would like a phone, a red phone case, some Minecraft Legos, some Hot Wheels and a remote Bugolie. Thanks Santa!!! Also a Kitten. River Chesteen
Dear Santa, Here is my Christmas list: Toy Hammer, Screw driver, remote control car, motorcycle, Spiderman, flashlight, shoes.
Cole Kirkpatrick
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a phone, and a TV, a game, some Barbie dolls. Please bring me lots of stuff to draw and color with because I love to draw. I also want a cute dog and cat blanket. I want a refrigerator and washing machine for my bedroom and some baby dolls and a baby doll bed. Merry Christmas. I love you. Olivia Hurst
Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a bike, RC cars, a little kid foot bath like my Mom’s and a few Legos. Love. Cillian Bonck
Dear Santa, I want a bike that goes 20 miles per hour. I want a power ranger helmet with the whole helmet going around my head. I want goggles. Can I please have a toy dragon that I can ride and fly around. That the dragon can go real high and if the dragon can be black with blue eyes. I have been good and I am gonna keep being good. Thank you for all the gifts you give to people. I hope you have a good Christmas. Oh and a hoverboard please! Kiipner Hance
Dear Santa, I want toys, lots of toys! I would like a bike, a four wheeler, maybe just a nerf gun.
Elijah Bonck
First Grade Mrs. Shelly Dear Santa, John Cend Build Figure parts, WWE ring with a collapsible table, the rock action figure parts Fc24 for PS5. Axton Dunn
Dear Santa, Maui toys peak, rocking horse, Moana toy, mug plo. Zelda
Dear Santa, I want a remote control truck, a drone, a new bike. The biggest Hot Wheel track and a nerf gun with lots of bullets. A dirtbike, a scooter, a pair of skates, a new truck that I can drive.
Dear Santa, My name is Axston. I have been a good boy this year. I would like to have a play station five, Pokemon cards, money, Charsard figurine, but most of all I would like to spend time with my family. Axston
Dear Santa, I have been very good this year and this is my Christmas list: four wheeler, toy shotgun, walkie talkie, cowboy hat, cowboy boots, watch, toy pistol, tablet, BC truck.
Dear Santa, I have been very good. I hope you bring a baby doll and makeup! Thank you.
Dear Santa, Dress, Leg Pillow, House, erasers, candy, cotton candy, markers, pogo doll, a pan, pencils, shirt with teen ding. Mega Hacha umlo, a trophy, a rug. Reina Keener
Dear Santa, My name is Lucas V. I would like a 4 wheeler, diamond ring and necklace, I also want Monster Max R/C truck. Please don’t forget my baby sister Raelynn. Lucas Valentine
Dear Santa, I hope you have had a good year. I want a chain, a spiderman suit and a spiderman web shooter, a spiderman toy and an iron man game and a spiderman basket, ball, and a grass cutter, football and some V-bucks. Dax
Dear Santa, 2 drones with a camera, a tablet, a four wheeler, a remote control snake, a nerf gun, a lot of nerf bullets. I want a pizza, a snuggly giant shark.Waylon
Dear Santa, For Christmas I want Barbies and Clothes, and a bike the color pink. I also want a mini fridge. I want a $100, want more chalk, and bubbles., Paisley
Dear Santa, Headphones, desk, phone, vanity, makeup, jewelry box, scooter, laptop.
Dear Santa, Monster Trucks, Hot Wheels, Transformers, Ninja Turtle, iPhone, WWE toys, Godzilla, Jamomnt toys, Jebron James toy, Steph Curry toy, Nikes, Boxing toys, Huggy Wuggy toys, Zombie toys, Fortnite toys, Mickey Mouse Mom. Tucker
Dear Santa, I would really want a hamster.
Dear Santa, I want a Stitch sheet set. I want a big girl bike. I love you Santa, Bye. Avie
Third Grade
Mrs. Beth Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like LED lights, skincare, NIKE shoes, laptop-chromebook, Stanley cup, gift cards, clothes-fuzzy sweater, stitch stuff, hoodies, lip gloss, pillows, blankets, phone case for Iphone. I really want jeans too. My nana has the cutest white sweater. I really want some jewelery like bracelates and necklaces.
Savannah Johnson
Dear Santa, I rely wont some crocs with charms I wont a dolfen and clerwal. I wont golere I want a perl.
Kenleigh Potter
Dear Santa, I want ear rings a volleyball and a jell blaster. And a basketball. Ipad a puppy collor some candy canes.
A phone a real horse books my own bed. A baby skunk toy. A fox toy a computer a toy pony. Two notebooks. A unicorn neckless a Stanley. A baby doll walker a baby doll. A toy motercicle.
Jasmine Adams
Dear Santa, I cannot wait for Christmas! There are a few things I would like this year. First, an ATV sized trailer, for about a 110 cc. Next, a camera drone. I feel like it would be pretty funny to chase my cows away from the tractor when we put out hay. Also, I would like an LED police light to chase my mom with. Now that we have gifts out of the way, I have a few questions. First, is Jingle out of jail? If not, is he on parole? If he does get to visit and gets rowdy, I’ll ship him back to the shop. Merry Christmas to all at the North Pole, and around the world too!
Corbin Weeks
Dear Santa, I want football cards. I alsow want basketball cards. I alsow want Jordens ones. I alsow want a TV. I alsow want a tiket to a canssis city chefs game. I alsow want Stanley cup. I alsow want aboogotey. I alsow want a 1,000000000 football 2024 cards. I alsow want gold chan. I alsow a dimen chan. I alsow want back in the foocher anmaxer. Jacob Meece
Dear Santa, I want a kintty pieses and I want a Iphone 16 and Jordens shoes and a silcon baby doll and a razer Lalle roed to come to my hase and I want my Gigi to walke and have a good Christmas. Madison Tracy
Dear Santa, I want a BB gun pistl. I want a pistl hodler and a cow and a shock stick and arin juge card. Nolan Sane
Dear Santa, I want a laptop, uggs, clothes, apple watch, a lot of Robux, new Tv and my own dog. Gracie Summers
Dear Santa, I already made my Christmas wish list, so this is a kind letter. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. I hope you have a great day! Happy Birthday Jesus! Merry Christmas Grace McCarter
Dear Santa, I wone a dret bike. I wone a frelier. I wone a rasr. I wone a gift. Braxton David Ervin
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a doll, shoes, soccer ball, markers, toys, microphone, heart glasses, jar, toy butterfly, necalace, and bracelet. Chloe Shelton
Dear Santa, I want bounce house, trampoline, slime kit, new playground and animals Kinzly Tallman
Ms. Megan Dear Santa, I wish for a stuffed dot so I can take care of it and some doll clothes like for my monkey not for Barbie dolls, and a dog squishmellow, and a backpack for my monkey can you make it purple please? Please and thank you! And robux or robux gift cards, and some hair clips. Love you Santa. Aria Burr
Dear Santa, I want nerf guns and dirt bike. I want a new iPhone 16 pro, a Stanley, and a toy wheeler. To pass 3rd Grade and get good grades. Ariellah Miller
Dear Santa, I would like some clothes. I would like a bike and a helmet. I would really like a baby that looks real and baby clothes. I would like looooots of squishmellow. I would like a yellow phone case. I would like robox, a small backpack. I would like American girl doll that looks like me. And doll clothes. I would like dog treats please and thank you. Gracie Schetters
Dear Santa, I want to have a game called Steal the Bacon and a Nintendo and also a hoverboard and a Mr. beast, get blaster and that’s it Santa.
Zyier Perei
Dear Santa, I know you have a lot of people to get presents for so you can get me anything you would like. You are so kind. Ava Bailey
Dear Santa, A puppy and a Stanley cup stich stuffe. Stuffed and a ring for my Mom. I want gymnastics stuff, a American girl doll. And a reindeer. Katalina Raines
Dear Santa, I want an iPhone 15. McKinley Forrester
Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a Razor pocket mod, miniature euro style electric scooter, a camera, a tablet, and a swingset. Seras Wickwine
Dear Santa, I want a puppy and a play set and a Stanley cup and a horse and Barbie dolls, and a Barbie house, VIP glose, a lot of land and a barn for the horses, iPhone. Emmabrooks
Dear Santa, I wish that for me to get a dog and cat and it is alive and horse toys too, and a hoverboard and dirt bike. Pressley Heatherly
Dear Santa, I want a gymnastics mat and a gymnastics bar for gymnastics.
Savannah Hall
Dear Santa, This year is it going to snow? This year I want a remote control Hot Wheel car and a nerf mini gun. Ash Thompson
Dear Santa, I don’t want nothing all I want is to have a good Christmas. What I want is a bucket of slime. Love.
Emma Peterson
Dear Santa, I wish for a red rider bb gun. I wish for a charger.Blake Ervin
Dear Santa, I want a iPhone and aa frtt gun, and I want a iPad, and I want a bb gun. Jacob Askew
Pre-K Mrs. Michel and Mrs. DeRidder
Dear Santa, I want a shark carwash for Hot Wheels. Momma wants a Georgia jacket. Ben wants another game. Mamaw wants a fish. Josh wants a scuba diver toy. Melody wants a piano. Papaw wants tools. I will leave milk and cookies. I’m done now. Love, Reed
Dear Santa, I want a spiderman toy. And a motorcycle one that goes fast. Momma wants a pink present. My dad wants a blue present. And I want a big present with a car with the doors that open and my baby wants a baby doll and a special one like a baby ball that bounces. My mom wants 2 presents—mom and dad and papaw and mamaw need coffee and tea real bad and fries and a toy for fries too. That flash one with commote that goes fast. I can give you burgers. You want all those cuz you ain’t gots no more. You can drink orange soda you know what I’m talking about. I’m done.
Love, Brentley
Dear Santa, Well I really like a long neck—a dinosaur you. And I want Barbie dolls and I really like a timer. Momma wants clothes. Mamaw likes clothes too and she likes coffee cups. I really like a lot of stuff. Come see me please. Love, Oaklyn
Dear Santa, I want makeup. Waylon wants a new tricycle. Momma wants makeup, she always loves makeup and new eyeshadow. Daddy he likes shaving cream for his face. Mamaw she always loves makeup too and eyeshadow and lipstick and blush. Papaw likes to sit on the couch and chew tobacco he always does that. Cody he loves Baby Kenslyn toys. Faith she likes makeup too. Baby Kenslyn wants a baby slide and a baby house. Grandma she wants makeup. Grandpa likes shaving cream. I’m going to give you no gluten free noodles and a gluten hamburger, no gluten free for you! Sprite to drink it’s always my favorite, you can drink some too. That’s it, yep I’m done.
Love, Paisley
Dear Santa, I want 1 dinosaur thingy. A green one—that big one. You know. Look at the grocery store you will find one. Daddy wants an X-Ray thingy. Momma wants makeup. Nana wants a rainbow thing and a kitchen thing. Papaw he wants one little toy bathtub. Vanessa she wants a striped toy present with spots with a basketball with a whole lotta stripes. Pudding Tang wants 1 doctor tool thingy. Do you know her? She’s my ‘nother mamaw. I’ll give you some fries cuz you want them, you get me a happy meal and don’t forget the toy. I’m not done yet and Jessica lives with momma. She wants potato toys. Now I’m done. Love, Willow
Dear Santa, Uh I want a kateboard. A red one. Axyl him wants a fart gun. To shoot farts. Noah wants a fart gun too. Momma her wants a Barbie house. Daddy him wants boy stuff, he just hates stugg. He might want a new game to play on his puter—like a pirate game. Aunt Jodie her wats some makeup. Dixie wants makeup too. Harper wants baby stuff, Nash wants boy stuff, and a fart gun. Dixie’s Dad him wants tools. I’ll give you some cookies and milk. I’ve been good—the end. Love, Ayden A.
Dear Santa, I want an airplain with a remote control. A toy monster truck with no remote control. A toy car with a remote control. Oakley wants new slippers. We both been good. Momma wants makeup. Jo wants a new smokey thing. He likes one of those. He needs new tools to build everything. He built a chicken house in our yard-one in the front and one in the back. Aunt Taylor wants makeup and more stuffy. I’ll give you cookies and milk to drink, you love that!
Love, Bowyn
Dear Santa, Uh I want an airplane with a mote conrol. An orange one. Emily wants a Barbie doll cuz she likes em. Jayden wats a monster truck. We been good. Daddy wants a truck a real one. Anna wants makeup to put on for date night. Momma wants makeup like Anna. Cody wants a truck like Daddy. Jameson wants a baby monster truck cuz he’s a baby. I’m gonna give you a lot of cookies and milk. Love ya!
Love, Lincoln
Dear Santa, I want a Barbie doll. Uh and I don’t know. Bring Trevor a watch please. He needs one. Momma she probably wants lipstick, the pink one. Daddy probably wants cologne. Nonna wants a new fish cux fishes died. Mamaw wants a new coffee cup. Old Papaw wats cologne too. I’m gonna give you some chicken nuggets to eat, you will love it. You can have juice to drink. That’s all.
Love, Lily
Dear Santa, I want a bicycle. My sister wants a witch costume. Manson wants baby toys he already got a monster costume. Audrey wants a witch costume too. Daddy wants a dinosaur costume. Emilee wants a witch costume and a scarey one. I love scary all the time. I’m really confused. I will give you fish eyes to eat. My Daddy is gonna pick me up at school today. You can drink some coffee. You drink that don’t you? I’m done.
Love, Adeline
Dear Santa, I want a Gabi cat toy. Thomas he wants a minecraft toy. Momma wants a letter. Daddy he wants lights. I will give you cookies and milk when you come.
Love, Marcy
Dear Santa, I want a toy like Minnie like Daddy’s. Momma got Germ-X like Ms. Shell does. Daddy wants Germ-X he don’t got any. They all want Germ-X, the smelly kind like we have at school.
Love, Jackson
Dear Santa, I want a toy yoyo. Momma wants a coffee. Mimi likes coffee and she wants a coffee. Daddy likes to play with me so daddy wants a toy.
Love, Chase
Dear Santa, I want a big lego set. I saw it on TV. I want some Pokemon. I want more stuff—some dinosaurs. I will give you some popcorn and some cookies.
Love, Deacon
Dear Santa, I want a laser with a remote control with a battery—a little remote control. A red one, a real one. River loves a doll please. Brantley wants a remote contorl laser he’s a boy he’s my brother. Momma wants a pink gun—to go shoot that thang. I want it to be loud! Daddy I thank he wants a black gun like a 22 like mine, he likes 22. It’s a shotgun. He wants a loud pistol, my daddy does want that. Mamaw wants a new pocketbook. Papaw wants a pistol, a real gun. Papaw Bump wants a shot gun pistol. Gigi wants a pink gun. We all want guns. Noodles and some dang chick a roni pizza to eat when you come over on Christmas.
Love, Jubal
Dear Santa, I want some Crocs to wear cuz I like Crocs. Red ones. Dad wants tools he loves those. Momma wants a coat, a jacket for winter. I want a Robot lego set—I love those. And that’s all. Love, Ryker
Dear Santa, I want cars—a remote control car. And a couple dinosaurs and like 3 tiny buildings—kinda big buildings. Tyler just buy him some dinosaurs, a couple cars, and a couple buildings like 4 cuz he don’t got no buildings. And he wants a game. Kaylee she wants and really likes makeup and she likes eyebrow stuff to change her eyebrows different. Ethan wants a brand new phone and he wants a new TV it’s only 40 bucks. And a game like Tyler. Momma likes makeup and coffee. Daddy needs a new cup because his is broke. And we need a new coffee thing cuz it must uve broken. Mamaw Tammy needs more chickens she loves chickens and coffee. And a new doorknob. Papaw wants a new gun and new shoes and he loves chicken too. Uncle Casey likes guns, boots, shoes, and a new hat. I’ll leave you muffins—strawberry flavor. And some milk to drink. Julia wants a rocking chair and another heater. And 1 more rug and she wants a couple new cups. Love, Aiden B.
Dear Santa, I want a Barbie Car—the one you put Barbie dolls in. Mary Lou she wants an air fryer toy—to pretend to cook with. Momma loves makeup. I love helping her put makeup on. Daddy wants a cake—a German chocolate cake. Grandma Laura probably wants a new nightgown. Mimi another dog—a Florida dog for her dog toys. Grandmother she’s in Florida. She’s old she needs a new coffee cup. Just Mark wants more coffee. Papa wants a brand new coffee maker. Georgia Papa he’s old he passed away—he’s with Jesus, that was when I was a baby still. I’ll leave you some chocolate chip cookies and some milk when you come to my house. Love, Amelia
Dear Santa, I want a spider car. I want that. Kimmie wants a baby doll and I really want a spider car. Nanny wants a coat with hand gloves. Papaw wants a dinosaur toy. Momma wants a real dinosaur. Nanny will cook you chocolate and milk that’s hims favorite. So Kimmie need a special toy for her. And it can be really awesome. She wants that. We need to get coats to Santa and Santa you want chocolate milk that’s very good.
Love, Evan
Dear Santa, I think you can bring me Barbies. Ryleigh would like a dinosaur toy— that stand by itself and doesn’t walk. Daddy wants clothes for work. Momma her wants dresses. I need to tell you that I love you.
Love, Peyton
Mrs. Hawkins Dear Santa, I have tried my best to be good this year. I would like two elves for Christmas. I would also like a skateboard. Please don’t forget the rest of my family. I will leave you milk and cookies as well as a treat for the reindeers.
Love, Zavion Dover
Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I want a dinosaur for Christmas. Please don’t forget the rest of my family. I will leave you milk and cookies as well as a treat for the reindeers.
Love, Kaden Brown
Dear Santa, I have tried my best to be good this year. I would like a bike and a new doll for Christmas. Please don’t forget the rest of my family. I will leave you milk and cookies as well as a treat for the reindeers.
Love, Dixie Coles
Dear Santa, I have tried my best to be good this year. I want a white bike for Christmas. Please don’t forget the rest of my family. I will leave you milk and cookies as well as a treat for the reindeers.
Love, Emily Hayes
Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I would like a doll for Christmas. Please don’t forget the rest of my family. I will leave you milk and cookies as well as a treat for the reindeers.
Love, Addison Thompson
Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I want an elf for Christmas. I would also like a car with a controller , and a drone with a controller. Please don’t forget the rest of my family. I will leave you milk and cookies as well as a treat for the reindeers. Love, Lincoln Prater
Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I want make up for Christmas. I also would like a little baby doll and a big baby doll. If it is not too much trouble I would also love to have Raphael the ninja turtle. Please don’t forget the rest of my family. I will leave you milk and cookies as well as a treat for the reindeers. Love, Journee Ellison
Dear Santa, I have tried my best to be good this year. I want a yellow bike. I would also like to have a doll and a yellow purse. Please don’t forget the rest of my family. I will leave you milk and cookies as well as a treat for the reindeers.
Love, Alice Holdway
Dear Santa, I have tried my best to be good this year. I want sprunki animals, a claw machine, and a ps 5 for Christmas. Please don’t forget the rest of my family. I will leave you milk and cookies as well as a treat for the reindeers.
Love, Jonah Adams
Dear Santa, I have tried my best to be good this year. I want baby dolls, a play phone, and slime for Christmas. Please don’t forget the rest of my family. I will leave you milk and cookies as well as a treat for the reindeers.
Love, Angel Shultz
Dear Santa, I have tried my best to be good this year. For Christmas I would like Godzilla and King Kong. Please don’t forget the rest of my family. I will leave you milk and cookies as well as a treat for the reindeers.
Love, Titus White
Dear Santa, I have tried my best to be good this year. I want an American Girl Doll, house for her, and some clothes too. Please don’t forget the rest of my family. I will leave you milk and cookies as well as a treat for the reindeers. Love, Harley Risner
Letters to Santa 3 December 2024
Dear Santa, I have tried my best to be good this year. I want a cat that rocks back and forth and a new stuffy. Please don’t forget the rest of my family. I will leave you milk and cookies as well as a treat for the reindeers.
Love, Emmie Achary
Dear Santa, I have tried my best to be good this year. I would like a venom horse with a venom figure. I would also like a wolverine bobble head. Please don’t forget the rest of my family. I will leave you milk and cookies as well as a treat for the reindeers.
Love, Maveryk Davis
Dear Santa, I have tried my best to be good this year. I would like a PS5 and a car for Christmas. Please don’t forget the rest of my family. I will leave you milk and cookies as well as a treat for the reindeers.
Love, Case Vinson
First Grade Ms. Hannah
Dear Santa, I am trying to be super good. Hope you are doing well. I would like the Millennium Falcon Lego set with 200 pieces and $200. I also want a Mincraft toy with magnets inside.
Love, Eli Banks
Dear Santa, I hope you and Mrs. Claus have been doing good in the North Pole. I have been a good girl this year. I would love if you could make it snow this year so I can go outside and build a snowman and go sledding. That would be so much fun. I would like to ask for a Bluey Playset. Thank you Santa. I think you are the best. I will leave out milk and cookies for you on Christmas Eve night and I hope you will like them.
Ellie Brown
Dear Santa, My name is Kayislee Fox. I’ve been working really hard in school to make good grades. I also have 8 other brothers and sisters. I’ve been a really good girl this year. I’d really like to have a kids kitchen with all its works, and I really want my own cell phone so I’m able to call and video my family. I also like LOL dolls please. I’d like 3 dolls so I can play with my other 2 sisters. A pink purse. I’d like cute outfits. And a baby doll stroller with a shopping cart. Some new shoes size children’s 13. Kids couch. Please and thank you.
Kayislee Fox
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a choker and a headband. I would like a surprise. Please don’t forget about Hadlee. She wants Belle gloves and a surprise. We will leave your milk and cookies and carrots for the reindeers.
Ava Hawkins
Dear Santa, I want a red bike and I want to get better at baseball. I would also like a red wallet. I have been really good and I have been earning dojo points. I want more Pokemon cards. You are so nice Santa! Love, Aryan Holdway
Dear Santa, Hello Santa I hope people have been good you are the best Santa Ms. Hannah is the best teacher My parents are best I love God I want an elf on the shelf. Colbie McPeake
Dear Santa, I want a cattle head gate, a dually truck with a trailer, a feed lot, bulldozer, and a real excavator. I hope you have a safe trip and you get lots of milk and cookies. I hope the reindeer get lots of carrots too. Love, Garrett Miller
Dear Santa, I love all of your reindeer. I would like a new bike. I would like a toy car and the Star Wars Lego kit. I will leave you some milk and cookies. Love, Oscar Poveda
Dear Santa, My name is Lydia. I have been a good girl this year. I will get you milk and cookies. I would love to have a cookie machine, a kids camera, a grandma board game, a toy coffee maker, a pink robot, a doctor’s kit, walkie talkies, stuffed animals, and a toy register. Thank you. Love, Lydia Prater
Dear Santa, I want all of the pokemon. gold every thing you have. new bike. every lego in the world. rc car. scooter. playdoh. Connor Smith
Dear Santa, Thank you for giving everyone presents. I want a hoverboard. I would also like a Transformer robot ship and a little puppy. My puppy will need a cage, food, and water. I also want a pack of basketball cards. Do you like Oreos and milk? Love, Jackson Watkins
Dear Santa, I want a remote control tank and an AR jet. I would also like a Jurassic Park set. Gatlin Webb
Mrs. McCracken
Dear Santa, My name is Ellie and I have been a very good girl this year. I want a new scooter, a helmet, a Stanley cup, a stitch blanket, and a gumball machine. I want candy, money, and face masks in my stocking. Ellie Bower

Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. Please bring me: Carnage, icon spider man, agent venam action figures. Venam symbiote wolverine, spiderman dopplegange toy, Toxin action figure, spiderman stealth suit figure, Big time Spiderman toy, Back in black Deadpool toy, Scarlet Spiderman, Chasm Spiderman toy, Spiderman Lashe toy, deadpool toy, wolverine toy, Agent antivenom toy, and a spiderman 2099 toy. I will leave you some milk and cookies and some oatmeal for your reindeer.
Levi Carpenter
Dear Santa, I want hatwheel cars some more boot socks. I want recee cups. And whoppers in my stocking. Maybe new hoodies. Case for cars. Dirt bike or forewheller. Merry Christmas. Charlie Crum
Dear Santa, Merry Christmas I would like a good Christmas with my family. I would also like a pixie lantern drone medical station kit.
Isabella Datena
Dear Santa, My name is Bentley Fox. I’ve been good this year and I am hoping to get a few gifts. I’d like a monster truck, some wrestlers. I’d like a real cell-phone or a tv. I’d like some outfits (size6-7) and some shoes (boots size 13). I’d like a watch or a boys knecklce iv always wanted a bunk bed buth there us to much xbox games- need for speed Bentley Fox
Dear Santa, I want a Electric scooter and a tree house, dinosours, snakes, animals, spiderman, magnets. Oaklee
Dear Santa, I want a 1 stanley cup but stitch, 2 ugg’s, 3 harly Quinn barblie doll, 4 new slippers but stitch, 5 stitch blanket, stitch pillow cases, 7 stitch hooverboard, 8 stitch suit case, 9 stitch umbrella, 10 stitch hanging lights bul, 11 stitch calendar, 12 stitch squishmallows but big, 13 stitch waterbottle, 14 stitch pajamas, 15 stitch perfume, 16 touchland handsanitzer but watermelon .
Adalyn Jackson
Dear Santa, I would like to have, Hot wheels, Dirt bike, Monster truck, Toy racecar, Robot dog, Toy gun, Xbox, Legos, tv. Max
Dear Santa, I like to have a xbox, games, rockym, big, bohe no no duck treats moon little bone, Bobby cat treats, kitty cat treats.
Dear Santa, Far Christmas I want Mario Maker 2. Thomas
Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is a makeup set, playdough set, big fluffy soft blanket, Santa Sweater, Fairy castle with fairy characters. Ariel White
Second Grade
Mrs. Alexis
Dear Santa, I would like it if you would please bring me a camera, a playhouse, a robot, Monopoly Jr., a new fort, a Horrible Harry book, a new sword, and a PS5. I will give you cookies. Christmas is my favorite time of the year because I get presents from everyone including you.
Merry Christmas, Trevor Logan
Dear Santa, I love Christmas so much because you get gifts. I want a bow and arrows, nerf gun,PS5, the biggest bubble machine. I want a TV and a new toy box, and a 22 rifle. I want a phone and a football and binoculars.
I love Santa. Merry Christmas, Brantley Stuart
Dear Santa, I always wanted to get a PS5 and an Apple watch that calls people and a phone to text people and other stuff like that. I would like a house and a Lambourgini for Christmas and a train that comes with tracks, a DOGMAN book and all the remote control cars, and a lot of toys, and a bubble gun, and a new pencil box with everything inside.
Merry Christmas,Wayson Copley
Dear Santa, I like you so, so much. I would like to have an axolotl stuffie with babies and I would like to have a Stitch watch and Stitch earpods, DOGMAN books, and a claw machine. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Merry Christmas,Bailey Viles
Dear Santa, Can you bring a XBox Series X,and a Madden 25 make sure it’s college football and Fortnite and Call of Duty, a new baseball glove, a VR, a Steph Curry jersey, a RC car, a waterslide, a pair of shoes, and a Nintendo Switch. That should be it.
Merry Christmas,Corbin Shaver
Dear Santa, I would like a computer, a roll up map of the United States of America, and a tank that I can get in and a Dogman book and a punching bag and a treasure map, a thin math book and a box of dice and a box of stickers. You work so hard and I love you. Merry Christmas, Abel Jarnigan
Dear Santa, I want a Nintendo Switch please and a baseball game for the Nintendo Switch and a football game for my Nintendo Switch. Love, Nicholas Contreras
Dear Santa, I want a astrobot game for PS5. I want a Tesla cyber truck and I want a Mr. Beast lab and I want a exploding RC creeper. I want the PS5 VR2. Love you Santa. I have been praying every day. Merry Christmas, Levi Brooks
Dear Santa, My name is Scarlett and I am 7 years old this Christmas. I have tried really hard to be nice this year. I would love to get Doorables, books or a snow cone machine. I promise to leave out milk and cookies for you. Merry Christmas. Your friend, Scarlett Daniels
Dear Santa, Can you please get me a Mr. Beast Lab and a new drone. I would like a hot wheel scorpion race track also. I think I have been good this year so I hope you will visit my house on Christmas. I will leave you some milk and cookies and some reindeer treats. PS, can you please bring my sisters each a baby doll, and my puppies a bone? Nash Cole
Third Grade
Mrs. Blankenship
Dear Santa, I hope this letter finds you well. I think I have been a good boy this year. It would be really great if you could bring me a few new toys, X-Box games, new tablet, some headphones, and some things for my sister too like some new boots. Be safe on your travels, Santa! Merry Christmas!Maddox Cole
Dear Santa, I think I have been pretty good this year and I have a few things I want can I have a monster high doll, maybe a phone, and can I please have some new jackets and a new eye shadow pallet and a little bakepake that I can wor the dollewood and some cat stuff and make sure my elf nasy comes and take care of her.
Dear Santa, I want a basketball an d a basketball hoop and a Pokemon bander and a Pokemon cup and a Pokemon blanket Pokemon anything forsane prime and drogindallz cards Julius football card and dale cards for harlan and a new phone. Jocod Prime Maddox shows! I want a new phone. Levi
Dear Santa, Hi Santa how are you and the elves and the reindeer doing. I hope your elves can be quick because this is what I hope you can do and make. Can you help my friend Nolan, he can’t afford much. Can you help him. Can I have some deady bears too. Some more lego mini figs, some more peachy baby slime, a pokemon poster, a red costume please, a Wednesday comforter for my bed. Also, help people in need please. That’s all I want and have a safe trip, Santa. Bye. Charlotte Sipple
Dear Santa, 1. I want a for wheeler, 2. I want a Nintendo swetch, 3. I want a cow print bag, and a Luton bag, 4. I want a fake dog, 5. I want Nike shoes, 6. I want a robot dog, 7. I want a braceletes, 8. I want a playstation, 9. I want a big TV, 10. Hair dryer and a wet brush, 11. Pop-its, 12. Clothes Nike, 13. Scarf and gloves, 14. Mirror 15. Crocs Summer
Dear Santa, I have been good this year and I’m doing well in school. I was wondering if you could get me a few things? I want a summer Fridays lip balm because a lot of people have it and mine is almost empty. I also want Solde Janeiro so I can smell good and not like a trash can because who wants to smell like a trash can? What else I’m wanting is a WWJD bracelet. It also would be amazing if you could get me some overtime merch. I also want a new pair of Uggs because mine don’t fit me anymore and they are dirty. I do want some gold rings it don’t have to be real gold, I just want it to be gold if you can’t do that I’m fine with silver. That’s some things I want thank you for reading this.
Dear Santa, I want a Pok’mon Elite trainer box celebration box. Hot wheels color reveal. Lego sets. RC cars. Scooters. Transformers. Star wars. Mr. Beast Lab. Nintendo Switch. Beyblade. Nere guns. Monster Jam. PS5. Thank you and I love you.
Eli Ausmus
Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is a new Stanley cup, Mini brands Squish Maellos, black Converses, Nike Pro’s, Nike shoes, a lot of fidgets, a Jot5 Calender, a jornal, a lot of perfume, Harry Potter stickers, and P J’s. Thank you!
Audrey White
Dear Santa, My name is Harlan and here are some things I want for Christmas. First I want a new drone. Second a new RC car. Last thing I want is a necklace. That’s all I want.
Dear Santa, I want a big house and a lot of money. I want a PS5 and a scote board and candy. I also want slved frands. And help me do my stuff I want you to do everything for me. Nolan Copley
Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a Pet beild jump man shoes, I phone 6, Game box and 100$, 3 tichits to HUHP. Jace
Dear Santa, I want a new coloring book, and a new doll, and a new bakpac, and a new thang for my teacher, and that will be all please. Thank you. I love you Santa.Chloe
Dear Santa, I have been good since last Christmas. I hope you had a real good year. I would like a pair of UGG slippers. Thank you for my tablet last year. Please bring my baby brother a fun toy. Thank you. Mercy Calfee
Dear Santa, I want candy in my stocking. I want a I Pad. I want more bracelets. I want a rocket light. I want shoes. I want steretchey pants. I want shirts. I want a hover board. I want uggs. I want Nikes. I want a cowgirl outfit. I want hair clips. I want Kaneder Sand. I want perfum. I want stich stuft aramats. I want a fluffy notebook. I want slime. I want a fluffy pen. I want a fluffy pencil box. I want a sweater. I want a watch. I want an I Phone 16. I want a play puppies. I want lead pencil. I want more hoodies. I want books. I wants outfits. I want bear print uggs. I want a computer. I want a flower notebook. I want fluffy bear. I want key charges. I want crocs. I want boots. I want a squish mellow. I want a squish banana. I want some wallpaper. I want a flower pen. I want a black jacket. I want more converses. I want long sleve shirts. Macie Nicole Crum
Dear Santa, My wish for Christmas this year would be to have the matching set of Monster High Dolls with the dollhouse. I would also like to have a clear backpack to carry my cat around in. I love Lilo and Stich and anything with horses on it! I also enjoy Axiloto stuff, painting and coloring and can I have lipstick. Ella Worth
Dear Santa, A hover board and a Pokemon and a RC car. And a Pellt gun and clothes and Jrodins. And a jacket. And a safe. Julius
Dear Santa, I want a hover board. I want an I Pad. I want a I Phone. I want a puppy and a cat. I want a pool. I want a candy bag. I want a book with Santa in it. I want a robot dog. I want a bag takis. I want an elf. I want a PS five. I want a new backpack. Leiannah Love
Mrs Stokely
Dear Santa, For Christmas I want Pokemon cards, scooter, nerf gun, tablet, dog, lego, crayons, big teddy bear. Brayden Watson
Dear Santa, My name is Cooper. I have been good. Can I please have a Beckle spina a bd jaddspyrys and a xenomorph. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Love. Cooper Ridgeway
Dear Santa, I am Osiel, and I am 5 years old. For this Christmas I want a new backpack and a new pair of shoes. I want a control remote car. I have been nice this year. Please and Thank you Santa. Osiel Gomez Martinez
Dear Santa, I want a big stuffed animal and a small one for my sister. I want fuzzy boots, a bunch of bows for my hair and a pink rc car and clothes for my barbies.
Mylie Johnson
Dear Santa, I’ve been so good this year. I hope everyone has a great Christmas everywhere. I really hope that I get cool Hot Wheels like racing cars and classic cars. I’d also like medium size Lego base plates, a fast RC car and a toy lawnmower. Alex Mora
Dear Santa, I would like motorcycle, electric scooter, Nintendo controller, suitcase.
Grayson Gaddy
Dear Santa, I would like a blue and red Furbby, Pizza play doh set, Dino toys, robot, blue tablet, dinosaur race track, Lego set, and a monster truck for Christmas. Jase Adams
Dear Santa, Can I please have a motorcycle and bow and arrow. Thank you. Hunter
Dear Santa, What I want is IPhone 15, new toys, a 22 gun, some nerf guns, new nike shoes green or blue, and also a 4 wheeler.
Waylon Phillips
Dear Santa, I want Pete the cat.
Barry Balasal
Dear Santa, For Christmas I only want my two front teeth! I would also like a toy bow and arrow set. I want to play baseball and a new bike.
Kevin “Kit” Packwood
Dear Santa, I would like the pink puppy with the camera on it, a toy to press the button on it on the floor and it can spin really fast with the robot on it, and I love a treehouse for the tree. Barbie Car, Hello Kitty cacm, IPhone, Hello Kitty car, Mini Mouse, Motocycle, toy phone, computer with eggmantmogs.
Kynlee-Jo Velez
Dear Santa, I want a toy trdin and a big teddy bear. I would like a fluffy white llama with a pink bow with a shower, barbie house, LOL dolls, toy kitchen, playhouse. Journey Trosclair
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy and I would like a green rainbow, friend plushie and PS5 and a gaming chair will leave cookies and milk for you. Bentley
Mrs. Reece Dear Santa, I know some kids get Christmas gifts because they don’t have a lot of money of have too many kids in their house. My grandma works and is sick, my mom has a kidney problem and is sick and tired a lot. I just want to make sure my sisters and me and my brother can have a good Christmas. Grandma only works part-time and has bills to pay. She is worried because the trailer park was sold to someone else and the rent is going to be raised. Last year, we went to Sevierville to some Christmas thing and got presents! My cousin, Christofer, won a new bike! I hope we can get there this year, but we don’t have a way yet. Isaiah Flores
Dear Santa, If I made the good list I would like all the princess books. If I was really good I would like toy makeup or stickers. Please get the kids in need first. My papa knows what I want to. Thank you Santa. PS. Have fun with the elves and Rudolph. Love.
Laiken Tilley
My name is Dax. I am 5. I want a toy pig. I want a new nerf gun and it have to be big. Even I want a dog squish-mellow. Dear Sant, I been good I love when you give me presents. I want that goat from Walmart. Some oreo cookies a bunch. I want a new Nike jacket for basketball and some new basketball shoes. Thank you I love you so much. Daxton Ford
Dear Santa, I want a Barbie, I want a toy cat, a baby doll, a toy purse, a Tennessee shirt, a toy dog, a toy brush, my life doll. Nevaeh Clark
Dear Santa, I love Dinosaurs Claw Machine, new bike, TEK Deck, New tablet, candy, Thank you.Elijah
Dear Santa, I would like a Bluey micraphone, a toy jeep, a ninja turtle pack, a pokemon pack, a coocken set, a hockey set for me and my brother, sokkor goal, toy phone. Hayden
Dear Santa, I have tried to be good. I would like a TV, a BB Gun, trampoline, and a Yeti cup. I will leave you milk and a diet coke. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Maverick Williams
Dear Santa, My name is John and for Christmas I would like a crane and I would like a police car. Merry Christmas. John Conard
Dear Santa, My name is Miles I have been good. Can I have Hot Wheels please? Miles
Dear Santa, I want a cat and Legos. Tidus Grooms
Dear Santa, I would like Pokemon lego, Pokemon Phone, and a new animal book. Kenyah
Dear Santa, I have been good most of the year but I hav been a little bit naughty. I have been helping my mom with laundry and my baby brother. I help my papaw, dad and sister. But I didn’t want to clean my room and pick up my toys. I really really want some of those fancy drones that has the camera and a dump truck and a remote controlled race car. Kenneth
Dear Santa, This Christmas I want doll, fox cat, and a LOL doll and Jack in the box. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Charlie Hannah
First Grade Mrs. Callie Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would really like my family to all be together for christmas and maybe a new bike and Hello Kitty stuff. Mila Bohanan
Dear Santa, Hi Santa its Colton2. I have been a good by this year. This is some things I would like for Chiristmas. Trampoline, large lagos, anything minecraft, balls for a pit, and dont forget all the kids that lost toys in the flood. Merry Christmas. Love Colton
Dear Santa, I woant a drt bike and a trampolin and a robbucs crd. Eddie Croft
Dear Santa, Can I have crystal? Those crystal are rainbow crystal. All are not the same crystal.Rylee Exmeyer
Letters to Santa December 2024 4
Dear Santa, I want a minnie mouse dress and jaket and make up like lip strike and eyeshado. And me and my sister need a elf. We want a girl elf. And with the make up put eye liner. Love Callie. And me and my sister want a phone in iphone 15.
Callie Flatford
Dear Santa, I wude like a iphon 15, bunk bed, doll, panda dunks, sparkley sokr ball, braywn uggs. Brang my bruthr a toy car. Fikx my dog honey she is broken and losts of snow.
Ellisyn Karter Hartsell
Dear Santa, My name is Holly. I want a baby bunny and a kitten. I have been nice. How do your reindeer fly?
Holly Jenkins
Dear Santa, M name is Brayden. I want a new hat and a bog key chcun. I have been very good this year and I cant wait till you come to my house. Have a safe trip. Tell your reindeer hi for me. Thank you Santa.
Brayden Lee Kissinger
Dear Santa, I want a rainbow butterfly pop it and the whole aphmau set of cats. Matching pjs for me and bit my dog and a aphmau set of the server with mimi figures of the aphmau things. A new tablit and a noi off of aphmau an a encanto set and get Natalie a Bunny and Gadriel a Hot Wheel monster truck. Kim a raccoon shrit. Blake a 5 night at freddies figury and Dusty a shrit that says Big Kid. I hive been Good this yerr. Love you!
Carleigh Lane
Dear Santa, I would like some beads to make bracelets for my friends and also a play vacuum and some clothes. Iv been a good girl this year, Dont forget all the other boys and girl.
Mackenzie Lane
Dear Santa, I want barbies and barbie playset. I have been a good girl. Lasthy i would like to wish Jesus a Happy birthday.
Eva Nolan
Dear Santa, I have been good. I want lots of lego people. I also want hot wheels. I want lots of legos.
Zechariah Phillips
Dear Santa, How are you Santa? How are the reindeer? I am six now. My sister Cameron is two now. We are being good girls. I have a wiggly tooth. Maybe the Tooth Fairy will come the same time you do. Will you please bring me a guitar, a claw, some clothes, and some toys? I will leave you milk and cookies and carrots for the reindeer! I love Christmas!
Elliott Smithpeters
Dear Santa, My name is Elijah. For Christmas I wount a little four wheeler and a new bike and some remote control cars. Please bring my brother brayden something nice also. Ill leave you milk and cookies under the tree. Elijah Sutton
Dear Santa, I love the toys that I got from you Santa. I want jena.
Lilith Young
Dear Santa, There is this thing called a minecraft creeper refrigerator that I would like to hold my drinks in. It’s not very big. Maybe a minecraft lego set. And a giant stuffy! I have been very good this year! Thank you! P.S. I’ll make sure to leave you milk and cookie. Kierian Wilson
Mrs. Ivey Dear Santa, I would like a dead pool figure a dead pool costume and a alien space ship.
Malachi Barrett
Dear Santa, I would like a dog, big lego, big cuote, another cat, a rale chrole car, a nitido swich.
Malachias Butler
Dear Santa, I would like a new strap for my VR. Thank you!Dawson Gunter
Dear Santa, I would love to have baby dolls and mak up and robot puppy. Please and thank you.Oaklynn Henderson
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I would like a bass guitar and a toy truck and trailer. Thank you Santa. Brookstyn Huff
Dear Santa, What I want for Crismiss, I want a doll and a computer and a phone and a blakint.
Alyssa Lagalo
Dear Santa, I want a bike and slim and Christmas book. I want a barbie doll pink high heel shoes, make up and jewlery and Romen noddles. Amelia Lamontagne
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. There is a few things I want this Christmas. They are mini purse, phone, lip gloss, tennis shoes, and jewerly.
Serenity McCarter
Dear Santa, My name is Victoria and I have been good and would like a phone. I love you and the reindeer and will have milk and cookies ready. Victoria McMahan
Dear Santa, My name is Avery and I am 7 years old. I want you to know I have been very good girl at home and school. This year I would really like some skin care products from sephora, a bicycle, anything stitch. I would also like the barbie world bath time play set to go with my barbie house. Please bring something nice to all of my family especially my sister Jaylen. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
Avery Moore
Dear Santa, I want some smelly spots that my teacher uses. I would like some dolls.
Lily Munzner
Dear Santa, I would like a bike, furby set, barbies, toy elfs, monsters high dolls and toy alive dog. Novah Pinnell
Dear Santa, I would like for you to surprise me! Merry Christmas! Gage Stuart
Dear Santa, I would like to get magic tree house books for Christmas. If I have been really good I would also like robot dinosaurs. Thank you Santa! P.S. Have fun with the elves and Rudolph. Lorenzo Tilley
Dear Santa, I’m good, how are you? How is the north pole how is Rudoph how is the elf? I love you please surprise me
Aspen Webb
Dear Santa, I wat a bare color wudr. Mom and dad to not be sick. Ril make up. A solf elsa blakit. A elsa brush. I help my parents. I want toys for my bruthr and sistrs. Anastasia Wilson
Mrs. Leslie Dear Santa, Toy snow, barbie house, tea set, Ken clothes/Ken doll, and a bluey min backpack is what i would like this year for Christmas. Also if possible pants size 8, and long sleeve shirts size 8 as well. Maybe boots size 3. Thank you, Merry Christmas Brooklyn Kuluris
Dear Santa, My name is Ensleigh Kelley and I am six years old, and in first grade. I would love if you could bring me a barbie house. If you could bring Austin a race car, and Mrs. Leslie two dollars. Love, Ensleigh Kelley
Dear Santa, I would like elf mates,a cooking set, a toy cutting bord, play food, elf clothes, chef outfit and trampoline elf babies
Chloe Moore
Dear Santa, I want a harmonica and a new Backpack and a pair of boots and toy remote control car and a bicycle and laptop and pool Daxton Templin
Dear Santa, PS5 football, nerfGun Dakoda Newlin
Dear Santa, I would like Ryan’s world safe, that has toys in it. Lego set, toy nerf guns, R.C cars play doh, mystery box, Blippi and peppa pig toys, Race track. Nikes, A baby yoda water bottle and paw patrol set. Brentley Reynolds
Dear Santa, Can I please have a remote control car and Keyboard
Thank you Austin Mauldin
Dear Santa, I would like a unicorn. Toy make up, stuffed animal, lol doll, earrings, Bluey shirt and a Bluey book.
Ella Batton
Dear Santa, Merry Christmas I would like to have a dirt bike (real) V-bucks, a computer (real), my own room finished with a bunk bed, a new backpack, electric scooter, LED lights for room, my own small Christmas tree, playstation 5, a fan for my room, I want a new blue bicycle my size, a rug for my room, table for my room, small clock, and my own tv with remote. That’s all for me, my little brother would like a toy dump truck, bicycle with training wheels, basketball goal, trampoline, give him some nike shoes and me to I like nike. I hope you have a safe trip on Christmas and get all the cookies and milk you want!
Brent Whipple
Dear Santa, I would like a new videogame for my switch probably Super Mario or Mario PartyNevaeh Pack
Dear Santa, I would like a remote controlled car and PJ mask toys
Juliyen Olague
Dear Santa, I would like a popee with a halse (house), pate with water coloring book, two dols, dols caping (camping) set, a Bike for bo bees (dolls), one minee velcro brd with bush of leds (bunch of letters).
Eliza Sturm
Dear Santa, Please bring me a mermaid tail, mini brands, a barbie house and send an elf buddy for Judy.
Thank you Love, Everley Beam
Dear Santa, I would like Lego minecraft Villager, a star wars lego storm troopers with guns and a lego minecraft iron goolum. Please and thank you. Roscoe Wright
Second Grade Mrs. Runions
Dear Santa, 10000 v-bucks, headphones, a twenty dollar drone, and probably a rc car. Cody Mooneyham
Dear Santa, I would like a VR, a hover board, a microphone, and a stuffed animal. Charlsie Cutshaw
Dear Santa, I would like Legos, a ps5 and controllers. Dominic Torres-Shults
Dear Santa, I would like vbucks, robux, a ps5 and a fire truck for my brother. Aleah Tolliver
Dear Santa, hi Santa iv ben riley good this year. I’m riley excited for Christmas. I want more magnat tillse. I would like an ironman helmet, an ironman glove, and just ironman stuff. Olan Kramarczyk
Dear Santa, I would like drone, Legos, and vbux. Alaryc Brunson
Dear Santa, I would like a drone, 1000 vbucks, and rolly shoes. Willow Shults
Dear Santa, How are you doing and I wish you a Merry Christmas. I think I made it on the nice list this year. I woud like more barbie dolls. A doctor kit. Also would like some art stuff. Thank you and thank you santa helpers. Love Phobe Baker
Dear Santa, What do the reindeer eat? I would like a gas powered dirt bike, with foot breaks. Also I would like a drift RC Car. And a robot dog. And lighting Mcqueen cars that I don’t have. Also my cousin Miles would like a helicopter. I can help him fly. And a realistic nerf gun. I would like a lighting Mcqueen watch. I would like a picture frame with a picture of my mom, Richie, and me. An a x-pro rover 50 go kart. If I get the Go-Kart can you have the keys in and running so I can hop in and go. I love Santa and my family and my dad from Ohio. Patrick Salatino
Dear Santa, I wanted you to know that Rudolph is my favorite reindeer. I think the elves are super funny. They work hard just like you Mr. Santa. Will you get me plastic miniature puppy and kitty toys for kids? Will you get me medium size stuffies of puppies and kitties? I would like to have a new bean bag chair. I love Christmas because the snow, the presents, and it is Jesus birthday. Thank you, Ellie Proffitt
Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. I want a snowfake hoodie. I want a Snorlax blanket. I want a Charmader pen. I want a sparkley horse hat. I want a Foxy and Boxy box. I want a green glittery horse backpack keychan. The last thing I want is purple glasses. Thank you for reading my lise have a holly jolly Christmas! Ryleigh Finken
Dear Santa, I have been really good this year can I have a toy I want some tan army men a random toy a teddy bear a neaf gun and a toy boat. Some chiceknt ramen. Peyton Dorsey
Dear Santa, How have you been Santa? I have been good this year not naughty. What I want for Christmas is a team Curry basketball jersey. And a roty Rhodes wrestlers. And hulk Hogan. Thank you, Merry Christmas. Sawyer Shepherd
Dear Santa, How have you been this year? I have not been the best this year but I have been good. So I was hoping that I coude get a bunch of stuff to color and draw with and the Princess luggage at Walmart and maybe you could send me one of your elfs on a shelf. I hope you have a good year and was wondering how Mis santa clause is doing? Also what do the elfs eat for lunch?
Kaylin O’sicky
Dear Santa, What do the reindeers eat? I want a Gabby’s doll house barbie clothes and prince eric doll. Emma Reed
Dear Santa, I hope you have a good day giving me presins and what is your favorite cookie. I wont a nerf gun and VR. Kaisyn Pumfrey
Mrs. Grooms
Dear Santa, I would like a phone, a tv for my room, movies, and an ATV. Noah Alford
Dear Santa, Can I have new polkadot clothes, a new phone, Auphmau Merch, a watch, all giant Pokemon cards. Robux 10 cards, giant lollipop, long cookies and cream bar, nerf gun, go to the aquarium, $100, art supplies, and coloring book. Paul Bagley
Dear Santa, I want baseball cards and pokemon cards. I also want a tablet. Alden Davenport
Dear Santa, I would like a Nintendo Switch, electric scooter, hover board, a phone, potato chips, hot wheels, new shoes, New Super Mario Bros Deluxe, and Bluey stuffed animals. Jensen Gates
Dear Santa, I want a phone. I want a stuffy. I want a baby. I want a phone case. I want a hat. I want a tablet, and some skates. Hannah Helms
Dear Santa, I would like to have a puppy, please, and dog food. Thank you,Joshua Herndon
Dear Santa, I am wanting to know how you get into houses without a chimney. I have been good this year. I would like some Lego sets and hot wheels. Thank you for all the gifts to the kids around the world. A Blue Dart. Kallie Lane
Dear Santa, I would like a remote control airplane and a reindeer. I want Ninja Legos. I want a large Hershey, a four wheeler, and a ninja. Conetic sand. Logan Loveday
Dear Santa, My name is Asher. I am 7 years old. I have been mostly nice. For Christmas I would like a construction set, truck with trails, and semitrucks. Asher Mahony
Dear Santa, I want a football. I want a nerf gun. Bouncy Ball. Ashton Shults
Dear Santa, I want a vr headset and I want a real turtle and games for the headset and a real axolotl and set of all the pokemon cards, the new universe of pokemon cards, and a bb gun. Waylon Silence
Dear Santa, I want a iPhone16 airpods xbox ps5 computer a galaxy phone robux ds5 new brush new football a bellt a new setter a apple ipad and headfons. Anthony Velez
Dear Santa, I want 5 elwols. I want 8 barbies. I want 3 sweatrs. Monster dolls. I want 5 pars of shoos. I want 5 noow hoodes. I want 6 black pars of legings. I want 7 hats. ZamFam Lipgloss. Addison Walker
Dear Santa, I want a new bike and a new toy and I want ear buds and a new blanket. Penelope Williams
Dear Santa, I want a barbie house a Stanley that is pink 10 barbies 2 candy cans pink glasses snickers ring watch makeup $100 Kenzlie Wise
Dear Santa, I want a bik a ber. A doll a rug a be for my doll.Kendra Woods
Mrs. Brooke Dear Santa, I hope you have a good Christmas. I would like a real life girl and boy doll. I also want a double stroller for my twins. Happy Christmas. Everly Norris
Dear Santa, Bitey magics, croisy car shufl, spiderman backpack, iphone 13, apple wach, two coock sets, netindo swich, shef play set. Lacieyah Walker
Dear Santa, I would please like for you to bring me 1 a hamster, 2 a hamster enclosure, 3 a hamster ball, 4 blue and red nike shoes. 5 a uv spy pen. I will leave you milk and cookies on Christmas eve thanks Nathan Wynant
Dear Santa, I would like clothes and skin care make up and shoes and bring my brother a mickey mouse toys and clothes an bring all the girls and boys something for chrismas and bring my mom something. Thank you santa Reighlyn Schiller
Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is…….a sticker book and a magic pixie. A furby pink flowery long press on nails and a teddy bear. A poster of hello kitty a pink, blue and yellow rug. Emily Sutton
Dear Santa, I would really love a bike for Christmas. Timber LeGrande
Dear Santa, My name is Blaine. For Christmas I would like v-bucks for my Xbox, a giftcard, and Lego’s. Blaine Darnell
Dear Santa, I would like to ask Santa for a mountain bike and 20 guage shot gun to turkey hunt with my brothers. I would like to have new camo clothes to wear hunting. Maybe a xbox one with games. But most of all I ask for a happy healthy family for the new year!
Timothy Ray Denton
Dear Santa, My name is Grace. I would like make up and a hair curler and two pairs of Airpods. An a iPhone 5. And A elf a girl elf. I love you Santa so much.
Grace Anderson
Dear Santa, I would like coloring book gel pencils and axolotyl plushy. Tennessee hoodie. Shelby Naillon
Dear Santa, I would like L.E.D lights. Girls WWE wrestler and boys. Axolotl plushy. Beta Plushy, squishmellow and Legos and a TN Hoodie. Marlee Mathis
Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a drone and a dirt bike a Tennessee flag, a ploice Hat, a morgan wallen t-shirt a jelly roll t-shirt Tennessee shoes size 3. I’v been good to my mamaw. Lee Walker
Dear Santa, I would like for Christmas WWE wrestler sports clothes and some shoes and a baseball hat. Love Brady Lowe
Dear Santa, I would like LED lights for my room. Morgan Wallen Hoodie, and a football and a baseball. Isaac McCarter
Dear Santa, I want some Curry shoes. I want some Lebron shoes, too. This is my show size, 12C. Also, I want one hundred dollars. And I want two squishmallows and other stuffed animals. I also want some candy but not sticky candy. I want ten more dollars. Also toss in another squishmallow. Forgive me Santa I’ll be good next year please. Daniel Del Signore
Third Grade Ms. Kay Dear Santa, I want a remote control monster truck, basketball, and a Lego work set. Max
Dear Santa, I’ve been good. I want for Christmas. A lol doll, a laptop, makeup, clothes, shoes, cheerleader costume, house stuff, Christmas Stanley, PS5 dancing sant, a robe, blanket, cutes stuff cinnamon roll pj. I am grateful family and friends.Emmaray
Dear Santa, I wut my $.40 togo Dan.
Dear Santa, I want for Christmas. I would like iPhone 13 please and I would love to go to Las Vegas and I want boxing gloves venam classic boxing gloves for Wen my brother! Waylon Williams
Dear Santa, Can I please have skincare, uggs, makeup, slime, new phone, ear pods, and Leds. I am pretty sure I have been good. Love Clover
Dear Santa, I dot now!!!! Skyler Hough
Dear Santa, My baby sister wants baby toys. I want LOL, Barbys, Stich and angl. Logain wants trachfomers. Cobin wants popch row. Jermiah wants sooperheros. My Mom wants nightmer from Christmas. My Dad wants hedfones. Logain was good. Cobin was good. Jermiah was good. I was good.
Jayda Parton
Dear Santa, I ben good this year. What I want for Christmas is Lanky Box merch 5 mini brand, mini foxy box, snow glob. For my sisters Bluey toys for Taylor hlow bright pixe thank you. Love Raven Armachain
Dear Santa, Hi Santa I have been grat. What I want for Christmas is skincare and makeup. I also want tare and cottonballs and pant and paper. I also want a vanady and a puppy and sokes. Love Ellie
Dear Santa, Hi Santa, I have been good. I would like slime, two stanleys, a puppy, a heated blanket and a phone!
Dear Santa, Hey Santa what I want for Christmas is a booster box of Pokemon cards, a bike, card sleeves (not card pages), and last but not least I want 2 Pokemon card binders. Remy Alex
Dear Santa, Can you please give me a RC monster truck. I believe in you. May I have a Nerf guns, and can you please give my sisters some jewly, and can you please give my Mom some jewly to, and can you please give my Dad some tools to. Can you please give me water guns. And I thank I have been good.
Dear Santa, I think I’ve been bad. I will get better. For Christmas I want a tent, a Lego set, m y mitted brother wants a Lego set to, I want an RC car and a soccer ball. I don’t know what else my mitted brother wha My big brother wha money. I’m thankful for my family and my brothers.
Flynn Ellison
Mrs. Allen
Dear Santa, I want makeup babydoll and sqush marring and huvord and barby house.
Dear Sants, I wut a romote ux toy and race it and a lego work set.
Dear Santa, I would like a 3DS this year. To go with my 3DS, I would like a Poison Remover, a welcome mat, a Wi-Fi router, a hand warmer, and a Windows 11 computer. Sawyer
Dear Santa, I want the new Madden 25 and I play a PS5 and I want the new college 25 and have the best Christmas ever.
Letters to Santa 5 December 2024
Dear Santa, For Christmas I want cute clothes shoes and a Ipad. And a IPhone , a bead maker, and clay beads. I also want makeup, squish mellow. I want baby dolls and baby doll stuff. I want a hover board and a skateboard. I also want tochland hand sanitizer.
Paloma Yartiz Jimenez
Dear Santa, I want makeup for Christmas and art kit ear rings a necklace a sketch pad a pant kit invible ink pen.
Dear Santa,
I hope I have good luck for once on Christmas. I want a Tennessee phone case, a Tennessee hat, and a xbox, vision pro. I want to see my family on Christmas! Jude W.
Dear Santa, I want a monster high doll, new neckless, ring, Barbie dolls, fake nails, IPhone 14, legos, and someone to play with.
Dear Santa,
I think I’ve been bad I will get better. For Christmas I want a tent, a Lego set to, I want an RC car, and a soccer ball. I don’t know what else my mitted brother wants. My big brother wants money. I am thankful for my family and my brothers.
Flynn Caleb Ellison
I want an electric aty, Plaground, iphone 15, 100 wwe toys,wwe toy ring,1,000 candy canes, candy, 100 police lego sets.
Ethian Henson
Dear Santa, Can I have new supplies of markers and cloud and butter slime and hoverboard.
Dear Santa, I would like to have some things for Christmas like a new book. Also a Tennessee backpack, and a new pair of crocs. Also a new sketch book.
Leddy Ray Bargin
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. Can I have art supplies, cloud and butter slime, and a real life baby doll. I will bring you cookies and milk.
Dear Santa, I would like a lego set. May I also some hot wells and a big Hot Well set.
Mrs. Cole Dear Santa, I have been good. Gabriel Black
Dear Santa, I want a new football. I want new shoes and a new dirt bike and a PS5. I Want a new phone and a basketball goal.
Aiden Jenkins
Dear Santa, I have been good some times. I want for Christmas is a iPhone and legos set and makeup and basketball shoes that are pink. I also want for Christmas is a basketball shirt for my Mom and a Halloween stanley and a smiley face slippers and I am thankful for family.
Jocelyn Stuart
Dear Santa, So I not asking for a lot this Christmas but I have been ok. This year I want for Christmas is Mac to come home I want my 3 dos to be togetr I miss my elfs I want a big pool I want a vdr wlodn ceme Im a going to tell my elfs to bage a Christmas letter Merry Christmas Bye! Makenziee Shiples
Dear Santa, I want paint and paint box and some books. And stitch toy and stitch mallow.
Ms. Mallory
Dear Santa, Could we have snow? I love presents from you. Could you bring me a craft kit and a vacuum cleaner?
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I want a cat that wears a collar and says, “meow”. I want a stuffy dog and cleaning supplies for my toy house. I’ve been pretty good this year I hope you can find one of these for me. Or a toy food truck. A tiny little frog what jumps or a tiny snake that goes around and around like around your feet. And a reindeer. I don’t want anything else. Well one more thing a toy truck that drives around. Now that’s it. Thank you Santa. Merry Christmas Jadzia
Dear Santa, I want a rainbow cat for Christmas. I also want a rainbow dog for Christmas, too. I would play whichever games I want with them. I think my brother Moose would like a rainbow car. Thank you for coming to give us toys. Merry Christmas! Peach

Dear Santa, Hi Santa. Merry Christmas. I want a unicorn swimming pool, a real horse, and a rainbow unicorn toy. I want a snow globe with me, my dad, dogs, chickens all inside. I want another snow globe with me, mom, Damon, cotton, dixie inside. I need more socks with suction cups. I want a balloon with my family on it. I want some gloves like santa’s. I want a unicorn blanket, a recipe book and a horse book. I want more crayone, and gnome house. I love you so much santa.
Adaline Norwood
Dear Santa, It’s been 365 days since I wrote you last. This year I would like Barbie dolls with house, standup docter set, Elsa music box with dressup stuff, arts and crafts set, I also like unicorns! Also, remember my sister even though she’s sometimes naughty. Even if it’s just one thing on my list I get this year I’ll be thankful!
Safe travels! With love, Ravin
Dear Santa, I have been very bad this year, but I would still like a trampoline and a big swimming pool and a big 4 wheeler and two or three dragons a pink one and a purple one. Thank you! Love, Tess the mess
Dear Santa, I would really love a coca cola semi truck for Christmas. I have tried to be a very good boy this year.
Ezra W.
Dear Santa, I would like Monster high dolls this year. And a really want a blinger for my hair and the pink Little Alive pets pink chameleon. You know I like slime and barbies and horses. I hope I’m on the nice list. Love, Delanie
Dear Santa, I would like some transformers & figures. I would also like some hot wheels(2long packs). Can I please get some legos too(big yellow box)? I’ve been very good this year. I have also been working hard at school.
Dear Santa, I want a remote control Lambo and Godzilla. Also, a purple toy van with a purple engine.
Dear Santa, I would like for Christmas a LankyBox, doughnut, Milky, a walking unicorn, glow in the dark chalk, pink kitchen set, Gabby’s dollhouse, baby kittens, green adventure set, Bluey car, drums, and a Bluey bubble machine. Petunia
Dear Santa, I have been a really, really good boy this year. I want a bunch a bunch of army men and transformers. Dawson
Second Grade
Mrs. Green
Dear Santa, My name is Braylee and I want for Christmas Baries [Barbies] and a mary Christmas to the homeless and for Claira a Gucci bracelet.
Braylee Roberts
Dear Santa, My name is Noah Dawson and I am 7 years old. I would like a nerf gun pleaaaase. Noah
Dear Santa, My name is Lena Smith and I am 7 years old. I would like for Christmas is a Slime Kit and legos thank you Santa.
Dear Santa, My name is Chevelle Banner and I am 7 years old. I would like only 1 present this year. And that is a axalotl toy that’s all. Chevelle Banner
Third Grade Mrs. Eck Dear Santa, I want a V bucks a $100 card for gaming. I also want the Crew motorfest. A Tennessee Volunteer helmet, a Kansa City Chiefs helmet and a Kansas City Chiefs jersey that says Mahomes. And Dario Imiliavalo Number 8 jersey. Noah
Dear Santa, I want a V-Bucks and Madden 25 for a PS5 and call of duty Black ops 6 and the Crew Motor Fest. And a Green NFL Gatorade bottle and a Tennessee Vols helmet and jersey. And ps5 play card that cost 50$. And a membership for a ps5. Klaas
Dear Santa, I want a ROKU TV. An Xbox gaming system. I would also like Ronaldo controller. Please bring me a car LEGO set. Sound cards for my bike. I want V-Bucks card for $100. Pellets for my BB gun, it’s a Red Rider. I would like the Chuckey line Tiffany’s daughter doll. I want a new four wheeler because I’ve outgrown my old one. I also want Christmas money. Max
Dear Santa, I want a small 12 inch TV and a red dead redemption game and a toy pistol. V-bucks and a call of duty black ops game. I want a bicycle and some snacks. Peyton
Dear Santa, I would like Hot Wheels truck and a basketball goal. I want to get a football game, Legos, a Cowboy Dallas sticker and helmet. I want a TN Titans helmet too. Kansas City Chiefs helmet and a Florida Gators helmet too.
Dear Santa, I want a Doll house, a tablet, a doll baby that’s L.O.L that’s it.
Dear Santa, I want 1,ooo robux and poler bear plushie and baby doll.
Dear Santa, I want a a 9by9 ded end I want the biggest Nerf gun and a pc woketokeend for WII. I want a Transam and a butterfly knife, a mountain bike and black ops game, and hot chocolate.
Kindergarten Ms. Dykes
Dear Santa, I’ve been so good this year. I would like lego car, chips, that is all
Ashton Key
Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year. I would like Elsa doll, Anna doll, Batman doll, baby doll that is all.
Amisha Vance
Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year. I would like a pirate house, velociraptor toy, remote control racecar, bike, a dino house and that is all.
Cora Dorsey
Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year. I would like dog day plush, catnap plush, real life grab pack. Player costume, Minecraft game.
Lincoln Holbrooks
Dear Santa, I’ve been really really good this year. I would like to have a princess umbrella, Gabby Dollhouse Umbrella, princess paint brush, paint (pink and puple), stanley cup, colored markers set, that is all.
Paisleigh Holt
Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year. I would like a barbie camper, a barbie dream house, dolls, putty, slime, playdoh, legos, puzzles, blocks foam, and that is all.
Blakelee Cox
Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year. I would like to have a toy tooth fairy, a book and toy shelf, a tablet for my brother, a dog and cat with a crystal, drawing pad and doctor stuff, and puzzles.
Meka Coffey
Dear Santa, I’ve been really really good this year. I would like to have fake nails, a shopping center and that is all.
Emorie Smelcer
Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year. I would like a spiderman car, spiderman hot wheels, and that is all.
Oaklee Cogdill
Dear Santa, I’ve been really good this year. I would like a lego set and the spider man 2 game for Christmas.
Jamarion Mangum
Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year. I would like my life dolls and clothes for them, baby stuff, and baby dolls, barbie house, legos, mini uno cards, homework book, Mario book and Bluey book.
Nyla Loveah Gregory
Mrs. Myers
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a dinosaur, and a real pet dog.
Lucyan Biggs
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a Play Station 5, a monster truck, a hat, a pikachu shirt, and a chewy. I have been really good this year.
Ezekiel Bonner
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a phone, a remote control car, a toy truck, and a X-box game. I have been good this year.
Kyson Bowman
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a cleaning set, make-up, skin care, a PS5, and some candy. I would also like a coloring book, pizza, and vegetables. I have been really good this year.
Lylah Brooks
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like make-up, nails and an Iphone. I have been good this year.
Myla Brown
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a unicorn toy, a stuffed animal, and play doh. I also want a puppet that looks like a frog.
Lily Bullard
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a giant robot, a phone, and a little robot. I have been good this year.
Grasyn Clevenger
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like an electric car that I can drive, a real pet dog, a Jurassic Park play set, a ty set, and a real TV. Oh, and I LOVE Santa. I have been good this year. Mason Hall
Dear Santa, For Christmas this year, I want a toy truck and a real horse. Axl Nunley
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a marble set, a new race car, and a ramp. I have been good the whole year, I think. I love Santa. Keadrum Sells
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a new bike, a race car, a pumpkin, and a Mr. Potato head. I would also like a new princess dress with a crown, an elf on the shelf, and a new doll with a Christmas hat on. I want so many things! I have been so good this year. Merry Christmas, Santa! P.S. Can you leave me a Santa hat? Alivia Rioux
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a Play Station 5, call of duty mobile for my phone, fortnite, a tablet, a new bike with no training wheels, and a new blaster. I love you, Santa! You’re the best ever. Nathaniel Solis
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like purple nails, a big stuffed animal that is a purple unicorn, some toys for my dogs, brand new pink lip gloss, a brand new ice cream machine toy set, a beautiful bag or purse or something (the one at Walmart I like a lot), and a new tablet. I have been good this year. Addison Sweeten
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a horse, a new backpack, and some new toys to play with. I also want paint balls.
Rey Rodriguez
Ms. Hannah Palmer
Dear Santa, I have been good. I need a Nintendo and a new dog pool for Inanna and a cat house for Mack and Timber.
Love, Dellaney Carr
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. When will you come? Can I have a toy set up that has a pizza? And can I have a toy truck and a toy sword? I like your sleigh and I like your reindeers. From, JayLegend Cofield
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I love Christmas! I want a bike and some wrestlers and a Bluey house. I also want a Spiderman edition PSS. Love, Jaidon Cutshaw
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a Barbie car and some clothes that are rainbow. I also want a Wednesday stamp and a Wednesday Barbie. From, Paisley Drumheller
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a baby doll and a Barbie doll. I love you Santa. From, Jayda Gorrell
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I love you so much and I’m going to give you a computer. I am also going to give you one marker at a time. For Christmas, I want a Ghostbuster car and a laser gun (with sounds) and a proton pack. One of my favorite movies are Ghostbusters. Can I have a T-Shirt (Ghostbusters)? I can’t wait for that Ghostbusters T-Shirt!
Waylon Jenkins
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. For Christmas, I want a Barbie doll that is named Barbie. I hope you have a safe flight to the North Pole. Love, Magnolia Landry
Dear Santa, I have been good this year! I want a baby doll for Christmas. I also want a dinosaur. Have a safe trip from the North Pole. Paisley Mantooth
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a choo-choo train and an airplane and I want a sparkly pen. I also want a Christmas tree and a book. Can it be a dinosaur book? I also want a prize box. I also want a little TV. Love, Grayson Phillips
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a new doll house and a Barbie and a new princess game. Can I have new markers and a new unicorn blanket? Can I also have a new pair of purple tennis shoes? Thank you, Haven Rankin
Dear Santa, I have definitely been good this year. I like your reindeers because the are so cute and I love the sound they make. I want a Roblox Land and all these characters that are on my shirt (Roblox shirt). I want a 6 year old bike just like Maddox has. He’s 7. I want a very new peddling bike and my baby brother wants a stroller for his toys. I like your hat and your present bag! Jayce Gibson
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I love Santa. I want a baby, a Barbie doll, some baby bottles, a stroller,, a car seat, and some books. I really like unicorn books. I like you gloves, Santa! Love, Aria Smith
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Hi! I want a racecar, sweatpants, and a hoodie. I also want new shoes, a baby doll, and milk. I would also like a new bed. Thank you for all the presents. I want them all! Syrus Turner
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a Christmas tree and a star. I also want toys. Merry Christmas! Love, Ezra Woolard
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. My mom will bake you cookies! I want a Minnie Mouse baker set and a table with teacups. I also want a baby doll and a toy squishy. My whole family will make you a cookie house. Love, Allie Miller
First Grade Ms. Scott Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I would like clothes, books, and art toys. Bubba likes hot wheels. My sister likes stuffies. Love Allison Warden
Dear Santa, I hope you had a good year. I believe I have been a good girl. Can’t wait to see you and the elves. Christmas is almost here. I wanted you to know what I would like for Christmas. I love baby dolls, LOL dolls, maybe another dog, Barbie hand sanitizer, Barbie dolls, girly pajamas, anything Stitch, Stanley Cup, karaoke machine, i-Pad, skincare and nails for kids, Grinch, squashmellow, LED lights for my bedroom, kids jewelry, dancing cactus, glow in the dark blanket. I know it’s a lot but I love you and I’ve been nice this year. Aubree Jarvis
Dear Santa, I have been good. I was wanting a Pogo Stick the most, a Barbie doll house, a toy puppy and kitten. I just love animals! Harper Akersw
Dear Santa, I miss you! I cannot wait for Christmas! I would like a Barbie mini dollhouse, a toy elf to sleep with, a unicorn shaped night light, nerf guns with bullets, and a play builder set. I will leave cookies and milk for you shaped like you if my mom can do it. Love Liz Hurst I would like my family to be happy. I would also like a camera, clothes, a bike, and a few toys.
Searra Brady
Dear Santa, I want a dirt bike. I want money and a x-box. That’s it!
Kailen Kelley
Dear Santa, I wish that I had a new hoverboard for Christmas. I want new Nike shoes. Please. Thanks! Lucas Parton I would like make up, LOL dolls, and a bike with a kickstand. And can you get paw patrol and a baby doll for my sister.
Oaklynn Strange
Dear Santa, I want a x-box, Freddy Faz bear plushie, a phone, and a hedgehog. Onyx Sells
Dear Santa, I haven’t been that good, but I am trying! I would like a super kitties van, fahsl masks, Barbie plane. Hope you like our cookies! Love Haley Klaft
Dear Santa, Stitch pillow, Stitch nails, Stitch clothes, markers, Stitch bed and Stitch watch Abigail
Dear Santa, I would like a camera, Hello Kitty makeup, Stitch toys, and an electric scooter. Yanira Styles
Dear Santa, I haven’t really been good this year, but I’m trying. My mom knows I am a good boy. I need to show it. For Christmas I would like a dinosaur robot I can go in. I would like my grandmother to come over too. I love Christmas, and I can’t wait to see you Santa! Bentley Bradburn
Dear Santa, My name is Jackson O. I want Santa to bring me a dirt bike, a motorcycle, a Chevy truck, and that’s it. I want Santa to bring my sissy a baby and a dog. Brynn also wants a pink belt. Jackson Ottinger
Ms. Lindsey Dear Santa, Can I have an iPhone Santa can I have an exbox? Love, Grayson B.
Dear Santa, I will give you a coke, pesspi and cookies. What is your favorite cookie? I want stress balls and drones. Forward to Santa. From, Lukes H.
Dear Santa, For Christmas I want Barbie dolls and a playhouse. I have been good this year. I wouls also like a pink scooter. Love, Sam H.
Dear Santa, I love you. I have been trying to be a good boy. I would like a present please. Thank you,Bryson H.
Dear Santa, I want a pekoc. I want a cat. I want a SD. I want a doll for cresmas. I want good food from my mom always. I want a stuff animal. I want a stuff animal cat with rele cat fur. Love, Savannah K.
Dear Santa, I’m been good this year. My mom said all I want for Christmas is slime, Hello Kitty things like water bottles, mask for face and skincare, one of the pink cameras that takes photos and toys, art supplies and sketchbook and diary for secrects, Hello Kitty clothes, glue activator, Squishmallows and maybe an iPad, dolls, more slime, makeup, pefume, jewelry, nails and nail glue, backpack, stuff hats, paint brush and paint, underwares, shoes, and Barbie. Love, Emily L.
Letters to Santa December 2024 6
Dear Santa, Can I have a PS5 and Sonic toys?
Thank you, Mystery Kid
Dear Santa, I’d like a Nitendo, makeup, hairbows, power wheels, bows, headbands, mini brands 10+11=21, Barbie house, Bluey clothes, Bluey toys, and Bluey bows. Thank you,Trinity S.
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. May I get a ice-cream plush and squishmallows please and thank you?
Love, Rae-lynn S.
Mrs. McMahan
Dear Santa,
My name is Alexa Reece! I am writing you a letter to send to the North Pole! My mom said I am supposed to write what I want for Christmas! Well what I really want for Christmas is anything Bluey or Paw Patrol, a weighted blanket and a new pair of slippers. Merry Christmas Santa!
Alexa Morgan
Dear Santa, Hi! Hope you had a good year. I have been a good girl this year. For Christmas could you please bring me a newborn baby doll, a baby stroller, a baby pacifier, and baby clothes. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Annaleigha Moore
Dear Santa, My name is Avelyn Brielle. This year for Christmas, I want a toy kitchen and mini brands. Also, I’d like some squishmallows, lanky box, a doctor playset, a Monster High Enid Sinclair doll. Please bring my sister, Adysen, the 2024 Holiday Barbie Doll. Something nice for my mommy and daddy because they’re the best ever. Don’t forget my Nana. She likes coffee a lot. My Nana Kelley needs lots of love and prayers right now. Oh! Please bring treats for Dixie, Boltz, and Baby. One last thing, I’ve tried really hard to be a good girl this year.
Avelyn Kelley
Dear Santa, I think I been a good girl this year. Here is my Christmas list this year. Skin care and fidgets and make up. I really want a swing set, I will share with my brother and sister. A art set and sharpie markers also please. Thank you.
Brooklyn Hannahan
Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is a gocart with a cooler and a strap. Carson Hembree
Dear Santa, Hi santa! Can I plese have a goob plushi? Thank you! Colt Norris
Dear Santa, I am asking for a iphone 14, a toy poodle, and a new tv for my room. Love, Danlei Servellon
Dear Santa, Hi Santa! I hope you has a good year. Can I have a xbox please and a controler please. I love you Santa. Freidel Pacheco
Dear Santa, My name is Isabella. I am in 1st grad. For Christmas I would like to get a kids make up kit or a gimnastics barber doll. Thank you so much Santa. Christmas was allways my favorit Holiday. Isabella Robertson
Dear Santa, I want a Toy Sword and legos, a chapter Book, power rangers, phone, a Ps5, a Big box of clay, I want a uno Game, at last a Giant makeup kit, and a dye kit for my sister. Jonah Boore
Dear Santa, My name is Kia. I would like to have a toy gun and a set of clothes and a toy car I can rid in the house. Bullets for my toy gun. A set of toy tools with a work bench and a remote control car. Kai Hammitt
Dear Santa, I want legos for Christmas and mini figures and action figures. Korben Thompson
Dear Santa, For Christmas this year I would like a new lol doll, a new Barbie doll. Thank you so much. I have tried my best to ne good This year. Love Always Krisley Britt. Krisley Britt
Dear Santa, How are you? I would lik a ps5. I luth you.Luke Wiedmaier
Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a santa costume and a slay and a elf and I want a pet dog. Roman Holt
Mrs. Janet Owen
Dear Santa, I like your elves! Can I have a Baby Alive, and a baby bath tub? A baby bunk bed. I would like a ball pit. I would like a toy car. I will leave carrots for the rein-deer. I love you Santa. Arlie Tinker
Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie Dream house, a toy puppy, a dentist kit, candy, a wand, barbies, baby doll, a bike, a clock, a cup, a race car, a unicorn stuffie, a barn with the animals and farmer, peppa pig stuff, a barbie kit, vet kit, make up, baby alive. Amora Carlson
Dear Santa, Thank you for being great. I hope you’re have a good day and you have fun when you deliver presents. Will you get me a gingerbread house, and a rock ‘em sock ‘em robots. I love snakes too. PS: I want to cook. See if you can bring a toy kitchen.
Thanks! Avery Elmore
Dear Santa, Thank you for last years presents. This year I would like Pokemon cards, Pokemon legos, and pokemon plush toys. Also Godzilla and King Kong action figures.
Love, Axel Phillips
Dear Santa, How are you doing this year? My name is Charlie. I really want a batman race car that delivers cookies and is remote control. Please bring my brother George a toy wheel you can drive with. I will put out carrots for the reindeers and you will have cookies and milk to eat.
Love, Charlie Tupper
Dear Santa, My name is Corinne Messer. I have been a good little girl this year. For Christmas this year I would like makeup, poppy doll, Barbie house, Paw Patrol doll, New phone, Squish mallow, doll with diamond hair, clip on ear rings, Barbie, Princess shoes, purse.
Corinne Messer
Dear Santa, I’ve missed you! For Christmas I want a baby bunkbed. I want a baby swing. I want Barbie toys too. I will leave you yummy cookies! I love you Santa!
Ellie Tinker
Dear Santa, I have been pretty good this year. I would like play kitchen, baby doll house, luigi haunted mansion 2. Thank you very much. Emma Vetter
Dear Santa, Play dove, scooby doo dolls, outside move projector.Gracie Hill
Dear Santa, I would like a doctors kit. I also want a piano so me and my brother can play music. A toy Santa and Grinch would be cool. I also want a new play table. I want a scooter that I can ride in my house. I love to play with my brother Korbyn so any toy I can use to play with him would be fun.
Harper Freeman
Dear Santa, I love you you are the best guy ever. I would like a truck with a camper trailer and a four wheeler. Also I like your Sleigh and reindeer. Can you please bring our cats some toys and a bike for me and my brother, a truck to paint. Please and thank you Santa! Jackson Franco
Dear Santa, I love you Santa. Please bring me a fox a dog and minion box uv a toy fegr. I also want a mouse please and thank you.
Julian Hux
Dear Santa, I love you. For Christmas, I would like a robot turtle and a robot fish. I hope you enjoy all the cookies and milk on Christmas Eve.
Lenox Storey
Dear Santa, Please don’t put me on the naughty list. I’ll try harder to be good. For Christmas I want a pink bike with training wheels, a Barbie dreamhouse camper, and a pink Minecraft hoodie. Love you Santa. See you soon.
Lyla Oras
Dear Santa, Please bring me some toys. I like Hot Wheels and Zuru Smashers. And please bring my sister some toys too. Please give my cousins toys. They like baseball. Thank you.
Maverick Warren
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I would like to have a Barbie doll house, a bike with training wheels, a toy dog that barks and eats, and a baby doll, and a unicorn t-shirt with stripes, and a stuffed Santa Claus, and a unicorn cup with all my family’s names on it, and some Pokemon cards. Thank you.
Molly Henderson
Dear Santa, I want roller skates, puppy, and Santa don’t forget my little brother Ezra.
Victoria Paris
Mrs. Watts Dear Santa, Thank you for thinking of me. I would like a Barbie camera and marvel stuff and a Barbie car and a Barbie bakery. Prelsee Ball
Dear Santa, I am trying to be good but you know things happen. I would like for you to bring me a stuffed bee animal and my own Christmas tree and a Big foot stuffy. I will leave you cookies and milk. Love Hudson Bruce
Dear Santa, I am Tobias Cody and I am 6 years old. I have been good so can you bring me a big Batman robot and a Joker robot and a real monster truck, a hot wheel track and a toy cooker with a cooker hat and a fake knife to slice play food and a school toy with all of the people. I will leave you cookies and milk and carrots for the reindeer. I love you. Tobias Cody
Dear Santa, I wish you to have a great day. I hope your elves are ok. I like your hat! Can you bring me a robot Santa? And maybe a stuffed elf. Moms gonna help us make cookies and put milk in a glass for you. I know you favorite is snickerdoodle!
Dear Santa, I’d like a gaming chair. I’d also like some monster trucks, hot w heels and a racetrack. Thank you Santa. Love. Kaden Green
Dear Santa, My name is Jonah Harman. This Christmas I want a Star Wars shirt and remote control creeper. Thank you for all my presents. Merry Christmas.
Jonah Harman
Dear Santa, I would like for you to bring me a $100 bills, a soccer ball, a football, tickets to Disney, some board games. Maybe you could bring my brother Boone an excavator! Please don’t forget to bring all the kids toys who lost them in the flood. Thank you.
Huxley Johnston
Dear Santa, I want a Barbie dream camper, a bunch of squishmellows, and board games. I want a set of cookie cutters. I need snow gloves and a snowsuite. I want more my life accessories. I want a new phone case and a Pop socket. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
Lucille Ochs
Dear Santa, I would like a gaming chair, a PS4, Minecraft controller and a hoverboard. Than you. Arlo Oras
Dear Santa, I want a Barbie and some Barbie shoes and a Ken doll and a baby and bring my sister a elsa doll with shoes.
Taelyn Perez
Dear Santa, I want a bounce house and a lot of orbies and orbie guns darts. I really love them and can you bring me some unspeakable merch. Thank you a lot.
Ryker Stanton
Third Grade
Miss Olivia
Dear Santa, Can I have a furby for Christmas. Please bring my brother a head set. Also I want a bunch of slime, plus a pretty piggy bank. Also bubble skin care. Can I have some nails? Then I want some waterbottles 4 for practice and 4 for school. Next I want a wacth. Plus I want a picture that says harmars. Then I wan t Stich Stuff to decerat my room. Also a Cirkul cup. Scarlett Harman
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. May I have this stuf, you know the Big Milky that sings and the Foxy mistrey box, the soft one. Can I have all the Lanky Box Plusheys besides Boxy and Foxy and please have a Oculis Qwest and New Crocs and a Diary that does not lock, and a Apple watch. Thank you.
Allison Vetter
Dear Santa, I want a basketball goal. Then I want a new per of shoes. Then I want Lakes crocs. Then I want a bluey book. Next I want a miles action figure and a Spiderman action figure.
Karsyn Buckner
Dear Santa, Thank you for breing this world love and enjoyment this world and this is wut. I want a new pair of skats, makeup, squishmallows, e, slanle, s, blanket, cat verses picils, dog verses skuarls, irings, hoode. Onah Hawk
Dear Santa, I want a pair of White heelys please. I also 100 dollars because I’m broke. I would also like 4 different pairs of white Jordans. I want a bunch of white shoes. I want a bunch of white clothes. I want white LA Lats, and a bunch of Nike things. I want the latessts Apple wach. Leonardo Wagner
Dear Santa, I love that you give good people gifts and bad people no gifts and I love you Santa but I want a new rc car, but 10 times bigger and a rc car’s controller and that’s all. Gabriel Brown
Dear Santa, I would like Hello Kitty, Bluey, and squishmellow, and a Bratt doll. This is my brotheres’s list. My four year old brother would like bluey also because we both like bluey and sonic. This is my two year old brother likes Spiderman and Blippi, he might like lighting mcqueen. I also want chlothes and new shoes. That’s all I want for Christmas.
Evelynn Green
Dear Santa, Thank you for working hard for all the kids and I would like Jelly tent, buble sking care, stich decorations, pictorse, hoverboard, new clothes, Stich been bag chair, crocs, boots ,slide. Gracie Stokely
Dear Santa, I would love a Nintendo switch oled. Pls bring my sister shirt that she likes. I would love if you gave me games and a screen protector. I hope you have a Jolly Christmas. Dutch Ford
Dear Santa, Santa I want to a doll for Christmas and clothes for my doll and shoes for it. Santa please can I have something for my Mom and squishmellows you can get in a 4 pack.
Lilley Hall
Dear Santa, Can I have a Kobe Xray Shoes. Or the black Mambas Kobe shoes?
Ryder Coggins
Dear Santa, I would like NBA 2k25. I would like clothes. I would like shoes.
Axtyn Jenkins
Dear Santa, I really want an American Girl doll and a hoverboard and a water bottle. I want a pair of shoes and an iPad. I want a phone, and a case. Please bring my Mom some new house shoes and can I have a pack of just white paper and some Bubble Skin care.
Adalynn Weeks
Dear Santa, I want a Christmas tree. I want a hat. I want a gummy. Thank you.
James McSween
Dear Santa, I want a sword, ninja spinner, and Batman stuff. I have been a good boy. Please remember my brothers too.
Ledger Denton
Dear Santa, My name is T.C. I’m 3 years old. For Christmas this year I would like a Sonic the Hedgehog action figure. Can you also bring me a Knuckles action figure too please? I’ve been a very good boy this year. My sister and I will be sure to leave you some milk and cookies out. Thank you Santa! And Merry Christmas. T. C.
Dear Santa, Can you bring more Barbies, a Dino and more playdoh. I want some stamps to play with playdoh. I want more makeup! Barbie clothes, dress up clothes, high heels. Thank you can’t wait to see you soon!
Scarlett B
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a telescope so I can look at the moon. I will leave milk and cookies for you.
McKinley Strange
Dear Santa, I would like a motorcycle, a remote control dinosaur, fighting robots, 2 bumper cars, candy cane, a picture of Santa, a light saber, a snowman, Transformer that talks, a shrit with a picture of me on it, a Roblox gift card, and some walkie talkies. Please and Thank you Santa.
Dear Santa, I would like a water table to play with outside. I would also like a dollhouse. I promise to listen to mommy and daddy. I’ll leave you chocolate chip cookies and carrots for the reindeer.
Dear Santa, I love you very much and also Santa, please bring a transformer robot and also a John cena toy. Thank you very much. I am going to leave you cookies and milk.
Raylon Shepherd
Santa, I am so excited for you to come!
Hello my name is Gabriel. I am 4 years old now. I want a robot with remote controller. I would also love to have a real duck that walks by itself. Please bring me a Spiderman and Hulk too. I am going to make you lots of cookies for Christmas night. PS Don’t forget my brother Isaak too. Gabriel
Dear Santa, My name is Ensley Mae and I am 1 year old. I’ve been a really good girl this year. I would like a baby doll and some books for Christmas please. And maybe some new hair bows too because I like to do pageants. Thanks Santa, Merry Christmas. Ensley Mae
Dear Santa, I am two years old. I want a dinosaur, and a big hulk and some blocks. I will leave you some cookies and milk. I love you. Raider Denton
Dear Santa, My name is Clover, I’m two. I’ve been very good this year. For Christmas I would like to have a tea set, a Bluey phone, Blocks, Books, and anything with Luna the Moon. I also want T TOP (Rocky Top) so I can dance. Clover
Dear Santa, I hope you have had a good year. I have been very good this year and I can’t wait for you to visit. This year I would like a doll that walks/ talks/closes its eyes when it goes to sleep and all her accessories, a mermaid doll, and nail kit. I will leave out milk and cookies for you. Thank you Santa and I hope you have a very good Christmas. I love you. Ellie Parker
Dear Santa, I have been such a good boy this year. I would like to have a fake sniper rifle, some real BB’s for it. I would also like to have real handcuffs with a key. I am slso really wanting an electric dirt bike if you have one for me. Please also find me a set of walkie talkies like my big brothers. Thank you for reading my list. I love Santa. I promise to keep being good. I also like belt buckles. PS I forgot I would like a kid’s bullet proof vest and an orange knife with a clip and no blade. Thank you. Chevy Brown
Dear Santa, What I would like for Christmas is Barbie dolls, roller skates size 10, and vampire squishy. I have been a very good girl Santa. Raylee Williams
Ms. Chambers Dear Santa, My name is Devin. I am 4 years old. I am so excited for Christmas. Christmas is Jesus’ Happy birthday! I have been really good this year. This year I want a real live great white shark and a monster truck. Please bring Isaiah a monster truck too and Miracle wants a pink girl monster truck. I think daddy wants a baby shark and mommy want a new car. Sana, I will leave cookies and milk for you. The reindeer will have carrots. Love Devin Vasquez
Dear Santa, My name is Truell. I am 4 years old. I have been a very good little boy this year. I am really excited about Christmas. I love the trees and the lights. Please bring me a toy car, a stuffed animal, a hammer with a workbench. Please my sister some new clothes and my mommy something pretty. I will leave you cookies an milk by the tree, and carrots on the roof for the reindeer. Remember Jesus is the reason for Christmas. Love your friend, Truett Lovell
Dear Santa, My name is Aiden. I am 3 years old. I have been a very good little boy this year. I am so excited about Christmas. I hope I have lots of presents under the tree. I would really like a big red fire trucks that has flashing lights and a loud siren. My daddy would like new shoes and my mommy would like a ring. I will leave you Christmas cookies and milk by the tree. Fly safe. Love your friend. Aiden Shuts
Dear Santa, My name is Cash. I am 4 years old and I have tried to be good this year. Please bring me a foam road to build, some trucks and cars, and a construction box. I will leave cookies and milk for you. Love your friend Cash Henderson
Dear Santa, My name is Oakley. I am 4 years old. I have been a good little boy all year. I am so excited about Christmas. Please bring me more ducks, a big truck, a tractor, and new hats. I will leave you milk and cookies by the tree. Love your friend, Oakley Driskill
Dear Santa, My name is Colton. I am 3 years old. I have been really good this year. I would like a tractor that I can ride, some cars, and trucks. Please bring my family presents too. I will leave cookies and milk under the tree. I will leave carrots outside for the reindeer. Love your friend, Colton Payne
Dear Santa, My name is Deacon. I am 3 years old. I have been a very good little boy this year. Please bring me all the Paw Patrol toys. Bring my bubby some legos, my sissy a doll and daddy a fire truck. Bring Gigi more rocks forme to throw. I will leave you milk and cookies. Love you friend, Deacon Johnson
Dear Santa, My name is Ivy. I am 4 years old. I really try hard to be good all the time but you know some times I slip. I am so excited for Christmas. I love the Christmas trees. I would really like a Princess house and dolls. I really want a pair of fancy boots. Please bring my sister dolls and a doll house, too. Thank you for last years gifts. I will leave you chocolate chip cookies and coke by the tree. Love your friend, Ivy Terleicke
Dear Santa, My name is Cardina. I am 3 years old. I have been good this year. Please bring me a Stitch and Angel doll for Christmas. I would like all the stitch movies. Please bring my sister some beat bug dolls. I will leave cookies and milk by the tree. Love you friend,Carolina Kennedy
Dear Santa, My name is Zaelynn. I am 4 years old. I have been good all year. Please bring me a Minnie Mouse doll, a Minnie Mouse bean bag, and new clothes. Bring my little sister a Stitch doll and something nice for my mommy and daddy. I will leave you cookies and milk under the tree. Love your friend, Zaelynn Kennedy
Dear Santa, My name is Kaylee. I am 3 years old. I have been a very good little girl this year. I am excited for Christmas. Please bring me a Minnie Mouse doll that talks and a doll housel Please bring Ms. Chambers new dolls and carts for our room. Please my brother new trucks and a bike. Bring my mommy and daddy presents too. I will leave you cookies and milk under the tree. Let it snow for Christmas a lot. Love you friend, Kaylee Cogdill

Letters to Santa 7 December 2024
Dear Santa, My name is Peyton. I am 3 years old. I have not been good all year but I have really tried. I would like a garbage truck, a big Barbie doll house, and a garage with shiny purple car inside. I would also like an airplane. Please bring my brother Liam a new game and a scooter. Daddy would like a new truck and Mommy wants a new house. I will leave special treats for you and the reindeer. Love your friend, Peyton Naill
Mrs. Amy Evans
Dear Santa, My name is Nash Reed. I am 4 years old. I live in Newport, TN in my new house. This year I have been nice. For Christmas I would really like a Hot Wheels Shark Carwash and a Captain America because my last one broke. I would also like a baby bed for my favorite baby, Wrenley. Please bring my bubba, Tyler a lollipop, please bring my bubba Spencer a toy car, and my ninney ten shoes. love you Santa. Nash Reed
Ms. Jones
Dear Santa, My name is Tripp. I am 4 years old. I was being good. I love you! For Christmas I want a yoyo! Love, Trip
Dear Santa, I’m Lorelei, and I’m 4 years old. I live in the beautiful state of Tennessee. I’ve been really nice this year, promise! For Christmas, I’d love some slime, new princess shoes, and a cozy new bed. I can’t wait to see what you bring! Thanks so much! Lorelei
Dear Santa, My name is Paesllyn. I am 4 years old. I live in Newport. This year I’ve been nice. For Christmas, I’d like a MyLife doll, Robo Pet unicorn, and more Chelsea Barbies. Love, Paesllyn
Dear Santa, My name is Myla. I am 5 years old. I live in my house. I have been nice this year. For Christmas, I would like makeup and a unicorn phone. Love, Myla
Dear Santa, My name is Luly. I am 5. I live in Cocke County, TN. I have been nice this year. I would like an Elsa pizza pool. I also like anything else Elsa. Love, Luly
Dear Santa, My name is Johnson Lisser-Zelaya. I am 5. I live in Newport. I have been nice this year. For Christmas, I would like SpiderMan, Syot dinosaur, ultimate hauler, track toys, and helicopter. Love, Johnson Lisser
Dear Santa, My name is Samuel. I am 4. I live in Tennessee. I have been naughty this year. For Christmas this year, I would like Power Rangers, cars and remote control. Love, Samuel
Dear Santa, My name is Arden. I am 4 years old. I live in Newport, TN. I have been nice this year. For Christmas, I would like a Hello Kitty machine, a double cat house, sparkly toys for the cats to play with, and scooters for me and my sister to play with. Love, Arden Kindergarten
Mrs. Williams
Dear Santa, I would like slime, a flag like Mrs Williams and the biggest floaty water bottle. I woud also like hundreds and hundreds of books and the biggest backpack in the world. Thank you so much Santa, Victoria Holt
Dear Santa, I want a LOL, Unicorn, Barbie, some crayons, a kitchen set for me, Penelope, Hannah, Grody Andraelnn. I have been good most of the time. Please bring my Mom some shoes, necklaces. Love Avahe Rhandez
Dear Santa, I would like a avanity and makeup brushes, and a holder for my brushes. I would also like some v-bucks please. I have been really good this year. I will leave cookies for you and carrots for your reindeer. Merry Christmas Santa! Emerson Gilbert
Dear Santa, My name is Lane. I am 6 years old. I’ve been bad and good this year. Can I get a dark blue beta fish for Christmas? Could you bring Mesome yellow flowers and me some more Legos please? My brother Brody wants a cross-bow gun game and if you have any good watermelon I’d love to have one to eat. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Love. Lane Oscar Hudson
Dear Santa, I would like a camoflauge bicycle and can I please have a toy lego truck? Easton Wide
Dear Santa, I have been good most of the year! For Chritmas I would Monster High doll, and a Barbie house. I would also like a new pretty dress so I can be a princess. But most of all is anything unicorn. Hope you come soon. Merry Christmas. Cateleya Sparks
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year. I want the new Minecraft Johny plushies. All three. I also want some golf clubs. Thank you Santa. Kaito Carder
Dear Santa, Please come to my house on Christmas. I would like a makeup set, a new cup with unicorns, a desk for my room, a famous doll. I’ve been good.
Lucy M
Mrs. Witt
Dear Santa, I would like a tablet and a phone from you for Christmas please. Also I would like to have an advent calender a lot of Candy canes for decorations. I would like some jewlery, a jewlery box, a desk for my room like my big sister’s. Thank you Santa I would like to come see you soon, thank you for the Christmas I hope the grinch don’t come. I would like something special like a surprise. I want a play cat and a narwhale for real pet.
Emmie Boykin
Dear Santa, My name is boos Gray. I am five years old. I have tried to be good this year. Could you please bring me an Xbox for Christmas? I would also like the game College Football 25. The last thing I would like is a ticket to see the Tennessee Volunteers play in the playoffs. I willf leave you some milk and cookies. I will sprinkle reindeer food outside too. Love.
Boost Gray
Dear Santa, Can you get me hiar tinsel, some squishies, and dino nugget stuffies. I also want blue fidgets Legos, and more Barbie dolls. Tell Mrs Clause I said hi. I love you Santa Clause. Harper Stapleton
Dear Santa, I would like Monster High School Lego Dream 232 sets. Snow White or Aurora Barbies. Nova Stanton
Dear Santa, My name is Zaeden. I wold like some mog dettiles, fire truck, cars playdoh, trains, plane with a dingoar, and lights, Legos. Shirt-x small, Pants-6, shoe 12 ½-13 Zaeden Tucker
Dear Santa, I want a marble run game, please. I want a save the pen guin or ice game. Can you bring my brother a toy, please. I will make you some cookies. Thank you Jonah Lamb
Dear Santa, I would like to have Xbox Fortwitf.
Jakyi Cole
Dear Santa, I have been good most of the year. I want a four wheeler, Nike shoes 13 ½, Pants 7/8, Shirt 7/8, Hoodies 8/10, JOSK. I want my Mom: Necklace Dad: Nike II Thanks. Adalyn Cain
Dear Santa, My name is Addy. For Christmas I want an Ariel doll, bunk beds, a real sink and chairs, a glowing bumper car, a wooden ice cream counter set, a wooden pizza set. I will leave you some cookies and milk. I want a drawing thing and a scrubby dubby playdoh set, a cash register, a real life fairy, 2 Barbie dolls, a thing for your nails. Addy Black
Ms. Carver Dear Santa, My name is Admiral, I am in Kindergarten at NGS. I have been a good, sweet boy so my Nana says. I hope you are well. I have a sister her name is Cheyson. I love her very much. I would like you to bring her something nice for Christmas. My uncle Camryn needs something nice too. For Christmas I wold like Leo’s roll over RC, a fart blaster, the ultimate talking sonic. I will be happy with whatever you bring me. Don’t forget my Nana. I pray you will be safe. God bless you! Admiral Cantrell
Dear Santa, I would like a R2D2 xBox and also Dark Dator Bot, and also a grinch costume, a phone and airpods Aiden
Dear Santa, My name is Bennett. I would like a cotton candy maker. I also want makeup, a Barbie house with a pool, a walking penguin, a makeup bag, Barbie dress up clothes with hair clips, new construction paper, a toy phone, Elsa and Ana dress ups with wigs, and a camera. I love you Santa. Love Bennie Bennett Jones
Dear Santa, I want a real kitty. dow control tower. Bochesise stuffie. Basketball goal. Real reindeer toy kitchen Heidi Griffith
Dear Santa, Hi, I love you Santa. Can I please have a big big remote control boat. Than you for making these toys for us. Bye, Merry Christmas. Preston Manning
Dear Santa, My name is Noah I would like a remote control app Noah Alvarado
Dear Santa, I would like a dinosaur Jurasic park lego set. Remote control helicopter. The tindo game Mario dream land. The tindo switch controller. Little teddy bear, remote control dinosaur remote control ghast, remote control from Minecraft. Ryan Ballard
Dear Santa, I would like a magical mix, I would like playdoh. I want squiny. I need a touch screen gloves for my mommy. Willow White
Dear Santa, Hello Kitty sleeping, Glinda Squismallow, Make It Mini Food, Hello Kitty. Sofia Maldanado
Dear Santa, My name is Kingsley and I have been a very good girl this year. For Christmas I would please like a Hello Kitty house, robe and Hello Kitty Nikes. Also please don’t forget my baby brothers Roman and Kaiser and my baby cousin Willow. They have been good this year too. I will leave you out some milk and cookies. Thank you Santa! Love.
Kingsley Greene
Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. For Christmas I would like a gymnastics. Emory Raunbolt
Mrs. Rogan
Dear Santa, I want a switch I want a BB I want a tablet I want a Xobtl I want a spiderman I want a singing lanky box Gauge
Dear Santa, My name is Ellis Dene Allen. I am 5 yrs. old. I am in Mrs. Rogan’s and Mrs. Angie’s class at Newport Grammar School. I tried to be good. For Christmas I would like a cant in a purple bag, cat accessories with a fluffy bed and American Girl travel set at Target. Also a fluffy chair for me if it fits. Don’t order on it will bust! A new baby stroller if its not to much. Love. Ellis Allen
Dear Santa, My name is Tallon. I would like a police car with a battery, a playdoh machine that can make noodles, a red light – green light game. I would like for all the kids from the flood to get presents.Tallon Lear
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a new bunk bed, Gabby toys, and a new kitchen. Thank you for sending our elfs back. Kinsley Darling
Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would like: Barbie, unicorn toys, Axolat stuff, toy wand, yoga goat, unicorn bedroom. Addie Oakes
Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. May I have a real transformer. And a remote control bumper car. I have made the best cookies ever with milk for you.
William Cooper
Dear Santa, I hope that you and Mrs. Claus are doing well at the North Pole. This year, I have been nice. I know that you are very busy during this time of the year. If you have a little extra space on your sleigh, I would really love to have a doll and a doll house. Thank you Santa. Ps I will leave out a snack for you and the reindeer.
Ashley Cooper
Dear Santa, I would like a Spiderman and we shooter. I really want a kitten. I want a pet alive hamster and hamster babies. Thank you, Santa.Maddison Silvers V
Dear Santa, I would like an electric shooter, pumpkin pie socks, a drone, a camera tablet, and a dienoph, and Nike shoes, blue glasses.
Jasper Shetley
Dear Santa, Hi by name is Willie Chrisman. This Christmas I would like a pair of roller skates and roller blades. I also would like a skate board. I would like a King Kong and Godzilla toy. For my sister, I would like you to get her all the mini Bluey characters. She really loves Bluey. For my brother AJ can you bring him a couple of Lego sets. He’s really good at building them.
Willie Chrisman
Dear Santa, How are you? Do your reindeer like carrots? How are the elves? Can you bring a real like Poke ball for me and Cameron? We will make you some cookies. Thank you. Carter Shelton
Dear Santa, I want a Barbie, a camera, I want a dinosaur for my brother Chase. I want a squishmellows. I want a peir of Roller Skates. Everly Fox
Mrs. Baxter
Dear Santa, Hi, my name is aurora. I want an elf. How are you elfs doing. How are you doning Santa? I was wondering if I’m on the nice or naughty list? Have you checked your list twice? Are your dear being good? What about Rudolph? I would like a computer, a fake phone and ornaments for my brother. Love Aurora Estrada
Dear Santa, I want Barbies, Legos, Bubble skincare, summer fridrys lipglpss. Please bring my brother Baylor Spidey toys. I want a ultra gift car. Love. Harper
Dear Santa, I have been good this year and I like Alfie, thank you for sending him again this year. I want Legos to make a jet, an excavator and a train, and some race cars, a tractor with the wheels that glow, a Lego racecar to build, a dino, a soft frog, a dumptruck and a farm with animals. I like Santa. You are the best. I love you, you are a cool guy. Where did you grow up Santa? I like my friends. Please bring them toys too. Thank you and be careful with your reindeer. I’m going to have cookies and carrots waiting for you. Do you like dinosaurs too, Santa? Judah Fletcher
Dear Santa, I love you so much in my heart. Hearts love. I want a Furby, a lantern, a bakery, a camera, a reindeer, family please, a princess please, a makeup set, a dragon, a goat and little animals and art supplies to draw pictures and work with. I’m making cookies with Mamaw and Daddy, milk for you and carrots for the reindeer. I hope you love it. Santa I will love you always. Happy Merry Christmas! Where did you grow up at? I want my friends to have presents, please! I hve been very nice. I also want a duck with babies. Be careful and I hope your reindeers be good for you. Please bring Daddy something too. Thank you for bringing your elf here Santa.
Adelynn Fletcher
Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is: a vanity, a Barbie, a Furby, a jewlery.
Audriana M
Dear Santa, My name is Rosalee Blake. I am six this year. I hope the elves and reindeer are being good. This year I would like a car to drive. I would also like skin care products, stuffed animals and toys. I would also like to ask that you give presents to those who lost everything in the flood.
Rosie Blake
Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. I for Christmas would like a playdoh also for Christmas I would like for everyone to be happy and healthy. I would like a picture of me with my new elf. I love you Santa! Love.
Zalyn Deouirk
Dear Santa, Make slime kit, doll, American Girl doll, Slime, robyx, Barbie set, Legos, space night light, Art stuff, playdoh, bracelet set, Nike shoes, Santa toy, Elsa and Anna toy.
Dear Santa, My name is Kylah and I have been a good girl all year. Could I please have a phone? I love you, Santa.
Kylah Shute
Dear Santa, I want a spiderman plushy, clothe, a new water bottle, and school supplies like color pencils, or crayons. Please I have been a very good boy. I promise to listen to my teacher and family. I will listen to my friends and teacher and not interrupt when they’re talking.
Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I would love have new fishing lures and rod. I also want 2 puppies and a hunting light.
Jaxon Swiatek
Dear Santa, My name is Drew, for Christmas I want a skateboard, electric car, kitchen and play house. I will leave you lots of cookies and milk. Thank you so much! I love you Santa. Drew M.
Dear Santa, I tried to be good this year. If your eleves have time I would like a monster truck toy and a boat toy that is all I want. My brother Devin, would like a shark toy. My sister Miracle, would like some Minnie Mouse toys. For my other Dad I would like for him to have a monster toy truck so we can play together. For mommy and dady can you get dad a monster truck and mom som Minnie mouse toys. Please help people to realize the real reason for the season is Jesus. He is the best gift of all. I’ll be better next year and I look forward to seeing you. Isiah Jordan
Dear Santa, Can you please bring me a vanity, some eye shadow and other makeup for my vanity. I would like a baby doll the dries and a real pet fish. The last thing I would like is a stuffed reindeer that his nose lights up. I will have cookies and milk waiting for you, Santa thank you always coming to my house. I love you. Ellie Reed
Dear Santa, My name is Leon Hancock. I would like a PS5 and a bike and something for my brothers and Mommy. Thank you so much. And a new pair of Shoes. Leon
Dear Santa, My name is Conner. I’ve been really good this year. I would like a few things for Christmas this year a hoverboard, remote car, fortnite action figure. I would also like some new clothes and shoes. Thank you Santa for everything. I will leave you some fresh cookies beside the tree. Conner Lovelace
Dear Santa, I want a tablet. I want a xbox for Christmas. Sosd
Dear Santa, My name is Nekoda. I have been a very good little boy this year. I want lots of snow so me and Bonnie can build snowmen. Please bring me a remote control car, a race track, some hot wheels, and lots of more toys. I will leave you cookies and milk. Fly Safe. Love Nekoda Ball
Dear Santa, My name is Derek, I have bee really good this year. I want a dump truck with a backhole on a trailer. Plus, new blue shoes, buckets, shovels, hot wheels, and a football. Maybe I could also get some dinosaurs. I will leave you cookies and milk and hay for the reindeer. Derek Emmons
Dear Santa, My name is Liam. I have been very good this year. I would like lots of new toys. I want a new truck, Spiderman, some army men, and an army tank. I would really like a BB gun and a hedge hog ring set. I will leave you milk and cookies. Love.
Liam Naill
Dear Santa, My name is Christopher. I have been good this year. Please bring me some Legos, kinetic sand, and books. I will leave you milk and cookies. Christopher Smith
My name is Austin. I have been a good boy this year. I would like for you to bring me a race car. I want it to be black with a number 1 on it. I will leave you cookies and milk under the tree. Love.
Austin Albright
Dear Santa, My name is Briar. I have been good. Please bring me a new tablet, some jumping frogs, and a sit and spin. I will leave you cookies and milk under the tree.
Dear Santa, My name is Freddie. I have been good. Please bring me a fire truck that makes noise and has flashing lights. I would also like some blocks. I will leave you cookies and juice under the tree. Love.
Freddie Hagy
First Grade
Mrs. Murphy
Dear Santa, My name is Harol. I am 6 years old. I’ve been a very good boy this year. I would like a Spiderman toy, a remote controlled car, and a soccer ball please. I will leave chocolate cookies and milk for you and vegetables for you reindeer. Merry Christmas! Love. Harol Deleid Castillo
Dear Santa, My name is Saphira. I am 7 years old. This year I have been really good. For Christmas I would like Barbie dolls, winter pants, and shocks. I will leave you some milk and cookies under the tree. Thank you Santa! Love. Saphira Carter
Dear Santa, My name is Thea. I am 6 years old. I have been really good this year. Please bring me art supplies and Barbie dolls. I will leave you and the reindeer special snacks. Thank you Santa!
Thea Ledford
Dear Santa, My name is Amelia. I am 6 years old this year I have been really good! For Christmas, please bring me Barbie, LOL dolls, and a barbie car. I will leabe a snack out for you and the reindeer! Thank you Santa! Love. Amelia Pastermak
Dear Santa, My name is Gabriel. I am 6 years old. I have been really good this year. For Christmas please bring me some dinosaurs, monster trucks, and race cars. I will leave you some milkdand cookies. Thank you Santa. Love Gabriel Lee
Dear Santa, My name is Elena. I am 7 years old this year. I would like a four wheeler, and a mminiature car to drive around. I have been a good girl and a great student this year. I will leave you cookies and milk. Merry Christmas. Love.
Elena Shropshire
Dear Santa, My name is Jamison. I am 7 years old. I am looking forward to Christmas this year. I would like a remote control drone to fly in the sky. I would also GoKu action figures to play with. I will leave you milk and cookies, and carrots for your reindeer. Merry Christmas, Santa! Jamison Gilchrist
Dear Santa, My name is Bentley I am 7 years old. I have been a good boy this year. I would like an Autobot toy this year, and a moving car toy. I will leave carrots for you reindeer, and cookies and milk for you. Merry Christmas, Santa! Love. Bentley Rachuba
Dear Santa, My name is Annestyn. I am 7 years old I have been a very good girl this year. I would like to ask for a Barbie Dream house and furniture for Christmas. I would also like a toy elf, and a LOL doll. I will leave you some chocolate chip cookies, and carrots and tomatoes for your reindeer. Merry Christmas. Love Annestyn Pendergraph
Dear Santa, My name is Rylan. I am 7 years old. I think I’ve been a very good boy this year. I would like Pokemon cards for Christmas, as well as an iPhone so I can play Pokemon Go. I will leave you some sugar cookies and milk, and carrots for your reindeer. Merry Christmas Rylan Shute
Dear Santa, My name is Landon. I am 6 years old. I have been a good boy. Thank you for sending Sprinkles the elf. I would like a Xbox for Christmas, please. I will leave cookies, milk and a gift, and stuffed animals for your reindeer. Merry Christmas! Love. Landon Farkley
Dear Santa, My name is Oaklynn. I am 6 years old. I have been a pretty good girl this year. I would like a live black and gray kitten this year for Christmas. I would also like a jumpee house. I will leave you some oreo cookies and milk, and carrots for your reindeer. Love.
Oaklynn Valentine
Dear Santa, My name is Elena. I am 6 years old. I am a good girl at school. I would like a new toy Robot, and new books to read for Christmas. I will leave you some cookies and hot milk, and carrots for you reindeer. Merry Christmas. Love. Elena Rivera
First Grade Jean Delisle
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: Play button, Mr. fun computer, fake elf on the shelf, Hot Wheels Cars, roblox gift card. Justin Renner
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: CN toy, food for poor people, samari sword and a samari costume, bocoueons, Santa plushie Konnor Bryant
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: Slime, Balls, Playdoh, Puzzles, Switch. Kanan Cureton
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: A Christmas bed, a grinch toy, a Jesus snow globe, a Christmas toy, a Christmas tree. Rylee Chambers
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: To find my elf, new baby stuff, it is fun at home, tablet, a pink car. Willow Adkins
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: Cross bow, Gardian of the galaxy set, food for homeless people, for my best friend Barbie sets, Samari sword. Willey Etherton
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: A cat in a pumpkin, a turtle with two more with it, a ninja suit, a green bear, hugs and kisses. Theo Robertson
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: A new tablet, joy, a small tent, a drone with a camera, a small cat. Brennan McDowell
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: A play tent, new bed with a slide, a big doll, a bookshelf, a tablet. Arielle Lyons
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: Baby doll stuff, a realistic doll, Linky box toy, a baby crib, a Nintendo switch.
Callie Ellison
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: Slime and Chocolate, LOL dolls, more elves, makeup, a pink kid car and a Nintendo switch. Savior Hall
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: Ugg shoes, Jewelry, Fake car, phone, makeup Bailey Banks
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: Fake nails, phone, stuffy, stuffy, fake doll. Riley Orr
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: I loved the blanket and the sheets thank you for the bed. I love peppermint! I love our notes.
Boyce Holbrook
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: Phone, tablet, football, Nintendo Switch, RC car. Carter Cutshaw
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: Shemoo, Lanky Box giant mystery box, nufi dad have to the warld, my family has fun with me, I hope you make people happy. River Davis
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like: Some star wars, a new bed with a helicopter, and a Mr. Beast toy, and a jeep, some Nintendo games. Christopher Hawkins
Second Grade Mrs. Strange
Dear Santa, My name is Mason. I have been a good boy this year. I would like a new four wheeler, a tablet, and McDonalds gift cards. I will leave you milk and cookies under the tree. Mason Sutton
Dear Santa, Merry Christmas. My name is Madi. I have been a good girl this year. I hope you will bring me a coloring book, coloring pencils, a toy pig, some stuffed animals, and lots of other presents. I will leave you cookies and milk. Love, Madi
Dear Santa, My name is Addie. I have tried hard to be good. Please bring me a new doll, new boots, a coloring book with colored pencils. A big stuffed animal and candy would be nice too. I really want a cowboy hat. I will leave you cookies under the tree. Love. Addie Belcher
Dear Santa, My name is Jayden. I have been very good this year. I would like for you to bring me a shark, a remote controlled truck, building blocks, a snake, and a new coat. I will leave you cookies and milk. Your friend. Jayden Crumbley
Dear Santa, I want an R2D2 boot, minion toys, I want a pair of Muck rubber boots and clothes. I would also like a Darth Veter bot. I would also like an iPhone and airpods. Jacob Hartsell
Dear Santa, My name is Emillia. I am 7 years old. I have been a very good girl this year. For Christmas I would like coloring books, a new tablet case because mine broke, a toy kitchen, and lots of new clothes. My brother has been kinda good, so can you bring him something too. I will leave you milk and cookies.
Dear Santa, I want new slide on shoes and clothes, a mini fridge for my room, ball goal, PS5. Thank you. Carson Henderson
Dear Santa, I’ve been a really good boy this year. I would like a wooden robot or another kind of robot. I also want new swimming pool toys. Thank you for being nice. Merry Christmas!
Malakai Lane
Dear Santa, I have been really good this year. Would you please bring me: An elf, A sticker mermaid house, a unicorn Shadow Puppet, a Barbie.
Keziah Smith
Dear Santa, I would like a puppy, a hoverboard, a toy hamster, an American girl doll, and ugg mini boots.
Maelynn Robinson
Dear Santa, I would normally as for Barbies but this year I feel that I have most of what I need. This Christmasi want a pink hoverboard, a pink Stanley cup, a Realistic Baby Doll, a new case for my Ipad and a mannequin head to practice makeup and hair styles. Thank you Santa! I hope you enjoy the milk and cookies!
Ariyah Stewart
Dear Santa, For my Christmas I will like a squishmellow and will like a sticker roll bracelet like two of those and I will like a paint and a canrt so I can draw and I will like something like a kit and I will like a squishy and a gingerbread man and a gingerbread home and a gingerbread tree and hairclip.
Alanee Gaona
Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would like a Hot Wheels set, Minecraft Legos, Robux. Thomas
Dear Santa, I would like a apple pen and a ipad, and a picture of my family for my room and new furniture for my room too. I love you Santa. No signature
Dear Santa, My name is Daxton. I may be on the naughty list but I am really nice. I have tried to be good. Please bring me a helicopter that flies and makes sounds, an army tank, a jeep, and a truck with a cover on it. I will leave you cookies with blue icing and a cold chocolate milk with a straw.
Daxton Teague
Dear Santa, My name is Zayden. I have been good all year. Please bring me some trains, Paw Patrol toys, and new clothes. I will leave you milk and cookies. Love. Zayden Harris
Dear Santa, My name is McKinley, I have been very good this year. I would like for you to bring me some Vamperina toys, a baby doll, some new pink shoes, lots of stuffed animals, new earrings, a tea party set, Barbie dolls, markers, coloring books, and some new dresses. Please bring my daddy some new shoes and my mom some boots. I will leave you cookies and milk. Thank you, I love you. Your friend.
McKinley Taylor
Dear Santa, My name is Alex I am so excited about Christmas. I am on the nice list because I have been very good. Please bring me a tractor with a trailer, a dump truck, a big bag of blocks, new shoes, and a new coat. I will leave you cookies and milk and carrots for the reindeer. Love your friend.
Alex Emmons
Dear Santa, I want you to bring me a lego set, barbie dolls, coloring books and markers, books, and blank paper. Is it really cold in the North Pole? Are your elves working? Do you love Christmas. I’ve been playing with my sister. I’ve been coloring in my coloring books. I love Thanksgiving and I love Christmas too. My sister and me have been having fun all year. I can’t wait until Christmas day and I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Ilytia Vlahovich
Dear Santa, My name is Om Patel. I have been good this year. I want a PS5. I want a dog. I want a gas ATV. I want Lego set. I want a Iphone 16. I want a diamond necklace. Hope to see you soon. Om Patel
Dear Santa, I want a rocky plush from Lanky-box and a set that build electric lines. A basket ball set. A bully-max toy. A wind up toy Alieh. Zeldd Bredth df the wild Nintendo game. Walker Ballard
Dear Santa, How are you? I hope you’ve had a great year. I’ve been pretty good this year. I’m so excited for Christmas. My favorite Christmas song is “I want a hippopotamus for Christmas” so can I please have a toy hippopotamus? Also, Id like a Buccee Beaver toy, and if you can find a shoebill stark toy id love one of those. Thanks for everything, have a safe trip, Love. Axel Hall
Letters to Santa December 2024
Mrs. Morrow Dear Santa, My name is Ruthie Blake. I am seven years ols this year. Are the elves and reindeer good this year? Are the elves and reindeer good this year? I would love a car I can drive this year. I would also like a basketball, motorcycle, uggs and skin care products. I would also like to add, please give presents to the ones who lost everything during the flood. Ruthie Blake
Dear Santa, I have tried to be a good boy this year. Please can you send me Aphmau holiday plush, piggy card game, giant uno cards, chain necklace, and boots. Thank you Santa. Roy Paul Cameron
Dear Santa, Can I please get a bored game for Christmas. Can I please get a soft cozy and fluffy blanket. I would also like to get a nice fluffy pillow for Christmas. Santa can I also get a lot of butterfly stuff for Christmas?
Mia Clevenger
Dear Santa, I have been good this year at times. I wold like football gloves, Jesse min. hoops, Nintendo, and V-bucks and Tablox cards. I make sure I leave milk and cookies and carrots for your reindeer. Weston Coggins
Dear Santa, How are your reindeer doing? I hope they are doing good. This year for Christmas, I would like the Hogwarts Castle Lego set. I also would like to ask for a new xbox remote. I would love to have a tablet stylus pen with a new art tablet. Please be careful delivering presents. Merry Christmas, Santa. Crixus Cotter
Dear Santa, I want to share the stuff I want for Christmas and I’ll give you cookies and milk. So what I want for Christmas is 1 million dollars and a Santa plushy with glitter and some elf earrings and some squishies that has elfs and cows. I also want some raindeer earrings and a dog keychain and a butterfly clip. I would also like grinch earrings. Thank you. Love. Nimah
Dear Santa, I want some slime for Christmas and a bike and then I want a dollhouse and clay and a math book and then I want a Barbie tent that’s like a camper. I want a pant canves. I want those because I want to make sure we have fun.
Lilly Anna Hopper
Dear Santa, Hi Santa. For Christmas I would like a new bike please no training wheels and a kickstand. Tell Mrs. Claus I said hi I also would like makeup, skincare, and a face mask would be nice. Hey Santa include some slime if you have time. Santa I want a holobrite pixie to make sure your elves work on that. Santa don’t forget my little sister Brinkley she would like to have a Rudolph reindeer toy.
Presley Jenkins
Dear Santa, My name is Leland. I have been very good boy this year. I would like to have an electric scooter and a police uniform Please bring my Mimi something too. I love you. Thank you. Leland Jinks
Dear Santa, I ben rely good this year. I want a hoverboard an I want a dirt bike and I want a bat man set up and I want a bat man mirror and some shoes and some socks and I want a game. V-bucks Mincraft Robucks and whatever he gives me. Austin
Dear Santa, New bike and want a camera and Titen plushy a new TV man titen plushy and a gorilla tag blanket and a gorilla tag plushy and a gorilla tag pillow and a new prosector man plushy. Joshua Manning
Dear Santa, I am sure I am on the nice list and I want for Christmas is a skateboard, any lego sets , and a Hufflepuff tie. I want a transformer. Love.
Kylar Pasternak
Dear Santa, I would like a tree house for my sister and me. I would like a silicone baby doll, a chocolate rose, a newer iPad, another go kart, a sweater, Walmart gift card for a hundred dollars, and new shoes. I hope all the other kids gets toys too. Please and Thank You! Love. Anslee Ricker
Dear Santa, I hope I’ve been a good girl this year for you. For Christmas I would like a x box, a goat ,that does yoga, a baby monkey, robucks, and for Mrs Morrow to have a Merry Christmas. I will leave cookies and milk for you and your reindeer. Love. Haylee Jo Smith
Dear Santa, My name is Maddelyn and I’m seven years old and I have been good. I like big girl things. Tell Mrs Claus I said hi. At school I’m making a story about a famas reindeer named Dasher. I love you Santa Clause and here are some things I would like for Christmas. A new big scooter, a desk, kinetic sand, playdoh, and rainbow corns. Think you Santa. I’m going to get ya carrots, cookies, milk and candy canes. My elves are so cute thanks for sending them. Tell all the reindeers I said hi. Please get same presents for my family. Se you soon! Bye love you. My new name for my eleves are Zack and Chelsea! Maddelyn Jode Vadala
Dear Santa, How are things in the North Pole? I have been a good girl. I would like matching outfits for me and my baby doll Bella. I would also want a new Barbie camper, because my old one broke, and a Barbie to go in it. Thank you so much. Harper Vick
Dear Santa, I would like a VR headset and a PS5 also I really want a new 4 wheeler. I hope I have been that good. Love. Maddox
Dear Santa, My name is Rylee for Christmas I want butter slime, a prank set, some markers, Lego Harry Potter train set, a Gorilla tag plush, and the upside down google game. I’ll leave you milk and cookies. Rylee Woodson
Mrs. Mullins
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Please send me some presents. Pink headphones, a new doll, a new notebook, colored pencils, new clothes, a blue backpack. Thank you. Sawyer Davis
Dear Santa, I hope you are doing well. I would like some Vbucks for my Xbox and some fortnite toys. Please bring my little brother Fim some Jack Skellington toys. My mommy would love some nutcracker dolls. Thank you Santa and be safe. Merry Christmas. Ethan Holt
Dear Santa, I want more unicorns, Lego Dreamzzz sets, mermaid barbies, dog stuffies. Lydia Stanton
Dear Santa, For Christmas this year I want a scrapbook, camera, and a new scooter. Love. Boston Rank
Ms. Holt
Dear Santa, I have been so good this year and I wood like to have a pink barbie room. I wood like munny so I can give my mom the munny so she can pay her stuf. I wood like to go to the mall and get my ears pirst. Dear Santa this is my favorite part to tell you we seed like a girl elf cus we will name her snowflake and a newborn doll and a nowborn doll. To: Danta from! Zariah number 5 Zariah Hembree
Dear Santa, Phone, ear pods, lego Hulk buster et, lego star wars set, TV, 4br4, 100 minecoins, 1000 vbucks, crartey magnets, drumset, optumes prime II, Minecraft lego Worden set, Minecraft lego end set, Minecraft psp disk, PS5, bean bag.
Atticuss Lomely
Dear Santa, I have been pretty good this year. I would like a drone with a camera, an aircraft carrier, and a lego battleship. Please bring my sister an American girl doll and my brother a play kitchen. P.S. Don’t forget my cousin Mallory. Kayleb Sutton
Dear Santa, I want a puppy and a squish mellow. I want a craft book and a stuff animal. I want a charm too.
Molly V.O
Dear Santa, I woud like a dirt bike, a PS4, a mini jeep, a new TV for my roei a new camo chair and a BB gun. Please and thank you. We will leave milk and cookies for you! Love Santa.
Braylon Shetley
Dear Santa, I really want a VR headset. I also want an elder dragon plushie. Could you give me Shoot the Moon? I also want an ornament for the tree. Those are the things I want for Christmas. P.S. I have been good. Daniel Bowden
Dear Santa, This is Presley, I have been a good girl all year even in school. I would like a robux gift card, and a laptop so I can play sprunky, and also a VR headset. Thank you. Presley Palaccios
Dear Santa, I love you Santa and you are the best! I would like the Lanky Box robot. I would like for everyone to get a gift for Christmas. I have been good. Thank you for reading my letter. Katie Adair
Dear Santa, This year I have been half good and half bad but I tried my best. Sometimes I just do things that I’m not supposed to do. I have done some good things that I am supposed to do. I help clean my room and the living room when mom told me to. This year for Christmas I want a Nintendo switch and a Minnie moose club house tent and one of those Razon Shuffle Crazy Carts. I am going to leave out some milk and cookies but Tucker our dog might eat them. Love, Leighanna Rivera
Dear Santa, Dada controller, RC car, a new night light, dream catcher, wobbly life plushy, jeff gorilla toy plushy. Levi Hunter
Dear Santa, I want a northern elf ples but give it to my teacher for the clas an dMany Crismis an when is your birthday and pepol think crismiss is about presents bu that it’s not it’s about family. Love Izzy and jingles the elf. Isabella Wood
Dear Santa, This year I really want aa toy transformer that can transform when you tell it to. And I would like a toy Wall E with his house. I also want a Rock em Sock em robot toy. And can I please have a remote control rocket that can really fly? And I also want a remote control Hulk Robot toy. Thank you Santa! And can you make a Hulk costume with armor?
Dylan Whaley
Dear Santa, I really liked our Christmas train you brought last year. It carried so many wonderful presents. I’m also writing to say how thankful I am for my family and my house I live in. I’m really grateful for Minecraft bedroom and toys. I am really glad my daddy can cook because I really like to eat. It has been a tough year, but I have really really tried to be a good boy. I am very happy I get to live with my daddy and grandma. And Santa, it would be really nice if I could get a Playstation 5 for Christmas this year and maybe some games too! P.S. Maybe you can bring something for Braxton and Kaitlyn too? I know they have been really good this year! Love. Noah Branham
Dear Santa, I am not sure if I am on the nice list but I have a couple more weeks if I make it. Please bring me a keyboard. Forrest Slagle
Dear Santa, How’s the North Pole? I want a marble run. I’ll be sure to leave you cookies and milk. Merry Christmas. Blake Kickliter
Dear Santa, I Santa I just want to say a cuple of thing. I am very Happy that Christmas is a thing because it’s all about spending time with your family and the birth of Jesus and if you now or not Christmas is in twenty three days so you better get to work an thank you for our elf and thank you out there whoever invented red and green as Christmas colors. Myla Coakley
Dear Santa, My name is Emahlyne. I am 4 years old. I have been a little good this year. I want a big Christmas tree with purple lights and a white star on top. I would like a pink Barbie car that I can drive for Christmas. Please bring my little sister a doll, my dad a truck, and my mommy new clothes. I will leave you pringles and water under the tree and chocolate candy for the reindeers. Be careful and don’t fall off the roof. Love your friend,Emahlyne Sexton
Ms. Mullins
Dear Santa, I am sure I am on the nice list. I will like a guitar, and a pick. I will like a skateboard. I will like a gry reindor tie. Thank you love. Sam Crawford
Dear Santa, I have bee so good this year. I would like an electric dirt bike, a safe for my room, a new trampoline and some comic books. I also like science themed projects and rocket launchers. Please bring my friends and other boys and girls something they like too. Thank you.
Layton Turner
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a slime making kit, a fashin paper doll, and a purple Stanley cup. I would also like the Dolly Parton American girl doll. Emory Ragan
Dear Santa, My name is Harper Worek. For Christmas I would like a VR Robux and makeup. I am already getting a baby sister next year. I have been extra good since the elf has been back watching. I can’t wait for Christmas. Merry Christmas! Love. Harper Worek
Dear Santa, I was kind a little but I will be good. I want a VR headset because I was dreaming for it. I want a xbox so I don’t have to be on the PS5. I will be a good boy. Drexel
Dear Santa, My name is Gabbie. I am 7 years old been good this year. Please bring Minecraft Lego set for Christmas. Gabbie
Dear Santa, My name is Antonio Watson. I would like a bike for Christmas and we will leave out cookies if my brother don’t eat them don’t get scared because he is a monster. Antonio Watson
Mrs. Faust Dear Santa, I want magnets, a giant Bley stuffie, more stuffies, Minecraft lego sets, an ender man suit, more nerf gun, a black cat, more amog us caricters, a snow globe, a nuther TV, an ipad, infanite money, a globe, ever thing, a genex, a new car. A J Chrisman
Dear Santa, I want a puppy. Then next I want a pair of Jordans. Then next I want a Jersey of Teenncee. Then next I want a Paw Patrol toy. Then next I want a small puppy. Then next vi want a pair of shoes. Then next I want a pair of brown uggs. Then next I want some money. Then next I want a fish. Then next I want a Santa Claus toy. Then next I want a pair of shoes. Then next I want a clown fish. August Stewart
Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a ball pit. I want a baby sister. I really want a new vanabe. I want a burd. I want a new pink ugg. I want a new big house. I want money. Panchhi Patel
Letters to Santa 9 December 2024
Dear Santa, I will want some LOL dolls, a good snow day and a toy cat and a hatchanimal, some playdoh too. And for my mamaw to come and see me. I love her sooooo much. And a puppy too. Please come.
Zayla Johnson
Dear Santa, How are you? I hope you are doing well at the North Pole. My name is Stephanie. I am 7 years old. This year I have been nice. For Christmas I would really like Scrabble word finder, Lego sets, Digital piano. Thank you for giving us the best gift of all, wish you a very merry Christmas! P.S. I promise to leave cookies and milk for you and the Reindeer. Stephanie
Dear Santa, I really want books for Christmas. I also want lots and lots of different Rainbo corns. Even monster corns. I also want mindcraft realy badly but not as bad as the radloks that I want. I also want a new swim suit cause my old one is toooo small. I really realy realy realy want a puppy. I also want an elf.
Kyrie Ann Wright
Dear Santa, Can I have some LOL’s. Can I have randler, a computer. Friendship braclets. A elf on a shelf. Can I havea iPhone. A toy dot. A toy horses, bath bomb. A toy butterfly. A bluly house. Can I have a Santa toy. A toy of me. A calender and Barbie dream house.
Kennedy Styles
Dear Santa, I want a elf and shelf. I want a LOL. I want a puzzle. I want yteens. I want a jet. I want a iPhone, I want a watch. I want a lamborgini. I want a computer.
Madilyn Ledford
Dear Santa, I would like a computer and a Boone county Police and sherriff truck, I want a boone county fire truck. I want police men and another elf on the shelf. 3 of them.
Kyden Clevenger
Dear Santa, I want a phone. I want a stitch hoverboard. I want some makeup. I want a magic missy. I want a doll house. I want a rainbow high doll. I want a elf on the shelf. I want a stitch book. I want stitch glue on nails. I want grinch glue on nails. I want stitch and grinch stickers.
Alyssa Neikirk
Dear Santa, I want a gift from Santa. I want drums game board. A taret tony, a Jonathan computer, and Rock and toy Buzz Light Year tony and Jonathan.
Tony Ramirez
Dear Santa, I want a vr set, and new phone and pro mass Nintendo and TV, McDonalds blast to eat at, and I want is a apple watch vbuks and T shot pa and vet-jtl.
Aidan Jonie Mattews
Dear Santa, This is what I want for Christmas: a Nintendo switch that is purple and purple case. Upside down goggles, a girl binder that is purple or pink, I want a PS5 a computer a head set a rainbo high doll a rainbo high doll green house, stitch glue on nails stitch skates a stitch helmet.
Renley Rankins
Dear Santa, I want a cosmic fury dragon zord that comes with a bear zord to and it also comes with a scorpeeon zord too. I want a wolf wonzee with wolf feet house shoes. Then I want a Mario odesey game card to. I also want 3 squish mellow to. Shaye
Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a puppy. If you can not get me one can you get me a stitch skateboard. Stitch croc charmes, stitch stuffie and blanket or a stitch watch. A boba make it mine set. A golden kid car or a yoga mattresss. And a stitch squishmollow.
Elanor Dudley
Dear Santa, I want a iPhone sixteen pro max, and a big stuffie and a pokey mon, and I want a gel blaster. And a video game. And a Lego. And a skateboard.
Dear Santa, Can I please have a battery operated jeep that I can get in and drive please.
Auroua Colmbe
First Grade
Mrs. Neas
Dear Santa, What I want for Crismis is a fone and peanut the monkee, and slime and prinsis toy sitcase. McKynlee
Dear Santa, I want a Dino toy rof chrisms. Jackson J.
Dear Santa, I want a dino for crimsis and a dragin toy. Lachlan
Dear Santa, I want a PS5 bucus I awase wanted to be a youtuber bucus they are rich and I want a new house and I try my best in scool. Caspian
Dear Santa, What I want is a video game Luigi manshion 1 and 2. I also want magnet tiles. Dustin
Dear Santa, What I want is a cat, a stanle kup and also electric scoor.
Dear Santa, What I want is a cat plushee and pladough and makeup.
Dear Santa, What I want is a fone and electric scootr. And a stanlle cup and makeup. Caitlin
Dear Santa, What I want is magnets and magnit tiles. Jackson S
Dear Santa, What I want is a Barbi and a fone and drases macup and shoes.
Dear Santa, What I want is a Ifone and a santa plush. Emma
Dear Santa, What I want is a pikachu and a fone.
Dear Santa, What I want is a barbe and a dog toy and makeup.Estefani
Dear Santa, I want a PS5 and a desk and a gaming char. Kaden
Mrs. Gregg Dear Santa, I wat a pc and a robot dog and a cat vs picls and a x dox 360. From, Jude
Dear Santa, I wunt a ifone 16. I wunt a nalz (nails). I wunt a kitchin set. I wunt a toiy tree. I wunt a panda. I wunt a twentyn swish mellos. From, Aurora
Dear Santa, I wunt a xbox and a bike and a fone and a nalse (nails) and mac up and a noow bed and a TV and a laptop and a noow fone for my mom.
From, Jasmine
Dear Santa, Hi Santa, I wat a iletric dirt bike and a I fone 15 and a German Swad (sword) and a little dogee. Thank you, Santa From Zechariah
Dear Santa, I wunt a I fone 16 pro max with intrnet and a exbox set and a noo tee vee.
From, Ashton
Dear Santa, I what sum star wars tois. Santa Clos plees bring my sum star wars tois. From, David
Dear Santa, Hi Santa! I wot a I fone 15 and a bunc bed and a mrmad . Merre Crisms. From, Gabby
Dear Santa, I want skin care, a squish mellow and decorations tp put on my dunk ded, a scootr and mae up and I wat a kamera. Thank you!
From, Alayna
Dear Santa, I wont a scootr and kristmas lites and a cat and squish mello and sum make up and new pinshs and karma and lites. Thank you! From, Kiya
Dear Santa, I want a yoyo and a camra! Pleas! From, Layla
Dear Santa, I wont a fire truk and a tedee ber. Thanc yoo!
From, Paul
Dear Santa, I wont a tedee bare. I wont bran noo shoos and a sqishee crismas tree. Tank yoo!
From, Alexis
Dear Santa, II wot bran noo shoos and a tedee ber. Tank yoo!
From, Ty
Dear Santa, I wot ifone 15 and a tedee bare and bran noo shoos. tank you!
From, Alanah
Dear Santa, Hi Santa! Can I have a doll house and iphone 16 and slime and ice tuck and a ticits and a workbook and munee and a gum and doll accessories and a car and a wand to see you and taco BELL and a tree house and a Barbee and a dog. Please can you get all my toys.
Thank you!
From, Addison
Miss Abby Dear Santa, Nintendo Switch, cat, PS5, dog, unlimited money, computer, shoes, 50 gouts.Mateo Hernadez
Dear Santa, I wish that I had a PS5, and a lion and a gote and 100 ducks and 83 chickens. Jacen Valentine
Dear Santa, Puppies, cats, lol’s, squish mallow’s, stichstat, angel stuff, a long summer. And to spend lots of time with my family and friends. And an elf. Also my teacher in fourth grade with me and lots of other animals. Azariah Caldwell
Dear Santa, I want a PS5 and I want LED light, and a computer, and a new bake pak and that’s it.
Grarden Fritz
Dear Santa, I want a RC car and I really want a PS5 and can I get 20$ and I want a new phone and a gaming chair and chickens. I want some games for my PS5.
Dear Santa, I would really like to have nothing. But if I had to choose it would be to have a guinea pig. I also wish for a watch the one you can play games on like a phone. I want to meet my brother for the first time. It’s my birthday on the 21st of December. I also wish for forty dollars. I also want 2 or three wquish mallows. I want some new headphones, I also want a minature cow. I also want 50 goats, 3 Koalas, 20 chickens. Thank you. I also want 500 pigs to eat.
Cathleen Ledezma
Dear Santa, I won’t a computer and I want a watch and to little dog leshes. And I want slime. And I want a new pink bike and a monsor hie doll.
Natalie Presnell
Dear Santa, Can I have puppie and a phone and a toy truck with a flashlight.
Alexander Finney
Dear Santa, I want you to know that I want some awesome toys. I want a kitten, and I want a PS5, and a PS4, and a puppie, a turtle, and so you watch us.
Paisley Frazier
Dear Santa, Hi How is the north pole? I bet its cold but what I want for Christmas is just one thing. It’s a VR head set. And my Mom said when you get older Santa doesn’t give you as much stuff. Only your parents. My parents don’t get presents. Love.
Grayson Hartsell
Third Grade
Miss Abby
Dear Santa, Nintendo Switch, cat, PS5, dog, unlimited money, computer, shoes, 50 gouts.
Mateo Hernandez
Dear Santa, I wish that I had a PS5, and a lion and a gote and 100 ducks and 83 chickens.
Jacen Valentine
Dear Santa, Puppies, cats, lol’s, squish mallow’s, stichstat, angel stuff, a long summer. And to spend lots of time with my family and friends. And an elf. Also my teacher in fourth grade with me and lots of other animals.
Azariah Caldwell
Dear Santa, I want a PS5 and I want LED light, and a computer, and a new bake pak and that’s it.
Grarden Fritz
Dear Santa, I want a RC car and I really want a PS5 and can I get 20$ and I want a new phone and a gaming chair and chickens. I want some games for my PS5.
Dear Santa, I would really like to have nothing. But if I had to choose it would be to have a guinea pig. I also wish for a watch the one you can play games on like a phone. I want to meet my brother for the first time. It’s my birthday on the 21st of December. I also wish for forty dollars. I also want 2 or three wquish mallows. I want some new headphones, I also want a minature cow. I also want 50 goats, 3 Koalas, 20 chickens. Thank you. I also want 500 pigs to eat.
Cathleen Ledezma
Dear Santa, I won’t a computer and I want a watch and to little dog leshes. And I want slime. And I want a new pink bike and a monsor hie doll.
Natalie Presnell
Dear Santa, Can I have puppie and a phone and a toy truck with a flashlight.
Alexander Finney
Dear Santa, I want you to know that I want some awesome toys. I want a kitten, and I want a PS5, and a PS4, and a puppie, a turtle, and so you watch us.
Paisley Frazier
Dear Santa, Hi How is the north pole? I bet its cold but what I want for Christmas is just one thing. It’s a VR head set. And my Mom said when you get older Santa doesn’t give you as much stuff. Only your parents. My parents don’t get presents. Love. Grayson Hartsell
Mrs. Roach
Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a bike a skateboard a new puppy but most of all I want everyone in my family Moma, Bradon, Maadie, McKenna, Maylee, Mamaw Gail, Mamaw Sherry, Papaw Jimmy,, Uncle Trevor Tig to be together and happy. Please don’t forget Milo, Bella, Mellmel, Major Zeys Zayla Zoey Some treats toys. Dawson Pendergrass
Dear Santa, Can I please have a blue four wheeler that is just my size, a race car for me and my Uncle Jimmy, a pink scooter, and a pink motorcycle for my Aunt Waydem, a wheelchair for my mamaw and papaw that are just their size because they are getting old, a cozy blanket for my Mom. I have been very good this year. Please send “Chippy”(out scout elf) soon!Kai Steelman
Dear Santa, I would like a parrot, Deadpool monster trucks. Larry Dean Dalton IV
Dear Santa, Can you give me Spidey legos please. Can you give me snow please for all the kids and me to play in, and spidey race car please. A spidey robot, a crime fighting robot, a red blaze oape, a blue mask and belt, and Dinosaur Tyrannosaurus Rex. Raiden Delage
Dear Santa, I want a pink Stanley Cup and mermaid barbies. Aspen Deaner
Dear Santa, I will want a feather jacket. I would also like new Christmas pajamas with bluey on them. Maybe a new note pad for first grade blue with snowmen on it. I would also like a doll that looks my Mom, and a doll that looks like my Dad, and a doll that looks like me, and one that looks like my brother Grayson.
Thanks Santa, Annsiee Clabo
Dear Santa, For Christmas I really want a new bicycle, dump truck and a boat. I also want 2 girl chickens.
Dear Santa, I would like a truck, pizza wood toy, wicked witch anything, bitzee, skates, and a camera. Thank you.
Love you.
Kinzlee Fields
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I want barbies, barbie house. I love yow I really love the place we go to take pictures. Emma Lowlerb
Dear Santa, Spiderman mini fridge, shark and puppet, Minecraft toys, rarmins simulator game, Rainbow Friends (purple), leaf blower bubble machine. Elijah Hanson
I’ve been good. For Christmas I would like Farm Toys, Jordans, Power Rangers. Love. Carter Maxwell
Dear Santa, I want a toy kitchen, Nerf guns, and Lego.
Dear Santa, For Christmas I want barbie dolls and a barbie dollhouse and really big jeep and a big, big, big bouncy ball and a makeup pallet with lipstick. Gracie McFalls
Dear Santa, Hi Santa. My name is Natalie. I’ve been a good girl this year and I would like a kitchen set so I can cook like mommy. A ball that way I can play with my sisters. And just for everyone to be happy. Natalie Harmon
Dear Santa, My name is Liam and for Christmas there are a few thing I would love. I would really love a train set and a toy robot, I would also like a toy kitchen set, if you have it I would also love a new bike (on without training wheels.) I would also like a toy fridge to put toy food in for the kitchen set. If you have any extras in your workshop I would like a realistic ghostbusters costume. Also Santa if you can I would live it you could bring some toys to some boys and girls that don’t have any. Thank you! Liam Prouty
Dear Santa, I would like a real phone, and a mommy with baby rhino. I love you Santa, Please tell our elf Rudy we can’t wait to see him. Jonah Auer
Dear Santa, I would like a pair of Brown boots also I would like a ball for my youngest brother, Hot Wheels for Max, and a backpack for MJ. Rain Arrington
Dear Santa, I want a mini furbee, a live hamster pet. I would like a fake coffee toy, I want a slime kit. Makeup kit, new hair bows please. I would also like a barbie house with barbies. Black and white uggs, new clothes, and monkey link (pink). Thank you Santa! Raynlee Cobb
Dear Santa, I would like a Ninjago lego set for Christmas. I would also like a remote control robot and that’s all. I will leave you some milk and cookies. Don’t forget Granson, my big brother! He would like more Christmas decorations! Also, if it wouldn’t be too much money, I’d like a go-cart too! Please bring something for our cat, Happy. I love you Santa.Cayson Short
Dear Santa, My name is Harper Wilds. I am 6 years old, for Christmas I would like a Nintendo Switch, games, bath bomb making kit, slime making kit. Bring something nice for my sisters and brother. I will leave you milk and cookies and reindeer food for your reindeer. Love. Harper Wilds
Dear Santa, I want a monster truck and a car. Brentlee Arrington
Dear Santa, I want a pony with a pink saddle, and a matching Barbie doll with horse!! Lourdes Sams
Dear Santa, Capri no me all toys and candy. Bella Lyons
Dear Santa, I have tried to be a good girl this year. All I want for Christmas is a toy round pen with some toy horses. Love. Willa Smith
Dear Santa, My name is Liam and for Christmas I would like really love some new Sonic the Hedgehog toys. I also would like a new 4 wheeler so my dog Blue can chase me around the yard when I’m riding it. I would be happy to get some new video games for my PS4 or my Nintendo switch too. Maybe some new cowboy boots. Thank you. Liam Bullock
Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I would like to have some toys for Christmas. This is my list: Mickey Car, Barbie toys, Necklace, Crayons, Mickey paper, clothes, Mickey hat, Mickey kitchen, shoes, makeup azbroan, bracelets azbraih, mickey purse, phone (mickey). Azariah Ramos
Dear Santa, I want a Ark game, and I would love a robot with controller that can dance and talks and I would love a police car I will leave you cookies and milk. Merry Christmas Santa and have a great new year and a great day in the North Pole. Thanks good night Santa. Solomon Presnell
Dear Santa, This is Adam speaking. I want to be a great kid from now on. If I’m good can I get a gaming headset and a Rog Ally.
Adam Livesay
Dear Santa, My name is Conner. I am 6 years old. Can you please bring me a spiderman suit so I can climb walls. Thank you.Conner Keasling
Mrs. Williams Dear Santa, I am very excited to see you and the elves and their babies. For Christmas I would like to have: a real puppy for Livi, an axolotl for Sissy (Jordan), a puter with a mouse, a real phone, a stitch big doll and a big angel, a real baby and Barbies. I would also like candy. I want another switch game and a Mario game. I want another real puppy- like a baby one. I want some skiis and a pool for just me. I would also like my own makeup and lipstick. I love you. You are very nice. Tell the elves not to make a mess, but I love them. I want a ring for Max. Thank you!
Julianna Barett
Dear Santa, I really like a Mickey Mouse racing car. Because it goes really fast. I want it to go faster then any car of my life, faster then Lightning Mcqueen. It will go 10 miles per hour. I know you do a good job Elves. I’ve been really good this year Santa and I’ll save some cookies for you. Landyn White
Dear Santa, My name is Michael Bradley. I am 6 years old. I have been good. I would like an IPad and a bi 4e remote control monster truck.
Michael Bradley
Dear Santa, I would like wrestling figures, tech deck skateboards, a real deer rifle, and the spongebob character houses. Also, I would like Scary Granny figures. Please bring stuff for my sissy. Love you Santa! Max Askew
Dear Santa, I would like a Hot Wheels track with monster trucks and a dinosaur that eats them. I really want the big Paw Patrol toys like Chase, Zuma, Rubble, Rocky, Marshall, and Skye for sissy to play with me. Please make sure they have their big trucks, with them. And a dinosaur game, car game superhero game. Zayden Holt
Dear Santa, My name is Josiah. I hope you, your wife , and the elves area ok. I want a remote control car for Christmas. Please bring my brother Isaiah a remote control car too and the babies a football and Elsa dol. Don’t forget my parents, my Mimi and my Jeff. My dog Thor needs a bone. I really love you Santa. Love Josiah Anderson
Dear Santa, Hello Kitty Bike, Hot Wheel car set, Hello Kitty watch, kinder paint set, alarm clock.
Graysen Moneyhan
Dear Santa, I want a Captain Barnicle plush. I would also like an octopod. Please send me some comic books, Pokemon legos, and a phone, I have been a good girl this year. Love. Emory Jones
Dear Santa, My name is Avery Grace Adcox. Santa, can I get some more stuffed anial bunnies? Can I also have some unicorn house shoes? I would also really like some new tlm ennis shoeares that have a unicorn hom and face on them, new clothes with any colors on them except gray, black and white. I also would really like a Barbie Dreamhouse, Paw Patrol toys, and a new skye or ariel toothbrush. I love you Santa. I will leave you cookies and milk. Love. Avery Adcox
Dear Santa, Hello my name is Raelynn. For Christmas I would like to have a baby doll, American girl hospital bed, and a baby brother and sister.
Raelynn Martin
Dear Santa, I would really like a dirt bike and a motorcycle for Christmas please and can my elf please come back.
Vincent Norman
Mrs. Ball
Dear Santa, My name is Colton Allen for Christmas this year I would like a Mr. Beast Lab Panther, talking Sonic, a Bigfoot plushie, a Batman Bat Cave and Bat Mobile and a Ninja Turtle Walkie Talkies. I would also like my sissy to get a Axolotl plushie, my Daddy a Excavator and my Mommy some hairclips, I love you Santa. Thank you.
Colton Allen
Dear Santa, I would like to have skin care, makeup, Stich, Barbie dolls, Stich shirt and pants, thank you for everything you do to make Christmas for all the kids. I would also like a Stich chair, Stich lip balm and for my sissy a mickey mouse chair, and for my Mommy a Jack and Sally picture, pajamas, watch, for my Mammaw a Snoopy shirt, thank you Santa you the best.
Ariah Anderson
Dear Santa, I like you bringing presents. For Christmas this year, I’d love for you to bring me a motorcycle, toy cars, a robot that will bring me things, a monkey for my bedroom another Nike shirt, a BIG nerf gun, and a big skateboard! I’ve been getting green lights at school so I’ve been very good. Thank you Santa for getting me a lot of toys. I love you and will see you at Christmas Santa!
Zayden Fowler
Dear Santa, My name is Pyper Friesher and I am 5 years old. This year, I was 0 naughty x nice. For Christmas this year, I would like a Thready Bear, Crunchy slime, and a pink Piper Squishmallow. Also, I would enjoy some rock paint. Thank you Santa. Love. Pyper Friesher
Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl. I would like an ice cream truck for Christmas. Also I want slime, but no Knect slime, and a bracelet making kit. I would love to have a Nintendo and a Winnie the Poo stuffie. I will leave cookies for you, Santa Claus, and that will make you happy. I love Santa Claus. Love. Maggie Grahl
Dear Santa, I would like Lankybox toys a marvel lego set, star wars toys. Pretty please. I love you. Grayson Green
Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year. I like to have a Spiderman monster truck for Christmas. Please and Thank you. Ayden Hartsell
Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. Can you please bring me a Barbie pool and play kitchen or anything you want. Layla
Dear Santa, My name is Oaklynn and some people call me Oaki. This year I want Slime, art easel, barbie dolls, Elsa stuff, new scooter, kinetic sand, board games to play with my Mom and brother. I also want heels, shoes and a Wednesday day doll. Oaklynn M.
Dear Santa, I have been as good as I can this year. I want a big gummy bear, a face mask, a bike with training wheels, lots of slime, makeup and face masks, real glasses, clothes with gold on it. A new backpack, bracelet sett, a foot massager, a cheer outfit, a craft kit, new shoes, A soft blankets, gloves, and a hat. A snow pant and shirt. A baby doll with a bottle. Some PJ’s, a stuffed animal, girl cowboy books, hair clips that are rainbow. A new iPhone, a new bible, chalk. I hope I have been good enough to get all of this. Love. Naomi Moore
Dear Santa, I hope you have been doing well this year. I would like to have a big gummy bear, some Paw Patrol toys (big and little), a lot of different clothes, some new shoes, makeup, a baby doll, a barbie doll house with Barbie in it, I want a puppy for my barbie house. I would like a bike, and a new backpack. I would also like a cheer cup. I think I have been pretty good this year. I would also like gnome and baby doll clothes, and a phone. Love. Quinn Moore
Dear Santa, Hi my name is Samual and I want a fire ant toy, I like to do homework bring me some activity pages. Please bring me a million toys. Samual O’Connor
Dear Santa, My name is Raylan Orlando. I have been good this year. I would like a race car track, and cool cars, a remote control Minecraft character and a happy napper. Raylan Orlando
Dear Santa, My name is Channing and I am 5 years old. I want a rocking unicom, Peiguin to move its feet, a horse that move, a tiger and a toy eagle. Channing
Dear Santa, Hi my name is Timberlynn. I want a Paw Patrol toy, a horse, new gold shoes, teacher letter, new stopper, and a whale toy. I will leave you cookies and milk. I will draw you a heart. Timberlynn Medders
Dear Santa, My name is Sadie and I am 6 years old. This year I’ve been a really really good girl for Christmas. I would like a Barbie that has a boat and baby doll that has a Momma. I have a big sister named Lexie. She’s kind of been good. Can you please bring her some air pods. She lost her other ones. Thank you Santa. Sadie
Dear Santa, Can you please bring me an optimus prime transformer for Christmas. Love. Liam Wallin
Dear Santa, My name is Brooklyn. I want an Elsa and Ana baby doll. I love Olaf can you bring me one of those. Please bring me all the Frozen toys it’s my favorite move. I have been so good this year. Take care of the elfs that are working hard. Brooklyn G.
First Grade Ms. Shults
Dear Santa, How is picls I Love you I wan wudr wuts pliye, can I have Ifone, can I have ducke, and red stufee.
Raelynn LaFollette
Dear Santa, How is your Christmas? PS5, Nintendo Switch, PS6, fofwilr, PS4, I want a fornit poll PS3 fuplu sokr. Spencer Plizbrim
Dear Santa, Big Poll, Xbox, Socr movie, Spencer Ball
Dear Santa, I wot forronit How are the reindeer?
Please bring me binuch shos dep toy cafandrat geshoy ps five too Sonics cabe The Bold guys brexsbegins! Oboishas I wot a ipsav and it isrir. The couly tdown. Merry Christmas. Liam
Dear Santa, I hop you are ok. PS5 flrl, phone, food, towel, yoyo, 7 ducks, munce vat tocs. I wunt a Pl, I how a plattals, ihow a box: bol, I how a cinichin, I how a plattais I wut a lit trbl.
Lanie More
Dear Santa, Frwire Psloogodin tadit shus, buwebluesip. Lourdes Sams
Dear Santa, I like Santa Plees wil you git me a piotball and a walp wydevmin gopf ow sabee wot ire pug. Luv. Jaxon Williams
Dear Santa, How is your Christmas may I please have a bink skate bored please I love you so much.
Livia McMahon
Dear Santa, How is your Christmas may I please hav a wowrskas fri kismis har rwthe wdbs how r thy efshdrl Amy Holt
Dear Santa, How is you Chishmps? Luerilrpber hr sbrm rilhrsril scptril scps bphs teve his tos torpbeb Ava Baldus
Dear Santa, How are you? I wa bik, I wa boscism, I w frhitindwdiw Solomon Presnell
Dear Santa, How are you? I wood like a baby boll. From Harper Brockwell
Dear Santa, Cen I se a pichr robot I luv you cen I huv a rihs has can I hav a basehas can I hav a bucbe a pichr a v robot.
Skye Riggis
Dear Santa, How are you How are the reindeer. I how for crismis, I how aslled crismis, I how a PS55 I how seve N bux, I how a yaya p kiwngjklmomp I how a bike to Adlee Ballard
Dear Santa, How are the reindeer PS5 god PS4 Ps3 PS 6 PS3 Pslyot Brentlee Arrington
Dear Santa, How are the reineer? Ganefish, Nintendo, shed, pet dog Bratlin Stephenson
Dear Santa, PSPr, bimuk, htfs, buot, frd, du bik, musstan, ustsl Benjamin Gorman
Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I wood like a PS5 with a gisue like a gas power military go cart. Rhett Preshell
Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? Please bring me ahave bleu Jayda Ellison
Mrs. Watts
Dear Santa, I would like makeup, jewelry, nail polish, and anything Stitch for my bedroom. Haddley
Dear Santa, I would like a smart watck and some crocs. Karson
Dear Santa, I would like a bike, Barbie house, Gabby house with characters. Daisy
Dear Santa, I w Lakeybox and PS5. Jackson
Dear Santa, I would like an xbox5. Conner
Dear Santa, I would like a phone and a four wheeler. Cayson
Dear Santa, I would like a snake a train I would like a phone. Finley
Dear Santa, I would like a real parret, I would like Paw Patrol and wireless karaoke speaker phone and Cas. Alessa
Dear Santa, I would like a phone and a snake that is trained science kit. Zackery
Dear Santa, I would like electric guitar and a pair of uggs and a real bull dog phone cas. Karter
Dear Santa, I would like a baby doll, a pop-it, and a microphone. I would also like a phone. Azariah
Dear Santa, I would like a pack of Pokemon carda and booster pack. Alex
Dear Santa, I would like a automatic lizard and a pet lizard and a pet snake and a alexa and a trane. Cameron
Dear Santa, A pair of Uggs and a phone. Wireless Karaoke speaker, phone cas. Cadence
Dear Santa, I would like phone and drone. Wireless Karaoke speaker, Barbies. Paisley
Dear Santa, I would like a four wheeler tho goes a little fast and does the boomboom sound. Sophia
Dear Santa, I want a Gym. I love my Mom and Daddy. Titus Mooneehorn
Dear Santa, I want a Jesus and God toy. I love my Mom and Dad. Nakda Sane
Dear Santa, I want a vet kit and a bat and a stufee. Lolkan Toer
Dear Santa, I want Optimus Prime. Gabriel
Dear Santa, I want some makeup and a iPhone. Tylee Hall
Dear Santa, I want a speaker. Carter Griffin
Dear Santa, I want Poppy playtime legos. I want poppy playtime action figures. Reece Ottinger
Dear Santa, I want a ninjas. I want all transformers. I want a phone. I want a lot of Paw Patrol. Brayden Szekely
Dear Santa, I want a PS5 and a TV and some video games.Kenny Hatfield
Dear Santa, I want a horse. Willa Smith
Dear Santa, I want a iPad. Alleigha Miller
Dear Santa, I wish for a electric scooter. Adan Livsee
Dear Santa, I want a Paw Patrol. I want a toy Puppy. Madelyn Nease
Dear Santa, I want a unicorn toy. Toy God. I want a toy Miss Stephens. I want a puppy toy my Santa. Allanam Tomaz
Dear Santa, I want Barbie house and unicorns. Violet Fabbri
Ms. Stevens Dear Santa, I want a Gym. I love my Mom and Daddy. Titus Mooneehorn
Dear Santa, I want a Jesus and God toy. I love my Mom and Dad. Nakda Sane
Dear Santa, I want a vet kit and a bat and a stufee. Lolkan Toer
Dear Santa, I want Optimus Prime. Gabriel
Dear Santa, I want some makeup and a iPhone. Tylee Hall
Dear Santa, I want a speaker. Carter Griffin
Dear Santa, I want Poppy playtime legos. I want poppy playtime action figures. Reece Ottinger
Dear Santa, I want a ninjas. I want all transformers. I want a phone. I want a lot of Paw Patrol. Brayden Szekely
Dear Santa, I want a PS5 and a TV and some video games.Kenny Hatfield
Dear Santa, I want a horse. Willa Smith
Dear Santa, I want a iPad. Alleigha Miller
Dear Santa, I wish for a electric scooter. Adan Livsee
Dear Santa, I want a Paw Patrol. I want a toy Puppy. Madelyn Nease
Dear Santa, I want a unicorn toy. Toy God. I want a toy Miss Stephens. I want a puppy toy my Santa. Allanam Tomaz
Dear Santa, I want Barbie house and unicorns. Violet Fabbri
Second Grade Mrs. Ottinger Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas I want Hatchimals please. Sophie Atha
Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a cowboy hat and a captain America flag. My mom want a necklace. My dad want a cowboy hat. Weston Ballard
Dear Santa, Hi, Santa I have been a verry good boy this year I would like a dirt bike please and a pair of Nike one please and rember all the kids and family from the floods and my brother and my sissy Ellie. Thank you. Greyson Buckner
Dear Santa, I want for Christmas is hoodies, roblox gift card and hair tie funkepop. Thank you. Karli-Jay Gilbert
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like an electric scooter, baseball jibbitz, black uggs, black crocs slippers, Atlanta baseball jersey #23. Please remember all the kids who were affected by the flood. Always remember the reason for the season is Jesus. Love, Elijah Gudger
Dear Santa, How you doing? I have been very good this year. This year for Christmas I would like a baby doll named Ashley. I would also like a new coloring book and some chap stick. Please bring my brother some Tennessee P’js. Please bring my Dad some hunting stuff. Please bring my Mommy a mug that says you’re the best mom ever. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Ho Ho Ho! Sadie Henderson
Dear Santa, It would be good if you would bring me a new wach. And I am redoing my bedroom. If you can bring me racing stuff for my bedroom and some Hot Wheels. Noiah Holt
Dear Santa, I hope you are doing well at the North Pole. I have tried to be good this year! I want Pokemon cards of course! I also want a V R headset. Please bring my sister Bailey a real puppy and my brother Jackson some monster trucks. I will leave you milk and cookies. Thank you! Kolton Kapileo
Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a art set with 2 blue esale, and I want hospatel set too!
Adeline Mooneyhan
Dear Santa, I want some Legos, baby clothes, LOL dolls, Barbie baby doctor. I want to thank you for all you do and tell the reindeer I said hi. I want a Chrismas Blanket with Buddy and Candy my elfs put them on their. And a card game baby hair salon so I can play with you wonderful toys a Christmas dress. Love you.
Journey Moriarty
Dear Santa, I really want a 4 wheeler, a trampoline, and a Jalen Hurts jersey and a # 8 Nico lamaleave jersey please.
Eli Norman
Dear Santa, Happy Merry Christmas to you. I have been a good boy this year. I wish I could have a play station 5 with a spider manz game for Christmas.
Jaxon Summers
Dear Santa, I want a Ipod, slipper uggs that are white cheetah, lip gloss, bent necklace cross. All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth. Morgan Wollon Blanket and short. Gracie Taber
Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a RC car, money and a shark car.
Dawson Trentham
Dear Santa, Hi my name is Brentleigh and I wonder if I’m on the nice list. If I am I want a Disney bitzy and Bubble skincare.
Brentleigh Ward
Dear Santa, I want three things for Christmas. A red panda sloppy, a live kitten, and all my family. Thank you.
Audrey Watts
Mrs. Davis Dear Santa, I want a PS5 and I want a computer. I want an art set. I want to help other kids for Christmas. Avalynn
Dear Santa, I wish for Christmas a VR headset, axulotle plushy, a pakemone plushy, Mario and I uigi brothership, a gaming chair.Chance
Dear Santa, I want a rigl car, I want a PS5 and a xbox. I want a obox 3160, I want a disc card uty. I love Santa. Jaxon
Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a PS5. And I want a Nintendo Switch and a iphone , I really want legos. I love you Santa. Chandler
Dear Santa, I really want a tablit and I want a Ipone and I want a Stitch slime and I want you to have a good Christmas. Aubrey
Dear Santa, I want a box of mineye mack its and every brand and everybody to have a good Christmas and my life doll ise sres. I also want playdoh isesres. Amaya
Dear Santa, I want a iphone for my mom and a Nintendo switch for me and big sis and a pet and a lette car. Thank you Santa. Nia
Dear Santa, I want a bike, and a iphone and a Nintendo switch. I love you Santa. Do you love me too? Madilynn
Dear Santa, PC, Nintendo Switch, I want a VR. I want a bed. I want a headset, new blanket set, I want a game chair. Oliver
Dear Santa, I want a ninetendo switch for Christmas and axylotle plushy. Koda
Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a IPad. Love. Leslie
Dear Santa, I want a skateboard, and a nerf gun for Christmas. Thank you for your kindness. Paxton
Dear Santa, I want a Switch and Pokemon cards, a watch, a toy car, and a dog for me.
Dear Santa, I want a VR and a Nintendo Switch and a PC and a gaming chair and uno brothers mash and a iPhone. Bryson
Second Grade Ms. McKie
Dear Santa, Hi how are you? I hope you have a good time Christmas and can get me a Christmas tree and a squishie for Christmas. Please! Letty
Dear Santa, How are you? I hope the elves and the reindeer are doing well, I hope there is lots of snow. I hope you have a good Christmas. I want a Nintendo Switch for Christmas. Marshall Rowe
Dear Santa, How are you? I hope the reindeers are doing well I can’t wait for Christmas to get here. I really hope we have a lot of snow on Christmas day. I have been pretty good this year. I would love it if you could bring me stuff for my pony and cowboy boots.
Dear Santa, How are you? I hope elves are doing good. I want a four wheeler. Please. I hope you have a good day. Dakota
Dear Santa, How are you? I hope that there isa lots of snow. I hope that I have lots of gifts. I have got into trouble a few times. I want drawing stuff. Please. Ava Sparks
Dear Santa, How are you? I hope my elf Chippie and Charlie are doing good. I hope the reindeer are doing good to. I like the gifts that you give last Christmas it was good.
Dear Santa, How are you? Is Jingle Bells good? I am so happy for Christmas. Me Baylor and Baker have been excited for Jingle Bell to come back! What I want for Christmas this year a picture of me and Bentley. Merry Christmas.
Dear Santa, How are you? I hope you’ve been doing good. I’ve been pretty good. I’ve gotten in trouble a couple of times. So can I have some Air Forces and a play station maybe some games with it too. That’s all I hope you have a great Christmas. Bye.
Dear Santa, How are you? I hope you are doing great. I have been good. Can I have Jordans and Air Forces. And football cards and football pleases.
Dear Santa, How are you Santa? How are the elfs? Are the elfs working hard? If they are then I will send this letter to you. But I have a few things I want you to bring me something one of them is PS5.
Letters to Santa 11 December 2024
Dear Santa, How are you? I hope you can get me some new Jordans Size 9. Thank you. Christmas love Santa and Air Forces again Love Santa. The end. Remi
Dear Santa, How are you? I was good all year. I would like a kitten stuffy, cup and a book. I hope your elves are good. I hope you have a good day today. I am excited for Christmas. I can’t wait to play in the snow! Willow
Dear Santa, How are you and your elves? I can’t wait for Christmas. I have been pretty good. Can you bring me a lego set. Please and thank you. Jaxon
Ms. Janet
Dear Santa, My name is Finley Fine, I have been a good girl this year. I want a Barbie Dream House, with Barbie’s hair colored like a rainbow and Barbie’s furniture inside for the house. Finley Fine
Dear Santa, I want a bunch of mermaids. I want new dolls. I want Ariel mermaid. I want a sparkly dog.
Jayton Ramsey
Dear Santa, I want little stickums. I want a Rainbow Heart Doll. I want a little stuffie cat. Lily Talbert
Dear Santa, I want a spider box. Kendra Ellis
Dear Santa, I want a dirtbike. Walker Franco
Dear Santa, I want a dirt bike. Timothy Nau
Dear Santa, I want a Hello Kitty plushie and a robot dinosaur toy. I want a big gorilla. Ruby Naperalski
Dear Santa, I want a baby doll and all the stuff in my toy book.Frankie Torres
Dear Santa, I want a pillow and two baby dolls.
Jazlen Moore
Dear Santa, I want a baby doll and Hellow Kitty stuffy. Kayslen Lowery
Dear Santa, I want a puzzle and a baby doll. Amelia Milloway
Dear Santa, I want a lot of Hello Kitty stuff and Barbies. Journey Hunt
Dear Santa, My name is Whitley Black, I want a big bicycle (girl bicycle), animal toy that is a giraffe, stuffy dog, and toy bear. I have been a very good girl this year.Whitley Black
Dear Santa, My name is Steve Hale, I want a toy dog, a toy frige, and a toy truck monster preferred. Stevie Hale
Dear Santa, My name is Aksel Hall and I want a monster truck. I will leave you some milk and cookies. Aksel Hall
Dear Santa, My name is Nairobi Flores, I want a unicorn toy, unicorn doll, a stuffed cat and dinosaur toy. Nairobi Flores
Dear Santa, My name is Oaklynn York, a toy motorcycle, a toy car, a toy Christmas tree, and I have been a good boy this year. Oaklynn York
Dear Santa, My name is Elizabeth Berns and I want two baby dolls, a camera, and a game also a pillow. I would like mine of glass. I will leave you some milk and cookies. Elizabeth Berns
Ms. Clark
Dear Santa, Please bring me baby dolls, food for my baby dolls, a tablet, makeup, fingernail polish. PS: also bring my brothers Timmy and Braxton something. Blakeleigh Nau
Dear Santa, I want some Monster High Dolls. I also want a kids smart watch.
Love, Lillian Miller
Dear Santa, I want some molding clay, Sonic and anything to paint or draw with. Thank you, Camdyn Gibson
Dear Santa, I want a farm set, fire truck, and a big truck or car. Thank you! Brantley Owenby
Dear Santa, I want a car for Christmas and a new bike. I would like to have some candy. Isaac Torres
Dear Santa, My name is Anneliese. I would like a bike for Christmas. I would also like a baby doll, yo-yo, and a plastic dress. I’ve been good this year.
Love, Anneliese Surber
Dear Santa, My name is Ava. I would like Santa to bring me a bike, makeup, paint, and coloring books, I will leave you some cookies and milk.
Love, Ava Calhoun
Dear Santa, I want a baby doll, toy horses, and toy animals. I would also like stuff to paint with so I can make pretty art. I’ve been a good girl and tried hard in school.
Love, Everleigh Hale
Dear Santa, My name is Ashley. I would like you to bring me a puppy with a blue collar. I would also like some makeup, coloring books and crayons, and a Barbie Doll. I will leave you some milk and cookies. I have been very good this year.
Ashley Johnson
Dear Santa, I would like a big teddy bear and a play toy car. I’ve been doing better at school.
Merry Christmas! Bentlie Steadman
Dear Santa, I want a car! I will leave you some milk and cookies. Thank you, Alexander Fitzgerald
Dear Santa, I want an LOL doll. I want some new wheels for my bike at my Grandma’s house. I want all kinds of LOL dolls especially the big one with the bath bombs in it.
Gracie Middlebrooks
Dear Santa, I want a stuffed animal for Christmas. I want a book and a new bicycle. I want slime in my stocking. I need a new backpack too!
Thank you! Conner Bump
Dear Santa, I want a toy puppy and I want a fox and a bear. I need a bicycle too. Merry Christmas! Easton Bethard
Dear Santa, My name is Maverick. I would like to have a Pokemon playset with a Christmas tree in the middle. I would also like to have super hero toys, dinosaur toys, and Paw Patrol toys. I forgot but I want Hot Wheels too. I will leave the cookies on the table for you. Love, Maverick Milloway
Dear Santa, I would like a bike for Christmas. I would like some small toys, slime and some paint too. I be good this year!
Merry Christmas, Liam Taylor
Dear Santa, I want a robot for Christmas. I also want a toy bubble machine and Paw Patrol toys. I want a toy Venom and Spiderman and a toy pool.
Merry Christmas,Kyzen Nicholson
Dear Santa, Santa I want a new bike for Christmas. I would also like a new Barbie and a little pack of pets. I want a necklace too. I’ve also been a good girl this year!
Love, Hazel Torres
Dear Santa, I want a toy pistol and toy gun (22) with bullets. Thank you, Jaxton Jenkins

Dear Santa, I want a Spiderman, slime, cars, a bike, clothes and shoes.
Love, Dominic Pheasant
Dear Santa, I want a play car, paint easel with lots of paints and two books. I would like some board games. I want a stuffy too. I will leave you cookies and milk.
Merry Christmas, Cooper Haney
First Grade Wendy Ford
Dear Santa, I love you Santa. I want a toys, and I want a PS5 and I want a lankey box, and I want a watch. Caden
Dear Santa, I want a Barbie dress home. I want a horses. I want a toy kitchen. I want a swing and play-doh. I want a bogand mage and games. I love you santa! Lexi J.
Dear Santa, I want a pup and a cat and a snake and a minee dinosaur and a royal drass and a horse and a play-doh and some games. Tori
Dear Santa, I want a toy jeep. I want a playstation. I want a Iphone. I want a threhows. I want a toy Godzilla. I want a xbox.
Riley Ramsey
Dear Santa, I want a little blanket. I want a doll and I want a dinosaur and I want a toy car and whith. I want a dress too and I love you santa. I hope you have a grate Christmas and one more theng can you give my brother a phone and a smart watch.
Dear Santa, I love you Santa. For Christmas I want a toy Kitchen and a toy horse and I hope the elves are working hard and a phone. Samira
Dear Santa, I love your red kote and your big hat too and I hope you bring me a lot of presents too. I love you Santa.
Jeremiah 2
Dear Santa, I love you Santa. I like see saws, Spiderman, a swing set. Please bring me a toy. Spiderman, swing set, watch dc g Bran Jo Perkey
Dear Santa, I want a xbox and a game. I love you Santa. Also I want a PS4.
Dear Santa, I love you Santa. Barbie House. Presents. Please bring me a puppy. Addison Grooms
Dear Santa, I love you Santa. I want a bike for Christmas. I want a forweiller. Charlotte
Dear Santa, I want real kittens. I want some LOL. Lettie Hartsell
Dear Santa, I want Barbies, xbox, kitchen, slime, bog, mace, food, tablit, cpilon, fam, culruboe, shapie, sweg set, fone, bato. Kayleigh
Dear Santa, I want a dr bic, I want a new bike, I want a game, I want a xbox, I love Santa, I want a rc car, I want a pestifiv, I want a phone, I want a laptop, I want a PSfour. Sawyer
Dear Santa, I bosb doner, veth, pet, hoet, seay, sox, lefvs, ses, bog, vest, bebbesh, neren, penes, hefn, poisme, etrm, hokitchen, mecm Aspen
Second Grade Mrs. Clark
Dear Santa, I want a punching bag. And a 4 wheeler. And a computer. Thank you, Kyston
Dear Santa, X Shot Big Blaster, unattachable mask six and walkie talkie, I would like to have a nerf war with my dad. Caydan
Dear Santa, I please want some new flip flops, I also want some new shoes, I also want some new lip balm, and a new ipod kase some new ear rings, and some new red lip stick. Emma Jo Bethard
Dear Santa, I would like a cat, a lego food truck, and a little race car track and a color changing car. Eli
Dear Santa, Can I have army equipment, and bath bombs, watch, and a new fishing pole, and bring my Mom and Dad something. I want army men and elf on the shelf bobbleheads and a case of Pokemon cards. And a Dogman book, and a Minecraft chapter book, and a new bookmark, and a new lunchbox, and coloring kit. Liam
Dear Santa, I want a iphone and a TV and MX on Nintendo Switch. Ipad and a vahde and makeup a laptop my own camper my books and nails. Ezvamae
Dear Santa, A puppy, a barbie jet, a coloring book, hair bows, lilly doll, my little monkey dolls, my little monkey, some baby dolls, puppy, cry baby, my brother a blanket, toys Thank you. Paisleagh
Dear Santa, I want a little toy battleship and I want more army men. I want a aircraft, because I like the army. I hope Ashley is on the nice list and I hope I’m on the nice list. I will leave you milk and cookies. Please and thank you. I really, really, really like armys. Thank you for all of my toys you got me for Christmas. And I like the toys.
Dear Santa, A chair with wheels, a makeup table, slime makeup, perfume, nails, a phone, a tablet case, a phone case, new pictures, a new mint frige, a new gift for Santa, a new bed set of frozen a playset kitchen, a hat set, a laptop, elf on the shelf, shin pinsel in nobks in jackits, stuff to make slime.
Dear Santa, Makeup, a purse, and a vanity, and a iPhone, and a car, and really, really good clothes, and a very big cardboard house, and a house, and giant Elsa and a lot of food, and spa stuff, and Pokemon, and a keckin set, and a mene dog, and a ho, and cande, and paynt, and loo lipbalm, and a hare and ravolees, and a lot of makeup, and books, and mune, and a closet, and a case, and a fake fif, and a TV, and a box of joree. Wren
Dear Santa, I have relly tried to be good this year. Please would you bring me a lankybox robot and a lankybox plushy and some mistery lankybox toys candy cakes. Will you bring my Mom something good? I will leave you milk and cookies. Thank you Santa. Sammy Hodges
Dear Santa, A toaster surprise toy, a paint set, LOL toys, Mario cart, Bluey game, Board games, Legos animals, Pencils, baby dolls, bouncy balls, sharpiners, movies, tape, Please give my family all Bluey shirts, pens, crayons to Santa. Hallie
Dear Santa, Barbie house, Beetlejuice action figure, Jiac action figure, tabby blue, Jordan size 7, nike purple, rollerskate blue purple, Barbies, baseball, Laptop Blue, Nike, TV, tape. My Santa, I love you set by Addie. Addie
Third Grade
Ms. Ford Dear Santa, Hope you’r doing well I would like a dog and a drift cart unspeakable hat, football cards, and baseball cards. Zandon Cortez
Dear Santa, I hope your had a good year. This year went by so fast for me. I had to live with my Papaw at the first of the year then move into a new home. My Dad got sick on my birthday and had to stay at the hospital for a while and have a foster sister now. I’ve been good all year though so I’d like to ask for a few things please. 1. Acrylic paint set. 2. Sketchbook. 3. Wolf plushy. 4. Felt sheets for crafts and mini hot glue sticks. 5. Fox tail. MaKinsley Yast
Dear Santa, I would like a smart watch, and a phone, and a jellyfish light, and I wish you a Merry Christmas. Mason Grooms
Dear Santa, I want mini jeep and a big rc car and Way of the Hunter for my PS5 Please. And a wenwood radio. And a tool set. I would also like nerf darts. Bass Pro gift card.
Noah Wright
Dear Santa, I want a unicorn, a new backpack, makeup, scented candles, unicorn pillow, pickles and oreos and lots of unicorn toys.
Dear Santa, Hi how are you? Have you ever played call of duty? The new black ops 6 just came out! I would love that game! Plus the new season of warzone just came out to! I would love the battle pass! And what level are you on Warzone? And I would like rust survival game.
Uriah Suber
Dear Santa, How are the elves and you? I have missed you! If you get time in your busy time can I get new shoes size 5, basketball, bike. Love, Johnny Jenkins
Dear Santa, I want 14 of mele plushies, all 3 Hookey Books, please and thank you. Mia
Dear Santa, I would please like, a camera, a baby doll, decora mini brands, squish a longs ariel discovery.
Aubrie Ramsey
Dear Santa, PS5 – gamer chair. Camo controller, minecoins and v-bucks, The wild robot book. Spiderman 2 game, courage the cowardly dog dvd. Rekkr Hall
Dear Santa, Football.
Dear Santa, A friendship necklace, 3D pink dragon, art equipment, sening equipment, and get a tool for Dad. Wolit Addy Villarieal
Dear Santa, Hi Santa, what I want is some rainbow high dolls for real cat, lip stick. Layla Gibson
Dear Santa, Can I have a new backpack that can glow in the dark. And new shoes that never break and some rare worns and garos. Please and thank you. Love you Santa, Peyton
Dear Santa, I want a 3ds, 3,ooo robux, and a prize box. A super nerf gun, big fam, and food toys. The Minecraft frog house, and the cherry Minecraft sets. Lennox Bjorn Allen
Dear Santa, VR headset, Nintendo games, drawing and coloring set, legos, drawing projector, LED lights, Hot Wheels track and Hot Wheels cars, X-max RC Car, dirt bike gloves, stuffed animal, motor cross uniform, drone, cross necklace, cat squish mellow for my girlfriend, cat necklace for my girlfriend, King and Queen hoodie. Jayce McCullough
Dear Santa, A new headset and a PC and money. Ayce
Dear Santa, I would like to have Planet Coaster 2, game holder, V-bucks, Minecoins, Lego Starwars the Skinwalker Saga Xbox disc, two point hospital Xbox disc, Tropico 6 Xbox disc. Thank you. John Davis
Dear Santa, I would like some hey dades and LOL dolls and squish mellow and a hairbrush. Rylee
Dear Santa, May I please have a sprgre fet and may I please have a spris for my sitter hat? How is winter is she good no or yes click enox please. May I please have a lot of stuff Armiea and may I please have a toy pizza. May I please have sorging kit. Emory
Dear Santa, I want a RMC otlo tpterooactyl and rmc otlo swim csharli home of the ragen and a ket mint flat blaster pet bird, pet sorpen, pet turtle, Mr. Best lab, Pet dinosor and a elf. Please and thank you to Santa from Peyton. Love Santa. Peyton