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The Vice-Presidents’ Message

The Vice President’s Message

Marching Orders


A new month is here, and with her dusk, a season rises. We slowly say our goodbye to Winter weather here in the D.M.V. and prepare for hedge trimming, flowers blossoming and yards crawling with new life. Yes - March is here. Though, Jack Frost and Wendy the Winter Lady is not fully beyond us, this winter ending feeling brings hope for some relief from the mandates that have cooped up from our fraternal plans for 2 years and shaped us into who we are today in 2022. Though resilient, I know brothers are ready to come out of this period of hibernation. I am with you all.... Safely, but still ready for new normals.

Masks are still expected though more people are relaxing their usage. Non-mask wearing in the District is still being given a slight side-eye from the regular Joe, but I have to take time to be grateful with this practice. Though I miss seeing the beautiful faces of our nubian kings and queens, I have to think, in 2018, had I thrown a mask over my face in the midst of “living while black” - I could have had multiple outcomes for this, which is now a “common activity”. The mask wearing will possibly become a part of our norms for the next few months, possibly years, but I have to exclaim that thanks to a pandemic - black men globally aren’t being initially seen as threats, predators and thugs whilst covering their faces, but as practicing proper precaution. #ThankYouPandemic.

Within the change of season I am also troubled by the thought that the world is at the edge of a brewing war. The invasion of Ukraine by Russian armed forces has created some angst, and the discomfort is now being exacerbated by the imagery of African students and other persons of color being discriminated against in the midst of their plight to leave the war-torn city of Kyiv. A new season is upon us, but the times are yet to change. The ugly undertones of racism pops it’s head up to remind us regularly what we fight for as a Fraternity and Brotherhood. Our local voice is important - but our international cries must be heard.

To change the tune of the message, Yamacraw! - February has given us the desire to dig into this unincorporated community in Pender County, North Carolina, United States. Is it a real place? What is it doing in the middle of my message?

To everyone who has an idea of what Season 1, Episode 3 of Bel Air, has gifted our Fraternity, you will indulge me for the closing remarks of my March message. A rebirthed “Fresh Prince of Bel Air” has reshifted one of the main characters of the show, Uncle Phil, to be an ALPHA MAN in his character. Not to spoil the show for those who haven’t seen it, I want to applaud the writers for briefly touching on some of the more valuable assets of our brotherhood without being disrespectful to our credo. The message in this dramatic reboot “springs” many healthy conversations. This month brothers, I hope we can find our old College Souls as was pulled out in this episode of Bel Air. It is time to reactivate our fraternal bonds and give space to the upliftment of the Mu Lambda brand and brotherhood. I encourage us all to give wind to this spirit, doing everything that is needed to build this house. Secure, Strong, Stable. I look forward to continuing to serve.

March on my Brothers!

Brother Mikael LaRoche, Vice-President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

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