Nexus - 0228 - New Times Magazine

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A round-up of the news you probably did not see.



By Gary T. Whiteford, Ph.D. Statistics show an alarming causal link between nuclear testing and earthquakes, and hint at a hidden agenda.



By Ian E. Stephens. The final part of our expose of fluoride as a mind-control tool, with analysis of the toxic health effects of fluorine-based compounds.



By Gerald A. Carroll. Drawn from transnational corporations, politics, banking, the media, etc., CFR members have questionable allegiance to democracy. Is the CFR an instrument of the NWO?



By Mark D. Gold. Fraudulently approved by the FDA, aspartame sugar substitutes have disastrous side-effects, from cancer to schizophrenia.



By Duncan M. Roads. Britain's recent crop circle formations resonate with cosmic design proportions but still defy rational explanation. Here, some personal reflections, plus a pictorial presentation of some of the more spectacular patterns of 1995.



By Filip Coppens. Officially ignored or denied, China's ancient stepped pyramid structures challenge those of Egypt and Central America in terms of their age, size and importance.



By Marjorie Lundquist, Ph.D. With the rise of radio broadcasting in the early 1920s came a rise in childhood brain cancer incidence. Should we allow governments to overload the EM spectrum?


NEW SCIENCE NEWS••.•.••.•••..•.••...•.••.•.•..•••••.•.••.•••.··•. ~. 41 A selection of interesting news and views from the underground science network. This issue we explore fuel enhancers, the aura and more.



NASA's 'Secret' Moon Photos, by Vito Saccheri. Evidence gleaned from NASA photos and tran­ scripts suggests mankind was beaten to the Moon.



A collection of strange stories from around (and off) the world. This issue, astronauts, UFOs and aliens.



"To the Ends of the Earth" by David Yallop "Alien Contacts & Abductions" by Jenny Randles "The Original Jesus" by Elmar R. Gruber and Holger Kersten "UFOs: Psychic Close Encounters" by Albert Budden "A f300k of Coincidence" by John Martineau "The Cosmic Connection" by Michael Hesemann "Enchiridion to the Totality" by J. Fortnum and R. E. Bollard "Projekt UFO" by W. A. Harbinson "AIDS" by Peter Duesberg, Ph.D. and John Yiamouyiannis, Ph. D. "...And The Truth Shall Set You Free" by David Icke "New World Atlas: Volume 2" by Lori Adaile Toye "The Book of Magnetic Healing and Treatments" by Noel C. Norris "Goats Milk: The Natural Alternative" by Tinsley Beck, B.A., M.Ed. "Oxygen Healing Therapies" by Nathaniel Altman "Last Call" by James P. Hilton



"Hoagland's Mars: Vol. III" with Richard C. Hoagland

''UFOs: Secrets of the Black World"

"Roswell: The Footage"

"Magnets and Health: Don Lorimer's Biomagnetics"



"Sound of Dreams" by David Such

"The Snow Tree" by Sweet Rain

"Spirit ofAustralia" compilation

"Tribal Journey" by Joe Giea and Friends

"Qawwali: The Vocal Art of the Sufis" by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

"Where the Earth Touches the Stars" by Ancient Brotherhood

"Hidden Waters/Sacred Ground" by Sophia

"Where Wild Salmon Run"by Native Ground

"Dream" by Upalappa Srinivas and Michael Brook


72 NEXUS • 1


Editorial Yes, it's editorial time again. Isn't it amazing that although we will never run out of articles for NEXUS, I find myself scratching to come up with yet another editorial that will make you all think I'm witty, sharming, intelligent and clever. I do have some news, though, now that I'm into the flow of writing again. I recently completed a whirlwind trip to our overseas offices. A week behind the computer at our US office just south of Chicago, a day at our Dutch office (followed by some time exploring Amsterdam), a week behind the computer at our UK office just out oj London, and a few days taking in the sacred sites and crop circle gurus of the English countryside (see article on page 29). I am continually amazed at just how much the public want NEXUS in all those countries and more. We now have an Italian edition being published and are negotiating with people in Spain, France and Germany for editions in their respective languages. On top of that, we will be printing upwards of 25,000 in the UK, starting with the Dec'95-jan'96 edition. We are already printing 18,000 copies for the USA-Canada market, plus 45,000 copies for the Australia-New Zealand market, and that is still not enough! What is even more startling is that every time NEXUS gets attacked through the media, our sales go up yet again! Thank you! This edition is also the issue where I let readers know that NEXUS magazine has a stall at the various alternative expos being held in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and London. This is your opportunity to pick up some back issues, books or videos at special rates, plus renew your subscription for another year. I also need to apologise to those people who are still waiting for NEXUS OnLine! to reincarnate to its proper status. We had a hard-drive meltdown a few months ago, and this, combined with two or three deadlines, really set us behind schedule-but we are getting there... Meantime, feel free to use it as a BBS. See details on the advert in this edition. Now, to a few of the articles. First up, I want you all to read the article linking earthquakes to nuclear tests. There is more to this article than the obvious link which everyone suspects. Is it possible that nuclear bomb tests have been deliberately carried out to reduce the number of really big quakes? These 'killer quake' numbers have dropped tremendously since bomb-testing began, though the number of smaller quakes have increased in both frequency and location. The link between bomb tests and changes in the Earth's magnetic field is also discussed. We are also pleased to publish in this issue, an update on the cluster of mysterious pyramid structures in China. Meanwhile, everyone using sugar-substitute sweeteners had better read the article beginning on page 25 of this issue. I know that good NEXUS readers don't use them anyway, but you may have friends or relatives who may want to know what they are really consuming. It is not pretty! Finally, if the article about AM radiowaves causing brain cancer doesn't drive you out of those fluoride-infested cities, then nothing will. Dare I say it, happy reading! Duncan WARRAN'TY AND INDEMNITY Advertisers upon and by lodging material with the Publisher for publication or authorising or approving of the publication of any material INDEMNIFY the Publisher and its servants and agents against all liability claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from, the [publication and without limiting the generality of the foregoing to indemnify each of tnem in relation to defamation, slander of title, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publication titles, unfair competition or trade practices, roya,llies or violation of rights or privacy AND WARRANT that the material complies with all relevant laws and regulations and that its publication will not give rise to any dghts against or liabilities lin the Publisher, its servants or agents and in particular that nothing therein is capable of being misleading or deceptive or otherwise in Ibreach of the Part V of the Trade Practices Act 1974. All expressions of opinion are published on the basis that they are not to Ibe regarded as expressing the opinion of the Publisher or its servants or agents. Editorial advice is not specific and readers are advised to seek professional help for individual problems. Š NEXUS New Times 1995




Re: Unleaded Petrol Dear Duncan: Congratulations on publisbing the excellent article, '!ivied "The Lies of Unleaded Petrol" (part 1) (April-May '95). There are a couple of considerations in the whole argument about leaded/unleaded petrol which have been ignored by the media (or perhaps we should say proscribed by the media bosses). One is that it takes more oil to produce a given quantity of unleaded petrol than it does for thc same amount of leaded rpetrol. This means that the oil companies have to produce more oil and, Ireluctantly, make more money. Leaded vehides [un quite satisfactorily (and more efficiently) on "Gasohol"-a blend of unleaded petrol and ethanol. Two years ago I wrote to th.e Democrats in Parliament on thc virtues of gasohol alJd received a reply from Sell. CouLter who said, in effect, that he already knew all about gasohol and the Democrats would be pushing fOF its introduction. Howcvcr, nothing seems to have happened in this regard. Could it be that the oil companies are blocking its introduction so that they can maximise oil production? (Had the Dcmocraots pushed the issue hard and Iioud it may Ihave slowed the migration of tlleir vouers to the Greens,) A second' consideration concerns the carcinogenic qualities of additives to unLeaded !fuel and the article discusses this in detail. However, an aspect rarely brougllt out is that the drug companies are arms of tile petrochemical transnationalls. Logically, it is good business to produce products which make people sick because thcir drug companies will later make a fortune selling courses of expensive (and futile) drugs. Is it unreasonable to believe that the petrochemical cartels have done cost-benefH analyses along these lines? Regards, Ron H., Tweed Heads, NSW, Australia.

Re: Gulf War Syndrome Dear Editor: A number of souroes have reported that vaccines and immunis.ations received by US soldiers are the chief suspected cillprits for the Gulf War Syndrome. The concept of a vaccine is to stimulate a person's immune system to become stronger by subje.cting it to a weak assault, In an environment which has deteriorated to a state where immune systems are working ove.rtime to maintain health, the vaccination approach may no longer be a good idea. Since sources of stress 4 • NEXUS

accumulate, a c.ertain vaccination may be the straw that breaks the camd's back, resulting in an immune-system defiei.ency instead of a stronger immune system. In the case of the Gulf War veterans, vaccinations may only be a component of ~he prohlem because veterans not s\lbjected to experimental US vaccines are also experiencing the GWS, according ,to an editor's note following "Gullf War Guinea Pigs" (NEXUS, April-May '95). A possible contributor to the GWS may be friendly fire from an electronic battlefield which so zapped the Iraqi troop's that they showed no fighting ability at all. lin addition, Defense News (April 13-19, 1992) reported that an EMP weapon designed to mimic the flash of electricity from a nuclear explosion was used in the Gulf War. Another indication of an adverse encrgy environment, reported 'by USA Today (May 26, 1994), indicated that 14,000 detectors designed ito sense hostile chemicals. and biological substances sounded up to three times a day during the war, while secondary verification procedures were unable to confirm the presence of such agents. Since the GWS has AIDS-like characteristics, it might be recalled that a declining immune system which first affected signHicantnumbers of people was associated with surviving the immediate effects of radiation from an atomic blast. Besides avoiding subjecting people to adverse environments, it may be desiJabJe to consider techniques otheF than vaccines to strengthen the immune system=like the example mentiolled in "Paramagnetic ELF Forces" (Acre!, USA, April 1995). Apparently a Jewish nigh priest during the time of Ghrist would wear a long ribbon of cloth (wool-linen or burlap), called! a Shatnez, soaked in sea water, so that he could safely examine lepers. Tlhe Shatnez prevented the disease from being kindled in the high priest by aluering the flow of energy. Sincerely, Faul S., Kansas City, MO, USA. , "

Re: Spiritual Service

Dear Duncan: Recently I rcad in a book that only 20 per cent of what Jesus said in the Bible he actually said. One of the things he did not say is "I am the 'fruth, the Way, and the life. The only way to the Father is through Me". If this research is true and accurate, I don't think it willi circulate far in

the Christian' commu~ity. Is it not interesting that Ipeople believe the truth only if it doesn't interfere with what they want to beJieve? Instead of worshipping and praying cndlessly, ~ have a spiritual method where I project with my mind and soul the best love, intelligence and creativity I have to all. life in the Universe to contribute to the Universe instead of being parasitic om it the way mankind has been till now. How m;wy other people do this? I would like to know. ~ believe this method of spiritual service will be the coming thing in th.e new age. Yours sincerel¥, Gordon R., Christchurch, New Zealand. (Dear Gord.on: I dOll't belieJle mankind is parasitic, any more than a child sucking on its mother's breast is. Mankind is young, growing and leaming. Your contribution to the UniJlerse, though, is the reason I chose your lener to publish. Thank you, and keep it up' Ed.)

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your child's life. H you feell vaccination is not for your children, don't be !bulldozed or intimidated by health providers. Remembcr, they are being paid a $6 incentive for each child they recruit. Perhaps the well-being oli our children will be sevaside because of Ithis monetary exercis.e. TheJe is also another asp.ect to all this. According to Federal Health Department publications, not all practitioners store vaccines correctly, and quite often the "cold chain" is not maintained. Also, many"doctors inject into the wrong site, do not diagnose contraindications or misdiagn.osc those symptoms which are not "true contrajndications. This d~oes not exactly engend.eJ eunfidence in an already [a'ltering health service. So I say to all responsible 'parents, read all you can, soak up information like a sponge, ,then make this all· important decision. Your children's health, development and well-being will rely on this. Re: Vaccination Dangers Yours faithfully, Kim S., Dear Duncan: I would really like Warburton, Victoria, Australia. to congratulate you and your team on a great magazine. My husband and I Re: Relativity Values arc re.cent converts andl look forw.ard Dear Sir: I am writing with regard to cach issue with avid interest. to an article in the June-July 1995 I have been particularly interested edjtion, titled "The Adams Superin the various articles you have print- power Multi-polar Magnet". ed on the vaccination issue. This In this article, Robert Adams takes subject is close to my heart because shots at Einstein's theories of relativmy young son is now disabled and ity which, dare I say, seems ridicusuffers chronic iIJIcllealth due to vac- lous. Were Robert Adams to take cination. His rea-ctions were imme- the time he would find that the scidiate and severe, and have left me a ence of Geometrodynamics (the veJy frustrated, disillusioned and behaviourall study of space-time), angry mother. I grieve for the nor- which is built solely on the theory of mal, healthy toddler I once had, general relativity, is 100 per cent in whilst still lovwg the beautiful rare support of his own views. flower lhat is now my little boy. I am a great fan of both Robert I cannot stress strongly enough that Adams and Albert Einstein-whom ,I parents of today need to make informed decisions whcn :it comes to think would have enjoyed witnessing the question of immunisation. There Robert Adams' work. Sincerely, Riki M., Wellington, is a wealth of reading material giving the other side of the argument which New Zealand. is never presented to the public by Re: Cruelty to Animals health officials and governments. The Australian Association for There are many children who are simHarly affected like my son. Humane Research is joining other Because re.p:orting of adverse reac- groups thmughout the world to tions is not compulsory, and because protcst against Gillette's refusal to of the fact Ithat many doctors do not stop using animals in outdated and recognise true contraindications cruel anilM.l tests. lIn fact, Gillette's when they o'ccur, the government animal use is on the rise: the number does not have a ,true picture statisti- of animals tortured and killed has cally of just how dangerous and far- more than doubled since 1987. reaching the effects of vaccines are. With our new balcony banner, If parents choose to vaccinate, ask "Gillette Tortures Animals", we hope abou~ side-effects, tell doctors of any to draw peo'ple's attention to the allergies to drugs, and any history of company's intransigence and tbus put eczema, asthma, epilepsy or convul- furtheJ pJessure on them to abandon sions in the family. It may just savc the practice. OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995





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Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia, phone +61 (02) 238 6153, fax (02) 2387633. (Dear Max: Thank you for your letter. I'm not surprised that the AIDS organisations you contacted did /lot want 10 know of your success with treating HIV. A few years ago NEXUS organised the Australian lecture tour of Ed McCabe, wellknown investigative jourl/alist in the field of oxygen therapies. We invited all the media alld the AIDS councils in Australia to come and view the medical dOCumelllalion showing several people who had gone from HIVpositive to HlV-negative as a primary result of oxygen therapies. They were clearly not inlerested, and in most cases were incredibly hostile Re: Success in HIV Reversal that we even wasted their time! I Dear Duncan: As you will be wonder what the HIV-positive people aware by the news release issued would have to say about that! Good from our office, clinical trials con- luck in your research. Ed.) ducted at Bastyr University, Seattle, Washington, USA, have proved pos- Re: Fluoride's Hidden Agenda itivc in reversing HIV using the Dear Duncan: I read with great "LISTEN" System. interest the recent article in NEXUS Dr Barbara Brewill, Ph.D" the (vol. 2#27) on Fluoride with respect researcher responsible, has been to the "crowd control" agenda. invited to Australia to [present !her As a homoeopath I'd like to draw paper to the Electromedical attention to the emergence of other Conferenc.e '95. post-war syndromes and their correAssuming that this apparent break- spondence to various rubrics in the through wuuld be of considerable Materia Medica, as under interest to the people involved in the "Auoricum Acidum": HIV/AIDS scene, we contacted three "Increasing Divorce Rate: 'averseparate organisations and were sion to parents, friends, members of amazed at the lack of interest! family, wife'; 'delusion: betrothal aU! quest was to find an organisamust be broken/children must be drition within Australia that would be ven out of home/marriage must discapable of und.ertaking a 'validation' solve'; 'desire for solitude'; 'indifferprogram to duplicate and possibly ence to: business affairs/important expand on Dr Brewitt's work, things/loved ones/relations'." We offered to make a System "Hyperactivity and[ Attention available and train suitably qualified Deficit Syndrome: 'capricious'; 'difpractitioners on its usc, further, we ficult concentration'; 'confusion of sought their assistance in advising us mind'; 'excitable, exhilarated'; 'forwho or which organisations may getful'; 'weakness of memory for: wish Ito hear Dr Brewitt's presenta- Dusiness/ dates/what was about to tion. do/for what has just done/for proper Alas, stony silence! Not one has names/for what has just thought'; had the courtesy to acknowledge the 'mistakes in speaking, writing, offer or the invitation. spelling'; 'thoughts intrude and One can only wonder how the peo- crowd in on each other'; 'thoughts ple living with mv would react to rush and flow in'." the neglect o~ their interests by these I think the agenda is broader than so-called representative bodies, by mere crowd control! ignoring the opportunity to explore Sincercly, Patricia H., Kenmore the validity of a potentially safe, Hills, Q1d, Australia. non-invasive and drug-free solution to their illness. I would be grateful if Re: Mobile Phone Radiation any of your readers who may be livDear Duncan: It unfortunately ing with HlV could tell us where we seems that the future wiU bring with have erred in our approach to this it a rash of mobile phone-induced malter. brain tumours, the likes of which Yours sincerely, will make cigarette-smoking deaths Max Hamilton, iDirector, Health look like a hobby. And wilen that Through Technology Pry 'utd, Level happens, where will all the vested67, MLC Centre, Martin Place, interest people-who assured us the The huge Washington-based group, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, has collected incontrovertible proof of Gillette's use of secret contractors to test their products on animals. Contrary to Gillette's claims, there is no legal requirement by the American Consumer Product Safety Commission that "requires any firm to perform anirnallte.sts". Gillette's hypocritical claims that they do not test products on ani mals must be exposed. - Press releas~ from Australian Association for Humane Research, Inc. For further information, contact (02) 360 1144.



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phones were perfectly safe-be hiding then? They'll keep on denying any links to tumours until the ,evidence becomes unavoidably overwhelming. But by that time the nuwber of dead people will also be overwhelming. But what's so laughably stupid is that those money-hungry vested interests have to live on this planet too. Their actions would only make sense if their greedy ways were directed at a civilisation far enough removed for them never to be in personal danger of cellular radiation themselves. Remind you of the French? While the phone wars continue and we take to ·thes~ electronic phaliic symbols bees to honey, there are two ways you can reduce your personal risk while using a mobile. Either purchase a transportable phone which wiH keep the antenna several feet away from your head, or purc.hase an earphone kit for your handheld. This elever idea is available for selected mobiles and it allows you to plug a corded earphone/microphone into your mobile, allowil\g you to talk with the phone in your hand or pocket or belt. Beware digital phones. The-ir power is much greater than analogue (2 watts versus 0.6 walts), allhough they only develop full power ,in bursts during speech mode. In the last year, a Brisbane newspaper carried a one-paragraph story claiming that a Brisbane university was developing a shielded cellular antenna "for fcar it can create brain cancer". Nothing has been heard since. Makes you wonder what we're not being told. Most instruction manuals for mohiles carry a warning not to operate them within several feet of other people. But what about the poor operator? Doesn't he cO.unt? And anyway, if there's no radiation problem, why the warning? And isn't this warping an admission of guilt? The future looks bleak! Max L., Currumbin Waters, Queensland, Australia.

Re: Seismic Sensitivity Dear Duncan: For some time, scientists have known Lhat many forms of life, inclu(ling some animals, birds, fish and insects, sense the electrom.agnetic field' of the Earth, some even using this electromagnctic information to navigate. Prior to large earthquakes, and for several days foUowing a nuclear test, the Earth's electromagnetic field is known to become disturbed in the Extremely Low Frequency part of

NB: Please keep letters to approx. 100·150 words in length. - Ed. the spectrum. Animals and birds sensitive Lo changes in the EaFth's electromagnetic field are known to appear disturbed or have difficulty navigating, often becoming lost prior to major seismic activity. II believe many people are seismically sensitive also, experiencing a ra.nge of symptoms prior to major seismic activity an~ for a few days following a nuclear test anywhere in the world, e.g., wandering or unusual pains, flu-like symptoms, nausea and an increased sensitivity to light or noise, to name a few. I am-one such person and am presently researching this phenomenon. If any of your readers are sensitive to seismic activity or have any information regarding seismic sensitivity in man, bird or beast, I would appreciate hearing from you. Yours sincerely, N. G., Seismic Research, PO Box 1058, Horsham, Vic. 3402, Australia.

Re: Grey Men and the NWO Dear Sir: Hello to you and your lady. I've been a reader of NEXUS since 1989 and have been more thau impressed with your information. My interest is of the "Grey Men", and this "One World Order"-anything along those lines. I'm thankful you provide many answers for me. The powers-that-be do a good job of keeping the normal person in the street blinded. Having worked in witness protection in Australia, ~ have some idea about secrets. Anyway, in your mag, Autumn 1987, issue no. I, there was 'an article headed "The Gemstone File". Do you know where I can purchase that file or book? The pieces of the puzzle are coming together. Have you read The Lost Waltz of the Tyrants by Judy Pope Koteen? Bob Woodward's Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA, 1981-1987? Do you know who the Grey Men are? Keep up the great work. My spirit is strong and I have faith. May you grow in wisdom. Mike P., Whitianga, New Zealand. (Dear Mike: So many questions! You can purchase The Gemstone File through AUP (see page 10). It's a great book. Australian and NZ readers might like 10 see a few of their favourite politicians' names linked to the drug trade. There is a lot in thaI book that I can't print, even though i would like to! As to your other questions, yes, I have read those titles you mention, and, /10, I do not know who the Grey Men are. If or when I find out, though, I will list them in NEXUS! Ed.) NEXUS·5


AUSTRALIAN ASSEliS GO UNDER THE HAMMER In the past six weeks, AUD$lOA billion of Australian assets have been quietlly handed Qver to .foreign interests, with hardly a mention in the media! The sen-off includes: • 25% of Qantas to British Airways, plus another '1.7% to foreign investors in a recent AUD$lA5 billion float; • Pacific Dunlop's food operations to the Swiss and the US for AUD$].06 billion; • one of Victoria's major electricjty distribution corporations for AUD$1.85 billion; • Australia's second largest life insurance company, National Mutual, to French group AXA for A'UD$1.6 billion; • building and plastics company l3TR Nylex to the British for a reoord! $4.5 billion; • plus a bundle of commercial and residential properties. The Australian Bureau of Statistics refuses to publish the official measure of the level of foreign investment across the different industry sectors, bu'! Australian Consumers Association research shows the following: F00d, 85% foreign-owned; Beer, 50%; Car Manufacturing, 98%; Engin-eering and Construction, 67%; Advertising, 80%; Hotels, 90%; Print Media, 60%. the purchase of Australian assets by foreigners indudes every asset the companies have under their corporate banner. To give just one example, with the sale

The Hale-Bopp comet (C1l995 01) was discovered on 23rd July 1995 by Alan Hale, New Mexico, and Thomas Bopp, Arizona.

of National Mutual, French company AXA gained c.antrol of Australia's largest sheepfarming operations~National Mutual being consider.ed the country's biggest wool producer, as well as having enormous cotton, crop and beef interests. This means that Australian wool-growing is now, in effect, in the hands of the Champs Elysees farmers. It may come as a surprise to most to learn that the Australian Bureau of Statistic.$ places the USA as the biggest foreign ,investor at AUD$85.2 billion, followed by the UK at AUD$74.5 billion, Japan at AUD$48.9 billion and Hong Kong at AUD$14A billion.

(Source: The Sun-Heraki 3 September 1995)


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The orbit of this, comet is of a long period-approximately 3,250 years. It has travelled through the inner solar system before-;t!lat ,is, it is not a new comet from the Oort Cloud. Its orbit is a very Igng, ,stretched-out ellipse, and tl'ie"comet is part of our solar system in orbit around our Sun. Hale-Bopp is expected to reach its closest point to the Sun (perihelion) at 1504 hours lITC on I st April 1991 (hO fooling i). At that time it will be about 0.9U astronomical units from the Sun (one AU = about 93 rn.lUion miles or 1150 million kilon:Leters-the distance between the Sun and the Earth), or roughly 85 million miles (137 million kilometers) from the Sun. This is non a !particularly close approach to the Sun, ibut any comet that comes within ~ AU of the SlIn has a chance of putting on a nice show. The comet will make its closest approach to the Earth on 23rd March 1997. At that time it will be more than 120 million miles (194 million kilometers) from Earth-not even a very close approach! W.iII the comet 'cross' the Earth's orbit? Well, yes and no... The comet will come closer to the Sun than the Earth, but it will never actually physically cross any point in space that is occupied by the Earth-so it can't hit the Earth! The comet will be best seen from tbe southern !hemisphere (and lower north.ern Ilatitudes) except when it is expected to be at ,its brightest. In March and April 1997 it will only be easily visible from the northern hemisphere. There have been reports that ,this comet is very large. ActuaUy, the Ineart of the comet-the nucleus-is obscured by the dust and gas that forms the head of the comet. Nobody knows how large the nucleus ,is. We can't see it! The nuclei of cornets range in size from a few miles (kilometers) or smaller, to over 100 miles (160 kilometers) in diameter. Tire brightness of the comet is not always directly related to the size of the nucJeus. This is because, typically, only a fraction of the surfaoe of a comet's nucleus is active. It is OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995

••• possible that this comet has a small nucleus with most of its surface emitting .dust and gas. It is also possible that this comet has a large nucleus with only a small ac,tive region. We just don't know.

(Sources: CharLes S. Morris, emaiL; Stan Deyo's WAIT's News. no. 2, September 1995)

COMET HALE-BOPP, FOR THE NEXUS READER Many people have asked the question, "With alF that gear out there, how come the experts didn't discover Hale-Bopp first?" Or did they? What follows is a tjtbit em ailed to NEXUS. Make of it what you will. The Truth About Hal'e-Bopp? From the Art BelllRadio Web Date: 7 Aug 1995 From: (WmTim) I work at an institution that studies data gathered from a nu mber of 'outiwa-rdlooking' sateU ites, We first saw HaleBopp on July 3rdi. We have determined tllat it has made a number of course-corrections since that time. Once we confirmed the data that fi rst suggested these correcti'ons, government 'spooks' from some unidentified agency seized 'lh_e data, and our satellite links were S'hl;lt down "far. maintenance". Never before have we lost all ol!lr links at once. Our name for tffue 'comet' was "Contact 070795B". Use that name when asking questions and see the ,result you get.

(Source: Stan Deyo's WAIT's News, no. 2, September 1995)

TiHE NEW POLITICAllY CORRECT BIBLE The New Testament got. a major face lin in September, with a new English translation eriminating references to God the Father, turning the Son of Man into "the human one" and removing accusations that Jews killed Christ. This new politically correct version, published by Oxford University Press, says children should not "obey" theil' parents but "heed" them; wives are no longer "subject" to their husbands but "committed" to them; "darkness" is no longer equated with ·evil because of its racist ovcrtones; and the Lord's P-rayer now begins with "Our Father-Mother in Heaven". References to the "right hand of God" are also deleted, eliminating possible embarrassment to left-handed people. It now becomes "God's mighty hand".

The New Testament and PsaLms: An OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995

GL-$BAL iNEWS Inclusive Version also eliminates all references to the Jews kimng Jesus, which makes i~ the first translation of the Bible to take on the issue of anti-Semitism. The translation also makcs a great effor't to reduce the number of t~mes God is referred to as Lord, because lords as a fuling group are passe. The word "slaves" is also dropped in the new translation, replaced by "people who wcre enslaved", and the phrase "the blind" becomes "people who are blind". However, the editors did draw the line at calling disabled people "differently abled", (Sources: kaLivas@aoLcom via the Internet; WeekLy TeLe~raeh, 6-12 September 1995)

IS THERE SUBLIMINAL SEX IN "THE LION KING"? Stafford, Virginia, USA - A Christian group wants Walt Disney Co. to remove The Lion King from video stores, claiming the cartoon movie briefly, and subliminalIy, shows Ithe wQrd "sex'''. The American Life League, which claims to be the natio_n's largest anti-abortion group, was alertcd to the brief appearance of thg word by a woman who said her four-ycar-old son noticed it. After seetng that the word appears to ,be formed by a dissipating cloud of dust about midway through the movie, the group is encouraging people to write to Disney to complain. As ,the d'ust begins to trail off, it appears to form the letters S-E-X, with eacb letter fading as the ncxt becomes clear, the group claims. (Source: SLlnshine Coast DaiLy, 2 September 1995)

AUENS (NOT BIG BANG) CREATED OUR UNIVERSE? An amazing article published in the September 1995 issue of the quarterly journaL of the Royal Astronomical Society is seriously exploring the notion that our universe may have been createdl by beings of superior intelligence Ii ving in another universe. Consider thc following from the news r~lease: "... Modern cosmology has reached the stage where this form of creation is a strong possibili-

••• ty. Perhaps highly intelligent bcings in our universe, such as our desc-endants in the far future, will also create universes. Plausibly the creation of universes is the natural co~ sequence of life evolving to a very high level of intelligence." W,l1y is our universe so ca,refully designed the way it is? Because it was created by ,intelligent beings basically similar to us. The universe they occupied was compatible with their existence and therefore finely -tuned and basically similar toOUf own universe. Our universe inherits the characteristics of its parent Uhiverse except for small random or designed genetic variations ill the values of the fundamental constants. The article, titled "The Natural Selection of Universes Containing Intelligent Life", suggests that "the creation of our universe was not a mysterious supernatural event by a supreme being beyond human comprehension, but a natural event caused by superior beings (angels) essentially similar Ito ourselves and henc'c comprehensible."

(Source: Edward Harrison, news reLease for RoyaL AstronomicaL Society, 14 August 1995)

EUROPE PAYS TO LET FOOD ROT Nearly three million tons of fruit and vegetables, including almost a miblion tons of apples, were destroyed in 1993, at a cost of £439 million (AUD$900 million), under the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy. More than 720,000 tons of peaches, over half a million tons of oranges and 165,000 ,tons of nectarines were also ta~en off the marke~ by farmers paid by Brusscls to destroy their own produce.

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Br[tish taxpayers alone paid £57 million (AUD$120 million) towards the cost of destroying fruit and vegetables of almost every type grown in Europe. AU were fit for human consumption. Here you have a scheme whe.reby European taxpayers are funding a scbeme which keeps the price of fruit and vegetables artificially high by destroying perfectly good produce. The fruit is destroyed by being Iburied in the ground and allowed to rot. (Source: The Daily Tele~raph (UK], 7 August 1995) SMART CARDS TO STOP CAR THEFT, AND THE REST Under a new driver licensing system being developed in Sweden, police will be able to shut down your car's engine by remote control instead of chasing you all over the highways andl back streets. The new smart card licence does everything from starting your ear Ito ensuring you pass an aLcoh.ol breath-test each time you drive. Computer-linked to police stations, the new licen.ce will make use of onboard computers to alLow poNce to shut down the ignition systems of stolen cars, cars with outstanding flnes or warrants and cars out of registration. The system operates through a computer installed in the car and run by the electronic driver's licence (EDL) encoded with the driver's specific deta.ils. Car keys, steering locks and ignitions will all be replaced by a card-reader about the same size as a car sterco. In the future, when you go to get into your car, Ithe computer will first check that the driver's licence details on the card are

valid and pre-programmed for driving that car. This check is performed twice, once when you go to open the car door, and once when you put tme card into the computer to start Ithe car. The car will not start if the computer rejects the card. According to the developers, you can even stipulate that thc car won't start until the driver has lPassed an alcohol or drug test-with a test unit about the size of .an electric shaver installed in the glove box of the cars of convicted offenders. The licence will also store persona~ medical details so as to provide information to police or ambulance officers in case of an accidcnt or when 'needed'. (Source: Sunday Tele~raph, 20 August 1<]95) CLEAN WATER-THE 'GOLD' OF THE FUTURE? According to the World Bank, water will be the most sougbt-after natural resource and the most llikely cause of wars in the 21st century. Chronic water shortages already affect 40% of the world's population in 80 countrics, and the situation will become far worse with an expanding population and a growing demand for water. The main constraint on food production in the developing world has been a shortage of land, but it would be a scarcity of water in the future, as a World Sank study ha.s found. Global demand for water is increasing by 2.3% a year, doubling every 21 years. It is estimated that a billion people in the world today do not have access to clean drinking water, and almost as many again lack adequate sanitation. (Sources: The Sydnex..Morning Herald. Ih£. Australian. 8 August 1995)






,:_;;.~~ Jj

PtfEU.M......T Ja.Uy . CHlULENGED ,.,il\\,,, I ~.,-~



• •• ALIEN ABDUCTIONS OOCTOR SURVIVES CLOSE [ENCOUNTER! Harvard University psychiatrist Dr John E. Mack, Pulitzer Prizewinner and author of the best-selling book, Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens, has survived a gruelling year-long academic panel investigation into his research methods. The peer-review committee was set up to establish whether Dr Mack had tried to treat rather than merely study individuals claiming to have been abducted by and even sexually experimented upon by alien beings. Considering Ithat psychiatrists are trained to counsel patients in therapeutic settings, the need for this sort of review is rather odd. Could it be that the issue at stake is more academic control versus freedom, rather than the welfare of people who genuinely believe in the reality of their abduction experiences? The Mack attack was unfounded, and the Harvard Medical School has upheld his freedom "to study what he wishes and to state his conclusions without impediment". Dr Mack has is'sued no comment on the ruling, and the panel has made no statement about the validity or otherwise of the abductees' experiences. Mainstream psychiatry stili might n.ot take the abduction phenomenon seriously, but at least Dr Mack can look forward to continuing his work without too much Earthly har.assment. (Sources: Nature. vol. 374, 4 May 1995, vo!. 376, 10 August 1995; The Sydney Morning Herald. 5 August 1995) EUROPEAN UNION BANS BOVINE GROWTH HORMONE UNTIL THE YEAR 2000 On ]4th December 1994, the Council of Ministers imposed a ban through the year 2000 on the c_ommercial use of the controversial, genetically engineered, bovine growth hormone. In the USA, on 3rd February 1994 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the injection of the hormone into dairy cows in the United States. Over the objections of consumers and farmers, thc FDA also severely restricted dairy producers' ability to label products produced by this hormone. Friederich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf, Vice President of the EU Agriculture Committee, wrote in a letter to FDA Commissioner, Davidl Kessler, that, "Consumers in the EUTopean Union...are apparently much more con-cemed about the





.. • ••


unresolved human health issues related to bovine growth 'hormone than your Agency was when it autnorised the product." This is not trlle. There has been a huge outcry in the US regarding the introduction of rBGHlrBST, but the FDA has ignored it. (Source: Citizens For Health Reeort. VoU:1, 1995j

CLASS ACTION SUIT AGAINST THE FDA Tlhe Life Exten,sion Foundation has engaged an Illinois attorney to file a classaction suit against the FDA, Chicago branch, on behalf of a growing number of people who have had "unapproved" drugs (vitamins, herbs, mineral supplements), ordered for personal uSe, illegally detained by the FDA. The suit is justified on the basis that the FDA's official public policy pe[JJljts individuals to import small amounts of unapproved drugs and substances for personal use without fear of reprisal. The action against the FDA's Chicago branch is pan of a larger pUbli'c outcry against FDA excesses in general, especially with respect to alternative medicine where it too often takes an armed Gestapo approach to regulation. In January this ycar, the Washington Legal Foundation took out a full-page ad in The New York Times with a banner fJeadline, "The problem with health care in America is the FDA". (Source: Alternative.Medicine Digest, vol. 7, no. 7, July 1995)

DON'T LISTEN TO PROZAC In case you've been tempted to tryout the highly popular antidepressant drug Prozac, think again. Be advised that just because the FDA approved it, this doesn't mean it's safe. In fact, the mounting evidence suggests it is far from safe. The FDA has received more adverse reaction reports for Prozac ~han for any other product in the last 24 years. The FDA doesn't want anyone Ito know that as far back as September 1993 it had received 28,623 reports of adverse reactions to the dfrug. This is 10 times tile number reported for Halcion, another psychiatric drug tha~ was eventually banned in the UK, but not in the USA. The adverse reactions to Prozac include convulsions, nallucinations, aggression, delirium, violent hostility and psychosis. Add to this the reports of 1,885 attempted suicides and 1,734 deaths (1,089 by suicides), and Prozac's rea~ story emerges. (Source: Perceptions, Fall 1994) OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995



' T

his paper is an attempt. to undetsta~d distribut,ions, patterns and directio~s of large earthquakes of RIchter magnItude (M) greater than or equa~ t06 (>=6) since 1900. Secondly, attempts will be made to relate such large earthquakes to the patterns of nuclear testing. Such' testing is conducted by the United States (USA), the [former] Soviet Union (USSR), France, the United Kingdom (UK) and China. Emphasis was p'laced on earthquakes of M>=6 because these are the ones that cause considerable property damage and/or killl hundreds of people in short perio~s of time. Further, the data was more fQanageabre when such magnitude earthquakes were considered. For ex.ample, there are between 5,000 to 7,000 earthq1,lakc-s of M>=4.5 each year around the world, whereas in any 'given year since 1900, the highest number of earthquakes M>=6 was 214 (in 1957). As the magnitude threshold is lowered, many thousands more small events must be screened. Earthquakes have always been part of the Earth's geologic history. On the other hand, nuclear testing only began in earnest in i 951. In 1963, such testing was moved undergmund. The greatest recorded earthquake death toll of 830,000 was in Shaanxi, China, in 1556. The worst in this cent.ury was on 28th July 1976 when the north-eastern Chinese city of Tangshan was leveIred and about 800,000 people were 'hUed. That quake measured M7.8. Coincidentally, five days Ibefore the quake (23rd July), tile French detorrared a nuclear bomb in the South Pacific Mururoa Atoll, and, one day before (27th Jury), the USA detonated a.nuclear Ibomb oJ 20-150 kilotons (KT) at ,the Nevada test site. The nuclear era began on 16th July 1945 when "Trinity" was dropped 100 feet from a tower near Alamogordo, New Mexico. The yield was 19 KT of TNT equivalent. Soon after this test, on 5th and 9t.b August, the .15-KT nuclear device, "Little Boy", was dropped on Hiroshima, and the 21-KT "Fat Man" was dropped on Nagasaki, endjng World War II. Since 1945, the major powers have cxploded a total of over 1,800 nuclear bombs (through March 1'989). An average of close to 50 underground nuclear tests have taken place each year since 1980. There is little doubt that planet Earth is under severe environmental stress. It is not getting any better. Recently the prestigious env,ironmental research group, the Worldwatch Institute, issued their latest State of the World report which shows that the world is being pushed to the brink. "We are losing at this point, clearly losing the battle to save the planet," said the report's chief author, Lester Brown. The impending result, he warned, "will shake the world to its foundation". Ozone depletion, toxic wastes, acid rain, water scarcity and pollution, forest destruction and topsoil loss are all part of this impending environmentall disaster. Perhaps it is high time to consider underground nuclear testing as a part of this infamous list.

Patterns of Earthquakes, M>=6, 1900 to 1988 For mcans of compwing patterns and trends of M>=6 earthquakes with nuclear testing, 1950 will be used as the watershed year. There were no nuclear tests in that year, and only nine covering the years 1945 through i 949. The idea is to identify patterns in the first half of this century (1900 to 1949) and compare these to the second half of the century (1950 to 1988). The most evident trend from Table I is the change ill the comparative number of earthquakes of various magnitudes for the peri.od before and' after 1950. The first 50 years of tbis century recorded 3,419 such e..arthquakes of M>=6, an average of 68 per year. The last 39 years of this century recorded 4,963 earthquakes of M>=6, an average of 127 per year. In other words, the average per year for such earthquakes has about doubled in the second half of this century as compared to the first half of the century. Also, from 1900 OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995


through 1949, there were only eight years in which there were over 100 earthquakes of M>=6. This entire cluster of eight was found between 1931 and 1941. The highest number was 182 in 1934, and this compared to a low of 17 in 1904. Starting in 1950, the trend was completely reversed. In this 39-year period from 1950 to 1988, the overwhelming majority of years had a total of over 100 earthquakes of M>=6. Again, this compares to onTy eight years for the first 50 years of this century. The highest number was 214 in 1957, whille ,the lowest was 78 in 1962. It is interesting to note that the years 1959 and 1960 were relatively free of nuclear tests. Coincidentally, two years later, the number of earthquakes M>=6 dropped to only 78 in 1962 and 83 in 1963. These earthquake totals were the 10wcst for any given year covering ,the entire second half of this century. When the M>=6 earthquakcs are divided into groups, another trend be.comes evident. From 1900 through [1949, there was a totaf of 10[1 earthquakes of M>=8, with a yearly maximum of 7 in 1906. Tno'se 1906 earthquakes included the famous San Francisco earthquake of 18th/[ 9th April, at M8.3, which killed over 400 people. But from 1950 through 1988, a total of only 30 earthquakes of M>=8 were recorded. The most in any given year since 1949 were four, back in 1950. This included the great Indian earthquake of 15th August, at M8.7, which kille.d over dl,500 people. Thus, for ,the first half of this century, 101 earthquakes of M>=8 wcre recorded, as compared to only 30 of such earthquakes for the second ha1f of the century. And for the I~ast dO years ~here have 'been only three earthquakes M>=8 recorded. The last was on 20th October 1986 when an M8.3 carthquake struck the Kermadec Islands of the South Pacific. This happened just four days after the USA exploded a 20~50-KT bomb in Nevada on 16th October. It appears, therefore, that given such an increase in earthquakes of M>=6 since 1950, and a decreasc in earthquakes of M>=8, the observed increase must have occurred in between the two magnitude ranges. In fact, the increase has mostly occurred in the M6.0 to 6.5 range, as se.en in Table I. The average number in this range per year has tripled since 1950, from 24 to 72, as compared to earthquakcs Ibetween M6.5 to <7.0. The numbers for earthquakes M>=7 have dropped since 1950 relative to the first half of tbe century. There were 1,145 (an average of 22 per year) from 1900 to 1949, and only 699 (average of 17 per year) from 1950 to [988. 12 • NEXUS

Table 1: Earthquakes of Magnitude 6 or Greater



6.0 :0 <0.5 6.5 to <7.0 ,7.0 >8.0

1164 1110 1145 101

--- --- -


195Q.1 0 88



24 22 23

2644 1465 699

37 18




It should be noted that the ability to locate earthquakes 'in the world has increascd dramatically since the turn of the century because of improve.d global communications and seismograph i.nstrumentation. A dramatic increase in the number of recording stations has also oc.curred. For example, about 350 seismograph stations were opcrating in 1931, whereas today there are over 3,000 active stations aroUnd the world. It is generally conceded, however, Ithat the largest earthquakes have been rccorded relatively consistently since 1900, and these factors c.ould have only a: small effect on the number of cvents located per year for magnitudes above 6.0. In conclusion, since 1950 the trend of the M>=6 is as follows. There have been 1,500 more in thc last half of this century compared to the first half, and the average per year has doubled. Further, the increase has been most dramatic in ~e M6.0 to 6.5 range, while a dramatic drop is seen in carthquakes of M>7.0. The question remains as to Whether this trend will continue.

Patterns of Nuclear Testing, 1945 to 1989 The table betow compiles tbe respective summary totals of nuclear explosions by country since 1945. The USA and USSR account for about 87% of the total. Table 2: Total Nuclear Tests by Country, 1945 to 1988 USSR





1945 ·1962: 1963·1988:


304 629

166 451

8 165

23 18

0 32

0 1








Grand TOlal: '1795

Nuclear 'testing began in earnest in 1951 whcn the USA exploded 16 bombs. They later tested 77 times in 1958, half in the Pacific and about half at the Nevada test site. In 1962, a record of 98 USA bomb tests occurred, including a 600-KT bomb from a Polaris A2 rocket in the Pacific. The largest nuclear test explosion conducted by the USA was a IS-megaton (MT) bomb detonated at Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands, on 28th February 1954. Thc largest nuclear test by any eountry is believed to have been a 58-MT bomb detonated by the USSR on 30~ October 1961 above the high Arctic island of Novaya

Zemlya. Since 9th November 1962, all USA nuclear tests have been conducted 'underground at the Nevada tcst site. In 1962, a large number of nuclear tests were carried out (98. by the USA, 44 by the USSR) iUl anticipation of a halt to aboveground testing, which was a result of the Limited Test Ban Treaty signed in 1963. The French, however, continued to test above the water at Mururoa Atoll until 1975. And the Chinese did' likewise, testing some 16 times above ground a\ the Lop Nor Itest site in Sinkiang Province until 1975. Tests are now limited to a maximum yield of ISO KT under terms of the Threshold 'I-est Ban Treaty signed by President Richard M. Nixon and -Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev in Moscow on 3rd July 1974. The ban did not take effect unti! 31 st March 1976, and remains unratified Iby the US Senate. Testing was stopped completely in 1959 and 1960, and the USSR unilaterally stopped testing during a sel,f-imposed moratorium for 19 months between JUllry 1985 to February 1987. During that timc, the USA condueted 26 nuclear tests. Since 1963, nuclear tcst sites by the five major ,powers have essentially been confined' to the following locations: Tab Ie J~ .tiiti2n

. . Sit' QasccptfQO



UK: Nevada Te,t Sit. (65 mile, NW at La' V"93S) Mururoa. Faoga,au1a Aloll [720 miles SE of Tah~i. in Tuamotu archipelac;oj China: Lop Nor, Sinkiang ?rovin:;e USSR; 1. Semicalatjnsk. Kazalehislan 2. Novaya Zomlya 1,land USA


Looo"ud 0

37 N




4' N 49 N

88 E 78 E

73 N

55 E

eo N

56 E

61 N

112 E

Arctic Ocean 3. Ural Mou.ntams, flear Serov 4. S,beria, nonh Lalee Baykal

The French testing site is very close to tbe Tropic of Capricorn (23SS Lat.) and is the only nudear test site south of the equator. The Sovie~ Arctic site, the Novaya Zemlya Islands, is the only nuclear test site north of the Arctic Circle (66.5°N Lat.) and is present'ly used only once or twice per year. However, from 1958 through 1963 ,it was the main Soviet nuclear test site. The site was last used on 4th December 1988 when the USSR exploded a nuclear bomb between 20-150 Kli'. Three days later, on 7th December, the Soviet Armenian earthquake struck, registering M6.9 and killing upwards of 60,000 people, injuring 13,000 and leaving half a million people homeless. Another of these dangerous coincidences. The total nuclear tests by all. countries since 1945 ,is 1,795. The average for the 43.5-year period is one test every eight to nine days. If the period 1963 through 1988 OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995

.. is taken, the major powers are averaging a nuc1fear test every 7.3 days. The yearly average in the 1960s was 56; in the 1970s it was 47 tests; and in the ~980s, 47 tests. But the peJ"iod of July 1985 to February 1987 was the self-imposed test ban by the USSR, so the 1990s should show the yearly level rise to above 50 again as they try to make up for lost ground. Perhaps the only hope on this nuclear ~esting path is the attempt to l\imit nuclear tests to I KT with a view to total elimination. The Soviets emphasised a goal of immediate cessation of all nuclear tests, while the Americans stressed the need to improve verification capabilities and the need to continue testing in the absence of significant reductions in offensive nuclear weapons. In 1988, each side visited the other side's nuclear tes-t site to monitor an underground nuclear explosion. The idea was to maIc-e sure that both sides can verify whether a test yields more or less than 150 KT. The S.oviets prove accuracy by their preferred monitoring method, which counts seismic units such as those used in monHoring earthquakes. In the American method, an electricaD cable must be placed within 10 to 15 metres of the blast.

Nuclear Testing and Earthquake Frequencies The distri bution of all earthquakes of M>=5.8 between 1900 through 1949 cI'earIy reflects the boundaries of the II major tectonic plate zones. Alii such earthquakes were located in zones or b locks of 10 degrees of latitude ana 10 degrees of longitude, to give frequency and per-cent distributions on a global scale. The highest per cent is the Southern Philippine's block at 3.95%, having recorded 135 earthquakes of M>=5.8 during the period. Japan, in the Hokkaido area, is next at 3.07%, with 105 such earthquakes. Table 4, below, identifies the major zones of high earthq.uake frequency, in some cases combining the values for adjacent blocks of la,titude and longitude. Table 4: Zones of High Earthquake Frequency (M>='5.8), 1900 to 1949 (1 block = 100 of Lat. x 100 of Long.)

! OOiUign

Numb<>r of Combined no. ". of AU Eann· 01 Blod<. of Eann· guak9bJi11 and Lgag Quake,

lndonils;a. N 9'llt Guinea: V3I\Ualu. Fiji, Tonga: Japanese )stands: ClnL Am..... S. Mexico: Cnill. Plru·, N. A!9enL: .pnilippino.: Taiwan: N. Inaia. Paltisran: N'IW Zoalal1a: S. Greecl. W. TuI1<IY:

424 377 310 205

204 187 74 69 43 42

7 5 4 4 5

2 1 1 3 I


12.39'4 11.03% 9.07".

5.99'r. 5.96% 5.47% 2.16% 2.02". 1.25% 1.23".

This convention for aggregating and presenting the data in percentage values within blocks of latitude' and longitude, is used throughout this paper. These area blocks or zones of latitude and longitude received nearly 56% of an the Earth's quakes of M>=5.8 from 1900 to 1949, for a total of 1,935 earthquakes. By comparison, all other blocks of latitude and longitude each receive less than 1% of all earthquakes. This established pattern of earthquakes of M>;5.8, with highhghted zones of high frequency occurrence on a global scale between 1900 and 1949, will act as a control against which we can compare the patterns of earthquakes ,that follow nuclear testing. All such earthquakes were recorded either on the day of the test or within the four days afteliWard, for a fiveday period.

Atmospheric (Above-Ground) Nuclear Testing Tne first area to consider is the Pacific Ocean. The US tests here totalled 106 and were conducted from 1946 through 1962. The principal sites are listed below: Table 5: Loc,I!00 En;wetOlk. Christmas Isii1nd Bikini Johnson Isla n<I Pac,iii,c sites

Numb" of r,:It,·



43 24 23 12 4

11' N

162.E 169W 165 E 169W

2N 11 N 17N

When we review the earthquake data, the following areas. emerge as receiving more than their share of the M>=5.8 earthquakes. Hardest hit fol1lowing USA Pacific tests, relative to the pattern prior to 1950, were the blocks of latitude and longitude encompassing Sakhalin Island!, the Aleutian Islands, Peru, Bolivia, Central America, Western Samoa, Vanuatu, Baja, California, Hawaii and Japan. French testing in the South Pacific covered years 1966 through 1974 when they c-onducted 44 atmospheric tests, 39 over Mururoa Atoll and fi ve over Fagataufa Atolt The earthquake pattern after the French South Pacific testing is somewhat different, and the zones of high frequency earthquakes following these French tests were Western Samoa, Fiji, the Solomon Islands, the Alaska Panhandle, and the area between the Kamchatka Peninsula and Aleutian Islands. lnterestingly, these regions of high carthquake activity foHowing Pacific nuclear testing are aU .confined to the Pacific Ring of Fire, a zone of earthquakes and volcanoes that circles the entire Pacific Ocean. These data are summarised in Table 6. British tests in ithe Pacific Ocean covered the period ~957 to 1958' andl involved! only

Table 6: Percentage of All Earthquakes (M>=5.8l afrer US and French AboveGround Nwdear Tests, Pacific Ocean, 1946 to 1975 (five-day period) Pr..Test


Plriod Percent 1900·1Q 49

W. Samoa: 2.78 Fiji: 2.31 KlrmlO<loc I•.: 0.:s0 VanuoCoral Sea: 3.36 2.9'8 Solomon II.: Hawaii: 0.C6 0.09 N. Poru: 1.02 Lima. Peru: 126 0,79 Bolivia: C. Rica. Panama: 1.05 South Mlxico: 2~ Baja. CA: 0.3S AlasKa Pannan.: 0.50 W.AI...~: 0.41 A1aUlian ts.:: 0.88 0.97 0.88 0.78 Sakhalin: 0.97 HokJ<ai<lo: 3.07 Tokyo: 2.4!i S.Japan. Benin: 0.53 Burma: 0.94 0,47 Tentait


Mo' USA Tos.. Percenr




4.91 2.45 1.114 5.75 1.84 1.23 1.84 0.S1 3.'07 3.07 4.91 4,29 2.-lS 0 01.23 7,36 ~,07

2.45 0.61 7,98 1.84 3.58 2.45 0 0

French TIStI Percenl

12.50 4.17 0 4.17 16.67 0 0 4.17 0 0 0



0 8.;)3

.4..17 0 4.17 4.17 4,17 0 4.17


0 4.17 4.17

nine tests at Cbristmas Island (1. 7°N Lat, 157°W Long). Twelve British tests were conducted in Australia from 1952 to 1951. Since 1962, all British tests have been underground at the USA Nevada test site. Only the Christmas Island tests were examined here, but, once again, familiar terms emerge. See Table 7. Table 7: 'Perce'ntage of All Earthquakes (M>=5.8) after British Above-Ground Nuclea'~ Tests, Pacific Ocean, muo 1957 (five-dtt.~eriod)


19QQ-1 C49

An9[ British r,sts

Cllitnlrcd Amarica &

S. Mexico: KermlO<lae '• .{Sarnoa: Solomon fsJVa/luan~.:

4.64 7.13


20.00 15.00 10.00

From 1951 until 1]963, the USA tested 100 times above ground at the Nevada test site. When these test dares are matched with earthquakes of M>=5.8 within a nveday period, the follOWing areas show a higher-than-normal share of such earthquakes compared to the 1900- ),950 period: i',1

• !

Table 8. Percentage of All Earthquakes (M>=5.8) after USA Above-Ground Nuclear Tests in Nevada, 1951 to 1963 (five-day period)~ _ location


Att,r Ij§,;r~$,u

KormadllClW. Samoa &

Vanuatu: Kamcnad<alAleutian 15.: Taiwan: Solomon I•.:

11.61 4'.-16 2.16 2.98

16.05 10.$2 5.60


The Soviet above-ground testing involved 166 tests from 1949 to 1962. About 70% of the known Soviet tests 'have o'ccurred at ~heir two main sites near Semipalatinsk in eastern Kazakhstan (50%), and on the island of Novaya NEXUS



Zemlya, north of the Arctic Circle (20%). The above-ground testing was very acti ve at Novaya Zemlya in the years 1958 to 1962. When the 79 tests at that site are matched to the M>='5.8 earthquakes over the five-day period for those years, the following areas emerge as high-risk zones: I

Table 9: Percentage of All Earthquakes (M>=:5.8) after USSR Above-Ground Nuclear Tests in Novaya Zemlya, 1958 to 1963 (five-day period) LQC3!Xln

1900.J 949 1.05

Co.." RicalPanama: MindanllO. Philippines: Vanuatu: Kelllladec Is.;

Kamcha"'a: Java/Java Ireocl\:

3.95 3.36 2..81 0.97 0.94

S. Aleutian Is.:


Mor USsa Iu" 8.82 6.86 6.86 6.86 5.88 8.82 10.76

These seven areas were struck 55% of the time during a five-day period following an above-gro.und test at Novaya Zemlya, for the period 1958 through 1962. The ~former] USSR's main testing site today is Semipalatinsk. But from 1945 through 1962, only a totail of 53 aboveground tests were recorded. This number also included tests conducted at their other maintand sites in Siberia and the Ural Mountains. Two regions are most noticeably tied to this partkular Soviet nuclear test site: Taiwan at 9.48%, and the South Aleutian Islands at 23.28%. These two locations respectively received only 2.16% and 0.88% of all M>=5.8 earthquakes during the pre-testing period of 1900 to 1949. Two other high-percent zones are the southern Mexico-Central America coastal region at 8.62%, and the western SamoaTonga region at 9.48%. Another very interesting observation is that these mainland Soviet tests appeared to have Ettie significant effect upon earthquake patterns in the Indonesia-Solomon Islands region, a zone that appears tied to other above-ground nuclear test sites.

Underground Nuclear Testing Underground or below-ground nuclear testing for the USA and USSR started in 1963. Through to 1988 the USA tested underground 629 times, almost exclusively at the Nevada test site. The Soviets tested underground 451 times, mainWy at the Semipalatinsk location, but with 35 underground tests at Novaya Zemlya. Table 10. Percentage of All Earthquakes (M>=5.8) after USA Below-Ground Nuclear Tests in Nevada, 1963 to 1988 (five-day period)

------_. Location



3.36 2..98 0.61 3.31 0.76

Solomon Island$: N8'i'ada: Aleutian Is. BIod<: Satltiago. Chile:

14 • NEXUS


Attgc USA Te$!l'S

6.81 4.89 4.36 12.57 2.79

Observations from Table 10 show that around 30% of the time, during a given five-day period following an underground nuclear test in Nevada, an M>=5.8 eartbquake has hit the Vanuatu Islands, Solomon Islands, Nevada itself, parts of the Aleutians, or. Santiago, Chile. The 35 tests at Novaya Z.emlya, 196.3 through 1988, tie to famil'iar areas again, as given in Table 11 below: Table 11: Percentage of All Earthquakes (M>=5.8) after USSR Below-Ground Nuclear Tests in N.ovaya Zemlya, 1963 to 1988 (five-day periodL-_ 19oo.J949


S. AIeUllaoS:

0.76 3.95 3.36 3.07 0 5.59

Mindatlao: VanualU: Hokl<aido: Novaya Zomlya;




Arter USSR Tasts

9.09 9.99 6.96 6.06 18.18 15.,15

The major [e'X-]USSR puclear test site in Semipalatinsk and associated mainland sites have received over 400 undcrground nuclear tests since 1963. Interesting pattcrns of earthquakes again follow nuclear tests at these sites. The South Pacific zone once again shows a relationship, but so too does the Nevada region, which previously only appeared with a high percentage following Am_erican nuclear tests in Nevada itself. The Aleutian Islands usually show an increase in earthquake frequency following nuclear tests, but this is not the case foillowing a USSR underground test at Semipalatinsk, a plarked contrast with the Novaya Zem~lya test site. Further, the Semipalatinsk region itse],f received 3.15% of all M>=5.8 earthquakes following nuclear tests at that site, as compared to a low 0.23% prior to 1950. See table 12. Table 12.: Percentage of All Earthquakes (M>=5.8) after USSR Below-Ground Nuclear Tests in Semipalatinsk and Other USSR Mainland Sites, 1963 to 1988 II (fiy,e,-day period) Logtjon


Solomon Is.; Vanulllu: Fiji. No.. Cai<>dOnia.

2.98 3.36

Keniladoc.W.Sarnoa blodc

8.33 2. 19 0.61 2.55 0.23


Navada: Aleutians: Semic>alatin.k:

AftlC USSR Ii-ts

8.92 6.49

observers feel that the French will have to move these tests to the nearby 'Fagataufa Islands. When the earthquakes of M>=5..8 are mapped within five days following all French underground! testing, many Pacific regions again emerged as most affected and noticeable. See Table 13. Interestingly, the French nuclear test site itself at Mururoa Atoll (22°S Lat., 139°W Long.) has a low L55% ear.thquakes observed in the five-day period following an underground ,test. This is quite djfferent when compared to earthquake frequencies foLlowing,underground tests at the three other test sites in Nevada (4.36%), Semipalatinsk (3.51 %), and Novaya Zemlya (18.18%). This might be attributed to thc fact that energy released from an underground nuclear test dissipates differently from a test site sUHounded by an ocean. Table 13: Percentage of All Earthquakes (M>=5.8) after French Below-Ground Nuclear Tests at Mururoa Atoll, South Pacific, 1975 to 1988 (five-day period) ~9QQ·'949


5.79 2.98

12.41 10.C8

S. AleUlian z,ons:




3.36 3.07 2.16 2.22 0.85

S.J:3 3.10 3.10 2.::n

H.oIU<aido: Iaiwan: Meu:o City. EI Salvador. Columbia:


Atmospheric and Underground Nuclear Tests Combinea When all the above-g1round (atmos:pheric) nuclear explosions are consid'crcd, certain areas of the world reveal high frequency patterns of the M>=5.8 earthquakes following such tcsts. These areas, ilisted in Table 14, account for about 50% of all tne M>=5.8 earthquakes that followed an above-ground nuclear explosion within the five~day period. Table 14: Percentage of All Earthquakes (M>=5.8) a,fter All Atmospheric AboveGround Nuclear Tests Worldwide, ill.Q.!Q.l9J.,;!Jfu:£-day"pe ri ad) LggJjon



Vanuatu: SoJOmOn Is.:

The French conducted 1,112 underground nuclear tests at Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific from 1975 through 1988. As pointed out by a recent National Resources Defence Counc i'~ pa per, the French have accounted for ,some 20% of all nuclear tests within thc 10 years to ]988. Serious fractures of the c.oral atoll and constant nuclear contamination of the site and surrounding waters has occurred. Some

Fre0st' !fr;;t$

W. Samoa. Kermadec Is.: Ne.. Britain. Solomon /.s.:

Kamchall<.a. Alaut,ans:

2.43 1.62 3.24 3.51


Pan"ma. Costa Rica: S.MoxCo.EISaNador.

Klrmadec Is.: Taiwan: S. Greece. Tur'J<oy:

0.88 0.97 0.76 0.88 0.97 3.36 2.98 1.05 2.22 0.50 0.03 2.16 1.23

ANI[ Nuclear Tut,

2.06 2.06 1.65 7,2.7 4.66 6.86 4.39 4..12 3.57 3.43 1.23 3.29 2.06

The earthquake patterns following all underground nuclear tests are simUar ~o those for the above-ground testing, and, when grouped together, account for about 50% of all the M>=5.8 earthquakes that follow an underground nuclear explosion. OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995

It is interesting to note that the Nevada area has a 2.65% chance of having such an earthquake. This compares to 0.61 % for the pre-nuclear 1900 to 1949 period, and is slightly more than Taiwan's 2.47%. See Table 15 below. Table 15: Percentage of All Earthquakes (M>=5.8) after All Underground Nuclear Tests Worldwide, 1963 to 1988 (five-day period) Lgc:atjon


KAmcha"'a. AI.Ulians:,"u:

S<lloman Is.: Fiji. Tonga. K.rmad.., Is.:

Hol<kaido: Papua. N.... Guin..:

N.vada: Taiwan:

After Nveh'ar Tesl$

0.8a 0.97 0.76 0.a8 0.97 0.70 3.36 2.98 2.05 2.78 2.31 0.:;0 3.07 2.22 0.61 2.16

1.06 0.97 3.35 2.12 1.85 1.76 6.70 6.70 1.59 3.88 3.88 1.68 3.26 3.09 2.65 2.47

The continuation of underground nuclear bomb testing, mainly by the USA, [ex-] USSR and France, should alert certairt areas of the world to notc when and where the tests occur. Tablc 16 summarises the patterns of earthquakes of M>=5.8 within a five-day period following nuclear tests at various test sites. Table 16': Percentage of All Earthquakes (M>=5.8) after Nuclear Tests at Various liest Sites (five-day period)

Aria Atj9Cjed



USA INevada tnt

USSR USSR Samipala. Zilmlyll teJt lest

Alel.ltian Is.: 12.57 Samoa. Karmadec: Vanualu: 6.81


Solemans. N. Brit.: 4.89 Miooanao. PhiJip: 2.09 Taiwan: 2.09 P.laua. New Guin: 2.79 Hokkaido: 3,66 Hon$hu·Kyushu:

Novaya Zemlya: S.mipalallnsk: Nevada:

"' E! SaJv: Sar'iliago. Chilo:


3.24 14.86 6.49 8.92


4.36 2.79

3.51 1.62




9.09 15.15 6.06



Aft.r French Muroroa tU1

7.76 12A1 9.3.0 10.08














Two areas show a significant tie to nucTear testing, regardless of who testsnotably, the Aleutian Islands chain and the South Pacific area inclusive of V,anuatu, the Solomon [slands, Western Samoa and the [(erma.dec Islands. Further, the Japanese islands of Hokkaido, Honshu and Kyushu should note who tests and when. The island of Mindanao should! take some precautions when the [ex-]USSR test at Novaya Zemlya. For Nevada, it is necessary not only for them to monitor American tests, but also Soviet Semipalatinsk tests including the Urals and Siberia sites. The two most vulnerable areas in the South OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995

Pacific, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, should monitor tests weekly. Each of these areas has up to a 10% chance per week of having an M>=5.8 earthquake because of nU.clear tests in the 1980s being conducted on an average of one per week.

The "Killer Earthquake" and Nuclear Tests Of all the earthquakes that do occur, the most frightening of them is the one identified as the "killer quake". It can be defined as an earthquake whic.h kills at least 1,000 people. It is especially interesting to note a dangerous coincidence when all the killer earthquakes since 195 I are simply listed an.d matched to the dates of nuclear tests. Table 17 (see page 16), displays tbe 'match' between nuclear explosions and killer earthquakes. Each of tbe 32 killer earthquakcs which struck between 19511 and 1988 caused at least 1,000 deaths, with the Worst being 800,000 killed in the 11916 M8.2 China earthquake. This China earthquake was the worst for deaths recorded in this century, and, coincidentally, the US testcd a nuclear bomb one day before the earthquake hit. Over the 37 years of nuclear testing, 20 of the 32 killer earthquakes, or 62.5%, occurred on the same day or within four days of a nuclear te-st. The total death toll for these 20 killer earthquakes is over one million people. Table 18 shows the breakdown of these 20 killer earthquakcs. Table 18: Twenty "Killer Earthquakes" Matched with Nuclear Tests, 1951 to 11988 Numb9r of Qyakes

ply' aftlC NudeM Test

Sam. day, Of I day Iale" 2 days Ial.' 3 day. lale, 4 days lale, (Wh.n"two or mOre nuc'-a"r tests occur prior to • kin., qUake, only th. losl doseS! to Ih. quaXe dale is oounlad.) 12

3 2 3

Is this pure coincidence?

Conclusions Some people would question the idea of directly link,ing nuclear testing with the pattern of large, powerful earthquakes which follow within days of a test. Given the large number of such earthquakes per year, and the high number of nuclear tests per year, there might tbe a chance match between any given test and the occurrence of a Ilarge earDhquake. In the 1980s, there were an average of 47 Itests and 120 earthquakes of M>:=6 per year. While a chance correlation might appear to be a~ work, the geographical patterns in the data, with a clustering of earthquakes in specific regions matched to specific test dates and sites, do not support the

easy and comforting explanation of "pure coincidence". The phenomenon crleafily requires further stuoy. The primary purpQse here was to identify frequency patterns 'Of earthquakes following a given nuclear test. Obviously, more study and research of the question of a link between nuclear bomb tests and earthquakes is needed. This effort is simply a beginning. C!O

Selected References on the Environmental Effects of Nuclear Explosions: • Babst, D. V. and A. Dely, "Nuclear Testing and Volcanic Activity", JourTUlI of Peace Research, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada, June 1987, pp. §3,,69 , • Bolt, B. A., Nuclear Explosions and Eartflquakes: The Parted Veil, W. H. Freeman, San Francisco, CA, USA, 1976. • Dahlman, 0., et aI., "Ground Mo.tion and' Atmospheric Pressure Waves from Nuclear Explosio!1$ in the polynesian Test Area IRecorded in Sweden, 1970", FOA 4 Report, C4461 26, 1971. '. Danielson, B. and M. Danielson, Poisoned Reign, Penguin Books, New York, NY, USA, 11986. • Davidson, C. I., et aI., "Radioactive Cesium from the Chernobyl Accident in the Greenland Ice Sheet", Scimc.e 237:633·634, 7 August 1987. • Fieldhouse, R. W., et aI., "Nuclcar Explosions", World Armaments and Disarmament, SIPRI Yearbook, Oxford Uni. Press, NY, 1987, pp. 45-52. • Fuller, J. G., The Day We Bombed Utah, Ncw American Library, New YQrk, USA, 1984. • Goldblat, 1. and D. Co.x, 'The Deb.ate About Nuclear Weapon Tests", Occasiona~ Paper No.5, Canadian Institute for Iinternational Peace and Sec.urity, Ottawa, Canada, 1988. • Harris, D. L., "Effects of Atomic Explosions on the Frequency ofTomadoes in the US", Monthly Weather"Review, Dec.ember 1954, pp. 360-369. • Kato, Y., "Recent Abnormal Phenomena on Ear,th and Atomic Power Tests", Pulse of the Planet, 'I (I ):5-9, Spring 1989. • "Lightning Increase After Chernobyl", Science News 312:238, 10 October 1987. • Lall, E. G. and P. D. Brandes, Banning Nuclear Tests, Council on Economic Priorities, NY, 1987. • Malcolmson, R. W., Nudear Fallacies: Haw We Have Been Misguided Since Hiroshima, McGillQueen's University Press, Kingston, 'Ontario, 1985. • Matsushita', S., et aI., "On the Geomagnetic Effect of the StaFfish High A.ltitude Nuclear Explosion", 1. Geophysical Res. 69:917-945, 1964. • McEwan, A. C., "Environmental Effects of Underground Nucle.arExplosions", World Armaments and Disarmaments, SlPRI Yearbook 1988, Oxford University Press, NY, 1988, pp,75-91. • O'Keefe, BJ, Nudear Hostages, Houghton Mift1in, Boston, Mass., USA, 1983. • Reich, W., The Oranur Experiment, First Report (1947-1951), Wilh.elm Reich Foundation, Maine, USA, 1951 (partly repri.nted in W. Reich, Selected Writings, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1960). • Smith, R. J., "Scientists Implicatedl in Atom Test Decep.tion", Science 218:545-547,5 November 1982; "Atom Tests Leave Illf;Imous Legacy", Science 218:266-269,15 October 19.82. • Titus, A. C., Bombs in the Backyard, University of Nevada Press, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 1986. • Trombley, A., "An Interview ... ", Wildfire, January 1988, pp. 17-33.


• 8 Septero~ef. S(,utbent"EaSl P?~ifii

tefilor's- P~~rrpl:

Rise: lal 56.2~S, Long, 122.o"W,,~gni­ tude 5.7 at 00 214~2 hQun lJ'l"C.

A. coupleorqUesticODS can be asked frotn a .sludy of ltt.~)ilj:ta l\uppOtd in Gary

8 September, Soulhern... ~51stl'lfd:rrc


(!Jp~li.h~·$~n<tt~~r$ . now !lave tile !'tis\}: Lal. 56.1 ~S,Long;' I22.00'!i,magn i'" (arm (If 'earth- tilde 6.3 ilt .0 I 1.5 '29.3 h.(1Ul[Sm~ {~Ot

cal'abllhY'Qf;l:Qljij'ue~ln:g~a quake,wlLJirre' ·as -a result

the. Richtet: sealo'!

8.0 or greater

• 9 September, No!t~ettl G.1tP9~ ~at. 20.2"5. Long, 69,3"W, roagnftulJe.S;6 at


20 5& 40.2 hours ute. Although this!i'rtlcle 1ta~~de~lt~ll1

scale) t1i\s trtpJld since nuclol}( testing ~ci.ail! t,be, ntrirtfw of 'super quakes' has

since then, fOut earthquakes of magnitude .5.5 Or ,greater havMtruek, as follows:



(rom talci~g' measUrements fVI tWo weeks after Jl Jest. Hili work was c}assified -sMrt-

Iy I£er(}~ner.

abnormally'by from 1000 to ISO°-C. . • The satellite a~so ~h{)wed!hal nuctear testing


reWionship betw~enecarl\{q\Iall;:eS'a,nd nuclear- bOlllb testS, seo,:cra1 "lore alsfJI1ing

ralloll. Jutffu¢fot'i ive,gq to prill! with this IsSue" Fratt~e;ilas d.eum~ted the first in it

tale$t $erie$ ornndlU"grouod nuclear lests ~t. Mururoa AtqJ~on 6 seprt\lllbtt:. So far.


A9"cQrdit)g to data ,from tokyo Onlversit)' Aerospace InstitUte's 'sa..~tlite, tell from the datn). . - "' Taiyo. Itucl.ear testihg,has caused Ole tel'l]· • 8Sepfcmoef. orf tl~ ~ast 04Gbia~s. Ri'tature of the Eitrth's eX<Jsphere (ooter" Mexic<r. Lal, 14.9"N. Long, ~*2'?W, mosl ;pol'tlouof ,the &tlItOSphere:, apQ,tox. magnitude $.5 at 172549,[ hours Btc, 300 r~ 600 miles abQve the Earth) to fise

WhHe it is tflle that the-average ~u:n1bef medium-sized tafWquak'es ~i2.e G.t) 1.0 6,5 OJ' the RJchw 00


c(lO~idered an .afteil\hUCk-•. a$far~:we'ean

Qf lheir nuclear

bombteSl&? (2) tonverSI:IY, are the ~J1perpowers using nu~ bomhlests to prevent ~super$·'~Qf ~ilgnjtude

. arter ~ll ~ndergfolJnd n\lt:lear t~~L In 1977 ho was forbIdden hy Ihe US Government

effec!,S are Ii'n~ed 1(1 ttlieleqr t~s~; • to 1974, a ';cieJitisi aI' rbe:Niit)onat Center of Atmosplu.~ti~ Rese.arctl. Dr MjJlsu5hita" dlsoovereO awl bOttf"the;mi\gnetic field (If the earth and-the im\osphere were disturbed for to days to IW~weclcs

the cause

or abnorma.l

polar nol'mat pQI~r oibviment; Whio~ mnkes a revQIut:i(m every 430 days, is caned tbe "CfUlJ;ldlef CycteOl, In other words', the position of the poh~ shins rl!licatly 1.1\ t:hc -tirnc of rluclear IS

I1IdtioJt,~f pte. Barth. Th~


(Sources:, Wil4fire Mag~ne. vol. 3, lUX 3;. Winter 1988: volA; no. 4. Spring 19~9; Pufseofthe PlIJhet. Spring 1989)

Table 17: Ki Iler Earthquakes, 1951 to 1988, Matched with Nuclear Tests (five-day period) # Tests Nuclear Test Per Year Date 17 33 54 3 145 47 67 64 61 46 46 38 45

46 59 55 55 57 57 35 24 40

1953: Mar, 17 1956: Jun, 6-16 (5 separate tests) 1957:1957: Dec. 9 1960:1960:1962: Sep_ 1 1963:1966: Aug. 19 1968: Aug. 27,29 1970: Mar. 26, 27 1970: May 28, 30 1972: Apr. II?? 1972: Dec. 21 1974: Dec. 27 1975: Sep,6 1976: Feb, 4 (2) 1976:1976: July 27 1976:1976: Nov. 23 (2) 1977: 1978: Sep. 13, 15 1979:1980: Oct 8 1980:1982: Dec. 10 1983: Oct 26 1985:1986:1988: Nov. 5 1988: Dec. 4


Earthquake Date


Mar, 18 Jun, 10-17

NW Anatolia Kabul, Afghanislan

Jui. 2 Dec, 13 Feb, 29 May 22 Sep,1 Jui. 26 Aug, 19 Aug, 31 Mar, 28 May 31 Apr. 10 Dec. 23 Dec, 28 Sep. 6 Feb. 4 May 6 Jui. 28 Aug,17 Nov. 24 Mar. 4 Sep,16 Dec, 12 Oct 10 Nov, 23 Dec, 13 Oct 30 Sep, 19 Oct 10 Nov, 6 Dec, 7

Iran Iran Agadir, Morocco Araueo, Chile Bllyin-Zara, Iran Skopje, YugosJavi(!! Varto, Turkey Dasht-e-Bayaz, Iran • Gediz, Turkey Chimbote, Peru Iran Managua, Nicaragua Patlan, Pakistan Lice, Turkey Gualemala City ltaly Tangshan. China Mindanao, Philippines Easlern Turkey Bucharest, Romania fabas, Iran Colombia-Ecuador Al Asnam, Algeria Naples, Italy Dhamar, N, Yemen Posinier, Turkey Mexico City EI Salvador Burma. China Annenia, USSR



TesllQuake Malch?

7.2 7,7

1,200 2.000

yes yes

7,4 7.2 5,8 >8,3 7J 6,0 6,9 7,4 7,4 7.7 6.9 6,2 63 6,8 7,5 6.5 8,2 7,8 7.9 7.5 7.7 7.9 73 7,2 6,0 7,1 7,9 5.4 7,3 6,8

2,500 2,000 12,000 5,000 13,000 1,100 2,600 12,000 1,100 68,000 5,100 5,000 5,200 2,300 23,000 1,000 800.000 5,000 5,000 11600 25.000 800 4,500 4,800 2,800 1,300 10,000 1.000 1,000 6D,OOO

no yes no no yes no yes yes yes yes ?? yes yes yes yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes yes no no yes yes





he link between Colgate and 'mind control' was mentioned earlier. That company's reputatj.on with fluoride as a toothpaste ingredient is a pro:notional legend, particularly III Kenya where a ban on the TV adventlslllg of fltlondated to-othpaste produced some extraordinary pecuniary persuasion from Colgate in attempts to preserve the status quo for the company's benefit. When officiai fluoridation corruption was exposed! in New Zealand, a 'scientific study' was hurriedly executed to try to justify the original governmenlJindustry claims and Irepair the damage done to the fluoride empire. The accreditation appended to that study is reproduced here, with emphasis added:


"ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS" 'We are grateful to the Director and staff of the Division of De-ntal Health, Department of Health, f0t Ithe administrative and logistic support in the Auckland area. In particular we wish to mention Supervising Gental Nurses R. Patcheu an-d K. Hyde, and assistant V. Clarke for their excellent arrangements and help in contacting, screening, and arranging the transportation of children to the examination centres. Mr Garth Stewart, 'bus driver, contributed much above and beyond his normal duties. The tremendous help and coof.!lâ‚Źration from principals and staff of all schools is most appreciated. "Financial support for Ithis study was provided by the Colgate Palmolive Company (NZ)."

Earlier, the name Kellogg was tied into the 1. G. Farben corporate machinations. The words below are reproduced from the cover of a recent World! Health Organisation (WHO) publication advocating fluoridation/fluorides, Appropriate Use of Fluorides for Human Health {underlining added): "Published under the joint sponsorship oJ the International Dental Federation, the W. K. Kellogg.Foundation, and the World Health Organisation. " Tbe intertwining, overtapping, interlocking co-incidence between erstwhile I. G. Farben companies and the continuing degradation of human health, our ecology and environment in exchange for the corporate dollar is virtually endless. But simply, as one example, the Nestle Company, once accused of selling nutritionally barren milk formula to third-world babies, has, recently been found guilty of marketing "Rure Apple Juice" which was anything but "pure" and had never been anywhere near an ap,pfe. The Nestle Company has been nominated by The Ecologist ,as one of several multinational companies involved in the destruction of "the lungs of the Earth", the Brazilian rainforests. IT REALLY GETS IN!

The following pages make a slight transition from historically recorded fact and! logic to indisputable fact, biochemical facn and medical literature fact. The pharmaceutical nomenclature and biochemical data illvolve fluorine/fluorides, with or without other ingredients, in virtuaUyevery phase of mind and behaviour control from mild sedation through 'controlled' unconsciousness to death. 'Side-effects' of all drugs have in common the 'paradoxical' characteristic of hav,ing an effect, on Some individuals, exactly opposite of that which was the intentional effect, converting, for example, a tranquilliser into a potent stimulant, and thus the consumer from a 'pussy cat' into a slavering maniac. 18 • NEXUS


Think back to the dosing of service personnel who are trained to hunt, maim and kill their fell'ow man while under the influence of this or other forms of chemical behaviour~control, and consider the possible reaction of such 'trainees' w,hen dis:charged into the mainstream of society. Are any of the terrorist activities around the globe, indudmg the otherwise inexplicable recent happenings in AustraIia, the grim result of such biochemical paradox?

when washed from tbe atmosphere by ra,in, fonns a solution of hydrofluoric acid (0.7 p.p.m. in Mojave Desert rainfall and 0.3 p.p.m. in Siberian snows), so these anti-cholinergic discharges of,fer an additional threat by contributing to the fluoridated holc in the ozone layer. One must assume it is owing to the enormouS economic impact of this dec_aying ozone on the causal industries that sources of culprit industrial discharges have not featured in the current spate of international scientific concern nor in the records of the world's flUORIDATED PROPEllANTS AND REFRIGERANTS ,atmospheric/climatic monitors. Fluoridated Hole in the Ozone layer As an example of administratively approved industrial output, Halogenated hydrocarbons (somethc first stage of ~he Portland (Victoria, times called fluorocarbons or, when the Australia) smelter Was issued with a name of the weapon mus~ be changed pollution licence to discharge to the to protect the guilty, just CFCs) are too environment 70 tOQues per year of numerous to list, being over 150 in fluoride in gaseous and particulate forms, It is possible that ~his Cfm~ount number. In 'asthma' sprays, the warning exists in all product lliterature has been greaHy exceeded because no (available only to the doctor, not to the monitoring of the discharges has thus patient): "Excessive use of such far been executed. Within a short 12 months after start inhalers or abuse of any aerosol propelof smelting operations, an unknown lant may result in toxic effe.cts on the but allegedly high number of potheart, and deaths have been reported." (Rem.ember the ,term "an ti--cho IinI:r- I «of., .>,"": •. :;":U· ·,.hs\·t·:"~·::;;,·:I·:;~;:;"}r,;(;~,, 7S.";';' room workers at the smelter acquired gic".) "pot-room asthma"-a convenient euphem-ism for anti-cholin'ergic respiratory damage. Another stark warning from 'restricted distribution' literature: "Abuse. Qf 110 deaths associated with the 'sniffing of solvents' between l. 962 and 1969, fifty-nine were related to the use of fluoflUORINATED PHARMACEUTICALS Fluoridated Income Generation rinated aerosol propellants." The most frequently used fluorides under this heading (with In an effort to increase the bio-availability of the remedial ingretheir identifying numbers in paren~heses) are: dient or i.ngredients, many pharmaceutical products are halogenat1~Trichlorofluoromethane (11) ed. There are still many chlorinated and a few brominated ,products designed as nostrums for human disease states. Of recent 2-Dichlorodifluoromethane (12) years, the catalogue of fluoridated pharmaceuticals has doubled 3-Chlorotr,ifluoromethane (13) and redoubled until any representative listing would be beyond the 4--Tetrafliloromethane (14) 5-Dichlorofiluoromethane (21) scope of this paper. 6-ChlorodiHuoromethane (22) The proclaimed intention of the pharmacrst in filuorinating a 7-Tetrachlorodifluoromethane (112) product is to enhance still further its metabolic activity and there8-Trichlorofluoroethane (113) fore its alleged remedial qualities. For example, fludrocortisone 9-Dichlorofluorotetraethane (114) acetate has ~lucocorticoid actions about IS times as potent as IO--Chloropentafiluoroethane (115) hydrocortisone (un fluorinated), and mineralocorticoid effects II-Difluoroetihane (I 52a). more than 100 times as potent. But, in l]!lotentiatil')g the remedial effect, the undesirable sideThe side-effects of exposure to these fluorides, ranging from the 'more common' to the 'rarchy reported' are as follows: cardiac toxeffects are also worsened and the 'therapeutic' indlustry gets an icity (or heart injury), respiratory depression (or breathing difficulincome from two sources: from ltreating the .original dise.ase conty), bradycardia (or slowed pulse rate), convulsions (or central dition and, subsequently, from repairing the iatrogenic effects of nervous system effects), psychomotor aberrations (or brain dysthe initiall drug trcatment. function), transient sedation (or heart and lung effects), ataxia (or Literature quote: "Muscular we.akQess is an occasional sidebrain problems), irritation of the upper respiratO'ry tract, rise/fall in effect OF most corticosteroids [hormones]...most evident with (I) blood pressure, apnoea (or impaired lung function damage), tachyfludrocortisone and (2) triamcinilone [both fluorinated honnones]. cardia (or increased pulse rate), broncho-constriction (or asthma'), It has been suggested that this effect is more pronounced when a fluorine atom is present in the 9th position." pallpitations (or irregular heartbeat), narcosis (or brain 'drugging' again), and death. A useful example here is fluorinated toothpaste whlich has Ithe All of the above 'side-effects' are associated with either the long-term effect not of improving dental health ibot, by chronic anti-metabolic processes, of severely destroying it. Thus every acute Ot the chronic symptoms of "anti-cholinergic" toxicity. And Australian city with or without ,fluoridated water supplies has as there is that word "anti-choline.rgic" again. much as doubled tbe number of registered dentists sil)ce the With a sufficient amount of these fluorocarbons (CFCs) being used (in the 'aerosol' form alone) to threatcn tile world's atmosadvent of fluorinated ,toothpaste, fluorinated gels and t1uorinated rinses. pheric and c.Jimate conditions through deterioration of the ozone Or take the more extreme example of little Jason Burton who layer, it is not remarkable tl1at this volume represents an environmentally hazardous anti-cholinergic (or anti-metabolic, ganglionhad non-prescription fluorina~ed dental decay-preve:ntion tablets blocking) agent for all humanity. (sodium fluoride) provide_d for him by loving parents who were in Discharges from certain industrial processes carry substantial total ignorance of their fluoride toxic hazard. Jason ingested a amounts of gaseous fluoride. In particular, hydroge.n fluorid_e, lethal dose of these tablets and died. We only know about Jason



.NEXUS • 19


because the doctor recognised accurately and conscientiously registered the cause of his death. The existence of the death certificate has actualfy 'been denied by pro-fluoride Australian 'scientists' in reply to queries from overseas scientists. It should be clear from the foregojng and what follows that human disease conditions, ranging from "pot-room astlnma" through the various perilous stages of anti-cholinergic response to expirat,ion, can be accidentally or deliberately induced by an interminable list of fluoride pollution and fluorin_ated' compounds which include a fluorinated environment, fluorinated atmosphere and a fluorinated drinking water supply. It may be difficult for the 'man in the street' Ito believe that a substance with. so many industrial, commercial and medical 'applications' could be derived fram or structured around a s.cientifically recognised toxic waste product. (See reproduction of US EPA letter, NEXUS 2/27). I· This thesis should illustrate that the chemical, pharmaceutical, commercial and political worlds are well aware of the deadly potential of this halogen and intend to exploit that potentiall to everlasting human detriment.

RUORINATED TRANQUILLISERS F~uoridated Acquiescence, Lethargy, Apatby, Stupidity Th.ere are two· basic forms of halogenated tranquilliser: major and minor. The minor tranquillisers are halogenated with either chlorine or bromine. The major tranquillisers, albeit of variable potency, are those numerically listed hereunder and are all fluorinated. All are anti-cholinergic agents with intentional effects on central nervous systems allied with cardiac and respiratory depression. The figure after the hypnen is the number of proprietary products in each classification, in addition to the base chemica'i (in capita:l's). 1-3 BENPERIDOL: Anquil, Frenactil', Glianimon 2-4 DROPERIDOL: Droleptan, Dridoll, Inapsin, Inapsine 3-1 FLUANISONE: Sedalande 4-1 R,UBUPERONE HYDROCI-ILORIDE: Buronil 5-1 R,UNI'FRAZEPAM: Rohypnoll 6-3 R,UOPROMAZINEH: Psyquil, Siquil, Vesprin 7-1 FLUOESONE: Bripidan 8-1 FLURBIPROFEN: Froben 9-0 FLOPENTIUXOL DECANOAl'E lG-3 FLOPENTHIXOL HYDROCHLORIDE: Depixol, Fluanxol, Emergil 11-0 FLUpHENAZINEIDECANOATE 12-0 FLUPHENAZINE ENANTHATiE 13-11 FLUPHENAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE: Modeeate, Moditen, Anatensol, Dapotum, lyogen, Omca, Pancinol, Siqualone, Permitil, Prolixin, Sevino!. Notes: No.5, FLUNfl'RAZEPAM (Rohypnol), which is fluorinated Valium, was recently prescribed for a youth in Western Australia and was blamed for !lis sUbsequent death. Valium (Diazepam) was the "tranquilliser most involved" in road aeciden~ victims, according to a s·tudy carried out by Sydney University (Prof. Graham Starmer, Quantum, 26 ApriJI988). An obvious question: What aggravated effect would the increased potency of the fluorinated variety (Rohypnol) have on the road fatalities? Rohypnol and Valium are proprietory names of Roche products. Roche was a Swiss member of the I. G. Farben carteJ and is probably more infamous for the terrible Stanley Adams family tragedy 20 • NEXUS

accurately immortalised (n the film, A Song for Europe. The ABC TV, 7.30 Report (12 May 11988), told now the Western Australian penal system routinely administered both Serapax and Rohypnol (synergistic drugs) to prisoners to "make them into little robots most of the time"-includFng, it was alleged, throughout pregnancy. 14-2 FLURAZEPAM HYDROCHLORIDE: Dalmane, Dalmadorm 15-2 FLUSPIRILINE: Redeptin,lmap 16-2 HALOPERIDOL: Haldol, Serenace 17-1 PENFLUORIDOL: Semap PIP AMP E RON E : 18-2 Dipiperon, Propitan TRIFLUOPERAZINE 19-18 HYDROCHLORIDE: Amylozine Spansules, Stelabid Ehxir, Stelabid Forte tabs, Stelazine, Es·kaz.ine, Calmazine, Chemflurazine, Clinazine, Fluazine, Novofluazine, Pentaz!ne, Solazine, Trifluoper-Ez-Ets, Triflurin, Jatroneural, Terfluzin, Terfluzine 20-0 TRIFLUPERIDOL 21-2 TRIFLLJPERIOOL HYDROCHLORIDE: l'riperidol, Psicoperido!. This is a total of 21 fluorinated tranquillising compounds plus an additional 58 brand-name major tranquil'lisers using a fluoride as an il)gredient. Undoubtedly many others have been added to this list since the reference work was published in June 1977. Relevant Footnotes: Florida International University (Rotton, Tikovsky and Feldman) showed that: "...minute amounts (0.45 !p.p.m.) of sodium fluoride solution.. .impair visual sensorimotor performance" with a consequent slowing down in mental and physical re'actipn times (sedative or tranquillising effect) (lAP., vol. 67:2). This finding is of re1evance when driving or operating machinery, if of no other consequence. Nevertheless, attempts over a number of years to draw the attention of those authorities allegedty concerned with driverlindustrial safety, have been met only with silence or obstruction. Early in 1987, Swedish researchers linkedl tranquillisers to birth defects, nominating (in Lancet) the drug benzodiazepine (Diazepam or VaJium ) as a particular culprit.

FLUORINATED ANAESTHETICS Fluoridated Unconsciousness (The penultimate in mind and behaviour control) As with fluorinated tranquillisers, there are a number of anaesthetics halogenated with chlorine and Ibromine. lllrte 'popular' modem anaesthetics are those listed here, which are all fluorinated. Once again, all are anti-cholinergic agents with intentional, designed effects on central human nervous systems, accompanied by cardiac and respiratory depression. l-FLUOXENE 2-ISOFLURANE: Forane 3-METHOXYFLURANE: Penthrane 4=-ENFLURANE: Ethrane 5-HALOTHANE: Fluorothane, Somnothane. Note: There are scientific stUdies which demollstrate that the progeny of anaesthetists have a Iligher rate of birth defect than does the genera~ comj11unity. A signif<icant statistic in the estab: lished perinatal (SIDS) mortalitylfluorine connection. Continued on page 65 OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995


ong before the catastrophic bombing of the Alfred P, Murrah federal buildi'ng in Oklahoma City, USA, on 19th April 1995, an'd its attendant frenzy over "militia" groups, one fact was evident. President Bill Clinton and many of his associates-along with £owe of the most prominent media personalities in the world~ had one thing in common: membership in the Council o.n Foreign Relations (CPR). Clinton is goined as a CFR member by Secretary of State Warren Christopher; the Pentagon's former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Colin Powell; and financier David Rockefeller. The brightest and richest media celebrities also dot the CPR roster: • Roone Arledge of ABC, architect of many Olympic telecas[s as former executive producer of ABC Sports, • Di.ane Sawyer, the former 60 Minutes reporter who jumped ship from CBS to ABC, buoyed by a US$6 million-per-year contract drafted by Mr ArJedge. • Dan Rather, long-time anchor for CBS News. • Robert L. MacNeil and Jim Lehrer, whose acclaimed MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour has long been a PBS fixture. • Tom Brokaw, NBC News anchor. • David Brinkley, long-time NBC News commentator and host of his own Sunday news program. • Katharine Graham, publisher of The Washington Post. CFR involvement in media reaches to the highest levels of academia as well. At the Association for Education in Journalism aQd Mass Communication (AEJMC) conventions the last two years in Atlanta, GA, and Washington, D.C. respectively, CFR member Everette E. Dennis has chaired and monitored severa,l, cm.cia! panels and discussion groups. Dennis heads the Freedom Forum's Media Studies Center in New Yorl:. The Freedom Forum is the 'charitable' arm of Gannett Corp. which publishes the controversial national newspaper, USA Today. Esteemed statesmen and women have tong been CFR members. Dr Henry Kissinger, the breakthrough Secretary of State for the Njxon adminisJration in the latc 1960s and '70s, and former United States delegate to the United Nations, Jeane Kirkpatrick, arc listed as key CFR players. This is not to mention the current US representative to the UN, Madeleine Albright, whose arrogant push for a women's conference in China this year has resulted in turmoil between many women of the world and the CbLnese government. It appears, then, that membership in t\'ie Council on Foreign Relations can definitely enhance one's career, whether it be in academia, politics, high finance or media. However, most peopte do not even know Ithe CFR exists. Even fewer know about the organisation's secretive policies and dubious history. It might be a good idea for every American to own a copy of the CFR's latest annual report, which contains within it many contradictions and much misleading information about the CFR's actual role in formulating Amer,iean and internaNonal foreign policies. For example, at the 1994 overpopulation conference in Caim, Egypt, leader of the US delegation waS CFR member and Deputy Secretary of State Timothy E. Wirth, whose group championed the near-militant IPro-abortion population-control program backed by the Clinton administration and heatedly challenged by the Vatican, Populat1ion control has long been a CFR priority, and a pet project of the Rockefeller family. Many prochoice groops in the US are heavily backed by the Rockefellers-who also control the CFR~and this Ifact was trumpeted over National Public Radio (NPR) by th-e few women at the conference who did not back the US-led abortion coalition.

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NEXUS • 21


These same frictions repeated themselves this year during the transmit them to persons who will." [Author's emphasis added.] Violation of this "tradition" could! mean immediate expulsion women's conference in China, only this time, militant CFRcoached women from all around the world descended on China from the Council, according to Article II of CFR by-laws. It also and angered the Chinese authorities to no end. Like any governmeans that members of the media in the CFR are forced to muzzle themselves, or face dismissal from the group. ment, the Chinese resent any outside organisation, such as the US Major summits of international importance are staged in secret. government and the CFR, dictating terms to it in any, form= For example, according to CFR documents, the Middle EastJNorth whether the forum be women's rights, abuse in Chinese prisons as Africa Economic Summit was held in Casablanca on 30 Oct. to 1 revealed by activist Henry Wu, or other intema'll Chinese matters. It seems to make liUle difference, however, to the hard-headed Nov. 1994. The event was co-cnaired by President Clinton and Russian President Bons Yeltsin. The CFR document went on to elites of the CFR. On page 4 of the CFR's 1993 Annual Report, the following state: statement is made: 'The Council on Foreign Relation has no affil"At the start of a new era in the Middle East and North Africa, iation with the US government... " high-ranking statesmen, international business leaders and A more accurate render~ng of that statement would be "... no regional experts will convene to explore the region's economic 'official' affiliation with the US govern-. .' . .......' '_;"') " and investment opportunities and risks. ment", because almos't all of President r~rii:,~!~:~:~a~f W~~iF"1 thereby providing a .unique/orum to s_hare Clmton's recent .and current_ cabmet mem-I< ~!ii~F;'~~ ~;i1 ~~ ~'j;il'~~~;;i . ,,~; knowledge and expe~lences.' bers are also listed as CFR members"~a~~!';;" .• ~".,&~ ,.&i§ t'1V'~ ~lJ.r",~'1 Not a word of thiS conference was mentioncd in the mainstream press. If indeed ComJIlerce Secretary Ron Brown, presently "~.H,*.¥i!i·M(l~f.)r!§UI'1ftl'f~~;t!i~\t,t under investigation for alleged wron'gdoing·!i.~~.'J......·gtf·.:·~~."." .""t)~.·'.;~~.;.:.'.;.• ~~.' n~..". * Crinton and Yeltsin attended they did so in . . . . mterua 10•• al.' .upOt((ln,..~.; Whitewater victIm Robert Altman, th.e "1' ... 'i ·r;"~,,*,.,, &:'$:'\,. .N~"·· 'tt complete secrecy. Cunously, soon after that "summit", th:ings began,to unravel in Rwanda Treasury Secret.ary who recently resigned; ~.~ "~r~l~"B:'!.i-:SJt~r,,t.f~; the aforemen,nlOned Secretary of State .~' ; 'A 1,,)['; .,:;~".~;'.•11·,",1 ' i l ",a'~''1': and Burundi and massive slaughters began. Christopher; recently resigned temporary ;j,~f,()r''e~C:l;rolll:e;~tli~~Jpdle Maybe these CFR gatherings ought to be White B:ouse counsel Lloyd Cutler; former rt=',$tE"sijk.loftfflrlfrtea~~ more productive.



~",1:.'~."'.'.'·".~'.~.~'.~}.;.'.~.i~.~ l ~.;w." ~f.~'l:l.·.u.'. "'. ~.' .1 ~.'~.'!i.~


. •.

Secretary of Defen-se candidate Bobby Ray •. . . .. . . •. .•. .•. . ;".. These and other questionable policies of Inman; recently appomted Supreme Court ,,~~p~tnl~',~~.~~~;;!I~,'~ln;. the CFR also tend to camouflage a truly Justice ~uth Bader Ginsburg; and the late ,a'Saijl~b'~~i1tjd.iO&:1ltd~; monstrou~ .history, I~aded with unexplained Le~ Aspm, a.Secretary of Defense who also ~''''if-.' .• '. . ;'~.;':.b.:t.i.:l.•.. ,:~...~.'t'¥'.·.21'~t.•.•. ~•. . '. '.i:-~.<.·~;. rrrl cosy a.ffJhatlons with some of the most reSigned m disgrace, are all CFR members: ..H~ ~~J~QV\~~!t4~~'{!~:~'" ?espo~lc rulIng e.lItes of the 20th .century 1

. To say, then, that the CFR "has no af,fiha- . ~ ...t~k€.·.:.l1ai~ed.·,.Ib.'.v..:.'.'~ ''''ip.~sl \:li!'.•· mcludll1g Adolf Hitler and Josef ~taltn. tlOn With the US government" IS ""Y~"t.'i '.' ,h ,.~;- ~~~~~Ll~"~'t:~~~~~lll~ The C~R was founded In the early . ~~t~t~I~9l9~~rt~~Rps~'· part of thiS centu,ry. Page 4 of the 1993 stretching t.?e truth: A.nother mterestmg statement IS made~;p' ,"m . ...,J-.:.;J:"'~ .~B· .~' ,1:'.,..'~'~' .... Annual Report gives us the offICIal reaCounel'1 ta kes no lnstl.. .. reS'ltlenl~OIJS.;le .l31n.· '" ' on page 4 : wrh 1, e :>'11II""',,'11' "i~; . '<£' ',"". ·'r x "::\i"",.j;;' somng: tuti?nal,P0sition on issues of foreign:,,~" . ~6h&'j~tdff)f'fNfs~i;"~" "The Council was founded in 1921 polzcy... '. H '~""1 ,,.,;;::~.'j lI\!';I} tii*~.·' ':", '~j!fl~ "1' shortly after the end of World War I. ::'tr;~:~ ~ceR!er,en~;w,~~" '::~:' Several of the American participants in Yet, on page 47, a description of the CFR's so-called "Studies Program" carti'~ ;:: <I, t'. "-~:~ ~~a ~ )~l'tl{~~~'~~' the Paris Peace Conference decided that ries the following note: "Studies activi~li1"~~~~~jl~t!'t' J~*\~ ",,,,,,ii~4fJi,«~' it was time for more private American ties striv~ to identify US ,glob~l inter:::; :~!fiaJl(St~t;~~rPl'~M$'~'i' ~itizen~ to. becom~ familiar w~t~ .t~e ests, analyze the factors that Will affect t~* r141~ H'~~I'i!~ -':1' ~l~.' ii!:':. Increasmg International responslbliltles them and propose a wide range 01 ~~",1''''lI '~'i1~'ll il!' ,.J' ;~, '4" ;j,,;.. . ,". .,,~ll:i\' ~ and obligations 01 the United States, t '!!0!'!!'JI'~ '" ~, , realistic Americ,an policy options to "~f~br'i"~?~~'~~~~~~~ ':":'.~..... .,~",' Th'ey concluded that there was a need address them." [Author's emphasis .. _ . . . . . .... ...... for an organisation able to provide for added.] , the continuous study of foreign poliWell, which is it? Do we believe page 4 or page 417 cy for the benefit of its members and a wider audience of interestDiversi~y is not a CFR priority. Only 20 minority women are ed Americans. These original aims remain central to the mission among the CFR's 3,000 members, but, curiously, many minority of the Council on Foreign Relations." [Author's emphasis added.~ women appear in phOtos in the CFR's annual repor~! The decepSounds reasonal11e. But some analysts do not share thali view. Now-deceased author Gary Allen in his bnd'mark work, None tion is clear. Only roughly W per cent of CFR membership is composed of people of colour. Clearly, the membership and agenDare Call It Conspiracy (Concord Press, 1971), offered the folda of the CFR is Anglo. Plus, only US citizens are a'llowed to lowing blunt asses.sment: join, and they ean only do so by being recommended tby a rresent "The admitted goal of the CFR is to abolish the Constitution CFR member and exposed to a r,igorous initiation process. The and replace our once-independent Republic with a World CFR is an insiders' group an the way. Government." The most glaring policy held by the CFR, however, is its obsesAllen and other analysts suggest thle CFR's efforts ~ed to the formation of what is now known as the United Nations. Some CFR sion with secrecy. Most CFR activities take the form of meetings in which foreign diplomats can freely express their ideas to CFR members in 1945-the year the UN was founded in San Francisco members, with the understanding that al~ commentary will be -included such nice guys as suspected pro-Soviet conspiratOF withheld from the public and press. Page 140 reads: Owen' LaUimore, convicted Communist spy Alger Hiss, and "...Participants are assured that they may speak openly, as it is exposed Communist agent Harry Dexter White. the tradition of the Council that others will not attribute or charSome former CFR members have broken ranks and exposed the acterize their statements in public media or forums or knowingly group's intentions. One of them is US Navy Rear Admiral Chester

. ae.,.lri.f.


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22 • NEXUS


Ward, who revealed to author Ralph Epperson in his 'book, The Unseen Hand, that "...the most powerful clique in these leftist groups I including the CFRJ have one objective in common: they want to bring abollt the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the United States... A second clique of international members of the CFR...comprises the Wall Street international bankers and key agents. " Since the UN's formation, it appears the CFR is prophetically making just such headway in establishing itself as a de facto world-governing body in conjunction with many international heads of state. Current CFR Chairman Peter G. Peterson boasts on Page 6 of the 1993 Annual Report: "...Nineteen ninety-two showed just how successful the Council has been... Its members lent their talents to each of the major national presidential candidates. A Council member was elected President of fhe United States. Our former Vice Chairman, Warren Christopher, returned to Washington as Secretary of State. Dozens of other Council colleagues were called to serve on cabinet and subcabinet positions... " In another example of the CFR's deep involvement in US foreign and military policy, it has been disclosed that 40 CFR members were transported by CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters to the Twenty-Nine Palm$ Marine Corps mililtary installation ,in Southern California in March of 1994. The entire episode was routinely reported in the base newspaper by Cpl. M. T. Mink, whose story-a copy of which has been faxed to militia and 'patriot' groups-stated that ~he CfR delegation was granted a tour of the highly classified I st Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Co. (I st UAV). "The [CFRJ visit was an excellent opportunity to display the training conducted aboard the Combat Center as well as the capabilities of the operating forces stationed here, "bragged Brig. Gen. Russell H. Sutton, as quoted by Cpl. Mink. Why would the ultrasecretive CFR want to know these sensitive details about US military preparedness? Curiously, two months rater, a survey was given to Marines a~ Twenty-Nine Palms and aneitrary units who served in Operations Just Cause, Desert Storm (Persian Gulf War) and Restore Hope. The troops could answer the survey's statements with "strong];y disagree", "disagree", "agree", "strongly agree", or "no opinion". A copy of the survey was leaked by a concerned Marine to the John Birch Society. A group of military Special Forces comman<!los, known only as "The Resisters", has also garnered a copy of this survey and confirmed that it was not only given to these Marines but to Navy Seals as well. The Resisters maintain that rhe survey was presented to a wide variety of US troops to get their reactions to the stunning statement/questions, which included the following: "36. US combat troops should be commanded by UN officers and non-commissioned officers (NCOs) at battalion and company levels while performing US missions. " "39. I feel the President of the United States has the authority to pass his responsibilities as Commander-in-Chief to the UN Secretary General. " "46. The US government declares a ban on the possession, sale, transportation and transfer of all non-sporting firearms. A thirty (30t-day amnesty period is permitted for these firearms to be turned over to the local authorities. At the end of this period, a number of citizen groups refuse to turn over their firearms. Consider the following statement: I would fire upon US citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the US Government." [Auth:or's emphasis added.] This is interesting, especially in the light of the highly controversial federal crime bill of late 1994 that included a Dan of soOCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995

called "assault weapons", which matches the above statement's description of "non-sporting firearms". By the way, the gemlernan behind the recent sudden steep rises in interes~ rates that sledgehammered the US economy in late 1994 and early 1995-Alan Greenspan, head of the Federal Reserve Bank-is also a CFR member. So is Paul Volcker who also ran the Fed at one time. Everywhere, CFR members, for better or worse, appear to be the huge decision-makers. Even tthe US Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala-who, only two days before the Oklahoma! City b.ombing, described Vietnam veterans as not being among the "best and the brightest" thaJ America could have sent into that contlagration-is a dues-paying member of the Council on Foreign Relatio:ns.

In facJ, CFR membership has become a virtual requirement on most corporate or government resumes. Tho CEOs of Exxon, Texaco, Atlantic-Richfield (ARCO), Shell, Mobil and Tenneco are CFR members, as arc the directors of John Deere & Co., AT&T, Chrysler Corp., Gcneral Motors, Ford Motor Co. and American Express. Sho_uld such financial and governmental power be monopolised in a single organisation? And who backs the CFR? Global conglomerates-such as the Coca-Cola Co., whose President and CEO Roberto Goinzueta is a CFR member-top the list, along with the aforementioned! oil companies and industrial giants of the capitatist West. And if you work for a major university in the US, your pension contributiQns help sponsor the CFR. The nationally interlocked TIAA-CREF retirement fund is listed as a 1993 Corporate Member of the CFR. Welcome to the club. And if you are a member of the so-called "citizens' militia" groups sprouting across the country in the wake of the Branch Davidian massacre in Waco in 1993-and the more recent and far more destructive and disturbing Oklahoma City bombing-your paranoia over "'one-world governmenf' might not be so far-fetched after all.

[Gerald A. Carroll is an adjunct professor at the University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication. His recenb works include Project Seek: Onassis, Kennedy and the Gemstone Thesis, Bridger House, phone 800-729.4131 (USA); and Militia Nation: A Citizen's Guidebook, Northwest Publishing, Inc., phone 800-398.2102 (USA). He calll be reached by email at gerald-carroll@uiowa.edul NEXUS • 23





spartame is the technical name for the brand names NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure. Aspartame was discovered by accident in 1965,

when James Schlatter, a chemi'st ofG. D. Searle Company, was testing an anti­ ulcer drug. Aspartame was approved for dry goods in 198 ~ and for carbonated beverages in 1983. It was originally approved for dry goods on 26 Jully 1974, but objec­ tions filed by neuros.cience researcher Dr John W. Olney and consumer attorney James Turner in August 1914, as wen as investi'gations of G. D. Searle's research practices, caused the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to p.ut approval of aspartame on hold (5 December 1974). In 1985, Monsanto purchased G. D. Searle and made Searle Pharmaceuticals and The NutraSweet Company separate subsidiaries. Aspartame is by far the most dangerous substance on the market that is addcd to foods. Aspartame accounts for over 75% of the adverse reactions to food add Hives reported to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Many of these reactions are very serious, including seizures and death as recently disclosed in a February 1994 DepartmeM of Health and Human Services report. I A few of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the repor~ as being caused by aspartame include: headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, wei'ght gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision pJoblems, bearing loss, heart palpitations, hreathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss andljoint pain. According to'researchers and physicians studying the adverse effects of aspartame, the following chronic illnesses can be triggered or worsened by ingestion of aspartame 2: brain tumo.Ufs, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia and dia­ betes. Aspartame is made up of three chemicals: aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol. The book, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, by James and Phyllis Balch, lists aspar­ tame under the category of "chemical poison". As you shall see, that is exactly what it is.

ASPARTIC ACID (40% OF ASPARTAME) Dr Russell L. Blaylock, a Professor of Neurosurgery at the Medical University of Mississippi, recently published a book thoroughly detailing the damage that is caused by the ingestion of excessive aspartic acid from aspartame. Aspartic acid makes up 40% of aspartame; glutamic acid is 99% of monosodium glutamate (MSG). The damage MSG causes is also documented in Blaylock's book. Blaylock makes use of almost 500 scien­ tific references to show how excess free excitatory amino acids such as aspartic acid and glutamic acid in Ouf food supply are causing serious chronic neurological disorders and myriad other acute symptoms.] HOW ASPARTATE (AND GLUTAMATE) CAUSE DAMAGE Aspartate and glutamate act as neurotransmitters in the brain by fa.cilitating the trans­ mission of information fram neuron to neuron. Too much aspartate or glutamate in the brain kills certain neurons by allowing the influx of too much calcium into the cells. This influx triggers excessive amounts of free radicals which kilJ the cells. The neural cell damage that can be caused by excessive aspartate and glutamate is why they are referred to as "excitotoxins". They "excite" or stimulate the neural cells to death. OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995

NEXUS • 25


Aspartic acid is an amino acid. Taken in its free form (unbound ed is Francis 1. Waickman, MD., a recipient of the Rinkel and to proteins) it significantly raises the blood plasma level of aspar­ Forman Awards, and board-certified in paediatrics, allergy and tate and glutamate. The excess aspartate and glutamate in the immunology. blood plasma shortly after ingestiDg aspart; or products with Other C<Jncemed scientists include John R. Hain, M.D., board­ free glutamic acid (glutamate precursor) leads to a high level of certified forensic pathologist, and H. 1. Reberts, M.D., F.A.C.P., those neurotransmitters in certain areas of the brain. F.C.C.P., diabetes specialist and selected by a national medical The blood-brain barrier (BBB) which normally protects file publication as "the best doctor in the US". John Samuels is cC!n­ brain from excess glutamate and aspartate as well as toxins (1) is cemed, also. He compiled a list of scientific research sufficient to not fully developed during childhood, (2) does not fuUy protect all show the dangers of ingesting excess free glutamic and aspartic areas of the brain, (3) is damaged .by numerous chronic and acute acid. And there are many more who can be added to this Iiong list. conditions, andl (4) allows seepage of excess glutamate and aspar­ tate into the brain even when intact. PHENYLALANINE (50% OF ASPARTAME) The excess glutamate and aspartate slowly begin to destroy neuPhenylalanine is an amino acid normally found in the brain. rons. The large majority (75%+) of neural cells in a paroticular Persons with the genetic disorder phcnylketonuria (PKU) cannot area of the brain are killed before any clinical symptoms of a metabolise phenylalanine. Tbis leads to dangerously high 'levels chronic illness are noti~ed. of pheny~alanine in the Ibrain (sometimes lethal). It ha:s been shown that ingesting asp'artame, especialtylIfOng A few of the many chronic illnesses that have been shown to be contributed to by long-term exposure excitatory amino acid damwith carbohydrates, can lead to exccss levels of phenylalanine in age include: muHiple sclerosis (MS), ALS, memory loss, norrnonthe brain even in persons who do not have PKU. This is not just a al problems, hearing IloS-5, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, theory, as many people who have eaten large amounts of aspar­ Parkinson's disease, hypoglycaemia, tame over a Long period of time ami do AIDS dementia, brain lesions and '<il ,,~;.tt~.;~.;'~~~'~~. ~e~'«~~';;'~~.'~t~~·;'~·;··!:~·M:'; not have PKU have been shown to neuroendocrine disorders.. """~ "., 1·1:: . • · ' · " ' ' ' . · . · .i~v~· · , · , . , . . , . ~ ,~g· I ·.i· ' I · ,.: .....,. / ,. . ~~·.t"'·.·d···~r· ~·h.·~H.* . • ~ have levels of phenylala­ l . k to III . f ants, c h'ld ·Ueltt,.;eCs U."hl'"~t·:· amcu~•.• , t," .' . . excessive he bl00. d ThIe rIS_S I ren, ··a·~ ~<" t" ... ,~,",., ....<... lf~~ .' .;·.;. nmemt pregnant ~omen,the elderly and~i!SJl~~ta.l~~rQWly4~6~iift~i;J~kriy~ . Excessi~e levels of phenylalanine .•.' ~~.'".·.. ~. i.!:i."'.tJ.:;;'.;';;,· ..., ~ f".i:i s. ~. . '''''.•. . . . it.{ . . . . ' In the brain .can cau~e the levels of persons WIth certam ~hroTIl~ health . ~}t:.: ....:..,i'....". ''.'i,",~'1#~ ~ problems from excltotoxl.fl.S arer;~~ ~'8!'e~· ~;~~~r~ .B~~;~'J~J~';\tY )II{:' sera.tonm m t~e bral.n to decrease,



m .

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r~~t~ica~ven t~~cf:t~:;atlOnF~;;£!'!~.,~f?·!Qi;)rg,~~'Vr,I~e,l\~~fP~:~:,:m ~e::r~s~i~n~m~tl~~~l ~~~~~e~~ ~~~:~ Ex~erimental Biology (iF ASEB), «~fl~!F~~,~~~t:'"e~~~'::~fie~b~~I~{are "

phenylalani~e l~~els t~e

testing that of which usoally understates problems ...~~~. ,~;ljJfiijdjef8r~nh~t~lirUcal' !:~k.? blood were Increased slgTIlflcantly III andl mimics the FDA party-J!i.n~, r,~~r~ '~L'¥ti~~~".~'~~~;~:wti\'d;#r%:!~~;'o:I"I'~"i\~.!-:."f.,.t . human subjects who cbr?,nic,ally used 6 recently stated ~n a review that. "It Ist,Sf:'!lJlt~'!~~~~~~!1!lf:~~!q'~l~'M1J}~!! ~ asparname. • Even a smgLe use of pruden~ to aVOid the usc .of dl.etary t,~:~~'%\I.(':nottce . .~f~, :.~',p"~,,f! <if a~partame raIsed the blood phenylala­ suppl1ements of L-glutamlc aCId by l!!'l'j••." ", ~ •.• >"",,~;,,~o .~,!, ,.~"•.. ~t .~t t*."'·f ,~;oi!l,t, mne levels. ~'';'' !l>' pregnant women, infants, and chil-;;j;$~ "1 "'., :/:~dJ'.i:~~ttr,.'·~".~~;·, In his test~mony before the US dren. The existence of evidence of .. . Congress, Dr Louis J. Elsas showed potential endocrine responses, i.e., ele. that high brood phenylalanine can be vated cortisol and prolactin, and differential responses between concentrated! in parts of the brain, and is especiafly dangerous for males and females, would also suggest a ncuroendocrine link and in,fants and foetuses. He also showed that pheny~alanine is that supplementall L-glutamic acid shou'ld tbe avoided by women of metabolised much more efficiently by rodents than by humans. 1 childbearing age and individuals witlil affective disOIders. ". One account of a case of extremely high phenylalanine levels Aspartic acid from aspartame has the same deleterious effe.cts on causedl by aspartame was recently pUblished in the Wednesday the body as glutamic acid. Journal, in an article entitled "An Aspartame Nightmare". John The exact mec,hanism oJ acute reac.tions to excess free gLu..ta- Cook began drinking six to eight diet drinks every day. His symp­ mate and aspartate is currently being debated. As reported to the toms started out as memory loss and frequent headaches. He FDA, those reactions includeS; t'le'adaches/migraines, nausea, began to crave more aspartame-sweetened drinks. His condition abdominal pains, fat,igue (bLocks sufficient glucose cntry into deteriorated so much ~hat he experienced! wide mood swings and brain), sleep problems, vision problems, anxiety attacks, depresviolent rages. Even tRough he did not suffer from PKU, a bloodl sion and asthma/chest tightness. test revealed a phenyblanine level of 80 mg/dL He also showed One common complaint of persons suffering from the effect of abnormal brain function and brain damage. After he kicked his aspartame is memory loss. lronicalVy, in 1987, G. D. Searle, the aspartame habit, !his symptoms improved dramatically.g manufacturer of aspartame, undertook a search for a drug to comAs Blaylock points out in his book, early s~udics measuring bat memory loss causcd by excitatory amino acid damage. phenylalanine buildup in the brain were flawed. Investigators who Blaylock is one of many scientists and physicians who are conmeasured specific brain regions and not the average throughout cemedl about excitatory amino acid damage caused by ingestion of the brain noticed significant rises in phenylalanine levels. aspartame and MSG. One of the many experts who have spoken Specifically, the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata, and corpus striatum areas of the brain ~ad the largest increases in phenylalaout against the damage being caused by aspartate and glutamate is nine. Blaylock goes on to point out that excessive buildup of Adrienne Samuels, Ph.D., an, experimental psychologist specialising [n research design. Another is Dr John Olney, a professor in phenylalanine in the brain can cause schizophrenia or make one the Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Washington more susceptible to seizures. Tblerefore, long-term excessive use 'of aspartame may provide a University, a neuroscientist and researcher, and on.e of the world's foremost authorities on exeitotoxins. (He informed Searle in 1971 boost to sales of seratonin reuptake inhibitors such as Pwzac and that aspartic acid caused holes in the brain of mice.) Aiso includdrugs to contwl schizophrenia and seizures.



26 • NEXUS



It has been pointed out that some fruit juices and alcoholic bev­ eragcs contain small amounts of methanol. It is important to Methanol/wood alcohol is a dcadly poison. Some people may rcmember, however, that methano~ never appears alone. In every case, ethanol is present, usualty in much higher amounts. Ethanol remember methanol as the poison that caused some 'skid row' alcoholics to end up bIind or dead. Methanol is gradually released is an antidotc for methanol toxicity ,in ihumans. 9 in the small intestine when the methyl group of aspartame encoun­ The troops of Desert Stann were "treated" to large amounts of aspartame-sweetened beverages which had been heated to over ters the enzyme chymotrypsin. The absorption of methanol into the body is sped up consider­ 86°F in the Saudi Arabian sun. Many of them returned horne with ably when free methanol ,is ingested. Free methanol is created numerous disorders similar to what has Ibeen seen in persons who from asparbame when it is heated to above 30°C (86°F). This ihave been chemically poisoned lby formaldehyde. The free would occur when an aspartame-containing product is improperly methano'~ in Ithe beverages may have been a contributing factor in stored or when it is heated (e.g., as part of a 'food' product such as these illnesses. Other breakdown products of aspartame such as Jelio). DKP (discussed below) may also have been a factor. Methanol breaks down into formic acid and formaldehyde in the In a 1993 act that can only be described as unconscionable, the body. Formaldehyde is a deadly neurotoxin. An EPA assessment FDA approved aspartame as an ingredient in numerous food items of methanol states that methanol "is consid­ that would always 'be heated to s. - --ered a cumulative poison due to the low ~'", ~l:~"'~' ... " _. above 30°C (86°F). rate of excretion. onc~ ~t is absorbed. In the ;1),;, _'•..".,._",_ .•;-~."._" "".0.... "... .•_..,. ..., .W"-~ ,":" body, me~han~lls oXldlsed to formaldeh~de ~..'\.'.":.·~.'o.t$. "".;'i;'.~. h;u.,,~. '.' "~."?,.r.".•.."'-".,r; . . -.. i~.+ ~~. ",z.•.• rn.:;J;..•<.,.~~ .... J.t. ~. ;·. .". . f~. . ~.~. DIK.ETOP!PfR~ZIN~ (DK~) and formiC aCid; both of these metaboll~es i,~rt'!yl1ltt~{ll;~"IJ~·~te,iI~Ry,,:!,J~~· Dlketoplperazme (DKP) IS a of asp.artame. ill.etab­ are toxic." a limit of con... ':' '. '~',:ir " ".: ·il~t ..·: ..;.··g.~4.k . .>W,:.;Lili.'~.•.. 'Ll: .'..'. ··.,.4.·S'."I'. by-product . They recommend . . ...""mor;e.Sen<?IIV'fF'.lur:tIJ'I'; d)~l'J eJel.,ec,.,: . .








0:. :.... "'.'.•.. . , : ..'..

sumptlOn of 7.8 mg/day. A one-htre ~.·".·~;.'~~.ff:'.Y'. 'i'.. ~.'''''''''. . iii.".::\l''. 4..'t...y".·.·.. ».·j".:.~fi. .·. h. ·;~.}''''''. ·('A.~.·." . l. . f,. j).•.·. ohsm. OKP has been ImplIcat­ (approx. I q~arlt) aspartame-sweetened bev-"~~' ·;~<» ~:mf1~~VI!:f!,~~Jli~!IJ!la S'~'"',:;~" ed in the occurrence. of brain tumours. Oln.ey n.otlced that erage contalOs about 56 mg of. ~cthano!. ~q:Ii~r:ef.orff,tt1stslbtasnarlamli:~or':~· Heavy users of aspartame-contammg prod- ".;.·•. ~.~.f<#":;.\~*.'1£L::.·'~. './·I""}.;.}~'m~ ,.!2.·f.:.!>..,.,., ,.,~., ,'.•. .t '.'. : ;.'.: t.f.. ) DKP, when m.tros.ated In the ucts as ~uch as 250 ~~ of t;;;~\.. m~~~\'.e iB\1:~!mi!!~~«1"Jlg!;*.*~~: gut.. produced. a. compound methanol dally or 32 times the EPA.hml~.9 ~;;ad~ufati!.I,t./~~iI~Et>th'e1'(Ja.n ·r~fon'ic;.. w.hlch was s~mIlar to ~Symptoms from methanol pOlsomng !>i:l'~.i~.i.' '7'W.;">i~'l~f~'~.·li'. . Wi~.i;,;~.:E:.'.~.;-.'. ,~.E g~'~t., ···.~.i..\· nltrosourea, a powerful bram include: headaches, ear buzzing, dizziness, f'1t~:;~~,.,.;~~~~~",f-,,,,um.~J)~~"~h f~~' l;'w:~Jfi: tumour-causing chemical. S ome aUt h ars h ave sal'd t hat . . Id'Istur bances, wcak- ~,.,,> .t~~,.,,,· 'v &.~~""l1'''' , ...... ,. " " " ' . • "" ~J. ;lj,.,,<~f,".Me. s"~h'h~'" '1[;11"7 ih'C. ,,'/t >i;!~'!'. nausea, gastromtestma 01. ness, vertigo, chills, memory lapses, numb- ffi.' ...., ..'... ,.",,;:;g ..',,, ' .,,,. . .,.,. , '. ,.. , ,.'.. , , ,.,,,.. ,,,,,., ,.,, ,''.. '.... "" DKP is produced after aspar­ ness and shooting pains tn the extremities, bchaviouraf distur­ tame ingestion. I am nat sure if that is correct. It is definitely true that DKP is formed in Iiqpid aspartame-containin-g products dur­ bances, and neuritis. The most wcll-known problems from ing prolonged storage. See Chart I below. methanol poisoning are vision problems, including misty vision, progressive contraction of visual fields, blurring of vision, obscu­ ration of vision, retinal damage and blindness. Formaldehye is a CHART 1: known carcinogen, causes retinal damage, interferes with DNA Breakdown of aspartame and

replication and causes birth defects. 1O L-phenylalanine methyl ester, DKP,

Due to the lack of a couple of key enzymes, humans are many L-aspartylphenylalanine, and L-phenylalanine,

times more sensitive to the toxic effects of methanol than animals. at bottling time, after; six months,

Therefore, tests of aspartame or methanol on animals do n.ot accu­ and after thirty months*

rately reflect jthe danger for humans. As pointed out by Dr Woodrow C. Monte, Director of the Food Date 36 Months 6 Months Science and Nutrition Laboratory ab Arizona State Un1versity, of after after ''There are no human or mammal,ian studies to evaluate the possi­ Bottling Bottling Bottling ble mu.tagenic, teratogenic or carcinogenic effects of chronic administration of methyl alcohol."l1 19.70mg Aspartame 550.0 mg 155.34 mg He was so conc.erned about the unrcsolvcd safety issues that he filed suib with the FDA, requesting a hearing to address these L-phenylalanine issues. He asked Ithe FDA to "slow down on this soft-drink issue methy.l ester 28.62 mg 13.01 mg 0.0 mg long enough to answer some of the important questions. h's not fair that you are leaving the full burden of proof on the few of us O.Omg DKP 135.66 mg 173.28 mg who are concerned and have such limited resources. You must remember that you are the American public's last defense. Once L-aspartyl­ you allow usage [of as,partame~~ there is literally nothing I or my phenylalanine 0.0 mg 189.05 rng 158.31 mg colleagues can do to reverse Ithe course. Aspartame will then join saccharin, the sulfiting agents and God knows how many other 42.22 mg 101.27 mg L-phenylalanine O.Omg questionable compounds enjoined to insult the human constitution with governmental approva!."j() (* from: Tsang, Wing-Sum, et al. (1"985), "Determination of Shortly thereafter, the Commissioner of the mA, Arthur Hull Asp-artame and its Breakdown Products in Soft Drinks by

Hayes, Jr, approved the use of aspartame in carbonated beverages. Reversc-Phase Chromatography with UV Detection", Journal of

Be then left for a position with G. 'D. Searle's public relations Agriculture and Food Chemistry, vo!. 33, no. 4, pp. 734-738.)


*f . .

Q ••








firm. II


NEXUS • 27


G. D. Searle conducted animal experiments on the safety of DKJP. The FDA found numerous experimental errors occurred, including "clerical errors, mixed-up animals, animals not getting drugs they were supposed to get, pathological spec)mens lost because of improper handling" and many other errors. 12 These sloppy laboratory procedures may explain why both the test and control animals had 16 times more brain tumours than would be expected in experiments o~ this ~engtl1. In an ironic twist, shortly after these experimental errors were discovered, the FDA used' guidelines recommended by G. D. Searle to develop the industry-wide FDA standards for Good Laboratory Practices. II DKP has also been implicated as a cause of uterine polyps and changes in blood cholesterol by FDA toxicologist Dr Jacqueline Verrett in her testimony before the US Senate."

A'ILMENITS RESULTING FROM ASPARTAME The components of aspartame can I· ··M··· k ~'" .~·.·.n . .~ lead to a wide variety of ailments. Some of these problems occur gradu­ ally; others are immediate, acute reactions. There is an enormous populati.on of people who are suffering from symptoms contributed to by aspar­ tame, yet they have no idea why herbs or drugs are not helping relieve their problems. There are other users of aspartame who appear nOlt to be suffering immediate reaction s to aspartame. But even these individu­ als are susceptible to the long-term damage caused try excitatory amino acids, phenylalanine, methanol and DKP. A few of the many disorders that are of particular concern to me include the following: k

Birth Defects Dr Diana Dow Edwards, a researcher, was funded by Monsanto to study possible birth defects caused by the ingestion of aspar­ tame. After preliminary data showed damaging information about aspartame, funding for the study was cut off. A genetic paediatri­ cian at Emory University has testified that aspartame is causing birth defects. 7 In the book, While Waiting: A Prenatal Gu.idebook, by George R. Verrilli, M.D. and Anne Marie Mueser, it is stated that aspar­ tame is suspected of causing brain damage in sensitive individuals. A foetus may be at risk for these effects. Some researchers have suggested that high doses of aspartame may be associatedl with probl'ems ranging from dizziness and subtle brain changes to men­ tal retardation. Cancer (Brain Cancer) In 1981, Satya Dubey, an FDA statistician, statedl that the brain tumour data on aspartame was so "worrisome" that he could not recommend approval of NutraSweet. " In a two-year study con­ ducted by the manufacturer of aspartame, 12 of the 320 rats fed a normal diet and aspartame developed brain tumours, while none of the control rats had tumours. Five of the n tumours were in rats given a low dose of aspartame. 'S The approval of aspartamc was a violation of the Delaney Amendment which was supposed to prevent cancer-causing sub­ stances such as methanol (formaldehye) and DKP from entering our food supply. The late Dr Adrian Gross, an fDA toxicologist, 28. NEXUS

testified before the US Congress that aspartame was capable of producing brain tumours. this made it illegal for the FDA to set an alIowable daily intake at any level. He stated in his testimony that Searle's studies were "to a large extent unreliable" and that "at least one of those studies has established beyond! any reasonable doubt that aspartame is capable of inducing brain tumours in experimental animals... " He concluded his testimony by asking, "What is the reason for the apparent refusal by the FDA to invoke for this food additive the so-called Delaney Amendment to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act?... And if the FDA ,itself elects to violate the law, who is left to protect the health of the public?"'·

Footnotes: I. Department of Health and Human Services, "Report on All Adverse

Reactions ilJ the Adverse Reaetion Monitoring System", 25 and 28 February


2. Compiled by researchers, physicians, and artificial sweetener experts for Mission Possible, a group dedicated m'warning _~ ,., ...u~ ~". wi consumers about aspartame. 3. Blaylock, Russell, M.D., acifolOxins: The Taste That Kills. 4. Life Sciences Research Office, Safety of Amino Acids, FASEB, FDA Contract No. 223-88-2124, Task Order NO.8. 5. FDA Adverse Reaction Monitoring System. 6. Wurtman and Walker, "Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain Function", Proceedings of ,the First [ntemational Meeting on Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain Function, Washington, D.C., USA, 8 May 1987. 7. Hearing Before the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, First Session on Examining the Health and Safety CO[li:ems of NutraSweet (aspartame), United States Senate. 8. Account of John Cook as published in: Mullarkey, Barbara, "How Safe Is Your Artit1cLaJ Sweetener?", Informed Consent· magazine, September/October 1994. 9. Monte, Woodrow C, Ph.D., R.D., "Aspartame~ Methanol and' the Public

Health", Journal ofApplied Nutrition, 36( 1):42-53.

10. US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, No. 84-1153, Community Nutrition Institute and Dr Woodrow Monte Y. Dr Mark Noyitch,

Acting Commissioner, US FDA, 24. September i 985.

'II. Mullarkey, Barbara, "Asp.artame Time 'Line", Informed Consent, May/June


12. FDA Searle Investigation Task Force, "Final Report of Investigation of G. D. Searle Company", 24 March 1976. 13. Testimony of Dr Jacqueline Verrett, FDA toxicologist, before the US Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources, 3 November 1987. 14. InternallFDA memorandum. 15. Analysis prepared by Dr John Olney as a statement before tbe Aspartame Board of Inquiry of the FDA. Also, Blaylock, Russell, M.D., Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills. !6. 'Congressional Record SID835:Bl, I Augus11985. ...


Continued in the next issue of NEXUS...

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re you sure we're Iilot lost?" The question emerged from somewhere in the inky blackness a few yards behind me. I must admit I was beginning to.wonoer myself. "How could we be lost?" I thought. Here we are, the worM-famous Indiana Jones archetype, David Hatcher Childress, and myself, a budding mag­ azine publisher, in search of crop circles and sacred sites. We couldn't possibly be lost­ our egos wouldn't allow that! If the truth be known, we were looking for a pub. Ah, bUh this was no ordinary pub. It was the legendary Barge Inn, the 'Mecca' for crop circle buffs and sceptics alike from all over the world. It was dark and getting late. If we didn't hurry, we wouLdn't get more than one drink before closing time at 11 pm. "Don't worry," I said, sounding more chc.erful than [ actual­ ly felt. "I bet it's just around this next comer." I had! been saying that for the last few mil'es (or so it seemed), while grumbling to myself that we shoul'd have brought the car instead of walked. Then suddenly, around the corner, there it was. What a sight for sore eyes! I1ere, in what seemed the middle of nowhere, was a bustling, full car park, people everywhere, TV camera vans-and a beautiful old English pub in full bloom. I was dumhfounded. When we gathered our scattered wits and pushed our way inside, I was even more amazed. It reminded me of Ithe bar scene in the Star Wars movie. Th.ere were all sorts of strange-looking people speaking all sorts of strange languages from alI over the world, and they all had one thing in common: crop circles. I hadn't realised! how important these weird crop formations were to so many. Some people I spoke to come from Europe or the USA every year. Apart from the circle enthu­ siasts, practically all the well-known crop circle researc.hers, authors and photographers were there. David and I found our way to a table of familiar faces: Herman Hegge from our NEXUS office in the Netherlands, along with author Filip Coppens (see his article on the Chinese Pyramids this issue), Herman's sister Yoke, and another Iresearcher, Dorian Rooyakikers. Herman and Filip proceeded to point out the 'who's who' amongst the crowd: Busty Taylor, tbe famous aerial photographer; Michael Hesemann, weN-known German Magazin 2000 editor; author and film producer, George WingfieM; some famous sceptics whose names disappeared (wm my mind after the first drink; and many others who appeared to be taking turns Ito sit in front of a famous US current affairs TV camera crew. Suddenly I real'ised that Ji)avid and I were insignificant nobodies in this crowd! Still, the excitement was contagious and I soon found myself eagef'ly looking forward to the big Crop Circle Conference '95 to be held in Glastonbury, Somerset, in a couple of days. I now present a basic summary of information that we gleaned from both our time at the Barge Inn and at the Conference itself: (1) The crop formations occur each summer, growing in complexity but not necessarily in quantity. (2) The crop form.ations that are not obvious hoaxes are non-duplicable; that is, despite many ahtempts, no one has been able to duplicate successfully virtually any of the forma­ tions found in the Ilast few years. (3) When one takes the seed from a plant 'flattened' in a crop formation, that seed will grow normally (vertically) for an i:nch or two, then will grow horizontally parallel to the ground. There is no known explanation for this. (4) There is sti~1 no explanation as to who or what is causing these formations. In the following pages we present just a few of the many am.azing formation.s from the crop of 1995.






The Crop of 195 ­



­ Appeared in a wheat field durilng mid-July at Kingsclere, south east of Newbury. It is over 100 feet in diameter.

"vECTOR EQUILIBRIUM" Appeared in a wheat field in Winterbourn Bassett. Estimated

at over 1SO feet in diameter. No date gi,ven.

Diagram © 1995 Petcr R. Sl'lfensen

Diagram © 1995 Peter R. S0rensen


"EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD" ­ Found in mid-July in wheat in the vic:inity of East Mean, south east of Winchester, it is approx. 100 feet in diameter. Diagram 0 1995 Peter R. Sl'lrensen

30 • NEXUS


A 1OO-foot-plus arrangement of crescents appeared in wheat in

mid-July near East Mean, south-east of Winchester.

Diagram © 1995 Peter R. Sorensen



_- The C r 0 p





--= _





"JrELLYFISH rN THE PUNCHBOWL" This sprawling 300-foot-plus formation arrived on 4th July in a wheat 'field in the famous Punchbowl, south-east of Winchester. It has several elements in common with the "Danebury Thing" (see oveF page). Photograph 0 1995 Steve Alexander

Diagram 0 1995 Peter R. Sorensen

"ANDOVER MEANDER/RINGS" This formation appeared on Monday morning, 19th June, in a wneat field on Cow Down, just snl!Jth of Andover,

Hants., and measured approx. 250 feet in diameter.

Photograph Ii;) 1995 lucy Pringle


Diagram Ii;) 1995 Peter R. Sorensen

NEXUS • 31



The Crop of 195 .-..­



Formed some time lin late April a~ Hazel Down, south of Goodworth Clatford , in a field of canola. Diagram © 1995 'Peter R. SNensen

Discovered 112th Jun-e in barley on Te'l'egraph Hill, south-west of Winchester, measuring over 200 feet in diameter. Diagram © 1995 Peter R. Sorensen

"DANEBURY THJNG" This formation appeared in mid-June in a barley field by the IDanebury RirJg

hill fort near Andover, Hants., and measured! over 300 feet in length.

Photograph © 1995 Lucy Pringle

32 • NEXUS



Despite speculation about the existence of great pyramids in China, archaeologists and bureaucrats have refused to consider even the rumours about such structures. But recent pictorial evidence proves that China 's pyramids are indeed real, rivalling those of Egypt and Central America for their age, size and significance.


n 1920, historian Henri Cordier wrote: "China's ancient past is denied both to itS and its population. Its grand past is slowly unveiled, similar to how Egypt's was revealed. Later on, one learned of buildings, standing stones and other monuments that were not mentioned by the Chinese historians (as part of their history)." The I¥argest country in the world was, and is, largely there Ito be discovered. Though accepted as a great civilisation, its ancient treasures were barely knOWlll. One rumour sp.oke about pyramids that could be found in desolate areas. One such pyramid was photographed in 1947 by Col. Maurice Sheehan from a DC3 air­ plane. His story was printed in The New York Times in March of the same year. Sheehan slated it rose to about 300 metres, its sides 450 metres long. The n.ext day, the Los Angeles Daily Express ran Sheehan's photograph. But a few days later, the Associated Press received a letter from the authorities of the province of Nankin, stating "the exis­ tence of such pyramids is not backed up by evidence". That press re1ease discredited Sheehan's story, as most autb.ors and res.ear.chers believed Shee.han had e~aggerated. French author Patrick iFerryn stated: "the photographs do not reveal any markings that would allow us to measure the true dimensions. lts height was probably an incorrect esti­ mate. It is probably a burial vault; it definitely looks like one. " Ifhe 1950s and '60s had shown the world the existence of many 'ritual platfonns' and 'artificial hills' in China, identical to pyramids in appearance except in terminology. 'Pyramids' have a magical app:eal to many. Bruce Cathie also became interested in the Chinese pyramids and wrote on the subject in The Bridge to Infinity. Cathie reported Ithat a member of the Chinese Emhassy had officially informed him there were no such things as pyramids in the Shensi province: 'There are a few tumuli (burial hills), but no pyra­ mids." He knew 110thing about the existence of pyramids in China. A letter from Chinese authorities, dated I November 1978, addressed to Cathie, stated the scientists had learned that the so-caUed "pyramids" were burial tombs of emperors of the Western Han dynasty. "Records give a different version of the emperors' lives. As the graves have not been scientifically analysed and no markings were seen on the ground, it is difficult to formulate conclusions. " Still, there were historical records that spoke of pyramids. The head of the Ts'in-family, Che Houang-ti (the "Yellow Emperor", the first to hold that title), changed Chinese soci­ ety dramatically. He built the Chinese Wall upon listening to an oracle that prophesied a "barbar~an" would attack China. By 1974 the Empe·ror had again risen to popu~'arity with the dis.covery of his subterranean mausoieum. It contained no less than 6,000 terracotta warriors that were stored in combat mode and believed to be intended as protection for the deceased Emperor in his new existence. Historian Sseuma Ts'ien (135-85 BC) wrote that this Emperor united China and destroyed all ancient writings as a sign of the new era that was born. Some old boots were apparently saved, mainly in Taoist temples. Che Houang-ti ordered 700,000 people to build him a pyramid at Lin-fong, between Rnan and Si-ngan. The "Segalen mission", a tour of China that Segalen made in 1913, measured the pyramid's height at 48 metres, encompassing five One side mea­ sured 350 met'fes, 120 metres longer than the side of Great Pyramid at Gizeh, Egypt. With 1,960,000 cubic ,metres, it is fourth largest pyramid in the world. The pyramid at Cholula, Mexico, and the two largest pyramids at the Gizeh plateau precede it. the Emperor possibly died in 210 Be. When his treasures were stored in the pyramids, it was decided the workers would be sealed inside the pyramid so no one could reveal where the pyramid was situated. Plants were planted on its sides so the pyramid would eventuaUy take on the appearance of a naturall hill. Sseuma Ts'ien wrote that subterranean


NEXUS • 33


streams of lead engulfed the pyramid, the ceiling depicted the sky, andl the ground showed the expanse of the EJ11pjre. Crossbows were aimed at trespassers-a burglar alarm which wasn't that suc­ cessful, as General Hiang Yu was able to loot the pyramid in 207

Be. The Segalen mission revealed more I" pyramids and tombs along the River Wei. These were dated to the Han period, following that of EJ11peror Che Houang-ti. As these were rela­ ti,vely recent pyramids, the scientists did want ItO entertain the notion that these "buriall hills" might be "pyra­ mids", but, as mentioned, there were rumours of taller and more ancient ones. In 1912, Fred Meyer Schroder and Oscar Maman travelled to Shensi. They not only dealt in tobacco and I. candles but also supphed the Mongolians with weapons. Their guide along the Chinese-Mongolian border was a monk, Bogdo ("the holy one"), who told them they would soon stumble upon some ancient pyramids. Though he himseJf had never seen them, he knew some could be found around the old town of Sian-Fu. "Mountains as high as the sky. They are no ordinary burial vaults, though emperors or empresses might be buried inside, " Bogdo knew seven IJilyramids had been discovered.

34 • NEXUS

Schroder estimated the talIest one measured 300 metres high, its sides 500 metres long. This would mean this pyramid was Ithe largest in the world, twice as large as the Great Pymmid at Gizen. The volume was 20 times as large as the Great Pyramid at Gizeh. Both were buil~ north-southlwest-east. "In the past, they were apparently partly covered with stones, but those have disappeared. A few stones lie 'at the bottom. It is an earthen pyramid, with giant gullies on its sides. They were the reason why the stones loos­ ened andfell down. Its sides are now partially covered with trees and shrubbage. It almost looks, a natural hill. We rode around the pyramid, but did not discover any stairways or doors. " When questioned, Bogdo believed. it was at least 5,000 years old. Their ancient records claimed that even then the pyramids were "old". A US Air Force map detailing the area around the city of Xian, made with the use of satelIite photographs, shows at least 16 pyra­ mids. Xian, the ancient Sian-Fu, presently inhabited by more thoo six million souls, is much older than Peking (Beijing). Once it was the capital of the Empire: it was recognised as the umbilicus of China's dvilisation. Hartwig H<fusdorf and his company of fellow travelIers landed



at the new Xian airport and, driving to the city and their hotel, saw open, a few doors inside the Chinese Ministry of Tourism. In fact, in March 1994 I was able to visit some former 'no go' areas in the one pyramid which stood along the road. It had been discovered a Shaanxi-province. 1 passed around some copies of my German few years earlier, when Xian's airport was relocated and a road to book, Die Weisse Pyramide (The White Pyramid), to the right the city was engineered. This pyramid would not even be =========:-:-.c==-=-==~ people. I talked·to archaeologists who _:;'~"'li'&;'. ·'\?i·'4ii'·;~<iI¥ "';*'*".:;C,~ -L .. i",,\\1 at first denied any pyramids existed, the icing on the cake for Hausdorf but finally recognised they di.d I who was passionate about China's was most pleased when the same pe'o­ ancient history. In October 1994 he pl'e gave me further permission to had climbed one pyramid and was enter other 'no go' zones when I able to count 20 more pyramids, all returned in October 1994. I never lying in the immediate vicinity. Yet, expected any of this would happen to in March 1994 he had climbed that me. But it seems it had to happen same pyramid and had seen only eventually. Following decades of some of those pyramids. "It's amaz­ rumour, someone had to clear the pic­ ing how the weather in March didn't ture. " allow me to see those pyramids. In To detail his problems, in' March October it was perfectly clear 1994 Hausdorf met Professor Feng weather, and more revealed them­ Haozhang (a prominent member of selves. " Beijing's academic circle), his assis­ Hausdorf is not really flabbergast­ tant, X,ie Duan Yu, and three col· ed no one knew about the existence of leagues. At first they denied the pyramids' existence. But when such pyramids: "China has still a lot of mysteries-even the local population quite often isn't aware of them. It's a sinal! miracle I Hausdorf showed them three photos ot three different pyramids, they caved in. Hausdorf described his encounter: "It was as if I received the go-ahead to enter some 'no go' areas. I was, in fact, had entered a hive. rhe photographs 1 took in both March and the only one who was granted rsuchfavours. I assume there are two reasons fo.r this. I regularly visit China with a group of October 1994 are the proof that squelched five decades of rumour. tourists. In 1993, 1 became acquainted with Chen Jianli, an avid Most scientists denied the existence of pyramids in China. If any researcher of his country's past. He assured me he would try and scientist still clings to that, show him my photographs."


NEXUS • 35


Still, China will not give up all its mysteries that easily. Severall pyramids probably remain undiscovered, their existence perhaps even unknown to the Chinese scientists. One mystery, however, definitely lingers on. At the end of the Sec.ond Worrld War, pilot James Gaussman had to adjust his course due to engine problems. He tried to reac~ his base in Assam, India, having droppedl off supplies inside China. As he turned around one moun­ tain-top, a giant pyramid rose in the valley in front of him. It was white, hi made out of metal or stone. According to Gaussman it would have fitted per­ fectly in any fairy tale. A Jewel-like stone crowned its top. "Though I want­ ed to set my plane on the ground and investigate, there was no way I could land it on that terrain. " Gaussman flew three times around the structure, photographing the pyra­ mid with the same camera with which he'd just photographed hostile troop movements. During his debriefing in Assam, he told ~is ,intelligence officer the world would be stunned when they learnt about that pyramid. "There was nothing around it, just this pyramid in the middle of nowhere. I think it's extremely ancient. Who built it? Why? What's inside?" Hausdorf and all in search of the "White Pyramid" have never been able to rediscover it. Gaussman's photograph was developed and filed in a military archive where it remained for the next 40

36 • NEXUS

years umB AJrstralian 13rian Crowley published the photograph in his book, The Face on Mars. Who built Ithese pyramids? Bruce Cathie thinks he might know more. Using his harnronics, he believes there is a mathematical connection between the pyramids in China and the pyramids of Egypt. The number 116944 is presenb inside the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, he states, and there are 16944 minutes of arc between the longitude of the Great Pyramid at Gizehr and that of the tallest pyramid at Shensi. Their dispersa] along the river reminds him of the placement of Ithe pyramids in Egypt along the River Nile. Cathie believes tnat this shows the pyramids were built by the same people. He also wonders whether the decades­ long siLenc.e surrounding the IPyramids was to aUow the Chinese scientists to discover whether such a connection did indeed exist. II Hartwig Hausdorf spoke to Professor . Wang Shiping who believcs tlhe pyra­ mids have an astronomic alignment and could! be dated to 1,500-500 Be. Records of that time speak of the emper­ ors descending from heaven in flying dragons. And so Hausdorf has stumbled upon another fairy tale, of emperors descending from heaven, which scientists thinle is impossible. Rest assured, Hausdorf will also try to find out whether that 'rumour' is real or not. 00


This is an article on electromagnetic fields mid the potential health hazards associated with exposure to them. Author Dr Marjorie Lundquist, based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is a Ph.D. physicist and a certified industrial hygienist who has studied this issue for a number ojyears. Industrial hygiene is a 70-year-old profession devoted to the preven­ tion of diseases resulting from exposure to hazardous environmental agents-original­ ly, agents in the workplace. Although preventing dis'ease in people exposed to electro­ magnetic fields is an industrial hygiene problem, no qualified industrial hygiene profes­ sional has ever been asked to solve this problem! Indeed, of the many organisations sponsoring evaluation of the data and reviews of the scientific literature, none has ever commissioned a qualified industrial hygiene professional to perform such a task! With Dr Lundquist's article, this is the first time that a specialist in prevention of environ­ mental disease has addressed this issue. - ES he United States began to be subjected to artificially-generated 'electromagnetic radiation on a large scale in the 1920s whcn commercial radio broadcasting began. The very first such station licensed in I~his country was KbKA in _ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Westinghouse obtained the licence on 27 October 1920 and still operatks the station today. Every government licenses broadcast transmitters. The growth of commercial radio broadcasting can be traced simply by looking at the record of licences granted in the USA (originally by thc US Department of Commerce, now by the US Federal Communications Commission). Commerci.aJ radio broadcasting grew explosively in the United States dur­ ling the 1920s. By the end of 1921, the Department of Commerce had issued 32 broadcast Ilicences. A year later, the number of applicants had exceeded 600. A WHole new industry had been spawned. By ~ 923 there were 200 manufacturers of radio receivers in the United States, and 5,000 component-makers! If one looks at the health data for tAe whole USA during this same period, one sees a curious jump in the nationwide incidence of childhood brain cancer that appears, for white children, to track ratfuer closely the rise in commercial radio broadcasting. FOF non-white children there is a similar rise in childhood hrain cancer~a rise of the same magnitude­ but it is considerably delayed in time compared to the curve for white children.. Census data provide a clue that could explain the delayed, rise in lOon-white children. In 1920 the overwhelming majority of the non-white population lived in rural areas. By contrast, a majority of the wnite population lived in urban areas even before the beginning of the 20th century! The rise in chirdhood brain cancer in non-white chitdren closely coincides with the rural-to-urban population shift of the non-white population which took place in the middle of the 20th century. The childhood brain cancer data therefore seem to indicat« that a >new hazardous agent had establis.hed itself in the urban-but not the rural--environment of the United States by 1930. This hazardous agent was able to affect large numbers of white children without delay because they were already present in the urban envimnment; but non-white children were not ,initially affected because they were concentrated in rural areas. However, as the shift of the non-white po,pulatiol'l! from rural to urban 'areas took place, non-white children began to be affected, also; and when both populations were pre­ dominantly urban, the children of both population groups were thereafter affected in the same manner.



NEXUS • 37

Where were the transmitters of commercial radio broadcasting stations located? In urban areas, of course, because that is where the majority of radio listeners were concentrated! When did com­ mercial broadcast radio begin? In 1920. By what date did every major US city have at least one commercial radio station? Probably well before 1925. The early radio stations produced an amplitude-modulated signal-that is, they i " , . were AM stations. Thus, the [ocalised elec­ tromagnetic fields surrounding commercial radio station transmitters are a very good can­ didate indeed for the mysterious urban haz­ ardous agent that began elevating the rate of childhood brain cancer in the United States over 60 years ago. Just two years ago, the news media trum­ peted the fact that some users of the handheld cellular telephones with the transmitter in the handset were developing !brain cancer behind the ear, on [the same side of the head where the phone was typically posit,ioned, at exactly the spot where brain tissue would be irradiat­ ed by the transmitter of the cellular phone. This experience is very simi[ar to that of the law-enforcement officers who developed cancer where their microwave-emitting traf­ fic radar guns had irradiated their bodies for " long periods of time. All three sets of data-the expenience of law-enforcement officers with traffic radar" guns, of cellular telephone users, and the data . on childhood brain cancer since ro920-=-s.eem to indicate that heing in the near field of a transmitter of radio


frequency radiation, including microwave radiation, for long periods ,of time is hazardous to human health and may result in the development of some form of cancer! When one is in the near field of a source, one is exposed to the localised field. For those readers who may be having some diffi­ culty with the concepts of localised and radiated fields, and who may be confusing them with near and far fields, let me draw an analogy with ,the seashore. At the beach, there are waves that push

water up onto the beach; then the water runs back down into the ocean. Water continually surges back and forth at the shoreline through wave action. Electromagnetic power in the localised field also surges back and forth in a similar manner. At the seashore lthere may also be an .undertow that carries objec.ts caught in it straight out to sea. This is similar to the radiat­ ed electromagnetic field which breaks away from the source and carries a siRnal away for­ ever. The water surging back and forth by wave ;1 action at ~he beach is ~ot no~.ma11y danger­ , ' ous, but the undertow IS. With electromag­ netic fields, the reverse seems to be true: the radiated field that carries ele.ctromagnetic power away may not be hazardous, but the localised field where electromagnetic power simply surges back and forth is hazardoOs. Could the radiated electromagnetic wave from broadcast transmitters also be haz­ ardous? The answer is At preseot, there is no data indicating that the radiated I electromagnetic wave from broadcast sources poses any cancer hazard, although, if the sta­ tion were sufficiently high-powered, such a hazard might very well exist. But the avail­ able evidence points o.n,~y to thc localised field near a transmitter as being hazardous. Of course, the temporal coincidence between the development of commercial broadcast radio in the early 1920s and the """"~~~.... rather sudden increase in chi,ldhood brain cancer incidence thereafter docs not prove that the electromagnetic fields around radio transmitters caused the observed rise iu child­ hood brain cancer. But timing can be used to rule Oul otper possi­ ble candidates, For example, it is most unlikely that electric power-lines could have caused the observed rise in childhood brain cancer because major American cities such as New York were electrified before the beginning of the twentieth century! It seems unlikely that electricity was initially innocuous, remained so fOJ decades and then suddenly became harmful in [the 1920s! 20


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38 • NEXUS


Two factors make broadcast sources different from other ing these transmitters constitute a public health hazard, it may be sources of electromagnetic fields, One is that they use the electro­ in the public interest, heaIthwise, for the electromagnetic spectrum magnetic spectrum, which in the USA legally belongs to the pub­ to remain dargely unused! This would call for 3 radica~ change in lic, and they therefore must be licensed to transmit-that is, they the way the US Federal Communications Commission operates, must have government permission to emit a signal. Supposedly sinc~ it is the agency that licenses transmitters. Right now, of course, the existence of a, hazard to health from the government is acting in the public interest when a licence is broadcast electromagnetic fields is uncertain. We strongly suspect issued, aJilowing a transmitter to go 'on the air'. Presumab~y the government would withhold the licence if the transmitter were there may be a cancer hazard, but we are not absolutely sure, What should we do under these conditions of uncertainty? unsafe, The logical tbing to do is to declare a moratorium on licensing The other difference is that everybody in the vicinity of the transmitter is exposed Ito the electromagnetic field it generates, but new broadcast stations or enlarging the operations of existing sta­ tions until this qucstion is resolved. That way we can at least stop only those individuals who are ~istening to radios or TV sets tuned the situation from getting worse, Bu:n to the broadcasting stallion are right now our government is doing r,eceiving a benefit from the trans­ mission, Therefore, this is a situa­ the exact opposite! It is opening up new portions of the electmmagnetic tion where everyone in a given geo­ spectrum and running lotteries to"aIlo­ graphic area is exposed in ord'er that cate the ~requencies. It is allocating afew may benefit. more spectrum to existing users. If the transmission is of pubtic We are in a situation right now that value-police radio transmissions or is similar to the 1920s: there is a an emergency announcement warn~ rapid expansion of new broadcast ing of an approaching tornado, hurri­ solltces in the radio-frequency region cane or tsunami~it is reasonable to of the spectrum, If past history is any presume that everyone benefits from guide, we can expect the incidence of the transmission, But much of what certain diseases (including cancers) in is broadcast today over commercial the population to increase in the near TV and radio is purely entertain­ future as a consequence. ment. What are the ethics of amus­ Supposedly our government serves ing some people at the expense of other the public, If you don't like what yOlil' government is doing on people's health-all so that some third party may profit? your behalf, express yourself! If you keep silent and do not let If there truly is a serious hazard to the public health associated with proximity to broadcast transmitters-and at present there is your government hear from you, it will just keep on doing what it is doing now: issuing licences to allow ever-increasing numbers no conclusive proof of this, although there is strongl): suggestive evidence over a rangc of frequencies-then the princFples that of transmitters to op-erate-transmitters that may be slowly killing govern the licensing of broadcast transmitters need to be scruti­ us by promoting the development of cancer and other chronic dis­ eases. Do we really want our government generating revenue by nised very carcfully and possibly revised'. Up until now, the electromagnetic spectrum has been regarded issuing licences to kill? as a usc~u~ 'economic resource. The assump­ tion has b~e.n that unused spectrum is a waste of resources, like land that is not being cultivated to grow crops, or money that is

stuffed under a mattress instead of earning ­ ~._' -- - - - - - L - - - -----~ ()~ interest in a bank, Therefore the federal gov­ ~ -----.- .. . --l... / ~ ----­ ernmenn lhas fea it ,to be in the public interest ~(: - ~ ~ C "---" '------"~ ~-= to encourage the use of the electromagnetic , ~ ~ L- L/:;:J -- -~ - - -_ spectrum, and has established its policies ~~~-~~~accordingly, ~~----~~' -=--- ------ ~-:.~~~~~;:;;' ~~~~~~~~ ~~~--5---';In the spring of 1994, the US Congress ~ ------~-------­ .. ~~--:::::::::. -------... ~ ~ .~~ --,----...:=:-~~ was considering Ilegislation to ,transfer ------ ------~::::::::-----"-.: ~ ­ ~~ ~ - ------- ------ ~4 -::= _____ ,--=__ '-----~_-----.-~unused spectrum from the federal govern­ '---.--,~ ~-~ ----=::.~ ~ \.....--~~:;;~ ment to the private sector-and Rep, Ed - . /~ ' - ....----r--" ---~ ~ . C~C ""~'''' -.-:> ,~-;-'........;..'~'

Markey of Massachusetts, who is nhe __c~~~~ ~:,"!J1", Chairman of the Subcommittee on ~ ~~~..::"'- .. , ' 8 , ' ,F'.;;j :~: : Telecommunications and Finance of tbe ~- 5 ~:.-r.~, . ~' ,;.:iF, ': : '----..,' " LIt, ' , House Energy and Commerce Committee, ~ ~,"':':'---", ~ '(/f!!> was leading the fight! The rapid growth in

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the use of cellu.Jar telephones and mobile ~~':'-:----=:, ~ radio is bringing in revenue to the govern­ _K ment (in the form of Iiccnce fees) and also ~.:. .. ,:,~, ' " " . . stimulating the economy, so the government -",-,,~:-' ,-~,~ "~'' is currentty encouraging expanded use of the :.--;-.: .fJ ,;::::", ",' SQUfAK" ~ " ~. efectromagnetic spectrum, , , _~:;~::i'~~.' , ~~" But if the electromagnet,ic fields surround­ 00


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NEXUS • 39





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Research thab led to the Broquet Fuel Catalyst was started in 1941 when Henry Broquet was involved in the operation and maintenance of Hurricane aircraft present­ ed by Britain to aid the Russian war effort. The Hurricane's engine was designed for higher octane fuel than was available ab the time., and therefore a suitable fuel catalysl had to be developed. Sin.ce WWII, the Broquet fuel device has been further developed for use with any petrol, die.sel or LPG engine and is now exported throughout the world. The many applications for the catalyst include motor­ cycles, cars, trucks, boats, etc. The Broquet is a compound of metals, of which tin forms a major component. When placed in the engine fuel system, the 22­ mm-diameter cones will save fuel costs and improve the performance of all engines using petrol, LPG, diesell or oil as fuel. There is no doubt that the test results provided to NEXUS are most impressive­ so impressive, in fact, that we are getting one for our car! For more info, contact: • Fuel Dynamics Pty Ltd, PO Box 1169, Maroochydore, Qld 4558, Australia; phone +61 (0)74 44 7845, Or refer to the!ir ad on page 68 of this edition.



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NEXUS • 41





· T

wo Russian scientists, ,the engineer and inventor Yuri Kravchenko, and the physician Nikolai Kalashchenko, have developed an original instrument: the Phase Aurometer. This is a highly sensi­ tive instrument for the remote measurement 0f ,nhe electromagnetic radiation of any object, Diological included. The instrument and the method are protected by a Certificate of Authorship, No. 321662, issued it! 1990. 7 A medical version of the phase aurome­ ter is in use at the Repu.blican Clinical Hospital in Ufa, Bashkortostan. The instrument records the patient's own radia­ tion by a contact-free method, and has no impact whatever on the environment. It is intended for screening the population and for clinical researc.h. The applications of the phase aurometer can be considerably expanded further-fm example, into the insurance bUsiness, dowsing, testing folk-healers and sensi­ hves, and into such seemingly distan~ fields as agricultural selection or construction and performance supervision. Ad'vances in bio.physics, and the deep penetration of physical techniques into medicine, both in Rus.sia and in other coun­ tries, have made possible studies involving the remote measurement (at distances of up to one metre) of the electromagnetic radia-

Figure 1: Aurogram of a person in good health (distances in centimetres) 42 • NEXUS

magnetic field in the 0.5 to 150kHz range, with a frequency analysis of the received noise signal. Several researchers 6 have concluded' that some biological objects, induding human beings, are sources of flicker-noise fluctua­ tions (IIF-noise whose spectral density depends upon frequency in keeping with the law IFI' =0.8 ... 104). The proposed instrument is iritended to evaluate the human electromagnetic field on the basis of phase aurometry. This is accomplished by using tbe digital filtering method to single out specific frequency components from a broad spectrum of that field's flkker-noise characteristic, and to perform, on each fixed frequency, a topo­ gFaphic evaluation of the human field by registering its dimensions andl geometry in the form of an aUFa. The instrument records the pha_se shift of tne oscjIlations of the selected frequency at each specific poinn of ,that field, both in the immediate vicinity (2 to 3 mm) of ,the body and at dis­ tances of up to 1.5 m. The obtained mea­ surement results are used to plot a spatial topogram of that electromagnetic field, which serves in evaluating a person's health status. Figure I shows the aUfogram of a person in good health, plotted according to seven chakras measured from both the front and the back. A sick person's aurogram, shown in Figure 2, exhibits visible field deforma­ tions. The phase aurome­ ter is a highly sensi­ tive (hundreds of pV) AC resonance ampli­ fier with a high input resistance (over 1,000 MQ). It differs from standard instruments of the same class in that it has a digital ,fil ­ ter, replacing regular LC circuits to ensure a 'narrower' band­ width, and a phase­ sensiti ve (instead of amplitude-sen si ti ve) detector which makes it possible to evaluate the relative phase­ shift of the osciHa­ tions selccted by the digital filter. '00' The digital filtering circuit improves t(';le Figure 2: Aurogram of a person in poor health noise immunity of the (distances in centimetres) instrument and dis­

tion of the human body.'·2 However, except for the electromagnetic fields of the stomac'h (fractions of one Hertz») and the heart (a few Hertz)2, this radiation is recorded by most researchers only as "naise", which is a sum-total of fre­ quencies ranging from 0.01 to 100,000 Hz. The recording is accomplished by means of electrometer amplifiers, whose output signal is fed to an oscillograph or elecJronic voltmeter. 4 The electrometer amplifiers used for the purpose are AC devices with a sensitivity from 0.00 I to 1.000 microvolts, equipped with a probing antenna. The high input resistance (I to 1,000,000 MQ) and! low input capacity (below 110 pF) of the amplifiers enable them to. amplify the entire range of fre­ quencies that constitute noise of varying spectraf density. It is noteworthy that no radiation of the human body has 'been reg­ istered in tbe 10 to 1U0,OOO kHz range! Most researchers are currently involvcd in Fecording signals in the therma~ microwave and EHF range (I to 10 GHz), and the infrared and optical range. A series of devices (such as the IR Imager) has been developed for the purpose, which register the human body's electromagnetic fields and make it possible to identify various pathologies characterised by a differing electromagnetic field intensity.'·5 In this article we describe an instrument, designed for medical research, involving the remote sensing of the human electro­



penses with the need for a screened room at health-care institutions. The noise signa] produced by the human electromagnetic field is received by the antenna (1), and passedl through the digital filter (2); only the oscillations whose fre­ quencies coincide with that of the refer­ ence frequency generator (3) reach the out­ put. The AC amplifier (4) is equipped with an output phase detector (5), which records the value of the phase shift <Jlmeas between the measured radiation frequency of the biological object Wmeas and the refer­ ence generator's frequency wref as: <Jlmeas

=wmeas - weef - const.

The constant in the abovc equation is the signal produced by the noise background compensation circuit (7). The value of the const. is automatically selected so as to reduc.e to nil the qOantity <Jlmeas as the antenna is moved away from tthe biologi:ca'D object. In other words, the value of ~meas is measured relative to the specific noise background in that room. The DC amplifier (6) serves to filter and further amplify the output voltage of the phase detector (5). The integrator unit (8) serves Ito integrate the phase-shift signa] and select low-level signals of the biologi­ cal object against the noise background. Hence, the phase aurometer's output sig­ nal may be described as an ,integral charac­ teristic of the phase shift of the electro­ magnetic component of the biological fiefd at eacn specific radiation frequency syn­ chronised with the reference frequency. A computer software package is being developed to control tme instrumen~ and provide for computer-aided sensor parame­

ter pi'ck-up, the display of the aural bio­ electromagnetic field topography, and its printout in colour.

Footnotes: I. Dubrov, A. P. and V. N. Pushkin, Parapsyc1wlogy and Modern Science, Sovaminco, Moscow, 1990. 2. Berezovsky, V. A. and N. N. Kolotilov, Biophysical Characteristics ofHuman Tissues: A Ha'ndbook, Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1990 (in Russian). 3. Sobakin, M. A., Physical Fields of the Stomach, Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1978 (in Russian). 4. Gu1yayev, P. I., V. 1. Zabotin and N. Ya. Shlippenbakh, "EleCiromagne.tic Fields Produced by Moving Insects, Birds and Animals: Possible Bionic [l1iplications", Problemy Bioniki, Nauka, Mos.cow. 11973 (in Russian). 5. Gu'lyayev, Yu. V.lind Ii.E. Godik,Physical Fields of Biological Objects, Nauka, Moscow, 1985 (in Russian). 6. Buckingham. M., Noise in Electronic Instruments and Systems, Mir, Moscow, 1986 ('translated in.lo Russian). 7. Kravch:enko, Yu. P. et. aI., Method ofSutface Electrostatic Field Exploration, USSR Certificate of Authorship No. 321662 (in Russian).

(Source: AURA-Z. vol. 1, no. 3, 1993; PO Box 224, Moscow 117463, Russia; phone +7 (095) 925 7679, fax (095) 422 0960) About the Authors: Yurl Kravchenko, born 1947, graduated from the Ufa A·viation Institute. He then worked in the aircraft industry. but with the beginning of defence convenion became involved in medical res.earch and development activities. Nikolai Kalashchenko. born 1943, graduat­ ed from the Bashkir Medical Institute and was a medical practitioner in Yakutia and Bashkiria. A few years ago Dr KaJashchenko, Cand.Sc. (Med.) became an assistant-professor of therapy with the Bashkir State Medical Institute.

Figure 3: Phase Aurometer

block diagram

I - copper or brass disc antenna 2 - digital filter 3 - reference frequency generator 4 - AC amplifier 5 - phase detector 6 - DC amplifier 7 - noise background compensation circuit 8 - integrator unit 9 - analogue output 10 - digital output




by Matt Willemse, Ph.D. M.D. (Hom.), Dip. Bot. Med. n fecent issues, NEXUS has published a number of articles on magnetic and electromagnetic (EM) fields, both nat­ ural and man-made, so today it is not difficuh to realise that all life-forms exhibit !EM characteristics and live i.n an electro­ magnetic environment. In fact, the entire universe is a vibratory EM energy field. Our EM world, however, is changing. We are being increasingly subjected to a greater number of induced EM fields. !Even Ithose of extremely low energy have been found to influence our bio-energetic systems. [n thjs artide I aim to describe how a knowledge of EM fields can be applied beneficially. First though, a quick review. Since the industrial revolution, the Earth has lost at least 50 per cent of its magnetic energy, much being absorbed in steel e.g., rail, build(rJgs, cars, etc. Most people are encapsulated within these structures during a major proportion of their daily activities and deprived of natural magnetic absorp­ tion. Electricity is generated at 50 and 60 cycles per second (depending on country). Excessive exposure to its surrounding EM fields can be detrimental to our health-as is the electronic pollution caused iby aom­ puter equipment, TV transmissions, AM radiowaves, mobile telephones and the var­ ious home and industrial appliances. Most footware is made of rubberised or other insulating materials such as plastics, which accordingly deprive the body of its contact with the Earth's magnetic field. Chemical pollution may be the biggest threat to the environment and mankind. It is in our food cycle via fertiliser, h.erbi­ cides, insecticides, and artificia'~ colouring, flavouring and preservatives. Include the cosmetics and deodorants with which we cover our bodies. Is it any small wonder that our biophysical systems, consta.ntly suffering duress and daily stresses, are hav­ ing great difficulties in coping? EM imbal­ ance is one of the results. Seventy per cent of the body consists of fluid. Just as a waterfall naturally creates EM energy, so the flow of the blood through the body produces an internal source of EM-field energy. How does this electromagnetic treatment work? Magnetic energy is one of the strongest fundamental natural forces of the


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Universe. On Earth, Nature manufactured the first magnet consisting of lava mineral rock-in particular, iron, commonly known as lodestone. Since ancient times, magnets have been used in healing. They have been described as having a "mysterious" force. In 1600, William Gilbert published the first scientific works on magnetic fields. Most common was the magnetic needle­ suspended either in water OF on a string)­ which always pointed in a fixed! direction: the geographical north and south poles of the compass. Magnetic forces are exerted through air or through other 'low-magnetic' materiaL such as wood or even muscle or bone struc­ ture. In 1820, Hans Oersted made the first experiment with an electrical current and a magnetic compass, which can be under­ stood as the "right-hand rule". He estab­ lished that by forming the wire into a loop, the EM field could be strengthened. Eleven years later, Michael Faraday suc­ ceededl in experimentation with a conduct­ ing wire, enabling it to rotate if placed near a magnetic fieJd. This had the immediate advantage that the field could be turned on and off at any time. It also meant that the strength of the magnetic field could be var­ ied at will. In 1864, James Maxwell published his mathematical fonnula indicating that light was an electromagnetic wave, and, like radiation energy, travelled at the same speed.

44 • NEXUS

Today, EM energy is used in a wide range of functions from the kitchen to the spaceship. Physicians all over the worild are now recognising the benefits of mag­ netic therapy for various disorders. Space-age astronauts utilised a bio-mag­ netic frequency of 7.96 cycles per second to encourage sleep and relaxation during flight, and as a stabilising orientation before re-entering the Earth's gravitational pull. It is also known in biophysics that EM fields can actually control the body's bio­ chemistry. Tberefore, magnetic energy can be used not only for diagnostic purposes and in the early detection of disease, but also for treating bealth problems. Superconducting Quantum Interference Detectors (SQUIDs) can today determine minute magnetic fields of any living organ­ ism. The human body consists of millions of cells, each cell exhibiting polarity (a positive and negative field pattern). Cells make up the tissucs wbich are grouped together, eventually forming the organs, ligaments and skeletal stf1Jcture. Tis'sucs and organs are characterised by their indi­ vidual cell function, constantly forming and mutating to revitalise the body. Health is an equilibrium or a very delicate balance of the cell's polarity. When death occurs, the SQUID instrument cannot register any readings, as no EM energy-mental or physical-remains. The Magnetic Field Multiple Pulsating Device has the capacity to alter the biologi­ cal magnetic energy for the better by selecting the exact freq uenc y for a particular purpose. The multiple pulsating device induces an al ter­ nating current with a wide-spectrum magnetic field, the frequencies of which have proven therapeutic advan­ tages in: • releasing natural opiatcs to ease aches and pain; • boosting the immune system; • increasing tissue repair; • regenerating the cen tral nervous system; • balancing miner­

allevels; • enhancing circulation and digestion with better hidrosis through energising and oxy­ gen exchange. What about the use of 'ordinary' mag­ nets? The short answer is that any magnet­ ic treatment will have some effect. Extreme care, however, should be exer­ cised in the application of this form of treatment, especially in the case of chronic and terminally ill persons, as it may stimu­ late growths and tumours when the magnet polarity (north) is applied incorrectly near the affected area. . ..... Some remarkable clinical examples using electromagnetic equipment include: • Arthritis sufferers who were able to controll their discomfort and engage in gar­ dening for the first time in years. An elder­ ly farmer became mobile again after being freedl from stiffness in his knee joints. • Athletes and sports-injured individuals who recovered much faster than in the past with the use of magnetic field therapy. • An elderly female patient who was able to forego the use of powerful chemical analgesic drugs, retuming home to use magnetic Itherapy to achieve a quality of life not possible in an unfamiliar environ­ ment. Her final months were spent with her family in her own home. (The testimonials continue; only lack of space prevents including more. - Ed.) These magnetic field units apply the nat­ ural bio-frequencies and reorganise them after their disruption through ill-health, accident, emotional distress, or chemical, environmental or electronic pollution. With its high success-rate for accelerat­ ing the healing process, and its high safety and user-friendliness factors, it is a valu­ able device for professional health practi­ tioners or people who want to be more independent with their health regime. {Editor's Comments: Dr Matt Willemse is a consultant to Osmo Sales which mar­ kets the Osmatic Magnetic Field Pulsating Device. He developed the unit with the assistance of an electronics engineer. Matt can also be regarded as the pioneer who introduced electrolytes of oxygen into Australia. He has formulated numer01iS herbal and homoeopathic formulas for prominent pharmaceutical companies as well as validated them with dark-field microscopy. His practice is in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. (For more information on this device, refer to the advertisement on page 60 of this edi­ tion.)) OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995

MUFON·Houston Vito Saccheri recounts the experience that hooked-him on the possible existence offlying saucers and alien civilisations. His memories, whether altered by time or perspective, clearly changed his outlook on life and may give you pause as well. - HS

n 1979 I was a proiect manager for a privately owned engineering company doing the Venezuelan oil. industry. My counterpart in Venezuela, our client"s chIef engmeer, an Amencan engmeer named Lester Howes, had come to Houston on business. Les and I had spoken by phone and telex for years (no fax machines back then), but we had never met. We hit it off when he arrived, and after a few days he cO]1(ide,d that he had an ulterior motive in coming to Houston. After asking me to 'keep an open mind, he told me he was both an amateur astronomer and a ufologist and that he wanted my help in obtaining access to secret photos held somewhere inside NASA. I was speechless. When I finished laughing, I realised he was dead Some of the guys at work though~ Les was just a little light in the loafers, and others thought he was just plain crazy, but I could see that he was concerned about what I would think of him. After all, we were profes­ sional engin:eers, and he had taken quite a chance with me. Les showed me a small, paperback book, entitled Somebody Else is on the Moon, writ­ te.n by George H. Leonard. Les lent me the book and I read it overnight. Leonard had come across photos he felt confirmed the presence of a very ancient-and possibly cur­ renL=-civilisation on the Moon. He explained that in 1961, President Kennedy had com­ mitted the USA to rcaching the Moon within a decade, primarily because throughout the 1950s the scientific community had been rocked by observatori'es around the world Which began reporting and later that "Moon craters" were actually disappearing, right out from under the watchful eyes of their state-of-the-art telescopes! Since the possible ramifications were obvious, the powers-that-be had decided that Uncle Sam had to be the first to reach the Moon. After arguing futilely with NASA authorities about releasing the photos, Leonard pub­ lished them hims.elf in his book. He felt the taxpayers had a right 410 know what NASA knew, pointing out that despite a nine-year mobilisation effort that had cost billions of dollars, NASA had shut down the entire Moon project after only a few landings. His con­ tention was that we had confirmedl that we were trespassing! The small photos would show little, so he provided hand-drawn sketches to accompany each photo. And he pub­ lished the special NASA identification code-numbers for each picture. When I finished the book, I called Les and said I was intrigued and would help. The very next day, we made the first trip out to NASA and spent the day taking the guided and self-guided tours. On the second day, we made our move. We entered the public orientation building and told the receptionist that we wanted to make arrangements to see some Moon pictures. With no clue where to start, she eventual­ ly directed us to her supervisor who was equally 'at a loss. Apparently, no one charged with dealing with the public knew where NASA kept its photos or whether they kept them at all. And no "Photo Records" department showed up on any list. Wc wcre passed around to at least four other people before someone admitted that NASA hadiloLs of photo.s "somewhere" on the complex, but that the public wasn't permit­ ted to view "unauthorised" photos of any project. That's when we changed our strategy. blurted out, "Isn't i~ true that NASA is a civilian agency funded by taxpayer money?"



bu~iness ~ith

NEXUS • 45


Confusion spread over her face, and I added, "Well, we're two taxpayers, and we're here to see our pictures. Who's got them?" Before she could recover, we flashed! Leonard's book in her face. I continued, "What's so unauthorised about pictures that have already been iPublished?" From then on, we decided to stay on the offensive at all times. Reinforcements were called in, and we soon found ourselves having the same conversation with the big boys from administra­ tion. None had seen the book, but, significantly, one had taken the time to confirm that Leonardi was in fact a former NASA scientist at the Jet Propulsion Lab, from what I could gather. This threw them, and they seemed even curious to learn about the book-for after all, the information had been generated by NASA ,in the first place. We settled for a truoe and to return I • the next day. Before Ileaving, however, We

reiterated that these two taxpayers had every

intention of going to the mat with whoever

was ihoiding back 'our photos'.

To make a very long story short, we spent

the next severalF days filling ou~ enough

forms to give a woodpecker a headache. My

office advised me that NASA had called to

confirm my employment history and to

inquire about Les. His hotel advised that

someone had c~lled to confirm that he was

staying there. Obviously the Wheels were

turning. FinaUy, someone called to say we

could see the photos.

We returned to NASA thinking we had finally succeeded. But succes's was not to be so ~asy. We were directed to a Building 30 which had no~ been on the tour and whith didn't eve,11I exist. Building 30A turned out to be empty, so we walked into Building 30B and found ourselves in the middle of a high-securi­ ty area where an existing mission was being monitored. Realising tha~ we were somewhere we should not have been, we tried to blend in. Failing miserably to do so, we were soon unceremoniously tossed out. Security ,personnel demand­ ed to know how we had passed the civil­ ian sectio,n-and what was this about Moon pictures, taxpayers, and a book about the Moon? We knew we were really in she'ep dip when security not only whisked us out of the building Ibut escorted us off the premises altogether. The next day, after some scrambling on both sides, officials apologised to us fOT the mix-up. For our part, we insinuated that at least 1,000 photacopies of the Leonard book could rain down on everyone on the space centre's mailing list. We were counting on this bluff to get us past what we cl')nsidered an impasse. It was time for NASA to act. After all, we weren't a couple of underwa­ ter pipe welders from Boise. We were fellow engineers, brothers of the blood! Finally, some serious discussions transpired. The photo library, we were told, had been relocated off site to the Lunar Landing Observatory directly adjacent to the east NASA property on NASA Road 1. They would be expecting us in nwo more days at 8.00 am. Two days later, we drove east on NASA 1 past the main entrance of the facility and found a chain-link fence that marked the eastern limit of the property line, expecting to see a building or M.

46 • NEXUS

sign. Nothing but a he.avily wooded area! Driving back and forth along the road, trying to decide whether they had done it to us again, we noticed a narrow dirt road running back into the woods directly along NASA's fence line. Hung on the chain between two small posts was a sign that read simply.: "No Tresp'assing". Instinct told us this had to be the place. We lowered the chaill! and !drove about three-quarters of a mile down the dirt road which U­ turned back toward the highway. Directly behind the trees and camoutil"aged 'by the woods was our building. There was no num­ ber, only a small plaque near the door that read "Lunar Landin,g Observatory" in half-inch-high leners. Somehow we weren't sur­ prised. Upon entering, we found ourselves in a small alcov,e~ A large main room buzzing with people was off to the right, and what appeared to be a small Ibroom closet was on the opposite wall. When we told the we wanted' the library, she pointed toward the broom closet which, as it turned out, opened onto a wind­ ing stairway lead1ng down into a dimly ~it underground tunnel. I'm certain it took us back toward the NASA property line. At the end of the tunnel was a large room where we found ourselves standing in front of a waH-to-wall counter separating us from the lribrarian who was sitting on a stool. ~ seem to remember that his name was Roger. [, He explained that there were at least two mimon photos in the library-everything NASA had ever photographed since year one. Unfortunately, no one could see "random" photos, as time was at,ways short and filing systems complicated. In other words, to see any picture you need its specific code-number. Roger was surprised that we had all tile numbers (no one had told him about the book). We handed him our list, thinking we had hit pay dirt at last. But after a quick glance, he gave us the bad news: the numbers were meanvngless in Bouston. He explained that for security reasons NASA had split the country into f41ve regions, eacp w~th a duplicate set of records and a different code-number system. Leonard's numbers weren't applicable in this facility. I flsJced where the master list was kept, and. Roger replied at 'langley, Virg,inia. Les and I looked' at each other. We didn't have to say it, but we suspected who that meant. We huddled in the comer for a few minutes trying to decide whether this was another sta'Hing effort. But we had come too far to give up. We informed Roger that we wante.d to proceed. He said that someone in the NASA complex had the proper forms to start the ball rolling. He just wasn't sure who, since no one had ever requested the photos before. We were the first, he said-at least in Houston. A few days later Roger called us to come fill out new forms, though there wasn't much they didn't already ,know about us. It took two more days, but our summons fina~ly came. Roger announced that the photos were ready for our inspection. There were, however, strict rules. We were to get three eight-hour busi­ ness days. We were not allowed pens, pencils, paper, calculator, camera or recording devices of any kind. Nor wuld we be Left m',





sjmply transcripts of the manned space flights, including the Moon alone with the photos. We were allowed only the book and a mag­ landings. Since he had gotten to know us over the three days and nifying loupe. We would be escorted in and out for Ilunch and had enjoyed seeing the photos himself, he gave me a wink and a bathroom breaks. If we agreed to these terms, he said, we could nod and allowed me to entcr the room unescorted. [begin at nine o'clock the next morning. We arrived at eight. I spent most of the remaining time poring over the scientific This time, we were escorted in by two men. We found f,ive data, as I wasn't much ~nterested in the transcripts. After all, along extra-long conference-room tables set up in a U-shape. We had with four billion otherrs, I had watched the firrst Ilunar landing on expected to find only the pictures listed in Leonard's book. '['0 our TV. Fortunately, however, I decid'ed to browse some transcripts amazement, there were thousands of photos, all in sets of numeri­ and flipped casually through a few, killing the last 15 minutes of cal order. Leonard had mentioned that tlle photos were numbered time. Then my eyes caught it: "Houston, we've got a bogey at sequentially by the cameras. He also 'had mentioned that each two o'clock." time the on-'Doard computer pitked up an anomaly while analysing And rhere was more: "Roger that, Apollo. Switching to alpha. a photo, it triggered a sequence of additional photos that zoomed !Roll eight degrees and begin sequence..." . in on the target closer and closer. "Roger, Mission Control. Confirming alpha." The photos were huge, approximately 32 by 24 inches, with a Though I knew instinctively what it meant, I couldn't believe dull grey, almost dull-b'lack look. On the back of cach, technica1 what I was reading. I raced through the pages and other mission informat,ion was recorded, such as the probe's height above the transcripts and found similar dialogue. Moon's surface while it was Itaking the picturc, the angle of "Mission Control, we've got Santa Claus coming over the hilL" approach and the ~ocation of the Sun in relation to the capsule. "Roger, Apollo. Hold your fix. Switching bravo. Do you Frustratingly, we had all the technical data for triangulation~ copy?" simple trigonometry and a~gebra were all that wc neede.d! to com­ "Roger, Houston. Bravo linL." pute the size and distance of anything shown. But without paper, These guys were reporting UFO activity, but I couldn't remem­ calculators or pencils we were limited ~o what we could do in our ber ever hearing this during the live TV broadcasts of lunar mis­ heads, and we weren't up to it-thc numbers were too big, the sions in '69 and '70. I was too dumbfounded to say a word and too angles too acute. We had to rely on Leonard's numbers. But we scared to tell Les or Roger. I didn't want to get either of them in verified everything that hc had seen. trouble. We had' no clearance to see these documents. To this day, [ can remember these views: • a boulder that So Ijust kept my mouth shut While Les asked Roger if there was seemed to have been rolled uphill, leaving its tracks in the side of any way to buy some of the pictures we had! reviewed. Roger the hill; • obvious· machinery on the surface, showing bolted sec­ gave us more forms to fill out and told us it would take several tions; • three dilapidated 'bridges' c.fOssing a chasm that reminded weeks. When the pictures arrived, Les was back in Venezuela. me of the Grand Canyon; • pipe fittings that 300ked like four-way They were lousy as we expected, with almost no re-solution. No Ts (or Xs) that could be seen in every photo, some with their ends turned up or d'own as they hang over the edge of a crater; • three surprising pyramids that prompted me later to study closely the Egyptian Gizeh pyramid complex; • apparent pipelines criss-crossing the sUIJace, running to and from craters; • a UFO r,ising from the surface and photographed directly above a crater; • and, perhaps the most memorable, the unmistakable figure of a rectangular structure placed square[y in the biggest crater pictured. The structure looked! cithcr very old or under construction, but the cratcr had to be miles wide, and the camera angle gave a perfect three-dimensional view. The clarity and resolution were unlike that of anything I had seen before or since, and I shudder to think that this was only the begin­ nings of the spy-in-the-sky technology that has evolved since then. Nobody said much at all for three days. Lester was in hog heaven, having realised his greatest ambition. And I was hooked on UFOs. On our last day, actually during our last hours, I had seen enough and decided to stretch my legs. As I was escorted back to the main room, I noticed a false panel that was slightly ajar, and peeked inside. Floor­ to-ceiling bookshelves were filled with white View obt~ined b~ the Apollo 17 ~stronauts using a telephoto tens to photograph.boulders.and three-ring binders. Roger volunteered! that boulder tracks on the North MaSSif at the Apollo 171andmg sIte. The largest object, maki:ng a most of the binders were filled with thc e, . ts weaving, tread-like track, is 'about 5 metres across. Illumination is from the right. detal'ls of .NASA's s c'len t'f'c I I iltpe.nmen (NASA hoto ASI7-144-21991) ~""",i conducted III space. The rest, he said, were L . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - p - - ' - - - - - - - - OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995

NEXUS • 47

was unrealistic and that we would need to transport air from the Earth. The congressional rcport concluded that there was plenty of oxygen on the Moon, trapped in the roc.ks. The recommended solution: pulverise the rocks on a large scale with major excavations. The liberated oxygen would! be stored in underground caverns and tunnel systems and the debris from these pulverised rocks dumped into tire existing craters. Naturally, the craters would eventually disappear~an observatJion made by astronomers long before the first Moon landings and, ironically, one that had initiaHy prompted Leonard and other scientists of the 1950s to analyse early Moon photos. That the Moon should be occupied by others who periodically visit the Earth makes perfec'n sense to me. ~ remember in the 1960s, after President Kennedy mobilised NASA, that the talk was about beating the Russians to the Moon and using it as a station OF stepping-stone to the stars. In those days, there were great debates on who would . . ' . . get the mining and mineral rights if gold or NASA Apollo 8 photograph of the TSJOlkowsky Crater on the dark side of the Moon. Notice the th . t I ~ d Al o . 'large 'lake' in the centre of the photo and smaller ones on each side. °h er PdreclOushme a s were oun. sb , III _ _ _ _ _-='"=' t ose ay.s, In ere were arguments a out allowing the US military to place missiles on the Moon since it one who saw them was impressed, least of all me. But I remained was not to be used militarily. preoccupied all the same, particularly with my otheF find. Today, we no longer talk about using the Moon as a base of any Not until years latcr did I mention the transcripts to a few close friends. One evcntually mentioned a special lady he thought I kind. Instead, we talk about using space stations. Why? Thc sliIouldi meet. Since I don't have permis.sion to use her name, I'll Moon would seem to be a ready-made station. And why aren't companies like US Steel, 3M and Shell Oil lining up for concescall her Jane. Jane was a college co-edl at the time, transcribing sions to the Moon's mineral rights? [can remember when Pan Am audiotapes for NASA. I eventually askcd her how astronauts could talk about UFOs during live broadcasts being transmitted all World Airways was actually selling advance tickets to the Moon! And finally, when has the government's Department of De.fense over the world without anyone hearing their conversation. n9"t pushed for nunding to build a strategic missile base with firstShe explained that the space program had developed many techstrike capability? They're still building "Star Wars". nologies which at the time not been declassified or adapted for commerc.ial, us.e. One of these new developments-unknown to Personally, I tbink Leonard was right, and I thank Lester Howes the general public-was .insnant-replay video, which wQuld for trusting me to get involved. Someday I'll track him down and bccome common later. But in 1969 and! '70, only a handful of tell him about those transcripts. people were aware of it. Thus, NASA could switch the Mission Control picture to a live broadcast of a news reporter standing next to a full-scalc mockUp, and whjJe a viewer's attention was diverted, the real stuff was happening behind the scenes. It's no wonder that in the early days, only military pilots were qualified to be astronauts. These were the guys with the real right stuff: they knew how to keep their mou~hs shut! When I met Moon photo researcher Marvin Czarnik in [Aprit] 1995, I learned that he had helped develop some of the technical systems used at NASA. Besides the length of time of instant replay, he knew that code-words like "alpha" and "bravo" referred to special switching stations around the country that 'switch' broadcast reception away from Houston and Mission Control to missile bases in the north-west pDrtion of the country, as they were equipped with "secured communications eqUipment". This was my missing puzzle piece. I knew then for certain who it was that had the maste.F list of photographs. In ,V980, another puzzle piece fell into place. A friend had shown me a special congressional subcommittee report on Moon rocks brought back by the astronauts, and a feasibility study on colonising the Moon. The document was dated 1972 or '73, and concluded tihat Moon colonisation using giant plastic air bubbles 48 • NEXUS


UFO SIG'HTINGS BY ASTRONAUTS Major GOlldon Cooper Major Cooper was one of the original Mercury astronauts, and the last American to fly in space alone. On 15 May 1963 he shot into space in a Mercury capsule for a 22-orbit journey around the world!. During the final orbit, Major Gordon Cooper told the tracking station at Muchea (near Perth, Western Austraha) that he could see a glowing, greenish object ahead of him

50 • NEXUS

quickly approaching his capsule. The UFO was real -and solid, because it was picked up by Muchea's tracking rad.aJ. Cooper's sighting was reported by the National Broadcast Company which was covering the flight step by step; but when Cooper landed, reporters were told that they would not be allowed to question him about the UFO sighting. Major Cooper was a firm believer in UFOs. Over ten years earlier, in 1951, he had sighted UFOs while piloting an F-86 Sabre jet over West Germany. They were metallic, saucer-shaped discs at considerable aHitude and could outmanoeu vre all the American fighter planes. Major Cooper also testified before the United Nations: "I believe that these ex tra - terres trial vehicles and their crews are visiting this p~anet from other planets. Most astronauts were reluctant to discuss UFOs... I did have occasion in 1951 to have two days of observation of many flights of them, of different sizes, flying in fighter formation, generally from east to west over Europe." And according to a

taped interview by 1. L. Ferrando, Major Cooper said: "For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us. And Ithere are thousands of witness reports and a quantity of documents to prove this, but nobody wants to make tpem publ1c. Why? Because authority is afraid that J}COple may trunk of God-knows-what kind! of hOl1iible invaders. So the password still is: 'We have to avoid panic by all means.' "I was furthermore a witness to an extraordinary phenomenon, here on this planet Earth. [t happened a few months ago in Florida. There I saw with my own eyes a defined area of ground being consumed by flames, with four indentations left by a flying object which had descended in the middle of a field. Beings had left the craft (there were other traces to prove this). They seemed to have studied topography; ,they had collected soil samples; and, evenItually, they retUrned to where they had come from, disappear,~ng at enormous speed. I happen to know that authority did just about everything to keep this incident from the press and TV, in fear of a panicky reaction from the public."

Ed White and James McDivitt In June 1965, astronauts Ed White (the first American to walk in space) and James OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995

THE TWILIGHT ZONE McDivitt were passing over Hawaii in a Gemini spacecraft whe.lli they saw a weirdlooking metallic object. The UFO had long arms sticking out oJ it. McDivitt took pictures with a cine-camera. Those. !pictures have never been released.

James lovell and Frank Borman In December ~965, Gemini astronauts James Loveil and Rrank Borman also saw a UFO during the second orbit of their record-breaking 14-day flight. Bonnan reported that be saw an unidentified spacecraftt some distance from their capsule. Gemini Control at Cape Kennedy told him that he was seeing the Hnal stage of their own Titan booster rocket. BOfman confirmed that he could see the booster rocket all right, but that he could also see something completely different. This communication was reported during James Loven's flight on Gemini 7: Lovell: "Bogey at I0 o'clock high." Capcom: "This is Houston. Say again, Seven." Lovell: "Said we have a bogey at 10 o'clock high." Capcom: "Gemini 7, is that the booster or is that an actua~ sighting?" Lovell: "We have several actual sightings." Capcom: "Estimated distance or size?" Lovell: "We also have the booster in sight." Neil Armstrong and "Buzz" Aldrin According to NASA astronaut Neil Armstrong, the aliens hilVe a base on the Moon and told us in no uncertain ,tenns to get off and stay off the Moon. According to hitherto-unconfirmed reports, both Neil Armstrong andl Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after that historic landing on the Moon in Apollo 11 on 21 July 1969. I remember hearing one of the astronauts refer to a "light" in or on a crater during the television transmission, followed by a request from Mission Control for further infonnation. Nothing more was heard. According to a fonner NASA employee, Otto Binder, unnamed rad[o hams with their own VHF receiving faci'lWes that bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets picked up the following exchange: NASA: "What's there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11." Apollo 11: "These 'babies' are huge, sir! Enormous! Oh my God! You wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995

spacecraft out there, lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They're on the Moon, watching us!" A certain professor, who wished to remain anonymous, was engaged in a discussion with Neil Armstrong during a NASA symposium. Professor: "What really happened out there with Apollo 117" Armstrong: "It was incredible. Of course, we had always known there was a possibility; the fact is, we were warned off! (by the aliens). There was never any question then of a space station or a Moon city." Professor: "How do you mean, 'warned off?" Armstrong: "I can't go into details, except to say Ithat their ships were far superior to ours, both in size and technology. Boy, were they bjg-and menacing! No, there is no question of a space station." Professor: "But NASA had other missions after Apollo 117" Armstrong: "Naturally, NASA was committed at that time, and couldn't risk panic on Earth. But it realty was a quick scoop and back again." According to a Dr Vladimir Azhazha: "Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having Janded near the moon module. But this message was never he'ard by the public~ because NASA censored it." According to a Dr Aleksandr Kasantsev, Buzz Aldrin took colour movie film of the UFOs from inside the module, and continued filming them after he and Annstrong went outside. Armstrong confirmed that the story was true but refused to go into further detail, beyond admitting that the CIA was behind the cover-up.

thou'ght the objec-t was a kite, then I realised that no kite is gonna fly that high. "As I got closer it looked like a weather balloon, grey and about three feet in diameter. But as soon as I got belllnd the darn thing it didn't look like a Iballoon anymore. It looked like a saucer, a disc. "About the same time, I realised that it was suddenly going away from 'me-and there I was, running at abolit 300 miles per hou.. 1 tracked it for a little way, and then all of a sudden tbe damn thing just took off. It pulled about a 45-degree climbing-tum, accelerated and just flat disappeared."

NASA Pilot Joseph A. Walker On 11 May ~962, NASA pilot Joseph Walker said that one of his 'tasks was to detect UFOs during his X-IS flights. He had filmed five or six UFOs during his record-breaking fifty-mile-high flighn in April 1962. It was the second time he had filmed UFOs in flight. During a lecture at the Second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Sp-ace Research in Seattle, Washington, he said: "I don't feel like speculating about them. All I know is what appeared on the film which was developed after the flight." To date, none of those films has been released! to the public for viewing. Major Robert White On 17 July 1962, Major Robert White reported a UFO during his flight of an XIS. Major White reported: "I have no idea what it could be. It was greyish in colouF and about thirty Ito forty feet away."

Donald Slayton Donald Slayton, a Mercury astronaut, reveaied in an interv,iew that he had seen UFOs in ~,951: "I was testing a P- 51 fighter in Minneapolis when I spotted this object. I was at ab¡ou.t 10,000 feet on a nice, brignt, sunny afternoon. I NEXUS • 51

THE TWILIGHT ZONE Then, according to a Time Magazine article, Major White exclaimed over the radio: "There are things out there! There absolutely are!"

Commander Eugene Cernan Eugene Cernan was Commander of

Apollo 17. In a Los A ngeles Times article in 1973, he said about UFOs: "I've been asked (about UFOs) and I've said publicly I thought they (UFOs) were somebody else, some other civilisation."

NASA's Maurice Chatelain In 1979, Maurice Chatelain, former Chief of NASA Communications Systems, confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a crater. Chatelain believes that some UFOs may come from our own solar system, specifically Titan. "The encounter was common knowledge in NASA, but nobody has talked about it until now.. "... all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin-flying saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name. Every time it occurred, the astronauts infonned Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence. "I think that Walter Schirra aboard Mercury 8 was the first of the astronauts to use the code-name Santa Claus to indicate the presence of flying saucers next to space capsules. However, his announcements were barely noticed by the general public. "It was a little different when James Lovell, on board the Apollo 8 command module, came out from behind the Moon

and said for everybody to hear: 'Please be informed that therc is a Santa Claus.' Even though this happened on Christmas Day 1968, many people sensed a hidden meaning in those words." The rumours persist. NASA may well be a civilian agency, but many of its programs are funded by the defence budget, and most of the astronauts are subject to military security regulations-apart from the fact that the National Security Agency screens all films and probably radio communications as well. We have the statements by Otto Binder, Dr Garry Henderson and Maurice Chatelain that the astronauts were under strict orders not to discuss their sightings. And Gordon Cooper has testified to a United Nations committee that one of the astronauts actually witnessed a UFO on the ground. If there is no secrecy, why has this sighting not been made public?

NASA's Scott Carpenter "At no time when the astronauts were in space were they alone. There was a constant surveillance by UFOs."

References: • Above Top Secret, by Timothy Good • Great Mysteries: UFOs, by Robert Jackson

• Genesis Revisited, by Zecharia Sitchin • The UFO Encyclopedia, by John Spencer (Source: Leland Lehrman, The Gate, New Haven, CT, USA, 10 August 1995; Web page: http://id.wing.netl-gatelgate.html Downloaded via Pegasus Networks)


Most Western newspapers carried scant notice of an event that made big news 'in South America. The following is a compilation of the various bits and pieces picked up by NEXUS. Close to midnight on Monday 31 st July 1995, the pilot and flight crew of an Aerolineas Argentinas passenger jet observed a luminous object approaching their craft as the jet began its landing approach to Bariloche airport, appt:ox. 870 miles from Buenos Aires. . The brightly lit object approached the jet, flashing and changing colours as it came closer. According to some reports, the pilot, Jorge Polanco, feared a collision and took evasive manoeuvres. The bright object then flew in formation with the plane, at a distance of approx. 100 metres. Most of the estimated 103 passengers also saw the object, with many describing it as a "spaceship" as big as the aircraft, with multi-coloured flashing lights. Observers in the airport control tower, and military officials including Air Force Major Jorge Oviedo, also saw the object. As the plane and UFO approached the airport, all electrical power at the airport and in much of the nearby city of San Carlos de Bariloche failed, causing a blackout. With the runway lights out, the pilot of the jet aborted his landing approach and brought the plane around for a second attempt, which succeeded. Meanwhile, witnesses observed the UFO to climb straight up and out of sight at very high speed. While British and European media gave the story a small mention, Australian and American media did not report it as far as we're aware. (Sources: Dailv Telegraph [UK], 3 August

1995; intemet newsgroups soc.culture.argentina, alt.paranet. ufo)





IG.t-rOWYOUR. R.OhD F,.ULEg 1...W'J-lEI-f.l\T Po tt.oU~'r GIVE ~y TO ~O~~lE&. 52 • NEXUS


A 316-year-old hand, said to have healing powers, has reportedly helped a priest come out of a coma following a severe stroke. Father Christopher Jenkins was given little hope of recovery-until his colleague, Fr Anthony Tumuelty, brought the relic to his hospital bedside and placed it on Fr Jenkins' head. Within hours, Fr Jenkins was conscious, and it wasn't long before he was talking, eating and walking. OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995

THE TWILIGHT ZONE The relic was the left hand of one John Kemble, a 17th century Catholic priest who was hung, drawn and quartered in Hereford, England, in 1679 for being a traitor. A woman is said to have saved his severed left hand a6ter the execution. Fur~her details about how the Kemble Hand came to be imbued with lJealing powers have not been provided, hun it is understood to be kept in the altar an St Francis Xavier Church, Hereford. (Source: Weekly TeLeg.raph [UKJ, #210,26 July - 1 August 1995)

HOLY GRAIL QUEST QUASHED? The Holy Grail, the legendary cup llsed by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper, and in which some of Christ's blood was supposedly saved at the Crucifixion, has been found-twice! The first claim for the elusive Grail cup's appearance was made by psychologist! Arthurian researcher Dr Graham Phillips who claims the five-centimetre-high green onyx challice was smuggled into Britain before the sacking of Rome, and became the property of a local king, the Bear (whom he identifies as King Arthur), who lived around Shrewsbury. To cut a long story short, it eventually turned up in an attic junk box in a Victorian house near Coventry. Dr Phillips claims to have enough documentary evidence to support the Grail cup's existence and has produced a book on the subject. Within a week of Dr Phillips' announcement, the mysterious Order of the Kn'ights Templar announced from its Rome headquarters that it is in possession of the one true Holy Grail-a mottled green glass vase, 9 em tall, with base circumference of 7 em. Mr Rocco Zingaro di San Ferdinando, the Templars' Grand Master in Italy, said, "We have unveiJled t'he true Holy Grail partly in response to last week's false claim that the grail had been found in Britain, and partly because as mankind approaches the year 2000 it is in need of the Grail for its salvation. " FIe claims thatt the relic was recovered by Italian academic and Templar, Antonio Ambrosini, from a Coptic monastery in Egypt and given to the order about 20 years ago. While the cup had not been subjected to scientific tests on its age or origin, in is said Ito have speeial qualities !'lidden in its dimensions. Appa.ently at least three churches in Europe also claim to house the true grail, OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995

and countless researchers through history have claimed to nave discovered the relic. Whether found or not, the quest will no doubt continue, for tbe legend seems to have a Me of its own. (Sources: Reuters, The Weekend Australian, 19·20 August 1995; The Sunday TeLeg,rqph, 20 August 1995)

ITAILY flOODED BY WAVE OF WEEPING MADONNAS For centuries in Italy, cases have been reported of statues miraculously weeping blood or tears. Already this year, an unprecedented 20 such bizarre "weeping statl,le" incidents have been reported. To the faithful, these events are interpreted as divine warnings for Italy and the

world to wash its sins away before the end of this millennium. To sceptics, they are a Itr,ick; and Ito cynics, a Vatican plot to win lback support for the Christian Democrat Party! That hasn't stopped the Vatican from setting up a task force of scientists, doctors, psychiatrists and X-ray specialisJs to investigate some of these claims. In a strange twist, the tears of blood wept by the 18-inch stone figurine of the Madonna of Medjugorje in Civitav~c.chia at springtime were found to be human, and male-causing somewhat of a flurry in Church circles. (Sources: The European, 7-13 ApriL 1995; We~kLy TeLegraoh [UKJ, 12-18 July 1995)

ROSWELL A'LIEN AUTOPSY REVISITED? These p!'lotographs were Ipublished in Ming Pao news weekly, issue #1397, August ~995. According to the journalist, the entity shown was found !by the US military in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. Unlike the "Santilli" footage, the appearance of this entity is consistent with testimonies of various witnesses, and looks a lot more genuine tome.

NEXUS • 53


ALIEN CONTACTS & ABDUCTIONS: The Real Story from the Other Side by Jenny Randles Published by Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. (1994), New York, USA (first published by Robert Hale Ltd, London, UK, 1993) ISBN 0-8069-0751-7 (191 pp sib) Price: AUD$14.95; CAN$9.95; STGfn/a; USD$9.95 Available: Australia-Distributed by Quest Books, ph (02) 264 71152; Sydney Esoteric Bookshop, ph (02) 2122225, fax (02) 212 2448; Canada-Canadian Manda Group, Toronto, Ontario; UK-Dlst. by Cassell PLC, Villiers House, 41-47 Strand, London WC2N 5JE, ph (01202) 67 0581; USADist. by Sterling B?ublishing Co., Inc., 387 Park Ave South, New York, NY 100168810, ph (212) 532 7160. Jenny Randles, the noted British researcher of unexplained phenomena, has produced this eminently readable guide to help us make sense oHhe UFO mystery. Originally published in the UK in 1993 as Aliens, this US edition will ensure her ,investigations receive a wider audience. Randles begins with a potted history of alien contact, and features some landmark cases but with a prime focus on the 1950s onwards. She describes the various types of extraterrestrials reported, including phantasms, shape-shifters, greys and humanoids, and some classic sightings of these forms and their craft from around the world. From the similarities of UFOIET sightings, technology and abduction reports in various geographical locations, Randles reckons


there is enough circumstantial evidence defying rational explanation to force her to surmise that something's going on. She doesn't claim to provide answers, but gives a number of possible scenarios so that readers can make up their own minds. Perhaps "(e) all of the above" ,is the correct answer in this multiple-choice mystery!

THE ORIGINAL JESUS The Buddhist Sources of Christianity by Elmar R Gruber & Holger Kersten Published by Element Books Ltd (1995), Shaftesbury, Dorset, UK [ISBN 1-'85230-628-9 (280pp h!b) Price: AUIU$49.95; STGf16.99; USD$29.95 Available: Australia-Distributed by Jacaranda Wiley Ltd, ph (02) 805 1100; Sydney Esoteric Bookshop, ph (02) 212 2225, fax (02) 2ij 2 2448; UK-tlement Books Ltd, ph (01747) 85 1339; USAElement Books, Inc., Rockport, MA. This latest title from the authors of The Jesus Conspiracy contains more startling revelations about the life of Jesus Christ. It offers convincing, weU-ceferenced evidence of extensive Buddhist , on Jesus, his life and teachings. Authors Gruber and Kersten claim that Jesus was brought up by the TherapeutaeTheravada Buddhist missionaries to the bibJ.icallands, based near Alexandria-and that his spiritual development was continued by the Buddhist-influenced Essenes and Mandaeans. As further support of their claim, the authors explore tthe close parallels between early Buddhist texts and the so-called "Q" material-aphorisms recorded in the Gospels

of Matthew and Luke and considered to be directly attributable to Jesus. The Original Jesus traces the historical .' exchanges between the biblical lands and Indian culture~a trade not just in goods but ill mythology, religious ideas and philosophical systems. The facts surrounding the authors' portrait of a compassionate, loving, wise Christ are at odds with what has become Christianity according to the Church, so this work is controversial yet compelling reading.

UFOs: PSYCHIC CLOSE ENCOUNTERS/ THE ELECTROMAGNETIC INDICTMENT by Albert Budden Published by Blandford Books/Cassell PLC (1995), London, UK ISBN 0-7137-21421-8 (256pp sib) Price: AUD$19.96; STGf9.99; USD$n/a Available: Australia-Disl. by Capricorn Link, ph (02) 899 8322; Sydney Esoteric Bookshop, ph (021212 2225, fax (02) 212 2448; UK-Dist. by CasseillPLC, London, ph (01202) 67 0581; USA-Dis!. by Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 387 Park Ave, New York, NY 10016-8810, ph (212) 532 7160. According to British ufologist NIbert Budden, our concepts of what constitutes alien intelligence need to be revised. After many years of investigating reports of UFO sightings and close encounters, he presents his case for an hypothesis of "electro-staging" to explain many (but not all) of the characteristics of the experience. Drawing upon Michael Persinger's landmark mind research, as well as some famous case studies, Budden redirects the UFO mystery towards an exploration of the interaction between human unconsciousness, or the

NEXUS • 55




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unconscious intelligence, and electromagnetic fields. If human states of mind can be altered by natural changes in the Earth's magnetic fields as well as by the application of controlled frequencies for specific effects (a la Persinger), Budden theorises that in these days of global electromagnetic pollution the alien experience may be a side-effect of our own ever-expanding technology. Indeed, he claims that many psychic phenomena seem to be a function of such interaction. Originally a UFO believer, Albert Budden was a science-based sceptic until becoming disenchanted with the tendency to dismiss the unknown without tackling the unanswered questions. He claims his hypothesis is the result of a logical progression. Budden's thesis is a controversial approach that can't be ignored in any serious study of ufology or the unexplained. A BOOK OF COINCIDENCE: New

Perspectives on an Old Chestnut by John Martineau Published by Wooden Books (1995), The Walkmill, Cascob, Presteigne, Powys, Wales, UK ISBN 0-9525862-0-7 (132pp sib splbnd) Price: AUD$n/a; STG£11.95; USD$n/a Available: Australia-Sydney Esoteric Bookshop, ph (02) 212 2225; UK-NEXUS UK Office, ph (01342) 32 2854; USAAdventures Unlimited, ph (815) 253 6390. This is an awe-inspiring study of the geometry of the solar system and of the mathematical interrelationships between the planets. John Martineau has assembled such a




--- _._----


remarkable collection of diagrams illustrating the harmonies of planetary proportions that we can't help but conclude there is an organising principle at work in the cosmos. This is a subject many call "sacred geometry", because the same mathematical and geometric ratios occur in all our ancient mystery sites such as Stonehenge, the Gre-at Pyramid of Gizeh, as well as mcdiaeval cathedrals and even some modem churches. There is also a fascinating link Ibetween this geometry and many of the IUnhoaxed "crop circles", or formations as they should be called. (See story this issue.) A Book of Coincidence is an exceHent, well-illustrated and clearly presented book for anyone wishing to explore the many angles of sacred geometry (pun intended!).

THE COSMIC CONNECTION: Worldwide Crop Formations and ET Contacts by Michael Hesemann Published by Gateway Books (1995/96), Bath, UK ISBN 1-85860-017-0 (168pp sib) Price: AUD$35.95; STG£12.95; USD$19.95 Available: Austra'lia-Banyan Tree Book Distributors, PO Box 269, Stirling SA 5152, ph (08) 388 5354, fax (08) 388 5365; UKGateway Books, The Hollies, Wellow, Bath, BA2 8Q], ph +44 (01225) 83 5127, fax +44 (01225) 84 0012; USA-Adventures Unlimited, PO Box 74, Kemfton, IL 60946, ph (815) 253 6390, fax (815 2536300. This beautifully produced book, by Michael Hesemann, Editor of the German UFO periodical, Magazin 2000, chronicles two mysteries-crop circles and UFOs-and speculates on their cosmic connections.

, Many observers have seen UFOs and unexplained phenomena near crop circle formations all around' the world. Having spent . several years ,researching crop circles in England, Germany, the USA and Canada, Hesemann believes there are features common to both UFOs and crop circles, andl concludes that ETs have had a part in initiating crop circles over the last 30 years.. Hesemann includes an inspiring analysis of crop circle mathematics and symbologies and their similarities with glyphs and designs from ancient and indigenous civilisations worldwide. DraWling upon evidence-of ancient ET contact with Earth, Hesemann theorises on crop circles and their cosmic meaning and message. The Cosmic Connection is richly illustrated with full-colour photos of crop circles (up to 1994) and key sacred sites as well as some classic UFO pics. Fascinating material and an intriguing pcrspective.


~ ~ ENCHIRIDION TO THE TOTALITY by J. Fortnum and R. E. Bollard Published by Fortnum and Bollard (1993), Fyshwick, ACT, Australia ISBN 0-9520980-0-8 (300pp sib) Price: AUD$22.00 + $3 p&h in Aust. from authors; STG£14.99; USD$n/a Available: Australia-j. Fortnum and R. E. Bollard, PO Box 1622, Fyshwiok, ACT 2609, ph (06) 238 1443; UK-Watkins Books Ltd, 10 Cecil Court, Londoll, WON 4EZ, phi (011711) 8362182, fax (0171) 836 6700; USA-Waterstones bookstores, Boston and Chicago. "Enchiridion" is a Greek-derived word meaning "handbook", and this self-pubtished guide to understanding the Totality of exis-



tence is a distillation of ageless wisdom based upon direct experience. The authors spent many years exploring the mysteries ofhfe and consciousness amidst the timeless wird'erness of the Great Dividing Range, New South Wales. On their ~ourney' they arrived at states of realisation of absolute experience-the Totality-which utterly changed their reality viewpoints. This handbook is the result of their combined journey beyond the known, with the Totality as the ultimate reference point in life, living and beyond. Once discovered, there ,is a realisation that there is no other way to be. Fortnum and Bollard show how close this realisation is for all, and that, as we're all unique, our experiences are matchless and unpredictable in the Totahty. Enchiridion to the Totality is for those committed to finding absolu.te freedom, and for those who have merely an inkling of the possibilities and are cunous to understand more. But the pilgrim must to come Ito terms with no.tions suc.h as duality, suffering and belief-system enslavement to execute tile appropriate reality shifts!

Projekt UFO is a fascinating account of the history of UFOs, but from the perspective of their being man-made, not extraterrestriar ' craf1. . Author W. A. Harbinson submits evidence of Ailied pilots 'being tailed by strange 'fireballs' during night missions over Germany in 1945; of highly advancedl German science missions being secretly established underground in Antarctica in the final years of World War II; and of German prototype flying saucers !being constructed in Canada in the early I 950s-from where the UFO f1ypast over Washington, D.C., in 1952 may well have originated. Top-secret US-based operations from the 1950s are touched upon with anecdotal and archival photographic back-up. Of particular interest is Harbinson speculation about Antarctic flyin,g saucer activity noted during US Navy Rear Admiral Harley Byrd's 1947 4,OOO-man Antarctic expedition, code-named Operation Highjump. Forget ETs and ,invasions from space: the terrestrial scenarios Harbinson speculates upon are already frightening enough!

IPROJEKT UFO: THE CASE FOR MANMAlJE FLYING SAUOERS by W. A. Harbinson Published by Boxtree Ltd (1995), Broadwall House, 21 Broadwall, London SEI 9PL, UK ISBN 0-7522-0895-0 (282pp h/b) Price: AUD$J9.95; STG£16.99; USD$24.95 Available: Australia-DL~t. by Random House, iP-h (02) 954 9966; UK-Littlehampton Book Services, Littiehamptolll, W. Sussex, ph (01903) 76 2410, fax (1j1903) 73 0914; USA-Adventures IUnlimited,ll?O Box 74, Kempton, IlL 60946, ph +1 (815) 253 6390, fax +1 (815) 253 6390.

AIDS: THE GOOD NEWS IS HIV DOESN'T CAUSE IT... by Peter Duesberg, Ph.D. and John Y~amouyiannis, Ph.D. Published by Health Action Press (995), Delaware, Ohio,lUSA ISBN 0-913571-05-9 (200pp sib) Price: USD$15.00 Available: USA-Adventures Unlimited, PO Box 74, KempWn, IL 60946, ph (815) 253 6390, fax (815) 253 6300. This is a col1aborative work based partly on a 1993 lecture given by Dr P,eter Duesberg (Prof. of Molecular and Cell Biology at the

NEXUS • 57


REVIIEWS Uni. of Califomi a, Berkeley), well-knownand criticised=for his challenge of the HIVIAIDS hypothesis. The material is drawn also from Dr Duesberg's pUblished papers and' from crossexamination between Duesberg .and Dr John Yiamouyiannis (who does disagree on certain points). Dr Duesberg claims that all cases of AIDS (except for haemophiliacs1 can be explained by use of recreational drugs and DNAinhibiting chemotherapy, e.g., AZT and ddI. Once found to be HIV -positive, people are given immunity-suppressing drugs and ultimately get AIDS. Yiamouyiannis' view is that AIDS diseases-including cancer, weight loss and dementia-are the result of immune-deficiency and that an HIV-positive response can be an indication of a pre-existing immunedeficiency. TIlis book aims to demystify the AIDS mystery and.explain the AIDS conspiracy, but also gives common-sense advice on how to avoid! AIDS if you arc HIV-positive. It has an extensive reference bibliography covering AIlDS/HIV-related literature for interested researchers.

NEW WORLD ATLAS: Volume 2-Earth Changes Prophecies from the Ascended Masters for Japan/Australia/China/India by I!.ori Adail'e foye Published by Seventh Ray Publishing (1994) P.ays.on, Arizona, USA ISBN 1·880050-07-2 (139pp sib) Price: USD$17.00 Available: USA-I Am America, PO Box 2511, Payson, AI. 85547, ph +1 (602) 474 1341, fax +11 (602) 474 8799. This secQnd volume New World Atlas features Earth changes prophecies from the "Ascended Masters" for Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Philippines, India, and Siberia, as transmitted to Lori Toye. The Atlas comprises lessons of preparation from masters Mary, Sananda, Saint Germain and Kuan Yin on surviving the coming Earth changes, giving advice about eo-creation w,ith the elemental forccs--and on handJing it all with love and without fear. The second part presents 12 close-ups of "The Greening Map", and the scene over the next few hundred years would seem to be of many lands submerging and new areas rising=ecological alchemy of catastrophic proportions. Much of Australia's coastline is expected to be inundated; the contin:ent is seen to split from SA up to Cape York and create an inland sea; a huge bay is seen to form in the 58 • NEXUS



area between WA and SA; the Tasmanian land mass and a vast area from central Queensland out into the Coral Sea are seen· to expand-as are both north and south . isfands of New 'Zealand. Challenging information in these times of transformation.

THE BOOK OF MAGNETIC HEALING AND TREATMENTS by INoel C. Norris Published by International Research & Development Magnetic Health Products Organisation (1995), Bentl'eigh, VictQria, Australia ISBN 0-646-24986-2 (128pp I/f sib) Price: AUD$29.00 + AUD$1O.00 overseas airmail Available: Australia-Better Living Magnetic Therapies, 1006 Glenhuntley Rd, Caulfield South, Vic. 3162, ph +61 (03) 95635526, toll free 1-800-6AOo 638, fax +61 (03) 9563 5891. Designed as a manual for both the layperson and professional therapist, this book out· lines the theory and practice of ma'gnetic treatment in healing. It's a self-help guide to how and when to use magnets, which poles to use, how to diagnose and treat hypo- and hyper-conditions with magnets, how to overcome effects of EMR, how to make and apply magnetic water, and how to use magnets in preventive medicine. Author Noel Norris, a magnetic 'healer and a former pharmaceutical multinational executive, provides essential tips for tFeating an array of disorders from abscesses to whooping cough, as weI! as illustmtions to help locate spec.ific acu-points. This is a very handy reference book for practitioners and budding self·healers alike. GOATS MILK: THE NATURAL AUERNATIVE by Tlinsley Beck, B.A., M.Ed. Published by T. & M. Beck (1989), Gidgegannup, WA, Australia ISBN 0-7316-7581-9 (l60pp sib) Price: AUD$1(!l.OO inc. local p&h; + AUD$6.00 airmaill to NZ; AUD$l 0.00 airmail elsewhere Available: Australia~Beck's Goat Dairy, Lot 19 Bailup Road, Gidgegannup, WA 6083, ph +61 (09) 574 7169. Author and dairy goat farmer tinsley Beck sent us a cOlDY of his book after reading our "Perils ofPasteurised Milk" story in our last issue (NEXUS 2/27). Goats Milk: The Natural Alternative is a very readable, b'alanced argument covering the problems associated with drinking cow's milk as opposed to goat's milk, and the pros and cons of pasteurisation. Beck investigates important safety issues about raw milk vs pasteurised milk and goes OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995


~ REVIEWS into the nutritional aspects and health effects in some detail. For example, the symptQITIs of babies suffering colic disappeared completely after their mothers switched to drinking goat's milk. It seems that even with Beck's balanced treatment which draws upon the available mediealliterature, the case weighs in ,favour of goat's mi~k. Th"e reader is left considering making serious changes to dietary habits towards the health benefits offered by goat milk products.

LAST CAll: Modern Medicine's Impact On Freedom In The Era Of The New World Order by James P. Hilton Publ ished by International Press Publications (1994), Whakatane, New Zealand ISBN 0-473-02887-5 (84pp sib) Price: AUD$15.95 + AUD$2.00 p&h; NZD$16.95 + NZD$2.00 p&h Available: Australia-International Press Publications, 35/22 Commodore Drive, Paradise Waters Qld 4217, ph +61 (07) 55271097; New Zealand-Int. Press Publications, 150 King St, Whakatane, ph/fax +64 (07) 308 6728. James P. Hilton is a former US paramedic turned civil rights campaigner, writer, lobbyist, hunger-striker and whistle-blower. In this, his tifth book, he focuses on corruption in the medical/seientifie/pharmaceutical/ business worlds within the wider context of our diminishing personal freedoms. Hilton draws on a multitude of instances where big business and high technology interests have been poisoning us for decades-e.g., contaminating our water supOCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995

plies with fluoride and chlorine-thus limiting our potentia11 as effective human beings and even causing untimely dcath. HilLon argues that we cannot live in a 'free society' if individuals cannot escape the medical/scientific and government intervention in th.eir lives. WhiLe warning us about the increasing levels of surveillancc in our daily living, Hilton encourages us to speak ou~ if we want to save what's left of our freedoms. He includes an appendix with tips on how to write effective letters and press releascs, organise petitions/demonstrations/hunger strikeslboycotts, and gives a few pointers on whistle-blowing and non-violent civil disobedence. It may not ibe too late after all.

OXYG.EN HEALING THERAPIES by Nathaniel Altman Published by Healing Arts Press (1995), ~ochester, Vermont, USA ISBN 0-89281-527-2 (209pp sib) Price: AUD$26.00; STGÂŁ1O.99; l!JSD$12.95 Available: Aystralia-Sydney Esoteric Bo.okshop, 408 Elizabeth St, Surry Hills NSW 2010, pu(02) 212 2225, fax (02) 212 2448; UK-Deep Bo"oks, U/13, Cannon Wharf B/C, 35 Evelyn SI, London, ph (0171) 232 2747, fax (0171) 237 0067; USAInner Traditions, PO Box 388, Rochester, VT 057,67, ph ,toll free 1;800-488 2665. Bio-oxidative therapies have been used cxtensively in Europe for ovcr 30 yean to treat a varicty of medical conditions including asthma, cancer, heart diseasc and AIDS-yet medical practitioQcrs and suppliers in the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and more, have been raided, jailed without tlial, prosecuted, tined huge amounts of money, stripped of all assets and worse. Bio-oxidative therapies-such as infusion of ozone, intake of hydrogen peroxide-and their benefits have been ignored or slandered by the medicaVscientific establishment and the media. Yet despite the grudging recognition that most disease states are accompanied by cellular oxygen starvation, the bureaucracy is doing its best to eradicate these therapies. The crux of the matter is tha~ oxygen and ozone can't be patented. In Oxygen Healing Therapies, holistic therapist/author Nathaniel Altman cites documented case study evidence from Germany, Cuba, Russia, France and the US. He places bio-oxidative therapies in the context of holistic health, showing ,lilOW oxygen's therapeutic benefits can be enhanced with right attention to diet, exercise, speci fie mineraVherbal supplements, and even visualisation, for optimum health and vitality. Altman has included a useful resource/reference section for health consumers wanting to better infonn themselves about their healthcare options. Worth looking into!


NEXUS • 59




by David Yallop Published by Corgi Books/fransworld PiUblishers Ltd (1994), london, UK ISBN 0-552-12763-9' (798pp plb) Plrice: AUD$14.95; NZD$18.95; STGf6.99; USD$39.95 0. Cape hie) Available: Australia-Distributedl by Tlransworld Publishers; Sydney Esoteric Booksl1op, 408 Elizabeth St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010, ph (02) 212 2225, fax (02) 212 2448; [New Zealand/UK-Dist. by Tlransworld; USA~Dist. by Ballantyne Books/Ral1dom House, New York, ph (212) 572 2571.

Warning: This book is not just about "Carlos the Jackal"! David Yallop is the also the author of the well-read book, In God's Name, which explores the death of a recent Pope in terms of assassination, instead! of death by natural causes. As such, Yallop has earned a welldeserved reputation as a persistent and It'horough researcher acrOS$ the world. Drawing on his contacts in the shadowy field of intelligence and politics, David Yallop has compiled an amazing book 00 the p'olitics aod dynamics of global terrorism and the Middle East. Be warned, though: you willb not find the usual shallow research of black-and-white goodies and baddies. Tbis' book will shock you-aDd, by the way, it ,is an excellent and gripping read. It ranks in readability. up there with the best fictional spy dramas, des.pite being a non-fictionlIDook. 60 • NEXUS

Informed NEXUS readers will love 'Ihis book. You will discover how much rubbish we have been told, not only about Carlos the Jackal but about all terrorism. In fact, you will discover that some major 'terrorist' incidents were perpetrated by governments for their own internal agendas, and then biamed upon terrorists like Carlos. The side-effects of this are remarkable, as you will read for yourself. This is a must-read book for anyone seeking an overview of both the Middle !East's history and how terrorism fits into it:; >....AND THE TRUTH SHAll SET YOU

FRH by David !eke Published by Bridge of Love !Publications (1995), Isle of Wight, UK :I:SBN 0-9526147-0-7 (495pp sib) Price: AUD$29.95; STGÂŁ1O.95; USD$118.95 + p&h Available: Australia-NEXUS Magazine, PO Box 30, Mapleton, Qld 4560, ph (O74) 429280, fax (074) 42 9381; UK-Bridge of Love Publications, PO Box 30, IRyde, Isle of Wight P033 2NJ, ph (0115) 934 2049; USA-Adventures Unlimited, PO Box 74, Kempton, IL 60946,!ph (815) 253 6390, fax (815) 253 630(). 1i'his is going Ito be a controversial book, especially in the UK. For readers outside of the UK, David Icke is an extremely wellknown ex-TV sports presenter-cum-highprofile greenie. A couple of years ago he wrote a book, The Robots' Rebellion, which is essentially a conspiracy history of the world bot with a spiritual undertone. In that book, Icke made reference to the notorious 'Protocols of the Elders ofZion, and, boy, did the hatchets fly! If you read the so-called left-wing press in the UK, David Icke is now a neo-facist right-wing extremist because of that book. David also plugs NEXUS Magazine during his speaking tours, Which has also earned us the de facio right-wing-extremist tag in some circles. David has d'rawn upon many obscure books and magazines (like NEXUS) to expose an enormous web of interconnected international manipulation, with the same key people and organisations popping up repeatedly. To NEXUS reade'rs this is not a new concept, although I am sure many of the details in the book will be ncw to many. Again, there is an overalU spiritual, non-.dogmatic undertone that clearliy shows where the autl'ior is coming from. Thus there is no hate or anger at the gross ,injustices perpetuated on the m.asses by the few over the centuries. Instead, .there is a iJevel of understanding that stems from the heart of humanity. A must-read book! OCTOBER - NOVEMB,ER 1995

~ REVIEWS UFOs: SECRETS OF THE BLACK WORLD: The US Govt's Top Secret UFO Research Program Produced by 2000 Film Productions (1995), Dusseldorf, Germany Price: A'UD$49.95; STG£2S.00 (fOAl./VHS, 135mins) Available: Australia-NEXUS Magazine, PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560, ph +61 (074) 42 9280, fax +61 (074) 429381; UK-NEXUS Office, 55 Queens Rd, E. Grinstead, W. Sussex RH19 1BG, ph +44 (01342) 32 28'54, fax +44 (01342) 32 4574. This is yet another excellently produced and presented video by Michael Hesemann, editor of Magazi'n 2000 in Germany. Michael is also responsible for one of the best UFO documentaries available, UFOs: The Secret Evidence.

His latest work deals with the much, researched, and now well-visited Area 51 in the US stale of Nevada. This is the area you read about in all t.he UFO magazines as having crashed UFOs, dead alien bodies, and strange lights in the sky almost every night. Tbe documentary contains many interviews with people who claim to have worked at various 10catiO'ns in this vast facility, also known as "Dreamland"-peopie such as Robert Lazar, a nuclear physicist who claims he was hired to 'back-engineer' several types of alien ,cran at Area 51. AU in all, this is a documentary guaranteed not to disappoint! HOAGLAND'S MARS: Volume III THE MOON/MARS CONNECTION with Richard C. Hoagl'and Produced by B. C. Video Inc. (1994), Burlington, VT, USA Price: AUD$85.00; STG£2S.00; US$39.95 (PAL or NTSCNHS, 2-tape set, 3hrs) Avajlable: Australia-NEXUS Magazine, PO Box 30, Mapleton Qlld 4560, 'ph (074) 429280, fax ((J74) 429381; UK-NEXUS Office, ph (01342) 32 2854, fax (01342) 32 4574; USA-Adventures Unl'imited, I?O Box 74, Kempton, lL 60946,,ph (815) 253 6390, fax (815) 2536300. Presented for the first time ever at Ohio State Un~versity on 2 June 1994, this video uses NASA's own data ,to show tbe case for the existence of alien artefacts on our Moon. Using state-of-the-art computer image processing andl other analytical techniques, you are taken into a world of gigantic, mysterious structures where NASA says th_ere are none. Hoagland always puts togetheF a top-quality presentation, and this video is certainly up to his usual standards. Top viewing! OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995

ROSWELL: THE FOOTAGE Produced by Robert IKiviat (1995), UK Price: AUD$85.00 + AUD$4.00 p&h; STG£33.00 (PALNHS); tJSD$n!a (60mins, inc. 23mins autopsy footage) Available: Australia-UFO Experience Support Assoc. Inc. (UFOESA), PO Box 191, Regents Park, NSW 2)43, ph 018649 428; UK;;;;;;;Mer~in Tapes, PO Box 1790, Marl'ow, Bucks. SL7 2RS, ph +44 (01628) 487287; fax +44 (01628) 487377; tJSA-Trimark (somewhere in USA!). According to The Australian newspaper oJ 5th September '95, the Roswell documentary screened on the Nine network across Australia rated number one for the week, with close to 2 milli.on viewers! This one-hour video contains the full 23 minutes of auto.psy footage that has UFO buffs and sceptics alike buzzing like flies around a dead a'lien. Is it a dead alien, a US Government radiation experiment, a skinned monkey or a medical experiment gone wrong? [f it is an alien, did it come from the Roswell crash of 1947, or another such crash? You be the judge!

! .... '"

MAGNETS & IHEMTH: Don Lorimer's Biomagnetics with Don I~orimer and Dan Winter Produced by Daniel Winter & Friends/ Crystal Hill Farm {1994), Ed'en, NY, USA Price: ALlD$30.00 inc. p&h; airmail AUD$35.00 to NZ; AUD$47.00 to UK/Europe (PALNHS); USD$17.0G + p&h (NTSC!VHS) (~22 mins) Available: Australia-Cliff Pound, PO Box 202, Bangalow, NSW 2479; USA-Dan Winter & friends, 137 Biodome Drive, Waynesville INC 28786, ph +1 (704) 926 2200, fax (704) 926 9041. An exc.ellent video discussing the observed effects of magnets on living organisms. Includes healing effects, pain relief, magnetic rep.oJarisatiQn of the body, and even an amazing discussion towards the end regarding the regrowing of limbs aided by magnets. NEXUS • 61


REVIEWS SOUND OF DREAMS by David Such Produ.ced by David Such for Pleasure Center Productions (1995), Los Angeles, CA,USA Price: USD$14.99 + USD'$1.50 p&h (CD only) 05mins) Available: USA-Pleasure Center, PO Box 92, Claremont, CA 91711, ph {909} 625 5732; selected music shops. This very gentle combination of flute, flamenco guuar and percussion carries pictures of the cultures arouod the M"editerranean, Spain and North Africa, with an added flavour of North American flute. David Such is an innovative composer and musician who has trained in Arab and Western styles, s,peciaLising in both western and non-western flutes and clarinets. He combines these in a sweet, soulful album of relaxed moods that will take you to some very pleasant places in your mind. An extremely mellow performance.


;~dhl}(/} .';1;~,,,,

THE SNOW TREE by Sweet Rain Pro.duced by John Greenfieldl for Uncle Music (1994), Australia Price: AllD$29.95 (CD) (53mins) Available: Australia-Dis!. by Movieplay Australia, PO Box 575, Broadway, NSW 2WO, ph (02) 905 0199, fax (02) 905 6372; selected music shops. An all-Australian quality production of beautiful ambient music witli! depth and vibranoe. Several tracks from The Snow Tree were used as the background to Australia's Channel Nine's coverage of the 1994 Winter Olympics. The Snow Tree is a collection to listen to with friends or as quiet relaxation on your own. It's a tribute to Australian composition, and the album cover contains a !'>onus npage booklet of essential environmental photos as an added touch ,to this excellent production. Recommended.

62 • NEXUS


SPIRIT OF, AUSTRALIA !Produced by Wild Eagle Productions (1995), Easn Kew, Victoria, Australia P.rice: AUD$16.95 (cass.), AUD$24.95 (CD) (54milils) Available: Australia-Wild Eagle, PO Box 260, East Kew, Vic. 3102, ph (03) 981 5 1162, fax (03) 9819 4908. A first-release compilation of top Australian talent, whose music is distributed by Wild Eagle, representing a broad range of ambient musicians across the country-Ian Cameron Smith and his fantastic acoustic guitar, Vicki Hansen's deep heart Australian sound, Malcolm Harrison's piano, Cbris Buckman's "Pachelbel", Ken Davis's graceful sounds, Simon Lewis's beautiful coastal composition and Michael Wil'd's drifting eternal soundings. Spirit ofAustralia is a competent aDd delightful album promoting SOme of the best Australian composers. TRIBAL JOURNEY by Joe Giea and Friends Produced by Michael De Florio (1994) for World Wide Concepts/Larrikin Entertainment Price: AUD$27.95 (CD only) (3'7 rnins) Available: Australia-Disr. by ~arrikin Entertainment, PO Box 50~, Mascot, NSW 2020, ph (02) 70091'99, fax (02) 700 9155. A unique, experimental project album fusing Aboriginal rhythm with contemporary music, mixed with ambient exploratIons. A blending of different music styles done in such a way that willi intrigue. Snatches of deep tribal connections take you to some very primitive places on Tribal Joumey-a trip that will entrance and move you very deeply at the same time. Decidedly different music. QAWWALI: THE VOCAL ART OF THE SUFIS by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Produced by JiVC (1990), Tokyo, japan Price: AUD$18.95 (cass.), AUD$28.95 (CD) (61 mins) Available: Australia-New World Productions, PO Box 244, Red Hill, Qld 4059, ph (07) 367 0788, fax (07) 367 2441. If you haven't heard! this man sing before, you've missed a real treat. The sound of Nusrat AlIi Khan 'of Pakistan performing his fervent, dri.ving, religious music, called "Qawwali", is a sound to be savoured. Each moving and celebratory performance is c~ptured on just four long tracks here, each of about 15 minutes, giving ,plenty of time for enjoying the lead-and-answer response style of Qawwali. The vocalists are accompanied by drums and harmonium. A compelling and deeply infectious sound.


~ REVIEWS WHERE THE EARTH TOUCHES THE STARS (Vol. 1) by Ancient Brotherhood Produced by Astromusic (1995), New York, NY,USA Price: AUD$29.95 (CD); USD$9.98 (cass.), VSO$15.98 (CD) (47mins) Avail'able: Australia~New Age Media, PO ~ox 789, Frremantle, WA 6160, ph (09) 430 7777; USA-Audio Alternatives, PO Box 405, Chappaqua, NY 10514, ph (914) 238 5943, fax (914) 238 5944. This album builds a powerful, earthy connection to the planet and combines it with music straight from the stars. It was recorded in Sedona, Arizona, place of mystery, sacred! Earth energy and deep lirrks with the distant past. Gerald Jay Markoe is famous for his collection QfPl.eiadian music albums and his angdmeditation series. Here, joined by A. Brent Chase of the Navajo nation on native flute, he has produced an exceptional musical creation. }couId hear this over and over and not tire of the gutsy, earthy sounds of fiute and percussion. Highly recommended.

and traditional style. Hidden Waters/Sacred Ground combines Sophia's extraordinarily poweIfuI, golden voice with keyboards, zither, bamboo flute, violin and tambouras in an album that's become a classic of inspirational music. When Sophia sings, the angels' choirs respond from the heavenly realms and a new synthesis of Heaven and Earth is born. This is an album for healing your wounds and for rising above the mundane to new heights. Recently released on CD for the first time, it is thoroughly recommended. .: .... :z:'1-

WHERE WILD SALMON RUN by Native Ground Produced/composed lby Native Ground for Raven IRecords (1995), Red Bank, Nj, USA Price: AUD$18.95 (cass.), AUD$28.95 (CD); USD$9.95 (cass.', USD$14'.95 (CD) (65mins) Available: Australia-Dis!. by Wild Eagl'e Trading, PO Box 260, East Kew, Vic. 3102, ph (03) 9815 1162, fax (03) 9819, 4908; USA-Raven Recordlngs, PO Box 271, Cooper Station, NY 10276, ph (212) 505 7928, toll free 1-800-76RAVfN. This is an album dedicated to the places of wilderness left in the world. Native Ground, consisting of AI Schakman, Gordy Ryan and Gary Thomas, produced this live album in the islands of British Columbia, Canada. With the sound of some delightful percussion plus fresh, natural guitar and haunting didgeridoo, Where Wild Salmon Run captures a remarkably alive session of Earth tones and takes you on a virtual journey through the native grounds. DREAM

by Upalappa Srinivas and Mich.ael Brook


by Sophia Produced by Hidden Waters Sanctuary (1986, 1994), Carmel Valley, CA, USA Price: AUD$l 8.95 (cass.), AUD$28.95 (CD); USD$l 0.00 (cass.), USD$15.00 (CD) (46mins) Available: Australia-Dis!. by Wild Eagle Trading, PO Box 260, East Kew, Vic. 3102, ph (03) 859 3275, fax (03) 819 7182; USA-Dis!. by Ivory Moon Recordings, Wellesly, MA, ph (617) 237 6686, toll free 1-800-515 8515, fax (617) 235 6789; selected music shops. A deeply moving and evocative experience of sacred singing in Bengali, Lakota Indian OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 1995

Produc.ed by Michael Brook (1995) for Real World Records, Corsham, Wiltshire, UK Price: AUD$29.95 (CD); STG£12.99 (CD); USD$n/a (44 mins) Available: Australia-Dis!. by Larrikin Entertainment, PO Box SOl, Mascot, NSW 2020, ph (0'2) 7009199, fax (02) 7009155; UK-Real World Records, Box, Corsham, Wiltshire, SNi4 9PN, ph (01225) 743188, fax (01225) 74 348~; USA-Caroline Record's, 114 W. 26th St, New York, NY 10001, ph (212) 989 2929. Upalappa Srinivas is an Indian classical musician known as one of the greats in his home country. This album combines his virtuoso playing using a five-stringed electric mandolin, together with musicians from six countries. In Dream, Eastern and Western consort to produce a mixed mood piece of electrifying rhythms runnipg along the strings, juxtaposed with slow, peaceful, ambient drift tones. Very exciting and challenging music. Definitely worth hearing. NEXUS • 63


Fluoridation: Mind Control of the Masses? -

Continul'd from page 20

Some of the hazardous side-effects given in the medical hterature for fluorinated anaesthetics are diHicult to separate from tlhose effects intended to induce a hopefully controHable unconscious state. For example, under "toxic effects" are listed "respiratory depression", "depressant action on the cardiovascular system", "bradycardia and profound hypotension" (or slowing pulse and drop in blood pressure), "hepatic dlysfunction" (or liver damage), "Halothane blocks the transmission of nerve impulses rhrough ganglia" (or central nervous system inhibition), and "cardiac arrest" (or death). In other words, all Glf the anti-cholinergic effects variously in tended or variously inherent are induced by the fluorinated propellants, nuorinated pharmaceuticals and/or fluorinated tranquillisers and fluorinated exterminators. So far, these 'data' pages illustrate how fluorine and fLuorination have !been sold, packaged and/or prescribed for both public and professional credibility on 'health' grounds. The finaJ~ page deals with the same halogen as it really is, really was and always wm 'be, and as it is employed in


those products listed. It is one of the deadliest, multi-functional and insidious poisons known to mankind. It is significant, in the context of deliberate government mind-control and physical! chemical intervention, to note that in Australia the hazardous f1uor,inated antimetabolic agents and anti-cholinerg,ic agents enjGly federal and state government approval and subsidised distribution, whilst the safe nutritional substances, vitally necessary to combat and repaFr systemic chronic toxic ,injury wlfOught by the 'free drugs', are available only at considerable cost to the victim. Furthermore, the same bureaucracy that approved the 'killers' has sought to restriC'~ public access to thc remediaJf suppLemcnts. Some local cGluncils even infringe the laws of medical prescription and issue free sodium fluoride tablets for dosing of childrcn without any warning, much less any advice on antidotes. And those same government instrumentalities and ministerial 'heads' that oppose the ready availability of nutritional soppfements are the same ministers and public servants who lic, cheat, defraud, defame, blackmail and coerce to increase the distribution or compcl the ingestion of fluorides

and fluoridc-bearJing products; the same as those who, in defiance of the Australian Constitution (Section. 51 [xxiiiA]), legis~at­ ed to have the chemical domped into our drinking water supplies. To sum up the above, the killer drugs are approved, eocouraged or enforced and subsidised, while the vital remedial nutrients and metabolites {rendered necessary by the 'free' hazardous drugs) are not subsidised but availability is officially discouraged and obstructed.

FLUORINATED EXTERMINATORS Fluoridated Death (The ultimate: in mind and bebaviour control) - As with tranquillisers and anae'sthetics, chemical warfare gases are halogenated. Riot-control gases, tear gas or lacrimators employ either chlorine (chlorinated, e.g., mace) or bromine (brominatcd) as halogenators, but the lethal German-developed (I. G. Farben) Inerve gases Soman and Sarin are both fluorinatcd 'and replace.d the e.arlier chlorinated Tabun for spced and efficacy in killing the cnemy by their immediate anticholinergic agency. Continued on page 66

NEXUS • 65

Continued from page 63 -


I-SARIN: Isopropyl methy1phosphonofluoridate 2-S0MAN: Pinacolyl methylphosphonofluoridate. The almost immed'iate death caused by exposure to nerve gases is a result of instantaneous 'blocking' of cata'lysis and nerve action by the ffuorinated gas, by acute anti-cholinergic agency (enzymatic 'blocking') and consequent cessation of heart and lung function. Induded here ate two medical fluorinated compounds called: 3-DYFLOS (Di-isopropyl fluorophosphate): Designed to treat, inter alia, the eye disease of glaucoma, it is described in the literature as an "irre versitle cholinesterase inhibitor [anti-cholinergic agent] and the toxic effects may be prolonged. Systemic toxicity occurs after inhalation of the vapour." 4-FLUOROURACIL: Uracil is an essential human metabolite. It ~s fluorinated in a 'last resort' attempt to control ,the growth and/or destroy cancer cells thmugh enzyme (DNA and RNA) 'blocking' activity. "The toxic effects are severe and some-

times fataL" It is often paradoxical in action andl actually provokes cancer. Sideeffects, all severe and' numerous, are Ehose as'sociated with other fluorinated anticholinergic agents set out previously. The physiological consequences attending this deliberate fluorinatio~n of a human metabolite illustrates the deadly peril of any fluorination process but, in particular, the fluorination of a vital metabolite (rendering it anti-metabolic in action), human electrolyte or essential nutrient such as water. 5-FlUOROACETAMIDE (Compound 1081): Anothe.r instance of a vLtal metabolite, 'acetamide' being converted (halogenated) to a potent anti-metabolite by fluorination. In Britain, this product, a close chemical cousin to Ehe stuff used to fluorinate water supplies and toothpastes, etc., "is restricted to the extermination of rats ,in ships and sewers". 6-HYDROFLUOROSILICIC ACID (fluorosilicic acid, hydrofluoric acid): A toxic 'waste product' of the fertiliser industry, it is now used for fluoridation of drinking water. To quote from medical literature,

"Warning: Inhalation Hazard. Inhalation of hydrolluorosilicic acid from soaked cot,ton clothing could cause irreversible lung damage in one minute" due to anti-cholinergic acti vity. 7-S0DIUM FLUORIDE: A 'waste product' of the aluminium industry and used in fluoridation of drinking water, this hazardous intractable garbage has become, by dint of promotion and sly public re-education, the active ingredient in fluorinated pesticides, fungicides, nematocides, rodenticides, anaesthetics, tranquillisers, fluorinated medications (pharmaceuticals), a number of industrial and domestit:- products, fluorinated dental gels, rinses and toothpastes. In other words, sodium fluoride is so much a part of multibillion-dollar industrial and pharmaceutical income that any withdrawal for any reason by the promoters, the fi!tuoridationists or by anyone who has supported them for whatever purpose is impossible on a fiinancial basis, embarrassing on a reputation basis, and unthinkable on a legal basis. 8-S0DIUM FLUOROACETATE (Compound 1080, as No.5 above): This seems to be the preferred 'exterminator' for

- .

• lJt b:


J y"j ~

66 • NEXUS


- Fluoridation: Mind Control of the Masses? rodents, etc., on the proclaimed grounds that it is slightly less hazardo\is for numans. Death by 1080 will take a little longer and be slightly less painful than death by 108\. It will, however, be no less permanent. 9-S0DIUM SILICOFLUORIDE: This waste product of the fertiliser industry is used in fluoridation of drinking water. By international law it must be removed from fertiliser so that pastures, c.rops, sheep and cattle will not be harmed!. That it is then sold for disposal through the colltmunity kidneys is not a matter of international concern. Until this more profitable use was found, it was used almost exclusively as an insecticide and rodenticide-ani exterminator. Whik this thesis is directed at the 'grass roots' where people are most likely to be affected (as a result of being screened from the truth), there will be some who, retaining tthe foolish Ibut imp1lanted 'reference complex', will need to verify the content. This will be a simple matter for ~heir own or public hbrary sources without biased prompting by >the author. That said, the author acknowledges the considerable vaJ'ue of the following for evi-


dential support of this thesis: • The Extra Phannacopoeia, Martindale, editions nos. 25 and 27 • Encyclopaedia Britannica, ed. no. 15. • The Unseen Hand, by Ralph Epperson. • The Case Against Fluoridation, by Lee Hardy • Operation Mind Control, by WaHer Bowart • World Without Cancer, by G. Edward Griffin • The Crime and Punishment of I. G. Farben, by Joseph Borkin • Certain unrefuted, unchallenged correspondence, allegations and scienttific papers by tne author.

EPILOGUE Since it was the parliamentary activities of Harley Rivers Dickinson, Member for South Barwon (Victoria), that prom,pted the research that led to writing of this thesis, it is fitting that the epilogue shoul'd refer to more representational work on the same subject (fluoridanion of water by the same Member in the same Parliament. In February 1983, Harley Dickinson placed two "questions on notice" to >the

then Minister for Health, T. Roper, on behalf of his Geelong district constituents. The first question was in 10 part!> and Ithe second in eight parts, affordling some excuse for delay in preparing comprehensive answers. . The questions were answered and recorded in Hansard of 7 April 1988 by the now-displaced T. Roper, on behalf of the present Minister for Health, D.' White, more tban five years after the asking-a period of waiting intolerable in a health matter, even were the ques~ions answered in a generally responsible fashion, which they certainly were not. _- . Without going into the detail of questions and answers, having !pointed out the extreme and perilous lassitude of the (Victorian) State Government, suffice it to remark that the answers varied from patent falsehood to inadvertent exposure of ministerial fraud; from the repeated quoting of proven fraudulent 'evidence' to accurate but selected part-quotations of literature evidence; from admissions of impropriety by the Victorian bureaucracy to baseless assertions. --

Continued on page f>8

NEXUS • 67



Fluoridation _

Continued from page 67

CONCLUSION This story is full of overlapping, interwoven, interlocking circumstance beyond the statistical or reasonable bounds of chance or coincidence. Pursuing each facet, each tortuous avenue from "The Dickinson Statement" as a starting point will confound and dumbfound the pursuer with still more mind-boggling information. The histories of Ceci1 Rhodes, Rhodes Scholarships and its recipients, the Fabian Society, the Bilderbergers, the US Federal Reserve, the Illuminati, international banking, the House of Rothschild, and General Aniline and Film, are just a few of the 'av-enues' to be explored that will make y<mr hair 'stand on end'!


Copies of The Dickinson Statement are available for $6.00 each (Australia), or $7.00 each (ainnaill to NZ), ,from:

The Australian Fluoridation News GPO Box 935G, Melbourne, Vic. 3001 Fax: +61 (03) 5924544 (Subscriptions: 6 issues per yeaT, AUD$15.00 for AustINZ; or AUD$20.00 for overseas countries airmail)


68 • NEXUS


-------~-----OCTOBER -


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