Nexus - 0224 - New Times Magazine

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4 NEW SCIENCE NEWS ;53 A selection of inter~sting news and titbits from the 6

A round-up of the news you may have missed.



By}. B. Delair & D. S. Allan. Geological evidence proves Earth has experienced sudden cataclysms through its history. 11,000 years ago, it was almost annihilated by an errant supernova fragment.

THE ASSAULT ON YOUR HEALTH FREEDOM...........17 From Townsend Letter for Doctors. Surprise armed raids by FDA and TGA enforcers on natural health care providers are illegal. These terror tactics put our freedom of choice in health under seige.

CANCER CURES: A HISTORY OF SUPPRESSION......23 From the Committee for Freedom of Choice in Medicine. This extract, from a 1984 report to the UN, highlights twelve promising cancer treatments that have been suppressed or bypassed this century.

VACCINES: ADVERSE REACTIONS COVER·UP.........27 By National Vaccine Information Center. Adverse reactions to vaccines are common, yet medical officials dismiss them as due to other causes. Now, activists are compiling some alarming statistics.



By the Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. Drawn from the book, Dope, Inc., this introduction gives startling insights into the behind-the-scenes intrigues of the international drug trade.



From the Hopi Elders, Mother Shipton, and Dannion Brinkley's Light Beings. A selection of prophetic visions that have already come to pass, and could well come true in the next five years.



By Mark Balfour. Based on research that living cells are controlled by information-carrying EM fields, Dr Sergei Barsamian's device detects cellular disturbances before any physical signs appear. FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

underground science network. In this issue, we feature the Magnetic Resonance Amplifier; capable of producing over-unity DC power.



By Kelly Cahill. This abductee's extraordinary UFO experience, with four other witnesses present; is the most credible Australian case we've found. Here, an extract from her gripping story.



A collection of strange, bizarre stories from around (and off) the world. This issue looks at secret Inca tunnels and Cuzco's sacred geometry.



UFO Detector from Star-Tech Systems



"World War III According To Nostradamus" by jack Manuelian "Ultimate journey" by Robert A. Monroe "Mysterious Fires And Lights" by Vincent Gaddis "Saved By The Light" by Dannion Brinkley with Paul Perry "Prodigal Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla" by john j. O'Neill ''lesus Lived In India" by Holger Kersten "Turin Shroud: In Whose Image?" by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince "The Millennium Book of Prophecy" by john Hogue "The Ionic Body" by Douglas jesse, DC, DHom. "The Drugs Myth: Why The Drug Wars Must Stop" by Dr Vernon Coleman "The AIDS Mirage l' by Hiram c?ctton "Secret Cipher of The UFOnauts" by Allen H. Greenfield "The Free-Energy Device Handbook" compiled by David H. Childress "How To Become Dentally Self-Sufficient" by Robert 0. Nara, DDS ''lesus Caesar: The Father ofjesus Christ Revealed" by Petra Cadman



"Lucky Be Damned" with john Cumming "Sacred Geometry: The Unified Field" with Dan Winter



"Inner Tides" by Ian Cameron Smith "Mothers of the World" by jennifer Mason "Fish. Night.Moon " by Tim Wheater "Australia: Twilight of the Dreamtime" by Terry Oldfield "Pipes of the Minority Peoples" by Liu Hongjun "Zakir Hussain and the Rhythm Experience" by Zakir Hussain


88 NEXUS • 1

EDITORIAL Welcome to yet another info-packed issue of NEXUS. I have several Ifavourites in this edition, but the first article I want to draw your attention to is the series of'mini-articles on prophecies and predictions. Sifting through the available mass of predictions for the future was a big task. Books on the subject are appearing everywhere. One prediction I will make is that there will be lots of profits in prophets as we near the end of this millennium! Readers interested in rewriting popular history will appreciate the article titled, "Phaeton IS Legacy: When The Earth Nearly Died". It strongly challenges the conventional theory that the surface features of the Earth are largely the result of slow, g(adual change. Instead, it draws on evidence which would suggest that our major landforms are the result 'of sudden, catastrophic change brought on by an externa I force. Another article I would like to draw your attention to is "Australia's Most Credible UFO Abduction". This is the most extensively documented and believable case we have ever encountered. I would love to hear any theories to explain this one away! The NEXUS Conference is attracting a great deal of attention, with people booking in from all over Australia and New Zealand. The only new thing to announce regarding the Conference is that I will be the spea ker to be confirmedI' mentioned in the advertisement last issue. The theme of my presentation is "The Big Picture?". Although I have some pretty hot (read 'un-publishable') things to share, the talk will be relaxed and informal, mostly structured around questions from the audience. I hope to see you there. In the last issue of NEXUS, there appeared an advertisement for a new book titled, "How To Avoid The Coming Crash", by Laurence- Hoins. The advert prompted many readers to phone and ask us more about the book. I promised every caller that I would review Laurence's book in this issue, but now I sit here, only hours away from the printing, and realise that I have not reviewed it. This is an apology to e~rybody, Laurence Hoins included. The review will appear in our April-May '95 edition. (Hopefully, there will not be an economic crash in the meantime.) As usual, just when I get to the end of this piece I remember all the other things I wanted to say. Oh well, they will have to wait for the next exciting issue. 'Til then-happy reading! Duncan l


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NB: Please keep letters to approx. 100-200 words iJ1l~ngth. -Ed.

Re: Control of Australia

Re: Waking Up

Dear Editor: As an Australian all too familiar with long periods of unemployment, 1 must comment on Australia's great human tragedy. The culture of long-term lunemployment-bonh rural and urban-is alienat,ing and destructive. For many, the culture shock is followed by mental depression and suicide. Our jobless are real people with real lives. They're sick of being twisted and sanitised into cold. lifeless statistics. From 'their fine offices, economists andl politicians manip'ulate, and divert aHention from, Australia's lost generations. It's a tragedy. The shameful ,realHy is that Australians have lost control of their own country. The Great Souto Land is now in northern hemisphere bands. Our destinies are directed from the boardrooms and speculative markets of New York, Chicago, Tokyo and London. In such ethics-less environments, the Australian people are merely another set of commodities to be bought and sold. Thus, before we can hope to tackle the human misery of mass unemployment and alienatio'n, we all need to put Australia first! Our purchasing and bankipg dedsions are a great place to start! Aussieowned companies desperately need your support. We need leaders in society who refuse to abandon our Lives and futures to the international markets. Will you help Austrafia? Paul F. 'fobias, Convenor, New Australia Movement, 107 Edgevale Road, Kew, Vic. 31O~, AustraLia.

Dearest Duncan: A~ter just buying the latest issue of NEXUS and reading the letter whereby the question was raised, "Why isn't NEXUS prohibited by those whose conspiracies are being aired?", I realised the answer< is simple. NEXUS has such a following, so many people are waldng up, that a ban on NEXUS would bring big protests-judging by the passion of the readers. Does the government or those in the NWO want publicity for NEXUS? No. Hardly anybody, the majority, knows it exists. These guys have Itheir hands tied! I wou1d like to say I love your magazine, have beeR reading it for 18 months, and I am very optimistic about the future. Although this is the dark bcfore the dawn, momentum of pubLic opiniQn is gathering, and many people who would have been closed to the idea of conspiracies are beginning to get fed up and learn what others are capable of. 'li'lhings will snowball, and life will be much different in the future. Thanks for the magazine, and God bless! Lovingly, Linda A., Chelsea, Victoria, Australia.

Re: Musical Chermstry

Dear Editor: I am in research on thc effects of musicall notes on the chemical elements, in relation to how certain sounds of the musjcal scalc could influencc chemicals. Example: what note or not,;s on the musical scale could change or alter the molecular structure of IIhe element potassium? If you have any theories ,on this or Re: lost Inventor have experimented on this thesis, Dear Editor: Can any NEXUS please respond to: reader provide me with information Don Dreis, 405 E. 7th Street, #4, abou t, or recommended articles or a Bloomington, IN 47408, USA. biography concerning Abner Doble (and, I think, his brother), great 'Re: Yet More Dirty Tricks American steam-power engineer Dear Duncan: I read with interest and inventor of the '20s, '30s, '40s the letter on weather control in the and perhaps beyond? last issue, and "More Dirty Tricks" 1 believe Abner Doble's work if in the Global News section (2#23). not actually suppressed was certainWilhelm Reicb desc,ribes his ly thwarted by vested interests, 'cloud-busting' machine in his book, namely the major international oil An Introduction 10 Orgonomy. companies and cartels and giant car There was a state versus state COllrt companies manufacturing internal case in America some years ago, combustion-powered vehicles. where rain that was caused to fall Doble worked in his native on one state was sU'ed for by anoth路 America and a'lso in New Zealand, er, since it may have fallen there Great Britain and Germany. naturally under normal circumAny information would be grate- stances. Thc threat of c1ass路action fullyacknowled'ged. suing can thankfully slow down Bruce Turner, PO Box 1080, many 'dirty tricks' campaigns like this weather one. Windsor, Vic. 3181, Australia. 4路 NEXUS

As for Chilean grapes and more dirty tricks by the US 'FDA, it couldn,'t happen here, could it? Wrong again. Watch what's happened with the Therapeutic Goods Act from Canberra, livestock exports and supposed pesticide contamination, and goe.d old Edgell AustraLia-or was th-an Petersville, Vic? So how come all EdgelVBirdseye cheques are signed General Foods (US)? Keep up the good work. S.R., Derby, Tasmania, Australia.

Re: Free Energy Hope/Hype? Dear Duncan: firstly, congratulations on all excellent magazine. Your unbiased!, non-political treatment of broad-spectrum issues to do with human rights, the environment an.d higher consciousness thinking are to be highly praised. A publication long awaited by thousands if not millions of people hungry for something more than that put forward by the p_owers that be and those with strong interests vested in keeping things the way they are. Unfortunately, however, it looks as if you as weH as many of your readers (including myself) have been hoodwinked!-yes, hoodwinked by a number of uns.crupulous individuals who wallt us to send money for books and plans on hypothetical free-cnergy dcvices. Shame on these people who prey on the minds of innocent people who only want to see a better world. It has now been over two years since we were first promised something, and nothing has emerged. If these people really have something, then either we would have seen something by now or these people are so greedy that they want to keep all proceeds for Ithemselves (vested interests again), thereby playihl right into the hands of the people who want to keep things as they are. Yours sincerely, David D., Buderim, Queensland, Australia.

Re: lending Library Dear Duneao: Thank you for a superb publication with many great articles which tie together this incredible social jigsaw that we'ore living througlj today! The many books and videos that you oreview would make exciting readillg, I'm sure; however, being a pensioner. it's impossible to fiod the hundreds of necessary dollars to satisfy the mental appetite.

Do you have o.r do you !mow of anyone/anywhere who has a 'leQ.d路 ing library' facility? Pub.lic libraries are just not up to date. If not, maybe it is an idea that you could consider, for fm sure there are many of us wh-o would like to be better informed but cannot affordW Keep up the good work. M.C., Tamborine Mountain, Queensland, Australia. (Dear M.e.: Many readers~have successfully requested their local libraries to obtain our books and videos. Also, several video stores have purchased videos for hire at the request of readers. Ed.)

Re: lucky NEXUS Readers Dear Editor: Firstly" I'd like to say what an amazing magazine NEXUS is. My husband arnd I have become avid readers. I fed every time I read it that a curtain has been Iifte'd from in front of my eyes and I see more clearly. But!! i-yes, there is a but. Even though this happens, I still feel lu.cky to live in the democracy we have. It's not pcrfect and! probably never will be with all its deceptions, intrigue. co.rruption and straight-out lies. I can't help but think I could have been iborn and dicd in the Killing Fields, or seen my family slaughtered by Idi Amin, or te.rr,ified by a fanatica] religious oppression. So when your readers read NEXUS, just remember: you can... Looldng forward to future issues, Dorothy A., Edge Hill, Qld, Australia.

Re: Cancer Success Dear Duncan: Congratulations on Yol!lr publishing of the article, "A Cause For All Cancer?" (vol.2 #22). I am already the longest survivor of seeondary bone cancer: ten years on Max Gerson therapy and both Regeneresen and mistletoe from Germany, until I read that artide, ami now I am free from C'lncer with Hulda Regchr Olark herbs. It may be of interest to cancer patients that once the cancer is killed! they need to rebuild their bodies, and the mistletoe from Gemany will repair the damage real quick. In a fcw days I will forward on to you somo artwork about my book for you Ito advertise. I have bought so many of your Oct-Nov '94 NEXUS and given them to people in hair salons, beauty salons, etc., and they have eonFEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

tacted the companies to remove tthe propyl solvents. It already is causing a huge concern here; also in Gemany. I faxed all the information on to everyone I know to bUy your magazine. Have a very happy Christmas and keep up the fabulous work. Kind regards, Prue Hickey-Kelly, Doubleview, Western Australia. (Dear Prue: You are not alolle. Quite a few readers have already phoned us to say that they were witness /0 some amazing recoveries after using the three parasitecleansing herbs mentioned in the article. We will be publishing their leiters as they come in. Ed.)

Re: Defenceless Australia Dear Duncan: The following events when viewed individually usually cause little or no concerti 'to the average Austratian citizen. However, when viewed communally or as a whole, they may cause concern in some quarters. On 14 December, an article appeared by The Australian newsp'aper's defence writer, Cameron Stewart, titled "Military to Mdt Down Surplus Weapons" (worth more than $100 million). It stated that the Federal Government had ordered tile Defence Department to arrange for BHP to destroy and melt down all surplus 7.62 SLR andl 5.56 MI6 military rifles, of more than 100,000 in total. None was to be sold to Australian citizens, given the pusll for stricter gun laws. Only a feeble protest from Senator Bob Woods of the Federal Opposit,ion protested! this order. it is supported by most unions, the media, most religions and Muslim leaders. In 1991 the Federal Government sold overseas 100,000 .303 rifles, 8,300 Bren guns and 3,000 Vickers machine guns. What could not be sold was destroyed. T!lere are now ITO reserve supplies. The Defence Department has ordered the manufacture of 67,000 Australian-designed F88 Steyer 5.56-calibre assault rifles at a manufactured cost of $2,100 each. So far, only about 30,000 have Deen made. However, due to the design which incorporates plastic components in major parts, an order no. 7196-94 has been issued to all Army and Air Force units not to FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

fire more than 90 munds or nine seconds of automatic fire, otherwise these and other plastic components will melt down. The Federal Labor Government paid $2 million of taxpayers' money to buyout and shut down ~e only prIvate Australian manufacturer of a mi~itary rifle, the SAR 5.56 in Tasmanja, about three ycars ago and forbids iBHP to manufacture a military rifle of Austra1ian design. All military rifles are now prohibited items in all states except Tasmania and Queensland. The Government has signedl a UN Treaty Section 91984, which commits all of Australia to complete and general disarmament. These are acts of treason and sabotage, and, do, in fact, contravene Sections 24A and B of the Crimes Act. However, our nearest neighbour 'Indonesia, with a population of between 180 and 200 million and the largest Muslim community in the world, is not loound by any such treaties. They are presently expanding all their military forces at an exceptiona Illy high rate. A $10 billion expansion of their aircraft Industry is now welID established. The aircraft and navaJ vessels are all mainly a military design. While in Australia last year, 14 per cent of our Naval forces, 13 per cent of our Army and 7.5 per cent of our Air Force personnel resigned. From a total force of 63,200, most are now on~ beiAg trained in urban warfare or citizentype control operations. According to an article by Brian Toohey in The Sun-Herald on 20 November, it is revealed the Indonesian Army units are being trained in three Australian training establishments aAd that information on all Australian dissident groups and inclividuals is being made available to the Indonesian Kopassus special force units. These are the ones who control Timor and other protestors by shooting them. Our Federal Government maintains that these special arrangements and the vast sums of money which we contribute for training and e;panding the Indonesian military are essential to the aim of building closer ties with them andl Asia. However, in The Australiall on 16 December, General Benny Murdani, the Indonesian strongman in the 'group that controls Indonesia,

i'nsisted that Australia was not seen as a member of the South-East Asian community and Australia would not become one of ASEAN's most inner circle. What else could be ,the possible reason ,for virtually all our politicians and organisations agreeing to allowing us to become almost totally defenceless? Nothing ever happens by accident ifill politics; there is always a rfeas~on ... Sincerely, Bob Doring, ARBA, PO Box 6012, Mooloolah Valley, Qld 4553, Australia.

Re: Harping on the Weather Dear 'Duncan andl NEXUS: Re Letters to the Editor (voI.2#23, "HAARP Patent" and "Weather Control"), while the patents only cover weather and death-ray capa· bilities, it ,is much more capable than the patent says. The true capabilities of the HAARP (harp) are less than music to your ears-for example, El Nino and HAARiP, IBermuda Triangle and the HAARP principle or sonic applications (see NEXUS voI.2#18,19). Also, this Alas'kan project could change the electromagnetic field setting of the north/south poles, thereby placing Earth right in the path of a comet, be ,It Hallcy's or not. And Exxon Valdez: accident or fuel transport for HAARP? Using a Jacaranda Atlas I noticed that ,the north pole (magnetic) sits around about 55 degrees east of Alaska, and if HAARP was placed in Alaska closest to the north po'le, then it has the ability to mimic (fie magnetic north pole and cause compasses to read ±50 to 60 degrees out. If this is true, then' was BCFmuda Triangle using si,milar compasslradio knockout abilities? As I use CBs (27 MHz AM band)7 I am very aware of the need for decent atmospheric conditions. During the day, picking up the USA is hard; however, at night, this all changes. Has anyone picked up more than the local radio stations, like Brisbane picking up 3AW in Melbourne, or Gladstone, Qld picking up a Sydney statioA from a car cassette/radio? Russell M., 6 HaAsen Crescent, Gladstone, Qld 4680, Australia.

Re: Cosmic Conspitacy Dear Sir: Your Dec-J an issue was especially interesting. Mark Harp will sell his hollow earth jive only to the hoJlow-headed, but Stan Deyo's cosmic conspiracy is more

reasoned. It brings to mind the late James Forrestal who, as US SecretarYQf Defense in 19419, suicided after going bananas right il!1 the Pentagon. He babbled about the "space people" who were about to attack us, and that we were defenceless. . OfficiaFdom explained that his breakdown was due to the "pressures of the Cold War" and maybe so, but his paranoia was. c~Qtred upon not the Soviets but said space people. Frie~nds reported that he'd told them that the weirdos could appear as normal humans and had already infiltrated the most scnsitive parts of the goveFnment; that they'd even tapped his phones and mail. Sundry UFO researchers ended up paranoic too, but what inducedl it? As Ito the Piri Reis atlas of pre· history, it shows mountain ranges in Canada and Alaska that were unknown. to even the US Army Map Service until it commenced aerial surveys. Greenland and Antarctica are depicted in an unglaciated state, correctly exposing each of them as being comIprised of three islands (which we lfiave mever seen). Who were these cartographers who charted our globe even before the last glacial 'cpoch? Yours truly, George fL., Redfern, NSW, Australia.

Re: bposing Truths Dear Duncan: In the Dec-Jan issue an anonymous reader wrote regarding why NEXUS does not get closed down for exposing supposed truths. Well, one answer to this is that NEXU'S is too big a voice to be easily silenced. If someone d,id try ltO silence NEXUS magazine or close it down altogether, everyone would realise that the magazine has treaded on someone's toes and told the truth about something or someone. This is ju st like the UFO researcher who has a background and is well known for his place in the sciel1tlfic community. He is too wel~ known, too big a voice to si,lence without attracting attention to themselves. But the little man, uAknown to all but his friends, could easvly be silenced. I hope I have made my point cJear. The more you say and do, the harder you are to be silenced. Mags, QueenSland, Australia. NEXUS • 5

A DISASTER BEGINS Scientists around the world have reacted with fury and astonishment at Russian environmental recklessness which, they fear, will haunt the planet for centuries. Revealing one of the best-kept secrets of the Cold War, Moscow has confirmed that it spent 30 years disposing of atomic waste by pumping directly into the Earth. Worse still, the pumping is still going on! Already it is suspected to have leaked into rivers leading into the Caspian Sea and the Arctic Ocean, and has been blamed for the rise in cancer deaths in several locations where the waste has started returning to the surface. The dumped atomic material is reported to measure up to 3 billion curies of radiation. This compares to about 50 million curies released in the Chernobyl accident, and 50 curies released at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania. Even a small amount of this waste could totally sterilise vast areas of the northern oceans, destroying and contaminating the food chain for the entire northern hemisphere, and rendering vast areas uninhabitable for centuries. Could this be the beginning of the fulfilment of the prophecy mentioned on page 42 in this issue? (Source: The Weekly Telegraph [UK], 30 November-6 December 1994)

land, is around 1,000 pascals (to millibars) higher between August and February than during the rest of the year. The extra force on the Japanese plate is equivalent to placing 100-kilogram weights on each square metre. This pushes down the Eurasian plate, but the extra air pressure has no effect on the Philippine Sea plate which lies underwater. The stress differential could be enough to trigger a quake. (Source: New Scientist,' 26 November ]994)


ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE TRIGGERING EARTHQUAKES? Changes in atmospheric pressure may be enough to trigger major earthquakes off Japan's Pacific coast, a Japanese seismologist has warned. Masakazu Outake points out that all 13 major earthquakes chronicled between the years 684 to 1946 occurred during the autumn and winter when atmospheric pressure is high. His study of meteorological data going back to 1961 found that average monthly pressure in the region around Japan's southwest coast where the Philippine Sea crustal plate is mov~ng under the Japanese main-

There is a strong possibility that water has been found on the Moon, in the form of ice. "If this is confirmed, it will greatly enhance the prospects for human colonisation," said Dr Stewart Nozette, of Allied Signal at Alexandria, Virginia, USA, announcing the results of a recent lunar probe. The findings of Clementine-a civilianmilitary spacecraft that orbited the Moon for 71 days between February and May 1994, taking more than two million colour pictures-are described for the first time in a recent issue of Science. "There are many craters in the Moon's south polar region that are in permanent darkness because of surrounding mountains," Dr Nozette said. "When Clementine passed over these, its radar detected what appears to be the characteristic signal of water." (Source: The Weeklv Telegraph [UK], Issue No. ]80, 1994)

MYSTERY TUNNEL IN SPHINX Workers repairing the ailing Sphinx have discovered an ancient passage leading deep into the body of the mysterious monument. The Giza antiquities chief, Mr Zahi Hawass, said there was no dispute that the tunnel was very old. However, what is puzzling is who built the passage? Why? And where does it lead? Mr Hawass said he had no plans to remove the stones blocking its entrance until at least February 1995. The secret tunnel burrows into the northern side of the Sphinx, about halfway between the Sphinx's outstretched front paws and its curved tail. (Source: The Svdney Morning Herald ]] October] 994) 6. NEXUS


••• X-RAYS, OIL PAINTS, SOLVENTS LINKED TO MISCARRIAGES Researchers at the University of Adelaide and Queen Elizabeth Hospital Genetics Department, led by Dr Judy Ford, studied the exposure to environmental and chemical factors of 585 couples from preconception to live birth, miscarriage or nine months' infertility between 1987 and 199~. The researchers identified a range of risk factors which had a significant effect on infertility and miscarriage, isolating a number of risk factors. Men who, in the previous five years, had an unprotected X-ray of the lower back (no lead apron) with genitals exposed, were 428 per cem more at risk of bcing associated with miscarriage than those in a control group. (Tlhe normal miscarriage rate is 15 per oent of all pregnancies.) The study found also that men and women exposed to chemical solvents such as household cleaning agents, oven cleaners, carpet cleaners, oil paints, glues, and other chemicals in the workplace, were far more at risk of infertility, miscarriage or birth deformity. (Source: The Australian. 4 January 1994)

A HI-TECH FRAME UP? The new book by renegade ex-Mossad (Israeli intelligence) agent Victor Ostrovsky, titled The Other Side of Deception, is starting to make waves. As in his first book, By Way of Deception, Ostrovsky reveals some damning details of Israeli, American and British complicity in several major international events, such as the Gulf War. One item in particular caught our eye. In it Ostrovsky dcscri bes a tremendously important Mossad operation involving a communications device that was planted deep inside enemy territories. The device acted as a relay station for misleading transmissions made by the Mossad, transmissions intended to be received by American and British listening stations. The digital transmissions originated from an Israeli ship at sea and were picked up only by this communications device, known as the "Trojan". The device would thcn rebroadcast the transmissions on another frequency--one used for outgoing official messages from the enemy country being targeted. The Trojan was planted in Libya on the night of 17-18 February 1987 by the Mossad, operating from Israeli boats in the Mediterranean. The goal was to plant the FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

GL$BAL NEWS device in an apartment building in Tripoli, Libya, as close as possible to the Qadhafi command headquarters. The Mossad arrived at the apartment building (which had been pre-rented for six months) and took the cylinder to the top floor apartment of the five-storey building. In the apartment, the top of the cylinder was opened and a small dish-like antenna was unfolded and placed in front of the window facing north. The unit was activated and the Trojan was in piace. If someone decided to enter the apartment prematurcly, the Trojan would selfdestruct, Laking with it most of the upper parL of the building. The thrce men used for the operation returned to the beachfront and swam out to the waiting boats. By the end of March 11987, the Americans were already intercepting mcssages broadcast by the Trojan. By using Lhe Trojan, the Mossad tried to make it appear that a long series of terrorist orders were being transmitted to various Libyan embassies around the world (or as they are called by the !Libyans, Peoplc's Burcaus). Just as tile Israelis hoped, the transmissions were deciphered by the Americans and used a proof that the Libyans were aCLive sponsors of terrorism. Interestingly, the French and Spanish intelligence agencies were not b.uying into these new sources of information. To them it seemed suspicious that suddenly, out of the blue, the Libyans, who had always been careful in the past, would start advertising their future actions. They also found it suspicious that, in several instances, Mossad reports wer~ worded similarly to coded

• •• Libyan communications. According to Ostrovsky, Operation Trojan was one of Israeli intelligence's greatest successes. It resulted iJ;J Libya being falsely blamed for virtually every t~r­ rorist attack for nearly a decade, including the La Belle discotheque bombing in West Berlin on 5 April 1987. Ostrovsky's book has certainly upset the Israelis, with public calls for his assassina~ tion being made by several prominent officials, including Josef Lapid, the directorgeneral of Israel's government-owned national broadcasting system. _ c Lapid, a frequent spokesperson for the Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, made his unprecedented call fOF the assassination of Ostrovsky on Israeli TV, and'in the pages of Ma'ariv, Israel's largest daily newspaper, and repeated his official invitation to murder Ostrovsky on Canadian national television in October 1994. Lapid describes Ostrovsky as "the most treacherous Jew in modem history". (Source: The Other Side of Deception, The Spotlight, 28 November 1994)

SUPER HI-TECH SPYING Michael Frost, a former specialist with Canada's government spy agency, the Communications Security Establishment (CSE), has disclosed that the US National Security Agency (NSA) implanted tinzy microphoncs in the chests of pigeons that roostcd on the window-ledges of the Soviet Embassy in Wasmington, and successfully monitored the conversations of the officials inside. (Source: The Spotlight. 19 December 1994)


••• THE NEW ELECTRONIC ROADBLOCK Sleepy Hollow, Illinois - A barrier of police cars, dozens of officers with guns trained on an onrushing car-that's the traditional way of bringing a high-speed auto chase to a halt, but those are about to go. The new improved, less brutal version is a 42-inch plastic 'pancake' riddled with electrodes. Called the Anti-Vehicle Electronic Countermeasure, or AVECM, the discs are deployed on the road surface before the suspect arrives. As the car passes over an AVECM, electric discharges scramble the vehicle's engine controls and associated circuitry. The car stops and cannot be restarted for some time. (Source: Popular Mechanics, February 1995)

PRESS MUZZLED IN FRANCE Alain Marsaud, a member of the French Parliament, has introduced a measure that would mandate that "any information relating to a person who is the subject of an official inquiry, or under judicial investigation, can't be published, except with that person's specific permission". In other words, the media can't report that politicians and others suspected of corruption are under investigation. There are a lot of people in France today who might support this measure-particularly a bevy of politicians who are under investigation at this time, and others who are about to fall under public scrutiny for possible misdeeds. (Source: The Spotlight. 3 January 1995)

GL-$BAL NEWS THE NEW ENEMY IN AUSTRALIA Counter-terrorist exercises have taken a sinister new turn in Australia. Instead of the imaginary enemies being foreign, Hollywood-style terrorists, the new "baddies" are Australian citizens who start agitating on the subject of "foreign ownership". Exercise Tropic Punch is described as a "protracted national counter terrorist exercise". It was held between 14 September and 20 October 1994, and was centred primarily in Queensland, specifically in Cairns and south-east Queensland. According to a leaked document about the exercise, "an imaginary extremist group incensed at increasing foreign ownership of Australian business and resources ... embarks, in the initial phase, on a terror campaign to force State and Commonwealth Governments to take remedial action. When this fails to achieve the desired result, the group turns to other options in politically motivated violence. This signals the activation of the National Anti-Terrorist Plan, with the Queensland Police Service, State Government and Commonwealth Government responding to the incident and seeking to negotiate the safe release of the hostages." For those interested, the level of foreign ownership of Australian resources and business is well over 90 per cent! But don't go talking about it, will you. (Source: Extracted from release, dated 13 September 1994, leaked from the Queensland Police Service, Media and Public Relations Branch, Police Headquarters, Roma Street, Brisbane, QtJ. Australia)

• •• EXPLODING STAR MAY HAVE KILLED THEDINOSAURS By now NEXUS readers must have quite a pile of theories on what killed of the dinosaurs-meteorites, oxygen shortage, ice ages, viruses, cave-dwellers, or worse. According to Dr David Schramm, an astrophysicist at the University of Chicago, an exploding star could have killed 95 per cent of the Earth's species 225 million years ago by destroying the ozone layer and bathing the planet in radiation. All it would take is a supernova explosion in the vicinity of 30 light years- to wipe out virtually all life on Earth, he said. 'Dr Schramm used mathematical models to develop his theory of massive extinction caused by a supernova blast and now seeks evidence to support it in the chemical signature of fossils from the period. (Source: The Australian, 4 January 1995)

PLO BOOK SPARKS ISRAELI SCANDAL A political scandal has erupted in Israel after allegations that the Labour Party conspired with the then-outlawed PLO to defeat the right-wing Likud and win the 1992 general elections. The crisis was triggered by the publication of memoirs by a senior PLO negotiator, Mahmoud Abbas, in which he alleges that the present Health Minister, Ephraim Sneh, held a series of pre-election meetings with a leading member of the PLO at which the Labour Party urged the PLO to block progress at peace talks in Washington, and thus deny Likud any campaign advantage. Labour won the 1992 election, and in Septem ber 1993 signed a peace accord with the PLO. The memoirs also claim that Yitzhak Rabin was an attendee at one of the meetings. (Source: The European, 13-19 January 1995)


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This item should probably have gone in the Twilight Zone section of NEXUS, but we ran out of room and put it here instead. Polite Japanese risk death by bowing. At least 24 Tokyo residents have died in the last five years while bowing to each other. Fi ve fell under trains after head butts (presumably concussed), seven died in kerbside and escalator collisions, and many more have been injured in revolving doors. As a result, the city has had to introduce safe "Greetings Zones". (Source: D. Record, 25 June 1994) FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995


... GL-$-BAL NEWS ... AMERICAN EXPRESS BANK INTERNATIONAL FOUND GUILTY OF LAUNDERING DRUG MONEY During the early part of 1980, Dr John Coleman published a monograph entitled, "Dope International Limited". On page 17 of that work, he wrote as follows: "One of the largest money-laundering companies in the world is American Express, a household name in the travel business. Edmond Safra (see also "Dope, Incorporated" article this issue) who supplied tons of gold to finance the China opium sales through Hong Kong via his Geneva-based Trade Development Bank, recently sold his bank to American Express so that he could get on its board. American Express was briefly investigated by the US Attorney General Edwin Meese, but given the immense power of the company, don't expect any indictments to be handed down... "In 1990, when I was ready to publish my book, The Committee of 300, I was advised to omit references to American Express being involved in money laundering up to their necks. I was told that I would never be able to prove it. I elected to go ahead anyway and I accused American Express of drug money laundering on a vast scale..." Now, 14 years later, an American Express subsidiary, the American Express Bank InlCrnaLional, has been fined a record US$50 million by a Houston, Texas, court after pleading guilty to laundering drug money for a Colombian drug ring that ran hundreds of tons of cocaine into the United States. Funny thing though, the prosecutor in the case, US Attorney Gayneville Griffin Jones, said the government would not seek to press criminal charges against American Express executives. (Source: Dr John Coleman's World In Review, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 1994)

1995 - YEAR OF THE QUAKE? There is increasing speculation amongst seismologists that the 'big one' is not far off. Many suspect that both California and Japan are already 'overdue' for such a quake. Already this year there has been, on average, one earthquake of greater than size 6.0 on the Richter seale every two and a half days, and all of these on the Pacific Rim. Japan, which normally has 30-40 quakes felt by humans per year, has already experienced 10 such quakes in as many days. (Source: AP, Tokyo, I I January 1995) FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995




hen asked what they understand' by the term "ice age", most people seem. ingly believe that ~~ was an era wilen continuous ice-sheets blanketed Arctic regions well into what now are temperate climes-as far south as approximately 50 0 N in Europe and 36°N in North America. The resultant bleak landscape is often imagined (especially by artists) as having been inhabited by such animals as the hairy mammoth, woolly rhinoceros and musk-ox, hunted by our fur-clad ancestors. The migin of such 'beliefs lics in the placement by geologists of such an ice age in the Pleistocene epoch, which abundant evidcrrce indicates came to an end about 11,000 years ago when oUr own era, the Holocene, began. The Ice Age itself is said to have persisted for about a million years, during which ice-sheets repeatedly waxed! and waned. Coincidentally, ice-sheets similar to those smothering Arctic latitudes also allegedly covercd the south polar regions. Directly associated with the notion of an ice age, and indeed largely responsible for its inception, were a number of singular geological phenomena which, because they sometimes occurre-d together, apparently shared a common genesis. Includcd were striated rock surfaccs, erratic boulders and immense accumuJations of frequently intractable 'drift' deposits. The geographical settings and locations of these features were also peculiar. The striations, which often occurred in groups, neady always shared a single oJ'icntatJon which commonly ignored obviously pre-existing topography~and the erratic boulders, which in some localities are very nume-rous, lie at all kinds of altitudes despite their often stupendous size and tonnage. Examples are known almost a quarter of a mile (400 m) long! All ~ccur at great distances from the nearcst natural outcrops of the particular strata composing them. The 'drift' deposits snmetimes occur on northern hill-slopes only, or on mountain peaks but not in adjacent vallcys, and, frequently, mantle chronically pulverised underlying bedrock. Generally unstratified and often contorted, the 'drift' deposits in many places also contain abundant remains of !huge trees, plants and leaves often foreign to the latitudes in which these are discovered, and countless teeth and bones of the mammoth and its contemporaries. Wood-splinterings and bone fractures are often sharp and fresh-looking. They clcarly happened geologically very recently_ This impression generally afforded by all this evidence is one of overwhelming force operating indiscriminately, suddenly, viQlently and on a colossal scale. Conventional ice age concepts-first mooted about 150 years ago-ascribe all such phenomena to remorseless, slow-acting, glacial agencies active for hundreds of thousands oJ years, but which, as shown by much recent research, ended with surprising abruptness at the end of Pleistoc_ene times. Yet, while the end of such conditions is now clearly traceable, the origin of the Ice Age, despite numerous diverse theories devised to account for it, remains obscure. It has, furthermore, been established that many northern areas formerly believed to have been overridden by these Pleistocenc ice-sheets, Ithemselves conceived of as thousands of ,feet thick, were never glaciated at all. Such detaills, allied to the discoveries of frozen remains of upright dead trees in Arctic latitudes presently incapable dimatical1y of supporting such trees (which could never have survived the deep refrigeration of such massive glaciation there) and of the occurrence of striated rock surfaces and erratic bourdcrs as far south as equatorial latitudes (regarded as always having been ice-free by even the most ardent gilacialists), cast serious doubt on the reality olf an ice age like that pnstu'lated by orthodoxy.



NEXUS • 11

The results of special studies of current ice actions and characteristics also support such doubts, and generally indicate that various theoretical actions long attributed to Pleistocene ice-sheets either never occurred OF were at best exceedvngly limited. Certainly, ice did not operate on the hemispheric scale implied by the known geological phenomena. Irrespective of those phenomena's significance, however, science has shown that it developed during a time of other tremendous Earth disturbances. These included massive crustal fissuring, both above and below sea-level; the uplift (often violent) of many of the Earth's greatest mountain ranges to their present elevations; widespread seismic and volcanic eruptions causing acute atmospheric pollution; extensive crustal subsidence elsewhere; and the emptying and displacement of seas and lakes and the destruction of older drainage systems. Worldwide evidence of bonepacked caves and rock-fissures, frequently containing contcmporary but faunistically and climatically incompatible creatures, not only emphasises the catastrophic nature of these events, but also strongly indicates an alteration then to the tilt of the Earth's axis. Curiously, although reliab'ly dated as general/ly of very late Pleistoccne age, these dramatic changes are seldom linked in the popular view with the ice age concept, for to do so unites conflict-

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12 • NEXUS

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ing images on, on the one Ihand, a stow-acting theoretica] agencyice-operating primarily in polar and sub-polar latitudes, with, on the other hand, highly disruptive sudde.o activities exhibiting welldocumented global ramifications. In unmistakably reflecting catastrophic conditions, the scale and extent of the latter demand identificatiol1 of a suitable underlying cause which initiated all such effccts. It is noteworthy that an unexpectedly large pumber of Earth scientists have repeatedly concluded that, as Earth is apparently incapable of producing such fundamental disturbances of its own volition, those of late Pleistocene times must, a p.riori, have been occasioned by a powerful force acting upon the globe externally. An independent cosmic agency is require-d. Others have explored this idea before, but never completely successfully. Errant comets, asteroids and ,giant meteors have been amongst the candidates proposed. Recent NASA space explorations and other astronomical discoveries reveal that none of these bodies possesses sufficient power to engender such widespread terrestrial disruption. This is a fact ably dcmon'strated in. our book, When the Earth Nearly Died, wherein the culprit is identified as having almost certainly been a dangerous, highlycharged fragment of an astronomically close supernova exp'losion around 117,000 years ago. Evidence exists for just such an explo-


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sion having occurred near our solar system at a date which, allowing for an appropriate time-lapse as the fragment hurtled through space towards the Sun's family, accommodates tlae aforementioned Earthly upheavals. A non-disper.sed cloud of Alurninium22 (typical residue of stellar explosions) has also been traced in space astronomically close to the solar system, and in geological terms it is very young indeed. Ancient traditions worldwide tell of a traumatic battle long ago between Earth and a terrible cosmic visitor which, remembered by various names, allegedly terminated an earlier Golden Age and set Earth alight before extinguishing the fires by a vast flood. Religious texts call the latter "Noah's Deluge". "Phaeton", one of the classical Greek names given this fiery celestial intrudeif, ideally e,pitomises this sequence of disastrous events. Early Mesopotamian epics have survived which! record this conflict not mere~y in relation to Earth but also to other planets in the solar system. "Marduk" was one of their names for this marauding body, which they expressly state arrivedl from the depths of space before being drawn towards the Sun by the Ilatter's ,enormous gravitational pull. Marduk's sunwards journey took it past or near many of the planets and their satellites, including the EarthIMoon system. These epics describe Marduk's progress in considerable detail. It was both disruptive



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and destructive. If various strands of evidence are genuine, then it actually disintegrated one planet, Tiamat, said to have formerly orbited beyond Mars. Ancient Babylonian baked clay tablets depicting the solar system regularly show one planet too many, while ancient Greek traditions speak of the lost planet Electra. A survey of known planetary anomalies and aberrant satellite movements. the singular behaviour and orbits of many asteroids, meteor-swarms and short-term comets within the solar system strongly suggests that comparative'ly very recently som~thing has rampaged through the Sun's family and left widespread mayhem in its wake. Indeed, th~ modem astronomical and ancient traditional records of such things appear to be in remarkably close agreement. Moreover, the havoc wrougl1ton Earth (as discernible from the pVanet's natuFa! history) was essentially very like that sustained by Mars (according to Mesopotamian accounts). Such similarities are -too pronounced to be wholly fortuitous. All these and innumerable other aspects of this great saga, its approximate date of OCcurrence and the long-term effects it has left in its train are explored in depth in When the Earth Nearly Died. Copiously referenced tbJoughout, this interdisciplinary study also points out that one of the keys to the whole sccnario is sca'le. What is catastrophic on Earth is much less so in lermS of the scale of the solar system, an~ virtually unimportant and indeed

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commonplace, at a stellar level. Astronomically speaking, novas and supernovas are not actually rare events. On that basis it would simply' be a matter of time before such an event occurred which affected the solar system, Earth included, but perhaps a very iong time before one erupted dose enough to cause measurable inconvenience to 'terrestrial life.

great depths under gravel or even fire-formed rocks are noted. Sobering accounts exist of how hilltop survivors, accompanied by numerous animals which had shared their refuges, slowly descended to lower ground following the ebbing away of the Deluge waters, while phenomenal winds dried out those surfaces. Similar are those accounts which relate how cave survivors, again often entombed with various animals, dug themselves out before SURVIVAL OF THE FIlTEST, OR THE LUCKIEST? emerging into what had become a thoroughly unfamiliar world, From an evolutionary viewpoint such events cou'ld be highly and were obliged to contemplate a new beginniJllg. significant. Upon their eruption, the survival of the luckiest would Other traditions mention how lone individuals at first believed replace the Darwinian norm of the fittest. Interestingly, the last themselves to be the sole survivors of this appalling catastrophe known event possibly in this category, preceding the visit of and how they wandered and blundered about, often in the gloom Phaeton, scems to have been that which ended the reign of the and choking smoke engendered by erupting volcanoes, only occasionally glimpsing a similarly-disoriented bird or animal hurrying dinosaurs some 65 million years ago. Punctuated and uniformitarian evolution may thus actually go hand in hand. in some other direction as they skirted the evidence of devastation Inevitably, the 'lucky' survivors of this dire event represented a and death on all sides. Descriptions are also to hand of small varied cross-section of pre-Phaetonic plant, animal and human bands of survivors wading for days through shallows and across life. Numerica'!1y impoverished and widely scattered, either as mud-flats in order to reach higher, friendlier terrain visible at lone individuals, traumat,ised couples or heterogeneous groups, the some greater distance. "Such terrain was perhaps identifiable as 'friendlier' Ithrough clearly supporting human and animal surhuman survivors had, according to many remarkable traditions vivors, o.r still-erect trees or vegetation. Several traditions specifiand ancient histories, escaped destruction by taking refuge on high peaks (later called "mounts of salvation") or in caves (the cally mention such refugia, and how thc tremendous fires and entrances of some of which were sealed up), or had saved themfloods generated by Phaeton's visit had not swept uniformly across selves in arks (several were allegedly built), on rafts, uprooted the heaving globe. Tradition, of course, has no cause to invent trees, logs or even on huge floating balls of gum or resin. such details unless the described scenarios had once actually Significantly, severall discoveries of large ancient ships buried at occurred. Although intrinsically no more than intriguing adjuncts to the traceable physical aftermath effects of this cataclysm, the consistent signal received from these ancient recollections-especially their PHAETON/MARDUK 0 Spews fire approaChing the , Solar System graphic descriptions of conditions which could , only accumulate during a world disaster of this ,'PLUTO magnitude-goes far towards underscoring the ~,o .....).~: . 0 basic validity of the accounts as a whole, and that, .,1, • ) N EPTU NE Loses Pluto. Olher moons ;§!- ~., \ deranged despite the ridicule so often unwarrantedly heaped ~,,-s'; ~~>.... upon them in certain quarters, they constitute pre(;0'" •. ' , cious documents of what was once awful reality. \ Pieces torn off Marduk here ./../ ..•.. URANUS..-r Equatorial alignment Changed. moons deranged That so many racial, tribal and national 'histories' the world over begin by ciaiming that all later 1'••••,•• generations descended direcHy from Deluge-sur(GADA) ...•• .... --,.. c" ....-; viving single pairs or cave groups cannot be " ': \ entirely coincidental. Incomplete and spotty, they , \ SATURN are irreplaceable records of transient things and " ,, experiences that could, by their very nature, never . be permanently etched into Earth's great stone , book, the geological record . .. , Life as we know it had literally to begin again. ~\\I"I AIMAT %G£ ::: • "~(;:Q Kin gu captured Treax B It would have to propagate and multiply, and P Man, the most industrious of Nature's terrestrial SU ~ creations, would have to seek aut the mo,st MARS Orbit changed Collects 2 moons? favourable habitats and locate and harvest the \' g K'u de1ached "~ most immediately accessible resources. These / ,,,EARTH endeavours would! occupy centuries and would be irregularly governed (and sometimes blighted) by Rotational s' pin r.vENU~' ••er,;ed I I JUPITER the often harsh and unpredictable meteorological MERCU~Y 0 fluctuations that seriously affected much of the Earth during aftermath times. Steadily less severe as the Holocene has unfolded, these are to a considerable extent nevertheless still with us. Yet, given the scale and ferocity of Phaeton's onslaught, it is indeed fortunate that these are not, Schem<ltic diagram of the path apparently taken by Phaeton/Marduk through the solar system. Not to scale. even more than 11,000 years later, more acute Based on Sumerian texts and recent astronomical data, and on the main effects attributable to its passage. than they now are.






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14 • NEXUS


PUBLIC UNREST AT TERROR TACTICS (Editor's Note: On 13th January thi.s year, the Life Extension Foundation cootXiinated a phone campaign to protest the terror tactics employed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with their continuing raids on natural health care businesses and clinics. Thousands of Americans phoned members of a published list of seven FDA directors and commissioners to voice their concerns. The Life Extension Foundation claim that "The FDA's purpose is not just to destroy the businesses and lives of their targets, but also to spreadfear throughout the land, so that others who may be tempted to rebel against the agency will remain meek and submissive. " For those still not convinced that this sort of thing happens in a western democracy, consider "The FDA Raid Report" as,published in Townsend Letter For Doctors. For any further details, don't ring us, contact: Saul Kent, President, Life Extension Foundation, 1534 Polk St, Hollywood, FL 33020, USA. Ph: 1 8003332553, Fax (305) 9290507.)

The FDA Raid Report Raid: Burzynski Research Clinic ~ 7 July 1985 Address: 1200 Richmond Avenue, #260, Houston TX 77082 Phone: (713) 597 0111 - Dean Mouscher Reason: Interstate shipping of antineoplastins (cancer therapy). NCI, Aetna Insurance and others pressured FDA into raiding the Burzynski Clinic. Outcome: FDA seized 200,000 !Medical and documents, forcing Burzynski to pay to make copies. No charges were filed. The Life Extension Foundation - 26 February 1987 Raid: Address: PO Box 229120, Hollywood FL 33022 Phone: 1 800 333 2553 ~ John Hammell, Political Office Reason: FDA alleged LEF was seIring "unapproved drugs" (vitamins in US) and life extension drugs from overseas companies. Outcome: FDA seized US$5OO,OOO worth of vitamins, computers, files, newsletters and personal belongings, ripped phones out of walls, and terrorised employees. The Foundation's leaders, Saul Kent and William Faloon, were indicted on 28 criminal counts with a maximum prison time of 84 years, in November 1991. Case is still pending. Raid: Pets Smell路Free, Inc. - Summer 11988 Address: 350 W. 300 South, Salt Lake City UT 84101 Phone: (80rl) 3221221; email (Mark Geiger) Reason: Product designed to prevent pets from giving off foul odours (also sold for fishtanks). FDA called it an "unsafe, unapproved drug". Outcome: Seized entire inventory and business records. PSF won in court several times, but in July 1994 the FDA won 011 appeal. FDA wants PSF to sign consent decree, but they have refused. Raid: Traco Labs, Inc. - November 1988 Address: 205 S. Main Street, Seymour IL 61875 Phone: (217) 687 2800 - Sid Tracy, President Reason: FDA claimed that black currant oil was an "unsafe food additive". Outcome: FDA seized two drums of black currant oil as well as a large quantity of the capsulised product. On 28 January 1993, the US Court of Appeals ruled against the FDA. The judge said that the FDA's definition of "food additive" is too broad-that even water added to food would be considered a food additive. FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995


Raid: Solid Gold Pet Foods - September 1989 Address: 1483 N. Cuyamaca, EI Cajon CA 92020 Phone: (619) 465 9507 - Sissy Harrington McGill, owner Reason: FDA had been harassing McGill over labels on her holistic pet food products. In March 1990, an FDA agent seized products from her store without a search warrant and shut down her store. On 23 July 1990, after being indicted, she chose a jury trial. Upon appearing for her trial, she was clapped into leg irons, put into a maximum security federal prison for 179 days and fined US$lO,OOO. While incarcerated, she suffered a near~fatal stroke. Outcome: McGill sued the Department of Justice and won a victory on 20 February 1992. She expects to file a US$25,OOO,000 lawsuit against the FDA. Raid: HigWand Labs - Autumn 1990 Address: Box 199, Mt. Angel OR 97362 Phone: 1 8005470273 - Candy Scott Reason: FDA claimed that product literature (with false claims) was being shipped with products to customers. FDA said these made CoQ1O and GeOxy132 "unapproved drugs". Outcome: After spending US$250,000 in legal fees, defendant was forced to plead guilty to selling "unapproved new drugs". Six months' house arrest; US$5,000 fine. Raid: H. A. Lyons Mailing Service - 16 October 1990 Address: Driven out of business; formerly in Phoenix, AZ Reason: Mailing literature on behalf of vitamin companies. With no advance warning, five armed agents, backed by an armed policeman, raided this home-based business run by a young woman. Outcome: The owner convinced the agents not to seize her cheque book and cash. They did seize all her business records and literature. No charges were filed.

Raid: Nutricology, Inc. - 9 May 1991 Address: 400 Preda Avenue, San Leandro CA 94577 Phone: 1 800 545 9960 - Stephen A. Levine, Ph.D., owner Reason: The FDA raided Nutricology, seized their bank accounts and shut them down for two days, charging them with wire fraud, mail fraud, and selling unapproved drugs, 'unsafe food additives and misbranded drugs. Twelve armed agents conducted an exhaustive search of the company's offices and warehouse. Outcome: On 23 May 1991, Federal Judge D. Lowell Jensen denied the FDA's request for a preliminary injunction. On 10 September 1991, the FDA appealed to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, but was again denied. On 23 September 1993, Judge Jensen denied the FDA's motion for summary judgement and granted Nutrico10gy's motion to eliminate the wire and mail fraud charges. Raid: Scientific Botanicals - Autumn 1991 Address: 8003 Roosevelt Avenue NE, Seattle WA 98115- --' Phone: (206) 527 5521 Reason: Alleged label1ing violations. FDA seized herbal extract products and literature sent to physicians. FDA forced the company to stop using its patented trade names lest they "mislead the consumer". Outcome: FDA slowly released all seized products, forcing the company to comply with all demands under threat of being shut down. Company refuses to talk about their case for fear of reprisal. Raid: Thorne Research - 12 December 1991 Address: 901 Triangle Drive, Sand Point, ID 83864 Phone: (208) 263 1337 - Al Czap, owner Reason: FDA claimed that vitamin products sold by company were "unapproved drugs". FDA agent and three US marshals seized the company's entire stock of US$20,000 worth of products and 11,000 pieces of literature intended for physicians. Outcome: Thorne initially notified District Court that it would fight, but gave up as the .. expiration date on the seized products was approaching and it became too expensive to continue. The company no longer publishes any literature.

s. _ .:.t/..c... 18路 NEXUS

Raid: Tahoma Clinic, Dr Jonathan Wright - 6 May 1992 Address: 24030 132nd Avenue SE, Kent WA 98042 Phone: (206) 631 9681 - Harry Mills, public relations Reason: After L-tryptophan was banned, Dr Jonathan Wright continued to prescribe it. The FDA raided him and seized his supply of tryptophan. Dr Wright filed suit. The FDA retaliated by storming into Wright's clinic with armed sheriffs who terrorised employees and seized vitamins and other natural therapies, allergy screening equipment, computers, bank records, his mailing list and medical records. Outcome: In October 1992, Wright filed suit in District Court, charging unlawful search and seizure, and demanding his property back. In response, the FDA convened a federal grand jury and subpoenaed Wright's clinic records. No charges have yet been filed. FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

Raid: Ye Seekers -June 1992 Address: 1221 Blalock, Houston TX 77055 Phone: (713) 4610857 - Matt Malick, Vitamin Superv,isor Reason: In February 1992, Texas health authorities, acting under the direction of the FDA, seized 50 products from several health food stores in Texas including Ye Seekers. Then, in June, they seized more than 250 products including aloe vera, zinc, ,flax seed oil, herb teas, vitamin C and coenzyme Q-lO. Outcome: Although more than 410 products were seized, the stores haven't filed suit for fear of reprisals. Ye Seekers noted that Ginsana was seized from them at the same time it was being advertised on the Larry King TV show. Mihai Popescu - 2 June 1992 Raid: Address: Out of business. Owner in Metro Detention Center in Los Angeles Phone: (213) 9336825 - Popescu's wife; leave message Reason: The FDA claims that Geroviml (GH-3), which Popescu was selling, is an "unapproved drug". Eight FDA and Customs agents raided Popescu's house with guns drawn, holding his eightmonths-pregnant wife and 83-year-old grandfather at gunpoint for 10 hours. Outcome: They seized his computer and business records and US$5,000 worth of GH-3. Popescu has been in prison for eight months and expects to be released in three months. Raid: Nature's Way - 30 June 1992 Address: 1375 N. Mountain Springs Pkwy, Springville UT 84663 Phone: I 800962 8873 Reason: The FDA seized a quantity of evening primrose oil, both encapsulated and in bulk, from this large manufacturer during a routine inspection. They also seized a truckload of primrose oil on the road. The FDA claimed it was an "unapproved food additive". Outcome: Nature's Way filed a lawsuit to get their product back, Ibut was forced to remove the vitamin E from it because the FDA said that "vitamin E has not been approved as a food additive for evening primrose oil".

Raid: Kirwin Whitnah -12 May 1993 Address: Driven out of 'business. Formerly in Middletown,¡eA Phone: (707) 9281915 Reason: Whitnah was promoting the sale of de,prenyl. The FDA considered this "selling an unapproved drug". His house was raided at gunpoint when he wasn't home, terrorising a woman staying at the house. They found no deprenyl. They seizedl his computer, business records, mailing Jist, literature and US$4,500 in money orders. Outcome: No charges were filed, but Whitnah was driven out of The seized business.


US$15,OOO worth of Hsaio Vao Tea Pills in an attempt to strike back at acupuncturists who are taking a lot of business away from conventional doctor;,.

Raid: Family Acupuncture Clinic -14 August 1992 Address: 117 Granada, San Clemente CA 92672 Phone: (714) 361 3976 - Richard Lee, Ph.D., Director Reason: FDA seized US$15,000 worth of Hsaio Yao Tea rills in an attempt to strike back at acupuncturists who are taking a lot of business away from conventional doctors. The FDA ignored Californian law, under which acupuncturists are licensed to practise medicine. FDA also ignored the fact that many insurance companies honour cla~ms for acupuncture, induding Aetna, Prudential and Baue Cross. Outcome: The seized herbs were shippedl back to China by the FDA after they'd rotted. Dr Lee is still in business. Natural Vision International (NVI) Raid: Address: Driven out of business; formerly in Manitowoc, WI Phone: Talked to an administrator at Holiday House at (414) 6'824663 Reason: Opticians and opthalmologists pressured FDA into an armed raid of NVI wi th two federaM marshais to seize 17,000 pairs of pinhole glasses which exercise and strengthen the eyes. The charge was tbat NVI had failed to file <Ii pre-market application w~th FDA. NVJ notes that a pinhole is not a lens. Outcome: Despite Ithe fact that NVI sub!l1itted hundreds of testimonials from satisfied customers, the FDA drove them out of business by not returning their stock of over US$200,OOO worth of pinhole glasses. FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

Raid: Tierra Marketing - 8 April 1993 Address: 8200 Montgomery NE #235, Albuquerque, NM 87109 Phone: (404) 5242233 - Rodger Siess Reason: Siess was raided at gunpoint, and had US$20,000 worth of Gerovital-H3 (GH-3) seized along with, business records and computer. Employees suffered ~rom post-traumatic stress syndrome after having guns pointed at them. The FDA considers GH3 an "unapproved drug". Outcome: On 17 June 1994 a New Mexico jury acquitted SIess. The FDA could produce no documents indicating they had followed fegal administrative procedures to enable them to seize GH3. The Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA) handed out le.aflets to everyone entering the courthouse (including jurors) to inform them that they could vote their consciences about whether or not Siess was guilty.


Waco Natural Foods -

14 May 1993

Address: 1424 Lake Air Drive, Waco TX 76710 rhODe: (8]7) 772 5743 - Tom Wiggins The FDA was Reason: looking for deprenyl citrate, a non-toxic supplement. They entered the store with a search warrant wearing p~ain clothes. They searched for four hours and se.emed most ,interested in possible links to business in the Seattle area. Outcome: As soon as Mr Wiggins, the owner, told the FDA his attorney was a weB-known defender and prior d,istrict attorney in thc Waco area, they apologised for the raid and left with some documents. No charges were filed and the store hasn't been raided since.

International Nutr,ition Inc. ~24 June 1993 and 3 August 1993 Add'ress: PO Box 1644, Santa Theresa NM 88008 Phone: I 800 5356442 - G. S. Odin Reason: Alleged "misbranding" of "illegal drugs" led five FDA agents, a federal marshal and! a PR specialist to enter with video cameras (instead of guns) in an effort to prevent a public backlash. FDA seized US$I,OOO,OOO worthr of vitamin raw materials and products formulated by Dr Hans Nieper of Germany. Also seized were computers and business records. Outcome: INI has lost 80 per cent of its business since the raid and had to layoff 80 per cent of its workforce. No court date has been set. Raid:

Raid: 1I0spitai Santa Monica - 12 May 1993 Address: 738 Design Ct, Chula Vista CA 91909 Phone: (619) 662 30 I0 - Kurt Donsbach, Reason: Hospital Santa Monica is an alternative cancer hospital in Mexico that competes with mainstream hospitals in the US. NEXUS • 19


... They were accused of distributing "unapproved drugs". More than 50 federal agents with guns drawn raided the hospital ofrfice in San Diego, seizing a tractor trailer of business records, patient charts and computers. They also searched employees' homes and seized US$80,000 found in the owner's safe. Over US$300,000 was taken from the bank accounts of the hospital and two vitamin companies. Outcome: Friends kept the hospital afloat with cash gifts. The two vitamin companies were sold at a loss. Donsbach was forced into bankruptcy. No charges have been filed. Zerbo's Health Food Store - May 1993 Raid: Address: 34164 Plymouth Road, Livonia MI 48150 Reason: The alleged distribution by 78-yeaF-old Mr Zerbo of GH-3 to special customer,s. Anned US marshals and FDA agents cleaned off shelves of coenzyme Q-ffiO, selenium, camitine and GH-3. Mr Zerbo and his daughter Claire, who manages the store, were indicted on charges of "illegal drug trafficking". Outcome: Claire Zerbo wanted to fight her indictment, but chose not to do so Ibecause the FDA threatened her ageing, 78-year-old father who has Parkinson's disease, with seven years in prison. Because of her fear that her father would die in prison, they both pleaded guilty. Claire will likely receive three months' probation. Her father is unlikely to go to prison for more than four months. Raid: Life !Extension Services - 27 July 1994 Address: 1982 Honeygo Boulevard, #46, Baltimore MD 21236 Phone: (410) 9312044 - James Ryley Reason: College student james Ryley was helping Americans obtain unapproved drugs from overseas companies according to the FDA's Mail Importation Policy. At the time of the raid, he had fulfilled three orders. Armed FDA agents, Customs agents and state police swanned into his apartment with guns drawn at 9 am. They threw Ryley's roommate to the floor, Kicked in the bathroom door, made his girlfriend lie on the floor, and made Ryley ge~ out of bed naked. They handcuffed them, refused to let Ryley put on his clothes, and seized all the drugs in the apartmcnt, two computers, a fax machine and Ryley's two cars. Later, Ryley's girlfriend was allowed to go to work, bu.t he and his roommate were taken to a US Customs office where they were booked, fingerprinted and released hours [ater. Outcome: Neither Ryley nor his roommate (who had nothing to do with the 'business') have yet been indicted, but expect to be shortly.

---.. 20 • NEXUS

--.-.. FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

SOME HISTORIC EXAMPLES OF SUPPRESSION OF POTENTIAllY USEFVJ CANCER TREATMENTS IN THE USA ~-1. William Bradley Coley - Coley's Fluid Despite bhe findings of and research by New York City surgeon William Bradley Coley at the ,tum of the century that a vaccine comprised of Streptococcus and a bacillus brought 124 of 312 inoperable cancer patients into remission and vifluab cure, and despitc similar findings by London surgcon C. Mansell Moulin on the use of suc/1 a vaccine, the American Medical Association in 1906 vigorously moved against "Coley's fluid" by claiming it was unproven and dangerous in that its use could persuade patients Ito abandon surgery, the only accepted form of cancer therapy. Hundreds of responses to the Coley approach occurred despite the pressure of the American Medical Association against this method. (Results of a double-blind test on t/1e Coley substance at New York University, Bellevue, resulting in positive responses, led to pressure for the study's chief author to leave the hospitaL) In the 1970s the Coley vaccine was removed from the "unprovens" list of the American Cancer Society so that limited research could begin on it once again.

2. Tom Deaken -

Deaken Serum

Laboratory technician Tom Deaken developed' an anticancer serum in the early 20th century. Montana surgeDn J. M. Scott, noting many cancer remissjons in previously hopeless cancer patients, made sUpj)Ort of the Deaken serum a lifelong commitment. Scott rapidly discovered that no United States medical journals-already controlled by the American Medical Association-wou~d publish his succ.essful case histories, and it was not until 1926-and in an Irish medical journal-that he could get the Deaken serum cases published. The Deaken serum use was never supported in the USA, which by the mid-1920s had become enamoured of radiation therapy as an adjunct to surgery.

3. William F. Koch - Glyxoylide In the 1920s, William F. Koch, Professor of Physiology at Detroit Medical College, developed a catalystffree-radical-scavenger preparation-Glyxoylide-which provided hundreds of cases of cancer remissions. So great was support by a number of physicians for the Koch treatment that by 1921-23 the American Medical Association was vigorously lobbying againsn it. The Koch work continued through the 1930s and 1940s with major research and use of this modality occurring in Canada, whose Ontario Cancer Commission in 1939 and 1940 provided objective forums to indicate Glyxoylide efficacy. Dr Koch worked in Mexico and Brazil in 1940-41, using Glyxoylide against other diseases including mental conditions. Dr Koch was arrested in Florida in 1942 on a charge of false labelling, an area district attorney noting that his bail of $10,000 was set that high in order to keep him from returning to Brazil to finish research work. Despite thousands of case histories in support of Glyxoylide, Dr Koch was subjected to Food and Drug Administration trials in 1942 and 1946 which resulted in a permanent injunction against the treatment in 1950. Dr Koch's therapy is now regarded as a precursor of free-radical pathology treatments, and hundreds more American patients have responded in whole or part to Glyxoylide, and to a cousin of the compound, Rodaquin, available in Mexico. In this decade, Americans seeking this form of therapy usually go to Mexico. FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

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4. Max Gerson -

Gerson Therapy

German-born physician Max Gerson, M.D., in the 1930s pioneered the general dietary and detoxification approaches to cancer in his native country and in the United States. As early as 1946, patients responding to the Gerson dietary, detoxification and natural substances program appeared before a US congressional committee. The American Cancer Society argued that food had no effect on cancer, and the American Medical Association-controlled New York County Medical Society suspended Dr Gerson. The Gerson therapy continued 'underground' in the USA as well as in Mexico, with many of Dr Gerson's original dietary recommendations now loosely accepted by US medical orthodoxy even while the therapy itself continues to be suppressed as quackery.

5. John Hoxsey, Harry Hoxsey - Hoxsey Method From the 1920s through the 1940s, thousands of Americans were successfully treated for many forms of cancer with the herbal preparations originally developed in the 19th century by John Hoxsey, and promoted in the USA by Harry Hoxsey, a naturopath. Because of early support by several doctors of the Hoxsey' method, and also because Hoxsey refused to turn over the herbal formulations to another doctor, American medical of,ficials began a lengthy persecution of Hoxscy ~n Illinois, Pennsylvania and Texas, all of which at one time or another had Hoxsey clinics to which thousands of Americans ItUrned for at least partial remedies. A federal investigation of the Hoxsey method led to the determination by a US Senate investigation committee attorney, Benedict F. Fitzgerald, that, first: ".. .it appears that as early as 1924 the Hoxsey method of treating cancer was considered so effective by a fOI'ffier president of a medical association that he personally presented its sponsor with a written proposal which ... provided for the rel[n'iluishment of valuable property Fights in the Hoxsey method and medicines and formulas to this same official. The evidence indicates that when the proposition was spurned, Hoxsey was advised to sign and accept the proposal or face ruination." And, later, that: "... the record in the Federal Court discloses that this agency of the Federal


24 • NEXUS

Government (the National Cancer Institute) took sides and sought in every way to hinder, suppress and restrict this institution in their treatment of cancer." In 1953, Fitzgerald, retaine~ as general counsel by the US Senate to investigate cancer clinics, reported of the by-then running battle between the American Medical Association and Hoxsey this way: "A running fight has been going on between officials, especially Dr Morris FishbeFn of the American Medical Association through the Journal of that organisation, and the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic. Dr Fishbein contended that the medicines employed by the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic had no therapeutic value; that it was mn by a quack an~ a charlatan. ('J1his clinic is manned by a staff of over

pathologists, radiologists, physicians, surgeons and scores of witnesses, a great number of whom mad neveF been treated by any physician or slIrgeon except the treatment received at the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic, concluded that Dr Fishbein was wrong, that his published statements were false, and that the Hoxsey method of Itreating cancer did have Itherapeutic value." Despite these findings, and Hoxsey's triumph over the AMA's Fishbein in a libel suit, the Hoxsey method was ground out of existence in the USA and also vigorously opposed by the American Cancer Society. Patients now seeking this fow of therapy are forced to go to Mexico to procure it. -~

6. Steven Durovic -


. In 1949, Yugoslav physician Steven Durovic interested Dr Andrew C. Ivy, Vice-President of the University of Illinois and Professor of Physiology, in the experimental use of an animal blood serum-derived substance called Krebiozen. Dr Ivy found the substance of use in terminal cancer patients and went on to develop and use it as a major anti-cancer medicine, one which reportedly was sought by two major drug companies whose takeover offers were spurned. Despite some 20,000 cases attesting to Krebiozen's usefulness, including the 530 assessed by special invesFitzgerald, the US .<,., ... >.....» < , • . ~ ' ~ I tigator .. .. .. ..... . . . Government, equipped with a newly amended Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, took Dr Ivy to court in 1964. While thirty employees, including nurses and Dr Ivy was cleared of all the counts against physicians.) Reprints and! circulation of him in an expensi ve, 289-day showcase several million copies SQ prepared resulted in litigation. The Government thereafter trial, the negative publicity accorded intervened andl sought an injunction to preKrebiozen virtually ended its research in the USA. vent the transmission in interstate comIt did, however, help bring to federal tesmerce of certain rn.edicines. It is interesting to note that in the trial court, [before timony recorded assessments of the conJudge Atwell who had an opportunity to spiracy against cancer therapies developed outside the pale of US orthodoxy. hear the witnesses in two different trials, it was held that the so-called Hoxsey method of treating cancer was in some respect 8. Stanislaw Burzynski Antineoplaston Peptides superior to that of X-ray, radium and! surgery, and did have therapeutic value. In the 1910s, immigrant Polish physician Stanislaw Burzynski in Houston, "The Circuit Court of Appeals of the 5th Circuit decided otherwise. This decision Texas, was denied further research funding was handed down during the trial of a libeL by the National Cancer Institute and suit in the District Court of Dallas, Texas, opposed for a research gran t by Ithe American Cancer Society after demonby lIoxsey against Morris Fishbein, who admitted that he had never practised medistrating that his antineoplaston peptidesnatural substances-produced positive cine one day in this Uife, in a verdict for responses in 86 per cent of advanced canHoxsey and against Morris Fishbein. The cer patients, and ! 9 per cent total remisdefense admitted that Hoxsey could cure sions. external cancer but contended that his He also fell under area investigation by medicines for internal cancer had no therapeutic vallIe. American Medical Association-controlled medicallboards. "The jury, after listening to leading



9. lawrence Burto.n ~ Immunoaugmentative Therapy In 1977, zoologist Lawrence Burton in Long lsland claimed that 90 hopeless cancer patients of the 150 he had treated with an immunity-stimulating serum developed during the foregoing three years were alive because of his therapy, and that cancer had been arrested in 100 per cen t of laboratory mice witb the same approach. As Burton continued 'to develop and expand the "imml\noaugmentative therapy" (IAT), the .Food and Drug Administration, which had allowed his earlier research, baulked. 'Dr Burton Withdrew to the Bahamas, where hundreds of Americans and other patients have reported minor to major responses to this form of treatment wilich remains officially blackbailled in the United States.

10. Herbal Anticancer Remedies Despite more than <l! century of anecdotal evidence for the use of herbs in cancer, and despite the fact that as latc as 1960 the National Cancer Institute had catalogued infonnation on the anticancer properties of 39 useful herbs, such utilisation remains vigorously suppressed in the USA. The development of the herb-based Essiac medicine in Canada has not been allowed, the research work on the Ferguson compounds was halted, and such American pilysicians as Daniell Clark, M.D., florida, have had tileir licenses removed and/or been in other forms of regulatory difficulty because of the application of herbal poultices on tumours. The anticancer properties of the tajibo or pau d'arco tree, demonstrated in Brazil and Argentina, are not admitted in Ithe USA Chaparral tea, a long-recognised folklore remedy in cancer, was found in university research work to contain an active anticancer ingredient, nordihydroguaiarctic acid (NDGA), yet it

remains teChnically illega~ to prescribe this tea for cancer therapy. Even though such herbs as chaparral, blood root, red clover, burdock, echinacea, golden sea] and comfrey are known to have anticancer properties, their use as anticancer medicines is not allowed, and persons who have put together mix.tures of these herbs and marketed them fOF anticancer use have been prosecuted.

11. linus ,Pauling - Vitamin C In the 1970s, the National Cancer Institute consistently refused to provide two-time Nobel laureate Linus Pauling with funds to continue to study vitamin C as a possible anticancer substance, despite impressive evidence both in the USA and abroad of vitamin C efficacy in at least extending the ,Jives of cancer patients. . When funds were finally allocated in 1978, the effort was to provide a clinical tes~ in which patients previously treated with immune system-depressing chcmotherapy were said not to have responded to vitamin C therapy. As late as the 1980s, the u'Se of vitamin C as an anticancer age,nt was causing regulatory problems for doctors who engaged'in such use.

12. Joseph Gold - Hydrazine Sulphate The theory and use of hydrazine sulphate in cancer developed in the United States through the work of Dr Joseph Gold, Syracuse Cancer Research Institute. Yet it has been regarded as "unproven", even though research in the Soviet Union increasingly indicates usefulness for this substance. 00




1"V¡"'\I ",..... 1 I



NE:XUS • 25


-----ashington, DC, 2 March 1994 - The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) operated by Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT) says that a new Institute of Medicine (10M) report on the association between DPT vaccine and permanent brain damage confirms that the vaccine can cause children to suffer acute brain inflammation which sometimes leads to death or permanent neurological damage. The parent-consumer activist group also charges that they have obtained evidence through the Freedom of IInformation Act that the Depar~ment of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is famng to properly monitor reports of death and injuries following vaccination and that doctors arou~ the country are failing to report to DHHS deaths and injuries which occur after vaccination. In a year-long investigation of the Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting System (VA'ERS) operated by the Food and Drug Administration, NVICIDPT analysed VAHRS computer discs used by the FDA to store data on reports of deaths and injuries following DPT vaccination. A total of 54,0(']2 reports of adverse events following vaccination were listed in a 39-month period! from July 1990 to November 1993 with 12,504 reports being associated with DPT vaccine, including 471 deaths. A wide variation in the numbers of reports associated with different lots of DPT vaccine were discovered, with some lots listing many more deaths and injuries than others. In one DPT vaccine lot, there were 129 adverse events and nine deaths reported between September 1992 and September 1993. Most adverse events occurred within a few days of vaccination and many reports also contained descriptions of classic pertussis vaccine reaction symptoms. This particu¡lar lot met the FDA's criteria for triggering an "investigation" (i.e., report of one death or two serious injuries, within a seven-day period) 11 times within a 12-month period. "There are some lots of vaccine which are associated with many more deaths and injuries than other lots. These lots are often referred to as 'hot lots'. Even though the FDA's criteria for an investigation were triggered 11 times within a 12-month period on just one of the many lots we looked at, we know for a fact the lot was never [iecalled. The FDA has not recalled a suspicious lot of DPT vaccine because of high numbers of deaths and injuries associated with it for at least 15 years," said Kathi Williams, NVIClDPT Cofounder and Acting Director. "That is because the position of those who operate VAERS is that the DPT vaccine does not cause death or injury. So the death and injury reports are ignored. It is a shocking example of how little we know about the true extent of vaccineassociated injuries and deaths." The NVICIDPT investigation was featured on the 2nd March 1994 NBC News "Now with Torn Brokaw and Katie Couric" show. At the end of February 1994, NVICIDPT



NEXUS • 27

also conducted a survey of 159 doctors' offices in seven states, including Arkansas, California, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, New York, and Texas. When asked the question, "In case of an adverse event after vaccination, does the doctor report it and, if yes, to whom?", only 28 out of 159, or 18 per cent said they make a report to the FDA, CDC or state health department. In New York, only one out of 40 doctors' offices confirmed that they report a death or injury following vaccination. "This shameful record of gross underreporting of adverse events following vaccination by doctors around the country coupled with the shameful cover-up of vaccine-associated deaths and injuries by the federal government is an example of why more and more parents are losing faith in the mass vaccination system. Many times our organisation must help parents report their children's vaccineassociated death or injury because their doctor refuses to make a report," said Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC/DPT Co-founder and President. "Parents are legally required to vaccinate their children. Doctors should be forccd to live up to their legal duty to report, and DIffiS should be forced to live up to its responsibility to seriously investigate every vaccine-associated death and injury and, especially, to identify and recall lots of DPT vaccine associated with high numbers of deaths and injuries." In November 1991, while Fisher was a member of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee operated by the DHHS, she presented the Committee with a detailed summary of the stories of 90 families who had reported vaccine-associated deaths and injuries to NVIClDPT. Most of the 90 families with children or grandchildren who had suffered deaths and injuries following DPT vaccination, said that their doctors refused to make a vaccine adverse event report to the DHHS. NVICIDPT had to help the families make the report to DHHS. Upon analysis of the VAERS computer discs, NVIClDPT discovered that some of the deaths and injuries which NVICIDPT had helped families report to DHHS were either (I) never recorded in the VAERS computer system, or (2) recorded but the information was inaccurate, or (3) not adequately followed up. The 10M recently released a report that stated: "The committee concludes that the balance of evidence is consistent with a causal relation between DPT and the forms of chronic nervous system dysfunction described in the NCES in those children who experience a serious, acute neurologic illness within seven days after receiving DPT vaccine." NVICIDPT has maintained for more than a decade that children can suffer permanent damage and die after suffering a neurological complication following DPT vaccination, and has always cited the validity of the data from the British National Childhood Encephalopathy Study (NCES) which was published in the early 1980s and upheld by 10M in their newest report. The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) operated by 28 • NEXUS

Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT) is a national, non-profit organisation located in Vienna, Virginia, USA. Founded in 1982, NVIClDPT represents parents and health care professionals concerned about childhood diseases and vaccines and is dedicated to preventing vaccine deaths and injuries through education, and working to obtain the right of all citizens to make informed, independent vaccination decisions. In the mid-1980s DPT worked with Congress, physician organisations, DHHS and vaccine manufacturers to create the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which set up the nation's first vaccine injury compensation program and also mandated that doctors give parents information on vaccine benefits and risks, record vaccine lot numbers, and record and report to DHHS deaths and injuries following vaccinations. • National Vaccine Information Center, 512 W. Maple Avenue, Suite 206, Vienna, Virginia 22180, USA. Ph: (703) 938 0342.

___----4This appalling situation would not be unique, of course, to the United States alone, but is very similar in Australia as in all other countries that have allowed health matters to succumb to the Drug Trust. Therefore, as in the USA, the Australian health authorities, regulatory bodies and physician organisations are doing their utmost to keep the public in the dark about the true extent of deaths and injuries caused by vaccinations. Incredibly, after decades of mass vaccinations in Australia, reporting of adverse reactions caused by vaccinations is not even compulsory in this country, except for the state of New South Wales where it was only made compulsory in 1991 because of strong pressure created by the Immunisation Investigation Group (IIG), an ~stralian counterpart of NVICIDPT. Moreover, the reporting system in this country (not excluding NSW) suffers from the same ill fate as in the United States. Most doctors are reluctant to admit that his or her injection had caused a death or injury-let alone actually report it to the Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee (the official federal government body responsible for the monitoring of adverse effects of drugs and vaccines) or to his/her state health department-and health officials are fobbing off most cases of vaccine-related deaths and injuries as due to other causes. For example, they're falsely claiming that in most cases the victims would have had certain underlying problems that coincidentally were triggered during or near the time of inoculation and would have occurred irrespective of the shot. Vaccine-related SillS is a typical case. Our view that there is a lack of reporting in this country was reaffirmed during a recent phone conversation with a disillusioned ADRAC official who said, "There is a severe problem of underreporting because most doctors don't bother reporting adverse reactions," or words to that effect. Because of the inaction by Australia's health officials, IIG has launched its own registcr of vaccine-related deaths and injuries. If you or your child's vaccination has caused any adverse reaction or has failed to protect against the targeted disease, write to: • Immunisation Investigation Group PO Box 900, Katoomba, NSW 2780, Australia. For further information on vaccine reactions in the UK, write to: • Association of Parents of Vaccine-Damaged Children 2 Church St, Shipston-on-Stow, Warwickshire, CV36 4AP, UK. FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

eventeen years ago, the first edition of Dope, Inc. was released. commissione.d. by anti-drug American state.sman Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr, it was the first book to reveal that the illegal drug cartel was becoming the world's biggest busines's; to name the causes of the war 'Dope, Inc.' has waged against every nation in the world; and to reveal the names of the 'untouchable' figures who protect it, including the European monarchs, whom our HoHywood media have sold to the public as veritable deities. Even before the first copies of tbe first edition of Dope, lnc.-Britain's Opium War Against the United States, rolled off the press in December 1978, leaders of the narcotics enterprise were busy trying to stop LaRouche. Beginning in summer 1978, the AotiDefamation League (ADL) launched a multimillion-dollar campaign to label LaRoudle and his political associates as "anti-Semites" for daring to expose the involvement of gangsters like Meyer Lansky and Zionist lobby leaders like Edgar Bronfman and Max Fisher in the dope business. LaRouche also identified the powerful !British Crown bankers as partners in the dope trade, along with the Jewish crime syndicate. The ADL's 'anti-Semitic' smear against LaRouche was pure 'big lie' terrorism in the tradition of Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. Everyone who bothered to look into the matter knew that LaRouche's political caree.r had been built around his discoveries in physical economy, and that by 1978 he had written hundreds of articles and se.veral books exposing the fascist economic austerity policies behind the Nazi holocaust which killcd millions of Jews and other victims. The ADL's bizarre slanders promptcd EIR's investigators to scrutinise the history of the supposed 'Jewish civil rights' organisation. The probe turned up a 70-year l~acy of intimate ADL tics with Jewish gangsters, from Meyer Lansky and his 'Our Crowd' sponsor Arnold Rothstein, to more contcmporary Dope, Inc. fig.ures such as Max Fisher, Edgar BronEman, Edmond Safra, Meshulam Riklis, the ADL's own national chairman, Kenneth Bialkin, and the lawyer for the Medellin Cartel's 'American connecti.on', Robert Vesco. We also discovered that much of the ADL's financial backing carnes from le.ading families of the Anglo-American establishment, whose fortunes tracc back to the British banks and trading companies that ran the opium clipper ships in and out of China in the last century. To this day, the ADL holds the key to the corruption of the American political andi judicial system, a cQrruption that was bought and paid for by the proceeds of the intcrnational dope trade. Lyndon laRouche was railroaded to prison on a train built by drug money and stoked by government officials and private agencies on the pad of Dope, Inc. By the summer of 1982, the ADL was joined in its 'Get LaRouche' efforts by Henry A. Kissinger, former Secretary of State and recipient of the ADL's Man of the Year award. Kissinger launched a vendetta to get the federal government to shut dowp the LaRouche movement. The case of LaRouche associate, Lewis du Pont Smith, illustrates the desperation of the efforts by Kissinger and the 'Get LaRouche' task force to stop thle LaRouche movement's organising of a national war on dr-ugs. An heir to the du Pont family industrial fortune, Smith contributed US$2l2,OOO to the LaRouche movement in 1985, the bulk of it for the publication of the second edition of this book. Within months, Smith's parents-advised by none other than Kissinger-had secured a judgment in the Chester County, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, depriving their son of control of his ,inheritance and suspending his Ibasic human rights-such as the right to sign c0ntracts and be married-<1n the grounds that Smith was "mentally incomp.etent". Smith's is the first case in American history in which an individuaJ has been declared incompetent by the courts on the basis of political affiliation.


A glimpse of

what goes on behind the scenes in the global illegal drug trade ... ... and what happened when Lyndon LaRouche tried to expose the truth.


NEXUS • 31

Kissinger: A British Agent of Influence Although Kissinger has been historically a close ally of the most rabid factions inside Israel and within the Zionist establishment in the United States, his primary allegiance throughout his political career has been to the British Crown and its intelligence and financial tentacles. On 10 May 1982, addressing a celebration at the Royal Institute for International Affairs at Chatham House in London, Kissinger boasted that throughout his career in the Nixon and Ford administrations, he had always been closer to the British Foreign Office than to his American coJleagues, and had taken all his major policy leads from London. Kissinger set up the international 'consulting firm' Kissinger Associates, in partnership with Britain'S Peter Lord Carrington, shortly after he delivered that Chatham House lecture. Chatham House is a successor to the old British East India Company, and serves as the think-tank and foreign intelligence arm of the British Crown. The roots of Chatham House are to be found in Britain's nineteenth-century Opium WaF policy. Kissinger is no stranger to the world of international dope trafficking. The 1978 edition of Dope, Inc. told how Kissinger played a pivotal role in covering up the involvement of the People's Republic of China in the South East Asian Golden Triangle heroin trade in the early 1970s when he was shuttling between Washington and Beijing playing the 'China card'. Tens of thousands of American GIs who became addicted to drugs in South East Asia during the Vietnam War should hold Kissinger at least partially responsible for their habits. Later, during the 1980s, through Kissinger Associates, Hcnry became a business partner of some of the same Chinese opium lords he protected from American drug enforcement for over a decade. Kissinger was furious that laRouche and his associates widely circulated the official tcxt of his Chatham House speech to document that Kissinger was a loyal asset of the British Crown. He went head-to-head with LaRouche over Reagan administration policy. By 1982, aJ major battle had broken out within the administration over the emerging lbero-American debt crisis, a crisis of which LaRouche had been warning senior White House officials for months. A con~rontation evolved between LaRouche and Kissinger over whether Washington would negotiate an equitable solution to the debt crisis, on a government-to-government basis, or back International Monetary Fund policies aimed ' at further looting our hemispheric neighbours. Kissinger's own efforts, aided by the ADL's so-called Civil Rights Division, were augmented in January 1983 by a Kissingersolicited intervention on the part of several members of President Ronald Reagan's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, led by Edward Bennett Williams, David Abshire and Leo Cherne. The PFIAB members demanded that the FBI launch an international in vestjgation of Lyndon LaRouche, in effect claiming that LaRouche's expose of Kissinger's record of selling out the United States to British, Soviet and Dope, Inc. interests was somehow "subversive". Government documents catalogue the role of Kissinger's PFIAB cronies. A memorandum from Webster to his chief deputy, Oliver Revell, dated 12 January 1983, stated in part: u

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"At the PFIAB meeting today, I[name redacted] raised the subject of the activities of the US Labor Party and Lyndon laRouche. He noted that he and a number of other Americans in public life had been the subject of repeated harassment by LaRouche and wondered whether the FBI had a basis for investigating these activities under the guidelines or otherwise. A number of members present, including Edward Bennett Williams, raised the question of the sources for these US Labor Party activities. In view.of the large amounts obviously being cxpended worldwide, the question was raised whether the US Labor Party might be funded by hostile intelligence agcncies." (Emphasis added.) The PFIAB ,inquiry led in early 1983 to the opening of a formal FE] investigation into Lyndon LaRouche and his associates. That inquiry provided the legal cover for an all-out offensive to drive laRouche and his associates out of business and into prison. The "guidelines" under which the unconstitutional 'Get LaRouche' campaign was conducted, were contained in a little-known White House document, Executive Order 12333, signed by President Reagan in December 19EL EO 12333 gave the FBI and US intelligence agencies a broad mandate to spy on and conduct covert actions against American citizens deemed to be opponents of the incumbent administration. EO 12333 also allowed these agencies to use private citizens as their agents in carrying out these operations. At tbis point, the ADL became an integral component of the government's 'Get LaRouche' task force. The ADL and Kissinger found their most willing collaborators inside the Reagan-Bush administration among the spooks and White House staffers involved in the illegal, secret Iran-Contra program. Once again, the pawprints of Dope, Inc. were everywhere. LaRouche Objects to Contra Policy In the first years of the Reagan administration, LaRouche had collaborated with several senior administration officials in the development of the Strategic Defense Initiative and other national security policies. During the 1982-83 period, LaRouche and his colleagues had been quietly approached and asked Ito also cooperate with the administration's effort to support the Contra guerrillas fighting to overthrow the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua. LaRouche warned the Reagan administration that the Contras were a wholly owned asset of international gunand drug-trafficking organisations and that the entire anti-Sandinista program-and the Reagan administration's widely publicised anti-drug efforts along with it-were doomed to disaster if the administration went ahead with its Contra support program. As an alternative plan of action, LaRouch.e proposed that the administration focus its Central American efforts on an all-out war on drugs Which would, among other things, expose Soviet, Cuban and Sandinista involvement in the dope trade. By this time, with pressure from Wall Street and the Zionist lobby, Henry Kissinger hadl been named to head up the Rcagan administration's BIue Ribbon Commission on Central American Policy. A one-time paid employee of the ADL, Carl Gershman, had been named as the chief of the administration's National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a covert operations funding agency housed in the State Department's US Information Agency. The NED was at the centre of the secret support for the Contras. FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

For Kissinger and the ADL-Ied NED, dea'iing with cocaine traffickers was no problem. But LaRouche's public expose of leading drug traffickers on the government payroll was a problem. A May 1986 memo from White House Iran-Contra operator Gen. Richard Secord to Nationa~ Security Council staffer Oliver North confirms that the Contra support apparatus-what Sen. David Boren (D-Oklahoma) labelled the "secret, parallel government"-was gathering "information against LaRouche". By the spring of 1986, following dramatic electoral victories in the statewide Illinois Democratic Party primary by two LaRouchebacked candidates for lieutenant governor and secretary of state, the 'Get LaRouche' forces inside the government had built up momentum, especially inside the deeply corrupted Department of Justice and the FBI. Two of the most zealous of the Justice Department 'Get LaRouche' activists were William Weld and Arnold Burns. Weld was the US attorney in Boston who led the federal government's pioneering strike-force against LaRouche. He became head of the Department of Justice Criminal Division in September 1986, the number-two position at the DoL Now Governor of Massachusetts, Weld is the scion of a prominent blue-blood family that made its fortune in the China opium trade. Arnold Burns, the Deputy Attorney General, was a director of the ADL's Sterling National Bank, an outfit founded by mob cronies of Meyer Lansky and implicated in hot-money dealings in the United States, Italy and Israel. Burns himself was nearly indicted in a money-laundering scheme run by Israel's secret service, the Mossad. It would later emerge that Burns' partners in that scheme were part of the Jonathan Jay Pollard Israeli-Soviet espionage ring. In October 1986, an army of over 400 federal and state police, accompanied by helicopters, fixed-wing planes and an armoured personnel carrier, conducted a raid against the offices of several LaRouche-associated publications in Leesburg, Virginia. This was the largest domestic paramilitary action by the federal government since the urban and student riots of the late 1960s and early I970s. The purpose was simply to execute . two search warrants and make four arrests of people who had no crimina~ records! Over the nex~ several years, LaRouche and dozens of associates were arrested and put on trial. A prosecution of LaRouche and a dozen co-defendants in a Boston federal court ended in a mistrial on 4 May 11988. The Boston jury had heard 92 days of testimony from government wimesses. The defence never got to present its case. However, the jurors, according to press accounts, were so angry at the government's behaviour tha~ when they polled themselves after they had been dismissed by the judge, they voted LaRouche and the others "not guilty" on all 125 counts, One juror told the Boston Herald on 5 May 1988 that he and his colleagues were convinced the government had committed crimes against LaRouche. LaRouche told the press that he had been defrauded of a verdict of "innocent". Six months later, the Justice Department re-indicted LaRouche in an Alexandria, Virginia federal district court on nearly identical charges. The judge and the jury were rigged. The jury foreman, a Department of Agriculture official named Buster Horton, had been a member of a secret government task force that also included FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

Oliver North. The judge, Albert V. Bryan, Jr, had been a business partner of the CIA's biggest secret arms dealer, Sam Cummings. In that federal trial and at subsequent state trials in Virginia, leading officials of the ADL operated as de facto members of the government's prosecution team. In one telling incident, the ADL was caught attempting to bribe a Commonwealth of Virginia tr,ial judge with a 'promise of a state Supreme Court post in return for throwing the book at the LaRouche defendants. On 27 January 1989, just days after George Bush was inaugurated as President, LaRouche was deprived of bail, pending appeal, and thrown in federal prison, along with six colleagues. LaRouche was sentenced to 15 years in prison~a life sentcnce for a man already in his mid-60s. Bush added his imprimatur to t~ jailing by refusing to release thousands of pages of exculpatory evidence under the control of the White House. Of all his political adversaries and critics, Lyndon LaRouche was the one maO! whom George Bush desperately wanted out of the way. -'" But the jailing of LaRouche and some of his closest colleagues was not enough to satisfy the Dope, Inc. crowd. Two LaRouchelinked publications, New Solidarity, a twice-weekly newspaper with over 100,000 subscribers, and Fusion, a science magazine with over 114,ObO subscribers, wcrc seized by the government on 21 April 1987 and shut down in an action that federal courts after the fact declared to have been illegal. Federal Bankruptcy Court Judge Martin V. B. Bostetter wrote in his 25 October 1989 decision, which was uph.eld on appeal, that the governmen~ action had been in "bad faith" and that the government had committed a "constructive fraud upon the cour~".

hen Lyndon LaRouche first warned senior Reagan administration officials about the drug cartel links of the Nicaraguan Contras, it was not yet publicly known that the US government was selling dope to American children to fund the secret Contra war in Nicaragua (even at the same time that some well-meaning government officials thought they were genuinely fighting drugs). Within days of the Leesburg raid, the first details of the IranContra scandal surfaced following the crash of an American supply plane over Nicaraguan territory and the arrest of Eugene Hasenfus, a member of the crew. In the months following the Hasenfus capture, more and more pieces of the secret government corruption came out. The case of Lt. Col. Oliver North is one good example of this corruption, especially because so much media attention has been directed toward building up the image of the Marine-turned-White House superspy as a model of American patriotism, Evidence made public during the congressional Iran-Contra hearings, through federal and state court cases and international criminal prosecutions, reveals that Oliver North was in the middle of Cl! major international arms-for-drugs tratncking operation which was run out of his National Security Council office at the Old Executive Office building next door to the White House, Colonel North was the day-to-day operations officer for the Contra Ifesupply program. But it was Vice-President George Bush, the fbrmer CIA Director, who was formally in charge of the entire Reagan administration Central America covert operations


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program. Under National Security Decision Directive 3, signed by Ronald Reagan in May 1982, Bush was pfaced in charge of two little-known White House secret committees: the Special Situation Group (SSG) and the Crisis Pre-PPanning Group (CPPG). Oliver North was the secretary of the CPPG, and it was in this capacity that he ran the Central America spook showunder George Bush. North's personal notebooks, which catalogued most of his meetings, telephone calls and personal observations during his White House days, betray the fact that he was well aware that the Contras were being heavily financed by Miami-based cocaine traffickers. For example, a 26 March 1985 handwritten entry in North's notebook read: "Rafael Quintero-Secord's Agent should be on shore when arrivals occur-as liaison wI APLICANO... Quintero... " Several days later, on 3 April, a sequel note read: "0600-RAFAEL QUINTERO-(captured)-known narcotics trafficker-Enrique Camarena...". Camarena was a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent in Guadalajara, Mexico, who was kidnapped and ltmtured to death in February 1985. In 1990, Juan Ram6n Matta Ballesteros, a Honduran national who helped set up Colombi.a-n cocaine routes through Mexico, was convicted along with several other men in federal court in Los Angeles of conspiracy to kidnap and murder Camarena. At the time of the Camarena affair, Matta Ballesteros was the owner of a Honduran charter airline, SETCO Air, which was paid over a half-million dollars by the US State Department to airlift 'humanitarian aid' to the Contras in a program run by Oliver North from the White House. Other funds, drawn directly from secret North-Secord bank accounts in Switzerland, were also funnelled into SETCOAir. Worse, according to a report published in the Washington Post on 5 July 1990, a ranch near Veracruz, Mexico, owned by Rafael Caro Quintero, the mastermind of the Camarena torture-murder and the head of the Mexican drug mafia, was used by the CIA to train Central American guerrillas as yen another feature of the North-White House effort. According to DEA informant Laurence Victor Harrison, the CIA used Mexico's Federa~1 Security Directorate (DFS) "as a cover in the event any questions were raised as to who was running the training operation. Representatives of the DFS, which was the front for the training camp, were in fact acting in consort with major drug overlords to ensure a flow of narcotics through Mexico into the United States." Another North notebook entry on 9 August 1985 removes any shadow of a doubt that Oliver North was fully aware of the Contra-cocaine connection: "Honduran DC-6 which is being usen for runs out of New Orleans is probably being used for drug runs into US." The Honduran plane referenced by North was owned by Matta Ballesteros. North and company were aware of the cocaine connection even earlier, according to other government records. On 26 September 1984, the Miami Police Department provided FBI Special Agent George Kiszynski with an investigative report identifying a network of Miami oocaine traffickers which was pouring money into the Contras' oeffers. Within days of the report being turned over to Kiszynski, according to congressional testimony, it had been passed on to Oliver Revell, a key player in the 'Get LaRouche' effort and North's FBI liaison for the White House Central America program. 34 • NEXUS

That Miami Police Department document stated in unambiguous terms: "Frank Castro is a close associate of an individual by the name of Francisco Chanes... Chanes is a narcotics trafficker. ...Chanes was giving financial supporn to anti-Castro groups and the Nicaraguan Contra guerrillas; the monies come from narcotic transactions. ...Frank Castro contacted Mr Coutin to give the Legion Cubana finandal support to fight the Nicaraguan Sandinista Marxjst government...the financial support was from drug monies." White House Ties to Terrorists North's collusion with dope peddlers was not limited to Central America. III the spring of 1986. according to the congressional Iran-Contra investigation, North, then-National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane and other administration officials opened a socalled "second channel" to secretly negotiate the arms-forhostages swap with the Lebanese-based terrorists holding American hostages. Than second channel was a Syrian national named Mansur AI-Kassar. A welt-known international heroin. hashish and cocaine smuggler. AI-Kassar was also implicated in a string of terrorist attacks and kidnappings in the Middle East, induding the ,infamous Achille Lauro cruise ship hijacking in which an American citizen, Leon Klinghoffer. was killed. AIKassar provided arms to the Palestine Liberation Front, the group responsible for the Achille Lauro attack, and for years ran a mercenary kidnapping ring inside Lebanon with Abul Abbas, head of the PLF. AI-Kassar also sold Soviet.made weapons to the Black September group of Abu Nidal and to the Syrian-sponsored Popular Front for the Liberat,ion of Palestine-General Command of Ahmed Jibril. A1t-Kassar was a black market partner of Syria's Vice-President Rifaat alAssad, the brother of President Hafez aI-Assad. [n 1986, Spanish authorities obtained photographs of AI-Kassar and Riofaat ai-Assad meeting in the city of Marbella with Medellin Cartel boss Pablo Escobar Gaviria. The purpose of the meeting was to establish expanded cocaine-trafficking operations in continental Europe. AI-Kassar, throughout this p-eriod, was identified in CIA files as an agent of the Soviet KGB who had been a leading smuggler of Soviet bloc arms into the West. None of this dissuaded North and company from bringing AIKassar into lthe White House 'Enterprise'. He never succeeded in winning the freedom of any of the hostages, but he did become one of the suppliers of Soviet bloc weapons to Ithe Contras.. In 1986, one transaction alone netted AI-Kassar US$1.5 million in payments from the North-Secord Lake Resources Swiss bank accounts. In return for these favours, AI-~assar's drug-running and terrorist activities were protected by the National Security Council. This protection continued long after the Iran-Contra scandal had blown up in the faces of North, Secord, CIA director William Casey, et al. And, according to one report. AI-Kassar's cozy t-ies to the White House may have led to the deaths of 270 people. On 21 December 1988, just weeks before George Bush's inauguration as President, a bomb exploded aboard iPan American World Airways Flight 103 above Lockerbie, Scotland. Some 259 passengers and crew aboard the plane, and II people on the ground, were killed. It is still not known exactly how the bomb was placed on board FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

the airplane. The full story may never come out. Attorneys and ,investigators for the airline, as well as US Rep. James Traflcant (D-Ohio), have suggested that Mansur AI-Kassar may have been involved. Allegedly, heroin smugglers in his employ at Frankfur~ International Airport in Germany placed the bomb on board Flight 103, and AI-Kassar's ll1en were protected by CIA personnel in Frankfurt as par.t of the hostage release deal and other features of the new 'Syrian-American rapprochement'. According to syndicated columnist Jack Anderson, in April 1989 President Bush conferred with Britilsh Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and the two ordered British and American intelligence bO cover up AI-Kassar's alleged involvement in the Lockerbie bombing. Whether Anderson's charges are trl1e or not, the truth about the Lockerbie massacre has been completely covered up, as has the role of Syria in the flourishing multibillion-dollar Middle East heroin and hashish trad'e. One reason for the cover-up is that the use of Middle Eastern dope-smuggling networks was as pervasi ve a feature of the Reagan-Bush era Iran-Contra misdeeds as was the hiring of Colombian cocaine cartcl pilots and money launderers to supp~y the Contras. In fact, the Colombian and Middle Eastem dope connections have one recurring common denominator: a very prominent Israeli component. During the very month-April 1989-that President Bush and Prime Minister Thatcher were allegedly ordering a cover-up of the Pan Am 103 bombing, a DEA and US Customs Service report was covered in the media alleging that New York's Republic National Bank was serving as a money-laundering facility for Middle East and Ibero-Amcrican narcotics trafficking organisations. Republic National Bank is owned by Edmond Safra, a prominent Jewish banker of Lebanese descent whose worldwide banking operations extend from Aleppo, Syria, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to midtown Manhattan. According to a 13-page memo written by DEA agents in Berne, Switzerland, and dated 3 January 1989, Safra and Republic National Bank were implicated in a Swiss-centred drug moneylaundering network run out of the Zurich-based Shakarchi Trading Co. US investigators linked Shakarchi to a heroin-smuggling ring that enjoyed the cooperation of the Bulgarian secret police and the state-owned export-import agency, Globus (formerly called Kintex). An earlier DEA report had implicated Kintex's director in the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II by Mehmet Ali Agca in May 1981. Kintex was identified as the hub of the 'Bulgarian connection' international drug smuggling network. We provide an inside look at this Soviet-Bulgarian dope ring in a chapter that follows. For now, it is sufficient to note the following: According to the January 1989 DEA memo, "The Shakarchi Trading Company of Zurich, Switzerland, operates as a currency exchange company and is utilised by some of the world's largest drug-trafficking organisations to launder the proceeds of their drug-trafficking activities.... Shakarchi Trading Company maintains accounts at the Republic National Bank of New York, a bank which has surfaced in several previous money-laundering investigations.... While he was alive, Mahmoud Shakarchi maintained a close relationship with Edmond Safra and the banking institutions in which Safra had an interest, including Republic National Bank. Since the death of Mahmoud Shakarchi, Mohammed Shakarchi, FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

doing as Shakarchi Trading Company, has maintained close ties with the Republic National Bank." Drug Money Funding AOL DEA and US Customs investigators tracing [the flow of heroin revenues from Lebanon through Turkey and Bulgaria on to the Shakarchi firm in Zurich found that millions of dollars made their way into Account No. 606347712 at the main New York City branch of Republic National Bank. Meanwhile, DEA agents in Colombia and on the US West Coast busted up the largest Medellin Cartel cocaine money-laundering scheme ever unearthed as part of the DEA's Operation Polar Cap. Known as "La Mina" (The Mine), the money-laundering circuit involved a string 0f banks in Colombia and Uruguay and a Los Angeles jewellery wholesale company called Ropex. Millions of dollars ,in Ropex deposits were traced by the Polar Cap team to Accoun.t No. 606347712 at Repubilic National Bank-the same Shakarchi Trading Co. account! . Not surprisingly, in 1989, as the Shakarchi-Safra story was grabbing headlines in Europe and the United States, banker Safra was donating a reported US$I million to his favourite charitythe Anti-Defamati0n League! Banker Safra's ties to the Dope, Inc. money-4aundering go back to at least the mid-1970s when Republic National Bank shepherded Argen tine wheeler-dealer David Graiver into the inner sanctums of Wall Street. Grai ver bought up American Bank and Trust in 1975, and, in iless than a year, looted the New York bank of an cs~irnated US$40 million. Graiver conveniently "died" ,in a plane crash in Mexico just as baul< regulators discovered tha~ American Bank and Trust's cupboard was bare during an audit of [the tbank. There was such scepticism over Graiver's disappearance that, for years, New York State prosccutors continued to Fist Graiver as a defendant in the bank fraud case. Of courSe, Graiver was sLmply a front man for a Swiss-based Mossad money-laundering network known as the Centrade Group, one of whose leading figures, fib or Rosenbaum, is profiled at length in this book. The ,point is that for the past 20 years, a large and growing component of Dope, Inc. has been the combined machinery of gangster Meyer Lansky and the Israeli Mossad. If there were any doubt about the pivotal role played by shady elements within the Israeli intelligence services, in partnership with British and American counterparts, in the world dope-forguns bazaar, it was shattered in a hail of bullets in a desolate corner of C010mbia on 15 December 1989. On that date, Colombian Army units invaded the compound of Medellfn Cartel capo Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha near .the town of Pacho. In a scparate shootout at Gacha's bunker hidcout, Rodrigucz Gacha and several of his bodyguards were lKilledi. On 24 and 28 January, in follow-up raids on two other ranches owned by Rod'riguez Gacha, the Army seized large stockpiles of weapons-the majority of which were made in Israel. The Galil rifle used to assassinate Colombian presidential candidate Luis Carlos Gal~n in August 1989 was part of the shipment. The discovery of the Israelli weapons caches prompted the Colombian Government to make a formal inquiry to Tel Aviv: To whom had those particu"iar weapons been sold? The answer came Continued on page 80

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n a blistering hot summer day in ~958, a minister named David Young was dri. ving along a highway that stretched through desert country, not far from Taos., New Mexico. Toward noon, he saw an elderly Indian walking on the road's gravel shou1der, and knowing he must be suffering from the heat, Young stopped and asked him if he would like a ride to the next town. The old man nodded. and got in. For several minutes the Indian said nothing, but then he finally spoke: "I am White Feather, a Hopi of the ancient Bear Clan. In my liang life I ha,ve travelled through this land, seeking my brothers, and learning from them many things of wisdom. I have foFlowed the sacred Ipaths to my people, who inhabit the forests and many lakes in the east, the land of ice and long nights in !the north, the mountains and streams of jumping fish in the west, and the place of holy altars of stone buiH long ago by my brothers' fathers in the south. From all these I have heard the stories of the past, and the prophecies of the future. Today, many of the prophecies have turned to stories, and few are left: the past grows longer, and the future grows shorter. "And now White Feather is dying. His sons have all joined his ancestors, and soon be too shall be with them. But there is no one left, no one to recite and pass on the ancient wisdom to. My people have Itired 'of the old! ways: the grean ceremonies which tell of our origios, of our emergence intol the Fourth World, are almost all abandoned, forgotten. Yet even this has been foretold. The ti~e grows short." The old Iodian fell silent again, but after a minute spoke once more: "My people await Pahana, the lost white brother, as do all our brotbers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy. We were told of their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana. "He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the ercters, given to him when he left, that shall be restored to the tablet and make it whole. TQis shall identify him as our true white brother." Turning to Young, he said: "You are much like Pahana, and not like other white men. You stopped to give an old man a ride, to lighten his burden. That is the way of Pahana. He will come soon, for the prophecies are nearly done." Resting a moment, the Indian found! his breath, and then continued: "The Fourth World shall end soon, and the FiHh World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left. "This is the First Sign: We were told of the coming of white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana-men who took the land that was not theirs. And! men who struck their enemies with Ithunder." Young later realised' this is how the Indian prophets would have described gunpowder. "This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels of wood filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes-the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies. "This is the Third Sign: A strange beast, like a buffalo, but with great long horns will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather himself saw with his eyes-the coming of the white man's cattle. "This is the Fourth Sign: The prairie will be crossed by snakes of iron.... " At that moment, Young slowed his car to drive over a railroad crossing-and this time it was his own eyes, looking down miles of winding track, that saw how the prophecy had been fulfilled.



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"This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web." The Indian stopped, and glanced for a seoond upward at the telephone and electric lines that flashed past alongside the highway. "This is the Sixth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun." The Indianl paused again to let Young puzzle over the meaning of h,is words. Suddenly, he understood, for he was seeing it righLin front of him: The concrete road stretched ahead. and in the distance, the shimmering heat waves producedl a mirage, an image of the road itself just above the surface. The Indian nodded and went on. "This is the Seventh Sign-and it is the first that is yet to come: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it. "This is the Eighth Sign: You will see many youth, who will wear their !hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations to learn of their ways and wisdom. "And this is the Nimth and last Sign: You wi'lll hear of a dwelling-house in the heavens, above tne Earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a Blue Star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease. "These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The

world shall rock to and fro. The white men will batUe against other peoples in other lands-with those who possessed the first light of wisdom. Terrible will ibe the result. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as Wtlite Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts not far trom here." Young immediately knew he meant the atomic bomb tests. "Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying. Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe. Those who stay and live in the places of my people shall a]so be safe. There will then be much to rebuild. And soon-very soon af,terward-Pahana will return. He will bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence, into the Fifth World. "But White Feather shall not see it. I am old and dying. Youperhaps you will see it. In time, in time... " The old Indian's voice faded, and then went silent. They had arriv'ed at his destination, and he pointed to the comer where he wanted Ito get off. Young stopped the car, let the old Indian out, and watched him slowly disappear down the street. Then Young continued on his trip-he never saw the old ilnan again.

PROPHECY COUNTDOWN 2000 ---.-.-.-----~._--_


__ ..•..•..•

These states will lock in fierce.s~ strife And seek to take each other's life. When north shall thus divide the south And Eagle build in Lion's mouth T'hen tax andl blood and cruel war Shall come to every l1umble door. Tlhree times shall lovely sunny France Be ied to playa bloody dance Before the people shall be free Tlhree tyrant rulers s~all she see. TI~ree

rulers in succession be Each springs from different dynasty. linen when the fiercest strife is done England andl France shall be as one. The British olive shall next then twine In marriage with a German vine. Men walk Ibeneath and over streams Fulfill@d shaH be their wondrous dreams.

A carriage without horse will go Disaster fill the world with woe. In London, Primrose Hill shall be In centre hold a Bishop's See Around the world men's thoughts will fly Quick as the twinkling of an eye. And water shall great wonders do How strange. And yet it shall come true. Through towering hills proud men shall ride No horse or ass move by his side. Beneath the water, men shall walk Shall ride, shall sleep, shall even talk And in the air men shall be seen In white and black and even green. 38 • NEXUS

A great man then, shall come and go For prophecy declares it so. In water, iron then shall float As easy as a wooden boat. Gold shall be seen in stream and stone In land that is yet unknown. And England shall admit a Jew You think this strange, but it is true. The Jew that once was held in scorn Shall of a Christian then be born. A house of glass shall come to pass In England. But Alas, alas Awar wi II follow with the work Where dwells the Pagan and the Turk.

For in those wondrous far-off days The women shall adopt a craze To dress like men, and trousers wear And to cut off their locks of hair. They'll ride astride with brazen brow As witches do on broomstick now. And roaring monsters with man atop Does seem to eat the verdant crop And men shall fly as birds do now And give away the horse and plough. There'll be a sign for all to see Be sure that it will certain be. Then love shall die and marriage cease And nations wane as babes decrease. And wives shall fondle cats and dogs And men live much the same as hogs. FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

In nineteen Ihundred and twenty six Build houses light of straw and sticks. For then shall mighty wars be planned And fire and sword shall sweep the land.

He bares his teeth and fights and kills And secrets food in 'Secret hills And ugly in his fear, he lies To kill marauders, thieves and! spies.

When pictures seem alive with movements free When boats like fishes swim beneath the sea When men like birds shall scour the sky Then half the world, deep drenched in blood shall die.

Man flees in terror from the floods And kills, and rapes and lies in blood And spilling blood by mankind's hands Will stain and bitter many lands.

For those who live the century through In fear and trembling this shall do. Flee to the mountains and the dens To bog and forest and wild fens. For storms will rage and oceans roar When Gabriel stands on sea and shore And as he blows Ihis wondrous horn Old worlds die and new be born. A fiery Dragon will cross Ithe s~y

Six times before this Earth shall die Mankind will tremble and! fnightened be For the sixth heralds in this prophecy.

And when the Dragon's tail is gone Man forgets, and smiles, and carries on To apply himself-too late, too late For mankind has earned deserved fate. His masked smile, Ihis fa'ise grandeur Will serve the Gods their anger stir. And they wi'" send the Oragon back To light the sky-his tail will crack Upon the Earth and rend the Earth And man shall flee, king, Lord, and serf. But slowly they are routed out To seek diminishing water spout And men will die of thirst before The oceans rise to mount the shore. And Ilands will crack and rend anew You think it strange. It will come true.

For seven days and seven nights Man will watch this awesome Sight. The tides will rise Ibeyond their ken To bite away the shores, and then The mountains will begin [0 roar And earthquakes split the plain to shore.

And in some far,off distant land Some men-oh such a Itiny band Will have to leave their solid mount And span the Earth, those few to count

And flooding waters, rushing in Will flood the lands with suoh a din That mankin'd cowers in muddy fen And snarls about his fellow men.

Who survives this [unreadablel afild then Begin the human race again. But not on land :already there But on orean beds, stark, dry and bare.

Not every soul on Earth will die As the Dragon's tail goes sweeping by. Not every land on Earth will sink But these will wallow in stench and stink Of rotting bodie's of beast and man Of vegetation crisped 6n lland. But the land that Irises from the sea Will be dry and c'I~an and soft and free Of mankind's dirt andJ therefore be The source of man's new dynasty. And those that live will ever fear The Dragon's tail for many year But time erases memory Y,ou think it strange. But it will be. And before the race is built anew A silver serpent comes to view And spew out men of like unknown To mingle with the Earth now grown Cold from its heat, and these men can Enlighten the minds of future man To intermingle and show them how To live and Ilove and thus endow The children with the sewnd sight. A natural thing so that they might Grow graceful, humble, and when they do The Golden Age will start anew. lihe Dragon's tail is but a sign For mankind's fall and man's decline. And before this prophecy is done I shall be :burned at the staKe, at one My body singed and my soul set free You think I utter blasphemy You're wrong. These things have come to me This prophecy will come to be.

The following verses w.ere found on a scroll in a separate jar. They appear to have been written at the same ~ime as the verses above.

I know Igo, I know I'm free I know that this will come to be. Secreted this, for this will be Found by later dynasty. A dairy maid, a bonny lass Shall kick this tome as she does pass And five generations she shall breed Before one male child does learn to read. This is then held year by year Till an iron monster trembling fear Eats parchment, words and quill and ink And mankind is given time to think. And only when this comes to 'be Will mankind read this prophecy But one man's sweet's another's bane So I shall not have burned in vain. -

Mother Shipton

The signs will be thlr'e for all to read; When man shall do most heinous deed Man will ruin kinder lives; By taking them as to their wives. And murder foul and brutal deed; Wh.en man will only Ithili1k of greed. And man shall walk as if asleep; He does not look-he many not peep And iron men the tail shalll do; And iron cart and carriage 'too. The kings shalJ false promise make; Andl talk ~ust for talking's sake And nations plan horrific war; The like as never seen before And ,taxes rise and lively down; And nations wear perpetual frown. Yet greater sign there be to see; As man nears latter century. Three sleeping mountains gather breath; And spew out mud, and ice and death. 1~3' And earthquakes swallow ilown and town; In lands as yet to me unknown. And Christian one fights Christian two; And nations sigh, yet nothing do And yellow men great power gain; From mighty bear with whom they've lain. These ,mighty tyrants willifail to do; They fail to splitthe world in two. But from their acts a danger [bred; An ague, leaving many dead. And IPhysics find no' remedy; For this is worse than leprosy. Oh many signs for all to see; The truth of this true prophecy.

(Editor's Note: There are many lines here that unfortunately describe our twentieth century. Some of the thoughts that come to mind: "Christian one fights Christian two" could describe the ongoing conflict between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland; an "ague" is an illness or great sickness; the "yellow men" could be interpreted by many as the Chinese or Japanese; and the "mighty bear" could well be Russia.) ;.:;~. ::':;.~~:,fie.~~#3 . ~~.:."


NEXUS • 39

n 17 September 1975, Dannion Brinkley was talking on the phone during a thunderstorm. A bolt of lightning hit,the phone line, sending thousands. of volts of electricity into his head and down his body, throwing him several feet into the air. His heart stopped, and he died. When Brinkley revived in the morgue after twenty-eight minutes, he had an incredible story to tell. After the lightning strike, Brinkley watched from above as loved ones and medics tried to start his heart. When doctors pronounced him dead he was already travelling through a dark tunnel toward a spirit being, who led him into a crystal city awash in light atul tranquillity. Brought before thirteen angelic instructors in what he describes as "a cathedral of knowledge", Brinkley was told of events that would shake the world before the year 2000-including the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the Persian Gulf War, and America's Current economic crisis.


The Beings came at me one at a time. As each one approached, a box the size of a videotape came from its chest and zoomed right at my face. The first time this happened I flinched, thinking I was going to be hit. But a moment before impact, the box opened to reveal what appeared to be a tiny television picture of a world event that was yet to happen. As I watched, I felt myself drawn right into the picture, where I was able to live the event. This happened twelve times, and twelve times I stood in the midst of many events that would shake the world in the future. At the time I didn't know these.were future events. All I knew was that I was seeing things of great significance and that they were coming to me as clearly as the nightly news, with one great difference: I was being pulled into the screen. On this day, 17 September 1975, the future came to me a box at a time.

BOXES ONE, TWO & THREE: VISIONS OF A DEMORALISED COUNTRY Boxes one, two and three showed the mood of America in the aftermath of the war in South-East Asia. They revealed scenes of spiritual loss in our country that were by-products of that war, which weakened the structure of America and eventually the world. The scenes were of prisoners of war, weak and wasted from hunger, as they waited in the rugged prisons of North Vietnam for American ambassadors to come and free them. I could feel their fear and then despair when they realised one by one that no help would be forthcoming and that they would live out their remaining years as slaves in jungle prisons. These were the MIAs, those military men considered "missing in action". The MIAs were already an issue in 1975, but they were used as a starting point in the visions to show an America that was slipping into spiritual decline. I could see America falling into enormous debt. This came to me as scenes of money going out of a room much faster than it was coming in. Through some kind of telepathy I was aware that this money represented the increase in the national debt and that it spelled danger down the road. I also saw people waiting in long lines for the basics of life like clothing and food. Many scenes of spiritual hunger came from the first two boxes as well. I saw people who were transparent in such a way as to reveal that they were hollow. This hollowness, it was explained to me, was caused by a loss of faith in America and what it stood for. The war in South-East Asia had combined with inflation and distrust in our government to create a spiritual void. This void was added to by our loss of love for God.

40 • NEXUS


This spiritual depravity resulted in a number of shocking visions: people rioting and looting Ibecause they wanted more material goods than they had, kids shooting other kids with highpowered rifles, criminals stealing cars, young men firing on other young men from the windows of cars. Scenes lilce these played out in front of me like scenes from a gangster movie. Most of the oriminals were children or adolescents that no one cared about. As I watched image after image, it became painfully clear to me that these kids had no family units and, as a result, they were acting like wolves. I was confused because I couldn't figure out how American children could be left to roam and murder. Didn't they have parental guidance? I wondered. How could such a bhing happ.en in our country? In tbe third box I found myself facing the Seal of the President of the United States. I don'.t know where I was, but I saw the initials "RR" emblazoned beneath this seal. Then [ was standing ill. the midst of newspapers, lookimg at their editorial cartoons. One after the other I saw cartoons of a cowboy. He was riding the range or shooting down bad guys in saloons. This vision was fes.tooned with satirical illustrations from around the country from such newspapers as The Boston Globe, the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times. The dates on the newspapers unged from 1983 to 1987, and it was clear from the nature of the drawings that they were about the Preside.ot of Ithe United States who projected the image of being a cowboy to the rest of the world. I could also tell that the man in these cartoons was an actor, because they all had a tbeatrical took to them. One of the cartoons even referred to "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" and played off the famous scene in that movie in which the two outlaws jump off a cliff into a shallow pool of water. Yet despite the vividness of the newspaper clippings, I was unable to see I~he ,face under the cowboy hat. I now know that "RR" stood for Ronald Reagan, but at the time I had no idea who the "cowboy" was. A few months later, when I was recalling these visions for Dr. Raymond Moody, the noted psychiatrist and ,researcher of neardeath experiences, he asked me who I thought "RR" was. Without hesitation I said, "Robert Redford". He has never let me forget that mistake and ribs me about it every time we get together. BOXES FOUR & FIVE: STRIFE AND HATRED IN THE HOLY LANDS

Boxes four and five were scenes from the Middle East, showing how this area of eternal strife would reach a boiling point. Religion would playa large role in these problems, as would the economy. A constant need for outside money fuelled much of the anger and hatred that I saw in these boxes. In the first of these boxes I saw two agreements taking place. In the first, Israelis and Arabs were agreeing to something, but what was unclear to me. The second accord was one that I could see in some detail. Men were shaking hands and there was much talk about a new country. Then I saw a collage of images: the River Jordan, a settlement from Israel that was spreading into Jordan, and a map on which the country of Jordan was changing colour. As I watched this puzzling collage unfold, I heard a Being speak telepathically to me FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

and say that the country of Jordan would exist no more. I did not hear the name of the new country. Tbis agreement was nothing more than a fron~ by the Israelis to create a police force composed of Israelis and Arabs. This was a very harsh police ,force, cruel and unyielding. I saw them wearing blue-and-silver uniforms and having a tight grip on the people of this region. So tight was their grip, in fact, that world leaders became highly crWcal of Israel. Many collaborators on both sides kept an eye on their own people and reported their activities to this police force. They served to make everyone suspicious, causing trust in these societies to disappear. I could see Israel becoming isolated from the rest of the world. As things worsened, there were images of Israel preparing for war against other countries, including Russia and a Chinese-and-Arab consortium. Jerusalem was somehow at the eye of this conflict, but I am not sure exactly how. From newspaper headlines that appeared in the vision, I could see that some incident in that holy city had served to trigger this war. These visions revealed Israel as being spiritually hollow. I had the sense of it being a country of strong government but weak morals. Image after image came of Israelis reacting with hatred toward Palestinians and other Arabs, and I was steeped in the sense that these people as a nation had forgotten God and were now driven by racial hatred. The fifth box showed oil being used as a weapon to control the intemational economy. I saw images of Mecca and then of the Saudi people. While these images streamed before me, a telepathic voice said that oil ,production was being cut off to destroy America's ~onomy and to milk money from the world e.conomy. The price of oil was going up and up, said the voice, and Saudi Arabia was making an aUiance with Syria and China. I could see Arab and Oriental people shaking hands and making deals. As these images came to me, I could sense money being given by the Saudis to Asian countries like North Korea, all in the hopes of destabilising the economy of the Asian region. I wondered where this aUiance began, and I was able to see a close-up of Syrians and Chinese signing papers and shaking hands in a. building that I knew was ~n Syria. The date that came to me was 1992. Another date came to me-1993-and with it came images of Syrian and Chinese scientists working in laboratories to develop a missile that could deliver chemical and biological weapons. Nuclear weapons were becoming things of the past, and these countries wanted to develop new weapons of destruction. The boxes kept coming. BOX SIX: VISIONS OF NUCLEAR DESTRUCTION

Number six was terrifying. I was drawn into the box and found myself in a cool, forested area beside a river. Next to the river was a massive cement structure, square and foreboding. I was fearful and didn't know why. Suddenly the Earth shook and the top of this cement structure exploded. I knew it was a nuclear explosion and could sense hundreds of people dying around me as it took place. The year 1986 was given to me through telepathy, as was the word "wormwood". It wasn't until a decade later, when NEXUS • 41

BOX SEVEN: THE ENVIRONMENTAL RELIGION the Chernobyl nuclear plant exploded near Kiev in the Soviet Union, that I was able to associate these pictures with an event. It was then that I made another connection between the vision in this The seventh box held powerful images of environmental destruction. I could see areas of the world radiating energy, glowbox and the nuclear disaster in the USSR. The word "Chernobyl" ing like a radium watch-face in the dark. .Telepathically I could means "wormwood" in Russian. hear voices speaking of the need to clean up the environment. A second nuclear accident appeared in the box, tills in a northThese voices came out of Russia at first, but then the accents ern sea so badly polluted that no ships would travel there. The water was a pale red and was covered with dead or dying fish. changed and I could tell that they were emanating from South America, probably from Uruguay or Paraguay. Around the water were peaks and valleys that made me think I I saw the speaker from Russia as he talked with zeal about our was seeing a fjord like those in Norway. I couldn't tell where tills need to heal the environment. People rallied around him quickly, was, but I knew that the world was frightened at what had hapand he soon became so powerful that he was elected one of the pened, because radiation from this accident could spread everyleaders of the United Nations. I saw this Russian riding on a white where and affect all of humankind. The date on the picture was horse, and I knew that his rise would come before the year 2000. 1995. The vision didn't stop there. People were dying and deformed BOXES EIGHT AND NINE: CHINA BATTLES RUSSIA as a res~lt of th~s.e nu~lear catastrophes. I~ ~ series of what seemed like teleVISion pictures, I saw cancer victims and mutated -. babies in Russia, Norway, Sweden and Finland, not hundreds or In boxes eight and nine were visions of China's growing anger thousands of people, but tens of thousands, in a vast array of toward the Soviet Union. When these visions took place in 1975, deformity, going on through generations. The poisons released by I didn't know that the Soviet Union would break up. Now I think the tension I saw in that vision was a result of the death of Soviet these accidents were carried to the rest of the world through water, ,-,' p.,~, .~ ."we '. "'~ Communism, which left t~e Chinese which was tainted fore.ver by thi.s , .. ~.., ... ~... ~", the leaders of the Commullist world. nuclear waste. The Bemg made It ~; ~~"'" ~ . ,« c.lear that humans had created a hor-t!,.':.r;... ,'*q'$" .:.~ .. ;'rg,f'••,,;,>; ~'''', .' 3 At the time, the visions ~ere a puzn?le power th~t had. not been con-.:~~;tl!~l~ykrr~:w,';,tl1~J,t~e~WO~'~~~.S' . zle to rn.e. I saw border dlspu.tes and tam~d. By lettmg thiS po",:"er out of:n4~~~te "~afattWbat>badlha""eneo< h~~vy b~tween SOVI~~ and their the SOVIets had " ... r ..R.P:.:.><. Cl'llnese the Cl'l1nese dest~oyed theIr own country and ,} ..~6et;a amasse~ their arml~s at the border and pOSSibly the world. . ."', ~i""~""d' ·,'t '~1d" ";1' .• ~L" ." pushed IOtO the regIOn. The box showed me the fear inoa~~¥l~P.~j<:~"'", r~pr:~a~le)'~~II.~re~l The main battle was over a railroad, people's hearts that resulted from ; ." if.,:~nd~1fecf,~ILof;~~uri-tanl(illa~0.,· ,:,hi~h the Chinese toot( in he~vy these nuclear aCCIdents. As the t·"'··1,i:il'·.~· ~/'!"L flghtmg. They then pushed deep mto images of this fear unfolded, I sorne. * , •. . J1.· Soviet cutting country ?Ow understood that envlronment~~l!l":*$~W~f;tJ ~,~~.l. ~ .~;:;. ~';\o" ;,; '" "I' tn. hal~ and takmg over the 011 fields ~f Ism w~u.ld emerge as the world s .' 'n*" ;·~,,..'f,~(t.:Jgl1m<:lrtBrmkfeYt~.T~,~G.5~, Sibena. I saw snow, blo.od, and OIl newrchglOn.. People would consIder '" ~,p " . ' ' 1 '%IfA~c'" It!,o;\l!:'~( .: j:,"''''.l!';;'t· and knew that the loss ofhfe had been <:1. iii<; .i.M, . ({ . a clean envIronment a key to salvaheavy. tion more than they ever had before. Political parties would spring up around the issue of a cleaner BOXES TEN AND ElEVEN: ECONOMIC planet, and poJiotical fortunes would be made or broken based upon EARTHQUAKES, DESERT STORM feelings about the environment. Boxes ten and eleven came in rapid succession. They revealed Forom Chemobyl and this second accident, I could see that the Soviet Union would wither and die, with the Soviet people losing scenes of the economic co'llapse of the world. in general terms, faith in their government and the government losing its grip on the these visions showed a world in horrible turmoil by the turn of the century, one that resulted in a new world order that was truly one people. of feudalism and strife. The economy played a strong role in these visions. I saw people In one of the visions, people lined up to take money out of carrying bags of money into stores and coming out with smal~ bags of goods. People with military uniforms wandered the streets banks. In another, the banks were being closed by the governin Soviet cities begging for food, some obviously starving to ment. The voice that accompanied the visions told me that this death. People ate rotted potatoes and apples, and crowds rioted to would take place in the nineties and would be the beginning of an economic strife that would lead to the bankruptcy of America by get at trucks filled with food. The word Georgia appeared in a Cyrillic script, and I could see the year 2000. The box showed images of dollar signs flying by as people a mafia developing in Moscow that I assume came from the state of Georgia in the Soviet Union. This mafia was a growing power pumped gas and looked distressed. I kn,ew this meant that oil prices were accelerating out of control. that was in competition with the Soviet government. In scene I saw thirteen new nations entering ilie world market in ilhe late after scene, I saw mafia members operating freely in a city that I think was Moscow. nineties. These were nations with manufacturing capabilities that I felt no joy as I watched the Soviet Union collapse. Although put them on a competitive footing with the United States, One by Soviet-style Communism was dying right before my eyes, the one our European markets began to give their business to these Being of Light was saying Ithat this was a cautious moment instead countries, which slowed our economy even more. All of this led of a glorious one. "Watch the Soviet Union," he said. "How the to a greatly weakened economy. Russian people go, so goes the world. What happens to Russia is But the end of America as a world power came as visions of two the basis for everything that will happen to the economy of the horrendous earthquakes in which buildings were swaying and topfree world." pling over like a cillld's wooden blocks. I knew that these quakes '~






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42 • NEXUS

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happened sometime before the end of the century, but I couldn't tell where they took place. I do remember seeing a large body of water that was pmbably a river. The cost of rebuilding these destroyed cities would be the hnal straw for our government, now so financially broJcen that it would hard~y be able to keep itself alive. The voice in the vision toId me that it would be this way, while the images from the box showed Americans starving and lined up for food. At the tail end of box ten came images of warfare in the desert, a massive show lof military might. I saw armies racing toward one another in the desert, with great clouds of dust billowing from the treads of tanks as they crossed the barren ground. There was cannon f~re and explosions that looked like lightning. The Earth shook and then there was silence. Like a bird, I flew over acres of f., .,..,."...,,,.'".,,.'",,,....,,,,, destroyed army equ~pment. As I left the box, the date 1990 came into my head. That was the year of Desert Storm, the military operation that squashed the army of Iraq for occupying Kuwait. Box eleven began with Iran and Iraq in possession of nuclear and chemical weapons. lnc1luded in this arsenal was a submarine loaded with nuclear missiles. The year, said a voice in the vision, was 1993. I saw tn-is submarine powering through the waters lof the Middle East, piloted by people I knew to be [ranians. I could teH that their purpose was to stop the shipping of oil from the Middle East. They were so praiseful of God in their speech that I had the sense that this was some kind of religious mission. The missiles that occupied the desert of the Middle East were equipped with chemical warheads. I don't know where they were aimed, but I do know that there was worldwide fear of the intentions of the Arab nations that had them. Chemical warfare played a role in a horrible vision of terrorism that takes place in France before 2000. It begins when the French publish a book that infuriates the Arab world. I don't know the title of this book, but the result of its publication is a chemical attack by Arabs on a city in France. A chemical is put into the water supply, and thousands drink it and die before it can be eliminated. In one brief vision I saw Egyptians rioting in the streets, while a voice told me that by 1997 Egypt would collapse as a democracy and be taken over by religious fanatics. The final visions from box eleven were like many images we now see of Sarajavo: modem cities crumbling beneath the weight of warfare, their inhabitants fighting one another for reasons ranging from racism to religious conflict. I saw many towns worldwide where desperate citizens were eating their own dead. In one such scene, Europeans in a hilly region of the world were weeping as they cooked human meat. In rapid succession I saw people of all five raceS eating their fellow humans. BOX TWELVE: TECHNOLOGY AND VIRUS The eleventh box was gone and I was into the twelfth box. Its visions addressed an important event in the distant future, the FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

decade of the nineties (remember, this was 1975), when many of the great changes would Itake place. In this box I watched! as a biological engineer from the Middle East found a way to alter DNA and create a biologica~ virus that would be used in the manufacture of computer chips. This discovery allowed for huge strides in science and technology. Japan, China, and other countdes of the Pacific Rim experienced boom times as a result of this discovery and became powers of incredible magnitude. Computer chips produced from this process found their way into virtually every form of technology, from cars and aLrplanes to vacuum cleaners and blenders. Before the tum of the century, this man was among the richest in the world, so rich that he had a stranglehold on the world eco~­ omy. Still the world welcomed him, since the computer chips he had designed somehow put the world on an even keel. Gradually he succumbed-tO 'his own power. He began to think of himself as a deity and insisted on greater control of Vhe world. With that extra control, he began to rule the world. His method of rule was unique. Everyone in the world was mandated by law to have one of his computer chips inserted underneath his or her skin. This chip contained all of an individual's personal information. If a government agency wanted to know something, aU it had to do was scan your chip with a special device. By doing so, it could discover everything about you, from where you worked and lived, to your medical records and even what ikind of mnesses you might get in the future. There was an even more sinister side to this chip. A person's lifetime could be [limited by programming ,this chip to dissolve and kill him with tbe viral substance it was ma,o'e from. Lifetimes were controlled like this to avoid the cost that growing old places on the government. H was also used as a means of eliminating people with chronic illnesses that put a drain on the medical system. People who refused to have chips implanted in their bodies roamed as outcasts. They could not be employed and were denied government services. THE FINAL VISIONS At the very end came a thirteenth vision. I don't know where it came from. I didn't see a Being of Light bring it forward in a box, nor did I see one take it away. This vision was in many ways the most important of all because it summed up everything I had seen in the twelve boxes. Through telepathy I could hear a Being say, "If you follow what you have been taught and keep living the same way you have lived the last thirty years, all of this will surely be upon you. If you change, you can avoid the coming war." Scenes from a horrible world war accompanied this message. As the visions appeared on the screen, the Being told me that the years 1994 through 1996 were critical ones in determining whether this war would break out. "If you follow this dogma, the world by the year 2004 will not be the same one you now know," NEXUS • 43

said the Being. "But it can still be changed and you can help Beings were desperately trying to help us, not because we were change it." such good guys, but because without us advancing spiritually here Scenes from World War III came to life before me. I was in a on Earth, they could not become successful in their world. "You hundred places at once, from deserts to forests, and saw a world humans are truly the heroes," a Being told me. "Those who go to filled with fighting and chaos. Somehow it was clear that this Earth are heroes and heroines, because you are doing something final war, an Armaggedon if you will, was caused by fear. In one that no other spiritual beings have the courage to do. You have of the most puzzling visions of all, I saw an army of women in gone to Earth to co-create with God." black robes and veils marching through a European city. As I was presented with each of these boxes, my mind pondered "The fear these people are feeling is an unnecessary one," said the same questions, over and over: Why is this happening to me? the Being of Light. "But it is a fear so great that humans will give What are these scenes in the boxes and why are they being shown up all freedoms in the name of safety." to me? I didn't know what was going on, and despite the seemingI also saw scenes that were not of war, including many visions ly infinite knowledge that I had been given earlier, I was unable to of natural disasters. In parts of the world that had once been ferfind the answers to those questions. II was seeing the future and I d~n1knoww~. . tile with wheat and com, I saw parched desert and furrowed fields that farmers had given up on. In After the final visions, the thirteenth * .rt"; ,.f~' Being of Light answered my questions. other parts of the world, torrential 1 - ' rainstorms had gouged out the earth, I. People, who refa. if.e He was more powerful than the. others, or ' .,.:.r', ! f : ." at least [ assume he was. HIS colours eatIng away topsol! and creatlllg .... 0: ' . . rivers of thick, dark mud. , . thelr~()a;l..~ 'were more intense, and the other People were starvmg m thIS vISIOn." 'roamnd as seemed to defer. to ~Im: HIS personalIty They were beggmg for food on the ! ~ .. . . was conveyed III hIS lIght and encomstreets, holdi~g out bowls and cups not emproyed~an,iI pass~d the emotions of his fellow Beings. and even theIr hands III hopes that . Without words, he told me that everysomeone or something would offer were enlegovernment thing I had just seen was in the future, but them a scrap to eat. In some of the services.. ill not necessarily cast in stone. "The flow pictures, people had given up or w e r e ' . of human events can be· changed, but first too weak to beg and were curled o n ' people have to know what they are," said the ground waiting for the gift of the Being. He communicated to me again death. their belief that humans were great, powerfu~ and mighty spiritual Beings. "We here see everyone who goes to the Earth as great I saw civil wars breaking out in Central and Soutli} America and the rise of socialist governments in an of these countries before adventurers," he said. "You had the courage to go and expand the year 2000. As these wars intensified, millions of refugees your life and take your place in the great adventure that God creatstreamed across the US border, looking for a new life in North ed known as the world." America. Nothing we did could stop these immigrants. They He then told me my purpose on Earth. "You are there to create were driven by fear of death and loss of confidence in God. spiritualistic capitalism," he said. "You are to engage this coming I saw millions of people streaming north out of EI Salvador and system by changing people's thought processes. Show people how Nicaragua, and more millions crossing the Rio Grande into Texas. to rely onJheir spiritual selves instead of the government and There were so many of them that we had to line the border with churches. RcUgion is fine, but don't let people be entirely controops and force them back across the river. trolled by it. Humans are mighty spiritual beings. All they need Tfue Me.xican economy was broken by these refugees and colto realise is that love is treating others the way they themselves lapsed under the strain. want to be treated." As these visions ended, I had the amazing realisation that these

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44 • NEXUS


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n 5th February 1994 at the Sydney World Trade Fair, advanced instrumentation for the eady identification of disease, including cancer and AIDS, was-ihtroduced to the public by Sydney-based !aubert Teclmorogies Pty Ltd.


The Dielectric Diagnostic Analyser (DDA), developed by eminent biophysicist, Dr Sergei Barsamian, director of S&S Biophysics !Laboratory, is the only one of ,its kind' in the world employing sensitive computerised techniques to reveal electromagnetic (EM) disturbances in the cytoplasm (the protoplasm outside the nucleus) of liv1ing cells. Information obtained from electrode sensors is fed to a device that automatically monitors the energetic condition of the cell which is then presented for assessment on a, computer readout. The tenn 'dielectric' refers to a non-conductor of electrical currents. Cells, being dielectric in nature, are ltherefore non-conductors of currents but are controlled by EM fields. As information-carrying EM fields direct and organise all molecular or chemical activities in the biophysical system, the DDA is thus able to determine the very beginning of the development of a disease even before its' c1ini:cal or physical appearance, which should be seen as a secondary effect.

THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FiElD AS PRIMARY In order to gain a clear picture of the pFiRciples underpinning the DDA's me~hod, it is best to look first at some earlier aj. well as current concepts and findings relating Ito EM energy fields and their role in the process of morphogenesis, or the evolutionary development of an organism. A field is to be understood as a region of space characterised by a physical property. The idea of 'fields of influence' laid down by Jan Christiaan Smuts (1870-1950), a founder and one-time prime minister of the Union of South Africa, in his book, Holism arul Evolution (1926), proVides one of the earliest insights into energy fields and holism to arise mthis century. He writes: "Every 'thing' has its field. Every concept has likewise its field. It is in these fields only that things really happen. It is the intermingling offields which is creative or causal in nature. The hard, secluded concrete thing or concept is barren, and but for its field it could never come into real contact or into active or creative relations wi'th any other thing or concept. Things, ideas, animals, plants, persons; all these, like physical forces, have their fields, arul but for their fields they would be unintelligible, their activities impossible, their relations barren and sterile. In isolating things and ideas apan from their fields, arul treating the latter as non-existent, has made the world of matter and life inexplicable. "The organism and its field is one continuous structure, and in this continuum is contained all of the past which has been conserved arul still operates to influence the presen't and the future of the organism; in it is contained all that the organism is and does in the present; and finally, in it is contained all that the organism vaguely points to in its own future development arul that of its offspring. The whole is there carrying all its time with it. " An almost identical concept in relation to 'morphic' fields is being projected today by British biochemist, Rupert Sheldrake. That any living entity, e.g., a cell, exhibits an EM field was experimentally discovered over 40 years ago by the Russian scientist Deveyatkov. A further body of scientific evidence, showing that electrodynamic fields organise and control physical structure, came FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

NEXUS • 47

.. into focus also in the middle decades of this century with the work of the late Barold Saxon Burr, the distinguished neuro-anatomist of the Yale Schoo~ of Me_dicine. His research with animals and! living plants revealed that what he termed "L-fields" or "life fields" surrounding young salamanders were tfOughly s_haped like the adult animal, and that the field's' electrical axis, which was aligned with the brain and spinal cord, originated in ,the unfertilised egg-thus contradicting conventional biological and genetic theory. With seedlings, he found that the electrical field surrounding a sprout was not the shape of the 06ginal seed but resembled the adult plant, indicating that any developing organism is destined to follow a presc.ribed pattern of growth generated by its individual EM field. Any organism possesses an L-field as a whole which embraces subsidiary or 'local' fields representing the organism's component parts, Moreover, in relation to human behaviour he writes: "The behaviour of living systems is a consequence of the pattern and organisation provided by the L-field, and abnonnalities in the L-field can give advance warning offuture symptoms before they are physically evident. L-fields reflect also mental and emotional states which evoke energy in the nervous system The L-field regulates and controls the creature whatever it may be, and its aims are wholeness, organisation and continuity. " With his Yale associate, Northrup, Burr succeeded in cstablishing conclusive evidence-with the use of highly sensitive equipment capable of measuring electrical discharges in the body as small as five-millionths of a volt-that the electrical potential found in the human body is directly related to an electrical pattern which dictates the nature, the form, growth and evolutionary direction of the organism. His findings were preferred not to be heard, however, by the scientific establishment of the time. The details of his work are well documented in his book, Blueprint for Immortality. Experimental details of the findings were documented in 1988 by the American Journal of Biological Physics ("A Morphogenic Process in Low-energy Electromagnetic FieMs", by Drs S. P. and S. S. Barsamian), and later experimentally replicated and endorsed by the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics in Berlin, Germany, among others. THE FORMATIVE FIELD

The discovery was the direct outcome of a search to unveil the cause of cancer and to resolve the many questions surrounding the problem. What ,is cancer but 'new growth' or un-natural growth? The materialistic schools were providing no answer in cancer research, and the fundamental question became: What causes growth? Dr Barsamian explains the nature of the field: "The discovered vortical field is of low-energy; it is dynamic or active. It is a receiver and transmitter ofall energy patterns existing in our physical universe. "It recycles information according to the 'attractability' of a spe.cijic energy pattern existing at the physical level when the coliditions are conducive, It is the responsible instrument for the emergence of matter and for growth and development in living biomatter. It is an expression of dynamic Nature herself and is an 48 • NEXUS

attribute ofone universal, fonnative field ofpotential energy. " The nature of the formative field can be best imagined in the context of Dr Barsamian's wordls to exhibit the function of a magnetic video recording tape. Upon this 'videotape' are impressed the energetic patterns of all physical, moral-and psychic emissions occurring throughout time. The individual pattern or blueprint for form and growth has its origin at this source and is radiated when the frequency pattern of an embryo or seed! at the physical level attracts that sympathetic vibration, and when the conditions for its maniJestation are conducive-in terms of physics, when a state of 'coherence' or pattern recognition exists. The physical tlms conforms to the mOliphic field pattern, which in tum is influenced and modified by our own energetic emissions. We replicate our OW)1 , kind, as does all of nature, by this method of interaction and feedback. Rlipert Sheldrake's "morphogenetic field" concepts and the late physicist David Bohm's "implicate" and "exp'licate" orders are :- -,:;;; closely allied to the iPrin-ciple. In the ancient Indian Vedic understanding now being closely scrutinised by many modem researchers, the information stored in the universal field is identified as the "Akashic Record"-akasha being ithe Sanskrit te,rm for "space". Space is not a void but a plenum of titanic forces and interacting energy fields, while its essential pFOperty is described by the Vedic seers as pure, undifferentiated, unmanifested 'light' or radiation-t1'le stuff of consciousness itself. Matter, or atomic structure then, is to lbe viewed simply as condensed or crystallised light-the Sanskrit kasha. The reasoning points to the entire universe of energy and matter as being one dynamic, conscious living organism. Fritjof Capra, in The Tao of Physics, describes the field as "a continuous medium, pres~nt everywhere in space of which particles of matter are merely condensations, concentrations of energy which come and go, dissolving into the underlying field"; and Albert Einstein stated, "There is no place in this new physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality. We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense. " We soak like sp-onges in water in an all-pervading sea of invisible subtle substance which has the capacity to vivify our pt.J.ysical being, and imbue us with a conscious sense of existence. The human organism is in reality a condensed, complex energy system held together in a state of near equilibrium by the forces of attraction and repulsion, today commonly termed electromagnetism. Such understanding not only contravenes ~he mechanical 'laws' of established Newtonian science which sees humans as mact.J.ines that have evolved' solely by the virtue of obscure chemical interactions, but Tifts the veil of mysticism from much of what has been 'metaphysical' or 'occult' in relation to human expericnceterms which are the products only of the lack of correct information. Nor is this some 'revolutionary new theory' as the hard-core materialists wouldllike to have us be'fieve, Ibut echoes a one.time universal understanding central to the science and philosophy of every high civilisation throughout time. Physics today is merely re-acknowledging it. In 1989, a further announcement came from the Institute of Physics at the Ct.J.inese Academy of Sciences in Beijing: FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995


"Evidence now exists that the essential view of 'life' is characterised not by chemical reactions but by information-carrying electromagnetic fields. Within this framework, explanation of all biological processes, e.g., health, ageing, cancer, communication, biological rhythms, regulation and biochemical control, may be found. "

independently of the physical vehicle (telepathy, precognition, etc.). The decree that matter is the fountainhead of all values including consciousness has assumed the proportions in dogmatic conjecture equal to that of the religious fanaticism it sought to replace in the so-called Age of Enlightenment.


The way living organisms and EM fields interact is as follows.: • EM patterns of energy from the environment act on DNA.molecules in living cells which relay the information through our system. This is called 'outside to inside' interae-hon. • EM effects generated within the body interact with physiologicall processes. This is 'inside to inside' interaction. , • EM effects, internally generated, act in turn upon 'external fields. This is called 'inside to outside' interaction. The process is one of feedback between the formative field and our individual bio-energetic field. -"

The experimental model used by Dr Barsamian was simple, yet elegant. A glass slide coated in a solution of polystyrene and benzol gave the slide a polymer coating. Polymers are macro-molecules, dielectric in nature, and used in science to represent human cells. A carbon particle or 'charge' (carbon being the physical basis of molecular structure) placed on the slide, upon examination revealed a spiral appearing on the ,polymer and surrounding the charge. Acting as a sensitive film emulsion, the polymer recorded a phenomenon which involves factors outside the normal concept of space-time cause-effect. Why? Because the spiralling configuration is not formed on the polymer by the intrinsic nature of the particle, but owes its origin to the vortical field which is attracted to the particle through coherence. This situation creates an unfolding of the field's potential energy towards the particle in a vortex pattern, electromagnetic in nature. The result is a stimulation of the energy of the particle, or host; the field nourishes it. The energy enters the particle via a singular point of neutrality or a vacuum point in the charge. In the human entity, the 'chakras', or life-energy induction centres, fulfill the same purpose. This inpouring of vitalising energy into a natural system is a function essential to the processes of life. In relation to cancer, it is this interaction between an EM field and that of a vulnerable cell which causes unnatural growth.

BIOLOGY AT liHE CROSSROADS Conventional biologists have never been able to explain how growth and development of organisms is planned and organised. The idea of 'random forces' at work in nature is, iby necessity, a misnomer. Random forces do not construct forms of any value or meaning, but rather destroy those that already exist (entropy). Life's processes are underpinned by organisation which implies an intelligence and purpose. Living tissue is constantly changing, which shatters the idea that matter is primary since, clearly, something controls the matter and its changes. How can consciousness or intelligence be a mere product of physical funcliorring when the physical is compounded of transitory materials? The mechanistic view has been likened by one prominent researcher to a "weird tale from the Arabian Nights", Materialism is unable to account for many of the observed effects of mind on matter, e.g., the placebo effect; the psychological conditioning of immune responses; the beneficial effects Oili Iilealth of social support; faster recovery from surgery after mental preparation; positive imaging; meditative techniques; hypnosis research; research in psychosomatic medicine; voodoo death; the effect of mind on the DNA molecule; transpersonal experienccs and the consistently proven ability of consciousness to operate FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995


FIELD DISTURBANCES AS CAUSE OF DISEASE Biological EM field disturbances rather than biochemical factors are primary in the cause of disease. When heaLthy, cells exhibit a natura~1 characteristic frequency of vibraIion. This natural state can be altered and the cell made vulnerable by the presence of a disease-causing agent located outside the cell. For this to be e.~fective, coherence or attraction must exist between th.e field of the ce'll and that of the virus~a principle earlier outlined in relation to the nature and function of the discovered vortical field. In this way, through EM field interaction, the energy pattern of the virus can be transferred to the cell, as the cell aligns itself to tile nature of iIs fieI'd. The process is one of induction: direct physical contact is not required. The principle applies equally on macro scale to the conscious functioning of the cell's !human host. "We attract according to our being" is an appropriate axiom. Cells, as 'conscious living entities', are highly sensitive to a wide range of EM fieJds, either man-made, e.g., microwave, power lines, radar, television, etc., or arising from neighbouring EM activiIy in the biophysical system. Nutritional shortcomings, envi,ron mental discord, ultraviolet irradiation, drug abuse, sustained adverse mental or emotional strain, repression of creative desires, geopathic stress, and genetic factors all contribute to field disturbance, cell vulnerability, as well as immune-system deficiency. Freedom from disease ultimately rests upon one's ability to maintain an equilibrium between a natural vibratory state and abnormal influences that may disrupt it. Many researchers are still failing to realise that disease such as cancer and AIDS is not some alien invader that attacks from outside, but rather the result of a breakdown within.

DIELECTRIC DIAGNOSIS The advent of thle DDA ushers in a new approach to medical diagnostics and assists in hastening the development also of painless and effic'ient electromagnetic treatments for a wide range of diseases. NEXUS·49

Although originally designed to detect intracellular disorders in a living body, the broad application of dielectric analysis forms a total system that provides scientists with thermal, rheological (current flow), EM-field, molecular thermokinetic, chemical, structural, morphological and finally biomedical diagnostic information on a wide range of materials in their various forms, bringing a high degree of accuracy, versatility and sensitivity, unobtainable via already existing methods, to the measurement of dielectric or EM field characteristics,

TECHNICAL ASPECTS Functionally, the Dielectric Diagnostic Analyser performs the analysis of: • Thermal transitions over the range of -100°C to +400°C at varying heat rates. It reveals transitions not visible using the most accurate contemporary techniques. It is effective for proccsses monitored by ions or polarisation. • Impurities (organochlorines, pesticides, fungicides and other toxins) difficult to detect by sensinive analytical methods, and does not require reference samples. • Chemical changes due to oxidation; cross-linking; ageing under heat; electrical stresses; different types of radiation as they produce changes in molecular kinetics. Gold electrode sensors Ipermit measurements with and without immediate contact between a specimcn and the electrode surfaces. The 'high voltage' electrode applies the required constant specially-selected sweep or sinusoidal voltages to the sample, and the 'measuring' .electrode receives the response. The different gcometries of the electrodes make possible the measurements of volume and surface properties of samples. The electrodes, in a form of a ring around the measuring electrode, prevent electrode field fr-inging in the edges of the sample and drive to Earth all currents built up on the edge surfaces, For measurements on living organisms, the different types of electrodes are used. To measure a folded tissue (tongue, breast, pinched loose skin, etc.), parallel electrodes are used with or without guard e'lectrodes. For single surface oft samp'lcs, a flat electrode system is used. All electrodes have polished surfaces and are isolated from each other and the ground by a Leflon insulation. All parallel electrodes are spring-loaded to manipulate the pressure on the sample and Ito avoid piezoelectrets-like effect, mostly on biomedical samples. Remote-sensing electrodes are availab\'c for in vivo settings performing while the specimen is functioning in its usual environment. The measured! information may be a feedback to a device which automatically monitors the conditions of the specimen. 50 • NEXUS

The remote-sensor electrodes, set in any location, will telemetrically pass the dielectric information to the DDA in the laboratory. In this way the DDA in situ measures concentrations inacccssible iby analytical methods and also specifies their thresholG levels. The DDA recordings of impurhies are continuous, so chemicals appearing in say, water'effluents, can be detected instantaneously, and by use of fecdback chltonels, the industrial process might be controlled. The list of toxins influencing target organisms is unlimited. Materials which the DDA can analyse for residual toxins include: dairy products, meat, fish, oil seeds, vegetables, fruits, grains, stock feed, consumer goods, soil, and natural water reSOu.rces. The DDA mcthod for the abovementioned tests is fully automated, non-invasive, non-destructive and does not require reference samples. In'the food industry, th,e DDA makes available unique tests in ithe areas of microbiology, microwave food technology, tenderness and tres.hness of meat and poultry. It measures fat and water content. This information is available in vivo for living animals. In agriculture, remote-sensing electrodes attached onto target plants in situ may record nutritional and ~rrigation requirements and, by feedback systems, can manipulate their rational environment automatically. Rigorou.,testing of the DDA and its amaZing capabilities is now in progress at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics in Berlin. Its medical application will be geared primarily for use in hospi'tals and clinics. The dielectric information about a patient's existing condition or an impending disease will be transmitted directly to the DDA in the laboratory and a diagnosis returned, in most cases, within minutes. Two programmes Ihave a'lready 'been set u~ne in Germany and one ill Australia. It is becoming increasingly evident that energy, rather than chemistry, will determine the future course of medicine. The 00 Lmplications are far-reaching.

For more detailed information on Dr Barsamian's work and bio-energy fields, refer to The Sign of tile SerpentKey to Creative Physics, by Mark Balfour, Prism Press, UK, 1991. For additional technical information on the Dielectric Diagnostic Analyser (DDA), contact: Sig Taubert Taubert Technologies Pty ltd 6 Swindon Close Turramurra, NSW 2074, Australia Phone/fax: +61 (02) 983 9415 Mobile: (018) 679 169



by Joel McClain and Norman Wootan With low-level ultrasonic input signals, the Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA) produces usable direct current power at levels above anity. This circuit is based upon the work and theories of John Ernst Worren Keely, and is offered into the public domain in his memory. Without lengthy discussion about the aether, tctrahedral geometric virtual rotation, mass aggregate resonance or the Rule of Nines (see article on page 56), it is possible to understand this circuit as basically a tuned magnetic alld quartz amplifier. However, it ~ necessary to study those subjects in order to design and build the MRA, so if yoU want to fully realise how it works, avail yourself of the files on KeelyNet which contain all of that and much, much more. In the MRA schematic below, there is a tuneable low power oscillator which supplies a signal to one side of a barium titanite transducer. The opposite side of the transducer is connected to a primary coil which is wrapped around a barium ferrite magnet core. The opposite end of the primary goes back to the oscillator. A secondary is wrapped around the primary and is connected to an ordinary bridge rectifier, and the output of the bridge is applied to a DC load. A filter capacitor can be used on the output of the bridge, and was used on the MRA which we built. Additio.nally, a load resistor across the capacitor will keep the output DC from getting too high as the circuit is tuned. We found that a 3D-ohm, lO-watt resistor was sufficient. Once this has been assembled, put a voltmeter across the output resistor to monitor the voltage rise as the circuit is tuned. Adjust the oscillator frequency to provide the highest DC output. During this process, be aware that the voltages across the piezo and the coil will be very much higher than the signal level which you are applying. We have seen combined voltagcs of almost 1,000 V AC wi~h only 30 V AC of signal input. FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

When the circuit is tuned, the magnet will be 'singing' at around 8,000 to 11,000 Hz. If the piezo sings, you are exceeding its power capabilities and will need to reduce the number of turns on your primary. The frequency that resonates bOlh the piezo and the magnet at optimum resonance will be three times (three octaves above) the frequency at which the magnet is singing. This is the nine harmonics that are mentioned in the rule of nines. To test the circuit, place a precision, high wattage, low ohm resistor in series with Ithe output from the oscillator to the piezo, and measure the voltage drop. It should be very small, less than 0.1 V AC. Use this value to determine current in the series circuit, and then calculate powcr. Next, measure the DC voltage across your output road resistor, and once again calculate power. You sho.uld be between thrce to four times above the previously calculated input power. Once the circuit is in operation, you will note that the voltage will vary by Q.,l V DC or more, depending upon the time of day. T/1is is due to the nature of etheric forces inherent in the Earth's magnetLc field. Watch for peak voltage at or beJ'ore sunrise.

In our circuit, we measured 0.084 V AC drop across a 2-ohm series resistor, for ii total of 0.685 W dissipation in the primary. With this, we attained 2.75 W of output power and used this to drive a lamp and a motor. Increasing the signal voltage' had the effect of decreasing the primary current while boosting output power, thus improving the power gain ratio. We bclieve that larger power systems can be built by using larger coils, more piezos and a lower frequency, as ,long as the aggregate combination is within the resonant frequency range of the components. The MRA is essentially a means of releasing the electrical energy stored in magnets. As such, it is an AC battery with DC outp.ut. It can be used for a portable, self-charging power supply with a solidstate oscillator and rechargeable battery. For those who want a synopsis of thc tcchnology, the following paragraphs are offered~ but it is strongly suggested that you follow up this reading with a more thorough study of the KeelyNet files. Matter = Energy. To change the matter, change the energy. Creation of a magnet is achieved by a process which causes the matter to bc both expanded and compressed at the same time, with the result


I: 1 transfonner 150 turns magnet wire

DC output

barium ferrite magnet

This is a preliminary circuit! Future versions wi'll provide more detail.

Magnetic Resonance Amplifier NEXUS • 53


N EWSC IE NCEN EWSC I ENCEN EWSC I ENC E that a magnet is in a constant state of collapse. This is why magnets attract material with similar lattice structures, as they attempt to fill the energy void which created them. The 'domains' of the magnet are fixed after the process of magnetisation, and the only way to extract electrical energy is to physically spin a coil relative to a magnet. However, it is also possible to induce virtual rotation by applying the resonant frequency of the magnet, which causes the lattices and the domains to vibrate. However, the power required to do this is greater than the energy released by the virtual rotation. Therefore it is necessary to increase the vibration without using excessive current. The piezo has a virtually inexhaustible supply of free electrons, and it releases them when it is stressed. Using the piezo in series with the primary coil will almost eliminate primary current, because it is voltage which stresses the piezo, not current. Therefore the piezo can be strcssed with very little actual power, and provide the current to the primary coil which vibrates the domains of the magnet. The piezo is the catalyst for the circulating current with the primary coil. The circulating current is additive, and this is the reason for the high potentials developed across both the piezo and the primary coil. It is at this point that resonance becomes important. You must have three octaves of separation between the magnet resonant

frequency and the signal applied to the piezo. The circulating current is rich in harmonics, and this is necessary for the operation of the circuit. Although the circuit is simple, it utilises the concepts of phi, of virtual rotation, of tetrahedral geometry, piezo and transformer theory, and electrical knowledge. It is not suggested as a beginner project as a result of the high voltages prcsent. For engineers and technicians of experience, it may be difficult to accept that the MRA is above unity. The ramifications are enormous. Hopefully, it will help to build a better world. Magnetic Resonance Amplifier: Description of Operation

by Joel McClain The MRA is a series resonant LC circuit in which power gain is attainable as a result of the increase in effective impedance under certain operating conditions. When the series impedance increases, primary current is reduced. When the power available from the secondary coil cither remains the same or increases as the primary circuit impedance increases, a power gain occurs. This is not possible with a series resonant circuit made of conventional materials. Even unity powcr transfer is considered to be unattainable as a result of accumulated losses in thc componel\LS which are passive (reactive) deviccs. Materials and construction methods are chosen for

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]) ali~ c!JoIlf;;J;:----..



54 • NEXUS

these components based upon the type of application and frequency to be applied, with the goal of minimising losses. A typical capacitor with polyethylene dielectric has a dielectric constant of 4.3 times that of air. Air has a constant of 1.0, and is the basis for comparison. Titanium dioxide, however, has a dielectric constant maximum of 170, and a corresponding power factor of only 0.0006, comparable with polyethylene, so that the dissipation of primary current in the dielectric is extremely low. This is where the comparison ends, because the titanium composite 'capacitor' is also a piezoelcctric device as well as an excellent capacitor. Heat adversely affects the power factor of most dielectric materials. Titanium zirconate, however, contains polar molecules which rotate as thermal pressure is applied. This rotation increases the dielectric constant if the frequency applied is equal to or lower than the resonant frequency of the dielectric. At series resonance, the rotation of polar molecules contributes to heat; as the dielectric constant increases, a corresponding release of free electrons occurs as a direct result of the piezoelectric properties of the device. In application, the MRA is tuncd at resonance for maximum power transfer, then detuned slightly for maximum power gain. This relates directly to the use of thermal pressure at resonance, and the effect that this has on continued polar rotation and the release of donor electrons. The coil or primary of the MRA ~s a magnetic core which, relative to the fixcd capacitance of the piezo, is a tuned permeability device. This is often used in RF devices to attain a stable resonant frequency. Magnetic materials are chosen based upon the operating characteristics of the intended application to reduce eddy currents in the operating range. In these applications, the resonant frequency of the magnet itself is avoided, as this would 'beat' with the oscillating current. However, in the MRA, this is the exact effect which we want. The barium ferrite magnet resonates audibly at frequencies which are harmonics of the series resonant frequency. The effect of this in a typical audio application is called harmonic distortion and is not desirable, but, once again, in the MRA this is what we want to occur. There is energy in the harmonics, and this energy serves both to counter eddy losses as well as to oppose primary current FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

N EWSC lEN C EN EWSC IE NC EN EWSC IE NC E flow, while contributing to circulating current within tne resonant circuit. The net effect of this is ~hat when the MRA is detuned, harmonics of the audible frequency 'beat' with primary current, opposing its flow, whife the increase in circulating current couples more power to the secondary, and therefore to the load. This is how the power gain is attained, basically by considering the naturally occurring harmonics as beneficial instead of as undesirable effects to be filtered out. When the MRA is detuned, the effective impedance increases as seen by the source, while the power availalble to tine load decreases in lesser proportion. This is measurable by using resistive equivalent circuit testing. However, the detuning is I'oad dependent, and slight adjustments are reqUired if the load requirement is greater than the power band of a harmonic interaction. After retuning, the power to the load will increase in quantum intervals as the circulating current is reinforced by the reaction of the permeable magnet core. This win be seen as slight incremental voltage increases across the load device. Once tlhe magnet is 'ringing', its ,frequency and therefore harmonics remain stable as long as the series resonant range is not exceeded. Thcrefore, the detuning affects ~he piczo only, and the circulating current increase is a result of the phase relationship between the harmonic and the source. Voltage amplification is seen across the primary, measurably higher than the source voltage, and this is 'seen' by the secondary. This is not the same thing as a power gain, because the power gain is a direct result of effective impedance. 1ft should also be noted that the term "virtual rotation" has been applied in describing the operation of the MRA. The comparison is made with a generator, in which relative motion occurs between a coil and magnet. Rather than use physical energy to rotate a mass, the MRA uses resonance to rotate the energy. This is seen in the polar rotation of the piezo dielectric as well as in the molecular energy occurring in the reactive component of the magnet, i.e., the ringing. The lattice structures of the piezo and magnet are compatible for virtual rotation, and the materials complement each other electrically. In thc past, rcsearchers have noted many effects which occur at aggregate resonance which typically indudes a range of three octaves. Anomalous energy gains were referred to as "aetheric". The aether was FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

believed to exist outside of the three physical dimensions and could be 'tapped' for free energy at resonance. Aetheric energy is said to be limitless, but to vary locally with increases in Earth magnetic fields at sunset and sunrise, like the tides of an infinite ocean. This effect is not thoroughly understood, but has been observed in the MRA as increases in output in the early morning and decreases in the early evening. This is still being studied. Experimentation will determine the optimum MRA design for a specific range of applications.

Vanguard Sciences Note The use of Lenz Law (back EMF) is legend in free-energy circuits. When the back EMF is reversed and phasc-matched to the forward EMF, you have an increase in efficiency because of the reduction of eddycurrent heating through the addition of the previously wasted power. This is generally understood to apply primarily to magnetic flux, yet because frequency is ,involved, phase-conjugate principles playa major part Phase conjugation applies to all frequencies regardless of the type of energy being used. Harmony (constructi ve interference) and dissonance (destructive interference) are controlled using phasing and frequency relationships. If the rhythmic energy flowing through the mass is made resonant to ~e mass aggregate resonance, you further reduce the resistance and impedance, tlhereby achiev-


ing unity and, in some cases, over unity. Most people want clean and simple cjrcuits. These would not entail physical motion or large inductive masses as are encountered in orthodox generators. T.he MRA circuit fits this approach very nicely because it does not involve moving mass, but rather moving energy harmoniously to produce energy. Further information on the MRA, itS operational characteristics, correlations and updates will be provided as they are documented. (Source: Written 13 Decembe.,--1994; downloaded from KeelyNet BBS, PO Box 870716, Mesquite, Texas 75187, USA; dataline (214) 324 3501. KeelyNet is a free alternative sciences BBS sponsored by Vanguard Sciences.)

,fditorls Note: ,I This article is causing qI.Jitc.,a sUr!

in alternative sclence research>

circll15. NEXU,S would appreci"ate any feedback on. results you

rnay care to'share with .ot..h~,.s.

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NEXUS • 55

N EWSe lEN C EN EWSe I ENe EN Ewse lEN e E - THE RULE OF NINESRESONANT GEOMETRY AND THE ZERO POINT by Joel McClain The word "rule" has several different meanings: as a form of law, as a form of· dominion, or as a measuring standard. This text uses the word in all three contexts to define the effect of the supreme chord-the trinity of harmony-in the universe. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, independent researchers began to notice the 'anomalous' effects of applying resonance to a controlled experiment. Then, as now, this area of 'science' is far from the mainstream. The results of those early experiments, such as the lightning of Tesla and the motors of Keely, have been ignored both as science and as history-at least in America. Elsewhere, the work of Tesla is revered and has been 'amplified' by paid research. With the creation of the Magnetic Resonance Amplifier, or MRA, perhaps history and science will have to take a second look. The theories behind the MRA are the same as those of Tesla, Keely, Russell, Bearden, King and others. The application, however, in a closed-loop ZPE device, takes a sharp tum away from effect and into application. Look at either a piece of quartz or a magnet, and you are looking at trapped energy. Tap the quartz, and you will get a spark as the electrical potential of the quartz instantaneously jumps. Spin a magnet relative to a coil of wire, and electrical current flows in the wire. How do we extract the power -

of these materials without the attendant physical energy required to either tap or spin them? Matter = Energy. To convert matter to energy, resonate the matter. To achieve energy output which is above the energy applied at resonance, use three octaves, and there will be three harmonious notes in each octave for a total of nine resonant frequencies. These notes occur naturaJlly when the base frequency applied is three octaves above the magnet's resonant fre~uency, a.nd equa'l to the resonance of tihe quartz. In this way, the potential applied to the quartz 'taps' it, without the need to use physical force. The result is output. Connect this output ,to a coil around a magnet, and the domains of the magnet, which comprise a tiny portion of its weight,and which do all of the 'work' in a generator, will be forced to spin. This spin is called "virtual rotation", because it is the spin of energy without the spin of the matter. However, this is only one application. How can we be sure that the 'rule' ap,plies anywhere else, much less universally? We have to go very far back in history to find the answer to this question. It involves phi, the universal constant, and delves deeply into the construction of Earth's great tetrahedrons. Nest two tetrahedrons and put t1~m in an orb, and you have a miniature model of the Earth's magnetic field. Where the 'bases' of the tets touch the orb, you have the latitudes where all of the ancient pyramids





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were built. The 'top' and 'bottom' points are the north and south poles. This shows the naturally occurring magnetic resonance of Earth as an 'orb' in rotation, Connect lines between the points, and you have a map. of the ley lines which were mapped very accurately thousands of years ago. Models of the Earth as described above have been found in the ruins of every civilisation which built pyramids. Earth is, as it must be, a model of the natural harmonic relationship wllich exists at every level, from the universe itself to the SUbatomic. The relationships have been understoo(l for a long, long time. This knowledge, and the lise of the energy which it can be used to provide, was lbelieved to be the curriculum of 'mystery schools' in Egypt and Greece. If you look at the Ilattice geometry of silicon or germanium, you wilF find tetrahedrons. In his famous "ring", Hans Nieper allowed the silicon of transistors to achieve self-resonance, with the result that the circuit became lower in weight. This implies that resonance may also be the key ilO countering the effects of gravity or, rather, the effect called gravity, for gravity is an effect, not a force. Gravity is 'suspend'ed' when you cancel the spin of the energy which comprises matter by resonating the matter. By virtually rotating the lattices, the subatomic particle spin virtually stops, like a spinning object seen with a synchronised strobe light. Because gravity is a complex quadrupole effect, when you stop the spin, you lose the effect. The matter which comprises the quartz and the magnet of the MRA is comprised of cube lattices, each of which is a nested tetrahedron at 45 degrees relative to the polar axis of the moleCUles. Together in a circuit, there is a 90-degree phase separation, which allows the resonant energy to create the needed harmonics to fully resonate both materials. This is the application of the rule of nines. It is a standard, ~ standard of the geometry of the universe; it is the ruling law of nature; and it is the measuring tool for all electrical and mechanica~ interaction, If, as some have suggested, the ancient 'sacred' knowledge was shared by extraterrestrials to permit the construction of the pyramids, and if, as we have seen, resonance is the key to anti-gravity as well as to free energy, then the tetrahedron has very far-reaching implications. (Source: From KeelyNet BBS [data line (214) 324 350lj, downloaded via NEXUS OnLine!; wn'tten 18 December 1994) FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995


In the early hours of 8th August 1993, an extraordinary event occurred in the foothills of Victoria's Dandenong mountains that would forever change the lives of five ordinary people.

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y name is Kelly Cahill and, like many others in my situation, I, too, fear ridicule due to the strangeness surrounding my case. I would have preferred to remain anonymous, but due to the prompting of certain Australian researchers who continuously stressed how necessary it was that the reality of this event was revealed to the public, I eventually came to realise the importance of increasing public awareness. I have been involved in what is considered to be one of the world's and definitely Australia's first known UFO encounter involving non-human entities, wherein two separate parties unknown to each other have actively participated, enabling researchers to finally cross-reference an encounter case. This is not to say that it has not occurred anywhere in the world before; only that it is quite possibly the first recorded instance and is an extremely well-documented case. It therefore becomes a powerful tool in providing evidence that unknown lifeforms do indeed exist within our normal realms of existence. My story is a very personal one and is written as such. I want you to know the way I perceived things to occur, from a human rather than academic viewpoint. Scientific data and official reports are partially expounded in my book. As it is just you and I for now, I will begin by telling you a little about myself. I am twenty-seven years of age, married with three children, and was living what most people would consider to be an uneven~ul existence. Uneventful, that is, until the night of 7th/8th August 1993. On that day, the cosy little world of logic I had grown so accustomed to was turned inside out. Prior to the life-changing cxperience which took place, the subject of UFOs had never been of any particular interest to me. If they did indeed exist then I was bound to be the last person on the face of the Earth to actually see one. I tended to maintain a very sceptical view on all matters pertaining to physical phenomena, which was back then a perfectly natural attitude, not only held by myself but, as I have increasingly noticed, by most other people. What 1 did possess, however, was a keen belief in psychic awareness, but even this belief was not unduly founded. I have always thought the human mind a most fascinating area of study, being one of the few true mysteries as yet unravelled by our advanced scientific community. It provides an outlet to philosophical thinking which is not available elsewhere. As a housewife and mother I am usually too busy to devote a great deal of time to outside activities, but the one thing that even a housewife can do is think.


RECAll On the early evening of 1st October, we again drove up to Eva's house in the mountains where 1 intended to spend the weekend. We took the usual route through the outer Melbourne suburb of Fountain Gate, on to Belgrave then up to Monbulk. It was a familiar course to us. Since moving to the country almost a year before, distance had become of little object where friendship was concerned. A few kilometres after the Fountain Gate shopping centre, we passed an open area where (although logic defies me an explanation as to why the thought would even enter my mind) I made a wisecrack to myself that this would be a great place for a UFO to land. All that sil\y business with Andrew must have struck a funny-bone somewhere. What happened next was not so amusing. FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

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With no warning, a strong sensation of what I can only call 'gutwrenching dread' swept through my entire being. It was the most horrible feeling a person could know. My stomach literally sank. I consider myself to be in relative control of my emotions, yet this was something I had never known before. This was a raw and very real fear which appeared to arise from nowhere. From that moment on, the memories of 7th August came flooding back to my mind in an unstoppable torrent. Clear as daylight, it was as if a secret door had been unlocked. I want to share the release of these memories with you as accurately as I can, so I have drawn a parallel as close as possible to the true nature of its passing. 7TH


On Saturday afternoon, 7th August 1993, we were making our way to Eva's in order to celebrate her daughter's eighteenth birthday. Though we departed when it was still daylight, in the hour we were travelling it began to grow dark. I gazed out of the passenger window engrossed in thought. At dusk there was not a great deal to see, the surrounding landscape melting into a mass of silhouetted shadow. Then, quite unexpectcdly, on the outskirts of Belgrave South we passed an unlikely object resting in a field, the sight of which tore me away from my daydream. Even though we were travelling at considerable speed, I was still able to catch a glimpsc for a period of two to three seconds of something that presented itself as a circle of round orange lights with a slightly fluorescent haze about it. I was almost certain that I had just seen something of an extremely unorthodox nature. Unfortunately, Andrew did not notice as he was concentrating on the road ahead. Should I risk making a fool of myself by telling him what I thought I saw? For a few moments my mind swirled with disbelief. "Could I have actually seen a UFO? No! Impossible I They didn't existthey couldn't exist-and yet...?" It was too much to contemplate. I must have been mistaken. My logic did not want to accept the alternative possibility. It was impossible. There had to be an explanation. Yet my eyes were also aware of what they had seen. There was total confusion of my mind at being presented with something it had previously programmed itself not to accept as a part of reality. Amazement and logic began to playa vigorous game of tug-ofwar with my reasoning. "Wasl" ..."Was not!" ... "1 saw itl" ... "You're mistaken!" ... "lt was therel" ... "That's impossible!"... I began to pray. Faith in God plays quite a significant role in my life, and although the thought of asking God questions on UFOs may raise a few eyebrows, it seemed quite a natural thing to do at the time. I always turned to God in times of indecision. It may not tie in with convention, but neither did my habit of constantly questioning the profound issues of life. The strange thing is that I truly do believe answers are provided. Not straight away of course, but many times I have looked back to the past concerning my pleas to God only to discover that somehow the answers have been subtly incorporated into my life without even the slightest recognition on my behalf. Many followers of religion profess belief in an invisible spiritual world. Could UFOs be a part of this? For one short moment had I been allowed a glimpse into another reality? Or were there really other civilisations somewhere out there in the universe? What if there was? Was God trying to show me something? "Wait for me-I'll be back down this way in a few hours." My mind was desperately screaming out the thought. If what I had seen was something of a spiritual nature, then maybe I would be 60 • NEXUS

heard. There was so much I wanted to know, so many questions I needed answers for. Within a few minutes, after the initial amazement had subsided, I predictably reverted to my usual analytical self. Did I honestly believe I had seen a genuine UFO? Undoubtcdly my eyes believed that they had seen something, but my logical sense was just not ready to accept an explanation so outlandish. Brain function was gearing to override all data accumulated by the physical senses. "It must have been something else. It had to be." There was no room in my mind for fairy tales, only fact. But even logic could not debunk the very slim possibility that what I had seen was actual. After all, if I did not possess an open mind on spiritual matters, I would never have come to believe in God. Now God was an accepted part of my logical makeup, but it had not always been that way. Maybe logic itsclf was the very reason why our senses had become so limited. Since the day we were born we have been programmed as to what exists and what does not. Maybe true knowledge lies in seeking beyond the boundaries of traditional programming. Yet even if I had completely believed what I had seen a few moments before, never in my wildest dreams could I have anticipated the course of events which were to ensue later that evening. Not wanting to appear foolish, I attempted to hold my tongue. Five minutes later I was at bursting point; I just couldn't help myself. "Andrew, I saw some really strange lights in a field back there." "It was probably just a plane, Kelly." "No, it wasn't. Planes just don't land in the middle of nowhere. It was a circle of orange lights." "Then it was probably a helicopter." "Since when have you ever secn a round helicopter? And anyway, it was three times the size of a helicopter and it wasn't making any noise." I could almost feel myself pouting. He was not the slightest bit intercstcd. Jt was one of the few times in my life I actually regretted never learning to drive. If I had been driving, we would have definitely gonc back for a second look. "So what are you saying, Kelly? That you saw a UFO? Okay, then, you saw a UFO, whatever you say." His tone was obviously patronising, and the conversation terminated there. Arriving at Eva's, Andrew decided to permit everyone a little laugh at my expense, relating to them what I thought I had seen. The joke was on me and I received a good serving of what I was to later learn were the typical flying saucer and little green men jibes that so many people in my situation have to learn to live with. I took it with a pinch of salt. They were probably right and I certainly didn't want to appear the idiot. I found myself laughing at my own stupidity-after all, it was rather ridiculous. Following the usual birthday salutations, which did not include drinking (I did not touch a drop of alcohol all evel)ing), Eva and I set off for the bingo hall, one of her favourite haunts. I only mention this as it later becomes a crucial factor in the timing of events. We arrived back at her house around 11 pm. After a coffee and a chat, Andrew decided it was- time to get a move on. Neither of us bothered to look at the clock before we departed, but I can safely assume that it would have been no later than 11.45 pm. Although Eva is herself unsure of the actual time we left, she too tends to agree with my assumption. We arrived homc at 2.30 am. This I am definite about because I had spent the latter half of our trip arguing that I had suffered a blackout or lost some time somewhere. (The reason for this will FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

Circles were dark orange, appeared solid, and emitted a diffused, pale orange light.



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i Sketch by Bill Chalker, as published in fmernalional UFO Reporter, Sept/Oct 1994, of the 8th August 1993 object. Based on Kelly Cahill's drawing.

"This line could have been convex instead of concave."

be explained in the following pages.) The journey from the mountains to our house in Gippsland takes approximately one and a half hours. To my way of reasoning, that still leaves over an hour that cannot be accounted for. Of this missing time I have a total conscious recollection of an estimated ten minutes, which I will relate to you in Chapter 5. For now, to avoid confusing the issue, I will only give you an account of what we both consciously perceived to occur that night. 8TH


The evening traffic had all but come to a standstill. Not many people traversed the mountains late at night and we were potentially the only car on the road. Heading down the hills between Belgrave and Fountain Gate, we were surprised to spot an unusual object hovering above the road at approximately twice the treetop height. It was an estimated four to five hundred metres in front of us, a spectacle of orange lights on the bottom half with a glassy appearance reminiscent of windows, while the top half seemed to be solid. When we drew closer I got the distinct impression that there were figures visible in the lights as if we were being observed or were part of the itinerary on a sightseeing tour. My heart began to thump wildly. Although it looked a little different in the air than on the ground, it just had to be the same object I had seen earlier. "Do you see that? See, see I told you so. Does that look like a helicopter?" Even Andrew could not deny what he saw with his own eyes. "I see it, Kelly. You're right. It's definitely not a helicopterit's very, very strange." "Look, Andrew, it looks like there's people in there." No sooner had the words left my mouth, it shot off to the left at a terrific speed. One second it was there-the next second it was gone. There are hardly words to portray the wonder we felt at seeing science fiction come to life. "Was our own government more technologically advanced than we had ever thought possible. ?... Nah! If it had anything to do with governments then it was more than likely the American military, not our own. Could there actually be others out there in space?" The questions and discussion continued to flow in an atmosphere of excited chatter. When we had driven no further than a few kilometres, our eycs were greeted by a brilliant light, like a shining sun, directly in front of us. It seemed to block off the entire road, and its brightness was so intense that I found it necessary to use my hand as a shade in order to peer through the windscreen. FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995


"Unable to tell if this was actually rays of light (gaseous) or luminescent solid."

"Acrual colour was a pale, luminescent blue, somewhere between baby blue and aqua."



Approximate scale of person to object


"Look at it, Andrew.'" "I can see it, Kelly. I can see it." "Oh my God, I don't believe it. What are you going to do?" "What do you think I'm going to do? I'm going to keep on driving." "I don't believe it, Andrew, we're really going to see a UFO." By all logical reasoning it was not supposed to be happening, yet it was-it really was! My heart was pounding; the excitement was like a surge of electricity pulsating through me. There was a heightened sense of sharpness to my perceptive awareness, and the awe I was feeling [eft me speechless. The next thing I remember was, although still sitting in the car, my heartbeat was relaxed and the flow of adrenalin which had bee.n coursing through my veins was non-existent. It was not humanly possible for the 'body's chemical reaction to just disappear within aJ split second. One minute I had been awestruck, then within the blink of an eye-nothing. It was this lack of hormonal activity that made everything seem so uncanny. "What hiPpened, Andrew? We were driving straight into that light. Weren't we going to see a UFO?" "I ~hink so." "Then what happened? Where is it? What happened to Ithe light?" "I don't know. We must have tumed a cornet Or something." "How come I didn't see thc comer, then? Andrew, this is really weird. I feel like I've had a blackout." The feeling was very similar ItQ coming out of an anaesthetic; not remembering the events but aware that something had occurred and I had missed it. "Don't be stupid, Kelly. We turned a few comers, tkat's all." The change in his attitude from a few moments before was markedly obvious. From being a little disoriented himself, he then began to act as if he had been aware and in total control of his surroundings. What could ~ say? Could I have been epileptic and unaware of it? Could I have had some type of fit? . "Andrew, I'm not kidding! I've lost some time somewhere. I can feel it." "Just forget about it, Kelly. You probably went off into a daydream. Don't make a big deal out of it." We debated about time-loss for at least the next half an hour until I finally realised the futility of carrying it any further. I've known for many years and been told often enough by others that I had married an extremely stubborn man. This selfsame stubbornness was doomed to arise continuously over the next few months, even after the other party had come forward and evidence of physical anomalies had been discovered at the location. NEXUS路61

During the trip home, the two things we both managed to agree


on(w1)erWe: Id d" I II ' Beginning on 1st October 1993, the day I initially recalled the e cou Istmct y sme VOlll1t; , . 2) W b h ff' I' d h ' Th encounter, I also began to recall a senes of events which had a (. e profound effect on the way I was to view thereafter the unknown e were ot su enng unexp ame stomac pam. pam I felt radlate~ from my lower abd~men through to my upper aspects of the world around me. What I was to remember would shoulders, ~ot unlike severe muscle fatigue after a day of strenu- defy all rational explanation, effecting the onset of a new era in ous welghthftm~. " m overall perce tion of life. When we amved home, the fIrSt thmg we did was consult the y p" . .' kitchen clock, as neither Andrew nor myself was accustomed to T~e first memone~ of that mght were only as I descnbed m the wearing a watch. It was 2.30 am. ~revlOus chapter. I Just could not seem to remember beyond the "See, Kelly, I told you we didn't lose any time. It only took us light. Then, over the penod of the next few hours, I began to get an hour and a half." flashbacks of definite conscious acts. "What do you mean it only took us an hour and a half? Did you The retrieval of these memories came in short spurts, each one check the time before we left?" succeeded by a complete blank. It was not unlike walking through "No, but I know we didn't take any longer than an hour and a a door only to find another one on the other side, then walking through the second door only to find a third, and so on... Even half so we must have left at one." "You are so pig-headed sometimes! How do you know that after reaching a point where nothing more was forthcoming;Tam when you didn't even look at the clock? I'm absolutely sure we still faced with the dilemma of an extensive amount of missing left a lot earlier than one." " time. "Look, Kelly, I was driving, and I """ '0 , , ' ' o w , ' Some of the recovered material know I wasn't driving for any longer We a dear ~ay seem more than a little than an hour and a half. If we got .. . . '. '. ',\1'" .'" bizarre, and most of 1t IS of a home at five-thirty I would still say we highly sensitive nature. There are l~ft a,~ four because I was the one dricertain .incidents I shall relate to vmg. ' ~', you which are personally humlhTo continue this d~bate wa.s senseIt wa~ grppi)([Jevelin ating, and if there were any way I less. I could never wm. The Idea. that at.the could find an excuse not to wnte there could have been more to our JOur- " " "," . them I would do so. But the ney than just d:-iving was an absurdity i ·.·I~vel guny~~lie tQa~!riJ{ a$~:rt1iwhole purpose of this book is to that he had no mtentlOn of contemplat.' '. .I'·',t.. d:l~"'h' make people aware that someing. In any case, I had no proof either, thing is really going on and to except an instantaneous change in hopefully inspire further research. metabolism I could not explain. It" A half truth is about as much use But proof wasn't long in coming. . U.IC ,.pU QVer.. as a direct lie. It is only through Before retiring for the night I went to wholehearted truth that ongoing the bathroom where I was concerned to research into this very real phediscover a red triangular mark beneath II' nomenon is going to be able to my navel, with the appearance of an even bum or as if the first produce any signifilcant answers. few layers of skin had been removed. This was to become of With the renewal of my memory, I began to suffer a form of some importance to me later, but as it held no signiHcance at the severe trauma, convinced I was going insane. It was not until after time I did not dwell upon it excessively. I rece~ved news of other witnesses who had been able to collaboWhat I did find that was more recognisable to me, therefore of rate events, ,that I was finally able to relieve myself of this fear. I far greater importance, was a small cun on my bikini-line similar to was not going crazy after all-that is, not unless three other people a laparoscopy mark but finer, and with the appearance of being a whom I had never met were going crazy along with me. few days old or p'artially healed. I knew what it was, as I had been I am probably the luckiest person alive in this respect. Most beset with gynaecological problems since the age of sixteen and people in my situation are forced to face their experience alone, was more than familiar with the incision mark left after explorato- forever suffering in silence. ry surgery. Because I am not in this alon'e, I have found the courage to write Although not due for my menstruation, I was bleeding, This about it. There will always be an undeniable body of verbal and unexplained issue of blood continued for three and a half weeks physical evidence to support its actual occurrence. until I became extremely ill and was hospitalised with an infection in the womb. BEYOND THE LIGHT An infection in the womb is not an everyday female disorder. The usual case is a pregnancy which has self-terminated and then We continued driving toward the light, only to realise as we festered in the womb, or an infection caused by non-sterile surgiturned a bend in the road that the object was actually to the right cal procedure. The pregnancy test taken proved to be negative, as of us. We had a clear, uninterrupted view of a craft of enormous proportions. It was far larger than the craft we had seen only minI knew it would. And as I had not had any recent surgery, the medical practitioner assigned to me gave assurance that I must utes before, almost as if the first had been merely a scout. It was have been pregnant despite the results of the blood samples and situated at ground level in the field at the bottom of a low-level despite my constant protestations that this was not the case. gully. The road ran in a semi-circular fashion around the area, making it possible to observe the craft at close range for an estiThese are the entire events of 8th August as both my husband and I perceived them to be. The ten minutes of missing time that I mated one kilometre stretch. also recalled (without the aid of hypnotherapy) are told in the "Stop the car, Andrew. Quick, pull over." "Do you think so?" ensuing pages.

had uninterrdp'ted view of a craft .of enormousproportions. . . . . , situated·et,f the field bottom of ad ow-


h'" .... '... d., .', ',' .'. C1rcu ar.las.' Ion al1ounu ,t:"e area.o;. "Stopthe car;· Aridrew. k .,il"' .',', , Q '

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approach, so I tried using thought as contact BIG MISTAKE! I Now that had to be the most illogical question I had ever heard. There we were, looking at something most other people woulldn't was instantly overwhelmed by the most horrifying fear I believe a human being is capable of knowing. The creature's eyes seemed get a chance to see in a dozen lifetimes, and there he was asking to turn to a red fire and even at a distance of 100 to 150 metres whether we should stop OJ not. shone with a striking luminescence. A first,.through fright, I could "Of course I think so. Hurry up, pull over. I can't believe in's a barely whisper. real UFO. My God, Andrew, they're actually real." "They've got no souls, Andrew." Tne most suitable word I can use to describe the feeling that Then I began to scream, this time with great emphasis. came over me at that particular moment was awe-total awe. I "They've got no souls, Andrew!" could not have wiped the smile off my face i'I I had tried. Don't ask me why ~ said it-I have pondered about this very Brotherly benevolence was the only expectation I entertained at same thing time and time again. How could a mere mortal know aI~. Yes, I was indeed blessed-that's all there was Ito it. Andrew pulled the station wagon over and as we got out I leant if something Ihad a soul or not? Not one of us has encountered (in the normal realms of existence) a livling creature without a soul, back into the car to pick up my handbag from the floor. I never go yet it was as lif I knew with my whole being that this was so. . anywhere without my handbag, and this was one of the very conSuddenly there was not only one entity on the field but many-a scious acts which enabled me to retrieve the suppressed informamass of glowing red eyes. One moment they were not there-the tion. As I picked it up I realised that another car had pulled up next moment they were. I can only assume that they emerged behind us, about a hundre'd metres further down the road. This from the blue light beneath the craft. made everything seem even more incredible. We weren't going to They then appeared fo glide across the field very rapidly, at a be the only witnesses; someone else would! see this ItOO. The other car was either light blue or white in colour but certain point splitning up, In~o or three going toward the other because it was an unusually dark night and the road was unlit, it party, tbe rest heading toward us. I was transfixed. I couldn't take my was a little difficult to distin- b , ' .• ",'" eyes off them. Their power or energy guish. was unfathomable. My mind became a I moved around the front end sea of intense confusion, a roaring wind of our car and met my husband inside my head, addling my thoughts. I on the other side. As we just couldn't seem to focus my faculties. walked across the road I It was as ,if 'something was interfering glanced sideways and noted the with the very way my brain functioned. I occupants of the other car had'to fight it. I had an intcnse fear that I doing likewise. To my eyes was going to die if I didn't. they appeared to be a man and Maybe it was because of the raw terror a woman but because of the I was feeling or possibly an act of fearincredibility of the object in induced heroism that I found myself front of us I did not spend a screaming out to line people down the great deal of time observing the road, "They're evil. They're going to kill others. Just knowing that we us." were not alone was comfort enough. I was more concerned v'... ", ,. _.. ."n Then I felt a 'whoomph' in my stomach with findmg a landmark that I . . that sent me reeling backward through the air. (Here I have to interrupt with some could identify with. interesting information that arose while I was being researched, as The blackness of the night made it almost impossible to see anything yet I did note thah on the left-hand side of the road where we it could have a major impact on how this incident is to be interpreted!. One evening, on the second return to the site with John pulled over there was a slight embankment, and because of the Auchettl, the Melbourne-based researcher, I was standing in the light emanating from the craft I was able to identify a windbreak exact same spot as the night in ,question. As I wcnt to lean forof small trees arOlmd a metre in height. This Ilater helped in focatward, John quickly took a hold of my arm and' pUlned me back. ing he exact spot where the incident occurred. "Watch out Kelly, thatls an electric fence!" I continued to remind myself, "You are conscious, Kelly; this is Although the electrified wire actually ran along the inside of the real." The whole episode was so unlikely I found it necessary to keep assuring myself of its authenticity. fence, it still leaves open the possibility that on that night in Andrew and I stood staring down into the gully. We were August I may have somehow come in contact wirth it and received approximately five metres from the roadside at a point where we an electric shock rather than being the victim of an assaUlt as [ had originally supposed. This may also explain why I flew back could go no further because of a fence line. through the air with such great force, although the official opinion The craft was larger than life and seemed to take in our entire view. There was a row of orange lights with what seemed to be is that the electricai current generated was not sufficient to cause solid rays of concentrated blue light ben.eath, arranged in a halfthis.) Finding myself on my back upon the ground, I somehow manmoon shape. The entire craft shone with a soft fluorescent glow. We observed this remarkable scene for about thirty seconds aged to sit up. I was fighting consciousness, felt extremely nauwhen, as if from nowhere, a figure began moving toward us. It seous and was struggling for breath, not unlike when a pcrson has been severely winded. More terrifying than anything efse was the had no distinguishable features except that it seemed overly tall and was black in colour. I was quite startled. For some reason I fact that I cou[d not see,. A blackness was awash in front of mY' had expected to see a human being, but this was not human-its eyes. shape was all wrong. With panic in my voice, I cried out for my husband. "Andrew, look, there's someone coming." Continued on page 83 The situation was bizarre enough to warrant an uncommon w'





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SECRET TUNNElS OF THE INCAS By Javier Sierra. Translated from the Spanish by Doris L. Phillips In January 1533, the Spanish conquest of Peru reached its most dramatic point. The Inca Kmg, Atahualpa, prisoneF of Pizarro and his men, promised to pay a huge ransom in gold and silver for his freedom. To speed the gathering of the gold and silver, Atahualpa consented to let three of his Spanish captors enter the sacred Temple of,

the Sun (the Coricancha) and take all the precious objects necessary to meet the amount of the ransom. Thus these men were the las.t ones to· see that sacred ambit in all its splendour before proceeding to remove seven hundCMd sheets of gold weighing about five pounds .each from its walls, and snatching gold masks and scep~res from the mummies of the Inca emperors, ancestors of Atahualpa. However, although conside.rable, the


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amount of gold was not sufficient for the ransom to be given on the deadline set by Pizarro, and this gave him a perfect excuse to execute Atahualpa on the afternoon of 24th June 1533. FoUowing the death of Atahualpa, Pizarro returned to Cuzco to continue the looting of the Coric.ancha. There stiU remained the gold statues in Dbe garden and tthe impressive gold solar disc which gave tthe Temple ,its name. But, in spite of the opportunity the Spaniards had to find them, Ithese most important treasures were nOI foun~. They had beel'! hidden in some unknown place, out of their reach. The chronicler Cristobal de Molina wrote in 1553, referring to the gold solar disc: "The solar disc was hidden by the Indians in such a way that to this day it has not been found." This gave way to the speculation that the most valuable and. sacred Inca objects were being kept in subterranean rooms, accessible only through secret tunnels. Several stories relating to this served to perpetuate the myth that a tunnel leading to the Inca treasure begins at the Coricancha Temple and exits near the massive ruins of Sacsayhuaman, in a place known as the Chinkana Grande (Big Cave). The Chinkana Grande today is no more than a big hole a few metres deep under a colossal hewn stone. In 1989, the investigator Fernando Jimenez del Oso tried to NEXUS • 65

THE TWILIGHT ZONE film the entrance of the cave but failed in his effort due to the narrowness of the opening and the rubble caused by blasting when the Peruvian Armed Forces closed the cave to discourage the curious and the greedy in search of the treasure. The most revealing of the efforts to penetrate the Chinkana took place in 1700 when a group of several people decided to enter to find the treasure of Atahualpa once and for all. They met a grim fate, and after several days underground only one of them escaped with his life. He emerged from an opening under the main altar of the Church of Santo Domingo, where in Pizarro's time rose the majestic walls of the Temple of Coricancha. The survivor brought out with him an ear of corn made of solid gold, doubtlessly one of the objects that once graced the rich garden of the Coricancha. Another story adds to the credibility of the legend. In 1814, Brigadier Mateo Garcia Pumakahua, a descendant of the Incas, was forced by circumstances to show his superiors part of the Inca treasure. He took one of the high-ranking officers blindfolded through the main square of Cuzco to a stream and then, after removing some stones, proceeded down a stone stairway to Cuzco's underground. Once there, the blindfold was removed and the officer beheld astonishing riches: large silver pumas with emeralds for eyes, 'bricks' made of gold and silver, and other objects of incalculable value. Although unsure of his whereabouts, he later recalled that while looking at the treasure he had heard clearly the clock of the cathedral in Cuzco's

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main square striking nine. Obviously he could not have been very far from it. The account of the officer's experience confirmed once more the existence of a tunnel between Sacsayhuaman and the Coricancha, because on the hypothetical line that connects those two Inca sacred places also are situated the Cathedral of Cuzco and the little Church of San Cristobal (see diagram). In 1600, a Jesuit Friar hit the mark in summing up the whole story surrounding the tunnel: "The celebrated cave of Cuzco, called Chinkana by the Indians, was made by the Inca kings. It is very deep and runs through the centre of the city, its mouth or entrance being in the fortress of Sacsayhuaman. It comes down on the side of the mountain where the parish of San Cristobal is situated and, with varying degrees of depth, ends at the site which is now Santo Domingo and was in Inca times the famous Temple of Coricancha. All the Indians to whom I have spoken have told me that the Incas made this costly and laborious cave to enable their kings and armies to go in times of war from the fortress of Sacsayhuaman to the Temple of the Sun to worship their idol Punchau without being detected." It was information such as this that made me and my friend, Vicente Paris, decide to undertake a serious investigatioll of this particular tunnel. And so, in 1993 we travelled to Cuzco, Peru and confirmed the existence of a subterranearn chamber beneath the main altar of the Church of Santo Domingo, which originated the legend of the man who, having entered the tunnel in Sacsayhuaman, ended up in Santo Domingo. More recently, in March 1994, we returned to Cuzco and not only reconfirmed the existence of the chamber and the mouth of the blind tunnel, but also we learned about the function and use of the tunnel from Father Benigno Gamarra, Abbot of the Convent of Santo Domingo. Here it is: "Your information is correct, but the tunnel in question extends much beyond Sacsayhuaman, since it ends in some place underneath Quito, -//-in Ecuador!'"

We asked him: "Why are the entrances to the tunnel under the main altar of Santo Domingo now closed?" He answered: "Unfortunately the earthquake that devastated Cuzco in 1950 forced us to close the opening in order to strengthen the foundations of the church. But all was not lost by its closing, because when I was a student here, and later as Abbot,.r was able to find out that the tunnel had a very special function." We asked: "What was it?" Father Gamarra answered: "Every 24th June, the interior of the tunnel was totally illuminated by the rays of the Sun being reflected on the surface of the famous solar disc and were in time deflected towards the interior of the Chinkana (cave). There, a series of mirrors of highly polished metallic sheets conducted the sunlight to the very fortress of Sacsayhuaman. The Incas were accomplished astronomers and geometers and this precision work must have been of special significance to them, a significance which is now lost to us." Father Gamarra also uncovered for us another enigma consisting of four trapdoors located in the lateral naves of the church. He explained that they are trial excavations which uncovered part of the original walls of the Coricancha. Apparently, three years ago, a team of Peruvian archaeologists decided to demolish the convent of Santo Domingo to recover from the subsoil the remains of the sacred Coricancha. Father Gamarra also told us that there is a stream originating in the main square of Cuzco which runs by the old walls of the Coricancha, beneath the church. This last bit of information, far from being marginal, shows us the existence of at least one natural passage connecting the main square, site of the cathedral, with the Coricancha. Some Spanish chroniclers, like Cieza de Leon, tell us that the main square of Cuzco was in their time a lake or swamp which was later drained by the Inca Sinchi Roca. Today two rivers still cross the city and, . covered by flagstones, function as city streets. Everything seems to point to the fact that the Incas made use of a natural cave to lay out the tunnel between Sacsayhuaman and the Coricancha. Garcilaso de la Vega hints at the existence of a complex system of siphoning viaducts of the Incas which seemed to have crossed the River Saphi and served to connect openings in the rock and man-made roads. In spite of all this information, there is FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

THE TWILIGHT ZONE something perplexing about these theories and legends. Let me explain. In the course of our investigation we noticed that the two geographical points in question, the Fortress of Sacsayhuaman and the Coricancha, seem to be connected by an imaginary straight line that also passes under the Cathedral and the Church of San Cristobal. This 'discovery' of ours was accidental. After we had reached the highest point at Sacsayhuaman, known as Muyucmarca, we were able to verify that those four buildings were exactly aligned. Of course, the present religious ones were built on top of the older Inca structures. Transposing our visual findings to a map, we were surprised to find that we had to add one more religious building to our count, and also that the line could be easily prolonged to reach the confluence of the two rivers that cross the city. Our analysis showed that whoever constructed these religious buildings knew very well what they were doing. Did the Spaniards seek to use the underground cellars of their new churches to find the coveted treasure of the Incas by opening entrances to the tunnel? Or, perhaps, knowing the magical and tell urian value given those places by the Incas, did they simply try to 'Christianise' them? Be that as it may, the surprising fact is that no one until today has noticed the strange and revealing alignment of those religious structures which, judging by the findings of other investigators such as Maria Scholten de D'Ebneth regarding the Route of Viracocha, cannot be attributed to mere coincidence. In 1985 she discovered the main course taken by Viracocha from Lake Titicaca to the Pacific Ocean, an absolute straight line nearly 1,500 kilometres long, terminating in northern Peru near Tumbes. According to the chronicler, Cieza de Leon, Peru was for many years deprived of any sunlight. Finally, one day the Sun rose over an island in Lake Titicaca, after which there appeared in the land "a white, corpulent man who in aspect and body showed great authority and dignity. He also showed great power, converting hills into level grounds and these into mountains." This champion ci viliser, called Viracocha, crossed the Andes Mountains, altering their topography, and finally disappeared into the sea. This shows that Viracocha performed a real cartographic feat belonging to an era in which, in theory, there were no theodolites or artificial satellites. But who FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

was this Viracocha capable of such mathematical and cartographic superior knowledge? Our investigations prove that at least until the middle of this century the tunnel at Cuzco existed and was open. Unfortunately, we are still unable to prove how it was constructed or what the reason was for its being built. In the opinion of Felipe Mormontoy, who is the general coordinator of the Inca Movement and a direct descendant of Brigadier Mateo Garcia Pumakaua, the tunnel and its passages had various functions, from short-cuts through craggy mountains, to roads leading to concealed sacred sites. He says: "We have hidden rock carvings that seem to have been covered with something that looks like gold leaf. They must be the authentic work of the Wayo-Qhari, the giants that seem to have been the first inhabitants of these lands, the ones who built those gigantic stone works." As you can see, the enigma is just beginning to reveal itself.


I. See also Erich von Daniken's The GoLd ofthe Gods (Bantam Books, NY, 1974), in which the author describes his visit into . subterranean artificial tunnels in the Andes Mountains in Ecuador where he saw objects of metal in the form of animals and, more incredibly, a 'library' of several thousand thin plates made of a metal which von Daniken thought might have been gold. Javier Sierra is a researcher and ~otifrial­ ist. His address is Aptdo. Correos, 124, 78400 Collado Villalba, Madrid, Spain. This article is based upon an article by M. Sierra and Vicente Paris, published in the August 1994 issue of the magazine Mas Alia de La Ciencia in Madrid, Spain. (Source: Ancient Skies. voL 21, no. 4, SeptOct 1994, pubLished by the Ancient Astronaut Society, 1921 St Johns Avenue, HighLand Park, 1L 60035-3105, USA.)

Diagram showing the alignment of religious structures built by the Spanish over the Inca bUildings at Cuzco, Peru.

Legend: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

La Muyucmarca at Sacsayhuaman Church of San Cristobal Cathedral Church of Santa Catalina Church of Santo Domingo Temple of the Sun (Coricancha) 6. Chapel of Santa Rosa

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1"3. 14. 15.

Church of San Pedro Church of Santa Clara Church of La Merced Old Convent of the Jesuits Church of La Compania Chapel of Lourdes Old Palace of Huascar Archbishop's Palace Church of Carmen

NEXUS • 67




Among the factors which have focused so much of our time and talent on Mars are the two tiny satellites which orbit the planet, where, prior to 1877, no satellites had ever been seen before! The famous astronomers Herschel and Lasselle had excellent telescopes at their disposal-so good that they used them to disoover the moons of Uranus. Yet neither these men, nor hundreds of other astronomers who observed the planets, were able to see any satellites around Mars. Then, in one week in 1877, Asaph Hall found that Mars had two satellites where none had been seen before. h is also worth noting that not only do these two Martian satellites sweep around the plane~ at a very high speed but they traVel in different directions-factors which had led to the suspicion that they are artificial. This is the theory advanced by Soviet astronomer I. S. Schklovsky, who points out that the Martian satellite \Qlown as Phobos exhibits a strange acceleration in its orbitan irregu'larity which would be expected if the satellite were in reality a buge metal sphere that was hollow. llhe same difference in speed, however, would be impossible for a natural astronomical body. Therefore, says Dr Schklovsky, at least one of the moons of Mars is not a natural object, but an artificial sate'llite placed in orbit around the 'red' planet in 1877, or shortly before that time.

At 4.30 am one cold, clear morning last July, four women driving on a freeway 60 km north-west of Melbourne had a series of UFO encounters far too close for comfort. What should have been a fifteen-minute drive home from a friend's ,place took an hour and a half. Despite having to stop their car several times en route in order to seek safety and raise an alarm, there was no way their journey could have taken them so long. llhe four women---Grace Kyriakidis, Tina Chatzibasile, Joy Bock, and Grace's niece Victoria McGinley-decided to go public, in spite of possible ridicule. "This story wiU sound too unbelievable for a lot of people," said Grace, "but we know what we saw." For the record', none of th'e women had been drinking that evening. Grace first noticed the brightly glowing orange lights in the sky; oblong-shaped, they travelled parallell to the road before disappearing behindl trees. A few minutes later, to the left, Joy observed a sp.herical object making erraNc movements. It was surrounded by blue haze and amazing colours flashing like a strobe light-and it was following tbem. l1he women's amazement and awe turned to fear and panic when Joy turned to see a huge, blinding, orange glow covcdng the width of the road and hovering just above the car, about 20 metres behind. Grace accelerated in a bid to outrun the light. Further on up the road she stopped the car near a hotel to call for help, to no a.,.il. Joy got out gingerly, only to see hovering

(Source: Strange World by Frank Edwards, Lyle Stuart Co., New York, 1964)

directly above them at single-storey height, a huge, diamond-shaped craft beaming orange light {mm its undercarriage. Soe noticed writing or ciphers on the craft's tail and that the craft made a steady, droning, humming sound. Victoria, who also got out, later remarked: "It reminded me of a stealth bomber: it was that big and the same shape." The oran then disappeared behind trees, but the four friends, thaving driven on to another house, noticed bright white lights hovering about. Then, next to a huge pine tree beside the house, Grace obser.v.ed a shadowy figure. "It was the shape of a human, but there was very little detail. That's when we knew we had to get out of there." The orange-lit object followed for a short distance before turnitng sharp'ly at right angles, moving from left to right across toe road, and vanishing. Then the coLourful, flashing lights reappeared above the car, six of them in a semi-circle around !them... The next day, the foursome retraced their steps to try make sense of their experience. All of them suffered nosebleeds for two week~ afterwards, headaches for six weeks, frequent memory lapses, electrostatic shocks-and a sneaking sl!lspicion about that time they can't account for. Grace, with other witnesses, had several more encounters with tlJe bright lights and the humming, hovering craft over the ensuing month-the last time, directly above her home. She and Victoria are 'undergoing hypnotherapy to retrieve more detail. (Source: Woman's Day. 26 December '94)


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68 • NEXUS




During an out-of-body experience (OOBE), the person experiences moving as a floating consciousness, separate from the body. According to a recent Associated Press report, Oxford University in England has awarded othe first ever doctoral degree to someone who was able to produce an OOBE in the laboratory. The method and results are preliminary and not yet published in a scholarly journa'F, but the event is in itself newsworthy. The Oxfordl student was Charles McCreery. His laboratory was a closetsized room with a lounge chair, EEG electrodes to monitor the person's brainwaves, a cassette player and earphones to deliver some specially designed, relaxing stimuli, and a special pair of eyeglasses. The relaxation tape included instructions to relax, as well as 'pink noise', which sounds like throbbing static but which reinforces certain brainwave frequencies. McCreery was able to induce OOBEs in 20 per cent of his subjects. (Source: Venture Inw.ard. SeptiOc(1994) FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995


I P R4iQ':1D 'U C T'S II. ' 80 O}( s UFO DETECTOR From Star-Tee Systems Price: AUD$85.00 + $9.00 p&h in Australia (overseas orders write first) Available: Australia-PO Box 2071, Strathpine Centre Westfield, Qld 4500 (see ad on page 80). 1am sure many NEXUS readers have seen the advert for this device and have dismissed it as a rip-off. Let me assure you it is Rot a ripoff: it is a brilliant Httle battery-powered device which 1S based on sound, 'scientific principles. How it works is simple. Ufologists rarely agree on anything, but most all wil1 agree that UFOs affect a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Starter motors, rad10s, TVs, compasses, etc., all seem Ito go haywire when a UFO is nearby, indicating some sort of disruption to the magnetic field. The Earth's magnetic field is fairly stable (except Just before earthquakes or volcanoes), until acted upon by a strong opposing field. This change can be detected with the use of a little technology. The UFO Detector 'looks at' the Earth's magnetic field: if the flux of the field changes, an alarm is sounded. The device can filter out almost all background electromagnetic interference, e.g., from TVs, radios, pumps, power lines, lights switching on-off. Now we know Ithat UFOs have powerful magnetic influences over large areas. so if the detector should go off. and we know we nave removed most of the background noise, then we can be fairJ'y confident we are observing a most unusual event. The device is extremely simple to use: just fit a 9V battery alld switch on! Battery life is about six months of continual use.


WORLD WAR III ACCORDING TO NOSTRADAMUS: A Book of Prophecy by Jaek Manuelian Published by Abba-in-Heaven Books (1995), NJ, USA ISBN 1-885591-00-4 (170pp pb) Price: USD$12.00 + $1 .50 p&h in USA, $3.00 overseas Available: USA-Abba-in-Heaven Books, PO Hox 135, River lEdge, NJ 07661-0135, ph + 1 (201) 368 8453. This privately published study of Nostradamus' prophecies includ'es over 100 verses outlining the great seer's visions for the second half of the 1990s beyond. Translating from an 1840 French version by Eugene Bare'ste, Manuelian interprets and correlates the prophecies with events he believes are so"On to transpire-events which Nostradamus saw culminating before the year 2000 in a great world war directly affecting the Middle East, Turkey, Greece, Italy and France. According to Malluelian's analysis, key cvents will occur in 1995-1997 that will determine the eventuality or not of this major destruction-man-made and/or natqrall. Indeed, iii the love and awareness we bring to these times can affect our circumstances and surroundings for the better, then our fate as individuals and nations is by no means sealed. With global confliots shaping up as they are already this decade, the signs and scewios given in the quatrains now seem more realistic and plaUSIble as ilhe weeks go by. Though yet no concrete signal, we are warned that 1995 is the likely year for the public emergence of the Anti-Christ from the Middle Eas', ostensibly to unite the world's religions.


tJLT1MATE JOURNEY by Robert A. Monroe Published by Doubleday (1994), NY, USA ISBN 0-385-47207 -2 (304 pg he) . Price: AUD$44.00; USD$22.00 Available: Australia-Sydney Esoteric Bookshop (see ad on page 70); USABantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036, ph (212) 354 6500. Boy, was I waiting to review this book! Having read Robert Monroe's previous titles, Journeys Out Ofthe Body and Far JOui:neys, I was keen to contin.ue the adventure, so to speak. Many years ago, Robert Monroe learned the artIskillfhabit of being able to 'leave' his body at will. It is an experience which happens to cverybody on 3J regular basis, although nOI all of us remember our adventures 'out there' according to Monroe. Apart from being fascinating research in itself, what is more fascinating are the experiences of the author and his studemts. The perspective one gains from viewing OUF 'reality' through their eyes is what I find addictive about Monroe's books, There are concepts discussed and utilised for exploration which have no equ'al in our reality. His discussions, while out of body, with beings both incarnate and discarnate, open doors of thought leading to completely new paradigms of consciousness. "In an out-of-body state, you are no longer bounded by time-space. You can be in it but not part of it. You are like a balloon o'r a kite on a tether. At the other end of the cord-the invisible cord-IS your physica] body. If you have ever had out-of-body experiences and you want to understand more of 'out there', this is a highly recommended starting point.

NEXUS • 71


'8 t~O'K S



by Vincent Gaddis

~ ~

incredible examples Gaddis presents. Some things are weird; others are truly weird! Stay tuned, as the next issue of NEXUS wlll be running a feature article on spontaneous combustion.

Published by Borderland Sciences Research Foundation (1994), Garberville, CA, USA ISBN 0-945685-13-0 (175pp pb) Price: AUD$24.00; STG£1 0.95; USD$11.95 Available: Australia-Sydney Esoteric Bookshop (see ad on page 70); UKBellevue Books, Unit E4, Sunbury Int. Bus. Centre, Brooklands Way, SUlilbury, Middlesex TW16 7DX, ph (0932) 765]19; USA-Adventures Unlimited, PO 'Box 74, Kempton Il 60946, ph (815) 253 6390, fax (815) 253 6300.

Published by ViHard !Books/Random House, Inc. (1994), New York, NY, USA ISBN 0-679-43176-4 (162pp he) Price: AUD$34.00 (AUD$20.00 pb Hodder Headline); USD$17.00 Available: Austra'lia-Sydney!Esoteric Bookshop, 408 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010, ph (02) 212 2225, fax (02) 212 2448; USA-Random House, Inc., New York, NY 10022, ph (212) 572 2311.

Vincent Gaddis is an authoritative Fortean researcher who's been associated with the pioneering Borderland Sciences Research Foundation since 1945, and has amassed a wealth of weird and wonderful bistorical and contemporary documentary evidence on the unexplained. The focus in this book is on luminous and fiery phenomena-from fireballs and fiery fish to fire-walking alld flame plagues=-osome which can be scientifically understood, others which defy any attempt at rational explanation and scientific analysis. Spontaneous human combustion, for example, has been reported through the ages, yeJ it's a not 'uncommon modern phenomenon (often falsely attributed to other causes in death certificates, thus its frequency is difficult to determine preciseJy~; so, too, the occasional tendency for houses to break out in tongues of fire without warning, and even entire villages to be incinerated by inferno-like blasts of bot air. The reader cannot fail to be amazed by the

This amazing story started in 11975 when Dannion Brinkley was struck by llightning, died, and was revivedl28 minutes later. He had a profound near-death experience, during which thirteen Beings of Light presented him with catastrophic scenarios foreseen for Earth Ibefore the year 2QOO-unless we as spiritual Ibeings can muster enough love and forgiveness ,to diminish or avert these natural and manmade disasters before it's too late. We were so awestruck by Dannion's revelations that we decided to r-eprint them as part of our pro.phecy feature this issuc (see pages 4044). Already, out of 1'17 visions he recalls from this NDE, 95 'have come to pass. Particularly telling are tne scenarios describing what turned out to be the Chernobyl nuclear or accident and the Gulf War. This kimd of track record is all the more reason for us to pay attention to !'he prophecies yet to bc fulfilled. The future as presented is not a rosy sight, so we'd be well advised to hecd this tclepathic message from one of the Beings of

Light: "The flow of human events can be changed, but first people have to know what they are." NEXUS readers could well concur with rhat! PRODIGAL GENIUS: THE lifE OF NIKOLA TESlA by John J. O'Neill


by Dannion Br,inkley with Paul Perry

Published by Brotherhood of life, Inc. (1994), Albuquerque, NM, USA ISBN 0-914732-33-1 (329pp pb) Price: AUD$26.00; STG£15.95; USD$16.95 . -"" Available: Australia-Sydney Esoteric Bookshop (see ad on page 7D); tJKNEXUS UK Office, 55 Queens Rd, E. Grinstead, W. Sussex, RH19 1BG, ph (0342) 322 2854, fax (0342) 32 4574; USA-Adventures Unlimited, PO Box 74, Kempton Il 60946, ph (815) 253 6390, fax (815) 253 6300. John O'Neill wrote Prodigal Genius in 1944,

the year after the death of the extraordinary inventor, Nikola Tesla. O'Neill was a close confidant of TesJa iIT his later years, ao_d helped publicise his discoveries in interviews and articles for publications such as The New York Times aDd Washington Post. To ONei)!, Tesla's dreams and achievements were worthy of Olympian god status. With the inventions and discoveries he bestowed upon the world, 'fesia was "a Jupiter or Thor who hurled the shafts of lightning", "a ProIOetheus who transmuted energy into electricity to spread over the Earth", a "Mercury who bridged the ambient realms of space with his wireless waves" and still other fabulous desc.riptions. Key eve_nts surrounding TesIa's milestone inventions are well documented. Furthermore, we are treated to special insights into Tesla the


72 • NEXUS


REVIEWS I 8',路0;"0 K 5 I THE MILLENNIUM BOOK OF PROPHECY: 777 Visions and 'Predictions... by John Hogue Published by HarperSanFrancisco, HarperCollins Publishers (1994), NY, USA IISBN 0-06-251077-0 (346pp pb) Price: AUD$39.95 +5.00 p&h; STGH6.99; USlD$22.50 Available: Australia-Byron Bay Media, PO Box 477, Byron Hay, NSW 2481, ph (066) 87 2100, fax (066) 8,7 2101,1 8GO' 614 100; Sydney Esoteric Bookshop and major city bookshops; UK-HarperCollins, ph (081) 741 7070; USA-HarperCollins, New York, ph 1 800331 3761. Age-old and modern prophets alike point to ~he second half of 'the 1990s as being filled with violent planet-wide catastrophes, wars, plagues, pestilence, social cbaos~but aIm with great technologicai Ibreakthroughs, the promise of peace and the beginning of Utopia on Earth. The future's not yet written in stone; so the outcome may be some, all or even none of the above (well, maybe just the good bits!). Apocalypse, or apocalypso, we are our own choreographers, so how we move, what we think-our rhythm, our resonant frequencyaffects our environment, whether immediate or distant, present iOf future. Author John Hogue has presented allJlstonishing collection of prophecies and visions, from ancient traditions (Sumerian, Vedic, Egyptian), Old and New Testament, (Isaiah, (Revelations), native cultural' heritage (Hopi), the Renaissance (Nostradamus), the 19th century spiritualist/theosophical approach (Madame Blavatsky), and more recent seers like Edgar Cayce, Osho, Ruth Montgomery, Gordon-Michael Scallion. The prophetic revelations, presented as quotations, are interspersed throughout the author's generous commentary. The zappy mono andl colour graphic treatments give added, impact to the scenarios, allowing the reader to glean easily by opening the hook at will, or to study thoroughly 'from go to woe'. An excellent compendium tnat's an inspiring adjunet to our Prophecy Countdown 2000 feature this issue. TfiE IONIC BODY by Douglas Jesse, D.C., D.Hom. Published Iby Aton Pty Ltd (1991), Mowbray Heights, Ta'smania" Austr;:llia ISBN 0-9589095-8-X (240pp pb) Price: AUD$18.50 inc. p&h (+ AUD$5.70 airmail ,to NZ; $10.20 to UK; $9.20 to USA) Available: Australia-Aton Pty Ltd, PO Box W2, Mowbray IHeights, Tasmania 7248, plf-l +61 (003) 34 5195, fax +61 (003) 34 5176. 74路 NEXUS


Over many years of clinical practice, Dr Douglas Jesse has developed a triune approach to health that is integrated, workable and 'based on sound science. Termed "ionictherapy", it incorporates ionic body therapy (at thc apcx of the triangle), homeopathy ljnd nutrition (left and right vertices) in a total health package, whicn Dr Jesse details in his book. iBy his own definition of total health, Dr Jesse considers the correct alignment of all physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to be fundamental in the human energy.. equation. ,The human body's ionic function caps this triangular schematic" because an incorrect ionic balance between acid/alkali (pH) levels~and, thus, a restricted vit<IJ energy flow-'interferes with the correct homeopathic and nutritional treatments doing ,their proper adjustmelltjobs. Furthermore, as Dr Jesse maintains, 110 amount of dietary suppl.ementation with vitamins and minerals will work if your pH ,is out of balance. IonicLherapy combines scientific measurement oli the electromagnetic energy fields underlying the basic cellular structure, with specific metabolic/nutritional anaiysis and therapy. Dr Jesse's nutrition advice includes eating a ratio of 40% acid foods to 60% alkaline, and he has provided recipes for delicious, healthy diets which can restare thc body's ionic balance, remove toxins, and correct energy blockages in organs and systems.

THE DRUGS MYTH: WHY THE DRUG WARS MUSJ STOP by Dr Vernon Coleman Published by Green Print, The Merlin Press (1992), London, UK ISBN 1-85425-075-2 (121 pp pb) Price: AUD$21.95 (+$2.50 p&h); STG拢6.99; USD$11.99 Available: Australia:--Boobooks, PO Box 163, Tea Gardens, NSW 2324, ph (049) 97 0811; Sydney Esoteric IBookshop; UK-The Merlin Press, 10 Malden Road, London NW5 3HR, ph (071) 267 3399; USAInland Book Co., PO Box 1'20261, East Haven, Of 06512. The final irony in society's bid to reduce drug use is that we've created a society that breeds addicts. Author and medical columnist Dr Vernon Coleman warns that we must see the problem in perspective: most of us are ad,djcted to substances, be they legal or illegal, and often the legal drugs-alcohol, tobacco, caffeine-are much more addictive and hazardous to health than the illegal ones. Dr Coleman reminds us that drug ,use is an old-establishcd way of dealing with unpleasant stresses in life. He outlines the history of prohibition, pmving its failure in preventing illegal drug use. Furthermore, Coleman argues, no manner of drug control laws will really FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995



0;0 K".S


work: they are illogical, unfair, discriminatory, hypocritical, expenSive, impossible to enforce, and counterproductive. The so-caIled war on illegal drugs only promotes more crime, makes criminals of drug users, and reaps enormous profits for those pulling the strings. 1110se who think they're not affected by any of this should consider how civilliberties of all citizens have been eroded by hysterical, ineffective anti-drugs campaigns. Dr Coleman is part of a growing groundswell of opinion, that abolishing drug control laws, or at least dccriminalising illegal drug use, will not necessarily result in an increase in illegal drugtaking. This is a courageous book full of explosive facts that seriously challenge the myths and mistakes surrounding the war on drugs.

in vaccines to treat the scourge-stems from their erroneous belief in the gemn theory of lease and their confusion of HIV/AIDS hypothesis with fact. In Caton's view, modern medical practice has to be reckoned as a cause of illness.





THE AIDS MIRAGE by Hiram Caton Published by University of New South Wales Press Ltd (1994), Sydney, NSW, Australia ISBN 0-86840-342-3 (62pp pb) Price: AUD$5.00 + $1.50 p&h (+ $5.50 o/s airmail); NZ$5.00 + p&h; USD$5.00 + p&h Available: Australia-UNSW Press Ltd, Kensington NSW 2052, ph (02) 398 8900, fax (02) 398 3408; NZ-Biramo Books Ltd, PO Box 14-640, Panmure, Auckland 6; USA-ISBS Inc., Portland, Oregon, ph (503) 2873093, fax (503) 280 8832.

This is an incisive booklet from Hiram Caton who heads the School of Applied Ethics at Griffith University, Brisbane. As a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Biology, Caton is a passionate participant in ongoing consultation on community health policy. Hiram Caton is scathing in his criticism of the health authorities, particularly the "AIDS mandarins", who engineer a malaise of "acquired helplessness" in the public mind, and resort to aggressive tactics to prevent health consumers having a say in policy discussion. Furthermore, the management systems they have in place have immobilised the government's capaCity to review AIDS thinking and programs in the light of new evidence about the 'epidemic'. As Caton sees it, the promotion of an AIDS viral epidemic as dogma has infected the entire AIDS management systems: not only has the doctrine been integrated into professional and personal self-images, but evidence of mistakes over causality, diagnosis, transmission, testing, therapies has been disbelieved, ignored or kept from the public. Reputations-and billions of dollars-are at stake. Caton submits that the AIDS mandarins' fullblown faith in the viral epidemic dogma-and FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

VERNON COLEMAN SECRET CIPHER OF THE UFONAUTS by Allen H. Greenfield Published by IllumiNet Press {1994~ USA ISBN 1-881532-04-6 (128pp pb) Price: AUD$20.00; STG£7.95; USD$9.95 Available: Australia-Sydney Esoteri'c Bookshop (see ad on page 70); UKCounter Productions, PO Box 556, London, SE5 ORL; USA-lIlumiNet P,ress, PO Box 2808, Lilburn, Georgia 30226, ph (404) 2792745, 1 8006804638.

Veteran UFO researcher Allen Greenfield has amassed startling evidence that proves the link between UFOs and the occult. The use of ciphers and symbols as hidden COlJlmu.nication tools has been common to secret societies and magical traditions through the ages. Only those who weJe initiated into particular levels in Ithe mystery schools were able to de.code the meanings of these ciphers, which were replaced as each symbol was solved. What GIeenfield has establishe.d is that ufology ,is full of examples of "UFOnauts" themselves using this cipher system when they give contactees their names, names of home planets and other key words. Similar sorts of key words were reportedly given to trance medium channels during the late 19th/early 20th century spiritual revival. Allen Greenfield discovered a way to apply the Cipher to ufology, for help in analysing , • 75



There is something in this book for free-ener1 gy devotee and novice alike: applied Tesla technology, over-unity motors, space-powercases, predicting manifestations, and learning generation devices, unified particle theory, Nmore about the origins and intentions of extramachines, M-L converters, non-conventional and ultraterrestrial visitors and their earthly propulsion methods, and more. Included are connections. His chapter on the mysterious papers from well-known names in free energy men in black is a stark revelation that an ongo- research-To Townsend Brown, Moray B. ing war between white and black lodges is King, Hans Coler, Bedini, dePalma, being played oul through all sorts of agendas Worthington, Tewari, Joseph Newman, Don on and off planet Earth and beyond our spaceKelly-and other Ilotables who could well time continuum. become household names in our energy future. The author insists that this cipher decoding With generous use of photographs, illu'straknowledge is available to anyone who wishes tjons, patent drawings and technical diagrams, to learn. He sees it as a tool of empowerment Childress has produced a very accessible comfor any individual who seeks to understand the pilation for the thinkers and tinkerers out there. mysteries oflife, the universe and everything. 1) HOW TO BECOME DENTAU'ySELF¡ THE FREE-ENERGY DEVICE HANDBOOK: SUFFICIENT A Compilation of Patents & Reports 2) MONEY BY THE MOUTHfUL Compiled by David Hatcher Childress by Robert O. Nara, D.D.S, with Steven A. Published by Adventures Unlimited Press Mariner (1994/5), Stelle, IJ"llinois, USA Published by Oramedics International Press ISBN 0-932813-24-0 (306pp pb) (1979), Houghton, Michigan, USA Price: AUD$35.00; STCfl 5.95; US$16.95 ISBN 0-933420-00-5 (169pp pb) Available: Australia-NEXUS Magazine, pifice: AUD$26.95 (2-book set) + $4.00 PO Box 30, Mapleton, Qld 4560, ph (074) p&h ($6.00 to NZ, $10.00 to UK) 429280, fax (074) 429381; UK-Bellevue Available: Australia--Dramedics Australia, Books, Unit E4, Sunbury International PO Box 7372, Toowoomba MC Qld 4352, Business Centre, 'Brooklands Way, Sunbury, h (076) 25 7248, fax (076) 36 3265 (see Middlesex, ph (0932) 76 5119; USAad on page 77); USA-Oramedics Adventures Unlimited Press, PO Box 74, International Press, 200 E. Montezuma Kempton IL 60946; ph (815) 253 6390, fax Avenue, Houghton MI 49931, ph (906) 482 (815) 253 6300. 1419 for price quote. Remember the NEXUS issue with the tantalising cover line, "Grow Your Own Teeth!"? (If not, refer our June-July 1994 issue, vol. 2 1110. 20.) It featured an interview with Dr Robert O. Nara, the dentist wllo was harrassed by the American Dental Association for daring to divulge the simple secrets of dental health. In 1979, Dr Nara, through his Oramedics company, published two definitive books which provide all the essential facts on oral health-advice which the individual can apply with minimum expense, and little interference from dentists, to be free froIll dental disease. While available in the US, these books have been hard to track down elsewhere, and certainly haven',t received the sort of promotion (hey deserve. How to Become Dentally Self-Sufficient! is about just that: a lay person's guide to selfadministered dental care that tells you how to avoid disease and apply 'first aid' to problems caused by prior dental disease. Self-sufficient dental care saves money for the consumer, but that's money the dental profession is not receiving. This sets the tone for This compendium covers the gamul of freeenergy theory and application, from ,the earliest Money By The Mouthful, where Dr Nara exposes the half-truths and sheer lies about development of a permanent magnet motor by oral health that have been served up to the pubPcrcgrinus in 1269, to the Ilatest in magnetic lic~and tthe lengths to which the dental mafia motors from New Zealand-basedl Robert will go to cover up the facts. Adams.




76 • NEXUS


~ REVIEWS JESUS CAESAR; THE FATHER OF JESUS CHRIST FINAllY REVEAlED by Petra Cadman Published by Autonomous Press (1994), Bondi Junction, NSW, Australia ISBN 0-646-21371-7 (112pp pb) Price: AUD$16.95 + ols p&h Available: Australia-Autonomous Press, PO Box 1531, Bondi Junction, NSW 2022, ph (02) 387 4007, fax (02) 389 1212 (see ad on page 81). Petra Cadman, during her study of ancient history, archaeology, myth and religion, decided to try to establish the true identity of the father of Jesus Christ. Disbelieving the doctrine that Jesus was man born of God and a virgin, she figured that the real father had to have been human. WillIe she found evidence for several virgin births around that time and part of the world, she thinks it is more likely that the mother of Jesus was a vestal virgin in Rome, and that the father was none other than the Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar! The punishment for defiling a, vestal virgin (or, for that matter, being defiled) in those days was execution--or, luckily for Mary, banishment to Judaea. It was inconceivable for an Emperor to 'be put in such a position, so a disappearance from Rome had to be arranged for Mary-and a new home, husband and foster-father for Jesus. Author Cadman claims that Jesus would have been educated in Rome during his youth, eventually retuming home during Tiberius' rule to enlist the support of some Essenes in his quest to establish a better life for the people of Judaea. Petra Cadman set out to show that Jesus was an ordinary earthly human, a good teacher, a humanitarian. In the process she dismisses analysis of Ithe more esoteric foundations associated with the story of Jesus. Her thesis is thought-provoking, yet difficult .to prove due to lack of hard evidence. Though her intention was never to denigrate Christianity, heF book is bound to ruffle a few feathers.

lUCKY BE DAMNED-Expose of The Treasury with John Cumming Produced by AUSliAND, Qld, Australia Price: AUD$33.50 (45mins PAlJ\IHS) Available: Australia-AUSTAND, PO B0X 173, Noosa Heads, Qld 4567 (see ad p.80). An ever-growing number of people are becoming concerned with the way our (Australian) economy is being managed. As this video points out, there is nothing wrong with the way the economy is being managed: the problem lies with the fact that it is not being managed by Australians for the FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995

benefit of Australia. As John Cumming puts it, "Someone else has ttheir hand in our till!". The video also expands on the problems of foreign ow,nership, especially when profits are sucked out of the country, tax free. He points out that our current prime minister ordered the Australian Bureau of Statistics to stop publishing figures on foreign ownership, a move designed to quell growing public unrest with the imbalance in foreign ownership. John Cumming, whose Melbourne-based advertising agency was one of the biggest in Australia, retired in 1989 to write his book, Lucky Be Damned (see book reviews, NEXUS voI.2#23). ,fn 1990 he co-founded AUSTAND, a lobby group fonned to "open people's eyes to the tme facts about so-called 'Australian Made' products" .

SACRED GEOMETRY; Title Unified Field with Dan Winter and "Mabel" Produced by Daniel Winter & Friendsl Crystal Hill Farm, Eden, NY, USA Price: AUD$30.00 inc. p&h; USD$17.00 + p&h (2hrs PAlJ\IHS andl NTSC/VHS) Available: Australia-eliff Pound, PO Box 20'2, Bangalow, NSW 2479; USA-Crystal Hill Farm, 9411 Sandrock Road, Eden, NY 14057, ph (716) 992 9307, fax (716) 992 30'25. This vid.eo is a ibrilliau~ visual introduction to Dan Winter's unified field geometry, and an ideal companion to his book, Alphabet of the Heart, reviewed in our last issue. .. Dan was once a systems analyst at IBM and has a clinical background in the psychophysiology ofIemotion. His gently-spoken narrative understates the sheer enonnity, significance and beauty of his computer-aided unified field descriptions. Most spectacular is his animation of the pure geometric origin of sacred alphabet and symbol. The torus, or doughnut, is the fundamental shape into which conical light waves can organise themselves into matter. Overlaid with the self-organising golden mean spiral-the link between dimensions-the torus, when rotated through the platonic angles of symmetry, produces successive images of all 26 letters of the English alphabet as weill as the Hebrew alphabet. IDan Winter has' nicknamed this effect "Angle-ish". This is a true revelation of an age-old' secret: that our language is fundamentally sacred. It is the original language of light, the holy dou-ghnut grail of interdimensional communication. Whew!-and that's bardy scratching the surface of this presentation that sets the imagination on fire. Stay tuned for an upcoming NEXUS feature on Dan Winter's sacred alphabet, linking light, love, language and geometry into a coherent, unified vision. NEXUS路77


REVIEWS INNER TIDES by Ian Cameron Smith

Produced by Paul Draper and Ian Cameron Smith for Rhythmist Productions (1994), Harbord, NSW, Australia Price: AUD$28.95 (CD), AUD$18.95 (cass.) + AUD$5.00 o/s p&h (56mins) Available: Australia-Wild Eagle Music, PO Box 260, East Kew, Vic. 3102, ph (03) 859 3275, fax (03) 819 7182; and good music stores.

African lullabies, Greek, Spanish, Gaelic and other melodies for children, this is a wonderful and inspirtng collection of music capturing the feel of children's dreaming time. The album is richly produced and Ithe music certainly wonderful for small children to listen to, and for adults it's a treat to hear these gentle, reassuring mothers' songs for their little ones. Jennifer plans to promote the musical project worldwide for Mothers' Day 1995 to remind us all of the simp1icity of children and of the universal bond between them and all motlietis: Highly recommended. FISH-NIGHT-MOON

by Tim Wheater


Ian Cameron Smith has done it again! A beautiful album full of polished musical pieces by this top NSW-based composer and performer who is now up to his third release. Inner Tides is a mix: of classical, acoustic and electric guitars that really satisfies many tastes. There's a bit of quiet blues, laid-back ambient, and pleasant, relaxing string trips through the fields of Ian's magical style with the guitar. This is an album that I could recommend for any age group or musical taste. A top-rating collection conveying the feel of inner emotional tides captured via Ian's smooth style. MOTHERS OF THE WORLD

Produced by Tim Wheater & David·Lord for ImageMaker Sound andl Vision (HI994), Launceston, Cornwall, UK Price: STG£12.50 (CD), STG£6.50 (cass.); USD$15.00 (CD), $12.00 (cass.) (47mins) Available: Australia-Not yet available; UK-lmageMaker Sound and Vision, PO Box 69, Laurilceston, Cornwall, PL15 6YA, ph/fax (01566) 86308; USA-Audio AI,ternatives, IPO Box 405, Chappaqua, NY 10514. Another of Tim Wheater's amazing, floating, flute albums. His playing always inspires me to move into the dreams and images of the spirals of his music. 'This time he is joined by Australia's Kangaroo Moon, a band who manage to wow audiences with their Celticinspired sounds of the planen. FishoNightoMoon is an album that combines native American flute with didgeridoo, bells, cymbals, mandolin, kalimbas, violin, bazouki, tablas and modern keyboards into one. Very moving, very uplifting as it roils on in the cosmic fluid of love and devotion pouring from Tim's flutes. This special combination of talent from around the globe makes this album a joy to listen to, and certainly worth purchasing. Very highly recommended.

by ,Jennifer Mason

Produced by Paul Gilman for Lul-ah-Bye Holdings (1992), Ontario, Canada Price: USD$l 5.99 (CD), USD$9.95 (cass.) C$20.99 (CD), ($12.99 (cass.) + p&h (AUD and STG prices unknown) (49mins) Available: Australia, Il..JK, USA-Distributed by A&M Records; Canada-I!.ul-ah-Bye Holdings, PO Box 1077, Station B, Willowdale, Ontario M2K 2T6, ph 1 800 5637234. A very ambitious and remarkable album from Jennifer Mason in Canada, who has attempted to catch the sounds of mothers' lullabies from many cultures around the planet. From sounds of Japanese traditional songs to 78 - NEXUS








"Ai,U'D I 0

AUSTRALIA: TWILIGHT OF THE DREAMTIME Composed & arrangedl by Terry -Oldfield Produced by Carlin Music Ltd (1994), for New World Company, Suffolk, UK Price: AUD$28.95 (CD), AUD$18.95 (cass.); STGf1 0.95 (CD), STGf6.95 (cass.) (47mins) Available: Australia-New Warld Productions, PO IBox 244, Red Hill, Old 4059, ph (07) 367 0788; UK-New World Co., Paradise Farm, Westhall, Halesworth, SuffGlk 1P19 8RH, ph (0986.) 78 1682.

An album compos-' to honour the sounds of the Australian landscape and its people. Terry Oldfield (brother to Mike) captures the age and timelessness of the Australian land with this tribute to our orrigins. Australia: Twilight of the Dreamtime combines didgeridoo with Australian birdsongs, synthesiser and pipes. The sounds are haunting and inspiring. I feel I must mention here a thing ~hat bugs me from time to time. Many overseas artists are oomposing tributes to the Australian landscape and its Aboriginal people. They have not put the music ill Austraiia, but rather they've mixed didgeridoos or the sounds of kookaburras together in a foreign studio. It's not authentic music but Australia seems to be the flavour at the moment and it sells. Hopefully, Terry has not done this. PIPES OF THE MINORITY PEOPLES by Liu Hongjun Produced and distributed by JVC World Sounds (1990) Tokyo, Japan Price: AUD$28.95 (CD), AUD$18.95 (cass.) (41 minsl Available: Australia-New World Productions, PO Box 244, Red Hill, Old 4059, ph (07) 367 0788. This album is part of a world music program being distributed throughout the planet by JVC FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995


Tokyo. Collections of genuine music from all over, released on this label, are now available in Austr·alia. Liu Hongjun was born im China in 1946. He !Jas a classical music background playing a range of traditional flutes. The selections on this compilation release are played variously on the recorder, bamboo flute, earthen Hute, mountain flute and the vertical flute. The music is beautifully simple and melodious in the classical Chinese style. Very charming and likable flute playing. I rate Chinese flute playing among my likes, and can recommend this album heartily.


ZAKIR HUSSAIN AND THE RHYliHM EXPERIENCE by Zakir Hussain Produced Iby Zakir Hussain for Momenb Records, Inc. (19911), San Anselmo, CA, USA Price: AUD$29.95 (CtO), AUO$19.95 (cass.) + p&h; USD$15.00 (CD), USD$12.00 (cass.) (43mins) Available: Australia-New World Productions, PO Box 244, Red Hill, Old 4059, ph (07) 367 0788; USA-Moment Records, Inc. 321 San Anselmo Ave, San Anselmo, CA 94960, ph (415) 459 6994, fax (415) 4597742.

The Rhythm Experience is a world percussion ensemble thab works with Zakir Hussain to bring together Cuban, African, Middle Eastern and Indonesian sounds. Zakir has often worked as an accompanist to some of India's great classical musicians. He brings that special experience to Ithis collection of pieces drawn from several world cultures. Each of the tracks is a gentle ,percussion piece. The sounds range from the mild and simple percussion through the Balinese gamelan and gongs and onto the solid rhythms of Africa and the Middle East. Very easy listening. If you are.a percussion fan, you'U appreciate the practised sound of aU these tracks. Recommended. NEXUS • 79

Continued from page 35 back from the Israeli Defence Ministry: The guns had been sold to the government of the tiny Caribbean island-nation of Antigua, in a deal brokered by an Israeli national named Maurice Sarfati. According to the original Israeli version, Sarfati, a resident of Antigua, had suppos­ edly brokered the deal for the Antiguan "national security adviser"-a nonexistent post. Many months and cover stories later, at least a semblance of the truth came out. Israeli intelligence-through a string of front companies-had been providing weapons and terrorist training to the Medellin Cartel's assassination squads in collaboration with British mercenaries. And the entire program had been run by senior officials at the Reagan-Bush White House and administered by the CIA and Project Democracy. In fact, the funds to purchase the weapons found at Rodriguez Gacha's farm had been provided by the US State Department through a program personally run by Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams, who pleaded guilty on 7 October to Iran-Contra crimes. The weapons were ostensibly bought to arm a fictitious "Panamanian government in exile", nomi-

Dope, Incorporated­

nally headed by former Panamanian President Eric Delvalle. That program, which was part of the Reagan-Bush anti-Noriega effort, also involved high-powered Republican Party operators, including John Zagame and Richard Bond. Zagame, a former aide to Sen. Alfonse D'Amato (R-NY), set up a consulting firm and hired himself out as an adviser to the Delvalle group to the tune of US$15,OOO per month. The funds came from the same accounts that bought the Israeli Uzis, Galils and other weapons dis­ covered at the Rodriguez Gacha ranches. Zagame, the last time we looked, was run­ ning a public relations firm called PanAmerican which had only one major client: Oliver North. At the same time that Zagame was hired on to the anti-Noriega program, the same funds were also going to another 'consult­ ing' firm, Bond Donatelli, which shared offices with Zagame in Alexandria, Virginia. Richard Bond was Vice­ President Bush's Deputy Chief of Staff and a former Deputy Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He was asked in 1991 to become RNC Chairman by George Bush, but turned down the offer. Frank Donatelli was at one point Political Director of the Reagan White House.

Among the casualties racked up to the marriage of the cocaine cartel to the CIA­ Israeli intelligence were thousands of inno­ cent Colombian nationals who were vic­ tims of cartel gunmen and bombers. During one particular bloody week in June 1990, according to Colombian Government reports, over 640 people died violent deaths, the vast majority at the hands of the cartel. In one November 1989 airline bombing that has been linked to Israeli­ trained cartel terrorists, 117 people per­ ished. As we already reported, one of the guns provided by the Israeli arms mer­ chants was used in August 1989 to assasSoi­ nate Colombia's front-running presidential candidate, Luis Carlos Galan. Had he sur­ vived the armed assault against him at a campaign rally, Galan would have surely been elected President of Colombia, and he was committed to an anti-drug policy dra­ matically in contrast to the total capitula­ tion that has occurred as the result of his murder. The trainer of Rodriguez Gacha's killer squads was a reserve Israeli Army colonel named Yair Klein. His company, Spearhead, Ltd (Hod Hahanit in Hebrew), set up shop in Colombia sometime in the late 1980s. Besides the Israelis, in a paral­ lel operation, a group of British mercenar­








- Dope, Incorporated­ ies also engaged in training the cartel hit squads, and even participated in paramili­ tary operations inside Colombia. Among the British soldiers of fortune were David Tomkins and Peter MacAleese, a veteran of the Rhodesian Army. Most of the British mercenaries were former Special Air Services (SAS) officers. The involvement of British intelligence in the CIA-Mossad Colombia deal was fur­ ther confirmed when Louis BJorn-Cooper and Geoffrey Robertson. both officials of Amnesty International which is funded by British intelligence. were deploy«d to cover up the official US, British and Israeli gov­ ernment sponsorship of the Klein operation and to pin the blame solely on officials of the tiny island of Antigua, a British Crown colony. Shortly after the Medellfn Cartel assas­ sins school got going, Klein was brought into a sensitive covert action program being run by the Reagan-Bush administra­ tion: the plot to overthrow Panama's Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega. In 1988. Klein was brought to Miami for a series of secret meetings with Col. Eduardo Herrera, the former Panamanian Ambassador to Israel. Herrera got the boot from the Tel Aviv assignment afler General Noriega discov­ ered that he was working with both the

Mossad and the CIA. Colonel Herrera was then relocated to the United States by Elliott Abrams and was put formally on the CIA's payroll. Colonel Klein was assigned to work with Herrera on a plan to create a Panamanian 'contra' force that would be sponsored by the United States to oust the Panamanian general, who had become a thorn in the side of George Bush. On behalf of this secret project, Klein visited Antigua in early 1989 to solicit per­ mission from the local authorities 10 estab­ lish a "VIP security guard" training acade­ my. Sarfati, a longstanding Mossad opera­ tor who had purchased a melon farm in Antigua with US Government funds arranged through Bruce Rappaport (a Swiss-Israeli Iran-Contra figure who was a golfing partner of the late William Casey), set up the local contacts. According 10 Col. Clyde Walker, at the time the chief of Antigua's tiny national defence force, after he had met with Colonel Klein and Sarfati in January 1989, he made formal inquiries with CIA offi­ cials in charge of the eastern Caribbean. In a sworn affidavit. Walker stated, "I pre­ pared an intelligence report on Colonel Klein and all the other names in the [Spearhead] pamphlets...and I gave the report to United States CIA agent Robert

Hogan in his hotel room at St James Club and I requested of him some investigation inlO Spearhead, Ltd and the colonel and his trainers. I also discussed Spearhead, Ltd and Colonel Klein with Chief of the CIA Eastern Caribbean Mr George Kenning, Barbados Embassy, in my office, and also in the VIP Lounge at Grantley-Adams Airport." Some months later, says Walker in his affidavit, CIA Chief of Eastern Caribbean George Kenning "told me Spearhead. Ltd appears to be all right". In spite of that CIA green light, the pow­ ers that be on Antigua decided in March 1989 not to approve Klein's request for the training school. At that moment, a shipload of Israeli arms was steaming across the Atlantic on board the Danish-flagged ship, Else TH. On 24 April 1989. the arms were trans­ ferred at the Antigua port ODtO a Panamanian-registered ship, Sea Point. and shuttled off to Rodriguez Gacha in Colombia. The money to purchase the 1989 weapons shipment had corne from a State Department-administered account under the control of Assistant Secretary for Inter­ American Affairs, Elliott Abrams. The Continued on .,age III








Conllnued from



escrow deposit, to ensure that the hundreds of guns left Israel on time, had come through the Miami branch of the Israeli Bank Hapoalim. If there were any doubt that the arming of the Medellin Cartel hit squads was part and parcel of the same program that included the 20 December 1989 US invasion of Panama and overthrow of General Noriega, consider the following: After the smoke cleared in Panamathousands of dead bodies and billions of dollars in bombed-out property later-the Bush administration succeeded in installing into the presidency a local Panamanian lawyer, Guillermo "Porky' Endara. A review of court records shows that President Endara and several of his law partners were the owners of record of the ship Sea Point in April 1989 when the ship had delivered the Israeli weapons to Rodrfguez Gacha! They still owned the ship in late 1989 when it was stopped off the coast of Mexico and busted for canrying a massive shipment of cocaine. For good measure, over half of the crew members busted by the Mexican authorities were also on board when the gun delivery was made to the Medellin Cartel. Back on dry land in Panama City, Endara was the co-

Dope, Incorporated -

owner, along with Rodriguez Gacha, of the drug money laundering Banco Interoceanico. When the lid blew on the MossadMedellin connection in early 1990, the Israeli Government scrambled to deny that Klein was on 'official business' when he trained and armed the narcoterrorists. Unfortunately for this story's credibility, Klein had been not only linked to Sarfati in his Caribbean adventures but, back in Miami, Klein's Spearhead, Ltd had been managed by two rather important Israeli operatives, Gen. Pinchas Sachar and Pesach Ben-Or. Both men were officially designated representatives of the Israeli Government's Israeli Military Industry, and it was Sachar's account at the Bank Hapoalim that had received the funds from Elliott Abrams to purchase the guns routed to Colombia. Pesach Ben-Or had been installed baek during the Carter administration as the Mossad's principal arms merchant in Guatemala City, a hub of later Contra supply action. According to eyewitness accounts, Carter's National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski quietly informed the Guatemalan junta in 1978after Carter shut down all American military aid to the country over alleged human

rights violations-that Ben-Or would fill all their arms and military training requirements with the secret blessing of Washington. Ben-Or did just that-at a 600 per cent mark-up. A decade later, Ben-Or was still wheeling and dealing with Guatemala-out of offices he shared in Miami with General Sachar and Colonel Klein. 00




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- Australia's Most Credible UFO Abduction Case Continued from page 63

"I can't see Andrew, I can't see anything. I'm blind." He did not come to my rescue as I would have supposed; instead, I heard his voice some distance away from me and laced with fear. Never have I heard an utterance spoken with so much terror. His voice was croaking as if he had partly lost it through fright. It sent chills down my spine. "Let go of me!" Then I heard a clear, audible male voice respond. "We mean you no harm." (Classical "Huh?") Andrew responded, "Why did you hit Kelly then?" The next piece of dialogue is one that makes me cringe every time I relate it. It is not something I enjoy speaking about as it is both humiliating and offensive to me. "I wouldn't harm her; after all, I am her father. " This was followed by a s1ight chuckle which I clearly felt was of a sardonic nature. I thought of my prayer eadier that evening when I had first seen the object. I

always begin my prayer with the word "Father". This 'thing' had tQ be making a mockery of me. Was it amused! about my belief in God? The very thought of it sent me into a spate of hysteria. "You're not my father. I'm not your daughter. You're evil. You're not my father. I hate you. You're evil, I hate you... Oh God, I'm going to be sick." I put my head between my knees and passed out. I must have actually been sick because, as you may recall, we could distinctly smell vomit in the car on the way horne. When I carne to, I was still unable to see yet was under the impression that a lot of people were milling around, including the other party, although I heard none of them talk to confinn this. The male voice was once again speaking as if he were addressing a group. "We are a peaceful people." (I know this sounds cliched, but this is what he actually said.) Hysteria unbounded, I began sobbing like a little girl. I was so utterly scared and there was no one to help me. "If you're so peaceful, then why did you do this to me? Why are you doing this to

my mind? Liars! Liars!" I then directed my sobbing toward the other party. "Don't believe them. They're not really peaceful They're trying to trick you. They want your souls. They're trying to steal your souls." The calmness of the male voice seemed to pierce through my hysteria. "Will someone do something about her?" In the intervening silence I could feel .a presence move toward me, a little like the way most people have a sixth sense when someone is approaching them from behind. A hand gently touched me on the sfloarder, and although there appeared to be no malice intended, my reaction was more than irrational. I almost feel a compulsion to apologise to the whole human race for my unethical behaviour, but you have to understand that I truly believed I had come up against the opposite force of the goodness which had always so inspired me. At that particular moment I believed I was facing the embodiment of all evil, in all its cunning guises. Feeling that touch brought out in me the Cuntinued on page 1I4 -




NEXUS • 83

- Australia1s Most Credible UFO Abduction Case Continued from page 83

uttermost feeling of disgust which, with the speed of lightning, turned to indignant fury. Fear had completely evaporated and in its place stood an ire that I would never have believed I was capable of until this very moment. I could feel my OWN eyes burning with anger. "How dare you put fear into the hearts of these innocent people. How dare you. Get out of here. Do you hear me? Leave! In the name of God, go back where you came from." The next thing I knew we were back in the car, unable to remember anything before driving into the light. I feel obligated to justify my behaviour that night but find I am unable to do so. I just don't know what came over me. It was as if all my worst nightmares had become reality. I had no control of my actions; indeed, the reverse seemed to apply: my actions were in control of me. At the time I really believed that I was acting as a martyr for the whole human race, no matter how ridiculous that seems now. In fact, I was surprised at my own

courage. I had no idea that I could be so strong-willed. I am still unsure of what I came up against, or of their intentions, and because of that I constantly find myself trying to justify them. If it was only through pure terror I reacted in this way, I could somehow learn to live with the humiliation. After all, they didn't seem to cause me an excessive amount of harm and spoke only of peace. Somehow this explanation seems more agreeable than the alternative. This could in effect be the complete story if I had not arrived home with the curious marks on my body. How they came to be on my person, I do not know. How we came to be back in the car, I also have no explanation for. If the matter had rested there, I could have accepted that I had merely been in the wrong place at the wrong time, but that was not to be so. There were yet to be another four bedside manifestations by one of these creatures, the last occurring in January 1994. These experiences occurred just after waking from a dream, although on each occasion I was perfectly conscious.

Editor's Note: Kelly is currently looking for a publisher for the rest of this manuscript. If you know of, or are, a publisher interested in this topic, you may contact Kelly via: PO Box 658 Moe, Victoria 3825 Australia



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