How to win friends and inf luence p e o p l e - t o ge t y o u r j o b n o w. A n d w h e n i t c o m e s t o ge t t i n g a j o b i n t h e 21 s t c e n t u r y … i t ’ s the secret of success. Lean, Trim, Clear, Ideas, Smart, Engaging, Compelling, Simply Delivered to any phone, any computer, on jobs becomes increasing more competitive, the individual who can define their idea, their experience and their value-add in a one-page proposal to an enterprise that conveys how by working together with you they can achieve greater success has a greater chance of landing a job. It’s a lesson entrepreneur Patrick Riley learned through experiences that combined personal power, the power of a good idea, plus the power of a one-page proposal to get people jobs all over the world. And now, in The Resume Is Dead introducing The One-Page Job Proposal, he shares his secret strategy – the one that has produced extraordinary results for himself and job seekers worldwide. The resume is dead! A new age now begins. Job success in the 21st Century involves new rules of engagement. In spite of the power of the Internet to disseminate thousands of resumes to thousands of employers through Internet job matching companies, no real connections are being made. The Internet is 10 to the power of infinity - accelerating the information about a job seeker AWAY from the human connection with the potential employer to a “place far away.” The multiplier effect of the Internet killed the resume as a marketing tool. It dehumanizes the process – effectively marginalizing the personal attributes of passion, will, courage and creative thinking. The resume is like one hand clapping. It is all about the job seeker, not about the job initiative. It is not engaging. And because electronic resumes are flooding employers and because one person of no distinction can send out a resume to 5000 companies tying up substantial resources, the companies are using computers to sort the resumes! The resume process as it stands today has made the process of getting a job impersonal, and more importantly it has hijacked the “can do” spirit of the New Frontier for
top of any preferred social network or - the human way - by hand to them personally. As competition for real
the individual seeking to make a contribution through his or her work. Meanwhile employers are very much follow your instincts, to be self-reliant, to become what you can, to own your life, to pioneer your own opportunities, to own your own job search, to adopt a positive attitude, to contribute good ideas that can make those enterprises of interest to you more successful and most importantly shows you step-by-step exactly how to get your job right now.
Patrick G. Riley is the principal of Geniisis Agents with business interests worldwide. He is a Chairman of The One-Page Company run by his daughter and CEO Joanna Riley Weidenmiller. Both are natives of San Franscisco.
Author photograph by James Whitcomb Riley
The One-Page Job Proposal® A Branded imprint of The One-Page Company Ideas Simply Delivered™
looking for the best people to work in their companies. This book shows you the Way. It encourages you to
The Resume is Dead! Introducing
• figuring out where you want to work • organizing your ideas • finding just the right words • getting it all on 1-page • standing out among the competition delivering your proposal to the right person • receiving a rapid and POSITIVE r esponse By the author of
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