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Past Presidents The Presidents’ Message
The President’s Message
Greetings Brothers,
Welcome to our new Brothers who have just completed our initial membership development process who are now duly initiated members of our glorious fraternity. This is a joyous time for us as a chapter and for the fraternity as a whole.
Sadly this time is tempered by the recent loss of a relatively young brother in our chapter who has transitioned from Mu Lambda Chapter to Omega chapter.
This makes me reflect on the privilege and honor of having so many good men being a part of my life who are my Brothers. I feel very fortunate and proud. The expansion of our personal circles is phenomenal and with it comes the occasional losses.
“Goodwill is the monarch of this house. Men, unacquainted, enter, shake hands, exchange greetings, and depart friends. Cordiality exists among all who abide within”, captures for me again this moment in my Alpha and life’s journey.
We are a strong and resilient chapter, part of a strong resilient and purposeful fraternity. I thank you Brothers for all that you do for me, each other and all of mankind.
Brother John “Tony” Wilson, President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter