22 minute read

Reed Inside News Metro Malayalam Australia





hnP-bn-¡p¶ ae-bm-f-¸¨

sat{Smaebmfw \yqkv _yqtdm

Idn-¡-S-e-bn-ÃmsX temI-s¯mcp \mSpw It -≠ ¡n-Ã. NnIv]okv F¶ Idn-¡-Se temI-s¯-Ãmbn-S¯pwXs¶ {]nb-s¸« hn`-h-am-sW¶p am{Xa-Ã, temI-¯nsâ t]mj-I-¡½n Ipd-bv¡p-¶-Xn KWyamb ]¦p hln-¡p¶ ImÀjn-tIm¸¶w IqSn-bm-Wv. Idn-¡-Se C\-§fpw \nc-h-[n.

F¶m AÂamkv I_qfn Fs¶m-cn\w Idn-¡-S-ebp-≠- v, Hmkvt{S-en-b-bpsS kz´w. Cu t]cn-\p-ap-s -≠mcp {]tXy-I-X. AXnse AÂamkv Hcp ae-bm-fn-bpsS `mcy bpsS t]cm-Wv. Xriq-À PnÃ-bn sImSp-§-Ãq-cn-\-Sp¯v Fdn-bmSv kztZ-in-bmb IS-t¼mSv kn±nJv F¶ Cu ae-bmfn¡mWv Idn-¡-S-e-bpsS t]cn-eqsS `mcy-bpsS t]cv A\-iz-c-am-¡m\m-b-Xv. Ct±-l-¯nsâ `mcybpw ae-bmfn Xs¶, sIm¨n kztZ-in-\n.

ap¸-¯n-sb«p hÀjw ap¼mWv kn±nJv Hmkvt{S-enb-bn-se-¯p-¶-Xv. shÅm-bWn ImÀjnI tImf-Pn \n¶p _ncp-Zhpw UÂln sFF-BÀ-sF-bn \n¶p _ncp-Zm-\-´c _ncp-Zhpw t\Snb tijw ]nF¨vUn ]T -\-¯n-\mbn Hmkvt{S-enb Xnc-sª-Sp-¡p-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. ]n¶oSv Hmkvt{S-en-b-bn an\nkv{Sn Hm^v A{Kn-¡Ä¨À Un¸mÀ«vsaân imkv{X-Ú-\mbn tkh\amcw-`n-¡p- I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. bqWn-th-gvknän Hm^v sht̬ Hmkvt{Sen-b-bnse C³Ìn-äyq«v t^mÀ A{Kn-¡Ä¨À ta[mhn IqSn-bm-Wn-t¸mÄ.

]n-¶n« \mfp-I-fn Ct±-ls¯ tXSn-sb-¯nb ]pc -kvIm-c-§Ä \nc-h-[n. Gä-hp-a-h-km-\-ambn bpssWäUv t\j³kv ^pUv B³Uv A{Kn-¡Ä¨À HmÀKss\-tk-jsâ kvs]j Aw_m-kn-UÀ ]Zhn e`n- ¡p-¶Xv c≠ p hÀjw ap¼v. AXn\p ap¼v 2011-þ Hmkvt{S-en-b-bpsS ]c-tam-¶X knhnÄ _lp-a-Xn-Ifn-sem-¶mb HmÀUÀ Hm^v Hmkvt{S-en-bbpw 2013-þ sht̬ Hmkvt{S-en-b³ Hm^v Zn CubÀ _lp-a- Xnbpw tXSn-sb-¯n-bXv ae-bm-f-¡-c-bpsS Cu ]p{Xs\-bm-Wv. saw_À Hm^v Zn HmÀUÀ Hmkvt{S-en-b F¶ knhn-en-b³ AhmÀUn\p ImÀjnI taJ-e-bn \n¶v Xnc-sª-Sp-¡-s¸-«GI hyànbpw IS-t¼mSv lwk-bpsSbpw sIm¨m-an-bp-sSbpw aI-\mb kn±n-Jm-Wv. s]cp -a-bn ap¶n \n¡p¶ Cu knhn-en-b³ _lpaXn Ct±lw Ic-Ø-am-¡p-t¼mÄ {]hmk temI¯v ae-bm-f-¡-c-sbm-¶m-sI-bmWv BZ-cn-¡-s¸-«-Xv.

BtKm-f-X-e-¯n ImÀjnI taJ-ebv¡p \ÂIp¶ ka{K kw`m-h-\-I-fpsS t]cn H¼Xp hÀjw ap¼v ap³cm-jv{S-]Xn F]nsP A_vZpÄI-emw kzÀW-sa- Uepw {]i-kvXn-]-{Xhpw \ÂInbpw Ct±-ls¯ BZcn-¨n-cp-¶p. tIcf ImÀjnI kÀh-I-em-ime DÄs¸sS C´y-bnse hnhn[ kÀh-I-em-im-e-I-fnepw Ata-cn-¡, ssN\, {^m³kv, PÀa-\n, ate-jy, kuZn Atd_y XpS-§nb hntZ-i-cm-Py-§-fnse kÀh-I-em-im-e-I-fnepw Ct±lw KÌv ^m¡Ä«n-bm-Wv. ImÀjnI taJ-e-sb-¡pdn¨v aq¶p Uk-t\mfw {KÙ-§fpw Ccp-\q-dn-e-[nIw Kth-jW {]_-Ô-§fpw Ct±lw {]kn-²o-I-cn-¨n-«p -≠-v.

t{Im¸v ^nkn-tbm-f-Pn, P\-än-Ivkv, At{Km-Wan XpS- §nb taJ-e-I-fn-em-bn-cp¶p ap³Im-e-§-fn Ct±-l- ¯nsâ Kth-j-W-{]-hÀ¯-\-§Ä tI{µo-I-cn-¨n-cp-¶- sX-¦nepw Ct¸mÄ Imem-h-Øm-am-äs¯ AXn-Po-hn- ¡p-¶-Xp-ambn _Ô-s¸« ]T-\-§-fn-emWv IqSp-X-embn

GÀs¸-«n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. hnhn[ amXr-I-IÄ krjvSn-¨pÅ Imem-hØm {]h-N\w kw_-Ôn¨v Ct±-l-¯nsâ ]T- \-§Ä Gsd {i²-bm-IÀjn-¨p-I-gn-ªn-cn-¡p-\-\p. P\n- X-I-ta-J-e-bp-ambn _Ô-s¸« Kth-jWw \S-¯p-¶ Ime¯v Ct±lw hnI-kn-¸n¨ hnf-bn-\-§fpw \nc-h-[n. A§-s\-bmWv AXn-sem-cn-\-¯n\v kz´w `mcy-bpsS t]cv Xs¶ sImSp¡p-¶-Xpw.

temIs¯ apt¶m«p \bn-¡p¶ iàn GsX¶p tNmZn-¨m ]eÀ¡pw ]e D¯-c-am-bn-cn-¡pw. F¶m kn±n-Jn\v Cu tNmZy-¯n\p¯cw ]d-bm³ c -≠p h«w Btem-Nn-t¡- -≠Xn-Ã. AXv `£-W-am-sW¶ D¯cw

ssPh-Ir-jn-sb-¸-än-bm-WtÃm Ct¸mÄ kwhm-Z-tasdbpw \S-¡p-¶-Xv. tIc-f-¯n ssPh-Irjn taJ-ebn \S-¡p¶ apt¶-ä-§sf F§-s\-bmWv hne-bn-cp- ¯p-¶-Xv.

tIc-f-¯nse Irjn-co-Xn-I-fn Imtem-Nn-X-ambamäw Bh-iy-am-Wv. hnjw \ndª `£-W-§Ä Hgnhm¡n ssPham-Xr-I-I-fn-te¡v Xncn-bm-\pÅ \o¡w Gsd {it²-b-am-Wv. F¶m CXp kw_-Ôn¨v Hcp Imcyw a\-Ên-em-t¡≠- Xp≠- v. {]Jym-]\w t]mse efnX-aà apt¶m-«p-ff Imcy -§Ä. Hmtcm NphSpw hfsc {i²n¨p apt¶m«p h¨n-sÃ-¦n henb Xncn-¨-Sn-Ifpw kw`-hn-¡mw. Hcp ]t£, tIc-f-¯nse ImÀjnI taJ-e-bpsS XIÀ¨bv¡p t]mepw CXn-S-bm-¡ntb-¡mw. IÀj-IÀ ssPh-Ir-jn-bn-te-¡v Xncn-bp-t¼mÄ Ht«sd shÃp-hn-fn-IÄ AXn-Po-hn-t¡≠- -Xmbn hcp-sa-¶p-d -¸m-Wv. tcmK-§-fp-sSbpw IoS-§-fp-sSbpw \nb-{´Ww ]qÀ W-ambpw ssPh-co-Xn-bn-em-¡p-¶-XmWv Gähpw {][m-\w. CXn\v IrXy-amb kwhn-[m\w Bh-iy-am-Wv. ssPh-co-Xnbn-te¡p Xncn-bp¶ L«-¯n DÂ]m-Z-\-¯nepw Ipd-hp- ≠m-Ipw. CXv IÀj-Isc km¼-¯n-I-amb \jvS-¯n-te-¡mbn-cn¡pw \bn-¡p-I. am{X-a-Ã, ssPh D¸-¶-§-fpsS Db À¶ hne aqew D]-t`m-àm-¡-fpsS Imcy-¯nepw _p²nap-«p-I-fp- ≠m-Imw. Cu {]iv\-§-sfÃmw ap¶n I ≠pÅ \b-cq-]-h¡-c-W-amWv Bh-iyw.

tIc-f-¯n Bh-iy-amb D¸-¶-§-sfÃmw ssPhco-Xn-bn DÂ]m-Zn-¸n-¡m³ km[n-¨m-età ssPh-Irjn hnP-bn-¡q.

tIcfw ImÀjnI DÂ]m-Z\ kwØm\w F¶ Ah- Ø-bn \n¶v ImÀjnI D]-t`màr kwØm-\-sa¶ Ah- Ø-bn-te¡v amdn-¡-gn-ªp. aäp kwØm-\-§-fn \ns¶- ¯p-¶Xv hnjw \ndª ]¨-¡-dn-bm-sW-¶-dn-ªn«pw AXv XS-bm³ kwhn-[m-\-an-Ãm-¯Xv eÖm-h-l-am-Wv. hntZ-icm-Py-§-fn-seÃmw `£-W-¯n ambw tNÀ¡p-¶Xv Kpcp- X-c-amb Ipä-am-Wv. F¶m th≠ {X Kuc-h-t¯m-sS-bà ambw tNÀ¡Â {]iv\s¯ ImWp-¶-Xv. tIc-f-¯n Irjn¡v {]m[m\yw \jvS-s¸-«-Xnsâ {][m\ ImcWw Øe- ¯nsâ e`y-X-¡p-d-hm-Wv. kwØm-\-¯nsâ FÃm `mK-§-

hcpw. AXn\p sXm«p Xmsg-bmbn kvt\lw Øm\w ]nSn-¨n-«p-s -¦nepw H¶mw Øm\w `£-W-¯n\p Xs¶ tb Cu imkv{X-Ú³ sImSp-¡q. ""temIs¯ Du«pI F¶-XmWv Fsâ a{´w.'' kn±n-Jnsâ hm¡p-IÄ. {]XnhÀjw ap¸Xp tImSn tUmf-dnsâ hn\n-abw \S-¡p¶ hn[-¯n-te¡v Hmkvt{S-en-b-bnse IS-e-¡r-jnsb F¯n- ¨Xn\p ]n¶n Ct±-l-¯nsâ Kth-j-W-§fpw ]co-£- W-§-fp-am-Wp-Å-sX¶v imkv{X-temIw k½-Xn-¡p-¶p.

ap¼p ]d-ª AÂamkv I_qfn DÄs¸sS Ct±lw hnI-kn-¸n¨ hn¯n-\-§-fp-sS-sbÃmw {]tXy-IX tcmK- {]-Xn-tcm[ tijn-bm-Wv. C¶n-t¸mÄ \nc-h[n Kth-j -W-hn-ZymÀYn-I-fpsS ssKUv IqSn-bmWv kn±n-Jv. Ct±-l- ¯nsâ Kth-jW hnZymÀYn-I-fn c -≠p t]À ae-bmfn-I-fp-am-Wv. \mSn-t\m-SpÅ {]Xn-_-²-X-bpsS `mK-ambn FÃm hÀjhpw Xsâ bqWn-th-gvknän Hm^v sht̬ Hmkvt{S-en-b-bn \n¶v Hcp Kth-j-Is\ Xsâ ]T-\- ¯n\p thZn-bmb tIcf ImÀjnI kÀh-I-em-im-e-bn te¡v Ct±lw A[ym-]-\-¯n-\mbn Ab-bv¡p-Ibpw sN¿p-¶p. Xsâ \mSn\p th -≠ n C¯cw GXm\pw sN dnb Imcy-§Ä am{Xta sN¿m³ km[n-¡p-¶pÅq F¶ tJZ-amWv kn±n-Jn-\n-t¸mÄ.

tIc-fhpw ssPh-Ir-jnbpw

s{]m^. IS-t¼mSv kn±nJv

fnepw s\¡rjn km[y-am-In-Ã. ]me-¡m-Sv, XriqÀ, Ip«-\mSv F¶n-§s\ s\¡r-jn-¡- \p-tbm-Py-amb Øe-§Ä tI{µo-I-cn¨v AcnbpÂ]m-Z\w hÀ[n-¸n-¡p-I-bmWv km[y-amb amÀKw. Ipd¨p Øew am{X-ap-Å-bn-S¯v ]¨- ¡dn t]mse-bpÅ `£y-hn-f-IÄ¡mWv {]m [m\yw \ÂtI- -≠Xv.

Npcp-¡-¯n tIcfw ssPh-Ir-jn¡v kÖ-am-bn-«n-sÃ-¶mtWm ]d-ªp-h-cp-¶-Xv.

]qÀW-amb Nph-Sp-am-ä-¯n\p tIcfw C\n bpw kÖ-am-bn-«n-söp ]d-tb≠n hcpw. CXn-\m-bpÅ aps¶m-cp-¡-§-fmWv Ct¸mÄ Bh-iyw. ssPh-Ir-jn-bn-te-¡pÅ Nph-Spamäw DbÀ¯p¶ shÃp-hn-fn-Isf t\cn-Sp- ¶Xv Gähpw ZoÀL-ho-£-W-t¯mSp IqSn-bmbn-cn-¡-Ww. Øe-¯nsâ e`y-X, imkv{Xob-amb ImÀjnI k{¼-Zm-b-§Ä, ]pXnb ImÀjn-tImÂ]m-Z\ amXr-I-IÄ F¶n-h-bnseÃmw ]T\w Bh-iy-am-Wv.

10 August 2018 AUSTRALIA


few years ago stood witness to the

A ground breaking change of India’s internet prospect with the explosion of mobile users coming online, and now we’re in a similar phase of growth - this time powered by Indian languages. English language being the most common language on the internet, has always come across as an aspirational factor amongst us Indians, while only about 12% of the Indian population is familiar with

Famous apps like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter only serve a very small section of the Indian society and not those who are still experimenting with the internet and experiencing it through their smartphones with limited data packs. There exists a totally different set of user market with different preference for content consumption which cannot be served by social products used by the metro audiences. Understanding this segment, Indian start-

create content in their own languages – Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Bengali, Bhojpuri and Marathi, among others. Not just in India, but globally too, the dominance of English language is fading. In the mid - 1990s, four-fifths of online content was in English and it has since fallen to just half of the total with the spread and acceptance of languages like French, German, Spanish, Chinese etc. Like the advancement of mobile phone

reach, linguistic freedom would help more and more Indians experience the power of computing and the internet. As foundational challenges within the infrastructure and ecosystem are met, it is important to support India’s growing digital literacy by a multilingual digital world; and the winners in this space will be those who aim to improve user experience though personalisation and customisation based on individual languages.

Local languages

? the next big thing

Vinoth V.V.

English. However flooding a change is the new wave of users in the country that are opting to access internet in their native language. According to reports from Google and KPMG Indian Languages - Defining India’s Internet, the Indic language internet users were 234 million in 2016 having already surpassed English users which were 175 million. The report states that nine out of ten new internet users between 2016 and 2021 will use local languages. With about 90% of Indians from smaller towns and cities continuing to come online in the next three to five years in their own language, The gap between the two groups is only expected to widen and this trend will only accelerate as time goes by.

ups like ShareChat are on an overdrive to target this once niche market segment that has now gone mainstream. Started by 3 IITians, this one of a kind social networking application allows the user to share diverse content -- from memes to news to cooking recipes -- in 10 different languages and 27 dialects. What began as a fun app for whatsapp has now turned into a full fledged social networking site with over 3.5 million daily active users and 1 lakh content pieces per day. From ShareChat to publishing apps like Matrix Partners-backed Dailyhunt - the leading news aggregator with over 150 million app installs, offering content in 14 local languages- , Pratilipi and Valmeeki, these tools are empowering people to

August 2018




hns«m-gn-bmsX emhven³

Ccp-]Xp hÀjw ap¼v temIw Cu AXn-Im-bs\ Adn-ªn-cp-¶Xv {In¡-änsâ t]cn am{X-am-bn-cp-¶p. Ct±lw cmjv{So-b-¡m-csâ Ip¸m-b-a-Wn-ªn«v Ccp- ]-¯n-c≠vv hÀj-am-Ip-¶-tX-bp-Åq. C¡m-e-a-{Xbpw `c-W-¯n kJy-I£n t]mep-am-Im³ ]nSn-sF¡p Ign-ªn-«p-an-Ã. AXn-\m \ne-]m-Sp-I-fpsS t]cn Ft§m-«mIpw Nmbvsh¶v A\p-am-\n-¡p-¶Xp t]mepw ZpjvI-cw. Ignª A©p hÀjw ssJ_À ]JvXq¬Jz {]hniy `cn¨p F¶Xp am{X-amWv BsI-bpÅ `c-W- ]-cn-N-bw. KpP-dm¯v F¶ kwØm\w `cn-¨-Xnsâ am{Xw -]-cn-Nbw h¨v \tc-t{µ-tamZn C´y³ {][m-\- a-{´n-bm-b-t¸mgpw At±-l-¯nsâ _nsP-]n-sb¶ tZiob I£n¡v cmPyw `cn¨ A\p-`h k¼¯v th ≠p-thm-f-ap-≠m-bn-cp-¶-sh-t¶mÀ¡-Ww.

Agn-a-Xn-s¡-Xn-cmb bp²-{]-Jym-]-\-amWv C{am\v P\-§-fpsS ]n´pW t\Sn-s¡m-Sp-¯-sX¶p thWw Icp-Xm³. F¶m C¯cw hmIvIkÀ¯p-IÄ¡-¸pdw

Ab-es¯ `c-W-amäw C´ysb F§s\ _m[n- B`y-´cþhn-tZi Imcy-§-fn \ne-]m-sS-´m-bncn-¡p-sa¶v At±lw CXp-hsc shfn-hm-¡n-bn-«p-

¡p-sa¶p cmPyw Däp-t\m-¡p-¶p. hfsc temeamb Nc-Sp-IÄ sIm≠ v Hcp tZi-s¯bpw P\-Xsbbpw H¶n-¸n¨p \nÀ¯p-¶-Xn\p Xpey-am-bn-cp¶p F¶v A\p-am-\n-¡p-¶-Xnepw sXän-Ã.

t]m-ep-an-Ã. C¡m-cy-§-fn hyà-amb \b-§-fnÃ

C¡m-e-a-{Xbpw ]m¡n-Øm-\nse P\m-[n-]-Xyw. ]«mfw tXm¡v H¶p-bÀ¯p-t¼mÄ Xs¶ Cu NcSpIÄ bmYmÀYy-§-fn-te¡v hkvXp-\n-jvT-ambn It®m s]m«n-ho-gp-¶-Xn\p Ncn{Xw km£n. C¡p-dn ]«m-f- -Sn-¨m In«p¶ Nn{Xw A{X ip`-kq-N-I-a-Ã. 342 ¯nsâ IqSn au\m-ioÀhm-Z-t¯m-sS-bmWv XÃn-¡q- AwK-]mÀe-saân 272 koäp-I-fn-te¡p am{X-am- «nb `qcn-]-£-hp-ambn C{am³ Jmsâ ]m¡n-Øm³ Wv Xnc-sª-Sp¸v \S-¶n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. AXn Xs¶ sXlvcosI C³km^v (]nSnsF) A[n-Im-c-¯n-te-dp- tIh-e-`q-cn-]£w kz´w \ne-bn kam-l-cn- ¶-Xv. B AÀY-¯n ]m¡n-Ømsâ cmjv{Sob Ifn- ¡m³ Jm\v Ign-ªn-«p-an-Ã. ssk\y-¯nsâ CSs]-S-em-sW-¦n Xnc-sª-Sp-¸nsâ Hmtcm L«-¯n-

¡-f-¯n ]pXn-sbmcp C¶nMvkpw ]pXn-sbmcp ] co-£-W-hp-amWv Cu ap³Ime {In¡äv \mb-Isâ ep-ap- ≠m-bn-cp¶p Xm\pw. t]mfnMv _q¯p-I-fn t\Xr-Xz-¯n \S-¡p-¶-Xv. t]mepw ssk\yw km¶n-[y-a-dn-bn-¨n-cp-¶p. Xnc-

Ab-es¯ `c-W-amäw

sª-Sp-¸ns\ ssk\yw A«n-a-dn-¡p-I-bm-bn-cp-s¶¶v {][m\ I£n-I-sfÃmw Btcm-]-W-ap-¶-bn-¨n-«p-ap≠-v.

ap³{]-[m-\-a{´n \hmkv sjco-^n-s\-¡p-dn¨v asä-s´Ãmw ]d-ªmepw At±lw P\m-[n-]-Xy-hnizm-kn-bm-bn-cp-s¶¶ Imcy-¯n i{Xp-¡Ä t]mepw tbmPn-¡pw. sjco-^ns\ Agn-a-Xn-bpsS t]cn tImS- Xnsb Iq«p-]n-Sn¨v `c-W-¯n ]pd-¯m¡n C{amsâ hc-hn\v ssk\yw If-sam-cp-¡p-I-bm-bn-cp¶p F¶ Btcm-]Ww \nkm-c-ambn XÅm-hp-¶-X-Ã. A§- s\-sb-¦n ]m¡n-Øm-\nse Cu Xnc-sª-Sp-¸n-s\- ¯s¶ apJw-aq-Sn-b-Wnª ssk\nI A«n-a-dn-sb¶p hnfn-¡p-¶-XmIpw IqSp-X \Ã-Xv. A§-s\-sb-¦n B«n³tXm-e-Wnª sN¶m-bsb t]mse P\m-[n-]- Xy-¯nsâ BS-bm-`-c-W-§-fnª ]«m-f-`-cWw Xs¶- bmIpw C\n ]m¡n-Øm-\n Ac-t§-dm³ t]mIp-I. C´y Gähpw Pm{KX ]men-t¡≠ Imcyhpw CXp Xs¶-bm-Ipw.

Fkv-F³kn emhven³ tIkn ]nW-dmbn hnP-b³ hnNm-cW t\cn-S-W-sa¶v kn_nsF kp{]ow-tIm-S-Xn-bn \ne-]m-sS-Sp-¯-tXmsS tIcf apJy-a{´nbpsS Xebv¡p apI-fn \n¶v Utam-¢oknsâ hmfp-t]mse Cu tIkv C\n-bp-tasd \mÄ Xq§n-bm-Sp-sa-¶p-d-¸m-bn-cn-¡p-¶p.

tIcf sslt¡m-SXn hnNm-cW \S-]-Sn-bn \ns¶m-gn-hm-¡nb Ggmw {]Xn-bmb ]nW-dmbn hnPb-s\m¸w H¶mw {]Xn taml-\-N-{µ\pw F«mw {]Xn F. {^m³knkpw IqSn hnNm-cW t\cn-S-W-sa¶v cmPys¯ ]c-tam-¶X At\z-jW GP³kn-bmb kn_nsF cmPys¯ ]c-tam-¶X tImS-Xn-bn kaÀ¸n¨ kXy-hm-Mvaq-e-¯n Bh-iy-s¸-«p. Hcp tIknse {]Xn-Isf Ipä-ap-à-cm-¡p-¶-Xn\v {Inan- \ \S-]-Sn-{Iaw 239 {]Imcw kp{]o-tIm-SXn ]pd-s¸-Sp-hn¨ amÀK-\nÀtZ-i-§Ä FÃm {]Xn-Isfbpw Ipä-ap-à-cm-¡nb hnNm-c-W-t¡m-S-Xntbm ]nW-dmbn hnP-b-\-S¡w aq¶p {]Xn-Isf am{Xw Hgn-hm-¡nb sslt¡m-S-Xntbm ]men-¨n-«n-Ã. GsX- ¦nepw {]Xn-Isf Hgn-hm-¡p¶ Imcyw Ipä-]{Xw kaÀ¸n¨v k¼qÀW hnNm-cW \S-¡p¶ L«- ¯nte ]cn-K-Wn-¡mhq F¶pw AXn-\n-S-bn Nne {]Xn-Isf Ipä-ap-à-cm-¡p-¶Xv hnNm-c-Wsb tZmj- I-c-ambn _m[n-¡p-sa¶pw kn_nsF kXym-hm-Mvaqe-¯n hyà-am-¡p-¶p. ]nW-dmbn DÄs¸sS aq¶p t]sc am{Xw Ipä-ap-à-cm-¡nb sslt¡m-SXn hn[ns¡-Xntc \memw {]Xn IkvXqcncwK A¿À kp{]ow tImS-Xn-bn kaÀ¸n¨ tIkn-emWv kn_nsF kXy-hmMvaqew ^b sNbvXn-cn-¡p-¶-Xv.

August 2018




sat{Smaebmfw \yqkv _yqtdm

h¼³am-scÃmw XpS-¡-¯nte sIm¼p-Ip¯pIbpw

C¯n-cn-t¸m-s¶mcp cmPyw \£-{X-tim-`-tbmsS DZn -¨p-b-cp-Ibpw sNbvX-XmWv djy BXnYyw hln¨ temI-I¸v aÕ-c-§-sf hyXy-kvX-am-¡p-¶-Xv. AXntesd ck-I-c-amb Imcyw temI-I¸v t\Snb cmPy-s¯- ¡mÄ ss^\-en Iog-S-§nb cmPyw temI-¯nsâ lrZbw Iog-¡p-Ibpw sNbvXp.

\mep hÀjw temIw Im¯n-cn-¡p-Ibpw s\t©-äp- Ibpw sNbvX SqÀW-saânsâ djy³ FUn-j³ Ct¶mfw I ≠p-io-en¨ Ifn-h-gn-IÄs¡m¶pw hg-§p-¶-Xm-bncp-¶nà F¶-XmWv hmkvX-hw. ]ns¶-tbm, CsXmcp N¦n-Sn-¸n-sâbpw N¦p-s]m-«-en-sâbpw A½q-½-¡-Y-I-fpsS-bp-saÃmw k¦-c-am-bn-cp¶p F¶-XmWv hmkvX-hw.

h³ hogvN-IÄ

N¦n-Sn¸pw N¦p-s]m-«-ep-ambn


djy-bn ]´p-cp-fm³ XpS-§p-¶-Xn\p ap¼p Xs¶ h³ho-gvN-IÄ kw_-Ôn¨ B]Âkq-N-\-IÄ A´-co- £-¯n-ep-bÀ¶n-cp¶p F¶-XmWv hmkvX-hw. kzoU- \m-bn-cp¶p AXnsâ tI{µ-_n-µp-hm-bn-cp-¶-Xv. {]mY-anI du ≠p-I-fnse ISp-¸-ta-dnb Hcp {Kq¸v t]mcm-«-¯n kzoU³ sXmgn¨p sXdn-¸n-¨Xv aq¶p h«w ss^\-enÂ

Ifn¨ ]mc-¼-cy-¯n djy-bn-te¡v Sn¡äv {]Xo-£n- ¨n-cp¶ s\XÀem³Uvkn-s\-bm-Wv. F¶p am{X-aà {Kq¸v t]mcm-«-¯nsâ IW-¡p-I-sfm¯p h¶-t¸mÄ \mep XhW temI-I¸v Nm¼y³am-cmb Cä-enbpw djy-bn-te¡v hnam\w Ib-dn-sÃ-¶p-d-¸m-¡m³ kzoU\p km[n-¨p. 1958\p tijw C¶p-hsc Hcp XhW t]mepw temI-I-¸n\p tbmKyX \ntj-[n-¡-s¸-«n-«n-Ãm¯ Cä-en- -¡mWv 2018-þ \m«n-en-cp¶v I®otcmsS Ifn ImWp-Isb¶ tbmKw hn[n-¡-s¸-«-Xv. Cäm-en-b³ CXn-lm-k-am- Is« Pnbm³ep-bnKn _pt^m-Wn\v Ah-km\ temI-I¸v Ifn-¡msX If-t¯mSp hnS-]-d-tb ≠n hcp-Ibpw sNbvXp.


djy³ temI-I-¸nsâ tcmam-©-P-\-I-amb A[ymbw C¯n-cn-¡p-ª³am-cpsS h¼p-Im-«-em-Wv. aq¶c e£ -¯n Xmsg am{Xw P\-kw-Jy-bpÅ sFkvem³Uv anI¨ {]I-S-\-¯n-eqsS Ah-cpsS ^n^ dm¦nMv 131-þ \n¶p 18-þ-te-¡mWv DbÀ¯n-b-Xv. Cu hn- Pbw km£yw \ÂIp-¶Xv Ah-cpsS HSp-§m¯ Bth-i-¯n\pw AXn-s\m¯ ITn-\m-[zm-\-¯n\pw IrXy-amb Bkq-{X-W-¯n-\p-am-Wv. {Kq¸v tÌPn tImSn-¡-W-¡n\p t{]£-I-cpsS Bcm-[-\bpw s\t©-

än-sb-¯nb AÀPâo-\-bpsS temI-I¸v taml-§-sfbmWv 1þ1 F¶ ka-\n-e-bn AhÀ ]nSn¨p sI«n-b-Xv. FÃm kml-N-cy-§fpw sFkvem³Un-s\-Xn-cm-bn-cp-¶psh¶p k½-Xn-¡-Ww. ]¯p tImÀW-dp-Ifpw 27 tjm«p- Ifpw AhÀs¡-Xntc AÀPâo-\bv¡p \nd-sbm-gn-¡m- \p≠- m-bn-cp-s¶¶p am{X-a-Ã, 78 iX-am\w t_mÄ s]m k-j\pw AÀPâo-\-bp-sS-bm-bn-cp-¶p. F¶n«pw hn[n-¡- s¸-«Xv \mWw-sI« ka-\n-e.

CXp-t]mse FSp¯p ]d-tb≠ t]cmWv PÀa-\nsb sI«p-sI-«n¨ Z£nW sImdn-b-bptSXv. {Kq¸v tÌPnse Ah-km-\s¯ aÕ-c-¯n FXn-cn-Ãm¯ c ≠p tKm fn\v \ne-hn-epÅ Nm¼y³am-cmb PÀa-\nsb sIm¼p-Ip- ¯n-¡p-t¼mÄ B t\«w ssIh-cn¨ FI Gjy³ cmPyhp-ambn Z£nW sImdnb amdn.

AXp t]mse, \nc-h[n {]mXn-Iq-ey-§Ä¡p \Sphn \n¶mWv P¸m³ sImfw-_n-bsb H¶n-s\-Xntc c ≠p tKmfn\p tXmÂ]n¨v GsX-¦nepw emän³ Atacn-¡sb BZy-ambn tXmÂ]n-¡p-¶ Gjy³ cmPy-sa¶ JymXn kz´-am-¡p-¶-Xv. BXn-tYb cmPy-amb djy bv¡pw In«n-bXv HmÀa-bn kq£n-¡m-hp-s¶mcp SqÀWsaâm-Wv. kuZn Atd-_ysb FXn-cn-Ãm¯ A©p tKmfn\p tXmÂ]n-¨p-sh¶p am{X-a-Ã, temtIm-¯-c-am-sbmcp SqÀW-saâ v ]ng-hp-I-fn-ÃmsX ssIImcyw sN¿m-\pÅ tijn amtem-IÀ¡p ap¶n shfn-hm¡n sImSp-¡m- \pw djy-bv¡m-bn.

temI-I¸v ^pSvt_m-fnsâ 1930 apX-epÅ Ncn-{X- ¯n-em-Zy-ambn asämcp Imcyw IqSn kw`-hn-¨p. tIa³amsc¶v temIw apgp-h³ sIm«n-¸mSn \S¶ PÀa-\n, {_koÂ, AÀPâo\ F¶n-hsc skan-ss^-\-ensâ sse³ A¸n I -≠tX-bn-Ã. ss^\-en-se-¯n-b-t¸mÄ \jvS-s¸-Sm-s\m-¶p-an-Ã, t\Sm-\m-sW-¦n temI-I¸v Inco-S-ap≠ v F¶ Ah-Ø-bn-emWv t{Imtb-jy-sb¶ \m¸-¯©p e£w P\-§Ä am{X-apÅ Ipª³ cmPy-¯nsâ Sow {^m³kn-s\-Xntc Ifn-¡-f-¯n-en-d-§nb-Xv. tXmsä-¦n-se´v temIw apgp-h³ Nph¸v tPgvknb-Wnª s{Imtb-jy-bvs¡m-¸-am-bn-cp-¶-tÃm. Chsc Xpc-¯m³ {^m³kn\v Bh-\m-gn-bnse Akv{X-§- sfÃmw ]pd-s¯-Sp-t¡≠- -Xmbpw h¶p. CXn-te-sd-sb´p thWw Hcp temI-I¸v ss^\-ens\ \mep hÀjw HmÀabn kq£n-¡m³ sImÅm-hp-¶-Xm-¡m³.

Onam Greetings.....

August 2018






Ayurveda is a wellness system. It’s a

holistic system based on nature’s principles, not theories. It considers the environment, the person and the disease in treating and it works with the cause, not just with the symptoms. It treats the disease with the person in the context. It is a time tested system that reverses the disease quickly, completely and safely. That’s the goal of Ayurveda. It works with the extensive process behind health and disease. We work with stabilizing health, improving health as well as preventing diseases. Ayurveda has its own vaccinations which are all natural, containing no heavy metals. So not toxic at all.


There are many reasons to see Ayurveda as unique. Over thousands of years ancient scientists made deep observations about how nature works, body and mind works and they interacted with each other, environment, body and mind, how people interact, how trees, animals and people interact, human life forms interact with

nature, seasons and geographical peculiarities. Ayurveda observed there were micro climates and people felt different in different micro climates. Ayurveda has made deep observations about life forces and life. Key point is Ayurveda has observed for thousands of years how the inner life and outer life of a person interact. Its principles are based on how nature and health naturally work. It speaks about natural health issues and unnatural health issues. Surprisingly these principles are same as or similar to the findings of the modern or current medical science. What is inflammation, what is auto immune situation, what is degeneration of condition are all mentioned in Ayurveda with more clarity. The key working principles of all these are mentioned in Ayurveda. This is the ancient Indian way of living. Once you are connected with your inner and outer nature you can communicate with anything. Six thousand years back Ayurveda was in evolution and six thousand years back we got all these text books. It came when people started living together in villages. These books speak about eight thousand herbs and dozens and dozens of therapies, cleansers with variations any practitioner can make. Ayurveda speaks

about health and diseases which are exactly similar to modern findings.


Disease has its origins and expresses itself in symptoms. Ayurveda works on all these areas. I remember a case in which a person had ongoing insomnia, diarrhea and overheating. She wanted some herbs to cool her system down. When asked why she developed heat I found she had stress and needed emotional balance. She said her finances is the real problem. When she got expert advice from a financial coach almost ninety percent of her symptoms were controlled.

When cause is treated her life was saved. That is how Ayurveda is holistic. If the symptoms were dangerous we would have treated them.


Politics and promoters play a role in making a system popular or not. In India what happened in the last few centuries Ayurveda was destroyed by many invaders. But luckily Kerala is holding on to that pot of nectar of healing secrets and currently in India Ayurveda is growing very fast and finally government came to support Ayurveda in whatever way possible.


When I came here 22 years back what I noticed was Chinese medicine being practiced everywhere. Chinese government was pumping money into it. So it was all over the world. This is starting to happen in the case of Ayurveda also. Ask an experienced modern medical practitioner about Ayurveda. He will say we don’t have treatments. We have pain killers, we have antibiotics, we have surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. But we don’t have proper treatment for any disease. All we have is emergency care. Now we are coming to know what Ayurveda can do, what modern medicine can do and what Chinese medicine can do. Over last 22 years Ayurveda in Australia has grown tremendously and it occupy 675 pages in natural therapy listings today. I know personally about 40 Ayurveda practitioners in Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Sydney. All this happened in last 22 years. When I came here there had been only one Ayurveda practitioner in Sydney and he was part time. Now there are over a dozen full time practitioners here. Based on doctors’ numbers Ayurveda is growing fast.



It talks about cure because it is unique. When you just address the disease symptoms, but not the disease process you can only manage it. For example arthritis, dermatitis, psoriasis, exema and asthma. As a doctor, do you want to cure it or just to suppress the inflammation

is the question. Ayurveda goes into the disease process, dissolves the inflammation, removes the toxin and repairs the tissues. These three stage processes make Ayurveda curative and different. Without it one can only manage it.


This is a common question. Two main questions are usually raised against Ayurveda-are these toxic, has it got any side effects. There were some news paper reports saying that Ayurveda products contain heavy metals. There are rogue manufacturers in Ayurveda also as there can be in food sector, restaurants and other areas. Some manufacturers were banned because of lower quality and the presence of toxic material. Any manufacturer can become a rogue when he stops paying attention to quality and purity and the safety aspects of production. The problem is not with Ayurveda products, but

Dr. Ramaprasad

with some manufacturers. That’s a different story. Ayurveda products are said to be having no side effects. Why is this? The concept of side effects came with chemical medical products. Whats the difference between a chemical drug and an Ayurvedic drug? Both may be for fever. A typical Ayurvedic formulation for fever may be the product from three herbs. Each may have thousands of chemicals in them as every herbal plant part can have so many of them. Spirulina, carrot, cabbage and every other vegetable you eat have thousands of natural chemicals. When you take one molecule out of them and use it as a disease control product, it is called a chemical drug. Natural drugs will have thousands of synergitically composed and holistically acting naturally combined chemicals. Because of the synergy they don’t cause side effects. Taking one molecule out of these thousands, it becomes a dangerous weapon.


In my clinic I use only Kottackal Aryavaidyasala products. Others available in my village are products from Coimbatore Aryavaidya Pharmacy and Aryavaidya Nilayam products. But when I started a clinic

using only Kottackal Aryavaidyasala Products. I am using it now for 28 years.


I have read a number of health and healing books from West, East, South and North. One phrase that sticks in my head is this. Its from a book called Anatomy of

Illness. It speaks about little incurable diseases. Every disease has a cure. Healing requires a whole person’s presence. We need to get his emotions, mind, intellect, body and routine in one place and healing happens then. I have seen it and I have done it. Understanding a person and capturing his imagination take a little time and effort. This is an Ayurvedic phrase. It’s the whole range of principle in healing. Ayurveda is like a self extending self. It can keep on accepting other principles. Ayurveda principles are proven again and again. For example Ayurveda prescribed iron in lemon juice 6000 years back, 110 years back modern medicine says iron needs vitamin C for its absorption. Same is the case with scraping our tongues the benefits of which were found by Ayurveda six thousand years back.


I am practicing for the last 28 years. Before that I had been working with voluntary groups and teaching Ayurveda. I am in Sydney from 1996 onwards. Over these years I have participated in several health conferences.


Usually when a client comes to me I want to know him completely, his worries, fears, anxieties etc . I start with a tongue analysis because tongue is one of the twelve Ayurveda diagnostic techniques. Tongue is the window to the person’s body, mind and spirit. After it when I start saying things about him, the patient will start responding to them. Then I observe their eating style and life style and will start suggesting some upgrades with reason and the result will usually be fantastic. Once the consultation is over they are supposed to call me whenever they need help. And I see them again once in six weeks if needed.


In my normal service clinical consultation I offer health consultation. Most people come to me to know why they are sick, is there a life style activity that can correct the issue, is there a herb to cleanse, nutritional drug that can help them to healthy. That’s what I do. I give my range of it. Finally I put them into one package of advice. So it all will be practical and straight forward.


August 2018 AUSTRALIA

kv{Xo[\¯nsâ t]cn ]oV\w At\z-jWw hcp¶p


µp, knJv kap-Zm-b-§-fn kv{Xo[-\-¯nsâ t]cn- \S-¡p¶ KmÀlnI ]oV-\w, sIme-]m-X- Iw, Bß-l-Xy-IÄ XpS-§n-b-h-sb-¡p-dn¨v At\z-jWw \S¯p-¶-Xn\v Hmkvt{S-en-b³ sk\-änsâ Xocp-am-\w.

kv{Xo[-\-¯nsâ t]cn-epÅ {]iv\-§Ä XS-bp-¶ -Xn Hmkvt{S-en-b-bnse IpSpw-_-\n-ba kwhn-[m-\w, IpSn-tbä \nba kwhn-[m\w F¶n-h-bpsS Imcy-£-a-Xbm-bn-cn¡pw Cu At\z-j-W-¯n {][m-\-ambn ]cntim-[n-¡p-I.- C-´y³ D]-`q-J-WvU-¯n \n¶pw Ign -sªmcp Zi-I-¯n-\nsS h³tXm-Xn Hmkvt{S-en-b-bnte¡v IpSn-tb-ä-ap- ≠m-b-Xns\ XpSÀ¶v kv{Xo[-\-¯n sâ t]cn-epÅ ]e-X-c-¯n-epÅ ac-W-§-fpsS \nc¡pw IqSm-\n-S-bm-b-Xmbn sk\äv Is -≠¯n-bn-cp-¶p. kv{Xo IÄs¡-Xn-tc-bpÅXpw AhÀ t\cn-Sp-¶-Xp-amb KmÀ lnI ]oV-\w, \nÀ_-ÔnX hnhm-lw, C¶pw XpS-cp¶ ASna k{¼-Zm-bw, am\-knI XIÀ¨-IÄ F¶n-hbv¡v

kv{Xo[\ k{¼-Zm-b-hp-am-bpÅ _Ôhpw ]cn-tim-[-\- bpsS hnj-b-ambn amdpw.

IpSn-tb-dnb P\-hn-`m-K-§Ä¡n-S-bn-epÅ kv{Xo[\ Zpcp-]-tbmKw ISp¯ kmaq-lnI {]iv\-ambn amdn-bn-cn- ¡p-I-bm-sW¶pw CXp kw_-Ôn¨v DS³Xs¶ At\zjWw \S-¯-W-sa¶pw te_À ]mÀ«n Fw ]n Pqen-b³ ln Ign-ª-amkw Bh-iy-s¸-«n-cp-¶p. Hmkvt{S-en-b-³ P\-X-bn s]mXpth A¼-c-¸p-f-hm-¡p¶ kv{Xo[\ k{¼-Zmbw B[p-\nI Hmkvt{S-en-bsb kw_-Ôn-¨n-St¯mfw A]-cn-jvIr-X-am-bmWv IW-¡m-¡p-¶-Xv. kv{Xo [\ k{¼-Zmbw kv{Xo¡p-ta ]pcp-j\v DS-a-Øm-h- Imiw Øm]n¨p sImSp-¡p-I-bmWv sN¿p-¶-Xv. kaXzw F¶ Bi-b¯n\p Xs¶ CXv FXn-cm-sW¶v s^U-d ]mÀe-saân \S-¯nb {]kw-K-¯n Pqen-b³ ln {]Jym-]n-¨n-cp-¶p. ""BcpsS-sb-¦nepw DS-a-Ø-X-bn-em-bncn-¡m³ kv{Xo Hcp hkvXp-h-Ã. kv{Xosb hkvXp-hmbn

IW-¡m-¡p¶ aX]-chpw kmwkvIm-cn-I-hp-amb kao- ]\w Hmkvt{S-en-bsb kw _Ôn-¨n-S-t¯fw Bimky a-Ã.'' Pqen-b³ ln hmZn-¨p. kv{Xo[\ k{¼Zm-b-¯nsâ Zpcp-]-tbmKw XS-bp-¶-Xn- \pÅ \nbaw ]mkm-¡p-¶ Xnsâ apt¶m-Sn-bm-bmWv hnIvtSm-dn-b³ Kh¬saâ v CXp kw_-Ôn¨v At\z-j-

Pqen-b³ ln W-¯n\v D¯-c-hn-«n-cp-¶Xv.-

CtX XpSÀ¶v \oXn kw_- Ô-amb (KmÀlnI ]oV-\kwc-£-Whpw CXc hnj-b- §-fpw) \nba t`Z-KXn _n 2018 hni-Z-amb NÀNbv¡p tijw ]mÀe-saâ v ]mkm-¡n-bXv GI-I-WvT-am-bm -bn-cp-¶p.

Bkv]-b-dn\p kvt]m¬kÀamÀ

Bkv]-bÀ tbmK-¯n ]s¦-Sp-¡m-s\-¯nb {]Xn-\n-[n-IÄ

Bkv]-bÀ hnZym-`ymk klmb ]²-Xn-bpsS {]mtbm-P-Isc Is -≠¯p-¶-Xn-

\pÅ DuÀPnX bÚw XpS-¡-¯n Xs¶ h³ hnP-bw. BsI \m ]-tXmfw kvt]m¬kÀamsc Bh-iy-am-b-Xn DZvLm-S\thf-bn Xs¶ ]¯n-e -[nIw t]sc Is≠ -¯m³ Ign-ªn-cn-¡p-¶p. thÄUv ae-bmfn Iu¬knepw knUv\n ae-bmfn bq¯v t^mdhpw kwbp-à-ambn knUv\n Hfn-¼nIv ]mÀ¡nse Fkv. ]n. sPbn³ kvIqÄ Hm^v t¥m_ amt\-Pvsaân \S-¯nb kvs]j ss{Uhn-emWv \men-sem-¶v kvt]m¬kÀamÀ kzta-[bm apt¶m«p h¶v t]cp tNÀ¯-Xv. Hcp hnZymÀYn-bpsS D]-cn-]-T\w Gsä-Sp-¡p-¶-Xn-\mbn Hmtcm kvt]m ¬kdpw aq¶qdp tUmfÀ apX c≠ m-bncw tUmfÀ hsc-bmWv sNehp hlnt¡ ≠Xv. kvs]j ss{Uhnsâ `mK-ambn tNÀ¶ tbmK-¯n thÄUv ae-bmfn Iu¬kn t¥m_ F³-BÀsF t^md-¯nsâ sNbÀam\pw temI tIcfk` AwKhpamb tPmkvtIme¯v apJy {]`m-jWw \S-¯n. thÄUv ae-bmfn Iu¬kn sNbÀam-\p-amb sFkIv tPm¬ ]«m-Wn-¸-d-¼nÂ, thÄUv ae-bmfn Iu¬kn t¥m_ {]kn-Uâ v tUm. F. hn. A\q]v F¶nhÀ hoUntbm tIm¬^-d³knMv aptJ\ Biw-k-I-f-dn-bn-¨p. thÄUv ae-bmfn Iu¬kn knUv\n t^md-¯nsâ \nbpà {]kn-Uâ v _m_p hÀKo-kv, thÄUv ae-bmfn Iu¬kn t¥m_ sSIv t\m-fPn B³Uv Cs¶m-th-j³ slUv CÀ^m³ amen-Iv F¶n-hÀ ]cn-]m-Sn-IÄ¡p t\XrXzw \ÂIn. knUv\n ae-bmfn bq¯v t^mdw {]kn-Uâ v Inc¬ Pbnw-kv, sk{I- «dn sUdnIv AeIvkv F¶n-hÀ {]k-tâ-j-\p-IÄ Ah-X-cn-¸n-¨p. tUm. apl-½Zv jm^n \µn ]d-ªp.

sSbvÂkv Hm^v CuÌv HmK. 11\v

tIc-f-¯nse apÉow kwkvIr-Xn-bpsS AS-bm-f-§-fpsS {]ZÀi\hpw

`£y-ta-fbpw HmKÌv ]Xn-s\m-¶n\v knUv\n-bn \S-¡pw. \yq ku¯v shbnÂkv ]c-am« ]mÀ¡n HmÄUv Kh¬saâ v lukn \S-¡p¶ {]ZÀi\ ]cn-]mSn knUv\n-bnse C´y³ tIm¬kp P\-d DZvLm-S\w sN¿pw. tIc-f- ¯nse apÉnw Ie-IÄ, Iemcq-]-§Ä, Ic-Iu-i-e-h-kvXp- ¡Ä, XpWn-¯-c-§Ä, sal- µn, ssaem-©n, ]mNI ¢mkp- IÄ, ap«-am-e, _ncn-bmWn \nÀamW {]ZÀi\w, _ncnbmWn taf, H¸-\, Z^vap«v F¶nh t{]£-IÀ¡mbn Hcp-¡n-bn-cn-¡p-¶p. `£y-taf-bn ISve-äv, ]cn-¸p-h-S, Cd-¨n-¸-¯n-cn, Nn¡³ kaq-k, D¶-¡m-b, Ce-bS F¶nh hnÂ]-\bv¡pw D®n-b-¸w, N«n-¸-¯n-cn, ap«-am-e, s\¿-¸w, ]gw-s]mcn F¶nh \nÀamW {]ZÀi-\-¯n-\p-ap- ≠m-Ipw.

ae-bmfw hnknC Xe-¯n-te¡v


kvt{S-en-b-bnse hnhn[ {]hniy-IÄs¡m¸w hnIvtSm-dn-bbn hnIvtSm-dn-b³ kvIqÄ Hm^v emwtKz-P-kn-sâbpw (hn-F-kv-FÂ) kmap-Zm-bnI kwL-S-\-I-fp-sSbpw Iogn ae-bmfw A[y-b\w ]ptcm- K-an-¡p-¶p. F«p hnF-kv-F tI{µ- §-fnemWv Ct¸mÄ ae-bmfw ]Tn- ¡p-¶-Xn\p kuI-cy-ap-Å-Xv. cmhnse H¼Xp apX D¨bv¡v 12.20 hsc-bm- Wv ¢mkp-I-fpsS ka-bw. A£-c-§Ä ]Tn-¸n-¨mWv XpS-¡w. ]n¶oSv hmb-\, kw`m-j-Ww, Fgp¯v XpS-§nb taJe-I-fn-te¡v ]T\w ]ptcm-K-an-¡pw. F¶m ]¯mw Xc-¯n\p tijw hnknC Xe-¯n ae-bmfw ]Tn-¡phm³ Ct¸mÄ Ah-k-cn-anà F¶Xv {]Xn-_-Ô-ambn Ah-ti-jn-¡p-¶p. CXn\p ]cn-lmcw ImWp-¶-Xn\v hnIv tSm-dn-b³ Icn-¡pew B³Uv Ak-

kvsaâ v AtXm-dnän \njvIÀjn-¡p¶ am\-Z-WvU-§-sfÃmw ae-bm-f-¯n-\p-Å- Xp-am-Wv. F¶m hnZymÀYn-I-fpsS F®-¯nse Ipd-hm-Wn-t¸mÄ {]iv\- ambn amdp-¶-Xv. Ggv, F«v ¢mkp-I-fn ae-bmfw ]Tn-¡p¶ hnZymÀYn-IÄ H¼Xv, ]¯v ¢mkp-I-fn IqSn B ]T\w XpS-cpI F¶Xp am{X-amWv CXn-\pÅ ]cn-lm-c-ambn Nq ≠n-¡m- Wn-¡-s¸-Sp-¶p. hnknC ]co-£-I-fn Cw¥o-jn-Xc `mj-Isf t{]mÕm-ln- ¸n-¡p-hm³ t{Kkv amÀ¡pw e`y-am-Wv. AXn-\m hnknC Xe-¯n Cämen-b³, {^©v XpS-§nb `mj-IÄ ]Tn-¡p-¶-Xn-s\-¡mÄ \ÃXv ae-bmfw Xs¶ ]Tn-¡p-¶-Xm-sW¶ [mcW ae-bm-fn- c£m-IÀ¯m-¡Ä¡p- ≠m- IpI F¶-XmWv Gähpw Ffp-¸-ap-ff amÀK-sa¶p s]mXpth Nq≠n-¡m-Wn- ¡-s¸-Sp-¶p.

AU-se-bvUn _pÄkv 21-þ\v anI-hnsâ IncoSw

anI¨ {In¡äv Soambn Xnc-sª-Sp-¡s¸« _pÄkv þ 21

AU-se-bvUn Cu hÀjs¯ anI¨ {In¡äv Soambn _pÄkv 21-þs\ Xnc-sª-Sp-

¯p. Cu hÀjw \S¶ aq¶p {][m\ SqÀW-saânepw anI-hpä hnPbw ssIhcn-¨-tXm-sSbmWv _pÄkv 21 Cu _lp-a-Xn¡v AÀl-am-b-Xv. AU-se-bvUnse aebmfn Atkm-kn-tb-jsâ t\Xr-Xz-¯n \S¶ SqÀW-saânepw Ccp-]Xv Hmh-dn-sâbpw ]Xn-\©v Hmh-dn-sâbpw F«v Hmh-dn-sâbpw hyXykvX t^mÀa-äp-I-fn \S¶ Hcn-¡Â t]mepw tXmÂhn Adn-bm¯ anI¨ Sosa¶ JymXnbpw CtXm-sS- _pÄkv 21\p kz´am-bn. knt\mPv t\XrXzw \ÂInb Soan c≠ p SqÀW-saânepw jn_n³ am³ Hm^v Zn am¨mbpw _mep FaÀPnMv t¹bÀ Hm^v Zn Cub-dmbpw Xnc-sª-Sp-¡-s¸-«p. _pÄkv 21 Soan jn_n³, knt\m-Pv, _nt\m-Pv, Pn_n³ F¶n-hÀ t_mfn§nepw atl-jv, kpan³, saÂhn³, hnth-Iv, kXojv F¶n-hÀ _män-§nepw anIhp sXfn-bn-¡p-Ibpw _mep, hnPn-¯v, a\p, tdm_n³ F¶n-hÀ HmÄdu≠- Àam-cmbn tim`n-¡p-Ibpw sNbvXp.

18 August 2018 AUSTRALIA

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