NIVEL-1-2-Casa Garuda-UK-2011

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anza Duende ® is a training under all aspects of our lives, which allows us to value and elevate our existence by dancing. It leads us to discover the art being as we are and to open ourselves to the potential of our free and loving nature. This project has been created by Yumma Mudra * with the purpose of transforming our lives into an art practice. It comprehends different activities whose aim is to cultivate basic goodness in our daily lives. In our international trainings several teachers gather together their different artistic skills in order to offer a strong synergetic work that includes exercises on perception, intelligence and developing braveness, as well as on nourishing a spirit of joy and generosity. It is a long-term training that allows us to visit the very sources of form in our own mind and to discover our intrinsic potential so that we can work in all aspects of life as if we danced our lives.

The main goal of the Duende methods is to develop our perception of space, courage, the capacity to improvise, to create forms, to adapt ourselves to changes, to capture movements quickly, to express ourselves clearly and intensely, to communicate and to be flexible and generous when working with others. Danza Duende ® is a training that promotes ethics and joy in the transmission of art.

* All the activities and retreats are opened for both sexes

BELGIUM • FRANCE • SPAIN • PORTUGAL • IRELAND • ITALY • UNITED KINGDOM Lessons • Workshops • Shows • Consultations • Coaching • Retreats • Festivals photo © Jérôme Latteur

Italy - Casa Garuda 03 -10 August 2011 10 -17 August 2011

Aimed at all kinds of artists and at all people who are passionate by art. This course consists of a series of different exercises going from dance and theatre to calligraphy and meditation, aiming at opening breaches on our usual habitual patterns and at liberating us from the limits these impose on us. The chronology of the themes is a fixed basis for the development of the course. The sources and techniques used may vary according to situations and circumstances. “Danza Duende ® is a training in all aspects of our lives, which allows us to value and elevate our existence by dancing. It leads us to discover the art being as one is and to open ourselves to the potential of our free and loving nature”.

Italy - Casa Garuda

Yumma Mudra Teacher

03 -10 August 2011 Retreat

Programme NIVEL 1 with Yumma Mudra & Lama Brian Hilliard

BASIS The sky Freedom: here and now. The peaceful mind.

THE PATH Earth Rigour: harmony and natural rhythm The overcoming of fear and the open inquisitiveness of art. The scientific mind.

FRUIT Ourselves, our natural virtues Virtue: generosity, communication, the unconditional joy of a fresh spirit in the service of life. A simple heart.

© JL Goffinet

The duende training is recommended for all artists and teachers who feel the need to deepen their creative inspiration, to intensify their capacity of being present and their gift. It is a long-term training that allows us to visit the very sources of form in our own mind and to discover our intrinsic potential so that we can work in all aspects of life as if we danced our life.

Soloist dancer of the Russian Ballet Irina Grjebina at the age of 12, model famous for the « Avenir » campaign in 1981, Yumma renounced social life to live in commune retreat for 15 years. She studied Tibetan Buddhism under instructions of great masters and completed 4 years of solitary retreat during these years. Yumma (Myriam Szabo) studied deeply World Dances, Karate Shotukan, Yoga, Qi Gong, Raks Sharki. She worked in France, Spain, Portugal as cultural festival producer, dancer, actress. She turns as a teacher in many countries since 1991. In 2004 she funded the Danza Duende Nomad School and work net, which proposes to dance life as a means of awakening our natural goodness in daily life.

Lama Brian Hilliard Meditation Instructor Brian Hilliard has been a student of Vajrayana Buddhism for over 30 years. He has studied and practiced under several masters from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, including Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Thrangu Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche. In 1997 he completed the traditional threeyear retreat in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. He is presently director of Casa Garuda, a retreat center in the heart of Italy, which hosts meditation retreats and and seminars in the contemplative arts.

CONTACT Alessandra +39 345.31.65.569 Anastasia +39 340.34.70.743

Aimed at all kinds of artists and at all people who are passionate by art. This course consists of a series of different exercises going from dance and theatre to calligraphy and meditation, aiming at opening breaches on our usual habitual patterns and at liberating us from the limits these impose on us. The chronology of the themes is a fixed basis for the development of the course. The sources and techniques used may vary according to situations and circumstances. “Danza Duende ® is a training in all aspects of our lives, which allows us to value and elevate our existence by dancing. It leads us to discover the art being as one is and to open ourselves to the potential of our free and loving nature”.

Italy - Casa Garuda

Yumma Mudra Teacher

03 -10 August 2011 Retreat

Programme NIVEL 1 with Yumma Mudra & Lama Brian Hilliard

BASIS The sky Freedom: here and now. The peaceful mind.

THE PATH Earth Rigour: harmony and natural rhythm The overcoming of fear and the open inquisitiveness of art. The scientific mind.

FRUIT Ourselves, our natural virtues Virtue: generosity, communication, the unconditional joy of a fresh spirit in the service of life. A simple heart.

© JL Goffinet

The duende training is recommended for all artists and teachers who feel the need to deepen their creative inspiration, to intensify their capacity of being present and their gift. It is a long-term training that allows us to visit the very sources of form in our own mind and to discover our intrinsic potential so that we can work in all aspects of life as if we danced our life.

Soloist dancer of the Russian Ballet Irina Grjebina at the age of 12, model famous for the « Avenir » campaign in 1981, Yumma renounced social life to live in commune retreat for 15 years. She studied Tibetan Buddhism under instructions of great masters and completed 4 years of solitary retreat during these years. Yumma (Myriam Szabo) studied deeply World Dances, Karate Shotukan, Yoga, Qi Gong, Raks Sharki. She worked in France, Spain, Portugal as cultural festival producer, dancer, actress. She turns as a teacher in many countries since 1991. In 2004 she funded the Danza Duende Nomad School and work net, which proposes to dance life as a means of awakening our natural goodness in daily life.

Lama Brian Hilliard Meditation Instructor Brian Hilliard has been a student of Vajrayana Buddhism for over 30 years. He has studied and practiced under several masters from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, including Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Thrangu Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche. In 1997 he completed the traditional threeyear retreat in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. He is presently director of Casa Garuda, a retreat center in the heart of Italy, which hosts meditation retreats and and seminars in the contemplative arts.

CONTACT Alessandra +39 345.31.65.569 Anastasia +39 340.34.70.743

The Sanskrit word "Maitri" means love or unconditional friendliness. The maitri space awareness practice was developed by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, a Tibetan mediation master and is based on the traditional teachings about the five Buddha families as well as other elements of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. The five Buddha families describe five basic aspects of manifestation which can beexperienced on every outer and inner level of being in each moment new. We all move through life with our individual patterns of behaviour and perception which are an expression of the dynamic interplay and potential of these five archetypical forms of energy. Each of the families can be experienced as awake or confused, depending on the approach we take towards it. In maitri space awareness practice we heighten and provoke these basic energy patterns by using colours and specific body postures. In this way we have the opportunity to experience and explore the dynamic play of these energies in all it’s manifold colours. We learn to trust the display of it’s expressive power in us and others and get a chance to expand our habitual emotional and perceptional repertoire. By befriending ourselves it dawns to us that we are nothing but a unique and precious dance of these five energies and their manifold variations.

Italy - Casa Garuda


10 -17 August 2011

Alessandra - Milano +39 345.31.65.569 Anastasia - Roma +39 340.34.70.743


"MAITRI" NIVEL 2 Living the colors of wisdom

ADRESS Casa Garuda

with Barbara Maertens & Yumma Mudra

The potential transformation of emotive states and the discovering of their intelligent source. A psychology study programme created by Chogyam Trungpa in the Naropa Institute, USA, and presented within the framework of the Danza Duende project by Barbara Maertens and Yumma Mudra. “Without fear, without hidden thoughts and without effort, we will let divine gestures, movements from unknown dances, songs never heard emerge from the space of mind. Dance must come out of vacuity, free from attachment, just like a rainbow that forms up in space. The gesture of dance is a reflection in the mirror of the mind”.

Loc. Val del Sasso, 12 06060 Villastrada (PG) fra l’Umbria e la Toscana vicino a Chiusi

PRICE Barbara Maertens Teacher Barbara Maertens is trained in cultural pedagogy, Zen-arts and contemplative psychology; currently she is director of the Buddhist gate of Shambhala Europe. Barbara Maertens teaches Maitri Space Awareness practice and other contemplative approaches to art, work, and to life in general. Her special emphasis lies in training sense perception and creative expression in individual and group work. She is a Buddhist teacher with more than 20 years of practice. Today she is a member of faculty in Karuna and Upaya.

Only 1 Workshop 585 € ( before April 1: 535 € ) Special men € 535 Both levels € 1070 Registration with deposit of 150 €

RESERVATION - REGISTRATION Brian Hilliard - Antonella Macconi

+39 +39 334.31.98.603

The Sanskrit word "Maitri" means love or unconditional friendliness. The maitri space awareness practice was developed by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, a Tibetan mediation master and is based on the traditional teachings about the five Buddha families as well as other elements of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. The five Buddha families describe five basic aspects of manifestation which can beexperienced on every outer and inner level of being in each moment new. We all move through life with our individual patterns of behaviour and perception which are an expression of the dynamic interplay and potential of these five archetypical forms of energy. Each of the families can be experienced as awake or confused, depending on the approach we take towards it. In maitri space awareness practice we heighten and provoke these basic energy patterns by using colours and specific body postures. In this way we have the opportunity to experience and explore the dynamic play of these energies in all it’s manifold colours. We learn to trust the display of it’s expressive power in us and others and get a chance to expand our habitual emotional and perceptional repertoire. By befriending ourselves it dawns to us that we are nothing but a unique and precious dance of these five energies and their manifold variations.

Italy - Casa Garuda


10 -17 August 2011

Alessandra - Milano +39 345.31.65.569 Anastasia - Roma +39 340.34.70.743


"MAITRI" NIVEL 2 Living the colors of wisdom

ADRESS Casa Garuda

with Barbara Maertens & Yumma Mudra

The potential transformation of emotive states and the discovering of their intelligent source. A psychology study programme created by Chogyam Trungpa in the Naropa Institute, USA, and presented within the framework of the Danza Duende project by Barbara Maertens and Yumma Mudra. “Without fear, without hidden thoughts and without effort, we will let divine gestures, movements from unknown dances, songs never heard emerge from the space of mind. Dance must come out of vacuity, free from attachment, just like a rainbow that forms up in space. The gesture of dance is a reflection in the mirror of the mind”.

Loc. Val del Sasso, 12 06060 Villastrada (PG) fra l’Umbria e la Toscana vicino a Chiusi

PRICE Barbara Maertens Teacher Barbara Maertens is trained in cultural pedagogy, Zen-arts and contemplative psychology; currently she is director of the Buddhist gate of Shambhala Europe. Barbara Maertens teaches Maitri Space Awareness practice and other contemplative approaches to art, work, and to life in general. Her special emphasis lies in training sense perception and creative expression in individual and group work. She is a Buddhist teacher with more than 20 years of practice. Today she is a member of faculty in Karuna and Upaya.

Only 1 Workshop 585 € ( before April 1: 535 € ) Special men € 535 Both levels € 1070 Registration with deposit of 150 €

RESERVATION - REGISTRATION Brian Hilliard - Antonella Macconi

+39 +39 334.31.98.603

anza Duende ® is a training under all aspects of our lives, which allows us to value and elevate our existence by dancing. It leads us to discover the art being as we are and to open ourselves to the potential of our free and loving nature. This project has been created by Yumma Mudra * with the purpose of transforming our lives into an art practice. It comprehends different activities whose aim is to cultivate basic goodness in our daily lives. In our international trainings several teachers gather together their different artistic skills in order to offer a strong synergetic work that includes exercises on perception, intelligence and developing braveness, as well as on nourishing a spirit of joy and generosity. It is a long-term training that allows us to visit the very sources of form in our own mind and to discover our intrinsic potential so that we can work in all aspects of life as if we danced our lives.

The main goal of the Duende methods is to develop our perception of space, courage, the capacity to improvise, to create forms, to adapt ourselves to changes, to capture movements quickly, to express ourselves clearly and intensely, to communicate and to be flexible and generous when working with others. Danza Duende ® is a training that promotes ethics and joy in the transmission of art.

* All the activities and retreats are opened for both sexes

BELGIUM • FRANCE • SPAIN • PORTUGAL • IRELAND • ITALY • UNITED KINGDOM Lessons • Workshops • Shows • Consultations • Coaching • Retreats • Festivals photo © Jérôme Latteur

Italy - Casa Garuda 03 -10 August 2011 10 -17 August 2011

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