spent the last 15 years of my life primarily involved as a defence counsel at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and in the Hague at the ICC in the Kenya case. And we recently published a book called “Justice Belied: The Unbalanced Scales of International Criminal Justice”. I’ve been asked to speak about false flag. Often there is a form of provocation or an event which occurs setting off a conflict which creates a huge media encouragement for the war, and it is often done by an innocent party. And we’re living in a time of extreme war – it was pointed out in the opening speech that we’re not at peace. In fact, since at least 1990, we’ve been more at war than ever. The Cold War was also a very “hot” war, and since the end of the Cold War’s it’s got hotter. We know that the Nazi rise to power – the Reichstage fire was a fake. We know that in Iran in 1952-53, the CIA hired Iranians to pose of communists in order to justify the overturning of the Iranian government that led to the Syah and to destabilisation. I understand that when the coup d’état was supposed to take place in Venezuela in February, that the Israeli-Us-Canadian conspiracy, and it was that, with some local Venezuelans, had a plane which they painted with the decorations for the Venezuelan Air Force and they were going bomb the President. So there’s another example what was stopped, but it was a false flag, it was supposed to be a coup d’état organised by the Venezuelan army, in fact it was fake. We’re living in a very dangerous period. We cannot sum it up lightly. I’m gonna look a bit at Central Africa since the early 90s. I’m going to refer briefly to 9-11 because people here have discussed and studied 9-11 much more than I have; the Ukrainian coup. And we all suspect that what led to the war in Iraq and 9-11 was in fact a third force, probably closer to the US government than to an enemy, and this false attack led to the wars which we have seen in Afghanistan and Iraq, Syria probably, Libya. We can have a brief look at February 2014 in the Ukraine and the attacks where snipers shot at government people, at crowds, and it seems there was a consensus that the sniper was a false flag. People aren’t sure who the culprit was but it seems to have been a faked attack which led to a complete change in European-RussianAmerican relations. It’s a terrifying situation where we have the resurgence of fascism, which my father fought against in Italy – many people fought – and we now see it’s not a national liberation struggle, it is an attempt to impose fascism engineered, probably, by the United States and is terrifying for all of you in Asia because Europe does not want to have a war with Russia. I want to concentrate on Africa, partly because it is my expertise. And I note that the video that we saw at the beginning, the first reference was, “5.5 million deaths” in Kivu, the area of the Congo just west of Lake Kivu. I don’t like bandying around figures, but there’s been many many millions of deaths. Probably the greatest number of deaths in a conflict since the Second World War. Canada was involved, United States was involved, Britain was involved. It’s a bit like
this Anglo-Saxon war-making conspiracy. And there is a very interesting book in French by Patrick Bakel which talks about the development of the Rwandan Patriotic Front which led to the taking over of all of Central Africa and the riches of the Eastern Congo – very important. I will give you a synopsis. But of the functioning by proxy force, the governments of Uganda, Rwanda and, eventually, the Congo, behind American-CanadianBritish interest. The topic of this presentation is false flag. Now where are the false flags in this event? There was a war which lasted from October 1st, 1990 until April 6, 1994, almost 4 years. It was the Rwandan Patriotic Front, a branch in the Ugandan army – it wasn’t an uprising, it was an invasion – fought and negotiated with the UN, stopped, and started the war again, and they had troops at the centre of Kigali – and, by the way, Rwanda was a very sophisticated country, very developed, highly educated. Everybody was watching a football game on April 6, 1994. Many friends were there. There was a big explosion, and the President’s plane, in which there were 2 Presidents, dignified men, members of their army, French military flying the plane; it fell in, ironically, his own garden, by his own flowers – he was a peaceful man. And all hell broke loose. Now, I live in Canada. What did we hear? We heard that the radical Hutu shot down their President’s plane. On the spot, people who were working with the UN mission, they all knew it was the RPF, Paul Kagame, who shot down this plane. And yet, the media said, “the radical Hutu had shot down the President’s plane in order to unleash a genocide of the Tutsi by the Hutu.” In fact, all hell did break loose. In the east of Rwanda – and it’s coming out, the documentation is coming out right now, Judy River, a Canadian journalist, is bringing these issues out. She’s being threatened by the Rwandan government, as are many other people including myself. We’re being killed in our own country. Cause they do it – they killed people in South Africa last, they killed people in Tanzania, they killed people in Kenya, former people who left the government. So, they, in fact, did kill a lot of Hutu in the east, and as the war progressed, the conflict between Hutu and Tutsi blew up and there were a lot of deaths – unplanned. And in the streets – this is a very complicated issue and there’s a lot of debate about how it all happened and what exactly happened. There’s considerable evidence that the gangs who were killing each other in the Hutu groups, there were, in fact, provocateurs from the RPF trying to excite the violence. So, a lot of people died, and no one is denying the horrors of these 3 months, but
what we are denying is that it was a planned genocide. And I’ve spent 12 years at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda where all the forces of some parts of the UN tried to prove that our clients had planned the genocide. It never succeeded. Millions of dollars spent. There was no conspiracy. We defended the brotherin-law of President Habyarimana who, in fact, during the war was hiding. He was allegedly the person who organised the genocide. And he was acquitted after a long, hard trial. We’re not talking about false flag. People are talking about where to go forward. The way of preventing war is to understand how wars start, and debunk the lies. And when the lies come out, they will come at you so hard that you can almost be knocked over by them yourself. It’s chilling and frightening when we talk about media today. I am worried about this, and I’m also confident that we can understand the genesis of these wars and it will come out in different ways. I’m very frightened about the situation of Israel right now and the threats of new wars, possibly in northern Lebanon; intervention in Syria, the alliance between Saudi Arabia and Israel with the war on Yemen. I think we have to set aside the sectarian analysis of these wars – and the people from Saudi Arabia, Iran or Syria can correct me – but I understand that the alliances are not sectarian. My reading, basically from Michel Chussodovsky’s website is that the war in Yemen is not SunniShia. I understand that Syria is multiconfessional, Iran is essentially Shia – they were allies. I think we have to understand that the issues are political. Where do we go in the future? Previous speakers have been unable to answer that, and I think they are right, because if we had a magic solution, then we are generally lying, or exaggerating, or being too confident. However, there are certain movements which I consider very important. The Boycott-DivestmentSanctions movement against Zionism is very strong. It’s very strong in Europe. It’s shamefully not strong enough in Canada. My country, unlike 20 or 30 years ago where it had some
independence, is more Zionist almost than the United States, unfortunately. The BDS movement is very important and I urge the world, in my humble way, to get involved in the BDS movement. Apartheid in South Africa, one of the key factors in its collapse was the boycott. Israel, right now, has placed BDS as one of their strategic areas which they have to fight against. I am very pleased to have participated in the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, which I have studied myself before I actually had contact with them, because it criminalised the planning of aggressive war which is the first time since Nuremberg where that was actually spelled out so clearly. The ICC is not going to do it – not going to criminalise the crime of aggression. It’s going to be gone like spelled out in our book, unfortunately, hopefully it can change. I also refer, a little bit, to the story of the youth – and I see a lot of youth in the room, and it’s very heartening. When I was called a little over a month ago to be present here, I was in El Salvador as an observer to the elections where the FMLN has the Presidency, and if you were
a member of the FMLN – the people who fought the United States for a long time, and had some success, and ended up negotiating, and it’s a good negotiation because they are still surviving and they are – and we were, in the election, called in by the FMLN to be observers; and what struck me is the youth. There were so many young people in these electoral hall – huge crowds of people supervising the elections, fighting every point, ensuring that every vote counted. And so I’d like to leave you now saying that I’m very optimistic for the future. I urge the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal to move on. I’ve read Michel Chussodovsky’s letter suggesting that the Tribunal take other charges against leaders which are presently active. I think it may be a step because there’s a lot of planning and wars are going on, frighteningly.