Fall 2011 Volume 11, Issue 4
UI Showcases Fruit Research – pg. 4
Massacre Rocks Access Threatened – pg. 8
Marketbasket Survey – pg. 14
The Ag Agenda
A Time for Giving Thanks By Bob Stallman
President American Farm Bureau Federation
Thanksgiving has always been a special time for me and my family, whereby we take a day from our hectic lives to give thanks for not only the bounty of food on our table, but for the good fortune and security in which that food was provided. When I think of Thanksgiving, I can’t help but conjure up Norman Rockwell’s famous painting “Freedom from Want.” If a picture is worth a thou-
sand words, Rockwell’s painting tells an inspiring story of a traditional American Thanksgiving celebration: family, security, joy and America’s great harvest. Let Freedom Reign Norman Rockwell’s “Freedom from Want” painting was first published as part of a series in The Saturday Evening Post in 1943 during the height of World War II. Inspired to paint “The Four Freedoms” series after hearing President Franklin Roosevelt’s speech of the same See STALLMAN, page 15
The President’s Desk
Agriculture Labor Issues Troubling By Frank Priestley President Idaho Farm Bureau Federation
A Treasure Valley orchard owner who recently placed a help-wanted ad seeking workers to pick fruit for $12 to $15 per hour learned how difficult it can be – even during a period of relatively high unemployment – to hire farmworkers.
In a story reported by Mitch Coffman at IdahoReporter. com, the orchard owner had about three months worth of work and based on production, pickers could earn upwards of $15 per hour. However, in spite of Idaho’s
9.1 percent unemployment rate and Canyon County unemployment pegged at 12 percent, workers did not surface and the farmer eventually ended up asking the local sheriff’s office to send out a work detail in order to get the fruit picked before it spoiled. This experience is unsettling on many fronts and it shores up a long held belief among the agricultural community that migrant workers aren’t taking jobs away from American citizens. It also helps to solidify the need for a guest worker program that rewards immigrant workers See PRIESTLEY, page 38
Inside Farm Bureau
The Quest for the Golden Apple; Early Beginnings of Idaho Agriculture By Rick Keller CEO Idaho Farm Bureau Federation
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
This past month, 96 year-old Tom J. Davis, the last living grandchild of Tom and Julia Davis, cut the ribbon at the dedication of a new Agriculture Pavilion at the Julia Davis Park in downtown Boise. Nestled among the beautiful fall trees, between the Boise Art Museum and Zoo Boise, is the beginning of a tribute to Idaho agriculture.
Mr. Davis’s namesake, his grandfather Tom, was among the first inhabitants of Boise to settle along its river bottoms. He
took out the first water right on the Boise River, traveled to Portland by a horsedrawn wagon and returned with 4,000 apple trees and planted an orchard where the new Ag Pavilion now stands. In addition to the orchard, Tom hired Chinese laborers to work the orchards and plant vegetables in what later became Garden City, just west of Boise. The fruits and vegetables became important to the community, particularly providing fresh produce to the many miners and emigrants entering the territory. See KELLER, page 40
Volume 11, Issue 4 IFBF OFFICERS President . ................................. Frank Priestley, Franklin Vice President ..................................Mark Trupp, Driggs Executive Vice President .............................. Rick Keller
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bryan Searle ............................................................Shelley Scott Bird .......................................................... Pocatello Chris Dalley ....................................................... Blackfoot Dean Schwendiman ........................................... Newdale Danny Ferguson ........................................................Rigby Scott Steele ..................................................... Idaho Falls Gerald Marchant .................................................. Oakley Rick Pearson ................................................... Hagerman Mike Garner.............................................................. Declo Curt Krantz ............................................................ Parma Mike McEvoy..................................................... Middleton Tracy Walton ....................................................... Emmett Marjorie French .............................................. Princeton Bob Callihan . ...................................................... Potlatch Louis Kins ........................................................... Kootenai Carol Guthrie ......................................................... Inkom Austin Tubbs . .......................................................... Malad
UI Pomologist a pioneer in fruit research
IDAHO FARM BUREAU QUARTERLY USPS #022-899, is published quarterly by the IDAHO FARM BUREAU FEDERATION, 275 Tierra Vista Drive, Pocatello, ID 83201.
Page 16
Page 5 BLM considers partial closure of popular rock climbing area
Page 8
STAFF Dir. of Admin. Services ....................... Nancy Shiozawa Dir. of Member Services ................................... Ray Poe Dir. of Commodities ............................ Dennis Brower Commodity Assistant ................................. Peggy Pratt Membership Assistant .............................. Peggy Moore Info and Member Services Assistant ... Dixie Ashton Dist. I Regional Manager .......................... Justin Patten Dist. II Regional Manager ....................... Kendall Keller Dist. III Regional Manager .................. Charles Garner Dist. IV Regional Manager ................... Russ Hendricks Dist.V Regional Manager ...................... Bob Smathers Dir. of Governmental Affairs ....................... Kent Lauer Asst. Dir. of Governmental Affairs ... Dennis Tanikuni Range/Livestock Specialist..........................Wally Butler Director of Public Relations ............. John Thompson Video Services Manager ............................ Steve Ritter Broadcast Services Manager .................... Jake Putnam Office Manager, Boise ................... Julie Christoffersen Member Services Manager ........................ Joel Benson Printed by: Owyhee Publishing, Homedale, ID
Preventing root disease, UI Forestry Column
IFBF Convention preview
Focus on Agriculture
A Taste of Idaho: Curried Pumpkin Soup
Page 10
Page 25
Marketbasket Survey:
Page 14
Page 20
IFBF Photo Contest
Page 30
POSTMASTER send changes of address to: IDAHO FARM BUREAU QUARTERLY P.O. Box 4848, Pocatello, ID 83205-4848. Periodicals postage paid at Pocatello, ID and additional mailing offices. Subscription: $4 a year included in Farm Bureau dues. MAGAZINE CONTACTS: Idaho Farm Bureau Federation EDITOR (208) 239-4292 • ADS (208) 239-4279 E-MAIL: dashton@idahofb.org www.idahofb.org
Cover: The University of Idaho showcased its fruit research during a field day held at the Parma Research and Extension Center in September. Several types and varieties of fruit are produced at the Center and the information gleaned from that production is passed along to private producers. Photo by Steve Ritter
The Ag Agenda: Bob Stallman............................................................. 2 The President’s Desk: Frank Priestley.............................................. 2 Inside Farm Bureau: Rick Keller......................................................... 2 Insurance Matters............................................................................... 19 Word Search........................................................................................ 23 Classifieds ............................................................................................ 42
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
A large crowd of growers, state officials and others showed up for this year’s Fruit Field Day at the Parma Research and Extension Center. Photo by Steve Ritter
Fruit Research Pays Off For Growers
By Jake Putnam PARMA--Tables lined with amber-ripe peaches, purple grapes, red, yellow and green apples are proof positive of a bountiful harvest at the University of Idaho’s Parma Research and Extension Center. On September 20th the Center hosted its annual Fruit Field day in lush orchards to a large and appreciative crowd. In an orchard rows upon rows of harvested fruit were carefully laid out. The number and varieties of fruit surprised those in attendance with everything from grapes, peaches, nectarines to apples, quinces, Asian pears, persimmons and even jujube and haskaps all sampled by school children, farmers and state agriculture officials. The pomology program at Parma is overseen by Professor Essie Fallahi, and each year the event draws hundreds of locals and growers from neighboring states. They come to see new fruits, check out the latest trials of apples, peaches and other commercial crops. They’re interested in new production techniques, including use of growth bio-regulators, and irrigation. 4
“It’s extraordinary and it shows people the great opportunities we have here in Idaho, but also opportunities working with University of Idaho researchers,” said University of Idaho President Duane Nellis. Nellis says the U of I is recognized for its pomology research worldwide. “We’re on the cutting edge with all of these varieties and the general public doesn’t know half of what we do here,” he said. “Producers are catching on and have a sense of the opportunities available here. We want them to take back some of these ideas and start growing some of these crops, it’s just amazing.” For apple producers the highlight of the day was the orchard tour that demonstrated different types of tree canopies that increase apple production. The technique involves spacing of trees, which can produce apples during the second year instead of the typical fourth year. Fallahi with microphone in hand, told producers touring the apple orchards with him using the new technique they can get immediate returns on capital investments.
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
“The important thing is the trees start producing in their second year and farmers can pay off their loans a lot faster than using traditional techniques,” he said. “By spacing trees closer together, we can use every inch of ground and drop of water efficiently with this technique.” When the state economy slowed in 2008, lawmakers cut higher education budgets, The University of Idaho took the cuts in stride, but worked hard at keeping the research budgets at operable levels. “One of things that’s encouraging from the last legislative session, despite all of the budget cuts, the one thing they did preserve was the Ag research and Extension Budget,” said President Nellis. “There were no cuts in that. But now we have to start building it back. From the $25 million the University took in cuts, $6 million of that was in Ag Research and Extension the last three years.” Jerry Henggeler is one of Idaho’s largest fruit producers. He said agriculture research stations like Parma are vital for survival in a very competitive industry. See FRUIT FIELD DAY p. 6
Unruffled, he went to his first class and sure enough, the two red-faced and deeply embarrassed students were in the class. Later they tried to drop the class, but Fallahi wouldn t let them. He urged them to stay saying the outburst wouldn’t affect their grades. They both got A’s and remain friends to this day. Of the incident Fallahi says “Only in America.” After his doctoral work he looked at what was happening in Idaho. “It was a time when the growers badly needed a researcher,” recalls Fallahi. The University of Idaho needed a strong pomology program to compete with other Northwest fruit producing states. Dr. Essie Fallahi, left, and Dr. Duane Nellis, UI President, are proud of the pomology research done at the UI Parma Research and Extension Center, where several types and varieties of fruit, not previously thought practical in southwest Idaho, have been developed. Photo by Steve Ritter
Iranian Expatriate Makes Most of Opportunities
By Jake Putnam PARMA - One of the leaders of Idaho’s blossoming fruit industry got his start in the orchards of Iran, a half world away. The University of Idaho’s Dr. Essie Fallahi grew up on a fruit farm at the foot of Iran’s Alborz Mountains. Coming to Idaho in 1975 he knew Idaho apples, peaches, pears and grapes could do better. He often quotes an old Persian saying: “If a big diamond is in a lion’s mouth, take a chance and get it out.” He spent half his life doing just that. “I’m from a family that always had orchards and fruit production and still do,” he said. “We had mostly apples on our family farm, followed by plums and peaches. As you know most of the apples and fruits came from that area.” Prior to the Iranian revolution, Fallahi decided he wanted to make the study of fruit his lifelong passion. A scholarship was offered by the Iranian government sending the highest ranked pomology student to America for graduate studies. Fallahi was determined to be the best and after four years of rigorous study, he was. America represented so much to the young student. “I fell in love with the concept that
justice will prevail,” said Fallahi. He also fell in love with the American dream. “With hard work you can achieve anything you set your mind to do,” he said. “When I was a graduate student at Oregon State I worked in muddy orchards carrying Christmas trees to make ends meet for my family,” he said. To think that one day I would be the Vice President of the American Society for Horticulture Science, which is one of the highest scientific positions in the world. It s a wonderful world for those that want to work. America gave me that, and I am thankful.” Fallahi did his undergraduate work in Iran in the city of Ahvaz, then his Master’s degree at Washington State University and a PHD from Oregon State. During the Iranian Hostage Crisis in the early 80’s while teaching a class at OSU, Fallahi pulled into a parking space. Two students were enraged that he took the last parking space. The students yelled at him saying they couldn’t believe they lost the space to a “dirty Iranian.” Fallahi walked up to the students as they entered the building and told that he was Iranian, but was “clean and freshly showered.”
“Although we are sharing the same kind of market as Washington State, Idaho needed researchers that were aware of local conditions and could do research on local problems,” he said. “When I came to Idaho I found that Southwest Idaho had a nearly identical climate to my family ranch,” he said. “The first thing that came to mind is that they’re growing apples and peaches here. But there are many crops that we have grown in Northern Iran for many years that they haven’t tried here.” Fallahi started researching strains of apples, grapes peaches and pears that worked in the old country. Through it all he thought Idaho could do better, especially with grapes. The trick was finding the right varieties of grapes to suit the harsh winters. In the mid 90 s Fallahi tested hearty European grape varieties for cold-hardiness, fruit quality, growth habits not to mention irrigation and fertilizer needs. Many varieties couldn t stand the cold, but the ones that worked, thrived in Canyon County. Today, Idaho growers harvest more than 3,300 tons of wine grapes each year, which are turned into 225,000 12-bottle cases of wine. Seeing success in that segment, Fallahi went to work experimenting with table grapes varieties, a fruit that had never caught on in Idaho because of harsh winters. Fallahi tried grapes that did well in Iran, planting 26 table grape varieties in a trial. When those proved successful, he added more. “One of the blocks I showed at the field day See FALLAHI p. 7
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Continued from page 4
“It’s an absolute must,” said Henggeler. “Today we heard Dr. Fallahi talk about all the different varieties and strains of root stocks and new irrigation. Well, what it does is that it shows us what to do and not to do. We can’t afford to make terrible mistakes in the field. We can’t afford to find out that we should have planted two weeks earlier. A little mistake like that can kill an operation.” In uncertain times, when budgets are tight agricultural research becomes more critical according to President Nellis. “It’s such an important part of our state,” Nellis said. “University research is vital to the state economy. This state is built around these resources. It’s a strength and we have to continue to contribute to do that.” Fruit producers like Henggeler agree. He says he continues to hear the same tired arguments from short-sighted budget critics. “They say things like ‘why do we need to do research in Idaho? They’re doing this in Michigan or New York, California. It’s more complex than that, we have to prove that it
will grow and do well in Idaho’s climatic conditions, our soil and hot days, cool nights. It’s an absolute must to spend the money and do the research. It’s a capital investment that pays for itself. Without having solid research from which to make these decisions it’s too risky.” Idaho continues to make inroads into the nation’s fruit market. Fruit grown in Idaho is in high demand at across the nation and it’s because of two simple things according to Fallahi. “The quality of the fruit, including table grapes that we produce in Idaho is outstanding. It has high flavor because of the long days and cool nights that we have in this region and also because of the outstanding color,” said Fallahi.
The Center’s table grape vineyards led to formation of the Snake River Table Grape Growers Association. They were there displaying their production trials, canopy studies and other production practices. Dr. Fallahi also makes house calls, according to Heneggeler. He says when a question has to be answered, or research done, Fallahi works until it’s done, often on test plots on producer farms. “It’s all time critical, he knows that, he never complains, he just gets it done,” said Heneggeler. Fallahi and the Research Center have done a lot for growers through the years, but Fallahi’s most crowning accomplishment is proving that grapes and exotic fruits can be grown in Idaho.
Hundreds of horticulturists, farmers and foodies gathered to listen to the researchers, tour the facilities and sample the fruit. Many filled plastic bags and took the prized fruit home. Lorraine Baird has visited the center many times, “It’s just so great for the kids to see this and hear what they can do,” she said. Fallahi was elected Vice President of the American Society for Horticultural Science’s International Division. Last year he spent two weeks in China as a guest of the Chinese National Horticultural Association.
Golden Delicious apples in production at the UI Parma Research and Extension Center Photo by Steve Ritter
The Parma Center serves as a testing ground for a national apple rootstock study in cooperation with Cornell University and other top institutions. The center also focuses on Fuji apple irrigation, nutrition, chemical thinning and pesticide trials.
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Fruit producers and others from surrounding communities taste peaches, nectarines and other fruit during the University of Idaho’s annual Fruit Field Day held at the Parma Research and Extension Center. Photo by Steve Ritter
Continued from page 5 (see sidebar article) was called the orphan block because in those blocks I had no support at all, and basically I was working Saturday and Sunday to get the block of grapes going,” he said. “We didn’t have support, equipment or even wire for the system. I gathered what forces I could and I continued with that block for about five years.” The hard work paid off. Ron Mann of Payette was one of the first farmers in Idaho to grow table grapes. He said that he and the doctor tested 140 varieties. “And we’ve narrowed it down to about eight to ten that do extremely well.” Now, acreage is on the rise and Idaho grape growers are selling to wholesale brokers. Increasingly, more Idaho grapes are ending up in the produce sections of major grocery chains like Winco, Costco and Albertsons. Table grape acreage in Idaho has doubled in the past two years to around 800 acres, according to
Essie Fallahi is an Iranian emigrant and an innovative pomologist responsible for developing production techniques that fit Idaho’s climate and soils.
Fallahi. While the Idaho table grape industry will never threaten California as the nation’s top grape producer in terms of quantity, Idaho’s crop enjoys a distinct edge in quality, he said. Also they’re picked, packed and shipped fresh to outlets with no storage. A red seedless grape developed at Parma called Alborz is a local favorite because of its sweetness and noticeable crunch. When Fallahi and University of Idaho President Duane Nellis triumphantly hoisted grapes at a recent Fruit Field day it was a crowning moment for fruit research in Idaho.
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“Essie does an outstanding job for us and it’s really amazing,” Nellis said. “With all of these varieties and yet the general public doesn’t have a sense of the opportunities for them to take back. It’s boundless and to grow some of these crops here, well, it’s amazing.”
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Grower Jerry Henggeler said Fallahi and the research center are a critical part of local agriculture. “We’re growing at least 12 varieties of apples; basically they’ve all come from research done at the center. They showed us not only what we can grow but how to grow, which ones fit our timing scales. All that information has come from the research projects out here.”
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Fallahi tamed the figurative lion of Idaho and is about to grab the illusive diamond, doing what many said couldn’t be done. “People like to try different things,” he says. “It’s up to us researchers to show that we can grow them, and to our extension center to teach people how to use them.”
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Photo by Steve Ritter
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
BLM Considers Closing Popular Rock Climbing Venue Article and Photos by John Thompson
AMERICAN FALLS – Thrill seekers who thrive on testing their strength and skill on vertical rock faces are at the center of a controversy over public land use. An assumed large but loosely-knit group of rock climbers who ply their sport on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) property near American Falls Reservoir were recently informed that a portion of a well-known climbing area may be closed due to its cultural significance. The BLM announced the proposed closure of about 600 acres at the Cedar Fields Archaeological District, known to local rock climbers as the Massacre Rocks area, in August. The closure spells the end of rock climbing on about 25 percent of the 600 to 800 established climbing routes in the area. The closure would also apply to camping, trail building and staging or milling about under the cliffs. BLM Burley Field Manager Mike Courtney said the area is historically registered within the American Falls Archaeological District and is known have been occupied by Native Americans as far back as 12,000 years. The area was primarily used by Native Americans for winter encampments. By law, the BLM is obligated to protect it, Courtney said. “Even though their (climbers) footprint is very small in comparison, where they want to be is right where lots of cultural resources are located,” Courtney said. “How we mitigate that is what this proposal is about and that’s why we are holding public meetings and taking public comment. We are seeking a resolution that allows us to protect the resources and still allows climbing.” But Pocatello rock climbers Lisa Safford, Troy Neu and Jack Brennan believe their sport, or use of the area has been singled out by BLM and they say the area should be open for recreational users that support the state’s economy today rather than closed because people camped there 12,000 years ago. “What is the most sensible use of public land?” Safford asks. “Should it be kept open to help support the rural economy and recreation uses, or should this beautiful area be closed for one user group that historically used it but doesn’t currently use it. If we close off every place Native Americans once used, the entire American Troy Neu of Pocatello scales one of the more difficult routes in the Massacre Rocks climbing area southwest of American Falls. 8
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
West would be off limits,” Safford said. “ Courtney explained that rock climbing, along with camping, hiking and many other activities that take place on public lands are considered “casual” uses. Whereas grazing, mining, logging and other uses go through specific environmental assessments and periodic reviews. “In this case it’s considered a casual use and that’s how over time you end up with such a high number of established climbing routes,” Courtney said. “By the time we catch up, the apple cart is tipped over so to speak. We are trying to catch up. We are writing an environmental assessment and we are going to look at this the same as any other activity we authorize on public land.” The benefits of the area to the rock climbing community are numerous. It’s located relatively close to Pocatello where many of the climbers who use the area live. For those people, according to Brennan, it adds to their quality of life. It’s a 30-minute drive from Pocatello and climbers use the area for up to nine months out of the year. It’s also a diverse rock climbing area with routes ranging from beginner to some of the most challenging. In addition, it attracts climbers from other states and even other countries, Safford said. She doesn’t believe climbers are damaging the area’s cultural significance and
in fact she contends that most climbers are conservation-minded people. Some of them, including Safford, Neu and Brennan, are Pocatello business owners, who respect the area. Brennan questioned how much it will cost taxpayers to conduct an environmental assessment and how much it will cost to regulate the area if that decision is made. The BLM Burley Field Office currently employs two full-time enforcement officers to cover 4.5 million acres of public land. “It’s been my experience that the climbers are the most conservation minded people out here,” said Brennan. “We are always hauling out trash and we don’t tear up the roads. We wonder why our sport is being attacked and whether there is some underlying reason we are not aware of.” Adding to the rock climbers’ ire in the matter, BLM recently authorized Idaho State Parks and Recreation to improve a road in the area. In the process of bulldozing the road, a cultural site was disturbed. The climbers contend this incident has done far more damage to cultural resources in the area than they have in over 30 years of use. Courtney confirmed that Idaho State Parks was authorized to do the work in order to entice off-road vehicle users to stay out an area that has been closed to motorized travel for several years. However, the
A bolted climbing route in the Massacre Rocks climbing area. The area is known as one of the top basalt rock climbing areas in the world.
equipment operator apparently strayed off course and disturbed the cultural site. “The intent was to work with Idaho Parks and Recreation to improve some trails outside of the closed area to help bait the motorized users out of the area,” Courtney said. “But that’s not what happened and what got maintained went into the closed area and was not authorized. It was an honest mistake but we ended up citing them civilly under the Archaeological Resources Protection Act and we are in the process of negotiating a settlement.” Safford believes there is an opportunity to educate people about the cultural significance of the area and develop it as a natural resource and a recreational asset that can aid a struggling economy. “They are spending a lot of money on an issue that really isn’t a problem and under the proposed management it’s likely to become a perpetual cost,” she said. “It will require a lot of law enforcement, which is virtually non-existent out here now.”
Troy Neu, left, and Jack Brennan of Pocatello observe a campfire ring at the base of one of the climbing routes in the Massacre Rocks climbing area. The BLM is concerned about damage to cultural resources at the base of cliffs in the area. The climbers contend this fire ring was constructed by campers, not rock climbers.
Courtney said they hope to find an alternative that will accommodate all users of the area. The public comment period extends until November 11. Courtney expects the matter to be resolved in about a year. Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Focus on Agriculture
Productivity Depends on ‘Big Picture’ of Farm Safety Net By Lynne Finnerty One size fits all—when most shoppers see that label on clothing, it doesn’t inspire much confidence that the garment will suit them. People come in all shapes and sizes. The same can be said of farm programs. One program cannot and does not fit all farmers. What works well for southern cotton growers or farmers in New England is probably not the best way to help midwestern soybean farmers or western wheat growers get through a difficult year so they can keep putting food on market shelves. Even from one year to the next, different programs can make up stronger or weaker threads in the fabric of the food and farm safety net, depending on volatile markets and weather. That’s why the American Farm Bureau recently sent Congress farm bill recommendations that call for a “big picture” approach—one that maintains most current farm programs rather than depending on just one or two—to provide a safety net for different types of farmers in all regions. The ax has to fall somewhere, however. A congressional “super-committee” is meet10
ing this fall to come up with at least $1.2 trillion in budget cuts. Every part of the federal budget is likely to be trimmed. The cuts to the farm bill, including farm, conservation and nutrition programs, could be anywhere in the range of $10 billion to $40 billion. Farm Bureau represents all types of farmers and ranchers in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. Unlike some groups that have called for absolutely no reductions in favored programs, Farm Bureau is taking a more practical stance. It recommends that an equal proportion, 30 percent, of the needed funding cuts be made in commodity, conservation and nutrition programs, with another 10 percent made in the increasingly important crop insurance program. The cuts in nutrition programs could come from administrative changes rather than program benefit cuts. The cost of administering conservation programs also could be reduced by consolidating them. When your clothing budget gets smaller, you don’t stop buying shirts or pants altogether. You look for ways to save here and there. That’s what Farm Bureau is asking
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Congress to do with cuts to farm bill programs—spread them around, but still keep everyone “covered.” Some say farmers don’t need a safety net, because this year’s market prices are high for most commodities. But, so are production costs. Also, cotton and wheat yields are low, in some places nonexistent, because of drought in the Southern Plains. If a farmer doesn’t have a crop or livestock to sell, good prices don’t benefit him much. Through the current dual structure of risk management and income support programs, the farmer can make it through to another year, ensuring that all of us have a top-quality, stable and economical food supply. The farm safety net has evolved over the last seven decades. And it will continue to change, as it should—to make farm programs work their best in today’s budget environment. However, Congress should maintain the complete suit of current farm programs. Even a thinner coat keeps you warmer than none at all. Lynne Finnerty is the editor of FBNews, the newspaper of the American Farm Bu-
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Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Bannock County FB Sponsors th Field Day for 4 Graders Photos by John Thompson The Bannock County Farm Bureau Women’s Committee once again hosted a field day for over 1,000 fourth graders from the Pocatello area this fall. Students learned about a wide variety of farm and farm-related activities including how crops are planted and nurtured throughout a growing season, horsemanship, ATV safety, power line safety and livestock. At the end of each group’s tour the children got to pick up a five-pound sack of freshly dug potatoes to take home and play in a corn maze. The Field Day took place at Swore Farms in the Tyhee area. This is the sixth consecutive year the three-day event was held.
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Marketbasket Survey
Global Demand Drives Food Prices Higher in Third Quarter WASHINGTON, D.C.,—Strong global demand, especially for pork and other protein-rich foods, was a primary driver behind higher retail prices at the supermarket during the third quarter of 2011, according to the latest American Farm Bureau Federation Marketbasket Survey. The informal survey shows the total cost of 16 food items that can be used to prepare one or more meals was $53.12, up $1.95 or about 4 percent compared to the second quarter of 2011. Of the 16 items surveyed, 13 increased, two decreased and one remained the same in average price compared to the prior quarter. “Global demand for meat and dairy products remains strong and continues to influence retail prices here in the U.S.,” said AFBF Economist John Anderson. “Many nations around the world rely on America to provide the food they need to improve their standard of living, particularly through the addition of protein to the diet. Strengthened demand for meats began in 2009, continued through 2010 and remains important as we look ahead to the close of 2011.” Other factors also came into play. “On-farm production costs for energy, fertilizer and fuel continue on an upward trend but those costs are largely borne by farmers and ranchers. But, in addition, after food leaves the farm or ranch, higher costs for transportation, marketing, processing and storage are added,” Anderson explained. “As long as these costs remain elevated, consumers will continue to feel it in the form of higher food prices at the supermarket.” Meat and dairy products accounted for about 40 percent of the quarter-toquarter retail price increase. Boneless 14
chicken breasts increased 24 cents to $3.33 per pound, bacon rose 23 cents to $4.41 per pound, sliced deli ham was up 17 cents to $5.43 per pound, shredded cheddar increased 14 cents to $4.70 per pound and whole milk was up 4 cents to $3.66 per gallon. Other items that increased in price compared to the second quarter were Russet potatoes, up 36 cents to $3.43 for a 5-pound bag; Red Delicious apples, up 27 cents to $1.83 per pound; flour, up 21 cents to $2.73 for a 5-pound bag; vegetable oil, up 20 cents to $3.21 for a 32-ounce bottle; eggs, up 13 cents to $1.78 for one dozen; orange juice, up 10 cents to $3.28 for a half-gallon; bagged salad, up 6 cents to $2.73 for 1-pound bag; and bread, up 2 cents to $1.88 for a 20-ounce loaf. “At the beginning of 2011, a number of factors including growing demand pointed to continued increases in retail food prices, especially for meats. But there’s always a lag time as farmers and ranchers increase the size of their herds to meet higher demand,” Anderson explained. “Extreme weather conditions around the nation have further compounded the issue, diminishing production and further increasing costs.” Most items showing an increase in retail price from quarter-to-quarter also showed year-to-year increases. Compared to one year ago, Russet potatoes increased 30 percent; flour was up 27 percent; eggs and vegetable oil were each 26 percent higher. Year-toyear increases were also tallied for bacon, up 21 percent; sliced deli ham and milk, each up 16 percent; and shredded cheddar cheese, up 15 percent. The total average price for the 16 items was up about 15 percent compared to one year ago.
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Two items decreased in price: sirloin tip roast dropped 20 cents to $4.28 per pound and ground chuck dropped 2 cents to $3.27 per pound. Toasted oat cereal remained the same in price, at $3.17 for a 9-ounce box. The year-to-year direction of the Marketbasket Survey tracks with the federal government’s Consumer Price Index (http://www.bls.gov/cpi/) report for food at home. As retail grocery prices have increased gradually over time, the share of the average food dollar that America’s farm and ranch families receive has dropped. “In the mid-1970s, farmers received about one-third of consumer retail food expenditures for food eaten at home and away from home, on average. Since then, that figure has decreased steadily and is now about 16 percent, according to the Agriculture Department’s revised Food Dollar Series,” Anderson said. USDA’s new Food Dollar Series may be found online at http://www.ers.usda.gov/ Data/FoodDollar/app/. Using the “food at home and away from home” percentage across-theboard, the farmer’s share of this quarter’s $53.12 marketbasket would be $8.50. AFBF, the nation’s largest general farm organization, has been conducting the informal quarterly marketbasket survey of retail food price trends since 1989. The mix of foods in the marketbasket was updated during the first quarter of 2008. According to USDA, Americans spend just under 10 percent of their disposable annual income on food, the lowest average of any country in the world. A total of 85 shoppers in 32 states participated in the latest survey, conducted in August.
Tracking Milk and Egg Trends For the third quarter of 2011, shoppers reported the average price for a half-gallon of regular whole milk was $2.46, up 15 cents from the prior quarter. The average price for one gallon of regular whole milk was $3.66, up 4 cents. Comparing per-quart prices, the retail price for whole milk sold in gallon containers was about 25 percent lower compared to half-gallon containers, a typical volume discount long employed by retailers. The average price for a half-gallon
of rBST-free milk was $3.40, up 12 cents from the last quarter, about 40 percent higher than the reported retail price for a half-gallon of regular milk ($2.46). The average price for a half-gallon of organic milk was $3.71, up 6 cents compared to the prior quarter, about 51 percent higher than the reported retail price for a half-gallon of regular milk ($2.46). Compared to a year ago (third quarter of 2010), the retail price for regular milk in gallon containers was up about 16 percent while regular milk in half-gallon containers rose 19 percent. The average retail price for rBST-free milk increased 1 percent compared to the prior year while organic milk was up 2 percent.
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For the third quarter of 2011, the average price for one dozen regular eggs was $1.78, up 13 cents compared to the prior quarter. The average price for a dozen “cage-free” eggs was $3.10, down 10 cents compared to the prior quarter but 75 percent higher than regular eggs. Compared to a year ago (third quarter of 2010), regular eggs increased 26 percent while “cage-free” eggs increased 7 percent.
Continued from page 2
name, Rockwell invoked a sentiment in all Americans that has remained for nearly 70 years. We cherish our freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from fear and freedom from want. American farmers take these rights very seriously, especially when it comes to providing food for our nation. Americans spend the least amount of disposable income on food than in any other country. Compared to many other countries where nourishment has flat lined and food is hard to come by, where farmers are dictated what to grow and who to sell to - leaving much of their population with empty stomachs, our food security is a reason for all Americans to be thankful. One look at most grocery shelves in the U.S. shows just how blessed Americans are. America’s Cornucopia In some ways, things have changed little since 1943; we have another war, another recession. Yet, while American farm-
ers still embody that same patriotic and entrepreneurial spirit that their fathers and grandfathers had before them, our industry has changed greatly to keep up with the times. In the 1940s, a U.S. farmer had the ability to feed only 19 people per year. Today, an American farmer grows enough food to feed 154 people every year. Because of modern technology, farmers are providing safer and more nutritious food for Americans. We are producing a greater variety of food so that no Thanksgiving table is incomplete, whether you favor traditional turkey or something more exotic. So, as you sit down with your family to Thanksgiving dinner this year, please join me in giving thanks for the many blessings bestowed upon us. Let us all celebrate our many freedoms, and in particular, our freedom from want. Pass the cranberry sauce .
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Armillaria Root Disease: A Hidden Menace By Randy Brooks Root disease is prevalent in forests across the U.S., and has been documented in almost every state. Hosts include hundreds of tree species, shrubs, vines, and forbs. Many species of root diseases affect our western conifers, including Armillaria root disease: Armillaria ostoyae (Romagnesi) Herink; Laminated root Armillaria root disease pocket. The fungus rots the roots and makes them susceptible to windthrow. rot: Phellinus weirii (Murrill) R.L.Gilbertson; Annosus root disease: Het- to growth loss and windthrow in advance cies are killed by root disease. Susceptibilerobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref.; Schwein- of tree death. It can also decay butt heart- ity varies among tree species, age groups, itzii root and butt rot: Phaeolus schwein- wood in large, living grand fir, western red individual trees, and pathogens present. itzii (Fr.:Fr.) Pat.; Tomentosus root disease: cedar, and western hemlock. Growth loss, Root disease pockets range in size from a Inonotus tomentosus (Fr.:Fr.)Teng.; and windthrow and butt decay are minor imfraction of an acre to hundreds of acres. Black stain root disease: Leptographium pacts compared to the amount of tree morThey usually have abundant regenerawageneri (Kendrick) M.J.Wingfield. tality this pathogen is responsible for. tion or dense brush growth in the center. Armillaria is the most common root dis- The fungus infects and kills trees that This is ringed with dead and dying trees ease in the region. Primary hosts are Doug- have been already weakened by competi- intermixed with visibly unaffected trees las-fir, grand, white, red, and subalpine tion, other pests, or climatic factors. The along the margin of the patch. Root disease firs. All conifers may be attacked, particu- fungi also infect healthy trees, either kill- patches have various shapes. They range larly at ages less than 30 years. Engelmann ing them outright or predisposing them to from essentially round to long, narrow spruce is also a common host in southern attacks by other fungi or insects. Infected strips, to irregular patches. They are ofIdaho, Utah and Wyoming. Armillaria trees are quite often predisposed to bark ten restricted to particular aspects, drainkills the cambium of roots and the root col- beetle attacks due to their weakened condi- ages, and timber types within a given area. lar by girdling the tree. The fungus grows tion, which will hasten their demise. The Less susceptible tree host species that are as a white, mycelial fan (imagine dry but fungus spreads from roots of diseased abundant in infested stands sometimes pliable latex paint peeling off of a wall) that trees to those of healthy ones through root mask the presence of a root disease patch slowly spreads through the cambium layer. to root contact. The result can be several to because only the most susceptible species The disease causes mortality in groups and hundreds of trees dying or dead in groups are killed. Such stands simply appear to be scattered, individual trees. The disease called root disease centers, patches, or under stocked or irregularly stocked. decays the roots (and wood) which leads pockets. Trees of all sizes, ages, and speScattered root disease often goes unde16
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
tected because of their subtle nature. There may be only a few trees per acre dying at any one time and these are often scattered among the apparently unaffected trees. The eventual toll of this type of root disease may be even greater than that of root disease pockets because it is usually more extensive throughout a stand, drainage or timber type. It takes a trained eye to detect scattered root disease. Tree crown symptoms of root disease vary according to rapidity of death, involvement of bark beetles, and season of death. As a general rule, trees with root disease have shortened terminal (top leader) growth resulting in somewhat rounded (rather than conical) crowns. Trees lose their needles beginning with the oldest and progressing to the youngest. The appearance is that trees are thinning from the lowest part of the crown up, and the innermost part of the crown (nearest the stem or bole) out, toward the branch tips. Stress cone crops are sometimes produced by dying trees and are generally not viable. Small/young trees can be killed rapidly by root disease and will turn uniformly red without having been attacked by bark beetles. Shortened terminal growth and short needles are often symptoms of root disease infection. These symptoms are especially apparent in seedlings and saplings a year or two before death. Stumps often serve as a source of inoculum for these pathogens, leading to higher mortality rates of seedlings and saplings growing near stumps
Armillaria root disease is a fungus that spreads through a tree’s cambium layer and resembles a white latex paint layer.
Root diseases are fungi which may produce fruiting bodies (mushrooms) near the base of the infected tree, and sizes of trees are susceptible.
than elsewhere in a stand. Detection of root disease is important for stand management. Because these fungi are native to many areas and live on a wide variety of plants and woody material, eradication is not realistic. Management should be aimed at limiting disease buildup or reducing its impact. Cultural management shows promise for dealing with Armillaria in forest stands. Management considerations include (1) reforesting stands with a mixture of species ecologically suited to the site and not obviously infected by Armillaria; (2) maintaining vigorous tree growth without causing undue damage to soils; (3) minimizing stress to and wounding of crop trees; and (4) reducing the food source by uprooting infected or susceptible root systems and stumps. Where the disease is limited, integrating the first three considerations into management prescriptions may be adequate. Where infection levels are high, such as in root disease centers, all four considerations may be used. Where economically feasible, stumps and roots should be removed in a zone extending at least 33 feet beyond the visible margin of the disease center because root systems in this area are likely infected.
Trees infected with root disease often display “weeping” at the base of the tree.
Where individual trees are of high value, chemical fumigants can reduce the infection level. These fumigants are applied in and around the base of infected stems or in the holes left after trees or stumps have been uprooted. Many fumigants require special application procedures or a pesticide applicators license to apply, so check with a forester or County Extension Educator for more information on this topic. Sometimes other pests or stand conditions may be more prevalent or significant than Armillaria. A thorough evaluation of existing or potential pest activity, site and stand characteristics, and the feasibility of various options should always be made before selecting a management alternative. For more information on Armillaria root disease, see http://na.fs.fed.us/spfo/pubs/ fidls/armillaria/armillaria.htm
Randy Brooks is a University of Idaho associate professor and extension educator in forestry, 4-H, and agriculture. He can be reached at the UI-Clearwater County Extension Office 2200 Michigan Ave. Orofino, ID 83544 Phone: 208-476-4434 FAX: 208-476-4111 E-mail: rbrooks@uidaho.edu
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Insurance Matters Mike Myers — Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co. of Idaho
Grangeville Student Wins FB Insurance Veterans Day Essay Contest Last July, Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company of Idaho announced its Veterans Day Essay Contest as a way to mark both Veterans Day 2011 and the return of the Idaho Army National Guard’s 116th Cavalry Brigade. The topic of the contest was “What My Parent’s (or Sibling’s) Military Service Means to Me.” We are pleased to announce that the winner of the contest and a $500 U.S. Savings Bond was Hailey Russell, a Grangeville sixth grader. Hailey’s essay about her sister was judged to clearly convey an understanding of and gratitude for the sacrifices the men and women in our Armed Forces – those who stand ready to defend our country and those who treat their wounds – make on our common behalf. Hailey’s essay is reprinted below. We hope it will inspire others to show their appreciation for our veterans. By Hailey Russell My sister, Elizabeth Russell VanHorn, 29, is an Army nurse. She has been in the Army for 6 years and is a captain. She is an obstetric nurse, which means she delivers babies and helps the new mothers. Elizabeth made sacrifices to move away from her family. She was stationed in Texas at Fort Sam where she took care of soldiers who were burned in Afghanistan and Iraq. She was able to make the soldiers who serve our country feel better by taking care of their needs and talking to them. She helped them recover and cared about them. My sister said it was an honor to take care of our American soldiers who were wounded during duty!
Congratulations to Hailey Russell of Grangeville, winner of the Farm Bureau Insurance Veterans Day Essay Contest.
Even though my sister is not fighting a war in another country, she is still serving our country by what she does for soldiers and their families in the United States. My sister has a baby, my niece, Madison, who is 1 year-old. She takes care of Madison and lives away from her husband who has his job in Vermont. Elizabeth is now stationed at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. She helps deliver hundreds of babies every month for military families. The moms stay home to take care of their families while their husbands are overseas. Elizabeth takes care of them and helps welcome their new babies even when they are not with their own families. Elizabeth has even delivered babies on her own when the doctor could not get there in time. I am proud of my sister because she is good at her job and even when she could work anywhere she is helping our country. If she didn’t do this job, who else would do it?
She is a piece of an important puzzle. Being a nurse isn’t easy, especially in the Army. Besides being a mom and being away from her family in Vermont and Idaho, Elizabeth has to pass physical fitness tests and take a lot of extra courses so she can keep up on her job and know everything she is supposed to know. My sister is an everyday hero because she does things to help keep everything in line in America. She even knows how to shoot a gun and carry a backpack a long ways. She could be sent to another country to serve if she had to but I hope she doesn’t have to do that. Not just because I would worry about her but because I think the job she does here is important. My sister’s service means that others are free to go overseas. It means families are able to safely welcome their new babies. It means I am safer here in Idaho.
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Idaho Farm Bureau Federation 72nd Annual Meeting Agenda Coeur d’Alene Resort Hotel, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho November 29 – Dec. 1, 2011 Wednesday, November 30 6 am HEALTH FAIR 7 am RISE ‘N SHINE BREAKFAST Affiliated Company Reports, IFBF CEO, Rick Keller, IFB Insurance, Phil Joslin, Marketing, Dennis Brower 8 am HOUSE OF DELEGATES SESSIONS BEGINS 8 am DISTRICT WOMEN’S CAUCUSES 10 am REFRESHMENT BREAK 9:30 am WOMEN’S COMMITTEE BUSINESS MEETING Noon LUNCHEON MAC Trailer Presentation Kendall Keller 2 pm HOUSE OF DELEGATES CONTINUES 2 pm SPECIAL WORKSHOP – Sponsored by IFBF Women Direct Marketing Panel – Leah Clark 3:15 pm REFRESHMENT BREAK Noon GENERAL SESSION LUNCHEON 4:30 pm DISTRICT CAUCUSES WORKSHOPS (continued) FARM BUREAU’S ANNUAL BANQUET Labor Regulations – Brent Olmstead, Coalition For Immigration 7 pm President Cup Award, Speaker: Wanda Blair Leaderless Organizations – Kyle Perry, AFBF Thursday, December 1 Ag In South America – Robert Blair Eisenhower Fellow 7 am COUNTY PRESIDENTS BREAKFAST Legislative Update – Governmental Affairs, IFBF 8 am ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS 2:30 p.m REFRESHMENT BREAK 8:20 am HOUSE OF DELEGATES CONTINUE 2:45 p.m DISCUSSION MEET PARTICIPANTS AND 10:15 am REFRESHMENT BREAK JUDGES Noon ADJOURN HOUSE OF DELEGATES 3 p.m DISCUSSION MEET SEMI-FINALS 12:30 pm STATE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 3 p.m. AGRA-PAC COMMITTEE MEETING LUNCHEON 4:30 pm SCREENING COMMITTEE MEETING 12:30 pm STATE BOARD SPOUSES LUNCHEON 4:30 pm CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE MEETING 1:30 pm STATE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 5 pm YOUNG FARMERS AND RANCHERS CAUCUS 5:15 pm HOUSE OF DELEGATES PROCEDURES 5:30 p.m. DISCUSSION MEET FINALS 7 pm AWARDS BANQUET Tuesday, November 29 9 am REGISTRATION DESK OPENS 10:30 am FARM BUREAU’S LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOPS Market Outlook – Clark Johnston, Agri Source/JC Mngmnt. Social Networking – Jake Putman, IFBF Farm Safety – A. J. Ferguson, Utah FB Direct Marketing Panel – Leah Clark WORKSHOPS (continued) Market Outlook – Clark Johnston, Agri Source/JC Mngmnt. One Plan – Wayne Newbill, American Stewards Business Succession – Michael Stolp, NW Farm Credit
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Convention Keynote Speaker: Wanda Blair, Ranch Life Humor Wanda, and husband Ed, and their son Chad and wife Mary, all ranch in western South Dakota. They have a cow calf operation and sell commercial Angus bulls. They background yearlings in a feedlot and raise alfalfa hay, when it rains. Wanda was a 4-H leader for 30 years, and she and her husband Ed dedicated 30 years as volunteers for the 4-H Western Junior Livestock show. She is a member of the First Presbyterian Church, has served for 12 years on the local School board and is currently serving as chairman; she also serves on the South Dakota Brand Board. Wanda is committed to agriculture and is proud to serve as Vice President of the South Dakota Farm Bureau. She enjoys spending time with her five grandchildren and being outdoors when it’s not 20 degrees below zero. Wanda has been a humorist for over 30 years and has found that by adding a little bit of humor and laughter to ordinary ranch life; creates healing of all kinds, which is a very important part of life. Many of us have forgotten to include laughter, smiles and happy thoughts in our everyday life. Wanda’s mission is to “Give the Gift of Laughter”
Leaderless Organizations Kyle Perry is the Director of Leadership Development for the American Farm Bureau Federation where he provides training and resources to develop the leadership potential of Farm Bureau staff and volunteers. He holds a bachelor s degree in Agricultural Education and a master s degree in Educational Psychology, both from the University of Nebraska Lincoln. Originally from Nebraska, he currently lives in Washington D.C. Recently, Kyle worked for the University of Nebraska as a graduate assistant teaching college courses on positive psychology and strengths-based human interaction. He also has several years of experience working as a facilitator, team leader, and instructional designer for the National FFA Organization at various national, regional, and state conferences. Kyle grew up on a farm in Western Nebraska where he was active in 4-H, FFA, and his family s farming and ranching operation. Program description: What happens when a group of people do not have a leader? What are the results of a lack of centralized leadership structure? The effects of decentralization are found in relationships and networks. In this session, explore characteristics of leaderless organizations and walk away with strategies for improving the leadership structure of your county Farm Bureau.
Convention Workshops: Tuesday, Nov 30th
Tuesday, Nov 30th
Market Outlook This workshop will discuss seasonal trends and what factors have driven the markets this past year. It will also look at our price potential as well as our price risk during the next season.
Crop Management Strategies-Alternate Crops This workshop will discuss crop management strategies as well as alternate crops that may fit into some crop rotations. Discussion will also center on expected returns from the alternate crops.
Clark Johnston, of JC Management, started his 30 plus years career in 1997 working for Farmers Grain Co-op in Ogden Utah. He went to work as a commodities broker, opening up and managing the Western Regional offices of Farmers Commodities and FC Stone in Roy, Utah. Currently together with Alan Barrow and Trevor Christensen they own and operate JC Management. He is a merchandiser of small grains and hay. Clark is a consultant with producers and flour mills in Utah and Idaho. Clark is in his third year as a marketing consultant with the Idaho Farm Bureau. Clark and Julie were married in 1975 and are the parents of three children and five grandchildren.
Clark Johnston, JC Management William J Meadows, Mountain States Oilseeds William is a third generation farmer, born and raised in American Falls, Idaho. He farmed the family homestead for 38 years. He holds a BS degree in Agricultural Economics with a minor in Agronomy from the University of Idaho. He has owned and operated Mountain States Oilseed for 32 years, working to establish new oilseed crops, farming techniques and rotations for the Intermountain states. In 2009 he was awarded the Idaho Governors Award for Excellence for Marketing Innovation. He is experienced in all management facets from field to consumer. Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
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Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
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CROSSWORD PUZZLE: Immigration Immigration Crossword Puzzle
Immigrant’s 4. Immigrant’s work 4. permit - 2 wds work permit - 2 wds
3. Locale of Pier 21, a waterfront shed in Halifax that was once an important immigration entry po
1. The United States is sometimes described as this.
6. Passport endorsement allowing entry into a foreign country
Transportation for oceangoing immigrants 5. Natives of a foreign5.country who not been naturalized Natives of have a foreign country who have2.not been 8. Kind of labor oftennaturalized done by immigrant workers
3. Locale of Pier 21, a waterfront shed in Halifax that was once an 7. National _________ (immigrant’s birth countr 8. Kindfor of immigrants labor often done by immigrantimportant workersimmigration entry point 10. This was often a problem 9. Like immigrants beencountry officially 6. Passport endorsement allowing entrythat intohave a foreign 10.more Thisthan wasone often a problem for immigrants 12. Being able to speak language granted the rights and privileges of citizenship 7. National _________ (immigrant’s birth country) 12. Being ablepopulation to speak will more 14. By 2050 one-quarter of the US bethan whatone de- language 10. Place where many immigrants worked for low 9. Like immigrants that have been officially granted the rights and scent 14. By 2050 one-quarter of the US population will wages, long hours, and under poor conditions privileges of citizenship 17. A common site be forwhat manydescent immigrants who came by boat New York Harbor locale thatwages, was once 10. Place where11. many immigrants worked for low long an through Ellis Island - 3 wds 17. A common site for many immigrants hours, who came immigration entry point - 2 wds and underimportant poor conditions 18. An immigrant permanently changes Ellis this Island - 3 wds by boat through 13. Nationality thatonce wasanopposed the 1850’s fo 11. New York Harbor locale that was importantinimmigra18. An immigrant permanently changes this tion entry pointimmigrating - 2 wds
13. Nationality that opposed the 1850’simmigrant for immigrating 15. was Coins that ainMexican might try to
1. The United is sometimes ANSWERS ONStates PAGE 39 described as this.
15. Coins that aexchange Mexican immigrant might try to exchange
16. Where immigrants ship lands 16. Where immigrants ship lands 2. Transportation for oceangoing immigrants Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
President / Vice President Election Questionnaire
Name - Frank Priestley - Age 63, County Farm Bureau - Franklin Office you are seeking: President of Idaho Farm Bureau Operation: I own and operate a family dairy heifer replacement operation. I buy small heifers and raise them to springers. I raise pasture, hay and grain. Farm Bureau Experience: Franklin County YF&R committee-chairman, Franklin County Board memberVice President-and President, Idaho Farm Bureau Board of Director- Chairman of the dairy committee , the membership committee and served on the AFBF Dairy committee. Idaho Farm Bureau Vice PresidentChairman of the resolutions committee and the budget committee. I served on the Insurance services committee and the audit committee. Idaho Farm Bureau Federation President-Chairman of Insurance Services committee- Audit committee a member of all the IFBF committees. Preside over all IFBF meetings. President of Farm Bureau Insurance Company of Idaho and all affiliated companies. Board of Directors for the American Farm Bureau Federation and all affiliated companies. I served on the Executive Committee and also the Trade Advisory Committee. Ihave been a Farm Bureau member for 42 years. Other Board Memberships: Farm Bureau Bank board member and I serve on the Audit Committee. FB Life Insurance Company board of directors and I served on the Audit Committee. Mountain States Legal Foundation board of directors-Executive Committee, Secretary for the Foundation and on the Fundraising Committee. Board member for the American Agriculture Insurance Company.Board member for the American Farm Bureau Insurance Services Company. Current Affiliations: I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have served in several leadership positions over the years. Past Affiliations: (List any past affiliations of importance.) Idaho Governor’s Trade Advisory Committee, Board of Directors for FBL (FBL is an insurance company listed on the NY Stock exchange)
Name: Carl Montgomery, Age: 65, County Farm Bureau, Jerome Office you are seeking: Idaho Farm Bureau President Operation:Diversified farm raising garden bean seed, dry edible beans, sugar beets, malt barley, wheat and alfalfa Farm Bureau Experience: Member 41 years, Offices: Y F & R County, District 3 chairman, Vicechairman IFBF Young Farmers & Ranchers, Jerome County board of directors - currently on county board, Jerome County President - 1978-1982 and 1995-1997 - Jerome had a four year term limit, District 3 - State Board of Directors 1997-2005, IFBF Vice-President - 4 years - 2006-2010, Chairman - Dry Bean and Pulse committee, 16 years, 1997 - present, Chairman - Sugar committee - 10 years, IFBF Resolutions Committee - 4 years as chairman - 2006-2010; 2 years as District 3 Representative -- 2009-2011, IFBF Budget committee - chairman 4 years --- 2006-2010 IFBF Audit committee - 4 years --2006-2010, IFBF Executive committee - 4 years -- 2006-2010, American Farm Bureau Federation Sugar Committee - chairman 2 years --currently serving as chairman, IFBF LASR committees Other Board Memberships: Snake River Sugar Cooperative: Receive and refine cooperative members’ sugar beets and market the sugar and byproducts, Pension Committee, Appeals and Grievance Committee. Current Affiliations: Valley Community Alliance, Twin Falls Service Providers, Past Affiliations: Jerome County Commissioner 10 years, 8 years as chairman, Supervisor North side Soil Conservation District, Elder - Valley Presbyterian Church, Jerome County Planning Commission, Jerome County Republican Precinct committeeman, District Magistrate Commission, Southern Idaho Regional Solid Waste District Board, South Central Community Action Board.
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Name: Mark Trupp, Age, 51, County Farm Bureau, Teton Office you are seeking: Vice President Operation: I operate a 2,000 acre irrigated and dry farm raising winter and spring wheat, malt barley, alfalfa, and CRP. Farming at an elevation of 6,100 feet limits the crops I can grow. Also I am a part-time certified Ski Instructor at Grand Targhee Ski Resort. Farm Bureau Experience: Teton county FB member for 26 years. County YF&R Chairman, Teton County President, IFBF YF&R Chairman, AFBF YF&R 1st Vice-Chairman, IFBF Vice President, IFBF Board of Director, AFBF Wheat committee and Chairman, AFBF Feed Grains committee, IFBF Executive committee, IFBF Budget committee, IFBF Moving Agriculture to the Classroom committee, IFBF Wheat and Feed grains committee, and many IFBF ad-hoc committees. Other Board Memberships: Teton County Grain Producers, Idaho Grain Producers Association State Board Current Affiliations: Idaho Grain Producers, National Rifle Association, active in my local Church, Professional Ski Instructors of America Past Affiliations: Elected 3 times as Teton County Commissioner 1999-2009, Chairman of Eastern Idaho Public Health Department, Chairman of 5-county Juvenile Detention Center, Chairman of Tri-County Probation, and many other regional boards.
A Taste of Idaho By Julie Christoffersen When asked if I would like to write a recipe column for our readers, I instantly became excited. Have you ever pulled your favorite recipe book out and ended up reading through the recipes for the fun of it? I often do. However, I find myself going back to my favorites. I remember my mother pulling out her cherished recipe book, placing the shabby, worn book on the counter. You knew her favorite recipes by the turned down corners. When she turned to her coveted roll or carrot pudding recipe, those pages had small spots of ingredi-
ents sprinkled here and there. It wasn’t hard to find her favorites.
Its brown cover, through the years, wore out making it hard to keep the book together; a rubber band was eventually placed around the book. My mother, like so many, had those wonderful recipes memorized, but that cookbook became like a friend that she enjoyed visiting. I will be featuring one recipe in each FB Quarterly that uses products grown in Idaho. I hope you will share with me, one that has been enjoyed through the years, and evokes wonderful memories. Many of our recipes have evolved or
adapted, as needed, over time. I want to know the story of the recipe, how it came to Idaho, its history. If you have a recipe you would like featured, please contact me at jchristoffersen@ idahofb.org. This recipe comes from my own kitchen, a favorite in the fall. When I think of fall recipes, I think of warm, creamy and delectable something that will take the autumn chill away. Sadly, I don’t know the history of this recipe. It was given to me many years ago by a wonderful dear friend who is no longer here. I think fondly of her when I make this scrumptious soup.
Quick and Easy Curried Pumpkin Soup Ingredients
2 green onions, chopped
In a small saucepan, sauté the green onions with curry powder in butter until tender. Gradually stir in the flour. Add the chicken broth and pumpkin, stir well. Bring mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly; continue to boil 1 - 2 minutes to thicken. Reduce the heat and stir in the buttermilk and ham. Remove once ham is heated. This recipe makes about 3 cups and is easy to double.
2 tablespoons butter ¾ teaspoon of curry powder 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 cup canned or fresh pumpkin 1 cup chicken broth 1 cup buttermilk This scrumptious soup leaves you feeling warm and satisfied, just the thing to send that autumn chill away. Photo by: Jake Putnam TIPS: Choose pumpkins, which are heavy, firm, and unblemished. It is best to use small, sweet pumpkins. The sugars will have broken down in the larger ones so they are not as sweet as the smaller varieties. Keep your pumpkins at room temperature, away from light, up to four weeks. Once they have been cut, keep your pumpkin pieces in plastic, for up to a couple of days, in the refrigerator. Wash the outside of the pumpkin thoroughly with water. Do not use soap. Take the serrated knife and using a sawing motion slice the pumpkin in half. Cut off the pumpkin stem. Take one of the pumpkin halves and scrape the inside
½ to ¾ cup cubed fully cooked ham
of the pumpkin clean, using an ice cream scoop. Make sure to scrape the entire inside of the pumpkin so that it is completely clean and that all of the stringy material inside is removed. After the first half is scraped clean, do the same with the other pumpkin half. Steam the pumpkin. To cook the pumpkin on the stove, put enough water in the large pot for steaming and place the steamer insert inside. Place the pumpkin in the steamer insert and start the stove to bring the pot to a boil. Steam the pumpkin for 8 to 12 minutes. The pumpkin is ready when the outer skin easily peels off. OR: Cook the pumpkin in the microwave. Place the pumpkin in a large microwaveable bowl. Add a few inches of water into the bowl and cover it. Microwave the pumpkin on high for 15 minutes then check to see if the pumpkin is soft enough to remove the innards.
If more microwaving time is needed, continue to microwave in five-minute increments until it is ready. Total microwave time is usually between 20 and 30 minutes. Take a tablespoon and carefully scoop the pumpkin and remove it from the outer skin after the pumpkin is cooked. If the pumpkin is cooked enough this step should be easy. Place the cooked pumpkin into a bowl and puree it. The pumpkin can be pureed with a hand blender, a regular blender or even by hand using a whisk. Make sure the pumpkin is pureed enough into a smooth consistency. The pumpkin is now ready to be used for making pumpkin soup.
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
County Happenings
The Idaho County Farm Bureau recently welcomed new board member Jaysa Fillmore, (seated center right in blue shirt). Jaysa is the agriculture teacher at Grangeville High School. Jaysa has also offered to serve on the MAC(Moving Ag into the Classroom) committee representing District 5. The Board held a lengthy discussion on the Lochsa Land Exchange during the meeting. Jim Chmelik, Idaho County Commissioner, not shown in the photo, came late and gave the board an update on the exchange which is being opposed by recreation groups who fear losing the use of Forest Service lands in close proximity to Grangeville that are included in the proposal.
Twin Falls County Fair - Kristen Bloxham, 3rd grade teacher at Lincoln Elementary School in Twin Falls, was the winner of the teacher’s basket from Twin Falls County Farm Bureau. The basket was filled with agricultural material that can be used by the teacher and in the classroom.
Photo by Bob Smathers
“Farmer for a Day” Contest - Danya McGregor and Alex Wolf (left to right in photo) demonstrate setting siphon tubes at the “Farmer for a Day” contest held in Filer during Filer Fun Days. Twin Falls County Farm Bureau was a sponsor for the contest at the Filer Fun Days and the Twin Falls County Fair. 26
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Idaho Farm Bureau recently hosted a Promotion and Education Conference for Farm Bureau employees from several states. As part of the conference, the group toured Nunhems Seed Company’s Parma Plant. Nunhems is a global seed specialist headquartered in the Netherlands. They have about 1,665 employees worldwide and about 365 employees in the U.S. There are 154 employees at their Parma Plant. They produce many vegetable seeds with carrot seed being 34 percent of what they produce and onion seed being 28 percent. Leek seed is their number one European crop. Most of their seed production is contracted out to growers in the region. Forty percent of the vegetable seeds the company produces come from Southwest Idaho. In the photo, Brad Peters, Quality Assurance Manager at Nunhems explains the procedures the company goes through to make sure all seed lots are of the highest quality.
Farm Facts
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
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Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
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New Project Showcases Stewardship on Public Lands Life on the Range (www.lifeontherange.org) is a new educational project that showcases stories about the ever-changing landscape of ranching, multiple-use management, entrepreneurial spirit, family and stewardship on Idaho’s rangelands. Sponsored by the Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission, Life on the Range publishes videos and written features about ranchers participating in exceptional stewardship projects on public lands. Each story has its own web page, a YouTube video, a detailed written feature, photographs and web links. The project is coordinated by Idaho author and public relations professional Steve Stuebner and Gretchen Hyde, executive director of the Idaho Rangeland Resource
Range also has a Facebook fan page and a twitter account of the same name.
Commission. Marc Morris of Avitamarc Productions in Meridian is the director and editor of the videos. More than 10 stories have been published on the web site since fall 2010. Life on the
“It’s been a real privilege to meet some great people throughout Idaho who are truly making a difference on the ground with outstanding stewardship projects that benefit fish, wildlife and the public at large,” Stuebner says. “The news media doesn’t typically cover goodnews stories because they aren’t controversial. But we feel the stories need to be told so everyone can all learn from them.” Life on the Range was honored with a first place award in the media campaign category by the Idaho Press Club in 2011. For more information, go to www.lifeontherange.org.
Farm Bureau Members Ski For Less This Winter
208-239-4289 Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Photo Contest 2011 “Seasons of Agriculture in Idaho” photo contest is a project of the IFBF Women’s Leadership Committee. Completing another year, winning photos will be used in the 2012 Calendar published by the committee.
Requirements for the contest are full frame photos with lots of creativity. It is limited to amateur Idaho resident photographers only. Entry deadline for the 2012 contest is September 1st, 2012.
13-20 Year-old Category
first place, Susanna Oliverson, Franklin County
second place Kara Harrison, Caribou County
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
third place Audrey Ploss, Canyon County
Overall Grand Prize
Grand prize and $100 Angie Phelps, Caribou County
21+ Year-old Category
first place tie – Angie Phelps, Caribou County
first place tie – Renee Swenson, Franklin County
third place Renee Swenson, Franklin County
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
6-12 Year-old Category
first place, Tom Lau, Caribou County
third place, Kacee Jensen, Franklin County
second place, Logan Blair, Nez Perce County 32
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Bonner County Farm Bureau Holds Public Meeting on Fairgrounds By Bob Smathers If there is one thing that can get the public riled, it’s when rumors get started that popular local government programs are going to be eliminated. Bonner County Farm Bureau held a public meeting on Thursday, October 13 after such a rumor had surfaced. County Farm Bureau President Alton Howell presided over the meeting that attracted over 100 people with some incensed over the idea that the Bonner County Fairgrounds, extension, and the historical museum might be on the chopping block. Also attending the meeting were Bonner County Commissioners Lewis Rich and Mike Neilson. The third county commissioner, Cornel Rasor was not able to attend. The primary purpose of the meeting was informational, but it was clear from the start that the public was upset. “The fairgrounds and the museum are part of our culture – why would we consider cutting them?” commented one attendee. “It is shameful. The fairground is the family room of the county,” said Bonner County Farm Bureau board member Mary Miller. Commissioner Mike Neilson quickly dis-
pelled the rumors that the fairgrounds, extension, and the historical museum were on the chopping block. “We have a budget issue to deal with,” said Neilson. “We are asking the community to help us balance the budget and if they would support the implementation of user fees to pay for the fairgrounds, extension, and the museum.” Nielson made reference to a controversial ballot that was soon to be sent to Bonner County property taxpayers with questions on how to finance these programs. “We are just trying to figure out how to pay for the fairgrounds, extension, and the museum. We are not for doing away with the fairgrounds; but how do we pay for it?” The ballot that Commissioner Neilson referred to generated anxiety and discussion by attendees. Questions were presented to the commissioners by several individuals regarding the contents of the ballot and why it was being sent out. Neilson indicated that questions on the ballot were designed to assess whether Bonner County property tax payers would support a fee based fair. Also included in the ballot was information on what the fairgrounds was costing the county each year.
“The ballot makes it sound like taxpayers are funding the whole fair project when the fair actually generates enough income to offset a major portion of the cost,” said Trish Gannon from the River Journal. Commissioner Neilson was asked whether or not the ballot included the income that the fair generates each year to offset a portion of what the county contributes. He said it did not. A recess was called in the middle of the meeting by President Howell to allow anxieties to rest over cookies, coffee, and punch provided by the Bonner County Farm Bureau. During this time the commissioners were available to converse and answer questions. After the recess, the meeting was resumed and President Howell asked attendees to offer positive questions and comments and most took his advice. In the end, Commissioner Neilson agreed that not all the information was on the proposed ballot for the taxpayer to make an informed decision, and said he would pull it. “What it comes down to is the budget,” said Commissioner Neilson. “Zero based budgeting is our goal and not raising taxes in the county.”
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Top Farm Bureau Agents Rookie of the Month: Agent of the Month: Agency Manager of the Month: Ryan Backner Zemaitis Agency
Mike Asker
Zemaitis Agency
Dean Schmitt Schmitt Agency
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Ranchers from the Eastern Idaho Grazing Association and BLM officials provided a tour of the Blackfoot River riparian fencing project in September.
Prudent Stewardship Improves Rangeland Health Photos and article by Steve Stuebner In the broad, sweeping valleys under the shadow of the Blackfoot Mountains in Eastern Idaho, sheep and cattle graze on lush grazing lands where trappers and explorers once found plentiful game and herds of buffalo. “This is a beautiful place in the world, and we certainly try to take care of it,” says Ken Wixom, a cattle and sheep rancher who is the president of the Eastern Idaho Grazing Association. “This is where the big game herds were, the big horn sheep and the buffalo. This is where the early trappers came to hunt.” The same virtues that drew game herds to the area are paying dividends for the Eastern Idaho Grazing Association, a group of about 40 family cattle and sheep ranchers who collectively manage 90,000 acres of land in the area. The families run a total
of approximately 6,000 head of cattle and 10,000 head of sheep in the rolling, grassy hills between Blackfoot and Blackfoot Reservoir, during the summer months. The grazing association was formed about a century ago when cattle and sheep ranchers competed for grass in the area, Wixom says. “There was no control, and the whole area was getting overgrazed,” he says. “The grazing association was started so they could control the number of livestock on the range. That was No. 1.” As time went on, grazing management improved and life was good. Nowadays, the grazing association pays great attention to range stewardship, using rest-rotation and deferred-rotation principles on its own grazing land and on Idaho State Endowment Land grazing leases, along with water developments and fencing. The attention to detail, combined with favorable weather
-- snowy winters and wet springs -- have improved the range, Wixom says. About half of the association’s grazing land is comprised of state land grazing leases on 45,000 acres. Heath Hancock, a Resource Supervisor for the Idaho Department of Lands in Eastern Idaho, says the Eastern Idaho Grazing Association is an excellent lessee. “This is truthfully some of the best rangeland in Idaho and anywhere in the West,” Hancock says. “We have deferred rotation grazing systems in place across the range, which allows for rest during the growing season, and that’s crucial for upland and riparian communities. We do cooperative water developments, fencing, all types of things that increase the carrying capacity of the land and maximize revenue, so they’ve been a very good partner.” The Eastern Idaho Grazing Association
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
is approved to consume about 18,000 animal unit months (AUMs) of forage on state lands, contributing $92,622 in grazing fees to the state endowment fund, which goes to public schools. State grazing fees were $5.13 in 2011. A unique aspect of the grazing association is that the ranching families run sheep and cattle on the same range. Even though sheep and cattle ranchers used to fight over grazing territory a century ago, ranchers in the Eastern Idaho Grazing Association say it’s beneficial to run both types of animals on the land. “Cattle are grass eaters mostly, and the sheep are browse eaters mostly,” says Tom Rich, owner of Rich Livestock Company and a grazing association director. “The sheep tend to stay high, and the cattle are down low, so you’re utilizing the whole range.” “Both the sheep and the cattle get along super,” Rich continues, noting that Peruvian herders keep the sheep moving across the range and association ranchers keep close watch on their cattle. “It’s just amazing. We have our problems and issues, but they’re very minor in the whole scheme of things. Everybody respects everybody else.” The Bureau of Land Management manages about 5,000 acres of land along the Blackfoot River. The grazing association has been grazing in that area for nearly a century, but in more recent times, the BLM set up campgrounds and fishing access for the general public along the river. Over time, that has led to conflicts and complaints from recreationists about cattle intruding on recreation areas. The BLM proposed a fix, in which the cattle would be fenced off from the Blackfoot River riparian area, and new water developments would pump water to cattle tanks several hundred feet above the river. The agency spent about $200,000 putting the cooperative project together, including $75,000 from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality for fencing and water project materials, and federal funds for cattle guards, water troughs, power generators and more. Ranchers will shoulder the 36
The Eastern Idaho Grazing Association grazes cattle and sheep on 90,000 acres in the Blackfoot Mountains of Eastern Idaho.
cost of pumping the water uphill to cattle troughs on an ongoing basis. “We’re protecting the river from concentrated livestock use while improving the river bank and reducing the impact of cattle on recreationists,” says David Pacioretti, Field Manager of the BLM Pocatello Field Office. Rich Reid, owner of the TF Ranch and an association director, said it took the association a while to warm up to the BLM’s proposal. Ranchers didn’t like losing rangeland on which to graze cattle. “Change is tough, but I think it’s probably a good thing,” Reid said with a wry grin. “We lost 1,300 acres of grazing ground, so it’s kind of tough to have it taken away. Getting mad at the fisherman and recreationists doesn’t do you any good. There’s going to be more and more of them, so it’s their place too. We’re going to get some water developments off-site, so I guess we’ll be all right. You gotta change. You might as well get used to it.” New fences placed more than 200 feet above the river for several miles will keep livestock away from the Blackfoot River, campers and anglers. “I just wasn’t the best set up,” Pacioretti says. “We wanted to create a place for people to tent camp and not have a conflict with livestock.” The fencing project may improve stream-
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
bank vegetation and create more shade along the banks for fish habitat, BLM officials said. The Blackfoot River is used primarily for irrigation by the ShoshoneBannock Tribe, so there are no guarantees about any minimum flows for fish, officials said. Water developments are commonly used on grazing association lands. They have developed numerous watering holes for cattle and sheep, as well as 9 wells, along with pumps, generators and watering troughs, to keep cattle dispersed throughout the range. Gary Pratt of Pratt Livestock explains how it works by the Paradise grazing allotment. A well was drilled to fill two large tanks with water on an ongoing basis, he says. Each tank holds about 8,000 gallons of water. A generator runs 24 hours a day to keep the water flowing. A gravity-flow pipe carries the water to cattle water troughs downslope. Ranchers graze cattle in three different pastures in the vicinity. “We keep them rotated around in the three pastures so we keep the grass growing and don’t overuse it,” he says. Resting the pastures “gives the grass time to come back. This year has just been excellent. The cattle come out of here, then it went to raining again, the ground is wet today ... it’s really a beautiful year.” Wendy Pratt, the grazing assocation’s secretary who runs Pratt Livestock with her
husband Gary, has been engaged in the sage-grouse issue to keep association directors apprised of discussions with state and federal agencies. She sits on the Eastern Idaho Local Working Group and she’s a member of the Idaho Statewide SageGrouse Advisory Committee. Sage-grouse numbers have been declining overall in the Intermountain West, and several environmental groups have petitioned the species for listing as an endangered species. So far, the federal government has declined to list the species, saying other species take higher priority. Little is known about sage-grouse populations in the Blackfoot Mountains, Wendy Pratt said, because the area is snow-bound during the springtime, when sage-grouse are mating on leks and are easiest to count. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game has taken aerial surveys to begin laying a baseline for local sage-grouse populations. No matter what they find, it’s good for ranchers to stay informed, she says. “Probably the best thing that’s happening right now is a conversation between the ranchers and the biologists with Fish and Game about what do sage grouse need?
What are their habitat requirements?” she says. “It’s mostly an awareness -- trying to get the ranchers to see this range not as just grass for cows but a diversity of plants that serve all of the critters and wildlife.” It helps sage-grouse to leave a cushion of grass under sage brush plants in the fall, so sage-grouse will have a place to nest and lay eggs in protected cover, Pratt notes. Sagegrouse feed on sagebrush in the winter, and in the summer, they like to eat forbs and wildflowers. “With those things in mind, we just begin this process of doing a better job of meeting their needs,” she says. “Sage grouse need huge expanses of sagebrush country. This is perfect habitat for sage grouse, and it’s perfect for livestock. We know they can co-exist. They have for a long time.” Pratt recommends a handy guide published by the University of Idaho that provides useful information for ranchers about sagegrouse habitat needs. The Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission has been involved in developing the guide and educating the public and ranchers about the issue. In the meantime, Ken Wixom says the
Eastern Idaho Grazing Association’s attention to good grazing management and land stewardship not only will help sage-grouse but it also leads to more feed for livestock, improved weight gains for cattle and sheep, and ultimately, more income for ranchers. “We’re producing more feed now than we ever have in our history,” Wixom says. “Our calves are coming off the range 200 pounds bigger than they used to be, and lambs have gone up from 80 pounds to 120 pounds, so the size of the livestock is great. Cattle prices are tremendous right now, and lambs are at historical highs, so the livestock industry looks really good for the next several years -- very positive. “We feel we’ve been very progressive. We’ve considered the wildlife -- what’s going on with the birds and the deer and the elk, taking good care of the ground, but making good lambs and calves is very important to keeping us in business.” Steve Stuebner is a writer and producer for Life on the Range, an education project sponsored by the Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission. For more information, go to www.lifeontherange.org.
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Continued from page 2
who are willing to fill a need. It’s also interesting how trends point toward increasing demand for local food but not many people, even unemployed people, are willing to perform the hard, often tedious labor required on Idaho’s farms and ranches. “I just look at these reports that say there are 10,000 unemployed in Canyon County, but there really aren’t many people that want to work,” the farmer, who requested anonymity, said according to IdahoReporter.com. When existing programs fail to satisfy labor needs, the Idaho Farm Bureau supports a system under which supplemental labor from other countries could be imported on a timely and flexible basis to work on farms and ranches. The current H-2A program does provide several thousand temporary farmworkers in Idaho every year. However, H2-A is overburdened with needless paperwork and bureaucratic roadblocks that make it inefficient. The program badly
needs to be streamlined in order to allow workers to cross the border legally, to go to work, and then return to their homes in their native countries. While H2-A does provide workers on hundreds of Idaho farms every year, workers are often detained or turned back at the border. Employers are frequently unable to find the workers they need when they need them. Complicating the matter is the fact that Idaho’s dairy industry, the largest sector of Idaho’s workforce to employ immigrant farmworkers, needs those workers for 12 months of the year. Idaho Farm Bureau does not condone going around the system that’s in place to provide farmers with a steady, reliable workforce, nor do we condone workers taking matters into their own hands and violating the borders of this nation. However, finding people, regardless of their citizenship, willing to put in long hours working on the land is a difficult proposition, as this incident in Canyon County demonstrates.
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Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Immigration Crossword Solution From Page 23 Across: 4. Green Card, 5. Aliens, 8. Menial, 10. Segregation, 12. Bilingual, 14. Hispanic, 17. Statue of Liberty, 18. Residence.
Down: 1. Melting Pot, 2. Boat, 3. Canada, 6. Visa, 7. Origin, 9. Naturalized, 10. Sweatshop, 11. Ellis Island, 13. Irish, 15. Pesos, 16. Shore.
Across: 4. Green Card, 5. Aliens, 8. Menial, 10. Segregation, 12. Bilingual, 14. Hispanic, 17. Statue of Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011 Liberty, 18. Residence. Down: 1. Melting Pot, 2. Boat, 3. Canada, 6. Visa, 7. Origin, 9. Naturalized, 10. Sweatshop, 11. Ellis
Continued from page 2 her family. From her dream and the dream of other generous families with deep roots in Idaho agriculture, they stepped forward to help make the Agriculture Pavilion a reality. The Agriculture Pavilion will be one of a series of themed pavilions planned The pavilion is also a tribute to the throughout Julia Davis Park. The pavilion includes a shelter, patio many agricultural families today. It and restroom enhanced with art brings to the urban hustle and bustle a and other elements related to the theme of agriculture. Envisioned quiet calmness and reflection of where for the future is educational sigfood and fiber come from; a family nage on the building which will describe Idaho’s agricultural farm providing for a community and commodities and where they are produced. Stones in the pavilion the world. patio will be engraved with cattle brands and farm logos. The enloved wife, Julia. The park has since grown gravings and artwork will educate as well to 89 acres and receives more than 1 million as beautify, paying tribute to Idaho agriculvisitors each year. ture. Tom and Julia Davis’s great-granddaughter, The Ada County Farm Bureau, in conjuncDiane Davis Myklegard dreamed of honor- tion with Boise Parks & Recreation and the ing the role of agriculture in the culture of Julia Davis Park, sponsors “The Quest for In 1907, Tom Davis donated 40 acres of the riverfront farm and orchard to the developing Boise City, with the provision that the park would always carry the name of his be-
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
the Golden Apple in Julia Davis Park.” “The Quest,” is an interactive game where gradeschoolers and adults alike are on a quest to find a golden apple. An informational brochure is provided in which the participants read and follow instructions looking for and finding clues that help the participants learn of the Park and the raising of apples. They learn where apples come from, the pieces of an apple, how the apples are pollinated, how grafting is done and other interesting facts of the fruit. The pavilion is a tribute to the Davis family, which is still closely associated with agriculture. The pavilion is also a tribute to the many agricultural families today. It brings to the urban hustle and bustle a quiet calmness and reflection of where food and fiber come from; a family farm providing for a community and the world. Thanks to the Davises for what their grandfather and great-grandfather brought to and which continues to bless Idaho today.
New Farm Bureau Discount Benefit To qualify, Farm Bureau members must present a valid Farm Bureau membership card at one of the following locations: Idaho Falls - Syringa Wireless Retail Store Blackfoot - Syringa Wireless Retail Store Twin Falls - Syringa Wireless Retail Store Pocatello - Syringa Wireless Retail Store Rexburg - Syringa Wireless Retail Store Jerome - Syringa Wireless Retail Store Burley - Project Mutual Telephone
15% Off Monthly Bill
Malad - Project Mutual Telephone Rupert - Project Mutual Telephone Filer - Filer Mutual Telephone Rockland - Direct Communications
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
APHA Broodmares. Excellent bloodlines. Great conformation. Super dispositions., Herd reduction. Great prices. Stallion Service Available-$400 fee LFG. Caldwell, ID. 208-454-2454
Blue Recliner Chair. Eden, Id 208825-5195.
Chinchillas. Still have about 30 breeders for sale. Mostly blacks, charcoals and beiges. $1500 for entire heard or individual animal $50 to $80 each. Parma area. 208-674-1110 7 yr old dune gelding registered quarterhorse 16 hands 1200 lbs for $2500.00. Call Garry at 208766-4832 or 208-766-3018.
Farm Equipment 1950 Ford Tractor and machinery. Eden, Id. 208-825-5195 Balewagons: New Holland selfpropelled or pull-type models. Also interested in buying balewagons. Will consider any model. Call Jim Wilhite at 208-880-2889 anytime.
Hay and Feed Certified weed free Timothy hay. $6.00/bale. $8.00 with tag. Priest River, Id. 208-448-2036. Help Wanted
Earn $60,000/yr Part-Time in the livestock or equipment appraisal business. Agricultural background required. Classroom or home study courses available. 800-488-7570. www.amagappraisers.com
Monarch Wood Cook Stove $500.00. 6 Mahogany dining room chairs $180.00. Gooding Id. 208-934-4117.
Miscellaneous Hardly used 5000 W Coleman Generator. Blackfoot, Id 208-4067134. Antique grain drill, great shape, $250.00 or best offer, for sale 2 saddles, one is a Carmel handmade appraised @ $1500.00, asking $900.00 the other appraised @ $900.00 asking $400.00. Rigby, Id. For more details call 208-7456072 or e mail to jpdownard@ juno.com.
Real Estate/Acreage Henry, ID. Beautiful log home. 20 acres. 2200 S.F. 10 inch logs. Two bedroom, 2 bath, loft, double garage, laundry, etc. Masonry 2 story fireplace, radiant heat, hickory floors, built-in vac., softener. No expense spared. $350 K. or make offer. 970-7644343. alpinegirl.diana@gmail. com. 37 acres prime irrigated farm ground Parma area Call 208-7226399 for more information
Recreational Equipment 2007 Wildwood Sport fifth wheel for sale. This camper is 32 feet long and is a toy hauler. Super clean. This camper includes: Can sleep 10, 5 beds, fifth wheel hitch for your truck, generator, outside shower, fuel station, cd player with surround sound, Asking $18,500.00. Call Adam 208-757-9213.
Vehicles 1987 Chev. Crew Cab 1 ton. 512 cu. In. New T-400, G.V. OD. 4:56 Posi. Weld Wheels, Bridgestone tires 80%, Extra 120 gallon tank. Previous race car hauler. $6,500. Would trade for nice gas forklift 6,000 lb capacity. Northern, ID. Questions? call 208-826-3240 . 1971 Chevrolet Pickup. Eden, Id. 208-825-5195.
Wanted Box Tops for Education to help our small, country Southside Elementary. Thank you for helping our students! Liz Robinson, 1440 Dufort Rd, Sagle, Id 83860. Gliderider float tube by Wood River. Please call 208-278-3832. Push thatcher and/or push aerator. Grangeville, Id. 208-852-1996. MGA parts/parts car. Also small 3 pt ditcher, post hole digger. Pocatello, Id. 208-237-0119.
Wanted Buying old Hemi motors and old Chrysler, Dodge and Desoto cars with hemi motors in them. Want 1930-1934 Chrysler sedan cars. Call Wayne 208-481-2000. Buying U.S. gold coins, proof and mint sets, silver dollars, rolls and bags. PCGS/NGC certified coins, estates, accumulations, large collections, investment portfolios, bullion, platinum. Will travel, all transactions confidential. Please call 208-859-7168. Old License Plates Wanted: Also key chain license plates, old signs, light fixtures. Will pay cash. Please email, call or write. Gary Peterson, 130 E Pecan, Genesee, Id 83832. gearlep@gmail.com. 208-2851258. Paying cash for German & Japanese war relics/souvenirs! Pistols, rifles, swords, daggers, flags, scopes, optical equipment, uniforms, helmets, machine guns (ATF rules apply) medals, flags, etc. 549-3841 (evenings) or 208-405-9338.
ADS MUST BE RECEIVED BY JANUARY 20 FOR NEXT ISSUE OF THE QUARTERLY FREE CLASSIFIEDS Non commercial classified ads are free to Idaho Farm Bureau members. Must include membership number for free ad. Forty (40) words maximum. Non-member cost- 50 cents per word. You may advertise your own crops, livestock, used machinery, household items, vehicles, etc. Ads will not be accepted by phone. Ads run one time only and must be re-submitted in each subsequent issue. We reserve the right to refuse to run any ad. Please type or print clearly. Proof-read your ad.
Mail ad copy to: P.O. Box 4848, Pocatello, ID 83205-4848 or email Dixie at DASHTON@IDAHOFB.ORG Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ City / State / Zip: __________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Membership No. ___________________ Ad Copy: ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________
Idaho Farm Bureau Quarterly / FALL 2011
Version 118
CHOICE HOTELS Comfort Inn - Comfort Suites Quality Inn - Sleep Inn Clarion - Main Stay Suites Econo Lodge - Rodeway Inn
WYNDHAM HOTELS Super 8 - Days Inn Travelodge - Knights Inn Wyndam - Wingate Inns Howard Johnson - AmeriHost Inn Villager Ramada INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES Grainger Gym Membership Gold’s Gyms FINANCIAL $1,000 Accidental Death $1,000 Vandalism Reward Farm Bureau Bank Farm Bureau Scholarships CARPET Carpet One
DISCOUNTED MOVIE TICKETS Boise, Nampa, Pocatello Idaho Falls, Coeur d’Alene RENTAL CARS Hertz Enterprise Avis SUMMER FUN Lagoon Silverwood Roaring Springs Wahooz Family Fun Zone San Diego Zoo - Sea World Silver Mountain Resort
WINTER SKIING Pebble Creek - Bogus Basin Brundage Mtn. - Silver Mountain Park City, UT - The Canyons, UT Dear Valley Resort,UT PROPANE Amerigas OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Depot
APPLIANCES Sears Commercial
$500 REBATE Chevrolet - GMC - Buick
BOOTS/FOOTWEAR Online Boot Store
HEARING Clear Value Siemens American Hearing Benefits
AUTO TIRES Commercial Tire
MEDICATION The Canadian Pharmacy Farm Bureau RX Card New Benefits Pharmacy LIFEFLIGHT EIRMC - Portneuf St. Alphonsus - St. Lukes PAINT Sherwin Williams - Kelly-Moore Paints Columbia Paint EYE CARE Coast-to-Coast Qualsight - “LASIK”
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