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Comps & Pricing

- Goa s for sa e

- Comparab e Properties

- Regional Market Trends

- Pricing Strategy

List Your Home

-,MLS, and Syndicat on Sites

- Signage

- Networking

Prepare Your Home

- Photography

- Staging (Live or V rtual)

- Video Tours or Virtual Tours

- Floor Plans

- Wh te Gove



Show Your Home

- Pr vate Show ngs

- Broker Events

- Open Houses (In Person or V rtual)

- Lead Fo low-up

Market ing Your Home

- Print and Dig tal Advertising

- Partnership Advertising: Sotheby's Auction House,Reside

- Owned Channel Marketing: sothebysrealty com,App e TV, and YouTube

- Showcase Website

- Print Co atera

- D rect ma l

- Soc al Ad Engine


- Offer

- Negot ation

- Acceptance

- Email Marketing Campaigns St at us/ Feedback

- Client Market ng Report

- Prospective buyer feedback

- Market Condit ons (on-going)




Although Martha Turner Sotheby?s International Realty Sells many of the world?s most prestigious properties, we believe luxury is about the experience, not the price.We pride ourselves on delivering a superior experience with the highest level of service no matter the price.

Theright pricegetsthebest results.

Your property needs to be priced correctly from the very start.We will present a thorough comparative market analysis (CMA) to help determine the optimal price.

Overpriced propertiesmay ultimately seemoreprice reductions:

Withtheright price,youhaveabouta92%chanceof meetingyouraskingpricewithinthefirst 2weeks.



DigitalAd Campaigns ForYour Listing

Our digital advertising campaign uses hyper-targeting to reach home buyers where they spend their time online, including Facebook,Instagram and hundreds of websites...97% of the internet,in fact.

This 7-day automated campaign retargets users based on their browsing behavior,resulting in an average click-through rate of 26%, above the industry average of .10%.

With 10,000 impressions,your property will be seen by consumers based on geographic and behavioral targeting.

By using data to target the right audience and tracking user behavior, the campaign is more effective in driving traffic to your property and increasing the chances of a sale.

Imagine what oneof theworld?s most visited realestate websitescan doforyou.

We make your listing easy to find online with our Webby Award-winning website and finely tuned SEO. enables millions of visitors to immerse themselves in engaging videography,impactful photography,and inviting virtual tours.

A customized website foryour property alone.

Our innovative showcase websites are an invaluable resource to prospective buyers.They can include everything from stunning photography,property descriptions and floor plans to video tours and virtual reality.Your site makes a powerful first impression and always displays the most up-to-date information about your property.

We seize every opportunity to promote your property via email toour proprietary lists of clients past,present and future,as well as to the broker community.As you would expect,our connections help you reach prospective buyersthat no oneelsecan.

Wedeliver accountability andinsights.

With the click of a link,our web-based Client Marketing Report allows you to stay up to date on the life of your listing.The interactive report provides data on web traffic, PRplacements,advertisements, open house and showing details, and any additional marketing efforts we initiate for your property

The report will ensure that we are implementing the best strategies to keep your property well positioned in your market.You will always know where we stand and where we?re going ? until the day you close.



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Char otteBlocker s a ta ented,exper encedreal estatebroker who has been ?hands-on?n the field of REsales for over 20 years,havingboth commercia and resident a exper ence She has owned several businesses, nc uding her own commercialbrokerage,and knows the mportanceof addressingeach cl ent?sind v dua needs.Her l ustr ous residen al rea estate career has ncluded being recogn zed as #7 se ling Broker in the Houston Bus ness Journa ?s 50 most expens ve homessold n the Houstonarea Char ottestays abreast of al current marke trendsand prov desan educatedbasefor her c ientsregard ng a l th ngsperta ningto rea es a e Commun cationis foremostand she pr desherse f n stay ngin constant touch w th her buyersand se lers Her successhasbeenbu lt onkeenorgan zat onski lswhichshefeelsis thekeyto experiencingaseamlesstransac onfrom contracttoclosing.

A c ient had this to say,?Char ottehas a real interest n her cl entsand that directly conveys trust, wh ch we consider also a key e ement on suchan mportantinvestmentdecision,suchas purchasinga property Shebalancescl entexpectat onsandneeds,w hbusinesscreation,she s bus nessand client orien edand has excel entnegot ationski ls Her nterestin c osingdea sis as importan to her as hesatisfactiono her customers.?Charlotte'sexper encecoup edwithSotheby?soutstanding marke ngp anw l assurethesel erw llreceivetheexposureneededto promote stellar representat on Effect ve negotiating sk l s are one of Char otte?sgreatest gifts and th s top producer uses her expertiseto providea?win-win?situationfor al parties nvolved Her exper encea so nc udes be ng a team eader at a Pe ican Bui ders Community n the Woodlands area assist ng w th the se l ng, and marketing of 89 homes es. Th s 45-m ll on-dol ar pro ect cemented Char ot e?s e fectivenessregard nga th ngsre atedtoarea estatetransact on

I f rst met Char otte B ocker in 2016when she supported me n f nding an amazing rental oca on in The Wood ands Since then, she?s been my Rea tor extraordinaire, and represented me n purchas ng and se ing two homes in The Wood ands Her attention to detai response me, and a l-around car ng and compassionate persona ity have made her such a pleasure to work with. If you are ooking for a Rea tor who s h gh y capable, trustworthy, and gets amazing resu ts, I h gh y recommend Charlo teBlocker.As I loveto say,#closewithcharlotte

Car a S.

?First of al - what is not to love about Char ot e? She?s been ncred bly respons ve throughout our home buying exper ence. She Is very transparent and authentic n her commun cation, which made it easy to trust informat on provided Being that wewere in apos t on to buy ahome whi eout of state,she ensured she madeappoin ments to akeusthrough v rtua tours ASAP.With her hust eshew l te lyou how muchshe loves her job,and we complete y bel eve it.Herpass on bleedsthrough every nch of her, and we?re not qu te sure when she takes aday of . We could fee she genuinely cared about us and our best interest - what you seeis what you get If she s had a bad day,you?d neverknow t Her pos t v ty iscon agious and her sm le never quits We complete y appreciate her, and wi l a ways look to her for a l of our real-estate needs?

Amy H.

?Char otte s wonderfu to work w th We have sold two homes and purchased one home with her, and had a great experience each time When i came t me to se l our second home, we knew that we wanted to work with her aga n. She s kind, professional, very knowledgeable, and a joy to work w th I can? t recommend her enough Thank you, Char otte.?

Ange i Y.

?Pla nly put, Charlotte is the bes ! Charlotte is acharismatic person w th an engaging personal ty, making her so easy to work with. We have recommended Char otte to both riends and ami y. Snce sel ing our home and ass sting us wi h buy ng another,she hassold the homesof two other fam ly members in record t me at a prof table ist pr ce. Wthou a doubt, I wi l cont nue to recommend Charlotte for anyone ook ng to buy or sel ahome.

Gabrie a E.

Char otte s a member of the prest giousMTSIRCirc eof Excellence,a MarthaTurner Exce lenceAward 2022 Nominee,and has been chosen astheRealtorof heWeekby TheHoustonChron c e Her certi ca ons nc ude: Accredited Buyer Representat ve, Accredited Luxury Home Spec a ist,Certif edNew HomeSpecia istand Res dentialConstruction Certif ed Sheisal censedBrokerinTexasandLou s ana

Char otteproudly makes a donation to Camp Hope w th every c osed transaction SheisalsoaPartnerinHopewithS Jude

?Char otte s wonderful! I met her at a few d ferent open houses several years ago and nstant y knew that I wan edher to be my realtor. She has a strong know edge of the local market,genuinely caresabout her c ien s,is rel able, respons ve, organ zed, and we prepared. I have watched her career grow over the years in our ocal community impact newsletter and am so g ad that I had the opportunity to work w th her on purchasing my first home. She walked me through every step of the process and I know that she w l be ava lable as a resource moving forward for any future questions that cometo mind ?

Brittany F.

Trusted Proven Global

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