HighroadsLiving.com Volume 10 • Issue 4 - Highroads Living 11
Pro Motion Rehab Physical, Occupational, & Massage Therapies 2810 US Hwy 64 W Suite 1 Murphy, NC 28906 828-837-0400 Fax: 828-837-0404 pt@promotionrehab.com
Getting in shape prior to surgery can make recovery easier. 50% of outcome success is due to the surgeon and the other 50% is due to the patient’s commitment to recovery, starting with pre-hab. Rehabilitation is an exercise and therapy program performed for up to three months after surgery. Pre-hab is an exercise therapy program started at least six weeks before surgery.
The Active Therapeutic Movement - ATM 2 Provides us the ability to perform integrated passive and active therapy for musculoskeletal disorders. This approach aims to normalize movement impairments that are related to patients complaints. Body areas are mobilized until pain is eliminated. These techniques are performed in the functional weight bearing position and are continuously monitored to ensure that they are pain-free throughout the intervention. Outcomes to Expect: For Athletes Lasting, consistent, immediate, and predictable increase in range of motion with no end range, risk prone movements. Possible immediate increase in strength, not due to muscle strengthening which takes significant time and effort to achieve, but rather due to an optimization in muscle activation patterns that occur. Outcomes to Expect: For Posture Patients Immediate, consistent, and predictable improvement in posture on the automatic level. No need to “teach” good posture because it happens automatically due to its simple, yet advanced, capability to alter CNS muscle activation
The rewards of pre-hab show in 24 hours after surgery. For example: after knee-replacement surgery, patients are expected to be walking using crutches or a walker to the bathroom or in the hallway the day after. They generally must be able to go up and down 2-4 steps and walk 50 to 100 feet before the hospital, usually in 3-5 days. The improved strength that people gain from pre-hab can help them achieve some of those milestones in less time. For more information: Pro Motion Rehab: 828-837-0400
patterns on the automatic level. Normalizes forward head position, rolled shoulders, and pelvis position. Outcomes to Expect: For Chronic and Acute Pain Patients Pain elimination during the session, 50% - 100% lasting pain relief, and/or increase in pain-free ROM immediately after the session suitable for almost all common back, neck, shoulder, knee, pelvis, and hip pain patience. For more information: Pro Motion Rehab: 828-837-0400