Hope Doctors - For a healthy mind.

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“Because the Stigma will not end until the Silence does� Hope Doctors The most important part about medical attention for mental disease is receiving it on time. Depression tackled effectively, disorders harnessed at early stages and suicides can be prevented if proper guidance and treatment is timely. Delays in getting appointments with psychiatrists, psychologists or counsellors is a major problem in our country, with easy access limited only to those with a high level of influence or income.

But there is Hope.... Presenting Hope Doctors - a reliable platform to guide, assist and rehabilitate those suffering from mental illness. It aims to provide patients instant access to a panel of reputed medical professionals via a network that will be available to them around the clock. Mental illnesses have always been kept hidden by many for fear of social alienation or embarrassment. Hope Doctors is here to change the way mental illnesses are perceived by providing quicker services to those in need and online help that is effective and private.

Mental Health Scenario in INDIA According to the WHO research, India has been coined as the world’s most depressed nation

Approximately 200 million Indian citizens suffer some form of mental health issue

Social stigma remains an obstacle to helping Indians cope with mental health illness.

Less than 29% of the mental health cases in India receive the required professional help


The government spends 0.06% of its health budget on mental health, according to the WHO Mental Health Atlas

An estimated 71 million, i.e. 6.5% of the total Indian population suffers from severe mental illnesses* Source: *As per the Government of India’s National Commission on Macroeconomics and Health Report of 2005

78.2% of India’s total student body (31,50,00,000) faces either minor, moderate or major depression*

42.5% An astounding 42.5% of India’s private sector employees suffer from a form of mental health issue**

1,44,00,000 people need help with addictions and substance abuse primarily consisting of drugs and alcohol.

India has a total of 4 million terminally ill patients (HIV/AIDS and Cancer) who are in dire need of support

94,00,000 An average of 94,00,000 deaths are seen every year, many grieving families are left with no source to find solace

9,00,00,000 Global suicides are highest among people 70 years and above, ***India has a senior citizen population of 9,00,00,000

Sources: *

2,00,00,000 Each year, India sees roughly 2,00,00,000 births leaving as many mothers to tackle Post-Natal Depression on their own

Study of Proportion and Determinants of Depression among College Students. ** According to Economic Times article dated July 03, 2015. *** Suicide prevention: an interview with Dr. Shekhar Saxena, WHO.

The BIG QUESTION in the minds of educators, policy makers and parents is WHETHER THERE IS A REAL NEED FOR COUNSELING IN INDIAN SCHOOLS? The answer is Yes. We live in a me marked by rapid change. All of us are faced with the challenge of adjus ng to a world that is no longer as predictable and secure as it once was, and for children, growing up is more difficult than ever before. Although many young people are able to master these life challenges, childhood stress is at epidemic propor ons- and childhood depression and suicide are also on the increase. These problems make a drama c statement about how difficult it is for many youngsters to cope with contemporary issues as well as with the typical milestones that characterize childhood development.

Our team of experts at Hope Doctors will customize a program, that is unique to your school according to your specific requirements. THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS PROGRAM WILL BE: • To help youngsters learn posi ve mental health concepts.

• Raising emo onally healthy children and adolescents.

• Reducing stress amongst students and teachers.

• To make be er decisions and help them with problem solving.

• Preven ng psychological problems and serious psychiatric disorders.

• Improving interpersonal rela onships.

• To help them perform be er academically and also in the extracurricular ac vi es.

• Equipping students with skills to cope with life problems. • Helping students to deal with developmental issues.

• Improving compliance with parents and teachers. • To deal with issues like drugs, bullying, conflicts.

• Saving valuable resources of schools and parents by boos ng produc vity of students and preven ng psychological problems. • Building a posi ve image of schooling, studies and life in students.

It is impera ve that Parents & Teachers are included in this process to: Understand that each child is unique and accept every student as he/she is. Iden fy learning disabili es of the students. Iden fy psychosocial adjustment problems of the child. Choose ways to bring the best out of each student. Promote overall development of the students.






4 out of 10 Indian Professionals suffer from general anxiety disorder or depression across the metropolitan ci es.

In the list of the top diseases that affect corporate execu ves, depression (42%) ranks at the top, followed by obesity (23%), high blood pressure (9%) and diabetes (8%). The top 3 ci es where professionals were the most prone to depression were Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai, in that order.

100% 55% 25%



>30 30/40

What's more concerning is the age distribu on of the respondents. Over half (55% to be precise) were under the age of 30 and a quarter were between 30 and 40 years.



WHAT affects our employees? 78%










The revela ons are startling, hence the dire need for workplace counselling. Source: ASSOCHAM Survey 2015

WHAT troubles employees most? STRESS is taking a heavy toll on workers these days 62.14 % 17.14 % 6.43 % 4.29 % 4.28 % 2.86 % 1.43 % 1.43 %

Work stress Job insecurity / dissa sfac on Difficulty in peer rela onships Survivor syndrome Redundancy, actual or threat Difficul es with line managment Sexual harassment Changes in work roles

Source: PPC Worldwide, based on a study for the Oct’11 to Oct ‘12 Period

Sad, Lonely, Overworked 77% 66% Want to share their highs and lows with someone


Work harder than they want to due to compe ve environment

Working professionals feel lonely

57% Losing touch with emo onal side due to over dependence on technology

Workplace counselling can be defined as the provision of PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY FOR EMPLOYEES of an organiza on that is paid for by the employer. Benefits for Employees: Ÿ

Easy access to a qualified and supervised prac



To come up with construc ve solu ons for hurdles coming their way rather than trea ng them as burden


Provides support and helps the individual to understand and help him/herself


Helps iden fy problems and clarify issues


Helps in be er decision making


Coping with the situa on and the stress


Alternate solu ons to problems


Reduced risk of the diagnosis of a psychiatric disorder

Benefits for Employers:

How can Hope


Offers employer a service that is valued by the employees


Decrease costs related to a ri on, burnouts, absenteeism & accident-related disability


Improvement in employee performance & therefore increase in produc vity


Offers a construc ve solu on in dealing with 'difficult' staff or situa ons


Contributes to their reputa on as a caring employer

Doctors add value?

Ÿ Our in-house mul lingual therapists are constantly trained and evaluated. They can work

hand-in-hand with your HR team to add value to your exis ng employee welfare program. Ÿ

Our therapists are trained in Ra onal Emo ve Behavior Therapy (REBT)* and Cogni ve Behavioral Therapy (CBT).** They bring with them exper se in Industrial Psychology which contributes to the organiza on's success by improving the performance, mo va on and overall health and well-being of its employees.


Each of your company's employees will receive individual counselling sessions with our therapists.


Besides individual counselling sessions our therapists will also undertake quarterly seminars to discuss general issues related to workplace stress, anxiety, team building, etc.

*Ra onal Emo ve Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a prac cal approach to assist individuals in coping with and overcoming adversity as well as achieving goals.

**Cogni ve Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help a person manage their problems by changing the way they think and behave.

The fear of being judged and sharing of personal informa on could make a person vulnerable and can be a deterrent to avail individual counselling sessions. We at Hope Doctors understand that confiden ality is cri cal to the success of any workforce counselling program. It is the responsibility of Team Hope Doctors to protect the iden ty of individuals who use the service and assure them that they can trust the counselor with their most private concerns. All communica on between a counselor and an individual is privileged and carefully protected.

OUR SERVICE CATEGORIES Gender Identity & Sexual Preference Therapy For Educational Institutions

Abuse: Verbal, Physical & Sexual

Substance Abuse Sexual Dysfunction, Relationships & Marriage Counseling

Industrial Psychology for Corporates

Depression & Suicide

Disorders: Eating, Sleeping, Mood & Personality

Patients suffering from Terminal Illnesses Children, Adolescent & Teen Counseling

Pre and Post Pregnancy Counseling

Mental Wellness Counselling Pvt. Ltd. 555/556, 2 Trade Centre Olympus Bldg Compd M.M.C. Road, Mahim (W) Mumbai 400 016, INDIA

Loss & Bereavement

info@hopedoctors.com www.hopedoctors.com

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Stress & Anxiety Management

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