How to draw manga vol 30 pen amp amp tone techni

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MECH . DRAWING ISBN4-7661-1334-9

HOW TO DRAW Pen and Tone Techniques


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o To udo raphic-sha Publishing Co., ltd.


desig ned and published in 1996 by Graphic-sha Publishing Co., Ltd. was pu blished in 2003 by =___:: · ing Co., Ltd . .:a, hiyod a-ku, Tokyo 102-0073 Japan :s-:~

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A Word about the Book The most basic technical skills required for creating manga are without doubt penning and using screen tone. Even if you suddenly get the idea to draw manga using new materials or software, the original impetus spurring you to create manga in the first place was likely that image of yourself as the artist moving your ink-d ipped pen rapidly across the paper, o r that image of yourself carefully trimming the screen to ne and with all your might pressing it down on the under drawing, or perhaps from that feeling of elation or desire to shout with joy at the image of yourself holding the completed artwork in your ink and glue caked hands after having expended sweat and tears on its creation. This volume is not intended for professional artists, but rathe r for aspiring manga artists or those manga hobbyists who would like to try their hands at creating themselves. It offers thorough explanations of pen and screen tone techniques taking a fun and easy-to-understand approach. The author provides invaluable assistance to the readers based upon his lengthy years cf practice as a manga artist and his bountiful experience in instructing aspiring manga artists. We would like to express our gratitude to Art Color K.K. fo r supplying the specialized art paper for all of the original manga artwork used in this book. We would also like to extend our sincerest thanks to Too Corporation and Art Color K.K. who provided all of the other materials and tools used in the artwork for this book.


TABLE. OF CONTENTS Pen Techniques ................................5 Penning Materials and Tools .....................67 Screen Tone Techniques ..... . ..................71 Screen Tone Materials and Tools . . . .............. 117 Bonus: Tone Etching Tips ....................... 118 Knowing Tone: All About IC Screen .............. 120 Knowing Tone: Letrasefs Screentone ............. 122

i::r When drawing the background, make an effort to evoke the sense of an inhabited space (i.e. that people actually live in the houses or town you are drawing). The telephone wires, curtains, street signs, TV antennas, etc. generate the sense of an inhabited space.

Keiko, I'm sort o f

Don't worry! One of the editors told me he's ultra nice .

orried about getti ng along . i h t his

.. Pen lchijo

t ,• a suggests inh abitation in this panel is tre slightly soiled wall. gs ouch ed frequently by hands t end to build up grime.

Keiko, right? 1 heard you were coming from Tashiro with editing .

····· ·· ·······

~~H...~~~~.. ...... H~~~i ... ······· ···· .. ·· .... ....... .. ...... . ....

--;a s correct.


k you in for - e ing us out.

::,..~~an ce

Also, let me introduce to a classmate of mine, Manabu. I always like to have company with me, so I brought him along.

1 heard he told you that if you really wanted to become a manga artist, the first thing you would have to do is study how to use a pen .

You should be glad for the opportunity.

• What suggests inhabitation in this scene is touches like the piled up old newspapers and magazines and the 7 grime on the wall.


Th ink carefully about proportions when drawing characters together with a background setting. The desks, bookshelves, chairs, and other objects in this scene all must be drawn in correct proportions.

So, is this the studio where you work? Usually, there are about 4 or 5 of my assistants working here as well, but everyone is off today.

'9] What is a manga artist's studio really like? ~ 8

This is sooo

I heard from Tashiro that you had shown him a penciled manga you had drawn on school report paper.


... it can be drawn on any kind of paper, but some papers are better than others.

That's right. I figured manga can be drawn on just about anything .

Perhaps we should just get started right away learning the basics.

Let's talk first about the manga drawing process.

Please take a seat wherever you like.

[A) A real manga artist's studio is actually much, much messier than what you see on page 8. However, I decided to tone it down a bit. Studios tend to be cluttered with huge piles of reference or source materials; there are usually model guns, radios, and a TV lying about-not to mention light tables. There also usually cords dangling all over the place for hanging original drafts to dry. 9

The Manga Drawing Process

1J Est ablish the Page Layout

1:2) Pencil in the Under drawing

Establish the page layout (determine the placement of the panel frames and add speech balloons in order to develop the story) .

Use pencil(s) to sketch the under drawing . (HB, B, and 28 leads are about a sufficient hardness. Leads that are either too soft or too hard will be difficult for you to erase .)

[IJink the Figures

1!1 Add in the Background


Trace over in ink those pencil lines best placed . Do not use slow, overly cautious lines when tracin g. Be decisiv e and bold when inking.

_Qj How much detail sho uld be added to the penciled under drawing? !&'

liD Spotting Blacks

as Needed

•... ,


Add solid black areas of ink for the hair or any other area that should be totally black.

::: - -:erase the dialogue!

""" Erase as Needed

I cleaned up the smudge using white poster paint.

Clea n up lines extending beyond the panel borders or sm udges with white poster paint (white ink or correction fl uid can also be used). (When inking artwork, some artists w ho tend to have few lines extending outside of the panel bo rders add screen tone before doing touch ups w ith white poster paint.)

Don't worry about tracing penciled lettering in ink. The publishing company w il l redo any lettering in typeface.

'.AJ Pencil anything you are able to ink yourself later. I leave out eyes, mouths, and noses when 1 am drawing small panels. This is because I can easily just jot down the position for their placement (by just penciling some form of marking) and add them later in pen.


Art Color high quality 135 kg manga art paper was used to produce all of the artwork in this b ~---

hope you got a pretty good general picture. Now I'll explain the process in a bit more detail. 1

Be careful in \ that while you will find it easy1 to sketch on drawing paper, some types of drawing paper allow the ink to bleed.

First, you need to select the paper you want to use. Paper with a reasonable thickness seems to be easier to use

---tAiso, you will want a type of paper that won't peel or become rough when you us~ and that an eraser on 1t 't won allow ink to bleed.

On top of that\ if you use an ., \ eraser on drawing paper, it can distort the lines you have drawn . t--~--


\ I




:QJ What sort of paper thickness is easy to use? 1!W

This is why I like to use high quality 135 kg manga art paper.

This seems to be the easiest manga art paper to use available on the market.

• dimensions used for magazines also look good, but elarger layout will require moredrawing time and the useof more screen tone, so it tends tomake things moredifficult.

84 Sized Art Paper

-irl~,~·~~.~~"·-t~a~n: :':d=:a: :r~d: : : M: : :-: :a=rg~iE:n=: : : :l:;1~ (1 .2 times the dimensions used for magazines) [)

364 mm 1~


272 mm

272 mm = 10.71 in. i 180 mm = 7.08 in. j 364 mm = 14.33 in. ! 257 mm = 10.12 in. !

.. J



A: The dimensions of the paper itself B: Do not draw any further than this point if you are planning on cutting off the margin. . C: Outside margin. finishing touches are not added beyond this boundary. D: Inside margin-this is the standard margin used for dividing p etc.

So, does this give you a

good idea about what to look for n paper?

.:: - (25.7 em X 18.2 em or 7.17" X 10.12") is the typical format used for manga, and is also the format of - is book. In the case of this book, all printing is contained within 22.6 em X 15 em (8 7/8" X 6") margins. ~ Approx. 90 to 135 kg/m' (approx . 198 to 297 lbs/yd') makes for a satisfactory thickness. If the

paper is overly thin , it may cause the paper to ride up or wrinkle when you use an eraser. Likewise, the ink may bleed through to the other side of the paper. Still, there are some artists who swear by drawing paper because they like the way the pen glides over the surface. One of the artists likes to use paper about the same thickness of copier paper. But this is again just a ·preference.


When I say "pen," I am actually referring to a wide assortment of drawing instruments used by the manga artist.

Well then, let's move on now to our discussion of pens and different types of strokes.

T1~~~:;5;~~:en ~ breeze.


Th e various drafting supplies com panies put out an assortment of pens. Try them out and pick the ones you li ke best.

!9J 14

-- k'Actually, I also " ' use the .05 mm nib to draw backgrounds.

draw dialogue boxes.

This pen is great for crosshatching.


The school pen is similar in appearance to the "G-pen," but qu ite unlike the G-pen, the school pen feels "stiff" and does not gli de smoothly over th e paper.

out how long does a nib last?


I used a technical pen to draw this too!

School Pen


j·'~g;) ~~::::.~;~:~:eQnsto


I haven't the foggiest idea. I've never even used a fountain pen. All I've ever

The techn1cal pen can produce lines like these as well. It's a handy-dandy little tool. The lines the pen raws do tend to lose clarity if you draw too quickly with it, so it isn't suited for crosshatching.

ly, some artists have using technical ::-=-s to draw characters. - =-- :

= ='"' been

Since the school pen is stiff, it produces a clean, even line.

A thin, even line does tend to result in a stiff, dispassionate image, but I don't mind it.


2 od grain is a cinch as well! ~

If you bear down when you use the pen, the nib will soon become dull. Conversely, if you use a relatively light hand, the nib should keep for a while . I went through about 5 to 6 nibs to produce the artwork on page 20. Here is a funny fact for you: Manga artist S claims that manga artist M's used nibs are the best for drawing and swears that he doesn't know what he'll do if M ever quits being a manga artist.

Maru Pen (Crow Quill Pen) I have a penholder exclusively for use w ith the maru nib.

Thi s pen is superb for drawing thin lines.

The maru pen produces lines more smoothly than the G-pen . Those who use the maruu pen nib claim it's extremely versatile, but fi rst-timers may experience some difficulty with the nib initially.

Lines like these are a snap with the maru pen .

G-pen The smooth handling makes the G-pen excellent for producing drawings like this one .

This is the nib manga artists use most co mmonly.

Kabura Pen (Spoon Pen)

Th is is probably the easiest nib to use for beg inners. The pressure put on the nib affects he smoothn ess with which the pen writes and allo s for cle an, sharp lines.

1' The kabura pen is terrific for lines like these.

1Q 1Whe n drawing a given character, will a manga artist use different pen nibs for the outer ~ contou rs of the face, the t:;lothing, etc.? ~


~a l so

The maru pen is also suited to ink drawings.

m akes drawing hair a elat iv e breeze.

her tha n the maru pen nib share the same grip. ill allow

~--The G路pen nib has aso~liding touch, so it tends not to take to drawing ruled lines.

The G-pen is perfect when scratchy lines are desired.

The kabura pen is multifunctional. I use the "Nume" nib for this pen. Still, once you become accustomed to the nibs, none of them will be hard to use. A

The kabura pen also allows for strokes like these.

1Some do, yes. In my case, I find it too much of a nuisance, so I don't bother. But, maru pen is the best pen to use for drawing hair (e.g. when drawing white hair).

~ pr o bably


There are many other nibs than what I have mentioned here, so it's important that you see what is available at your nearest stationery store or art supplies shop to find out which nibs best suit your needs.

... previously I had a favorite nib that was produced by a foreign manufacturer, but the retailer then stopped importing the nib, leaving me in a lurch .

Professor Pen, does manga have to be drawn wi th a pen?

I recommend becoming accustomed to whatever is consistently available at your neighborhood stationery store. That would probably be your safest bet.

So ...


Any instrument is sufficient, provided that it allows you to create dark, clear strokes .

..QJ --ere are inks :~a t b~c?me water resistant once dry. However, are these inks appropriate for 18

-e-ga? In add1t1on, 1s 1t safe to use sumi (India ink) that is several years old?


More Pens:


A pen created from whittling and shaving a chopstick

A technical pen


A bamboo pen

A brush pen

A quill

eti me in the e it may me acceptable ra w manga in cil . However, : ~ ay artists are still -eq ired to use _ er black ink or ~ ia ink.

A black fountain pen

A toothpick

A felt-tip marker -{:{ A feather brush is a necessity for drawing manga. Be sure to clean up eraser bits frequently.

Lots of

beginners are. But

No matter how well drawn a penciled line is, the reader will never

This is simply because when manga goes through the publishing process, all penciled lines have to be

en, water-resistant inks tend to be better. However, I suspect that they cause the pen nibs :o wear down faster. If you are going to use sumi, then you really should use something new an d fresh. Still, I think sumithat is only about 1 to 2 years old should work well.


fl Manga is really drawn with the artist's whole body. If you practice drawing properly, you will find yourself able to produce more confident brushstrokes.

While there are a wide variety of different materials and tools for creating manga, the pen is by far the most

Try to accustom yourself to drawing with a pen .

All righty then, let's look at how to hold the pen and draw.

Keiko, what part of your body do you use to draw a line?

... but not your fingers alone.



t E1bow


Got it?

Next, I'll explain how to hold the pen in detail.

Let's begin with using the fingers to draw.


) To draw face contours and other short lines.


The shoulder, elbow, and wrist are all held relatively in the same position (i.e. don't move), while the drawing is done with the fingers . Use the same movements as when writing. This way of moving the pen would be used example ...

To draw relatively longer, dynamic lines, such as for hair.

Next, is holding the fingers, wrist, and shoulder in place, while drawing with the elbow. This you would use for example ...

To draw long, horizontal lines.


Once you master this technique ...


For example, you could turn your manga art paper sideways .. . 路 ... and use this technique to draw pampas grass.

You could also produce wavy, flourished strokes without requiring the aid of a French curve.






Incidentally, t he angle of the pen when drawing from the elbow ...

is varies . Try a number of til you find the position -: _e:s suits you. - :::-; e I fi nd comfortable may not be the same angle e else finds comfortable.

-~=""saril y

... should be something like this.

So, this wraps up our discussion on holding the pen and drawing.


Many strokes require the simultaneous use of your fingers, wrist, elbow, and shoulder.

Once you get used to it, you'll come to draw like this automatically.

Sheesh! Get used to this . Practice that. Practice, practice, practice .



Conversely, you will never be able to draw well until varying the way you move the pen like this becomes second

Isn't there anything fun we could do that would help us get

[![.~~~~ better?

1wrap kite string around the grip of my pen to prevent my fingers from sl ipping .


Okey-dokey, next let's practice effective ways of drawing freehand.

In Japanese, this is referred to as "single-

First, is basic hatching drawn using the fingers.

Next, lines are added at 90째 to the original hatching lines to create cross-hatching or "double-hatching" (nikake) as it is referred to in Japanese.


(sankake) consists of lines added at 45째 to doublehatching.


Here is gradated shading created

Adding more lines running at 45째 in the opposite direction yields "quadruplehatching" (yonkake) .







-.: :_-:-. -::1\\%,... - -'-0 -..--

-...,"' ey wh en c ing hatching or - 路ass-h atching is to aintain on sistency in the is ance between e hatching strokes and in their hickn ess.

In this case, the fingers, wrist, and shoulders are all held in place.

_ -=. 路oned -

_.e ing able

-om the

e e. Strokes - 路om the


Thick clouds (This also appeared a little on a previous page .)

The above panel of the skyline was created by turning the drawing to the side and using extra paper to mask areas of the buildings.

Use flyers or any other scrap paper fo r masking.

Once the masking paper is removed the cityscape is complete. Masking paper can also be used with hatching to ensure that the hatching strokes do not extend beyond the contour lines of the object they are shading.

'QJ 1 heard t hat recently the trend in manga is toward thin lines and realism. Is that true? W 32

See? Hatching can be used for just about anything. Hatching is so critical that basically a beginner artist unable to use hatching just can't draw manga.

-- =5:路oke can be used as necktie designs and other patterns.



Next, let's go over a few strokes that can be used to create simple patterns.

- ot lock yourself into that mindset. The world of manga would be boring if everyone drew - - e same style. You should draw in whatever way you like best.


Wh en a rough, grainy look is desired, use a sort of scribble shading. This is effective for giving the lower part of walls a sense of being inhabited.

• Adding this to the background suggests a sense of anxiety in the lead character.

This is actually cross-hatching using rounded instead of straight strokes.

Today, all of these patterns can be in screen tone format. However, practicing them will help you get used to handling a pen. Plus, using screen tone for absolutely every detail down to hatching could cause your artwork to lose its sense of an individual style, so make an effort to draw as much as you can on your own .

.QJ Is nawa-ami mostly for the background? 3-1

Also, what sort of mood or psychological state does it suggest? )

Our next topic will be a little on the difficult side: "nawa-amt" or "cord hatching."

e a rectangular using oblique lines.

[lJ A similar block is then

drawn at a different angle slightly overlapping

~ The key here is that the lines should be spaced equidistantly and have the same thickness.

cess is repeated.

- = -e re, at the juncture s. This juncture

blocks are contiguous.


-=- ~ s perfectly suitable for buildings' shadows as well. When it is used as a backdrop for . : -3 acter, it tends to suggest unease. It can also be used as shading for a character.


One way of ensuring a satisfying outcome is first to roughly sketch the cord(s) in pencil.

may look something like this.

Other nawa-ami patterns.

_QJ Wha t is the difference between the types of lines and strokes used for shonen manga 36

(manga read by boys), shoujo manga (manga read by girls), and seinen manga (manga read by guys in their teens and twenties). 路 ~


However, this method takes time, and it often comes out muddled. So, I recommend practicing until you become competent the technique.

ou could trim lined screen one into rectangles and match them up to create nawaami.

Flat brush


A similar effect can be created by cutting an old sponge brush (for creating solid black patches) with scissors or a craft knife.


:on't really think there is a difference in the types of lines and strokes used; although, there ::¡:: ifferences between the drawing styles for the three . Still, I can't say definitively what cZ• e is appropriate for which genre. If I were forced to make a distinction, I guess I would -o: :e to say the three project a different mood. Does that help out or make things even more ::: 'u sin g? Sorry.


Rough, uneven strokes are often necessary as well.

However, manga does not necessitate solely beautiful, fluid strokes.

Groovy, dude! That's all I ever

Sloppy lines!

A rough stroke is not the same as a sloppy line. But, do you understand everything we discussed up to now?

Good. Then, let's talk about when you will need rough, uneven strokes .

To suggest the coarse, jagged texture of a brick


Rough strokes are effective when rendering the walls of an old, rundown building.

However, just because you are adept at drawing this sort of stroke does not mean you should overuse it. Overusing this type of stroke could t--:::.r-uf'ir~

Straightedges can be of any length, but one that is too long will be unable to draw a panel frame line. A straightedge around 30 em (approx. 12") should be reasonably useful.

























A 30 em (approx. 12") straightedge

It would also be useful if the straightedge had beveled edge, referred to as an "ink edge," on one side.

Raising the straightedge in this manner is handy, because it will prevent the li ne from touching it, allowing you to continue working even while the lines are still wet.

Some of my assistants use modified straightedges like this .

Use glue or some form of adhesive to affix coins (approx. the size of a_ __ nickel) to the underside of the straightedge at these locations.

Since we are on the topic of straightedges, you might have noticed that straightedges usually contain a groove. groove . .JO

This groo e is a you to create parallel lines by drawing a grooving rod through the groove while holding a brush in a technique called "mizohiki." Once you become adept at this technique, you will find it useful for producing clean lines in colored pigments when using a brush.

The glass rod is drawn through the groove on the straightedge.

Draw the rod slowly through the straightedge, moving to the right.

Lettering designers produce letters effortlessly using a flat brush.

You will probably have difficulty with this at first. Just practice it again and gain.

I realize you are probably fed up by now with all of this practice, practice, practice.


If the nib is positioned at a different angle, then it could snag on the straightedge, potentially resulting in asloppy line.

Now, let's draw a line using a pen and straightedge.

The pen can really be held at any angle relative to the line. However, ~ order to draw a thin, uniform line, the pen is normally held at about a



You may find it difficult to draw li if the pen is held down too closely 路 the paper.

Straightedg e


Drafting pens and technical pens tend to produce clean, even lines when held perpendicular to the paper.


The key point here is not to move the fingers, wrist, and elbow.

Only the shoulder is used to draw the pen directly to the side .

..QJ Does copying someone else's work really constitute a good method of learning? Also , what sort of point should be focused on when copying? liE


It doesn't really matter if you position the straightedge sideways or up and down, just as long as you are able to ~ 'f~. draw an even, ~,, \,Clean l1ne.

Of course, everything I have been discussing constitutes the absolute basics to drawing


The ideal is for you to do a little innovating on your own and arrive at a method that will allow you to draw cleaner lines faster.

at different effective lines that can be

-g is a great way to learn! The key is to produce as faithful of a copy as possible, from the thickness e to the way it is executed . Some artists feel that copying someone else's work will cause a • ;- -- ng artist to lose his or her individuality (personal style), but if something as simple as copying for -::e is enough to cause the beginner to lose his or her style, then maybe it's for the best. Even when -- ::·e copying someone else's work, your own personal style should still come through. It is next to -:::: -_,·bl e to come up with a perfectly faithful rendition.


This is the most commonly used line for creating "special effects." It is produced by slowly drawing the line from the left while applying strong pressure and then rapidly moving the pen until the line fades out.

... is called in Japanese "beta nash" because it is aflash or burst effect moving from solid black to light.

of line is used to create

"special effects."

Determine where the point of focus will be and mark it with an X.


•* Next, stick a thumbtack into the center point.

And, draw lines toward the center point.

- "'=

g t he original draft directly on the desk will cause the thumbtack to make a whole : -s desk. Instead, use a desk pad to protect the desk's top surface. This should also -c•:l it ea sier to draw lines as well.


Color in the areas marked with X's in solid black.

Remember to cover up the hole created by the thumbtack with white poster paint or correction fluid . Otherwise, it will show up during the printing process.

Assorted beta flash patterns


If you come up with something really interesting, by all means, let me know.


Artists ofte.:say that frc-~ lines for panels wo ~ probably c - out best if they could _: drawn wit = ruling pen .

Since we are on the topic of lines, let's go over panel lines.

German and British versions of the ruling

The ink is not discharged directly from the pen . Rather, it is applied to the tip.

When draw in~ : line, the ruli ~ pen works bE: when held perpendicular to the straightedge.

The line will lose its clarity if the ruling pen is held down too closely to the paper.


; =-=- 路s an ~~~::2~



ool ou

::-= -- ::: Ii n e a in

Plus, it takes considerable time for the line (i .e. the ink) to dry.

Consequently, to draw panel lines, I use this .

An old

Use a pair of pliers to trim off the tip of the old nib and then smooth it down with 800 grit sandpaper. Then the tool is ready to draw panel lines.


If you want to draw thin panel lines, then only cut off a small portion of the nib's tip.

If you prefer thick panel lines, then cut off a bit more of the tip.

This is a simple tool. Plus, if it gets rusty, you can easily thro away. After all, a: the end of every day you will fin d yourself with more old nibs.

Recently, artists have occasionally been using 0.8 mm technical pens to draw panel frames, but I don't

That may be true, but the technical pens available on the market today do not produce lines with


Panel lines should have considerable. weight to them . A nic.= black line v.. make your artwork appear pulle: together.

There is one more point you should note when drawing panel lines.

__. ·s the panel's corners. ::::-s -s like this __ _:;;·on ally turn _:: : ·s sloppy and - =• ss yo ur work ~::::-:;a sli pshod .





This will sharp 90_ angle.


::- s may itpicky : ~ ou pay to the - a high ri ginal II result.


Extend the panel lines beyond the corner and then clean up the excess portions using white poster paint, etc. later.

Beginning artists will naturally produce lower quality originals. Still, a beginner could at least make the effort to use an eraser to clean up penciled lines, draw crisp, sharp panel lines, and clean up excess white poster paint.


Basically, there is no difference i usage from that of a straightedge

Well then, our next topic is creating lines using a French curve.

However, the thinness of the French curve means that it is easy for the ink to come in contact with the curve.

While this may seem somewhat like a waste of money, what I do is buy two identical curves and glue one or top of the other, shifting them slightly.


Now let's take a look at the different lines that can be created with a French curve.


[Q] When should special effects created with a French curve best be used? ~

You can create many other different effects with a French

~ U se them to express excitement or bounding emotions in the main character,

o r to express stirred emotions.


Thanks to ::--~ existence ' white pos c.paint, artis:s := now be

Manga artists also have the crucial weapon of white poster paint at their disposal.

Recently, many artists have been using correction fluid with a brush o路 pen applicator, but white poster paint truly is the best fo r correcting details.

Each manufacturer puts out its own series of poster paints. Check them out and select the brand you like best

The key point to using white poster paint is to ensure that the desired

The use of white poster paint,

~~~?\etc. water.

White Poster Paint

Use a disposable chopstick or other thin utensil to mix the concoction.

jJ Add the water directly into the poster paint jar, diluting it to the desired consistency.

[IJ When using the poster paint, etc., drop it into a small, flat dish and add water until the desired consistency is obtained .

..QJ There are both solvent and water-based types of correction fluid. Which is the most versatile to use? ltW


Also, occasionally when the screen tone is applied after the poster paint, etc., the poster paint may come off owing to the adhesive on the back of the

Conversely, if the poster paint is too thin, then it fails to cover up the lines it is supposed to eliminate, and they in turn show up during the printing process.

One more point. Always make sure you put the lid back on tightly after using the white poster paint.

Once you get used to it, you shouldn't encounter an problems. It's the initial stage that is the most cult.

paint tends to harden quickly, and you may find it difficult to use the paint if you don't close the jar properly.

All right! So, next we have SPECIAL EFFECTS IN WHITE!

brush and flip it against the lip of the bottle.

(This effect works well for depicting rain or water spray)

= - =路 -

s acceptable. Which type of correction fluid you use again is a question of individual preferences.

= -~ati n g manga, the ideal situation is for you to determine the materials and tools that you find t he

:;: : o use or best suit your needs .


well for depicting the Milky Way or creating a fanciful , dreamlike scene)

Spread the white paste paint, etc. over some form of wire netting, and rub a toothbrush o· similar utensil over the netting to spatter the paint.

[!]Leaning over the paper, blow on a brush that had been dipped in white poster paint, etc .


. . d4' {)





•.. . ·:. ~- . ..

.. \)

[Q) How much usage can one expect to get out of a single jar of white poster paint? Also, ca .56

a pen nib be used to paint with white poster paint?


Masking sheet

Failing to use a masking sheet could cause the white paint to spray panels or areas outside the target, spoiling those areas.

Original draft


Rendering hair in delicate white lines.

~ -::: hat a single jar of white poster paint usually lasts me about 6 months. Of course, this depends on

: ¡. ork v olume. I occasionally use a pen nib with white poster paint for examp le to draw hair over solid • -: • areas, etc.


A thin brush (kno ~~ in Japanese as a mensofude and used primarily to render facial features) is use for rendering delicate lines to suggest hair.

Alternatively, white poster ink could be used on a pen nib instead.

The white paint tends to lose its density when as a thin line, making it more difficult to render a satisfying, flowing stroke. If you find the bamboo handle thin and difficult to hold, wrap kite string around it as shown. This will also serve to prevent your grip from slipping during the summer months.

Brushes are expensive, .so treat them well and get good use out of them.

When looking to create strokes eve finer than that possible by a thin brush, use the very tip of a stiff brush. Select a medium or large brush.

Incidentally, I have a thin brush whose tip I had been using for white poster ink, but after 2 to 3 years, the bristles lost

There are still more effects that can be obtained using white poster paint. Let's take a look at a few other possibilities .


More Special Effects in White /I) A Galaxy Created over Solid Black

I]] A Snowy Landscape Snow covered landscapes look most effective at a ratio of 7:3. A ratio of black:7, white:3 creates a sad, lonely landscape.

__ /j



A ratio of white:7, black:3 paints a brighter, more cheery scene. [Use a brush pen (fude pen) for dark shadows underneath the snow.)

[]]A Far Town with the Foreground in Solid Black In this scene, white poster paint has been used over the solid black. (The city's downtown has more lights and appears brighter, while the area closer to the picture路 plane, which is more distant from the downtown, has less light and is consequently darker.) 59

[!] Light Filtering through Trees Like you would v. _ beta flash, draw rradiating toward<= center point an d;:- white to suggest leaves and light playing through _ branches.

I]] Sea Spray I created this scen e first drawing the ro and then affixing IC 433 screen tone, etching it to sugge s: waves. I rendered t = spray from the wav : crashing against th e rocks in white. In order to emphasize the white of the spra I used black for the rocks.

[ยง]Adding Lettering on Top of Screen Tone I created this scene b affixing a sheet of IC 62 screen tone to the window and then writing "Ai shiteiru" (โ ข love you") in pencil o the reverse side of th t: drawing. I then placec the drawing on a ligh table and wrote over the penciled words in white.


1\5 I mentioned earl ier, any sort material may e used in the eation of anga, provided at the drawing is clearly rendered in lack.

nee we are on the topic, I thought I might mention a few more effects that can be created using other materials.

A Piece of Gauze Coated in Sumi (India Ink) Pressed onto the Surface of the Draft

A Cotton Handkerchief Coated in Sumi (India Ink) Pressed onto the Surface of the Draft (Handkerchief tapped to achieve effect)

A Plastic Kitchen Scrub Brush


Trimmed, NoLonger-Usable Brushes This works we ll for showing tre ~ in the distance csmoke.

A Sponge Coated in India Ink and Pressed onto the Draft If a large bee were added to t h~ front of the composition, the this could appea r to be a swarm of bees.

This can be used to suggest the bloody foot prints left by someone injured.

A Drop of India Ink Released with a Syringe from 1 m. (approx. 1 yd. ) Above

•• (According to a medical book I read, all blood droplets form the same shape.)


This takes considerable time to dry, so do this about 2 to 3 days I in advance of I using it.


Now let's look at how to cut out and replace any botched areas. ia ink to my

Lay one sheet on top of the other and hold them in place using thumbtacks

-.::ack s do not necessarily have --:: same position as that shown -- . u sh ould still be sure to use 2.

(The paper may move if only 1 thumbtack is used, so be sure to use 2

manga art paper Lay the original on top of the clean sheet

Using acraft knife, cut away simultaneously both the area of the original draft bearing the mistake and the clean sheet underneath.

It is not necessary to use an entire clean sheet of manga art paper. An amount capable of covering the area with the mistake is sufficient.

"'- :o protect your desktop, lay down a cutting mat first.

- re s do have

:- you may _::; rtg a _ _ ade, which is

With the extra piece attached with tape from the reverse side, the original draft now should look something like th is. (Naturally, there would be no outline .)

Cut out an identically sized section of the clean sheet underneath . Fit this into the appropriate spot of the original draft and attach with tape on the reverse side.

Draw back in the missing portion.

cover your See! mistakes using this technique, be venturesome and take risks without being afraid of ruining your ~~~rtwork.


Since craft knife blades tend to be thick, using a razorblade instead will allow you to rematch the missing section to the original cleanly with hardly any trace of cutting visible .

A certain painter once said, "In order to draw satisfying lines, one should practice on the same height of stacked paper that one is tall."

So, be sure to practice using the pen every day. Even 10 minutes a day would be enough .

ot it?!


"The key to skillfully rendering a background is to generate the sens= of an inhabited town, house, school, or other such space. Failure to do so results in a simple projection drawing. Drama occurs becaus e people are present. Even if you draw an uninhabited background, it will still be lacking in drama. Look at your room. It probably contai n:: a number of items necessary to living. If you look at someone's roo you will likely find evidence of that person's interests and preferenc M ake an effort to imbue your backgrounds in manga with evidence hu man life!"

enning Materials and Tools

) I

Manga Art Paper

High quality Kent paper and drawing paper are often used as manga art paper; however, today specialized manga art paper with preprinted margin lines and ruling marks in blue have made their appearance on the market.

Products shown courtesy of Art Color

Pencils (Mechanical)


The way a pencil feels when it writes varies from product to product. Try out a variety of pencils and select the one that feels best to you. H8, 8, and 28 seem to be the most popular leads.

Products shown courtesy of Too Corporation



ir-in and Tombo's Mono :: erasers seem to be the - o pularly used in Japan. - ~ asp ect to size, erasers ::~e too large can be = dy, so try to select a :-:: ~ -sized eraser. Eraser --.3 are thin and the refills -s路 e the barrel, making =:~ ea sy to use.

Products shown courtesy of Too Corporation



Pen Nibs

There is a wide variety of different pen nibs available , and each has its own characteristics. G-pens and maru (crow quill ) pens glide smoothly over the paper, and consequ ently artists tend to favor these nibs for rendering characters.

Maru Pen (Crow Quill Pen)

Maru Pen (Crow Quill Pen)

School Pen

Kabura Pen (Spoon Pen)



School Pen

Maru Pen (Crow Quill Pen)

Kabura Pen (Spoon Pen)

Kabura Pen (Spoon Pen)


The artist spends many long hours grasping the penholder, so try to select one that is comfortable. Only the maru (crow quill) pen comes with its own specialized holder, so take care when purchasing penholders.

I Products shown courtesy of Too Corporation



I - g li m ink and Kaimei's ::.= : e most commonly - ::; .• ever, there are . - en these inks may ~g to the drawing area ; ·:: w et (such as when :- ::~ oaint, etc. has been -- ::~e are manga artists who, ~·--· : =;ai d such a situation, use s such as Pilot's ink for -o=:.,_~_'"' .: ::; d official documents or _ -.:::e ri ng Sol.

Products shown courtesy of Too Corporation


'"'lainstream method : ~e to use a brush pen .::-·ng blacks (filling in areas : : ack where needed).

echnical Pens

Products shown courtesy of Too Corporation



require a precise then a drafting pen is : : r the job. However, manga -n ot so exacting, so the f manga artists today lean - : nvenient, inexpensive oens. ::~ - ,


Products shown courtesy of Too Corporation


:: used with white poster · t!iit tt·;r:, ••M•• r 1& m1r: ::: ..... seem to depend on the :_al artist; however, I personally recommend using a fine brush. The effectiveness of - -:e poster paint or other such material also seems to vary according to the brush used . Products shown courtesy of Too Corporation

hite Touch-ups


; ::go, white poster paints was the - ::: of choice. Today, there are oducts available, including k specifically for manga as well : -ect ion fluid in pen-shaped :.a·ors (correction pens). =-::ion fluid allows the artist to =-an y tiny mistakes in his or her - - ~ with the fluid, and then to irectly over that. It is quite a m aterial to have around. Products shown courtesy of Too Corporation

Straightedges and Triangles


When selecting your straightedge or triangle, seek something beveled. Some form of a grid or other measurement indicators printed onto the too l will prove a helpful addition. Keep on hand 3 sizes: a small one about 14 em. (approx. 5 3/4") that can be moved around easily over the drawing, a mid-sized one about 30 em . (approx. 12") for use with margin lines, and a large one about 40 to 50 em (approx. 15 1/2 to 19 1/2").

This is a common mistake: the ink slips between the paper and the stra ightedge, seeping and spreading into the paper. In occasionally seeps under the straightedge when it is beveled, so attaching chips or coins of some kind to the underside is recommended.

Beveled Edge


Floating Disk



Try to select curves with beveled edges as we ll. Round chips or floating disks may be attached to the curve's underside to prevent the curve from touchi ng the ink. Adjustable curves are also available, which are versatile tools that allow you to create freely your own curves. It should be noted that ad justab le curves do not have beveled edges, so try to use technical pens with them. 0

oducts shown courtesy of Too Corporation



- e plate s are handy for rendering s路...., le ovals and circles, which you 路 :r~ use for cups or other such 路 --~a obj ects. I had multiple :&-:::; c: -es fo r both ellipses and circles. ~-:: ::_ ::--. ~ cou rtesy of Too Corporation

I heard all about you two from Professor Pen.

Step right up . Don't be shy. My name is Ton NUo

So, you wanna learn about screen tone, eh?

Oh, yes. Professor Pen told us that if we wanted to learn about screen tone, we should visit Professor Ton. By the way, I'm Keiko. Pleased to meet you.


Did you make any improvement with your pen studies?

We've been practicing every day, and I feel we've improved a bit.

fIt is important to add a sense of inhabitance (in this case an inhabited apartment building). Take care to ensure the building does not come looking out like a toy model.

~-= : he ori ginal manga draft is shrunk to about 83o/o its original size when printed . Keep this in mind when

s important keep working : :: littl e every day.



Now let's get started on screen tones .

ens, with

=:= tones all - _ - - e to do

I really hate all this labor-

For that reason, you don't have to practice every day, like you do with pen strokes . Anyone can soon learn screen tone.

Don't think you have it licked so easily, Manabu. What you have waiting for you is pretty intense

So then, shall we get started?


First of all, there is no way I can show you here al l of the different types of screen tone available on the market. There are so many, this entire book could have been dedicated to screen tone patterns and still n cover them all.

Several different manufacturers put out more than a thousand screen tone patterns at a wide range of prices. Images courtesy of IC Inc., Ltd. and Letraset Japan Ltd.

What I recomm e::. is that you visit local art suppli es shop or art supp _ section of a ge e:-:: store and ask to s=their catalogs .


that, new patterns tone appear each ---:- ecently, screen tones 路nted backgrounds ~ ~ :>een appearing on the ---路~: 0 such the extent that ~-::s are sometimes at a -=s ::.s o which to use.

.: ==-

This is because each company uses a different adhesive backing, has different prices, and uses different printing standards.

Your best bet would be to determine your standard tone (which screen tone you plan on using the majority of the time), purchase several brands of that screen tone, and use and compare the tones.

Um, excuse me, professor, but which do you recommend?



Preferences depend on the individual. Plus, there is also the question of price . Consequently, I really can't give you a definitive answer.

_:: ately, - -:you

: -=- en ds _- J OU.


There are tools you will need to attach screen tone. The non-photo blue pencil is used to mark where the screen tone will be attached to the drawing. The other tools are for pressing or holding down the screen tone sheet.


[ Plastic plate or block

Plus, you will need craft knives for trimming and cutting the tone. It doesn't matter which brand of craft knife you select, provided that the blade cuts adequately.

is is because if the lade is overly dull, you ld fi nd yourself essi g too hard on the cut the screen :T e co sing the blade to )le ely through to underneath


A bamboo paddle

A plastic spatula or paddle

In addition to those shown here are many other types

of craft knives. Select the one that best suits you .

Furthermore, a sharp knife will allow you to do your tone work faster.

:. -;:路sts use a wide variety of objects and tools to press down the screen tone . -= ,. , oul d t hese different objects be best used? ~

-; som ething to press down the screen tone, always lay an extra sheet of paper over the tone and then -....:: - e object over the tone.

Myself, I use an extraspecial, customize d tool.

This is a vitamin drink bottle I wrapped in double-sided adhesive tape and then coiled kite string around that.

Here it is! Ain't she a beaut!

Kite string

tool ~ ;-eat, _-=--== se it :.•.s you z.~ : ;

_ ;e a --grip • - _ e jar, : _s i :.•.'s you - _ ess

ly, when you are attempting to attach a large piece of screen tone, start from about the center, pressing down (rubbing) as you work your way outward. This will prevent the screen tone from creasing .

It is essential that the jar or bottle you select not have bumps on the bottom. These are to prevent the jar or bottle from sliding .

_: . a ::e area - - ne at

-= ·me .


\. This is what will resultIf the jar or bottle you select has bumps, they will rub against the screen tone and destroy

--sre really is no need to make a distinction like this. Use whatever you like to press down - -=to ne. Provided that whatever you use will allow you to attach the tone without soiling or -- ing it, anything is fine.


r;, The sizes of the dots printed on regular format and wide format screen tone sheets seem to di ffe¡ despite the screen tone sheets being of the same brand and identical specification numbers (i .e. the same number of dots per row and identical density), so make an effort to use screen t or=: sheets of the same format when layering.

So, now that we've finished our discussion of tones, there is one more th ing you need to decide above all else.

And that is wha your standard de: screen tone number will be .

I surveyed my fellow manga artists, and the vast majority used one or more of the following 6 types.

(Sho •

#51 (10% Density)

#52 (20% Density)

#61 (10% Density)

#62 (20% Density)

a actu al si ze) #71 (10% Density)

:--pos es here, let's use #62 - : is what I use as my _ 3- ee n tone. tone is generally known attern . #62

This dot

v 'I ~~

pattern screen tone I has a number of potential uses.

~~~ ~;'~ ~ ~

reference, take a look at the

Sh own at actual size)

Whoa, !just noticed that my clothes are all in dot screen tone!


ti Screen tone is adhesive on the reverse side and comes attached to a non-stick paper backing. This paper backing is peeled off when affixing the screen tone.

So, dot screen tone is used for any number of purposes .

Take a look insi de = few of those ma f:= books sitting on ,...-== shelf next to you. Now you see wh various artists use dot screen tone because of its versatility.

Wait a second路 Didn't Ijust set: this composi 路 somewhere e"""-

Now let's go over how to attach tone .



atch the tone with the paper backin g still attached to the location he drawing where it will be a. ached (i n the above example, er he clot hing).

llJ Using a craft knife, cut only the screen tone on the paper backing slightly larger than the target area. Remove the paper backing and affix the tone to the drawing.

much pressure should be applied when temporarily attaching the screen tone as in

-eo 3?


-g re m oved the excess screen tone, use an eraser to clean up any remaining adhesive .


se a glass rod or some other tool to =-ess down and rub the tone lightly.

iJ After having finished trimming around the drawing, slowly remove t he excess tone, checking to make sure the periphery of the target area has been completely severed. Pulling off the excess tone too quickly may cause the target tone to tear.

11) Using a craft knife, trim around the drawing. Be sure to use a sharp blade . (If you use a knife blade that is overly dull , you will ultimately press down too hard, causing the blade to cut through to the drawing , the tone to tear, or any number of undesirable hassles to occur.)

[!]After having removed the excess tone, carefully rub down the target tone to prevent it from coming off.

_ , ary, very light. You should not rub down the screen tone at all.


Our next topic is attaching screen tone to areas without contour lines. A non-photo blue pencil comes in handy on such occasions.

Blue Pencil

[}]Using the non-photo blue pencil, lightly draw in those areas of the face where shadow is to be added.

Select the lightest penC: possible.

11] Attach the screen tone as described on the preceding page and trim the tone along the lines drawn in blue.



:C =路_ . s路ase any remaining penciled lines after having inked the drawing. Failing to do so will cause " Jrn up during the printing process after you have covered them with screen tone .

--= -= :::;


Use as thin of a line as possible when marking where or what tone to lay. Especially since any blue lines under the tone have the tendency to show up during printing.

Oops! I think I've seen that before in comics. I've seen numbers like 61 or 71 underneath the screen tone.

1:!: Those who are worried about using a blue pencil may use a sky blue pencil instead.

But, this doesn't mean you shouldn't use a blue pencil. et's say you create an image entirely in screen one.

I'd be real useful at a time like this.

(Eh.\ ~


Now let's look at a number of different ways screetone can be used with faces .



I crea t ed thi s by attaching a sheet of IC32 and then etching the tone to give the face a sense of volum e I se lected IC32 , because 62 would have made the face appear too heavy. IC429 was used for the irises.

Notice anything when you look at this?

A lot. The face seems powerful and intimidating, yet at the same time seems sad and lonely.

Shading is used in faces primarily to generate a sense of moods or

To take this thought even further, it's no exaggeration to say manga basically represents people's emotions (feelings).

I see we've got off the subject. Let's return to our discussion


After having attached the tone, use a craft knife to etch away any tone extending over the contour lines.

... click the Using the tip of the blade, scratch away the screen tone pattern .

In order to etch with a craft knife ...


8 1 section


More tone needed here ___,

Fill in the area with a technical pen.

Prepare yourself for contour lines being someone larger than you originally had intended, and ... .. .use a technical pen to fill in the lacking areas.

_QJ W hat can be done to fix a small area of tone that has come undone? ll@f' 88

If you have missed a large target area when you laid down the tone or if you have laid down the tone incorrectly, you'll have no choice but to peel off the tone and ttach it once again .

A neat trick is to warm up the tone with a dryer. This makes it easier to remove.

If it is a small piece of tone, the heat from a lit cigarette may work instead, but be very careful not to burn e drawing.

--e sale of tobacco products to minors is illegal. It has been determined that cigarette smoking ~ aza rdous to your health.

But, you still should be careful of dust, eraser bits, etched tone bits, and other particles becoming attached to the screen tone sheet's adhesive back.

If dust and other particles attached to the screen tone, then that sheet is ruined and can't be used . \This is what will happen!

.------.,. When using screen tone, be sure that you first carefully clean the top of your desk.

路:! 1W hile most tone is adhesive on the reverse side, there may be spots missing pattern where a occurred in printing . In such cases, simply reattach tone to the area missing the print.



Our next topic are peculiar traits of dot screen tone .

Dot screen tone .. .

................................. ..................... ...........

Shifting the direction of the screen tone slightly allows the dots to align horizontally or vertically

The screen tone as it appears on its paper backing



Like this. IC101 b

.. 9

Conversely, there are ways at your disposa l to put the flat, aligned aspect to good use when attaching the screen tone .

However, the ideal would be for you to attach the dot tone in the same direction the pattern runs as it sits on its paper backing.

So then, let's take a closer look at etching tone .

Etching is done with either this

- =C.J ent ly replace your craft knife's blade. It is vital that your knife blade always remain sharp.

Take note that depending on the way the old blade was snapped off, there is the risk that while using point 速 to etch the screen tone, point 速 may come in contact with the tone leaving unwanted marks.

rks created by point 速 inadvertently touchin

the screen tone.

This part of the blade is the most frequently used for etching.

Area etched using point 速 .


The etching is done with this


etching, the position of the fingers, wrist, and shoulder are maintained . This is similar to a technique for line drawi discussed earlier.




ere any other techniques for etching tone effectively?


If you do, this will be the result.

~Etch the tone

in parallel, even (equidistant) strokes. Proceed at a careful, slow pace when etching. Don't rush. Bokashi (blurring) effects particularly require that you take your t ime .


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fi~ :~: : ·~• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·• ·• • • ~· • 4


~~~::.. 0



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. . .. .... . .. .

- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - .-J - - .. - -

--- --- ~

- - - ---~ -,- - -

age by dra i g in pencil on an IC62 s eet of scree n tone wh ile lao ~ =-o~ograp h of clouds. The one is then etched alon g th e pencil ed lin es . IS 1


- sand eraser and sandpaper may also be used to create bokashi effects. - =d uplicate this image, first draw in the rocks. Next, attach IC62 tone over the entire .:路awi ng surface and etch the whitecaps using a craft knife. Render the white foam of the aves breaking over the rocks in white poster paint, etc.


For some reason, images rendered solely in tone (without drawn lines) are usually nature scenes. Create this image by first drawing the silhouettes of the trees and land formation. Next, co _ the entire drawing with IC62 tone. Add more 62 tone over the first, layering the tone to suggest the faded, distant islands. Etch the evening or morning sun and then etch the tone :: suggest the water with light reflected on its surface.

When etching tone, take care to make sure the tone has been pressed down firmly. If the tone has been only lightly pressed, the tone may tear when large areas are being etched. For this, start by drawing the rocks. Next, cover the entire composition with IC62. Etch the flowing water. Add a second layer of tone over the first (layer the tone) to render the distant background and etch. Finally, render the water flowing over the rocks using white poster paint, etc.


ow --=--o ing! - --=--e is sooo - _- you can ::-=: :e using

now on, screen -- e will be an integral :.c of manga.

Seriously! I really feel like drawing something

Next, we'll take a look at layering tone, which is really not as difficult as it sounds .

"you are 3 are of a :ew simple '1Jies, you can just -ollow the m ethods of attaching

Basically, layering tones can result in a wholly new pattern being . created.


IC62 Tone Sheets Overlaying 2 sheets of IC62 and shifting the directions of the sheets can result in different, new patterns.


o C8n a moi re effect (pattern inadvertently created depending on the way 2 sheets of screen ton e are Ia ered ) be avo ided? ~

- ~-"'

is a case where a pattern in -=:on e is not desired

ere, first one sheet , as laid over the

Here, the dot patterns were first aligned and then the 2 sheets shifted sl ightly so the dots did not perfectly overlap

Next, the second tone for the darker shadows was added.

Here, the tone for the darker shadows was added first and then etched.

AJ Place both sheets of tone so that the dots align. Keep an eye on the tone overall while shifting the 2 sheets around until the moire effect disappears.


Next, the second tone was added.

own sensibiliti es when determini ng the order for attaching the tone .

Just one more point...

There may be times where you will intentionally layer tone to create a new pattern. For example ...

There are many other possible combinations out there. Play around and see what you get.


Shown at actual size


patterned tone without etching it at all will result in a somewhat flat image. Try g t he tone to give your artwork more depth. You will find the result interesting.

Sample Images Created with Double and Triple-layered IC62


t 1 2

First, spot blacks, filling in the darkest areas with solid b lack. Next, cover the entire drawing with IC62, etching it to allow the next darkest areas to remain. Last, add the 2nd layer of IC62, etching the lightest areas of the image.

-路- 路

age wa s created by triple-layering IC62 tone. The key to using screen tone is spotting e re sult is play and contrast of darks and lights.


This image was also created by triple-layering IC62. However, this composition lacks any solid black areas, making it seem to lack balance.

t This image was created by double-layering IC62. If the silhouettes of the fish are clearly recognizable to you, then I guess we can consider this composition a success.



路eady been entioned several

This might be the second most popular screen tone pattern after dot

It is also useful for depicting nature.


Gradation tone is an extremely versatile pattern!

Gradation Screen Tone



:. n .

... photocopy and enlarge the photograph. Light Table (Tracing Table)


removing the tape not to damage the drawing.)

Use a craft knife to etch areas of light. From time to time, remove the original draft from the li ght tabl e and check the appearance of the tracing.


Lay the enlarged photocopy on a light table (tracing table). On top of that, lay the original draft (drawing) with the gradation tone affixed on top of that, and the photocopy.


- all

__ -eed - -


le Artwork Using Gradation Tone

The light section of IC433 was used here.

Also lighter section of IC433 was used here. <::3ara nce before etching: IC430

Border where the gradation screen tone sheet was cut.



\:]Light Source


Using Gradation Screen Tone

Establishing the direction of the light source will allow you to determine where to attach the screen tone.

Dot screen tone was used in the background.



Gradation tone was used in the foreground.


e =--:ISt were -- :each er - screen

:.: e ...

... these would definitely be the basics .

A curved knife is faster and easier than a craft knife when etching broad

nis is a secret :echnique f mine.

Etching with a sand eraser or a fine sandpaper produces interesting effects.

A curved knife like this works best.


Tilt the blade when etching the tone.

While this somewhat strays from our topic of screen tone, let's wrap up this lesson with a few techniques I use for creating large format backgrounds.


A Photocopy of a Snapshot Enlarged 200%

A Line Drawing of the Photocopy with Solid Black Areas Filled

_Qj Wh at is the trick to creating daytime scenes? 11 0



e.en Tone Added to Create a Daytime Scene

Gradation Tone Added to Create a Nighttime Scene

Primary tone used : IC62

Gradation tone IC433 used

[!]Be conscious of the placement of sunlight when etching. Clearly delineate darks and lights. When depicting night scenes, keep the composition dark and dim. Adding electric lights in 1 or 2 locations will emphasize that the scene takes place at night.

Use a black and white ad from a newspaper when attempting to create a realistic portrayal of a car. Obviously, if you were to duplicate the image as is, you would be guilty of copyright infringements, so ...

Use the newspaper ad as reference for your artwork and attach screen tone.

_.QJ What is the key to depicting

mechanical objects? lk'F


ever come ss artwork :. . c: m anga artist - •. ich you feel :-:: ~ ckground e work was :.c ·cul arly well =-· ec ted, cut it :. __ an d keep it - :: scrapbook "":: ~ - ture =:e ence.

. en I was nger, I kept a - _ ber of scrapbooks for _ ildi ngs, for 2rs, for nature, .:: - people, and - ·scellaneous scrapbooks. I still -a e them today.

is book has only · uched on the ery tip of the ceberg that is anga. First, pick p a pen. That is ~ou ndation of


As you might expect, it is illegal for you to copy and pass off another artist's work as your own. However it is acceptable for you to use the techniques employed in that work as

scrapbooks proved invaluable reference sources to

Take it step by step and keep plugging away until you are finally able to create manga that is attentiongrabbing and appealing.

~The key is in the suggestion of metallic textures . Again , the depiction of light plays a vital ro le.



!.QJ I have tried using white poster paint, etc. on top of screen tone, but it repels and : on't soak in. What should I do? ~&


Just as I suspected!

- rry, kids. Heh heh . ::;,ofessor Ton had :. m e urgent siness to take ::are of.

I thought I smelled



I'm looking forward

Lightly rub an eraser over the screen tone's surface. The paint or correction fluid should stick after that.


Hope we meet again!


Catch ya later!

Hang in there!

Screen Tone Materials and Tools e products shown on this page are provided courtesy of Too Corporation.

!Feather Brush

seful Items


This indispensable item is primarily intended to sweep away bits of screen tone, but it is also used to clean up eraser bits and other particles around the drawing .

This is used to create smooth tone etchings.



Craft and Utility Knives and Replacement Blades First, select a craft knife. Knives with retractable blades seem to be more popular than penciltype knives. Craft knife blades dull quickly, so change them frequently. Pencil-type knives require more time for changing blades than do retractable knives, so they are consequently less practical. How ever, penciltype knives are excellent when using a straightedge to etch tone . Lay a des k mat underneath the drawing to protect the desk w hen using a knife.

Tone-scrubbers are used to rub and press down the screen tone. They come in many shapes and sizes. Make sure you have one with a somewhat pointy tip for detailed areas of tone.

!Non-Photo Blue Pencil (Light Blue)


This is used to mark down lines of areas where screen tone is to be affixed but which do not have drawn contours.



Tone Etching Tips

When etching, hold the craft knife at an angle closer to the drawing. There are various techniques for etching screen tone, which have been compiled on these pages. The basic technique for holding the craft-knife is illustrated in the figure to the right.

Etch using the point of the blade.

When cutting, hold the craft knife in the same manner that you would a pencil



Basic Etching Techniques The key point in etching is to note the direction in which the screen tone dots are aligned and to etch at a 22.5° angle, blurring the screen tone sheet's borders. When using crosshatching, note the direction of the dots running crosswise.

For tone where the dots lie at a 45' angle, etch at 22.5' .

Creating a Bokashi (Blurring)

, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Effect

Anoth er method consists of scratch ing dot by dot by wielding the cra ft knife in a tapping motion.

Use a ta pping o ion to etch the e. hil e this may ime, be patient eep w orking. 11 8

Try using this technique to suggest concrete and other textures.

-: :::· g the knife as ~-ated to the right - : ,• s you to make fine, :- =- ed etches.

• Use the edge of the blade to etch clouds


Etch the tone lightly. Avoid appl ying pressure. Use fine movements when etching with the side of the blade . • , ~- m time ime, use 2 st rai ght ~ ge to : ·eate s: aight, - ean :; ched lines sing a en cil-type ::: aft knife. Place a thumbtack in the center of the target area when etching a flash effect.

ry using a sand eraser as w ell. Sand erasers allow y ou to create smooth etc hings.

Sand Eraser

Use the corner to rub the screen tone. Cut the end off the sand eraser and use the sharp corners formed to rub the screen tone. This will allow you to do fine, detailed etching with the eraser. Avoid using too much pressure. Rub the tone gently with the eraser.

I I·C®SCREEN I Knowing Tone:

42.5/ 10% S-31

All About IC Screen

55/ 10% S-51

50/ 10% S-41

60/ 10% S-61

42.5/10°/o S-31 t

This indicates the number of lines

65 / 10% S-71

These are the screen tones most commonly used and seen in manga. They are all dot patterns.

Product number

The above illustrates that the greater the number of dot lines, the smaller the dots. The most commonly used screen tone in manga are the 42.5 (for IC tones, the 30s series) to 60 lines (for IC the 60s series). If the dots are too tiny (i.e. there are too many lines per sheet), then the dots will not show up when the manga is printed, making it impossible to recreate the artwork in pristine form. However, the number of manga artists using 65-lined tone (for IC, the 70s series) has been increasing recently. The number of lines in fact indicates the number of lines per inch (2.54 em). The screen tone is printed with the dots at a 45° .angle with the sheet positioned straight up and down.

·:·:·:·:·:·:,:·:·:·: ·:·: ·: ·:· For example, 42.5-lined tone has 42.5 lines of dots per inch.

: ·: ·: ·: ·: · : · :Thedotsappeartobe: : . ·: :_:.:::::: ~li~ne.d ~t ~ 4~' ~n~le. :

"Dot" indicates the individual marks of tone.

Even with the same initial drawing, the type of screen tone used can change the look of the artwork.

Fe do gi ap


er li nes of tone prevent the s of ton e from overlapping, ing he artwork softer ea a ce. Select tone i g to the look you are : o achi eve .

The sheet straight up and down is in 0 position.

[I] Hair rendered in S-31 12]Hair renderesJ in S-61 S-51 and 8770 were used in both figures for the face shadows and clothing, respectively.

42.5/10°/o S-31

What about the darkness of the tone?


- e larger the percentage • alue, the darker the tone. ' en tone is too dark, - ere is the risk that the ts may blur or that awn lines may become di stinguishable during - e printing process.

The number followed by the percentage mark (%) indicates the tone value density.



Th e tone value darkens as the la st digit in the product number increases.

The images below show t he products in actual size. In magazines, the screen tones are reduced, caus ing the tones to appea r darker than they actually are. Those rea ders who are curious are advised to make a reduced photocopy of this page to se e t he resulting effect. (Please do all hoto of th is bo ok after purc hasin it. )

42.5/20% S-32

50/20% S-42

55/20% S-52

60/20% S-62

65/20% S-72

42 .5/30% S-33

50/30% S-43

55/30% S-53

60/30% S-63

65/30% S-73

C sc reens are available in values from 5 to 50%. Product um bers in the 00 to 95 range are strictly dot tones. The - nal digit indicates the value density: 0=5%, 1=10%, 2=20%, 3=30%, 4=40%, and 5=50%.

5 -61+5-61

5-4 1+5-43

5-41 +5-61

5 -51+5-7 1



:= .g.: S-44= 50 lines at 40% density. Incidentally, 100% density is solid black.

Layering Screen Tone ifferent effects can be created by layering 2 sheets of screen tone. The most common method is to layer 2 sheets of identical tone . Unless the angle of he tone is changed, this is the best method for avoiding a moire effect. Layering tone of different product numbers (different number of lines per inch) is guaranteed to produce a moire effect, owing to the di sparity in densities. Look at the various tones and compare the d ifferences in line densities per inch . Th ere may be times when you will intentionally layer 2 sheets of different tone in order to create an effect. In addition to the basic dot pattern, random dot tones m ay also be layered, producing unexpected results. Try playing around with layering d ifferent tones.


I Knowing Tone:


Letraset•s Screentone


Types of Screentone and Their Characteristics

Dots ST61 You will need to note the indication of the number of lines per inch when purchasing tone to be used in manga targeted for publication. For example, 20 lines, 5% density may be printed on the tone sheet. The "lines" indicates the lines formed by the dots running at a 45' angle when looking at the tone with the sheet positioned straight up and down. If the tone is 20-lined, then that means there are 20 lines of dots per inch-sized (2.54 em) block of tone. As this number rises to 27.5, 30, etc., the dots become smaller and the print, finer. Dots that are too small may not show up clearly during the printing process. Strive for a maximum of 60 to 65 lines if the manga is to appear in newspaper print or 80 to 120 lines for magazines. It should be noted that the type of paper to be used for the magazine is extremely important when selecting tone.

Random Dots

No. 684 Random dot patterns are also referred to as "mezzotint." The patterns come in 25%, 50%, and 75% densities. This is a popular and extremely versatile pattern, and enlarging or reducing the print size can produce interesting effects.

Gradation No. 760

No. 742 7 42, 760, and 764 are the most popular gradation tones. Called by slang-terms such as "chibi-gura" ("mini-gradati.on") or "obi-gura" ("band gradation"). there is a rich range of gradation tones available, making this a popular type of tone .

White No. 33

No. 41

Enlarging and Reducing Tone Prints I



Using whit e print instead of blac for the do s, is is a popular tone laid over the dra •. ing whe n an effect similar to a bo as i is desi red . Popular dot and ink li ne pa-;terns app ear in Letraset's Sc ee o e and Screentone II series.

A final digit of 1 indicates a 10% value density. 100%

Reduced to 80% of the original

Reduced to 50% of the original

1 22

Typically, for manga and illustrations, the artwork is executed on a scale larger than the final printing format in order to elevate the intricacy of the printed copy. The concern in reducing the original draft is that the dots may lose their form during the printing process. For example, in the case of Screentone, the following will result:

I -"' ea son general periodicals reduce - s size of the original draft when they :- ~ th e manga is because it looks ~-= er. Stated another way, it is easier to :: <with printing when it has been .,..- erg ed . Try to work on a scale at 125% ~ - e printed size when drawing the : g inaI draft in a format other than the =•dard. Particular note must be paid _ -ad uction when working with ;=:dati on tones. This is because while :-e po rtion of the gradation tone may :r -~ cl early, the other portions of the -e m ay lose their integrity.

No. 43 (30%)

Gradation Tone

Reduced to 80% of the original

Reduced to 50% of the original

ST61 (layered)

No. 684

Enlarging and Reducing Tone Prints II

) ·.



only a single layer of tone, it is fairly simple to ate what the final appearance of the printed draft be after enlargement or reduction of the original. - ~ ·.~v er, in the case of layered tone sheets, even a ned expert will have difficultly guessing. On this -- :;;= are presented the most common forms of "' :ci ng.ln the case of random dots, if the tone is ?.: -ced too much, the result will look like nothing -:-a th an a common dot pattern, negating the reason sing the random dots in the first place. There is -: ·sk of a moire effect resulting. :.. ermore, there is also the risk that extremely light ~ ea t a 5% value density will be lost and scernible . So take care when selecting tone.

Reduced to 80% of the original

_ ;..... -'< ~~ ·.\._:, >~/.:


Layering Tone


; •

~ ·,· ~· ·-

• •

. 10:•::. ";


Reduced to 50% of the original


--;:: "m oire effect" is a printing term := ed from the French moire, which _ _ to silk and other sheer fabrics •g "watered" appearance, results s 2 films or screen tones with _ :;nly spaced lines or regular line :::c-::ern s are laid one over the other. - - e t his is generally not regarded as :< :=si red effect in printing, it can be ::. - oit ed and used effectively in ~---:.-; rk .

No. 102 + LT 266

Dot+ Gradation No. 102 + No. 703

Effect created using Screentones of differing dot line count No. 103 +No. 102

Effect created usi ng identical Screentones No. 103 +No. 103

No. 601 + No. 270

No. 301 + LT 266

No. 522 + LT 266

No. 420 + No. 420

Even more possibilities exist, so experiment with different combinations.


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