Winter 2011
The Magazine Of The Oklahoma Farm Bureau
Inside: Inside:
Could He Be Oklahoma’s Next Megastar? Living Their Dream
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Oklahoma Country
Features 8 – Could He Be Oklahoma’s Next Megastar?
Who’s Tyler King? This small town teenager just might be Oklahoma’s next recording superstar following the likes of Garth, Reba and Toby. By Mike Nichols
16 – Living Their Dream Jackson County’s T.J. and Diane Beach and sons
were named Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Farm Family of the Year during the 69th OFB Annual Meeting in November.
2 – Presidentially Speaking 4 – Insurance Matters 6 – Country Gardening
14 – YF&R Profile 22 – Convention Roundup 28 – All Around Oklahoma 42 – Country Classifieds 44 – Country Kitchen
Hidden number worth $50!
ne member family’s Oklahoma Farm Bureau membership number is hidden somewhere in this issue of OKLAHOMA COUNTRY, and could earn that member family $50. To claim the cash prize, the member family must find its own hidden membership number and contact Mike Nichols before the last day of the month Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to
4 p.m. at 405-523-2300. The OFB membership number hidden somewhere in OKLAHOMA COUNTRY must match the number on the face of your individual OFB membership card for you to claim the cash prize. The member ship number that appears on your magazine’s mailing label is not the hidden number, but must match the hidden number for you to claim the cash prize.
Cover Image Oklahoma Farm Bureau's 2010 Farm Family of the Year, the Beach Family, on their farm in Jackson County. Photo by Dustin Mielke
Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011 • 1
Speaking By Mike Spradling President, Oklahoma Farm Bureau & Affiliated Companies
Winter 2011 Volume 64 No. 1 Oklahoma Country (ISSN 1544-6476)
A season of reflection and thanks
ell here we are in that time of the year where we have time to reflect back on what 2010 meant to each of us. As we think of those things of the past in the back of our minds are looming what the future will bring for 2011. No matter what the past presented or what the future may bring, I hope each of us can focus on the positive things in our lives and put the negative things aside as we start a new year. As an individual, things like family, health and having the ability to make a living from the soil are the most important things I can be thankful for. As president of Oklahoma Farm Bureau, there are many other things I can be thankful for as well. Things like living in a country where people of like interest and like mind have the right to organize and assemble for the good of their lives, livelihood and industries of interest is something we as Americans can be extremely thankful; living in a state where agriculture is recognized as a leading industry responsible for much of Oklahoma’s economic prosperity; and membership with the determination and the willingness to become involved for the good of our organization as a whole. As a citizen of this great country and state, we can be thankful for having an electoral process where we have the ability and right to elect those individuals who have our interests and concerns at heart as they go through the lawmaking and regularity process. I can be thankful that the members of Oklahoma Farm Bureau become educated on the issues and informed of the candidates prior to going to the polls. The outcome of the recent election was a result of members being informed and involved. The overwhelming defeat of State Question 744 was a direct result of our members’ involvement. I can be thankful for the vision of former leaders of Farm Bureau who saw the need and importance of forming the OK AG Fund. I can be thankful also that our members see its value to our cause by contributing voluntary dues to the fund 2 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011
making it the second largest, influential political action committee in our state. Through your guidance and direction the success of candidates supported and candidates elected was an astounding 88 percent. Calling it right on 61 out of 69 races didn’t just happen by chance. An 88 percent success rate came about because of your involvement both from informational input as well as financial contributions through your voluntary dues. Forming a political action committee was one of the best things we ever did as an organization to assure the people we elect represent us and support the policy our membership develops. I am very thankful to have a membership of voluntary leaders who are willing to become engaged in knowing the people who represent them and our organization as it pertains to the legislative process. You know what it takes to present our point of view to a lawmaker. You do it in a way they not only understand the issue, but they understand where we’re coming from as well. As a member of the state’s largest grassroots organization, you have their respect knowing you speak not only for yourself, but for thousands of fellow farmers and ranchers. I’m thankful you know the importance in political activaties that each of you know your legislator as an individual, but you also know it’s just as important that the legislator knows us as an organization. As president I am so thankful to have the opportunity to represent individuals and industries so dear to my heart and to have a staff that understands and believes in the mission of Oklahoma Farm Bureau as I do. Thank you for the privilege, honor, and opportunity to serve. As the New Year unfolds won’t you think of all the things you have to be thankful for and let those things guide you through the start of a new year? To the members of Oklahoma Farm Bureau may the New Year bring to you and yours all you deserve.
Published four times per year in April, July, October and January by Oklahoma Farm Bureau, 2501 N. Stiles, Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3126, Telephone 405-523-2300. Periodicals postage paid at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Additional Mailing Offices. Postmaster: Send address corrections to: Oklahoma Country, P.O.B. 53332, Oklahoma City, OK 73152-3332. EDITORIAL TEAM Mike Nichols Oklahoma Country Editor and Senior Writer Sam Knipp Vice President Corporate Communications / PR Traci Morgan Perspective / Online News Editor Dustin Mielke Multi-media Producer / Writer DIRECT YOUR ADVERTISING INQUIRIES TO: Oklahoma Country Attn: Mike Nichols 2501 N. Stiles Oklahoma City, OK 73105 405-523-2300, Ext. 2345 ADVERTISING POLICY All advertising is subject to publisher’s approval. Advertisers assume all liability for content of their advertising. Publisher maintains right to cancel advertising. Publisher does not guarantee advertiser service or products, and assumes no liability for products or services advertised. TO SUBSCRIBE Oklahoma Country subscription rate is $1 per year for members as part of the dues, $15 for non-members. WEBSITE Oklahoma Farm Bureau DIRECTORS Mike Spradling, President Tom Buchanan, Vice President Roland Pederson, Treasurer Charles Sloan, Secretary Ervin Mitchell, Director Rodd Moesel, Director Bob Drake, Director Larry Boggs, Director Billy Gibson, Director Phyllis Holcomb, Director Monica Wilke, Executive Director
A lot has changed since those first brave pioneers crossed into Oklahoma aboard wagon trains. Then again, some things have stayed the same, like the need for good protection for whatever it is you drive. These days, however, that protection comes not from a fellow Okie with a trusty side iron, but from a fellow Okie armed with policies from a trusted insurance provider. Oklahoma Farm Bureau agents are proud to provide the kind of quality auto coverage at great rates that every Oklahoman needs. Because they know that on the highways and byways of this state, it’s still the wild wild west.
For details about Oklahoma Farm Bureau, visit us online at
By Richard Newberry
Executive Vice President & General Manager Oklahoma Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company
Changes implemented to serve our members
am humbled and honored to serve as the Executive Vice President and General Manager of Oklahoma Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company. I am truly committed to our financial recovery, as is the entire management staff. Throughout the past year, there have been several questions of how, why and when as it pertained to the financial condition of our mutual insurance company. A tremendous amount of effort and pain has been borne by several the past 12 months, including your state board of directors, executive director, staff, agents and members in all 77 counties. We should never forget the lessons learned from our financial challenges. However, we must not dwell on the rearview mirror, or what we cannot change and look forward through the windshield ahead. I will assure you that with the changes and commitments that have been made in the past months, what now lies in the windshield ahead may be less than perfect at times, but it is very promising. I will take you back to the end of the second quarter of this year. The state of Oklahoma suffered a billion dollars in storm losses in the month of May. Our total ground up losses for OFBMIC equaled $122 million ($113 million property, and $9 million auto). Both property catastrophes were the largest single events in the company history. We responded and quickly served our members who suffered losses, and with our catastrophe reinsurance contracts in place, it was a $22 million net loss for us. In retrospect we hope those May 2010 events to be the bookend to a 1:750 year aggregate event that started in December of 2007 with an ice storm. When we turn from the rearview and look through the windshield at the direction we are
4 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011
now headed, it is a promising view. I will briefly touch on some areas that are very instrumental in our recovery and stability for the future. First, we now have a commitment to rate adequacy in every line of our business. For example, our average homeowner premium was $864 in 2005. Four years later it was $857, which was a reduction of $7. During this same fouryear period of time, the average storm claim more than doubled from $2,137 to $5,621. This illustrates one of our fundamental problems that our members were not being charged enough for several years. We are now committed to being more granular and nimble when reviewing rates. The use of a multivariate analysis coupled with timely action will help return the company to profitability and ensure we are here to serve our membership for years to come. We may never have the lowest rates, but there is no doubt we will provide the best total member service when it comes to our agents on the front side to our claims staff on the back side and every Farm Bureau employee in between. Secondly, we embarked on a needed reduction of exposure through a painful process of non-renewal, and backdoor loss, which is a loss due to the inability to write new business. No one enjoyed the pain of the non-renewals. However, the reduction in exposure was an absolute necessity as our exposure put stress on our capital and ability to survive given the possibility of repeated future storms. Additionally, another action plan project that we are very excited about is the geocoding of our property exposure. Geocoding is the most accurate way to understand our exposure down to the actual rooftop by the use of latitude/ longitude coordinates. We have geocoded 64,637 of 105,890 policies automatically through a service provider. The remaining 41,253 policy locations will be completed by our agents using a web portal that
was designed by our IT staff, which was launched November 19. Geocoding will enable us to make decisions on a myriad of issues that face our company. As a single state insurance provider, it is imperative that we use geocoding as a risk management/ surplus protection tool. Information such as probable maximum loss information, concentration areas, catastrophe program modeling, catastrophe program limits needed, and granularities in rating are just a few of the benefits of geocoding. Finally, we continue our work on expense reduction. We are committed to being prudent with expenses in all areas. We have reduced our staff by 22 people. We have also used outsourcing in areas such as subrogation. This not only reduces expense, it also gives us the potential to add subrogation dollars to our bottom line while investment returns are less than desirable. Salvage and subrogation are two areas that can increase the company’s profitability without a rate increase to the member.
n conclusion, the tough decisions and efforts are beginning to bear fruit. Since June we have increased policyholder surplus by $7.6 million from $75.5 million to $83.1 million. Our loss ratios continue to improve and our agency staff now can write any policy that the company offers except the homeowners or fire policy lines. I encourage you to visit one of our professional agents for a comprehensive insurance need evaluation. Again, I am honored to be your Executive VP and General Manager and I will not forget the picture in the rearview window. However, I am excited and committed to our return to profitability that clearly lies ahead in our windshield.
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Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011 • 5
Gardening By Joe Benton
Extension Education, Ag & CED Pottawatomie County OSU Extension Service
Transplanting trees and shrubs
f you need to move a tree or shrub in the landscape, early spring before buds begin to swell is an ideal time. If you are planning to transplant trees from the wild, which can include your lawn, you should know that this is more difficult to have plants survive successfully. Even though woody plants from the wild are less expensive than nurserygrown plants, they usually are less vigorous, with roots and shoots not grown for transplanting. Wild plants with root systems and tops that have not been pruned are usually wide spreading, and are often tangled with roots and branches of other plants. The main roots of wild plants may be so few and far apart, that it is impractical to excavate more than a small percentage when digging. Their trunks, too, may be adapted to shade only to burn when moved into sun. On the other hand, a nurserygrown plant usually has been pruned several times during its development, resulting in better branching close to the trunk. Nursery plants are often “rootpruned,” cutting roots with a spade around the drip line of the tree or shrub. This results in more
6 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011
roots close to the trunk, meaning more roots are retained when dug. More roots often means more successful establishment. Ideally, and especially for large shrubs and trees, you should prune roots and tops from six months to a year before transplanting to increase your success. Remove the outermost tips of main branches back to the point where
side branches arise. Avoid leaving stubs that won’t heal. Root prune by digging around the plant about six inches closer to the trunk than you will when transplanting. A number of new roots will arise near the end of the cut roots. These will better adapt the plant to its new environment when transplanted. Root pruning is best done in early spring. For larger plants, prune on one side early in the season, and on the other side later to reduce the shock to the plant. Even before root pruning, consider the species tolerance to transplanting, the condition of the plant, and its size. Some species are more adapted to transplanting than others. Shrubs are generally better adapted to transplanting than trees, deciduous plants (those that lose their leaves in winter) better than evergreens, shallow-rooted plants better than ones with deep roots, and younger plants better than older ones. Deciduous trees that transplant well include green ash, elms, hackberry, common honey locust, poplar, sumac, and willow. Those that transplant poorly include oaks.
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Tyler is an up-and-coming performer, and someday may reach the star status of fellow Oklahomans like Garth, Reba or Toby. He’s hoping to land with a major record label now, which would make his climb up the entertainment ladder much easier. “It’s hard to get your music on the radio unless you’re recording for a major studio.” Tyler is a typical 17-year-old until he gets a guitar in his hands and a microphone in front of him. The high school senior already has three years of performing experience behind him and is looking for bigger and better things this spring and summer with his music career.
8 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011
egastar Oklahoma products Garth, Reba and Toby are recognizable instantly without any need for last names to ever be mentioned. But what about Tyler? Doesn’t ring a bell? Well, Garth wasn’t an overnight success. He performed while attending Oklahoma State in the early ’80s, and despite having his first number one hit in 1987 didn’t become a meteoric superstar until 1990. Reba’s first single debuted in 1976, but it was 1980 before she broke into the top 10. Toby started in the ’80s, and despite a solid career in the ’90s, didn’t become a household name until ’02 with “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue.” So what about Tyler?
Could he be Oklahoma’s next megastar?
Tyler... By Mike Nichols
Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011 • 9
Like Reba, he’s from a small community. His hometown of Wann has about 200 residents while Chockie – Reba’s hometown – doesn’t have enough people for the population to be listed even on an official State of Oklahoma map. Tyler is a 17-year-old senior at Oklahoma Union School in northern Nowata County. He won’t hit 18 until the weather turns warmer later this year, but already has earned nine college credit hours from Rogers State University. Tyler did not grow up in a home filled with musical talent like Reba and Garth. And his grandmother didn’t operate a supper club where he could listen to country music like Toby. And his childhood wasn’t filled with honky-tonk nights or rodeos. Travis, Tyler’s dad, owns and operates Bartlesville Collision Center and Coffeyville Collision Center where the melodies come from air compressors, hand tools, grinders and paint guns rather than guitars, banjos or amped-up sound systems. But Tyler King, despite his youth, is preparing to embark on his third year in what appears to be a promising career in the music business. He’s not certain when he caught the performing bug. But Tyler can remember performing Tim McGraw’s “It’s Your Love” in the family home when he was only 4. “I would stand up, grab a remote or a pen for a makeshift microphone and just start singing. . .” It was at that moment that this budding performer discovered he loved the spotlight. Ever since that first home “show” as a 4-year-old, he’s taken any opportunity available to sing and play guitar for anyone, anywhere, anytime. His first opportunity was playing a supper club in South Coffeyville. That town, population 770, sits just on the Oklahoma side of the state line across from Coffeyville, Kan. Tyler received an invitation to return to the supper club after that first “gig,” and his professional career officially was launched. A little more than two years ago, he hooked up with producers Larry 10 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011
Tyler is comfortable about anywhere, particularly when he has his guitar in hand. He loves to perform, and given the opportunity probably would have serenaded this bronze steer statue on a Coffeyville, Kansas, street corner. Tyler is equally comfortable with his acoustic or electric guitar. He took guitar lessons as a youngster, didn’t like them and quit. “I learned to play guitar on my own. I just picked it up and started learning it.” Tyler belts out a song during a recent performance at the Watering Hole in Muskogee. He’s becoming a local celebrity in northeastern Oklahoma, where several radio stations are playing cuts from his new album “You Complete Me.” He recently performed at the Wormy Dog in Oklahoma City’s Bricktown and hopes to expand his musical tours into the surrounding states. Photo courtesy of Charlotte Shipley
Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011 • 11
Brockway and Rodney Lay. From September 2008 until February 2009, they worked on recording, editing and mastering the first Tyler King sound track. Brockway and Lay were impressed enough with the finished product to travel to Nashville to demo it for top record executives. Just a couple of months after their trip, they were contacted and asked to bring Tyler to Nashville to do a showcase for some of the top brass at Sony. Tyler remembers the day well. He was backed by some of Nashville’s top musicians in his debut in the Country Music Capital. He also visited with some of the top executives from several of the major record labels while there. Tyler’s producers are communicating now with another major record company in Nashville while also awaiting word from Sony. He also had to the opportunity to visit and work with some of Nashville’s top songwriters during his visit. Tyler was particularly impressed when he worked with Jeff Kersey in the recording studio in the songwriter’s home. “He’s just a neat guy. He works with Brooks and Dunn.” They co-wrote a song while Tyler was visiting, and Tyler even got to use a microphone belonging to Ronnie Dunn when he recorded the demo. “I’d write a line and he’d write a line,” Tyler recalls. “I sat in his home studio and recorded a demo. “I’ve been chipping away ever since. We will build from there!”
ne thing Tyler discovered while visiting Nashville was the importance of being a songwriter. Music people there asked Tyler if he wrote his own songs – which he didn’t at the time. “Many of the biggest names began and still are songwriters,” says Tyler. “Ever since we released my album, I’ve realized how important songwriting is. We’ve spent months tracking down information and trying to pay all the writers that contributed (to his first album). So since then, I have really been working on my songwriting. It’s important in Nashville because it’s for songwriters.” Tyler tries to spend at least an hour a day writing songs. Sometimes it’s more like three or four. At just 17, his life experience is short to draw on when writing country music, but that hasn’t deterred him. “Sometimes you can do one in 20 minutes. Other times,” he says, “it might take two weeks. The one thing I’ve learned is that you can’t force it. “There are those times when I’m not even trying to write and the words just come to me, and I can’t find a pen and paper fast enough. Those are the times I love!” Tyler wrote “You Complete Me,” the title song for his first album of the same name, in about 30 minutes. He hopes his next album will include only songs he’s written or co-written. He usually spends his daily songwriting time with guitar in hand since he works on both music and lyrics. “I do both simultaneously because they come along together for me. I 12 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2010 2011
Tyler’s first CD, “You Complete Me,” is named after the song he wrote himself. It’s country music with a bit of the popular Red Dirt influence and just a touch of rock and roll on a couple of tunes. Copies of the CD are available for download on iTunes at his website, Ringtones from some of his tunes also are available. Travis King, left, Tyler’s father, says he has absolutely no musical talent. The Nowata County Farm Bureau member owns body shops in Bartlesville and Coffeyville, Kansas. But Travis also is the driver for Tyler and his band when they hit the road to perform, and he’s becoming quite the soundboard operator during live performances. He’s also the chaperone for his 17-year-old son when he and the band perform in clubs where laws require a few more birthdays for entry.
really do like the writing part. To be playing and watching someone in the audience sing along with the song you wrote is the coolest thing.” Tyler truly is in his element during live performances. He enjoys the audiences while performing and during breaks. His dad has stories about having to retrieve his gregarious, extremely talkative son from the audience during breaks and get him back on stage to perform.
bout a year ago, Tyler assembled his band of “20-somethings,” who all hail from the Tulsa area. Dad Travis is the driver when the band hits the road, and the soundboard operator when Tyler and the band perform. The traveling troupe has performed at many venues in northeastern Oklahoma, and earlier this month played at the Wormy Dog in Oklahoma City’s Bricktown. He’s already amassed a following of fans and groupies that follow him from show to show, and Tyler enjoys the attention. Dad Travis says Tyler particularly enjoys the attention from the females. That interjection – plus being asked if he has a girlfriend – is about the only hesitation you’ll get when speaking with the loquacious teenager. “I sort of – sometimes – have a girlfriend,” replies Tyler with an unexpected pause before returning to his talkative self. He hopes to expand his music tour from primarily Oklahoma into Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri and Texas. And he’s currently searching for a booking agent to help expand his performances in those states. “That would help a lot,” said Tyler, “because that’s a difficult venue.” And don’t forget, he’s still in high school; and his dad is busy operating body shops in two different states. Tyler has high hopes of getting into the Texas market to perform. He did an acoustic set at the Aardvark in Fort Worth in November. “We’re trying to get a tour there now,” he said. “Fifty to 60 percent of my fans are from Oklahoma, but 60 to 70 percent of the hits on my website are from Texas.” Right now, Tyler’s music is available on his web site – tylerkingmusic. com – through iTunes. Portions of several of his songs are available for download as ringtones, and he says about 3,000 to 4,000 have been downloaded. “It’s neat there’s somebody out there I don’t even know with my music.” While he’s finishing his senior year in high school, Tyler’s plan for his future is not settled. “It depends on the spring and summer, and on my music career and how it goes.” He thinks he’ll at least be a part timer in college, but if a major record label opportunity comes calling his education probably will be put on hold. If college is an option, he’ll continue at Rogers State and then look at Nashville’s Belmont University, which has a 12 to 1 student faculty ratio, for a business degree to help with his career. It likely doesn’t hurt that Belmont alum Brad Paisley was named CMA’s 2010 entertainer of the year, or that songwriting professor Tom Douglas won CMA’s 2010 song of the year for “The House That Built Me” recorded by Miranda Lambert. But Tyler King is working hard on his dream, and on becoming an Oklahoma performer like Garth, Reba and Toby who’s last name isn’t necessary. “I hope to get a major record label and go on tour. I’d like to be up there. It’s a lot of hard work, but it’s all worth it in the end. I just like playing live and touring. That would be the greatest.” Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011 2010 • 13
Will & Jennifer Cubbage Osage County
YF&R Profile
Q & A with former OFB Young Farmers & Ranchers Chairmen Will & Jennifer Cubbage
2010 was a big year for Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers and Ranchers (YF&R). In addition to hosting approximately 800 young producers from across the nation in Tulsa for the National YF&R Leadership Conference, the group also sponsored a golf tournament fundraiser for the OFB Legal Foundation and supported Oklahoma agricultural youth through scholarships and competitive events, such as the group’s annual speech contest and livestock judging competition. As state YF&R Committee chairmen in 2010, Will and Jennifer Cubbage of Pawhuska were in the driver’s seat as the group conceived, planned and executed these and other worthwhile events in order to promote agriculture and develop young agricultural leaders. As they were preparing to hand over the reigns to new YF&R chairmen, we caught up with the Cubbages, both 33, to talk about the future of the program and what it has to offer young producers. OFB: Who is the YF&R Program for? WC: Any young person involved in agriculture who cares about protecting our industry, our rural areas from further decline, and the values we in rural America hold to. JC: YF&R is for young people in agriculture, and they should get involved because this grassroots organization helps set policy for their way of life. OFB: What kind of relationships are established in YF&R? WC: I travel a good bit with my job and my Angus operation. I’ve stayed at the homes of friends on former committees when I’m in their area. I’ve bought hay from some and sold bulls to others. The opportunity opens up doors all around you, both personally and professionally. JC: I’ve used some of my contacts through YF&R to help coordinate two other national conventions that were held in Oklahoma. These contacts offered their own operations for tours during the conventions, so it helps to have those connections across the state who are willing to help each other out.
Will is the OSU County Extension Agriculture Educator in Osage County. Jennifer is the librarian at an elementary school in Bartlesville. Together, they are building a purebred Angus operation in Pawhuska.
OFB’s Young Farmers and Ranchers Program is open to both men and women, ages 18 to 35, who hold a membership in his or her county Farm Bureau. For more, contact YF&R Coordinator Chris Kidd at (580) 228-4001 or OFB: Where do you see the YF&R Program headed? WC: I’m pretty optimistic. I see the YF&R group growing, but we might have to look for them. Our age group is getting busier all the time. We’re more likely to stay engaged through email and social media, so facilitating that will be key to keeping the group moving forward. JC: I definitely see the group headed toward a bigger membership, but it’s going to take hard work and word-of-mouth to get it there. OFB: Young farmers and ranchers are a busy bunch. Why is it important for them to take time away from their agricultural operations to participate in a group like the YF&R? WC: First, many times YF&R will get to experience how the state’s largest farm organization develops its policy and takes it to lawmakers. Fewer people are involved in the political process today, and those who are do not understand agriculture. We have to rely on OURSELVES for protecting our businesses and the agriculture industry. Second, members will also get opportunities to grow personally and learn about other parts of agriculture they are not engaged in. That’s important when being a spokesperson for your industry. JC: One reason is to gain new knowledge of how an operation can be find different ideas from other producers that may work for them on their own operation. OFB: Have times changed in agriculture? What new challenges will young producers face? WC: Times have changed tremendously and will continue to do so. Technology is leading us out of traditional practices and making us more efficient all the time. It is all about “measure and manage” as well as “adding value” to our products. One of the biggest challenges we face is the everincreasing desire to regulate based upon bad science. JC: Technology has changed the business as well as having off-farm income helping make ends meet. Economics still drives the business. The cost of land is what us young producers have to focus on today. We also need to make sure our story gets told. If the public understands what we are doing and why, then we will not have as many challenges. OFB: As agriculture faces the future, how will Oklahoma Farm Bureau's Young Farmers and Ranchers respond?
WC: Agriculture is full-speed ahead because the world has to eat, but global volatility is going to require producers to be more flexible and less conventional. I think it’s up to us as YF&R to promote necessary adjustments in production practices by being examples. JC: Agriculture is headed up a steep hill with many obstacles in its path. YF&R will respond with a loud voice and new ideas. We will play a big role in the future of our industry. We will be at the forefront, teaching the public and implementing new ideas brought forth as a group united with one goal – the preservation and prosperity of agriculture. OFB: How does the YF&R Program prepare you for the future, today? WC: Learning more details about the political process, knowing more about the people in that process, and having practice in developing OFB policy have been invaluable. The experience is second to none, and I believe that no other organization can do quite what this group offers! JC: You make friends and you network. You learn what’s happened in the past and how you can make it change for the better. You learn the policies you are governed by and how to make changes to better your operation.
“County YF&R committees can be incredibly productive and effective in promoting agriculture and Farm Bureau, as well as offering many more opportunities for participation,” Will Cubbage said. “I’d like to encourage county leaders and members to continue promoting young people to get involved in YF&R.” Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011 • 2
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Jackson County’s T.J. and Diane Beach and sons were named Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Farm Family of the Year during the 69th OFB Annual Meeting in November.
When it came time to announce Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Farm Family of the Year during the 69th annual meeting Nov. 20 in Oklahoma City, Jackson County’s T.J. and Diane Beach were the last people expecting to hear their names called. Especially, T.J. said, when the life they have chosen is a privilege to live. “I’m blessed with a wonderful family to start with,” T.J. said. “I just feel like it’s the best life you can live, living on the farm. It’s a privilege being involved in agriculture, and a privilege to live in Oklahoma.” A panel of judges selected the Elmer family from 13 entries in the annual contest, which honors the farm family who best represents farming and ranching and the spirit of Oklahoma agriculture. As OFB’s top award winners, the Beaches received the use of a new Dodge pickup for a year, an expense-paid trip to the 92nd American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Ga., and other gifts in recognition of their accomplishments. T.J. Beach had his sights set on farming at a young age. His dream never wavered, and today he and Diane, along with their four sons, are enjoying life on their diversified operation in the southwestern Oklahoma community of Elmer.
Living Their
Dream The entire Beach family is involved in the farming operation, including (from left) Jordan, Derek, Diane, Kory, T.J. and Jason.
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The Beach farm traces its origins to 1984, when T.J. rented his first wheat farm and ran calves. “I rented a small farm back in the early ’80s and bought a little land here and there and have gradually grown the operation to where it is now,” he said. Today, the family farms 4,300 acres with cotton, wheat and alfalfa hay being the primary crops. They also have a 100-head cow herd and run 500 to 600 stockers each year. Farming is a family affair for the Beaches, and there are several pairs of hands to pitch in. The couple has four children, including twins Jason and Jordan, who are 20; Kory, 10; and Derek, 8. Another son, Brandon, who would be 12, is the couple’s “angel in Heaven.” In addition to her job off the farm as a lender for AgPreference in Altus, Diane also pulls her weight on the farm. She’s the chief bookkeeper and bill payer and also puts time in on the tractor, feeds cattle and moves equipment when needed. The youngest Beach boys are in charge of yard work and weed control around the cotton fields, while the twins are involved in planting, among other chores. Irrigation is important to the operation’s cropland, and it takes everyone pitching in. “That’s a big issue in the summer,” Diane said. “It takes the whole family helping when we’re irrigating.” The family is aware that water is a precious resource and looks for ways to conserve where they can. They have converted several acres from flood to drip irrigation, allowing more efficient use of water. Center pivot systems have been re-nozzled, placing water delivery closer to plants. “The drip irrigation system helps us use less water than what we normally have and prevents waste of water. And I think it’s improved our yields by, oh, 25 percent,” T.J. said. “Also, we’ve used poly pipe on flood irrigation and we utilize all the water we can without leaks from the gated pipe we used to use. And we also have pivot irrigation, which is a real asset for us.” The introduction of GPS guidance systems on equipment has afforded them more efficiency in fuel usage, seed placement, and fertilizer and chemical applications. T.J. Beach feeds cows on his farm in the southwest Oklahoma community of Elmer. The Beaches have a 100-head cow herd and run approximately 500 stockers each year. Above: Wheat is planted on Beach acreage each fall and is a primary crop on the family’s operation.
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Cotton is a major crop on the Beach’s 4,300-acre farm in Elmer. Irrigation is extremely important to the crop’s success and conserving the resource is a focus of the family’s. “The drip irrigation system helps us use less water than what we normally have and prevents waste of water. And I think it’s improved our yields by, oh, 25 percent,” T.J. said. “Also, we’ve used poly pipe on flood irrigation and we utilize all the water we can without leaks from the gated pipe we used to use. And we also have pivot irrigation, which is a real asset for us.” Agriculture is Diane’s way of life, whether working in Altus as a lender for AgPreferences, or at home on the family’s operation. She’s the chief bookkeeper and bill payer and also puts time in on the tractor, feeds cattle and moves equipment when needed. As Oklahoma Farm Bureau's Farm Family of the Year, T.J. and Diane Beach received a year's use of a brand new Dodge pickup as one of several prizes awarded for their accomplishments.
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Record keeping and marketing have been augmented with the hiring of Farm Data Services, Inc., in Stillwater that assists with monthly and annual record keeping. The service also helps them develop a cash flow plan. “It’s just been a very valuable tool because failure to plan is planning to fail,” Diane said. “We’ve learned that it’s so helpful when you’re trying to manage the extremely capital-intense business that we’re running here in the farm and stay within a budget and an operating loan limit.” Each year they strive to utilize genetically altered and improved seed and to improve fertilizer efficiency and pesticide and herbicide applications. They strive to achieve hefty average daily gains with stockers by managing wheat pasture grazing rates for maximum efficiency and pro-
viding supplemental feed and treatment for animals in a timely manner. The success of their operation is a direct result of teamwork, Diane said. “Really the only way that our operation works is because it’s a team effort,” she said. “T.J. and I are a team, first and foremost. And obviously our children are a big part of our team. We also have good hired hands that help us run this operation and enable us to go and do, participate in our kids’ activities and be gone when we need to and know that things are still getting done here.” Add in a good lender, record-keeping service, crop insurance agent and crop consultant, and you’ve got a dream team that keeps the family on track with its goals.
The Beaches put as much into their community as they do their farming operation. T.J. serves as a board member for Jackson County Farm Bureau, the local co-op, and the rural water district. Diane teaches Sunday school and has served on the Southwest Oklahoma Women in Agriculture and Small Business Conference committee. Both T.J. and Diane were instrumental in starting the Elmer Rural Volunteer Fire Department 12 years ago. Now, they both serve on the board of trustees. T.J. and the twins are all volunteer firemen, and Diane handles the department’s business as chairperson. “We realized that without a rural fire department in our area, we’re at the mercy of however long it takes the Altus Fire Department to get here. And we decided that we ought to help ourselves,” Diane said. “We made some contacts and found out how to do so and started the Elmer Rural Volunteer Fire Department. We’ve been going strong ever since.” Neither T.J. nor Diane could imagine raising their boys anywhere other than on the farm. “I think it’s the best in the world,” T.J. said. “It’s a way of life. That’s the way I grew up, and I want my family to live that way.” “I think we’re so blessed. We are truly getting to live the American dream,” Diane said. “I didn’t get to grow up in the country, and I’m so proud that my boys get to. We can spread out, they can be outside doing all kinds of things as long as there’s daylight. And we just love it. Like I said, it’s a real American dream.”
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OFB votes to support direct farm payments
fter brief appearances by the state’s top newly elected officials, delegates to Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s 69th annual meeting in Oklahoma City’s Cox Convention Center turned their attention to the next farm bill. The parade of new officials kicked off with a video presentation by Governor-Elect Mary Fallin. Her video appearance was followed by Lieutenant Governor-Elect Todd Lamb and Attorney General-Elect Scott Pruitt. Secretary of Agriculture-Designate Jim Reese also appeared on stage briefly. Delegates to the Nov. 19-21 annual meeting said they want the federal government to continue direct assistance payments in the next farm bill. “Our top priority is the continuation of direct payments and revenue assurance programs,” said OFB President Mike Spradling. “The payments provide producers flexibility to grow various crops while providing income support.” The resolution stated: “We support a program or policy, like direct payments, that continues to provide a fixed share of the federal budget allocation for agriculture, is a green box policy, and is considered as part of a revenue assurance program.” There is concern direct payments may be eliminated since the administration is considering reducing the agriculture
department’s budgets. Delegates also passed resolutions strengthening private property rights in regard to high power transmission lines crossing an individual’s property, mineral rights on oil and gas leases and no trespassing laws. A resolution supporting consolidation of all agriculture groups’ effort to promote animal agriculture received strong support from the delegates. During leadership elections, Rodd Moesel, a nursery owner from Yukon, was elected to serve as the district 3 representative on the OFB board of directors. Charles Sloan, Vian, district 6, and Phyllis Holcomb, Kellyville, district 9, were re-elected. Kitty Beavers, Duncan, was the choice of Women’s delegates to succeed Clara Wichert, Fairview, as state chairman. Wichert was termlimited and could not seek re-election. Sharlene Lambring, Oklahoma City, was elected to the district 3 post, and Lena Henson, Beggs, won re-election to the district 9 post. Margaret Kinder, Walters, was elected to succeed Beavers as district 4 representative. Adam and Nicole Martens of Fairview were elected state YF&R chairmen. Brian and LaSheil Knowles of Keota were chosen as vice chairmen and Amber Furhmann, Lawton, was elected as secretary. Other new YF&R members are Mason
Bolay, Cherokee County, district 6; Tim and Sheila Taylor, Osage County, district 9; and Chuckie Hurt, Muskogee County, at large. Awards to the top counties and individuals also were presented. Adair County took the John I. Taylor Award while Garvin County earned the Lewis Munn Award. Six Star Presidential Awards went to Adair, Comanche, Garvin, Muskogee and Seminole counties. The Golden Eagle Award went to Nowata County’s John Pierce and Tony Morris with Love County taking home the Pacesetter Award. The Charles L. Roff Award went to Major County YF&R with Payne County YF&R taking the Outstanding YF&R County Event trophy. Anne Burgess, the county office secretary in Grant County, took home the Secretary of the Year Award. Rex Kraft, Blaine County, earned the Commitment to Excellence Award. Overall CHAMPION Award laurels went to Linda Pesterfield of Garvin County. Frances Gardener of Washington County; Debbie Black of Seminole County; and Jim Freudenberger of Logan County also earned CHAMPION Awards. Jeff Schulz of the Garvin County News Star was honored a Rural Journalist of the Year. Those attending the convention also heard from speakers Trent Loos, the new national FFA President Riley Pagett of Oklahoma, and memorial service speaker Dave Roever.
Attorney General-Elect Scott Pruitt
Lieutenant Governor-Elect Todd Lamb
Secretary of Agriculture-Designate Jim Reese
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OFB Vice President Bob Drake, who served as chairman of the Resolutions Committee, presided over the two resolution sessions at the 69th annual convention on Nov. 20.
OFB President Mike Spradling presented the annual presidential address Nov. 20 during the 69th annual convention in Oklahoma City.
OFBMIC General Manager and Vice President Richard Newberry reports on the status and activities of the mutual company during the annual OFBMIC Policyholders Meeting. The session was held Nov. 20 during the 69th annual convention.
DISCUSSION MEET WINNER – Marty Williams of Payne County took the Discussion Meet title at the 69th annual OFB Convention. He took home this Dodge pickup to use for a year as his trophy. Williams will represent Oklahoma in the national contest at the AFBF annual meeting in Atlanta. If he wins there, he becomes the owner of a new Dodge Ram pickup.
SECRETARY OF THE YEAR – Anne Burgess of Grant County was named Secretary of the Year during the 69th annual convention in Oklahoma City. She received an expense-paid trip for two to the American Farm Bureau Federation annual convention in Atlanta and a plaque from OFB President Mike Spradling. The award honors county office secretaries for their contributions to the overall success of their county Farm Bureaus. Burgess was the northwest district nominee for the award. Other nominees were Bonnie Maloy of Oklahoma County for the north central district; Kari Lemley of Adair County for the northeast district; Shirley Barrett of Pontotoc County for the south central district; Arlene LeMaster of LeFlore County for the southeast district; and Ro-Zanna Shuster of Greer County for the west central district. Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011 2010 • 23
Rodd Moesel wins district 3 board post
anadian County Farm Bureau member Rodd Moesel was elected to a three-year term on the Oklahoma Farm Bureau board of directors Nov. 20. Moesel was picked for the position during the district three caucus, held during the 69th annual OFB convention in Oklahoma City. He will represent Farm Bureau members in district three, which encompasses Blaine, Caddo, Canadian, Grady, Kingfisher, Logan and Oklahoma counties. He succeeds Donna VonTungeln of Calumet as the district three director. Moesel is a horticulturist and president of American Plant Products & Services, Inc. of Oklahoma City. He started the company in 1974. His firm designs and builds commercial greenhouse structures, as well as offers
wholesale greenhouse equipment and supplies for nurseries, vegetable growers, vineyards, orchards and specialty agricultural markets. He grew up working on his family truck cropping/farm market operation in Pauls Valley, and then expanded when he moved to Oklahoma City by opening Moesel’s Hort-Haven. Moesel has been involved in Farm Bureau many years, and has served as the state’s representative to national Commodity Advisory Committee meetings for the past 20 years. He also has been involved in many of the organization’s policy issues, leading coalitions on issues such as property tax limits and estate tax reforms. “I have always appreciated the leadership of Farm Bureau and its unique grassroots issue
Farm Bureau honors Howards, Hadwiger with Distinguished Service awards
klahoma Farm Bureau honored a trio during its 69th annual meeting in Oklahoma City with Distinguished Service Awards. The pair of awards is designed to honor those who have made outstanding contributions to agriculture and to Oklahoma Farm Bureau, according to OFB Executive Director Monica Wilke. For the first time since the award has been presented, a husband and wife were joint recipients of the Distinguished Service to Oklahoma Agriculture. And, a former OFB state director was honored with the Distinguished Service to Oklahoma Farm Bureau Award. Wallace and Doris Lee Howard of Woodward became the first couple to be honored with the award for service to the state’s agricultural industry. Former OFB Director Jim Hadwiger of Cherokee was recognized for his years of service to Farm Bureau. The honors were presented Nov. 20 during an award’s program in the Cox Convention Center. 24 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2010 2011
Wallace, 86, and Doris Lee, 82, were married in 1946 and each has dedicated more than 70 years of service to Oklahoma agriculture. With the exception of his service in the U.S. Navy during World War II, Wallace has been on the farm since the day of his birth. He helped his parents on their farm and was an active member of the 4-H Club growing up. He bought his first 280 acres before graduating from high school. That first farm grew, with wheat as well as sorghum and sudan being the primary crops along with registered and commercial Angus cattle as well as milk cows and feeder hogs over the years. As early as 1959, Wallace began using stubble mulch tillage to conserve moisture and stop wind erosion. He attended the American Wallace and Doris Lee Howard of Woodward were named the 2010 Distringuished Service to Agriculture winners at the 69th annual OFB Convention. Jim Hadwiger of Cherokee was named the 2010 Distinguished Service to Oklahoma Farm Bureau winner at the 69th annual OFB Convention.
Rodd Moesel
development and active support for their issues,” he said. “We must maintain Farm Bureau’s significant respect and political impact at our state and national capitols.” Moesel and his wife, Dona, reside in far northwest Oklahoma City but their residence is in Canadian County.
Breeders Service Technician Training School and incorporated artificial insemination to improve his cow herd in the late ’60s. Wallace and Doris Lee started using a computerized record system developed by OFB Records in the ’60s, and were selected as the key demonstrator for the program. Farm Bureau has been important to the Howards since the 1940s. Both were elected to county leadership positions in the old Junior Farm Bureau in 1949. Wallace was elected to the state committee that same year, and Doris Lee was picked as the Oklahoma Junior Farm Bureau queen in 1949. That early involvement in the organization was the springboard for both being elected to leadership positions on their county Farm Bureau. Wallace served as president of the Harper County board for 22 years with Doris Lee picked as a member of the county’s Women’s Committee. The Howard’s resumes are full of service oriented positions, like service on the rural telephone company, election board inspector, rural water district leadership, Cattlemen’s Association board, national and state rural water leadership positions, 4-H leaders, Oklahoma Garden Clubs, Extension Homemakers, Oklahoma Cattlewomen’s Board and many, many others. Their service to agriculture has not gone unnoticed over the years. The couple was the 1967 Oklahoma Farm Bureau Farm Family of the Year. In 1968, they were recognized by WKYTV and Radio as Oklahoma Farmer-Rancher of the Year. Doris Lee spent 15 years on the state FBW Committee before retiring. Throughout their 64 years of membership in Farm Bureau, they have attended literally hundreds of conferences, conventions and meetings of the organization. Their legacy in agriculture includes passing their passion on to their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Jim Hadwiger, 77, has been a wheat, hay and cattle producer for more than 50 years and an active member of Farm Bureau for even longer. He began as a member of the Alfalfa County Junior Farm Bureau board, and served his county 10 years as president of its board of directors.
TAYLOR AWARD WINNER – Adair County President Dennis Kester accepts the John I. Taylor Award from OFB’s Mike Spradling Nov. 20 during an awards session at the Cox Center. Adair County earned the award, topping all counties in all of OFB’s program areas.
Trent Loos
Dave Roever
Riley Pagett
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Jim presented numerous programs to civic clubs about Farm Bureau, always taking the opportunity to invite people to join the organization. He was a Farm Bureau Safemark dealer for three years and has represented his county as a state convention delegate innumerable times. After spending years as a local Farm Bureau leader, Jim was elected to the district seven post on the OFB board of directors in 1987 and served three consecutive three-year terms before being term limited. While serving on the state board, he was a member of the OFB Future Task Force for two
years. He represented OFB on the Western Farm Bureau Life Board and also was the organization’s representative on the Oklahoma Wheat Foundation Board for five years. He also served as OFB’s representative on the AFBF Wheat Advisory Committee four years, and served one year as committee chair. In 1997, he was OFB’s representative to the AFBF Hay Commodity Meeting. Jim, who has missed only two OFB state conventions in 42 years, has served eight times on the state Resolutions Committee. He has served OFB as a delegate to the AFBF convention several times, and has attended 12
AFBF national conventions. He has made 12 trips to Washington, D.C., with OFB on the Legislative Action Tour. In 2003, Jim was named overall CHAMPION Award winner at the OFB state convention. That award is presented to the volunteer member with the most exceptional governmental relations effort. Jim is a 1958 graduate of Oklahoma State University, where he earned a degree in agricultural education. He and his wife, Rozella, reside outside of Cherokee.
Brian and LaSheil Knowles win Achievement Award
eFlore County’s Brian and LaSheil Knowles were named Oklahoma Farm Bureau YF&R Achievement Award winners Nov. 20th at the 69th annual convention in Oklahoma City. The YF&R Achievement Award honors the state’s top young farmer or farm family for their achievements in the farming business and their leadership in the agricultural community. The Keota couple received an expense-paid trip to the 2011 American Farm Bureau convention in Atlanta, Ga., to represent Oklahoma in the national contest where they will compete for Dodge pickups and Arctic Cat four-wheelers. As the Oklahoma winner, the Knowles received a year’s use of a Dodge pickup and a WW Livestock Equipment squeeze chute. Brian and LaSheil have two children, Sarah, 8, and Weston, 5. They operate 840 acres near Keota where they have two commercial poultry houses and a cow-calf herd today after spending the last 12 years in agriculture. The annual production from the poultry operation exceeds 800,000 pounds and the cow-calf herd consists of 150 head. Some 400 acres are in hay production, and they also operate a custom hay enterprise, where they bale and haul hay for individual customers. A 7,000-square-foot barn constructed this year allows them to store hay used in their operation. Excess hay is sold to individual customers. Like many farm families, LaSheil works off 26 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2010 2011
the farm to provide health insurance for the family. She is employed by the Department of Human Services. The acquisition of land for the operation has sometimes been difficult. They have leased pastures for their cattle herd. They believe leasing gives them a better chance to purchase when the owner decides to sell. The Knowles also are working to lease more farm ground, since several area farmers are retiring. Leasing farm ground currently is preferable to buying due to the high purchase cost. “My husband and I have been married for 12 years,” says LaSheil. She said most of the family’s free time is spent doing things with the children, with a favorite pastime being horses and rodeos. “We also are very active in our church, and spend a lot of time with activities there.”
The 2010 Achievement Award winning family was the Knowles from LeFlore County. Family members are, from left, LaSheil, Weston, Brian and Sarah.
Brian serves on the LeFlore County Farm Bureau board directors, and also is vice chairman of the county’s YF&R Committee. LaSheil serves as chairman of the LeFlore County YF&R Committee. They also hold the district 5 post on the state YF&R Committee, and currently serve as vice chairmen of the group. LaSheil has just taken on the task of organizing a 4-H program in their community.
Jeff and Sarah Weeks win Excellence in Agriculture Award
ottawatomie County’s Jeff and Sarah Weeks were recognized with Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s YF&R Excellence in Agriculture Award Nov. 20 at the 69th annual convention in Oklahoma City. The award recognizes successful young people 35 or younger who are involved in farming but whose primary occupations are not farming or owning an agricultural business. The
award is based on their involvement in agriculture and participation in Oklahoma Farm Bureau and other community organizations. The couple received a four-wheeler ATV courtesy of Farm Credit plus a trip to the AFBF convention in Atlanta, Ga., to represent Oklahoma in the national contest. Jeff, 32, and Sarah, 32, reside northeast of Shawnee on her great grandmother’s farm they
purchased in 2003. They also lease an additional 350 acres for pasture. They have two young children. Jeff is a graduate of Oklahoma State University, and currently serves as eastern region coordinator for the Oklahoma Agritourism program. Sarah, who also is a graduate of OSU, currently works as the 4-H Youth Development educator for the Pottawatomie County Extension Service. Jeff said his job allows him to work with producers and help them realize the many new ways agriculture can be marketed to the population. Sarah said one of the most rewarding aspects of her 4-H job is “helping a new 4-H member find the right agricultural project.” “The majority of the U.S. population does not make a connection between a meal at their favorite diner and the center pivots you can see from an airplane. By becoming agriculture advocates, producers can form that mental picture and help more consumers understand that agriculture is one of the largest industries in the United States,” they said. The couple has been members of Farm Bureau for the past seven years. Jeff serves on the Pottawatomie County board and they are chairmen of the county YF&R Committee. They also currently serve on the state YF&R Committee. Both are active in the county’s livestock show and fair and serve as leaders in their rural community’s government as well as holding active roles in their church. Sarah and Jeff Weeks of Pottawatomie County are pictured with the four-wheeler they received after being named 2010 Excellence in Agriculture Winners.
rs Kitty Beave
Nicole and Adam Martens of Major County wi ll serve as chairmen of th e YF&R Comm ittee.
CHAMPION – Linda Pesterfield of Garvin County was honored as the overall CHAMPION winner at the 69th annual OFB Convention. The award honors the exceptional governmental relations efforts of volunteer FB leaders. She received a variety of prizes plus her choice of trip to the 2011 AFBF annual convention or the 2011 OFB Legislative Tour to Washington, D.C., as the top winner. James Freudenberger of Logan County, Debbie Black of Seminole County and Frances H. Gardener of Washington County also were honored with CHAMPION awards.
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All Around
NRCS to help state producers comply with EPA’s SPCC rules
he Department of Agriculture announced a pilot initiative in Oklahoma to help agricultural producers comply with revised regulations by the EPA intended to prevent and mitigate fuel and oil spills on their operations. The pilot program will help Oklahoma producers to meet the EPA’s SPCC (Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure) rules that require a Nov. 11, 2011 plan date for the majority of farms. A key element of the SPCC requires farmers and other facilities to have an oil spill prevention plan. EPA says the plans “can help farmers prevent oil spills which can damage water resources needed for farming practices.” “An important part of our mission at USDA is helping farmers and ranchers develop plans to protect human health and the environment, including assistance complying new regulations,” said Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) chief Dave White. “This new pilot program will help agricultural producers meet a new regulatory
requirement design to reduce the dangers of on-farm oil spills,” he explained. Under EPA rules, a farm is defined as a “facility on a tract of land devoted to the production of crops or raising of animals, including fish, which produced and sold, or normally would have produced and sold, $1,000 or more of agricultural products during the year.” That broad definition will bring most Oklahoma farms under jurisdiction of the EPA’s SPCC rules. A farm will be covered which: • Stores more than 1,320 U.S. gallons in aboveground containers or more than 42,000 U.S. gallons in completely buried containers; • Stores, transfers, uses or consumes oil or oil products, such as diesel fuel, gasoline, lube oil, hydraulic oil, adjuvant oil, crop oil, vegetable oil or animal fat. • Could reasonably be expected to discharge oil to waters of the U.S. or adjoining shorelines, such as interstate waters, intrastate lakes, rivers and streams. EPA says if a farm meets all of those criteria,
“then your farm is covered by SPCC.” The SPCC requires producers to prepare and implement a plan. However, producers may be eligible to self-certify if: • Your farm has a total oil storage capacity between 1,320 and 10,000 gallons in aboveground containers. • Your farm has storage capacity of more than 10,000 gallons, or has had an oil spill you may need to prepare a SPCC plan certified by a professional engineer. NRCS says that due to the small amount of stored fuel and oil on most operations, that up to 84 percent of farmers and ranchers are able to self-certify by completing an online template. That template is available at: files/file/SPCC-Plan-Template-Final-Sept-202010-FORM.pdf. Farmers and ranchers in Oklahoma who need assistance are urged to contact NRCS at their nearest USDA Service Center. The agency will help develop or update existing spill prevention plans that avoid and mitigate on-farm oil spillage. Some $3 million has been made available in eight pilot program states to provide assistance. EPA cautions: “If your farm was in operation before August 16, 2002, and you do not already have a plan, you must prepare a plan now. Do not wait until. . .” NRCS has developed an interim conservation practice standard for secondary oil and fuel containment. Technical service providers can use the practice to help them design oil/fuel containment facilities control to the EPA regulation. Funding for NRCS is available to assist in developing SPCC plans and implementing the secondary oil and fuel containment conservation practices. Charlie Coblentz of Mayes County fills his tractor with diesel. USDA has implemented a pilot program to assist Oklahoma producers with complying with EPA regulations to prevent fuel and oil spills on farms. Those regulations take effect later this year.
28 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011
OFB’s Monica Wilke is 2010 Woman of the Year in Agriculture
klahoma Farm Bureau Executive Director Monica Wilke was named 2010 Woman of the Year in Agriculture by the Diamond Hats organization. The prestigious award is presented to a woman in agriculture who has worked tirelessly to promote Oklahoma’s agricultural industry as well as offering support to those involved in the industry.
She accepted the honor Oct. 30 at the Diamond Hats Ball in Oklahoma City at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum. “I am humbled and honored to have received this award,” said Wilke. “Agriculture has been a part of my family’s life for generations. Therefore, to have been selected among the many distinguished ag leaders in this state as the recipient of such as special award is an honor that I cherish more than words can express.” The Diamond Hats organization is a group of women whose mission is to support 4-H and FFA youth programs in Oklahoma. Wilke is a past president of the Diamond Hats and helped the organization raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to support youth in the state of Oklahoma in recent years. Wilke began her career with Farm Bureau in 1999 with the governmental relations division and worked on state and national policy issues as well
as serving as director of political education and assistant general counsel. She then was promoted to general counsel and mutual company lobbyist for the organization, and was named executive director of Oklahoma Farm Bureau and Affiliated Companies in September 2009. In that position, she leads the grassroots, agriculture organization in the state of Oklahoma. Wilke grew up on a farm in the southwestern Oklahoma town of Grandfield, where she was actively involved in 4-H and FFA. She served as state FFA secretary during her freshman year at Oklahoma State University. After earning a bachelor degree from OSU in 1996, she was accepted into the Oklahoma University School of Law where she received her juris doctorate in 1999. Wilke and her husband, Jason, and their two children reside in Edmond.
OBC endows Dr. Temple Grandin Professorship at OSU
he Oklahoma Beef Council announced a $250,000 gift to Oklahoma State University’s newly created endowed professorship in honor of animal scientist and autistic expert Dr. Temple Grandin whose life story, put to film, recently won seven Emmy’s. Heather Buckmaster, Oklahoma Beef Council executive director, announced the gift at a Sept. 15 seminar featuring Grandin, which was held in OSU’s historic Gallagher-Iba Arena, where more than 3,000 people attended the seminar. “Funding the Temple Grandin Endowed Professorship in Animal Behavior and WellBeing is important to the cattle industry because the resulting research and education will help further our understanding of animal behavior and animal care. There is a direct link between improved animal care, performance, beef quality and ultimately beef demand.” Buckmaster said. Today, the industry processes 50 percent of the cattle in the U.S. through the systems Dr.
Grandin created to reduce cattle stress and improve animal care. “She is the gold standard for the largest food companies in the world,” said Buckmaster. “In fact, Dr. Temple Grandin has pushed us as an industry while inspiring credibility and trust in our systems. “It would be impossible to articulate everything Dr. Temple Grandin has meant to our industry, but the gifts of her autism provided her an unparalleled understanding of animal behavior which has translated to huge strides in proven animal care and handling.” The Temple Grandin Endowed Professorship in Animal Behavior and Well-Being will be housed in OSU’s department of animal science. “Her life story has inspired many in terms of her ability to overcome obstacles,” said Ron Kensinger, head of the department of animal science. “Her career-long accomplishments are a perfect illustration of how fundamental research may one day lead to tremendous practical advances. We are privileged to have friends who
recognize the value of naming an endowed professorship in animal behavior and well-being in Dr. Grandin’s honor.” The purpose of creating this endowed professorship is to enhance the research and teaching in the discipline of animal behavior and well-being, which is important to the general public, Kensinger said. The research and teaching completed by the scientist in this position will complement existing programs in OSU’s department of animal science on animal Dr. Temple Grandin health, animal management, immunology and how animals interact with humankind. This will ensure that OSU can educate the next generation of scientists to proliferate the work that Grandin initiated. “Dr. Temple Grandin Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011 • 29
is a special person to the cattle industry because she has greatly expanded our knowledge and understanding of animal behavior, which has translated to huge strides in animal care and handling on farm and in packing plants,” said Buckmaster. She said the Oklahoma Beef Council believes the endowment of the professorship will lay a foundation for a central focus on realworld, applied research and education greatly benefiting the cattle and beef industry.
“Working to improve our understanding of animal behavior and animal well being in our industry is not only the right thing to do but there is a very strong connection between improved animal care, performance and beef quality,” said Buckmaster. “It is a win for all of us from our farmers and ranchers to the consumer.” A recent land grant university study showed that there has been an impact on meat demand due to animal welfare issues.
“The bottom line is our consumer is asking questions and by funding this endowed professorship we are clearly demonstrating our commitment to improved animal care and well being,” said Buckmaster. The Oklahoma Beef Council is funded by the $1 per head beef check off and serves Oklahoma’s 55,000 farming and ranching families. The mission of OBC is to increase beef demand and producer profitability by focusing on the consumer.
Beef cattle numbers causing concern
eclining beef inventories are causing some in the U.S. cattle industry to wonder how beef production can be maintained. “The numbers tell the tale, which is that America’s cattle industry has effectively been turning fewer cattle into more pounds of beef,” said Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension livestock marketing specialist. The U.S. beef cow herd has decreased 12 of the last 14 years, dropping from a cyclical peak
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of 35.3 million head in 1996 to the January 2010 level of 31.3 million head. This represents the smallest beef cow herd since 1963. Combined with smaller dairy cow numbers, Peel said the 2010 calf crop is expected to be 35.4 million head, the smallest U.S. calf crop since 1950. Total U.S. cattle inventory has decreased by almost 10 million head since 1996 to the January 2010 level of 93.7 million head, the smallest cattle inventory since 1959. In contrast, total beef production has not
changed accordingly. In fact, 2010 beef production is projected at 25.9 billion pounds, slightly higher than the 1996 level of 25.4 billion pounds. “We have maintained production thus far in two primary ways,” Peel said. “First, decreasing inventories allows the industry to utilize that inventory as production while numbers are declining.” Second, between 1996 and 2006, cheap corn allowed the industry to feed animals to ever-
Tulsa Farm Show increasing carcass weights and to feed lightweight calves for many days in feedlots. Feedlot inventories have thus been maintained by a slower rate of turnover. “In effect, the U.S. cattle industry has been able to effectively turn fewer cattle into more pounds of beef,” Peel said. “However, the situation is now different.” Expensive corn forces the industry to feed heavy yearlings and move them through the feedlot faster. Carcass weights in 2010 have been below year-ago levels almost all year and high feed costs likely Beef inventories are limits carcass weights declining. Some in the to little or no trend in U.S. cattle industry are coming years. A faster wondering how beef feedlot turnover rate production can be maintained. exposes the shortage of cattle quickly as feedlots scramble to find sufficient supplies of feeder cattle to place on feed and maintain feedlot inventories. “So far, we appear to have been able to do that,” Peel said. “Total cattle slaughter for 2010 is running almost 2 percent above 2009 levels. Steer slaughter is up less than 1 percent this year. By contrast, heifer slaughter is up nearly 3 percent and cow slaughter is up 4 percent. It is clear that we are maintaining slaughter rates, in the short run, with our females.” Peel cautions this is not sustainable without accelerating herd liquidation. At some point, the U.S. cattle industry will try to stabilize the herd size and then expand a bit. “Given the current situation this implies a significant reduction in cattle slaughter in the short-term just to hold the cow herd size steady,” he said. “It seems likely this process will start in 2011.”
Verna Bell Parker, wife of the late State Director Walter Parker, and her son Joe, who serves on the Rogers County Farm Bureau board of directors, were two of the many visitors to the OFB booth at the annual Tulsa Farm Show Dec. 9-11. Northeast Field Representative Robin Landrum is pictured with the Parkers during the stop at the Farm Bureau Booth, which featured organizational brochures, a non-stop video presentation on ATV safety and the Kids Fire Safety Trailer.
LeFlore County Farm Bureau Director Dan Mackey chats with OFB Safety Director Justin Grego, left, during the Dec. 9-11 Tulsa Farm Show. Grego and Safety Department employees were on hand to talk farm safety issues with the thousands attending the annual farm show at the Quik Trip Center at Expo Square in Tulsa.
Prospective buyers view some Hereford bulls offered in the OFB Herd Builder Private Treaty Cattle Sale held during the Tulsa Farm Show. Almost 50 head of top quality cows, cow-calf pairs, heifers and bulls were offered during the sale.
Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011 • 31
Former Farm Bureau leader featured in book
Tulsa State Fair Winners Oklahoma Farm Bureau joined forces with the Oklahoma Pork Council, Choctaw Nation, Overhead Door and the Tulsa Ringmasters to purchase the grand champion barrow at the Tulsa State Fair Premium Auction Oct. 8. Carli Newby of Lindsay FFA, a high school freshman, exhibited the prizewinning barrow. The consortium offered the top bid of $12,500 for the Hampshire barrow. Oklahoma Farm Bureau received the Frank Sanders Memorial Award at the Tulsa State Fair Junior Livestock Auction Oct. 8. The award goes to the buyer purchasing the largest volume of prizewinning animals at the previous year’s auction. It was the eighth consecutive year OFB received the award, which is a framed photo displayed by Frank Sanders Jr., son of the award’s namesake. Pictured in the photo, from left, are Director Roland Pederson, Executive Director Monica Wilke, Director Phyllis Holcomb, Director Charles Sloan, President Mike Spradling and Sanders.
he late Buck Clements, Ninnekah, is featured in a new book, The Red Meat Survivors, published by RANGE magazine. Buck is one of dozens of great old-timers starring in this glorious, 144-page hardback. Bob Hope said: “I’ll tell ya how to stay young – hang around with older people.” This book proves him right and is a celebration of the American West through memories of some of its great old farmers and ranchers. Buck was a long-time farmer, rancher and Farm Bureau leader in Grady County. He passed away in December 2005. The story was written by Sam Knipp, OFB’s vice president of corporate communications and public relations, following Buck’s 85th birthday. To qualify as a “Red Meat Survivor” one has to obtain the age of 80 years and be willing to describe their lives on the land. Tim Findley writes on the inside cover: “History is one thing. Personal experience is another. The vital accounts of events produced in books provide us with an inspiring record of our past and our times. But the exceptional personal memories told knee to knee on an easy
Oklahoma Farm Bureau awarded a $750 cash price to the Minco FFA Team at the Tulsa State Fair. The team qualified Oct. 8 to be the Oklahoma representative at the National Western Show in Denver, where the best judging teams from across the nation compete for the national title. Members of the team are, from left, Kale Vickrey, Sheldon McCrackin, Taylor Dacus, Colby Ruthardt and Advisor Mickey Burns.
The late Buck and Irene Clements. 32 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011
Honorary American FFA Degree OFB President Mike Spradling accepted the Honorary American FFA Degree from Eastern Region Vice President Alexandra Henry during the 83rd National FFA Convention in Indianapolis Oct. 22. The award goes to individuals who have provided exceptional service to agriculture, agricultural education or FFA. Nominations for the Honorary American FFA Degree must be sent to the individual’s State FFA Association for approval. State staff forwards all approved nominations to the National FFA Organization. Photo courtesy of the National FFA Organization
country evening establish the texture of the great fabric of life in the United States. The collected stories in this book provide a path through the American West in the memories of those who continue to make it a place like no other in the world.” And Publisher C.J. Hadley says: “Some of ranching’s old-timers admit to ignoring the problems of cholesterol and other unnamed and often unsubstantiated handicaps. They believe that red meat is good, which is proven here, simply by age and attitude.” To wet your appetite for the book, here is a quote from Buck’s story: “I start every day with something to look forward to,” Buck said. “Working in the field, helping the neighbors, just something to help our community.” The book retails for $26 but Oklahoma Farm Bureau members can purchase it for $18, a 30 percent discount. Just call the toll free number, 1-800-726-4348 to order the book: or for a discount subscription to the award-winning quarterly RANGE magazine. (For OFB members, only $15 per year instead of the regular $19.95). RANGE magazine is dedicated to the issues that threaten the West, its people, lifestyles, lands and wildlife. For more information, go to
Mayes County member chosen as one of two 2010 National Outstanding Hereford Women
ayes County Farm Bureau member Susan Gebhart of Claremore was honored as one of two 2010 Outstanding Hereford Women Susan Gebhart during the recent National Hereford Women (NHW) annual meeting in Kansas City. Susan serves as a co-president of the NHW and was instrumental in combining the National Organization of Poll-ettes (NOP) and the
American Hereford Women (AHW) into one united women’s organization, the NHW, in 2009. She and her husband, Richard, and family manage Beacon Hill Herefords, after taking over the Hereford operation belonging to Susan’s grandparents. The ranch is located near Langley. Susan and Richard’s two daughters, Erica and Roxane, Erica’s husband, Matt Boyer, and their daughter, McKenzie, are all active in the Hereford operation and the industry. Susan has been an active member of the Hereford Women of Oklahoma, a director and officer of the NOP and now the NHW. She has also served on several Oklahoma industry-
related boards and is the executive secretary for the Oklahoma Hereford Association. She has her Master of Beef Advocacy and strongly encourages everyone associated with the cattle industry to obtain this status. “Susan Gebhart is one of the most amazing women I have ever had the pleasure to know. Serving with her on the NOP board, for several years, has allowed me the opportunity to see her in action. Not only does she work as an advocate for the Hereford breed, but the cattle and agriculture industry as well,” said Betsy Beck, NHW board member. Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011 • 33
YF&R Livestock Judging Contest FFA Winners
Senior FFA Team Champion – The Grove FFA Chapter team from Delaware County was the high point team in the 20th annual Oklahoma Farm Bureau-sponsored Young Farmers and Ranchers Livestock Judging Contest Sept. 17 at the State Fair of Oklahoma. The YF&R’s Brian Knowles, far left, presented the championship plaque to team members Brad Frazier, Sara Green and Dalton Downing. The team members, who amassed 1,329 out of a possible 1,500 points, also received special jackets from Farm Bureau for taking the senior FFA team title, which was the division for FFA members in grades eleven through twelve.
Junior FFA Team Champion – The Idabel FFA Chapter team from McCurtain County was the high point team in the 20th annual Oklahoma Farm Bureau-sponsored Young Farmers and Ranchers Livestock Judging Contest Sept. 17 at the State Fair of Oklahoma. The YF&R’s Brian Knowles, far left, presented the championship plaque to team members Garrett Butler, Kyler Clardy, Lane Williams and Tanner Turner. The team members, who amassed 1,276 points out of a possible 1,500, also received special jackets from Farm Bureau for taking the junior FFA team title, which was the division for FFA members in grades eight through ten.
Senior FFA Individual Champion – Matthew Walta of the Kingfisher FFA Chapter in Kingfisher County was the high point individual in the 20th annual Oklahoma Farm Bureau-sponsored Young Farmers and Ranchers Livestock Judging Contest Sept. 17 at the State Fair of Oklahoma. The YF&R’s Brian Knowles, left, presented Matthew with his championship plaque. Matthew amassed 474 out of a possible 500 points to take the senior FFA individual title, which was the division for FFA members in grades eleven and twelve.
Junior FFA Individual Champion – Lane Williams of the Idabel FFA Chapter in McCurtain County was the high point individual in the 20th annual Oklahoma Farm Bureau-sponsored Young Farmers and Ranchers Livestock Judging Contest Sept. 17 at the State Fair of Oklahoma. The YF&R’s Brian Knowles, left, presented Lane with his championship plaque. Lane amassed 453 out of a possible 500 points to take the junior FFA individual title, which was the division for FFA members in grades eight through ten.
34 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011
YF&R Livestock Judging Contest 4-H Winners
Senior 4-H Team Champion – The Kay County 4-H team from Tonkawa was the high point team in the 20th annual Oklahoma Farm Bureau-sponsored Young Farmers and Ranchers Livestock Judging Contest Sept. 17 at the State Fair of Oklahoma. The YF&R’s LaSheil Knowles, far left, presented the championship plaque to team members Maria Goodwin, Garrett Goodwin and Kacy Kincaid. The team members, who amassed 1,358 out of a possible 1,500 points, also received special jackets from Farm Bureau for taking the senior 4-H team title, which was the division for 4-H members age 15 and above.
Junior 4-H Team Champion – The Woods County 4-H Club team from Alva was the high point team in the 20th annual Oklahoma Farm Bureau-sponsored Young Farmers and Ranchers Livestock Judging Contest Sept. 17 at the State Fair of Oklahoma. The YF&R’s LaSheil Knowles, far left, presented the championship plaque to team members Cathy Mapes, Tatum Honer, Jentrey Lancaster and Julie Owen. The team members, who amassed 1,251 points out of a possible 1,500, also received special jackets from Farm Bureau for taking the junior 4-H team title, which was the division for 4-H members age 14 and under.
Senior 4-H Individual Champion – Garrett Goodwin of the Kay County 4-H Club from Tonkawa was the high point individual in the 20th annual Oklahoma Farm Bureau-sponsored Young Farmers and Ranchers Livestock Judging Contest Sept. 17 at the State Fair of Oklahoma. The YF&R’s LaSheil Knowles, left, presented Garrett with his championship plaque. Garrett amassed 468 out of a possible 500 points to take the senior 4-H individual title, which was the division for 4-H members age 15 and above.
Junior 4-H Individual Champion – Tatum Honer of the Woods County 4-H Club in Alva was the high point individual in the 20th annual Oklahoma Farm Bureau-sponsored Young Farmers and Ranchers Livestock Judging Contest Sept. 17 at the State Fair of Oklahoma. The YF&R’s LaSheil Knowles, left, presented Tatum with her championship plaque. Tatum amassed 443 out of a possible 500 points to take the junior individual 4-H title, which was the division for 4-H members age 14 and under.
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Sorghum checkoff vote set in February
SDA will conduct the sorghum checkoff program referendum Feb. 1-28 at local Farm Service Agency (FSA) offices for producers. For the program to continue, the Sorghum Promotion, Research and Information Order requires that a referendum be conducted no later than three years after the start of assessments, which began July 1, 2008. Checkoff ballots may be obtained in person, by mail or facsimile at county FSA offices or via the Internet. Any eligible person engaged in the production or importation of sorghum from July 1, 2008, to Dec. 31, 2010, is eligible to participate. Individuals are required to provide documentation such as a sales receipt or remittance form that shows they engaged in production or importation of sorghum.
OFB names 5 to Farm Bill advisory positions
All eligible sorghum producers will be allowed to cast ballots in February at county FSA offices on whether to continue the checkoff program.
The Sorghum Checkoff Program, and its 13-member board, is authorized by the Commodity Promotion, Research and Information Act of 1996. The mandatory program is funded at the rate of 0.6 percent of the net market value of grain sorghum and 0.35 percent of the net market value of sorghum forage. The checkoff is intended to be a national, coordinated, self-help marketing program designed to strengthen the position of sorghum in the marketplace, maintain and expand existing domestic and foreign markets and uses for sorghum, and develop new markets and uses for sorghum.
ive leading agriculture producers have been appointed to a newly-formed farm bill advisory committee by the Oklahoma Farm Bureau board of directors. The five producers are Jimmy Wayne Kinder of Walters, Keith Kisling of Burlington, Greg Leonard of Afton, Matt Mueller of Altus, and Scott Neufeld of Fairview. “This is an outstanding group of leaders who are highly respected around the state for their leadership abilities,” said OFB President Mike Spradling. Under the direction of the OFB board of directors, the committee will explore and study policy developments that would benefit production agriculture. Members will meet with congressional leaders, state and national farm groups and others as the next farm bill works its way through the legislative process. “This committee will allow us the flexibility to produce a successful farm bill that is extremely vital to our farmers and ranchers,” Spradling said.
CEUs can be checked online
he Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (ODAFF) has made available a website to check CEU status for state applicators. Oklahoma certified applicators can now go the ODAFF web page and log in with their certified applicator number from their certification card to find out the number of CEUs they have in each category they are certified in. Information provided by the website includes all categories certified in, certification year, recertification year, years certified in that category, number of CEUS required in each category, and, finally, the meetings and number of CEUs the applicator has been given credit for. Go directly to the ODAFF web page at or click the link at
36 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011
Likelihood of hitting a deer in Oklahoma – 1 in 245 Likelihood of damaging your truck if you have installed a
William Hileman
OSU grad is named FBB president/COO
arm Bureau Bank has announced that William Hileman, a 24-year banking and financial services veteran, has assumed the newly created position of president and chief operating officer. Farm Bureau Bank, with current assets of $575,000,000, opened its doors in 1999. It offers a full array of retail banking services for some 4,300,000 Farm Bureau members in 43 states, including Oklahoma. Bank CEO Larry Lanie said Hileman initially will be responsible for developing strategic goals and direction, and will then be charged with executing the bank’s strategic plan. Hileman, 46, a graduate of Oklahoma State University with a bachelors degree in business administration, comes to FBB from H-E-B Grocery Company in San Antonio, one of the nation’s leading retailers with 300 stores in Texas and Mexico, where for four years he had led the company’s Financial Services Division.
Farm income rises 31 percent
et farm income is forecast at $81.6 billion in 2010, up 31 percent from 2009 and 26 percent higher than the 10-year average of $64.8 billion for 2000-2009. Net cash income at $92.5 billion would be a nominal
record, 2.3 percent above the prior record attained in 2008. Net value added is expected to increase by almost $20 billion in 2010 to $132.0 billion. The net value added of agriculture to the U.S. economy in inflation-adjusted terms reached its two highest levels since the mid 1970s in 2004 and 2008. Inflation-adjusted net cash income has reached levels not seen since the mid-1970s for the fourth time since 2004, including the forecast for this year. The mid1970s was the last comparable period when U.S. farming enjoyed multiple years of sustained levels of high output and income. A second feature of the 2000-2009 decade is the high and persistent levels of volatility in agricultural commodity and input (feed, fuel, and fertilizer) markets. The volatility is reflected in the patterns of farm income during the decade. Net farm income increased in 6 of the 10 years, posting an average increase of 26.6 percent in the years with increases in farm income and an average decline of 23.5 percent in the other years (2002, 2005, 2006, and 2009). Net cash income includes only cash receipts and expenses and is generally less variable than net farm income. Farmers can manage the timing of crop and livestock sales and of the purchase of inputs to stabilize the variability in their net cash income. Nonetheless, during 2000-2009 net cash income showed a significant degree of variability. In the six years when net cash income rose, the average increase was 10.4 percent. In years when net cash income decreased, the average decrease was 15.9 percent. The values of both crop and livestock production have trended steadily upward over the last decade. However, the year-to-year movements in the two measures have not always been synchronized. In 2010, the rise in the value of livestock production (16.6 percent) is expected to be more than more than five times the rise in the value of crop production (3.1 percent). The forecast for higher farm income in 2010 is responding to increases in cash receipts for all the livestock categories, led by double-digit growth in meat animals and dairy products. Expenses for purchased inputs are projected to show a moderate increase of 2.5 percent, after posting a 6.4 percent decline in 2009.
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41 percent of drivers fall asleep at the wheel
istracted and drunk driving have captured most of the headlines in recent years, but new research released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety finds that drowsy driving is not only dangerous, but prevalent among a high percentage of American motorists. According to AAA’s study, 41 percent of respondents admitted to having fallen asleep at the wheel at some point, with 10 percent saying they’ve done so in the past year. Additionally, more than a quarter of those surveyed admitted they drove despite being so tired that they had difficulty keeping their eyes open. Despite the high number of drivers admitting to sleep-deprived driving, 85 percent of drivers surveyed felt it was “completely unacceptable” to drive if someone is so tired that they struggle to keep their eyes open. AAA laments that many drivers may not always be aware of the effects of fatigue resulting from a lack of sleep. “When you are behind the wheel of a car, being sleepy is very dangerous. Sleepiness decreases awareness, slows reaction time, and impairs judgment, just like drugs or alcohol, contributing to the possibility of a crash,” says AAA spokesman Brad Roeber. “We need to change the culture so that not only will drivers recognize the dangers of driving while drowsy but will stop doing it.” A new analysis of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration crash data estimates that about one in six (16.5 percent) deadly crashes, one in eight crashes resulting in occupant hospitalization and one in fourteen crashes in which a vehicle was towed involve a driver who is drowsy. These percentages are substantially higher than most previous estimates, AAA says, suggesting that the contribution of drowsy driving to motor vehicle crashes, injuries, and deaths has not been fully appreciated. “Many of us tend to underestimate the negative effects associated with fatigue and sleep deprivation and, conversely, overestimate our abilities to overcome them while driving,” Roeber says. “This data underscores the importance of educating drivers on the simple, 38 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011
Distracted and drunk driving have captured headlines in recent years, but new research finds drowsy driving is more prevalent among a high percentage of American motorists.
yet effective steps they can take to prevent a possible tragedy. Unfortunately, too many drivers have adopted the ‘I’m tired, but I can make it’ mentality, often to their own peril or to the peril of others.”
Pecan research meeting set in February
ecan industry representatives are invited to join research and Cooperative Extension scientists Feb. 13-15 at the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation in Ardmore to establish research priorities and develop proposals to seek extramural funding that will benefit the pecan industry. “We want people to get this important meeting on their calendars and express their interest in attending as early as possible,” said Paul Weckler, program co-coordinator and Oklahoma State University associate professor of biosystems and agricultural engineering. “Exact meeting times, sessions and other conference details will be shared with participants at a later date, as we’re still finetuning a few specifics of the agenda.” The first day of the meeting will focus on establishing a “needs assessment” based on stakeholder input to ascertain and rank priorities in production, processing and distribution, as well as consumer expectations and retail markets. The next two days of the meeting will be dedicated to developing proposals to seek funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) and other funding agencies. “Grant funding is an essential component of successful programs,” Weckler said. “Support for a viable and productive program must come from extramural grants.” Teams of individuals from different
professional disciplines will focus on developing multistate and multi-institutional project proposals – bolstered by matching funds from industry – to demonstrate the type of active partnership necessary to solving critical problems and advancing the pecan industry. “Normally, if industry contributes a small percentage of the funds requested, the chances of receiving grant monies from funding agencies are significantly increased,” Weckler said. “Industry support is a key component that reviewers use to determine the perceived worth of a proposal.” SCRI offers the opportunity to secure significant funding that would support a large, well-defined research and Cooperative Extension effort. However, the grant program is extremely competitive, and projects must address at least one of five focus areas: • Research in plant breeding, genetics and genomics; • Efforts to identify and address threats from pests and diseases; • Thrusts to improve production efficiency, productivity and profitability; • New innovations and technology; and • Methods to prevent, detect, monitor, control and respond to potential food safety hazards in the production and processing of specialty crops. “Stakeholder input is vitally important, and all research and Cooperative Extension scientists with interest are invited and encouraged to attend and participate in this planning process, as well as the subsequent proposals,” said Mike Smith, program co-coordinator and OSU Regents professor of horticulture. “Outcomes of this meeting will prove beneficial as proposals are submitted to various agencies.” The meeting is funded by a grant from the SCRI and matching funds from pecan grower organizations in Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and Georgia. USDA scientists are eligible to participate in the proposal preparation, but their salaries cannot be used as matching funds in the proposals. USDA established the SCRI program to
Residential & Commercial solve critical industry issues through research and Cooperative Extension activities. Anyone seeking additional information about the Feb. 13-15 meeting should contact Weckler by e-mail at paul.weckler@okstate. edu or by phone at 405-744-8399, or Smith by e-mail at or by phone at 405-744-6463.
Alzheimer’s disease: A growing concern for many
lzheimer’s disease changes the lives of not only the victim, but also the caregiver. It is important to all involved to seek help and know what to expect. Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disease that slowly destroys brain cells linked to memory and thinking skills. It also affects one’s personality, gait, movement, language, mood, attention span and orientation to time, said Jan Johnston, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension gerontology specialist. “There is an estimated 70,000 persons with Alzheimer’s living in Oklahoma,” Johnston said. “This is an increase of 220 percent in the last 10 years.” Research shows currently 5.2 million American’s are suffering from this disease and 200,000 to 250,000 are younger than 65. In addition 10 million baby boomers will develop Alzheimer’s. Johnston said no one knows what causes Alzheimer’s, but researchers are learning what happens in the brain once the disease begins. Usually it is not a single agent. Alzheimer’s is not only difficult for the person affected, but also for the caregiver, who is at a risk for illness, injury and depression. “Many adults are caring for aging parents,” Johnston said. “Along with taking care of their parents, they are also taking care of their adult children and grandchildren.” Johnston said it is important to understand as early as possible what is going on with a loved one and educate yourself on the stages of progression. She said to help manage caregiver stress establish emotional support from diagnosis through progression, seek out community services for you and the person
• Fo undat ion Repa ir • No st ress on yo ur s urfa ce struct ure Residential & Commercial during insta llat ion Residential & Commercial • One da yir s ervice o n most homes • • Fo undat ion Repa Foundation Repair •ressSolid st Helica l Piers • • No on ureel s urfa ce struct ure during installation Noststress onyo your surface structure insta llat ionon most Commercia l P iers • during One•day service homes • • One dasteel s ervice n Piers most homes Solid Helical • yNew Coonstruct ion Piers • • Solid st eel Helica l Piers Commercial Piers • Fren ch Dra ins • Commercia l P iers • New•Construction Reta inion ingPiers aPiers nd Bas ement Wa lls • New Co nstruct • French Drains • Dra Concret e • Fren ch ins • Retaininga nd andBas Basement Walls • Reta in•ingWood ement Wa Floo r an d lls S la b L eveling Concrete • • Concret e • Light Pole Applicatio • Wood Floor and Slab Leveling ns • Wood Floo r an d S la b L eveling LightPole Pole Applications • • Light Applicatio Life TimensTransferable Warranty Life Time eTransferable Warranty Free stimate to Homeo wne rs Life Time Transferable Warranty Free estimate to Homeowners Free e stimate to HomeoRichard wne rs Stover, General Manager Richard Stover, General Manager Family Owned & Operated Since
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Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011 • 39
with Alzheimer’s and try to recognize limits and tend to yourself. Studies also suggest the caregiver accept changes as they occur, manage stress levels, make legal and financial plans and, give yourself credit for the challenges you face. It is important not to take on feelings of guilt, but rather take care of yourself including making regular doctor visits. “Each day may be different, affecting those
coping with changing abilities and behaviors of those with Alzheimer’s,” Johnston said. “The role of the caregiver will change over time as the disease progresses. It is important to be prepared, yet stay flexible.” These resources offer caregiver assistance Alzheimer’s Association: Oklahoma Chapter or call 1-800-272-3900 and the National Alzheimer’s Association online at or 1-800-272-3900.
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40 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011
Medicare premiums, deductibles announced
he Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has set the Medicare premiums, deductibles and coinsurance amounts to be paid by Medicare beneficiaries in 2011. For Medicare Part A, which pays for inpatient hospital, skilled nursing facility, and some home health care, the deductible paid by the beneficiary when admitted as a hospital inpatient will be $1,132 in 2011, an increase of $32 from this year's $1,100 deductible. The Part A deductible is the beneficiary's cost for up to 60 days of Medicare-covered inpatient hospital care. Those who enroll in Medicare Advantage plans may have different costsharing arrangements. About 99 percent of Medicare beneficiaries do not pay a premium for Medicare Part A services since they have at least 40 quarters of Medicare-covered employment. However, some enrollees age 65 and over and some with disabilities who have fewer than 30 “quarters of coverage” obtain Part A coverage by paying a monthly premium. This premium will be $450 for 2011, a decrease of $11 from 2010. Individuals who have between 30 and 39 quarters of coverage may buy into Part A at a reduced monthly premium rate of $248 in 2011. In 2011, the Part B deductible will be $162. The monthly premium paid by beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Part B covers a portion of the cost of physicians’ services, outpatient hospital services, certain home health services, durable medical equipment, and other items. The standard Medicare Part B monthly premium will be $115.40 in 2011, a $4.90 increase (or 4.4%) over the 2010 premium. However, the majority of Medicare beneficiaries will continue to pay the same $96.40 premium amount they have paid since 2008. Part A premiums are decreasing because spending in 2010 was lower than expected and the Affordable Care Act implemented policies that lower Part A spending due to payment efficiencies and efforts related to waste, fraud and abuse. Part B premiums are increasing because of growth in the use of services like outpatient hospital care, home health and physician-administered drugs. By law, the standard premium is set to cover one-fourth of the average cost of Part B
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Free Color BroCHure services incurred by beneficiaries aged 65 and over, plus a contingency margin. Federal general revenues finance the remaining Part B costs. In 2011, under the Affordable Care Act, $2.5 billion in Part B expenditures will be financed by new fees on manufacturers and importers of brand-name prescription drugs. The revenue from these fees reduces the standard Part B premium by $0.90. For most Part B beneficiaries a “holdharmless” provision prevents their net Social Security benefit from decreasing as a result of an increase in the Part B premium. There was no increase in Social Security benefits for 2010, and there will be no benefit increase again for 2011. Consequently, the increase in the standard Part B premium for 2011 will be paid by only a small percentage of Part B enrollees. As required in the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003, beginning in 2007 the Part B premium a beneficiary pays each month is based on his or her annual income. Specifically, if a beneficiary’s “modified adjusted gross income” is greater than the legislated threshold amounts ($85,000 in 2011 for a beneficiary filing an individual income tax return or $170,000 for a beneficiary filing a joint tax return) the beneficiary is responsible for a larger portion of the estimated total cost of Part B benefit coverage. In addition to the standard 25 percent premium, affected beneficiaries must pay an income-related monthly adjustment amount. About 5 percent of current Part B enrollees are expected to be subject to the higher premium amounts. These amounts will range from $161.50 to $369.10. Enrollees in Medicare Part D prescription drug plans pay premiums that vary from plan to plan depending on each plan’s efficiency and scope of benefits. Beginning in 2011, the Affordable Care Act requires Part D enrollees whose incomes exceed the same thresholds that apply to higher income Part B enrollees to pay a monthly adjustment amount. These enrollees will pay the regular plan premium to their Part D plan and will pay the incomerelated adjustment to Medicare. These 2011 Part D income-related monthly adjustment amounts paid by beneficiaries will range from $12.00 to $69.10.
By Dennis Purifoy Social Security Manager in Moore
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Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011 • 41
Classifieds AUTOMOTIVE
’73 Datsun 1600, body decent, extra engine, 2 transmissions, many extra parts, $400. 405-382-0589. ’64 1/2 Mustang convertible, blue w/white top, 6-cyl. auto, new seats, tires, many new parts, $16,000. Spiro, 918-962-2064. ’90 Toyota pickup, 4x4, single cab, 79,300 miles, $6,800. 580-318-8262. ’74 VW Super Beetle, 4-speed manual, good interior, new tires, new front end, and alignment w/new shocks. 918-462-3642. ’09 GMC 1-ton 4x4, Duramax diesel flatbed truck, regular cab, auto, 53,000 miles, one owner, $29,500. 918-689-0829. ’84 Cadillac Seville, white w/tan cabriolet top, leather seats, plush carpet, no blemishes inside or out, body straight, 88,691 miles, $3,500. Must see to appreciate. 405-740-5562. ’66 Dodge, good body, not running 383 V8, auto, air, PS, $6,500; ’72 650 Triumph cycle, needs total restoration, $3,500. 405-672-0048. ’46 Plymouth coupe, 350/350, lot of customized work done, make a good street rod, needs finished, runs good, $6,500. 918-533-2973. ’95 Ford F250 XLT 4x4 diesel flatbed, dual rear wheels, cube feeder; ’04 Ford F350 XLT 4x4, S/C, flatbed, 115gal. transfer tank, 49K, diesel. 918-758-0202. ’82 diesel VW pickup, excellent body, driven daily, camper shell on bed, $2,800. ’72 Plymouth Duster, motor/trans., 2-door, body in great shape, $2,300; ’03 Yamaha V-Star Classic Silverado, $4,200; ’03 Adventure 150 scooter, $650. 405-784-2241. Rebuilt engines: many makes and models starting at $795. Exchange or we can rebuild yours. We R&R. 580591-1947. Two flatbed 2-ton trucks, no hoists, good farm trucks; 45-ft. semi trailer for storage. 405-258-6569. ’99 Freightliner FL70, 3126 Cat engine, 210 HP, 6-speed trans., air ride suspension, fair tires, 48-inch sleeper, runs good, 196,800 miles, $6,250 or trade for cattle. 918-367-9351.
FARM EQUIPMENT 8N Ford plus mower, blade, disc, scoop, lift just redone, been setting a couple of years, runs good, $3,500. Blaire, 214-563-9470. Five Jacobs wind generators, some with towers, built in the ’30s, ’40s, ’50s, the best of the best. 405-760-4446, 547-2266. 3/4, 7/8 inch oil well sucker rods, 50 cents per foot, just pulled out of well. Jeff, 405-476-7762. John Deere 4020, late model, dual hydraulic, new clutch, good engine; 9N Ford, engine overhaul. 580428-3108. Used Brush hog, $150, needs gear box; IM 600 6-ft. three-point bladepan, blades very good, caster fork needs bushing. 918-671-5403. Want John Deere #30 pull-type combine or any parts for it; steering wheel, tachometer for ’63-64 Ford Falcon Sprint. 918-366-2403. ’84 1320 Ford tractor 20 PTO HP, front end loader, 4WD, $6,500; 20-ft. Diamond T bumper pull trailer, wood floor, $1,350. 918-424-1096.
42 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011
Push blade, spray rig for H Farmall tractor, $400. 918623-6698. Ford 8N tractor, Brush Hog, completely overhauled, good condition, $2,500; Lincoln arc welder on trailer, Shield Arc SA-200 DC, $1,000. 580-564-5448. New Holland 1441 disk mower, 15.5 feet, in good shape, well maintained, farmer owned, can email pictures, $12,000. 405-207-7965. ’41 Ford 9N w/5-foot brush mower, book included, $2,100. 580-856-3408, 220-4002. Hay rakes – JD 671 9.5’ R w/gauge wheel, NH 258 9.5’ LH w/gauge wheels w/dolly, $2,500. 918-724-8272. ’47 John Deer A model w/front end loader, $3,500. 918479-2575, 864-3531. Tiller for tractor, $950; 50 plus concrete blocks, 75¢ each; pickup rack for small animals, $60. 918-446-8076. ’80 IHC Industrial 2504 tractor, loader & cab, 40 hp gas, 5-speed, new manuals, runs good, minor repairs only, can deliver, $6,000. Edmond, 405-348-4469.
LIVESTOCK Firewater Flit, 14-years, broke, broodmare, pd. Breeding to half brother to L. Sears, Martha, 4-year-old in futurities, $3,000. 405-452-3267. Quarter Horses – Two Eyed Red Buck, Zan Par Bar, Peppy San Badger, Blondies Dude bloodlines, great dispositions. 580-822-3657. Reg. Shorthorn show heifers. 580-679-3941. Angus bulls, 10-19 months, 8 different bloodlines, Angus business 52 years same location. 580-456-7241. 15 head black 2-5 year old cows bred to calve in spring, very gentle; Vasser Brush Grapple w/skid steer Kwick Attatch. 580-927-5648. Beefmaster bulls, females, developed on forage, bred for the essentials, foundation genetics, practical cattle w/performance. Simon Creek Beefmaster, 580-668-2523. 13-year-old Colonel Freckles mare; 8-year-old Colonel Freckles/Hancock mare; 11-year-old gray gelding; 7 deer antler fire starters. Ponca City, 580-716-3250. Miniature horse, miniature donkey; Easy Entry cart; new box leather harness; miniature nylon halters; show halters. 405-381-4500. Show steer, heifer prospects from our top donors and winning AI sires such as Irish Whiskey, Sooner, Monopoly, etc. Brower Land & Cattle, 405-831-1632. TB gelding, registered, A.P. Indy grandson, Secretariat look-alike, great hunter-jumper prospect, make offer. 918-343-6198, 289-8029. Serviceable age Angus, Black Maine bulls; JD 21-ft. drapper header, kept in barn; Bermuda grass digger; used sweeps, disk blades. 405-381-4307. Double Tough Harlan at stud, buckskin triple bred Harlan, $400 lfg; filly and colt left out of Harlan bred mares., 918-762-3769. 4 excellent Paint mares, 2 Paint year-old fillies, top of line Paints, cheap; 28-ft. triaxle horse stock trailer, 7-ft. tall, older but good, $2,000. 918-773-2080. At stud – sons of Dash for Cash, Fire Water Flit, Martha’s Six Moons, Jet of Honor, Frenchman’s Guy and more. Very reasonable stud fees, shipped semen. Also yearlings, mares studs for sale., 580471-4040. Reg. Polled Hereford bulls, 8-12 months old, PW Victor Boomer P606 genetics; also a few bred reg. Polled
Hereford cows. 580-332-2468. Selling out – APHA black/white stud, entire herd of 11 mares, 1 gelding, yearlings. Make offer on one or all. Selling due to health reasons. 405-262-8499. 12-year-old gray Paint stallion, sire Judy’s lineage, dam Sun Shadows, produces Paints and solids, easy to handle, season ready, $7,000. 918-273-3659. Brangus bulls – Gentle, growthy, calving ease, fertility tested, $1,500; also replacement heifers, delivery available. Horsehead Ranch, 918-695-2357. Horses – Paint weanling, $500; AHA weanling, $500; half Arabian, half QH gelding, $900, working cow prospect. Blue Roan Rocky G Farm, 918-284-9157. Several black cows and calves, also a few springcalving cows; round bales of hay, square bales of Bermuda. 405-258-6559. Kusel bulls have won more independent gain tests than any Limousin herd in the U.S. Big, stout, growthy, gentle, easy-calving herd sires. Kusel Limousins, 405643-2884.
ATTN: OFB Travelers Von Bears Travel Ph. 918-583-4141 or 888-416-4141 Ask for Linda (OFB member) Earn $60,000/yr Part-Time in the livestock or equipment appraisal business. Agricultural background required. Classroom or home study courses available. 800-488-7570. www. Used Portable Sawmills! Buy/Sell. Call Sawmill Exchange 800-459-2148, http://www.sawmillexchange. Stamp collection – 47 full sheets range from half-cent to 20 cents. Sold in full sheet only. 918-315-9092. 45-ft. portable shop van, wired for electricity, has shelves, double doors; choice of 3 reg. Quarter Horses or Paint stallions; Crust Buster 2412. 580-983-2453. ’85 juke box, 160-record selection, records included, excellent condition, $600 firm. 918-543-2715. BU Oklahoma State quarter in plastic holder, $7 postpaid. 580-925-2443. Crochet names for any occasion with border, $5 per letter. 580-563-9470. Japanese table or wall hanging – legs fold into tabletop, 29 inches wide by 4 feet long, $100; 4-pane window sash, over 100 years old, w/painted scene, $60. 918967-3737. Early ’70s John Deere pedal tractor w/pull-behind wagon, all refurbished, in top condition, $425. 580323-6065. Leupold VXI 2x7 muzzle/shotgun scope NWTF, turkey plex reticle, $90, approximately 2 years old. 918-257-5900. ’98 Basshound 10.2-ft. harbor boat, live well, padded swivel fishing chairs, fully wired, 6 HP Yamaha outboard, like new. 918-252-7536. Lift/carrier for handicap scooter, fits 2-inch receiver, $300. 918-333-3844. Alfalfa hay in round and small square bales, green, leafy irrigated off new planted fields. 580-554-4474.
Butcher goat; Lincoln welder/generator 250 series, 170 hours; like new submersible water well _ HP pump, 220-volt; tankless hot water heater, 12-2 wire with ground. 405-213-6448. Electric Hoveround wheel chair w/leg lifts; Bruno wheel chair lift for vehicle, $152 off if installed before 3-31-11. 405-273-0054. Train set, trains for sale; saddle roping, $350. 405899-7919. Horse breaking, indoor facility, $550 for 45 days; halter breaking, $150 for 14 days. 405-665-4085. Hesston National Final Rodeo buckles, ’75-’84; patches, ’75-’82; leather look coasters, ’75-’82. All look new, never used, $350. 580-622-5498. Midland 99 Bermuda in small square bales, sprayed for weeds, fertilized, no stickers. Anadarko, 405-933-0956. Randy’s Cedar Clearing – $45/hour, 3-hour minimum. 405-213-8432. Precious Moments – Bless those who serve their country, navy boy $150, army boy $100, air force boy $100; marine boy $100, African-American soldier $100, girl soldier. All suspended ’92, ship $7. 918-772-2495. I’m collecting box tops for education for Midway School in Hitcheta. Please send them to Brenda, RR 1, Box 155, Council Hill 74428. Free service – I assist families w/options for independent living, assisted living, memory care, etc., in Tulsa, Sperry, Skiatook, Collinsville, Owasso, Claremore, Catoosa. 918-671-2299. Antique dining room suite, buffet cut out work on front, round legs, table lets out approx. 9 feet, 1920s era, excellent condition, appraised at $10,000, asking $4,000. Need to sell due to health reasons. 918-3529703, 352-9465. Have lots of sheet metal for sale, best offer. 580-674-3746. Propane tanks rebuilt – 250-gal., $350; 500-gal., $500. Warranty, like new tanks, other sizes, prices, conditions available. Salvage tanks at reasonable prices for smokers, pipe, fire pit, etc. 405-375-4189, Adirondack chairs, $97.50, treated lumber. To view go on line at Order now for spring. 918-486-5424. Scenty wickless candles. Call to host a show or join my team. Jill Lowrey, independent sales consultant, 918-
605-8103 or Three 12,000-gal. fuel tanks, make offer. 940-632-9560 or 580-342-6742 after 5 p.m. Sisters Quilting offers comfort quilts (personal size) for purchase in a variety of colors, styles. Email Sisters Quilting for phone at or call 580-338-7112. WW II 50-lb. bomb hoist, complete w/mounting bracket for pickup, $175. Kelly’s Monuments, Henryetta, 918-652-7248, email Big selection, custom work, 50 years in business. Stanley Home Products, Fuller Brush. Full line of cleaning, personal items; degreasers, brooms, mops, foam cleaners, colognes, brushes, combs, detergents, soaps, vitamins. 580-497-2249. Great gift for your next birthday, graduation, etc. Check out Scentsy wickless candles. 580-821-1618, 180-barrel used oil field tanks, need repair; 80 acre oil lease below 2,000 ft. production; 240 acres never leased, make offer; lots of scrap iron, farm tools. 580450-5730. Just published – 483-page “Memoirs of a Pioneer Okie of Wagoner County” WWII romances, hardships, fidelity, infidelity, unbridled ambition, sexual discrimination, bootleggers, murder; some good times; 30 photographs, plowboy poetry. $24.95 postpaid. 918485-5178, Free shipping Mary Kay cosmetics – order online at Products on hand ready to ship. Email order or 580-916-5352. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Approximately 55 5x6 round bales, 80 percent Bermuda, 20 percent native, sprayed and fertilized, $40 each or $2,100 for all. East of Enid, can load. 580-402-0330. Check HTTP:// for comparison of cell phone rates and plans. Agent opportunity available. Queen sofa bed, $950 new, make offer; round solid wood dinette w/2 padded chairs, $300. 405-550-0387. Sprayed, fertilized Bermuda grass square hay in barn, $6; 4x5 round hay, $50. Located east of Norman. 405850-1005. God’s gifts to angels – Friends helping friends. Elmer, Alvanette, 405-427-7454, 812-5910. To help us take the gospel to rural Oklahoma, send all financial gifts to Armageddon Cowboy Outreach Ministries, 12326 E. Archer St., Apt. D, Tulsa 74116.
PETS Boxers – AKC reg. pups, adults available. Loyal, loving pets or breeders. British Shorthair kittens available. Phone or text 405-249-1085. ACA Chihuahua pups, long and short hair, shots, wormed, family raised, $200-$250. 580-363-1813, cell 763-2875. Cattle Dogs – black mouth curs and Catahoulas, $300 and up. Ray, 405-818-0246, 567-3606.
Real Estate 20 acres w/’95 Solitaire doublewide, 4-bed, 2.5-bath, in Terlton, Cleveland schools, $97,500. 918-230-6639. 9-hole golf course on 80+ acres, all equipment located in heart of Lake Country, $300,000. 918-463-5333, 645-2770. Have land available for cell tower sites in Stephens County; have commercial land for lease along Hwy 81 & Plato Road in Duncan; lots for sale or lease 5th & Walnut in Duncan. 580-255-5335, leave message. Nice 7-acre site for your mobile home, has good well & septic, $195 per month lease, references required, SE 104th & Dobbs, OKC. 405-964-2031. 4-bed, 2-bath, 2 half baths, 2 living areas, pantry closet, 7.5 acres, must sell, $120,000 OBO. Boley, 405-664-4199. Coweta, OK, Vernon Cemetery, 3 lots, $2,500. 918451-2636. Bathroom building – men’s 2-stall decorated in western style, women’s 3-stall in red hat colors, complete w/30gal propane heart, $4,300. 918-689-3881, photos at 240 acres, all Bermuda, 5 ponds, cross fenced, Boggy River on north side, 80 x100 barn, SE Atoka County, 2 miles off Hwy 109A. 580-889-5609. 3-bed, 1-bath, 2.5 acres in city limits of Jay, large patio, 2-car carport, storm cellar, 1-car garage, 3 outbuildings, old home in excellent shape w/new roof, $85,000. 918253-8402.
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Zip Deadline for the next issue is March 15, 2011. Oklahoma Country • Winter 2011 • 43
Tortilla Lasagna
• 2 pounds Certified Angus Beef ® ground chuck, cooked and drained • 1 (1.25-ounce) package taco seasoning • 3/4 cup water • 1 cup chopped green onions • 1 (16-ounce) jar salsa • 12 (6-inch) corn tortillas • 5 (5-ounce) cans diced green chilies • 1 pound grated Monterey Jack cheese • 1 (10-ounce) can mild enchilada sauce 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. Combine cooked ground beef with taco seasoning, water and green onions. Stir in salsa. 3. Spray 9” x 13” pan with nonstick spray. Place a layer of tortillas in the bottom. Top with a third of the green chilies, ground beef, cheese and enchilada sauce. Repeat layers twice, using cheese on top. Cover with foil and bake at 350°F for 45 minutes. Remove foil and bake an additional 10 minutes. Serves 8
Lean Picadillo Pie • 1 1/2 pounds ground pork • 1/2 cup onion, chopped • 1/2 cup green bell pepper, chopped • 1 clove garlic, minced • 1 14-oz can diced tomatoes • 3/4 cup raisins • 12 pimiento-stuffed olives, sliced • 2 tablespoons almonds, chopped • 3 tablespoons chili powder • 2 14 1/2-oz cans chicken broth • 2 cups cornmeal Heat large nonstick skillet over medium heat; cook and stir pork, onion, green pepper and garlic for 5 minutes, until pork is lightly browned. Stir in tomatoes, raisins, olives, almonds and chili powder. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Bring chicken broth to a boil in a large saucepan; gradually stir in cornmeal; mix well. Spoon cornbread mixture into 13x9-inch baking dish sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Top with pork mixture. Cover with foil. Bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes. Cut into squares to serve. 9676642 Serves 12
44 • Oklahoma Country • Winter 2010 2011
Oklahoma Country • Summer 2010 • 44
Norman – close to OU and walk to schools, 1/3-acre lot, brick 3-bed, 2-bath, 2 living & 2 dining areas, FP, hardwood, carpet, storage building, reduced to $149,000. 405-946-8764, 305-8469. 5 acres Bermuda grass, 3-bed, 2-bath home w/2-car detached garage w/carport on paved road 2 miles from Clinton w/lots of trees, fenced yard, pasture, horse water, 65x45 metal barn/shop, office, $249,000. 580323-6018. 14-acre farm w/5-bed, 3.5-bath newly remodeled 4,151 sq.ft. house, vaulted ceiling, private drive, 10 minutes from town, paved 1/4-mile drive, pond. Chickasha, 405779-0426. 76x14 single wide mobile home on 3 corner lots, 3-bed, 2-bath, 2-car carport, fenced yard, remodeled, $23,000, 1400 E. Broadway in Earlsboro. 405-273-1659. 3-bed, 2-bath, CHA, refurbished, new stainless appliances, art studio, 2.5 acres, north on Earlsboro highway, $28,500. 405-997-3030. 2-bed townhome, 900 sq.ft. living space, 600 sq.ft. garage, large lot in Washington. 405-288-2806, 227-8171. 12 well maintained lots on west side of Forgan, lots are split 7 on SE, 5 on NW in same block with city utilities in alley. 580-856-3408, 220-4002. 33.9 acres w/2-bed dwelling, w/HA, all plumbing, septic, rural water, 2 outbuildings, cellar, fenced, 2-stall barn, 13 SE of Tecumseh, built in 1995, like new, need to sell. 405-598-1520. Home in Watonga, 3/1, corner lot, CHA, appl., new paint and carpet, carport. 405-884-2320. 2-bed, 1-bath home on 2 lots on corner, detached garage plus carport w/chain link fence in Sulphur. 580993-2391, 618-2279. Grand Lake access, doublewide 3-bed, 2-bath on rented lot in adult park, large carport, 2 storage buildings, $33,900. 918-964-1009, 787-6124. Charming 3-bed, 2-bath stone home on 17.5 fenced acres w/stocked pond, fireplace, garage, storage at Antlers., 580-298-4723.
WANTED I BUY BLACKSMITHING TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT. MIKE GEORGE, 1227 4TH ST., ALVA, OK 73717, 580-327-5235. WANTED OLDER VEHICLES, CARS, PICKUPS, VANS, WAGONS, 1900s THRU 1960s, GAS PUMPS, TAGS. 580-658-3739. ATTN! We pay cash for mineral rights, Royalty Interests and Overriding Royalty Interests. Call Mark. 817-946-6983. Want to purchase oil, gas mineral rights, producing or non-producing. 580-223-0353, 800-687-5882. Want movie theater, entertainment memorabilia posters, lobby cards, photos, etc. 918-341-7425, 557-1891. Want to buyer 27- to 29-ft. class B or C travel trailer. Clean, non-smoking or animals, w/slides, must be priced right. 580-332-0957, 421-3382. Want to buy old vacuum tube-type radios. 918-6830301. Collector paying cash for antique fishing lures, tackle; also old Coke machines, signs. Troy, 800-287-3057.
It’s easy to
smile when your crop
looks like this.
But if it doesn’t, will you still be smiling? Oklahoma Farm Bureau crop insurance will give you something to smile about. With a revenueguarantee policy on your spring-planted crops, you’ll rest easy knowing that even if conditions in 2011 aren’t as favorable as we all hope, you’ll be ready to continue working the land in 2012. And if you enjoy your job as much as we enjoy ours, that’s something to smile about. Don’t forget, the sign up deadline for spring-planted crops is March 15. Call Scott Bulling at (405) 205-0061 and get a plan that will keep you smiling.
OKLAHOMA FARM BUREAU CROP INSURANCE NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual’s Oklahoma • Winter income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who requireCountry alternative means2010 for • 45 communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (Voice and TDD).
Alcoa Steel & Vinyl Siding
Yes! Energy savings over a short period will more than pay for the new siding investment in your home.
America’s At Home With Alcoa
Insulates against cold or heat.
Does not absorb or retain moisture like wood.
Goes up easily over wood asbestos, stucco or masonry walls.
Does not support combustion.
Protect your investment in your home! Improve its value! Muffles outside noises, assures a quieter, more livable home.
Permanently protects & beautifies your home. Resists damaging effects of acids, salt, water, sun, rain, oil, etc. Stays beautiful wherever you live! Retains beauty year in, year out.
Maintenance free -- the BEST buy in today’s home covering market! Does not peel, flake, corrode or rust. Easy to clean-simply hose down.
Mars, scars, abrasions don’t show. High impact-resistant.
White & 12 decorator colors. Never needs paint-durability built in not painted on.
Completely covers split, warped, faded or peeled outside walls.
Here are the names of just a few of your Farm Bureau neighbors who are enjoying the beauty & comfort of Alcoa Siding products. Feel free to check with them. Benny Rogers P.O. Box 883 Perry, OK Bob Bolay Rt. 2, Box 119 Perry, OK Carl Windham 10404 N.W. 37th Yukon, OK Don Rainwater 5710 Willow Dr. Norman, OK Neil Roberts 1400 Charles Norman, OK O.B. Puckett 200 Elm Maysville, OK Eddie Huitt P.O. Box 101 Sterling, OK
Forest Masters 317 W. Sheridian Kingfisher, OK Beryle James 9512 W. Britton Yukon, OK Unique Coffeures 5900 N.W. 49th Oklahoma City, OK Linda Sitton P.O. Box 160 Binger, OK Delones Knupik 414 W. Birch Enid, OK Tim Cameron Rt. 1, Box 85 Orlando, OK Jack Steele 119 Thompson Kingfisher, OK
Steve Leck 116 S. Flynn Calumet, OK Jerry Benda 63125 Gregory Rd. El Reno, OK Clark Graham 213 N.W. 1st Moore, OK Carl McKinney P.O. Box 592 Eufaula, OK Greg Biggs 18600 N. Antler Way Deer Creek, OK Daniel Garrett 1909 S. Jensen El Reno, OK Mike Yousey 20502 S.E. 15th Harrah, OK
• No artificial look • No warping in summer
Al Castro 4601 Winners Circle Norman, OK Don Blain 308 E. Jarman Midwest City, OK Kenneth Azlin P.O. Box 921 Seminole, OK Gerald McDaniel 14714 Key Ridge Dr. Newalla, OK Mike Limke 201 Owen Mustang, OK Mike Lee Rt. 4, Box 193 Tuttle, OK Larry Yost 315 N. 3rd Watonga, OK
Starling Miller 912 Kansas Chickasha, OK Herschel Nichols Route 1 Prague, OK Jerry Haynes P.O. Box 208 Cashion, OK Charles Frank 1908 Brook Hollow Ct. Stillwater, OK Lynn Luker 720 W. Jackson Cresent, OK Jim Youngs 1201 Clearview Mustang, OK Tommie Richardson P.O. Box 381 Purcell, OK
Cade Boepple Rt. 1, Box 7 Covington, OK Randy Plant 18701 Garden Ridge Edmond, OK S & J Tire Co. Hwy. 81 El Reno, OK Ron Pinkenton 7521 N.W. 40th Oklahoma City, OK Leslie Bradford Rt. 3, Box 298 Watonga, OK Sharon Graham 2821 Bella Vista Midwest City, OK James Bryant 1755 N. Country Club Newcastle, OK
Check these features
• Won’t rot or peel • Won’t absorb or retain moisture
Keller Rest. 820 N. McAuther Oklahoma City, OK Larry Smith Rt. 2, Box 122 Kingfisher, OK Mickey Brown 1705 Country Club Newcastle, OK Barth Construction Lot 6 Wild Turkey Hollow Stillwater, OK Jeff Palmer 822 S. 6th Kingfisher, OK Starling Miller Rt. 3, Box 129A Perry, OK Mike Nemec Rt. 1, Box 90 Perry, OK
• No exposed nails • Won’t break up in hail
Willia Clay 1845 N.W. 23rd Newcastle, OK Don Jantz Rt. 3 Enid, OK Dawn Faust 9329 Lyric Lane Midwest City, OK Veres Zum Mullen Rt. 4 Okarche, OK Jim Nichols 4737 Crest Pl. Del City, OK Glenda Irick 2601 N.W. 118th Oklahoma City, OK Teressa Parham 128 Chickasaw Yukon, OK
Reese Wilmoth 5400 N.W. 66th Oklahoma City, OK Mark Kelley 3421 N.W. 67th Oklahoma City, OK Richard Boren Rt. 1, Box 151 Geary, OK Dawayne Smith 415 S.W. 16th Newcastle, OK Hanley Hintergardt 9100 Whitehall Ct. Oklahoma City, OK Dan Wedeman 3455 N. Red Rock Rd. Yukon, OK Mike Nichols Route 1 Prague, OK
• Won’t dent like aluminum • Static electricity attraction free.
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Name__________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________City________________________ Telephone ____________________ Best Time To Call:______A.M. ______P.M. If Rural, Give Directions____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
6408 N. Libby Oklahoma City, OK 73112