Monterey Trail Key Club Sept Newsletter 24-25

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Bulletin Editor's Note

What’s good, monsters?!

How are your classes so far?

I hope you (and me) have gotten used to the school schedule alread

The temperature is lowering, mean this is the best time to go out volun

Our linktree is already filled with ev members to earn easy service hou more events with opportunities to c community, such as our upcoming club rush for MT, and our Regional Training Conference involving the entire region! It’s highly recommended to attend these events in order to qualify for our upcoming Fall North Rally, so I sincerely ho ou all can make it!

As a reminder, all members should check the Memb ecognition Program (MRP) to see the new requirements! ncourage all members and board to try their best to hit all the checkboxes. I want to see all of your names be called at the regional District Convention (DCON)!! And not trying to be different, but I already feel super excited for how this school year will turn out for all of us! We still have the entire school term ahead of us, so make use of all of these opportunities while you can, monsters!

In Service and Friendship, Zoe Yan

President's Note


School has started alread that.. I hope you all had a d fulfilling summer!! I hope all got to take advantage of the divisio club events that were hosted and if no WORRY because this year just started. working really hard trying to plan even updating the service sheet so don’t wo anything. Speaking of events, we have meeting on Thursday 29th, so hopefully g y

We also have our FIRST SLP takeover for the year where we will be decorating cookies and bond with the kiwanis families (more info will be released so we’ll keep you posted!). I’m also very excited to announce that our annual Region Training Conference is coming up very soon where we will bond, have fun, and be educated with other divisions within our region!! AND ALSO if you guys want to get to know me on a deeper level, PLEASE PLEASE do not hesitate to come up to me or any of the other officers, we are all enthused to meet you all and hopefully create long lasting bonds with our members but most important we are here to help and guide you all. As the school year continues I hope everyone gets more involved in key club and us officers can help you understand the true meaning behind key club! Overall I’m really excited new members and hopefully you all will enjoy future events!

Vice President's Note


hope you all had a great su s finally time to go back to s I’m not sure about you but I am so about my new classes and future e as DCMs, service, RTC, FRN that ar in this school year! Our board has you all including slight changes to and procedures, so look out for ou Rush and do not be afraid to join!

Anyways, as school starts it is especially important tha we start working towards our service goal. As your Vice President, I am here to provide you all with service opportunities to fulfill your duties as club members. However, in order to be successful we must work together with you all attending more events so I hope to see your attendance skyrocket within the next few months. If you guys ever have any suggestions or ideas for service, pleas let me know and I will try to incorporate those into our club Service is very important as it builds leadership skills in members as well as allows us to give back to our community which is one of Key Club’s core valu I hope to see you guys at more service events a have any other questions or concerns please fe contact me!

In Service and Friendship, Lindsey Wong

Secretary's Note


Summer break has ended sad I hope! You guys had a good first da school and adjusting to your new c I know I'm definitely gonna be pulli nighters the way I have all AP’s in o Moving on we are having a BACK T HOURS, one item is 30 minutes and you can check out our division Instagram!! RTC is also coming up this month so be sure to attend and learn about, well everything basically. You know you’ll catch me at how to key club rizz [shushing face] (if they have it this year). Club rush is coming up so be sure to check out our table and learn more than you know. Maybe you don’t really know that much.

Our FIRST meeting after club rush we will talk about key club 101 [hushed] Talk about the events you get to g to such as six flags or even 3 day trips to other cities [see evil]. ALSO CONTINUE TO SERVICE AND GET YOUR HOURS IF YOU WENT TO A SERVICE EVENT PLEASE FILL OUT THE “Eve Submission Form” ON OUR LINKTREE OR SEND US A PHOTO THROUGH INSTAGRAM!!! Our VP works really hard to get these events [face with raised eyebrows]. Anyways [relaxed] That will be all from me, your beloved secretary Good luck in your classes!!!

With Monstrous Love and Friendship

Treasurer's Note

Hey my little monsters!

Can you believe the first month of school is already over? I certainly can’t! I hope everyone is settling into your classes well, especially our fresh Let’s recap: our board worked hard to first meeting of the school year, and I and enjoyed it. We also had our August DCM, where I took pies to the face! Plus, we kicked off our first fundraiser at Tastea on August 31th! I hope you enjoyed all the events this August.

Looking ahead to September, dues will be open soon, so make sure to pay them before you forget. RTC payments will also be available in the student store. The on-time fee is $13, and the late fee is $15. Be sure to register for RTC by September 14th! Also, we’re holding a fundraiser on September 15th at Somi Somi, so please come out and support our club. All proceeds go back to you and help fund our cool and fun events. Continue to stay updated with MTKC through all our social media channels, as we have some exciting events coming up. Keep an eye out for what we have planned next! See you all soon!

In service and friendship,

Past Events Spirit Session!!

Aug 11th

Football Snackbar!

Aug 24th

The football snackbar was a fun experience for me while I was working there. It was fun meeting and being able to work with other people. I enjoyed eating and talking to my friends when work wasn’t very busy. I was mainly managing the counter and the hardest thing was just memorizing the costs for each item. It was awkward at first, but I quickly got over it. The snackbar is always available during football season and it can be really fun. Especially if you're looking for a small, fun and easy service event that you are able to work at with your friends.

-Annie Xiang

The officer spirit training was a lot more funner than I thought it would be mainly because of my Spirit Committee leaders. They were super funny but the whole learning process was super iffy since the SC leaders were also lost but I think with enough practice we'll get it down soon enough. Overall the spirit training mainly focused on learning the chants, unexpectedly we had a lot of bonding too especially with Florin! So overall the training was super fun and the new chants was super fun to learn and it led to MT having a officer bonding with Florin! (which is why you guys should apply to extended board ��)

Future Events

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