2003-2004 Yearbook

Page 1

Table of Contents

Welcome Back Barbeque Grade Camps


Head of School


Board of Directors


Faculty 21 Upper School


Junior School


Academ ics




Service & Clubs Advertising





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The annual Welcome Back Barbeque is an exciting event that brings the entire community together to kick start an exciting new school year. Students, parents, faculty and administrators take part in food and fun! The dunk tank is a popular venue. Ms. Ferguson, Ryan Alban and Joey Thompson appear to be enjoying the opportunity for a splashing event while Mr. Bruce-Lockhart looks on.


Friendship and fun are the main components of this traditional event.


The joy on the faces is evidence of it’s success!

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Right: On to Grade One Below: Teddy and me.

Marina looks proud of her accomplishments.

Imagination soars in Kindergarten.

Grade 6 Grads

Top Left: The cafeteria rocks.

Top: Kieran is engrossed in his reading.

Left: Mulgravians doing their part to recycle.

Middle: Megan and Jenni seem pleased with their work. Bottom: Students sharing their work.

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Grade 4/5 Camp Math Cam p

The Grade Five campers taking a hard earned rest.

Jade, Annebelle and Austyn enjoying some gap time.

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Despite the fresh sea breeze on Newcastle Island, there was hardly a moment to breathe on the action-packed Grade Six Camp. The daily trip out into the calm waters around the island, was the high­ light of each day. Captain Dave en­ thralled us with his dramatic, and not always entirely believable, tales and sage advice. Just as we were getting used to the constant watch of the raccoons, the not-quite-like-home sleeping conditions, the early rises and being surrounded by beautiful nature, it was time to come home. What an adventure!

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Grade 8 Camp Widgeon Creek


Row, row, row your boat...


Austin and Keith are catching a few rays.


Go fish.


Chloe, Taylor and Meg are looking stylish in blue and red.

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Darryl, Jay, Yun-Seok, and Mr. Cohee involved in a heated game of chess.


Suprina, Sara, Laura, Nicola, Salvia, and Cahley basking in the sun.


Grade 9’s taking a stroll through the woods.


Sara and Hilary manning the ship.


Angélique and Erica take the high seas.


Derek, being Derek.


The happy campers.





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Grade 9 Camp Windjammer



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Middle Left: Nick plays it cool while Jeff plays the fool.

Top: Cougars relax on Banzai Bluff

Middle Right: ... and looking gorgeous.

BottomLeft: BuffleheadserenadesMarthaandPedram

Middle: Ahnold is Governor of California!

Bottom: Please send help.

Grade 11 Camp Ba m f ยก e l d Vancouverlsland

Top left: Nick, Marcus, Roham, and David chill on the boat deck. Middle left: Dallas sporting a pig snout and a purple bandana. Go Dallas! Middle right: In great spirits after an interesting adventure. Bottom left: Tyler, Ben, Roham, Claire, and David mug for the camera. Bottom right: The whole grade 11 class at Bamfield

Grade 12 Leadership Cam p The Grade 12’s started the new school year by spending some time on Keats Island. The first graduating class canoed, hiked and played many games. We went polar dipping and played capture the flag in the hot sun. We slept overnight under the stars and manv•/lnennlo pot manv hites ín the 1 U J mnsmiitn 1 morning, we were joined by Mr. Bruce-Lockhart and Mr. deBeer and had a nice breakfast. It was a real bonding experience for the returning students and the new students.

Top: Ashley Ardagh, Alyssa Houghton and Aliya Bhatia sit stranded on a boat saved by the Grade 12’s..

Above right: a silouette of the boys where we slept overnight under the stars. Above middle: Jonathan Miller and Josh Preiswerk interview each other in an activity on a break from canoeing. Above: Kate O ’Neill ready to climb. Right: Cindy Nicholson, Ashley Ardagh, Bernice Pao, Nabila Pirani, Kristi Bleakney, and Rielly Lochhead ready to canoe around Keats Island.


As an English teacher, the only thing I disliked more than marking essays, was marking essays in which students repeatedly used the word “nice”. They would say: "The book was nice”, “The weather is nice”, “The school is nice”, “The food is nice” - everything was always “nice” ! This caused me to spend hours looking for words with the same meaning, writing them down so that my students could do their corrections I suppose these days English teachers have the same problem with students that use “like”, “cool” and “great” all the time! Now you might wonder why I am telling you this story. Well, when I was getting my thoughts in order to say goodbye to Mr. Simon Bruce-Lockhart, I kept finding myself in a dead-end - 1just could not find the right words to say. After all, how do you say goodbye to someone like Mr. Bruce-Lockhart? One of the Middle School teachers suggested that I ask the students what made Mr. Bruce-Lockhart special to them. I approached 23 students in the Junior and Upper School. Their answer? You guessed i t - “nice” ! They answered me with "nice” 16 times! Now that brought back memories for me, but instead of reaching for my thesaurus, I asked these students to give me the synonyms: “So, why is Mr Bruce-Lockhart ‘nice'”? Their answers speak for themselves: He is kind. He is grand He is joyous He is innovative He is energetic He is charismatic He is compassionate He is a good principal He is loving. He is giving. He treats everybody the same He is friendly. He is the best Headmaster. He played the piano at the Spring Concert. He has a dog. I was so impressed with the students’ answers that I decided to ask a few of the teachers and staff. Although they did not use the word “nice” nearly as much, they had the following to say about Mr. BruceLockhart: He has helped us to work as a team. His experience has been priceless. He is calm. He is fair. He is a great listener. He is honest. He treats everyone with respect. He is supportive. He is a team player. He is an inspiring man. So many wonderful definitions for the word “nice” - many more than I ever would have thought of. Yes, Mr. Bruce-Lockhart is all these things, he is a great leader, he is a wonderful Headmaster and Mulgrave has been so lucky to have him this year. Above all he is nice; very, very nice and we will miss him. Mr. Bruce-Lockhart, Mulgrave wishes you the best at your new school and we know that you will mean as much to them as you did to us in such a short time. Thank you for being our Headmaster.

No one would question that Mulgrave has a wonderful facility on a superb site, and there is no doubt that such surroundings are an enormously positive factor in the creation of the atmosphere of a school. Ultimately, however, it is people who make a school, people who are the measure of a school. On the first day of my arrival here, I was struck by the extraordinary friendliness of the student body, and the genuine warmth of your welcome to me (and subsequently, to Abby!) Although the nature of my job has kept me at a considerable distance from the vast majority of students, I have always felt a part of the school community, and I thank you for that. Several other elements of the school stand out to me. One is the astonishing degree of volunteerism amongst the parents: whether serving on the Board, the MVP, helping with teams, music trips or simply coming out in support, Mulgrave parents are enormously engaged with the school - to our great benefit. That is a wonderful example to you, the students, and one which I am delighted you take to heart. You raised over $52,000 for various charitable causes this year through your efforts, and that figure would exceed $60,000 when one considers the gifts in kind you raised - truly commendable! The last element that stands out is the extraordinary talent and dedication of the staff. Mulgrave is an incredibly busy place - starting out at about 6:30 am and often going on to about 9:30 at night. The number of activities is mind-boggling, and behind each one, there is a teacher with a passion. The school is blessed with a staff who see teaching as a vocation, not a job, and who invest hugely in time and energy to give their best to you, their students. I i egret that my time here has been so short, but I know the school will flourish under the leadership of Mr. Macoun. I look forward to visiting in the future, and seeing how you are all doing. Thank you for giving me a wonderful fourteen months at Mulgrave.

Chairm an - Tony Allard Vice Chairm an - Russ Benson Treasurer - B renda Blue Secretary - Ann Dillon G rant Ayers Zack Bhatia G ordon Brown Dee Dhaliwal Stephen Jem igan Joe M urphy John Pao 3eter van der G racht


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Christine Achtem John Bach JasonBell Catherine Broom Simon Bruce-Lockhart Rewena Bush Roger Chin Barbara Cochran Paul Cohee Julia Common Denise Cristobal Todd Croft Greg Cusbert Cristina Dann Eddie de Beer Amy Dunbar Karen Fairall Nicola Ferguson John Flanagan Ty Gee Done Gibson Christine Giesbrecht Jessica Gleig Janie Goodbrand Tom Grant Tony Grant Martin Hamm Lee Hardy Jane Heward Charlene Jenneson Tara Johnson Patricia Jolley Gina Jones Martin Jones Juanita Juan-Torregrosa Ted Keating Alan Keil Richard Keleher Jeremy Laker Virginia Lange


Jeanette Laursoo Luke Lawson Nicole LeBrun Gillian Louie Keith McCanna Alexandra McIntyre Claude McLean Fred Meewes

Murray Miller Marlene Morgan Heather Moscovitch John O'Flynn Cheryl Palamarek Cheryl Palm Shirley Perry Heather Pez Julie Piekaar Kate Pol sky Lorraine Radford Tasleem Rajwani Lynnea Rodier Bambi Roy Roily Rudd Ursula Schweighofer Lyndon Scott Juliet Simon Libby Soper Susan Stamp Mark Steffens Ben Strand Zsu Zsu Straub Lesley Tetiker Nihat Tetiker John Thomas Kimberly Tuckwell Neil Tuckwell Richard Vanderstone Sharon Vipond Angela Walsh Barbara Welsh Sian Williams Tony Wilson Rory Workman

left: Marisa Fuscaldo, Debbie Christie, Deanna Murray, Ann Maclsaac, and Karen Clarke showing some muscle, below left: Mr. deBeer working hard, below: Mr. Miller and Mr. Flanagan taking a break from working on computers.


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Staff appreciation Christinas B ack 11

baking buffet

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'oh the fia ces you will qd...” C o n g r a tu lâ t loi^£ ¿¡rad 2 .0 0 4 1 We would like to thank the Del Vicario Family for sponsoring this page.



Ashley Ardagh

Alyssa Houghton

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Taufiq Mitha

Nabila Pirani


Aliya Bhatia

Kristina Bleakney

Elahe Lakkhosravi

Rielly Lochhead


Cynthia Nicholson

Kacy Pollon

Christina Burns

Jonathan Miller

Angela Del Vicario

Sheliza Mitha


Katherine O’Neill

Bernice Pao

Scott Williamson

Keith Young

Denise Pao

Ashley Ardagh Memories:Cindy-Caribbean with you (pizzaSPLAT)-birds do have feathers! First time friend. Aliya-interesting/very interesting, red-lights/ carfallingapart. Kristi-Whistler’03*Hairy Legs Alyssa-walking to the Fluskie KateTRAPT&Hoobastank-Gotta love makin movies at 6am! Paola-Love ya babe! LYLAS! Mom&Dad Thanks for putting up with me! Thanks to my teachers for all the support! !!

Aliya Bhatia Memories :Ashley-(my twin), Ashley-Depp, AliyaHartnett, redlights, cars failin’ apart. STITCH ¡Cindy, little*man*on*wheels!(who’s the blonde now?).Kristi, yawning should be illegal for you.. .in slow motion !Alyssa- l sl time parkin n’drivin! LYLAS!*guess shoes at V-ball provincials’03, Costa Rica’02*nadyaand hafeezBest Friends Forever. FarahB-thanks for being the best sis and for all the good advice Nabeel- thanks for always being there for me.One more*Mom,Dad,Farah&Nahim, thanx for the support and love

Kristina Bleakney Memories: Costa Rica&Whistler with Cindyigloo&the Germans! Lake— sleeping outside! ‘the laying of the sacred blanket’.Cindy:Don’t Cut Me! ZoomGirls 03x2 Ash-boarding kicks !Aliya-goodw/ yawin! Ah jeepjeep-kc. Gossip Girls rule. Gonna mis grl l ’s so much! Alex-you’re the best-I love you! Kate-is-cool! All the parties! Thanks teachers-mum-dad-kels-alex-gibson. LOVE Y’ALL!!


Christina Burns There are some things I learned at Mulgrave that I will never forget. I learned how much fun it is to drag a holly tree down the hallway at full speed, that Kate’s Irish and that a great view can cheer me up no matter what. In five years we will all be different people, but we’ll always have something in common - our grade 12 year at Mulgrave. It wasn’t what I expected, but it was interesting; Life always is.

Angela Del Vicario Congratulations to all the grads of 2004. Thank you to my family, and teachers for helping me through my years at school. Tyler, thank you for always being there, you are special! Bert and Ernie are fun! Fun memories with the ABCD R ..! memories of D of E with the English bunch and of course the Bamfield dance! Grad 04 Formal was a blast! Volleyball rox! Italian Pole Vault at WV Track&Field. MW, DD Whistler Festival and “Band Camp”. UBC will rock with TH, the gang, and MW. Whistler X-Mas skiing, and summer slip and slide with the palooza boys! Good luck to all in the years to come!

Alyssa Houghton G ra d ‘04Finally done. I am out of here. 9yrs~Congrats Grad04’-Memories: Lockehavencrew(VCJLD) GreenLakers(Spatsis)..riding in the pick up Bowen'04 (FriendsForever-VG.CEJE). Cindy-GiddySleepovers.TimmyHo’s Kristi~Whistler03’ and parties Rielly~Two famous words Ashley-Walking to the Huskie Aliya-Driving where is PR? Ang-Ziplocs, slip’n’slide !Mich-shopping sounds good (love ya) Bball gals (DS,EC), D of E, Leadership02, Diabetic Camp-Soccer for life. Love y’all Caro-Best Friends its gonna last Lynda- thanks for everything -Stay strong. W e’re almost through. Mom,Dad - couldn’t have done it without you! Jen Big Sis Geoff Cammy Matt Love you-Thanks foreverything 37

Elahe Lakkhosravi When I first came to Mulgrave I was a new Canadian. I found life a big challenge. The past two years have been a rewarding experience. Grade twelve has been a happy year for me enriched by new friends. The pressure to succeed, working for higher marks, and the suspense of waiting for responses from Universities, has created an emotional roller coaster. The teachers and counselors have been wonderful in helping me make good choices for my future education and ultimate career.

RiellyLochhead We have finally made it! I really mean it! It was a fun year with you guys DP, BP, ADV and CL. NP- we will definitely organize that function! You the political and me the social! SM you helped me survive this year! My Gr. 11 buddies - I’ll miss you all- AC, CL, MM. Ms. Morgan you are the best! Sam you are the best sister in the world!! Thankyou so much Mom, Dad, Seth, K and D- You guys were always there for me through hard times and I know that you always will be. I love you all so much. And to all “Live Life with Intention”

Jonathan M ille r Well, it's been interesting. If there’s anything I actually have learned from this school that will actually stay with me, it’s how people work, and that will be the best lesson of all. I have Mr. Hardy to thank for giving me a hand with that. The last year was actually pretty fun, but I’m sure no one will be offended when I say it’s good to be heading out to the real world. High school is only the beginning, and most of us have a long way to go from here.


ShelizaM itha We are finally here grad’04!”In real life everyday you graduate.lt is a process that goes on until the last day of your life.If you can grasp that,you’ll make a difference.”B and D - summerland, keep it going;) NP. CB remember tubing.. RL my study buddy.. .Thanks for always being there dad, my family and friends.Love you!

TaufiqM itha "Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.” Anais Nin, a well-known and renowned writer stated this in one of her most famous of poems. One of my dreams was to attend a school in Canada, and fortunately, I was able to attend Mulgrave School. After coming in Grade 9 , 1was able to observe the transformation of the school from having two locations, which eventually merged into one magnificent setting on Cypress Bowl. Personally, I found this to be a truly enriching experience, as not only did 1 learn that 1can achieve anything I set my mind to, but the support and encouragement that one receives can truly enable them to achieve and accomplish their goals even in the most challenging of circumstances.

Cynthia Nicholson Gossip Girls. Memories - Caribbean with Ashley.Aand the shopping spree! Costa Rica and Whistler with Kristi- 2 fried eggs - shut the drapes! AlyssaGiddy Sleepovers & Shania Concert - 2nd home! Aliya- Piercing Pal & true blonde, little men on wheels! Argyle with Couitney-Love Y'all Like Sisters! Volleyball chicas-provincials’02. Saratoga Summers-hunting for oysters and the sacred blanket! Ashley.B- Tough year; you're amazing and you did it! Colleen (boogs) best sis/friend everwe’re NOT twins. Lover you! Tim-big brother, love you! Mom.Dad.Coll andTim, thanks for always being there— ©ya’ll, xox


Katherine O ’Neil You're on the road/but you’ve got no destination/ You're in the mud/in the maze of her-imagination/ You love this town/even if that doesn’t ring true/ You’ve been all over/and it’s been all over you/It’s a beautiful day don't let it get away. It’s a beautiful day-WE ARE DONE YAY! !!!!- SOO excited! !¡Thanks for making the years so special/ love you all. D/Have fun on your own cuz I know I will! Whistler/filming-Let’scomplimentevery one. Shizzle and gizzle. Where is the caps lock key/ l\Hard to find a place where there are no walls/and no lines begging me to cross/Only straight ahead/ better move along...

"The soul looketh steadily forwards creating 3 new world before herm leaving worlds behind her' -Emerson, Ralph Waldo f ‘ The steady hands we were offered in aid; limbs sketched on trees, we took The gentle piaise we received was taken granted ancfretained, we grew The questions led us to answere, which we could not yet conceive, we understood But now the delicate poise from which we sat has grown stiff; we are toldto-departm we shook . Our past has now surfaced, our coufage is threatened asthis day has come, we knew The answers we were taught we questioned, we stoof Though we met only 12, they acted as a conductor for each train. Rare, yet rememberedEach stop making a step to the next, each conductor ready to lead- They revisit what happens only once, relive the best memories over. We helped and frustrated, and were helped and frustrated- Whom, to all o f which we owe. Not teachers o f education, nor teachers o f class, teachers o f life. Stages count.twelve yet the steps seem mofe. The time we looked-iorward with*” anticipation, we can how look back on with fondness. It's an action taken only once built from th^early grains o f memory. Childhood leaves an imprint in indelible incthat can't be outgrown oi>forgotten. They provided the sun, water, and soil, and now acts as the pot that protects. From birth to death, forever lockedsâthin our minds. Forever

Bernice Pao Congrats Grad 2004! We finally made it! A B C D R cool! 1 luv you guys! Memories: ’02 V-ball Zones & Provincials. '02 Costa Rica trip! River rafting and the beach! NEED Starbucks run! CL: Are you making a fire? Guess what? Summerland is ON!! haha. NYC Trip! Jenkinsons w/Denise! Remember those gross onion string things? COUNT IT! haha. Thank you Mom, Dad, Brandon and Denise for putting up with me and always being there! HAGS!

Denise Pao We made it Grad ’04! What a long journey from K12. Thanks to my parents, teachers and friends. Never thought I would make it to Gr. 12. ABCD R...! This year was a blast with you guys! loi. friends: bp.el.cl.np.adv.rl.sm. semi-formal was so much fun. tylerpalooza! Grad dinner dance and grad cruise volleyball was awesome! provincials ’02! shoutzstoall my vball girls! love ya! I’ll miss everybody ! love, denise

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Nabila Pirani Heya all! Wow. High school’s over already! It’s been a crazy ride, but its been good. RL, 4 months are done! We have to organize the thing, you the social part and me the political. So much fun. JM and KY: five years (we need a name though). CB and SM: remember tubing? EH: thanks for being there (always). EL: they’re so similar. Saf, mum, dad: shukriya. SP: how old are you?!haha Who knows what’s going to happen now. Oh well, whatever happens, happens for a reason. Anyways, all the best to all, take care, and keep in touch!

Kacy Pollon Congrats to Grad 04’! I want to thank my family and friends for their encouragement and support! V-ball provincials 02’ - good times; ANBK - Go Betty! Starbucks anyone?; JK - He’ll be walking like this, 3 in 1!; Cut - incredible cast!: Keats - Fun times!; and all of the parties (mostly at Kristi’s love ya babe!)!! We did it guys!! - e& Kace

Scott W illiam son Great year, thanks to my family, friends, and teachers. I’d also like to wish everyone the best in whatever they decide to do with the rest of their lives!


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January 24th, 2004 at the Renaissance Hotel Mulgrave’s very first Semi Formal and what a magical evening ! Everyone was in high spirits as they walked in through the glass doors looking wonderful in handsome suits and glamorous dresses. Dinner, dancing, and being with friends- whocould ask for more? It was abeautiful beginning to a wonderful night. The Grade 11 and 12’s would like to thank Ms. Common and Mrs. de Jaray for all their hard work to make this event possible

We would like to thank Staley, Okada & Partners and Ken Scott, Partner for sponsoring this page.

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Board Chair Tony Allard congratulates Valedictorian Jonathan Miller on receiving his diploma.


Taufiq Mitha and Keith Young await the start of the ceremony.

W e w o u ld lik e to th a n k N ick M iller an d L in d a F ra ser, K evin a n d T erri O ’N eill fo r sp o n so r in g th is p age.


-amily members ol the graduates, students, and faculty congratulate the grads at the reception ollowing the ceremony. Mr. deBecr shares Christina’s accomplishments with the audience.

Our thanks go to Howard & Paddy Young, Cameron & Sue Burns, John & Pam Williamson, and Niek Miller & Linda Fraser for sponsoring this page.

Board Chair Tony Allard and Sheliza Mitha.


J'.lahc Lakkhosravi, Nabila Pirani, and Scott Williamson.

W e w o u ld lik e to th a n k Z a ck & N a v in B h a tia , M u staq & A n n a r P iran i, and M a h b u b , R u k sh a n a & A lta z M ith a for sp o n so r in g th is page.

Top Left: Sogol T., Erin C„ Devon S. and Sarah F. enjoying their lunch. Top Right: Stephanie Lewis smiling for the camera. Left: Eddie L. and Katey W. say “cheese”. Above: Alex L., Hadi K., and Nick N. ponder life’s tough questions.


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The Gr. 11 class looking very scientific in Mr. Me Canna’s chemistry class.

Marcus C swinging by his locker!




Alicia is donating some of her hair to the "Hair For Hope.�


Liz Hendren and Dallas Hokanson are all smiles.

Jon Simons.


Senior girls hanging out.

Lindsay Angus Allsun Campbell Alicia Cherneski Erin Christy Marcus Crabtree Kira Farrell

Sarah Fenwick Jessica Hardie Liz Hendren Tyler Herrington Katharine Heus Dallas Hokanson

Hadi Kardan David Kim Sara King Claire Lawson Sun-Min Lee Stefanie Lewis

Eddie Li Alexander Liao Michelle Mange Graeme Medland Nikolas Neugebauer Monika Pawlak

Romney Pearson Nolo Phiri Roham Rahmanian Nadim Roberts Jonathan Simons Devon Simpson



Top Left: Andrew Robertson and Ali Mahmoudi . Middle: The nineties are over. Top Right: Braces are cool. Bottom Left: Nice hat, Alaina. Bottom Right: Easily amused.


Brendan Archibald Meghan Bell James Botwright Graham Burns Meredith Carr Madeline Coleman

Alexandre Curaudeau Rebecca Cynader Shae de Jaray Alaina Denhartog Derek Dix Nicole Ebert

Parham Esfahani Jessica Farrell John Friedrich Benjamin Gigliotti Pedram Hosseini Geoffrey Houghton

Kyung Eun Lee Ross Lee Alireza Mahmoudi Eddie Mange Natasha Molthagen Nick Ng

Joanna Peters Miles Reid Caitlin Rempel Kimberly Roberts Andrew Robertson Christopher Robertson

Liz Rogers Arvand Saffari Patrick Sawtell Carly Sigurdson Morgan Stewart Ted Stuart

Zaahira Surani Samuel Swanson Jeffrey Thompson Samantha Tsuruda Marion Turner Devon Van Mook

Olivia Vipond Alanna Vittery Samantha Wolfe Martha Woodruff Matthew Wren Garrett Young


Left: Hanging out at the Science Fair. Below: Sarah L. and Kate J. at Science Fair. i


Left: Fiona H. is in the mood for food! Above: Sara G. in Science class.




Laura D and Alex B posing after a hard volleyball practice.

Murdock P enjoying another day at school!


Taylor C keeping it real with Angélique V and Lauren PÜ

Marc Alternan Hilary Angus Brandon Ayers Alexandra Bieg Nicola Budd Taylor Carr

Tyson Cowley Guillaume Curaudeau Julie Curtis Laura Dennis Robert Durman Alexandra Forward

Stephen Galbraith Suprina Gill Sara Gray Katherine Jewell Lateisha Keith Darryl Koh

Jay Lee Yun Seok Lee Mario Linaksita Alanna Linder Valerie Loewen Sarah Longinotti

Kali Malinka Derek Mange Salvia Matonis Lauren McClellan Luke McClellan Christopher McGrath

Rachel McIntyre Morgan Mclean Katherine Muzyka Megan Nelson Erica Newman Michael Nonni

Braden O'Neill Patrick O'Neill Taylor Oswald Troy Otto Christopher Pallai Murdock Pol Ion


Eliza Preiswerk Gabrielle Reed Samantha Russell Angela Saunders Daniel Schramm Mark Simons

Warren Smithies Dylan Stein Brian Thomas Cahley Tod-Tims Lauren Van Aggelen Alycia Van Der Gracht

AngĂŠlique Vieira Daniel Webbe Andrew Widdows Max Williamson Nathan Yip Toshimitzu Yue

Erica Hardie Scott Harrison Fiona Humbert-Droz Margherita Padovani Lauren Pearce Jhordan Stevenson

Left: Sean Murphy and Andrew Chalmers. Below: What is Chloe up to now?

Left: Shaun is sitting on a log enjoying a nice snack.

Above: Madison appears to be cooking happily in the kitchen.


Kian Abghari Hagopik Agopian Ryan Alban Hawazen Alnuweiri Seria Bag Bryce Balcom

Shaun Bell Benjamin Bengtson Andrew Bieg Devin Brooks Hugh Cape Andrew Chalmers

Neil Cherneski Michael Chiavattari Sarah Cooper Matthew Cullen Alexandra Cynader Hadi Daou

Aryan Firouzbakht Caitlin Forster Madison Forsythe Alyssa Forzley Natasha Frakes Christopher Gaudry-Gardner

Ryan-Marie Gruzling Madison Hall Alina Heit Travis Herrington Megan Heus Steve Hur

Alexandra Inman Se Song Jang Jessica Knowles Lauren Koenig Antonia Kolic Jamie Labron

Fazila Lakhani Jonathan Lathey Christie Lee Nathan Ma Chloe Malinka Farinaz Marzara

Trevor Merritt Sean Murphy Cameron Murtรณn Zak Nash Kate Neil Jonathan Obertas


Matthew Pallone Melody Pan Ryan Parker Lydia Peters Safeeya Pirani Zakiya Pirani

Hannah Plamenig Taylor Shepard Aaron Simpson Austin Smith Christopher Sokoloff Ryan Stanimir

Aaron, Blake and Paulius are having a fun time in the Cafeteria.

Claire is a new student at Mulgrave!

Lawson Chu seems to be sharing a laugh with all of us.

Top left: Mei-ling, Camilla, Alysha and Emma are a joyful group of friends. Bottom left: Caroline and Devan.


Top right: Gage and Ana grin for the camera. Middle left: Blake appears to be singing a song for the camera.

Middle right: Evie is always smiling! Bottom right: Nellie, Maddie.Claire, Lauren and Christina smile for the camera.

Verity Adams Jose Aguilar Gage Allard Keegan Balcom Gillian Boehm Harrison Brook

Lawren Chan Lawson Chu Rachel Chung James Collister Ana-Lucia Costachescu Blake Davies

Oliver Dempsey Mark Denny Priyanka Dhaliwal Stefan Dupuis Caroline Friedrich Christina Galbraith

Madison Hooge Joey Hu Camilla James Nima Jelveh Joseph Kemaghan Alysha Krogh

Claire Largeau Rachel Lee Stewart Lee Mei-ling Lee Evelina Leppanen Ang Li

Hudson Liao Morgan Lunn Joel Mabbott Trevor Maclean Paulius Matonis Anna Maurer

Anders Mech Jonathan Muzyka Melissa Ong Sean Oswald Katherine Pallai Brandon Pao


Alice Pearson Ashley Peet Christopher Pettigrew Michael Pettigrew Nellie Pitoniak Lucas Rechtschaffner

Emma Ronsley Timothy J. Ropchan Daniel Russell Sherwin Sharifi Julia Sherman Matthew Smith

Aaron Stein Eric Tam Katherine Taylor Lauren Tetiker Christopher Thompson Glen Turner

Salim Visram Lauren Wierenga Devan Young Evie Zorzos Anthony Begert

Top right: Smiles for the camera from the senior girls! Bottom right: Farinaz is making a clean sweep of it.

Top left: Don't let her get away Graeme! Bottom left: Grade Sixes in their P.E. kit ready to go.


T reat people as i f they were w h a t they o u g h t to be, a n d yo u can help them become w h a t they are capable \o f becom ing. -J o h a n n von Goethe 1749-1832

James Sleeves

helby Ayres

Catherine Addison Sevan Agopian Mahdiar Ahmadi-niri Zain Alimohamed Reid Allen Loryn Arnett

Shelby Ayers Mamie Beddis Anna Bengtson Talia Benson Alexandra Bleim ZoĂŤ Brook

Julia Brown Michael Budd Aaron Case Rayhaan Charania Keisha Christensen Sophie Coleman

Laura Crowe-Hutchon Alison Davies Megan Davies Jan De Beer Peter Demers Jonathan Dennis

Javid Dharas Lachlan Dorey Louis Dupuis Alexandra Falconer Callum Foden Chloe Forster

Emma Gould Nicole Howes Jenni Hughes Esmee Ingham Montana Ivancoe Kieran Jarvis

Mary Jernigan Ian Knowles Sam Lam-Waddell Joshua Lang Gorden Larson Andrew Lee


Sun Woo Lee Shaun Lim Zachary Lim Andre Linaksita Brenna Maclean Garรณ Mavyan

Greigh McGrenera Bryce McLean Laura Meakings Taylor Millar Michael Minicucci Charles-Joseph Mitchell

Melanie Moller Benjamin Neil Robert Newell Eliza Nowack Benjamin Patton Rachel Petrovicz

Krystal Pollon Riva Ridley Meghan Robinson Matthew Sawchyn Annie Sokoloff Dean Solloway

Chelsea Stanimir James Steeves Ruven Stein Emily Stewart Lauren Thomas Bryn Tod-Tims

Cassandra Travlos Bradley Tullis Alistair Vittery

Cameron Wallace Alexander Wimmer Brett Zielke


Stuart Anderson Kenner Astles Mark Begert Sophie Bird Hannah Borland Ashley Bowron

Cameron Brooks Griffin Brooks Fiona Brough Siobhan Carr Jadina Chu Kieran Cullen

Abigail Dawson Nicholas Dempsey Elizabeth Dennis Rohan Dhaliwal Landon Dix Michelle Dupuis

Teghan Fedor Erin Forzley Austyn Frostad Annabelle Hamilton Brandon Hamilton Alysha Harris

Michael Harris Benjamin Henry Shanelle Hill Madison Inman Conrad James Bobby Jelveh

Kimberley Kessel Jae-hyeon Kim Elham Lakkhosravi Antoine Largeau Sarah Mei-kim Lee Yun Ji Lee

Eric Lei Claire Le Nobel Katrina Leppnen Erick Leung Michelle Liao Anna Liu


Jack Macphail Shane Mailey Nikolaus Marshall Andrew Martin Tirajeh Mazaheri Anders Mcintyre

Andrew Moffatt Elise Naccarato Spencer Nash Hayley Nelles Anika Nystrom Marcel Nystrom

Jason Obertas Victoria Ong Sid Pearson Jarod Piett Alyssa Rodrigues Claire Ronsley

Soraiya Salemohamed Jonathan Schreiber Spencer Shields Nathan Stedman Hollis Steeves Lance Taylor Allison Van Aggelen

Shi Yin Wang Kotaro Watanabe Brendan Wheelwright James Wheelwright Alicia Williamson Christian Wimmer William Wogan

Michael Woodcock Kei'ichiro Yamamoto Erin Young Norika Yue


William Oiijiaii Antonia Dol haine

Derek Nvstrom


Kamil Ladhani

Armaan Air

Heather Addison Armann Ali Luke Allard Peter Allen Braden Bedard Hana Bell

Eric Bleim Michael Blundell Jordan Boehm Carmelo Bottieri Colton Brooks Graham Brown

Daniel Budd Robert Chambers Christopher Chan Natalia Chichkine Ted Chung George Collister

Alexandra Crone Ariel Cummings Samantha Dawson Marthinus De Beer Antonia Dolhaine Damion Dorn

Brenna Dowling Steven Feingold Rosie Foden Gemma Guard Jaime Hills Michaela Hughes

Rufina Ip Nabil Kamdar Sameena Kamdar Katrina Kernaghan Kamil Ladhani Brendan Langley

Jake Larson Mae-lynn Lim Lindsey Marks Michael Mckinnon Kelsey Mclean Charlotte Millar


Nisia Minicucci Nicole Moller Alexander Naccarato Daniel Newell Derek Nystrom Tomas Nystrom

William Ounjian Bronson Peever Madelaine Phillips Jake Pinnock Zahid Pirani Amy Ren

Hayden Ritter Wesley Rivers Austin Roberts Alexander Sadler Kate Shepard Nadir Surani

Nicole Tanner Lucas Thextan Graeme Tod-tims AngĂŠlique Travlos Imogen Wallis-mayer Tristan Wallis-mayer

Sebastian Wearmouth Maxwell Wilkins Xinyi Xie Jiayi Zhou Ryker Zilkey Kendra Perrin



Amin Ahmadi-niri AmeeqaAli Evan Anderson Anna Argente Connor Arnett Margaret Berton

Teela Brooks Loryn Byres Heather Chambers Justin Chan Riley Christensen Bradley Chu

Nicholas Durrans Kye Fedor Gloria Feng Christopher French Christian Frost Spencer Gair

Christopher Gollner Alexandra Goult Andrew Graystone William Hamilton Victoria Havens Alexina Henderson

Sofia Henderson Camille Houghton Nicolas Isla Cheyenne Ivancoe Sanesh Iyer Oliver Kirkwood

Chanel Laรงasse Alexander Lee Hunter Logan Sarvnaz Malektojar Samuel Mcleod Jonathan Meakings

Parisa Mehregan Adam Mitha Imran Moosa Grayson O'brien Emma Parsons Stephanie Porter


YiQin Hannah-Rose Radford Emma Rahemtulla Alia Ridley Alborz Saffari Leigh Sawchyn

Emily Shields Philip Simons Emily Smallwood Jordan Stein Josef Thompson Cole Tomanik

Jamil Visram Mackenzie Wallster Ryohei Watanabe lan Widdows Devon Yip Lauren Young



Matthew Abrary Nicholas Allen Tyler Benson Emma Bird Michael Bimie Benjamin Boddez

Georgina Borland Bronwyn Carere Sophia Chappell Safia Charania Celine Chen Crystal Cheng

Heather Corbett Cole Coupland Moeko Fischer Braedan Fitzpatrick Jack Foden Rose Gallo

Anna Hetherington Connor Hughes Dax Inman Isabelle Kirkwood Arisha Ladhani Annika Lee



Mitchell Madill Nicola Marks Patrick Martin Caitlin Mckinnon Daniel Moffatt Megan Moffatt

Aleem Muljiani McKenna Patton Connor Petrovicz James Pike Julia Pinnock Micah Smith


Alexander Stedman Megan Steffens Alexis Thexton Frances Thomas


is ^

Jonathan Andrews Alexander Argente Dara Barrow-Precious Morgan Byres Ivan ChichĂ­dne Morgan Darke

Benjamin Dawson Adrian Dean Kevin Fabian Matreya Fedor Lauren Forster Andrew French

Nicholas Frost Emma Goult Cameron Henderson Watson Li Rex Logan Aurelia Matonis

Cole Mcleod Madison Mcmillian Stephanie Mounzer Koki Norimatsu Victoria O'brien Mitchell Oswald

Bess Pearson William Pullen Hirmand Saffari Omar Salemohamed William Smallwood Mitchell Thompson

Sarah Walker Antonia Wearmouth George Wheeler Caroline Williams Wood Nicholas Wimmer-Manderson Trevor Withers


Bishr Alimohamed John Allen Christopher Andrews Jordan Beck Jessica Beddis Emma Berton

Catherine Chu Karis Dawson Betsie De Beer Zoe-rae Dixon Jackson Doyle Elias Ergas

Victor Feng Laura Gollner Kevyn Hall Chelsea Henry Matthew Houghton Sydney Kessel

Jacob Laรงasse Soraiya Lalani Ashley Laursoo Emme Lee Natalie Marshall Omar Mitha

Vivian Ounjian Hannah Rahim Nadia Rodrigues Carl Steffens Marissa Tanner Benjamin Tarczy

Jared Tomanik Merina Uhrle Danielle Wierenga


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For the second consecutive year M ulgrave School (the only school from British Colum bia) participated in the Southern O ntario M odel UN A ssem bly (SO M A ), C anada’s largest and oldest high school M odel U N with over 650 students participating. SO M A is held on the University o f Toronto cam pus each April and is run by the U niversity o f Toronto Schools. This year M ulgrave represented Pakistan and Georgia. Students sat on various U N com m ittees for three days debating a w ide range of resolutions. These included: Security Council reform; the situation in Iraq; international AIDS epidem ic; the plight o f refugees; the situation in Kashm ir and agricultural subsidies. Students come aw ay from the conference w ith a deeper understanding and appreciation o f w orld affairs. The following students attended the M odel U N : N abila Pirani, N adim Roberts, Mr. Law son, Alex Liao, Jon M iller and Liz Hendren. 88

Junior School Grade 4: Winner Sameena Kamdar Maddie Phillips Kamil Ladhani Grade 5: Winner Sophie Bird Alysha Harris Hannah Borland Grade 6: Winner Meghan Robinson Mamie Beddis Eliza Nowack

Upper School Guillaume Curaudeau Sara Gray Darryl Koh Morgan McLean Murdock Pollon Samantha Russell Dylan Stein Verity Adams Keegan Balcom Lawren Chan liver Dempsey Michael Pettigrew Christopher Thompson Salim Visram


The g en eral Idea is that hewing gum at school Is a badf¡ hing to do. when 1 saw an a r t i c l e In the newspaper a b o u t i Chewing gum making you s m a rte r ! I wondered whether i t was Ü tru e. I d ecided to do an *périment to see I f chewing f i r e a ll y d id make you r t e r . i wanted to tr y and i hange the id ea th a t chewing » » a t school was n e c e s s a r ily m i bad.

Winners of this year’s ScienceFair included:

Grade 7 Physics: 1) Glen Turner 2)NimaJelveh 3)MeiLing Lee and Rachel Lee Honorable Mention: Lawren Chan; Katie Taylor and Morgan Lunn Biology: 1) Kegan Balcon 2) Lauren Wierenga and Annie Maureer 3) Ashley Peet Honorable Mention: Lauren Tetiker and Maddie Hooge; Chris Thompson Chemistry: 1) Camilla James and Emma Ronsley 2) Aaron Stein 3) Evalina Lepanen Honorable Mention: Harry Brook; Salim Visram

Grade 8 Physics: 1) Meg Heus 2) Travis Herrington 3) Christie Lee and Natasha Frakes Honorable Mention: Kia Abghari; Hadi Daou Biology: 1) Kate Neil 2) Bryce Balcom and Ben Bengtson 3) Austin Smith Honorable Mention: Antonio Kokic and Alex Cynader; Matt Cullen and Andrew Chalmers Chemistry: 1) Lydia Peters 2) Alex Inman 3) Nathan Ma and Graeme Wyman Honorable Mention: Zakayi Pirani and Hawazen Alnuweiri; Safeeya Pirani

Grade 9 Biology: 1) Darryl Koh 2) Dylan Stein and Chris McGrath 3) Laura Dennis Honorable Mention: Rachel McIntyre and Salvia Matonis; Kali Malinka Chemistry/Physics: 1) Morgan McLean 2) Guillaume Curadeau and Tyson Cowling 3) Warren Smithies and Brian Thomas Honorable Mention: Alex Bieg and Angela Saunders; Marioi Linaksita and Jay Lee

Grade 10 1) Alex Curadeau and Shae de Jaray 2) Morgan Stewart and Joanna Peters 3) James Botwright and Patrick Sawtell Honorable Mention: Graham Burns and Parham Esfahani; Jeff Thompson and Arvand Saffari

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Congratulations to Morgan McLean, Guillaume Curaudeau, Tyson Cowley, Alex Curaudeau, and Shae de Jaray who went on to successfully compete at the UBC Regional Science Fair. Morgan McLean was awarded both the bronze medal in the Intermediate Engineering category and the APEC award. Guillaume Curaudea and Tyson Cowley won a silver medal in the Intermediate Environemental Science category and Alex Curaudea and Shae de Jaray won a silver medal in the Intermediate Engineering category.




M adison Inm an Gr5

Primary School Science Fair 2004 The junior school Science Fair was held on the 12th and 13th February 2004. It was a time of great excitement as the scientific endeavours of our students were celebrated and admired. Parents and friends were invited into the school on the Friday afternoon, but the K-6 students were equally enthusiatic to view the work of their peers in the morning. Science Fair projects are hard work and are often the culmination of many dinner table discussions, but are the true embodiment of the Mulgrave Triad. Parents, teachers and students all played a part in the finished projects. As the projects were delivered to school, the excitement was almost tangible. Science was shown to be a living, breathing entity in the hearts and minds of our student body. One of the aims of the Science Fair Foundation is to take science out of the lab and into students’ lives. This aim was certainly fulfillled by young Mulgravians this year. We saw moving vehicles in Kindergarten, investigations into apple seeds and penny cleaners in Grade 1, weight-bearing boats in Grade 2, gap spanning bridges in Grade 3, egg carrying devices in Grade 4, investigations into weather in Grade 5 and a myriad of scientific study in Grade 6. The competitive element is limited to grades 5 and 6, in preparation for possible inclusion in the provincial competetion in Grade 7. The classroom teachers initially chose two students to be interviewed by a panel of Scientists.The judges interviewed these short-listed students individually and eventually, after much discussion, winners were chosen. It was impressive to witness the eloquence and poise of our young scientists and I am sure that we have produced some award winners of the future.

Judges- Mr. Michael Carr, Dr Anis Lakha, Dr. Linda Drake, Mrs. Krista Jehnichen, Dr.Anne Wallis, Mr. Pat Naccarato, Mr. Geoff Wheelwright, Mr. Graham Van Aggelen, Mr Cusbert and Mrs Ferguson Finalists- 5C Jarod Piett, 5C Andrew Moffatt, 5D Asheley Bowron, 5D Jack MacPhail, 5F Teghan Fedor, 5F Claire leNobel, 5R Alyssa Rodrigue, 5R Brandon Hamilton, 6G0 Ben Neil 93

Autumn The leaves fell one by one; slowly and quickly as I sat underneath the raining tree and watched as their happiness flowed into me. I was happy just as they were.

Everything but the kitchen sink my mother call it ‘everything but the kitchen sink our leftover dinner a wilted celery stalk some bruised potatoes can be reinvented with my mother's magic touch

But then, they went away just as everything else will. But I was not sad as they stayed with me until they came back and went away once more.


she made it out with other favourites; spices, barley; a touch of soap never goes awry; jello adds a much needed hue, and granola bars give a lovely texture, her final ingredient is nothing but short of masterful the stirring spoon is added for luck

I watched as they came and went all around me; until they were gone once again. -Michael Pettigrew Gr7

the kitchen sink is safe for now.

What is Snow All About? Snow is shiny white. Snow tastes like cold water. Snow smells like nothing. Snow makes me feel like I want to go outside and play. Snow twirls and swirls. Snow looks like white sprinkles falling from the sky. Snow is really cold.

-SeSongJang G r8

Winter Winter weather is wet, windy and cold. Icicles dangle and sparkle. Noses turn red in cold winter Twirl and swirl, the snowflakes Everybody dresses warmly to make snow angels Rivers freeze in the icy breeze.

-Hannah Rahim GrK

- An Acrostic Poem by KR

I’m aware of that ! watch

/hat should I say? The colour may be black, Dut I see green, fs that right?

1didn’t think so. There’s laundry downstairs, fchat would work, need to do something, wasn’t suppose to happen you know. The reds don’t go in with the whites, ft shouldn’t have happened, not to her. ; couldn’t stop it, ('m aware of that, iut I’m still going to do laundry

watch... ás the waves prash endlessly upon the smooth faces jfrock. watch... fis the gentle wind pushes the water forward knd then rises to a steady force:eager lo blow passers-by p ff their feet.

- Christina Burns Gr 12

watch... hs the sun beams down on the land and warms it just enough \o bum the skin: but not quite varm the soul.


! watch... hs animals and sea creatures roam back and forth: across |h e expanse of their peaceful habitats.

I watch... as fallen leaves --still though they seem— come to life: flapping and twirlingand then collapse with a crunch on the smooth rocky shore. I watch... as the horizon —lightly engulfed in fog— becomes swallowed up and then appears once more: emerging from the gloom. wondering... waiting... i watch.. -Angela Saunders Gr 9

Street Writing

smirk, or look back: when they’ve passed.

I’m sitting on a sidewalk: not easy to ignore: but avoidable. The traffic light turns red. The youngest ones stare out back wi ndows and turn to point with little fingers: to point at me.

A big man walks by, spits at my feet. I curl my lip and he lunges at me: I scrabmle away: he grunts and walks on.

Curiousity kills me. Mothers rush by, holding the hands of children. Teenagers avoid my eyes and steer clear

among the filthy bricks. I feel wet and pull my fingers away; they are red from the fresh spray paint that I have smudged. This lets me know that I exist:

The pavement is less friendly in the dark. I have left my mark. It is cold when the sun goes down behind the tall buildings. The shadows cast eerie bodies over us in the streets and make the alleyways endless: and initimidating. I walk down the side road and trail a dirty hand



Silly Old Bat T here once w as a silly old bat W ho lived in a tom up hat He ate a green snail A nd turned very pale O h, w hat a w eird old bat -R ose G allo G r 2

You wake early on a sunny, Saturnday morning. As you are slowly attempting to lift your limp body off your desirable bed, you feel a light, cool breeze burst through the window. You flop back, and sink Into your berth. The breeze feels like ashield, as it trickles down your bones and protects you from all the unknow. The breeze swishes and sways, and the mood begins to change. You are now In an oasis. You gaze at the cystal - clear ocean, as It rapidly pounds against the citrus coral. The wind is now your hammock. As it gently cradles you back and forth, you seem to feel lighter. You stare in awe as you cautiously watch all your problems emerge from your body and float Into the sky. -Alex Gr 6

If I were an animal, I’d be a human because I could be myself. If I were the richest person in the world, I would spend my money on a BMW motorcycle because I could give it to my dad for Christmas. If I were really famous at something, it would be computer prorgamming because I could make my own web-sites. If I were a school lunch. I'd be eaten. If I were 20 years older, I’d be 28 years old and working for a high-tech company.

It I could take 3 things with me to a deserted island, they would be my yu-gi-oh cards, my X-box and a sack full of chocolate bars. If I had a baby girl, I’d name her June because it’s m favourite month. If I had a baby boy, I’d name him Matt because I have friend in the U.S.A. named Matt. It I were a month, I’d be June because it’s the month of m birthday.

-Andrew Graystone Gr 3

If I had to eat only one thing for the rest of my life, it would be my mom's noodles and onion gravy because it’s so good. If 1 could change my name, I’d change it to Mars because it’s the name of a Roman god and it’s the name of a planet.


FRENCH CARNAVAL "Cleanival is washed away ! An attem pt to cancel this years C arnaval activités by Dr. Sham rock and his C leanival crew was put to a stop by B lack Jack and his band o f voyageurs. « Le jo u r était fantastique! ! » The students enjoyed all the activities in the gym , tasting « la tire » and enjoyed a w onderful « M ardi G ras » concert by Clare de Lune.

The artist is the person w ho m akes life m ore interesting o r beautiful, m ore understandable o r m ysterious, o r probably in the b est sense, m ore w onderful.

“ A r t students combine le a rn in g techniques w ith exp lo rin g personal expression. Through ceramics, draw ing, p a in tin g , p rin tm a kin g , and 3 -D sculpture, students learn to examine the p ro b le m ­ solving process that they go through as they complete each project. Self-evaluation and p eer c ritiq u e a llo w a ll students to examine th e ir own a rt and the a rt o f others using the vocabulary o f the

Top: G uillaum e Curaudeau Bottom: David Kim

elements and p rin cip le s o f design. These insigh ts combine to a llo w students to reach th e ir f u l l p o te n tia l as artists and visual communicators.

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- G eorge B ellow s

Visual Art at Mulgrave In the art room people share laughter, imagination, creativity, and fun! Clay, paint, and colour are used to create a one-of-a-kind piece of art. Students can be seen having fun in the art room with art classes taught by Ms Giesbrecht, or open studio on M onday’s and Friday’s. Whether you are there to work or play, art is loved at Mulgrave School. Left: Shabnam and Julie take a brief break for the camera. Right: Taylor works on her art project. Below: Katie Muzyka puts her creativity to work. Far left:Grade 7”s Ang and Chris concentrating very hard on their projects!. Left below: Alaina, Angélique and Erica enjoy a few quiet moments painting.


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Rachel PĂŠtrovicz G r 6



and Hart’s BABES 'IN ARMS December 12 and 13, 2003 all direction, musical direction and choreography by Mrs. Polsky light design by Mr. Hamm “ Hey kids, le t’s put on a show!”

r became a movie Legend has it that this now stock phrase is attribed to the original “Babes ii version that starring Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland. The musical was rewritten twenty Mulgrave students in grades 8 through 12 presented in three adults, passionate about The story follows a few weekds in the lives of a group of enthusiastic teei e Surf and Sand Playhouse, where They band together to create a show they hope will raise enough moi t be a good musical without some romantic are all working as apprentices in the summer of 1959. And of course . Well done, everyone... “Johnny” certainly was turmoil, and great songs like “Johnny One Note” and “my Funny Valen with us! Cast Starring: Joshua Preiswerk (Valentine White), Fiona Humbert-Droz (Susie), Sara Gray (Terry), Devin Brooks (Gus) and featuring Devon Simpson (Bunny) Also starring: Nick Neugebauer (Seymour Fleming), Austin Smith (Lee Calhoun), Jess Hardie (Jennifer Owen), Brendan Archibald (Steve Edwards), and Monika Pawlak (Phyllis Owen) Apprentices/Chorus: Martha Woodruff, Liz Hendren, Romney Pearson, Sam Russell, Kacy Pollon, Nicola Budd, Lutetia Wallis-Mayer, Erica Newman, and Marcus Crabtree Stage Crew: Erin Christy, Nolo Phiri, Allsun Campbell, Sarah Fenwick, and Brian Thompson

The Zoom Film Festival awards were held on Saturday December 6, 2003 in the Mulgrave School teatre. There were a total o f 35 entries from all over the province.

The Zoom film festival was an exciting and rewarding experience. Mulgrave school received two awards this year: Six Rejects and a Glass Lens (John Friedrich, Brendan Archibald, Garrett Young, Devon Van Mook, Nicole Ebert and Miles Reid) won Honourable Mention in Performance while Reflections (Roham Rahmanian, Scott Williamson, Ben Thompson, Monika Pawlak, Nick Neugebauer and Nadim Roberts) won First Place fo r Music Concept. The Zoom Film Festival was a resounding successfo r all involved thanks to the inspiration o f Mulgrave’s Don Gibson. Participants in Zoom were given the topic o f glass and had 48 hours to make their film. This seems like a simple concept, but making a film is never that simple. Twelve film professionals from across the Lower Mainland gallantly come forward to make their picks. Mulgrave School’s foyer and theatre were transformed into a flashy film venue fo r the awards ceremony. In the centre o f the foyer was a screen with the Zoom logo flashing and nearby way an ice sculpture also boasting

the Zoom "Zed", (the same logo as on the sought-after Judges’ Selection trophy.) With this year’s team being glass, the foyer was also decorated with shards o f glass arranged into another “Z ” . by Katey Werner

The Cards of Fate The Grade 9 Drama class performed T h e C a r d s o f F a te by Ed Monk; it was a spectacular evening despite the outburst of illness experienced by cast and crew. Starring Lauren McClellan - who you’ve probably seen on a Barbie commercial - played the host of a hit game show where the contestant can win valuable cash prizes and control people’s destinies. However, as the contestant Nick (played by Michael Nonni) comes to realize, wrong answers can cost lives. I was confident as Cinnam on, the show ’s announcer, but when I stood there on stage with the spotlight staring at me; I knew I didn’t have a chance. I stumbled through the beginning and shone later. That’s the way the production went all the way through. I remember days before, people still reading their lines from the script. It was chaos! But the show went on - and quite well I might add. by Murdock Pollon

Property Rites Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a robot - made, owned, and bought by the human race? And what if the robot also had free will? The Acting 11 class developed this interesting idea in their production of Property Rites by Alan Haehnel. Kyle MacManus, played by John Friedrich, is the owner of an art piece, a group of nine human-like robots. They can do everything - sing, dance, talk, recite poetry... anything that they are asked. Kyle is desperately trying to sell this “art piece” when the individual robots begin to become autonomous - thinking for themselves, making their own choices - and they decide they don’t like being ruled by a failed salesman. Havoc ensues. Congratulations to everyone - it’s harder than you think to stay in one position for an entire play. A big thank you to Mr. Hamm, our director; his booming voice will echo in our ears forever...but we couldn’t have done it without him. by Caitlin Rempel

C ut The Senior Acting class performed Ed Monk’s as the finale for both nights of Class Acts on November 14 and 15, 2003. This fast-paced comedy, about a play within a play within a play, was very well received by the audiences - close to a full house on both nights. This production was the collective effort of Acting 12: Nick Neugebauer, Kacy Pollon, Keith Young, David Kim, Alex Liao, Monika Pawlak, Jon Miller, Josh Preiswick, Marcus Crabtree, Cindy Nicholson and Kristi Bleakney. Along with acting in the production, each student performed a variety of tasks to assist in the success of the Cut

evening. Kristi Bleakney, the play’s director, did a fantastic job, providing the cast with support and ideas to improve the performance. The Acting 12 class would like to thank John Bleakney for his expertise in set construction and Don Gibson for his support and belief in us. byCindy Nicholson

After a hard day of performing music, students were able to unwind riding the attractions, hang with their friends or cool off in the hotel pool.

Even the performances were relaxing. The Senior Jazz Band was able to perform a special Mothers Day concert on the Pier at Redondo Beach.

M agic M usic Days m

isney’s Magic Music Days provided the opportunity for our Upper School band program to shine. After working hard in a


professional recording studio, our

students demonstrated their instrumental prowess as they performed inside the Magic Kingdom.

Sundance Guest Ranch

undance Guest Ranch provided the perfect backdrop for a magnificent musical experience. Students spent time riding the open range, moseying around the corral, and exploring the desert hills of Ashcroft.


dding to the excitement of “living� on an active horse ranch, students were able to work with musicians from the Kamloops Symphony Orchestra. Members of the Junior Band Program learned skills that will last a lifetime.


\n d N e v e r B een K is s e d

offered an interesting

Nadim Roberts led the first-rate cast on stage,

ook at the life of a teenage girl, Flory, on the

while Kristi Bleakney and Keith Young kept

/erge of becoming sixteen years old. Featuring

control backstage. This group could not have

ood acting, a very impressive set design, and an done a better job. :ngaging plot, A n d

N e v e r B een K is s e d

was a

treat success. The cast and crew for the production,

The set design, created by Mulgrave

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parent John Bleakney, was most impressive; from subtle, but ingenious use of lights outside of the

iirected by Mr. Don Gibson, had students from

"house’ to the often-used staircare, the set was

Jrade 9 to 12; Devon Simpson and

remarkable, by Miles Reid



Sport does not build character, it reveals it - Don Schula

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Thank you to all the studentathletes, coaches, & parents for a very successful year. Each year builds on the successes of previous years this bodes well for the future of the Mulgrave Titans! Good luck to our first graduating class. Mr. Tuckwell

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Girls Field Hockey We had a very wet and rained out season this year. As a result, the NSSSAA decided to hold a Field Hockey Jamboree on Friday November 7th to determine the league standings. Mulgrave qualified for the semi-finals. On Monday, October 10th, Mulgrave played Sutherland again to determine 3rd and 4,h place. We played a strong game, though Sutherland prevailed. In the end, M ulgrave’s Junior Field Hockey team placed 4,h out of 8 league teams! Many

Fourth in the North Shore!

thanks to Pat M acleod (Valerie grade 9) for her dedication and great help coaching the girls this year. Also thanks to the many parents who offered to drive and cheered the girls on during many cold and rainy games! Congratulations to the Mulgrave Field Hockey team for their great finish. Their enthusiasm and love of the game make them a very enjoyable team to coach! Coach: Ms. Schweighofer

Above: “C ’mon, pass me the ball!” Fiona Humbert-Droz Left: From top left: Ms. Schweighofer (coach), Fazila Lakhani, Kate Jewell, Rachel McIntyre, Fiona Humbert-Droz, Taylor Oswald, Lauren van Aggelen, Salvia Matonis, Taylor Shepard. Second row: Angela Saunders, Alanna Linder, Kali Malinka, Valerie Loewen (goalie), Hawazen Alnuweiri, Pat McLeod (coach). Absent: Lauren Koenig.

Above: Hawazen warming up. Left: Alanna getting ready to block a shot.


Spike! B antam Girls Volleyball The Bantam Girls Volleyball team was comprised of both grade seven and eight students this year. They competed within the North Shore Athletic League, playing against grade eight teams. The girls grew considerably in skill when playing on defense and when rebounding, achieving a few victories throughout the season. They competed with growing confidence and have a lot to look forward to in future seasons. Coaches: Mr. Tetiker & Ms. Roy

Junior Girls Volleyball The Junior Girls Volleyball team had an excellent season, winning many of their games in the SISAA League. The girls played extremely well in their final tournament beating all the competition and becoming SISAA League Champions. Congratulations to the girls for showing dedication and determination this year and I hope to see you on the court next year. Coach: Ms. Gleig

Senior Girls Volleyball The Senior Girls Volleyball team grew in number this year and continued to develop with confidence. They completed an eventful season participating in the annual ISA Tournament and later at an exhibition tournament hosted by High Road Academy in Chilliwack. The girls improved their standings in the North Shore league this season, and should be proud of their accomplishments. Coach: Ms. Johnson

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Back Row: Lutetia Wallis-mayer, Camilla James, Ana Costachescu, Front Row: Mr. Tetiker, Mei-Ling Lee, Christie Lee, Lauren Tetiker, Emma Ronsley, Maddie Hooge, Ms. Roy

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Back Row: Liz Rogers, Lateisha Keith, Meredith Carr, Caitlin Rempel. Eliza Preiswerk Middle Row: Ms. Gleig, Kim Roberts, Alexandra Bieg, Natasha Molthagen, Alanna Vittery, Laura Dennis Front Row: Martha Woodruff, Meghan Bell, Alexandra Cynader, Sam Wolfe, Madeline Coleman, Cahley Tod-Tims, Marion Turner

É 1 jr_ i Back Row: Jessica Hardie, Kira Farrell, Denise Pao, Bernice Pao, Kristi Bleakney, Nolo Phiri Front Row: Ashley Ardagh, Monika Pawlak, Claire Lawson, Alyssa Houghton, Cindy Nicholson, Kacy Pollon, Angela Del Vicario

Hoop It Up! Grade 7 Boys Basketball Enthusiasm was certainly present from the moment the season began, but as we all know, spirit alone will not lead a team to success. As with anything worth pursuing, basketball requires regular practice, commitment and hard work. The boys played several teams during the season, including St. George’s, Collingwood, West Point Grey Academy, Seymour Academy, and St John’s School. We had a slow start to the season but experienced success at the mid-way point. Unfortunately, we faced some early defeats in the final competition and so did not advance to the finals. Coaches: Mr. Cusbert and Mr. Jones

Bantam Boys Basketball The Bantam Boys have had some great successes this season with some solid victories and some tough close losses. The boys headed into the North Shore playoffs with high expectations for victory. Playing Argyle Secondary at Collingwood in the first round, Mulgrave’s boys were pumped to prove they had what it takes to make it to the next level. The game was fast paced and each team did not want to give an edge. The lead changed hands several times throughout the game, with the final few minutes looking like anyone’s game. Argyle’s defense held strong, which forced Mulgrave to make a last second shot in the fourth quarter to tie the game. The shot was short and Mulgrave’s playoff hopes were squashed. A foul and 2 free throws by an Argyle player made it final, 43 -39. The Mulgrave guys were disappointed, but they knew the game could have easily gone the other way. Coach: Mr. Croft

Senior Boys Basketball The Senior Boys Basketball team had a very successful first year competing at this level. The boys went undefeated in SIS AA League play ( 10-0), but unfortunately lost the Championship game to a very experienced Regent Christian team. We are all very proud of the boys’ attitude and achievements and they were rewarded with the League’s Most Sportsmanlike Team. The boys also came within one game of qualifying for the Provincial ‘A’Tournament, including a thrilling 80 - 76 victory over Pemberton. Congratulations to coaches Mr. Hardy & Mr. Grant and all the players: Scott W ( 12L), Jon S ( 11 ), David K (11), Dallas H (11), Eddie L ( 11), NadimR(l 1), Geoff H( 10), Graham B ( 10), Alex C ( 10), Guillaume C (9), Derek M (9), Stephen G (9), & Mark S (9). Coaches: Mr. Grant & Mr. Hardy


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Bantam Girls Basketball The Bantam Girls have had a great season winning a few league and exhibition games. Unfortunately, the girls did not make the play­ offs this year, but they should not be downhearted as they have made huge improvements throughout the season. We are looking forward to even greater things next year. Coach: Ms. Saunders, Ms. Johnson

Senior Girls’ Basketball Í-



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The Senior Girls’ Basketball team claimed another championship this season and have now successfully defended their title as S1SAA Champions for the past four consecutive years. Although league and tournament MVP. Alyssa H, will be leaving us this year, a strong group of returning players, including Erin C, Caitlin R, Claire L, Kira F, Devon S, Alanna V, Liz H, and Samantha W, will be well prepared to carry on the winning tradition next season. Coach: Mr. Cohee

Bend It Like Beckham! The Senior Girls Soccer team entered the highly competitive North Shore league this year. This is the first time we have had a Senior Girls Soccer team and the girls were dedicated and have worked hard all season. The girls learned a lot as the season progressed and this bodes well for the future. Thanks to Mr. Woodruff (M artha’s ( 1OS) dad) for coaching the team this season. Coach: Mr. Woodruff


2003 2004

Top Row: Alyssa Houghton, Claire Lawson, Caitlin Rempel, Stefanie Lewis, Alexandra Forward Middle Row: Mr. Woodruff, Sarah Longinotti, Meghan Bell, Lindsay Angus, Alaina Denhartog, Samantha Wolfe, Sogol Toobaei Front Row: Katharine Heus, Sarah Fenwick, Nolo Phiri, Sara King, Nicole Ebert, Kira Farrell. Marion Turner, Martha Woodruff

Scrum Down! The first ever season of Girls Rugby has been a successsful one. The girls played an exhibition schedule this year and improved with every game and practice. Having played against bigger and older teams, the girls battled valiantly and, although losing the first two games to more experienced teams, the girls scored tries by Kate J (9T) and Hilary A (9L). We are looking forward to even more success next year. Coaches Tuckwell and Roy

Top row: Alex Bieg, Taylor Oswald, Ryan-marie Gruzling, Lauren Koenig, Middle row: Coach Roy. Christina Galbraith. Angela Saunders, Alycia van der Gracht, Erica Hardie, Jamie Labron, Coach Tuckwell First row: Katie Taylor, Evie Zorzos, Hilary Angus, Margherita Podavani, Fiona Humbert-Droz, Analucia Costachescu, Keegan Balcom, Morgan Lunn



Making W aves... Swimming and Cross Country This season was the best the M ulgrave swim team has ever seen. On the weekend of November 14th & 15th', the swim team wrapped up its season with the BC Provincial Championships in Richmond. In order to swim at the Provincials, the swimmers had to qualify at the Zone Meet. Every M ulgrave sw im m er advanced to this meet whether it was in competitive swimming or synchronized swimming. It was exciting to see our synchronized swimming team in action, as this was M ulgrave’s first year. A very special mention to Michelle M. who is the Provincial Champion in the 100 metre breaststroke and to Alex I. who is the Provincial Champion for Synchro. Congratulations to all the swimmers; it was our pleasure to work with such dedicated athletes. We look forward to next year already! Coaches: Mr. Bell & Miss Roy - Swimming Swim Team Photo: Top Row: Nathan Mah, Lateisha Wallis-Mayer, Rachel McIntyre, Alycia Cherneski, Chris Sokoloff Front Row: Coach Bell, Jamie Labron, Alex Inman, Angela Saunders, Neil Cherneski. Coach Roy.

Cross Country Photo: Carly Sigurdson, Miles Reid, Coach Gee, Garrett Young, Mike Nonni


2003 - 2004

A small number of dedicated runners competed this year in the N S S S A A meets. Jamie Labron, Angela Mike N. (Grade 9) qualified for the BC Provincial Championships and finished Dlstnct Swim Meet44th out of approximately 270 runners - another remarkable achievement by one of our young athletes. Coach: Mr. Gee - Cross Country 12 2

Saunders, and M ichelle M ange at the

Badminton & Golf The Badminton team finished its season out of playoff position in the competitive NSSSAA League. There were many close matches, which, had we held on and won those games, may have resulted in a different end for the season. Coaches: Mr. Croft & Mr. Kelleher Back Row: Coach Croft, Parham Esfahani, Graham Bums, Claire Lawson, Marcus Crabtree. David Kim, Morgan McLean, Travis Herrington, Coach Keleher. Front Row: Sheliza Mitha, Zakiya Pirani, Ana-lucia Costachescu, Hadi Kardan, Stefanie Lewis, Zack Nash, Keith Young, Taylor Shephard, Nabila Pirani, Katie Taylor, Morgan Lunn

The beautiful spring weather was a perfect fit for the NSSSAA golf season this year. With only one returning member, the team was focused on skill development and on learning the format of high school competition. The team enjoyed over 6 rounds of golf and participated in the annual ISA Golf Tournament held in Vancouver this year. Team members include: Daniel “Sugar” Webbe, Braden O ’Neill, Guillaume “Billy” Curaudeau, Aaron Simpson and Neil Cherneski. Coaches: Todd Croft and Mike McIntyre




G rad e 6/7 Boys Rugby The boys played against St. George’s, Collingwood, and Southridge on our first playday. For a lot of the boys it was their first game of rugby and we improved in each successive game. On the second playday, the boys showed that they learned from the previous games and practices by beating Southridge, tying with Collingwood, and losing by one try to St George's. This certainly bodes well for the year-end playday on April 28lh at Collingwood. Good Luck to Coach Jones and the boys. Coach: Mr. Jones

Bantam Boys Rugby (Grades 7/



CRADE 7/8 RUGBY 2003 - 2004

This season was the first time Mulgrave has entered into the North Shore league and the team found themselves facing older, larger and more experienced opposition in every game. By the end of the season, the boys had established many of the basic skills and looked like an impressive unit. Many players really stood out for the part they played on the team: Ryan P, Matt P and Blake D took on the bulk of the tackling with great aplomb. James C, Chris S, Ben B, Jose A and Oliver D all showed excellent commitment to practices. Hugh C, Jon O and Will S provided stability in the form of relative experience. Despite the losses, morale and team spirit stayed buoyant; this is a tribute to the resilient nature of the boys and the value of true ‘team players’ such as Stuart W. The captain, Nick M, proved to be a reliable and effective leader. The boys should take heart from the huge improvements made this season and start off next year on more of a level playing field. Coach: Mr. Tom Grant

Juvenile Boys Rugby (G rade 9) The boys have played very well this season, showing determination and dedication to the sport. With half the team new to the game, the team did very well finishing fourth in the very competitive NSSSAA league. This meant a playoff game against the top ranked team in the Ixague and probably the best team in the Lower Mainland - Rockridge. The boys played with heart and never gave up in the game, even though we were comfortably beaten by a superb Rockridge team. I would like to thank all the players for their hard work over the season and hope to see them all out again on the field next year. Coaches: Mr. & Mrs. Tuckwell


Wrestling Wrestling A small, but dedicated, group of wrestlers competed this year. One wrestler who deserves recognition is Katie T (7G). Katie won a silver medal at the BC Provincial Championships, wrestling against students five years older than her. Also, the wrestling Provincials are not based on school size (as many sports are), but each individual earns the right to attend regardless of school, essentially making these Provincials a ‘A A A’ tournament. Coaches: Mr. Taylor, Mr. O ’Flynn

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Floor Hockey

Floor Hockey Other schools did not intimidate us this year, which was a great feeling. Several players were back for their 3rd year, and V2 were in their 2nd year. Team size and speed was balanced nicely with some strategic offensive attacks - this made us a threat any time in any game. Katey Werner, Alicia Chemeski and Graham Bums were our dominant leaders.



Back: Marcus Crabtree, Steve Galbraith, Graham Bums Middle: Coach Hardy, Derek Mange, Shae de Jaray. Tyler Herrington, Jeff Thompson Front: Hadi Kardan, Parham Esfahani, Alicia Chemeski, Matt Cullen, Katie Werner, Andrew Widdows, Katharine Heus Missing: Ed Mange, Patrick O ’Neill, Braden O ’Neill

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Track & Field The Mulgrave Track Team had many admirable successes in this season. Though the size of the team is relatively small, several team members were fierce competition at the North Shore Track Finals. The results were: Micheรกl Nonni: 1st in 400m, 1st in 800m and 2nd in 1500m. Dylan Stein: 1st in 100m, 2nd in 200m, 3rd in Long Jump Stephen Galbriath: 1st in Shotput, 4th in Discus Alex Bieg: 1st in Long Jump, 5th in 4x100 relay Kimberly Roberts: 4th in 800m hurdles, 5th in 4x100m relay Meredith Carr: 3rd in 400m Leteisha Kieth: 5th in 4x100m relay Alanna Vittery: 5th in 4x100m relay Natasha Molthagen: 10th in discus.


“Sports serve society by providing vivid examples of excellence.” - George F. Will The Mulgrave community was well served during the past school year by many examples of excellence on the part of its Junior School athletes. From September through June, from autumn soccer pitches to winter volleyball courts and to springtime tracks, our students proudly carried Mulgrave’s name and colours. The foundation of any school athletic program is its physical education curriculum, as athletics form an integral and important component of the learning and growth process. The Junior School P.E. faculty who are dedicated to that philosophy are Mr. Bell, Mr. Jones and Ms. Straub. We are fortunate to be supported by a wonderful team of parents, teachers and guest coaches who generously offer their time, energy and knowledge to our developing student athletes. Countless other parents and family members give tremendous support by attending the games and enthusiastically cheering on the Mulgrave teams, and by assisting in a myriad of other ways. That leads to the brilliant new uniforms proudly sported by our Junior School soccer, volleyball and basketball teams this year. They were the envy of every other school, and many of our students observed that they played at an even higher level because they felt so good in them ! Many thanks to the Allard, the Addison, the Forster families and an anonymous donor who made it all possible through their generosity at the Annual Gala. Thanks too, to Mrs. Robertson and Mrs Koenig who worked so hard on the design. Soccer led off the year’s ISEA activities, with Mulgrave fielding teams of Grade 5 and Grades 6/7 girls and Grades 5/6 boys. Mrs. Stanimir and Mr. Steeves headed up a great group of parent volunteer coaches who raised the skill levels of all participants, while successfully encouraging them to appreciate and enjoy “the beautiful sport”. Next came cross-country running in which approximately 40 Grades 3-6 girls and boys enthusiastically participated, under the tutelage of several teacher-coaches. More success followed when activities moved indoors onto the volleyball courts. Both our Grade 5 and Grade 6 girls’ teams, coached by Ms. Straub and Mr. Workman not only enjoyed undefeated ISEA seasons, but both also went on to finish first in their respective categories at the annual Volleyball BC tournament. The tournament attracts top teams from all parts of the Province, so victory there was a terrific accomplishment. That was especially so, since both teams faced competition against both girls and boys, some of them a year or two older than our girls. Still indoors, but in an aquatic environment, Mulgrave’s swim team, coached by Mr. Bell and Ms. Roy, enjoyed success in the pool. A number of our swimmers are highly ranked, and some are members of provincial and national age group teams. Many of our classes were exceptionally fortunate to benefit from the guest instruction of Ly ndsay Belisle, a member of both the SFU and Canadian Olympic wrestling teams. Many thanks to Mr. W. Taylor, who arranged for her attendance at Mulgrave and who worked tirelessly and contributed selflessly to make our splendid new wrestling room a reality. For Mr. Taylor, it is truly a labour of love and another tangible expression of the dedication and generosity of members of the Mulgrave community. Basketball proved to be extremely popular among our Junior School students. A record turnout resulted in two Grade 5 girls’, two Grade 5 boys’, a Grade 6 girls’ and a Grade 6 boys’ teams, each comprising 1 0 -1 2 players and coached by volunteer teachers who did a terrific job with all those numbers of players. With spring, activity returned outdoors with track and field. Our team comprised 40 Grade 3 - 7 students who competed in the ISEA meet at Swangard Stadium against thirteen other schools. The Thunderbolts finished 4thplace overall. Well done ! Our rugby team, coached by Mr. Jones, enjoyed unprecedented success. The team of Grades 6/7 boys achieved outstanding results, winning the ISEA Playday by going through undefeated - a Mulgrave first! In addition to all the ISEA activities, clubs offering floor hockey, recreational basketball, skiing, triathlon, and Grades 1/2 soccer presented additional opportunities for Mulgrave students to enjoy their favourite sports and learn about new ones. Finally, I wish to acknowledge and thank our many guest instructors in cricket, dance and martial arts for their kind assistance, and, of course, our Mulgrave Volunteer Parents, Mrs. Davies and Ms. Duchene, for their invaluable contributions of time, energy and ideas. And again, thanks to the many volunteer parent and teacher coaches, without whom our very busy and successful athletic program could not function. Ms. Straub 129

Volleyball Cross Country & Soccer



Swimming and Triathlon

Track & Field

Between the Posts

Jump Rope for Heart, Hoops for Heart & Terry Fox Run

What a pleasure it was to see our school demonstrate a sincere volunteer/service consciousness. Indi­ viduals, groups, classes and grades each selected areas of personal interest and devoted themselves to helping others. Vancou­ ver and North Shore communities became aware of Mugrave’s generosity. Sharing and donation programmes embraced the follow­ ing: Covenant House, with filled backpacks (Gr.9 - leaders). B.C. Children’s Hospital (students council leaders), Womens' & Family Shelter (Riley Lochhead - leader, Hoops for Heart [Heart & Stroke Association] (Mr. Cohee/G r.ll’s leaders); Terry Fox Run for Cancer. Activities within our

school reinforced how our day-time community is so welcoming and proud: our largest programme ambassadors; guides/tours for new families (mostly Gr.8,11 & 12); ushers (Gr. 7 & 8); Theatre set-up (Gr.8); stage and lighting crew (Gr.9); Jr. School Camp Counselors (Gr. 11 ). The Green Team (Gr.9) kicked into full stride and helped keep our property well managed and clean they had a major project before

school started and again in the spring. Finally, our school joined the Coin-spiracy kindness campaign no act of kindness no matter how small, is ever wasted. Many thanks to everyone who shared their time and efforts: Spe­ cial appreciation to Mr. Wilson and Alexandre Curaudeau for their inspiration. Mr. H ardy (C o-ordinator)

October 20,2003 Dear Ms. J. Torregrossa and Mr. Lee Hardy, Congratulations on choosing to be a leader of global change through the Invest in a Kinder World Coin-spiracy 2003/2004. We are thrilled to welcome your school aboard and assign Mulgrave Independent School UNI code# 098. (excerpt o f letterfrom Anita Ebenezer Excecutive Assistance o f Kind Acts)

Step 1 - Commit 3 Kind Acts To launch the UNI coin, your school/youth group commits three kind acts: - one for self, - one for the environment and - one for another. Your school/youth group may choose to engage all of its youth in the planning of the kind acts or elect a team to champion the campaign and invite full participation along the way.

1. The Green Team consisted of 8 students who kept our roadways, walkways, signs and special gardens nicely landscaped and clean. 2. Mr. Bruce-Lockhart places the first stone at the base of the Kaki tree during the Nov. 2003 Peace Garden ceremony. 3. Words of peace written in Japanese and English laid at the dedication of the Nagasaki Kaki Tree Peace Garden. 4. Parent and teacher volunteers helped kickoff the year of charitable group fundraising at the Terry Fox Run for Cancer research: September 2003. 5. Hadi Kardan bears the B.C. flag as the colour guard led over 150 students and guests in the procession of silence to the Peace Garden. The Japanese and Canadian flags were on either side. 6. Grade 8-11 students applaud the Japanese high school student speech for Your Leadership in pursuit of world peace: November 2003. 7. Mulgrave School is the only place in North America with a kaki tree grown from the seeds of the only plant to survive the atomic bombin of August 9,1945. Yokohama Hayato students honoured us by participating in the November 2003 Peace Garden Ceremony. i

Cypress Stars prepares students in grades 6 and 7 for the Duke of Edinburgh program. Students take part in half-day, outdoor expeditions and volunteer activities in order to develop their citizenship and outdoor skills. Expeditions have included snowshoeing, hiking, cross-country skiing, rock climbing, biking, and swimming. Volunteer activities have included volunteering at a soup kitchen at Christmas, caring for cats at the SPC A, making sandwiches, and having bake sales for charity. Students have enjoyed themselves. In their words.... On Saturday, November 9th, 2003, the Cypress Stars went on an expedition up Cypress Mountain.. .we had fun talking, leading the hike, and looking at the different things in nature such as frozen lakes and different animals and plants. My favourite part was when we held up pieces of our granola bars and these birds called Whiskey Jacks came and landed on our hands and ate. We had lots of fun on our expedition. Talia Benson Held a bake sale. Brought in food, priced the food, sampled the food. Lachlan Dorey I worked in the soup kitchen...helping others that need help. Marnie J. Right: Javid scaling Everest.


Kids Care Club is a Junior School service organisation, which involves students in Grades 3-6. These students are very committed to helping others in need, both locally and internationally. The club meets every Thursday afternoon and KCC members are encouraged to remain committed throughout the school year. Kids Care Club has had a very successful year with twenty-six dedicated members who have enthusiastically participated in the following activities:

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Friday coffee mornings to raise funds for the annual support of our foster child, Francis in Ghana October-Thanksgiving Food Drive for Harvest Project December - decorating the Christmas tree; collecting for the Christmas hampers for two needy North Shore families; organising a candy count and raffling a basketful of Beanie Babies in order to purchase additional items of clothing, toys, books and Christmas treats to include in the Christmas hampers; visiting B.C. Children’s Hospital to make a donation of $1000 February - raffling two Valentine- themed fleece blankets (made and donated by Mrs. Gail Brown and her daughter, Julia 6R), and selling Hug-o-grams to raise funds for the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund for the earthquake victims of the city of Bam, Iran M arch-donating $100 to the Pattaya Orphanage in Thailand which was visited by twelve Grade 9 and 10 students who were accompanied by Mr. Keleherand Ms. Lebrun April and May - learning to knit squares to make a blanket (with the help of Mrs. Gail Brown) for a needy senior citizen; collecting the 4 S’s (sugar, salt, soap and school supplies) for Help For Missions Society. Teacher Sponsors:

Mrs. Moscovitch and Mrs. Radford


Student Council This year’s Student Council can be described using many words; one of these words is awesome! From the Flair for Hope Campaign and Covenant House Backpack Drive to the dances, lemon suckers and even the civvies days, Council was working behind the scenes to make life outside the classroom enjoyable for all of us within the Mulgrave community. Everyone involved with Student Council this year deserves a big thank you and we should be congratulated for all our achievements. Nadim Roberts G i l , Student Council President

Student Council delivered a cheque for $16,740 to the BC Children’s Hospital from Spirit Week donations! ! ! That is the most from any organization in BC. That puts us up with corporate sponsors like Nike and Microsoft in the amounts contributed. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

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Top Row: Samantha R., Murdock P., Katie W„ Jon S., Derek M„ Alycia C. Middle Row: Mr. Wilson, Taylor S., Alex C., Meg H., Nadim R., Miss S. Bottom Row: Salim V., Lauren M., Sara K., Rebecca C., Marion T., Jessica H., Evie Z. Missing: Katharine H. 142


Another “fantastique” year in the famous Café Français. Students that frequented this club took part in animated discussions, dramatic performances, as well as tasted fine snacks and tasty hot chocolate. In one student’s words “C ’est le meilleur club à Mulgrave!”. “À l’année prochaine!”

Students participated in Mulgrave’s Sailing Club, sponsored by Mr. Chin. With Rockridge School, we usually had about 7 sailboats. We had students with a wide range of abilities and the experienced sailors helped out with the newcomers. To end the year, we had a regatta and barbeque. 143

Junior School Ski Club

Europe Trip I was lucky enough to go on the Mulgrave trip to Europe this year. I travel quite a bit, but this trip was the most significant and educational journey I have embarked upon. Leading the pack of twelve children (ranging in age from 1214) were Euro-trip veteran and exchange co-coordinator, Mrs. Tetiker, and Ms. Gleig, who teaches Social Studies and French in the Upper School. Our expedition went from London, England to places like Rome, Sorrento, and the Island of Capri in Italy. We spent a total of two full weeks in London. We stayed with either one or two host families from Debden Park School. They were amazingly hospitable and friendly. We saw more historical sights in two weeks than most people see in six months! We averaged about two sites per day. We used the London Underground to get to our various destinations such as the London Eye, The Globe Theater, Hampton Court Palace, and many, many other places. We stayed in Italy for only one week, but it was heaven. Totally relaxing, and seeing sites that would make any historian fall right on his behind with astonishment. We even got a peek at Pop John Paul II in person at the Vatican. I will never, ever forget my trip to Europe. 1had a truly amazing experience. I encourage anyone to take this trip. Harry Brook, Grade 7 Europe students: Grade 8’s Jonathan Obertas, Jack Agopian, Nathan Ma, Taylor Sheperd, Meg Heus, Seria Bag, Ryan-Marie Gruzling and Grade 7’s Harry Brook, Sherwin Sharifi, Hudson Liao, Priyanka Dhaliwal, Rachel Chung


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u Id one out!

Hello, Possum

Gooday, Ashley

For the sixth year in a row, several pasty white Mulgravians headed south to the shores of Oz over Spring Break. Twenty grade 5 and 6 students, accompanied by four teachers, journeyed for almost twenty-four hours before arriving in the tropical, humid environs of the Sunshine Coast, north of Brisbane, Queensland. This year, we feel that the trip might best be summarised through the top-ten list from a student’s trip journal: My top 10 list will go from my favourite to most favourite...basically, from tenth to first! In 10,h place, was Lake Wabby. It was a really fun swim in freezing water, which was very nice after the exhausting hike, especially on a lava-hot day. The reason Lake Wabby only got 10lh place is because of the hike. The hike was so long and involved sand hills, which slowed us down. Also, we were exposed to the sun’s mighty wrath on the sand hills. In the forest, there was not much protection since the heat still chased us. Anyway, the swim was very relaxing and the lake was a good place to exercise since it is so big. The water in the lake was so green and mysterious. It was filled with many great creatures. In 9lh place, was staying with our billets. The billets were all very nice and generous. They were very kind and considerate. Although, there were some downers. The first down thing was getting used to them. Before, they were just strangers with completely different lifestyles. Now, it was almost as if you were part of their family. It took a while to get used to them, but when you did, you really enjoyed yourself. At school, the children were very friendly. You could make friends in a few seconds. In 8,h place, was Paddy’s Market. Before you go there, you think it will have everything in the world. Instead, you simply see a bunch of souvenirs. For a while, I was shocked, but it was so much fun to bargain. Most of the time when bargaining, you must come up with excuses, such as, “ I need to buy my mother at present, as well as my dad.” In 7th place, was The Rocks. The Rocks is where Sydney first began and had much variety and much to buy, although you couldn’t bargain. The quality of the items was much better. It was also located outdoors so you could breathe fresh air. In 6th place, was the Science Centre in Canberra. The Science Centre was a great place to learn and have fun. For example, I learned that things can balance if the weight is on top. I’m not sure what the scientific name for that is. Oh well, I did learn something. In 5th, was the beautiful Lake Mackenzie. It was one of the clearest freshwater lakes I have ever seen. It sparkled in the sun’s light. The sand at Lake Mackenzie was so soft and fine. If you put some moist sand on your back, it would harden. The water was a perfect temperature and had a lovely warmth. You could open your eyes underwater and see perfectly. It’s a wonderful place to visit. Once you get in, you don’t want to leave. Coming in 4"', was the Coogee Sands Resort. Although it is only a hotel, I liked it tons because it was so near the beach. I also liked the texture of the beds and the setting of the room. My favourite part about Coogee Sands was that it had working air-conditioning! In 3r<i, was the Australia Zoo. I loved seeing and petting so many animals, especially the kangaroos. It was interesting to see all of Australia’s animals in real life and not in pictures. My favourite part was holding a snake and having a picture with it. In 2n<l, was waiting at the airport and seeing a whole rugby team. I thought it might have been a footy team, but oh well. They were the Panthers. It was my first time seeing famous people. I got the whole team, including the coaches’, autographs. It was really cool! Coming in 1" was the place of dreams, Dreamworld, the Australian Disneyland. It was full of exciting rides, such as the Twister, where we went really fast on the roller coaster. It was also full of enjoyable rides like the Enterprise. It had terrifying rides like the Giant Drop in the Tower of Terror. The best part of the trip was getting to know people better. For example, at the beginning of the trip I was thinking that none of my friends was coming. Six airplane rides, many coach, bus, car and ferry rides later, we arrived back in Vancouver. After twenty-one days, we were not ready to come home. Homesickness barely raised a head, such was the satisfaction, excitement and security experienced by the students. Once more, our young Mulgravians exemplified the values of Mulgrave. We were a family, who shared, co-operated, worked and played together. We were tremendously proud of our students, for they proved to be diplomats for our school and their country.

Japan/Thcriland Trip Ohayogozaimasu! From March 10-27, 2004, 12 Mulgrave students and two teachers crossed the Pacific Ocean to Japan and Thailand. Within a day of arriving in Japan, we had our first taste of Ramen and met our Japanese friends at Hayato School in Yokahama. Tokyo was a sight to be seen. We saw many other Japanese towns including Hiroshima (the first Atomic Bomb sight), Osaka and Kyoto. We visited many Buddhist Temples, Shinto Shrines, and experienced a traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony. We spent the second week in Thailand, where we volunteered at the Pattaya Orphanage. We worked with the babies (they were sooooo cute) and played soccer with some of the older kids. They beat us. Thailand is an amazing place - the food, the smells, the sights, and most of all the people. We did many other things with the children from the orphanage, including painting a wall, visiting an exotic garden and watching an elephant show. After almost three weeks, with heavy hearts, we stuffed our many souvenirs in to our bags and returned to Canada. While language was a barrier, our experiences taught us that a smile is the one universal form of communication.


Dear Mom & Dad, Justaquicknote from Costa Rica. I’m having a wonderful time here ; we were hiking through the rain forest and saw lots of cool things like monkeys, crocodiles, and a huge boa constrictor, but I was able to escape its coils. Then I went white water rafting, it was cool !There were awesome rapids, big water and great waves, especially when we filled our raft. After surviving that, I joined a group of kids from Canada and we flew in these cute little planes into the Osa where we went snorkling in the ocean with the sharks... Then I went zip lining, it felt just like being George of the Jungle. Now I’m sitting here recovering and sipping on a Coconut. See you soon! Keith McCanna


Costa Rica Trip


We would like to thank many people for all of their hard work and efforts in creating this year’s yearbook. * Yearbook Club: Bernice Pao, Denise Pao, Alyssa Houghton, Angela Del Vicario, and Carolyn Lee whose efforts and dedication were very much appreciated. In particular, we would like to recognize Bernice and Denise for demonstrating extraordinary leadership and committment. * Wednesday Activity Participants: Katie Taylor, Se-Song Jang, Erica Hardie, Valerie Loewen, Michael Pettigrew, Alysha Krogh, Claire L ’argeau, Rachel Lee, Ashley Peet, Lucas Rechtschaffner, Ben Bangston, Matt Cullen, Keith Gaudry, Kate Neil, Katie Muzyka, Lauren van Aggelen, Verity Adams, Gillian Boehm, Lauren Chan, Katie Pallai, Nellie Pitoniak, Tim Ropchan, Linda Zeng, Antonia Kobe, Seria Bag * Mrs. Heward for all of her hard work and invaluable assistance in making this yearbook. * Mrs. Alice Benson for coordinating the advertising and the page sponsorship. * To the many students and parents who submitted photos throughout the year. * Scott Williamson, Mr. John Flanagan, and Mr. Murray Miller for their technical assistance. Lynnea Rodier, Jeannette Laursoo

Denise Pao

Morning Madness The sky is dark... All you see is the silhouette of skyscrapers in the distance A nd... Y our car headlights reveal a startling sight On the field there is A group of crazy...Even insane grade 7 ’s and 8 's running laps around the field. We have yet to determine what it is that gets us out of bed at the crack of dawn ( in winter it was before dawn) It may be the yoga at the end. B ut most of us are mad for morning madness. We love being first at school, we love the secret feel that the running group has. We love that we are becoming healthier while having so much fun. To put it simply we love Morning Madness. By PriyankaDhaliwal 7R

Back row: Harry Brook, Mr.Cohee, Guillaume Curaudeau, Mark Simons, Dallus Hokanson, Graeme Medland, Eddie Li, Jon Simons, Devon Simpson, Front row: Steve Hur, Steve Galbraith, Alex Curaudeau, Oliver Dempsey

Duke of Ed Adventures in the wilderness are truly spectacular experiences, and there is no better way to start than by joining in on the Duke of Ed trips at Mulgrave. For the Bronze and Pre-Silver trip, Stein Valley was the place to go. With a clear blue sky and lots of sunshine, everyone was in high spirits and eager to get on that trai 1; a perfect start to agreat hike. We all managed to climb the steep steps of the Devi 1’s staircase, although with a few stops here and there and a sleeping bag over the cliff- only adding to the adventure! With blisters and sore muscles, (not anything second skin and massages can't tlx !) we successfully hiked 32km in total over the 3 day period and the memories we made by that campfire are to be remembered with many smiles and laughs. All in all, the trip was fantastic and we are all looking forward to the new comers and the new adventurous trips ahead!


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Grade 5-6 Choral Review CHOIR 5 members show their confidence and flair in their Musical Revue costumes.

CHOIR 6 singers get ready to put on a lively performance of excerpts from four musical theatre classics.

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Junior School Awards MULGRAVE Award This prize is awarded to students who have scored highly in each of the attributes associated with the award. Manners, U-niqueness, L-ove of learning, G-enerosity, Respect, A-ttitude, V-erve, and E-xcellence. 3T - Emily Shields, Alia Ridley 3P - Adam Mitha, Sofia Henderson 3M - Mackenzie Wallster, Nicolas Durrans 4J-M .C. de Beer, Jaime Hills 4S - Sameena Kamdar, Daniel Newell 4P - Natalia Chichkine, Nabil Kamdar 4L - Jiay i Zhou, Eric Bleim 5C - Erin Young, Katrina Leppanen 5F - Nicholas Dempsey, Sophie Bird 5R - Shanelle Hill, Elise Naccarato 5D - Austyn Frostad, Alysha Harris 6 0 - Robert Newell, Laura CroweHutchon 6R - Chelsea Stanimir, Alexandra Falconer 6Go - Andrew Lee, Jan de Beer 6Gr - Nicole Howes, Javid Dharas

Effort Award Awarded to the student who has put a consistently high level of effort into academics, the arts, athletics or service, or a combination of those strands. 3T - Anna Qin 3P-Philip Simons 3M - Josef Thompson 4J - Lindsey Marks 4S - Alexander Naccarato 4P - Angélique Travlos 4L - Derek Ny strom 5C - Elham Lakkhosravi 5F-Jae-Hyeon Kim 5R - Alyssa Rodrigues 5D - Spencer Shields 6 0 - Laura Meakings 6R - Cassandra Travlos 6G o-Riva Ridley 6Gr - Montana Ivancoe

Spirit Award Awarded to the student who motivates, leads, and inspires and who is positive and inclusive. 3T - Ameeqa Ali 3P - Hannah-Rose Radford 3M - Jordan Stein 4J - Michaela Hughes 4S - Graham Brown 4P - Kate Shepard 4L - Kelsey McLean 5C - Soraiya Salemohamed 5F - Michelle Dupuis 5R-Hayley Nelles 5D - Nathan Stedman 6 0 - Andre Linaksita 6R-Zachary Lint 6Go - Jenni Hughes 6Gr- Louis Dupuis

Service Awards In the junior school copper pins are awarded to students from Grades 3 to 6 who commit to a full years service in Kid’s Care Club or Cypress Stars.

K.C.C. Ameeqa Ali Teela Brooks Julia Brown r Riley Christensen Bradley Chu Alexandra Crone Alexandra Goult Victoria Havens Alexina Henderson Sofia Henderson Jamie Hills Rufina Ip Cheyenne Ivancoe Sanesh lyre Sarvanaz Malektojar Parisa Mehregan Charlotte Miller Adam Mitha Imran Moosa Hannah-Rose Radford Leigh Sawchyn Kate Shepard Angie Travlos Macki Wallster Devon Yip Lauren Young

Cypress Stars AlexBleim Taha Bensen Jan deBeer Javid Dharas Kieran Jarvis Marnie Jernigan Gorden Larson Rachel Petrovicz

Trophies The Madat E. Jamal Award For the student who has displayed outstanding aesthetic awareness & creativity in the visual arts Shirley Wang

The Koenig Family Award - For fine arts and performance Ashley Bowron

Violet Witty Memorial Award - For perseverance Charlotte Millar

Everett Allan Larose Memorial Award for Positiveness - Awarded to the student who most exemplifies a positive attitude towards self, fellow students & faculty AlexandraBleim

Dynapro Cup - for creative endeavours in science Kieran Jarvis

Stanley Ross Mitchell Memorial Award - For excellent participation & achievement in junior school music activities Talia Benson

George Woods Plate - Awarded for spirit & enthusiasm - put your heart into everything you do Meghan Robinson

Public Speaking Award - For excellence in public speaking Meghan Robinson

Alexander Edward Priest Memorial Trophy for “Love of Learning” Jamil Visram

George Patterson -Taylor Award - For verse speaking Sophie Bird

Female Athletic Award - For the female student whodisplays leadership , sportsmanship and all-round athleticism Annie Sokoloff / Chelsea Stanimir (shared)

Male Athletic Award - For the male student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all-round athleticism Alistair Vittery / James Steeves (shared)

House cup - Awarded to the house team that, through the year collected the most house points Curie (Catherine Addison and Louis Dupuis to accept the trophy )

Chairman’s Cup - In annual recognition of a student who exemplifies the combined attributes of citizenship, academics, the arts and athletics Melanie Moller

Subject Awards Math 7: Claire Largeau Drama 7: Gage Allard Choir7: GlenTurner Science7: GlenTurner Visual Art 7: KatieTaylor English 7: LawrenChan Physical Education 7: Lawson Chu Socials 7: Mei-LingLee Information Technology 7: Michael Pettigrew JazzBand7: Michael Pettigrew French 7: Nelli Pitoniak Latin 7: Oliver Dempsey Philosophy 7: Oliver Dempsey Band7: PriyankaDhaliwal Business E d7: PriyankaDhaliwal Public Speaking 7: Verity Adams Choir 8: Antonia Kolic Media Studies 8: Austin Smith Science 8: Bryce Balcom Public Speaking 8: ChloeMalinka Math 8: Christie Lee LatinS: Devin Brooks Musical Theatre 8: Fazila Lakhani Spanish 8: Fazila Lakhani Jazz Band 8: Graeme Wyman Drama 8: Hugh Cape Creative Writing 8: Kate Neil Visual Art 8: Lauren Koenig English 8: Lydia Peters Concert Band: Matthew Cullen Physical Education 8: Matthew Cullen French 8: Meg Heus Information Technology 8: Ryan Alban Band 8: Steve Hur Socials 8: Zak Nash Business Education 9: Angela Saunders Musical Theatre 9: Angela Saunders Jazz Band 9: Brian Thomas Band 9: Jay Lee Socials 9: Kate Jewell English 9: Katie Muzyka French 9: Lauren McClellan Philosophy 9: Luke McClellan Physical Education 9: Margherita Padovani Science 9: Mario Linaksita Visual Art 9: Mark Simons Information Technology 9: Morgan McLean Drama9: Murdock Pollon Public Speaking 9: Murdock Pollon Choir 9: Samantha Russell Creative Writing 9: Samantha Russell Spanish 9: Tyson Cowley Latin 9: YunSeokLee M ath9: YunSeokLee Spanish 10: Alanna Vittery Jazz Band 10: Arvand Saffari Band 10: Carolyn Lee Choir 10: Carolyn Lee English 10: Christopher Robertson Socials 10: Joanna Peters

Creative Writing 10: Meghan Bell Physical Education 10: Meghan Bell Visual Art 10: Meredith Carr Latin 10: Rebecca Cynader Math 10: Ross Lee Science 10: ShaedeJaray French 10: Zaahira Surani Chemistry 11: AliciaCherneski Drama 11 : Brendan Archibald Biology 11: Devon Simpson English 11 : Devon Simpson Physical Education 11 : Katey Werner Spanish 11: Katey Werner Visual Art 11 : Katherine Heus Choir 11 : LizHendren Socials 11 : LizHendren Film Studies 11 : Nadim Roberts French 11 : Nadim Roberts Information Technology 11 : Pedram Hosseini

Physics 12: Scott Williamson Visual Art 12: ShelizaMitha Math 12: TaufiqMitha L a tin A w a r d s :

Achievement Certificate: Mark Simons Achievement Certificate: Steve Hur Magna Cum Laude: GabrielleReed Magna Cum Laude: Andrew Robertson Cum Laude: Laura Dennis Latin II-IV Poetry: Nabila Pirani S e r v ic e A w a r d s :

Bronze: Hawazen Alnuweiri, Brandon Ayers, Tyson Cowley, Guillaume Curaudea, Megan Heus, Darryl Koh, Fazila Lakhani, Derek Mange, Lauren McClellan, Morgan McLean, Chris Pallai, Zakiya Pirani, Murdock Pollon, Samantha Russell, Angela Saunders, Taylor Shepard, Brian Thomas, Salim Visram, Evie Zorzos

Math 11: Stefanie Lewis Physics I I : Stefanie Lewis

Calculus AP 12: Bernice Pao History 12: Jonathan Miller Biology 12: Kacy Pollon Geography 12: Kacy Pollon Physical Education 12: Kristi Bleakney Acting 12: Monika Pawlak Chemistry 12: Nabila Pirani French 12: Nabila Pirani English 12: Rielly Lochhead Information Technology 12: Scott Williamson

Silver: Alicia Cherneski, Erin Christy, Alex Curaudea, Rebecca Cynader, Sarah Fenwick, Jessica Hardie, Liz Hendren, Katharine Heus, Pedram Hosseini, Sara King, Romney Pearson, Roham Rahmanian, Nadim Roberts, Devon Simpson, Marion Turner, Kathryn Werner Gold: Kristi Bleakney, AlyssaHoughton, Bernice Pao, Denise Pao, Kacy Pollon, Scott Williamson

M U L G R A V E A w ard:

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7G : Katie T aylor, La wren Chan 7H Mei-Ling Lee, Claire Largeau 7R: Oliver Dempsey, Salim Visram 8G Matthew Cullen 8T: Keith Gaudry-Gardner, Ryan-Marie Gruzling 8W: Taylor Shepard, Kian Abghari 9L: Darryl Koh, Morgan McLean 9M: Angela Saunders, Lauren McClellan 9T: Margherita Padovani, Tyson Cowley 10S: Alexandre Curaudeau, Marion Turner 10G: RebeccaCynader.Caitlin Rempel 11G: Alicia Cherneski, Lindsay Angus 11H: Devon Simpson, Romney Pearson 12L: NabilaPirani, Bernice Pao

A w ard:

7G: Morgan Lunn 7H: Lawson Chu 7R: Glen Turner 8G: JackAgopian 8T: Madison Hall 8W: Travis Herrington 9L: Guillaume Curaudeau 9M: Christopher Pallai 9T: Mario Linaksita 10G: PedramHosseini 10S: Samantha Tsuruda 11G: LizHendren 11H: Sarah Fenwick 12L: TaufiqMitha

F a m ily

F ren ch

L egacy

G lo b a l A w a r e n e s s B o o k A w a r d :


Liz Hendren U n iv e r s ity o f T o r o n to B o o k P r iz e : M a d a t A li P ir a n i M e m o r ia l C u p :


Morgan McLean S e n io r S c h o o l S o c ia l S tu d ie s A w a r d :

M u l g r a v e M i d d l e S c h o o l B o y ’s A t h l e t i c A w a r d :

Stephen Galbraith


T h e B r u n o S tr a u b A w a r d :

T h e F u n s to n A w a r d :

Katie Taylor

Angela Saunders

M u l g r a v e S e n i o r B o y ’s A t h l e t i c A w a r d : E n g lis h I n s p ir a tio n A w a r d :

David Kim

NabilaPirani M u l g r a v e G i r l ’s A t h l e t i c A w a r d : M u lg r a v e

E ffo rt A w a rd :


M id d le

S c h o o l M a th e m a tic s

Alyssa Houghton

A w ard:

Steve Hur, Se Song Jang

T h e A le x a n d e r E d w a r d P r ie s t M e m o r ia l C u p :

Alex Liao M u lg r a v e S e n io r S c h o o l M a th e m a tic s A w a rd :


T h e A le x a n d e r G ra c e A w a r d :

NoloPhiri M u lg r a v e M id d le S c h o o l S c ie n c e A w a r d :

Guillaume Curaudeau

C h a i r m a n ’s A w a r d - M i d d l e S c h o o l :

Angela Saunders M u lg r a v e S e n io r S c h o o l S c ie n c e A w a r d :

Sheliza Mitha

C h a i r m a n ’s A w a r d - S e n i o r S c h o o l :

Alexandre Curaudeau S c ie n c e C o u n c il o f B C A c h ie v e m e n t A w a r d :

Reilly Lochhead

T h e L in d a H a m e r R e n a is s a n c e :

NabilaPirani B r itis h P r o p e r tie s A w a r d $ 2 0 0 :

S p ir it A w a r d :

7G Keegan Balcom 7H: CamillaJames 7R: Lauren Wierenga 8G: FazilaLakhani 8T: Graeme Wyman 8W: Hugh Cape 9L: Samantha Russell 9M: Murdock Pollon 9T: Fiona Humbert-Droz 10G: GarrettYoung 10S: ShaedeJaray 11G: Katharine Heus 11H: Claire Lawson 12L Kristi Bleakney

Rielly Lochhead

Bernice Pao T h e R is in g S ta r A w a r d :

Gabrielle Reed, Tyson Cowley T h e M u lg r a v e S ta r T ro p h y :

Shae de Jaray The D ow n ey A w ard:

Lauren McClellan T h e S e n io r S c h o o l A r t A w a r d :

Ashley Ardagh W e s t V a n c o u v e r C o m m u n ity A r ts C o u n c il $500:

M id d le S c h o o l C r e a tiv e W r itin g A w a r d :

Angela Saunders

Kristi Bleakney S e n io r P u b lic S p e a k in g A w a r d :

C a r o lin e S te v e n s o n B r o w n M e m o r ia l A w a r d :

Taufiq Mitha

Devon Simpson, Nadim Roberts The B a rd A w ard:

N o r th S h o r e N e w s S c h o la r s h ip $ 2 0 0 :

Taufiq Mitha M id d le S c h o o l F r e n c h A w a r d :

Hannah Plamenig

J o s t e n ’s A w a r d $ 3 0 0 :

CahleyTod-Tims T h e B r u c e M . H ic k s P u b lic S e r v ic e A w a r d :

Gabrielle Reed



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