3 minute read
Editor's Letter
I don’t know why but I wake up without an alarm clock. If I am in London or Tokyo or Toronto, my “writing clock” wakes me up around 4 am.
I reached out to my laptop to write, and then turned to the online media to check the headlines for some good news- lately in short supply and hard to find…
A few hours later, after going through hundreds of online headlines with a toothcomb, looking for some good news and not finding any, became so demoralizing that I had to move to my inbox. Five minutes into reading our latest articles for Sovereign Magazine and everything begins to look so much better! Thanks to our Art Director, Darie Nani, both the digital and the printed editions include media rich features. This innovative step resonates with our readership as brings new options to enjoy the content in more ways than one- you could listen to the content via your smart phone while you are traveling and make meaningful connections with the authors through the unique frequency of their voice or instantly reach their social media page. Finally, I feel a most anticipated joy of sharing the good news!
With each story there is more emotional engagement with Solutionary Thinkers and I found that each one of them speaks directly to our readers.
In this issue, we stand on the eve of an enormous new perspective of holistic solutions to business success. We interviewed collaborators, associates, executives and entrepreneurs from around the world on how necessity and desperation made them wiser and impacted them to become global influencers and game changers. Silvija Popovic, May’s cover story, shares the remarkable tale of a Croatian who survived the war and emigrated to Germany. Silvija is reconsidering aspects of her own identity as well as the nature of mentoring in business. We can take deep inspiration from this extraordinary business woman who has changed the way she sees herself and how that transformed her world. Through the use of emotional intelligence, she managed to piece together thousands of fragmented experiences as a woman in business, a war survivor, an expat and, more recently, the creator of her unique solution for transformational change, which has been formulating in her own life for decades, just to emerge as the Senior Partner for Business Development at Von Hohenstaufen.
There is a continual debate over what is more important, your spirituality or your business success. Most people we asked told us that “Spirituality is at the core of their business success” and few confirmed that “Spirituality is more important than business” or ‘Spirituality is my business”. Each and every story brings us closer to Purposeful Leaders who understand the need for Spiritual discovery. Naomi Susan Isaacs, Founder of the Institute of Charismology takes it to the next level and talks about a new generation of Charismatic Leaders and shares John Travolta’s take on charisma, in her latest interview. “There is no limits to charisma” Travolta says.
Our most loyal readers are telling us that they care about authentic thinking, and this is enough justification for us to keep searching for new ideas, inventors, innovators, custodians of progress, but there is another smaller segment of our readership looking to read more about things they are already familiar with. How hard could it be to give yourself permission to accept the differences that makes us authentic human beings?
I wish I could say that trends don’t exist, but that won’t be accurate as they point in a certain direction of interest which ultimately serves our international community of Solutionary Thinkers.
Some headlines are short lived as they are to be replaced by “the next big thing”, but their span around a number of ideas that impact our daily life, far beyond the 15 minutes of fame. Trends help us keep your fingers on the pulse and change your perception about business decisions in innovative ways, from block-chain, investment and latest digital tools, all the way to emotional intelligence mastery.
You are the first to read exclusive interviews with business leaders and influential professionals touching global initiatives and the challenges that their industry faces in 2019 and beyond.
While innovators tend to have their own language and develop within their own creative universe, there is also a valuable proposition on offer which indicates what you can do to position yourself within our own industry and what solutions will make your business and your life better in the months to come.
Our Sovereigns deliver a wrap-up of what our team has found to be the best business solutions which are heading your way this spring.
I hope The Sovereigns in May Edition can inspire you and deliver new ideas for those next steps you need to take into your own consciousness, help you emerge from an undesirable economic winter and make The Good News!
Dr. Marina Nani