2007-2008 Yearbook

Page 1


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Please delight in this year's architecturally inspired yearbook. It is only a taste of the sights, sounds and happenings at Mulgrave this year! We hope that it brings hack happy memories for years to come. Many thanks to all the photographers, contributors, editors and proofers that made this book possible. Enjoy!

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Jessica and Lutetia cheek to cheek!

No untucked shirts tonight. Matt!


TVe ¿uttôK ¿ > 3 d o r c b e ) , 7& .

Juwe ZOOS Antonia and Gunnar, ready for the big night.

Kaitlin and Jen . beauties in blue!

(jxTcàA rSxx\\\e¡r 3ti\á 'to iA o e 6

Men about town, Mssrs Firouzbakht and Bieg!

Ms Morgan and Ms Willard with Keith.

Grad p0n | Results 1

ad â– Hadison Forsythe and Gunnar Hauptmann

Most Inspirational Devi Hite

Most Likely To Tell You Y ou're Wrong Lauren Korstanje

Class Klutz Emma Mackenzie

Most Changed Since Grade 8

Most Likely To Be On A Cover Of Magazine

Amtonia Kolic

Most Likely To Win And O scar Jen Rooney or Ben Bengtson Most Intim idating Jinbo Shim

Most Likely To M arry Rich Ellen Rosenfeld

The Couple That Should Have Been Helen Ji and Steve Hur

Class Clowns

Ben Bengtson and Zak Nash

Most Likely To Live On A nother Continent

Christie Lee

Most Likely To Rule The World Bryce Balcom Koenig

Most Likely To Have Kids First Jess Levine

Best Personality Ethan Zaunscherb

Never Seen A part

Class Athlete

Kate Neil and Alyssa Forzley

Zak Nash

Most Likely To Be Found In Front Of A M irror Lydia Peters

Most Likely To Own A F e rrari Matt Pallone

Most Likely To Be In An Axe Commercial Aaron Simpson

Class B rain Steve Hur

The last five years at Mulgrave have been quite many events, the awesome parties, "Fame" and "Little Women". I'd teachers for coping with my ups and downs in the last five years. I'd like to thank my friends for being there when I needed them most; you're all awesome. Finally, I'd like to thank my family for always listening to me and giving me everything I could ask for. Let's take each memory, good or bad and move on and embark on our future. Grad Class '08 - it's been remarkable.

-la c -W

Ju st stand up and laugh.

"I lost the game. "

"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. " Voltaire.

L v J r-& K i ' v U e f r If everybody liked each other as much as they like me, the world

Sure, we don't know what the future has in store, but hey, take a break, relax, enjoy it, it's been good and I have a feeling that everything is going to turn out just fine - Please forgive me for the over sentimentality but, for once, I have nothing sarcastic or humorous to add. However, high school and the people I've come to know and love over the years have made it all worthwhile. So, to those people and more, I say good night, good luck and see yeah later!

-fe a rr-c s*

"You have to live for today, then let it go" Cat Stevens Thank you to friends and family who survived life with an IB student. (Where everyday is an experience.)

I guess I should put some epic quote or m aybe a thoughtful saying here, but instead all I'll do is say thanks. Thanks to all the great people I w ent to school w ith everyday, the teachers who tau g h t me (or a t least attem pted to), and of course to m y am azing film class who m ade a lot of bad days great. Now I'm off to s ta rt som ething new: "and so it b eg in s..." 10


"The wide-eyed kid gk-frm-mR.Âť*. u.Tini Mlflilnn behind his first tie and belt, was the door into 7H, ready to start from the beginning." Well it's been a long road since grade 7, but thanks to everyone, its been a fun six years. Friends, family, peers and teachers- Thank you Grad '08. Thanks to all those people who left before us, and to all those that have come since. You've all made me who I am today, and who I want to become in the future. Best of luck in everything you do!

Mgtx When you sing, you make others vulnerable to changes in their lives; But in the end, you got to become the Change You want to see the World. You know where you are? You're now in the Jungle, baby! -MC Milian-

Mall Cd \\&\

The past 7 years at Mulgrave have been good ones for me. There have been tough times and great times, but in the end, I am very proud to be a member of Mulgrave's Grad '08 Class! I want to say thanks to all the grads of '08! I've made many fantastic friendships throughout the years and I hope there will be many more happy years to come with you guys. I also want to say thank you to all the teachers that I've had. Thanks for always being there to support and encourage me throughout the years when I have needed you most. Thank you to my family as well for always being there for me and supporting me in whatever I do: my mom, dad and of course, big junior. Best of luck to you all in the future Grad '08!!

Atex OjWaJier Well, this year has gone by so fast I don't know what to say in such a short space. I'll try not to make this sound like an awards acceptance speech, but I really do want to thank people. Thanks to my friends; you guys made this year what it was. Thanks to all the grad committees, and councils for organizing all our various shindigs. Thanks to the teachers, because without you I would probably be sitting on a couch all year next year instead of doing anything with my life. What I'm really trying to say is that grade 12 was spectacular. T hank you so m uch everyone. 11

Mulgrave and I gained the knowledge of gaining knowledge.

Every adventure has an end, and the end is approaching much too fast. Grad ' 08 came in September and now we are already diving into it. The place that Mulgrave has taken in my heart will always remain. I will miss this second family that I have created here. All the teachers who became more than mere educators and turned to companions, and fellow peers. The final parting thought I leave is: enjoy the present, learn from your past, plan about your future and keep on smiling. How do you want your life to be like? I have lived everyday coming to Mulgrave with this quote and I encourage you to follow its wisdom. "Aim for the moon, so even if you miss you'll still land among the stars. " Farewell and Good Luck.

My experiences at Mulgrave are best described as interesting. There a re n 't words to express how happy I am right now. A few memories stick out, and a few teachers- Morgan you're crazy but I couldn't have done it without you. Overall, thanks for the good times. GRAD 08!

1. Life's a grave - dig it!- Wednesday 13 2. speak ov me not as one, speak ov me not as none, speak ov me not at all for I am continual sculpting the throne of Seth (behemoth) 12

So, I'm supposed to be remembered by whatever I put here?

ájruylúva"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. " Oscar Wilde

á U w s a r

H aupkM aK K

To all the good and the bad: I hope to never forget you. And I won't. You are all a part of me now, and I love how that will never fade.

f3>ev¿. HUe Garden State


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m S u e s te . U u r The last six years have been an interesting time of my life. Since grade 7, I have been a student at Mulgrave. There were times that I wanted to change schools, but as a whole, I must say that Mulgrave has been a wonderful place. I have made frienc I hope not to forget, friends about whom I care and f H e n d s No. it s not just Helen) I must say that the other factor that mad«<MÍi[gffl!vR\a. fantastic place is my teachers. They have devoted ú mu iíWÍss hours so that I understand the world of IB. Thank you. I'd like IjjJ unpll1ITTstating that Aryan and Kaveh are my little...

N h SX . "Here's to all the memories Grad '08! Just remember that, no matter what, you are amazing. Never let anyone tell you that you can't, but at the same time remember that only you can make your dreams happen. Relish the good things in life, forget the bad and always, always, always be yourself. Tell the truth, laugh too much and take tons of pictures [if only to post them on Facebook], It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." Theodore Roosevelt.

Rei<a\ Ti__________________

I love everyone except Steve. No, I was kidding. I love you, yes th a t1s right - 1 love every single one of you!

£ ía\¡L1i kapluw


An old reel, stopping and starting and from behind the lens the hand reaches out taking the stem, and with that one touch shattering it and minds turn towards the beginning, wishing for the frayed separation until they know the loneliness of being separated.

Thank you friends, class of 2008, team mates and teachers for the wonderful experiences I have been able to enjoy over the years. Here is to the journey, and to those who have made it so sweet.


To all the good and the bad: I hope to never forget you. And I won't. You are all a part of me now, and I love how that will never fade.

laurei\ Dear grad class of '08, "happiness is only true when it is shared " love, Lauren 15

Lak~<sV\ "Vamos a vivir p a ra siem pre, Vamos a llegar a volar" Grade 12- last y e a r of high school, second y e a r of IB, from 8W to 12A "Fame" to "Little W omen", rugby in the UK. Grade 8 Math! Yes, it's been h a rd work, but we did it!

Mulgrave Grad '08. Wow. That's us! It's unbelievable how fast these years have gone by, and what a journey it has been. It's been an amazing experience here at Mulgrave and no doubt will always be a big part of my life. To all the students at Mulgrave, good luck in all your endeavors! Enjoy the ride. IB = TIME MANAGEMENT, and you're set! To all the teachers, thank you for all your support and guidance, we couldn't have done it without you. Lastly, but definitely not least, to the Grads! We made it through the tough times of IB, we did it! I couldn't have made it without you all. Thank you for the best high school years I know I'll never forget and thanks for all the memories, definitely no regrets. Keep smiling / Keep loving / Keep dreaming

Qr-<^Âże Lee "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. " Helen Keller

Wow...I c a n 't believe th a t we are finally finishing high school. I d o n 't feel old enough! I feel as though I should be back in kindergarten learning my ABC's. Sadly, however, we are p ast th a t stage. I'v e had a great tim e these p ast few y e a rs a t M ulgrave. I w ish everyone the best of luck in future! Missing you all already! "You never know w hat you have...until y o u 'v e lost it. "

V fe d l^ d \ M a .

0A M A A 5L M a o U e î A 'y . e

Enjoy Life!

________________ ¿«gavv MprpWj After completing thirteen years of schooling at this academic institution, it feels strange to know that never again will I he able to walk the halls as a student. Though I may be gone from the school I will never have truly left. Mulgrave will always be my school and I will cherish the memories from it for the rest of my life. I thank the rest of the grads for making my time there so memorable. Thank you homeroom teachers for making your classes a good place, thank you Bryant, Ferguson, Millard, Tetiker, Jolly, Graves, Cusbert, Gibson, Gleig, Tuckwell, Gilley, Hughes and Hoole. I wish all the best to those who wish to try and conquer my minesweeper times.

I do not have a lot to say about Mulgrave except for the fact it has been my home for the past eight years. Mulgrave has allowed me to explore myself, and not only given me the ability to reach my potential but expand my potential as a student, athlete, musician, friend, and human being. The people who have surrounded me for the past eight years including friends and faculty have shaped my character. 17

ksĂ e. It's astounding. Time is.

fleeting Madness... takes its toll. But

M a i l fa ile > V \e My blurb is dedicated to a very special person who is very close to me: Christie Lee. Christie: To me you are like snow tires. Slightly annoying at first, because they do not offer the same performance levels of summer tires, but your best friend when it's snowing. Christie, I like you when it snows. You are sleek as a titanium piston ring, more interesting than a camshaft, more dazzling than a carbonfibre intake, more intricate than a stainless steel exhaust header, more useful than a crankshaft, more forceful than a supercharger, more amusing than a limited slip differential, hotter than a combustion chamber, louder than a straight pipe Nova and your new basement is very nice too. How can one sum up the awesomeness that is Christie Lee? You might think of a BMW; they are fun, like Christie Lee. Ok I'm done now.

H elen loves S teve, aww!

L jJ H a . f e s t e r s Thank you to all the grads for making these last few years so memorable, it's been amazing to be part of such a good grad class. I wish you all the best in the future. Whatever we choose to do, I know we'll all go far with it. A huge thank you to my friends, parents and siblings for always being there and helping me through so much. Thank you to my teachers who have cared so much in getting us through IB. GRADS, WE FINALLY MADE IT and now the real party begins! Life will definitely be different as we all strike out on various paths, but personally, I'M SO EXCITED! Good luck and love to you all.





who treat you right, forget about the ones that don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it; if it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it. Much love and all the best to the Grad class of '08. I'm glad it was with you guys!

Congrats to the grad class of '08! I want to thank all of you for a great end to high school and want to wish you an amazing start to the rest of your lives. "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. " -Dr. Seuss

A.wifciPoppe My inspiration comes from my parents, the dazzling people from whom I received not only my name but also my life ' s blood. My parents never gave me any idea that I couldn't do or be whoever I wanted to be. They filled our house with love, fun, books and music as we moved from country to country learning new languages and experiencing a new life. As they guided me through these incredible 19 years, I don't know if they realize that the only person I wanted to be was them. Thanks mommy and pap, you're my guidepost for everything, [kusjes xo!!] Viel Glück zu meiner schwester, Pippo, willkommen zur Familie!!

J<sei All you can ever hope to get from your experiences in life is knowledge. This gained knowledge could th en be used in the future, so th a t you could b etter yourself and become an even m ore excellent person. From m y tim e a t this school I have tru ly understood one concept clearly - If you tried your best and you failed. Then the lesson is n e v e r t r y - H o m e r S i m p s o n 19

6 hours Going to provincials: -200hrs, Writing IB essays: 400hrs Studying for tests: lOOOhrs, Good times and laughs with friends: timeless For everything else, there1s Mulgrave Congrats class of '08, we made it!

Thanks for all the good, times. Mazel Tov class of '08!

I still remember my first day of Mulgrave, but now I am facing my graduation soon. Now I think about my past at Mulgrave, they are pretty nostalgic events and they make me laugh. I might miss Canada a little, not much, but little! [Leading the comfortable life of your lineage is nothing more than being fooled by a brutal prank.]

Aare>\\ Congratulations Grad '08!

Likes: reading, writing, shopping, art, yoga and tea.

The reason I wore hats when I was 2 was bald. :( poor baby Lutetia.

Worwar I wish I could say something classy and inspirational, hut that just wouldn't be my style. Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory... lasts forever. To Grad ' 08 - GET IN THE WAY! and Stuart salutes you!

I love Mulgrave and never want to leave. THEY CANT MAKE ME GO!!!


Ha<jôp A<ÿsptaw

R¿jal\ A4ai\

BO06 'Raic.ôtM.

Awir-aM "piej

katilu\ herr-Lt,

Ja¿=óV\ p,raiPôrdl

AwAt-oa / ClaiiMart»

Max C1æ >Y

MaUkaAV C ite \

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Alj£¿a_ Fûr^e)

ke-iX âauàrj

&gaï\ -Marie <5ruÿùv}

Aa^c HAa

We>c&uU Hur

AtexaWka \\iAAai\

Yu Juwj J ¿ I i

Laura* ke*â\rtj

AvdaWta kólto

Laur-a\ ker¿teü\,je

ktaw A

JS A ka kW?*A/et,

JaWA¿e lairaw


Fa^iia laiAaw,

IjÆ L W t

■ I L^t • iI“' \J| 'J -Jy C T W pítM ¡ a


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Z e e k erfje

Grade KK 26

MarWot, MareExit,

Harrj PUlpeUt»

?ai^e T aroy

Um s l Waivj

Ja^Ao*. SJLcA V

Tal WtilcaiM^-Woed

J ôs JL


Clos Côx

RiaUe Cunrj

Jer-eiHj FraW<£>

IteJteVv (StiaiMavvc


UvJtsy HWag

Ja^JAAcOse kaWcfcL

U<_Wc. Ma\iM£>udlc

O te Mi-iokeil

^ravJka\ KcJurov^c.

£>fec¿) Pi&>Wovst

CaiMptól £»oiAej

krc£^ai\3L Waiter

Áudr-ej YoeJ*ú \o

< j Ü3l

îa . Rop-

'P>raxW\ CalUiv^,

Grade KR 27

Max Qgel\

Wate*£>l3. Ute»r\\s,

¿t€l>a¿4caA\ ?ai&»\e)


U toûle L>ee

fteagaw ?©wi\al\

Grade 1C 28


/VlcEsVa- Mii<jtai\L



/Wr-ew Hen\er

Je>wafei\ fcWl

<SraeiA^e VietJH-kteü\

A.texavJter ViecscJeeos»

iwes* U/awj


Vô ô W

Jusin\ AWarj

towjaiva. A liter

■S^ai Jk-»v\ Hadkl\

A\j£¿=a- Hasjue

UAúa\ Huawj

<5raoe Juwj

Gelú\2L Mai\¿¿

¿a^asá MavaW.


AwJlr-ov (Saas^ka-

WtcAæi (Saies,

Kafei¿e Hai\\\a_

Ma$<$¿e HaLx$<MA\

Hc oim.

Ollóe kafteü\

Mai&ev Ka^

kaiem va Koeu^j

TV<m«¿*£. ¿Iæ Uô k

l&pk Wú<4e^


Grade 1P 29

T-e£¿a_ "farrow-

cSra^jE^K fe-eoW

A éki\ Car-ere

JaiM¿e Crc£¿>

HaiWvak Srxxc>W

Cars^w Prerer

T-Hamaa^ Frev-U\

áareM- H©Wej

feaWále Hue "£,ô V\ Hösl

Laurea J ô jc æ

¿aiAAaVv^a- l>e/j

C k a r te s MarVo\

¿aiM . P eyere

CgE¿a_ ¿lull

'ia v ti Cue

¿e>Çia_ ¿>ullívai\


Grade SF 30

J æ

Hjuw Cæ uv \^

Alex Yg s JL¿I\o

à <i a v h

\ S.VoWravL

Awjeia. 2ia¿>

CiarW ¿.c-ótt-

B-a\ Hav*.



SX¡tx<aa\ 'íallej

Laura. PalLai\

Mailtov Fre&A

Gkairtóe Ha\d<ù\s»

JealxWa- Jtai\V\ou

ArY Kau£tM3 i\

¿><5 YL L=oa

Laur&\ Hew»^er

Atex ParW

HawwsA PtópóUt,

Ayvea\ £»W<rayc

V©fóK¿c.a_ SLtecM

J e » CU¿U«fte Ta-^aví-

Ca/Txá\ T^^JaLe.

AlvAr-eJ 21tövj

Grade gW 31


Uai\a_ Vytaijjc.ca.

MaliWa*/ Q æ >

tUC>J K-um.

¿>lajav\ LaiAaVkC

HaW< Liu

Pariv^ MalMouál

Jac-ks,ov\ PcUe

Para .Sawjl

¿áai\ SXiw

fóolaei WcMrors*

Grade 3B 32


Aerara C umîMîOvjs *


1>ü \3l YasW~>uW-

Aria. (9JÀ

JôTcJtaiN HavJteTî-ftVN

Jaoe¿> HtoiM.

Awje¡a. tW i

k-0\sA.-U\ ïtJd^L

AraiMtLS» lAôfcUitai\

W-ifeiM. Hc EEv ô j

Jac.eA> KcK-Q\^e

kai\<0ru\e 0V«2t\

AtfeiM. fóAQMXto-

HccAæl tlocAaivAei

l<¿iM¿a T-ekrsO\c

£atM. WdUù\toV\

A\\K 2 ia *

Grade 3G 33


Grade 3 S 34


JaiA^es. Cre>Ue

Mai^Wav 'íajrraiNE»

ÉUas» Grjas»

(5fee>rje Haw/<ú\^

Ckeissea Vtel\rj

Sórai^a. laiai\¿

S a mwê Uee

3<a\Wj U-

^ afeite Mar£^a\\

fVülip Mario\

O mjaag VteUl-kteü\

P-e\dope VJoscAesus»

Viv-tai\ Ou\\wai\

KsaJ¿a ftedr-újueE.

Grade 4 J 36

Qamm2l 'Vj&\c> w

EUv A j fe<srr-eH

î&img A îiVaraJM^

Jac-et Lac-as^Æ

Car\ ¿>ieÇ£eV\s>

■pj-cíJkr AlcwviaiMsA

3>e ö&sf


karti=> 'iaws^iN

Z ô e-U æ LSx x ô Vn.

V ieW - Fq \<j

Laura. <aóUv*ar

OiMar Küla.

Hawwak tlaUw.

JórJlaix ¿>óiMai\ú

'fesv^jae ¿>0wj

lar-ed ToiMai\<i<

^er-ova. UrVte

LöaivLeUe WíerQvja.

l<-ei£»ej W-úders*

Grade 4K 37

Avdr-GAj AUett-


mj míl


Je>wafei\ AvvVo a ^

te^ù\ Fakai\

ïa o - har^w Pr-eocAus.,

¿uv\V\j Q.ó ¿

AJlr-taix 'i>eai\

MaV-eja F e W

Avdr^SA/ Fr-e^cA

F a u \e 0^0

Grade 5K 39


AtexawJter Àn$ei\te

Aiaa¿) ke>

Yuwwjsl te s

Côte Woteed

Uaw\ t^Lkütel

¿tepteivte Weuw^er

áteerjóva. Ptepôttt»

te c te tentará

HuTMate ¿affar-c

OtMar itetelHolaiMeaJ.

AUj^ j <S*oa /^1

W-ulcaiM, .SlM^AWóóá


J etee Tuvj

Hja- VaixWÆJWaxkujEie

Saurai, VhùUer

Ai\W \ta. W earm jil,

Juv\ TteeMv Ye*e

Grade 5M 40

S s é ¿ B Juá'je

wJaaíkóV v^

Violólas» Preti-

Rgaw cSraj

¿.arak HalUlors^w

Mar-a\ !>S£^or

Grade 5R

CaMere>\\ H ^Jter^w

J o re íK j A.nv«úróV\<j

H c c i^ e ! ArweU

C rjüal Q ö v j

Tr-evd GguW e,

Tav-iJl Cre&¿>

Mac.U<a\yÆ á¡rai\il30A\

M?urc.u&> Hai\l\

AvnW^l HeiAier-tAvjkM

Cowwor Çeirûvlc^

T ie r

Mepi\ ,ü4eÇp<3\£>

Jc & e p U ise T-ur<A

Tax lWMai\



S u v j T juw

ta ló le k-uWc^á

¿>arak Yo ô k

Grade 6F 43



Gëù\e Q í0i\

Me$ CWemaiA

Cote GouptawA

Kseak <3uU

ftaci<ei JoU\i4e>v\

Csytex kauClMav*

AkvùJæl Use

Uika. Ma^souA

Vfeytej Mc-lW^e

J a iv te Mojpaii

/\vd&,la- WavaraivcaiM.

Josl.ua. Paistej

James, pxàe

Jesi. S>oo

ËTmiMa Tallos

Max Wül>er$

Amj y¿w$

Grade 6 J 44


MaiütQA/ AWarj


J ueAó \ Aw

H^Aer C orteé

¿aJM. K-úm.

t e £ «Selló

M¿4c.\«eil WaJliJil

rakr-tok MarkA\

Tara Malear

M¿ Majó

Môrççaw Mc-tójre

C atilà\ Mc J¿ü \\\ó W

Kamsa Ró £¿> r3aa

JUEÍU\ ¿4A\jlk

Atextt, TVexlow

"è-caiNC-a Varias

MaW<e^ 2wÙMf>£ar

Grade 60 45

M<-okaei /VnvMj'd,


(SoûTjcwa- ‘gör'aiU

"grciWu^w Car-or-e

¿eflga. Ckappell

JaiAAes» íSu^o í ^U-

¿aiMtUja. Has>£=ai\

(-ú-c-kaei J-c

VüoefcL Mar^s»

¿ara. Ma^QA^

AAi-s^e Mu\^

Hejaw He£ÇaàY

AVaeíM. Mu\¿cai\¿

Juica. PcKVwscJc

aMe^ k ¿aivJlj V

QMrfij iJoAgft.

Aare>\\ Mok-gw^e

WellealA\ Waivj

Grade 6Y 46

h.\MfaerpL Ale

/íwvsl Air^vie

Gawivsr Arv\e¡&

AJtaM. Cl^WaW.

Alex Ckuwj

Grade 7 48

é& i

títer-bL Pq v j

Cwo\ . !<s*he£>

Ckr-¿E>\<5f\tQr Fr-o\cV

AJliée 1<Sl

CV-<¿A¿av\ Fre&^

J ümiavj Kum.

¿pQ\oer (Saúx

J<s>e> W W Ko m.


Olcver K-uWcoJl

AooivAsr ¡¿as.

Claire Laca¿dfe


__ _

JóV»aJtea\ Meaktv^


.’f P5 C&N Ufe

AJsm. Hí X r -


iMjraw M

íS ra ^ w O y,r«2i\


Aw\a Qü Æ

-, »


2 felpeé»


EUmm3- teAoMkjfet

í ? '1

ftajcAas fcsai i£í Til

^ vj

¿.ieteW^e feriar

Alta- lúalej — i ." j

I» .

Ai*y fii&¿*él

Grade 7

AiMtr ¿>aiv$t.

J¿ MtVv ¿ æu w *

yBfüJ <S^A/ëi

QWAj ¿AteUsJ

AriMaai\ Alt-

ÜjUe Afeurd

Cric, BIo um.

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Grade 9

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Grade 10

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Grade 10

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Volunteers and Events

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Working together with faculty, staff and students, the MVP's (Mulgrave Volunteer Parents) primary goal is to sustain Mulgrave's sense of community and foster a broad-based spirit of participation. Through this volunteer group, the school is able to utilize the enormously varied and wonderful talents of hundreds of parents throughout the year for the considerable benefit of Mulgrave students. The MVP coordinates a multitude of activities including merchandise and recycled uniform sales, lecture series, arts and sports programme assistance, class parent reps, volunteer resources (including the library and lost and found), communication and special events such as the Welcome Back BBQ, Golf Tournament, Fall Fair, Bingo Family Night, Holiday Baking Buffet and Community Day Parade. The MVP's fundraising culminates with the Spring Gala: the School's major annual fundraiser. This year, the Gala involved almost every Mulgrave family in >me capacity or other and raised the record-breaking mnt of over $470,000 in support of School irogrammes. íe MVP thus oversees a wonderful collaboration a parent community of broad and formidable talents and a school which recognizes and appreciates this valuable asset. I-

THE MVP - MULGRAVE'S VALUABLE PARENTS that's the Mulgrave way!


Ao U ô W Mulgrave's 14th annual Spring Gala was held at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel, where the theme of "Lights, Camera, Action!" provided the backdrop and atmosphere to make it a truly starstudded event. The "stars" were all the wonderful parents, volunteers and sponsors who once again gave their support, time and generous ïe a i donations to ensure a hugely successful fund-raiser. The theme was also an acknowledgement of all our student and perfórm to the best of their th teacher stars who consistentlyr perform abilities to make Mulgrave such afîdynamic school community. The hotel ballroom and reception? area was transformed by the talented Gala decor team into a glitzy Hollywood awards venue, complete with red carpet, flashing bulbs and spectacular filmrelated props. Successful bidders in the exciting Live auction were presented with their own "Oscar" statues, and everyone went home feeling they had been treated like celebrities.



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Our Co-chairs Debra Hann and Penny Kirkwood and team of hardworking volunteers.

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Global Outreach is a new global action leadership group at Mulgrave, led by a coordinator from Student Council and sponsored by Mr Pulfer. The objective of the group is to develop global citizenship and foster greater humanitarian action within the school community and beyond. Although the name Global Outreach is new, this programme has been part of our students lives and, the fabric of our school, for more than 10 years. It all began with the creation of the Kids Care Club, a service club for kids caring for kids. The original KCC members have graduated, yet Mulgrave students continue to have the same raison d'etre and passion the students had then: to respond to the children they heard crying for help; whether it was on the local, national or international scene. Global Outreach perpetuates that mission. Just as it takes some years of schooling for individuals to mature, so it has taken Global Outreach some time to develop the curriculum-tied programs currently under its umbrella. A track record of successful excursions to Australia and teachers passionate for using the real world for the classroom, led Mulgrave to start by offering a science-based program in Costa Rica and a cultural exchange with Setagaya Gaguen School, Tokyo, (In 2004, the Japan trip added on a service component by including a week of service at Father Ray's Orphanage in Pattaya, Thailand.) In 2005 the Costa Rica programme shifted to incorporate humanitarian aid and that was the beginning of our link with Habitat for Humanity (HFH) and subsequent Central American programmes. These two shifts in the programme became pivotal to influencing the direction the Upper School's Global Outreach programme is taking now. Two of the essential pillars for any viable programme are the underlying philosophy and the mission statement. Given our students commitment to children as well as the importance for them to have ownership of the programmes, undoubtedly Global Outreach will consider opportunities for direct student participation at most levels of the programme and offer handson experience. The challenge is to ensure the scaffold allows for this, while also guaranteeing safe, quality learning experiences which will serve as catalysts to understanding, empathy and attitude shifts. In other words, to be effective global citizens our students need to be willing to examine themselves, their lifestyle and ask some poignant questions like: Do I wish to be part of or perpetuate an indulgent society? Is gaining power ok at the expense of others? Am I willing to make poverty history, when the corollary must also be true; make rich history? Such are the fundamental questions the students grapple with during their spiritual growth and a global vision needed for peace. What are the goals of our students? They reach for the stars and the work they do each year, in their efforts to make the world a better place, is more than admirable: it is courageous and, for all involved, life-changing.

Mrs Vipond receiving her certificate >in recognition of her work with as a Duke of Edinburgh's Award Leader, . 1997-2008



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This year, the trip Down Under reached a milestone as it hit the decade mark! As Mr Cusbert's final trip, the experience he created for Junior School Mulgravians ten years ago saw a record number of students apply to take part. When Spring Break arrived, twenty-five Grade 6 students, three Grade 10 and 11 chaperones and four teachers set off for the journey of a lifetime. Arriving first in New Zealand, the group enjoyed several new experiences, including entering the cavernous home of incredible glowworms, exploring smelly volcanic mud pools, watching the locals in action at a sheep show, riding luge go-carts down a hilly course, and rolling down a grassy hill in a giant ball called a zorb! New Zealand provided both excitement and drama first when David's toenail was ripped off in a zorb and then when Mrs. Jolley chose to bungy jump over a precipitous gorge! Next, it was off to Australia. The group based itself first at Coogee Beach and then set, off on various tours from that little piece of paradise. They cruised under the Sydney Harbour Bridge and visited the Sydney Aquarium, the Sydney Opera House and a shopper's paradise, Paddy's Market. After that it was off to the capital, Canberra, where the group toured Parliament House, the National Art Gallery, the National Warn Memorial, the National Museum and Questacon Science Centre. Finally, the group I headed north to the Sunshine State, Queensland, where the children were billeted with} Aussie families from the Sunshine Coast Grammar School and Immanuel Lutheran I College. They visited the Australia Zoo where they played with kangaroos and then Dreamworld, where they held koalas and rode the thrilling rides. At the local beaches, they rode warm waves, toed through radiant sand and developed skin the colour of} burnt toast. The group had an incredible time and connected strongly as a Mulgravian family. The| Aussies were wonderful hosts and the weather proved to be warm and pleasant for the majority of the stay. Our students received many positive comments about their behaviour and manners and so can feel proud of how well they carried themselves onj such a fun adventure.

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My memories of Kenya are vivid like the deep, red earth. Rereading the entries from the small journal I kept on the trip is testament to the power of the experience. Some of the orphanages, as well as the school in Muranga, held welcoming ceremonies for our group. These ceremonies lauded our efforts and intentions, putting us high on a most noble pedestal. It was an extremely uncomfortable feeling. How does one get across that it really is our pleasure? It was in the small number of seemingly insignificant moments where one-on-one communication occurred, that lent extreme clarity to the most human of moments. On one occasion, a small group was walking down to one of the job sites, I found myself walking beside a small woman carrying two heavy bags. I offered to carry one, and we chatted as she led me off the path, through the cornfields, sidestepping the chickens, and passing the cow who mooed with curiosity. Shy to meet my eyes, she thanked the school for coming. I thanked her community for welcoming us with such open arms. When we got to her house, she asked me to wait. I sat down in a dark, cement walled room on a bench covered in thin fabric. She reached into a dark, wooden cabinet and pulled out three eggs, offering them to me in thanks for carrying her bag. Both materially and in physical health, I am so much wealthier than she can ever hope to be. Yet she offered me more than I could ever give to her. As the week wore on in the small, northern district of Muranga, I only felt more and more grateful to be there. To those who are considering this trip in the future, I encourage you to take the challenge. Firstly, I always felt safe, well fed, and in very capable hands if something was ever to go wrong. Secondly, I questioned my views, my feelings about what I was encountering, my lifestyle and the sheer, dumb luck that has led to it all. Finally, I never once regretted having exposed myself to this experience. Thank you Mulgrave! Anna Warshawski




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The Eastern Canada trip was the highlight of our Grade 9 year. The trip allowed us to learn and have fun with our friends. (As a word of advice for those who get homesick), we had so much fun, we did not feel homesick! We saw many historical sites such as: The Library in Parliament, the old town in Quebec, as well as the place where General Wolfe &? Montcalm were shot on the Plains of Abraham. We saw a hockey game in Ottawa, visited Carnivale, skated on the Rideau Canal and dog-sledded in Trois Rivieres. What we learnt not only helped us in our Social Studies and French classes, but also helped with our understanding of how we perceive Canada. Aside from the learning, we also had time to hang out with our friends and sometimes learn more about people we hardly knew. Overall, the Eastern Canada trip was fun in all aspects. We both highly recommend that you also take the time to go on the evening city tours with Mr. Hardy! We had a blast and hope Jk the future Grade 9 's will too. Conrad Jam es &? Max Wimmer

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Yeonsoo Song

L au ra Gollner

Parinaz Mahmoudi

Maya Alfreds

Joshua Borrell

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Clare Kim

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Loryn Arnett


This year, I was a part of the school's production of Little Women and it was experiences of my life. Before auditioning, I was extremely nervous, hut I overcame so much, both as a person and an actor. The process of the musical was amazing and being able to see everyone come together and improve was incredibleof course Ms. Hughes played a HUGE part in bringing us together and helping us in every possible way.

We all grew, not only as actors, crew, and directors, but as a family. I'll never forget the elaborate costumes, the nerves, the tech problems, the set breaking the night before opening day, but most importantly, the people. Thank you to everyone! You made this year unforgettable for me and many others.

The Zoom Film Festival was a great success. Mulgrave had 14 teams enter and 68 students participate from Grades 7-12. The theme this year was: "Im agin ation is G reater th a n K now ledge"

and the prop was an umbrella. The lobby was decorated with an amazing umbrella mobile as well as the traditional Zoom ice sculpture. Over 350 students, teachers and parents were in attendance to support the 35 schools and 98 teams that entered this year. Awards won by

Selection (Best overall Junior Film): Think Outside the Box Peter Arnold, Conrad Jam es and Nathan Stedman (Grade 9) Best Junior Actor (2nd place)- Conrad Jam es (Grade 9) The Brendan Archibald Passionate Filmmaker Award- Gage Allard (Grade 11) Best Female Actor (2nd place)- Jessica Knowles (Grade 12) Best Actor (3rd place) Micah Smith (Grade 6)

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Photographers 1. Amella Bushell 1OM 2. Louise Chong 9C 3. Emily Smallwood 7R 4. Tayler Hutton 8G 5. Taylor Millar 10M 6. Matt Chong 11W 7. Yuiyi Lee 9W 8. Erin Young 9W 9. Matt Chong 11W 10. Mina Chung 11M

Whip crack-away, Whip crack-away, whip crackawayyyy - the Wild West was never-THIS much fun! Directed by Mr. McLean (musical director) and Mr. Cusbert Xacting - director), a dedicated and entertaining cast of Grade 6 students chose to commit themselves to this year's Junior School production of Calamity Jane. The group enjoyed almost> /-four months,of, work after school and on ^ :• l ‘. J vyeekends^and, when it was over' many still wanted to moire on to Broadway and continue for another year! With Megan Steffens as Calamity Jane and David Cross-as Wild Bill XHiekok, the cast acted, danced and sang their way through «-a fun-filled performance that had the audience fully entertained and amazed at their professionalism. Everyone involved, from the 'backstage crew of teachers and Upper School volunteers to the bit parts to' the minor roles to the understudies and the leads, did a marvellous job and can feel proud of the show-they ----


Megan Steffens

Ashleigh Kearns

Julia Pinnock

ÂŤ i w a u c w BiuucuKi b ecam e n o ta b le m en an d w o m e n w h o m ad e a la stin g co n trib u tio n to Canada or th e w o r ld fo r an e v e n in g . The c a st o f n o ta b le s ra n g ed fro m P ierre T rudeau to C leopatra. W orking w ith th e ir E n g lish 8 te a c h e r s an d M u grave's lib rarian , M rs. V ipon d, ea ch e n th u s ia s tic stu d e n t tr u ly b ecam e th e n ota b le p e rso n th a t h e or s h e h a d ra n d o m ly se le c te d . The d isp la y s w e r e am azin g. P a rticip a n ts w e r e co stu m e d an d in ch aracter. Grade 18 stu d e n ts , K eith G audry-G ardner an d A n to n ia K olic, in tro d u ced th e n o ta b les, u s in g a sc r ip t w r itte n b y M rs. V ipon d. Som e o f th e n o ta b le s a d d re ssed th e a u d ien ce an d d id so w ith p a ssio n .

A fte r th e in tr o d u c tio n s, th e a u d ien ce v is ite d th e stu d e n ts w ith th e ir w o rk . A u d ien ce m em b ers w e r e im p r e sse d b y th e d is p la y s a n d e v e n m ore im p r e sse d b y th e a n s w e r s w h ic h th e n o ta b les w e r e able to g iv e in r e sp o n se to q u e stio n s. To prep are fo r th is e v e n t, stu d e n ts w o r k e d on aca d em ic s k ills (su c h a s r e se a r c h s k ills ) , oral p r e se n ta tio n s k ills , aca d em ic an d c r e a tiv e w r itin g s k ills , an d q u estio n in g s k ills . We a ll lo o k fo rw a rd to N ig h t o f th e N otab les: 8 0 0 8 .

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The 2007-08 school year was a momentous one for Mulgraves Junior School athletes. Never before had there been such a huge turnout for our school teams. Out of a student body of 356, we had 231 players on 12 teams. Of course, some students participated in more than one sport, but the numbers are quite breathtaking and reflect the expanding interest in athletic activities among our students.

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The rugby team had 35 players, including four girls, another first at Mulgrave. An incredible 87 students attended basketball practices and games. Needless to say, these numbers presented unique challenges for our coaches in teaching individual skills and team play, but the level of interest among the students is very encouraging indeed.

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C Building on their experiences the classrooms and in physical education activities, including the Terry Fox Run and Jump Rope for Heart, the students are learning to combine and balance academic, cultural, social and athletic pursuits to achieve a healthy lifestyle.


All of our Junior School athletes wore their uniforms with pride, and represented Mulgraue with distinction and their usual good sportsmanship. Congratulations to all! Thanks to the many parents who faithfully attended the games, meets and tournaments to cheer them on. Thanks also to the volunteer teacher coaches for their many hours of dedicated hard work. Your combined efforts made this a memorable year for the Junior School.

C^uKk^j % Marafuvx!


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The 2007-2008 season for our Titan Athletes has been filled with excitement. f Many teams showed the competitiveness of the Titan spirit, making sure they left it all on the court or field. The Lady Titans A battled hard to try and regain their Zone Championship, falling just short placing 2nd in Zones. As a group of grade 8-12 students, the Sr. Boys Rugby team played in a very competitive AA league. They wrapped up their season with a hard fought loss in the Lower Mainland quarter finals. Special recognition also goes to all of the Swim team members qualifying for the provincials with many of our athletes obtaining medals. Our younger teams are playing well and improving every season and building a strong foundation for our Sr. teams. The Titan teams have improved every season and are building a strong athletic legacy for Mulgrave.

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The Sr. Boys A Basketball team ended its season in heroic fashion against Bodwell placing 2nd in Zones.



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Congratulations to the Tennis team v----------------------------------------------------------- / for qualifying for the AA Provincial tournament placing 5th overall.

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VdltejLatt ¿ » e\L ô r < S u ^ The Sr. Girls Volleyball team competed, for the first year against AA, AAA and AAAA teams. They finished 2nd in Zones and then played an intense wild card playoff to make the provincials winning 7 straight matches. The team finished with a 5th place finish at provincials.




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Hïéidàe. 3ü\Jl futile, ¿>peakov M em b ers o f M u lg ra v e s D ebate te a m p a rticip a te d in e v e n ts w h ic h to o k p lace fro m V a n co u v er Isla n d to N ew fo u n d la n d t h is se a so n . W e w e r e a fo rce to be reck o n ed w ith on th e lo ca l, p r o v in c ia l, an d n a tio n a l debate sc e n e . E arly in th e y e a r , Sop hie B ird a n d A s h le y B ow ron p la ced 5 th in th e UBC In v ita tio n a l D ebate w h ic h d ra w s c o m p etito rs fro m b oth BC an d A lberta. L ater, B ird an d B ow ron triu m p h ed in th e N ew m a n F isa D eb ates w h ic h in c lu d e s d eb a ters from V a n co u v er Isla n d an d th e L ow er M ain lan d . A t th e R egion al D eb ates, in M arch, th r e e M u lgrave d eb a ters , Sop hie B ird, A s h le y B ow ron , an d Colin W estein d e, w o n p la c e s to th e P ro v in c ia l F in a ls. A s w e ll, B ird an d B ow ron em erg ed a s th e to u rn a m en t ch a m p io n s. A t th e P ro v in c ia l fin a ls , B ird an d B o w ro n p la ced 2 n d a s a te a m (a ste lla r a c h ie v e m e n t fo r Grade 9 s in a d o m in a n t Grade 10 c o m p etitio n ). B oth w e r e a lso a d v a n ce d to th e J u n io r N a tio n a ls w h ic h to o k p lace in St. J o h n s. It is v e r y u n u su a l fo r tw o m em b ers o f th e J u n io r N a tio n a l te a m to be fro m th e sa m e sch o o l. N a tio n a lly , th e te a m o f B ird an d B ow ron p la ced 4 th in Canada. On th e pu blic sp ea k in g fro n t, our s p e a k e r s a lso fa re d e x tr e m e ly w e ll. A t th e P ro v in c ia l P ub lic S p eak in g C h am p ion sh ip s, tw o m em b ers o f th e M u lgrave tea m p la ced 1 st an d 3 r d p r o v in c ia lly , a n o th er u n u su a l a c h ie v e m e n t. Colin W estein d e p la ced 3 rd an d Sophie B ird em erged a s th e p r o v in c ia l ch am p ion . S h e w ill com p ete a g a in st top p u blic sp e a k e r s in W in n ip eg in F eb ru ary, 2 0 0 8 . A t th e W estern s, a co m p etitio n p ittin g sp ea k er s from th e L ow er M a in la n d an d V a n co u v er Isla n d a g a in st on e a n o th er, our sp e a k e r s w e r e a lso rew a rd ed fo r th e ir s k ills . A t th e S en ior le v e l, B ry ce B alcom w a s th e Top S en ior Sp eak er. In th e J u n io r D iv isio n , A s h le y B ow ron p la ced 5 th , Colin W estein d e p la ced 4 th , a n d Sop hie B ird p la ced 2nd . It w a s a good y e a r in d eed . T eam m em b ers are lo o k in g fo rw a rd to n e x t y e a r s c o m p e titio n s an d to w o r k in g w ith y o u n g er M u lg ra v ia n s to h elp sp rea d th e jo y o f th e sp o k en w ord .

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Our in a u g u ra l c la s s o f IB D iplom a s tu d e n ts celeb ra ted th e c o m p letio n o f th e ir e x te n d e d e s s a y s a t a b r e a k fa st e v e n t h e ld in th e ir h on ou r on th e m orn in g o f M on d ay, D ecem ber 10 th , 2 0 0 7 . M r. de B eer w e lc o m e d th e tired , b u t h a p p y group an d r ec o g n ise d th e s tu d e n ts fo r th e ir h a rd w o rk . F a c u lty a n d p a r e n ts w e r e a lso th a n k e d fo r b ein g a n in te g r a l p art o f th e su p p o rt s y s te m fo r our s tu d e n ts . M rs. W illard in tro d u ced th e P arad e o f E s s a y s w h e r e e a ch stu d e n t p r e se n te d th e ir e s s a y to M r. de B eer a n d M rs. A b lett a n d th e n w a s g iv e n a c o m m em o ra tiv e M u lgra v e EE S u rv iv o r p in b y M r. M acou n. It w a s tr u ly a p le a su re to s e e th e s m ile s on th e stu d e n ts' fa c e s a s th e y su b m itted th e ir e s s a y s . A fte r e v e r y o n e w a s w e ll fed , th e e s s a y su p e r v iso r s, le d b y M s. M organ , p r e s e n t e d a c o n g r a tu la to r y s k it to th e s tu d e n ts . L ater, th e y w e r e r ew a r d e d w ith an e n te r ta in in g so n g o f s u r v iv a l an d th a n k s fro m a ll th e stu d e n ts , su n g to th e tu n e o f J in g le B e lls. M r. M acou n brough t th e e v e n t to a c lo se b y c o n g ra tu la tin g th e stu d e n ts fo r th e ir p e r se v e r a n c e in co m p letin g th e m o n u m en ta l ta s k o f w r itin g a fo u r th o u sa n d w o r d e s s a y . H e r em in d ed th e m o f th e a m a zin g s k ill th e y h a d lea r n e d an d h o w , in fu tu r e , it w o u ld s e r v e th e m w e ll. Our stu d e n ts h ad in d ee d r ea c h e d a m ile sto n e in th e ir aca d em ic c a re er s - th e y h a d s u r v iv e d th e IB E x te n d e d E ssa y !

On W ed n esd ay, 2 7 th F eb ru ary, w e w ore p in k s h ir ts in s te a d o f our u s u a l u n ifo rm . T h is is b eca u se to d a y is th e fir s t C anadian N a tio n a l A n ti-B u lly in g D ay. L a st y e a r , in N o v a S cotia a b oy w e n t to sc h o o l w e a r in g a p in k sh ir t. He got b u llied fo r w e a r in g p in k . H e w a s h a r a sse d , th r e a te n e d a n d c a lled n a m es. Som e grade tw e lv e stu d e n ts h ea rd about th e b oy and w a n te d to su p p o rt h im . T h ey w e n t to th e d isco u n t sto r e an d bought f if t y p in k polo sh ir ts . T h ey a lso p o ste d a n o te on F aceb ook te llin g e v er y b o d y to w e a r p in k . A fte rw a rd s, th e p r o v in c ia l g o v e rn m e n t h ea rd about th is; th e y d ecid ed to m ak e F eb ru ary 2 7 th a d ay w h e r e ev er y b o d y w e a r s a p in k sh ir t. B e ca u se th e g o v e rn m e n t m ade th is d e c isio n , A n ti-B u lly in g D ay is n o w an o ffic ia l d a y (b u t y o u s t ill h a v e to go to sch o o l!) C rystal C heng & A n na H eth erin g to n 6F


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This prize is awarded to students who have scored highly in each of the attributes associated with the award. Manners, U-niqueness, L-ove of learning, G-enerosity, R-espect, A-ttitude, V-erve, and E-xcellence 3B Amy Kang, Ben Huang 3C Adam Rahemtulla, Michaela Borrell 3S Siri Coupland, Madeleine Kirkwood 4 J Bryson Bourchier, Emme Lee 4K Jordan Somani, Betsie de Beer 5M Jolee Tung, Stephanie Mounzer 5R Cameron Henderson, Lauren Forster 5K Andrew Ablett, Emma Goult 60 Patrick Martin, MJ Mayo 6 J Noah Guld, Annika Lee 6F Brent Coutts, Anna Hetherington 6Y Emily Winters, Bronwyn Carere 2. E ffo rt A w ard

Awarded to the student who has put a consistently high level of effort into academics, the arts, athletics or service, or a combination of those strands. 3B Avery Grantham 3C Zoe Ablett 3S Liam Gray 4 J Georgia Boddez 4K Hannah Rahim 5M Sarah Walker 5R Yeonsoo Song 5K Angela Joannou 60 Heather Corbett 6J Celine Chen 6F Isabelle Kirkwood 6Y Sara Matthews 3.S p irit A w a rd (up to one per class) Awarded to the student who motivates, leads, and inspires and who is positive and inclusive. 3B Kiyaana Manji Aria Guld Alexander Brun Natalie Marshall Emily Borrell 142

5M 5R 5K 60 6J 6F 6Y

Lewis Croke Mitchell Thompson Kevin Fabian Ashleigh Kearns Hayley McIntyre Micah Smith Sophie Chappell

4. Trophies a.The Madat E. Jam al Award For the student who has displayed outstanding aesthetic awareness &? creativity in the visual arts

B ro n w y n Carere

b.The Koenig Family Award For fine arts &? performance D avid Cross

c. Violet Witty Memorial Award For perseverance T ash a F isch er , A lise M in tz (shared) i d. Everett Allan Larose Memorial Award for Positiveness - Awarded to the student who most exemplifies a positive attitude towards self, fellow students &> faculty

Zoe A n d erso n

e. Dynapro Cup Presented by Dynapro for creative endeavours in science. A student who expresses a real interest in inquiry as it relates to scientific topics and the experimental process.

D an iel M o ffa tt

f. Stanley Ross Mitchell Memorial Award For excellent participation &= achievement in school music activities M egan S te ffe n s

g. George Woods Plate Awarded for spirit &> enthusiasm - put your heart into everything you do M egan M o ffa tt

h. Public Speaking Award For excellence in public speaking E m ily W in ters

i. Priest Love of Learning Award

A rish a L adhani

j. Andrew Lambert Award for Positive Action - Awarded to the Junior School student who best demonstrated positive action, in service for the betterment of our environment or the people of our world. The student must demonstrate independent risk-taking, as well as an open-minded and caring demeanour. Sarah H alld orson

k. The Alexander Grace Inspiration Award Donated by the Solloway family as a tribute to a young life lost to cancer, this award recognizes the student who shows the qualities of perseverance, courage and dignity under adversity. A lex a n d er S ted m an

l. Female Athletic Award For the female student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and allround athleticism

N ico la M ark s

m. Male Athletic Award For the male student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all-round athleticism B raed an F itz p a tr ic k & M J M ayo


n. House Cup C hurchill

o. Chairmans Cup In annual recognition of a student who exemplifies the combined attributes of citizenship, academics, the arts and athletics

M egan S te ffe n s

Background illustration by Isabelle Kirkwood 6F 143

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MULGRAVE Award Awarded to students who have scored highly in each of the attributes associated with the award. M-anners, U-niqueness, L-ove of learning, Generosity, R-espect, A-ttitude, V-erve, and Excellence 7M- Anna Argente, Jin Hyung (Brandon) Baek 7R- Ameeqa Ali, Imran Moosa 7S- Ellen Beveridge, Kevin Eckford 8G- Kate Shepard, Angélique Travlos 8J- Kelsey McLean, Kendra Perrin 8M- Sam Griffiths, Claudia Linaksita 8S- Nicole Moller, Shi Long (Peter) Tang 9C- Ashley Bowron, Sarah (Mei-Kim) Lee 9S- Charlotte Juñan, Eric Rosenfeld 9W- AntoineLargeau, Yun Ji Lee 10H- Juña Brown, Annie Therrien Boulos 10K- Alexandra Bleim, Gorden Larson 10M- Melanie Moller, Meghan Robinson 11 - Ashkan Azizi, Anna Maurer 11- Lauren Bridges, Chloe Scott 11- Morgan Lunn, Lauren Wierenga 12- Matthew Cullen, Fazila Lakhani 12- Aryan Firouzbakht, EUen Rosenfeld

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Effort Award Awarded to the student who has put a consistently high level of effort into academics, the arts, athletics or service, or a combination of those strands. 7M- Kye Fedor 7R- Sanesh Iyer 7S- Amy Neilson 8G- Eric Bleim 8J- Alek Mintz 8M- Marthinus (MC) de Beer 8S- Dominique Hart 9C- Kieran Cullen 9S- Alysha Harris 9W- Tirajeh Mazaheri 10H- Zain Alimohamed 10K- Andrew Lee 10M- Julia Turner Grade 11- Brittany Labron, Mei-Ling Lee, Lhundup Sherpa Grade 12- Gunnar Hauptmann, Lutetia Wallis-Mayer

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8G- Graham Brown 8J- Charles Hart 8M- Jaime Hills 8S- George Colüster 9C- Hannah Borland 9S- Madison Inman 9W- Hana Turner 10H- Brett Zielke 1OK- Cassandra Travlos 10M- Min-Jeong (Clare) Kim Grade 11- Harrison Brook, Oüver Dempsey, Seo Kyung (Rachel) Lee Grade 12- Kian Ahghari, Dorothy Hite AWARDS Middle School Creative Writing Award Fiona Brough Caroline Stevenson Brown Memorial Award Jessica Knowles Middle School French Award- "En route aux étoiles " - donated by Derek &? Carlotta Lee Elisabeth Dennis The Madame Lo &? Family French Legacy Award J'apprends le Français par coeur Matthew Cullen The Funston Award Jacqueline Galbraith English Inspiration Award Christopher (Keith) Gaudry-Gardner Mulgrave Middle School Mathematics Award Kyu Mok (Ricky) Kim Mulgrave Senior School Mathematics Award Woo Suk (Steve) Hur »j i f e A


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Mulgrave Middle School Science Award Ashley Bowron Mulgrave Senior School Science Award Lydia Peters

BC Innovation Council Science Achievement Spirit Award Award Awarded to the student who motivates, leads, and Woo Suk (Steve) Hur inspires and who is positive and inclusive. The manifestation of these qualities may vary The Rising Star Award depending on the age of the student. For example, Nicole Linaksita the older the student, the more the leadership component should be demonstrated. The Mulgrave Star Trophy 7M- Margaret Berton Harrison Brook 7R- Jasmine Somani J .r* 7S- Stephanie Porter 144 W

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The Bard Award Jennifer Rooney

Mulgrave Middle School Boys Athletic Award Antoine Largeau

The Downey Award Jin-A Lee

The Bruno Straub Award Angélique Travlos

The Senior School Art Award Christie Lee

Mulgrave Senior Boys Athletic Award Zachary (Zak) Nash

Arts Council Award Katherine Neil

Mulgrave Senior Girls Athletic Award Lauren Koenig

Middle School Public Speaking Award Sophie Bird

The Alexander Edward Priest Memorial Cup Christopher (Keith) Gaudry-Gardner

Middle School Debating Award Sophie Bird & Ashley Bowron

The Governor General's Academic Medal Woo Suk (Steve) Hur

Senior School Public Speaking Award James (Bryce) Balcom

Chairmans Award Middle School Nicholas Dempsey

Senior School Debating Award James (Bryce) Balcom

Chairmans Award Senior School Lauren Koenig

The Global Leadership Award Priyanka Dhaliwal The Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award Christie Lee, Nathan Ma, Alex Inman Middle School Leadership Award Soraiya Salemohamed Senior School Leadership Award Aryan Firouzbakht Mulgrave Gold Service Award Kian Abghari, Hagop (Jack) Agopian Aryan Firouzbakht, Lauren Koenig Jamie Labron, Fazila Lakhani The Bruce M. Hicks Public Service Award Hagop (Jack) Agopian • • • • • • < The Lighthouse /ation Society Award Melanie Moller University of Toronto National Book Award Christopher (Keith) Gaudry-Gardner Global Awareness Award Zain Alimohamed Lifetouch Scholarship Jamie Labron Millennium Excellence Award Fazila Lakhani House Cup Trophy

A. Mes¿3*$e ÇrôiM. K r. ( t t c f o n As we come to the end of the 2007/08 School Year at Mulgrave, I cannot help but reflect back on the school's Mission and Vision Statements. As a school, we are unquestionably challenged by our Mission to Inspire Excellence in Education and Life. Perhaps, with such lofty goals, this explains why our lives are so full. This is reflected by the many and varied activities so well presented in the following pages. It is, however, through our Vision Statement that we can see an evolving community who truly strive to equip life-long learners to thrive in a culturally diverse and independent world; people who embrace with passion and confidence, their responsibility always to do their best, to support others and to make a difference by serving their communities both locally and in the world at large. Ambitious objectives indeed! Looking back, this was a year which embraced both a Junior School musical, Calamity Jane and an Upper School production of Little Women; a year when the staff made amazing strides to have all three of the International Baccalaureate programmes become a reality at Mulgrave and we graduated our first ever IB Diploma Class; a year when the school again saw full enrolment. The Mulgrave community came together to support the annual Gala with amazing results and our Global Outreach Programmes saw students in places as far apart as Australia, Swaziland, Costa Rica, Cuba and China. I can say with confidence, we are indeed fully engaged in living-up-to both our Mission and Vision. This yearbook will tell you so much more about what happened over the past twleve months and for this, we have the amazing Mrs. Nicola Ferguson to thank. Yet again, she and her team have done a wonderful job on behalf of us all.


A. Me£¿»aí$e froiM. Kr. Jte B e a r Mulgrave School has long since established itself as an institution of excellence, a university preparatory schoolwhere the studentsare encouraged to aspire to excellence in all they do. As an IB World School, our learners are now challenged in all facets of school life, in the classroom and beyond. The past year was a significant one for Mulgrave as we graduated our first IB can be Diploma class. Ourstudents justifiably proud of theiracademic achievements. A record number of Senior School students; 90 in all, made it onto the Academic Honour Roll by achieving an overall average of at least 80% in Grade 10, or by obtaining a sum of at least 24 on their top five IB courses in Grades 11 and 12. No fewer than 17 students were able to maintain a 90% average in Grade 10, or achieve a sum of at least 30 in Grades 11 and 12, thereby making it onto the Principal's List. We have forty-five students (88% of our grade 12 class) who have submitted all their internal assessments and are on track to complete the requirements for their IB Diplomas. We eagerly await the official examination scores. The past year will also be remembered for our success on the sports fields and courts. The Senior Girls Volleyball team finished second in the zone and placed fifth at the provincials. The Senior Boys Basketball team ended its season in a well-fought game and placed second in the zone. Similarly, the Lady Titans battled hard in their final game placing second in the zone. The Senior Girls Rugby team had a strong season with young players improving in each match. The Senior Boys Rugby team played in a very competitive AA league, reaching the Lower Mainland quarter finals.

The Mulgrave Tennis team qualified for the AA Provincial tournament, placing fifth overall. Special recognition also goes to the Mulgrave Swim Team members who qualified for the provincials, many obtaining medals. Our younger players are developing and improving with every season, building a strong foundation for our senior teams. Our Performing Arts programme achieved new heights through the annual Zoom Film Festival and the extremely successful production of Little Women. Add to this the numerous service and outreach initiatives, locally and as far afield as Central America, Asia and South Africa, and you have a very busy school! This has certainly been a most productive year. We congratulate all of our students on their efforts as they continue to strive to be the best that they can be, across all four strands. I trust that this yearbook will help to highlight much of that which is special for all of us at Mulgrave.




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Wow! What a year! As someone who is new to Mulgrave, I have been delighted and amazed by the incredible range of challenges that our students have pursued over the last three semesters. In athletics, arts, academics, and service the Middle School students have participated with a tenacity that matches their indomitable spirit. The athletic teams were a real treat to watch; I was able to see determination and commitment beautifully blended in with unmitigated fun. The artistic ability of the students in music, drama, and visual arts actually took my breath away on several occasions. I know that the successes students experience in the arts will shape their lives forever. Academics at Mulgrave is of course front and centre, and the middle school students have demonstrated that they are up to the task. Whether it be a debating competition, a Math contest, Night of the Notables, the Science Fair, or in-class assignments, our students demonstrate time and time again that they are more than capable of stretching themselves intellectually. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of Mulgrave, however, is the way the students devote themselves to service opportunities throughout the year. This is a school that truly does make a difference in the world. It has been a pleasure and an honour, therefore, to work with these students.



Kr. CisAort-

Congratulations to Mrs. Ferguson and the Yearbook team for another wonderful collection of this special communitys highlights. Life always moves at an incredible pace once the floodgates open each September and it is that energy which makes Mulgrave such an enjoyable place to work and learn. The standard of inquiry and moral understanding continued to grow overtly this year, a testament to our committed parents, hardworking teachers and the ideals of the International Baccalaureate programme. As a fully authorised IB World School, this year marked the first Grade 6 PYP Exhibition, a significant milestone in the lives of all IB students. The Exhibition is a meaningful opportunity for Grade 6 students to share and reflect on the intensive learning they engaged in over the course of their time in the PYP. Congratulations to all Grade 6 students and teachers on their achievements. Once again, our sporting teams did very well in competition and both our swim and track teams are aiming to build on their successes by attracting many more members in the coming year. An artistic highlight for the Junior School was certainly the production of the Grade 6 musical, Calamity Jane. Working with the students was an absolute joy and the success of the musical was due to their incredible spirit and hard work, not to mention Mr. McLean's expertise in musical direction. Likewise, Dr. Perry's Nutcracker at Christmastime was stunning. Finally, my thanks to the members of our community who gave so willingly to the many causes we supported through the year. We are consistently in the top 5 in terms of donor schools in this province, and so we should be, given our privilege. As a community, we have much for which to be grateful.


This yearbook is a team effort and every y e a r it am azes me th a t so m any people are so happy and eager to put in the e x tra tim e th a t a project of this size dem ands. The process sta rts at the beginning of the school y e a r w hen we pick the them e for the book. This year, I owe a debt of gratitude to Brooke Wozny who gave of h er creative talents so generously- th a n k you! Photographs are w hat a yearbook is all about. I am particularly grateful to all our excellent photographers. This y e a r I would like to especially th a n k Peggy Bum anis, Kim Wilson Sheldon and Isabelle Bleim. I should also credit Wahid Nabi from Wahid Photography for some of the Grad pictures. For th e ir help throughout th e year, I m ust acknowledge all of the teachers and students who willingly w ent out of th e ir w ay to w rite a "blurb" for the yearbook - th a n k you! This y ear, I w as lucky to have a p a re n t team dedicated to the tedious ta sk of uploading and nam ing the photographs. Leading this team and helping enorm ously a t the "eleventh hour" w ere M aureen Mounzer, Candice H enderson and Susan Rooney. Ladies, you were stellar, th an k you! Once the pages are built, th ere are m any hours spent proofreading tw eaking the final version of this book. It is tru ly a labour of Although it does not, and cannot, cover every single aspect of life M ulgrave this y ear, I hope you find th a t it jogs your m em ory you smile. Please enjoy this yearbook for m any y e ars to come Nicola Ferguson Ju ly 19th, 2008 Æ

A Kian Abghari 9, 22, 105 Andrew Ablett 39 Stella Ablett 73 Zoe Ablett 33 Justin Abrary 29 Martin Abrary 32 Matthew Abrary 45 Christine Achtem 73 Catherine Addison 63, 125 Heather Addison 53 Hagop Jack Agopian 7, 22, 140 Sevan Agopian 63 Amin Ahmadi Niri 48, 52 Madiar Ahmadi Niri 63 Ryan Alban 9, 22 Andrea Albanese 79 Maya Alfreds 32, 112 Ameeqa Ali 48, 135 Armaan Ali 53 Raiyana Alibhai 29 Bishr Alimohamed 37, 38 Zain Alimohamed 63 Gage Allard 68 Luke Allard 53 John Allen 36 Nicholas Allen 45 Ava Aminbakhsh 28 Justin An 45, 109 Melisa An 63 Evan Anderson 48 Zoe Anderson 41 Jessica Andreassen 44 Christopher Andrews 36, 38 Jonathan Andrews 39, 42 Lian Anson 72, 73, 106 Alexander Argente 40 Anna Argente 48, 52, 135 Jeremy Armstrong 43 Connor Arnett 48, 52, 83 Loryn Arnett 63 Barbara Arnold 73 Michael Arnold 43 Peter Arnold 97 Michael Arnould 46, 47 Peter Arnould 58 Cristina Arvidson 73 Linda Ash 73 Claire Attridge 41, 112 Grant Ayers 83 Kate Ayers 79 Shelby Ayers 63 Ashkan Azizi 68

3> Brandon Baek 48 Kim Bai 73 Bryce Balcom 7, 22 Keegan Balcom 68

Dara Barrow-Precious 39, 114 Tessa Barrow-Precious 30 Annahis Basmadjian 58 Haig Basmadjian 63 Grayson Beck 30 Jordan Beck 36 Jessica Beddis 36 Mamie Beddis 63 David Begert 48 Anna Bengtson 63, 67 Benjamin Bengtson 5, 10, 22, 105 Russ Benson 146 Talia Benson 58 Tyler Benson 43 Kaitlin Berris 22 Emma Berton 37 Margaret Berton 48, 52 Sarah Berton 26 Ellie Beveridge 48 Liana Biasucci 32 Nicole Bichard 73 Andrew Bieg 22, 134 Candice Birch 73 Clive Bird 146 Josephine Bird 43 Sophie Bird 58, 136 Laura Blair 58, 97, 136 Alexandra Bleim 58 Eric Bleim 53 Brenda Blue 83 Benjamin Boddez 44, 109 Georgia Boddez 36 Jordan Boehm 53 Carson Bonina 58, 96 Georgina Borland 46 Hannah Borland 58 Ksenia Borovinskaya 58, 136 Emily Borrell 37, 38 Josh Borrell 27 Michaela Borrell 33 Bryson Bourchier 36 Meghan Bower 73 Ashley Bowron 58 Cast Bows 104 Jason Bradford 22 Lauren Bridges 68 Matt Bromley 63 Sean Bromley 53 Harry Brook 2, 68 Cameron Brooks 58 Teela Brooks 48, 52 Fiona Brough 58 Graham Brown 53 Julia Brown 63 Alexander Brun 34, 150 Peggy Bumanis 73 Emma Burton 114 Amelia Bushell 63 Morgan Byers 112 Loryn Byres 48 Morgan Byres 41 Jin Sung Byun 44, 109 Jun Sung Byun 43, 109


Kevin Calder 26 Michael Calder 33 Braxton Calkins 27 Madeleine Campeau 28 Aiden Carere 30 Bronwyn Carere 46, 109 Shannon Caron 58 Siobhan Carr 58 Kevin Catliff 53 Ryan Catt 63 Andrew Chalmers 11, 22, 146 Heather Chambers 48 Robert Chambers 53 Christopher Chan 53 Justin Chan 48 Adam Chandani 48 Jalisa Chandani 33 Betty Chapin 73 Sophia Chappell 46, 109 Matthew Chasmar 31 Nicole Cheah 26 Celine Chen 44, 47 Crystal Cheng 43, 47 Connor Chittock 26 Kristina Cho 53 Matthew Cho 32 May Cho 26 Quinn Cho 28 Janet Choi 37 Jordan Choi 68 Max Choi 22 Sunny Choi 39 Tim Choi 63 Tina Choi 53 Louise Chong 58 Matthew Chong 68 Yvonne Chow 73 Alex Chung 48, 52 Mina Chung 68 Aidan Clark Scott 31 Kathryn Clark 73 Heather Coleman 53 Louise Coleman 68, 72 Meg Coleman 44 George Collister 53 Will Collister 27 Mariel Cooksey 58 Heather Corbett 45 Cole Coupland 44 Siri Coupland 34 Brent Coutts 43, 47 Cleo Cox 27 Jeremy Cox 63 Michaela Cox 33 Michelle Creber 34 Monique Creber 73 James Croke 36 Lewis Croke 40, 42 Alexandra Crone 53 151

Kyra Crookbain 58, 96, 130 David Cross 43, 109 Jamie Cross 30 Kieran Cullen 58 Matthew Cullen 22 Aurora Cummings 32 Blake Curry 27 Steele Curry 26 Karen Curtis 73 Greg Cusbert 149 Alexandra Cynader 11, 22, 105 Kaitlin Cyr 68, 125, 136 Benny Jean Cytrynbaum 41, 112

Gia Da Roza 27 Cecile Dai 28 Yi Chu Dai 48, 83 Shireen Dalbey 31 Karis Dawson 37 Betsie de Beer 37 Eddie de Beer 147 Jan de Beer 58 M. C. de Beer 53 Adrian Dean 39 Emma Dean 34 Sarah Debourcier 63 Bradan Decicco 53 Julian Deggan 58 Peter Demers 63 Nicholas Dempsey 59, 130 Oliver Dempsey 68 Elisabeth Dennis 59, 96 Emilie Desabrรกis 34 Jocelyn Desabrรกis 28 Kezia Devathasan 34 Priyanka Dhaliwal 68 Ahmed Dharamsi 37 Azad Dharamsi 26 Hannah Dixon 30 Zoe-Rae Dixon 37 Carla Donnelly 73 Damion Dorn 53 Brenna Dowling 53 Matthew Durrans 36 Nicholas Durrans 48

Rob Eakin 73 Alexandra Eamer-Goult 48 Emma Eamer-Goult 39 Kevin Eckford 48, 52 Max Elyzen 28 Talya Ercag 68 Kaveh Erfani 22 Elias Ergas 36, 38, 149 Sasha Ergas 28 Jessie Evans 53 152

v~ Kevin Fabian 39 Laura Fabian 31 Karen Fairall 73 Kye Fedor 48, 52, 135 Matreya Fedor 39 Jessica Felcan 29 Gloria Feng 49, 52 Victor Feng 37, 38, 146 James Ferguson 32, 35 Nicola Ferguson 73, 150 Carson Feser 30 Suzanne Finlayson 74 Aryan Firouzbakht 5, 22 Tasha Fischer 43 Brett Fischmann 54 Corey Fischmann 63 Braedan Fitzpatrick 43 Chloe Forster 63 Lauren Forster 41, 42 Madison Forsythe 22 Alyssa Forzley 12, 22 Erin Forzley 59 Jeremy Franks 27 Andrew French 39 Christopher French 49 Michael Frewin 74 Timmy Frewin 30 Christian Frost 49, 52 Mathew Frost 31 Nicholas Frost 41 Will Fuller 34

รณr Andrew Gaastra 29 Spencer Gair 49 Jacqueline Galbraith 59, 62 Rose Gallo 45 James Gardiner 74 Michael Gates 29 Stefanie Gates 34 Ethan Gaudry-Gardner 59 Keith Gaudry-Gardner 22 Christopher George 54 Christine Giesbrecht 74 Linda Gill-Crone 106 Graham Gilley 74 Helen Gleeson 74 Jessica Gleig 74 Melissa Godin 49, 52 Christopher Gollner 49 Laura Gollner 37, 38 Clara Gonzalez 26 Rafael Gonzalez 34 Ally Goult 135 Tony Grant 74, 137 Avery Grantham 32, 35 Luke Grantham 26 Mackenzie Grantham 43, 47 Sage Graves 68 Liam Gray 34

Ryan Gray 41, 42 Andrew Gray stone 49 Sam Griffiths 54 Ryan Marie Gruzling 22, 104, 105 Kaden Gulamani 27 Aria Guld 33 Noah Guld 44, 47, 109 Elaine Guo 39, 112 James Guscott 46 Paige Guscott 54


Mana Habibian 54 Sina Habibian 68, 72 Sebastian Hadden 29 Kaelan Hagen 49, 52, 83 Alyssa Hague 29 Sydney Hague 34 Sarah Halldorson 41, 42, 112 Will Hamilton 49 Bin Han 31 Debra Hann 79 Marcus Hann 43, 47 Owen Hann 54, 146 Natalie Hanna 29 Lee Hardy 74, 96, 137 Sukhmun Hare 46, 47 Jane Harper 74 Alysha Harris 59, 133 David Harris 83 Adam Hart 54 Charlie Hart 54 Dominique Hart 54 Jenna Hassan 64, 67 Samiya Hassan 46 Maggie Haugom 29 Mollie Haugom 28 Gunnar Hauptmann 22, 134 Charlie Hawkins 31 George Hawkins 36 Shirley Hawkins 74 Alex Henderson 49 Cameron Henderson 41 Candice Henderson 79 Jordan Henderson 33 Sofie Henderson 49, 52, 135 Chelsea Henry 36, 113 Anna Hetherington 43, 47, 150 Jane Heward 74 Shanelle Hill 59, 96, 125, 136 Jaime Hills 54, 125 Jacob Hiom 33 Rhianna Hiom 29 Scott Hirst 64 Devi Hite 2, 22, 105 Richard Hoole 74 Andrew Horner 28 Mark Horner 27 David Hoskin 68 Garett Howey 30 Tatum Howey 59 Joey Hu 68, 72 Ben Huang 32

Lillian Huang 29 Winnie Huang 59 Carrie Hughes 74, 105 Isabelle Hui Bon Hoa 30 Steve Hur 7, 22, 83 Tayler Hutton 54 I Angela Ibbott 33 Jonathan Ibbott 28 Lindsay Ilkay 27 Esmee Ingham 64 Rachel Ingram 49, 52 Alexandra Inman 7, 14, 22, 104 Dax Inman 43 Madison Inman 59, 130, 136 Nicolas Isla 49, 52 Kenshin Iwai 33 Sanesh Iyer 49 Tushya Iyer 34


Camilla James 68 Conrad James 59, 96, 97 Kent Jamieson 74 Daniel Jang 59 Esther Jang 64 Bobby Jelveh 59 Nima Jelveh 68 Charlene Jenneson 74 Carl Jeong 49 Helen Ji 7, 14, 22 Michael Ji 46, 47 Henry Jin 32 Angela Joannou 39 Joanna Joannou 31 Jacquelyn Johnson 74 John Andrew Johnston 54 Rachel Johnston 44 Tish Jolley 74 Camilla Jones 136 Griffith Jones 64, 67 Martin Jones 74 Owen Jones 49, 52, 83 Claire Joyce 26 Lauren Joyce 30 Sebastian Judge 40, 42 Charlotte Julian 59, 62, 96, 130 Eric Jung 39 Grace Jung 29

k Adele Ka 49, 52 Elina Kalamkarova 54 Jasmine Kandola 27 Jordan Kandola 34 Amy Kang 32, 35 Andrew Kang 64 Jessy Kang 54 Sue Kang 54

Ollie Kaplan 29 Emily Kaplun 22, 104 Emily Kaplyun 14 Selen Karadeniz 64 Smita Karam 74 Sahra Kassim-Lakha 26 Matthew Katz 29 Ari Kaufman 31 Cayla Kaufman 44, 47, 109 Ashleigh Kearns 45, 109 Natasha Kearns 28 Richard Keleher 75 Katrina Kernaghan 54 Alessia Kettlitz 34 Aramis Khorchidian 33 Clare Kim 64 Hee Jin Kim 59 James Kim 54 Jeffrey Kim 54 Jimmy Kim 49, 54 Johnny Kim 64, 67 Joo Whan Kim 49 Judy Kim 68 Lily Kim 69 Lucky Kim 32 Lucy Kim 59 Ricky Kim 59 Sam Kim 45 Sunny Kim 69 Donald Kirkwood 83 Isabelle Kirkwood 43, 47 Madeleine Kirkwood 34 Oliver Kirkwood 49 Penny Kirkwood 79 Ian Knowles 64, 67 Jessica Knowles 6, 22 Amy Ko 40 Lindsay Koehle 75 Katerina Koenig 29 Lauren Koenig 22, 125 Antonia Kolic 15, 22, 104 Toni Kolic 104, 105 Nikki Koo 64 Lauren Korstanje 22 Zo Kortje 26 L

Brittany Labron 69, 104 Jamie Labron 7, 22 Chanel Laรงasse 50, 52 Jacob Laรงasse 37 Arisha Ladhani 45 Kamil Ladhani 54 Fazila Lakhani 22 Shayan Lakhani 32 Soraiya Lalani 36 Rebecca Lambert 55 Joshua Lang 64, 67 Vivian Lanko 79, 83 Antoine Largeau 59, 130 Gorden Larson 64, 67 Jake Larson 55 Luke Lawson 75

Nicole Lebrun 75 Claude Leduc 75, 125, 136 Alexander Lee 50 Andrew Lee 64 Annika Lee 44, 47, 109 Christie Lee 23 Dana Lee 64 Emme Lee 36 Ho Jung Lee 55 Inkey Lee 69 Jin-A Lee 59 Julia Lee 69 Mei-Kim Lee 59, 96, 136 Mei-Ling Lee 69, 136 Nicole Lee 28 Rachel Lee 69, 136 Seo Jin Lee 45 So Yi Lee 31 Stewart Lee 69 Yun-Ji Lee 60 Yunnya Lee 40, 42 Evelina Leppanen 69 Katrina Leppanen 60 Maren Lester 41 Raine Lester 64 Erick Leung 60, 96 Jessica Levine 7, 23 Joshua Levy 31 Samantha Levy 30 Ang Li 69 Jean Li 75 Pei Yi Li 36 Hudson Liao 69 Michelle Liao 60, 96, 136 Mae Lynn Lim 55 Shaun Lim 64 Zachary Lim 64 Andre Linaksita 64 Cheryl Linaksita 55 Claudia Linaksita 55 Nicole Linaksita 60, 62, 96 Anna Liu 64 Hank Liu 32 Tina Logan 75 David Lopez 75 Haffert Lopez 75 Morgan Lunn 69


Nathan Ma 23, 134 Joel Mabbott 69 Emma MacKenzie 23, 104 Tony Macoun 2, 140, 146 Jack MacPhail 60 Mitchell Madill 45 Nika Maghsoud 44, 47 Niki Mahmoudi 27 Parinaz Mahmoudi 32 Nicholas Manderson 39 Celina Manji 29 Kiyaana Manji 32 Lindsey Marks 55 Nicola Marks 46

Markus Marosits 26 Natalie Marshall 36, 38 Paul Marshall 75 Charles Martin 30 Manon Martin 84 Patrick Martin 45, 47, 109 Phillip Martin 36 Victoria Masney 69 Tara Mateer 45 Brigitte Matheusik 55 Sara Matthews 46 Annie Maurer 69, 72 Say eed Mavani 29 Garรณ Mavyan 65 Jessica May 75 Mj Mayo 45 Noojan Mazaheri 50 Tirajeh Mazaheri 60, 125, 130 Laura McAlduff 65, 136 Simon McEvoy 41 William McEvoy 33 Alexandra McIntyre 75 Hayley McIntyre 44 Kendall McIntyre 55, 110 Morgan McIntyre 45 Thomas McIntyre 34 Aaron McKenzie 46 Jacob McKenzie 33 Caitlin McKinnon 45, 108, 109 Bryce McLean 65 Claude McLean 75, 108 Kelsey McLean 55 Cole McLeod 40 Jonathan Meakings 50 Laura Meakings 65 Anders Mech 69 Brianne Miachika 55 Charlotte Millar 55 Taylor Millar 65 Murray Miller 75 Michael Minicucci 65 Nisia Minicucci 55 Alek Mintz 55 Alise Mintz 46 Charles-Joseph Mitchell 65 Ellie Mitchell 27 John Mitchell 39, 42 Karyn Mitchell 75, 137 Liam Mitchell 40, 42, 113 Adam Mitha 50 Omar Mitha 37 Branden Modrovic 27 Andrew Moffatt 60 Daniel Moffatt 44, 47 Megan Moffatt 46, 83 Melanie Moller 65, 136 Nicole Moller 55 Melissa Moore 52, 75, 125, 136 Michael Moore 75 Imran Moosa 50, 52 Marlene Morgan 75 Sarah Morris 75 Lauren Mounzer 31 Stephanie Mounzer 40

Aleem Muljiani 46 Alisha Muljiani 28 Sean Murphy 23, 104, 134 Derek Muzyka 75

Vi Spencer Nash 60, 62, 130 Zak Nash 23, 123, 126 Anisha Navaratnam 44, 47 Jillian Neckar 65 Benjamin Neil 65 Katherine Neil 23 Emma Neill-Klein 36 Graeme Neill-Klein 28 Drew Neilson 65 Mary Neilson 79 Alexander Neocleous 28 Penelope Neocleous 36 Elsa Ng 76 Amy Nielson 50 Koki Norimatsu 41, 42 Tapiwa Nyandoro 69, 72

O Grayson O'Brien 50, 52 Katherine 0 1Brien 33 Victoria O'Brien 39, 42, 114 John O'Flynn 76 Victoria Ong 60 Lynn Orsmond 76 Mitchell Oswald 39, 42 Robyn Oswald 79 Meline Ounjian 79, 83 Vivian Ounjian 36 William Ounjian 55


Joshua Paisley 44 Sebastian Paisley 28 Matt Pallone 5, 23, 105 Nick Pallone 55 Violet Palmer 76 Melody Pan 23 Brandon Pao 69 Carol Pappas 76 Alex Park 31 Jay Park 41 Christina Pearce 69 Ashley Peet 70 Kendra Perrin 55 Shirley Perry 76 Holly Peters 39 Lydia Peters 23 Sam Peters 30 Connor Petrovicz 43 Rachel Petrovicz 65 Christopher Pettigrew 70, 72 Michael Pettigrew 70 Heather Pez 76 Georgina Phillpotts 42

Charlotte Philpotts 50 Georgina Philpotts 40, 114 Hannah Philpotts 31 Harry Philpotts 26 Jackson Pike 32 James Pike 44 Julia Pinnock 46, 109 Safeeya Pirani 7, 23 Zahid Pirani 55 Zakiya Pirani 7, 23 Paulina Piskova 55 Stacy Piskova 27 Glen Pope 52, 76 Stephanie Porter 50, 52, 135 Cecile Poulin 76 Reagan Pownall 28 Weekly Press 104 Mark Pulfer 76, 140 William Pullen 39, 42 Anita Puppe 19, 23


Anna Qin 50, 83 Wanetta Qiu 56

Mark Race 76 Hannah-Rose Radford 50, 135 Lorraine Radford 76 Rachel Raffard 40, 42 Artin Rahbar-Arabani 70 Artmis Rahbar-Arabani 56 Adam Rahemtulla 33 Emma Rahemtulla 50, 52 Hannah Rahim 37 Karen Ramsson 60, 136 Tanya Rashid 65 Rachael Read 50, 135 Sealey goes rebound 137 Glara Rhee 60 Alia Ridley 50, 52, 83 Riva Ridley 65, 125 Erika Riedlinger 65 Dustin Riley 56 Joseph Rinaldi 23 Hayden Ritter 56 Meghan Robinson 65 Jane Rockandel 79 Michael Rockandel 33 Alyssa Rodrigues 60, 96 Nadia Rodrigues 36 Gareth Ronald-Jones 76 Caitlin Rooney 60, 62, 96, 125, 137 Jennifer Rooney 5, 7, 23, 104, 105 Ellen Rosenfeld 7, 20, 23, 140 Eric Rosenfeld 60 Katrina Ross-Ghali 45

Keaton Ross-Ghali 28 Bambi Roy 76 Polly Rudd 42, 76 Amy Russell 50


Susan Stamp 77 Veronica Steek 31 Alex Stedman 46 Nathan Stedman 60, 97 Hollis Steeves 60, 96, 136 Carl Steffens 37 Mark Steffens 77 Megan Steffens 43, 109 Emily Stewart 65 Michael Stiles 77 Jenny Stone 70 Katie Stone 56 Zsu Zsu Straub 77 Gina Stylianides 43 David Sui 30 Sofia Sullivan 30 Doug Super 77 Gopinath Supramaniam 70 Nadir Surani 56 Ashley Szarkowicz 65

Alexander Sadler 56 Hirmand Saffari 40 John Salamat 56 Omar Salemohamed 40, 42 Soraiya Salemohamed 60 Amir Sangi 50 Asal Sangi 41 Pari Sangi 32 Matt Sawchyn 65, 83 Julia Schuurman 70 Chloe Scott 70 0 Sealey 137 Ob Sealey 76 Christina Seccombe 76 Dylan Seo 34 Josh Seo 44 Jae Hyun Seung 30 John Christophe Taghavi 31 Ji Min Seung 50 Alex Tallman 70 Abbey Sewell 40 Claire Tallman 60 Emily Sewell 50 Andrew Tallos 56 Ryan Sewell 29 Emma Tallos 44 Donna Sheh 76 Eric Tam 70 Thomas Sheldon 29 Schon Tan 39 Helaine Shepard 79 Aaron Tang 70, 72 Kate Shepard 56 Ken Tang 51 Lhundup Sherpa 70 Peter Tang 56 Emily Shields 50, 52 Nicole Tanner 56 Spencer Shields 60 Paige Tarczy 26 Jinbo Shim 7 Megan Taylor 70, 72, 125, 130 Jinbo Shin 23 Carsen Teasdale 31 Kathy Shin 70 Kimia Tehrani 33 Sian Shin 32 Monique Terrillon 77 Armón Shokravi 30 Lauren Tetiker 70, 72, 105, 136 Arveen Shokravi 31 Lesley Tetiker 77 Alyssa Shull 30 Nihat Tetiker 77 Jay den Shull 26 Annie Therrien-Boulos 65, 67 Andrew Shuparski 56 Alexis Thexton 45 Aaron Simpson 7, 20, 23, 104, 105, Mary lee Thexton 79 Rachel Simpson 7 Rory Thies 51, 52 Emily Smallwood 51 Sandra Thies 41, 42 William Smallwood 40 Lauren Thomas 66, 67 Matthew Smith 70 Christopher Thompson 70 Micah Smith 43, 83 Joey Thompson 51 Justin Smyth 45 Mitchell Thompson 41 Maria Sobotkova 34 Kelcy Timmons 40, 114 Jasmine Somani 51 Tori Timmons 51, 52 Jordan Somani 37 Cole Tomanik 51, 52 Jullian Song 70 Jared Tomanik 37 Yeonjae Song 37 Nicole Tomsett 66, 67 Yeonsoo Song 41, 42 Angélique T ravlos 56 Libby Soper 76 Cassandra Travlos 66 Diana Sorrenti 76 Jolee Tung 40, 42, 114 Caitlyn Southey 31 Hana Turner 61, 130 Campbell Southey 27 Julia Turner 66, 136 Ted Spear 148 Oscar Tweet 56


0 Merina Urhle 2, 37, 38


Ilya Van Nieuwenhuyse 40, 42 Bianca Verjee 45 Shanil Verjee 34 Trish Vickery 77 Sharon Vipond 77 Tobi Volkmann 70, 72


Anika Walker 34 Jayne Walker 77 Kristjana Walker 27 Sarah Walker 40, 42 Lutetia Wallis-Mayer 6, 23 Mackenzie Wallster 51, 52 Angela Walsh 77 Hai Xi Wang 70 Inès Wang 28 Luna Wang 26 Shirley Wang 61 William Wang 46, 47 Antonia Wearmouth 40, 42 Sebastian Wearmouth 56 Mitchell Weir 66 Stuart Werner 23 Aeron Westeinde 56 Cohn Westeinde 61 Elena Westeinde 46 Kathryn White 51 Kyle White 56 Ian Widdows 51, 52 Danielle Wierenga 37, 38, 114 Lauren Wierenga 71, 105 Max Wilberg 44 Sam Wilkinson 33 Isobel Willard 77, 140 Caroline Williams-Wood 39, 42 Tal Williams-Wood 26 Alicia Williamson 61, 96 Christopher Wilson 56 Sandy Wilson 46 Tony Wilson 77 Valerie Wilson 77 Alexander Wimmer 66 Max Wimmer 61, 96, 97 Emily Winters 46, 109 Kelsey Winters 37 Logan Winters 29 Rachael Withers 32, 114 Trevor Withers 41, 114 Rory Workman 77 Brooke Wozny 77 155



Amy Xing 44

Dina Yaghoubi 32 Christine Yakachuk 77 Kei'ichiro Yamamoto 61 Lauren Yildirim 71 Devon Yip 51 Jun Beom Yoo 40 Sarah Yoon 43 Teddy Yoon 28 Alex Yoshino 30 Audrey Yoshino 27 Devan Young 71, 136 Erin Young 61, 96, 136 Garrett Young 96 Lauren Young 51, 135 Norika Yue 61

2 . Defends Zak 137 Ethan Zaunscherh 7, 23 Samantha Zaunscherh 61 Angela Zhao 30 Ann Zhao 33 Andrew Zheng 31 Maggie Zheng 41 Brett Zielke 66 Oscar Zimmerman 41 Evie Zorzos 71, 125, 136 Matthew Zwimpfer 45

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CP Photo/Ryan Remiorz

I Pront Page H eadlines Remior

British Columbia to Newfoundland have lost their lives in the line of duty since the war In Afghanistan began In 2002. The Canadian loonle is chosen as the top news story of the year. The Canadian dollar soared to $1.10 US and took on the world’s superpower currencies resulting In the highest peak in decades.

Seven members of the Bathurst High Phantoms basketball team along with their coach's wife, a teacher at another school, were killed when their van collided with a transport truck while returning from a game in Moncton, NB on January 16, 2008. CP Press/Andrew Vaughan

' The death of Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski via Taser stun gun by an RCMP officer at Vancouver Airport sparks Inquiries governing the use of Tasers and prompts immediate changes to operations at Vancouver International Airport.

launches a public Inquiry after learning that German-Canadian arms dealer Karlheinz Schrelber had allegedly agreed to a lobbying deal with Brian Mulroney In 1993, before Mulroney left the Prime Minister’s office.

CP Press/St. Cntnarines Standard-Denis t

A family member holds a poster of women missing In B.C. at the trial of Robert “Willie” Pickton, 58, a pig farmer accused of being Canada’s worst serial killer. Pickton was found guilty of second-degree murder in the first six of the 26 charges he faces.

and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, represented by Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, for their efforts to call attention to global warming.

priceless jewel-encrusted brooch made for Queen Elizabeth of Austria in the 19th century and stolen from a castle in Vienna during a robbery in 1998, was recovered from a private home by Winnipeg Police. The plot of the story has caught the attention of one of the world’s most famous women...Oprah Winfrey.

emergency landing in Calgary after nine people on board were injured when the plane hit turbulence on a flight from Victoria to Toronto. In September, a Westjet plane encountered turbulence on a flight from Calgary to Halifax that also injured 9 passengers.

CP Photo0ÿchaaM_afi-

A patio table remains untouched by flames after a hot air balloon burst into flames and crashed in a trailer park in Surrey, B.C. on August 25th. Two people were killed and eleven were injured.

A Canadian consumers lose their confidence in China’s manufacturers when children's toys tainted with lead trigger widespread recalls. CP Photo/Boris Spremo

The Nintendo “Wii-nomenon" sweeps North America as the game console outplays the competition with sales of more than 13 million units. In Canada, $1.5 billion in video game sales and over 650,000 game systems were sold during the 2007 Christmas season.

A Writers hit the picket lines and television production is halted for months when the Writers Guild of America goes on strike to protest compensation policies for new media such as ¡Tunes downloads.

Douglas Scott of Kimmirut, Nunavut and Chris Worden of Hay River, N.W.T., lost their lives in separate incidents in the line of duty this past year. A On August 1, a six-lane I-35W bridge stretching across the Mississippi River in Minneapolis collapses into the river during the height of the afternoon rush hour.



© Jose Fuste Raga/Corbis

million online votes to determine the New Seven Wonders of the World. The winning wonders are announced at a gala in Lisbon.

acts perform in concerts staged around the world for Live Earth, a star-studded event to draw attention to the global climate crisis.

The One Laptop Per Child Foundation launches a limited-time “Give One, Get One” program to spur donations of XO $100 laptops to children in developing nations.


opposition leader Benazir Bhutto is assassinated following a political rally in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Brown succeeds Tony Biair as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

ice spurs an international network of climate scientists to conclude that global warming is indisputable, and that human activity has been causing temperatures to rise since 1950

Tropical cyclone Sidr is the deadliest storm to hit Bangladesh in a decade. It destroys thousands of homes, ruins crops and forces more than a million villagers to evacuate.

Sci-Tech Saskatoon-born Dave Williams completes a historic launch into space aboard the Endeavour. Williams spent a Canadian record-breaking 18 hours outside in space, breaking the previous record held by CSA colleague Chris Hadfield, who spent 14 hours outside the shuttle in 2001. Williams is the last Canadian astronaut officially scheduled to fly before NASA winds down the shuttle program by 2010.

AP Photo/Terry Renna

AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

CP Photo/Chuck Stoody

4 The digital smiley face celebrates its 25th birthday. Its inventor, Carnegie Mellon professor Scott E. Fahlman, first used the icon on an electronic bulletin board in 1982.

Getty Images/Dorling Kindersley

Whynot discuss the birth of sextuplets born at B.C. Women's Hospital in January, 2007. The four boys and two girls were delivered after just 25 weeks with each weighing approximately 1.8 pounds.

Using mice, biologists develop a method to reprogram ordinary skin cells into all-purpose stem cells. This discovery is likely to have a positive impact on


p i number of diseases.

Š le d Horov

•4 Crops are threatened when honeybee colonies in the U.S. and Europe suffer from Colony Collapse Disorder. In Canada, honeybees play a major role in pollinating many fruits, vegetables and crops. A study by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada estimated the value of the bees to pollination has climbed to more than $1 billion. Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba produce 80% of Canada's 154 million kilos of honey annually. Getty Images/Science Faction

salmonella germs take a ride on the space shuttle. When they B y return to Earth, the germs are far more lethal than their i earthbound counterparts, t f f i ]

M An excavation site in

Argentina yields the fossilized remains of a previously unknown species of dinosaur, the Futalognkosaurus dukel, measuring more than 105 feet.

L ifestyle !hris Jackson/Getty Images

Social networking websites continue to surge in popularity. MySpace and Facebook remain dominant as the sites of choice for young people and inspire a host of innovative imitators. Concerns about overweight dogs and cats hit the headlines. Veterinarians prescribe a regimen of fewer treats, more walks around the neighbourhood and no people food. Mike Thomas/Express Newspapers/Getty Images

The healthy growth trend for vitamin waters and other nutrient-boosted consumables continues with the introduction of specialized formulas for immunity, focus and more.

2008 Jostens Inc. CP Photo/Larry MacDougal

more popular as network television shows, mainstream musical acts and wannabe media stars join amateur home moviemakers on YouTube. One of the most-watched videos of 2007 features a feline pianist.

Nora the Piano Cat™ © 2007 Alexander & Yowl

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and increasing energy costs create a growing consumer demand for energy-saving, long-lasting compact fluorescent light bulbs.

The Apple iPhone, with its revolutionary touch screen, packs mobile phone, camera, iPod, Web browser, email and IM capabilities into a sleek, portable package.

PA Photos/Landov

Higher prices for coffee beans do not lessen the nation's craving for coffeehouses. Independents and chains alike continue to be popular with younger consumers.

© Thom Lang/Corbis

T rends

T Cute and comfy baby doll jumper tops and dresses with button straps start as a summer trend and morph into fall fashion layered over close-fitting sweaters and matching tights.

t L

Under Armor athletic apparel is a popular fashion choice for athletes both on and off the field.

comes to outerwear, as swingy trapeze coats become one of the year’s most surprising fashion must-haves.

to the 1980s with the return of leg warmers, worn as an accessory with short skirts or skinny jeans and fashionable ballet flats or moccasins.

© 2008 Jostens Inc.

A Quilted Vera Bradley

handbags and totes sweep college campuses and high school hallways from coast to coast.

© 2008 Jostens Inc.

Ugg boot is reinvented with cozy knitted uppers that keep toes toasty and add a soft, tweedy, textured look to fall and winter ensembles.

© 2008 Jostens Inc.

REUTERS/Eric Thayer/Landov

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Guys sport patterned hoodies that are worn alone or layered under jackets and blazers for an edgy, urban look.

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© 2008 Jostens Inc.



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^ The craze for oversized leather bags— in metallic shades of copper, silver and gold— inspires a L trend for matching I footwear in daytime I and nighttime looks.

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celebrities, including Sarah Jessica Parker and Venus Williams, to battle the high-priced fashion industry by creating their own affordable apparel



The music video game Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock is released with a soundtrack of 71 playable songs. Slash and other real-life guitarists appear as in-game characters.

released for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Players perform together in virtual bands, using peripherals to hit notes as they scroll onscreen.

© 2008 Jostens Inc.

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Even after lonelygirh 5 is revealed as a fictitious character, her popular storyline continues for a full season as an Internet dramedy series on YouTube and MySpace.


Adam Berry/Bloomberg News/Landov

Sulake Corporation

H a rry P o tte r a n d th e D e a th ly

© 2008 Jostens Inc.

H allow s, the seventh and final

Toshiba pulls its HD DVD product out of contention, leaving Sony Blu-ray as the sole next-generation successor to DVD.

book in the enormously popular series, is released. The bookstore chain Indigo reported it sold three books per second upon its release. Amazon reported that residents of Banff, Alberta ordered more copies than any other town in Canada.

planet ea rth A Large-scale multiplayer online gaming gives rise to virtual worlds where players interact via avatars and the computer-generated environment is similar to the real world.

A Beading makes a comeback as a way to relax and creatively spend time with friends.



Television © Disney Channel/courtesy Everett Collection

NBC's H e ro e s continues the adventures of ordinary people with extraordinary powers and reveals more about the shadowy dealings of ‘The Company.”

Bill Records/© NBC/courtesy Everett Collection

The P ric e Is R ight, host Bob Barker retires and comedian Drew Carey takes over the helm at the world's second-longestrunning game show.

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h ig h s c h o o l

H ig h S c h o o l M u s ic a l 2 drew over one million Canadian viewers when aired on the Family Channel. Over 17 million viewers in the U.S. watched the movie’s premiere when it premiered on the Disney Channel making it the highestrated cable broadcast in U.S. history.

Monty BrintoiV© CBS/courtesy Everett Collection


The NBC drama series F rid a y N ig h t Lig h ts, about a fictional high school football team, is taped documentary-style, without rehearsals, to give it a more authentic feeling.

On The CW, Blake Lively portrays socialite teen Serena van der Woodsen in G o s s ip Girl, a drama series that follows the lives of prep school students from New York’s Upper East Side.

who plays Betty Suarez on the popular ABC comedy-drama U g ly B etty, is the first Latina to win the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series.

Canadian Idol competition in Toronto. Melo edged out Alberta teen Jaydee Bixby for the top spot in a finale that featured performances by Avril Lavigne and Bon Jovi.

Michael Desmond/© ABC/courtesy Everett Collection

■4 ABC’s D a n c in g w ith th e S ta rs rules the ratings thanks to popular celebrity participants such as Sabrina Bryan of The Cheetah Girls.

Favourite TV Shows

M ovies

The S im p s o n s takes six years to

make. T h e S im p s o n s M o v ie finally makes its big-screen debut and is a major hit. • M U )

IHPSotÇ plunged into a high-tech battle between good and evil alien robots in T ra n sfo rm e rs, a live action adaptation of the 1980s cartoon series

◄A to n e m e n t receives

seven Golden Globe nominations, including lead acting nods for Kelra Knightley and James McAvoy.

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the star of J U N O along with the film's Canadian director, Jason Reitman, celebrate the films’ 4 Oscar nominations. The movie was shot in British Columbia and won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay.

I I third-highest box-office I total ever for a Christmas f weekend release. T re a su re : B o o k o f

S e c re ts nets the


KPA Archival Collection/Omni-Photo Communicatior

© W a ll

Disney PicturesTcourtesy Everett Collection

D istu rb ia , a surprise hit thriller about a bored teenager under house arrest who thinks his next-door neighbour may be a notorious serial killer, spends three

weeks at the top of the box office. Joel and Ethan Coen write and direct N o C o u n try fo r O ld M en, a film adaptation of Cormac McCarthy’s bleak, moody modem western novel. The film receives eight Oscar nominations.

© Universal Pictures/courtesy Everett Collection

T Starring Zac Efron, Amanda

In / A m L e g e n d , Will Smith is the last man alive in New York, after a man-made virus wipes out most of the world’s population and turns the survivors into dangerous mutants.

Bynes and newcomer Nikki Blonsky, H a irs p ra y is a zany musical based on the Broadway smash hit.

Oscar Winners B est Film: No Country for Old Men


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B est Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis, There Will Be Blood B est Actress: Marion Cotillard, La Vie en R ose

Matt Damon reprises his role as amnesiac CIA assassin Jason Bourne for T h e B o u rn e U ltim a tu m , the third film in the Bourne trilogy based on Robert Ludlum’s novels.

"O N E O F T H E b e s t

B est Supporting Actor: Javier Bardem, No Country for Old Men

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B est Supporting Actress: Tilda Swinton, Michael Clayton

© Warner Bros./courtesy Everett Collection

4 After a 19-year hiatus, Harrison Ford returns as Steven Spielberg’s adventurous archaeologist In In d ia n a J o n e s a n d th e K in g d o m o f th e C ry s ta l S kull.

Tim Burton directs and Johnny Depp stars as the title character in S w e e n e y T o d d : The D e m o n B a rb e r o f F le e t S treet, an adaptation of the hit Broadway musical.

A Using a combination of live action and animation, E n c h a n te d tells the story of Giselle, a fairy-tale character seeking a “happily ever after” ending in modern-day Manhattan.

' Fergie continues to place singles from her triple-platinum solo album, T h e D u tc h e s s, on the B illb o a rd charts. Dave M. Benett Getty Images

Fall Out Boy headlines the Honda Civic tour, performs at Live Earth concerts and reaches the top of the charts with the release of their album In fin ity o n H igh.

<4 British singer Amy Winehouse brings I back the beehive and I wins five Grammy awards for her work on B a c k To B lack.

■amm 1 Newcomer Sean Kingston tops the U.S. B illb o a rd Hot 100 and Pop 100 with “Beautiful Girls,” his first single from his self-titled debut album.

enjoys soaring sales for her third solo album, T h e R e m in d e r, after the single “f234” is featured in a commercial for the iPod nano.

Malibu singer-songwriter Colbie Caillat rises to stardom from MySpace. Her song “Bubbly” garners more than 3f million plays and her CD goes platinum.

Rihanna records her third album, G o o d G irl G o n e Bad, featuring Jay-Z and Ne-Yo. She receives six Grammy nominations. AP Photo/Jason DeCrow

T Carrie Underwood releases her

REUTERS/Robert Galbraith/Landov

double-platinum second album, C a rn iv a l R ide, and contributes the Oscar-nominated song “Ever Ever After” to the soundtrack for

releases his 13th album, J u s t W h o I A m : P o e ts & P irates.

His Flip Flop summer tour is the highest-grossing country tour of 2007.

the movie E n ch a n te d .

© 2008 Jostens

Awards, rapper rivals Kanye West and 50 Cent release albums on September 11 and vie for top sales. Kanye’s G ra d u a tio n is the victor.

his second album, E p ip h a ny. The album receives four 2008 Grammy nominations and the Vibe 2007 Song of the Year Award.

AP Photo/Empire Expo Center, John Haeger Ben Rose/Wirelmage/Getty Images

Soulja Boy reaches the top of the B illb o a rd Hot 100 with the single “Crank That (Soulja Boy)” and his distinctive, loose-limbed dance style becomes a nationwide craze. dpa/Landov

IN/ RAIN •4 Radiohead invites listeners and fans to pay whatever they want i for a digital download of their L highly acclaimed seventh album, In R a in b ow s . A “discbox" edition, I with standard CD and vinyl LP,

© 2008 Jostens Inc.

releases her third album The B e s t D a m n Thing, featuring “Girlfriend,” her first No. 1 on the Billboard Top 100. Lavigne is also scheduled to launch her own fragrance and clothing line this summer.

S p o rts

Kitwana Jones hoists the Grey Cup after beating the Winnipeg Blue Bombers 23-19 to win the 95th CFL Grey Cup in Toronto.

World Golf Championships win at the WGC-Bridgestone Invitational and claims his 60th PGA Tour win at the BMW Championship.

Team Canadas Renee Simons, Sasha Carter, Jeanna Schraeder and skip Kelly Scott, defeated Denmark 8-4 at the Women’s World Curling Championship in Aomori, Japan.

CP Press/John Woods


Former Senator George Mitchell releases a list of Major League Baseball players, including seven MVPs and 31 All-Stars, under investigation for illegal use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs.

led by Tim Duncan, beat the Cleveland Cavaliers and their young phenom, LeBron James, in a 4-0 sweep to win the 2007 NBA finals.

At X-Games 13, Ricky Carmichael wins the first MotoX Racing Circuit, Simon Tabron does back-to-back 900s in BMX Vert and Jake Brown survives a 40-foot fall. Rich Pilling/MLB Photos via Getty Images

A In front of a crowd of almost 27,000 football fans, the University of Manitoba Bisons end their 37 year drought and take home the Vanier Cup after a 28-14 win over the Huskies in Toronto.

T California native Jimmie

© Paul Buck/epa/Corbis

first Stanley Cup, beating the Ottawa Senators in five games for the 2007 NHL championship.

Johnson speeds to victory as the 2007 NASCAR Nextel Cup Champion, defeating his Hendrick Motorsports teammate Jeff Gordon by 77 points.

© Robert Lesieur/Reuters/Corbis

AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin

Champion Boston Red Sox defeat the National League Champion Colorado Rockies in a decisive four-game sweep to capture their second World Series title in four years.

Manning leads the New York Giants on a last-minute scoring drive to upset the heavily favoured New England Patriots 17-14, shattering the Patriots’ bid for a perfect 19-0 season.

© Mike Blake/Reuters/Corbis

Team Canada took home its fourth straight gold medal defeating Sweden 3-2 in overtime at the final game in the IIHF World U20 Junior Hockey Championship in the Czech Republic.


Canadian speed skating athlete Cindy Klassen wins the Female Athlete of the Year Award for the second year in a row at the Canadian Sport Awards at the U of M in Winnipeg. Photo/Adrian Wyld

celebrates his team's gold medal win against Finland 4-2 at the IIHF World Hockey Championship in Moscow.

►►Team Canada defeats Team

USA 5-4 in a shoot-out at the Women’s World Hockey Championships in Winnipeg. Canada wore pink jerseys to honour the first-ever Women’s World Champions, Canada’s 1990 National Women’s Team.

Faces U.S. Election ’08 Candidates After Super Tuesday primaries on February 5,2008, the presidential race heats up among frontrunners Hillary Clinton, Mike Huckabee, John McCain and Barack Obama.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

E n te rta in m e n t W e e k ly names J.K. Rowling— author of the seven-volume, 4,100-page Harry Potter series of best-selling children’s books— as its Entertainer of the Year.

Mike Huckabee

with his performance in the first H ig h S c h o o l M u sica l, becomes an even bigger teen star with the release of H ig h S c h o o l M u s ic a l 2.

John McCain ' In January 2008, Academy Award-nominated actor Heath Ledger, 28, is found dead in his Lower Manhattan apartment from an accidental overdose of prescription medication.

« ARNO WIEGMANN/Reuters/Cortiis

Barack Obama

Cyrus as “Hannah Montana”, sells out in every city, prompting ticket lotteries, heartbroken fans and scalping scandals. The “Hannah Montana” tour scheduled only one date in Canada, in Toronto.

AP Photo/Masahiko Yamamoto

T At London’s Wembley Stadium,

lit Fitzroy Barrett/Landov

Princes William and Harry host the Concert for Diana to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the death of their mother, the Princess of Wales.

L Canadian wrestling star Chris Benoit commits suicide after taking the lives of his wife and 7 year old son at his home in Georgia. This tragic story prompts the CBC’s F ifth E s ta te to produce a documentary that probes into the circumstances of Benoit’s death and that of dozens of other pro wrestlers.

G re y ’s A n a to m y , Katherine Heigl is a small-screen star. As “Anne Fletcher” in the comedy 2 7 D ress e s , she conquers the big screen

as well.

fostens PA Photos/Landov

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