Sovereign Magazine SE - Actar Dinata

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To be or not to be the leader of a socially conscious industry? This question fails to give straight answers but opens up a debate about to be or not to be a purposeful leader. We want to share a new light over the controversy of self-leadership- what is it and what could change in our society, in our community, in our education system. We are celebrating our first year since Sovereign Magazine invited leaders across industries to share their story. Through a series of coincidence and happenings, this month we are publishing an exclusive interview with Actar Dinata, a celebrity who earned international praise as a gracious leading woman of substance and compassion. We tried to keep up with her busy schedule and finally we had a glimpse at her evolving story. Determined to find solutions for humanitarian crisis, Actar is a woman on a mission to educate and inspire young people who need help in their darkest hour. After decades of humbly serving her local community and helping people from all walks of life, Actar earned the reputation of a true philanthropist at heart, while running a successful carrier in the media. ‘ You could never retire from helping people who need your help’ she says. As a leading educator and humanitarian, as a dedicated mother and wife, Actar is not only a woman on a mission but a powerhouse for sheer talent, generosity and kindness, who dares to think for herself to make a significant difference. Her definition of Prosperity ’Give more than you take’ is inspiring many generations of leaders, both at home and abroad. We are waiting with bated breath to see how she adapts her masterpiece vision to the benefit of a young generation of creatives. Our Sovereigns’ stories expand your perspective about compassion and peace, about self leadership and courage. More than often, their commitment to overcome adversity brings the confidence we need to champion others, to cherish new ways of thinking, new solutions. I am grateful for reading the stories we shared with you in the last year and invite you on an adventure for decades to come, starting with our First Anniversary Edition of Sovereign Magazine, in 12 countries, and I hope that each edition helps you dare to become the Sovereign of your life, of your unique solution to Prosperity! Dare to think Stardust today, and each day! On reflection, our Sovereign Magazine’s first year, it wasn’t easy but it was worth it! My Latin teacher told me once: PER ASPERA AD ASTRA! (‘through hardship to the stars’) and I will never ceased to believe it! Dr. Marina Nani


Marina Nani5 3

Sovereign- Global Magazine for Executives and Leading Entrepreneurs


Dr Wendy Sneddon- UK Founder of The Lodestone Lounge


Ken Blanchard - USA Founder and Chief Spiritual Office The Ken Blanchard Compannies



Darren Winters - UK Founder of The Wealth Training Company


Justina Mutale- UK Founder of Positive Runway www.



Dalal Akoury, MD - USA Founder of AWAREmed, Inc


Sue Ritchie - UK Founder of Your Ecstatic Health



Princess Aiesha Sultanate of Buayan Founder of House of Manners


Dr Neslyn Watson-Druee - UK Founder of Beacon Transformation Development



Chris Salem - USA Prosperity Coach


Gitte Winter Graugaard - Denmark Founder of Room For Reflection



Veronica Sosa - Belgium Founder of Business Fit Magazine


Monika Laschkolnig - Austria Author and Coach



Dr. Isaura Gonzalez - USA Clinical Psychologist and Educator Creator of Latina Mastermind f: Latina College Corner TM


Seema Datta - UK Founder of Keyajee Ayurvedic Clinic, London



Emma Guy - UK CEO at Acupuncture That Works


Ania Jeffries - UK Best selling author and Confidence Coach



Dr Emily Grossman - UK Internationally acclaimed science author, public speaker and TV personality


Pete Walter - UK Founder of BuzzRamp



Maria Pressentin - Singapore Enterprise and leadership development sr. consultant at The Ken Blanchard CompaniesÂŽ


Konstantinos Kapelas - UK Founder of Total Health Now


Althea Grant - UK Founder of 50/50 Voices


Eline Pedersen - UK Owner of Aberdeen Chiropractic Clinic



Daksha Patel - UK Founder of Your Mind At Work


Beverley Burton - UK Founder of equipped2succeed



Sherine Lovegrove - UK Founder of Finetuning Wellness


Heidi Marja Norman Einvoll - Norway Founder Heidi Marja - From my heart to your heart



Fikelephi Jackson - UK CEO of Against All Odds


Nina Solbakk - Norway Owner and CEO Grønn Bølge AS



NevĹ&#x;ah Karamehme Turkey Founder President of International Breath Coaching Federation


Camilla Kristiansen - Norway Editor In Chief Spotlight Magazine



Tina Alton - UK CEO and co-founder of Undefeeted


Cyrita Wilson - UK Founder of Love Empure



Marisa Di Muro - UK Italian Soprano, actress and composer


Margaret Ali - UK Founder of Universal Peace Federation



Donia Youssef - UK Founder of Tiny Angels Modeling Award-winning author of The Monster Book Series






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Sanja Plavljanic-Sirola Croatia Founder of Stretan Dan (Centre of The Same Day)


Samiksha Bajaj - India Founder of





Labosshy & Mayooran Senthilmani - UK Founders of DVG Star




Sovereign Magazine is excited to introduce the newest member of the team, Rosie Steer-Palmer. Rosie, will be joining as the new Director of Marketing, PR and Communications at MTN Media, publishing arm. She has worked in media TV, Radio and print for the past 25 years and truly knows the power of getting your story told. Chair of a local mental health charity, Director of a community gospel choir, a Transformation Master coach, Speaker and a visionary, Rosie is one of the most compassionate, generous Social Edification Advocates and together with our team at MTN Media we Broadcast Your Passion.

How excited am I to be working with the fabulous Dr Marina Nani and ensuring that we get the word not just out there but loud and clear about YOU. From a very young age I struggled with finding my authentic identity, always loud, always proud. At home I was told ‘you can be whoever, whatever you want to be’ at school I was told and made to feel that there was a ceiling attributed to my colour, culture and my heritage. The signs and the conversations were conflicting. I went to an all girls’ grammar school where, the very strict and studious, forever spinster (her words) headmistress told us that we could be captains of Industry, Astronauts, Doctors, CEO’s, Scientists and if she heard any of us claiming that we wanted to be married housewives she would send us home – for good. I believed her – I could be anything. Except when I saw the careers advisor who told me that people like me were mostly needed in the nursing profession or the Hospitality industry. I cried, hard, I didn’t want to be in nursing like most of my family

(Windrush generation) I wanted to be in charge. I remember that the post that came from the careers’ advisor was info about Truck driving. You’d like to think I made this up. I haven’t This propelled me into making decisions based on proving my careers advisor wrong – I became a careers advisor for people with special needs (that’s what they called it then- soon realised that we all had special needs). Strange how life works isn’t it? I became a qualified counsellor because I had a useless one who told me that I had no reason to feel down and I should count my blessings. There is a whole story in between then (1980’s) and today and some time I’m sure I will tell you all about it, like the time I hung my Pierrot dolls from the balcony (Horror upon horror). Today I am chair of a local mental health charity, Director of a community gospel choir, a Transformation Master coach, A Fempreneur,Speaker and a visionary (15 year old Rosie would be so proud of me – in your face Ms Scott ).

All of this leads me nicely to tell you how I get invited to speak about authentic living and the dangers (mentally and spiritually) of not doing so. It was at one of these events that I met Marina. Marina’s passion is all about supporting the visionaries, the solutionaries and helping you to realise your Sovereign, Rich and fulfilled living. Boy, do I know all about that. Her strap line and her whole being says ‘My passion is to broadcast your passion’. I have worked in media TV,Radio and print for the last 25 years and truly know the power of getting your story told. So, when Marina asked I jumped on board. I am here to Promote MTN and the many publications to as many people, groups and organisations as I can. In doing so ,my dear sisters, I will be promoting you too. After all you are already authentically Sovereign. Be blessed







VITALITY HOUR SEASON 2 WITH DR GILL BARHAM Gill is back for another series of Vitality Hour. Taking the concept to the next level, series 2 will fature a new panel format where experts will disucss the latest topics in health care and preventative medicine.

CONFIDENCE TALKS - WITH ANIA JEFFRIES BYP TV is proud to introduce a new panel show hosted by award winning author and confidence coach, Ania Jeffries. Join Ania and a panel of guests as they disucss the issues around mental health, lack confidence and self worth in todays youth and younf adults.

ON_FLIX WITH SARA LARATRO Actress Sara Laratro is picking up the microphone and interviewing all the hotest directors, stars and actors making the London Film Premiere circuit. Expect behind the scenes access to Triple A films, interviews with cast members and more.

Watch BYP TV from your mobile device or computer by logging on to or follow us on Facebook (search BYP TV) to be notified of new releases and premieres.

STARDUST PROSPERTY FILM WITH DR MARINA NANI and The Stardust Masters A feature length documentary where international Leaders and top influencers from across socially- conscious industries tell the world what Prosperty means to them and what must be done to close the achievement gap.

50/50 VOICES - WITH ALTHEA GRANT The most awarded female inpirational speaker in the UK and founder of 50/50 Voices, Althea Grant knows a thing or two about what it takes to make it big in a male dominated industry. Her new show, 50/50 Voices asks why are women not equally represented and what can be done to address the gender inbalance.

THE BOOK HOUR The Book Hour continues with an updated format. Sit down with the author and delve into their thought process and inspiration. How and why did they write their book? Find on only on The Book Hour.


Actar Dinata

Actar Dinata, broadcaster, TV and media celebrity, is a true humanitarian at heart. Active member of the Citizen UK, her focus stays on social inclusion from the ground up. In regular contact with Members of Parliament, Actar is working with a vast pallet of charities, she dedicates her time and energy to finding work placement, healthcare and housing solutions for young people who are facing employment and isolation issues. She has received numerous awards for her work including the Audentior Award from Dorothy Thornhill Mayer of Watford.


One Lost Life IS ENOUGH From personal loss and tragedy comes one woman’s determination to save the lives of others.

Dragon’s Challenge Mentor, Actar is using her unique skills and her inside knowledge of the media channels with endless compassion and determination to raising funds for charitable causes. Actar gives students not only the support and guidance they need to achieve their own goals but important skills in team-building, running meetings, fund raising and presentations, to support the less fortunate residents of this world, from abused children, to adults with disabilities and refugees. Her extraordinary passion and enthusiasm, her drive and willingness to help others, knows no borders, home and away. Actar is always actively fund-raising and successfully campaigned for the Royal Free Hospital, helping them in their research on liver disease. Actar is involved in school building projects in Africa and Asia, unstoppable in her desire to help others and to make a significant difference. ‘May be I can’t change the world, but I can change one life at a time’ she humbly says. Looking at her vast collections of international, prestigious awards she received in recognition for her massive contribution to global causes, it is a true privilege to announce that she is nominated for the Stardust Awards. Each picture she kindly shows me is a success story, somebody she helped changed their life. Year 2000 was a heartbreaking year for Actar and her family. She lost her daughter Emma, to a rare

liver disease. Emma was a pupil of Parmiter’s School in High Elms Lane, Watford. She was an amazing generous spirit, very athletic, loved volleyball, she played at Watford Basketball Club, played rugby and hockey for her school. An extraordinary gifted girl, Emma helped organise the school’s music festival and was a stage manager in school’s drama productions. Her life was brought to an abrupt end only one week after she turned 17. ‘I have a charity of my own, in memory of my daughter, who lost her life at 17 to a rare liver disease. The “ Emma Dinata Foundation” was set up with the help of Brian Coulshed the headmaster of Parmiters School at the time my daughter attended the school. With the help of the parent association the foundation is funded through an annual fundraiser. An Emma Dinata Award is given on speech night at the school. Some of the money is also donated to the Royal Free Hospital for their ongoing, specialised research into liver diseases and cures. My charity and volunteer work is endless. Looking back it started at a very young age at my very first job as a TV/Radio presenter, when I was approached by many charities for help. My commitment to youth services started after my graduation of teacher training. I take pride in youth services at the Rotary Club, supporting and organising activities and introducing competitions run by Rotary to local schools.’

Recipient of the Paul Harris Foundation Rotary International Award and Certificate For Lifetime Achievement and the most inspirational Dragon Apprentice Award -issued in appreciation for the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among the people of the world, providing humanitarian services, and building good will and peace in communities and youth services. Being rich means different things for different people but for Actar, being rich could only translate into ‘being rich in soul and mind, a leader of diversity and equality able to reach people’s hearts and minds, caring and sharing. Making a difference, giving more than taking and helping the less fortunate. Encouraging people around me and the younger generation. Promoting and mentoring in the global network.’ Actar is supporting with endless compassion a group of parents who lost their teenage sons to suicide and founded OLLIE. She embraced this noble cause while witnessing the devastating effect this has had on the lives of friends and families. Their mission is to do something to stop this from happening to other parents. When they asked for help to get others involved in the cause, Actar helped them too. ‘I help with organising fundraising events to provide resources aimed at delivering suicide awareness intervention and prevention



training classes for professionals such as teachers, sports coaches, and people who work closely with young people and vulnerable adults.’ There are numerous challenges attached to the fundraising industry but who can stop Actar to help youngsters or take refugees out of isolation or run the next workshop or conference? ‘When I received the invitation from Dame Helen Hyde to be their fundraising chief for a new project helping refugees, I decided to give my all to this noble cause. I also speak few languages and I can help refugees who do not speak English.’ As a broadcaster, Actar have met and interviewed very dynamic, inspirational people and learned

to be enthusiastic, charming, confident, and charismatic while being her authentic self. If we could give Actar a magic wand, she would ‘make the world a better place to live in and build good will and peace throughout the world, one child at a time.’ Actar would win any conflict without war. She encourages others to make a difference by helping with disaster relief anywhere in the world and at home and makes sure people’s voices are heard. ‘People’s ideas and visions shape our life and improve social justice for the good of the community and freedom of personal preferences. I like a clean and healthy environment. I wish I had a magic wand to get everyone involved in humanitarian projects, to save our planet and wildlife, and clear our oceans of plastic pollution.’

she says and her face lights up again… What drives this extraordinary woman to serve her international community? She looks into my eyes and says: ‘I began my career at the very young age of 19. My first job was as a TV/Radio presenter. During that time, I was approached by many charities and local organisations for sponsorship and without thinking too much, I started to provide clothing, food and medication for local people living in nearby villages and in the poor parts of the town. Since, I moved country, and decades went by, but helping others wasn’t just a job, is my calling, I can’t retire from it…’


‘Not many people know that’

about Sir Michael Caine

Who doesn’t like a good movie? But who could imagine that one day, people will identify you with a character you played in one of your 133 movies? ‘Not many people know that’ - Sir Michael Caine’s signature phrase, turned into few books he written along the way; ‘Not Many People Know That!’ ,‘Not Many People Know This Either!’ and ‘Not a Lot of People Know This is 1988’. Proceeds from the books went to the National Playing Fields Association. ‘Not everybody know that’ each time he went to Heathrow he was

wondering when a confused border control officer reading his name on his passport -Maurice Joseph Micklewhite, would ask ‘Are you Michael Caine?’ and, after eight decades, he legally changed his birth name to his stage name. The actor had to pay the price for global success in more ways than one; for decades everybody tried to imitate his signature voice ‘ “I kept my cockney accent in order to let other working class boys know that if I made it, they could do it too.’ Living at present in UK, in an old town on the right bank of River

Mole, Leatherhead, the actor is proud of his working class roots, even we all know, he is the King of ‘King of Thieves’. While his name is the result of his acting carrier, his latest Premiere is inspired by real events and dramatises 2015’s Hatton Garden heist. Perhaps, you know that!… When the stars walked on the red carpet at the Premiere at Vue West End, in Leicester Square, to watch their latest masterpiece, Sir Michael Caine said: ‘It’s a movie about old age, not about robbery. It’s about a load of old people.’






WELL-BEING: A Doctors’ Paradox

The healthtech startup on a mission to secure the wellbeing and future of healthcare professionals.

Medic Footprints is a group of passionate doctors on a mission to protect the mental health and well-being of doctors across the globe. Abeyna Jones, The Founder, is an occupational Health Physician and her vision is the solution to a worldwide epidemic, that have the potential to influence healthcare professionals’ performance worldwide and turn around the table, not only for each one of us but and for generations to come. ’ Doctors are one of the highest risk professional groups for stress. The failing mental health of our medical profession is a significant public health problem and a worldwide epidemic. At least 1 in 4 doctors experience a mental health concern during their careers. The doctor paradox refers to medics who are able to provide care for others, however fail to access or even seek the care they need for themselves when they’re unwell.’ Abeyna says.

Official records show that this problem impacts millions of doctors and healthcare professionals worldwide. In response to this silent epidemic, Medic Footprints is building the world’s first digital platform for doctors. Like any big dream, there are challenges along the way and delivering a solution at a global scale, is a tall order. We’re had the chance to get a behind the scenes look at campaign when the crowdfunding campaign went live yesterday at 6 pm. Now the team at Medic Footprints have only 30 days to raise £40,000a all or nothing campaign. ’We want doctors to feel happy and supported in what they do. In doing so, we ensure better healthcare for everyone! Despite all our incredible efforts so far, we have realised we can’t do this alone. The mental health of our medical profession is failing and is a worldwide epidemic. At least 1 in 4 doctors experience a mental health concern dur-

ing their careers, and they are at increased risk of stress compared to the average worker Thousands of doctors are leaving the profession every year - many of whom are suffering from mental health problems relating to significant stresses in the workplace. As victims of the doctor paradox, many of whom are unable to identify safe and non-judgemental spaces to receive help and/or many fail to identify that a problem even exists. Well-being is at the core of what we do at Medic Footprints, as an essential component of the alternative careers journey. Most doctors who are seeking change will fail to do so successfully if they are experiencing significant (mental) health issues - and in reality, most in career turmoil are, without even realising it.’ Abeyna says and I could see in her beautiful eyes a better world taking shape.


‘Our have ous both

advantage is that we are independent and the experience and ability to handle varicaseloads and deal with diverse issues in the UK and across other jurisdictions.’ - Ragina Spio-Aidoo

The Problem Solver

Regina Spio-Aidoo

Mrs Regina Spio-Aidoo is an accomplished solicitor who has worked in various jurisdictions. She qualified as a lawyer in Ghana in 1996, and was admitted to the roll of Solicitors in England and Wales in 2007. She has worked in both private and public sectors; first as a defence solicitor, dealing with criminal and civil matters then as a prosecutor with over ten years experience. She established R. Spio and Company Solicitors in 2011 as a law firm that fights aggressively on behalf of its clients.

She has achieved this with a team that has grown to 10 with experienced and award winning lawyers working as consultants and paralegals. Her passion for the law and public service stems from her father who was a renowned lawyer, and she talks excitedly about accompanying him to court as a child. Regina is curious and a natural problem solver thus enjoys the challenge of assisting clients resolve diverse and complex legal issues, which has contributed to the very high success rate of the firm. Regina believes in giving back to the community and has since 2013 provided students the op-

portunity of obtaining work experience with the firm. Most of the law firm’s work is by client referral which is testament of the tailor made, personalised and professional service clients receive. The firm receives acknowledgements of appreciation for their work, because each client is served care and respect. Please feel free to contact us with all your legal needs at R.Spio and Company Solicitors +44 (0) 7872971830



Ysanne Lewis has been a timing expert for nearly four decades; She has featured as an expert on the parenting website, Parentdish (What Are Astrological Birth Charts?), Parent Plus Emirates magazine, the Surrey Advertiser, Metro and BBC Surrey and Sussex County Radio, Marlow FM and Radio Works World. She is the published author of “The Time Catcher” – ‘How to time your actions to turn challenges into opportunities.’

Award winning author, Ysanne has just returned from a remote Himalayan valley on the Tibetan plateau. During her trip, Ysanne decided to sponsor the education of a little girl who lives in Spiti Valley and wants to help more local children. In this interview, Ysanne explores ‘the maps of the heavens, seamlessly weaving the meanings of cycles, patterns and timing into the beautiful tapestry of life, acting as a bridge and navigator between the heavens and our inner timekeepers and geographical landscape.’

‘When I was a little girl and saw some pictures of Tibet and its mountains. I always loved mountains, desolate places and the stories behind them, and this, the roof of the world, drew me time and again.

An explorer at heart, you just returned from your latest adventure into the Spiti Valley, Ysanne is telling us why she decided to take this trip...

And then I came across Spiti Projects and a very special lady called Joan Pollock. Through her I discovered that the Spiti Valley was part of a remote

I travel a great deal with my work and yet my dream of going to the roof of the world had not yet manifested itself. The desire to help people and be of service never left me, and I wanted to combine this with travel and adventure in later life.


Himalayan valley 150 kilometres long and 4-5,000 metres high and with perilous passes into it. Spiti has retained its pure Tibetan Buddhism culture and tradition. Naturally this spoke to me, and when I knew Joan was ‘going in’ this year - she visits up to three times a year - I asked to become part of a small group of four. At 66 years of age I felt I had waited long enough. I had two major dreams as a young person; to have a meaningful book published so that I could leave a legacy behind me one day, and to walk the Tibetan plateau. Both dreams have now been fulfilled, and both have made me content! Both highlighted also the desire to have a

purpose and to step outside one’s comfort zones. Joan Pollock was invited to visit the Spiti Valley with a team of doctors in 1993, when restrictions for foreigners were lifted. She was so distressed by the poor health and lack of well-being of the local people that she set up a charity, Spiti Projects, which has brought many positive changes: A hospital in Kaza, complete with operating theatre, was opened in 1995. A school was completed in Mane village in 2005. Ten years later a Community Centre was opened in the capital, Kaza, for which in 2016 a United Nations Award for low carbon emissions was awarded for its environmental technology and use of solar energy.

As there are over 300 days of sunlight a year, solar heating is the obvious way to heat the buildings With the help of doctors and with top architects from the Auroville Institute in South India, the health of the Tibetan inhabitants has improved beyond measure Joan has worked tirelessly and raised funds to improve the life style of this medieval culture. There is a craft and weaving room in the centre and a library. An Eye Centre is underway. If conditions are still tough now they were even harder 25 years ago. As a photographer, Joan is creating a legacy of images and stories for future reference, especially


SOVEREIGN were the culture to change politically.

toes. We were there for the pea harvest.

So… I knew it was the right time for me to visit. Six months of the year it is snow bound and the passes are cut off.

Once in the valley we stayed at various home stays and were given Tibetan tea and local dishes. Joan knows the local people from over the years and was warmly welcomed. The telegraph bush system was in action! Poor though they are the hospitality and kindness were abundant. I noticed a ‘light’ in their eyes wherever I went and their ready smiles. A softness in the way they walk and talk made me feel at home, as people have commented to me that I do. I was also deeply impressed by the care for the elderly.

Timing is thus everything and all the conditions were in place for my visit. My three lady companions were true travellers, and being part of this foursome was harmonious, seamless and full of humour. It came at the right time astrologically for me - I am sure the Tibetan astrologers there would have agreed with that - in a year when retreat, more quietude and contemplation were requirements for me. The planetary transits in my birth chart mirrored and requested these needs and I followed their call. I had been feeling the desire to sponsor and help a child for some time, and in the Spiti Valley the opportunity came to do just that. Interestingly, when I met Tanzin who comes from a small, poor village, her grandmother knew immediately her time of birth to the minute when I asked for it! The importance of the cosmic clocks and ‘as above so below’ is very evident in that culture. I will support her in her education for 10 years and maybe longer.’ The highlights of her adventure are glowing in Ysanne’s memories for years to come. She tells us: ‘We saw Himalayan blue poppies clinging to the harsh rock. These are a rarity and it is apparently good luck to see them. The journey itself was extraordinary. From lush valleys to the stony rocks of the Chandra Valley to high passes and waterfalls and farmland. The livelihood of the Spiti people is subsistence farming, peas being the main cash crop, as well as barley and pota-

Interestingly, I was told that, traditionally the parents send the second son to become a monk at the age of eight years. He is usually given a puppy to comfort him and an older monk to support him. The Tibetans aren’t demonstrative but caring and I identify with that. We visited the school which Joan enabled. There is a statement on the building saying, Come and learn. Go and serve. The Tibetan dialect of Bhoti is the primary language, though Hindu and some English are now being taught. I learnt that Buddhism was introduced in the 7th century but before then there was Bon, an atavistic religion. In the 14th century came the first Dalai Lama. Joan is privileged to have had personal audiences with the present one. We went to the Pin Valley and visited Khar village where we did a hygiene clinic and gave the children shoes, sweaters, tooth brushes, soap and shampoo, as well as pens and pencils for school. It was a delight to be there and spend time with the poor and shy but playful little ones.

After 16 days we journeyed back. At the top of the Kunzun – La Pass at 15,500 ft, we stopped and looked back at the Spiti Valley. We walked clockwise around the stupas and, on the roof of the world, truly I gave thanks for being granted the opportunity to experience that special piece of Tibetan land. I gave thanks for the magic of the Tibetan people and their big hearts. I made a wish at the stupa that the little girl I have sponsored for the next 10 years will have a healthy, happy life and a good purposeful education.’ On returning home, Ysanne felt a deep spiritual re-connection and the a sense of magic which comes with sponsorship a child’s education. ‘This special time in Spiti on the Tibetan plateau did more for me than any study, book or degree course could do. Feeding my mind as I was told to do as a child, is like making a choice between non - processed food and junk food. The latter is empty and we crave more, the former is of finer quality and we need less but are healthier. My mind was definitely fed there.’ Ysanne says. As we run our of the word count, Ysanne’s message is very simple: ‘We need our lives to be in alignment with the rhythms and messages of nature, the planetary alignments and our inner timekeepers. Not easy in this modern, social media oriented world but in that remote, geologically and climatically challenged and hard to reach valley on the roof of the world, I learned the living philosophy of how nature, Spirit and people can cooperate.’ Connect with Ysanne at


On The Pink Couch with

Dr Désirée Saddik The Pink Couch Ltd provides high quality psychological services to individuals throughout the life cycle. It was founded by Dr Desiree Saddik, Consultant Lead infant, child, adolescent, family and adult clinical psychologist, Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. ‘The Pink Couch’ has several branches of specialist expertise. ‘The Pink Wig’ one branch of ‘The Pink Couch’ addresses any issue involving psychology and the law. It is most relevant to those who have suffered sexual harassment and abuse. It provides ex-

pert witness work assessing the impact of victimisation and trauma, support for a victim awaiting a criminal trial following sexual harassment and abuse, and also psychological interventions, for those suffering from any traumas related to harassment or abuse. Dr Saddik has observed that sexual harassment is common place and the influence of sexual harassment is far reaching and detrimental, particularly for young women. Dr Saddik has worked with many cases of sexual harassment in the youth. Sexual harassment often results in self-harm and suicidal tendencies requiring immediate psychological attention. Dr Saddik has a history of 40 yeas

of learning and practice in clinical psychology. She is based in London and has worked internationally. Her interests include working with trauma and empowering women. Dr Saddik is available for consultation and support. She works in Mayfair, Harley Street and St John’s Wood. To book an appointment call +44 (0) 7958488587. For Solicitors requiring reports see web page in Expert Witness Directory (search Dr Desiree Saddik Expert Witness) or contact by email at DrDes@




Challenging PTSD


“You start by finding someone to talk to, not someone who will judge you” David Baum, created The 365 Challenge to raise awareness of the effects of PTSD through exercise. He is sharing his unique solution for metal health challenges and he is on a mission to help millions of people who are suffering with PTSD. David and his amazing wife Mel suffered a myriad of events including both of their sons surviving major surgery and both, at times, close to death. The final straw for David was when Mel was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and he began carrying the guilt of telling her not to see the doctor, fortunately she didn’t listen to him and went to the hospital, and her diagnosis was confirmed: grade 5 cancer. It was when David found himself sitting in his car seriously asking himself: ’If I drove my car at that wall, would I end the pain I am in?’ When he started thinking of the ripples of his actions and how it would impact on Mel, (who was

already struggling with two boys and chemo), the boys, his parents, his family, Mel’s family, he realised that ending his life was a luxury he couldn’t afford… and, eventually, couldn’t go through with it. Fortunately the people he was working with at the time saw that he had lost his sparkle, his mojo and was just functioning and helped him talk about it, get help. ‘Counselling saved my life.’ David says. This is a glimpse at his story, a story of courage and second chances, that will be soon published in ‘‘Your Stardust Story1001 Inspirational People’ ‘I then began to think of my experience and that of Mel surviving cancer and the trauma she went through, our sons and I realised that it wasn’t just few thousands of men, women and children who are suffering, but 100,000’s. This can be someone who, like Mel, survived cancer, or a parent whose child has died or been kidnapped or harmed, someone who is gay but too frightened to

be open, somebody who is been made redundant, or survived an atrocity such as Westminster Bridge, witnessed it first hand or just seeing it on tv, a child whose parent is killed- all this and more, the list is endless, can be the cause of developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. According to the Samaritan’s in 2015, 4,600 men took their own lives in the UK. Recently it was disclosed that 25% of all deaths can be attributed to Mental Health. When I looked at the bigger picture, I finally understood that I am not alone, and more importantly, that there are solutions and nobody should feel alone! I decided to do something about it and created The 365 Challenge. At the time I had worked out that films of me doing press ups was being seen by around 500 – 1,000 times a month and as The 365 Challenge is a fitness based challenge (but not solely), I felt it


SOVEREIGN should also be linked to a gym. I approached Brigid Mansfield of The Gym Watford, who without any hesitation said ‘Yes, bring it to Watford!’ Brigid has since confided that she thought that it would increase footfall, but as she discovered it created something more valuable positive publicity. Around six weeks after I started filming sessions in the Gym, Brigid phoned me and asked what I was saying in my films, I explained that each film started the same way “my name is David Baum I created The 365 Challenge to raise awareness of the effects of PTSD through exercise and we’re being supported by The Gym Watford”. Brigid started to laugh and went on to explain that she had been receiving calls from head office and on line messages asking about The 365 Challenge and she was delighted with the publicity I had created. What I didn’t tell Brigid was from 500 – 1000 views a month my films were being around 10,000 times a month and had people from places such as Sydney, Pennsylvania & Hong Kong asking if they could take part. When I said yes, I was then asked about the rules how much did they need to raise etc. They were shocked and pleased when I explained the rules of The 365 Challenge. 1. Unlike Fight Club, we don’t just talk about The 365 Challenge, we shout about it. 2. You do not ask anyone for sponsorship. 3. You do not nominate anyone to take part, but you can ask. 4. You must film your session and post on social media. 5. The first 100 sessions you must do 22 reps, of any exercise, the next 100 it becomes 30, the next 100 it becomes 40 reps and the final 65 sessions it becomes 50 reps. 6. There are no more rules.

Since then The 365 Challenge has been adopted by all of the gyms within The Gym Group after being approved of by John Treharne. Since then a number of companies have joined in supporting The 365 Challenge including my own company WCR (obviously) Metro Bank, 4 Networking & Gerald Edelman.’

What has The 365 Challenge achieved? ‘The first thing is I have been told that over 200 people have sort help from counsellors listed on our website. I have received emails from around the World thanking me for helping to make people aware that PTSD doesn’t only effect those in the armed services.’

What happens now? ‘The 365 Challenge is evolving. It was announced earlier this year following events such as the Manchester bombing, Grenfell Tower the escalation in gun and knife crime it has been calculated that over the next 10 years around 15,000 children (defined as those under 16) will be diagnosed as suffering from PTSD or other mental illness caused by a traumatic episode. The problem is the NHS, will be unable to cope with this additional drain on their resources as these children will fall outside of what is perceived as a child. It has also been recognised that too many parents will be unable to afford to send a child to a private counsellor, so something has to be done. Therefore Melanie & I have set ourselves a fresh challenge and that is over the next 5 years to raise £1 million pounds so that no child can be deprived of counselling on the grounds that their parents cannot afford it. One last thing, I’m often asked now that I completed the 365 Sessions what do I do, am I resting? The answer is no. Firstly, I created

the next stage which is the same as The Challenge but instead of a set number of reps, it’s how many reps can be done in a time period starting with 120 seconds, followed by 150 seconds, 180 seconds and finally 210. As one of the best “cures” for mental illness is laughter, I have also created Frivolous Friday which is all about being filmed being very silly for 2 – 3 minutes. Consequently, if you look on say Facebook or Instagram or Twitter and YouTube you’ll find film of me with Melanie and or Oliver prancing around often in Pink Tutu’s doing a version of a Highland Fling, or having a pillow fight or performing a version of The Mexican Hat Dance (with pink Stetsons) or a Charleston in fact anything goes. These films are the most watched out of everything I or we do.

How do you overcome the thought of driving your car into a brick wall when this thought is crossing your mind? ‘You start by finding someone to talk to, not someone who will judge you but someone who can offer you ways to unburden yourself of the pain of the emotional baggage that we all carry. At the same time go for a walk in the park and we have some great parks. While you’re out take a moment to sit and look at the trees and plants in other words enjoy nature. You can go to the gym, a bike ride, go for a swim, listen to music or try to spend time with people you love. If you want to have a cry it doesn’t make you less of a man. Whatever you do, DO NOT pick yourself up, brush yourself off and start again! However if you want to help change the World take up The 365 Challenge. Find out more at or search ‘The 365 Challenge’ on social media




A holder of Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degrees and other professional qualifications in credit management, Prof. Chris Onalo has set himself apart from others through sheer hard and honest work; has undoubtedly contributed immensely and perhaps, more than anyone else in his field, to the growth and development of the credit management profession and credit industry globally. He is a founding CEO of many flourishing credit industry institutions - namely, the prestigious Nigerian Postgraduate School of Credit And Financial Man-

agement (PSCFM); Institute of Credit Administration (ICA) and Credit Business Services Global Ltd(which provides independent Credit Report on companies), as well as Chris & Helen Ltd. Chris is also an international director of the UK’s premier London Postgraduate Credit Management College(LPCMC); a director of the highly regarded United Kingdom’s Nigerian London Business Forum (NILOBF), and CBS Credit UK Ltd. He has received professorial recognition for his sustained effort

in the development of world class credit management curriculum, intellectualisation of credit management as well as globalization of the growth of credit management profession from two foreign universities. He is indeed an indefatigable “PROFESSOR OF CREDIT MANAGEMENT” with a strong passion for knowledge impartation. As a man of vision with creative enterprise he knows how to spot a vacuum and cause things to happen in the knowledge market.

61 www.lp cre dit f : L ondon Postgraduate Cre dit Management Colle ge e : londoncre dit@lp cre dit


e u l a f o V e Th listic Detox Ho

LANA KAPELAS REVEALS HOW DETOXING, BANISHING BAD HABITS AND UNDERSTANDING FOOD FACTS CAN HELP YOU STAY HEALTHY AND ENERGETIC. Back in 2013 Lana Kapelas and her husband, Konstantinos, set up a practice by the name of Total Health Now, a holistic healthcare service situated a short walk from Russell Square tube station in Bloomsbury, London. For many years she watched her husband work in high stress environments and often wondered at which point would he break? With two young children this is a question that she dreaded to ask herself but admits it often kept her up at night.

their own lives, they gradually transformed their health, vitality and also their emotional well-being Both are strong believers in the value of holistic health and their solutions for the health challenges faced by many in high stress jobs is quite fascinating. When asked what Total Health Now does differently, she said:

They both made the conscious decision to change their lives for the better and they began extensive research into health, vitality and focused on the best techniques and treatments available.

“From our own experiences and health improvements, through to our work with hundreds of clients, we have seen the unquestionable results. Our goal is to design bespoke changes that transform all aspects of your life and to help you achieve and maintain optimum health.

By employing these wisely in

You don’t need to have a ‘problem’

to visit us. We believe strongly in preventative health care, rather than waiting for a medical concern to appear before seeking help. We only ever get given one body in life and it’s our job to look after it.” In fact, one of their most popular treatments, a 28-day detox is aimed squarely at preventing future health problems. Lana added: “The results have been extraordinary for many of our clients. It is a 28-day detox and cleanse, based on a programme that was first established in 1994 thanks to Italian doctors who had been exploring the benefits of combining a metabolic diet with dynamic manual lymphatic drainage massage. Originally adopted by many well-known celebrities, over the years it has filtered down into becoming more

SOVEREIGN widely available. Our clients visit the clinic three times a week over 28 days for the duration of the programme. They will have 12 lymphatic drainage treatments in total using our state-of-the-art equipment. Many people choose to combine these sessions with other services, including allergy tests, health MOTs and colon hydrotherapy – however, these aren’t an obligation of the programme. We asked what were some of the benefits reported by her clients. Lana replied: “Clients have described an increase in energy levels, fewer hunger cravings, and an improved mood overall. It worth mentioning that clients release fat rather than water and muscle which is normally the case when trying to lose weight. We focus on the internal congestion within our bodies, caused by the annual build-up of calcified toxic waste. The programme works by supporting the liver through a cleansing and balanced diet, combined with sessions on a unique detoxifying machine that utilises lymphatic drainage massage to stimulate the system and break down any toxicity in the gut. This is supported by breathing training, emotional/stress resilience techniques, education on how to shop for healthy products and how to protect yourself against toxic food products and electromagnetic radiation, as well as a full month of one-to-one coaching to help you achieve your health goals. Alongside all of this, we also recommend beneficial cleansing supplements, triedand-tested by ourselves. The programme aids in weight loss and detoxification, cleansing your body from environmental toxicity, as well as helping you heal from ongoing health issues and medical problems. In fact,

it’s widely considered the number one programme in the world for seeing guaranteed weight loss and visible results that last.” Why is the human body so bad at holding onto toxins? “Within today’s society, we hardly ever give our body sufficient time to digest the last meal before snacking, drinking or beginning another one. This means our body starts to store the food it is digesting as fat. There is also an increase of chemical additives in the modern diet, which means more toxins in our bodies. Even our table water has chemicals in it. The body needs to be re-trained to find ways of going back to the good old days when it was able to remove toxins much more easily.” She also added: “We first began offering the detox four years ago at Total Health Now Clinic and have since added our own spin, hence the plus sign in its name! We’ve since had hundreds of very happy clients. For us, the results speak for themselves. During this programme, our past clients have achieved significant weight loss – the greatest ones being a reduction in weight of 27 lbs (almost two stone in fat) in four weeks, and a loss of 42 inches, also in four weeks. One of your clients, reports to have lost over 14 lbs of toxic fat and inches on his waist, neck and arms. To quote him, he says ‘My trousers are now looser, and my friends comment on how much better I look. My allergy and eczema-like symptoms on my scalp have cleared. I sleep better, and my digestion, elimination and skin appearance has improved. I was also able to cut my prostate medication by half and soon will be able to stop it altogether.’ Many of our clients have said they’ve found the programme has eased existing conditions such as IBS, eczema, arthritis, blood pres-

sure problems, migraines and low moods. Another client noted, ‘I went through the program and the results were better than I could imagine. Constipation was gone and as an extra benefit, I lost over 12 lbs of fat and 19 inches! I also have more energy, I sleep better and I have adopted new habits for a healthier lifestyle.’ This unique detox is the first step towards healthy weight loss and improved wellness. We don’t believe in yo-yo dieting or deprivation. For us at Total Health Now, everything we do involves looking at our health holistically and sustainably. When asked if the weight stay off once the treatment finishes, Lana replied: “As with anything, it all depends on what you do after the programme. We hope to change your habits and way of thinking in a long-term, sustainable way. It isn’t about losing weight and then piling it all back on again, as this isn’t good for your health or mental wellbeing. If you go back to junk food after the programme, then you will put weight back on. However, if you continue following the programme in the same way, then you’ll simply continue to lose weight and improve your health. Our programme doesn’t require any exercise and is easy to follow, so it shouldn’t be difficult to stay on track. For some clients, they never need to come back to see us again as the programme has set them on the right path. For others, they like to come back at regular intervals for extra guidance and support. We are passionate about helping our clients and always seek to advise where possible. Many like this supportive approach. With so many different holistic treatments available, we asked Lana what made their solution different and unique. She replied:



“There are so many slimming products and diets on the market, and we recognise how hard it is for our clients to decipher which are real and which are nothing more than a gimmick. Many only offer short-term results, which involve yo-yo dieting and deprivation. Throughout the 28 days programme, you are fully supervised, monitored and supported in a one-to-one capacity. It doesn’t involve exercise or rigorous dieting, which for many people is just unsustainable. Instead it helps by treating a person holistically, rebalancing the body and reshaping your silhouette. Our food plans also don’t have restrictions on when and how much food is consumed.

Our solution is suitable for people with all types of health conditions, including skin problems and diabetes. As Claudia Jordan told us after her treatment, ‘It is the most positive thing I have done for myself. On day one I was feeling low in energy, I had red patches on my face, I had a lot of inflammation and over all I felt I really needed a change. The whole process was a learning curve for me in terms of nutrition and Lana was always so supportive, full of advice and encouragement. On day 28 I felt so clean, my skin was glowing (no more red spots) and I lost 10lbs which my whole family has benefited from this, now my children also eat better highly recommended.’

Whether you want to lose weight, clear your mind or improve your energy levels, you need to escape the yo-yo diet and break bad eating habits. As it doesn’t require exercise, you don’t need to worry about being athletic or having lots of time. It is completely holistic so there is no medication or surgery involved.

We mentor our clients all the way through, offering guidance and support. We’re always at the end of the telephone or in the room, helping to break free throughout the process. We never wish to come across as preaching, we share and pass along our knowledge and research pro-actively. When clients tell us the brands they like to eat or use, we’ll always

Find out more about Total Health Now, their 28 Day Detox and other treatments on offer by visiting the website:

suggest healthier brands where possible. If someone says they definitely can’t cut something out their diet (e.g. sweetener), then we’ll simply suggest a better choice of brand for them. Most clients comment on how surprising their weight loss is, and how much easier it feels to lose weight compared to other diets they may have tried in the past. They also report feeling increased energy levels, which impacts all areas of their life. Because the food plan doesn’t include fatty or sugary foods, you can be confident that you won’t experience bloating, artificial highs, and excess fat storage. You’ll also learn to embrace the many wonderful benefits of freshly cooked foods, home-made marinades, exotic fruits and vegetables, plus a variety of new ways to cook from steaming to roasting, stir-frying to marinating, poaching to grilling, slow-cooking to griddling. It isn’t hard to cook this way but can quickly and easily transform the flavours and textures of meat or vegetables.



PRE-PRODUCTION From location scouting to scripts and storyboards, we plan your entire project before the cameras ever start rolling.

PRODUCTION With an extensive range of equipment including 4k cameras, lighting and sound your video will look and sound great on any device for many years to come.

POST-PRODUCTION Editing is done in house using Adobe Premiere and After Affects.

MOTION GRAPHICS Final touches such as logo reveals, title openers, transitions and lower thirds will brand your content and set it apart from the rest.

DISTRIBUTION Get thousands of views from the start by having your video distributed through our own channels at no extra cost.

CONTENT STRATEGY Get your video seen by the right people with our creative marketing strategies built around your unique requirements.

INTERVIEWS & TALK SHOWS A great way to advertise what you offer, interviews of either of yourself or a client can give viewers a powerful insight into your brand. We offer a complete service from start to finish including filming, editing and distribution through our own channels. Record interviews either for your own use or come in as part of a feature in one of our own productions for our channel, BYP TV. Commission us to produce your own web based talk show series and supercharge your profile by coming a tv personality in your industry. We help with every step from concept to scripting, to promotion and distribution.

EVENT COVERAGE From fashion shows to workshops, art exhibition and beyond, whatever the event, we can cover it! Our teams usually consist of a camera operator and presenter. We can interview attendees, speakers, and exhibitors, we can provide additional cameras to cover the main stage. Footage can be used as part of one of our shows or we can edit to your specifications. WWW.MTNMEDIA.CO.UK Search MTN MEDIA on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter

CONTENT DISTRIBUTION Making sure your video content is seen by as many people as possible is arguably more important that the video itself. We pride ourselves on our ability to offer you a completely bespoke marketing strategy which utilises not only your own network but also our own. YOUR NETWORK We focus on identifying your target audience and use a combination of organic sharing and ad campaigns to put your content in front of the right viewers. By focusing on your key audience metrics, we expand the reach of your own channels, pages and social media accounts, giving you the best ROI and a base from which you can continue to grow your audience.


OUR NETWORK Using the growing number of channels at out disposal we can make your content available throughout the world in both online and print formats, including 3 magazine (online & print), 2 event brands, 1 podcast site and 1 online TV channel.

Samiksha Bajaj


99 minutes our m a l to G

How one young entrepreneur is re imagining your shopping experience.


Samshék embraces the fashion popularism that inspires and creates trends that appeal to the modern consumer. Samshék recognizes that not all customers fit the mainstream retail clothing offerings, but rather seek the clothing that better suits their body size and shape, mood, character, style, and temperament. With Samshék’s clothing customization option and timely delivery, the customer’s wonderful lifestyle and fashion desires can now become a reality -

Last year you won The Stardust Awards for leadership. What inspired you to become a role model woman? I come from an entrepreneurial family where my father started his own rice trading business and after university I likewise wanted to create my own business particularly in women’s fashion

What is the story behind your vision? My first venture was creating my own ladies fashion brand buying from suppliers, getting clothes made and going to markets in different parts of India to sell to customers. While I enjoyed the experience and learned my trade this was all time consuming and not readily scalable. Around 2014 I could see the limitations of the fashion market for consumers and how the choices in the market were polarised between the ready-to-wear and tailor made sectors but at the same time improved digital and other technologies were impacting the development of many industries, although the fashion industry was slow to embrace the ensuing progress.

One day I awoke and thought what if you could get what you desire in the clothes you wear in terms of design, colour, fabric etc. and at the same time your choice garment could be worn out of the shop within 99 minutes from creation and this proved to be the inspiration from which the Samshék brand was born.

What were the top challenges when you started your journey as a business owner and leading entrepreneur? Having the vision and knowing that the timing to give women more choice in their lives was here and now, the challenges of making this happen in reality proved daunting. This was best exemplified when I and my team looked to raise over $ 500,000 to get our first city centre ladies fashion shop using the latest technology with 99 minute fulfilment established. The investors really loved our vision and idea but being young and lacking traditional retail experience they told us that “we love your idea but you have no traction…. come back and see us when you have the traction”. Despite this setback to establish our vision we took their words on board and started an online version of the customisation princi-

ples we believed in, all self funded from our own limited resources.

What are the top wins you achieved since you embrace your passion? My top wins include the recognition that my original vision is now fulfilling an unrecognised, or perhaps I should say an overlooked, need in the fashion market, whereby customised clothing is now giving greater empowerment to women in what they wear and making them feel individual and special. This manifests itself in many wonderful testimonials that I received from women who have bought from Samshék and delight in the clothes that they wear, as well as the various awards that I have won for empowerment and entrepreneurialism, none more so than the prestigious Stardust Award last year. Also, a top win has been working with a great team to start the business and take it to where it is today, including my youngest brother Abhishek who lives and works in the USA, my good friend Graeme Daniel who helps develop the business in London and my other brother Rijul who assists me in India.


What are your plans moving forward as a leading fashion designer? We wish not only to provide choice by way of customisation but it is important that our original in-store designs that form the basis for an individual’s design choices, reflect the latest fashion trends that flow from the fashion centres of the western world, namely New York, London, Paris, Milan. We constantly monitor the latest fashions coming out of these iconic centres and while we produce 4 collections a year we also look to add new lines in between.

Who are the creatives in your team? We have used an international designer in the past and being a small and close knit founding team we all have input into what we feel would appeal best to the discerning customer, but at the same time being very conscious that we wish to position our product as being trending with the latest fashions but affordable luxury.

Do you remember the outfit you wore at the Stardust Awards Ceremony in London? What is the inspiration behind ? Naturally I remember the black and gold trouser suit at the pres-

tigious awards ceremony. We designed it to reflect fashion elegance and yet at the same time be appropriate to wear for that special occasion, and indeed that was just how I felt wearing it.

What is the most unethical practice in the fashion industry and you want to make a positive change? Perhaps the most unethical practice in the industry is the exploitation of cheap labour in squalid working environments in overseas, less developed countries and quite often this practice is accepted and used by well known brands whose fashion lines sell for hundreds or thousands of pounds each. Here at Samshék while our base is out in India where this practice can be carried on, we look to pay our staff a fair living wage and provide a working environment that is clean, healthy and conducive to good workmanship and generates respect from all parties concerned. Closely aligned to this ethical practice is the whole growing global trend of sustainable fashion incorporating both social and eco friendly best practice. We at Samshék fully endorse this trend and I believe that as a brand we practice this by holding next to


little stock, producing garments to order, thereby minimising surplus wastage. Also, our policy on made to order returns if this ever occurs is to donate any returned garments to charitable causes to help the less fortunate to feel good in what they wear. The fashion industry is known for having now not 4 but 52 seasons. What gives you courage in the process of creating a new line ? As I referred to above we are ourselves looking to extend our offerings beyond 4 seasons a year by introducing new lines every couple of weeks. However, the emergence of this trend I see as an opportunity as in order to fulfil this need it is necessary to embrace rapid design and fulfilment of product to store and this is best done by harnessing technology to make this happen. I believe that Samshék as a fashion-tech business is well positioned to take advantage of this trend as all garments are made to order and currently we can fulfil orders within our store in Delhi within 48 hours from making a purchase there or within 5 days from order from our website anywhere in India, UK or USA.

What did you learn to avoid while moving forward? What I learned is that there are

SOVEREIGN many hurdles and setbacks to overcome and that while the obstacles turn out to be twice as big than one expects or milestones take twice as long to achieve, it is important to hold strong to one’s vision and self belief that whatever it takes we will make it happen.

them the perfect fit and choice of garments and is one of the first stores in India to use this cutting edge body scanning technology.

You just launch your first store. Congratulations! What triggered you to challenge the status quo?

We seek to deliver delight in the customer experience in terms of the ease with which garments can be chosen or created, the fit and quality of the purchase, as well as providing great value. This is what we wish to deliver and personally this and the ethical values which we embrace in our modus operandi is what I want our brand to stand for. I don’t believe that this is in conflict with our authenticity but if in any circumstances these should conflict we will always stand by our core values.

Yes, we are delighted to have our first high street fashion-tech store in Delhi where we have the latest body scanner technology to be able to take over 100 individual body measurements to get the perfect fitting garment. We always fully appreciated that every woman is an individual in terms of her body shape and size and while many fit into the so called standard sizes the fit can be less than perfect, as well the fact that the size requirement can differ between brands; moreover, there are those women who don’t fit the standard sizes that are normally retailed as they are shorter, taller, thinner, have a fuller figure etc. Samshek’s store caters for every individual’s shape and size to give

Do you prefer to deliver what is expected from your brand or you prefer to be authentic?

Do emotions interfere with your business plans or they drive you vision ? Rarely do emotions interfere with us working towards our vision and achieving our goals, however, when the obstacles slow our progress or block our path then our determination and work commit-

ment grows stronger to overcome the set backs. However, I feel positive emotions when our customers share their delight of our service and products that they have enjoyed.

How many of your friends are wearing your brand , or recommend it to others? When we started our business through our online store the initial attraction to our new brand was our warm market, particularly amongst family and friends, and I suppose in total we made close to 20 sales through these close connections.

What changes would you introduce in your local community , if you had a magic wand? Living in Delhi, you see many sights daily of people who struggle to feed themselves daily or to sleep in a comfortable, safe, secure environment, as such if Samshék grew to be very successful I would want to share some of the gains to bring a better way of life to those who have been less fortunate than myself.




Dr Gill is a Broadcast Presenter on BYP TV and Advocate for Mental and Social Health Prevention. She is a beacon of light for every woman over 50 and believes now is the time to shine your light in the world, and leave your own legacy as a healthy and fulfilled woman.

t n a h p e l E in the room



There’s an elephant in the room? It is so big and so hard to get around it, but we squeeze by graciously and we talk about the weather, we talk about our colleagues and neighbors, a new shop closing down and everything else in between, but, we do not want look at the elephant in the room… I often hear comments about the lack of discussion and information available about the menopause. Whilst I accept, sadly, that there are many times that this is still the “elephant in the room” perhaps more often for women in the corporate world, this is far from my experience as a natural health advocate. In the last few decades, I have dedicated much of my attention to health prevention, both from my own perspective and through sharing my own story on stage, writing articles and on air, at The Vitality Hour on BYP TV. I showcase the vast variety of natural, alternate and complimentary solutions available to you by featuring experts in their field and guests with amazing stories of recovery and healing of both mental and physical illnesses. I am always in the lookout for the latest and most up to date information in the field of conventional medicine and holistic healing. Recently I featured a powerful story told by two sisters who have managed to totally control the symptoms with a natural remedy based on hops. ( available now on vitality-hour) If you are in your fifties, you are in the season of your young people leaving home for their first or subsequent years away at university, when you have no choice but sparking the real “elephant in

the room” for mothers across the globe. In my case, I have experienced this phenomenon many times over the past eleven years with all three of my children embarking on their first or second degrees. This time my youngest happens to have left for her first job, but the feelings and emotions I have been experiencing were the same, if not even more intense. I decided to express my feelings in a private facebook group that I run for my fans and anyone that wants to connect with me. So - just when you think you have It all sorted in your head: •

• • • • • •

You have come to terms with your children truly becoming the independent beings we have worked hard as parents to create Your dreams for them are even beyond your expectations You are proud of their achievements and chosen pathways You are honoured by their continued unconditional love and devotion to you You are in awe of their energy and capacity for love of life You are grateful for their continued good health and prosperity You are happy that they are happy

Despite all that, I was not prepared for my heart to feel broken today at no 3 child starting her first job and leaving her so very far away from home: • • • •

Even though she will come home a lot Even though we have the wonders of technology Even though it is the right thing and a natural part of family life Even though I have my lovely husband of over 30 years who is my best friend

This is one of those times that log-

ic is meaningless and unhelpful!! I feel sad and lonely all of a sudden and thought I would share a part of me that is personal in the hope that you too can acknowledge your pains in a world (especially on Facebook) where we all want to show the good times and hide some things that aren’t so good. Wow – I was not expecting the response I got from so many women, some of whom I know well, who have NEVER expressed any of their grief and sense of loss that echoed my own, at least not to me. It is not even about feeling that we have lost our purpose, as these women are all busy, fulfilled and accomplished. But all of them expressed the same sense of loss, loneliness and grief alongside pride in their children. A double-edged sword if you like, something that is bitter sweet and as one dear friend commented “It is in truth expanding and evolving, moving forth, an arrow from your bow, though like a boomerang that always returns home”. I don’t think it is any coincidence that I have been feeling unwell this week, which I understand to be the physical manifestation of my inner sadness. Fortunately, I have a variety of remedies, strategies and therapeutic practices at my disposal that have helped me to process both the mental and physical symptoms I have experienced. What I do know, is that it has definitely helped me to have the support of my friends and peers at this time and would urge you if you are in a similar situation to reach out to those around you for some love and support. Perhaps as a father you experience similar feelings when your fledglings leave the nest, but as a mother I could only talk about the bond that a mother has with her child, and makes this time in my life more intense and somehow cannot even be expressed in words.


Nikos Chatzibalassis


Intertwining the spiritual with the physical wellbeing According to ancient Greek Medicine, your health is influenced by geographic location, social class, diet, trauma, beliefs, and mindset. After thousands of years, another Greek studied modern society and experimented his own prevention and rehabilitation well-being solutions with the belief that ‘healing is a gift from within’ - Nikos Chatzibalassis Nikos brings modern well-being prevention and rehabilitation Solutions, in our own hands. Instructor and researcher in holistic therapy, Nikos graduated

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 1991. Nikos’ research is focused in finding the interaction between mental and emotional energy and human cell subconscious energetic signatures, in relation with homeopathy and energy medicine. Exploring of esoteric ethics and therapeutic limits of the holistic human being as well as the therapists. Admiring the Divine creation, he realized the greatness and the fact that our knowledge

is very limited. He specializes in homeopathy, herbal medicine,traditional Chinese medicine, reflexology, iridology, applied kinesiology, energy healing, physio-regulation, geopathology. ‘Different frequencies are detected and perceived by vibrational co-resonance with the corresponding dimensional energyconsciousness structure’ Nikos is working on his first book ‘Before Christmas’ which is soon to be released.

EV E RY WOM A N DR E A M S Danielle Taylor has worked as an international development activist, specializing in harmful gender-based social norms in the US and Sub-Saharan Africa. She has spent the past decade researching the impact of religious and cultural practices on gender based violence and the opportunities afforded to women and girls to live and thrive. In 2017, Ms. Taylor founded Òman Baako, an international non-profit organization that works to build stronger, more equitable communities in Africa. ‘My passion for development in Sub-Saharan Africa and the African diaspora began as an undergraduate student. I visited Africa for the first time and discovered a place that looked like me, that felt like me, that gave me a sense of belonging. I also saw the pockets of need and frustration with systems of injustice and abuse that resonated with my own lived experience. Since that time, I've worked with various international aid organizations in an effort to address this need. For ten years, I’ve seen how many of these organizations perpetuate cycles of failed interventions by addressing the symptoms of unjust systems instead of directly reforming the systems themselves.’

Danielle founded Òman Baako to break away from the status quo of international development and to provide an alternative model for community-driven transformation. ‘I had to overcome the fear of failure. For so long, I had ideas and convictions burning inside of me, but I was afraid to say them out loud, much less act on them. I didn’t want to fall flat on my face in front of someone, even myself. I once read a column advising aspiring writers to get over the initial writing block that comes from trying to come up with the perfect opening line. The author wrote that writers must accept that the first thing they put down on paper will be ugly. It is important to have something ugly on paper so that you have the components you need to work with to make something beautiful. A light bulb went off in my head after reading this. I realized that despite how nervous I was, and despite how unprepared I might be, I had to step out and try and accept the fact that my first attempt might not succeed. I had to go through an uncomfortable phase of imperfection to learn and figure out how to do better. Both my personal and professional life changed from that moment. I discovered that it was ok to take a risk and that part of the process of succeeding was

learning from errors.’ Danielle says. Danielle was not raised to believe that young people, females, minorities had a voice or a right to express opinions. Without the guidance on how to be firm in the face of resistance and to say no to things that made her uncomfortable or unhappy, she had to unlearn the “rules” for a young black woman to become successful. Her own experiences ignited the determination to help women, young and old alike, to overcome the complacency and temidness that have been instilled in them since childhood, and change their approach to life and personal wellbeing. ‘I believe that we must teach . We must teach our men, young and old, about respect, consent, and equality. We must uphold these values when we confront them in the media, in public spaces, and even in our homes. We must reach a tipping point in society whereby respect and parity are expected and upheld to such an extent that it becomes the norm. Only then can we expect to see women feeling empowered to be contributing members of society.’




SOVEREIGN Born in Lima, Peru and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, Clara Haia Seren Amram grew up in a beautiful natural environment, amidst the relics of a great, ancient civilization. At birth, Clara inherited her maternal grandmother’s name. As a child, she wasn’t too fond of her name. As she grew older, however, Clara started to appreciate the strength behind her name: Clara - Clarity, Haia Life, and Seren - Serenity. Today, she is a true embodiment of all three words and so much more. Clara’s extensive studies in International Law and Human Rights as well as Integrative Nutrition equipped her with the necessary skills to reach out and educate others about the benefits of a compassionate, simple, natural, and balanced lifestyle. Armed

with a Master’s Degree in International Law and Human Rights and an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach diploma, Clara embarked on a mission to support people in achieving happiness, by demonstrating everything begins with what we put in our mouths. Through the publication of her three books, ‘A Guide to Healthy and Tasty Living,’ ‘Flavors over the Rainbow,’ and ‘Healthy Meals, Happy Children,’ and the launch of her Clarita’s Way brand, Clara strongly advocates the benefits of nourishing one’s body with healthy and natural foods through uniquely creative recipes inspired by her rich multicultural background. Her objective is a state of wellness for humans, animals, and our planet by inspiring and educating peo-

ple about what it means to live a simple, natural, healthy and happy life. Empowering people to enrich their lives by adopting the motto, “Love and honor your body” would sum up her mission. Clara is also a pioneer in her field. Being the first Latina to become part of the Turkish legal system is a testament to her insatiable drive and dedication toward making a difference and bringing about a new order. Channeling her passion and knowledge, Clara actively strives to help her peers to better understand the impact of practicing law mindfully, from a place of kindness and empathy, with the ever-present mindset that healthy living is a basic right, not a privilege. From early on, Clara understood treating one’s body with natural foods as the key to living a happy life. While other children were busy licking lollipops, Clara was busy chasing the sweetness in raw onions and the goodness of Vitamin A in pure butter. Her unique cravings as a child inspired her to pursue a deeper and stronger understanding of how it was beneficial to live a mindful and natural life. Meeting people from different socio-economic backgrounds and witnessing people being deprived of the most basic of rights, such as clean water and air, led her to fight against inequality and take action for future generations to live in a happier, safer world. Clara aspires to create a new Humanity comprised of people focused on living ethically, consciously, responsibly, and with empathy. Her solution for a better tomorrow is quite simple and inexplicably delicious. Although changing our current perceptions and practices may seem like a challenge, we can create a healthier, more compassionate tomorrow by following Clarita’s Way and being more mindful of what we eat and how we refine our lives.



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