4 minute read
Literary Society
Greeting Brothers,
The 2019-2020 fraternal year has been dedicated to rediscovering our brotherhood. We serve the community, but we have been neglecting our bond of brotherhood.
Starting Tuesday, May 7th, Mu Lambda will be rolling out and hosting the Mu Lambda Literary Society, every week at 7:00 pm. The Mu Lambda Literary Society is a Mu Lambda initiative, where we come together as brothers and discuss the two volume Alpha history book over a period of months. It will be facilitated by a different brother each week. Brothers can participate via conference call.
We will start with volume 1, chapter 1 of the twenty second printing of the history book and conclude with volume 2, chapter 8. There are twenty chapters in volume 1 and eight chapters in volume 2.
This is totally voluntary. If you are interested, participate for the weeks that you can. You are not required to purchase the new history book. Brother Robert L. Harris, Jr. our National Historian and author of Volume II in participating the sessions.

Volume I Lesson Date
Chapter I The Origin of Alpha Phi Alpha April 21 Chapter II The Period of Consolidation April 28 Chapter III The First Steps in Expansion April 28 Chapter IV Local and National Strivings May 5 Chapter V Permanent Foundations May 5 Chapter VI Expansion and Internal Development May 12 Chapter VII The Leaven of Self-Examination May 12 Chapter VIII The War Interlude May 19 Chapter IX A Definite Program May 26 Chapter X The Crowning Years June 2 Chapter XI Advancement in Spite of the Depression June 9 Chapter XII The Widening Social Program June 16 Chapter XIII Education and War June 23 Chapter XIV A Militant Liberalism June 30
Volume II Lesson Date
Chapter XV The Concept of Progress July 7 Chapter XVI The Golden Anniversary July 14 Chapter XVII Shaping the Future on the Basis of the Past July 21 Chapter XVIII The Continuing Challenge July 28 Chapter XIX New Goals for Old August 4 Chapter XX Social Purpose and Social Action August 11 Chapter I Back to Basics August 18 Chapter II Achieving Tomorrow: An Agenda for the 80’s August 25 Chapter III Strengthening Internal Capacity for Greater Service September 1 Chapter IV Facing Our Future with a Future September 8 Chapter V The Alpha Renaissance: Rekindling the Spirit of Leadership and Community Service September 15 Chapter VI Vision 2000: The Light of a New Day September 22 Chapter VII Alpha Attitude: A Forward Step… Into the Future September 29 Chapter VIII A Solid Foundation for the New Era of Alpha October 6
Eddie Neal, President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter
The History of Alpha Phi Alpha A Development in College Life (Charles H. Wesley) and The History of Alpha Phi Alpha A Tradition of Leadership and Service (Robert L. Harris, Jr.)
The pandemic has slowed our movement but Mu Lambda continued the work of Alpha.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020, we had 14 brothers (Mario Beatty, Ryle Bell, Marcel Desroches, Gilbert Douglass, Robert Harris (National Historian), James Heck, Antonio King, Garrett Miller, Eddie Neal, Ed Norwood, Vernon Oakes, Robert Richardson, Larry Ware, and Kenneth Williams) assembled on a Zoom meeting to have an Alpha Phi Alpha History discussion. We started Chapter I, “The Origin of Alpha Phi Alpha.” It was a very in-depth and detailed conversation about the beginning of the fraternity, CC Poindexter, and the naming of the Jewels.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020, we had 25 brothers (Justen Baskerville, Mario Beatty, Ryle Bell, Andres Blackstone, Rapheal Garcia, Robert Harris (National Historian), James Harmon, Rylan Harris, James Heck, Bryan Hill, Joseph Housey, Jason Jefferson, Villareal Johnson, LeRoy Lowery, Garrett Miller, Eddie Neal, Robert Richardson, James Robinson, Stanley Simmons (President of Eta Eta Lambda), Harry Taylor, Keithlyn Warner (President of Omicron Eta Lambda), Jason Wilder, Jarrid Williams, Jaron Wilson, and Mike Young) assemble to discuss Chapter II, “The Period of Consolidation” and Chapter III, “The First Steps in Expansion.” Tuesday, May 5, 2020, we will again assemble at 7:00 pm to discuss Alpha Phi Alpha History. We will start with chapter IV “Local and National Strivings” and will be joined by our National Historian, Robert Harris, and Eastern Region Vice President, Lucien Metellus. Week one started with Mu Lambda brothers and expanded to include other brothers. We realize this is not Mu Lambda’s history, this is Alpha Phi Alpha history so week two we opened the doors to our brothers in Omicron Eta Lambda and Eta Eta Lambda. Beta and Omicron Lambda Alpha were participating in IMDP related activities and are invited to join us for week three.
This is not like learning history while you were pursuing the fraternity. This is a very detailed discussion. The fraternity's National Historian, Brother Harris is a part of the group. Brother Harris is also the drafter of volume II of the history book. We discuss every minor detail of the history book. Most brothers discuss C.C. Poindexter. The history book lists him as Charles Chapman Poindexter that we discovered is incorrect and should be Charles Cardoza Poindexter. Did you know women were part of the first meetings? Were there 19, 18, or 17 men made at Howard University on December 20, 1907? If you are not sure, this might be a good place to be on Tuesday nights at 7 pm. Reach out to your line brothers – tell them to join the session. The only requirement is that this is a “brothers only” group – do not invite candidates. A brother does not have to be financial to participate.