2008-2009 Yearbook

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AMessage TroMThe t^ead of School A s M ulgrave School grows and matures, so it seems that our Yearbook goes from strength



strength, so


recording of


and has

happened over the past school vear. People






programmes are introduced: new facilities added: along with fresh achievements and successes: these all combine to make each vear uruoue and different. Yet, as this Yearbook shows, many things remain, unchanged. Our Mission at Mul grave is to inspire excellence in education and life and this drives us ever to grow and improve, to strive for a higher goal and to do the best that we c a n m all that we undertake. The vear gone bv has reflected well these ambitions. M u!grave has beenconfjrmed bv the IB this year as a PYP School and the Middle School staff have completed all the requirements to achieve that same recognition to offer the MYP. Our Grade 12's this vear all followed the B Diploma programme and so we c a n now truly state that Mul grave is a n B W o rld School from Kindergarten through to Grade 12. W atching the daily lives of a i r y ain g people at Mulgravc, it is clear that energy and enthusiasm abound at all levels: commitment and determ ra tio n are expected and given at every tu rn and students, teachers and parents arc all engaged together to make the best use of every opportunity, ft is indeed a privilege to be a part of this community and to watch it grow and develop. Tins Yearbook provides us all with the opportunity to celebrate the aiccesses oĂ­ the past vear and to record significant events and viaial memories oĂ­ a i r time together. M y special thanks aganngo to Mrs. Nicola Fergusonand all those involved m com piling this Yearbook and for keeping these memories alive. Toni' M a c a m 3

O u r “B o a r d

o f " D ir e c to r s

Chairman.- CXanald Kirkwood Vice-Chairman.- Sficrrm_Lim AÍ Hcthcringtoa Glen Ibbott Scott McEvcv Grant Avers

Mark Beddis Munir Ali Pierre M artin. Sharon-Glover Kevin.Coutts Ender Ikav

A rc h ite c t's drawings o f bout tb© finished building M<au) look.

T > ) © ‘E a r l u ) L e a r n i n g

C e n tr e

An exciting n©ku direction fo r Hulgraue.

^Vltilgrave School and the W e st Vancouver Montessori School are delighted to announce that thev will be joining scliools to form The M ulgrave Earlv Learning Centre, as of September 1st, 2 0 0 9 . This pc citing venture will provide parents of three and four vear old childrerL the North Shore the verv best of educational practices, opportunities, aixi facilities. © o il

2009 Grads

Gage Allard

Ashkan Azizi

"In a real dark night o f the soul, it is always three o'clock in the morning, day after day. So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." F. Scott Fitzgerald

Well everyone, it's finished. Our 5 years of high school have come to an end and through all the ups and downs there is no group of people I would rather have spent the past 3 years with. Thank you all for everything!

Keegan Balcom

Lauren Bridges

dancing beneath sunsets breathing between petals skimming over sand glistening on rocks paths twist and curve through daisies and lily pads lives mingle and pass across moseying worlds

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty o f their dreams." -Eleanor Roosevelt Sometimes in your life you come across people who lift you up. at Mulgrave I have been lucky enough to encounter some: Stella Ablett, Karyn Mitchell and James Gardiner. Thank you for always believing in me and helping me achieve my dreams. Congratulations Grad 09

Harry Brook Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today

Jordan Choi Best o f luck to all 2009 graduates!

Matt Chong

Mina Chung

'Long you live and high you fly, and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry, and all you touch and all you see is all your life w ill ever be.’


Louise Coleman

Kaitlin Cyr

CLASS OF GRAD 09! its been an eventful year. So many jokes, unfortunately due to my clammy hands and after-fun hair, it will soon be physically impossible to continue LOL I hope you all have a good time wherever you go, and 1 wish everyone the best o f luck. To everyone who has always been there for me, 1 would not be where I am today without you. SORTED.

Many thanks to all my teachers, coaches and friends at Mulgrave who have helped mold me into the person I am today. You have all made this experience memorable for me.

Lots of love. Lois


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty o f their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt Grad 09!

Oliver Dempsey

Priyanka Dhaliwal

Grad 09: gold medal swimming, talent show rocking, floor hockey scoring, basketball training, Habitat helping, super smashing, marathon running, film making, trio gathering, chemistry helping, partying, blast! Thanks to everyone who showed me the way and made my last year the best o f many. Viva la Vida, Grad 09!

My dad likes to tell me that youth is wasted on the young. 1 hope that when we look back on high school we don't feel like we wasted the opportunities we were given. All the best for the future

Talia Ercag

Sina Habibian

"best grad class ever, what a spirit and awesome friends, thank you guys im gonna miss you all SO MUCH, you have no idea"

These past four years in Mulgrave have been extraordinary. Thank you everyone for the memories. 1 wish everyone success, happiness, and good health.

David Hoskin

Joey Hu

Putting the XY in sexy since 1991.

Wow. moments ago, it was my first day here at Mulgrave's brand new1campus in Gr5, and now it's already time to depart. All the memories in grad and past years were amazing-too many to count! It's been fun, and just want to say thanks to all my teachers and friends for putting up with me over all these years, and rock on grad 09'! "Become a tree, and make bigger forest." and + = (good luck guys) J

Camilla James

Nima Jelveh

GRAD 0 9 aka the best grad class EVER ! Thank you for all the great times and memories you have shared with me; I will always remember you. THANK YOU a million times to all o f my amazing friends, to Tapiwa for always making me smile , to all the teachers who have inspired me, and to my amazing family. I could not have asked for more wonderful people to be a part of my life. The next step feels like the biggest I will ever take, but I know that when I look back, I’ll be laughing at how scared I was! GOOD LUCK GRAD 09!

Wow, we made it. This year has passed so fast and were all parting ways to do great things. Some o f us will keep in touch, but I wish everybody the best o f luck and I already cant wait to see you all in ten years. Thanks for the great times!

Judy Kim

Lily Kim

Congrats Grad 09! Good times, Good memories, and Good friends!! This has been a wonderful two years o f my high school life. Thanks to my friends @ Mulgrave! Thank you all for giving me an irreplaceable friendship that I cherish with my heart, for always being there for me. I love you guys and definitely will miss you guys. I'd also like to thank my wonderful parents for their love and support; I couldn't do it without you! Well, Good Luck Everyone! AIM FOR THE FUTURE BUT LIVE FOR THE MOMENT!

CONGRATS grad 09! 1 had a great time and unforgettable memories. It has been a tough year but WE DID IT! I'll miss you guys! By doing IB. I have learned many valuable lessons. Mulgrave School will always be MY BEST SCHOOL! BBIIGG thank you to my beloved parents, teachers, friends and siblings for always being there and supporting me through these years. Being able to leave high school with no regrets, many laughs, and good times makes this the greatest memory ever. "Every new day is a gift That’s why we call it the present." -C.Winterle Olson

Sunny Kim

Brittany Labron

Gongratsss my IB SULVIVORS! We finally survived from two years of intense IB Program! No matter what you guys will do, and will go, dont forget that we are IB survivors! I will pray for you all, my sweet hearts :). I love you all as always.

It seems like so long ago that I first put on my kilt and walked into the Mulgrave foyer as a new Grade 8 student. The nervous excitement I experienced that day strongly reflects what I feel today, as I finally graduate from high school. Grad 09, it's been a long journey but we made it!

Inkey Lee

Julia Lee

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may (To the Virgins to Make Much of Time Robert Herrick, 1648).

I've had many good memories and experiences here at Mulgrave. Thanks to my teachers. Thanks to my family and, of course, thanks to all my friends. Good luck Congrats class of 09 !! I love you all !! "This one step - choosing a goal and staying to it - changes everything” - Scott Reed

Mei Ling Lee

Rachel Lee

WE DID IT! Congratulations Grad 09! Heres to: volleyball, San Diego, chem help, the way my friends talk, extended essay planning labs, leaving the dock at Semi, grad sleepouts, being thrown across the gym, French classes, funny...math classes, but most of all, the laughs and the smiles. To my family, thank you for your unconditional love and support. To my friends, I'll never forget the things you do that make me smile. Grad 09 - 1 wish you all the best of luck in the future, we've got our whole lives ahead of us! Love. Mei-Ling

Ive had many good memories and experiences here at Mulgrave. Thanks to teachers. Thanks to my family and of course thanks to all my friends. Good luck Congrats class of 09 !! I love you all !!

Rachel Lee

Stewart Lee

Looking back, it's hard to believe that 18 years of our lives have already gone by: 12 of which have been dedicated to learning about things that may or may not be useful in our future, and 7 of which I have spent at my school where I have met some of the most important people in my life. How could 1 ever forget bonding over dress-up days, Harrys car parked in the annex, dissecting fetal pigs, and celebrating the best grad class ever? I've been traveling on this road to longjust trying to find my way back home. The old me is dead and gone. ML,CP,MLL,LC,CJ,LY.TE.LT - i love you guys Peace out. grad 09.

If you can't fix it using duct tape you are not using enough - Unknown

Evelina Leppanen A few things I've learnt along the way: "Live today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Just today.” - Stargirl "So many things are possible as long as you don't know theyre impossible." -The Phantom Tollbooth "One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes. -The Little Prince Goodbye everyone and good luck!


"This one step - choosing a goal and staying to it - changes everything" Scott Reed

Ang Li "I used to be very wary of short ubiquitous phrases that attempt to motivate people, namely "carpe diem”. However, an event happened last summer that I have only now consciously realized exemplified the truth in that phrase: the best thing that has ever happened to me was caused by a trip to the PNE."

Hudson Liao I love all my friends who stuck by me during the high school years ! There is nothing more that I can ask for from them. I wish them the best o f luck and wishes in their following years, and hope to stay in touch with them. Love you guys: AT, SH, TV, AA, LS, GS, AR, JC, CP, NJ

Morgan Lunn A toast: to laughs, long days and great nights. To my amazing friends, those who I hold close to my heart, my crushes and partners in crime; to every person who I've shared a laugh with, those who let me mooch, and anyone who has ever hugged me. To my parents for being my invincible rock. Through the tears, embarrassing moments, and hard work, you and I have made it. Grads, we are like PB&J the unbeatable combo. I have learnt from all o f you. Cheers. I wish you enough; thank you.

Joel Mabbott

Victoria Masney

Best o f luck to all 2009 graduates!

Dr. Seuss Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

Annie Maurer

Anders Mech

From DI to pomelo hats From KB to 12A Its been an incredible journey! So many laughs, lessons and memories that 111 cherish for the rest o f my life. Its surreal to think that I wont be putting that kilt and tie on every day next year. Now, let the adventure begin!

Ive had a good time at Mulgrave, made good friends, had many fun times that have given me many great memories. Like the time when I got to watch everyone have to bail out o f a kayak in 3 degree water, and didnt have to do it myself. Good times. See everyone in ten years

Tapiwa Nyandoro

Brandon Pao

I never thought this day would come. I cant believe were graduating. Im going to miss you all more than you can imagine. You are more than just friends, youre family ! Weve some great times together! I love you guys! I love you Cami, thanks for making every day that much better, youre amazing! Grad 09 Were the best!

Thanks for all the memories everyone youre the best group o f people to have in a class and III always remember you. Were all taking separate paths but whichever one you choose; try to enjoy yourself and good luck!

Christina Pearce

Ashley Peet

If there's one thing I will miss about Mulgrave, it's the people. Grad 0 9 ,1 have nothing but love for you all! It's been a crazy, frustrating, hilarious, stressful, amazing five years with you guys. To the few who are with me for life: there is no group o f friends I'd rather be walking out the door and taking the next step with. We did this together. Thank you for the laughs and the memories CJ, HB, ML, LC, LY, TN, RL, MLL, GA, BP. I'll miss you.

I've been at this school 13 years and made some amazing friends. I will never forget the times we spent together and I will always love looking back and remembering it all, even if sometimes it was a little grueling! Good luck to everyone, wherever you are headed in life!


Christopher Pettigrew

Michael Pettigrew

Class of Grad 09.

It's been great, guys. Thanks so much for a great year. Love ya all, and the best of luck for whatever you choose to do. Congratulations!

After being at Mulgrave for most of my life, I can't believe these final weeks are approaching. Good times in Costa Rica, grad sleep outs, pranks and other life-changing experiences. I couldnt ask for a better grad class.

Oh, and Oliver: Im majorly winning.

It's been a pleasure knowing you all, and I leave with no regrets. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Good luck with stuff, Chris

Artin Rahbar Arabani 50 words cant do justice for trying to be really witty, funny, or emotional. So, I'm just going to simply say thanks to the teachers who had to deal with me and helped me through the two years. Also, thanks to everyone for all the good times. The best of luck to all of you..GRAD 09!!!I

Chloe Scott

Lhundup Sherpa

It has been the strength of my friendships that without which 1 would have never reached this point; graduation. Thank you to my friends, family and teachers, all of whom have made me the person I am today.

Help if you can, if you cant then at least dont harm. Never lose your hope. Good luck and enjoy Peace Lundup Sherpa

Kathy Shin

Matthew Smith

OMGl! I can't believe I'm leaving Mulgrave ALREADY' Over the past 3 years, I've had so many memories that I will keep until I die. Thanks to all GRAD 09, good luck next year, I will miss you all so much!! =) S2 u ALL <333333333333333 GRAD 09 RULES!!!

"I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving." -Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.



Jullian Song

Jenny Stone

Congrats Grad 09 and Thank you all! I just want to congratulate everyone on successful years. Four years in Mulgrave were such great memories and I wont be able to forget people in Mulgrave forever. Follow your passion and live a life! Good luck with everyones future plans! Hopefully we keep in touch

Part of where you’re going, Is knowing where you're coming from. The hardest part of moving forward Are these times when we all stand alone. - Lostprophets

Gopinath Supramaniam

Alex Tallman

Education is often considered to be the power to think clearly, the power to act well in the world's work and the power to appreciate life. Fortunately it only took 2 C.O.W and my brother to make me raise my standards for success because success wasn't going to lower its standards for me. Thank you from the bottom o f my heart. Could not have done it without you! Congratulations Grad 09. All the best for the future!

What a trip it has been... looking back it was a struggle but it is over now. Thanks to the grad class for being there with me. I enjoyed your company :) <3 GOODBAIĂœ Now i'm gonna go home and bake and get ripped at the gym.

Eric Tam

Aaron Tang

It has been a great year, with lots o f ups and downs! Yes, downs too! >.< I can't believe that we're graduating, but its been really fun with everyone, SEE YOU ALL!!! xD

I am done with high school.

Megan Taylor Grad! Well it's finally here - congrats! Thanks: to those who changed me, to those you brought out the worst, the best, to the ones I never talk to, to those I tell everything, to the ones I love..times have been good, they have been bad, they have been high school: "Time don't let it slip away, Raise your drinking glass Here's to yesterday" - -Aerosmith Peace!

Lauren Tetiker To everyone who stuck by me and made this journey worthwhile. I'll never forget you. To the entire grad class, I hope life is awesome to you. Can't believe it's finally over! YAAAAAAY GRAD 09!

Christopher Thompson

Tobi Volkmann

It's going to be legen... wait for it... dary!

Hey everyone! Have a great time, wherever you are/go. Mulgrave life was great! Stay in touch -Tobi

Hai Xi Wang

Lauren Wierenga

Am I really graduating? N o way....... For the past 4 years, I have made tons of great memories with the teachers and friends here at Mulgrave School. Love you all and i am going to miss everyone <3 Hai Xi Wang

Wow ! After 13 years at Mulgrave, I am finally graduating! I now look back on the great moments 1 have shared with our school, from my first days at the NS Winter Club to the times I have spent dancing, singing, and acting on Mulgraves stage. Thank you to my BFFs, teachers, and family! To my Grad Class of 09; remember to always dance likes nobodys watching; love like you've never been hurt; sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth! - Mark Twain Love L-dub xoxo


Lauren Yildirim

Evie Zorzos

Someday, somewhere anywhere, unfailingly, you'll find yourself, and diat. and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life. And if you should ask me where I've been all this time I have to say "Things happen. Thank you Grad '09.

I love looking back at everything and giggling about how ridiculous the things we did were, not that we have stopped doing them now, but it still feels good to laugh, so here's too looking at you, Grad of 09 !

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Laureo T©+ik©r and b©r~ dad, kAibat.

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2009 G raduates

oicesTb© Grad~Poll from the Ang Li vualklng encujclopoodla

Annie Mauer Most a th le tic girl

Chris Thompson tb© loudest

Hai xi and Aarontb© couple t h a t should bauo beer)

Michael Pettigrewtb© Most likelu) t o becoM© a billionaire

Brandon Paofunniest

Camilla and Tapiwa c u te s t couple

Chloe Scott nicest person

Harry Brook tb© M°s1" llkelu) t o be faMous

Lauren Wierenga te a c h e r's -p e t

Rachel Lee tb© biggest flir t

Tobi Volkmann Most a tb le tic bo<^

G ra d e 3 Caq-p Grade Three Camp was awesome. We played Capture the Flag, which was very fun. After, we went inside to paint our rocks and I made a frog. Next, we made camp necklaces. After the activities, we went to eat dinner. We ate lasagna, salad and garlic bread. The dinner was very good. Next, we went to the gym to dance. My favourite dance was Australian Bush dancing. After the dancing, we went to sing campfire songs. My favourite song was the Moose Song. It was funny when he spilled the juice. Finally, we prepared for sleeping. My sleeping bag was the largest and longest sleeping bag in my group. John and I couldn’t sleep, so we started to count sheep. When I got to 230, John said that he was very bored, so we started to play Rock, Paper, Scissors. After playing for a long time, we got bored again, so we started to talk. After that, we wanted to se if the gym was open. We went down to the gym, but no one was there, so we went back to sleep. Then we heard a noise. A student was talking in his sleep. He was saying something in Korean that I couldn't even understand. Then he started going out the door with his eyes closed. I followed him to the washroom and water fountain. He drank from the water fountain with his eyes closed! Then I headed back to the classroom and got inside my huge sleeping bag and waited until it was 5 o'clock. Finally, the gym was open. We heard people running down the hallway. I said, John, the gym is open. John replied, "Lets go, Bin!" We ran as fast as we could to the gym. We played floor hockey and I rocked at it! I was very tired after playing in the gym, but then we went hiking! We had to go over streams, bridges and logs. Then it was time for breakfast. I ate waffles with strawberry jam and whipped cream on top with sausages and orange juice. It was very good. Finally, we went to get our things to go home, by Bin Han

GradŠ *1 Cakvp I had an entertaining time at camp. The most fun I had was the games. We did a fun game named the recognizer. I was the recognizer in the game and it was fun because nobody could tag us but we could tag the nasties. The nasties are little people saying, You cant do good things. We also participated in a talk show, and it was also really funny. It had a magic word in the talk show and the secret word was leadership. I did all those games and had so much fun. The food was excellent. I loved the burritos for lunch, it was the best! Also there was a bucket called the food-waste bucket, and if you wasted any food it would go straight in the food-waste bucket. Sometimes there was left-over food on the table. Once, there were two bowls of cereal and one bowl of soup sitting on the table. Luckily we won because there were three people who saved the day. There was lots of compost too; it was filled to the top! Thats a good sign everyone had been eating a lot of fruit. We went on a few hikes when we were at camp, and they were all right, but they were just too tiring. I loved the trail to Salmon Rock, it was the easiest and funniest. When we got there we played Bob the Weasel and picked up thousands of little and huge crabs. We also found a red jellyfish washed up on shore. The hardest trail was Skookum Sky. I was brave and put a slug on my face. It felt slimy, but also pretty good. When I got to Keats Island I felt a little sad. I felt homesick but I got used to it. It was so much fun! I was proud of myself that I got through it. I felt so happy to see my Mom and Dad. Madeleine Kirkwood

G rade 5 Cak^p At Keats, we were doing activities 24 hours a day and it was phenomenal! In the morning, we were given a choice of exciting games to play. This was even before breakfast! During breakfast, lunch, and dinner, we would do a "Food for Thought" activity. It could be: Mystery Passenger, Number Fumbler or Whats Up Next, Yo\ Those were all guessing and learning games. We also did a lot of hiking, like our trip to Eagle Bluff or canoeing to Salmon Rock. One of the most important things we learned at Keats was about the unfair distribution of resources around our planet. Some people have lots of resources and others have barely any. The reason its called the 80/20 world is that 80% of all the people on this planet have only 20% of the resources. You can imagine some people barely have shelter, food or clean water. The 80/20 can be reversed to say that only 20% of all the people have an entire 80% of all the stuff. They have food, water, shelter, electricity, and cars. We did a lot of discussion activities as well such as the food waste challenge. Overall, we only wasted about a little bit of soup and an apple or two and we only made a bag of garbage a little shy of the size of a football! So it just goes to show, you can nearly stop making waste and have a good time doing it! Its easy to understand how much we need to help our planet, get outside and learn about nature, work, ethics and sustainability. Duncan Lucas

G ra d e 6 Caucp There are really a lot of cool things to mention about Strathcona Park Lodge, but the one real word that every grade six student would say is, Fun. It was amazingly exciting because we got to go kayaking, canoeing, tree climbing, zip-lining and indoor rock climbing! We were also assigned to sleep in big cabins and we even got to watch a movie. 1 hope that the new grade sixes in 2009 will like Strathcona Park Lodge as much as we did! It was really a once in a lifetime opportunity to go to a camp with your teachers and classmates and have the best time ever! Lewis Croke

GradŠ 7 Caq-p Grade seven camp was an amazing experience for all of us. For some, it was an great camp trip with many new things learned, but for others, it was definitely an experience which we survived. The first outdoor trip was a great learning experience because there were no outhouses and we experienced tremendously bad weather. For the second outrip, it was only drizzling and we got to roast marshmellows under a warm campfire. Both groups had the chance to build there own fires using wood. We all learned the proper techniques in order to successfully canoe across the ocean and construct proper tires. Overall it was quite an experienced which will be remembered forever. Arisha Ladhani & Noah Guld

Grad© $ Caufp When I first heard about the Grade 8 camp trip, I was so excited. On September 24th we went to Garibaldi Mountain. When we finally got to the parking lot, we met our mountain guidesJohn, Jason. Anyways first we went through all the safety instructions and talked about the hike up to the camping site. After that we did the four hour hike up to the camp. It was hard, but not as hard as I thought it was going to be. When we finally got to the top, we set up our tent and started cooking lunch. Oliver, Noojan, Grayson and me were one tent group. The first day was kind of relaxed. But then the second day was full of plans. First we hiked to Garibaldi lake and had lunch. Than we went back to the camp site and did a bunch of different activities. We learned to build a shelter with Jason, how to use a compass with Mr. Gee and we worked with Ms Gleig to make skits to perform before dinner. I was a lot of fun! Sleeping in the tent with friends was also a cool experience. On the second day we had breakfast and than started packing up our stuff and taking down our tents. On the hike down, I was in the back because I was talking to Jason about his job as a mountain guide on Mount Everest. He also told me about when he started climbing. When we finally arrived at the bottom of the mountain we all were pretty tired. I think some people even slept in the bus on the way home. Overall I had a lot of fun at camp!


Constantin Wahle 8M

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GradŠ 1 Caiwp This year, the grade 9 students went to Newcastle Island for our camp. Although it rained most of the time, it was still a lot of fun to be with friends in a place where we could learn to live with nature. We went on long hikes, studied coastal marine life, made campfires and did an orienteering course. In our free time, we got to do whatever we wanted, even though some of the groups had to be broken up! I think I can speak for most people, when I say that this camping trip was a once in a lifetime experience, and I am grateful to have been a part of it.

The cool breeze coming off the ocean water, Blows tenderly through my tangled and twisted hair. It plays with the leaves and places them with an art, Which decorates the ground with new colours of yellow, red and brown. Tears of rain fall down in rhythms o f laughter, Distorting the sculpted face of the sea. Spicy flavors of salt and fresh air reach the tip of my tongue, Letting me relax in this heavenly paradise. A lone bird flies effortlessly through the grey sky, And I too feel like I am lifting up to soar. My soul is warm and my spirit is free. 1 promise Mother Nature, I will return.


Angie Travlos

Grad© loCakJfp Grade 10 students travelled to Whistler's backcountry for our camp experience this year. We were divided into two groups and spent time on different trails. The socialization and camaraderie were the highlights, and thankfully it only rained for slightly less than one-half of the total time in the forests. There were activities in the Roundhouse on the top of Whistler as well. The alpine component meant that we had to learn to prepare a food sack which was then attached to a tree, (known as a bear hang,) at least 100 meters from the tents. We now know protection from snooping bears is avoidable, when the correct precautions are taken. We engaged in some teamwork games and had a cooking contest. Charlotte J., Glara R. Jiny K., Fiona B„ and Alyssa R. won the Mountaineer Guides' Award for most efficient team, and their orange-coloured plaque hangs proudly in Room 1022. One of the new skills we acquired on the four-day outing was repelling, and we were able to experiment on a few routes. Our message to next years’ group is to push yourself harder and you will get more out of the activities. We also recommend that packing wisely for all types of cold and wet conditions is important, and should not be taken lightly! The teachers who accompanied us had high praise for the courteous and cooperative attitude they witnesses on the camp.

Grad© I l Cawfp From October 23rd to 26th, our grade 11 class explored the Seattle area, integrating learning across the curriculum. Combining excursions applicable to Groups 1 (English), 3 (Individuals and Societies), 4 (Experimental Sciences), and 6 (the Arts), we enjoyed workshops at the Seattle Art Museum, guided tours of the Seattle Underground and the Boeing Museum of Flight, as well as an amateur community theatre performance. In amongst these expeditions were sessions at Camp Berachah, where we discussed community and global education, ideas central to the Community, Action and Service portfolio. We also reflected upon our experiences, with specific reference to the IB Learner profile. Overall, it was a fun, enriching experience. Memories will include 15 a-side volleyball matches, smores and campfire stories, and Garos hilarious impersonations. Thanks to the teachers who accompanied the grade 11 class; a good time was had by all!

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GradŠ 12 Caiofp The Whistler trip, at the beginning of the year was, undoubtedly, one of the best experiences for our grade as we were going into our final year. Our grade had always got along well as a whole, but there were definite social groups that did not really seem to mix, so this really was a test for us all. Not only was the trip a great experience, with a somewhat terrifying zip-trekking course, but it also encouraged us to get to know people who had previously been unfamiliar to us. From this experience on, our grade was able to bond as a whole as opposed to being a group of mere acquaintances. We became a family and supported one another through the good and the bad. I will never forget any of you and the trip that started it all. GRAD'09! Lauren Tetiker



Musical "F¡©'j¡©<oj A"PTiXL 30, 2 0 0 ?

Ir ) a reuu© tra d itio n , and aided bu> d ir e c t s u p p o r t froM s e v e ra l te a c h e r s and -p aren ts, f^r. McLean's G ra d e é ,



and (ó Choirs -p re s e n te d of


th e a tre


M atinée

r e p e r t o ir e .

CostUMes and MoueMent <oj©re in te g ra l p a r t s o f th e show. T h e G ra d e (ó enseMbl© p r e s e n te d e x c e r p t s froM th e classic "hodgers and ^aMM^rsLein Musical, 'OhlahoMal* T h e G ra d e d

and G ra d e s ch o risters

donned p i r a t e g arb and p r e s e n te d a new Miniature Musical, '“P ira te s ’, bu> th e AM©rican te a M o f "hoger lM © r son and "John "Jacobson- S e v e ra l Months o f hard w o rh

resu lted




fe a tu rin g

p e rfo rm a n c e form


vjaried, Menu)

colourful stu d e n ts

reuue in

to p


The d-p-per School On© A c t Testiual

The twiddle school show b y T'hili'p

71')© g ra d o

to o k "place b e tw e e n and included a collection o f fo u r s tu d e n t shows.

Tjidley, S-parkleshark, is a s t o r y o f

class -perform ed th e coMedu) o f

a young boy on a roof. Along w ith th e help* o f his now friends, h© te lls a *4agical s to n j) t h a t sauos h¡M fro i4 a gang o f bullies. A s to n j) t h a t

Skinflints and Scoundrels. This -plau)

\*)e began w ith th e thcM e o f T h e s t a t e o f th e w o rld a t t h a t t¡Mo’. "Each show t h a t w as chosen to o k 'place a t a d iffe r e n t p o p e n t in U mo and to o k th e audience on a unique journey.

\m .


w e a le d its own s-pell on th e c h a ra c te rs and audience too.

I I ITB T h e a tre A rts

within a y>\atj) w as an a da -p tatio n o f th e coMedu) The Miser originallu) w r itte n in th e l Goo's b«j) classic T rench "p la y w rig h t Moliere. This new Mcrslon b y Suzan© ~2eder had Moliàre’s acting trou -pe -p e rfo ry n g b e fo re King Louis XX\I o f Trance.

One Oct Plays

iM agin©-

A " B e a t le s T ribat©


Tb© S e n io r S c h o o l sh o w , M ajor T o m

Carri© tjugbes, in clu d ed -p e r fo r m e r s

bu) Gl©n “Po-p© ^ a s

froM g r a d ©

s c ie n c e

7 to

12. T his Musical

rcuiG'jJ © x-p lored L ife in tb © I ?i>0'5 b e fo r e ,

a fte r ,

an d



fic tio n

" B ra d b u n j/s

in s p ir e d

v u riter,

-pi auj



K aleid osco-p ©

"Dauid " B o g ie 's

son a


VietnaM VJar th r o u g h tb'



y I

1 AM )


Tb© illusion o f M ajor T o m an d bis creKxj f lo a t in g in s-p a c© Kxias c r e a t e d vjjitb s t a r s - p r o j e c t e d froM behind a n d tb© inuentiu© lit u-p s-p a c © b©lMG"t"s built bu) G la d s t o n e S c h o o l's T jo b o tic s c la s s . M ajor T o m '¿Jas a cco M -p a n led bu> tjarnj) "Brook on g u it a r a lo n g 'oJitb a g r a d © 7 t o i 2 s c h o o l choir. Tb© s u c c e s s o f th is f e s t i v a l c a n b© a t t r i b u t e d t o tb © d e d ic a tio n an d c o lla b o r a tio n o f Tin© A r ts d© -partM © nt including f a c u l t y fro M T b © atr© A rts, Visual A r ts, a n d V o ca l Music a s v j j g II a s - p a r e n t u o lu n te e r s . Kxibo c o n t r ib u t e d a n d t o all audi©nc© Kkibo a t t e n d e d .


j u n i o r

S c h o o l


r t


>1 uilIII 1II I

H lil




Heg Coleqan Gr. 7

Alexandra Crone Gr. ?

Ste-pbanie "p o rte r Gr. 8

Alexander Lee Gr. 7

Margaret "Berton Gr. 8

Mana tjabibian Gr. 1

Glara Tjbee Gr. i o

"Palge Gascott Gr. 1

KU)ra CrooKbaio Gr. i o

Kelseu) f^cLear) Gr. ?

kiicK "Darrans Gr. 8


X.T3. A rt

-Jennu) Stone

Hยกna O)uog

Talia "Crcag

"Julia Loe

Asolea) "Peet

Lauren "Bridges

Laura Hgakinfls

T^ímo Tjidslu)



■i :

-Julia Les

Laura Meahlogs

" A

~ D




ir )

~ P t)O tO

t t ) Q



o n t Q




ó t

T ir s t "Place \jú¡oo®r.

S -p ccta ca la r T jG flG c tio o Laureo Tboqas I iS I3.2<b

Second "Place \Á)¡00Gr.

"BreaKiog light Saodu) \i)llsoo 7C


Third "Place \A)inn©r.

Action tikiG ■ElhaM ffa55aota5h lOtf I 0 .3 0

^ ~


- 4-^N


T |u r ) D G r 5 ( h p : X n g ra M Laureo ^ouo0 G ra d e $

1 2 :^

School XI lu x a te d a t flig h t Ste-pb^oi© " P o r te r G ra d e $ 2 1:00

A fte r School Tudu) Kím G ra d e l 2 I 5:35

■Birdie Ste-pbaoi© S o r t e r G ra d e 5 I 7-00

Mulgrau© hosted tb© ~2 ooq ~RIm T e s tiu a l A w ards nigh"*-- A tte n d e d bu) o u er «ioo students, te a c h e rs , p a re n ts , and in dustry -professionals froi^ across "BC. Tb© ©uening is an annual bigbiigbt fo r Manu) high school S tu d en t fi le a k e r s . Ttys 4 $-bour fl \k\ fe s tiv a l is in its ninth u>ear and as one judge said, Tty© caliber o f filfas g e ts b e t t e r eueru) u je a ri' S tu d en ts fro q o u er 30

schools -p a rtic i-p a te d in tb© crea+iu© qadness t h a t occurs in earlu) kiou©Mber.

S tudents, in te a M 5 o f seuen, <uJork ujitb a giuen p r o p and tb©M© t o c r e a t e th e ir b e s t sixMinute filM within tb© s t r ic t tiMcline. This g e a r s ' tb©M© ujas- T o e r r is buMan' and tb© -pro-p Uüas a <ojb©öl. Mulgrau© school w as looking its f n e s t vjjitb a re d c a r p o . t , ice scul-pture and a u arietu) o f w heel sculp tures. S tu d en ts a rriv e d fro q as f a r aujau> as “P enticton and Cranbrook- "Both Mulraue and Tjockridge re c e iv e d a nuMber o f nok\inations fo r th e ir filias and ujer© able t o w alk avjjau) «oJitb a fevu a w a rd s . Tb© to -p -prize, a 11 5 ,7 5 0 scholarship t o Mancouuer T¡M School voient t o a g ro u p froM “P enticton fo r th e ir f lq Ndbeelbarrovtf. tja rn j) "Brook fro q Mulgrau© ujas also recognized fo r bis sound design in *2 "Err is 2 "B G angsta*. "Brook re c e iv e d $ 3 0 0 to w a r d s studio P q e a t "D e e p Cou© Music Studios. Tb© ©uening ujas a g r e a t success and gaue tb© stu d en ts an o p p o r tu n ity t o baue th e ir ujork s c re e n e d and q e e t th e profession al filMMakers uübo judged th e ir work.

HA'TO'ft ANtfATD5 G ifts "Best ju n io r Technical*Tb© "Error tferitag© "P ark S econdary SuMMer Visions "B est Technical-Tb© T ir s t Cut Tjutland Senior S e conda ry School "Pacific On©Matb©c^u© ~Bcst Screen^placy V)beelbarro<oj "P enticton S e conda ry School Mulgrau© "B est A r t "D irection-Tb© T ir s t Cut Tjutland Senior S e conda ry School "Dee-p Co m© Music ~Best Original S co re . 2 "Err is 2 "B G angsta Mulgrau© School GTTTS "B est O neM atogra-ph^- CheckMate "Burnabu) Mountain School G IT t IS "B est E diting' "Delicious h e rita g e "Park S econdary School Maujrs t ~ B ra n d 5 ta tte r "B est ju n io r"P e rfo rM a n c e - Locked Out "Burnabu) Mountain Secondanj) School Maujrs $ ~ B ra n d 5 ta tte r "B est "P erforM ance. To "Err is t o be ijuMan o r T ir a te ? Mount "Baker S econdary School T a rlington Training "B est Mels "PerforM ance-Thomas V)eid©Man In AMond, Cohen Lord "Bujng Secondanj) School Vancouver "Tí Im School "B est TeMale "PerforM ance- S te fa n a T ra tilla in AMond, Cohen Lord "Bu>ng Secondanj) School G IT IS "Best Overall ju n io r THm Lead bu>"Parpen "Brooksujood S e conda ry School VancouuorTiM School Gold Medal Tinalist. V)b©elbarrouj "P enticton S e conda ry School "Brendan Arcbibald"PassionateTilMMaker Aujard. tfarnj) "Brook Mulgrau© School

OTH'E'R MdLGTAVE AVJATDS. 3rd b e s t Male a c to n "BenjaMn kieil in"Presp>onse 3rd b e s t junior technical. Sto-p bu> Nathan Stedqan, "P e te r Arnould, Conrad -JaMes and -Jack Mc"Pbail

'ZOOM^ImT c s

Saturdau), T)©c©i^b©r <bi“b 2 0 0 $

I n April, tb© G rad© s and <ó band students w © n t t o tl')© band r © tr © a t. \0© bo arded tb© bus ©arlu)

¡n tb©

Morning and droge t o Loon

Lak© t o Mak© som© Music.

\ji)b©n 'oJ© ga-!" tb©r©,

w© l e f t our bags outside and w © n t t o go and M©©t a coM poser, f^r Appl©by>, who w ro t©

B a n d l^ G trc c it

Most o f tb© Music t h a t w© play>©d this y>©ar and is tb© au th o r o f tb© band Method w© us© In class. I t w as aMazing m atching Mr - Appl©by>, knowing

th a t


w r itte n


mu s íc

©specially) fo r our grad© 5 and (¿> c o n c e rt band \ jO© bad loads o f fun learning our ne'oJ Music t h a t w as w r itte n fo r us. Tb© grad© 5 s tu d e n t ©u©n bad tb© o p p o rtu n ity ) t o try> o u t grad© <6 ja z z band. I cboos© t o do ja z z band and I

g o t t o learn a n o th e r pi©c© o f

Music w r itte n fo r our band. I g o t t o bag© fun and p e r f o r p in tb© y>©ar-©nd c o n c e rt. My)

Loon Lak© A p ril 2 0 0 7

fagourit© p a r t o f our t r i p w as learning th e Music and g e ttin g t o naM© tb© pi©c©5 o f Music. This caM P w as so Much fun and I again in a h e a r tb e a t. Carl 5t© ff© n s 5k

would do it

Míl5 XCALT<fEATfl-E SílMM'CTi CAMTP '0 5



Global Outraacb

Australia A nother


a n o th e r

w ake


a n o th e r Tridau), but this p a r tic u la r dau) hŠld surprises and everlastin g Meizones. This w as th e Tridau) w e w e r e about t o flu> t o fAew ~Zealand and Australia. Leaving

our f a c ie s

w as e x tre q e lu ) tough- Our quqs and dads w e r e a t th e v e rg e o f te a r s .

\iJa g o t so q a n ^ hugs t h a t a f t e r a while w e hold t o run awau> so w e could g e t th e air back into our lungs!


:__ T o u r te e n boars la t e r , w e to u c h e d d o w n

¡0 Auckland,

k ie w "Z e a la n d . \0 e bad no

id e a t h a t w e w ould soon be seein g c o w s , c a u e s illuM inated b<j) g lo w w o rm s, a g ig a n tic -p la s tic ball, and a s -p e c ta c u la r w a t e r f a ll. Mane) o f us b it t h e zorbs,- w ho w o u ld bavjo th o u g h t rolling d o w n a bill ¡0 a -p la s tic ball w a s so a t t r a c t i u e t o so Man<J) -p e o -p le in o u r g ra d e !

As da«j)S and n ig h ts -passed, M©Mo ri©s w e r e built. \i)e

©Men bad t h e o -p -p o rtu n itu ) t o q e e t u-p w ith an old frie n d . Sob used t o go t o Mulgrau© S chool and n o w s e rv e d as o u r aM b a ssa d o r t o k ie w "Z e a la n d . "Euen th o u g h t h e dau)S in k ie w "Z e a la n d w o r e fun, Much M ore aMUscMent a w a it e d us. A u s tra lia b ro u g h t us M ore d e lig h ts . Our tiMC in A u s tra lia in tro d u c e d us t o stunning a r c h it e c t u r e , M©Mories o f a life tiMC, s - p e c ta c u la r uiew s, frie n d s and t e a c h e r s t h a t w e w ill n©u©r f o r g e t . \i)e had a b la s t, driving and f i l i n g u-p and d o w n t h e "E a s te rn c o a s t o f A u s tra lia . \ a)e w a t c h e d lo c a l s -p o rts , - p la c e d gaM©s, M ©t •p eo-ple and s a w s ig h ts t h a t t o ld us a b o u t t h e aMazing h is to n j) o f th is M arvelous c o u n tr y . \0 e w ill n©k)er f o r g e t t h e c u ltu r e , t h e fo o d and t h e s to rie s .

Our billets w e re aMazing -peo-ple and w e Know t h a t no one will fo r g e t th e tiMe and e f f o r t t h a t tb©<J) s-pent on us. Tb©u) to o k us in w ith o-pen arMs, and a t th e end our tbank-c>ou w as filled w ith Much a-p-preda+ion f o r tre a tin g us like a M©Mb©r o f tb© ir faM¡lu>- ^ e also loued th© host school! \k)e M © t so Man<J) friendlu) kids. Th© te a c h e rs w e re all so nice and f o r a while w e s e ttle d into th e ir routine! O uerall, o u r jo u rn e u ) t o A u s tra lia and k ie w "Z e a la n d w a s t h e tiM© o f o u r Hues. \jd© e x -p e rie n c e d nothing b u t enjoc)M® 0t and ha-p-pin©ss. GO AUSTRALIA!

Andrew Trench $ UaM MTchell


Global Outreach

Costa Ti) tb© local Tico cu ita re o f Costa T|ica, th e expression p u ra vida tra n s la te s into life is good and f o r tb© Mulgrave stu d e n ts vjbo v je n t t o Costa Tjica o v e r tb© March break, tbls expression c a p tu re s i t all. TroM March I 5tb, 200T, l 5 kjulgraue G rad e i o students and 2 te a c b © r supervisors jo u rn e y e d o f f on our 5 tb Global O utreach p r o g r a m e ¡n Costa Tjlca. Tbe focus o f this 2 vje ek sojourn vjas in te rn a tio n a l service,

Tiesearcb and tjigber "Education C entre o r CATEE, lo c a te d in Turrialba. This c e n tre is a leading in terna tional in s titu te in tb e AMcrica5 fo r research, technological c o o p e ra tio n and p r a c tic e in rural developm ent and sustainability, embracing a holistic vision o f b^Man a c tiv ity and its relationship t o th e environMent. CATEE is also d e d ica te d t o c re a tin g community p r o g ra m e s and p a rtn e rs h ip s t h a t iq p ro v e th e sta n d a rd o f living o f rural fa y lie s in th e tro p ic s .



coMploMcnted bu) e x p e rie n tia l learning a c tiv itie s on sustainable developM ent and tr o p ic a l ecologu). This cle a rs p r o g r a m e w as designed bu> tb e T ro p ic a l Agricultural

Tl’)© tri-p w as s-plit b e tw e e n ecological education and sondee. T o r th e form er -p a rt, w© ui site d d iffe r e n t onuironMcnts and landsca-pos, such as farv^s, 'plantations, w a te r sy>5teMs, and fo re s ts , and c o n tra s te d -practices. T o r the. sendee -p ro je c t, uje u je n t t o schools in th e ""Poasito a re a and ^alyo-d tb©M rebuild a f t e r tb© re c e n t e a rth q u a k e in "January). This inuolued Cleaning and clearing debris, s ta rtin g construction on a new retaining wall, building toM-porarxj) boyes and leuoling roads and ujards w ith soil. \i)e also -provided close t o $3000 w o rth o f construction M aterials, school su-p-plies and s-ports equi-pyent t o th e coMMunitu); and w e s-pent one day) teaching "English In th e local elcMontaru) school, re lo c a te d due t o th e e arthqua ke. 'Costa T|ica ujas yy> f ir s t Global O utreach tri-p, and now i t ujont be mu ) la s t.' "Bobby) "J 'C osta T|ica was on© o f th e b e s t ex-periences o f MM) Ufe- T i~o m uisiting th e ra in fo re s ts t o working w ith th e "Poasito school, X ujas constantly) learning new things about th e Costa Trican culture. X had a g r e a t tiMO and i t was a tri-p X I neuer fo rg e t,* Soraiuja 5. "X s t a r t e d t h e tr i- p n o t know ing w h a t t o e x -p o c t,- X s a w s ig h ts th a t X


n o u e r ¡Magine, and y e t -peo-pie

w ith

g re a t

-p e rs o n a litie s and h o s-p ita litu ). X ujisb X could baue s ta g e d , b u t I had t o le a ue. X l e f t w ith a e x -p e rie n c e and M©Mories X w ill n o u e r f o r g e t — p u ra u id a l’ C onrad-J.

A 5-pecial thank y>ou is ow ed t o tri-p eba-perone Lian Anson, 5te-phen T o s te r and Costa Tjica "Brigade -parents f o r all th e ir 5U-p-port.






incredible o-p-portunitu) re g a rd in g f o r all o f us!



Global Outrcacb

"Eastern Canada On Tb© E a s te r n Canada T r ip


w ent




O tta w a , Gt<j).

\ júe

M ontreal

e x p e rie n c e d

Trencb-C anadian cu ltu re and i t w as a lo t o f fun- M'-J) fa v o u rite p a r t o f tb© t r i p w as skating on tb e T^ideau Canal in O tta w a . T b e t r i p w as also a good wau> t o p r a c t ic e o u rT re n cb speaking skills because w e s ta g e d w ith faqllies in Quebec. X recoqqend tb e t r i p t o all fu tu re g ra d e nine's because w e all bod a g r e a t t iq e .

_!__ t

r L -!

K e lsey M cLean



Global Outrcacb

f^GXiCO This u>©ar, ©l©u©r) 5©u©r) f^ulgrau©

Grad© school

stu de n ts ©Mbarh©d or) a Qrí'p'pinQ, cultural advj©r)tur© t o Oaxaca, Mexico fo r tb© Global O utreach "PrograMM© 200 e?.






©xp©ri©nc©, w © all l©arn©d about tb© cu ltu re and bistoru) o f Oaxaca, bargaining in s o m© o f O axacas Menu) larg©

indigenous M a rk e ts


a tt© M p t© d t o ta c k l© s o m© SpanishTb©

t© acb© rs



Ms. our

Sb©b guid©

and froM

Mr tb©

cultural institution "F|acb©l Lad©nb©¡M Mad©




p o sitive


M©Morabl© t r ip . \i)© also d o n a te d supplies t o s mû II schools who w©r© n o t as fo rtu n a t© as Hulgrau©. \ j0© tr a v e lle d all ou©r tb© O axaca propine© t o p o tt© n j) to w n s and w©aMing to w n s all full o f aMazing a r t . \0© also vjisit©d p e t r if ie d w a te r fa lls a t ffi©ru© T\ Agua, tb© faMous ruins o f ffont© Albá», dinner a t tb© CaMino T|©al w ith Gu©lagu©tza Co u©ru> faMous p r e s e n ta tio n o f Oaxacan folk dañe©, S anto "DoMingo Cburcb and Mu s g u m) , MiTIa ¿breath taking ston© Mosaics) and fun- fill©d w orkshops a t tb© cultural institut©. \ a)© l©arn©d singing, painting al©brij©s Cbrigbtl»j)-color©d Mexican folk a r t scu lp tu res o f fa n ta s tic a l aniMaHik© c r e a tu r e s ), cooking and salsa dancing. W b g r e a t accoMModations, good coMpanu), o Magnificent background a n d 5 p © c ta c u la r surroundings, tb© ©ntir© t r i p

Mad© tb© p e r f e c t Spring "Break fo r

©vj©ru)on©Is a b e ll© Kirkwood 57

Global Outreach

S w aziland On "Julu) 2 , ZOOS, tVJ©iV© HulgrOM© stu d en ts

d e p a rte d

s e rv ic e -o u tre a c h A frica

fo r

tr ip


tb© South

and Swaziland. Tb© g ro u p

vjas accoippaoied bu> Hs- M¡Tcb©ll and l^r. d© "B eer.Tb© t r i p w as a¡M©d at



a w a re n e s s


disad van tag ed




social to

'mm m


wildlife p re s e rv a tio n -

Tb© tri-p s ta r te d o f f w ith a visit t o 5 o w e to , w h e re tb© original boqes o f kielson Mandela and "DesMondTutu ar© situ a te d . This vjas also tb© sit© o f tb©

)cn (o s tu d e n t uprising- Tb© students w e re overwb©lM©d bu> tb© A p a rth e id s Mis g u m , w h e re learning about tb© turpoil, co nflict, and ultM at© p e a c e o f tb© p a s t I so u>ears tu rn e d o u t t o b© a p o w e rfu l ©xp©ri©nc©. A t tb© L©s©di Cultural Village, stu d e n ts bad tb© ir f ir s t ta s t© o f African cu ltu re and a bands-on ©xp©ri©nc© a t tb© "Elephant Sanctuaru). A définit© highlight o f tb© t r i p vjas feeding, touching and walking tb© African elephants. Ann¡© p ro u d ly s p o r te d a quddu) cb©ek a f t e r being a ffe c tio n a te lu ) kissed bi_j tb© u)Oung bull e le p h a n t Tb©Mba. Ashley w as In b©r ©l©M©nt wb©n a M e e rka t colono) showed up, b©r jou) kn©w no bounds. Tb© Students w©r© t r e a t e d t o a to u r o f “Zulu, Sotbo, Xbosa and T e d i villages, w h e re students ta s te d a fe w local delicacies. The dried c a te rp illa rs le f t tb©M speechless! original



I n S w aziland, th © s tu d e n ts w o r k e d e n th u s ia s tic a lly at

th e




c o M p l© tin g

th e

v e g e ta b le g a rd e n in on© d a y . M a tt, A s h ls y and Anni© did a g r e a t jo b in -purchasing M a te ria ls f o r a Mural. A riin and A le x t o o k e v e r y o p p o r t u n i t y t o s t a r t a s o c c e r gaM©, Much t o th © d e lig h t o f t h e 5 0 5 kids. L a t e r in t h e t r i p , t h e

o u tr e a c h g r o u p v is ite d a

house w h e r e t h r e e c h ild re n live on t h e ir o w n as t h e ir p a r e n t s h a ve died. T h e c h ild re n s u rvive o n ly th ro u g h t h e s u p p o r t o f neighbours and coM M ^nity v o lu n te e rs . Our

s tu d e n ts

prograM M ©


p a r tic ip a te d

a t a lo c a l p r iM a r y

s h o c k e d a t th ©



re a d in g

school. \0 e w e r e

co n d itio n s t h a t a w a it e d

us> one

cla ssro o M f o r 6 3 s tu d e n ts w ith h a r d ly a n y desks, c h a irs o r te x tb o o k s . Our s tu d e n ts p a r t i c i p a t e d in a l i t e r a c y g r o u p w ith ab a n d o n e d and s t r e e t ch ildren, a s w e ll as

so m

© h a n d ic a p p e d c h ild re n w h o live in t h e

lo ca l h o s p ita l as t h e r e is no s u ita b le hoM© f o r th©MTh© M o st h © a rt-w re n c h in g w a s a t i n y b a b y , w ho had been fo und in a d U M p s to r b a r e ly a w e e k b e fo re . -Julia and L a u re n w e r e e x c e p tio n a l in t h e ir c a r e o f th is tin y , tiM id p e rs o n , whil© M a tth e w iM p re s s e d us all w ith his kind and g e n tle a p p r o a c h in w o rk in g w ith a y o u n g g irl s u ffe r in g fro M c e r e b r a l p a ls y . \)0e bid f a r e w e ll t o S w a z ila n d and r e tu r n e d t o S o u th A fric a f o r o u r s t a y

a t D a k t a r i "Bush School and

Ndildlif© O rp h a n a g e . D a k t a r i is in a v e r y rc M o te p a r t o f t h e U M p o p o T t o v in c e and w e a r e s u rro u n d e d b y "Bushveld


w ild life



O nder

th e

g u id a n c e o f w e ll-k n o w n gaM© r a n g e r and o w n e r o f D a k t a r i, T a n H © rrifie ld and his w ife

M¡©h©H©, t h e

s tu d e n ts e n jo y e d t h r e e d a y s o f in te r a c t in g w ith t h e lo c a l coMMur) it y . A t one p o in t, w e s t o p p e d t o v ie w a c h e e ta h , w hich p r o M p t l y jU M pe d in to t h e gaM© vie w in g vehicle! T h e c h e e ta h , S avannah, w a s hand ra is e d and, a lth o u g h she lives in t h e bush, she is s till v e r y c o M fo rta b le a ro u n d h^Man beings. X t w a s a highlight o f e v e r y d a y t o g a t h e r a ro u n d t h e fire s id e , e n jo y in g SOM© kudu and w ild e b e e s t s te a k s , p o r k sa u sa g e , c o rn and fr e s h v e g e ta b le s . All t o o soon o u r A fric a n a d v e n tu re caM© t o an ©nd, as w e h© adod b a c k t o t h e a i r p o r t on "Ju ly l 7,

200 &.

tjo w e v e r, t h e M©Mori© s and e x p e r ie n c e s h a v e M ade a s ig n ific a n t ¡M pression on us, and t h e M o r a v ia n s h a ve l e f t an indelible ¡M pression on A fric a . S alang kahl©!


A sunny start to the year

Painting faces

& Happy faces!

Dunk Tank!

Smart Car Raffle

\ a)©

couldn't hav© ask©d fo r a b e t t e r

dau>! T h e sun w as shining, th© bur0 ©rs w e re

on th© grill and th© Stuart C ar

r a f f le tic k e ts w © re selling like hotcakes! Mulgrave faMilies to o k a d v a n ta g e o f on© o f th© Most beautiful daujs this fall wh©n th©u> c a q e out, ©n Mass©, t o th© annual MVP "B"BQ on Sundau) Sept© M b© r I (bthT h e re w e r e so Manu) volunteers who caM© t o g e t h e r t o Mak© th© "B"BQ such a success. T o o Manu» in f a c t t o fullu> acknow ledge h©f~©, but X would lik© t o © xten d a s p e c ia l thanks t o our w onderful "Board o f "D irectors behind th© grill,- t o "Julie and T e r n j) Th¡©5 - our sous ch©fs behind th© tables,t o th© in d efatig ab le Mark S teffens,- t o Manon Martin, Maru) “P e te rs and Sue S te ffe n s who organized th© fleld gaM©s,- t o Tannis T u ller who k © p t th© "Dunk Tan k afloat,- t o CaMille Mitchell who k © p t th© little hands busu> a t th© C ra fts table,- t o Nicola Terguson fo r painting all th© h a p p u ) faces,- t o Tone) Wilson and his vo lu n tee r tr o o p s fro q th© Middle School,- t o all th© MVP execu tiv es who h e lp e d t o k©©p th© wh©els Moving,- t o Xq_bal Lakhani fo r stagin g behind t o cle an _up,- and t o Clara TiMMons, Soeu)Cong "Xeon and 7©nna tjassan, t o Mention but a fe w , who did so Much t o Make fo r such a wonderful dau>! Tan© Tjockandel MV~P Chair

1^1W h iff a ! A l »»»l!

Lunar New Year 2009 - The Year of fhe O x

T ¡G i4 © M b ra o c © D a u ) A s s e i p l i j ) \ ji)© vxJ©lcoM©d honoured guests t o join tb© colour p a rtu > as vxi©ll as "“Principal fo r tb© "Dau)*( Mcttbe'oJ “Durrans.

C5c©n b©lovjj vjJitb Hat^or of \*)©st Vancouver, "Paítela Goldsqltb-'T'oncs)


G rac© As5©iMblu) A tiq© t o sbo'od a p p ré c ia tio n fo r our tire le s s p la n te e r s

Mrs L o rra in e T ja d fo rd C p ic tu rc d b©r© u iitb M r.Tonu) A lla rd ,} 'o jo rth 'j) re c i-p ie n t o f tb © 2 0 0 cT T © a cb © r’s Aboard.

G iv in g "B a c h 'J'ust a f©uj o f tb© iojaij)5 t h a t vjj© s u p p o rte d tb© coMMunitu) tbis u>©ar...

"Balding f o r "Dollars tb© U p p e r School S p ir it Xjüeeh, our Action Council (SAC^> <oj©r© busu> u itb ¡M p o rta n t annual s tu d e n t-in s p ire d and s tu d e n t-le d ©U©nt. Tb© focus vjjas, as a lw a y s , raising Mulspirit and s u p p o rtin g "Balding fo r D o llars, VMbicb b©lps children fig h t c a n c e r through tb© D C Childrens h o sp ital "Foundation" P a rtic ip a n ts in "Balding fo r D o lla rs Caippaign c u t tb © ir heir o r lochs fo r p led g es. As al'ojaujs,

G l ~ 1 2 students, s t a f f and p a r e n ts bed th e chance t o

p u rc h a s e

and >oJ©ar a sp ecial

©nuironM©ntallu)-friendlu) bai^boo S p ir it \i)eeh shirt fo r tb© duration o f our fesiivj© 'ojeeh froM "February l 7th t o tb© 20th- Ttys ujears shirt vjjas designed, one© again b<j) our resid en t a r tis t,





p ro d u c e d

through tb© g©n©rositu) o f CaMbridge and Co.

tfo c h c u ) M a ra th o n

Tb© considerable p ro c e e d s fi -014 "Balding fo r ars



p ro v id e


fo r


Oncologu) \d ard in th© D C Childrens ho sp ital.

"D octors Xjúítboüt "Borders

Xr) “D©c©Mb©r 'OS, th © Cbang©Mah©rs g ro u p launched a Tou) “Driv© t o s u p p o r t th© kio rtb Sbor© T c imíIu ) Services Christinas “Bureau via tb© \i)©st Mancouver XMergGncu) Services. S tudents in G 7-*7 vjer© encouraged to p a r tic ip â t© bu> donating n©vj

o r used tou>s in good condition- \j0 © bad an outstanding respons© t o this initiative.


Spring Gala has always been an event to celebrate friendships, festivities and a commitment to our school and this year was no exception. The committee, staff, parent body and students achieved an event of Herculean proportions in their generosity towards donations, time, sponsorships, gifts and bids. The games began in the Modern Olympic room for a cocktail reception where a whole host of Silent Auction items were beautifully show-cased amidst world flags and ranged from signed hockey sticks to scooters to the much coveted childrens Select Projects. At seven oclock the attendees were invited into the Ancient Olympic room replete with Greek columns, urns and statues to enjoy the welcoming speeches and to begin the fast and furious bidding for Live Auction items. The success of Spring Gala this year was evidence of a community that pulled together with every effort towards the common goals of enriching our childrens lives at Mulgrave as well as assisting our families with Financial Aid. Congratulations and sincere thanks to all involved.

S-pring Gala Z007


'usan Kiasb

Melin® Ounjian

■Jane Tlockandol

tfelaino 5f)o-pard

TbanK u) 72

Clair Stone

"Peonu) W rkwood

Sbollna Pealan!

Lisa ToMaoik






Âżad a ve ry su ccessfu l y e a r in th e Junior School ath letics p ro g ra m m e , w ith m any stu d en ts e x c e e d in g th e ir o w n e x p e c ta tio n s and achieving g re a t results. W e had a re c o rd n u m b e r o f p articip an ts and although w e h a v e a n o n -c o m p e titiv e policy in th e Junior School, th e stu d en ts p e rfo rm e d a t a v e ry high level. In addition to our w ell estab lish ed and b ro ad athletic re p e rto ire , w e a d d e d floorball and triathlon this year. O ur sp o rts p ro g ra m m e could not exist w ithout th e help and su p po rt o f c o m m itte d vo lu n teers, d e d ic a te d c o a c h e s and enthusiastic p articip an ts. W e w ould like to c o n g ra tu la te th e m all on a m arvellou s year! 74

T ¿ v ~v^ y fW ô Ô tí R u 4 í ^mK/tasssmme&^xJf

/ ' Ltf¿4!y /)a o &(<z s ct\


"Junior School T©akJ

( 5

G ra d e *l-<óT1oorball

G ra d e 5 Girls' Volleyball

G ra d e 5f(bTriathlon


G ra d e 5$(b Girls' Tloorball

G ra d e G>Girls’ Volleyball

G ra d e s^feTjugby

Grade 5 Girls’ 'Basketball

Grade 5 "Botes' "Basketball


'j'üM'p Tjcrpc fo r tfc a r t

'P ü M p k i r )

T ja r)



“B a d e n to n T t y s u > © a r’s - J u n i o r " B a d w iin to n t © a q b a s b a d an

in c r e d ib le

u n d e fe a te d p la u ) ,

seaso n .


w ith

b o tb

10 -0



l© a g u ©

te a q and

e x h ib itio n

re c o rd . T h e se

r e s u l t s a l l o w e d f f u lg r a u © t o

w as s tro n g

b o s t tb © k io r tb

5 b o r © ~ 2 o n © - p l a y o f f s . A f t e r a s© M ¡f n a l w in a g a i n s t 5 © u )C o v © O o

th a tc h e s



ju n io r t© a M

t b © n M © t S e n t i n e l in t b ©

w b © r©

-p r e v a ile d


ta b ©


K io rtb 5 b o r© " B a n n e r ( 7 M a t c h e s t o

our f in a l, tb ©


O ur t o a r a s q a d © tb © - p a r e n t s a n d f a n s -p r o u d v jjltb

tb © ir

5 -p o r ts M a n s b i- p


d e te rm in e d

© f f o r t t o - p la u ) t b © i r b © s t Ni)© lo o K f o r w a r d to

a n o th e r

T jic b M o n d


o -p - p o rtu n itu ) n© xt

u > © a r ’s

ta b ©


V ancouver



" D i s t r i c t C b a M -p io n 5 b i-p s! C o a c h e s , Tj. K © l© b© r, S - J u t © a u , M - 'F r e w i n

"Bao+CM “B o u )5 'B a sK ctb a ll \0 © b e g a n t b © s e a s o n vxJitb a SMall g r o u - p o f - p l a c e r s , q a n u ) o f w b o M b a d n © u © r - p la u ) © d c o M - p c titiv i© b a s b c t b a l l b e f o r e . T h r o u g h t b © c o u r s © o f t b © s e a s o n t b © - p l a c e r s d © v © lo -p © d b e t t e r in d iv id u a l sb ills, a s w e l l a s b e g in n in g t o

u n d e rs ta n d

t b © b a s i c c o n c © - p t 5 o f t© a M b a s b e t b a l l . "B vj t b © © n d o f t b © s e a s o n , t b © b o v js b a d - p r o g r e s s e d t o t b © - p o i n t w b © r© w © w © r © a b l© t o a g a in s t

so m



b ig g e r

s c h o o ls ,


a c c o M 'p li5 b M © n ts in b a s b © t b a l l t h i s s e a s o n -


s h o u ld

c o q - p © t © © ff© c tiv © k j> b©

-p ro u d


tb © lr

"BaotaM G irl 5 "B asketball The "BantaM Girls "Basketball te a q bad a fun-filled and challenging y e a r on tb c courts. Tb© highlight o f tb G season u a s an ouortiM© uin ouor Tjockridgo «oJith "JasqinG Soqani hitting a fr e e throve t o secure M ictory u itb one second le f t on th e clock. Throughout th e season th e girls b a ttle d hard each and e u e ry gaMG, neuer giving up, and ¡Mprouing th e ir skills along th e u a y .

"B a n t aig G irl 5 V olleyball The "Bantaq Girls Volleyball te a q had an outstanding season and c a p p e d o f f th e u)car b y winning a silver qedal a t th e In d e p e n d e n t School Cbaqpionsbips, placing th ird in kio rth Shore Seniors S e conda ry Schools league, and a f ir s t Hm© a-pyxzararicQ b y a n y T ta n Volleyball te a q a t th e Vancouver and "D is tric t cbaMpionsbips, u b e re t h e y p la c e d th ird o u t o f th e t o p $ te a q s in th e lo u e r Mainland.

Cross Country)

Ilr ^

X t bas been 0ratifu)¡n0 t o se c tb© Cross C ountry T e a y double ir) size since la s t y e a r and level o f p e rfo ry a n c © iyprov© so t b a t our te a y s ar© bigbl'-J) c o y p e titiv e . X>arin0 tb© season, atbl© t© s w e re e xp o se d t o a v a r ie ty o f rann¡n0 locations by tra¡n¡n0 In school and a t local -parks. L©a0ü© c o y p e titio n s to o k plac© a t Aybleside, L o u te t “ Park, Cleveland T>ay w ith tb© ~2 on© y e e t a t SquayisbG ro w th in nuybors bas y e a n t tb a t, fo r tb© f ir s t tiy e ©ver, Hul0raM© ©nt©r©d c o y p le t© te a y s In tbr© © o f tb© fo u r divisions o f tb© kio rtb Shore A A A /A A L©a0a©> "B antay "Boys, Senior Girls and Senior Oat o f ) (b te a y s , our overall standin0S w o re . "B antay Girls l 4tb, "B antay "Boys 7 tb, Senior Girls 8tb, Senior "Boys 7 t b c e rta in ly 0 r© a t t e a y e ffo r ts . X?urin0 tb© season tb©r© have b©©n a nuyber o f ©xc©ll©nt individual p e rfo ry a n c o s , but i t bas b©©n tb© t e a y s p ir it and Mutual s u p p o r t t b a t bas been p a rtic u la rly ) pl©asin0~2on©s Cbaypionsbips w as b©ld in r©al cross country) conditions, w o t, yu d d y w ith lo ts o f tw is ts and turn s alon0 fo r e s t tra c k s . All atbl© t© s to o k p a r t in tb© T on es as p a r t o f our Ion0 t o r y d e v e lo p y o n t and, altbou0b no-on© qualified fo r provincial cbaypionsbips, a w o rthw h ile foundation w as laid fo r futur© 5 ücc© 55 .Tbanks t o coacb©s, Mr í Mr s M°oro.

G o lfiT © a »0 Tb© 0 o lf t© a y bad a v e r y successful y e a r. Our students c o y p e te d a0ainst yucb Iar0© r schools and yucb older students. \0© bad a t o t a l o f 22 students fro y 0rad©s 7 tb ro u 0 b i ) r e p r e s e n t M<Jl0rave on tb© links this y e a r. \ji)e w © nt an iypressiv© 3 and 4 in tb© r©0ülar season, and id e n tifie d our k©y p la y e r s t o 0O on and r e p r e s e n t us In our p l a y o f f y a tc b a0ainst \i)bistl©r. Xn a p 0 b tly c o n te s te d y a tc b , Mul0rav© to o k aduanta0© o f tb© local knowl©d0© and ended u p Winnin0 b y a t o t a l o f (b s tro k e s fro y all l O 0 o lfe rsl ^ovin0 on t o tb© r©0ional p la y o ffs , tb© T itans a c q u itte d tb©ys©lv©s w ell in tb© "Provincial qualifier, Io5ln0 n a rro w ly t o la s t y e a r s bronze yed a lists fr o y \i)e s t “ Point G re y A cadeyy.

G r 7 “Bo u )5 "BasKetball Tbc

G rad e

7 T itans

basketball season

began w ith a bang. Hor © th a n 20 e a g e r boujs joined tb e sq_uad and, as tb© u>ear -progressed,


T ta n s



re-p ata tion fo r ©x-plosiuo runs on offe n se and tough, in u>our fa ce , defense. Xn Tobruanj), tb e team e n te re d tb e "Dragon Classic T o u rn a ie n t hosted boj St. G eorge's School and finished a res-pectabl© *ltb -place. Their re g u la r season re c o rd finished a t ‘t vxjins> and 2 loses, earning th e te a q a th ird -place ranking f o r th e final -plauj dau>. A fte r a solid uicton j) against \n)est “ Point Grew) Acadequ) th e

bou)S lo s t t o

T o u rn a ie n t






Mulgraue finished th e season in 4th -place. Accolades go t o "Braeden T tz -p a tric k ^abu>a Sabibolnasab OfC”P) and Hatbevxi “ Zvjjiq-pfer £AII ije a r t^ . Coach Keleber and Coach Ca'oJkell <ojould like t o thank all th e boujs fo r a e M o ra b le , and

G r 7 G irls T3 ash© tball The G rad e 7 girls basketball te a q -p a rtici-p a te d in *i re g u la r league gaiqes and finished in fo u rth -place during th e season- Tb©u) -placed in tb© XSTA to u rn a p e n t a t NjTPGA a t th e end o f Tebruanj). The girls -placed -particularlu) 'j j c II against a full c o u rt -press executing our


-pi a g


Congratulations go t o kiicola Harks Of\TP}, Celine Chen CHTXP} and Katrina Tjoss-Gbali CAII t je a r t } as our a<ojard dinners. The girls ijjo rko d hard on nevjj gaqo s tra te g ie s and su-p-ported each o th e r throughout our season- \i)ell done on a successful y e a r girls!

enjoyab le season-

G r (b"7 Tjugbu) G rad e 6 /7 rugby toaM bad ar) e x c e lle n t 2 0 0 ? season- "B e fo re spring break, which ¡5 well b e fo re +be season s ta rts , I bad stu d e n ts inquiring about tb c upcoming rugby tc a q . \i)itb tb© in te r e s t b¡gb well b e fo re tb c coMM©OceM©nt o f tb c season, X kn©w I t was going t o be a successful s t a r t . Tbe f ir s t w e ek o ye r t h ir t y keen p la c e r s a tte n d e d p r a c tic e and t h a t is bow i t sto o d f o r tb e r e s t o f tb e season- Tb© g ro u p w as ded icated, e a g e r t o learn, and could n o t w a it t o p u t tb e ir Mouth guards in and Make s o m © ta ckle s. Tbe rugby season w as s h o rt and intense. \ a)c b a ttle d against tb e re g u la r foes,- Collingwood, St. G eorges and Soutbridge. \ 0e w e re also fo rtu n a te t o baye scheduled an exhibition gcM© against a Capilano (J i 3 side which p ro u e d t o be q u ite th e challenge. One highlight t h a t stands o u t was a fa n ta s tic win against St. G eorges a t th e “ P layda y. The te a q fe a rle s s ly ta c k le d In defence, th e fo rw a rd s rucked like determined Machines and th e backs d is p la y e d fa n ta s tic skill and w e re re w a rd e d w ith beautiful trie s . \Obat c o n s is te n tly aMazes about rugby a t th e g ra d e 4 / 7 age, is th e


incredible learning t h a t ta k e s p la c e in such a s h o rt p e rio d o f P m©- T o see p la y e r s who join th e teaM baying n©y©r Made a ta c k le o r n©y©r rucked oye r and tb©n t o w itness th e ir confidence and skills g ro w o ye r th e course o f th e season is ¡MM©f)5ely rew arding froM a coaches p e rs p e c tiy e . So, I c o n g ra tu la te th e tje a yys f o r a n o th e r g r e a t season o f conquering fe a rs, boating foes and wish tboM th e b e s t o f luck in tb© ir fu tu re rugby endeayours.


c f ie l d





r lc

fœu W R E K P " ” rRT™M* ’ '


G r 7 SmiiMTcaiq




"JlNGOil© “B0U)5 "BasKctball The -Juvenile 1300)5 “Basketball te a M had a u o ry successful season this y e a r . The teaM s ta r te d th e y e a r With a f e u challenging gaines t h a t p ro M p te d th e te a M t o focas on

driuing t o th e n e t hard, solid rebounding and Strong w ork e th ic on th e coart. A fte r coM pleting a Marathon w o rth o f sprints, and hours o f box-oat/rebounding drills th e tGaM finished th e season by winning 5 o at o f th e ir la s t (b gaines and winning th e firs t e v e r C yp ress Shootout In v itatio n a l TournaMcnt

hosted by Mulgrave. All o f th e p la y e r s ¡Mproved o ver th e season and Many p la y e rs could easily have been in th e s ta rlin g lineup by season end. "Point guard “Brian Oh was th e te a M lf\TP. Kyle \i)h¡te had a treMendous season and was th e

Most ¡Mproued p la c e r

on th e te a M as well as th e Most consistent fre e -th ro w shooter. Sean “BroMley

established b'Mself as a th re e -p o in t t h r e a t in his la s t (b gaMes, while tfossein Sahiholnasab p ro v e d t o be one o f th e Most tenacious rebounders d e s p ite a slight 'je rtic a l challenge. O s c a rT w e e t established hM^elf as a serious p o s t t h r e a t and ArMaan Ali ran a w a y with th e Host S p irite d a w a rd fo r his fie r y coMpetitiveness and consistent desire t o do b e t t e r individually and as a teaM-

•yuMeoil© G irls "BasKetball The "Juvenile Girls “Basketball te a M had a fun and exciting 2 0 0 0 -0 5 season- The te a M

develo p ed



th e ir

individual basketball fundaMentals, te a M cohesiveness and sportsManship during league p la y and a tournaM ent held a t Carson GrahaM- \i)ith only 5 p la y e rs , th e girls b a ttle d hard each and e v e r y gaMe, ending th e season with a 2-(b record.

'JU'JGOil© G irls Moll©u)ball Mulgrau© School's "Ju<j©n¡l© Girls \ioll©u)ball t©aM is Mad© up o f a tal© nt© d and ucrsatil© g ro u p o f a th le te s who r©-pr©5©nt©d th© ir school and t©aM w ith prid©, resourcefulness and coarag© thro ugho ut th© ©ntir© 200$ uoll©u)ball seasonTh©u) o f t e n fo u n d th©MS©lu©s -p la c in g a g a in s t g irls w h o w © r© b ig g e r and o ld e r th a n th©MS©lu©s b u t th©u> r e fu s e d t o giu©



© s p e c ia lly


tru e


dow nManu>


w as


th ©

to u rn a M © n t5 in w hich th©<J) p la c e d .

Th©u) finished in 5 t h p lac© (.out o f 12 t© aq5 } in th© IS A "Junior Girls to u r n a ie n t and in <oth -plac© (o u t o f IO t©aM5^) in th© "Junior Girls highroad Academy tournaM©nt. Th©w> ©vj©n Managed t o ta k © th© 'pro'Jinciallu)-rank©d "Junior Girls highroad Acad©mj) t©aM t o a 3 rd and final s e t which th©u) w©r© winning a t on© -point 12-1 o. Xn th© ©nd, tjighroad Acad©M<J) Managed t o -pull i t o u t bu> a scor© o f 15 - 12 t o win th© MatchI n MSSSAA l©agu© -piau> our girls finished w ith a re c o rd o f *7 wins and 3 losses. Th© -p la y o ffs s t a r t e d w ith a win ou©r Tockridg© and ©nd©d w ith a loss t o STA in th© s©M¡"final Match- Our girls th©n plau>©d Sg u j c o u © in th© consolation final t o d©t©rM¡n© who would finish in th ird plac© and r e p r e s e n t th© MSSSAA in th© wild ca rd gaM<2 against TjichMond t o ©arn a b e rth t o th© Vancouver and X »istrict ChaMpion&hi"ps- Our girls won th© f ir s t s© t 2 5 - 2 3 and all looked good as th©u) to o k


<7 -2

lead in th© second set.

dnfortunatclu), Sei^cou© ©nd©d u p fighting back and winning th© s e t 2 5 - 2 3 . Th© th ird and fo u rth s e ts w©r© ju s t as closclu) c o n te s te d but w© ©nd©d up falling ju s t s h o rt in both o f th©M- \»)© finished th© season in *ith plac©. Th© p e rfo rm a n ce o f our t©aM this season highlights t h a t w© ar© a growing fore© in high school uoll©ij>ball on th© ktorth Shore and t h a t w© havj© a bright futur© ahead o f us. Go T itan s Gol

'J 'ü 'J G O il© T j u a b u ) T b c -Juyenile T3ou)S rugtxj season re su lte d in th e ir b e s t standing eyer. T h e ^ earned th e rig h t t o

c o M p e to in th e Vancouuer and

D is t r ic t




caM e

yjithin a yjhisker o f taking th e cup. Although our te a M did n o t p ro u a il in th e end, th e ir o p p o n e n ts froM A r g ile y je re pushed fo r th e e n tir e GO Minutes bu> a yeru> coMMi+ted and hard-yjorking Mulgraye teaMT h e '■Juyenile t e a q o f g ra d e S and 5 boujs and yjas co ach ed bu> Ho "Jones and g rade ) i

s tu d e n t " B r e t t ~Zielke. The coaches

y je r e iM pressed bu) th e treMendous teaM chcMistru)

th e

bou>s deve lop ed

as th e

season p ro g re s s e d . Strong gaMes against ShavKinigan L a k e and tfugh HcTioberts y je re highlights


th e



c le a r

enthusiasM f o r th e s p o r t yjitbin this g roup


a th le te s bodes yjoll f o r th e fu tu re o f

th e Mulgraye A th le te s prograMM®.

S p ir it Schaad Xn this inaugural u>ear f o r M^lgrayes f ir s t s p ir it squad a la rge g ro u p o f students across th e u p p e r school yje ars haye been Meeting XiOednesdau) Mornings a t 7 a.M- all (j>ear t o p r a c tic e lifts, pu)raMid5, cheers, and u>es, full on p o y jo r cheerleading dance routinesl Tbeu) he*UG p e rfo rm e d a t s p ir it rallies and eyen a t s o mg liye basketball gaMes. A g r e a t y je a r o f s p irit!

Senior "Bovys "BasKctball a rebuilding y e a r f o r tb© Senior Titans. \n)itb only on© k e y -pia y e r froM la s t y e a r s squad returning, th e r e w as a bacK-to-basics a p p ro a c h t o basketball this ujear. Tb© season s ta r te d o f f 'p re d ic ta b ly enough, w© strug gle d in gaM©5, but d e fin ite ly showed gliippses o f w h a t was t o c o m ©. As our a th le te s d e ve lo p e d th e ir skills and confidence, gaqes g o t clo se r and closer. "By th e end o f th e season, o-p-poslng coaches coMM©nd©d us on our ¡Mprov©Mont. k io x t y e a r w© e x p e c t t o have a nuqber o f returning p>layers and vjjill be looking t o -put Hulgraue boys basketball back on th e q a p . 2 0 0 2 .- 2 0 0 5 w as

5 ©r)ior "Bovys Tjuabu) ffulgrave's Senior T^ugby te a q Is young, but th e academ e y e a r o f 2 0 0 2 / 2 0 0 5 saw i t ¡Mprove In le a p s and bounds. The t e a y Made u-p o f students froM grades 2 through 12, s t a r t e d th e seasons f ir s t gaiqe on th e w rong fo o t, but quickly th e young M©n on th e te a y gelled and becaM© a clo se r teaM- The caM araderie and te a q u o r k ¡Mproved significa ntly a f t e r th e ir annual to u r t o "P enticton, which has becoMC a s ta p le o f th e season- The boys Managed t o re c o rd tw o wins in th e season, losing ell o th e r gatees b y I 4 -points o r less, and showed Íc e n s e p o te n tia l. Xn th e p la y o ffs , th e boys fo ught b ra v e ly against Sentinel, a teaM t h a t had thorough ly bea ten th©M in th e re g u la r season, and lo s t 5 - 0 , being denied a co n tro ve rsia l t r y in tb© la s t p la y o f th e gaye t h a t would have tie d i t up. This y e a r d e iq on strated t h a t th e r e a re a lo t o f skilled rugby p la y e r s within th e Senior school and, should th e p la y e r s continue t o realize th e ir p o te n tia l, th e r e is no doubt t h a t th e ffulgrave Senior "Boys Tjugby TeaM will be v e r y successful in y e a r s t o c o m o .

Oar Senior Girls 'B asketb all te a m w r a p p e d up th e ir season la s t w e ek vjjitb an Stb p la c e finish a t th e '"Provincial CbaMpionshlps In kerem eos. X t w as an exciting to u r n a ie n t consisting o f th e b e st twelviŠ A team s from around th e p ro vin ce. T h e highlight o f th e t r i p w as an ovjertime win against th e host school ( 5 5 - 5 4^ in f r o n t o f a s p irite d and load crow d. \i)e w e re one o f th e yo u n g e st and s h o rte s t team s a t th e to u r n a ie n t but t h a t did n o t p rÊ v ie n t us from perform ing well. The r e s t o f th e provin ce now knows t h a t Mulgravie has a stro n g basketball p r o g r a m e t h a t is s ta rtin g t o find its stride. Xn re g u la r season piau>, our te a m had a re c o rd o f *1 veins and 2 losses and finished tie d fo r second p la c e in th e league standings. This is q p ite an accomplishment seeing bow all o f our games w o re ag ain st AA and AAA schools. T h e highlight o f th e season was beating 5 TA in a tightlu) c o n te s te d b a ttle , 5 0 - 4G, A nother highlight w a s haviing t h r e e o f our p la c e r s s e le c te d t o th e viarious kiSSSAA a ll-s ta r team s. Kaltlin C. w a s s e le c te d a

1st Team All-Star, -J'aime i\. a 2nd Team All-Star, and "Evite ~Z. an

honourable Mention A ll-S ta r. Xn L o w e r Mainland A "Zone plavj), our team w e n t u n d e fe a te d and was crow ned zone champions fo r th e 200 $ - 20 0 e? season- X t is th e second time in th re e v^ears t h a t our girls havje had this honour. \n)e owie a la rg e p a r t o f our success t o our graduating seniors Kaitlin C, "Evite ~Z. and Megan T. "B etw een them, th eu; havie been p a r t o f t h e program fo r 12 ujears. T he ir e xp e rie n ce , leadership, and determ ination will be missed g re a tlu j n e x t vjoar. All in all, i t was a g r e a t season- k ie x t u>ear promises t o be ju s t as exciPng! 91

Senior GirlsT^uabu) X t vjas a n o th e r exciting season as vje kicked o f f against Carson GrahaM on March 13 , 200*7 v jith no fe v je r th a n nine n©vj p la y e rs . X t w as an exciting season t h a t ended v jith our la s t q a tc h against Carson G ra h a y X t vjas a vjonderful s p e c ta c le o f rugby v jith trie s being scored b y Lisia Mioicucci, Madison XnMan and M©¡ Kím Lee. Angie T ravlos succeeded vjith th e b e s t conversion o f th e season. A t th e end o f th e season a vja rd s events, th e following p la y e r s v je re recognised. Laura "Blair - Most valuable “ P la y e r Lisia Mioicucci - Most Im p ro v e d “ P la y e r Madison InMan - Most Outstanding "Back Katrina Kernaghan ~ Most Outstanding T o rv ja rd Angie T ravlos - The Chairmans Avjard Thanks go t o th e co-coaches Ms M®lissa Moore and Ms SaMantha Coutts,- as vjell as Mr Martin "Jones, Mr T014 G reen and Mr 0 "B S e a le y f o r th e ir assistance in helping t o shape this young t e a y

S enior G irls V olleyball This y e a r, th© Senior Girls Volleyball teaM finished <óth in th e L o rth Shore League, th e ir highest p la ccM e n t so fa r. T h e y c o q p e ta d against AA-AAAA tcak^s. T v j o highlights during league p ia y this y e a r w e re victo rie s o v e r Collingvjjood and Seycovo. The girls co M p e te d in th e A "Zones kxihere t h e y finished 2nd p la c e giving thcM th e o p p o r tu n ity t o p la y in th e V)ild Card to u r n a ie n t f o r th e A “ Provincials. U n fo rtu n a te ly, th e girls fe ll s h o rt o f th e ir goal o f Making th e “ Provincials but still hed a successful season- The girls also e n jo y e d our t r i p t o San "Diego vjh e re t h e y p la y e d against 50140 (JSA te a q s. The girls s te p p e d u p t o th e challenge and p la y e d v e r y vjell as a cohesive te a q . V)e also had a fun filled d a y a t "Disneyland riding th e rides to g e th e r and m atching th e p a ra d e . The G rad e 12'5 vjill be Missed n e x t season and th e returning p la y e r s look fo rw a rd t o a n o th e r exciting season-



5 ©o¡or S'oJiMTeaM T b c Ifulgravo SvjiM TeaM bad th e ir b e s t finish e v e r a t t h e "BC ffigh School "Provincials la s t vjee ke n d (tio veM b er ) <Jtb and I 5 th }- Xn o rd o r t o q u a lify fo r this e v e n t, svj¡MM©rs had t o -place In th e to -p <b a t th e "Tone Chaq-pionshi-ps h©ld a t th e end o f O ctober. /^ulgravG had a

re c o rd

2 2 svj¡MM©rs

q u a lify fo r "Provincials this y e a r . A t "Provincials, th e M^lgrave svj¡MM©rs qualified fo r finals in 12 5 e -p a ra te events. Oar to-p -placing vjas in th e i x so T r e e r e la y w h e re th e te a M consisting

o f Talia


Oliver "Detq-pseu),

G orden Larson and Victoria Hasney caiqe firs t in th e


V)ith -points earned

by aliqost

e v e r y teaM qoMber, A g r a v e caiqe 12th out o f tcaM 5.

Synchronized swiMMiog is also a -p a rt o f th e A quatic "Provincials and congratulations goes out t o our synchronized svjiMM©rs; all five o f tbcM qualified fo r "Provincials and our overall te a M sco re e a rn e d sixth -place in th e -province. T w o o f our sw¡MM©rs earned Medals this y e a r ; "JaiMe ^ills e a rn e d

a bronze in b©r c a te g o r y

and kiicola

Harks won gold in her c a te g o ry . "Even though th e H ^grave S w ¡m T e a q -practices v e r y e a r ly in th e Morning, w e had a re co rd nuMber o f 5VJiMM©rs tra in and coM-pete this y e a r . T h e y a r e all to be c o n g ratu lated fo r th e ir hard w ork

and e xc e lle n t results. V)ay to go Titans!

T © 0 0 i5 The





g re a t


"Des-pite being a v e r y young te a M -playing in th e senior division, th e te a M did v e r y well in th e regular season, ending with a to-p four finish on th e Iviortb Shore. A g r a v e Tennis TeaM then v jo n t on t o vjin against th e to-p tw o "Burnaby teaMS t o secure a s-pot in "Provincials. tennis,

A fte r




th r e e won was


third an

o f g re a t


in th e


achieveMcnt fo r th e te a M and an e xc e lle n t season93

Atbl©t©s o f tb© ^©ar 'J'unior School TeMale A th le te o f th e ^ean Antonia \¿)eanqouth 'Junior School Male A th le te o f th e f e a r Keuin Tabian Middle School Male A th le te o f th© f e a r "Eric "Bleiq Middle School TeMale A th le te o f th e f e a r 'fa ille ffills Senior School TekJ(de A th le te o f th e f e a r Kaitlin Cujr Senior School Mai© A th le te o f th© f e a r Oliver 'Deq'pseu)





I /



Academies 95

Cusbert Scholarship Cusbert Scholars are students who: -Demonstrate the IB Learner Profile -Have an even temper -Are positive, hard-working, respectful and well-intentioned -Are able to learn from mistakes -Are wonderful role models for other students -Are inclusive of others and never intentionally mean -Are respectful and demonstrative of the school rules and standards -Are able to ignore peer pressure to do what is right -Are supported by parents who are respectful towards faculty and staff and openly supportive of the schools philosophy and operation Emme Lee & Zachary Lim

ju n io r S c h o o l A w a rd s MULGRAVE Award Awarded to students who have scored highly in each of the attributes associated with the award. M-anners, U-niqueness, L-ove of learning, G-enerosity, R-espect, A-ttitude, V-erve, and E-xcellence. 3B 3C 4J 4H 4R 5R 5K 5F 60 6J 6Y

Lauren Mounzer, Andrew Zheng Angela Zhao, So Yi Lee Aria Guld, Michaela Borrell Matthew Cho, Ben Huang Jordan Henderson, Michael Calder Sydney White, Georgia Boddez Erin Longo, Emme Lee Anniqa Karmali, Chloe Kim Sarah Halldorson, Cameron Henderson Elaine Guo, Simon McEvoy Sarah Walker, Andrew French

Effort Award Awarded to the student who has put a consistently high level of effort into academics, the arts, athletics or service, or a combination of those strands. 3B 3C 4J 4H 4R 5R 5K 5F 60 6J 6Y

Armón Shokravi Joshua Levy Kiyaana Manji Sian Shin Jackson Pike Jordan Beck Natalie Marshall Ahmed Dharamsi Caroline Williams-Wood Yeonsoo Song Christina Catliff

Spirit Award Awarded to the student who motivates, leads, and inspires and who is positive and inclusive. The manifestation of these qualities may vary depending upon the age of the student. For example, the older the student, the more the leadership component should be demonstrated. 3B 3C 4J 4H 4R 5R 5K 5F 60 6J 6Y

Alyssa Shull Arveen Shokravi Emilie Desabráis Zoé Ablett Katherine O'Brien Nadia Rodrigues Betsie deBeer Alex Eastman Rachel Raffard Liam Mitchell Yunnya Lee

The Madat E. Jamal Award For the student who has displayed outstanding aesthetic awareness & creativity in the visual arts. Maggie Zheng The Koenig Family Award For fine arts & performance. Oscar Zimmerman Violet Witty Memorial Award For perseverance. Emma Earner Goult Everett Allan Larose Memorial Award for Positiveness Awarded to the student who most exemplifies a positive attitude towards self, fellow students & faculty. Duncan Lucas and Zoe Anderson Dvnapro Cud Presented by Dynapro for creative endeavours in science. Duncan Lucas

Stanley Ross Mitchell Memorial Award For excellent participation & achievement in school music activities. Jolee Tung George Woods Plate A w a rd e d fo r spirit & enthusiasm - put your heart into everything you do. Claire Attridge Public Speaking Award F o r e x c e lle n c e in public speaking. Claire Attridge Priest Love of Learning Award Angela Joannou Female Athletic Award F o r the fe m a le student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and allro u n d a th le tic is m . Antonia Wearmouth Male Athletic Award

F o r the m a le s tu d e n t who displays ro u n d a th le tic is m . Kevin Fabian

leadership, sportsmanship and all-

Andrew Lambert Award for Positive Action A w a rd e d to th e Junior School student who best demonstrated positive action, in s e n /ic e for the betterment of our environment or the people of o u r w orld. The student must demonstrate independence, risk-taking as w e ll a s a n open-minded and caring demeanour. Sarah Walker Chairmans Cup In a n n u a l re c o g n itio n o f a ttrib u te s o f c itiz e n sh ip ,

a student w h o exemplifies the combined academics, the arts and athletics. Jolee Tung

The Alexander Grace Inspiration Award D o n a te d by the Solloway family as a tribute to a young life lost to can ce r, th is a w a rd recognizes the student who shows the qualities of p e rs e v e ra n c e , courage and dignity under adversity. Jalisa Chandani P.E. Awards

Grade 4 - Ben Huang, Liam Gray Grade 5 • Bishr Alimohamed, Anna Crone. Matthew Durrans, Alexander Eastman, Elias Ergas, Anniqa Karmali, Chloe Kim, Hannah Rahim, Gregory Read, James Croke, Carl Steffens, Christopher Andrews, Man Po (Michelle) Cheung, Chanhee ( Tristan) Cho, Victor Feng, Veojae Song, Zi Ang (Tiger) Wang. Zachary Ingram, Emma Neill-Klein, Danielle Wierenga Grade 6 - Lewis Croke, Nicholas Frost, Jong Wook (Fred ) Kim, Gereon Wahle, Jonathan Andrews. Kevin Fabian, Ryan Gray, Mitchell Oswald, Hirmand Saffari, Mitchell Thompson, Antonia Wearmouth, Caroline Williams-Wood, Andrew Ablett, Adrian Dean, Simon McEvoy, Jong Sung (Frank) Kim, John Mitchell, Kelcy Timmons, Jolee Tung, Sarah Walker, Trevor Withers

Junior School Music Pin

Copper pins Grade 5- Emma Berton. Michelle Cheung, Jamie Croke, Rebecca Kendrick, Chloe Kim, Soraiya Lalani, Jenny Li, Carl Steffens, Danielle Wierenga Copper pins Grade 6 - Sunny Choi, Jamilla Janmohamed, Eric Jung, Sandra Thies Silver pins Grade 6 - Jolee Tung, Trevor Withers

Service Awards Copper Service - Caitlyn Southey, Kayla-lman Talib. Angela Joannou, Laura Fabian, Isabelle Hui Bon Hoa, Lauren Mounzer, Alessia Kettlitz, Maya Alfreds, Michael Rockandel, Tushya Iyer, Zoe Ablett, Michelle Creber, Jordan Henderson, Jenissa Janmohamed, Hannah Palacios, Sian Shin, Natasha Somani, Sara Somani, Michelle Cheung, Duncan Lucas, Adam Rahemtulla, Jordan Somani. Claire Attridge, Christina Catliff, Lewis Croke, Andrew French, Frank Kim. Simon McEvoy. John Mitchell. William Pullen . Antonia Wearmouth, Sunny Choi, Lauren Forster, Elaine Guo, Nicholas Frost, Ryan Gray, Jamilla Janmohamed, Hee Jin Jeong, Fred Kim. Rachel Raffard, Omar Salemohamed, Sandra Thies, Mitchell Thompson, Adrian Dean, Zoe Anderson Bronze Service - Liam Mitchell. Yeonsoo Song, Michaela Borrell, Emma Dean, Stefanie Gates, Avery Grantham, Benny Jean Cytrynbaum, Metraya Fedor. Sarah Halldorson, Angela Ibbott. Shayan Lakhani. Katherine OBrien, Anika Walker, Georgina Philpotts Silver Service - Emma Berton, Maren Lester, Yunnya Lee. Caroline Williams Wood, Carl Steffans. Abbey Sewell Gold Service - Sarah Walker, Victoria O'Brien, Emma Goult


M¡ddl© $ Senior School Aw ards MULGRAVE Award (up to two per homeroom/advisor group) Awarded to students who have scored highly in each of the attributes associated with the award. M-anners, U-niqueness, Love of learning, G-enerosity, R-espect, A-ttitude, V-erve, and Excellence 7C - Katrina Ross-Ghali, Matthew Zwimpfer 7M - Daniel Moffatt, Anisha Navaratnam 7R - Connor Hughes, Megan Steffens 7S - Celine Chen, Marcus Hann 8G - Ameeqa Ali, Rachel Ingram 8J - Justin Chan, Natasha Virani 8M - Ellen (Ellie) Beveridge, Noojan Mazaheri 9B - Katrina Kernaghan, Aeron Westeinde 9C - Marthinus (MC) de Beer, Nicole Moller 9J - Eric Bleim, Jessica (Jessie) Evans 9W - Graham Brown, Alexandra Crone 10D - Nicholas Dempsey, Juliette Levine 10H - Madison Inman, Ga Eun (Glara) Rhee 10S - Louise Chong, Sarah (Mei-Kim) Lee Grade 11 - Marize Bakhet, Alexandra (Alex) Bleim, Jan de Beer, Zachary Lim, Melanie Moller, Julia Turner Grade 12 - Brittany Labron, Morgan Lunn, Anna (Annie) Maurer. Tobias (Tobi) Volkmann, Hai Xi Wang Effort Award (one per homeroom/advisor group) Awarded to the student who has put a consistently high level of effort into academics, the arts, athletics or service, or a combination of those strands. 7C - Rose Gallo 7M - Seyedyahya (Yahya) Sahiholnasab 7R - Megan Moffatt 7S - Mitchell Madill 8G - Emily Sewell 8J - Jasmine Somani 8M - Heather Chambers 9B - Seyedhossein (Hossein) Sahiholnasab 9C - Shi Long (Peter) Tang 9J - Tenal Bourchier 9W - Nadir Surani 10D - Hannah Borland 10H - Hana Turner 10S - Alyssa Rodrigues Grade 11 - Julia Brown, Pedram Hemati, Talia Benson, Jenna Hassan Grade 12 - Eric Tam, Mei-Ling Lee, Lundup Sherpa Spirit Award (one per homeroom/advisor group) Awarded to the student who motivates, leads, and inspires and who is positive and inclusive. The manifestation of these qualities may vary depending on the age of the student. For example, the older the student, the more the leadership component should be demonstrated. 7C - Sophia Chappell 7M - Jung Woo (Justin) An 7R - Mitchell (MJ) Mayo 7S - Georgia (Gina) Stylianides 8G - Melissa Godin 8J - Stephanie Porter 8M - Amy Neilson 9B - Kyle White 9C - Dominique Hart 9J - Nisia Minicucci 9W - Sam Griffiths 10D - Laura Blair 10H - Tirajeh Mazaheri 10S - Shannon Caron Grade 11 - Brett Zielke. Meghan Robinson, Catherine Addison, Gorden Larson Grade 12 - Rachel Lee, Gopinath Supramaniam, Lauren Wierenga 98

Middle School Creative Writing Award This award is presented to a student in Grades 7-9 who has excelled in external competitive writing contests. Emma Moulton Caroline Stevenson Brown Memorial Award Donated by the Neill family, this is awarded for excellence in creative writing in the Senior School. Fiona Brough Middle School French Award "En route aux étoiles" - donated by Derek & Carlotta Lee Polina (Paulina) Piskova The Madame Lo & Family French Legacy Award Japprends le Français par coeur Keegan Balcom British Properties Scholarship $400 ($200 x 2) Awarded to a Grade 12 student or students who have, through their personal commitment and effort, made a significant contribution to the Mulgrave and/or wider community (donated by the British Properties Area Homeowners' Association) Anna (Annie) MaurerGopinath Supramaniam Madat Ali Pirani Memorial Cup Awarded for excellence in Social Studies in the Middle School Aeron Westeinde Senior School Social Studies Award Awarded to the Senior School student who demonstrates excellence in Social Studies Matthew Smith The Funston Award Awarded for excellence in English in the Middle School. Michaela Hughes English Inspiration Award Awarded to the Senior School student who demonstrates excellence in English Melanie Moller Mulgrave Middle School Mathematics Award Awarded for consistent excellence in Mathematics donated by Dr Turner Shi Long (Peter) Tang Mulgrave Senior School Mathematics Award Awarded for excellence in Mathematics - donated by the Pirani family Jee-Hye (Esther) Jang Mulgrave Middle School Science Award Donated by the Demers/Palyga family; this is awarded to the student exhibiting the spirit of science and discovery Dustin Riley Mulgrave Senior Schooi Science Award Awarded to the student exhibiting the spirit of science and discovery Mei-Ling Lee BC Innovation Council Science Achievement Award Awarded to the top grade 12 Science student in Mulgrave. Students need to be enrolled in at least 2 Sciences in order to be considered. Michael Pettigrew

The Rising Star Award This award is for excellent participation and achievement in one or more areas of the Middle School Music programme Kyle White The Mulgrave Star Trophy Donated by the Thomas family, this award is for excellent participation and achievement in one or more areas of the Senior School Music programme Harrison (Harry) Brook The Bard Award For excellence in theatrical performance Lauren Wierenga The Downey Award For excellence in visual arts in the Middle School Alexandra Crone The Senior School Art Award For excellence in visual arts in the Senior School Ashley Peet Senior School Public Speaking Award For achieving the highest overall standing at the Western Invitational Speaking Contest Juliette Levine Senior School Debating Award For achieving the highest overall standing in competitive debating. Sophie Bird The Global Leadership Award Presented to the student who has demonstrated exemplary leadership in global service and citizenship in humanitarianism and/or sustainable development. Donated by the Walakoff family. Keegan Balcom The Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award The Duke of Edinburghs Award is a self-development programme available to all young people, equipping them with life skills to make a difference to themselves, their communities and their country. The Gold Award is the highest achievement in the programme and involves a minimum of 12 months engaged in skill-building, service, adventure, physical recreation, and a residential project. Rachel Lee Middle School Leadership Award Donated by the Shepard family; Presented to the Middle School student who has made exceptional contributions to leadership at Mulgrave. These contributions may be in community, athletics, arts or any combination therein. Jaime Hills Senior School Leadership Award Donated by the 2005/2006 Head Students Shae de Jaray & Rebecca Cynader; Presented to the senior student who has made exceptional contributions to leadership at Mulgrave. These contributions can be in community, athletics, arts or any combination therein. Lauren Wierenga Mulgrave Gold Service Award The Gold Service Pin is the highest honour we bestow in recognition of Service Leadership at Mulgrave. The recipient or recipients of this award are already involved in service well beyond our Bronze and Silver levels. They demonstrate service learning achievements and initiative, an altruistic spirit and the essential qualities of compassion, commitment, responsibility, independence, advocacy, and above all, leadership. Oliver Dempsey, Lauren Wierenga, Keegan Balcom, Priyanka Dhaliwal

The Bruce M, Hicks Public Service Award "Equality Through Action". Presented to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Haig Basmadjian The Lighthouse Park Preservation Society Book Award Awarded to a graduating student who has an interest in natural history and has demonstrated engagement with the natural world. Keegan Balcom University of Toronto National Book Award This is awarded in recognition of exceptional abilities, both personal and academic, in the eyes of the school and the University of Toronto Priyanka Dhaliwal Mulgrave Scholarships Fiona Brough, Nicholas Dempsey, Mei-Kim Lee, Andrew Moffatt Millennium Excellence Award - Local Level Awarded $4,500 Nima Jelveh House Cup Trophy Presented to the House Captains Smith Mulgrave Middle School Boys Athletic Award This is awarded to the male student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all around athleticism in the Middle School. Eric Bleim The Bruno Straub Award Donated by Ms. Straub, this is awarded to the female student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all around athleticism in the Middle School Jaime Hills Mulgrave Senior Boys Athletic Award Donated by the Houghton family, this is awarded to the Senior male student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all around athleticism. Oliver Dempsey Mulgrave Senior Girls Athletic Award This is awarded to the Senior female student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all around athleticism. Kaitlin Cyr The Alexander Edward Priest Memorial Cup For the student who exemplifies the love of learning Sina Habibian The Governor General’s Academic Medal This medal is awarded to the Grade 12 student who achieves the highest average on their Official Transcript of Grades as issued by the Ministry of Education. Ang Li Chairmans Award Middle School Donated by the Robertson family, this award is in recognition of a student who demonstrates excellence in citizenship, academics, the arts and athletics in the Middle School. AngÊlique (Angle) Travlos Chairmans Award Senior School Donated by the Robertson family, this award is in recognition of a student who demonstrates excellence in citizenship, academics, the arts and athletics in the Senior School. Oliver Dempsey

H¥ddlŠ and Senior School S u b je ct Aw ards Grade 7 Awards Mandarin 7 - Na Won (Courtnie) Baek, Latin 7 - Jun Sung Byun, Mathematics 7- Ye Jin (Christina) Choi, English 7 - Brent Coutts, Science 7 - Brent Coutts, Visual Art 7 - Tasha Fischer, Technology 7 - Rose Gallo, Social Studies 7 - Ammar Karmali, French 7 - Cayla Kaufman, Physical Education 7 - Caitlin McKinnon, Theatre Arts 7 Micah Smith, Instrumental Music 7 - Megan Steffens Grade 8 Awards Mandarin 8 - Ameeqa Ali, Instrumental Music 8 - Jin Hyung (Brandon) Baek, French 8 - Ellen (Ellie) Beveridge, Theatre Arts 8 Ellen (Ellie) Beveridge, Latin 8 - Kam Kwan (Ronald) Cheung, Creative Writing 8 - Melissa Godin, Science 8 - Alexina Henderson, Mathematics 8 - Joo Whan (Louis) Kim, Social Studies 8 - Joo Whan (Louis) Kim, English 8 - Emma Rahemtulla, Visual Art 8 Rachael Read, Physical Education 8 - Constantin Wahle, Technology 8 - Mackenzie Wallster Grade 9 Awards Science 9 - Jessica (Jessie) Evans, Visual Art 9 - Mana Habibian, Social Studies 9 - Adam Hart, Physical Education 9 - Charles (Charlie) Hart, Technology 9 - Charles (Charlie) Hart, Latin 9 Kendall McIntyre, Mathematics 9 - Dong Hwan (Brian) Oh, English 9 - Nicholas (Nick) Pallone, Mandarin 9 - Polina (Paulina) Piskova, Theatre Arts 9 - Kate Shepard, French 9 - Nadir Surani, Instrumental Music 9 - Shi Long (Peter) Tang, A.C.E. 9 - Xinyi (Cherry) Xie Grade 10 Awards Social Studies 10 - Shannon Caron, Visual Art 10 - Louise Chong, Film Studies 10 - Conrad James, Mandarin 10 - Woo Jin Jeong, Mathematics 10 - Woo Jin Jeong, Mathematics 11 - Hee Jin (Jiny) Kim, Theatre Arts 10 - Sarah (Mei-Kim) Lee, Science 10 - Juliette Levine, Instrumental Music 10 - Nicole Linaksita, Physical Education 10 - John (Jack) MacPhail French 10 - Tirajeh Mazaheri, A.C.E. 10 - Andrew Moffatt, English 10 - Spencer Nash Grade 11 Awards IB Mandarin 11 - Zain Alimohamed, IB Chemistry 11 - Loryn Arnett. IB Economics 11 - Haig Basmadjian, IB History 11 - Julia Brown, IB Film 11 - Jeremy Cox, IB Geography 11 - Jan de Beer, IB Spanish 11 - Jee-Hye (Esther) Jang, IB Biology 11 - Zachary Lim, IB English 11 - Anna Liu, IB Theatre Arts 11 - Melanie Moller, IB Theory of Knowledge 11 - Rachel Petrovicz, IB French 11 - Meghan Robinson, IB Mathematics 11 - Jia Qi (Andrea) Sun, IB Physics 11 Jia Qi (Andrea) Sun, IB Visual Arts 11 - Lauren Thomas Grade 12 Awards IB French 12 - Keegan Balcom, IB Theatre Arts 12 - Kaitlin Cyr, IB English 12 - Sina Habibian, IB Chemistry 12 - Mei-Ling Lee, IB Physics 12 - Ang Li, IB Theory of Knowledge 12 - Ang Li, IB Biology 12 - Morgan Lunn, IB Mandarin 12 - Victoria Masney, IB Mathematics 12 - Michael Pettigrew, IB Spanish 12 - Michael Pettigrew, IB Film 12 - Matthew Smith IB Visual Arts 12 - Ju Yeon (Jullian) Song, IB History 12 - Jennifer Stone English Awards Grade 7 Writing - Julia Pinnock, Katrina Ross-Ghali Grade 8 Writing - Ellen (Ellie) Beveridge, Alexina Henderson, Rachel Ingram, Noojan Mazaheri, Emma Rahemtulla, Emily Shields, Josef Thompson Debating - Emma Rahemtulla Grade 9 Debating - Kendall McIntyre, Aeron Westeinde Writing - Xinyi (Cherry) Xie Grade 10 Debating - Sophie Bird, Ashley Bowron, Gregory (Ethan) GaudryGardner, Juliette Levine Public Speaking - Sophie Bird, Ashley Bowron, Gregory (Ethan) Gaudry-Gardner, Juliette Levine Writing - Fiona Brough Grade 11 Writing - Anna Liu, Melanie Moller 100

Mathematics Awards Grade 7 Canadian National Math League Contest - Matthew Abrary, Jun Sung Byun, Celine Chen, Ye Jin (Christina) Choi, Seung Woo (Michael) Ji, Won Jean (Michael) Lee Gauss Contest - Matthew Abrary, Na Won (Courtnie) Baek, Jun Sung Byun, Bronwyn Carere, David Cross, Noah Guld, Anna Hetherington, Connor Hughes, Seung Woo (Michael) Ji, Won Jean (Michael) Lee, Hao (Michael) Liu, Hayley McIntyre, Aleem Muljiani, Megan Steffens (Outstanding Achievement) - Ye Jin (Christina) Choi Math Challengers Team Competition - Na Won (Courtnie) Baek, Ye Jin (Christina) Choi, Seung Woo (Michael) Ji, June Young (William) Kim BC Secondary School Math Contest - Ye Jin (Christina) Choi Grade 8 Canadian National Math League Contest - Jin Hyung (Brandon) Baek, Justin Chan, Min Kyu (Alex) Chung, Joo Whan (Louis) Kim, Xiao Nan (Summer) Xing Gauss Contest - Jin Hyung (Brandon) Baek, Ellen (Ellie) Beveridge, Justin Chan, Adam Chandani, Min Kyu (Alex) Chung, Joo Young (Carl) Jeong, Joo Whan (Louis) Kim, Noojan Mazaheri, Noojan Mazaheri, Ji Min Seung, Xiao Nan (Summer) Xing (Outstanding Achievement)- Adele Ka Math Challengers Team Competition - Jin Hyung (Brandon) Baek, Mark Bakhet, Justin Chan, Joo Whan (Louis) Kim, Emma Rahemtulla, Xiao Nan (Summer) Xing American Mathematics Competition - Justin Chan, Min Kyu (Alex) Chung, Joo Whan (Louis) Kim BC Secondary School Math Contest - Joo Whan (Louis) Kim Grade 9 Math Challengers Team Competition - Christopher Chan, Bo Young (Kristina) Cho, Dong Hwan (Brian) Oh, Shi Long (Peter) Tang, Xinyi (Cherry) Xie Pascal Contest - Christopher Chan, Jaime Hills, Kamil Ladhani, Dong Hwan (Brian) Oh, William Ounjian, Polina (Paulina) Piskova, Shi Long (Peter) Tang, Aeron Westeinde, Xinyi (Cherry) Xie American Mathematics Competition - Shi Long (Peter) Tang Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge - Shi Long (Peter) Tang Grade 10 Cavlev Contest - Sophie Bird, Ashley Bowron, Nicholas Dempsey, Seung Wook (Francis) Han, Winnie Huang, Jun-Hyek (Daniel) Jang, Jun-Hyek (Daniel) Jang, Hee Jin (Jiny) Kim, Kyu Mok (Ricky) Kim, Sarah (Mei-Kim) Lee, Nicole Linaksita, Tirajeh Mazaheri, Edward (Nathan) Stedman BC Secondary School Math Contest - Seung Wook (Francis) Han American Mathematics Competition - Jun-Hyek (Daniel) Jang Grade 11 American Mathematics Competition - Jee-Hye (Esther) Jang Fermat Contest - Jee-Hye (Esther) Jang, Gorden Larson, Dain (Dana) Lee, Zachary Lim, Anna Liu, Yi (Emma) Peng, Jia Qi (Andrea) Sun BC Secondary School Math Contest - Anna Liu, Yi (Emma) Peng, (2nd Place) - Jia Qi (Andrea) Sun Euclid Contest - Yi (Emma) Peng, Jia Qi (Andrea) Sun Grade 12 Euclid Contest - Eric Tam Science Awards ( Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair at UBC) UBC School of Environmental Health Award - Jin Sung Byun Bronze Medal - Morgan McIntyre 2009 EnviroExpo Special Award - Dustin Riley Honourable Mention for Chemistry - Christopher (Chris) Wilson

Music Awards Middle School Vocal Ensemble - Tori Timmons Senior School Vocal Ensemble - Lauren Tetiker Jazz Band - Nicholas Dempsey Film Awards BC Student Film Festival "Craft Award for Editing"Matthew Smith French Awards Concours dArt Oratoire Competition - 3rd place - Nadir Surani Concours dArt Oratoire Competition - 2nd place - Polina (Paulina) Piskova Latin Awards Outstanding Achievement - Ellen (Ellie) Beveridge, Emma Rahemtulla, Honor Rozee, Ji Min Seung, Tori Timmons Magna Cum LaudeKatrina Kernaghan Silver Maxima Cum LaudeMarthinus (MC) de Beer Service Awards Bronze Grade 7 Na Won (Courtnie) Baek, Tyler Benson, Georgina Borland, Celine Chen, Crystal Cheng, Margaret (Meg) Coleman, Cole Coupland, Noah Guld, Sukhmun Hare, Anna Hetherington, Seo Jin Lee, Patrick Martin, Caitlin McKinnon, Micah Smith, Megan Steffens, Emma Tallos, Bianca Verjee, Alexander (Sandy) Wilson Grade 8 Margaret Berton, Heather Chambers, Yi Chu Dai, Brian (Andrew) Graystone, Alexina Henderson, Amy Neilson Grade 9 Tenal Bourchier, Graham Brown, Michaela Hughes, Suh Young (Sue) Kang, Cheryl Linaksita, Claudia Linaksita, Kelsey McLean, Nisia Minicucci, Nicole Moller, William Ounjlan, Emma Rahemtulla, AngĂŠlique (Angie) Travlos, Aeron Weststeinde Grade 10 Kieran Cullen, Gregory (Ethan) Gaudry-Gardner, Madison Inman, Jun-Hyek (Daniel) Jang, Charlotte Julian, Hee Jin (Jiny) Kim, Tirajeh Mazaheri, Spencer Nash, Ga Eun (Glara) Rhee, Hana Turner Grade 11 Haig Basmadjian, Matthew Bromley, Jeremy Cox, Andrew Lee, Charles-Joseph (Charlie) Mitchell, Riva Ridley, Brett Zielke Grade 12 Gage Allard, Ashkan Azlzi, Harrison (Harry) Brook, David Hoskin, Nlma Jelveh Sun Yo (Sunny) Kim, Mei-Ling Lee, Anna (Annie) Maurer, Chloe Scott, Hye Won (Kathy) Shin, Gopinath (Gopi) Supramaniam, Christopher Thompson, Tobias (Tobi) Volkmann, Hai XI Wang Silver Grade 7 Sophia (Sophie) Chappell, Heather Corbett, Samiya Hassan, Arisha Ladhani, Annika Lee, Aleem Muljiani, Anisha Navaratnam Grade 8 Ameeqa Ali, Jin Hyung (Brandon) Baek, Adam Chandani, Nicholas Durrans, Melissa Godin, Rachel Ingram, Noojan Mazaheri, Jasmine Somani, Natasha Virani Grade 9 Armaan Ali, Bo Young (Kristina) Cho, Alexandra Crone, Jaime Hills, Kamil Ladhani, Jake Larson, Nadir Surani Grade 10 Sophie Bird, Fiona Brough, Nicholas Dempsey, Winnie Huang, Woo Jin Jeong, Juliette Levine, Nicole Linaksita, Soraiya Salemohamed Grade 11 Catherine Addison, Sevan Agopian, Zain Alimohamed, Melissa An, Marize Bakhet, Talia Benson, Alexandra (Alex) Bleim, Jan de Beer, Jenna Hassan, Jee-Hye (Esther) Jang, Min-Jeong (Clare) Kim, Gorden Larson, Laura McAlduff, Melanie Moller, Rachel Petrovlcz, Meghan Robinson, Annie Therrien Boulos, Julia Turner Grade 12 Yoon Seung (Jordan) Choi, Sina Habibian, Hye Jin (Lily) Kim, Hye Sun (Judy) Kim, Seo Kyung (Rachel) Lee

West Vancouver Youth Appreciation Awards In recognition of outstanding contribution to our community. Grade 7 Cole Coupland, Micah Smith Grade 8 Noojan Mazaheri, Jasmine Somani Grade 9 Jaime Hills Grade 10 Sophie Bird, Juliette Levine Grade 11 Catherine Addison, Alexandra (Alex) Bleim, Jenna Hassan, Gorden Larson, Meghan Robinson, Annie Therrien Boulos Grade 12 Keegan Balcom, Oliver Dempsey, Priyanka Dhaliwal International Service In te rn a tio n a l S e rv ic e Pins are presented to students who p a rtic ip a te d in a humanitarian or sustainable development project in the s p irit o f making a difference in the world. This initiative must fo c u s on G lo b a l Outreach and take place internationally or locally w ith g lo b a l c o n n e c tio n s . The service is fulfilled through a residential c o m p o n e n t, e x e m p la ry behaviour, a spirit of generosity and co m p a ss io n .

Louise Chong, Kieran Cullen, Camilla James, Nima Jelveh, Woo Jin Jeong, Charlotte Julian, Inkey Lee, Anna (Annie) Maurer, Taplwa Nyandoro, Ashley Peet, Julia Rinaldi, Soraiya Salemohamed, Spencer Shields, Nathan Stedman Global Citizen Award

The G lo b a l C itiz e n P in is presented to students who have not only p a rtic ip a te d in a global out-reaching project, but have continued in a s e lf-d ire c te d m a n n e r to incorporate the spirit of humanitarianism, s u s ta in a b ility a n d global awareness Into their daily life in school and beyo nd .

Sevan Agopian, Marize Bakhet, Keegan Balcom, Haig Basmadjian, Talia Benson, Alexandra (Alex) Bleim, Priyanka Dhaliwal, Sina Habibian, Jenna Hassan, Nima Jelveh, Min-Jeong (Clare) Kim, Gorden Larson, Inkey Lee, Seo Kyung (Rachel) Lee, Garo Mavyan, Melanie Moller, Meghan Robinson, Annie Therrien Boulos


\j)b a t Hülgra'j© stu d e n ts sou) about th e L ib r a r y D e f in it e ly , M y f a u o u r ite "p la c e ir) M ulgrauo so far,- so q _ u ie t. . . X c a o c o n c e n t r a t e on u o b a te u o rX do. (D a in , G r a d e l i ) T b e lib r a r y is a r e a lly g r e a t "p la c e t o c a t c b u"p on u jo rk . (A le x , G r a d e s ) Q uiet, re la x in g and re s o u rc e fu l,tb © "p la c e t o be. (E ric k , I o ^ ) One re a s o n X c o y e t o t b e lib r a r y a l o t is b e c a u s e X loue re a d in g booKs. \i)b©n X r e a d a g r e a t booh, i t fe e ls like X ' m in it! O fa ttb e u J , <Uf) X loue t b e lib r a r y b e c a u s e X c a n c h o o s e a n y book X u ja o t. Coalisa, t j ) I c o y e t o t b e lib r a r y b e c a u s e t b e books a r e so Much fun t o re a d , and t h e r e a r c M a n y M ore t y p e s o f books th a n a t boMc. ("J a n e t, « it ) X loue books, and X like re a d in g lo ts More fun books th a n X baue a t boMe. (TlMMy, 3 G ) X like se eing neuu books. (C a rse o , 3 G ) X like re a d in g books and i t is g r e a t t o r e a d books. (T e s s a , 3 D ) 102


Library fission 5tateqent~

T o c u ltiv a te life-long Iearners through ¡nt©rdi5d'plinaru) studies resulting in th e e ffe c tiv e and responsible use o f ideas, global aw areness and ektpathu) f o r others."

Our Libranj)

This w a s Ms. C hapin's f i r s t o je a r as t|e a d L ib ra ria n a t M u lgrave and Mrs ■Brough^ f i r s t o je a r as librarian- I t w a s an e x c itin g o je a r in tb © lib ra ro j w ith M e q o ra b le o cca s io n s sucb a s tb © I c © C re a q " P a r tij) f o r sui^qer re a d e rs

and t b e "P izza " P a r to j f o r t b e f e d

C e d a r r e a d e rs . T b e

M oveM ber S c h o la s tic "Book fia lr ijja s , o j e t again, a huge success. T h e G ra d © S e ve n 's t o o k - p a r t in a n e w initia+iv© w ith tb © Middle School "Book Club. T h e s tu d e n ts © n jo o jc d M e e tin g © v © r\j M onth t o discuss n e w books t h a t tb© u) w e r e re a d in g , k iig b t o f tb © k io ta b lc s is a lw a o js an

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Celebration o f Scienc










â– Mrs Radford & Mrs. Uzzell's classes


Evan Alfreds

Alexandra Bosrock

Matthew Goh

Amin Gulamani

Ryan Kearns

Arka Khorchidian

Hamish Kirkwood

Alex Lepoidevin

Lucy Lepoidevin

Eli Lippman

Matthew Lotz

Anna Markulin

Sascha McEvoy

Jolene Morabito

Gabriella Novak

Jaden Bourchier

Ewan Hadden

Melissa Foster

Jillian Franks

Benedict Harvey

Helen Jin

Jenna Ladak

Tianna Lawton

Kasey O'Connor

Alyza Samji

Kaden Sayani

Emily Tan

- Mrs. Pappas & Ms. Poulin's classes

Grade One

Sarah Berton

Josh Borrell

Kevin Calder

Will Collister

Braxton Calkins

Nicole Cheah

Connor Chittock

Kaden Gulamani

Mark Horner

Blake Curry

Azad Dharamsi

Jeremy Franks

Clara Gonzalez

Lindsay llkay

Claire Joyce

Jasmine Kandola

Niki Mahmoudi

Markus Marosits


Sahra Kassim Lakha

Benjamin Kendrick

Branden Modrovic

Michael 0 Flynn

Harry Philpotts

Stacy Piskova

Jayden Shull

Campbell Southey

Luna Wang

Tal Williams Wood

Christie Yang

Audrey Yoshino

Mikhail Tallb

Kristjana Walker

- Ms. Walker & Ms. Finlayson's classes

Grade Two

Justin Abrary

Raiyana Alibhai

Cecile Dai

Jocelyn Desabrรกis

Michael Gates


Natalie Hanna

Juliana Bosrock

Maggie Haugom

Natasha Kearns

Katerina Koenig

Madeleine Campi

Quinn Cho

Jessica Felcan

Andrew Gaastra

Mollie Haugom

Rhianna Hiom

Aleem Karmali

Jonathan Ibbott

Andrew Horner

Matthew Katz

Ava Aminbakhsh

Nicole Lee

Ethan Lippman

Celina Manji

Sayeed Mavani

Alisha Muljiani

Graem e Neill-Klein

Keaton Ross Ghali

Ryan Sewell

Thomas Sheldon

Alexander Neocleous

Sebastian Paisley

Teddy Yoon


■ Mrs. Bower & Ms. Gris's classes

Grade Three

Tessa BarrowPrecious

Grayson Beck

Aiden Carere

Matthew Chasmar

Aidan Clarke Scott

Hannah Dixon

Laura Fabian

Timmy Frewin

Matthew Frost

Isabella Goh

Isabelle Hui Bon Hoa

Joanna Joannou

Lauren Joyce

Samantha Levy

Trevor Longo

Isabella Manderson

Charles Martin

Lauren Mounzer

Sam Peters

Hannah Phllpotts

Jae Hyun Seung

Armón Shokravi

Arveen Shokravi


Jamie Cross

Joshua Levy

Caitlyn Southey

Veronica Steek

David Sui

Sofia Sullivan

John Christophe Taghavi

Carsen Teasdale

Alex Wortman

Alexander Yoshino

Angela Zhao

Andrew Zheng

Kayla Talib

â– Miss Rudd, Mr. Jamieson & Ms. Harper's classes

Grade Four

Zoe Ablett

Martin Abrary

Maya Alfreds

Liana Biasucci

Michaela Borrell

Isabella Bosrock

Alexander Brun

Michael Calder

Jallsa Chandanl

Matthew Cho

Siri Coupland

Michaela Cox

Michelle Creber

Aurora Cummings

Emma Dean

Emilie DesabrĂĄis

Kezia Devathasan

James Ferguson

Will Fuller

Stefanie Gates

Ethan Goh

Rafael Gonzalez

Avery Grantham

Kenshin Iwai

Tushya lyer

Aramis Khorchidian

Jenissa Janm oham ed

Jordan Kandola

Alessia Kettlitz

Madeleine Kirkwood

Shayan Lakhani

Hank Liu

Parinaz Mahmoudi

Jacob McKenzie

Katherine O Brien

Hannah Palacios

Maria Sobotkova

Natasha Somani

Kiyaana Manji

William McEvoy

Thomas McIntyre

Jackson Pike

Adam Rahemtulla

Michael Rockandel

Sara Somani

Will Steinberg

Shanil Verjee

Anika Walker

Samuel Wilkinson

Rachael Withers

Dina Yaghoubi

â– H

Jessica Beddis

Emily Borrell

Bryson Bourchier

Michelle Cheung

Tristan Cho

James Croke

Anna Crone

Karis Dawson

Matthew Durrans

Alexander Eastman

Emma Berton

Georgia Boddez

Janet Choi

Zoé Rae Dixon

Ahmed Dharamsi

Victor Feng

Laura Gollner

“ Mr. Race, Ms. Karam & Mrs. Ferguson's classes

Jordan Beck

Bishr Alimohamed

Grade Five

Christopher Andrews

Yousif Abduljawad

Joseph Hahm

Chelsea Henry

Chloe Kim

Jonathan Kim

Michael Kim

Weiyun U

Jam es Jung

Anniqa Karmali

Rebecca Kendrick

Khylam Lalani

Soraiya Lalani

Emme Lee

Duncan Lucas

Natalie Marshall

Phillip Martin

Omar Mitha

Emma Neill Klein

Penelope Neocleous

Vivian Ounjian

Angela Pai

Hannah Rahim

Gregory Read

Nadia Rodrigues

Jordan Somani

Yeonjae Song

jo s te n s

Carl Steffens

“ Ms. Yakachuk, Mr. O'Flynn & Ms. Johnson's classes

Grade Six

Andrew Ablett

Christina Catliff

Kevin Fabian

Elaine Guo


Sunny Choi


Sarah Halldorson

Jonathan Andrews

Claire Attridge

Lewis Croke

Benny Jean Cytrynbaum

Adrian Dean

Lauren Forster

Andrew French

Nicholas Frost

Jamilla Janmohamed

Helen Jeong

iron Henderson

Dara Barrow-Precious

Emma Eamer-Goult

Angela Joannou

Simon McEvoy

John Mitchell

Mitchell Oswald

Hirmand Saftari

Omar Salemohamed

Mitchell Thompson

Kelcy Timmons

Liam Mitchell

Sarah Moulton

Stephanie Mounzer

Victoria O'Brien

Holly Peters

Georgie Philpotts

William Pullen

Rachel Raffard

Abbey Sewell

Yeonsoo Song

Schon Tan

Sandra Thies

Gereon Wahle

Sarah Walker


Matthew Abrary Nielรณlas Allen Justin An Jeremy Armstrong Michael Arnold

Michael Arnould Courtnle Baek Tyler Benson Josephine Bird fenjamin Boddez

Georgina Borland Jin Sung Byun Jun Sung Byun Bronwyn Carere Sophia Chappell

Celine Chen Crystal Cheng Christina Choi Ruby Choi Meg Coleman

Heather Corbett Cole Coupland Brent Coutts David Cross Tasha Fischer

Braedan Fitzpatrick Rose Gallo Noah Guld James Guscott Marcus Hann

Sukhmun Hare Samiya Hassan Anna Hetherington Connor Hughes Dax Inman

Michael Ji Rachel Johnston Ammar Karmali Cayla Kaufman Ashleigh Kearns

Sam Kim Isabelle Kirkwood Arisha Ladhani Sabrina Lalani Alicia Lee

Annika Lee Michael Lee Seo Jin Lee Michael Liu Mitchell Madill

Nika Maghsoud Nicola Marks Patrick Martin Tara Mateer Sara Matthews

Mj Mayo Hayley McIntyre Morgan McIntyre Aaron McKenzie Caitlin McKinnon

Alise Mintz Daniel Moffatt Megan Moffatt Helia Movasaghi Aleem Muljiani

Anisha Navaratnam Joshua Paisley onnor Petrovlcz James Pike Julia Pinnock

Katrina Ross Ghall Yahya Sahiholnasab Mlcah Smith Justin Smyth Connor Stanton

Alex Stedman Megan Steffens Gina Styllanides Emma Tallos Alexis Thexton

Bianca Verjee William Wang Elena Westeinde Max Wilberg Kim William

Sandy Wilson Emily Winters Amy Xing Sarah Yoon Matthew Zwimpfer


Ameeqa Ati Brandon Baek Mark Bakhet Margaret Berton Ellie Beveridge

Cara Blair Teela Brooks Victoria Bury Heather Chambers Justin Chan

Adam Chandani Ronald Cheung Alex Chung Yl Chu Dai Nicholas Durrans

Alexandra Earner Goult Kevin Eckford Gloria Feng Christopher French Christian Frost

Will Hamilton Alexina Henderson Sofia Henderson Rachel Ingram Nicolas Isla

Carl Jeong Adele Ka Niko Keshtkar Yuta Kikuchi Jimmy Kim

Louis Kim Oliver Kirkwood Alexander Lee Aryan Maghsoud Noojan Mazaheri

Jonathan Meakings Emma Moulton Amy Neilson Grayson O Brien Debbie Pai

Honor Rozee Ji Min Seung Emily Sewell Emily Shields Jasmine Somani

Ken Tang Rory Thies Josef Thompson Tori Timmons Natasha Virani


Heather Addison Armaan Ali Luke Allard Eric Bleim Tenal Bourchier

Sean Bromley Graham Brown Kevin Catliff Christopher Chan Bianca Charlwood

Kristina Cho Heather Coleman George Collister Alexandra Crone M.C de Beer

Bradan Decicco Damion Dorn Brenna Dowling Jessie Evans Christopher George

Sam Griffiths Paige Guscott Mana Habibian Owen Hann Adam Hart

Charlie Hart Dominique Hart Jaime Hills Michaela Hughes Tayler Hutton

John Andrew Johnston Elina Kalamkarova Sue Kang Katrina Kernaghan James Kim


Jeffrey Kim Kamil Ladhani Rebecca Lambert Jake Larson : J Don Lee

Kevin Lee Krista Lee Weizhen Li Cheryl Linaksita Claudia Linaksita

Lily Liu Brigitte Matheusik Kendall McIntyre Kelsey McLean Brianne Miachika

Charlotte Millar Nisia Minicucci Alek Mintz Nicole Moller Brian Oh

William Ounjian Nick Pallone Paulina Piskova Admis Rahbar Arabani Dustin Riley

Hayden Ritter Hossein Sahiholnasab John Salamat Pouya Shatiei Rad Ghomi Kate Shepard

Katie Stone Nadir Surani Andrew Tallos Peter Tang AngĂŠlique Travlos

Oscar Tweet Aeran Westeinde Kyle White Christopher Wilson Cherry Xie

Laila Abduljawad Peter Arnould Annahis Basmadjian Sophie Bird Laura Blair

Hannah Borland Ksenia Borovinskaya Ashley Bowron Cameron Brooks Fiona Brough

-TO«a»a» •'arr Lduise Chong Kyra Crookbain Kieran Cullen

Julian Deggan Nicholas Dempsey Erin Forzley Ethan Gaudry Gardner Aazan Habib

Francis Han Aiysha Harris Elham Hassanhash Winnie Huang Madison Inman

Arthur Kim Jiny Kim Julia Kim Ricky Kim Mei Kim Lee

Erick Leung Juliette Levine Michelle Liao Linaksita Jack Macphail

Tirajeh Mazaheri Spencer Nash Victoria Ong Karen Ramsson Glara Rhee

Julia Rinaldi Alyssa Rodrigues Soraiya Salemohamed Spencer Shields Nathan Stedman

Claire Tallman Saffron Thomas Hana Turner Jullka Volkmann Theresa Volkmann

Shirley Wang Max Wimmer Kei Ichiro Yamamoto Norika Yue


Catherine Addison Sevan Agopian Zain Alimohamed Melissa An Loryn Arnett

Shelby Ayers Marize Bakhet Haig Basmadjian Mamie Beddis Anna Bengtson

Talia Benson Alexandra Bleim Gail Borjiet Josi Breman Matt Bromley

Julia Brown Michael Budd Ellie Chen Jeremy Cox Jan de Beer

Jenna Hassan Pedram Hemati Scott Hirst Esther Jang Selen Karadeniz

Clare Kim Ian Knowles Joshua Lang Gorden Larson Andrew Lee

Dana Lee Zachary Lim Andre Linaksita Anna Liu Garo Mavyan

Laura McAlduff Laura Meakings Michael Minicucci Charles Mitchell Melanie Moller

Mark Montazem Sadighi Benjamin Neil Drew Neilson Emma Peng Rachel Petrovicz

Riva Ridley Meghan Robinson Emily Stewart Andrea Sun Ashley Szarkowicz

Annie Therrien Boulos Lauren Thomas Nicole Tomsett Cassandra Travlos Anika Tungusova

Julia Turner Mitchell Weir Ami Zhang Pei Brett Zielke

Christine Achtem


Barbara Amald

Linda .ร รกl

Elisabeth Avre

Kim Bai


Qavre Brough


Nathalie Btickland Brough

Melanie Carman.

Samantha Coutts

Monioye Creber



ivarcTLe unis

Nicole Digiacinto

Carla Dorradlv

.Alisa Douglas

Rob Eakin.

Diana Ferreira

Sudarme Finlavson.


Michael Frewin.


Nicola Ferguson.

Teaching Staff, A d m i r a t i o n & F a c ilitie s

Stella Ablett



Jessica GleĂ­g

Tamara Gris

Jane Harper

Shirlev Hawkins

Jane Heward

Richard Hoale

Carrie Hughes

Kail Jamieson

Charlene JemescrL

Jacouel vai Johnsa i

Patricia Jdlev

Martin Jones


Smita Karam

Richard Keleher

Luke Lawson

Nicole Lebain

Claude Leduc

June Lm

David Lo

Tina Logan

David Lopez,

HafĂ­ert Lopez,

Michael Lopez,

Claire Lvavh

Pail Marshall

Janet Martin

Jessica Mav

Alexandra Mchtvre

Gaude McLeaa

Murray Miller


Elizabeth Moore

Melissa Moore

Michael Moore

Mariera Morgan

Derek. Muz,vka

Jo h aO Flvnn


Violet Palmer

Heather Pez,

Glen Pope

Gareth Ronald Jones

Bambi Rev

Lorraine Radford

Pollv Rudd

Ashlev Schmidt


Teaching S ta f f , A d m in is t r a t io r L & F a c ilitie s

ToitĂ­' Macona

Donna Sheh


Ledev Tetiker


Nihat Tetiker

Lnxlsav Uz.z_ell

Ferdinand VanJLvl

Patricia Vickerv

Javne Walker

A Abduljawad, Laila 140 Abduljawad, Yousif 121 Ablett, Andrew 124 Ablett, Stella 145 Ablett, Zoe 118 Abrary, Justin 114 Abrary, Martin 118 Abrary, Matthew 128 Achtem, Christine 145 Addison, Catherine 142 Addison, Heather 136 Agopian, Sevan 142 Alfreds, Evan 110 Alfreds, Maya 118 Ali, Ameeqa 41, 132, 135 Ali, Armaan 136 Ali, Munir 6 Alibhai, Raiyana 114 Allmohamed, Bishr 121 Alimohamed, Zain 142 Allard, Luke 136 Allen, John 121 Allen, Nicholas 128 Aminbakhsh, Ava 114 An, Justin 128 An, Melissa 142 Andrews, Christopher 121 Andrews, Jonathan 124 Ann, Justin 26 Anson, Lian 145 Armstrong, Jeremy 128 Arnett, Loryn 142 Arnold, Barbara 145 Arnold, Michael 128 Arnould, Michael 128 Arnould, Peter 140 Ash, Linda 145 Attridge, Claire 124 Ayers, Shelby 142 Ayre, Elizabeth 145

Baek, Brandon 132 Baek, Courtnie 128 Bai, Kim 145 Baik, Tera 124 Bakhet, Marize 142 Bakhet, Mark 2, 3, 132 Barrow Precious, Dara 124 Barrow Precious, Tessa 116 Basmadjian, Annahis 140 Basmadjian, Haig 142 Beck, Grayson 116 Beck, Jordan 121 Beddis, Jessica 121 Beddis, Mamie 142 Bengtson, Anna 142 Benson, Talia 142 Benson, Tyler 128 Berton, Emma 121 Berton, Margaret 132 Berton, Sarah 112 Beveridge, Ellie 132 Biasucci, Liana 118 Bird, Josephine 128 Bird, Sophie 140 Blair, Cara 27, 41, 132 Blair, Laura 140 Bleim, Alexandra 142 Bleim, Eric 28, 136 Boddez, Benjamin 128 Boddez, Georgia 121 Borjiet, Gail 142 Borland, Georgina 128

Borland, Hannah 140 Borovinskaya, Ksenia 140 Borrell, Emily 121 Borrell, Josh 112 Borrell, Michaela 118 Bosrock, Alexandra 110 Bosrock, Isabella 118 Bosrock, Juliana 114 Bourchler, Bryson 121 Bourchier, Jaden 110 Bourchier, Tenal 136 Bower, Meghan 145 Bowron, Ashley 140 Breman, Josi 142 Bridges, Lauren 8 Bromley, Matt 142 Bromley, Sean 136 Bromley, Shawn 32 Brooks, Cameron 140 Brooks, Teela 27, 132 Brough, Clayre 145 Brough, Fiona 140 Brough, Jason 145 Brown, Graham 136 Brown, Julia 142 Brun, Alexander 118 Buckland Brough, Nathalie 145 Budd, Michael 142 Bury, Victoria 27, 27, 132, 135 Byun, Jin Sung 26, 128 Byun, Jun Sung 26, 128


Calder, Kevin 112 Calder, Michael 118 Calkins, Braxton 112 Campeau, Madeleine 114 Cannon, Melanie 145 Carere, Aiden 116 Carere, Bronwyn 128 Caron, Shannon 140 Carr, Slobhan 140 Catliff, Christina 124 Catliff, Kevin 136 Cawkell, Jonathan 87, 145 Chambers, Heather 132 Chan, Christopher 136 Chan, Justin 132 Chandani, Adam 2, 3, 132 Chandani, Jalisa 118 Chapin, Betty 145 Chappell, Sophia 26, 128 Charlwood, Bianca 136 Chasmar, Matthew 116 Cheah, Nicole 112 Chen, Celine 128 Chen, Ellie 142 Cheng, Crystal 26, 128 Cheung, Michelle 121 Cheung, Ronald 132 Chittock, Connor 112 Cho, Kristina 136 Cho, Matthew 118 Cho, May 112 Cho, Quinn 114 Cho, Tristan 121 Choi, Christina 128 Choi, Janet 121 Choi, Jordan 8 Choi, Julia 110 Choi, Ruby 128 Choi, Sunny 124 Chong, Louise 140 Chung, Alex 132 Clark, Kathryn 145 Clarke Scott, Aldan 116 Coleman, Heather 136 Coleman, Meg 40, 128

Collins, Megan 145 Collister, George 136 Collister, Will 112 Corbett, Heather 128 Coupland, Siri 118 Coutts, Brent 128 Coutts, Samantha 145 Cox, Cleo 112 Cox, Jeremy 142 Cox, Michaela 118 Creber, Michelle 118 Creber, Monique 145 Croke, James 121 Croke, Lewis 124 Crone, Alexandra 40, 136 Crone, Anna 121 Crookbain, Kyra 140 Cross, David 128 Cross, Jamie 116 Cullen, Kieran 140 Cummings, Aurora 118 Curry, Blake 112 Curry, Steele 112 Curtis, Karen 145 Cytrynbaum, Benny Jean 124

“D Da Roza, Gia 112 Dai, Cecile 114 Dai, Yi Chu 132 Dawson, Karis 121 de Beer, Betsie 121 de Beer, Eddie 145 de Beer, Jan 142 de Beer, M.C. 136 Dean, Adrian 124 Dean, Emma 118 Decicco, Bradan 136 Deggan, Julian 140 Dempsey, Nicholas 140 Desabráis, Emilie 118 Desabráis, Jocelyn 114 Devathasan, Kezla 118 Dharamsi, Ahmed 121 Dharamsi, Azad 112 Digiacinto, Nicole 145 Dixon, Hannah 116 Dixon, Zoe Rae 121 Donnelly, Carla 145 Dorn, Damion 41, 136 Douglas, Alisa 145 Dowling, Brenna 136 Durrans, Matthew 68, 121 Durrans, Nicholas 41, 132


Eakin, Rob 145 Earner Goult, Alexandra 132 Earner Goult, Emma 124 Eastman, Alexander 121 Eckford, Kevin 132 Elyzen, Max 114 Ergas, Elias 121 Ergas, Sasha 114 Evans, Jessie 136

~F Fabian, Kevin 96, 124 Fabian, Laura 116 Fairall, Karen 145 Fedor, Matreya 124 Felcan, Jessica 114 Feng, Gloria 132

Feng, Victor 121 Ferguson, James 118 Ferguson, Nicola 68, 145 Ferreira, Diana 145 Finlayson, Suzanne 145 Fischer, Tasha 128 Fitzpatrick, Braedan 128 Flanagan, John 145 Forster, Lauren 124 Forzley, Erin 140 Foster, Melissa 110 Franks, Jeremy 112 Franks, Jillian 110 French, Andrew 124 French, Christopher 132 Frewin, Michael 145 Frewin, Timmy 116 Frost, Christian 27, 132 Frost, Matthew 116 Frost, Nicholas 124 Fu, Tina 118 Fuller, Will 118

G Gaastra, Andrew 114 Galr, Spencer 132 Gallo, Rose 128 Gardiner, James 68, 146 Gates, Michael 114 Gates, Stefanie 118 Gaudry Gardner, Ethan 140 Gee, Ty 146 George, Christopher 136 Gilley, Graham 146 Gleeson, Helen 146 Gleig, Jessica 146 Godin, Melissa 132 Goh, Ethan 118 Goh, Isabella 116 Goh, Matthew 110 Gollner, Christopher 132 Gollner, Laura 121 Gonzalez, Clara 112 Gonzalez, Ellen 74 Gonzalez, Rafael 118 Grantham, Avery 118 Grantham, Luke 112 Gray, Liam 118 Gray, Ryan 124 Graystone, Andrew 27, 132 Griffiths, Sam 136 Gris, Tamara 146 Gulamani, Amin 110 Gulamani, Kaden 112 Guld, Aria 118 Guld, Noah 128 Guld, Traudi 74 Guo, David 110 Guo, Elaine 124 Guscott, James 128 Guscott, Paige 136

Habib, Aazan 140 Habibian, Mana 28, 136 Hadden, Ewan 110 Hadden, Sebastian 114 Hagen, Kaelan 132 Hahm, Joseph 122 Halldorson, Sarah 124 Hamilton, William 4, 133 Han, Bin 116 Han, Francis 140 Hann, Marcus 128, 131 Hann, Owen 136 Hann, Traudi 74

Hanna, Natalie 114 Hardy, Lee 146 Hare, Sukhmun 129 Harper, Jane 146 Harris, Alysha 140 Hart, Adam 4, 136 Hart, Charlie 136 Hart, Dominique 28, 136 Harvey, Benedict 110 Hassan, Jenna 142 Hassan, Samiya26, 129 Hassanhash, Elham 140 Haugom, Maggie 114 Haugom, Mollie 114 Hawkins, Shirley 146 Hematl, Pedram 142 Henderson, Alexina 133 Henderson, Cameron 124 Henderson, Candice 74 Henderson, Jordan 118 Henderson, Sofia 133 Henry, Chelsea 122 Hetherington, Anna 26, 129 Heward, Jane 146 Hills, Jaime 136 Hiom, Jacob 118 Hiom, Rhianna 114 Hirst, Scott 142 Hoole, Richard 146 Horner, Andrew 114 Horner, Mark 112 Huang, Ben 118 Huang, Lillian 114 Huang, Winnie 140 Hughes, Carrie 146 Hughes, Connor 26, 129 Hughes, Michaela 136 Hui Bon Hoa, Isabelle 116 Hutton, Tayler 136


Ibbott, Angela 118 Ibbott, Jonathan 114 llkay, Lindsay 112 Ingram, Rachel 133 Ingram, Zach 122 Inman, Dax 129 Inman, Madison 140 Isla, Nicolas 133 Iwai, Kenshln 119 Iyer, Tushya 119


James, Conrad 140 Jamieson, Kent 146 Jang, Daniel 140 Jang, Esther 142 Janmohamed, Jamllla 124 Janmohamed, Jenlssa 119 Jelveh, Bobby 140 Jenneson, Charlene 146 Jeong, Carl 133,135 Jeong, Helen J 124 Jeong, Woo Jin 140 Jl, Michael 129 Jin, Helen 110 Jin, Henry 119 Joannou, Angela 124 Joannou, Joanna 116 Johnson, Jacquelyn 146 Johnston, John Andrew 137 Johnston, Rachel 129 Jolley, Patricia 146 Jones, Martin 28, 146 Joyce, Claire 112 Joyce, Lauren 116

Julian, Charlotte 140 Jung, Eric 124 Jung, Grace 114 Jung, James 122 Juteau, Sean 146

K Ka, Adele 133 Kalamkarova, Elina 137 Kandola, Jasmine 112 Kandola, Jordan 119 Kang, Sue 137 Karadeniz, Selen 142 Karam, Smlta 146 Karmall, Aleem 114 Karmali, Ammar26, 129 Karmall, Anniqa 122 Karmall, Imraan 114 Kasslm Lakha, Sahra 112 Katz, Matthew 114 Kaufman, Ari 116 Kaufman, Cayla 129 Kearns, Ashleigh 129 Kearns, Natasha 114 Kearns, Ryan 110 Keleher, Richard 87, 146 Kendrick, Benjamin 112 Kendrick, Rebecca 122 Kernaghan, Katrina 137 Keshtkar, Niko 27, 133 Kettlitz, Alessia 119 Khorchidian, Aramis 119 Khorchidlan, Arka 110 Klkuchl, Yuta 133, 135 Kim, Arthur 141 Kim, Chloe 122 Kim, Clare 142 Kim, Frank 124 Kim, Fred 124 Kim, James 137 Kim, Jeffrey 137 Kim, Jimmy 133 Kim, Jiny 141 Kim, Jonathan 122 Kim, Julia 141 Kim, Louis 133 Kim, Lucky 119 Kim, Michael 122 Kim, Ricky 141 Kim, William 87 Kirkwood, Hamish 110 Kirkwood, Isabelle 129 Kirkwood, Madeleine 119 Kirkwood, Oliver 133, 135 Kirkwood, Penny 74 Knowles, Ian 142 Ko, Amy 124 Koenig, Katerina 114 Kopke, Kal 110 Kortje, Zoe 112

L Ladak, Jenna 110 Ladhani, Arlsha 26, 129 Ladhani, Kamil 137 Lakhani, Shayan 119 Lalani, Khylam 122 Lalani, Sabrina 26, 129 Lalani, Soraiya 122 Lambert, Rebecca 28,137 Lang,Joshua 142 Lanko, Vivian 74 Larson, Gorden 142 Larson, Jake 137 Lawson, Luke 146 Lawton, Tianna 110

Lebrun, Nicole 146 Leduc, Claude 146 Lee, Alexander 40, 133 Lee, Alicia 129 Lee, Andrew 142 Lee, Annika 41, 129 Lee, Dana 143 Lee, Don 137 Lee, Emme 122 Lee, Inkey 10 Lee, Julia 10 Lee, Kevin 137 Lee, Krista 28, 137 Lee, Mei Kim 141 Lee, Michael 129 Lee, Nicole 114 Lee, Rachel 10 Lee, Seo Jin 129 Lee, So Yi 116 Lee, Yunnya 124 Lepoidevin, Alex 110 Lepoidevin, Lucy 110 Lester, Maren 124 Leung, Erick 141 Levine, Juliette 141 Levy, Joshua 116 Levy, Samantha 116 Li, Ang 10 Li, Jenny 122 Li, Weiyun 122 Li, Weizhen 137 Liao, Michelle 141 Lim, Zachary 143 Lin, June 146 Linaksita, Andre 143 Linaksita, Cheryl 137 Linaksita, Claudia 28, 137 Linaksita, Nicole 141 Lippman, Eli 110 Lippman, Ethan 114 Liu, Anna 143 Liu, Hank 119 Liu, Lily 137 Liu, Michael 129 Lo, David 146 Logan, Tina 146 Longo, Erin 122 Longo, Trevor 116 Lopez, David 146 Lopez, Haffert 146 Lopez, Michael 146 Lotz, Matthew 110 Lucas, Duncan 122 Lynch, Claire 146

M Mabbott, Joel 11 Macoun, Tony 68, 147 Macphail, Jack 141 Madill, Mitchell 129 Maghsoud, Aryan 133 Maghsoud, Nika 129 Mahmoudi, Niki 112 Mahmoudi, Parinaz 119 Manderson, Isabella 116 Manji, Celina 114 Manji, Isaac 110 Manji, Kiyaana 119 Markham Zantvoort, Emma 110 Marks, Nicola 129 Markulin, Anna 110 Marosits, Markus 112 Marshall, Natalie 122 Marshall, Paul 147 Martin, Charles 116 Martin, Janet 147 Martin, Patrick 129 Martin, Phillip 122

Mateer, Tara 129 Matheusik, Brigitte 40, 137 Matthews, Sara 129 Mavani, Sayeed 115 Mavyan, Garo 143 May, Jessica 147 Mayo, Mj 129 Mazaheri, Noojan 133, 135 Mazaheri, Tirajeh 141 McAlduff, Laura 143 McEvoy, Sascha 110 McEvoy, Simon 125 McEvoy, William 119 McIntyre, Alexandra 147 McIntyre, Hayley 129 McIntyre, Kendall 137 McIntyre, Morgan 129 McIntyre, Thomas 119 McKay, Kala 112 McKenzie, Aaron 129 McKenzie, Jacob 119 McKinnon, Caitlin 129 McLean, Claude 147 McLean, Kelsey 137 Meakings, Jonathan 133 Meakings, Laura 143 Miachika, Brianne 137 Michiaka, Brie 32 Millar, Charlotte 137 Miller, Murray 147 Minicucci, Michael 143 Minicucci, Nisia 137 Mintz, Alek 137 Mintz, Alise 130 Mitchell, Camille 74 Mitchell, Charles Joseph 143 Mitchell, Ellie 112 Mitchell, John 125 Mitchell, Karyn 68, 147 Mitchell, Liam 125 Mitha, Omar 122 Mitha, Salma 74 Modrovic, Branden 112 Moffat, Megan 3 Moffatt, Daniel 130 Moffatt, Megan 130 Moller, Melanie 143 Moller, Nicole 137 Montazem Sadighi, Mark 143 Moore, Elizabeth 147 Moore, Melissa 147 Moore, Michael 147 Morabito, Jolene 110 Morgan, Marlena 147 Moulton, Emma 133 Moulton, Sara 125 Mounzer, Lauren 116 Mounzer, Stephanie 125 Movasaghi, Helia 130 Muljiani, Aleem 26, 130 Muljiani, Alisha 115 Muzyka, Derek 147


Nash, Spencer 141 Nash, Susan 74 Navaratnam, Anisha 130 Nealani, Shelina 74 Neil, Benjamin 143 Neill Klein, Emma 122 Neill Klein, Graeme 115 Neilson, Amy 133 Neilson, Drew 143 Neocleous, Alexander 115 Neocleous, Penelope 122 Novak, Gabriella 110

0 O Brien, Grayson 133 O Brien, Katherine 119 O Brien, Victoria 125 O Connor, Kasey 110 O Flynn, John 147 O Flynn, Michael 112 O’Brien, Grayson 135 Oh, Brian 137 Ong, Victoria 141 Orsmond, Lynn 147 Oswald, Mitchell 125 Ounjian, Meline 74 Ounjian, Vivian 122 Ounjian, William 137

"P Pai, Angela 122 Pai, Debbie 133 Paisley, Joshua 130 Paisley, Sebastian 115 Palacios, Hannah 119 Pallone, Nick 137 Palmer, Violet 147 Pappas, Carol 147 Park, Alex 116 Park, Andy 122 Park, Ellie 110 Park, Jay 125 Peng, Emma 143 Perry, Shirley 147 Peters, Holly 125 Peters, Sam 116 Petrovicz, Connor 130 Petrovicz, Rachel 143 Pez, Heather 147 Philpotts, Georgie 125 Philpotts, Hannah 116 Philpotts, Harry 113 Pike, Jackson 119 Pike, James 130 Pinnock, Julia 130 Piskova, Paulina 137 Piskova, Stacy 113 Pope, Glen 147 Porter, Stephanie 40, 133 Poulin, Cecile 147 Pownall, Reagan 115 Pulfer, Mark 147 Pullen, William 125

TÂĄ Race, Mark 68, 147 Radford, Hannah Rose 27, 133 Radford, Lorraine 147 Raffard, Rachel 125 Rahbar Arabani, Artmis 137 Rahemtulla, Adam 119 Rahemtulla, Emma 133,135 Rahim, Hannah 122 Ramsson, Karen 141 Read, Gregory 122 Read, Rachael 133, 135 Rhee, Glara 141 Ridley, Alia 133 Ridley, Riva 143 Riley, Dustin 137 Rinaldi, Julia 141 Ritter, Hayden 28,138 Robinson, Meghan 143 Rockandel, Jane 74 Rockandel, Michael 119 Rodrigues, Alyssa 141

Rodrigues, Nadia 122 Ronald Jones, Gareth 147 Ross Ghali, Katrina 130 Ross Ghali, Keaton 115 Roy, Bambi 147 Roy, Mrs. 26 Rozee, Honor 134, 135 Rudd, Polly 147

5 Saffari, Hirmand 125 Sahiholnasab, Hossein 138 Sahiholnasab, Yahya 130 Sahiholsanab, Yahya 26 Salamat, John 138 Salemohamed, Omar 125 Salemohamed, Soraiya 141 Samji, Alyza 111 Sayani, Kaden 111 Schmidt, Ashley 147 Sealey, Ole 147 Seung, Jae Hyun 116 Seung, Ji Min 134 Sewell, Abbey 125 Sewell, Emily 134, 135 Sewell, Ryan 115 Shafiei Rad Ghomi, Pouya 138 Sheh, Donna 147 Sheldon, Thomas 115 Shepard, Helaine 74 Shepard, Kate 138 Shields, Emily 134 Shields, Spencer 141 Shin, Sian 119 Shokravi, Armón 116 Shokravi, Arveen 116 Shull, Alyssa 116 Shull, Jayden 113 Smith, Micah 130 Smyth, Justin 130 Sobotkova, Maria 119 Somani, Jasmine 134 Somani, Jordan 122 Somani, Natasha 119 Somani, Sara 120 Song, Julllan 12 Song, Yeonjae 122 Song, Yeonsoo 125 Soper, Libby 148 Southey, Caitlyn 117 Southey, Campbell 113 Spear, Ted 148 Stanton, Connor 130 Steek, Veronica 117 Stedman, Alex 130 Stedman, Nathan 141 Steffens, Carl 122 Steffens, Mark 148 Steffens, Megan 130 Steinberg, Will 120 Stewart, Emily 143 Stone, Clair 74 Stone, Katie 138 Straub, Zsu Zsu 148 Stylianides, Gina 26,130 Sui, David 117 Sullivan, Miles 111 Sullivan, Sofia 117 Sun, Andrea 143 Super, Doug 148 Surani, Nadir 138 Szarkowicz, Ashley 143


T Taghavi, John Christophe 117 Talib, Kayla 117 Talib, Mikhail 113 Tallman, Claire 141 Tallos, Andrew 138 Tallos, Emma 130 Tan, Emily 111 Tan, Schon 125 Tang, Ken 134 Tang, Peter 138 Teasdale, Carsen 117 Tenal, Bourchier 28 Terrillon, Monique 148 Tetiker, Lesley 148 Tetiker, Nihat 148 Therrien Boulos, Annie 143 Thexton, Alexis 130 Thies, Rory 134 Thies, Sandra 125 Thomas, Lauren 143 Thomas, Saffron 141 Thompson, Josef 134 Thompson, Mitchell 125 Timmons, Kelcy 125 Timmons, Tori 134 Tomanik, Jared 123 Tomanik, Lisa 74 Tomsett, Nicole 143 Travlos, Angélique 138 Travlos, Cassandra 143 Tung, Jolee 125 Tungusova, Anika 143 Turner, Hana 141 Turner, Julia 143 Tweet, Oscar 138


Uhrle, Merina 123 Uzzell, Lindsay 148

V Van Nieuwenhuyse, Ilya 125 Van Zyl, Ferdinand 148 Verjee, Bianca 130 Verjee, Shanil 120 Vickery, Patricia 148 Virani, Natasha 134 Volkmann, Julika 141 Volkmann, Theresa 141

\l) Wahle, Constantin 134, 135 Wahle, Gereon 125 Walker, Anika 120 Walker, Jayne 148 Walker, Kristjana 113 Walker, Sarah 125 Wallster, Mackenzie 134 Walsh, Angela 148 Wang, Ines 115 Wang, Luna 113 Wang, Shirley 141 Wang, Tiger 123 Wang, William 130 Wearmouth, Antonia 96, 126 Wei, Tania 148 Weir, Mitchell 143 Westeinde, Aeron 138 Westeinde, Elena 130 White, Kathryn 134

White, Kyle 138 White, Sydney 123 Widdows, Ian 27, 134 Wierenga, Danielle 123 Wilberg, Max 26, 130 Wilkinson, Samuel 120 Willard, Isobel 148 William, Kim 130 Williams Wood, Caroline 126 Williams Wood, Tal 113 Wilson, Antony 148 Wilson, Christopher 28, 138 Wilson, Sandy 130 Wilson, Valerie 148 Wimmer Manderson, Nicholas 126 Wimmer, Max 141 Winters, Emily 130 Withers, Rachael 120 Withers, Trevor 126 Workman, Rory 148 Wortman, Alex 117 Wozny, Brooke 148

X Xie, Cherry 28, 138 Xing, Amy 26, 130

V Yaghoubi, Dina 120 Yakachuk, Christine 148 Yamamoto, Kei Ichiro 141 Yang, Christie 113 Yang, Sean 123 Yip, Devon 134, 135 Yoon, Sarah 130 Yoon, Teddy 115 Yoshino, Alexander 117 Yoshino, Audrey 113 Young, Lauren 134 Yue, Norika 141


Zhang Pei, Ami 143 Zhao, Angela 117 Zheng, Andrew 117 Zheng, Maggie 126 Zhou, Jeff 123 Zielke, Brett 143 Zimmerman, Oscar 126 Zwimpfer, Matthew 26, 130

A C oorfül


I w as inspired, ttys u>ear, bu> tb© w o rk o f or)© o f our G rad© 12 students. Tb© beautiful 'painting t h a t g ra c e s our cou©r is bu> Ashley ~P©©t, and is e n title d 'Surg©'. X t is a -pictur© t h a t is full o f uitalitu) and colour. Tb© flo w e rs 5©©m t o flu) into tb© fra q © w ith a fo re© and -purpose t h a t is r©qinisc©nt o f tb© essence o f our school. X t s©©M©d fitting , tb© r© for© , t h a t 'colour' should b© our u)©arbook tb©M© this u)©ar. So queb o f w h a t h a p p e n s a t ^ulgrau© is bursting w ith s p irit, ©n©rgu> and creatiM itu), b© i t on tb© s-ports field, on p a p e r , through tb© a rts , in tb© local coMqunitu) o r overseas. Our p u rs u it o f ©xc©ll©nc© and coMMitq©nt t o servie© is ©uid©nt in so queb o f w h a t w© do and w h a t w© aspir© to . This y e a rb o o k can onlu) c a p tu r© a sqall p a r t o f our u>©ar. X t is ¡Mpossibl© t o include ©'j©ru)tb¡ng, but bopefullu), w h a t is W ritte n and illu s tra te d b©r© will jog a f© w b a p p u ) M©Mori©s both now and in Manu) u>©ars t o coq©. A -p r o je c t as big as this can onk$ b© cokppl©t©d bu> a d e d ic a te d t© a q . Thanks go t o all o f tb© p h o to g ra p h e rs , p r o o f re a d e rs , t©acb© rs, p a r e n ts and stu d en ts


co n trib uted

tb© ir e f f o r t s



book. Tb©s©


contributors ar© to o nuqerous t o naq© and X aM sur© t o l©au© soq©on© out, but u)OU know who u)OU ar© - th ank u>ou. S p ec ial thanks go t o "Brook© \i)oznu>, L©ab king, kar©n Curtis, H<Jrrau> filler, s T and tb© Terguson faqilu) fo r tb© ir e f fo r ts , which w©r© abou© and b©u>ond tb© call o f dutu>! X bop© t h a t u>ou ©njoij) this book k\icola T©rgu5on

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In January 2009, after both engines fail due to ingesting birds, US Airways Flight 1549 ditches in New York's Hudson River. All 155 passengers and crew members are saved, thanks to the skill and courage of pilot Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger.

! L’Acadien II capsizes ! Sealers di

GARY HERSHORN/Reuters/Landov



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Michael McCain, President and CEO of Maple Leaf Foods launched a massive recall of his company's products which may be linked to the deadly bacterium Listeria Monocytogenes (Listeriosis). Twentysix deaths and another 29 suspected cases across Canada are assumed to be associated with the outbreak.

The Forks: Worlflj Longest Skating Trail

Dear Customers


All recalled Maple Leal products have been removed from our Deli Counter. For inquino please call CFIA-1400-142-2342 Maple I calConsumer Km>N- l-XOO-SMt-SXtll


CP P ress/Steptaj MacGillivray

Moscow International Conference on Ensuring Delivery of Russian Gas Supplies to Consumers in Europe

A 40-year-old man is charged after a young man was stabbed and decapitated on a Greyhound bus on route to Winnipeg.

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P Riots break out in Athens, Greece and quickly spread across the country and Baltic States after a student is killed by Police.

^Support Our Canadian Soldiers CP Press/Fred Chartrand

Barack Obama makes history as the first African-American to win the presidency of the United States. The former Illinois senator promises an era of change that captures the imagination of the world.

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Arizona senator, John McCain, wins the Republican nomination for president and names Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin as his running mate. Palin is the Party’s first female nominee for vice president.

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In January 2009, president-elect Obama attends the ultimate power lunch in the White House, meeting and getting advice from President Bush as well as former Presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter.


Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean grants Prime Minister Harper's request to suspend (prorogue) Parliament.

NDP leader Jack Layton, Liberal leader StĂŠphane Dion and Bloc leader Gilles Duceppe sign a coalition in an effort to replace the minority Conservative government.

After an unprecedented constitutional drama, a federal election is called and on November 14, 2008 Stephen Harper secures a second minority government.

Michael Ignatieff replaces StĂŠphane Dion as federal leader of the Liberal Party.

Jean Charest becomes the first Quebec premier in more than half a century to win three consecutive mandates.

59.1% of Canadians voted in the Federal Election, the lowest since 2004. Only 56.5% of voters cast ballots in Quebec's provincial election.

Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier resigns over a security breach involving classified NATO documents left at the home of former girlfriend, Julie Couillard.

Barack Obama follows a presidential tradition and heads to Canada for his first international visit.

Financial markets around the world plummet and contribute to the greatest economtiTcrisis since the Great Depression.




BmI Estate IMountain \n l Photo by Larry W. Smith/Getty Ir

The 'big three' automakers, GM, Ford and Chrysler request and are eventually offered a bailout package of over $17 billion from the U.S. and $4 billion from Canada.


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Many retailers are forced to file for bankruptcy or go out of business. The number of consumer bankruptcies in Canada soared 50.6% from a year earlier. While bankruptcies were filed across the nation, Alberta was among the highest with a 106% increase in filings.

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In October, the loonie falls to 77.26 U.S.; it's lowest since September, 2004.

CP Press/Bayne Starifey'

AP/Marcio Jose Sanchez

familv time increases. Unemployment rate hits 26-year high in January 2009

CP Press/St. Catherines Standard

Due to high rates of unemployment and overall hard economic times, sociologists report that families are spending more time at home, resulting in an increased quality of family life. Canadian food prices rose 7.4% in November; the largest hike since 1986.

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty presented a spending blueprint that projects almost $85 billion In deficits by 2013; Canada's first deficit in 11 years.

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i Reusable bags >

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Environmental consentis consumers use items such as reusable cloth shopping bags and Klpan Kanteen water bottles that don'| leak harmful chemicals like BPÀ.


W h a t is your carbon A'


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Tight money and high gas prices push auto manufacturers to investigate super fuel-efficient and electric cars. The Chevrolet Volt Is an early contender and the tiny “Smart" car Is already on Canadian roads.

© Transtock/Corbis

K. McLaughlinwautoshare.com

Car sharing companies across Canada are becoming a popular choice for environmentally-aware consumers who require periodic access to vehicles without the cost of ownership. <9 Car Culture/Corbis


In September, Google and General Electric partner to develop clean technologies. Modernizing the national electric grid to enable wider deployment of wind, solar and geothermal energy will be an early priority.

Courtesy of Apple, Inc

^lark D ye /S w Ledger/Corbis

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The green cleaning movement gains momentum nationally as environmentally safe non-toxic cleaning products are used in many homes, as well as provincial and city institutions.

Mark Mainz/Getty Images

Models and Olympic athletes showcase the first-ever collection of eco-friendly apparel for Canadian athletes at the Beijing Games. Designers at the Hudson's Bay Company created the clothing with earth-friendly materials such as bamboo, organic cotton and cacona, a substance derived from coconuts.

Brad Pitt launches the “Make It Right" project to build 150 green-sensitive new homes in the New Orleans Lower 9th Ward, which was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. Pitt contributes $5 million to the project. There are approximately 85 wind farms currently in operation across Canada. A typical modern turbine will produce enough electricity to meet the annual needs of about 500 homes.


American swimmer Michael Phelps , ’,jnakes Olympic history with eight gold •^medals. Phelps sets three world records • in his five individual wins.

2008 Summer Olympics

of the most amazing performances in Olympic history.

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The Philadelphia D 1111 m iad Phillies win their second World Series with a five game victory over the Tampa Bay Rays.

Team Canada celebrates their 5-1 victory over Sweden. This is the 5th gold medal in a row for Canada at the UHF World Junior championships.


Canadian men's eight rowing team win gold at the Olympics in Beijing on August 17, 2008.


Super_Powj_Xllii MVP Santonio Holmes makes a tip-toe catch in the corner of the end zone with 35 seconds remaining to lead the Pittsburgh Steelers past the Arizona Cardinals 27-23 in Super Bowl XLIII.

The Calgary Stampeders celebrate their win against the Montreal Alouettes at the 96th CFL Grey Cup in Montreal.

Team Martin defeats Scotland 6-3 at the 2008 Men's World Curling championship in Grand Forks, N.D.

Team Jones defeats China 7-4 at the gold medal game at the Women's World Curling Championship in Vernon, B.C.

Jimmie Johnson captures the NASCAR Sprint Cup championship for the third straight year in his famous #48 Lowe’s Chevrolet Impala SS.

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Stephenie Meyer's runaway best-seller, T w ilig h t , becomes a hit movie starring Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart



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At the 81st Academy Awards, S lu m d o g M illio n a ire , a surprise entry from India about teen life in Mumbai wins 8 awards while Brad Pitt's The C u rio u s C ase o f B e n ja m in B u tto n , about a man who ages backwards, took two of the coveted statuettes.

Canadian actress Shenae Grimes from

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D eg ra ssi: The N e x t G e n e ra tio n is cast

in the role of Annie Wilson in 9 02 1 0 .

MTV spins off the reality show The H ills, following L a g u n a B e a c h star Lauren Conrad and her friends to Los Angeles.

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Australian Heath Ledger, in his last film role as the Joker in the Batman epic The D a rk K n ig h t, wins a posthumous Golden Globe as well, the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.

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Rapper UI' Wayne takes home four Grammies, including Rap Album of the Year for Tha C a rte r III and Best Rap Song.

I R&B singer/songwriter

Ne-Yo brings out his third album, Y ear o f th e G e n tle m a n , which debuts on the B illb o a rd 200 at No. 2. The album gamers six Grammy nominations.

Britney Spears rebounds from years of personal challenges with her fifth No.1 album, C irc u s . She becomes the only act in Nielsen SoundScan history to have four albums that debut with 500,000 or more copies sold.

Jessie Farrell accepts the Female Artist of the Year at the 2008 Canadian Country Music Awards in Winnipeg on September 8, 2008.

Feist wins five Juno awards including Album of the Year at the awards In Calgary on April 6, 2008.

Fox’s A m e ric a n Id o l adds a fourth judge to the popular show. Grammy-nominated songwriter Kara DioGuardi joins regular panelists Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell.

Rocker David Cook, with 58 percent of the fan votes, beats balladeer David Archuleta in the 2008 finals of Fox's A m e ric a n Id o l.


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Texting becomes the new writing. Teens everywhere learn to double-thumb miniature keyboards and invent a new language of abbreviations and signs.

d ig ita l W . The U.S. converts from analog to digital TV despite the fact that many Americans are not ready to make the switch. Canada’s Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA) announces that after August 31,2011 all analog televisions will require a converter box. AP Photo/L.G. Patterson


Top style trends this year include baggy pants, oversized sunglasses, designer purses, black nail polish and plaids.


jostens © Jostens, Inc. Printed in Canada #3302560 1AXPPP/Landov,


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