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ANC Commissioner, our own Brother Kelvin Brown was reelected for a second term to serve as the Commissioner for Single Member District 7B06 - Hillcrest, Washington, DC. As a result of his unwavering passion to support the community, Kelvin was chosen as the new Chairperson for ANC7B. Commissioner Kelvin Brown has the honor and privilege of providing support and leading eight ANC Commissioners and nearly ~22,000 residents in the Ward 7.


An ANC is a non-partisan, neighborhood body made up of locally elected representatives called Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners. Per DC Code, Advisory Neighborhood Commission (“Commission”) may advise the Council of the District of Columbia, the Mayor and each executive agency, and all independent agencies, boards and commissions of the government of the District of Columbia with respect to all proposed matters of District government policy including, but not limited to, decisions regarding planning, streets, recreation, social services programs, education, health, safety, budget, and sanitation which affect that Commission area.

On behalf of the chapter, we would like to continue to congratulate and encourge Bro. Brown on his Journey in servant leadership.

Congratulations! - M.LaRoche

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