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Past Presidents The Presidents’ Message
The President’s Message
Greetings Brothers
I wish to commend you all on a year well done despite the challenges that limited our physical interactions with each other and the wider communities we serve. This has truly been a learning experience for us all. A demonstration of the will of the human spirit, desire to serve and the bonds of Brotherhood.
The limited times we were able to be together under socially distant responsible numbers and parameters the joy of the fellowship was evident and heartwarming. I am optimistic in the future as society gets back to a closer state of normalcy and with us meeting and fellowshipping with each other in higher numbers and delivering services to the communities that we will be an even more awe inspiring Fraternity.
Interestingly even during a pandemic our roster of financial Brothers increased by 32% over last year. That is a testament to you all. And I again thank you for the investment of your time and treasure in Alpha Phi Alpha and the Mu Lambda Chapter in particular.
Brother John “Tony” Wilson, President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter