MICHELLE OBAMA Becoming the world’s First Lady of inspiration
LIZA VAN DER SMISSEN “Not every woman is meant to be quiet and small”
DAVINA MACKAIL Can Western culture escape emotional poverty?
BONNIE BUTLIN Canada’s First Lady of security
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To be or not to be the leader of a socially conscious industry? This question fails to give straight answers but opens up a debate about what it means to be a purposeful leader. We want to share a new light over the controversy of self-leadership- what is it and what could change in our society, in our community, in our education system? We are celebrating our first year since Sovereign Magazine invited leaders across industries to share their story. Determined to find solutions for humanitarian crisis, to stop violence against women and close the achievement gap, our Sovereigns are on a mission to educate and inspire young women and men. After decades of humbly serving their local communities and helping people from all walks of life, they earned the reputation of true philanthropists at heart, while running successful careers in the media, healthcare, finance, innovations, film. ‘ You could never retire from helping people who need your help’ Actar Dinata says (read her story on page 66). As leading educators and humanitarians, as dedicated parents, friends and kind human beings, our Sovereigns are people on a mission to harness sheer talent, who dare to think for themselves and make a significant difference, people who dare to dream big, just like you and me. Their generous definition of Prosperity sounds familiar, but they always talk to themselves, when nobody is listening: ’Give more than you take’ Our Sovereigns are inspiring many generations of leaders, both at home and abroad. We are waiting with bated breath to seeing how they adapt their unique masterpiece vision to the benefit of a young generation of creatives. Their stories expand your perspective about compassion and peace, about self-leadership and courage. A Sovereigns’ commitment to overcome adversity brings the confidence we need to champion others, to cherish new ways of thinking, new solutions. I am grateful for reading the stories we shared with you in the last year and invite you on an adventure for years to come, starting with our celebratory Edition of Sovereign Magazine, and I hope that each edition helps you DARE to become the Sovereign of your life, put your name on your unique solution to Prosperity! If you were to ask me’ Was Sovereign Magazine’s first year, easy?’ I would say: ‘Absolutely not! But it was worth it!’ I want to thank you, the reader for inspiring us to give more! P.S. My Latin teacher once told me: PER ASPERA AD ASTRA! (‘through hardship to the stars’) and The Sovereign Magazine Team will never cease to reach out to the Stars each one of our Stardust story holds inside! Dr. Marina Nani
Marina Nani5 3
Sovereign- Global Magazine for Executives and Leading Entrepreneurs
Table of Contents 05
On Equal Footing This month’s cover story featuring Justina Mutale, Africa’s most respected Stateswoman
Sovereign Magazine is available in print, online and on digital platforms. Visit our website for more fascinating stories on the leaders of tomorrow www.sovereignmagazine.co.uk
Violence Against Women Must Stop Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today.
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Editor-in-chief: Creative Director: With special thanks to:
Dr. Marina Nani Darie Nani Ken Blanchard - USA Guest Contributor
Dr. Neslyn Watson-Drue Contributor/Associate, UK
Dr. Gill Barham (Hons) Contributor, Associate, UK
Moni Rodriguez Guest Contributor
One Lost Life Is Enough! From personal loss and tragedy comes one woman’s determination to save the lives of others.
Do you have a story to tell? We want the world to read it! Get in touch by email editor@sovereignmagazine.co.uk
Storytelling is a medicine in itself ....................................10 Servant Leadership ...............12 What Leads To Success?..........16 Free To Be Green...................18 Canada’s First Lady of Security................................20 A $30M Empire.....................25 Can We Really Have it All?......28 The Value of Holistic Detox....30 Intertwining the spiritual with the physical...........................33 Himalayan Blue Poppies........34 Britain’s Magna Carta.............38 The world’s First lady of inspiration.........................40 A New approach to Chronic Illness.................................44 What’s NEEXT........................48 Are Leaders Made or Born?....50 Beyond The Thirst of Knowledge............................54 99 Minutes to Glamour...........56 Living From The Heart...........60 Food Intolerances..................62 Born To Excel........................64 Finding Who You Are.............70 Western Emotional Poverty....72 Aspiring Women in Construction?........................74 5
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FOOTING Interview By Dr Marina Nani
er Excellency Dr Justina Mutale is a Stateswoman Extraordinaire. While one dictionary definition of Stateswoman is “… a woman who is active in politics or government; or who holds high public office”, another definition is of “… one who is intelligently active in work that benefits the citizens of a state or nation. Justina Mutale falls in the latter category of Stateswomanship and not only does she benefit one state or nation, but her work extends to the entire globe. The fact she does not run any country, nor is she actively involved in politics does not make Justina Mutale any less the Stateswoman that she is. Justina Mutale defies the conventional meaning of leadership and Stateswomanship with her global leadership qualities and Statewomanship, which challenge all stereotypes and norms. Sovereign Magazine caught up with Justina Mutale for this exclusive interview:
What is your definition of leadership? I strongly identify with and support the statement from US General, Norman Schwarzkopf when he said, “Leadership is a potent combination of character and strategy. But if you must be without one, be without strategy”. We live in a world where all too often leadership is focused on strategy, and where expediency and pragmatism are considered essential to getting the job done. You therefore, find that a lot people often make the mistake of thinking those with the highest educational degrees or the most admirable intellectual or academic qualifications can be good leaders. To the contrary, I believe leadership is something that has to come from the heart because leadership is about people. The ability to inspire others to give themselves unreservedly to the mission is not a management technique, but a leadership one - management is positional, while leadership is personal. I believe leadership is about putting humanity at the centre and acknowledging that
you are working with humans and not machines or statistics. There was once a time when leadership meant flexing muscles and pulling one’s weight around and intimidating others. However, in the 21st century leadership is about getting along with people. To be an effective leader, one has to be prepared to positively impact other people’s lives. You have to have the ability to inspire your team to go beyond what is perceived to be possible. A leader has to win the hearts and minds of the team and their commitment to go the extra mile. Tell us about your industry and what leadership represents in it. I work in civil society. Through my organisation POSITIVE RUNWAY, which spans 6 continents across the globe, we aim to deliver the HIV/AIDS message in a discourse appropriate to the 21st young generation, in order to secure an AIDS free world and AIDS free generation. In working with a global community of young people, we have to deal with varying cultures, behaviours, attitudes,
traditions and beliefs of a diverse group of people who work with us across the globe. Working in civil society demands that we strive to make a difference in a way that governments and business cannot. As civil society, we have an ethos that puts social and environmental issues above political or economic issues. As civil society, ours is to reach out to excluded communities to provide innovative solutions to new problems faced by society every day. The challenge for leaders in the civil society such as myself is not only to ensure that the daily work is completed and to a high standard, but to also win the commitment of our teams. This is because many of the talented and dedicated staff and volunteers who work with us do so for the noble cause of improving other people’s lives, rather than working for the money or personal advancement. As the primary voices of social, economic and environmental justice, and deliverers of innovative services to vulnerable people, it is important that we carry out our work armed with emotion-
Justina Mutale- UK Founder of Positive Runway www.positiverunway.org www. justinamutale.com
al intelligence and the spirit of Ubuntu, a traditional African philosophy that teaches us compassion. Therefore, to be effective as a leader of an organisation with charitable objectives, one needs to inspire and engage others to give their best, something that is not always easy in a world filled with complex business and geopolitical challenges. What are the peculiar challenges for females in your industry and what advice would you give to help overcome them? For decades women have been involved in civil society and international development efforts serving as participants, professional, volunteers, and activists. Yet within these efforts, women continue to be denied access to leadership positions. As indicated earlier, I believe every woman has the potential to lead. However, women often lack opportunities, skills and resources for realising their full potential. Some of the challenges hindering women include the lack of appropriate education, training, knowledge
transfer and leadership development. In addition, leadership has been viewed through gender-biased lenses and you therefore, find that much of women’s leadership over the centuries has been invisible. A big challenge for us is to become aware that we need new lenses that will make us see things differently. Other challenges include the lack of mentors and support networks. I believe women need mentorship programmes and support networks to provide them with the much needed psychological and social support to enable them to effectively manage their leadership roles. Unlike their male counterparts, women often find themselves having to navigate societal and organizational landscapes. They also have to deal with ambivalent reactions that are deeply rooted in gender stereotypes. There is therefore, an urgent need to remove the barriers that confine women to places already defined for them in particular prescribed roles. As women of the 21st century, we need to have that unshakeable self-belief that it is politically cor-
rect to compete on equal footing with our male counterparts without feeling that we are overstepping our boundaries or undermining men’s masculinity. Do you have goals? If yes, can you remember how early you started and what informed your goal setting? I read somewhere that great leaders never make plans. While being proactive, great leaders respond to the needs of the moment. For example, I founded POSITIVE RUNWAY as an HIV/AIDS response campaign to bridge the gap in the global efforts to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS. In response to the persistent gender gap and the aspirations of the United Nations Agenda 2030’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development and Africa’s Agenda 2063, I launched the Justina Mutale Foundation to equip women with the necessary skills to achieve gender equality. I am a very spontaneous person and do not make deliberate strategic plans that run over a number of years. However, having said that, once I have embarked on a
project or programme I set definite goals to guide that particular project or programme. Through my Foundation, we advocate for gender equality and women’s empowerment, including women’s political participation and the economic empowerment of women through trade, business and enterprise by providing leadership training and mentorship. We also advocate for the retention and completion of tertiary education for young women from rural and disadvantage families in Africa by providing them with university scholarships to access higher education at universities around the world. The Foundation forms part of the civil society delegations to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in New York; as well as to the African Union High Level Panel on Gender Equality held in the wing of the African Union Heads of State Summit; and the Commonwealth Women’s Forum held in the wings of the Commonwealth Heads of State Meetings. When I was very young, around the age of 10, I wanted to become a nun or priest. I wanted to serve God. I also wanted to serve and save humanity. I wanted to feed the hungry. I wanted to comfort the poor and I wanted to save sinners from burning in hell. And so, here I am, a humanitarian trying to save humanity from a hell on earth in the 21st century! Perhaps I could go back on my word and say that my goals where set then at the tender age of 10! What is your biggest strength and how has this helped you to achieve your goals? I am a born go-getter and a highly ambitious person with an insatiable drive to succeed. I therefore, work very hard to get things done. I also believe that if one wants to see one’s dreams come true, one must never go to sleep! For anyone to succeed one has to work hard
and put in 110% in everything they do. Once I have a vision in my head I will do whatever it takes for that vision to become reality, despite all the obstacles that might stand in my way. I am also a very resilient person, a trait that is very important in this industry and which has been very beneficial to me in terms the area that I work in. My determination and focus for reaching and achieving my goals are some of the qualities that have driven me to be the person that I am today, and to accomplish what I have accomplished thus far. I also work in an industry for which I have great passion and because of that, everything I do in my work just come naturally to me. My work is almost my hobby, as I get immense pleasure from doing my work. What does a typical working day involve for you? With my kind of work, there is never a typical day to talk about as each day brings with it new opportunities, and new challenges as well as emergencies. I also travel a lot in my work and most times that means a new country, new city and new environment on any given day. However, whenever possible, most days start with meditation and prayer and a cup of warm water. I also always ensure I dress myself with a smile first thing in the morning. I believe a smile is the greatest accessory that one can ever have as it brings positive energy to the activities of the day. I normally wake up at 4.30 a.m. regardless of which part of the world I may be at any given time because my mind is at its sharpest early in the morning. I use this quite time of the night or early morning to go over what needs to be done that day. I also use it to respond to urgent emails and other correspondence, including social media. When I am at home I take long walks in the park with our puppy to refresh
my mind at about 7.00 a.m. after working from 4.30 a.m. For the rest of the day, at times I have to attend meetings and others I have speaking engagements, conferences, interviews and also attend to the work on my desk, as well as home and family commitments. How important are relationships to you? Do you remember a particular relationship that has had a great impact on you—positive or negative? As an African, we believe in extended families and therefore, relationships are very important to me. The African philosophy of Ubuntu also teaches us that a ‘person is a person because of other persons – I am therefore you are’ and that we learn to be human by learning from other humans. The greatest relationship I have ever had, and which has had the greatest impact on me is the relationship with my parents and my brothers and sisters. One me the whole world in my family with its different characteristics and sibling rivalries. I therefore, learnt through growing up in a large family and with guidance from my parents that humility, tact, self-affirmation, faith, being meticulous, self and social awareness are some of the traits that enable one influence others. This taught me how to utilise emotional intelligence, self-awareness and social-awareness skills, which gives me the ability to recognise emotions in myself and in others and to be aware of and understand how others feel and to relate positively to other people. I grew up in an environment that emphasized empathy and selflessness. It also emphasized the Golden Rule, “to do unto others what you would want them to do unto you” by going beyond self-actualization and personal development to benefit others. Through my parents and my large family, I learnt the importance of
preparedness, precision, ultimate discipline, initiative, focus, diligence, tact, perseverance, endurance and resilience. In those early years I learnt to aim at a target and to shoot the bull’s-eye, I also learnt how to lead a platoon into battle and to actually win the war. I now realise these are the same traits and qualities that are required to be an effective leader. How do you reward yourself? In between my travels and my work, I always ensure that I dedicate time to myself. I spend a lot of time with myself whenever I can. This provides me the opportunity to reflect on my work, my personal life and my family, on what needs to be done and can be done better. Sometimes I just rest my mind completely. I love taking holidays and going to exotic places where I can be at one with nature. I also take spiritual pilgrimages. As a student of practical philosophy, I normally reward myself with a new book on philosophy and leadership whenever I travel. I also love books or biographies on some of the greatest leaders that the world has had the privilege to have so far. Of course, I love shopping, I love good food, I love good company. I go out a lot and I love dancing, shopping and love beautiful elegant clothes. I also spend a lot of time with my children and take them with me on holidays whenever possible.
Darren Winters - UK
Founder of The Wealth Training Company www.wininvesting.com SovereignMagazine.co.uk
themonster-series.com tinyangels.co.uk Award winning author of the The Monster Book Series and Founder of Tiny Angels Modelling & Casting Agency. Start a conversation with Donia scan the QR code with your LinkedIn app
f: Donia Youssef t: @DoniaYoussef
Donia Youssef - UK Founder of Tiny Angels Modeling www.tinyangels.co.uk Award-winning author of The Monster Book Series www.themonster-series.com
Storytelling Is a Medicine In Itself
feelings, the sickness, being rushed in and out of the hospitals?
I run a children’s model and acting agency and I’ve always been involved with children Interview by since I’ve been very Dr Marina Nani young and growing up in a very big family as When you decided to write your well. It broke my heart seeing all first book The Monster in Mum- the cancer patients, but the litmy, have you every imagined tle children are crying for help... that is going to be a book series? There is no discrimination with cancer, so my next dream was to I didn’t. To be honest with you, I write a little book on a child’s perjust grabbed my dream and I took spective, a child cancer survivor one step at a time, and I just want- who had gone through the caned to manifest my first dream cer because otherwise we’ll nevwhich was writing, obviously, er know how this little child felt. my own story, as it happens, from my very personal view and The next book is called The Mongiving back as well, was a huge ster in Mykie, and is the story of thing for me. As a cancer survi- this little boy, he’s just become vors I wanted to help the mums a little cancer survivor, just finlike myself and also children who ished his chemo, and he’s got survive cancer, give them a voice. the most amazing little soul and spirit. I want to bring into focus After publishing first book, I be- the reality of what is like to be in come aware that words have pow- remission every once in a while – er and communication is the most it’s not over. There’s so many folpowerful tool to help other cancer low-up appointments, you’re still survivors who, like myself, are left taking medication for five years, on their own, once they end the you’re still going for doctor’s aptreatment. My next dream was pointments. It doesn’t really end, to help children – my friend’s lit- and then it affects your mind. You tle boy had cancer and I see the have to worry of it coming back, trauma the family went through and it does affect you. Everyand the little boy maturing so one thinks, you’re in remission fast. Personally, I went through now and that’s it, it’s over. Those a considerable amount of uncer- thoughts which are in my mind, tainty and challenges, some days as an adult, must be frightening were good days, some days were for a child. When I spoke to litnot so great, it was a massive roll- tle Mykie, I asked him “Do you er coaster, but as an adult, I could have any fears, still, about it?” understand it more than a child. I and he goes, “Yeah, I have fears thought if I’m struggling at times that it’s going to come back.” with this horrendous disease, how on earth is a child able to A child doesn’t want to go through cope, and, at the same time, how all of those needles and pain, and would their parents be able cope? trips to the hospital – they want to play with their friends. It’s just What could be more painful for heartbreaking. With my second a mother than witnessing your book of the series, I wanted to child being strapped down with enrich these little children’s life, chemo, with the infusions, with show them that life can be fanthe tubes coming in and out of tastic after we get the ‘all clear’. your body, with the horrendous We can do great things together,
and this little boy, he’s so excited about writing his book, and obviously, we’re going to put it forward for the Stardust Awards, so we hope that he’ll be rewarded, to keep the awareness going.
Your book series is not a collection of books but a huge awareness campaign. What’s next for the series? The Monster in Wonderland is a very animated beautiful book, especially for very young children, to bring on hope and positivity in every day life. We want to make these little ones aware that cancer is not a death sentence. We can, with the right mindset, bring wonderful things to life, and the more positive people and things go around, we’ll help survive through terrible times.
What is the storytelling role in communicating with others? I haven’t written before and I didn’t have any psychotherapy, counselling or anything to help me before and after I ended my treatment and storytelling empowered me, and really massively helped me. From telling my story, I got through one of the worst times of my life, especially with my children as well. When a child is two years old, they don’t have a clue what’s going on, so for me, writing down my own story, my own thoughts actually helped my children and my family. I wrote my first book for my own children and reading them the story, they became very grounded afterwards. They didn’t really understand what was happening before and that was a challenge, it affected their behaviour. Telling my story, not only empowered me, but it helped my children, my family, and the amount of people coming to me now saying how much my story helped them, proves that storytelling is a medicine in itself.
Ken Blanchard - USA Founder and Chief Spiritual Office The Ken Blanchard Compannies www.kenblanchard.com
Ken Blanchard is one of the most influential leadership experts in the world. He is the coauthor of the iconic bestseller The New One Minute Manager® and more than 60 other books that have combined sales of more than 21 million copies in 42 languages. In 2005 he was inducted into Amazon’s Hall of Fame as one of the top 25 bestselling authors of all time. Ken is cofounder with his wife, Margie,
of The Ken Blanchard Companies®, an international training and consulting firm. Ken’s new book, Servant Leadership in Action, is a collection of perspectives on servant leadership from 44 globally celebrated authors, executives, and servant leadership practitioners. It is the definitive resource available on servant leadership, the most powerful alternative to leadership as usual.
“Being a servant leader is not just another ‘management technique’ but a way of life for those with servant hearts”
hen I first began to teach managers back in the late 1960s I met Robert K. Greenleaf, who was retiring as a top telecommunications executive. Because he coined the term servant leadership in 1970 and published on the concept for the next twenty years, Greenleaf is widely considered to be the founder of the modern servant leadership movement. To put it simply, servant leadership is about effective leaders and managers serving their people, not the other way around. When people hear the phrase servant leadership, they are often confused. They picture the inmates running the prison, leaders trying to please everyone, or an approach used only by church leaders. They associate it with soft management because
they think you can’t lead and serve at the same time. Yet you can, if you understand that there are two kinds of leadership involved in servant leadership: strategic and operational. Strategic leadership has to do with vision and direction—the leadership aspect of servant leadership. The traditional pyramid hierarchy is effective for the strategic phase. Kids look to their parents, players look to their coaches, and people look to their organizational leaders for direction so that everyone is aligned and working together toward the same desired results. While leaders should involve experienced people in this stage of leadership, the ultimate responsibility remains with the leaders themselves and cannot be delegated.
Once people are clear on where they are going, the leader’s role shifts to a service mindset when it comes to operational leadership, or implementation. This is where the servant aspect of servant leadership comes in. How do we live according to the vision and accomplish the established goals? Many organizations and leaders get into trouble during the implementation phase. With self-serving leaders at the helm, the traditional hierarchical pyramid is kept alive and well. Bureaucracy rules, and policies and procedures carry the day. When that happens, who do people think they work for? The people above them. All of the organization’s energy moves up the hierarchy, away from the frontline workers who are closest to the customers. When there is a
SOVEREIGN conflict between what customers want and what the boss wants, the boss wins. This creates unprepared, uncommitted customer contact people who are trying to protect themselves—and it leaves customers uncared for at the bottom of the hierarchy. This scenario doesn’t do much to move the organization in the desired direction toward accomplishment of a clear vision. Servant leaders, on the other hand, feel their role is to help people achieve their goals. To
do that, they theoretically turn the traditional hierarchical pyramid upside down so that the people working directly with customers are at the top. Now those people are responsible— able to respond—to the needs of the customers. As a result, when it comes to implementation, servant leaders are responsive to their people’s needs, training and developing them to accomplish established goals and live according to the vision. These leaders have servant hearts and
serve their people, who serve the customers. This change may seem minor—but it makes a major difference between who is responsible and who is responsive. WE EACH HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE Sometimes when I’m leading a session for a big group of managers, I’ll ask, “How many of you think of yourself as a leader?” Usually only about a third of them raise their hands. Somehow they
“One important question: Am I here to serve or to be served ?” think the word leader is reserved for high-level positions like president or CEO. Anytime someone tries to influence the thinking, beliefs, or development of another person, they are engaging in leadership. Of course there are traditional organizational leadership responsibilities that involve goals and objectives, but if you think beyond those confines, you’ll realize that everyone is a leader— you are a leader. Each of us has the ability to influence someone else, whether it is in the office, at home, or with friends. When I ask people to tell me about someone who has had a positive influence on their life, they seldom mention a leader at work. They usually talk about parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, coaches, or teachers. The one characteristic common among all of these influencers? Their interest in helping another person develop. That’s a leader with a servant heart. True servant leadership is about serving and
impacting people in a positive way—letting them know you truly care about them and want to help them be the best they can be.
things go well, they look out the window to see who they can praise. What kind of leader would you rather work for?
Even if you don’t have a traditional leadership role right now, chances are that you have a significant role in the life of another person. Identify it, claim it, and recognize the effect your servant leadership can have on their life.
THE MIRROR TEST In his best-selling book Good to Great, Jim Collins sets up an interesting metaphor using a mirror in the corner office to explain the difference between servant leaders and self-serving leaders. When things go well for self-serving leaders, they look in the mirror, beat on their chest, and congratulate themselves on their great accomplishments. But when things go wrong, they look out the window to see who’s to blame for the failure. In contrast, when things go wrong for servant leaders, they look in the mirror and consider what they could have done differently. When
One of activities proven to make a profound change in not only company culture but also manager/employee relationships is when a servant leader makes time to speak to a direct report one on one. To some, the phrase “we need to talk” conjures up dread or fear. But a one-on-one conversation, done right, can improve relationships and job satisfaction for both parties. Our company’s research shows employees want to have more time with their leaders. We discovered gaps of up to 16 percent between how often people actually meet with their managers and how often they want to meet. Several years ago my wife, Margie, was consulting a fast-food chain and learned its turnover rate was substantially lower than the
SOVEREIGN national average. She asked the manager what he was doing to keep the rate so low. At first he said he didn’t think he was doing anything special, but further discussion revealed the answer: this manager made sure to take at least ten minutes every week to talk to each employee. These conversations weren’t about job performance; they were opportunities for the manager to simply check in with each employee to see how things were going with them. After learning this, Margie talked to some of the staff. When she asked why they stayed, they all mentioned their manager and said they liked working for someone who cared about them. A few said they knew they could go to another fast-food restaurant and make a little more money, but they wanted to continue working for this manager. Why? Because he made time for each of them, which in turn made them each feel they were a respected member of the team. Margie was so enthusiastic about this concept that she shared it with our leadership team and went on to develop a process for what we call One on Ones. Our process requires managers to meet individually with each of their direct reports for 15 to 30 minutes at least every two weeks. These meetings are not for the manager to talk about performance or for the employee to report on their progress— they are meant to enhance the relationship between manager and employee. The leader schedules this meeting, but the direct report sets the agenda. It’s the employee’s chance to talk about their goals, share personal information, learn more about the company, ask for help with a problem, or anything
else they want to discuss. These kinds of conversations allow managers and employees to get to know each other as human beings. We’ve found in our research that when employees are not just allowed but encouraged to talk with their manager about the ups and downs of their everyday lives, relationships reach a new level of trust on both sides. And trusted working relationships improve performance at all levels. Spending dedicated time lets each employee know their work is important and that they are valued as a person. These conversations are the foundation for strong, productive relationships that align people with each other and with the work of the organization in a satisfying, meaningful way. As a leader, you might be thinking I just can’t afford to spend time on more meetings. But I say you can’t afford not to make time for your people. If you can’t find a few hours a month to mentor and develop your people, leadership might not be the right role for you. One-on-one meetings deepen relationships, create loyalty, and build partnerships. ONE IMPORTANT QUESTION FOR LEADERS TO ASK THEMSELVES Over the years, I’ve worked with thousands of leaders. The best and most successful ones achieve results while acting with respect, care, and fairness for the well-being of everyone involved. Many companies put pressure on leaders to reach or surpass goals at any cost. But wise companies realize that leaders who can achieve results through serving their people and creating a motivating work environment are the leaders who will sustain future success.
Effective servant leadership begins on the inside, with your heart. Leading from your heart is about leadership character and intention—the foundation of servant leadership. Leaders with a servant heart believe their role is to bring out the best in others. They thrive on developing people and helping them achieve their goals. Servant leaders are always trying to learn what their people need to perform well and to live according to the organization’s vision. Rather than wanting people to please their bosses, servant leaders want to make a difference in their employees’ lives as well as in their organizations. These leaders believe if they do a good job serving their employees and showing them they care about them, the employees will, in turn, practice that same philosophy with their customers. The customers, who will appreciate the caring service they receive, will come back for more and tell their friends. If you are a leader wondering whether this process would work for you and your organization, begin by asking yourself one important question: Am I here to serve or to be served? Answering this question in a truthful way is so important. You can’t fake being a servant leader. I believe that if leaders don’t get the heart part right, they simply won’t ever become servant leaders. Life is all about the choices we make as we interact with each other. We can choose to be selfserving or serving. I hope you consider the benefits of servant leadership—to your organization, your people, and yourself. Being a servant leader is not just another management technique. It is a way of life for those with servant hearts.
www.beacon organisational development.com Professional International Public Speaker and Executive Coach at Beacon Organisational Development Ltd Start a conversation with Neslyn scan the QR code with your LinkedIn app
f: Neslyn WatsonDruee t: @BeaconOD
Dr Neslyn Watson-Druee - UK Founder of Beacon Transformation Development
t LEADS a h W
TO SUCCESS Dr Neslyn Watson-Druée, CBE FCGI FRCN
Would you agree that success could be interpreted as being the person who you are here to be? Also, would you agree that success is about being absorbed with your passion and this does not mean that everything is easy. As Pele says, “Success is no accident, it is hard work, perseverance ...and most of all, love what you are doing or learning to do.”
n the following pages in this magazine you will see the stories of exceptional women, all have had their own achievement of success and if you were to get deeper into their stories you would acknowledge that success involves work, at times hard work, nothing comes easily but it is a lot of fun. Take Jacqueline O’Donovan managing Director of O’Donovan Waste Disposal, Jacqueline is one of the waste, logistics, and construction sectors’ most passionate pioneers of employee training, industry best practice and the safety of all road users. When Jacqueline’s father passed away suddenly, the then 17 years old Jacqueline was thrust into a family business that she neither fully understood nor was qualified to work in. She was a teenager and a woman, not your average construction executive. Undaunted Jacqueline started to learn the ropes, and with the support of her family and employees, her flair for leadership came to the fore and she gradually made her mark on the business. Success also means applying grit, by that I mean, the application of passion and perseverance for the long-term. It means sticking with your future and working to make that future a reality. It means having a growth mindset, inclusive of progress and setbacks as well as following through on your commitment. This much I know, self-belief and focus on the work that you enjoy will always bring you success.
The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand – Vince Laombardi. Success means excellence, putting your nose down to something and developing mastery. An example of such excellence is Kate Farmer, brand ambassador for Wade Ceramics, a company founded in 1810, a market leader in the design and production of high-quality ceramic products. Success means focusing on what is important, Senela Abeynaike is serious about women’s empowerment and she has built a global platform that is dedicated to empowering women all over the world to help them succeed in both their workplaces and communities. Success is pushing yourself, psychologically pushing through self-doubt and the imposter syndrome, pushing you physically to remain healthy and physically fit. Pushing self is beautifully summed up by Robert Collier - success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. Often the act of pushing yourself engenders creativity. Great creative people are curious about life, creative people are willing to live with ambiguity and are not fearful of being eccentric in opinion for they know that to live a creative life, is to lose the fear of being wrong. Life is about trying things to see if they work as is underpinned in so many of the follow-
ing presented profiles. So often there is the illusion that success is upwards and onwards, about earning more money and pushing the focus on the money and bottom line. Yet as many testify, success is never always about the money, success is about service. Focus on high-quality service and products and the money will follow. Albert Einstein said: Try not to become a man of success, but rather a man of value. All innovation comes from taking action on an idea. Successful people believe that it is important to have ideas and to express the ideas. An idea that is developed and put into action is move important than the idea itself – Buddha. Good ideas are fairly common but what is uncommon and marks the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is the lack of courage that unsuccessful people may have to act and take calculated risk to implement an idea. Napoleon Hill says: Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes. The idea of Patricia Lorde’s teacher that she could not be a Barrister was life changing for Patricia in strengthening her desire and will to succeed in studying Law and developing her career in Law. Finally, success is about persistence, persistence through criticism, failure, rejection and pressure. Persistence with: choice, aspiration, being open to possibilities and developing resilience.
www.odonovan.co.uk Driving sustainability Delivering excellence O’Donovan Waste Disposal Ltd is an award winning, independent, familyrun company with a unique outlook and vision for the future. Start a conversation with Jacqueline scan the QR code with your LinkedIn app
f: O’Donovan Waste Disposal
An interview with
n our last survey this spring, our readers indicate that they will like to read more about business people who are leading greener initiatives and environmental performance in the foreground of their business planning. Dr Neslyn Watson Druee, went on looking for leaders who are making a difference in the local economy, and are aware of the benefits of ecological sustainability, not only to their company but to the environment we all share. Jacqueline O’Donovan, came at the top of our research, driven by her legendary commitment to reduce carbon emissions and introduce better environmental practices, contributing to a greener business culture.
by Dr Marina Nani
What inspired you to create your business? Unfortunately, I wasn’t inspired it was after the tragic loss of my Father at the age of 51, when I was 17, my 3 siblings and I went into the business and after downsizing drastically we started afresh when I was 19 and I morphed into the MD, since then I haven’t looked back, I like to think outside the box and make waste and recycling exciting and interesting, will designing and developing a state of the art recycling centre in Wembley back in 2015, which was a real challenge for both me and my Commercial Director but we both learned so much from the experience. We also come under the umbrella of logistics so road safety has been a massive focus for me and the company, I have written courses which was another challenge as I left school at 16 (I ran out of school at 16! Is more the point) we have collaborated with charities and organisations to push best practice and go further. The company is now known as innovators in our sector.
I am passionate about upskilling people and letting them flourish within the company so they can see there is a future and so much more can be achieved
What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome to arrive where you are in your life? The biggest hurdle was the fact I am a woman in a seriously male dominated industry, and if the truth be known I didn’t even notice it when I was in my twenty’s and early thirties it was when we started on the Award trail about 7 years ago that it came blantiently obvious that I was the only MD in London of a waste company. But, it bothers the men more than it bothers me, I use it to my advantage!
What changes need to happen in your local community so women feel empowered and do the things they want to do, by themselves?
What is your solution for reinventing skills and Lifelong learning?
Women need to believe in themselves and take a leap of faith, if a woman looks at a promotion or a job spec and they can do 4 out of the 5 jobs on it they don’t apply, where you can bet your bottom dollar a man does and thinks I will wing the one aspect I can’t do. Woman should go for it and not be afraid to say I know that area but haven’t done much in it and therefore would like a bit of training. Training is good, training can’t been seen as a negative, and everyone can’t know everything about a job role.
I enjoy teaching and learning so much so I signed up to do the first ever Master’s Degree in Demolition in 2017, I am a trained trainer so I train the Drivers and other staff here in the organisation as I feel the trainer must have an understanding of each other and the challenges every day brings.
I think this needs to be a two pronged attack, company’s need to realise that woman have needs that men don’t for example on a construction site separate changing facilities, same for HGV Drivers they need rest and shower facilities in Motorway stops. Likewise woman need to see a hurdle
One of my desires was to change the image of the waste industry so I set about applying for awards to highlight all the good work we were doing, so others could share in our knowledge and advance like we were.
as a challenge and take it on, stop apologising for nothing and be more bullish in their manner to get to where they should be!
During the countdown to the Women Economic Forum in Birmingham, United Kingdom, we partner with Dr Neslyn Watson Druee to feature a few of the most successful and intriguing high profile guests speakers attending this extraordinary gathering in June. We came across some of the most influential leaders from different industries worldwide and for the first time we have the privilege of interviewing Bonnie Butlin, from Canada. Bonnie is holding a Master’s Degree in International Affairs from Carleton University, a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Calgary, and a Graduate Certificate in Corporate Security Executive Leadership from the Burrill Green Business School (UK); Currently in the process of completing a Micro-Master’s programme in International Law from the Université Catholique de Louvain, Bonnie has completed a variety of specialized courses through such institutions as Harvard University, Georgetown University, MIT, Columbia University, University of Tokyo, ETH-Zürich, and UC Berkley.
What inspired you to create the Security Partners’ Forum (SPF)? In 2011 it was clear that the world was changing faster than the professional security structures and associations were, while the complexity of security threats and risks was growing. A new model was required to build capacity and inter-connectivity within the security profession, and a window of opportunity
Co-founder and executive director of the Security Partners’ Forum (SPF), Bonnie Butlin was ranked first in her category of international security management, education and thought leadership for the IFSEC Top 50 influencers in security and fire 2017. This recognition adds to Bonnie’s already impressive achievements across Canada and the globe. Since 2013 Bonnie has received 13 international and national-level awards and accolades related to security, resilience and leadership including most recently being appointed to the World Economic Forum’s Expert Network in Cybersecurity in 2017. Receiving the “Women of the Decade” Award – at the 2018 Women Economic Forum (WEF) in Birmingham UK, Bonnie started this year as the Finalist for the Women in IT Awards 2018 – “Global Leader of the Year” (January 31st, 2018, London UK);
presented itself in Canada at the time due to the convergence of a number of factors and the collaboration of a numerous individuals and professional associations. I consider myself honoured to have contributed to this effort, which has since demonstrated unprecedented successful and international in scope and scale. The Security Partners’ Forum (SPF) now provides an agile network hub for the security profession
globally. It engages and bridges the private sector, public sector, and not-for-profit sector, from a neutral position. The SPF recognized the need to break down silos among the security community, in order to better adapt to and address emerging and more complex threats and risks, as the security community itself continues to develop and mature. The public is also changing in terms of how
it views security and the role of security within our everyday lives. Working with hundreds of professional associations, with very little overlap in how they approach and view security, has provided unprecedented contextualization and nuanced understanding of how security supports and affects our societies. The SPF provides a unique opportunity and lens through which to view and understand the many layers and interactions within our societies, as involving security across its many domains and disciplines. The SPF was both inspired by and shaped by the experience and lessons learned from recent global conflicts. Much of our understanding of agile networks and interdisciplinary collaboration within security come from experience intheatre. Not having served in the military personally, I have been fortunate to have been able to discuss with and learn from many who have at length. This knowledge and the understandings of complex collaborations and networks have in turn influenced and shaped the development of the SPF agile network and of SPF collaborations both domestically and internationally albeit tailored carefully for security-specific and domestic contexts, which have their own unique challenges and evolving complexity. Globalization and the entrenchment of IT, digitization, and cybersecurity into our daily lives have changed how we interact and collaborate. This has had a significant impact on security and security collaboration. How we work and
our professions have changed and will continue to change with changes in technology. Similarly, how we view the ownership of information and privacy rights, as our economies and innovative potential develop, have changed - in evidence with the emergence of GDPR in the EU and similar changes in regulatory regimes. New disciplines such as cybersecurity economics and advances in privacy and forensics are examples of new directions and potential that the SPF will be involved in. The Canadian Cybersecurity Alliance (CCA), a sub-network of the SPF made up of some 100 plus Canadian associations with a stake in cybersecurity, is the largest network of professional associations related to security. It demonstrates how intertwined cybersecurity has become in our lives. The result has been a professional network of security associations and professionals that expanded rapidly nationally and then later globally. We now have a presence on all continents and with the participation of hundreds of professional security associations. What is your solution for reinventing skills and Lifelong learning? Flexibility and persistence are important. Technology is driving what future jobs will be. Careers are becoming less common. We are still trying to get the balance right between technology and society driving the economy and the lifestyles within it. Keeping up with the trends and disciplines is increasingly challenging. University degrees,
which are critically important, no longer have the shelf life that they once did. This is particularly true in tech-intensive fields such as cybersecurity. Retraining and upgrading are required with unprecedented frequency and with STEM requirements that are increasingly more demanding. Education is expensive and time-consuming, and regular retraining is a limited option for workers, especially as training budgets are subject to cuts. Part of the solution, in my opinion, is also technology driven. International online learning platforms, such as EdX and Coursera, are increasingly important in my opinion, to supplement and upgrade existing degrees in a cost- and time-effective way. While they do not substitute for formal degrees and diploma programs and higher academic learning through full degree programs, they will become increasingly important. The relationship between the security profession and academia has changed over time and those relationships are in the process of being redefined. Academia and academic research methods are in some ways struggling to keep up with change and to remain relevant or robust enough to be relevant to the quickly changing and international security community, particularly as boot-on-the-ground experience and professional certifications are becoming increasingly relevant. These platforms may be one means of bridging the two sectors (academia and practitioner). Commitment to, persistence in, and appreciation for training and
education within the workplace is an important issue for me. The role of training and education in and for the workplace will only increase in importance over time. Training is too often negatively affected by cuts and with the availability of a global workforce with new graduates; however, attention to both training and re-training, and the development and investment in existing staff is critical and will become increasingly important over time. In-house training, contracted training, and funded educational opportunities will have to be balanced relative to each other and balanced with new hires, particularly as the demands and sophistication of the profession increase over time. New graduates become old graduates more quickly than ever before, and commitment to existing personnel (and their unique experience) must be a serious consideration. Addressing the business proposition and value of training and educating mobile and aging workforces will also be important. The relationships between employers and employees may become defined over time with how much commitment the employer has to the personnel in the organization and within sectors. Many certifications require years of continuous work experience, which is difficult to acquire and document from a more mobile workforce perspective. The increased importance of certifications may be an important emerging trend, and rebalancing or addressing certifications with longer-run, continuous work experience, is harder to achieve and less common in the current
work environment. Broader and more robust opportunities for career development may become the retention key of the future – as employee adaptability, as well as breadth and depth of knowledge will become increasingly valued. This is supported through education, training, and mentoring across cohorts. This need for continued learning and training extends even beyond the security profession itself. An interdisciplinary approach continues to be important to me, particularly in security. The complexity of security necessitates an interdisciplinary approach, while not losing the specificity, depth and development of independent disciplines within security. Getting this balance right is key to the future credibility and relevance of the security professions within our larger societies. We are seeing an increase in interest from the other sectors and disciplines in security as well. Sectors that traditionally did not have a clear stake or interest in security are now approaching the security community in a way that they did not previously do – a positive trend that may signal a resilience within communities and society in the face of more complex and frequent security threats and risks, with liveability and balance being new considerations. GDPR appears to reflect this new trend toward balance in security and liveability while fostering innovation and healthy economies. The security profession, but the non-linear pathway has not been without challenges. My career was interrupted due to family priorities, relocations,
and additional post-secondary education, for example. Rather than starting in an entrylevel position and working up through operational to more strategic positions with a clear and uninterrupted progression, my career started from a strategic start point given my background in strategic studies, political science, and international affairs. I then caught up with operational experience on the back end, to build the credibility that is often gained earlier in careers. With my work as co-founder of the SPF, this unconventional career pathway led to my receiving several awards that many others receive toward the end of their careers. Not only was my career nonlinear, it progressed during inopportune times in history. I graduated from both my BA and MA more than a decade apart in 1995 and in 2011 during periods of recession and austerity which deeply affected my graduating classes with extraordinary challenges in finding work in my field. The effects of economic uncertainty are likely to be even more frequent moving forward for future cohorts, creating additional financial stability considerations when considering career fields and expensive education programs. The economic status quo, with noted bifurcation of wealth and stakeholder-focus; reconsideration of women’s voice and participation in maledominated sectors; and cohort disruptions have also led to significant introspection in society both in the professions and politically, but with no clear path on how to move forward,
or move the professions forward. The vision that I grew up with, including university, career, and guaranteed retirement, with predictability over my future has been disrupted. Opportunities will continue to increase, but with less certainty and predictability, particularly in times of austerity, cut-backs, and targeted restructuring. Notwithstanding, my career has progressed in exciting directions, but considerable persistence and patience has been required. What changes need to happen in our society so women feel empowered and able to do things they want to do, by themselves? Women, as well as more vulnerable sectors in society, often have fewer options and resources when it comes to instability and uncertainty, and both immediate and future financial stability, including in retirement. Society needs to restore or re-envision how stable work and career development can be balanced with the changes and adaptability required in a digital and cyber-based society that is shaped by globalization and individual responsibility for financial independence as a mobile workforce. It is important not to take a survival of the fittest approach to work and careers, as we all try to foster our families and social circles as well. To mature the security profession, we need broad participation and inclusion from all sectors and from all demographics, and resist the potential for the bottomline to create a ceiling over opportunity and participation
for many, including women and practical nature of making security a viable profession, enriched by the participation of women at all levels and throughout their lifetimes. Drawing in women from nontraditional and emerging disciplines of security will be important. Given how quickly this is changing, we have a rare opportunity to build women’s participation and experiences into security from the outset – somewhat like building in privacy into security from the outset (as intended with GDPR). Particularly in cybersecurity, some kind of permanence of career viability needs to be possible to attract people to the profession, and retain them, as technology and associated specialities may become obsolete at unprecedented rates. Longevity in the career field is also key to justifying the value proposition of investing personally in security education and the ongoing and frequent re-training that is required. Non-traditional and non-linear career paths being welcomed and considered a new norm, may be helpful. At the local community level, this is where we live and balance our lives, time, and priorities. It is also where we deal with our privacy and security in a realworld way outside of conceptual or large-organization settings and modes of thinking. Our homes and families are our real-life laboratories and proof of success or failure, including in the security profession. We all know someone who has had to deal with information loss, identity theft, physical security concerns, incidents in the workplace, or have had to deal with other securityrelated events. These real world
experiences and events, and the experiences of our family and social circles are important and formative in how we think about problems at work. The local level is important, as the current trend is for people to be less inclined to relocated for work – exacerbated by lower wages and temporary or shorter-term work and the cost of relocation largely being placed on the individual seeking work. This means that security and cybersecurity must find ways to attract and retain professionals increasingly locally – a difficult challenge in a globalised with multinational corporations. The millennial cohort, while well-travelled, is less likely to relocate for work, preferring to stay close to family and social circles. This makes finding local solutions for retention and professional development all the more important. This trend may increase with Generation Z, which is now entering the workforce. By expanding our social and work circles we can expand our experiences and understandings, including in security. This is one of the brilliant aspects of the WISECRA network and its related country and regional groups. The SPF and its subnetwork, the Women in Security and Resilience Alliance (WISECRA), which now has connected some 40 women in security groups internationally, are helping to expand the social and “women’s family” for broader understandings, and connectivity to our communities. This will enrich us, even at the local level, and move the security profession forward in a balanced and sustained way.
MARIA RIOS What does it take to turn your dream into a reality and get your name into the marketplace? What needs to happen to turn your vision into a self-assured corporation? Maria Rios is living the American dream, as she began her U.S. journey emigrating from El Salvador as a child. Her family came to the U.S. to pursue education and a better life. Through reliance on faith, a relentless work ethic and determination, Rios graduated from Houston Community College and earned her BA from the University of Houston. In the last half a century, the world has transitioned through many dimensions: from public sector supremacy, liberalization and economic reform, embracing now a new chapter of inclusion and transformational change. Where are the millionaires who believe in their vision, create a better reality, and make it big? We teamed up with Dr Neslyn Watson Druee and went searching for the blue collar millionaires who are not afraid of getting
their hands dirty to get their job done. We had the privilege to talk with Maria Rios, from Texas, US.
Can you tell us more about a docu-series in which featured on CNBC?
Maria Rios is the President and CEO of Nation Waste, Inc. (NWI), the first female Hispanic-owned waste removal company in United States history and one of the largest minority-owned companies in the state of Texas. is a fully-certified, commercial waste disposal company specializing in construction, demolition, commercial/industrial non-hazardous waste removal, portable toilets and recycling services.
CNBC’s Blue Collar Millionaires, is profiling big personalities who have gained wealth “by getting their hands dirty…and rolling up their sleeves…with a can-do mindset.” My episode was called “The $30M empire built on trash.”
You are a massive inspiration to millions of women around the world. What are your most recent achievements, Maria? In 2015 the International Women’s Entrepreneurial Challenge (IWEC) announced that I was one of the top 27 women entrepreneurs in the world. Fortune named me as one of the 2013 Fortune Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs in the U.S. Goldman Sachs honoured me as one of its 100 Most Intriguing Entrepreneurs.
You are known for making a difference to the marketplace. What are your most recent solutions for the workplace? In the U.S. nearly 5,000 people die and approximately 27 million work days are lost each year because of injuries in the workplace. In 2018, we launched a new division, Nation Safety Net, which leverages a technological solution powered by IBM Watson IoT. To keep workers safe and mitigate the cost of workplace injuries, Nation Safety Net, in partnership with IBM, created an IoT solution that uses environmental sensors and wearable devices to identify potential dangers and help employees avoid injury.
VIOLENCE against
by Dr Marina Nani
‘Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today. Its impact ranges from immediate to long-term multiple physical, sexual and mental consequences for women and girls, including death. It negatively affects women’s well-being as well as their families and communities.’ Margaret Ali, Director of Universal Peace Federation (UPF) - UK
A staggering 9 million adolescent girls were victimized within the past year and an estimated 15 million girls aged 15 to 19 have experienced forced sex at some point in their life worldwide. Why is it that only 1 percent of the girls who are subjected to forced sex by an immediate family member, husband, or boyfriend have sought professional help? Men who experienced different forms of violence during childhood, or witnessed their fathers’ violence against their mothers, who had seen their fathers beating their sisters, or abusing other females in their family, are three times more likely to apply violence in their own adult relationships, than other men who are coming from families where there is no violence. Statistics show us clear evidence that the trauma caused by violence against women is the cause of depression, suicide, self-harm and not to mention abortion and the spread of HIV. If this scares you, imagine there are countries were 70% of women experienced violence. Globally, adult women account for 51 per cent of all human trafficking victims who are reported. Girls account for three out of every four child trafficking victims and three out of every four trafficked women. The most prominent purpose being of sexual exploitation, while women and girls together constitute 71 per cent of all human trafficking victims. An astonishing 650 million women and girls in the world today are married before age 18 and harmful practice like child marriage. This results in a chain of traumatic experiences like social injustice, poverty, early- unwanted pregnancy, domestic violence,
social isolation, exclusion, illiteracy, suicide and self- harm. The facts and figures provided by UN are staggering and is painfully clear that not enough support is available for victims. To mark the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Hosted by Baroness Sandip Verma at House of Lords, The Universal Peace Federation and the Women’s Federation for World Peace UK met at the House of Lords Committee on Wednesday 28th November 2018. Working together in promoting gender equality, women’s empowerment and leadership, with presentations given by notable women and several experts in the field. Margaret Ali and Robin Marsh from Universal Peace Federation UK, invited members of the public to engage in discussions on one of the most devastating human rights violations: ‘Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today. Its impact ranges from immediate to long-term multiple physical, sexual and mental consequences for women and girls, including death. It negatively affects women’s well-being as well as their families and communities.’ Margaret Ali, says. According to UN research, data gathered from 2005 to 2016 for 87 countries shows that 19 per cent of women between 15 and 49 years of age said they had experienced physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner or family member in the 12 months prior to the survey. ‘Research shows that it has a tremendous cost to the economy, even impacting national level
budgets. For far too long, impunity, silence and stigma have allowed violence against women to escalate to pandemic proportions. Worldwide it appears that one in three women experience gender-based violence. This situation must not be tolerated.’ Robin Marsh told us. Distinguished speakers were presenting their solutions to the audience and some shared their own traumatic experiences as survivors of violence and domestic abuse. Harassment of women at work and the efforts made in the UK to stop bullying in the workplace, were well debated. ‘What we would like to imagine is a world where neither women nor girls are abused, harassed or controlled. A woman, no matter her age, can participate in politics, receive an education, have her own income, and dress and speak with no fear of discrimination or violence. Imagine a world of equality and acceptance. The greatest achievements, accomplishments and movements all began with the start of an idea. It was the dedication and free will of the individual and/or groups to spread their ideas and turn it into reality. They made it happen. So let us aim towards that.’ continues Margaret Ali. Full story to be reported in the next issue! If you have a story of abuse and need help please connect with Margaret Ali or Robin Marsh, Secretary General - Universal Peace Federation (UPF) – UK pa@uk.upf.org
The most influential women providing people smart investments backed by Property. Professional Property Investor, Keynote speaker, Role Model and Co-Founder of Vinclair Investment Partners Start a conversation with Valeria scan the QR code with your LinkedIn app
f: Valeria Vinclair t: @valeriavinclair ig: valeriavinclair
We can have it all, just know that we cannot have it all of the time and that is OK.�
Can we really have it all? by Dr Marina Nani
A woman of remarkable strength, Valeria Vinclair delivers her passion with courage and dignity. Exceptionally talented, her diligence and ambition enabled her to become a successful businesswoman, who is living the dream. Valeria Vinclair, frequently speaks around the world empowering people to achieve the life of their dreams through smart investments backed by property. She truly believes that time is people’s most valuable asset and her unique talent is to show others how to free up their time and work on the projects they love while their hard-earned money is working for them. Finding and setting up great property deals, focusing on getting her clients the best returns, and delivering keynote speeches around the world doesn’t stop her from spending quality time with her husband and their baby boy, Mark. But how does she do it all, how does she find the time to build a career, run a business and be a devoted mother?
‘Being an entrepreneur gives me the flexibility to make choices on how to balance my time between helping my clients achieve financial freedom trough property investment, to raising my child to enjoy life and be happy. The secret is knowing what my chosen role at a particular time is, and being 100 percent focused on it. For example: When I am in parent mode, I focus on that and communicate to everyone that I am being a parent. If I am in business mode, I focus on that
A woman of remarkable strength, Valeria Vinclair delivers her passion with courage and dignity. Exceptionally talented, her diligence and ambition enabled her to become a successful businesswoman, who is living the dream.
and explain to my family the reasons I am doing what I am doing. This way, I get far more work done than I ever used to and still have quality precious time with my child which I love. I constantly remind myself of my “why” and my purpose, which means to constantly remind your brain why you’ve taken this path. We can have it all, just know that we cannot have it all of the time and that is OK.’ How do you become a successful entrepreneur and remain a dedicated mother? What is the secret? ‘I became an entrepreneur to free up my time, be with my family and become financially independent. I use property as a vehicle to help me do just that and now I help other people do the same. It is all about having the experts at the right places and making priorities depending of the time and day. I am very much focus on my family, helping my clients achieve their financial goals and empowering others to free up their time and do what they love. What inspires Valeria?
‘My husband Cedric, and our baby son Mark, the #babypreneur. They are the rock that give me the strength to do what I love to do - which is to make a difference in the world. Second of all it has to be our clients, when we were first getting started, it was really difficult for people to believe in us but as we secured more and more property deals and given consistent returns they really supported and both Cedric and I will be forever grateful. Third of all, will be JT Foxx who supports my motivation and drive.’
e u l a f o V e Th listic Detox Ho
Lana Kapelas reveals how detoxing, banishing bad habits and understanding food facts can help you stay healthy and energetic. Back in 2013 Lana Kapelas and her husband, Konstantinos, set up a practice by the name of Total Health Now, a holistic healthcare service situated a short walk from Russell Square tube station in Bloomsbury, London. For many years she watched her husband work in high stress environments and often wondered at which point would he break? With two young children this is a question that she dreaded to ask herself but admits it often kept her up at night.
their own lives, they gradually transformed their health, vitality and also their emotional well-being Both are strong believers in the value of holistic health and their solutions for the health challenges faced by many in high stress jobs is quite fascinating. When asked what Total Health Now does differently, she said:
They both made the conscious decision to change their lives for the better and they began extensive research into health, vitality and focused on the best techniques and treatments available.
“From our own experiences and health improvements, through to our work with hundreds of clients, we have seen the unquestionable results. Our goal is to design bespoke changes that transform all aspects of your life and to help you achieve and maintain optimum health.
By employing these wisely in
You don’t need to have a ‘problem’
to visit us. We believe strongly in preventative health care, rather than waiting for a medical concern to appear before seeking help. We only ever get given one body in life and it’s our job to look after it.” In fact, one of their most popular treatments, a 28-day detox is aimed squarely at preventing future health problems. Lana added: “The results have been extraordinary for many of our clients. It is a 28-day detox and cleanse, based on a programme that was first established in 1994 thanks to Italian doctors who had been exploring the benefits of combining a metabolic diet with dynamic manual lymphatic drainage massage. Originally adopted by many well-known celebrities, over the years it has filtered down into becoming more
SOVEREIGN widely available. Our clients visit the clinic three times a week over 28 days for the duration of the programme. They will have 12 lymphatic drainage treatments in total using our state-of-the-art equipment. Many people choose to combine these sessions with other services, including allergy tests, health MOTs and colon hydrotherapy – however, these aren’t an obligation of the programme. We asked what were some of the benefits reported by her clients. Lana replied: “Clients have described an increase in energy levels, fewer hunger cravings, and an improved mood overall. It worth mentioning that clients release fat rather than water and muscle which is normally the case when trying to lose weight. We focus on the internal congestion within our bodies, caused by the annual build-up of calcified toxic waste. The programme works by supporting the liver through a cleansing and balanced diet, combined with sessions on a unique detoxifying machine that utilises lymphatic drainage massage to stimulate the system and break down any toxicity in the gut. This is supported by breathing training, emotional/stress resilience techniques, education on how to shop for healthy products and how to protect yourself against toxic food products and electromagnetic radiation, as well as a full month of one-to-one coaching to help you achieve your health goals. Alongside all of this, we also recommend beneficial cleansing supplements, triedand-tested by ourselves. The programme aids in weight loss and detoxification, cleansing your body from environmental toxicity, as well as helping you heal from ongoing health issues and medical problems. In fact,
it’s widely considered the number one programme in the world for seeing guaranteed weight loss and visible results that last.” Why is the human body so bad at holding onto toxins? “Within today’s society, we hardly ever give our body sufficient time to digest the last meal before snacking, drinking or beginning another one. This means our body starts to store the food it is digesting as fat. There is also an increase of chemical additives in the modern diet, which means more toxins in our bodies. Even our table water has chemicals in it. The body needs to be re-trained to find ways of going back to the good old days when it was able to remove toxins much more easily.” She also added: “We first began offering the detox four years ago at Total Health Now Clinic and have since added our own spin, hence the plus sign in its name! We’ve since had hundreds of very happy clients. For us, the results speak for themselves. During this programme, our past clients have achieved significant weight loss – the greatest ones being a reduction in weight of 27 lbs (almost two stone in fat) in four weeks, and a loss of 42 inches, also in four weeks. One of your clients, reports to have lost over 14 lbs of toxic fat and inches on his waist, neck and arms. To quote him, he says ‘My trousers are now looser, and my friends comment on how much better I look. My allergy and eczema-like symptoms on my scalp have cleared. I sleep better, and my digestion, elimination and skin appearance has improved. I was also able to cut my prostate medication by half and soon will be able to stop it altogether.’ Many of our clients have said they’ve found the programme has eased existing conditions such as IBS, eczema, arthritis, blood pres-
sure problems, migraines and low moods. Another client noted, ‘I went through the program and the results were better than I could imagine. Constipation was gone and as an extra benefit, I lost over 12 lbs of fat and 19 inches! I also have more energy, I sleep better and I have adopted new habits for a healthier lifestyle.’ This unique detox is the first step towards healthy weight loss and improved wellness. We don’t believe in yo-yo dieting or deprivation. For us at Total Health Now, everything we do involves looking at our health holistically and sustainably. When asked if the weight stay off once the treatment finishes, Lana replied: “As with anything, it all depends on what you do after the programme. We hope to change your habits and way of thinking in a long-term, sustainable way. It isn’t about losing weight and then piling it all back on again, as this isn’t good for your health or mental wellbeing. If you go back to junk food after the programme, then you will put weight back on. However, if you continue following the programme in the same way, then you’ll simply continue to lose weight and improve your health. Our programme doesn’t require any exercise and is easy to follow, so it shouldn’t be difficult to stay on track. For some clients, they never need to come back to see us again as the programme has set them on the right path. For others, they like to come back at regular intervals for extra guidance and support. We are passionate about helping our clients and always seek to advise where possible. Many like this supportive approach. With so many different holistic treatments available, we asked Lana what made their solution different and unique. She replied:
“There are so many slimming products and diets on the market, and we recognise how hard it is for our clients to decipher which are real and which are nothing more than a gimmick. Many only offer short-term results, which involve yo-yo dieting and deprivation. Throughout the 28 days programme, you are fully supervised, monitored and supported in a one-to-one capacity. It doesn’t involve exercise or rigorous dieting, which for many people is just unsustainable. Instead it helps by treating a person holistically, rebalancing the body and reshaping your silhouette. Our food plans also don’t have restrictions on when and how much food is consumed.
Our solution is suitable for people with all types of health conditions, including skin problems and diabetes. As Claudia Jordan told us after her treatment, ‘It is the most positive thing I have done for myself. On day one I was feeling low in energy, I had red patches on my face, I had a lot of inflammation and over all I felt I really needed a change. The whole process was a learning curve for me in terms of nutrition and Lana was always so supportive, full of advice and encouragement. On day 28 I felt so clean, my skin was glowing (no more red spots) and I lost 10lbs which my whole family has benefited from this, now my children also eat better highly recommended.’
Whether you want to lose weight, clear your mind or improve your energy levels, you need to escape the yo-yo diet and break bad eating habits. As it doesn’t require exercise, you don’t need to worry about being athletic or having lots of time. It is completely holistic so there is no medication or surgery involved.
We mentor our clients all the way through, offering guidance and support. We’re always at the end of the telephone or in the room, helping to break free throughout the process. We never wish to come across as preaching, we share and pass along our knowledge and research pro-actively. When clients tell us the brands they like to eat or use, we’ll always
Find out more about Total Health Now, their 28 Day Detox and other treatments on offer by visiting the website: www.totalhealthnow.co.uk
suggest healthier brands where possible. If someone says they definitely can’t cut something out their diet (e.g. sweetener), then we’ll simply suggest a better choice of brand for them. Most clients comment on how surprising their weight loss is, and how much easier it feels to lose weight compared to other diets they may have tried in the past. They also report feeling increased energy levels, which impacts all areas of their life. Because the food plan doesn’t include fatty or sugary foods, you can be confident that you won’t experience bloating, artificial highs, and excess fat storage. You’ll also learn to embrace the many wonderful benefits of freshly cooked foods, home-made marinades, exotic fruits and vegetables, plus a variety of new ways to cook from steaming to roasting, stir-frying to marinating, poaching to grilling, slow-cooking to griddling. It isn’t hard to cook this way but can quickly and easily transform the flavours and textures of meat or vegetables.
According to ancient Greek Medicine, your health is influenced by geographic location, social class, diet, trauma, beliefs, and mindset. After thousands of years, another Greek studied modern society and experimented his own prevention and rehabilitation well-being solutions with the belief that ‘healing is a gift from within’ - Nikos Chatzibalassis Nikos brings modern well-being prevention and rehabilitation Solutions, in our own hands. Instructor and researcher in holistic therapy, Nikos graduated Aristo-
tle University of Thessaloniki in 1991. Nikos’ research is focused in finding the interaction between mental and emotional energy and human cell subconscious energetic signatures, in relation with homeopathy and energy medicine. Exploring of esoteric ethics and therapeutic limits of the holistic human being as well as the therapists. Admiring the Divine creation, he realized the greatness and the fact that our knowledge is very lim-
Nikos Chatzibalassis
Intertwining the spiritual with the physical well-being
ited. He specializes in homeopathy, herbal medicine,traditional Chinese medicine, reflexology, iridology, applied kinesiology, energy healing, physio-regulation, geopathology. ‘Different frequencies are detected and perceived by vibrational co-resonance with the corresponding dimensional energyconsciousness structure’ Nikos is working on his first book ‘Before Christmas’ which is soon to be released.
by Dr Marina Nani
Ysanne Lewis has been a timing expert for nearly four decades; She has featured as an expert on the parenting website, Parentdish (What Are Astrological Birth Charts?), Parent Plus Emirates magazine, the Surrey Advertiser, Metro and BBC Surrey and Sussex County Radio, Marlow FM and Radio Works World. She is the published author of “The Time Catcher” – ‘How to time your actions to turn challenges into opportunities.’
Award winning author, Ysanne has just returned from a remote Himalayan valley on the Tibetan plateau. During her trip, Ysanne decided to sponsor the education of a little girl who lives in Spiti Valley and wants to help more local children. In this interview, Ysanne explores ‘the maps of the heavens, seamlessly weaving the meanings of cycles, patterns and timing into the beautiful tapestry of life, acting as a bridge and navigator between the heavens and our inner timekeepers and geographical landscape.’
‘When I was a little girl and saw some pictures of Tibet and its mountains. I always loved mountains, desolate places and the stories behind them, and this, the roof of the world, drew me time and again.
An explorer at heart, you just returned from your latest adventure into the Spiti Valley, Ysanne is telling us why she decided to take this trip...
And then I came across Spiti Projects www.spiti.org and a very special lady called Joan Pollock. Through her I discovered that the Spiti Valley was part of a remote
I travel a great deal with my work and yet my dream of going to the roof of the world had not yet manifested itself. The desire to help people and be of service never left me, and I wanted to combine this with travel and adventure in later life.
Himalayan valley 150 kilometres long and 4-5,000 metres high and with perilous passes into it. Spiti has retained its pure Tibetan Buddhism culture and tradition. Naturally this spoke to me, and when I knew Joan was ‘going in’ this year - she visits up to three times a year - I asked to become part of a small group of four. At 66 years of age I felt I had waited long enough. I had two major dreams as a young person; to have a meaningful book published so that I could leave a legacy behind me one day, and to walk the Tibetan plateau. Both dreams have now been fulfilled, and both have made me content! Both highlighted also the desire to have a
purpose and to step outside one’s comfort zones. Joan Pollock was invited to visit the Spiti Valley with a team of doctors in 1993, when restrictions for foreigners were lifted. She was so distressed by the poor health and lack of well-being of the local people that she set up a charity, Spiti Projects, which has brought many positive changes: A hospital in Kaza, complete with operating theatre, was opened in 1995. A school was completed in Mane village in 2005. Ten years later a Community Centre was opened in the capital, Kaza, for which in 2016 a United Nations Award for low carbon emissions was awarded for its environmental technology and use of solar energy.
As there are over 300 days of sunlight a year, solar heating is the obvious way to heat the buildings With the help of doctors and with top architects from the Auroville Institute in South India, the health of the Tibetan inhabitants has improved beyond measure Joan has worked tirelessly and raised funds to improve the life style of this medieval culture. There is a craft and weaving room in the centre and a library. An Eye Centre is underway. If conditions are still tough now they were even harder 25 years ago. As a photographer, Joan is creating a legacy of images and stories for future reference, especially
SOVEREIGN were the culture to change politically.
toes. We were there for the pea harvest.
So… I knew it was the right time for me to visit. Six months of the year it is snow bound and the passes are cut off.
Once in the valley we stayed at various home stays and were given Tibetan tea and local dishes. Joan knows the local people from over the years and was warmly welcomed. The telegraph bush system was in action! Poor though they are the hospitality and kindness were abundant. I noticed a ‘light’ in their eyes wherever I went and their ready smiles. A softness in the way they walk and talk made me feel at home, as people have commented to me that I do. I was also deeply impressed by the care for the elderly.
Timing is thus everything and all the conditions were in place for my visit. My three lady companions were true travellers, and being part of this foursome was harmonious, seamless and full of humour. It came at the right time astrologically for me - I am sure the Tibetan astrologers there would have agreed with that - in a year when retreat, more quietude and contemplation were requirements for me. The planetary transits in my birth chart mirrored and requested these needs and I followed their call. I had been feeling the desire to sponsor and help a child for some time, and in the Spiti Valley the opportunity came to do just that. Interestingly, when I met Tanzin who comes from a small, poor village, her grandmother knew immediately her time of birth to the minute when I asked for it! The importance of the cosmic clocks and ‘as above so below’ is very evident in that culture. I will support her in her education for 10 years and maybe longer.’ The highlights of her adventure are glowing in Ysanne’s memories for years to come. She tells us: ‘We saw Himalayan blue poppies clinging to the harsh rock. These are a rarity and it is apparently good luck to see them. The journey itself was extraordinary. From lush valleys to the stony rocks of the Chandra Valley to high passes and waterfalls and farmland. The livelihood of the Spiti people is subsistence farming, peas being the main cash crop, as well as barley and pota-
Interestingly, I was told that, traditionally the parents send the second son to become a monk at the age of eight years. He is usually given a puppy to comfort him and an older monk to support him. The Tibetans aren’t demonstrative but caring and I identify with that. We visited the school which Joan enabled. There is a statement on the building saying, Come and learn. Go and serve. The Tibetan dialect of Bhoti is the primary language, though Hindu and some English are now being taught. I learnt that Buddhism was introduced in the 7th century but before then there was Bon, an atavistic religion. In the 14th century came the first Dalai Lama. Joan is privileged to have had personal audiences with the present one. We went to the Pin Valley and visited Khar village where we did a hygiene clinic and gave the children shoes, sweaters, tooth brushes, soap and shampoo, as well as pens and pencils for school. It was a delight to be there and spend time with the poor and shy but playful little ones.
After 16 days we journeyed back. At the top of the Kunzun – La Pass at 15,500 ft, we stopped and looked back at the Spiti Valley. We walked clockwise around the stupas and, on the roof of the world, truly I gave thanks for being granted the opportunity to experience that special piece of Tibetan land. I gave thanks for the magic of the Tibetan people and their big hearts. I made a wish at the stupa that the little girl I have sponsored for the next 10 years will have a healthy, happy life and a good purposeful education.’ On returning home, Ysanne felt a deep spiritual re-connection and the a sense of magic which comes with sponsorship a child’s education. ‘This special time in Spiti on the Tibetan plateau did more for me than any study, book or degree course could do. Feeding my mind as I was told to do as a child, is like making a choice between non - processed food and junk food. The latter is empty and we crave more, the former is of finer quality and we need less but are healthier. My mind was definitely fed there.’ Ysanne says. As we run our of the word count, Ysanne’s message is very simple: ‘We need our lives to be in alignment with the rhythms and messages of nature, the planetary alignments and our inner timekeepers. Not easy in this modern, social media oriented world but in that remote, geologically and climatically challenged and hard to reach valley on the roof of the world, I learned the living philosophy of how nature, Spirit and people can cooperate.’ Connect with Ysanne at www.ysanne.com
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PENNY POWER Imagine a small place near Windsor, where, in a cold room without electricity, Archbishop of Canterbury drafted a document to protect and guarantee the rights of individuals, the right to justice and the right to a fair trial and establish that everyone is subject to the law, including the king. On reflection, that document which wasn’t to be a quick fix but marked the beginning of social liberties, it is known today as Magna Carta. The inspiration of the American Constitution, nobody could imagine society as we know it, if King John of England did not sign “the Great Charter of the Liberties�, exactly 803 years ago.
It is fair to say that today you ought to celebrate social progress and if you are to list all your liberties, including your right to electricity, that list could be a very long list. If you made your list of gratitude, like I did, perhaps, each day you ask yourself same question as I do: Why so many people have no choice but to bury their dreams alive, so many businesses fail, making anti-depressants the only solution available for those brave men and women who feel trapped in their own homes? It is strange how some liberties you have at present as a business owner could work against your right to be included, to be a ben-
efactor to social progress. Are you moving your focus from the bigger picture to your own needs, fighting your own battles with social conditioning, limiting beliefs, mental health and stress instead of getting together with great minds to make the difference you always wanted to make? Centuries ago, business people used to gather together in candlelight, cold rooms to brainstorm and create solutions to challenges. Are we too comfortable in our warm, well-lit homes? Are we too self-sufficient and deepen our isolation, feeding the disconnect from our peers, from the outside world?
Imagine a place near London, exactly 20 years ago, where, in a place fully lit, another thinker, this time a woman, Penny Power, made history and created a solution to exclusion and isolation. Penny launched Ecademy, the world’s first business social network to reduce the isolation small business owners and leaders were facing and protect their rights to human connections and give them a place where their voice can be heard. If history repeats itself, Ecademy is the Magna Carta of the modern age and in a fast-moving digital environment inspired Linkedin and Facebook. But are any of the ‘surviving’ social models able to deliver the unique solution Ecademy provided in 200 countries? Sovereign Magazine invites Penny Power to tell us her story since she had no choice but leave Ecademy behind. Penny Power joined the tech sector when she was 19 years old, in 1983, since then she has seen the shift from mainframe to desktops in business, the growth of the home PC, the emergence of the Internet and for the past 20 years Penny has evangelized, trained, consulted and built businesses ensuring that business’ embrace the ability to socially connect online and offline in their leadership, words and culture. Penny has three adult children, Hannah, Ross and TJ and has been happily married to Thomas Power since 1990. Together they live in Farnham in Surrey. You are an early pioneer in the social networking world, and you created the world’s first business social network in 1998. Her Majesty award-
ed you an OBE in 2014 for your contribution . Tell us more about Ecademy. Ecademy grew into a global network that reduced the isolation and provided skills for small business owners and leaders but our business model, which was a paid membership could not compete with the free online platforms which took over and as a result, forced us to close down our business. Following our distressful exit from Ecademy, I then spent 4 years in the digital skills sector, notably building a new Apprenticeship in Digital Marketing and helping 1000 young people into jobs. Digital Youth Academy was an amazing company, built with two enormous passions, the first being the future of our young, the second being digital enablement for small business. This solution meant small businesses could hire the skills they needed in the emerging digital world. Now you are pioneering a shift in on and offline networking, building The Business Cafe as a destination across UK High Streets. What are the benefits for business owners and entrepreneurs? The Business Cafe is bridging the business and digital skills gap for sole traders and startups by providing networking and digital skills in real-time so people can achieve these needs in ‘their gaps’ during their working day. You are driven to reduce loneliness in self-employment which in a survey suggested that 83% of sole traders are lonely. How is The Business Cafe helping the local community? The Business Cafe operation in-
creases the productivity of small business through the provision of free digital software onboarding and awareness. The fact is that most people lead with their primary skill and passion in their business. The secondary skills we need can enable or cripple us as business owners. If we can use digital effectively we can win back hours of our life, using that time to develop our business further or have a healthier balance life. Through the culture of The Business Café we will breakdown the mental barriers to using digital and also show through face to face “Digital Friends’ how to onboard and get started with Business Applications. Productivity can also increase if you feel you belong and have meaning to others. The culture of The Business Café is the critical part. Leading with love and friendship and encouraging social interaction. This is why we call it ‘Friendship First”. We also have a StrongMind-StrongBusiness strategy that underpins the culture and training of our staff. Our aim is to reduce anxiety and depression through our inclusive and on demand availability. We want to have a network of Business Café’s, all branded and culturally run to connect people far and wide and locally. We are seeking people who want to get to together and own one in their town. The social and financial impact will be amazing. There are many people who run Business Networks, we want to support them through each of our locations, our aim is inclusion, not competition. Let’s all grow our local economies together and shift the High Street into a destination that celebrates local people and businesses.
THE TOUR CONTINUES: AN INTIMATE CONVERSATION WITH MICHELLE OBAMA becomingmichelleobama.com “I admire her grace, humility and sense of fun and her willingness to be herself. Also, as an accomplished business woman In her own right, her discrete but obvious loyalty to her husband throughout his presidency was such a great example to me of how, as a partner, you can be admired for your part in someone else’s role, life choices or success, even if it means putting your own career aside to provide that stable and nurturing sanctuary of home and family life. To me, she is a great role model and a true example of a modern renaissance woman.” - Dr Gill Barham
DEC 3 - London, England Royal Festival Hall Moderated by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie DEC 5 - Paris, France La Seine Musicale DEC 11 - Detroit, MI Little Caesars Arena Moderated by Phoebe Robinson DEC 13 Denver, CO - Pepsi Center Arena Moderated by Reese Witherspoon DEC 14 - San Jose, CA SAP Center Moderated by Michele Norris DEC 17 - Dallas, TX American Airlines Center Moderated by Valerie Jarrett DEC 19 - Brooklyn, NY Barclays Center Moderated by Sarah Jessica Parker
Mural by Dreph (ig: dreph_). Located on Dorrell Place, Brixton, South London. Photocredit Darie Nani.
When my friend called me to say ‘We’re all going to Michelle’s book launch’ I didn’t ask ‘Michellewho?’, but I said ‘absolutely yes!’ unaware of the fine details. I love nothing more than getting in line, waiting with bated breath for a new author to sign my copy! This is when the magic happens, making that connection with the author and their story. I did not know which Michelle but it didn’t matter. I also forgot to ask about the book title, and little I knew that this was actually a ‘Christmas comes early gift’ not only for me, but for the entire City of London! It was only a week later when I realised which Michelle we were talking about. By now, you must know that hundreds of thousands of people from Chicago to London are lined up to get their signed copy. But if you are in London, and randomly drive through Brixton, like I did, you can see Michelle on this three story building mural, and, like me, you will be thinking ‘Welcome home, Michelle!’ Painted by Dreph, an amazing artist from Ghana, 43, Neequaye Dsane, who has gifted London with a collection of large scale street paintings, contemporary portraiture of “ordinary women who do extraordinary things” showing
his gratitude for ‘unsung heroes and heroines whose triumphs I seek to highlight, represent and pay tribute to’ as he says on his statement (http://dreph.co.uk) If I imagine all these murals on one street, the street could only be called Love Lane, where Michelle belongs, as the new resident, as the World’s most Inspirational First Lady. Perhaps, Dreph is not the only artist who wanted to show Michelle that London is her home, and everywhere she goes, she is at home. Becoming a global icon, the first lady or an author, she became you and me, beyond colour, background or social status. Reading her story, there is a deep sense of becoming into ‘the world of defining the undefined’, which preserves the value of ‘kindness and appreciation’ as she says in a recent interview with Jena Bush. Becoming is the story to inspire women who struggle with their own identity, with their sense of purpose and Michelle is ‘no exception’, as after all she became, she is still saying to herself ‘I have to get this right, I can’t mess it up’. Soon to be an empty nester, ‘Michelle Obama is the most popular world public figure and the most famous.’ According to You-
Gov Ratings and data collected between 15th May 2018 and 31st October 2018 Michelle Obama is described by fans as: ‘Good Role Model, Genuine, Influential, Charismatic and Intelligent.’ Less than 24 hours after the tickets went on sale, BBC London News twitted: ‘Tens of thousands of people have been disappointed trying to get tickets for an audience with Michelle Obama at London’s Royal Festival Hall’ A local girl called Myriam, @ mazdem,‘born & raised in London town, world traveller’, replied ‘An evening with Michelle Obama & Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie in London and I don’t get to witness it! Why not give them the whole O2 ( Arena) so we can all bear witness to this greatness?!’ Back to the office, I asked my son, Darie, to hold on to our December Issue and to take a picture of the Michelle’s three-story building mural in Brixton before we go to print. I know that you, just like me, would love to line up and have your copy signed on 3rd December and even if we do not get that chance at least you know that, in more ways than one, Michelle is now a permanent resident on London’s Love Lane.
VITALITY HOUR SEASON 2 WITH DR GILL BARHAM Gill is back for another series of Vitality Hour. Taking the concept to the next level, series 2 will feature a new panel format where experts will discuss the latest topics in health care and preventative medicine.
CONFIDENCE TALKS - WITH ANIA JEFFRIES BYP TV is proud to introduce a new panel show hosted by award winning author and confidence coach, Ania Jeffries. Join Ania and a panel of guests as they discuss the issues around mental health, lack confidence and self worth in today’s youth and young adults.
ON_FLIX WITH SARA LARATRO Actress Sara Laratro is picking up the microphone and interviewing all the hotest directors, stars and actors making the London Film Premiere circuit. Expect behind the scenes access to Triple A films, interviews with cast members and more.
Watch BYP TV from your mobile device or computer by logging on to www.byptv.live or follow us on Facebook (search BYP TV) to be notified of new releases and premieres.
A feature length documentary where international Leaders and top influencers from across socially- conscious industries tell the world what Prosperity means to them and what must be done to close the achievement gap. For Actar Dunata Prosperity is ‘Giving more than you take’ What Prosperity means to you?
50/50 VOICES - WITH ALTHEA GRANT The most awarded female inspirational speaker in the UK and founder of 50/50 Voices, Althea Grant knows a thing or two about what it takes to make it big in a male dominated industry. Her new show, 50/50 Voices asks why are women not equally represented and what can be done to address the gender inbalance.
THE BOOK HOUR The Book Hour continues with an updated format. Sit down with the author and delve into their thought process and inspiration. How and why did they write their book? Find on only on The Book Hour.
Kiki Fuerte talks about Never Saw You Coming
Dalal Akoury, MD - USA Founder of AWAREmed, Inc www.awaremed.com
AWA REm ed
NG EAKI NDBR GROU N E W A P P R OAC H TO CHRONIC ILLNESS Interview by Dr Marina Nani Dalal Akoury, MD is an advanced Integrative Medicine Authority, Healthcare Educator, Author/Researcher, Media Contributor, and Global Speaker. Dr. Akoury has dedicated her career to identifying and addressing the root causes of chronic illness through a groundbreaking whole-systems medicine approach known as Functional, Integrative, Sexual, Cellular and Metabolic Medicine. She is a nationally and internationally recognized leader in this field. Dr Akoury’s AWAREmed, Inc. practice offers a range of medical treatements including: Cancer Remission: Significantly improve your condition or extend your life and regain your quality of living, pain-free. Addiction Recovery: 10 day highly-discreet, painless detox outpatient program, back-to-work in 3 days for severe addictions of drugs, alcohol, food, sex and gambling. Chronic Disease & Pain: Eliminate or reduce pain and these illnesses: Heart/cardio, diabetes, cortisol, fiber myalgia, high blood pressure, obesity, insomnia, gastro, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Anti-Aging & Aesthetics: Attain better results immediately to look younger, enhance sexual performance and pleasure, or lift and enhance your breasts non-invasively.
Dr. Akoury is founder and Director of The AWAREmed Health & Wellness Resource Center located in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. She is Fellowship trained and certified in Integrative Cancer Therapy, Healthy Aging, Regenerative, Metabolic and Functional Medicine, and has more than twenty years of accumulated experience in emergency medicine, pediatrics, and a master’s degree in public health. Dr. Akoury has also served fellowships in pediatric hematology/oncology and has performed research in leukemia and the effects of smoking at Emory in collaboration with the CDC. Over the past several years, Dr. Akoury has focused strictly on stress and its effect on aging, Dr. Akoury has published several
cancer research papers and has written several articles on the topic of addiction and is a wellknown advocate and speaker. Dr. Dalal Akoury is a Seasoned Media and Community Public Speaker. As a women Health speaker, she focuses on the specific needs of women. She encourages women to take ownership of their health, wellbeing, and careers, enabling them with the tools to do. This lifetime of experience, along with a unique sensitivity, genuine compassion, and a driving passion to inspire health in everyone has prepared “Dr. Dolly” to be the doctor she is today. Dr. Dalal, you created The AwareMed Clinic to help more people become aware of the importance of preventing illness as well as treating chronic illness
with groundbreaking medicine approach to root causes. You set very high standards within your industry and your passion for health is well known across the globe, not only in South Carolina where your clinic is based. What is the story behind your clinic? For decades, I worked to create complex solutions to health challenges. My vision is to offer an unique approach to the medical world, a WHOLE-istic approach to health. My mission is to ignite the spark of health deep within everyone, and to allow this sparkle of wellness to shine through everyone’s eyes, becoming one with the universe, and aligning body, mind, and spirit. With 40 years’ experience, work-
SOVEREIGN ing in almost 40 hospitals and clinics, you are training doctors worldwide in your highly efficient methods and help them start and run their own clinics. You created the unique solution for Whole-istic health for modern society. What is the success rate for patients coming to your clinic? Approximately 98% of AwareMed clinic patients improve their conditions ranging from moderately to completely based on lab test results. We offer the most effective advanced and modern traditional, integrative, alternative, complementary, herbal, nutritional, stem cell, hormone, holistic and diagnostic medical methods and technologies. Our treatments are so fast and effective that the total treatment cost is a typically a fraction of the typical “slow bleed” approach used by most other clinics and hospitals. We provide a loving, warm, Healing environment for our patients. Our staff are dedicated to our beloved patients, we treat each client with care and compassion. Our clinic is a calm and soothing “5 star spa”-like atmosphere, free of beeps, shouting and noises common in a medical practice. All your patients consider AwareMed to be very different than other medical practices available, what is the story behind “ Healing cancer in the Sunlight?” You are deeply passionate about your work, saving lives and changing the system around medical care. What is the level of work satisfaction you experience at present? Virtually everyone, at any stage of illness or condition, improves moderately to significantly after visiting our clinic. This includes remission of illnesses considered
by most to be “incurable” such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and terminal cancers.
od. Tools and nutritional options are provided to ensure long-term results and avoid relapse.
This is why many doctors send their patients to AWAREmed,when everything else has failed to help. At present we are expanding AwareMed clinic globally to cover demand for our services.
We understand that most business people and executives like to be available for business during treatments and we offer exclusive access to oceanside living with furnished/connected offices, gym and sauna.
Every one of my patients is very dear to me, which is why I consider them family and pledge to do everything in my power to improve their condition, quality of life and even give them my personal private cell phone number. Patients who come for Cancer remission, addiction recovery, chronic disease, pain or anti-aging aesthetics, become very close relationships, I treat them as my own family. You are a master of energy healing and you understand the cause of pain, illness, suffering that is destroying so many lives at present. What can our readers expect when coming along to your Advanced Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Centre? I would start with discretion and rapid recovery. Our centre is “cloaked” inside a traditional medical clinic and no one will know why you are on premise. There is no press, prying eyes or paparazzi here. Out patient procedures have you back to work the same day. Return visits are booked around your schedule. All procedures are safe and painless, designed with our patient’s comfort in mind, thus reducing pain and anxiety. Patients recover under the personal care of one of the most qualified, experienced doctors and medical experts in the word. Lastly, but equally important, 90% of our patients recover and regain control of their life and health during the induction peri-
While we provide a high-end solution, our patients enjoy better results in 1/3 the time, at comparable or less cost than other “traditional” risky, painful, lower-success 30-day programs. Most other programs don’t offer any of these benefits. We offer ALL of them. You lead an extraordinary life and empower people to take control of their health. You are a global advocate for Awareness, what is the key message to our readers today? Some people need help and feel powerless, they are not even aware of their addiction and help is available. We offer the ONLY Highly-Discreet Programs with a 90% improvement rate. We help our patients win any kind of addiction, regardless of the nature of the addiction, could be food, drugs, gambling, alcohol, sex, and return home for a fresh start. I focus on the outcome of our actions, as human beings. Wherever you are in your life at present, whatever circumstances you are facing, always remember: There is light at the end of the tunnel!
Asmau Ayub has worked for the past decade in youth development, counselling and child protection. She is a Counselling Psychologist and has dedicated her life to promoting mental health in marginalized communities, providing support to young people with suicidal tendencies and advocating for community well-being.
The greatest source of emotional pain is the negative things you say to yourself”
Asmau hailed from one of the marginalized communities in Ghana and her experiences became a pivot that pushes her to serve others. She shares her story to motivate other young girls from her community so they can dare to dream and achieve. In 2012 she founded Rayuwa Foundation, a community non-profit organization working with grass-root communities in Ghana. Rayuwa Foundation advocates for SDG goals 3,4 and 5 for better education, reducing violence and promoting well-being. Her goal is to see young people who wouldn’t otherwise dare to dream big, become great assets to themselves and their communities. f: / AsmauAyub t: @Ayyubbint
Not every woman is meant to be quiet and small”
Liza van der Smissen
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Liza van der Smissen is a Northern European actress fluent in English, German and Dutch who came to London to study Musical Theatre at the prestigious Bird College. After graduating she has worked on feature and short films filming internationally. She also featured in productions for The Royal Opera House, The Telegraph and performed in London’s best theatres . Liza also co-produces and writes her own short films, currently she is working on the short ‘Neext!’ which is about Keira, a fun, sophisticated and tough women who goes through life apologetically while still facing the challenges any millennial deals with. Liza is fascinated by the roles that society thrust upon us and how we mould ourselves around these expectations. She is committed to challenge the expectations of what women ‘should be’ and to think out of the box to create art with wholesome characters. What is your definition of being a rich woman?
I would consider myself a very rich woman.
and learn from her mistakes and hopefully grow with her.
My definition of being a rich woman is being able to work on my craft every single day and being able to inspire people. It is my desire to inspire women to be ok with being loud, big and bold if you want to, not every woman is meant to be quiet and small. And hopefully let men also have their space to be vulnerable so they don’t always have to feel they need to be the brave, tough guy who will solve everything. If I can work towards that through my medium of acting and producing,
What is the story behind your vision?
What were the top challenges when you started your journey as a producer and performing artist?
In the film ‘Neext!’ we show the story of Keira. Keira loves wearing her high heels and dancing at parties, at the same time she is serious in her kickboxing training and is not afraid to not conform to the stereotypical rules of being ‘pretty’. She keeps exploring her glamorous and tough side at the same time. However, this does not make her immune to the challenges in life, we see her struggle
It was letting go of wanting to be perfect. The beauty in the characters we see on stage and films comes from their imperfections. When they dare to be vulnerable and share their flaws with us we relate to them on a human level. We have all experienced loss, pain, joy, shame and love in one form or another, allowing these
SOVEREIGN pure and sometimes painful emotions to come up and be, is the hardest but also most beautiful experience. If you strive to be perfect you miss the moment, as perfection is based on an idea, a form, of how something ‘should be’, focus on perfection and you miss what is happening right now.
What are the top wins you achieved since you embrace your passion? Connecting with people who inspire me and making art with them is definitely at the top of my list. Getting a team together of inspiring woman, all invested to make the film Neext! Is a dream journey, and I hope that we are able to make this film happen so that this film will be the highlight of the year!
Who are the artists in your team? We are committed to having an all female crew for this short film. With females being still very unrepresented in the film world we wanted to play our part in it and make sure we have fantastic women behind the camera. We have a brilliant director on board, Leoni Tenius, from Berlin. She studied at the Met Film School London where she graduated with First Honours in Practical Filmmaking. Leoni has won the Zoom Award for the Best International Film for her first short film Kriegskind as well as the Imagining the Imaginarium Competition chaired by Andy Serkis and since then has directed and edited several live action and motion capture short films with Serkis’ The Imaginarium Studios. Jackie Teboul is the Cinematographer; Jackie Teboul is a Londonbased cinematographer, and a native of the South of France. While completing an MA in management she worked in Argentina and China. She then moved to London to complete an MA at
the London Film School, specialising in cinematography. Since then she has shot numerous short films and documentaries that have been screened in festivals around the world, and have earned her two nominations for cinematography Nicole Lieberman is the producer; Nicole Lieberman is an Israeli/Italian producer and writer. Nicole has a Masters in human rights law and is fluent in six languages. She is always looking at different ways of combining her two passions human rights and film. Nicole is currently also working on a Ugandan/British feature film. Do you remember the first movie that made you cry? The wizard of oz. We had it on a video tape and it was in English, I didn’t understand a word but I was mesmerised by the change from black/white to colour. The wicked witch hunted me in my sleep and I cried so much when she appeared on screen, but Dorothy and Glinda always made me want to watch the film over and over again!
There are many brilliant films and series made, still, often women are being portrait in a very stereotypical way. The baddass tomboy, the sexy blonde, the weird nerd. After seeing Big Little Lies, which has such wholesome wonderful female characters I started thinking why is this such a revelation for me? Why am I not used to seeing woman portrait in this way? I realised it was up to me to create more films which has inspiring female leads. I got together with Nicole and we started writing Neext! Do you prefer to deliver what is expected from your movie or you prefer to be authentic? Authentic, I will never be able to fulfil everyone’s expectations, so I don’t focus on that.
How many of your friends are actors, movie producers? In London I am lucky enough to surround myself with artists in all different fields. They are singers, choreographers, writers, directors and of course actors! Hearing their stories about the art they create is very inspiring to me.
What energizes you in the process of acting?
What would you do, if you had a magic wand?
The moment before it all starts I get this kick of energy and excitement. The first few steps on set or when you step into the theatre for the first rehearsals, there is nothing quite like it!
I would get my film Neext! funded and make sure that the storytellers of the world (writers, directors, actors etc.) would be as diverse as the world itself. We want to make a film that empowers women to be everything they want to be, not defined by looks, profession or by the (sexual) decisions they make. We continue to realise that when we don’t put ourselves in a box we are able to be and do so much more than we originally thought we could. We have a brilliant all female crew that will help create a wholesome lead character who breaks stereotypes and changes the perception of ourselves and others.
What did you learn to avoid while acting? Avoid focussing on the critics, on how the audience will or will not judge you. It is just you and your scene partner(s). If you focus on what others might think you’re missing out of what is happening in the scene.
What triggered you to challenge the status quo?
Dr Wendy Sneddon- UK Founder of The Lodestone Lounge www.lodestonelounge.com www.wendysneddon.com
Who is Dr Wendy Sneddon? I am a firm but a fair leader with the tenacity and determination to get through anything. I have a strong work ethic and I am passionate about enjoying what I do. With over 25 years of experience in businesses, I have a great understanding of how businesses should run, and what it takes to build an engaged motivated team. I have experience in HR, Recruitment, Financial Management, and Training. My expertise lies in people management, from recruitment to exit. I will assess your business and where you are then together we can make a plan to get you where you want to be with your business.
You have been recently celebrated as one of the top 10 HR Advisers in the UK, a serial Award Winning Author, Founder of The Lodestone Lounge, Creator of GEMS and Founder of Scottish Business Expo. What is your greatest Passion? My greatest passion is to see an end to abuse of animals and humans. I want to see us all adopt a Zero tolerance approach, we should be educating pre-school children before they reach 7 (the end of the “imprint” period where kids beliefs are founded and behaviours developed) about empathy and not to tolerate any form of violence to themselves or their pets or others in the household, if they witness and it, they should tell someone! Currently, through The Links Group, we are highlighting the link “Where animals are abused humans are at Risk, where hu-
mans are abused animals are at risk” (from the American Humane Society). We are seeing more and more cases where animal abuse has been identified and resulted in the prosecution for human abuse also. Recognising the animal abuse helped the human victims. We are raising funds to be able to care for pets fleeing violent households, we are looking for more people to provide long-term foster care, and financial support to cover the living costs and veterinary care. We are educating vets to recognise signs in humans and we are educating healthcare professionals to recognise abuse and neglect of pets in the homes they visit. Everyone has a responsibility to do something to stop this - you can now report suspicions to crime stoppers and they will investigate without anyone knowing where the info came from.
What are your three top tips for building self-confidence? Everything, every endeavour, every decision, every action, always boil down to one factor: confidence. This is mostly what an executive coach’s problem to solve, the waning confidence of his / her client. Success always follows the trail of the confident. Confidence is an active mind-set, it is energy-charged, it is alert. Confidence can change the course of communication. Confidence and Mental Fortitude You must appreciate yourself in order to become confident. Mental Fortitude is the twin brother of Confidence. Remind yourself the abilities and talents you have al-
Interview by Dr Marina Nani
ready and play to your strengths. Fear is the number one enemy of Mental Fortitude, it breaks down the building blocks of self-confidence. Keeping fear and anxiety in check is the first thing an executive needs to focus on, and while this is hard work, a lot of hard work, this is a skill that is worth mastering. The Act of Confidence What is inside is useless if it does not translate into actual actions. Recognizing that what kind of person is inside does not matter to other people, will only help that person. There is no single talent in the world that does not require an actual performance. One way or another, if you are a confident person you have to show it. Then show it some more. The appearance of a Confident Person Well, this is not physical appearance per se. This is never about aesthetics. Though it does help a lot to have a visually pleasing appearance, however, a confident person can wear cheap suit and sell you your own property back to you. That is pure exaggeration but you know the drill, a confident person does not stutter, nor jumble his / her words. You speak loud, clear, coherent, direct. Flowery words are left to amateurs. A confident person only needs little time to tell everything. Anything else is just posturing, a clear sign of shallowness and lack of depth. Walk tall, stand straight, head high, always and every time.
What are the challenges of developing a leader? Developing leaders need good coaches for them to push the envelope and be the leader that ought to be. There are certain limitations for every people, even for those people who are meant to be great. A little bit of external force is more than needed to sway them into the right direction. While there are challenges, there are solutions in addressing them. Leadership Development Does not matter, whenever there is someone who is good and efficient in his position, the employer should invest in developing him or her. This is not limited to skills and talent development. This is more of the entire package: skills, talents, values, vision, and confidence. This is mostly done by urging or sending these employees into the academe to further their education and develop connections with other brilliant minds. Good Communication Good leaders are good communicators, full stop. Good communication is the bread and butter of a good leader. Communication
styles still vary though, due to a bad habit, or lack of training. If an employee is lacking in communication skills, train them completely before it is too late. Nobody can get better overnight, especially in communication. This is a full experience, and a long way to go. Collaboration Individual success is never sufficient because, obviously, it is a company. Collaboration among peers is important. Employees and employers must consider themselves as peers before this collaboration factor is even possible. Leaders will rise out of collaborative works, so it is a very good system to pick the ones to develop. Accountability Now that you have laid down the foundation: peers are communicating to perform better in collaborative works, it is time for accountability. There are times that it just won’t work. No matter how hard-working and talented the people are, there are times that they just fail. It is time for accountability. A good leader will
hold himself or herself accountable for decisions that he or she actually made. He or she does not need to take the bullet for everyone, only to those that were his or her doing.
What is your next project? My dream is to inspire more business people to lead with purpose. My next endeavour is a celebration of business in Scotland, The Scottish Business Expo, which is more than just networking. Our Expo will bring together some of the best talents in the country to share their experience and knowledge with fellow entrepreneurs and enjoy a new way to network. Meet our speakers and VIPs, get to know each other in one of the most iconic settings in the world, The Queensferry Lodge Hotel, over-looking the fabulous three bridges. Over the two days, we will host 8 inspirational entrepreneurs and we have an exhibition for business to display their products and services. With plenty of social opportunities to network, learn and share your story.
Ash & Mani Hirani - UK
Founders of Vedasoul Company
100% Vegan, 100% Organic Free of refined sugar Perfect alternative sweet treats thevedasoulcompany.com
www.dianametello.com International Results Coach, Trainer and Public Speaker CEO an Founder of Action For Success NLP Master, Social Panorama Consultant Founder of “Women That Inspire” Start a conversation with Diana scan the QR code with your LinkedIn app
f: Diana Metello t: @dianametello ig: DianaMetello
Diana Metello, the International Results Coach, lives in Portugal but shares her life between Lisbon and London. An Internationally Certified Master Life & Executive Coach, NLP Master and a Social Mental Panorama Consultant, Diana is regarded as a Change Catalyst. But her thirst for knowledge didn’t stop once she received the licence for qualified training and certifications in personal branding & marketing, public speaking, Jungian psychology and healing therapies amongst many others. ‘I’ll be Thirsty of Knowledge until the last day of my Life... and beyond! ‘ Diana says.
From a very young age, Diana understood that she had to work to get what she wants. Diana was only six when she first earned her “pocket money’ and learnt the “value of things”, because her parents encouraged her natural creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. Before leaving school, Diana started her first real job when she was 16, and since then accumulated a wealth of extraordinary experience and mastered her commitment to ‘Real Life’ taking responsibility for her financial freedom. With a Master’s Degree
in Graphic Design, Diana dedicated her time and energy as a Creative Director in Advertising & Media Companies, in the Publishing industry, and the Events & PR sector. In 2000, Diana founded her first business in design, PR and Event Planning industry. A philanthropist at heart Diana invested a lot of her time and knowledge to make a significant difference and recently her dream came true, when she launched Woman that Inspire, ‘An empowering environment for women, where meaningful relationships can flourish through collabora-
by Dr Marina Nani
tion and mutual contribution, providing opportunities for high achievers, elevating the standards of networking, based on our main core values: Contribution- Empowerment-Meritocracy- Leadership- Ethics’ Diana says. ‘On reflection, I became the Person I needed then and couldn’t find to help me understand and welcome those tough moments in my life, so I learned how tremendously resourceful human beings are, naturally. Life has definitely shown me, that I can be a beacon of hope, a living example and inspiration for so many that find themselves alienated, feel blocked, frustrated and hopeless. I can help them, not just because I’ve read it in a book, or done a thousand trainings on that topic, but because I know how it feels to be there. I had the fortune to deeply understand human vulnerability, first hand, and the abundance of inner resources we can access to change a challenge into a real opportunity!’ Diana says. While surpassing numerous challenges, Diana acquired a deep understanding of human strength from her own experiences. ‘I believe in the extraordinary potential locked in each individual, in each Human Being. Her no nonsense attitude helped her developed an authentic range of techniques and therapies. ‘Expanding my consciousness and learning that practical resources bring real results, I know what works with what, and what doesn’t. I learnt how to overcome and transform what has happened to me, into an amazing power and priceless wisdom. I didn’t become just another
survivor, I become a Thriver!’ Diana says.
‘Woman that Inspire’ A woman on a mission, Diana advocates for excellence and continuous improvement and she is aware that it is her moral duty to be visible. Leading by example and with an enormous passion for what she does, investing in herself and others, creating the opportunity to excel in her endeavours, Diana never stopped her education and she is learning from the best to transform each challenge into a personal or professional victory. She says: ‘Being worthy of others trust is the mantra of professionals across industries. Taking responsibility for your unique talent and being visible is as important as your integrity. The market place is overwhelmed by a constant overflow of information, an aggressive wave of marketing for “advertised services” and it is hard for anyone to find the “real deal”. Giving your clients the chance to hire you, making yourself visible, coming from a place of integrity, responsibility and high ethical standards, is a prime duty- you own it equally to yourself, and to your clients.’ In total alignment with her values, believes and actions, Diana was the Official Representative and All Cities Leader of “First Tuesday” (Worldwide Network for Entrepreneurs and Investors) in Portugal, and in 2001 she was acknowledged by GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) as one of the Top Entrepreneurship References in Portugal.
‘Acquiring a vast realm of working experiences, I founded my first business in the design, PR and event planning industry in 2000, then discovered my passion and unique vocation so mastering my professional skills, I become an International Results Coach in 2006, and few years later, in 2012, my current business “Action For Success”, was born!’ Action For Success was created to deliver bespoke solutions for established leaders, entrepreneurs and Business Executives, ‘extraordinary who want to connect with their personal power, influence, make the change and really get results’ Diana says. ‘ I’m committed to transform each challenge into a personal or professional victory. Through Strategic Intervention Sessions I create a valuable confidential space to work with my clients and help them discover a higher Self- consciousness, their true potential. Once they learn how to activate their own resources, they find it natural to lead others, and get access to greater insights into what they really want to achieve. I take my clients through a profound Transformational Experience, I become their Support & Accountability Partner and help them turn their own vision into a better reality.’ Join Diana at The 5050 Voices Event taking place in London this January! Visit www.5050voices.com for more details
Samiksha Bajaj
99 minutes our m a l to G
How one young entrepreneur is re imagining your shopping experience.
Samshék embraces the fashion popularism that inspires and creates trends that appeal to the modern consumer. Samshék recognizes that not all customers fit the mainstream retail clothing offerings, but rather seek the clothing that better suits their body size and shape, mood, character, style, and temperament. With Samshék’s clothing customization option and timely delivery, the customer’s wonderful lifestyle and fashion desires can now become a reality - samshek.com
Last year you won The Stardust Awards for leadership. What inspired you to become a role model woman? I come from an entrepreneurial family where my father started his own rice trading business and after university I likewise wanted to create my own business particularly in women’s fashion
What is the story behind your vision? My first venture was creating my own ladies fashion brand buying from suppliers, getting clothes made and going to markets in different parts of India to sell to customers. While I enjoyed the experience and learned my trade this was all time consuming and not readily scalable. Around 2014 I could see the limitations of the fashion market for consumers and how the choices in the market were polarised between the ready-to-wear and tailor made sectors but at the same time improved digital and other technologies were impacting the development of many industries, although the fashion industry was slow to embrace the ensuing progress.
One day I awoke and thought what if you could get what you desire in the clothes you wear in terms of design, colour, fabric etc. and at the same time your choice garment could be worn out of the shop within 99 minutes from creation and this proved to be the inspiration from which the Samshék brand was born.
What were the top challenges when you started your journey as a business owner and leading entrepreneur? Having the vision and knowing that the timing to give women more choice in their lives was here and now, the challenges of making this happen in reality proved daunting. This was best exemplified when I and my team looked to raise over $ 500,000 to get our first city centre ladies fashion shop using the latest technology with 99 minute fulfilment established. The investors really loved our vision and idea but being young and lacking traditional retail experience they told us that “we love your idea but you have no traction…. come back and see us when you have the traction”. Despite this setback to establish our vision we took their words on board and started an online version of the customisation princi-
ples we believed in, all self funded from our own limited resources.
What are the top wins you achieved since you embrace your passion? My top wins include the recognition that my original vision is now fulfilling an unrecognised, or perhaps I should say an overlooked, need in the fashion market, whereby customised clothing is now giving greater empowerment to women in what they wear and making them feel individual and special. This manifests itself in many wonderful testimonials that I received from women who have bought from Samshék and delight in the clothes that they wear, as well as the various awards that I have won for empowerment and entrepreneurialism, none more so than the prestigious Stardust Award last year. Also, a top win has been working with a great team to start the business and take it to where it is today, including my youngest brother Abhishek who lives and works in the USA, my good friend Graeme Daniel who helps develop the business in London and my other brother Rijul who assists me in India.
What are your plans moving forward as a leading fashion designer? We wish not only to provide choice by way of customisation but it is important that our original in-store designs that form the basis for an individual’s design choices, reflect the latest fashion trends that flow from the fashion centres of the western world, namely New York, London, Paris, Milan. We constantly monitor the latest fashions coming out of these iconic centres and while we produce 4 collections a year we also look to add new lines in between.
Who are the creatives in your team? We have used an international designer in the past and being a small and close knit founding team we all have input into what we feel would appeal best to the discerning customer, but at the same time being very conscious that we wish to position our product as being trending with the latest fashions but affordable luxury.
Do you remember the outfit you wore at the Stardust Awards Ceremony in London? What is the inspiration behind ? Naturally I remember the black and gold trouser suit at the pres-
tigious awards ceremony. We designed it to reflect fashion elegance and yet at the same time be appropriate to wear for that special occasion, and indeed that was just how I felt wearing it.
What is the most unethical practice in the fashion industry and you want to make a positive change? Perhaps the most unethical practice in the industry is the exploitation of cheap labour in squalid working environments in overseas, less developed countries and quite often this practice is accepted and used by well known brands whose fashion lines sell for hundreds or thousands of pounds each. Here at Samshék while our base is out in India where this practice can be carried on, we look to pay our staff a fair living wage and provide a working environment that is clean, healthy and conducive to good workmanship and generates respect from all parties concerned. Closely aligned to this ethical practice is the whole growing global trend of sustainable fashion incorporating both social and eco friendly best practice. We at Samshék fully endorse this trend and I believe that as a brand we practice this by holding next to
little stock, producing garments to order, thereby minimising surplus wastage. Also, our policy on made to order returns if this ever occurs is to donate any returned garments to charitable causes to help the less fortunate to feel good in what they wear. The fashion industry is known for having now not 4 but 52 seasons. What gives you courage in the process of creating a new line ? As I referred to above we are ourselves looking to extend our offerings beyond 4 seasons a year by introducing new lines every couple of weeks. However, the emergence of this trend I see as an opportunity as in order to fulfil this need it is necessary to embrace rapid design and fulfilment of product to store and this is best done by harnessing technology to make this happen. I believe that Samshék as a fashion-tech business is well positioned to take advantage of this trend as all garments are made to order and currently we can fulfil orders within our store in Delhi within 48 hours from making a purchase there or within 5 days from order from our website anywhere in India, UK or USA.
What did you learn to avoid while moving forward? What I learned is that there are
SOVEREIGN many hurdles and setbacks to overcome and that while the obstacles turn out to be twice as big than one expects or milestones take twice as long to achieve, it is important to hold strong to one’s vision and self belief that whatever it takes we will make it happen.
them the perfect fit and choice of garments and is one of the first stores in India to use this cutting edge body scanning technology.
You just launch your first store. Congratulations! What triggered you to challenge the status quo?
We seek to deliver delight in the customer experience in terms of the ease with which garments can be chosen or created, the fit and quality of the purchase, as well as providing great value. This is what we wish to deliver and personally this and the ethical values which we embrace in our modus operandi is what I want our brand to stand for. I don’t believe that this is in conflict with our authenticity but if in any circumstances these should conflict we will always stand by our core values.
Yes, we are delighted to have our first high street fashion-tech store in Delhi where we have the latest body scanner technology to be able to take over 100 individual body measurements to get the perfect fitting garment. We always fully appreciated that every woman is an individual in terms of her body shape and size and while many fit into the so called standard sizes the fit can be less than perfect, as well the fact that the size requirement can differ between brands; moreover, there are those women who don’t fit the standard sizes that are normally retailed as they are shorter, taller, thinner, have a fuller figure etc. Samshek’s store caters for every individual’s shape and size to give
Do you prefer to deliver what is expected from your brand or you prefer to be authentic?
Do emotions interfere with your business plans or they drive you vision ? Rarely do emotions interfere with us working towards our vision and achieving our goals, however, when the obstacles slow our progress or block our path then our determination and work commit-
ment grows stronger to overcome the set backs. However, I feel positive emotions when our customers share their delight of our service and products that they have enjoyed.
How many of your friends are wearing your brand , or recommend it to others? When we started our business through our online store the initial attraction to our new brand was our warm market, particularly amongst family and friends, and I suppose in total we made close to 20 sales through these close connections.
What changes would you introduce in your local community , if you had a magic wand? Living in Delhi, you see many sights daily of people who struggle to feed themselves daily or to sleep in a comfortable, safe, secure environment, as such if Samshék grew to be very successful I would want to share some of the gains to bring a better way of life to those who have been less fortunate than myself.
Todor Stamenov
Livthine g from Heart interview by Dr Marina Nani
Todor’s profession requires him to have a quick to learn and flexible approach which in turn enables him to easily adapt to new situations and challenges that come with being in the medical profession. He is well regarded by his friends and clients, and his pears see him as well organised, self-motivated, committed, and a responsible individual with great communication skills and a focus on providing a high quality of care. Since I can remember I loved learning about medicine, science, chemistry, and all the
Todorche (Todor) Stamenov, Medical Doctor at Barts Health NHS Trust, is a dedicated, multi-skilled General Physician with twelve years’ clinical experience in internal medicine, cardiology, gastroenterology, haematology, rheumatology, Ambulatory Emergency Care, intensive care, internal medicine and running his private general practice. ‘Currently, I am on final year of my specialisation as a cardio-surgeon and currently I am based at Bart’s NHS Trust.
things to do with medicine. There have been many people in my family and in my circle of friends who suffered from a various health challenges. Little I knew that, towards the end of my specialisation as a heart surgeon that I would see my mother fighting for her life. She was my inspiration and the force that guided me through endless long nights of study various medical exams. “For many years I taught at the faculty of medicine and in parallel I run my own private practice in Macedonia which helped me to sharpen my teaching, leadership, business, and managerial
aptitudes.” comments Todor. We interviewed Todor on his Birthday to give you a glimpse into his Stardust Story, a story of love and courage, and inspire you to embrace life with the same kindness and compassion he does. ‘Three years ago I fell in love with Tony J. Selimi, a leading human behaviour specialist and spiritual teacher who not only changed my thinking in profound ways, but also inspired me to broaden my horizons as a medical doctor.
SOVEREIGN It is my love for him that made me move to England, give up my career, reputation and everything that I had build there to come to London. With his unconditional love and clarity, I learned to overcome many challenges and now to be working as a doctor in UK. Tony, together with some of his private clients who are medical doctors and successful leaders in their field, helped me to accelerate the endless process, paperwork, and additional training required to obtain my GMC licence to practice and satisfy all of the criteria. One of his friends, helped me to get a clinical attachment work at one of the leading hospitals in London where I updated my expertise, learned the latest diagnostic approaches, systems used, and start to offer bespoke medical treatments in accordance with the newest medical guidelines. In parallel with my career in General Medicine and cardiology, I am expanding my skills, knowledge, and awareness through attending a lot of workshops and seminars in internal medicine, acute medicine, cardiology, rheumatology, haematology, toxicology and gastroenterology. I have also attended numerous personal development courses organised by my partner, the cognition expert, speaker, educator and award-winning author and the creator of the TJSeMethod whose twenty five conscious engineering principles have helped many people on their healing journey. This has inspired me to elevate my personal vibration, thinking, and purpose in life. What inspired you to create your business? Since I can remember I loved learning about medicine, science, chemistry, and all the things to do with medicine. There have been many people in my family and
in my circle of friends who suffered from a various health challenges. Little I knew that, towards the end of my specialisation as a heart surgeon that I would see my mother fighting for her life. She was my inspiration and the force that guided me through endless long nights of study various medical exams. Following a kidney failure, at the age of 59 she passed away in hospital. Her passing away made me question so many things about life and god. It was at this very uncertain, sad, and emotionally destroying times that my paths crossed with my partner Tony who ever since we met has helped me heal, transform, and inspired me to be even better doctor and human being.
selected medical take, cardiology ward rounds, CCU ward rounds, inpatient cardiology outreach, outpatient clinics (arrhythmia clinic, heart failure clinic, hypertension clinic, chest pain clinic, congenital heart disease), interventional cardiology (angiogram, PPCI), echocardiography, temporary pacemaker insertion, exercise tolerance test, myocardial perfusion scans, Assisting in PTCI (radial and femoral approach, balloon dilatation, stent insertion), Participating in Pace Maker insertion, pharmacological and mechanical cardioversion.
What problems are you solving?
Patients with cardiovascular and respiratory health issues and various medical problems.
Over the years I have solved many health problems in various positions that I have held. Some to mention: Assisting and contributing to the recovery of patients with post cardiology procedures and cardiac surgery; diagnosing and managing postoperative complications. Actively contributed at the Department for Neurology and Psychiatry; handling patients in intensive care. Intermittently working with outpatient in preventing cardiovascular disease and reducing the risks of hypertension, heart failures, etc. Teaching students basics principles of internal medicine. How does it work? Performing phlebotomy, ABG, solving complex clinical cases, managing and treatking Asthma and COPD, Carrying out pleural aspiration, doing chemical pleurodesis, bone marrow biopsy and aspiration and preparation of slides for cytology, Pleural tap and drain insertion, NIV (BiPAP, CPAP), spirometry, overnight oxymetry, Knee aspirate, Dyalisis Unit patients, assisting in creating AV fistula, preparing patients for renal transplant surgery, un-
Who are the people who could benefit?
What are the challenges to make the public aware of your work? Lack of funding, complicated doctors procedures, not much support and too much administration work that stops experts like-myself maximise the time we have to assist patients. Where do you turn for inspiration and why? On a daily basis I see so many patients with a range of health issues, some of them end up dying in my hands and telling me their last wishes. If not careful, it can be very emotional experience that can impact your mental health, especially if you are the one baring the news to their loved ones. As a result, I see many of the colleagues I work suffer from stress, mental health and physical health issues. Personally, I consider myself to be very blessed as I have Tony as my partner. His clarity, presence and wisdom is always there to inspire me after a long day at work, that on its own is priceless.
by Dr Gill Barham
Gill’s unique Solutions! Broadcaster Interviews Workshops Events Exclusive Health & Well-being courses Luxury Retreats and Experiences
Why a food intolerance test may save your life.
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DR. GILL BARHAM Dr Gill is a Broadcast Presenter on BYP TV and advocate for Mental and Social Health Prevention. She is a beacon of light for every woman over 50 and believes now is the time to shine your light in the world, and leave your own legacy as a healthy and fulfilled woman.
SOVEREIGN For some years now, in the quest to achieve better health and vitality, I have moderated my diet and used organic high quality supplements with the intention of enjoying a long life without the chronic illnesses that are so common in our 21st century world. I have used muscle testing, with the help of my lovely Kinesiology therapist Louise Bourne; taken on board the advice from the “Eat right for your blood type” book by Dr D’Adamo (and used their useful app), explored many theories on the best diet to have, such as the work of Steven Gundry MD and his approach about lectins in foods and their effects on inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, and I undertake regular Shiatsu sessions with Alison Glover to balance my system and make sure everything stays working as it should, especially in terms of my digestion and elimination (!!) which has always been an area of concern for me. Specifically, as is quite common these days and some would say “trendy”, I suspected a few years ago that I am sensitive to gluten and wheat, and possibly to cows’ milk and omitted these from my diet for a year or so. This was tiresome and boring and I felt restricted and deprived of these foods that I really like and would often “cheat”. Incidentally, it is usually the foods that do us more harm that we crave!! My research suggested that older forms of wheat such as spelt were more easily tolerated and that it seemed ok to replace my cows’ milk products with goats’ or sheep’s’ milk choices so it softened the blow to modify my intake instead of cutting them out entirely. However, before I left the UK for my current trip to Spain, I completed a food intolerance test and received my results just in time for my holiday. My blood sample was sent off to
test the reactivity towards 160 foods and the results are very interesting indeed!!
I don’t feel deprived suddenly and foods that I would normally crave are simply “off-the-menu”. There are so many other foods that I can choose, and it also is clearer for those around me what the “rules” are and it helps not to be offered things that I am intolerant to. So, what is the problem with food intolerances?
The report has a simple traffic light system. A numerical value is displayed in a coloured box adjacent to each food, which represents the concentration of IgG antibodies detected for each food. Foods are categorised as ELEVATED (red) , BORDERLINE (orange) or NORMAL (green), depending on the antibody level detected. Out of over 140 foods, this shows the 5 I have an intolerance to and 3 more that I should consider avoiding. Out of over 140 foods, this shows the 5 I have an intolerance to and 3 more that I should consider avoiding. It is clear from this report what my food intolerances are. So, although I am pretty-devastated that I am sensitive to ALL dairy products it is good to see that I am NOT gluten intolerant and can have some forms of grains and only have a borderline sensitivity to wheat itself. The other clear message is that I need to drop the beer – my “local” serves the best “Hophead” ale which I have occasionally when I sing and play at our music sessions, as brewers’ yeast and barley are a no-no. The amazing thing I have experienced with this exercise, is that now that I know for sure what I should and shouldn’t eat or drink, I feel so much more relaxed making my food choices at restaurants or at home with my friends here.
Continued exposure to foods that you are intolerant to, creates inflammation in the body and can show itself is all sorts of ways including, digestive issues, migraines, auto immune diseases, poor memory, joint pains, cardiovascular disease, obesity, infertility, sexual dysfunction, depression, cancer and more. You will be more prone if you have poor digestion, an imbalance in your microbiome and/or a leaky gut. Intolerances are different to food allergies but can be inconvenient and cause immediate, mid or long term problems. Toddler lactose or dairy intolerance Intolerances can show at any time, as can full blown allergies. For example, it is not uncommon for toddlers to develop a lactose intolerance caused by a genetic inability to produce lactase. With this Primary Lactose Intolerance, children are able to make lactase up until around the age of two. After this, lactase production gradually ceases, and lactose is no longer able to be broken down properly and children may experience such symptoms as: wind, diarrhoea, bloating, stomach rumbling, stomach ache, feeling sick and vomiting If you suspect your child has a lactose intolerance, it is advisable to take them to your GP or Physician to determine if there is true lactose intolerance or a dairy intolerance or indeed if it is another food causing their symptoms.
Impacting the hearts and minds of people worldwide
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N to R O B EXCEL by Dr Marina Nani
Christine is a true inspiration across generations and she loves the freedom and lifestyle that empowering others provides. ‘It enables me to work with people from all walks of life, all over the world and be a valuable part of their journey. I am passionate about combining the power of commu-
Christine Giscombe is the Founder of Born to Excel. With over two decades of successful experience in the corporate environment, she used her skills and understanding of the very changing world, to make an impact and bring positive change.
nication with knowledge and wisdom to help others understand their unique gifts and talents and achieve and succeed in reaching their goals and aspirations in life! I am the immediate past Chair of the Board of a large charitable organisation. I am in the pool of mentors for the Branson School
of Entrepreneurship in the Caribbean. I currently work as the Director of Finance & Administration in a high profile set of barristers’ chambers.’ Christine says. As a young woman, Christine faced adverse challenges in life, and struggled to find her con-
SOVEREIGN fidence and her voice. With courage and determination, she made the choice to use her life experiences to shape her destiny and use her voice to impact and change the lives of others. With over 15 years’ monitoring experience Christine have helped many people make the transition from a negative mindset to a positive place, enabling them to face their challenges, address their fears and embrace their future! ‘I have become the woman that I needed when I was a younger woman eagerly searching for the meaning of life.’ With over 15 years’ mentoring experience Christine has helped many people make the transition from a negative mindset to a positive place, enabling them to face their challenges, address their fears and embrace their future! ‘The events and life experiences that some young girls have faced are both sensitive and personal and very difficult to share on a public platform. I meet them at their point of need and work with them in giving them the tools and strategies to change from a negative mindset to a positive mindset, to support them in overcoming their limiting beliefs and increase their confidence. I support them in recognising their potential and understanding the importance of forgiveness of self and of others. This enables them to shape their destiny and take ownership of their future through setting healthy boundaries and making positive lifestyle choices. I assist them in embracing their journey, recognising their potential, be excited about their future and celebrating the woman that they are and will become.’ Inspired by her mother, who knew her purpose and instilled a value in her children to look at their own skills, Christine teaches to be prepared for every op-
portunity and takes her mother’s advice: ‘Never to give up on our dreams. Always do our best, live good with people and have faith in God!’ Research shows that 70% of girls at the pivotal ages of 14 to 17 avoid normal daily activities, such as attending school, when they feel insecure about their self-image and are unable to see their value or potential abilities. Christine’s workshops and mentoring programs present exclusive benefits for students enrolled in schools, colleges and academies. ‘ Born to Excel Teens’ educates and supports students in making positive choices, equipping them with life skills both in and outside of school. Christine made it her life purpose to support young girls going through challenging experiences, emotional or physical harm . She founded ‘ Born to Excel Teens’ , providing mentoring and workshop support for young girls and young women (ages 13 - 19 yrs). As they enter adulthood, the girls could later join other women who enrolled on Born to Excel and step up in creating successful and sustainable businesses under the Women Chapter. Too many women spend their working lives in jobs that do not fulfil their purpose, nor are they able to identified their passion. Born to Excel supports women to transition, use their skills and add value to themselves and others, increase their confidence, use their experience and become purposeful leaders. Early Intervention - The purpose of Born to Excel is to help young girls discover their passion, purpose, value and take ownership of their destiny to live and empowered life and empower and change the life of others’ Christine tells us.
Born to Excel provides mentoring programmes and workshops for teenagers and coaching for women in business. I believe that people excel in life, when they know who they are (identity), value and their purpose.’ she adds. ‘Because of the nature of my work, my sessions are carried out face to face in a safe environment. These sessions can be delivered weekly, fortnightly or once a month. The pace is set by the requirements and the needs of the mentee and the support of the parent/guardian. A Woman on a mission, Christine is not afraid of hard work and is constantly evolving her mentoring practice and raising public awareness of Born to Excel. She is currently working to secure funding for venue space and resources to carry out workshops for teenagers during school holiday. Investing in leadership development courses through online programs, awareness of the proven benefits of mentoring for young people and leaders of the future. These are just few of the projects which require Christine’s undivided attention. Being authentic and transparent, speaking and sharing life experiences with young people is a source of strength. It brings Christine’s determination to heights that she never thought possible before she launched Born to Excel. Join Christine at The 5050 Voices Event taking place in London this January! Visit www.5050voices.com for more details
Actar Dinata
Actar Dinata, broadcaster, TV and media celebrity, is a true humanitarian at heart. Active member of the Citizen UK, her focus stays on social inclusion from the ground up. In regular contact with Members of Parliament, Actar is working with a vast pallet of charities, she dedicates her time and energy to finding work placement, healthcare and housing solutions for young people who are facing employment and isolation issues. She has received numerous awards for her work including the Audentior Award from Dorothy Thornhill Mayer of Watford.
One Lost Life IS ENOUGH From personal loss and tragedy comes one woman’s determination to save the lives of others.
Dragon’s Challenge Mentor, Actar is using her unique skills and her inside knowledge of the media channels with endless compassion and determination to raising funds for charitable causes. Actar gives students not only the support and guidance they need to achieve their own goals but important skills in team-building, running meetings, fund raising and presentations, to support the less fortunate residents of this world, from abused children, to adults with disabilities and refugees. Her extraordinary passion and enthusiasm, her drive and willingness to help others, knows no borders, home and away. Actar is always actively fund-raising and successfully campaigned for the Royal Free Hospital, helping them in their research on liver disease. Actar is involved in school building projects in Africa and Asia, unstoppable in her desire to help others and to make a significant difference. ‘May be I can’t change the world, but I can change one life at a time’ she humbly says. Looking at her vast collections of international, prestigious awards she received in recognition for her massive contribution to global causes, it is a true privilege to announce that she is nominated for the Stardust Awards. Each picture she kindly shows me is a success story, somebody she helped changed their life. Year 2000 was a heartbreaking year for Actar and her family. She lost her daughter Emma, to a rare
liver disease. Emma was a pupil of Parmiter’s School in High Elms Lane, Watford. She was an amazing generous spirit, very athletic, loved volleyball, she played at Watford Basketball Club, played rugby and hockey for her school. An extraordinary gifted girl, Emma helped organise the school’s music festival and was a stage manager in school’s drama productions. Her life was brought to an abrupt end only one week after she turned 17. ‘I have a charity of my own, in memory of my daughter, who lost her life at 17 to a rare liver disease. The “ Emma Dinata Foundation” was set up with the help of Brian Coulshed the headmaster of Parmiters School at the time my daughter attended the school. With the help of the parent association the foundation is funded through an annual fundraiser. An Emma Dinata Award is given on speech night at the school. Some of the money is also donated to the Royal Free Hospital for their ongoing, specialised research into liver diseases and cures. My charity and volunteer work is endless. Looking back it started at a very young age at my very first job as a TV/Radio presenter, when I was approached by many charities for help. My commitment to youth services started after my graduation of teacher training. I take pride in youth services at the Rotary Club, supporting and organising activities and introducing competitions run by Rotary to local schools.’
by Dr Marina Nani
Recipient of the Paul Harris Foundation Rotary International Award and Certificate For Lifetime Achievement and the most inspirational Dragon Apprentice Award -issued in appreciation for the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among the people of the world, providing humanitarian services, and building good will and peace in communities and youth services. Being rich means different things for different people but for Actar, being rich could only translate into ‘being rich in soul and mind, a leader of diversity and equality able to reach people’s hearts and minds, caring and sharing. Making a difference, giving more than taking and helping the less fortunate. Encouraging people around me and the younger generation. Promoting and mentoring in the global network.’ Actar is supporting with endless compassion a group of parents who lost their teenage sons to suicide and founded OLLIE. She embraced this noble cause while witnessing the devastating effect this has had on the lives of friends and families. Their mission is to do something to stop this from happening to other parents. When they asked for help to get others involved in the cause, Actar helped them too. ‘I help with organising fundraising events to provide resources aimed at delivering suicide awareness intervention and prevention
training classes for professionals such as teachers, sports coaches, and people who work closely with young people and vulnerable adults.’ There are numerous challenges attached to the fundraising industry but who can stop Actar to help youngsters or take refugees out of isolation or run the next workshop or conference? ‘When I received the invitation from Dame Helen Hyde to be their fundraising chief for a new project helping refugees, I decided to give my all to this noble cause. I also speak few languages and I can help refugees who do not speak English.’ As a broadcaster, Actar have met and interviewed very dynamic, inspirational people and learned
to be enthusiastic, charming, confident, and charismatic while being her authentic self. If we could give Actar a magic wand, she would ‘make the world a better place to live in and build good will and peace throughout the world, one child at a time.’ Actar would win any conflict without war. She encourages others to make a difference by helping with disaster relief anywhere in the world and at home and makes sure people’s voices are heard. ‘People’s ideas and visions shape our life and improve social justice for the good of the community and freedom of personal preferences. I like a clean and healthy environment. I wish I had a magic wand to get everyone involved in humanitarian projects, to save our planet and wildlife, and clear our oceans of plastic pollution.’
she says and her face lights up again… What drives this extraordinary woman to serve her international community? She looks into my eyes and says: ‘I began my career at the very young age of 19. My first job was as a TV/Radio presenter. During that time, I was approached by many charities and local organisations for sponsorship and without thinking too much, I started to provide clothing, food and medication for local people living in nearby villages and in the poor parts of the town. Since, I moved country, and decades went by, but helping others wasn’t just a job, is my calling, I can’t retire from it…’
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CONTENT DISTRIBUTION Making sure your video content is seen by as many people as possible is arguably more important that the video itself. We pride ourselves on our ability to offer you a completely bespoke marketing strategy which utilises not only your own network but also our own. YOUR NETWORK We focus on identifying your target audience and use a combination of organic sharing and ad campaigns to put your content in front of the right viewers. By focusing on your key audience metrics, we expand the reach of your own channels, pages and social media accounts, giving you the best ROI and a base from which you can continue to grow your audience. OUR NETWORK Using the growing number of channels at out disposal we can make your content available throughout the world in both online and print formats, including 3 magazine (online & print), 2 event brands, 1 podcast site and 1 online TV channel.
Monica is a #1 International BestSelling Author, speaker and women’s leadership mentor. She helps professional women who are burnt out to live with greater peace, passion and joy. Start a conversation with Monica
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f: Moni Rodriguez
Discover how to connect with your emotions to unlock your truth and free yourself.”
The Journey Of Finding
Who You Are by Moni Rodriguez
Many times in life we believe we have to reach a particular stage to feel truly fulfilled and accomplished. We follow whatever everyone is doing as perhaps listening to our own truth would feel too scary and out of the norm. We fear judgment. We compare ourselves to what’s happening in other people’s lives thinking and believing that there’s always a “next level” to go to. When we keep ourselves hungry for more, that can act as a positive driver to fuel our passion. However, when we are never content with what we currently have, right here and right now, there is a chance that we are missing out on what living truly means. I believe that for each of us, feeling alive means knowing who you truly are. I have seen many seekers (I am one of them) that always keep feeling like if they need to be finding something else to experience or discover in their journey to finally feel that sense of liberation and accomplishment. That gives us a real sense of adventure and it’s amazing to live this way. However, as seekers of truth and a fulfilled life, we also need to remember that truth is within our hearts and living in the moment can unlock the key to contentment and allow much more flow in our lives.
My experience on finding who I really was, has been a journey of true self-love and acceptance. When you experience truth, you know that unconditional love is the only force that drives life and everything around you becomes more alive, richer and divine. The way to reach this state of consciousness requires you to shed layers of conditioning that we carry since our childhood and even from pasts lives. The only way I found to be truly allowing this process in my own life was to practice self-awareness on the way I was feeling every single moment. When you know what the feeling that is triggering you is, slowly but surely you will be able to reprogram your subconscious mind in a way that transforms your outer reality. Unless we shift the internal chaos, external chaos will keep manifesting.
Feel the feeling, Free Yourself The following technique will help you open up to your feelings a bit more and start the journey back home, to your true self. This is particularly helpful when we are not getting the things we desire in life or we feel out of alignment. That can be in relationships, work or any other area of our life. 1. Sit in a silent place. If you are around people or in a busy environment, do your best to take a
break being aware of your body, identify what is the emotion you are feeling. Where is it? Does it have any colour, density or particular attribute? 2. Imagine the emotion being a person, and utilising the power of your imagination, place this person in front of you. 3. Ask the emotion, why are you feeling this way? What is he/she trying to communicate? 4. Wait for an answer. Is it very important that you trust the responses you get. Follow your intuition. Keep asking questions. 5. Recognise what is the limiting belief or block that this emotion or feeling is trying to express. 6. Ask the emotion. What do you need in order to feel better? What would make you shift and grow to a positive place? 7. Once you get your answers, reflect on what came out of the process. You can ask as many questions as you want. Imagine this process as being a coaching session with your emotions. Many times, we repress what we feel in order to keep up with life. The truth is that without emotional awareness we will keep repeating cycles of lack of fulfilment and self-sabotage. Connecting with your emotions is the first step to finding who you truly are and what you truly want out of life. Give it a try, it might surprise you and even change your life.
Davina’s Unique Solutions Healthy Home/ Business Consultations (using feng shui & space clearing) Feng shui Skype consultations One on one shamanic coaching One on one healing One on one readings Natural Wisdom Leaders Training course
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My passion is to encourage the magnificence of humanity. I am dedicated to bringing out the best in people. I use my eclectic talents to inspire you to live your authentic truth and realise your greatest dreams.”
Can Western Culture escape Emotional Poverty? by Dr Marina Nani
Loneliness, the feeling of being unwanted are known as the most terrible poverty. Three years ago, a large study carried out by researchers from Brigham Young University in the US involved over 3.4 million people and showed clear evidence that loneliness increases pre-mature death by 30% and ranks in the same harm category with obesity, alcohol misuse and heavy smoking. Loneliness, unhappiness, depression, confusion generate unhealthy emotions. Paradoxically, in our modern society we are connected in more ways than ever via social media yet, disconnected from any real off-line relationship. As a result, feeling lost, unfulfilled, dissatisfied, is a common experience in western society. Is natural wisdom able to bring good health, true happiness, and inner peace? Is natural wisdom coming to rescue those who discipline their mind and find the way to escape emotional poverty into emotional competence and true richness? We reached out to Davina Mackail whose eclectic career history includes qualifying as a nurse and a counsellor, director of a commercial radio station and company director in the telecommunications industry. Throughout her corporate years she remained committed to her parallel uni-
“It’s about learning to trust wisdom rather than knowledge. Wisdom is not biased or judgmental as knowledge can sometimes be and is always available to harmonise personal and community issues” Davina Mackail
verse of energy work. Studying and experimenting with natural wisdom and ancient knowledge through her extraordinary adventures which took her from Moscow to Mongolia, through China and Hong Kong across Tibet to Nepal, India, Bangladesh and finally the Andaman islands, Davina returned from this life changing trip and worked with clients across a wide spectrum of both business and personal issues. ‘Natural wisdom is not biased or judgmental as knowledge can sometimes be and is always available to harmonise personal and community issues’ Davina says. An experienced writer, presenter and motivational speaker Davina is a trusted and respected source of wisdom and an inspirational mentor. A firm believer in the transformational power of humour, with a diverse business and medical background, backed by her in-depth exploration of the world’s esoteric belief systems, Davina provides an unorthodox skill set designed to get brilliant results. ‘In all my undertakings my greatest intention is to unlock the gateway to your most glorious self. This has led to a lifelong study of the human mind, metaphysics, quantum physics, the nature of consciousness, philosophy, psychology, dreams, symbolism and shamanism – a passion that is as much part of my being as breathing. I have a talent for
translating dense, inaccessible esoteric information into pragmatic solutions that work in the modern world’ Davina explains. Master practitioner in Hypnotism, Time Line Therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Davina believes the language we use has enormous creative and symbolic purpose. A Spiritual educator, shamanic seer and healer, dream expert, energy healer, feng shui and space clearing expert, Davina takes her inspiration from Nature, ‘our greatest teacher, healer and nurturer’ she explains. Davina describes shamanism as ‘a way of being, a fundamental trust and belief in the interconnectedness of all living beings – acting in an attitude of sacred reciprocity with all of life, appreciating the animating essence, the living Spirit, if you like, of all matter. It’s about learning to trust natural wisdom rather than knowledge. Where wisdom is the source, the knowing, without the need to know and knowledge is the attempt to rationalise that “knowing”. In my work I use these fundamental principles as a basis for accessing wisdom directly from Spirit and using the information I receive to work with clients in resolving a multitude of modern age issues like loneliness, unhappiness, stress, and anxiety. Wisdom is not biased or judgmental as knowledge can sometimes be and is always available to harmonise personal and community issues.’
W O M A Ni o n ?
t c u r t s n o in C SOLUTIONARIES
AGAINST THE NORM Rana Nazir is a successful career woman in the Water treatment and Specialist Services Industry, working as a Consultant Engineer in Water Treatment and also a Customer Relationship Manager - working with blue chip corporations. She builds relationships within the commercial and construction sector working in the Middle East, UK and Europe. Rana is active within her organisation, as well as in the community. She runs an Equality & Diversity Steering Group and has won a NOAW “Aspiring Women in Construction” award. She was awarded Global Peace award at the House of Commons. Her biggest career achievement is her education - leading to a profession that has always been perceived as a male dominated environment. She has been able to prove her skills and has gained respect from family and community. She has also overcome many cultural barriers in helping community to understand, appreciate and recognise that women too can play a credible role in the community. Winner of Future Faces in Industry at the Bham
Chambers of Commerce, finalist for Women in the City and most recent a finalist in British Muslim awards. Her vision for the community is to educate, engage and empower young people to take active roles in the decision making process, to integrate them fully into society and playing her role as a “friend to society”. Voted by City AM’s Top 100 Powerful Women listed as one of most influential business women in London in 2015. Rana graduated in Science and Engineering from Liverpool John Moores University and is invited to STEM International women’s day events to tell her inspiring experiences. Rana went against the norm of her society by going in to a career dominated heavily by males. She began her career in refrigeration, and was largely on the production side. Many times, she was able to hold herself through her mannerisms. And gain respect. She is the founder of the British Kashmiri Women Council (BKWC). BKWC was launched
with a deep conviction and staid belief that we must act against the violation of women’s rights in the Kashmir. Over the course of years, Rana has travelled the world and across the UK to lobby diplomats, dignitaries, leaders, humanitarian workers, peace activists and people of the world to promote the cause of Kashmir. She was nominated for ‘Future Faces of Industry’ award with Bham Chambers of Commerce. Rana is current Business Development Manager at ph Water & Air Technologies, one of the leading ‘Total Environment Solutions Companies’ committed in encouraging and empowering their employees as well as their clients. Rana speaks highly of ph Water as one of the best companies she has ever come across. Rana has felt encouraged and empowered and feels in her 15 years in the Water Industry they are by far the best in terms of expertise and knowledge and in looking after not only their customers well, but also their clients. The organisation are brilliant in employing graduates and giving them a great start in life.
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