2009-2010 Yearbook

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Mulgrave 5cfiool 2330, Cypress Bowl Lane, West Vancouver, B,C„ V75 3H9 www.mulgrave.com 604 922 3223 Published in Camda Printed in tfie W5A




Septem ber, October, November, December


"The Barbecue was

SUCh fun! Everyone

had a great time seeing old friends and meeting new people" - Vivian Ounjian

Welcome Back BBQ Mr. de Beer wrestled police dogs on the field Artistic Mrs.Ferguson drew beautiful and colourful face paintings. The bull - overlooked by the Grade Sevens - took people on a fun ride across the field. The burgers - cooked by the board and parent volunteers - were delicious! | Ms. Mitchell took up the challenge of being dunked in the shark tank ! ยก The big, bouncy, inflatable castle was a popular area with kids escaping the sun to jump away the afternoon. Ms. Richmond flexed her muscles and arm-wrestled a long line of hopeful students before emerging triumphant! We made our own cupcake designs, with many delicious topping choices, f It was a terrific opportunity for people to meet new kids and families joining the Mulgrave community and time to have fun! by Yeonjae Song 4

Daniel looks aghast a t M r s Richmonds strength!

M adeleine, Siri, M ichelle and A ria


M iss Pope throws a g o o d one

Flowers fo r Christina

M s M itchell had a g re a t day!

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Joshua aiming to dunk his sister!



t # c: te;»4R % d Lots o f delicious treats on this sunny d a y

M r M a c o tr i looks

Another one bites the dust.

Fall Camps •

Sea to Sky Outdoor School Keats Island Seal Poem


A calm brush of the ocean air, A lovely taste from the true love pair, For them I wonder what they see, You or me or a standing tree, I really wonder what they’ll see,

by Claudia Menziuso

What a strange addition Miss Southey!

Solitude spots are the best. Timmy writes some thoughts in his log book. 6

the spirit of things with his forest headgear.

Sea star or star fish? Whc cares when it's swallowinc your nose!

camp As I stepped on the ferry, my heart was pumping so fast I could hear it beat. I wondered if I would like Sea to Sky Camp or n o t I was kind of nervous, but I ju s t kept moving. I was so excited! Finally we arrived and we followed Coyote up the ‘Hill o f Doom’. It was hard. In the centre of campus, the islander, Hawk played the name game with us and it was awesome because we got to say our island name. Everybody had a very interesting name. They all had something to do with nature. Soon, time passed and the other groups arrived. Their smiles were as big as the ocean! The activities we did were awesome! From canoe voyages to high lookout hikes, polar dipping to solitude spots and the tire! Jamieson pushed us so high it felt like we got to touch the sky. The wind felt like a lovely treat. It felt so good as it reached the tips o f our faces. The bunk beds are were so comfy you could fall asleep in a second. I really enjoyed Sea to Sky Camp! Claudia Menziuso

Tessa is definitely taking time out to be a thinker. Wearing a photon and doing POTS is all part of camp.

Samantha writing in her log book. Aiden is ready for some early morning canoeing.


This year, when Grade 5 went to Sea to Sky Camp. We learned about the compass, the 80/20 world, and the ecospheratron. First, we learned that in the camp compass north stands for Nature, south stands for Sustainability, east stands for Ethics, and west stands for Work. We learned about the ecospherotron. I saw how much the earth has changed. It showed me how important it is to care about the earth and to take action. I saw how bad it w ill be if we cannot make a change and how great it w ill look when we do make a change. Another thing that I learned was the 80/20 world. That means 80% o f the world uses only 20% o f the World's resources and 20% o f the world uses 80% o f the World's resources. When I found that out, I was very shocked. I learned a lot o f things at camp and had fun there. It was like feeding two birds at one time. I wish that we could go again next year to Sea to Sky Camp and learn new facts and have a lot o f fun. Sian Shin 5D

Kiyaana, Rachael and Emily smile in the rain! 8

Emma, Jojo and Michelle were anticipating a good time on the ferry.

Polar dipping was VERY cold!


• Fall Camps

Sea to Sky Camp Keats Island Sing along! We learnt a lot of great songs on camp, "Look to the north, let nature be your guide! South to sustain all the wonders of life!"

Lucky is looking proud of his "Earth clan" marker!

Josh, showing us that there is nothing 'sluggish' about his behaviour on camp!

Ben enjoyed his packed lunch on the first hike upto Skookum Sky.

'I was shocked to learn about the 80:20 world We had a lot of fun at and how unequal it is" camp" Matthew Cho James Ferguson "It was great to be outdoors so much " Sian Shin

. and Siri on a hike to Rock.

Martin and Alex enjoying some GAP time. That can mean all sorts of things!

Hank and Nick were enjoying the Discovery Programme. g

Fall Camps

Strathcona Outdoor School Vancouver Island Ms. Mitchell joined us for a few days at camp. She was a real risk-taker when she tackled the 80' tree. She managed to climb all the way up on the staples and then abseiled down.

Jessica and Sarah enjoyed the sunny days that we spent at camp. Natalie and Erin were very encouraging when they supported each other on the zipline. It was a long way up and many Grade 6 students had to grit their teeth as they took the plunge.

'Dangerous Danielle1chills out in the sun.

Jenny and Weiyun share a joke under the trees.

Teachers were smiling for the camera around the camp-fire on the last night of camp!

Another beautiful view of the lake Bog-eating Joel was not too keen on the organic far at camp.

camp We boarded the ferry to go to Nanaimo and then drive to Strathcona Park Lodge. It was a VERY long trip. We were all really tired when we arrived. On the bog walk, I got to eat the bog moss because it is clean. It was used for putting on really deep cuts because it can absorb all of your blood and heal the wound. A ll o f the activities were really fun I loved it. My favourite activity was the indoor climbing because there were a lot o f different things to do inside. There was one activity that was called the m ilk box jum p which was very difficult, but fun. When my group and 1 went to the water it was as clear as a crystal. The best thing was watching my friends try to play piano keys on the kayaks and most o f them fell in because the kayaks were really slippery. The sauna was s till the best thing I have ever been in. This was my first time. On our way back from Strathcona the bus ride felt like the longest ride I have ever been on. The travelling was really boring, but I loved the camp. Laura Gollner

Maddy, Zoe and Jordan looked a little confused as they joined the circle!

Having some fun doing Spiderman impressions

Emma went that extra mile when she climbed the tree blindfolded!


I stepped out o f the water taxi with only two thoughts on my mind; it ’s raining, and no one knows who’s going on the first trip out. Well, we soon found out, it was groups B and D. I was in group B. I thought to myself, at least we got to get it over with first, but we were worried that someone would get eaten by bears! Luckily, the counselors were really kind, and they enjoy having fun. I have to admit that one o f the best things that happened on the trip was the totally awesome dress up dance party! Everyone got to pick a costume and dress up! It was really fun. I was really surprised that the food was actually good. Overall, I really enjoyed Camp Jubilee, and I wish lots o f luck to next year’s grade sevens! Benny Jean Cytrynbaum

Team building exercises teach Jolee, Sarah and Jena to hang on tight!

Mr. Cawkell and Mr. Keleher use their "mussels" to lift up the canoes.

Fun nights at camp! What's the chicken?

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■Fall Camps

Camp Jubilee Indian Arm Nice smiles everyone! It looks like the Grade 7 class had a great time at Camp Jubilee.

Simon thinking about his next balancing move.

Having trouble Mitch?

hands get you there ster... hopefully!

Angela, Zoe, Claire, and Tera pose for the camera.

Ryan swoops in! Grade 7's try to get across a stretch of land without touching the ground.

Wicked costumes grade 7's! How was the performance?

Fall Camps •

Sea to Sky Outdoor School Garibaldi Mountain Our beautiful clean water supply rushes by our campsite. Daniel exclaims "It is still warm!"

The Group says goodbye to Garibaldi Lake!

Marcus, Connor, Alex and Sandy take a mouthful of refreshing water.

The Group lunch at lakeside.

Josh and Noah chillin' on the rocks.

Aaron, Buzz, Matthew, Connor and Fraser take a great photo op.

Yahya surveys th scene...Yep, it is great day!

camp This year's Grade Eight's went on three different excursions. The advanced group went up Garibaldi Mountain. After an extremely difficult eight kilometer uphill hike, they had tonnes o f fun visiting glacier lakes and lying on the boardwalk under the stars. The intermediate and beginner groups went to two different campsites, distances apart. Those groups had fun too; playing games and telling ghost stories at night with flashlights. Overall the weather was amazing and the entire class bonded in the outdoors!

Kayla, iรก, Isabelle, and are lining and smiling for camera.

The Guide shakes his head: "Crazy Kids!"

Katherine sets up Justin, William, her tent. It is way and Micah check harder than it on their dinner, " Is looks! it done yet?"

Justin ponders... I think I like this camping stuff!

The experience we had at camp was unilke any other. The Grade Nine’s went kayaking along Indian Arm this year. We were fortunate enough to have two out of three days of sunshine when on the water. We got to know our peers better and learned new skills. We learned the proper equipment and how different water-based travel is from land-based travel. We have many great memories. We know that you will have fun next year, Grade 8 ’s! Go Dream Team!! -Natasha Virani and Tori Timmons

Camp Friends - Teela and Cara connect on the shore.

When the sun is out we play! Toby and Yuta.

Morning dose of hot chocolate will perk these campers up.


Kayaking - a two-night adventure at scenic Indian Arm The group lines up ready to embark on their 35 kilometer paddle.

Adam and Nick settle in for the night under their tarp "tent".

p ile for the camera, Hannah nd Cara!

Wake up ladies - a long paddle ahead for you Teela, Maddy, Cara and Honor.

The sun shines for our second day there - everyone unpeels their layers in favour of shorts!

As the boats relax, the Grade 9's also have a rest for the night.

Ready to hit the water - Toby and Yuta stand with their paddles.


Sea to Sky Outdoor School Keats Island

Brigitte, Katrina, Kelsey and Nisia stop for a moment on their way up to the peak.

Looking down at their amazing accomplishment, Hossein, Mr. Moore and Nick are awestruck.

The Grade 10's do a little disco as they ascend the mountain!

Mana and Dominique Who said you can't stay warm. have fun putting 18 up a tent!

uw en, Aoam, spirits are high, Tayler is préparée Katrina and Brigitte even though the rain ^or weather as are excited to pours down. the ottlers shiver reach the top. behind her! !

camp This year for our grade 10 camp, we traveled to the Whistler/Pemberton area. In order to have reasonably small groups, we were broken down in to A, B and C groups depending on the difficulty o f the hike (although I think they all were pretty hard). The grade 10 camp was different from previous years because the time period was longer, we left on a Tuesday and didn’t get back until Friday. I thought that this camp would feel a lot longer, however in the end I couldn’t image it any different. This year, more than ever, camp felt like an escape because we did so much. I felt that we had a lot o f fun and everyone really connected. Luckily, the third day at camp was beautiful weather and we were able go on a day hike to the peak. The hike up was brutal at times, but when we finally got top the top the view was an incredible. From the top, we took some spectacular photos and I think we will always have those memories. Despite, a day of rain and tiring hike, the camp experience turned out to be great! Brigitte M.

The sun shines on the hikers as they continue their climb.

take a moment to smile for the camera.

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On their way home, this weary crew pauses to survey the scene. 19

Hey good looking! Striking a pose: Shirley, Julia, 20 Glara, Han and Winnie.

The sass masters :Tirajeh and Hannah.


Fifty Grade 11 students spent October 22nd to October 25th at Lake Retreat Camp and Conference Center in Ravensdale, WA. The academic focus for the four days was the integration o f activities related to: English, Individuals, Societies and the Arts, Team building, and leadership workshops.

■Fall Camps

Lake Retreat Camp and Conference Center in Ravensdale, Washington

A ll members of the group participated, with great enthusiasm in activities which ranged from responding to art, planting trees, and passing Dr. Frewin, aloft, from hand to hand, in a team­ building activity! The group visited the Seattle A rt Museum and the Underground of Seattle tour. Ethan summed it up when he commented that ‘The Underground was a fascinating exploration o f late 19th century problem solving. As well, it was an entertaining perspective on the underbelly o f Seattle. ”

Blinded by the light! Soriya puts the lights out for a sculpture at the Boeing Museum of Flight.

Saturday featured a tour o f the Museum o f Flight in the morning, ireenspace restoration (tree planting and invasive species emoval) in the afternoon, and a performance o f A Streetcar Earned Desire in the evening. 'he greenspace restoration activity resonated with all o f us. 'harlotte J. commented, “ One o f the most enjoyable activities /as tree planting and clearing invasive species...I enjoyed this because you could actually see the difference you are making in be forest we were working on. ” )n Sunday, we returned to Mulgrave after the final team uilding activities. A ll in all, it was an active and intense taming experience, one that benefited all who participated.

You pull that root Arthur! Tree planting in the Washington forests.


In honor of Terry Fox Day, the Junior School was delighted to welcome Mrs. Sandra Durrans as a guest speaker on Friday, September 11, 2009. Mrs. Durrans addressed the Junior School about her dear friend, Terry, and the Marathon of Hope. Mrs. Durrans began her speech by telling us, “This is not a story about Terry as a national hero or an international symbol for cancer. This is simply a story about a friend and a friendship.” Mrs. Durrans first met Terry at the age of 10. She was friends with him throughout her elementary and high school years, plus went on to attend SFU during the same years he was there. It was at SFU that Terry’s battle with cancer began: “I think of him as my friend. A brave, courageous young man who had the determination to go beyond what anyone else would do to achieve a goal. No matter how big or small. What endeared the world to him is simply that. He never thought of himself as a hero never thought he was any better than anyone else. He just had the ability to try perhaps a little bit harder.” Each September, the Mulgrave community raises money for cancer research to commemorate Terry’s Marathon of Hope. With over 380 participants in the Junior School, our goal is to run for 45 minutes not only to honor Terry’s memory, but also to raise as much money as possible. After the inspiring speech from Mrs. Durrans, our Terry Fox run ensued on the lower field. It was a spectacular day. All of the students, staff members and volunteers who participated and made the event a great success.


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V * & Ăź n b l& s On November 3rd 2009, Grade 8's travel back in time to research notable historical figures. As these pictures document, they did it in grand style!


Brendan Archibald Passionate Filmmaker Award: Jeremy Cox

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Best Sound/Score: Confinement Matthew Bromley 2nd Best Cinematography: Confinement Jeremy Cox Best Editing: Confinement Jeremy Cox 2nd Best Art Direction: Confinement Jeremy Cox, Matthew Bromley, Ian Knowles, Ben Neil, Michael Minicucci

We had an exceptional year at this year's ZOOM. Mulgrave won more awards than any other school. Zoom is an annual student film competition for high school students in BC. Filmmakers have 48 hours to plan, shoot and produce a finished film. During these tension-packed 48 hours students will conceptualize, write, shoot, edit, post and drop-off their sixminute film to be judged by BC industry profession als. The following students should be congratula ted for their outstanding achievement: 2nd Best Junior Film: One of “Them" Luke Allard, Kevin Catliff, George Collister, Jessie Evens, Sam Griffiths, Michaela Hughes, & Angie Travlos Best Junior Technical: One of “Them” Luke Allard, Kevin Catliff, George Collister, Sam Griffiths

3rd Best Technical: Confinement Jeremy Cox, Matthew Bromley, Ian Knowles, Ben Neil, Michael Minicucci Other Mulgrave Films that were nominated: Junior Can’t Fight Fate (nominated for best overall) Tenal Bourchier, Bradan Decicco, Dominique Hart, Jake Larson, Nisia Minicucci & Dustin Riley Egg (nominated for acting) Tasha, Noah, Heather Life as she knew it (nominated for acting) Emma Tallos, Samiya Hassan Egg's-girlfriend (nominated for best sound/score) Erick Leung and Spencer Sheilds Solitude (nominated for best cinematography) Nathan Stedman

The following student participated in Zoom this year: Grade 8 Samiya Hassan Emma Tallos Heather Corbett David Cross Noah Guld Tasha Fischer William Wang Jake Larson Grade 10 Dustin Riley Bradan Decicco Nisia Minicucci Dominique Hurt Tenal Bourchier Kyle White Adam Hart Owen Hann Luke Allard Kevin Catliff Sam Griffiths George Collister Michaela Hughes Elina Kalamkarova Alex Sadler Charlie Hart Andrew Tallos Omar Aguilar Angie Travlos Grade 11 Kei Yamamoto Erick Leung Spencer Shields Annahis Basmadjian Conrad James Nathan Stedman Peter Arnould Jack MacPhail Nick Dempsey Aazan Habib Grade 12 Jeremy Cox Benjamin Neil Matt Bromley Ian Knowles Michael Minicucci


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Locker duty Grade 11 and 12 students donned cover-ups and tapped their creativity to clean up and re-paint the lockers in Grandview School. Although it was hard work, all of the students did their very best to complete the job well. The finished result was rewarding for all.

Grandview Renew Senior school students show up in full force to lend a hand ■MMBMMMMBMI For some time, Mulgrave has been fostering a relationship with Grandview Elementary School, an inner-city school that is a mere fifteen minutes’ drive from Mulgrave. Grandview had been pointed out to Mulgrave as a school of particular need, and we have been determined to build a two-way relationship with them: in exchange for

volunteers, support and resources, we gain experience, perspective and humanity. The greatest achievement in our yearling relationship was the service day that occurred in September 2009, where more than one hundred Senior School students and staff bussed to Grandview one Saturday morning.

There, we repainted lockers, cleaned walls, reorganised files, cleared overgrown weeds from a community garden on the school grounds, and generally helped to rejuvenate the school.There was a very positive atmosphere (especially since some Grandview students came to work alongside us), and the

projects were undertook were done (and done well!). Grandview’s principal, Ms G. Raphael, told the group at the end of the day how pleased she was with what had been accomplished, marking it as a very successful and encouraging day in the history of both schools, as well as of their young relationship, by Jan deBeer

We had an amazing Grade 6 soccer team. At the Southridge Play Day, we played three great games and finished with a tie and two losses. The highlight from that day was our game against Collingwood where we came back from two goals with only ten seconds left! We played well as a team that day. I will always remember the fun bus rides, our two exhilarating wins and our last soccer season in Junior School.


We had an amazing soccer season! Although we lost some games, we had fun, especially on the bus rides. This year, we had talented forwards, defense, and goalies. The Victoria Jamboree was a mini World Cup style tournament, where we were on different teams representing many countries. It was fun learning new soccer skills from other players. Our coaches taught us a lot of strategies. Our soccer season was great!

his year's cross country team did very well with their aining and at the two meets. We met every Monday fternoon to train and everyone worked really hard, dulgrave participated in two cross country meets. One f them was the Pumpkin Run at Ambleside Park, here every grade raced about 1km to 2km. The anners did very well and had a lot of fun. If you came first, second or third, you got a pumpkin. At the nal and most important meet of the year, the races >r all grades were harder and much longer. If you ame in the top 16 you got a ribbon. All Mulgrave udents ran really hard and placed well at this meet, his was a great cross country year and we all had a t of fun.

We had a very successful season with improved skills every game. We practiced hard with guidance from our devoted coaches. At the ISEA Play Day, we met our rival schools. They came to show off their skills and that was the highlight of the season. We played well and achieved a respectable result. We were proud of ourselves for our steady progress and will return next year for another successful and exciting season.

The Grade 6 girls started off as rookies, but after our incredible coaching, we turned into young pros. Our fabulous coaches, Ms. Yakachuk and Mr. Gardiner made basketball practices fun yet intense! We learnt different kinds of dribbling skills like cross-overs and pick and rolls. Passing was one of the most important things that we learned. If someone is open in front of you then you should pass it to them because the ball flies through the air faster than you can dribble! Layups were, unfortunately, one of the team ’s weaknesses. We had to practice aiming for the right spots and hitting the ball soft off the backboard a lot. Our two top scorers for the season were Anniqa and Betsie. Great job team!

The team had a terrific season this year. We played a truly 'team' oriented game. All season, we played with a flow, skill and enthusiasm that 'Sstv.J allowed us success during league play, and earned a victory to conclude the season. Nicky Allen is commended for his strong leadership as our captain throughout the season. Thanks go to Mr. Jones, Mr. RonaldJones and Brett Zielke, for their dedication, commitment, and support.


This season of volleyball was one filled with team bonding, and laughs! The team was committed, coming in at 6:45am to practice, working hard, and supporting each other on and off the court. There were many successes, but one highlight was our victory against Handsworth early on in our season. The girls used communication, technical skills, and heaps of determination to pull off a very impressive win. What great group of people as well as athletes!

The team had a great year. In league play the team ended the season with a record of 5-4 and headed into the ISEA Play day in 7th place. Defeating St. John’s easily in their first game, the team moved on to the semi-finals where they up tough against Crofton House, but ended up losing 25-17. The team then played Collingwood in the consolation final and easily defeated them 25-12. Overall it was an amazing season and the girls are looking forward to their next.


Cross Country The team had a successful season, beginning with an exhibition match in Victoria against St. Michael’s University School and ending with a respectable finish against one of the best teams in the province. We also participated in the ISA Boys and Girls Tournaments, finishing third in both. During North Shore season play, the team had a number of very close matches over the course of the season with close 65 wins and some nail-biting 6-5 losses. Mulgrave was in a tie for 4th place with Argyle coming into the final league match of the year. The team played extremely well, with some key matches won by doubles team, Justin C. and Conrad J., as well as Ellie C. and Emma P. Grade 8 William Wang played in the senior boys singles match. He played fantastically and won in the third set 24-22 to put the Mulgrave Senior Badminton team into the play-offs for the first time where we earned third place. Congratulations to our team of players for Mulgrave’s most successful badminton season to date.

2009 was a season of extremes for Cross Country. On oi extreme we had our first Mulgrave Titan qualify to represe the North Sore at Provincial Cross Country Championshi Brigitte M. and on the other extreme we struggled to field ft teams in league meetings despite having a strong team draw from. Just as the team was beginning to ga consistency and fitness, the season was over. Going to Provincial Cross Country Championships was huge achievement for Brigitte. As a Grade 10 athlete, she w competing predominantly against Grade 11 and 12 girls the Senior Girls Division. Brigitte did extremely well finish in the top half of the field. There is no doubt that s will be back at Provincials for the next two years, improvi each time. Many thanks to coaches Mr. Michael Moore, Mr. Ferdina van Zyl and Ms. Christine Giesbrecht for their time and eff during the season. v



Jr Girls

The team finished off their season (¡j*, with a 4th place finish in the NSSSAA playoffs. This is quite an accomplishment considering that we are the only single ’A’ school of the thirteen teams playing volleyball on the North Shore. Our team demonstrated incredible heart and tenacity all season long especially when playing against teams with bigger players from bigger schools. They simply refused to lose and will go on to further success next season.

The Juvenile Girls Volleyball team had an exciting season this year. During league play they only lost one game and finished with a 9-1 record. The girls entered playoffs with the same dedication and determination that they played the season with and finished 4th on the North Shore. Well done ladies!

'he swim team completed its year in grand style, ringing home excellent results at the ISEA Swim Vleet. This year’s team was our biggest ever, full of aient and desire. Surviving the early mornings, the earn learned all about competition swimming, as they lave developed their strokes, starts, and turns. \dorned with stunning new swim suits and caps, the tudents made a big splash at their competitions, vearing their Mulgrave pride on their sleeve, rather heir swim suit. Thanks to the Ms. Roy, the student volunteer coaches, and parent volunteers, who have nade the season run so smoothly. Next year we look orward to having everyone return, participate in more wim meets and go after that elusive ISEA Championship!

Winter '10

Jam ary, February, Marcfi


Our T Ă´toV Tourers, On the night of Wednesday, February 10, 2010, many Mulgrave families and faculty came out to cheer on our two Olympic torchbearers, Mr Nihat Tetiker, Mulgrave Facilities Manager, and David Cross, Grade 8 student. Both runners carried the torch with pride and happiness. It was an amazing event for all!

2010 K ro tte r OljiAApcos*

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The Olympics mean cheering on my home city. The athletes inspire me to follow my goals and new sports. The Olympics are important to me because the athletes work hard training all year long representing their country and following their goals. The Olympics make me think of myself as an athlete. The Olympics make me think of all of the countries competing in the Olympics. The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games make me really excited because it is my home city. Joshua B. The Olympics mean mascots, medals - gold, silver, bronze and the Inuk-shuck. It makes me smile and makes me think our world is filled with love, peace and joy. Thinking of yourself as the athlete can get you inspired. You can get happy and excited. You can reach your goal. It is international and the crowd is cheering for you. You feel good for yourself and you think how brave you are. Kristjana W. The Olympics mean competitions and winter sports like skeleton and free style skiing. They are all fun games in the Olympics. We all are counting down the days for the Olympics. The mascots of the Olympics are Miga, Sumi and Quatchi with their side kick Mak Mak. They are all wonderful mascots. Christie Y. The Olympics are a special event because when you watch the Olympics it feels like you are an Olympic athlete competing in the Olympics. I am going to make it to the Olympics because my heart is telling me I can make it. I am going to follow my dreams to be an Olympic hockey player and win a gold medal in the Olympic hockey game. Jayden S. I’m so excited that the Olympic Games are going to be here in Vancouver! I just want to go and watch the Olympic Games. I think the Olympic Games are special because that’s when you can play and represent your country and play against other people all over the world. To me the Olympic Games mean playing and enjoying what you are doing. Whenever I hear energetic music it just makes me think of the Olympics and when I think of the Olympics I think of hard work and training. When I grow up I would like to be an Olympic athlete and I would go out there and play and represent my country. My whole family would be there cheering for me. Just imagine! Lily Y.


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On November 2, 2009 the 18 elementary and secondary Pin Design Contest winners were announced at the West Vancouver Council Meeting. Each winner had their design produced as a West Vancouver pin. Over 400 students from elementary and secondary students across West Vancouver submitted designs. Mulgrave did very well with one silver and two bronze winners: Helen Jeong, Grade 7 Silver Jonathan Kim Grade 6 Bronze Duncan Lucas Gradfe 6 Bronze

WVeëoWr G jrlú vj )n Thursday, March 18 Grade 10 students vent to see the Wheelchair Curling event at íe Paralympics. As they were in the middle if a unit of study involving curling, they were ble to link this visit to their BC Physical ducation curriculum by understanding that II athletes train with the same rigorous lements, set goals, go through the same trial rocesses and, ultimately, have the same urpose in mind: representing their country in ompetition. Students researched the anadian Paralympic athletes prior to atching them in action by looking into their ackgrounds and training regimens.

Our T-eacAiOf^ Keeà-


A group of our Junior School teachers were surprised when they realized who they were sitting next to at a Paralympic Games sledge hockey match between Canada and Italy on March 13th. Ms Cannon, Ms Rathbone, Ms Newton and Ms Ullman were sitting next to our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper at the University of British Columbia's Thunderbird Arena. He was in town to catch the Games action firsthand. He graciously agreed to have a photograph taken with our teachers. What a great souvenir of the Games!

My favourite Olympic moment was when Joannie Rochette won bronze in ladies figure skating, short & long program. She was skating for her mom who had died from an unexpected heart attack, two days before Rochette was to compete. Joannie was, and still is an inspiration for me and people across the world. She was skating in honor of her mom, and she made her proud. I watched Joannie light up the ice as she performed with open arms for the world. She was fantastic! And she brought tears to my eyes.


Another amazing Olympic moment was when Crosby shot the winning goal that

resulted in a gold medal for Canada. The game was tied 2-2 and we had to go into overtime. That’s when it happened, Crosby scored and TEAM CANADA won gold! I was in my car at the time, racing home to catch the last minute of the hockey game. My mom was flipping through the radio station, trying to find the station where they broadcasted the game. She finally found it and this was all we heard: “We will be back with the game after this commercial break..... AND CROSBY SCORES!!!!” It was fantastic! I rang my cowbell as we drove down the street. My final favourite Olympic moment was when Alex Bilodeau won gold in men’s downhill moguls. It was the first

time we had won gold on home soil. It felt amazing for him and proud Canadians across the country. His brother looked thrilled when he came down the mountain. All of these special memories I will have for the rest of my life, have made me proud to be Canadian. By: Rachael W. (5H)

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Mulgrave was honoured to have Paralympian Andrea Holmes speak at Junior Assembly Friday January 15th. Andrea was born without the lower portion of her left leg, but that has not held her back from becoming a 4-time Canadian Paralympic Champion in Long Jump and 3-time Canadian Paralympic Champion in 100m.

Like we used to do

Andrea was the flag bearer for the opening ceremony of the 2004 Paralympic Games and will find out in the next two weeks if she will be participating in the 2010 Olympic Games as a freestyle skier.

I can’t hide from you You can’t hide from me There is a line in front of us We can’t go away from each other Like we used to Like we used to Like we used to do

Andrea’s speech was both engaging and inspiring. She talked about what it means to be an Olympian, including the years of hard work and the setting of goals. We are truly grateful to her for taking time out of her busy training schedule to share her experiences with us. Special thanks to Shameer Noormohamed from RBC for arranging the visit.

We see gold We are competing and fulfilling our dreams Reaching for the stars We can’t stop till we’re at the top I can’t hide from you You can’t hide from me There is a line in front of us We can’t go away from each other Like we used to Like we used to Like we used to do We are happy when we reach the top We can go further now We are thrilled We trained so hard, see you in Sochi in four years I can’t hide from you You can’t hide from me There is a line in front of us We can’t go away from each other Like we used to Like we used to Like we used to do

By: Sahra Kassim-Lakha (2W) 41

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SPIRIT WEEK 2010: MAKING DREAMS COME TRUE ... This year’s Upper School Spirit Week, Mulgrave’s 9th annual campaign, supported the Make-A-Wish Foundation of BC and Yukon (www.makeawishbc.ca/). Spirit Week was right before the Olympics, from Monday, February 8th to Thursday, February 11 th, 2010. It was four days packed with wishes and Olympic spirit from all dimensions. There were arts and athletics as well as a focus on our major service campaign in support of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Make-A-Wish grants wishes to children with lifethreatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength, and joy. Since 1983, they have granted more than 1,000 wishes for children in our region. This year we pledged to grant a few wishes, including one from our own community. As always, Spirit Week is organised by G10-11 student leaders on the Service Action Council (SAC), under the guidance of the SAC Spirit Week Coordinators, Juliette Levine and Nick Dempsey. The main event for this year’s Spirit Week was an Olympic Relay competition as well as lots of fun spirit activities this year, such as opening and closing ceremonies, live music from The Fugitives, Olympic-themed house competitions at lunch, a talent show, a special Olympic lunch, a non-uniform day, and guest speakers. This year, we were also lucky to have the support of the Kids Helping Kids Foundation (www.kidshelpingkidsfoundation.ca) , a ocal charitable organisation that seeks to empower youth to make j difference in the lives of other youth. One way it does this is by supporting philanthropic projects by youth which benefit other children’s charities. Kids Helping Kids generously agreed to match yiulgrave’s Spirit Week fundraising totals up to $5000. "he Mulgrave community was invited to purchase a Spirit Week shirt, and make donations to our Mulgrave campaign directly to he BC Make-A-Wish Foundation. Overall, Spirit Week was a huge access and considerable funds were raised to support our Parities.

The Laramie Project

A Bold Production On February 4th - 6th 2010 at 7:00pm in the Linda Hamer Theatre, Mulgrave Performing Arts presented The Laramie Project, directed by Glen Pope. Senior students performed this powerful and moving play with a maturity and conviction that impressed their audiences. Once again, Mulgrave was able to stage a thoughtprovoking and innovative dramatic piece. The Laramie Project was written by MoisĂŠs Kaufman

and the members of the found unconscious and Tectonic Theater Project tied to a fence in a field from New York City. on the outskirts of Residents of the town of Laramie. On October Laramie, Wyoming were 12th, 1998, Matthew interviewed by members died in hospital. The day of the Tectonic Theater was declared the first day Project after the murder of of National Gay Matthew Shepard in 1998. Awareness Week. The play is a frank look at This crime is one of many the opinions and thoughts that helped the inclusion of members of the of sexual orientation in community to which both federal hate crimes law in Matthew and his attackers the United States in belonged. 2009. On October 7th, 1998, Matthew Shepard was


O ur UW rstT) - TVe Huk What a year was had in the library! Here are just a few hightlights: - visiting authors, Greg Mortenson (Three Cups of Tea), Winnie Mack ( After All, You're Callie Boone) and Sarah Ellis (Out of the Blue) - a phenominal Book Fair headed by Catherine Lancaster, Manon Martin, Vessa Samson & Barbara Cytrynbaum who transformed the library into a magical book shop and created an exciting atmosphere fully focused on the joy of reading and the love of books - the Red Cedar Pizza Party - Night of the Notables - Summer reading ice-cream party TVe

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- Hundreds of new books added to the collection - Our amazing hard-working library volunteers


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But MOST of all our tireless librarians, Ms Chapin and Mrs Brough who help us all year with a smile and a kind word.



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Author of Three Cups of Tea

QC< Thursday 14th January 2010 On Thursday the 14th we had a special guest come to speak at our school about his life and his personal journeys. His name is Greg Mortenson. He is the man who wrote the book Three Cups of Tea and he has come out with a new book, Stones into Schools. He believes in building peace with books and education for kids. His books tell about how he builds schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan. He first promised to build a school while he was climbing K2 but he got lost and was rescued by a small village in Pakistan. He asked the chief to see the school and all he saw were kids scratching their math in the dirt with sticks and there was no teacher. He promised then to come back and build a proper school. He has since built 131 schools! While he was in one of the villages a wise man told him a story of the rocks on the mountains in the distance. He said that they were men who have died wanting their children to have an education and a school. That is what I think the book Stones into Schools is all about. When I arrived at the school I noticed that there were a lot of volunteers helping to guide traffic and to help make it very safe in the miserable weather. The first 15 minutes before the show started Greg was signing books and I was lucky enough to get one of his autographs. He signed it with a star, which is on all of his schools that he builds, and the word peace. One of his quotes that I thought was very powerful was “if you educate a boy you educate an individual, if you educate a girl you educate a community” . I think that means that the women are usually the ones who are making a community a better place while the boys are sent off to the army to get money or where captured and taken there. It was a great experience to be there and to meet him and I hope I can see him again.

Alex. Eastman 6Y

“Penelope, hurry up and eat your dinner!” My mother said to me. “Why?” I asked, “It’s Thursday and we don’t have any co-curricular activities after school!” My mother rolled her eyes. “Didn’t I tell you? W e’re going to the Greg Mortenson speech tonight, you know, the man who wrote the book Three Cups of TeaT’l had no reason to be reluctant, going to Mr. Mortensen’s lecture was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I had expected it to be about politics and all that grown-up stuff, but I was surprised that when we entered the theatre, there were more kids than I had anticipated. Greg Mortensen signed my copy of Three Cups of Tea’ with not only his name, but also the word PEACE which I think summarizes his overall message. After signing some books, he went up on stage to begin his speech. Nap time! Was my first thought, but it turned out to be the total opposite. He gave us a quick synopsis of the book; his sister Christa had died of a seizure and so he took one of her amber necklaces and went on a journey to place it on the mountain in Pakistan: K2. Unfortunately, he had to turn back before reaching the summit. He was forced to retreat to the lower slopes where he found a small village called Korphe. He grew attached to the people there and he promised to build them a school because of their kindness to him. He said that most of the kids there were scratching in the mud with sticks and there were barely any girls even doing that! I was really surprised about how many women around the world do not have an education, and was angry at how badly they are treated just because of their gender. I feel really lucky that women have access to education here in Canada. I was also surprised at how many challenges Mr. Mortensen had to face on his journey to build the first school! It is hard to imagine building 130 schools, but that is what he has done! That must have been really challenging! By the end of his speech I was totally amazed and I hope that girls continue to be educated in these regions. That will lead to more peace, which is what his aim was in the first place.

Penelope Neocleous 6F

Mulgrave School 2009-2010

4 9

Right: Cecile Dai's bouquet of spring flowers. Below: Daniella Polevoy's

Below: Emily Tan made a picture of a polar bear in the Arctic

Above: Grace drew rainbows and mountains.

Right: Grade Three did some beautiful work with water colours.

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Above: Aly made this beautiful turtle.

Left: Angela Kwak's colourful interpretation of micro-organisms

Right : Grade 4 were painting their own interpretations of famous paintings. This is a version of Seurat's "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte"

Below: Melissa's happy lady is aiming to be knowledgeable

Above: Betsie de Beer's micro­ organism work of art.

Above: Marching ladybugs from Kindergarten

Left: Students in Grade 2 learned all about the Port of Vancouver.


Left: Sukhmun Hare Grade 8 Mixed Media Portrait Right: Alexander Lee Grade 9 Mixed Media Monoprint

Left: Sabrina Lalar Grade i Mixed Media Portrai

Below: Tascha Fisher Grade 8 Mixed Media Portrait

Below: Crysta Chenยก Grade i Acrylic Paintei Floorclotl

Above: Margaret Berton Grade 9 Acrylic Painting on wood panel

Above: Rory Thies Grade 9 Mixed Media Monoprint

Right: Tori Timmons Grade 9 Acrylic Painting on wood panel

\<rmn Macki Wallster Grade 9 Ceramic tile


Devon Yip Grade 9 Ceramic Tile

Emily Sewell Grade 9 Ceramic Tile

Christopher Ryan Grade 9 Ceramic Tile

What does the future mean to you\ Ceramic relief tile project



Left: Alia Ridley Grade 9 Mixed media monoprint

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Below: Yahya Sahiholnasab Grade 8 Mixed media portrait

ïelow : Matthew ïwimper 3rade 8 Acrylic painted loorcloth

Above: Adam Chandani Grade 9 Mixed media on wood panel

Above: Jasmine Somani Grade 9 Mixed media monoprint

How can we be inspired by the environment around us? Ceramic Vessels project

Left: Melissa Godin Grade 9 Mixed media on wood panel

Sarah Halldorson Grade 7 Ceramic vessel

Lewis Croke Grade 7 Ceramic vessel

Dara PreciousBarrow Grade 7 Ceramic vessel

Helen Ji Grade 7 Ceramic Vessel


Below: Sevan Agopian Grade 12 Scanned fabric printed on canvas

Below: Shirley Wang Grade 11 Charcoal drawing on painted paper

Above: Laura Meaking Grade 1 Acrylic painting on canva

African inspired terracotta pots Ben Ressideh Grade 10 Terracotta Ceramic Vessel


Angie Travlos Grade 10 Terracotta Ceramic Vessel

Brigitte Matheusik Grade 10 Terracotta Ceramic Vessel

Mona lu Grade 10 Terracotta Ceramic Vessel

Below: Amy Zhang Grade 12 Mixed media painting on unstreched canvas


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Left: Amanda Woida Grade 11 Monoprint

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Below: Elbe Chen Grade 12 Lino block print on paper Below: Nicole Tomsett Grade 12 Monoprint

Above: Shelby Ayers Grade 12 Acrylic painting on canvas

bove: Riva Ridley rrade 12 crylic Painting on large scale canvas

Separate Grounds Artist in Residence Project

Left: Lauren Thomas Grade 12 Digital Photograph

M.C. de Beer Grade 10 Black and white photograph on vinyl

Nicole Tomsett Grade 12 Black and white photograph on vinyl

Kyra Crookbain Grade 11 Black and white photograph on vinyl

George Collister Grade 10 Black and white photograph on vinyl


Ăœk The Senior Boys Rugby team embarked on their first international tour to England and Wales from March 11-21, 2010. Upon arriving in London, the boys immediately boarded their coach and were driven down to Truro, Cornwall, where they were met with open arms by their billets at Penair School. The following day, the boys played their first match against Penair. Jet-lagged and fatigued, the boys battled on the pitch, but fell just short losing 27-22. For the next leg of the tour the boys travelled to Shrewsbury, where they boarded at the prestigious Shrewsbury School. When the boys took to the pitch against Shrewsbury a new Titans team triumphed now more accustomed to the physical English game. The boys played an intense match winning 41-15, and left the Shrewsbury squad wondering what had happened! Leaving England and now travelling to Wales, the boys were met in Swansea by a

crowd of students at Ysgol Gyfun Ystalyfera School. Feeling like celebrities as they exited from the bus, they team was swarmed by students and bombarded with questions about Canada. The following day they played their match against Ystalyfera, watched by the entire school. The sidelines were littered with more than 300 people, the biggest crowd the team had ever played in front of before. Our last stop was at Ysgol Gyfun Bro Morgannwg School in Cardiff. We headed into Cardiff for a day of sightseeing that included a guided coach tour of Cardiff and exploring Cardiff Castle. Overall, the tour was a complete success. The boys experienced British culture and history firsthand, improved their rugby skills, and were true ambassadors for both Canada and Mulgrave School.

Basketball Gr 5 Boys

The swim team completed the year in grand style. We survived the early mornings and learned all about competition swimming. With stunning new swim suits and caps, we made a big splash at competitions. Thanks to the Ms. Roy, student volunteer coaches, and parent volunteers, who made the season run so smoothly. Next year we plan to go after that elusive ISEA Championship!

The season went very well this year. My favourite game was at Collingwood School where we played an extremely close game. The score was tied 20-20 with only a couple of minutes left, and the action was fast. Sadly we lost, but everyone was cheering so loud that it actually felt like we were in the NBA. Overall our season was great and I think it couldn’t have been better. I’m very much looking forward to next year’s season. Liam Gray

The Grade 5 Girls basketball team enjoyed a fun and exciting season. The girls were committed to their practises and worked diligently on their passing, shooting, and positional play. The team grew with every game and they achieved a successful result at the always exciting Mulgrave Play Day. This competition allowed our Mulgrave Girls to showcase their many talents and reveal great potential for more success next year.

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We had an awesome season! Being a competitive person, I have learned that if you want to do well and win you must give 100% to every move you make and not give up. You have to leave sweat on the court! Anna Crone I loved basketball. I learned about how to pass properly and dribble without the ball flying over my head! Sarah Orsmond Playing basketball is about being part of a team. I learned that if you work as a team and pass to each other, you will do much better that just focusing on doing everything by yourself. Soraiya Lalani___________________________

The Grade 6 basketball team had an enjoyable season. Not short on numbers, the team was able to dress nearly thirty players a game! Over the season, basic skills such as dribbling, passing and shooting were worked on. The boys were able to improve upon many of these skills and put them to use in games. Although ‘shifts’ were short, due to large participation on the team, everyone worked hard during games and wore the Mulgrave jersey with pride. There were many talented players on this team who will continue to be key contributors to the basketball programme.

The Junior Boys basketball team had a very condensed and competitive season this year. Despite injury to some players and a shortened season, the boys managed to play competitively with the other squads. The team had hard fought games against Rockridge, Sentinel and Windsor this year with every game being decided by 4 or fewer points. With the nucleus of the team intact for next year we look forward to an even stronger season next year.

The Gr 9 team participated in an exhibition season this year. The girls kicked the season off by playing in a tournament where they faced STA and Sutherland. The girls hard work and determination was paid off as the Lady Titans easily handled Bodwell 43-11 and defeated Lions Gate Christian Academy 32-22. Overall, the girls had a great season and are already looking forward to the 2010-2011 season.

The focus for the Bantam Boys Basketball team this year was to develop their basic skills and to build as a team. While the season proved to be challenging, the team definitely improved in their play. Each of the boys developed and refined their individual fundamental basketball skills, while building team cohesiveness throughout the season. The boys demonstrated true sportsmanship, giving the best of themselves in every game. The team placed 4th in the final ISEA tournament of the year, finishing the season on a high note. The coaches would like to commend each and every member of the team on their enthusiasm and their willingness to improve. We are looking forward to a strong season next year.


(Little Lady Titans), had a very successful season. Our first practice in November started with 23 excited, but relatively inexperienced players. What we lacked in size and experience, we more than made up with heart, determination, and commitment. By season’s end, we had a record of 8 wins and 4 losses. We entered the ISEA Championships in February and finished in fourth place. Their future is bright. Go Titans go!

The Grade 8 girls basketball team had an outstanding season this year. Playing in the highly competitive North Shore League, the girls were up against some steep competition. During league play, the Titans defeated their neighbouring rivals, Rockridge, 24-20. The Titans also competed in the Bantam ISA Tournament at Crofton House. The Lady Titans finished 7th narrowly defeating the Collingwood Cavaliers 24-22. During the first round of the North Shore League playoffs the Lady Titans were matched up against the heavily favoured Handsworth Royals. Giving the Royals their best test of the season, the Royals went on the capture the North Shore Bantam title. Overall, the girls had an amazing season and will look forward to progressing their skills over the summer and entering the 2010-2011 season as a force to be reckoned with.

Floor Hockey

The team enjoyed a fabulous season filled with last minute victories, tough defensive stops and exciting shots. Coaches Andre Linaksita. Zac Lim and Sam Griffiths, led the boys through gruelling practices. Their regular season record was 4 wins and 3 losses and the coaches felt confident going into the ISEA Tournament. The Titans finished the year in 5th place and are looking forward to getting back on the court next season.

In the annual floor hockey tournament the floor hockey team were finalists for the second year in a row. Although they were one of the smallest and youngest teams, they came back from a deficit score in every game and twice won in a shoot out. The boys played at their maximum potential. Their ability to work as a team was what really made them stand out and earn victories against other teams. The boys fought very hard for their second place finish. Congratulations to the team.

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Sr Boys Basketball 2010 was a reasonably successful year for the senior boys basketball team. The team was made up of mostly young players, with only five seniors returning from last year. Spurred on by the good example set by the senior players, the young players performed admirably, earning significant court-time and showing a willingness to take big shots at important moments of games. As a team, we started off predictably slowly, losing our first four games but showed steady improvement in each loss. In the second half of the season, our improvements were notable and we managed to tally six wins, improving on last year’s total by five victories. Coaches Sealey and Cawkell would especially like to thank captains Andre Linaksita and Mitchell Weir as well as grade 12’s Ian Knowles, Zac Lim and Michael Minnicucci for their hard work and dedication over the past few seasons.

The Lady Titans basketball season started off with a great deal of doubt and uncertainty. We had a new team with only one returning starter from the 2008-2009 squad. In our first tournament, the Eagle’s Classic, our youth and inexperience showed, but our seniors stepped up and provided the leadership that was necessary to earn us a second place finish, and two players named to the 1st All-Star team. We entered three more tournaments, winning two of them and coming in 6th in the other. The highlight of the season was defending our title and repeating as Lower Mainland Sr. Girls ’A’ Basketball Champions. That victory ensured that we qualified to play in the Provincial Championships. We are eager for next year to begin as this year we will only lose one player to graduation. We will miss Riva R. as she has been our captain and pillar of strength throughout the season. She has helped our team believe in themselves and set us up for even more success next year. 59



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Spring Gala 2010

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The Silk Road

2D1D was spectacular! Our Gala Chairs, Kim Sfoldon, Tracey Dixon and Liana Cox, as well as tfieir ■earn of volunteers deserved a foge round of applause :or for ffo ir tireless energy, ffo ir diligence and ffo ir creativity), Immediately upon arrival at Gala, one felt :aptlvated and swept away by tine exquisite SWk Road focor witfi its myriad of colours and textures, A oreatibta^ing array of exotic gowns added to tfo ambiance, Tfo impeccable evening culminated In a full fonce floor, gyrating to tfo eclectic rfiytfims of fine sensational Dublin 2 Déliai, 5ucñ an evening could only afo place witfi tfo dedication and support of tine entire vAulgrave Community, Tfonfc to generous donations, bountiful bidding and endless volunteer fours, our scfool continues to grow and blossom,

Photo Competition 3»ae/

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It is hard to believe what happens on any given day at Mulgrave School, and even more difficult to portray all the events that generate energy and enthusiasm within our community. Our students had the opportunity to capture the essence of what is Mulgrave on Thursday, April 1,2010. This year's winners were: 1st: Emma Rahemtulla (Grade 9) Lunch Time 2nd: Kei Yamamoto (Grade 11) Digital 4 Strands Mulgrave

P A S t.

3rd: Ameeqa Ali Ready Set Test



Spring Activities

An overnight camp at.... Mulgrave School!

S le e p o m Fun Having

a sleepover at school was a lot of fun and it felt like we were on a real adventure. I think we will all be ready for the big camp on Keats Island next year.



We made great tie dye shirts, but this was one that Jonathan already had!

Tie tiye

We had so much fun when the boys all dressed up and danced around. Lots of different people had made a big effort to put on a show. Talent Show

Everyone had a good nights' sleep. Even though we were on the floor! 6 6

Our sleeping bags were really cosy! Justin was all dressed up for the talent show.

Ines and Sarah were excited about dining out at "Chez Fancy"

The food at camp was so good!

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A t the Grade 3 sleepover we did lots o f fun activities. Straight away, we did three exciting stations: capture the flag on the hill, tie dye with our white shirts, and we made ropes out of elastic bands and did Chinese skipping with them. After that, we all went down to the cafeteria for dinner. When we looked in the cafeteria, everyone was so surprised! It looked like a fancy restaurant. Mr. Steffens called it, “ Chez Fancy.” The food there was really good. A t the Grade Three Talent Show there were magic shows, people singing songs, comedy shows and dances. After every show, everyone clapped and cheered. Afterwards, we did songs and stories around the camp fire ( it was the stage). We ate cookies and had hot chocolate and it was great! In the morning, we went down to the gym and played. Afterwards, we went on a nature walk. In the middle o f the nature walk, someone jumped out in a bear costume! Everyone screamed, but then everyone high-fived the bear. Then we all went to the cafeteria and ate breakfast and went home. by Alyssa H.ague (3U)

ori was one of the Grade 9 aders that helped us.

fun at the talent show. “She wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts"

Look at our awesone tie dye shirts!


The Eastern USA Trip was absolutely amazing. I am guessing that this is the time for kids (Grade 6) when we are starting to feel that we can be more independent and responsible, because I personally was not worried about the trip at all. Unlike last year when I was so worried that I had to go to camps. I learned a lot of things during the trip, especially the history of America concerning the British Colonial period. There were many things that I liked on the trip, so it is hard to decide what my favourite was. If I had to choose, it would be the Hershey Chocolate Factory. I think everyone would understand why, even if I do not explain why chocolate! We watched a 3D show about the chocolates with a lot of special effects. That was followed by a short learning period about Milton Hershey and the Hershey’s history. Afterwards

we went chocolate shopping. Other places were very interesting and cool too, but the Hershey’s factory was my favourite. I think that this trip has been a great experience, in terms of both fun and learning. It was also a great experience for being responsible and independent. I have to give huge thanks to Ms. Mitchell and Mr. Gardiner. The trip was absolutely fantastic and I would certainly recommend everyone to go on these trips in the future if it were possible. by Sean Yang


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Eastern Canada 2010 was an exciting experience! A fantastic group of grade nines attended this trip in early February, visiting the cities of Montreal, Quebec City and Ottawa. We did everything from attending world-class museums, to dog sledding, to cheering for the Vancouver Canucks at an Ottawa Senators hockey game! Each experience was filled with memorable moments and multiple learning experiences as the teachers organised fun

activities for us to do. We did almost everything a tourist could do to explore these beautiful places. However, not only were we tourists, but we were able to stay with a host family in Quebec City. Practicing our French daily, we got to experience some real French culture. A highlight of the trip was visiting a “cabane du sucre” called Chez Dany. Here we got to try a traditional French Canadian meal filled with maple syrup! During each course of delicious food we danced and accompanied Dany with our spoon playing! Although we were not the best musicians, it is a memory we will keep forever. There were many highlights on this trip, and overall, this experience was an unforgettable time for the grade nine’s. We encourage this trip to the upcoming Grades! by Jasmine Somani and Emily Sewell

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Over the Spring Break, from April 2-1 Oth 2010, Ms. Sheh and Mr. Keleher took a group of Grade 7 students to Oaxaca, Mexico for a wonderful exploration of art, culture and service.


The students particularly enjoyed riding the donkeys and making beautiful art pieces (called alebrijeses) autside in the warm sunshine. The students met with severely challenged children hrough the Helen Keller organisation, On the Wings of Art. They also spent time in the house which supports children from infancy to fourteen years old.. These were very moving experiences for all members of the excursion and one that the Grade 7 students will not forget.

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Eighteen Grade 10 students traveled to Costa Rica for ten days this April. Accompanied by Ms. Anson and Mr. Pulfer, we were all very excited to get started on our service project at Pacayas High School. This is where we would work for the next three days.

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When we arrived, the two Costa Rican workers had already started on the project with the materials we donated, but much work was still to be done. We knew that we had our work cut out for us, so we divided into three smaller groups. One of the groups began working and putting the cement walls of the classroom up. The other two groups toured the beautiful campus of Pacayas High School.The groups who toured the campus

were surprised to find that they had real animals for the agriculture courses offered at the school!

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We worked hard for the three days and were lucky enough to have warm weather all the way through until the last day. During our lunch breaks, and before we left the high school each day, we played soccer with the students of Pacayas High School. Some of us made a connection with some of the students and exchanged e-mails to keep in touch. On the last day, we presented the school with three duffle bags full of soccer and sporting equipment. We instantly became heroes for a day.

By the end of the three days we spent working at Pacayas, we had almost finished the classroom. We were very proud with our work and were sad to leave. Since returning from our trip, we have collected $1500 to help finish the project. Through our experience of working at Pacayas it was easy to tell that they were greatly appreciative of our donations and the work we did. We all felt like we made a difference. by Charlotte Millar (Grade 10)





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From June 14-28, 2010, 23 students and five adults participated in a trip to China; an opportunity to experience the old and new. Participants were particularly impressed with the infrastructures in Shanghai and Hong Kong and how these cities have developed to accommodate enormous populations. Few students had ever seen such tall buildings!

Students enjoyed a great view of Shanghai from “the Bund” . Shanghai is hosting the World Fair this year and students enjoyed the firstclass treatment they received at Canada House. No trip to China would be complete without visiting Beijing; the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City did not disappoint.


The students going to China this year were: t. •

Xi’an is the former capital of China and students witnessed the greatest archaeological find of the 20th century--the Terracotta Soldiers. However, the SOS Village in Tianjin was the highlight of the trip; in 1986, it was set up to take in and adopt orphans. They live together as a family; a place where children feel safe and loved. While the SOS Village kids spoke little English, and our Mandarin skills were equally limited, we learned that a smile is the one universal language! Without a doubt, the China of today is very different from that of twenty years ago. One can only imagine how it will look twenty years from now. The Chinese people we met were welcoming, accommodating, proud to show off their cities and country, and excited about China’s future. In addition to visiting the tourist sites, participants experienced a China that most tourists never will. Students saw, first hand, what is happening in China and they gained a better understanding of their role in a changing world.

Josie Bird, Bronwyn Carere, Meg Coleman, Heather Corbett, David Cross, Tasha Fischer, Noah Guld, Rachel Johnston, Ammar Karmali, Isabelle Kirkwood, Mitchell Mayo, Aleem Muljiani, Megan Steffens, Gina Stylianides , Bianca Verjee, William Wang, Elena Westeinde, Matthew Zwimpfer

There was only nine of us who embarked on the 2009 Global Outreach Trip to Swaziland and South Africa last June. We had no idea how great the adventure was that lay before us. No matter how much time we could have had, it would not have been enough to fully appreciate and to partake in all that we experienced. From visiting the Apartheid Museum in Soweto, to teaching arithmetic to children in the S.O.S. Children’s Village of Mbabane, to building an aviary at Daktari wildlife orphanage, we could not have dreamed of a wider array of physical and moral challenges than that which we encountered. And we rose to meet those challenges! From the physical demands of clearing land and creating a community garden to the intense discussion that was had at the end of each day

at the handing out of Lekhukhu (a rubber chicken handed out to the most outstanding individual of that day). If one were to make a recipe for the Swaziland Trip, it would be as follows: Two parts laughter One part labour A pinch of solemnity (for the social-justice portion of the trip) Fresh fruit Add dried-and-salted mopane worms to taste A hint of humility, beauty and humanity - all in equal proportions Mix all of the above together, and stir vigorously, exposing the mixture to full sunshine. Jan de Beer

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FEST C a n a d a Members of the G4:, 5 and 6 Choirs and members of the G5 and 6 Bands travelled to Ottawa and Montréal from May 19 to 24, along with directors, Mr. McLeanand Mr. Steffens, and. seven parent chaperones. The focus of the trip was tfré national invitational festival,- MusicFest Canada. Each group received a silver standing, for which the studept&'cân fee| justifiably proud, especially in light of the fact that the vast majority of the ensembles in attendance yvere a t(the secondary level. ín addition to the- music, travellers visited various other cultural venues, and had some time to shop around or play in the sun. m u s ic




Gr 4~6 Choral Review


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seek California gold. The format consisted of choristers on risers, with special spoken and singing parts out front, and Mr. McLean as director. well recei


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Early Learning Centre Offering Half-Day and

Full-Day Programmes


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On June 17, 2010, the Chairman of the Board , Donald Kirkwood, and the Board of Directors dedicated our newest facility to our departing Head of School Tony Macoun. Starting this September, the newly constructed Tony Macoun Centre for Early Learning will be home to our early learning program, a pre-school providing full and half-day classes to 3 and 4 year olds. Mr. Macoun is retiring after six years of leadership and service to Mulgrave School. Prior to his appointment as Head of School in 2004, Mr. Macoun served as Head at four highly-respected independent schools in Canada and abroad, including, Ashbury College, Pearson College, the Red Cross Nordic United World College in Norway, and Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School in Calgary, AB. According to Mr. Kirkwood, Chairman of the Board, “During his tenure at Mulgrave, it has been Mr. Macoun’s extensive experience and passion for the International Baccalaureate Programme that have redefined and honed the academic focus of the school. His international perspective on learning and life, as well as an uncompromising commitment to a principled education have established a strong tradition of excellence.” The Board’s dedication of the Tony Macoun Centre for Early Learning is in honor of Mr. Macoun’s legacy to Mulgrave.


Junior School Awards Thursday 18th June 2010, 7:00 pm »

Spirit Award Awarded to the student who motivates, leads, and inspires and who is positive and inclusive. 3U Ethan Lippman 3C Sayeed Mavani 3N Aleem Karmali 4J Laura Fabian 4T Samantha Levy 4S Trevor Longo 5D Michael Calder 5W Aurora Cummings 5H Jordan Henderson 6RJ Kristopher Coppin 6F Yousuf Abduljawad 6Y Ahmed Dharamsi Effort Award Awarded to the student who has put a consistently high level of effort into academics, the arts, athletics or service, or a combination o f those strands. 3U Sarah Yang 3C Natalie Hanna 3N Nicole Lee 4J Angela Zhao 4T Matthew Chasmar 4S Lauren Joyce 5D Matthew Cho 5W Ben Huang • • • • • • • # 5H Joshua White 6RJ»*lHannah Rahim 6F Yeonjae Song 6Y Bishr Alimohamed


MULGRAVE Award This prize is awarded to students who have scored highly in each of the attributes associated with the award. M-anners, U-niqueness, L-ove of learning, G-enerosity, Respect, A-ttitude, V-erve, and E-xcellence 3U Celina M a n ji, Matthew Katz 3C Imraan Karmali, Rhianna Hiom 3N Natasha Kearns, Lillian Huang 4J Emma Thomas, Joshua Levy 4T Catie Mytton, Joanna Joannou 4S Brian Chen, Lauren Mounzer 5D Sian Shin, Kezia Devathasan 5W Madeleine Kirkwood, Aria Guld 5H Adam Rahemtulla, Michaela Borrell 6RJ Bryson Bourchier, Sydney White 6F Carl Steffens, Chelsea Henry 6Y Nadia Rodrigues, Anna Crone

Violet Witty Memorial Award For perseverance ^ • Jordan Beck •

Everett Allan Larose Memorial Award for Positiveness Awarded to the student who most exemplifies a positive attitude towards self, fellow students & faculty Sarah Orsmond Dynapro Cup Presented by Dynapro for creative endeavours in science. A student who expresses a real interest in inquiry as it relates to scientific topics and the experimental process. Phillip Martin «

Stanley Ross Mitchell Memorial Award For excellent participation & achievement in school music activities Rebecca Kendrick George Woods Plate Awarded for spirit & enthusiasm - put your heart into everything you do

The Madat E. Jamal Award For the student who has * displayed outstanding aesthetic awareness & creativity in the visual arts





Betsie de Beer

Jenny Li The Koenig Family Award For fine arts & performance m Danielle Wierenga

Public Speaking Award For excellence in public speaking ...

Danielle Wierenga


Alexander Edward Priest memorial trophy for a Love of Learning Duncan Lucas


"... Andrew Lambert Award for Positive Action Awarded to the Junior School student who best demonstrated positive action, in service for the betterment o f our environment or the people of our world. The student must demonstrate independence, risk-taking as well as an open-minded and caring demeanour.

The Alexander Grace Inspiration Award Donated by the Solloway family as a tribute to a young life lost to cancer, this award recognizes the student who shows the qualities of perseverance, courage and dignity under adversity. Soyi Lee Female Athletic Award For the female student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all-round athleticism

Lauren Joyce

Emme Lee

Cusbert Scholarship Cusbert Scholars are students who: -Demonstrate the IB Learner Profile -Have an even temper -Are positive, hard-working, respectful and well-intentioned -Are able to learn from mistakes -Are wonderful role models for other students -Are inclusive of others and never intentionally mean -Are respectful and demonstrative of the school rules and standards -Are able to ignore peer pressure to do what is right -Are supported by parents who are respectful towards faculty and staff and openly supportive of the school’s philosophy and operation

Male Athletic Award For the male student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all-round athleticism Matthew Durrans House Cup - Luther King Chairman’s Cup In annual recognition of a student who exemplifies the combined attributes of citizenship, academics, the arts and athletics

Natalie Marshall


Grades 7-12 School Awards Thursday 3rd June 2010, 7:00 pm MULGRAVE Award Awarded to students who have scored highly in each of the attributes associated with the award. M-anners, U-niqueness. L-ove of learning, Generosity, R-espect. A-ttitude, V-erve, and Excellence

7C - Tin Yan (Jolee) Tung, Oscar Zimmerman 7K - Lauren Forster, Sarah Halldorson 7M - Andrew Ablett, Angela Joannou 8E - Carlos Martin, Anisha Navaratnam 8G - David Cross, Ashleigh Kearns 8M - Bronwyn Carere, Ammar Karmali 9J - Justin Chan, Mackenzie Wallster 9S - Ameeqa Ali, Stephanie Porter 9W - Nicholas Durrans, Alexander Lee 10C - Claudia Linaksita, Nadir Surani 10D - Armaan Ali, Nicole Moller 10H - Jessica Evans, Michaela Hughes Grade 11 - Louise Chong, Kieran Cullen, Nicholas Dempsey, Madison Inman, Cheng Ying (Rita) Liao, John (Jack) MacPhail Grade 12 - Zain Alimohamed, Alexandra Bleim, Jenna Hassan, Gorden Larson, Meghan Robinson, Julia Turner

leads, and inspires and who is positive and inclusive. The manifestation of these qualities may vary depending on the age of the student. For example, the older the student, the more the leadership component should be demonstrated.

7C - Liam Mitchell 7K - Andrew French 7M - Zoe Anderson 8E - Megan Steffens 8G - Jung Woo (Justin) An 8M - Mitchell (MJ) Mayo 9J - Lauren Young 9S - Gloria Feng 9W - Madeline (Maddy) Turner 10C - Katrina Kernaghan 10D - Nisia Minicucci 10H - Omar Aguilar Medina Grade 11 - Laura Blair, Shannon Caron, Bobby Jelveh Grade 12 - Andre Linaksita, Emily Stewart, Brett Zielke Middle School Creative Writing Award - Rose Gallo 'his award is presented to a student in Grades 9 who has excelled in external competitive riting contests.

Caroline Stevenson Brown Memorial Award * Fiona Brough D o n atem w th e Neill family, this is awarded for excellence in creative writing in the Senior School.

Effort Award Awarded to the student who has put a consistently high level of effort into academics, the arts, athletics or service, or a combination of those strands.

7C * Claire Haston 7K - Gereon Wahle 7M - Emma Eamer-Gouit 8E - Crystal Cheng 8G - Cayla Kaufman 8M - Morgan McIntyre

Middle School French Award Ameeqa Ali “En route aux étoiles" - donated by Derek & Carlotta Lee

The Madame Lo & Family French Legacy Award - Jan de Beer “J ’a pprends le Français par coeur"

British Properties Scholarship - Jenna Hassan & Alexandra Bleim

9J - Tori Timmons 9S - Zi Wei (Sophie) Zhou 9W - Amy Neilson 10C - Marthinus (MC) de Beer 10D Seyedhossein (Hossein) Sahiholnasab 10H - Michelle Lee Grade 11 - Woo Jin Jeong, Tirajeh Mazaheri, Ga-Eun (Glara) Rhee, Hana Turner Grade 12 - Talia Benson, Julia Brown, Pedram Hemati

Awarded to a Grade 12 student or students who have, through their personal commitment and effort, made a significant contribution to the Mulgrave and/or wider community (donated by the British Properties Area Homeowners1 Association)

Spirit Award Awarded to the student who motivates,

Awarded to the Senior School student who demonstrates excellence in Social Studies

The Funston Award - Rose Gallo Awarded for excellence in English in the Middle School.

English Inspiration Award - Gregory (Ethan) Gaudry-Gardner, Andrew Moffatt Awarded to the Senior School student who demonstrates excellence in English

Mulgrave Middle School Mathematics Award - Joo Whan (Louis) Kim Awarded for consistent excellence in Mathematics donated by D r Turner

Mulgrave Senior School Mathematics Award - Jia Qi (Andrea) Sun Awarded for excellence in Mathematics - donated by the 1 Pirani family

Mulgrave Middle School Science Award - Tori Timmons Donated by the Demers/Palyga family; this is awarded to the student exhibiting the spirit of science and discovery

Mulgrave Senior School Science Award - Zachary Lim Awarded to the student exhibiting the spirit of science and discovery

BC Innovation Council Science Achievement Award - Jia Qi (Andrea) Sun & Zachary Lim Awarded to the top grade 12 Science student in Mulgrave. Students need to be enrolled in at least two iences in order to be considered.

The Rising Star Award -Tori Timmons This award is for excellent participation and achievement in one or more areas of the Middle School Music programme

The Mulgrave Star Trophy - Gorden Larson Donated by the Thomas family, this award is for excellent participation and achievement in one or more areas of the Senior School Music programme

The Bard Award - Charles-Joseph (Charlie) Mitchell For excellence in theatrical performance

The Downey Award - Margaret Berton For excellence in visual arts in the Middle School

Madat Ali Pirani Memorial Cup - Ellen (Ellie) Beveridge Awarded for excellence in Social Studies in the Middle School

Senior School Social Studies Award -Julia Turner

The Senior School Art Award - Lauren Thomas For excellence in visual arts in the Senior School

Senior School Public Speaking Award Juliette Levine For achieving the highest overall standing at the Western Invitational Speaking Contest

Senior School Debating Award Juliette Levine cor achieving the highest overall standing in competitive debating.

The Global Leadership Award - Jenna Hassan Presented to the student who has demonstrated exemplary leadership in global service and citizenship in humanitarianism and/or sustainable development. Donated by the Walakoff family.

The Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award - Gorden Larson The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a self­ development programme available to all young people, equipping them with life skills to make a difference to themselves, their communities and their country. The Gold Award is the highest achievement in the programme and involves a minimum of 12 months engaged in skill-building, service, adventure, physical recreation, and a residential project.

Middle School Leadership Award - Emma Rahemtulla Donated by the Shepard family; Presented to the Middle School student who has made exceptional contributions to leadership at Mulgrave. These contributions may be in community, athletics, arts

Mulgrave Gold Service Award Catherine Addison, Marize Bakhet Gorden Larson, Melanie Moller Meghan Robinson The Gold Service Pin is the highest honour we bestow in recognition of Service Leadership at Mulgrave. The recipient or recipients of this award are already involved in service well beyond our Bronze and Silver levels. They demonstrate service learning achievements and initiative, an altruistic spirit and the essential qualities of compassion, commitment, responsibility, independence, advocacy, and above all, leadership.

The Bruce M. Hicks Public Service Award - Sevan Agopian "Equality Through Action". Presented to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

The Lighthouse Park Preservation Society Book Award - Melanie Moller Awarded to a graduating student who has an interest in natural history and has demonstrated engagement with the natural world.

House Cup Trophy - Curie Presented to the House Captains

Mulgrave Senior Boy’s Athletic Award - Mitchell Weir Donated by the Houghton family, this is awarded to the Senior male student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all around athleticism.

Mulgrave Senior Girl’s Athletic Award - Katrina Kernaghan This is awarded to the Senior female student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all around athleticism.

The Alexander Edward Priest Memorial Cup - Jan de Beer & Zachary Lim For the student who exemplifies the love of learning

The Governor General's Academic Medal - Melanie Moller This medal is awarded to the Grade 12 student who achieves the highest average on their Official Transcript of Grades as issued by the Ministry of Education.

Chairman’s Award - Middle School Melissa Godin Donated by the Robertson family, this award is in recognition of a student who demonstrates excellence in citizenship, academics, the arts and athletics in the Middle School.

or any combination therein.

Mulgrave Middle School Boy’s Athletic Award - Seyedyahya (Yahya) Sahiholnasab

Senior School Leadership Award - Brett Zielke

This is awarded to the male student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all around athleticism in the Middle School.

Chairman’s Award - Senior School Melanie Moller

The Bruno Straub Award - Gloria Feng

excellence in citizenship, academics, the arts and athletics in the Senior School.

Donated by the 2005/2006 Head Students Shae de Jaray & Rebecca Cynader; Presented to the senior student who has made exceptional contributions to leadership at Mulgrave. These contributions can be in community, athletics, arts or any combination therein.

Donated by Ms. Straub, this is awarded to the female student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all around athleticism in the Middle School ? ____

Donated by the Robertson family, this award is in recognition of a student who demonstrates


The rugby season definitely had its ups and downs! At the beginning we were not focusing on the important things, but we improved with every practise and game. We faced our rivals at the ISEA Play Day, we were nervous but ready to play. We tied Collingwood and won convincingly against Saint George’s. The grass was wet, our feet were cramping, and it was raining hard, but we won in our hearts. Elias Ergas and Matthew Durrans

Triathlon Club was fun; we ran with Mrs. Finlayson on Thursdays and had to train a lot. When Triathlon day came and everybody was excited The swim was 75 meters. Then we dried off and got on the bike to ride for a freezing 5 km. Finally, we ran for 1 km. Crossing the finish line was awesome; I sprinted with all the energy I had left and practically collapsed. Over all the Triathlon was fun. Sydney H. (5H)

Track and Field This year Mulgrave reached another milestone with its 15th annual Jump Rope for Heart, raising funds for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Our first Jump Rope, with approximately 100 participants, was held on the asphalt tennis courts of the North Shore Winter Club which was then the home of Mulgrave. That was the very first fundraiser in which the Mulgrave community participated. The Heart and Stroke Foundation recognized and thanked Mulgrave for its valuable contributions, presenting our School with a banner marking its 15th year of Jump Rope participation. The Foundation representitive, Ms Coleen Malli, presented Mulgrave with a silver plaque for raising $15,456 in 2009. This is the second highest amount from over 300 schools in Western Canada.

Mulgrave's track and field season, with a record number of 53 athletes participating, was exceptional. Those new to the sport gained valuable athletic experiences, while veterans honed their skills. The practices were twice a week and included sprints, baton-passing, high-jump, shot-put and long runs. Our ISEA track and field meet at Surrey was great fun and we did superbly. Our competitors from grades 4-6 attended various events and brought home some of the top five places. A few of our brave students even tried their hand at long-jump, something we hadn't practiced at all! Even some reluctant first timers enjoyed the day. It just goes to show how inspiring sport can be. All in all, this season was great for all who participated.

The Grade 7 rugby team had a very successful season that included some notable victories over St. George’s and Collingwood. The students were constantly challenged to improve their game, developing their basic rugby skills such as passing, tackling and rucking. With the amount of strong performances on the pitch this season, the future looks bright for Mulgrave rugby.




After two years of preparation, we played Sentinel for our first league match. Although Mulgrave won the match by 20-12, we had sustained a number of injuries to key players. The decision was made to withdraw from the NSS league. Nevertheless, the Titans showed that they are committed to their team as every match has produced rugby of a very high standard. Kudos to the Titans for finishing a difficult season off so well!

M p p e r S ch o o l S p o rts

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Following a very successful the tour to the United Kingdom, the Senior Boys rugby team had increased expectations for their regular season. They were intent on returning to the playoffs and competing for a championship; the first for Mulgrave rugby at the senior age group. The season went very well for the boys. They recorded an impressive 7-1 record at the end of regular season play. This provided them with a bye directly into the league semi-finals against McMath Secondary school from Richmond. The semi-final game was played in front of a supportive Mulgrave crowd and the boys came through with a wellearned 31-0 victory, and the right to play in the championship game. In a rain-soaked affair the following week, the Mulgrave Titans took on Windsor Secondary in the New Zealand championship match. The game was played in front of an exuberant crowd of Mulgrave students, staff and parents who all braved the wet and windy conditions to support their team. Mulgrave’s tenacious defense was put to the test, particularly in the second half, when they were asked to defend their goal line on numerous occasions. In the end, the difference was two penalty kicks which staked Mulgrave to a 6-0 win; a fitting result for such a closely contested match. Special thanks go to our graduating players: Andre Linaksita, Brett Zielke, Charlie Mitchell, Mitchell Weir, Zachary Lim, and Zain Alimohamed, who played their last game for the Titans. Their departures are big loss to the rugby programme at Mulgrave. 91

Both the girls and boys tennis teams consisted of some seasoned veterans and some eager rookies. Our games proved to be exciting challenges especially coming at the end of the season. We won the tie­ breaker against Rockridge, but unfortunately lost a very close match against West Vancouver in the playoffs. Overall, we were pleased with our efforts. We had a fun and successful season.

The Tennis program this year was outstanding. The senior team had a strong year with Bobby Jelveh leading the team to a fourth place finish on the North Shore. The girls' team improved drastically with previously beginner players finding success at the Zone level. The team worked hard and made it through to the second round of provincial Zone playoffs. The team should be proud of their work this year.

This year’s golf team was an enormous success. We fielded 21 players from grades 7 through 12, and 16 of those players represented Mulgrave in a school competition. We won our first four matches and headed into the midway point of the season in first place. Since taking over as coach of the golf team, I have been committed to developing our younger players. Sitting undefeated and in first place through our first four matches, I had a difficult decision to make. Do I stick with the players who have been successful, or do I stay the course and ensure that everybody has an opportunity to play? Were this basketball or rugby I would have stayed with the best players without hesitation. However, golf is a life-long activity, and upon reflection I needed to commit to the less experienced players, both for the future of the programme, and their future in golf. We finished the year in a very respectable third place and I am tremendously proud of the integrity, determination, and honesty of our players. It was a great year! Mr Sealey 92

2D1D Athletics Awards Middle School Athletes of the Year: Yayha Sahiholnasab, Gloria Feng Senior School Athletes of the Year: Mitchell Weir, Katrina Kernaghan Jr. Girls V-ball: MVP - Katrina Kernaghan, Most Improved - Michaela Hughes, All Heart - Angle Travlos, Best Defensive - Nisia Minicucci Juvenile Girls V-ball: MVP - Ameeqa Ali &Hannah Rose Radford, Most Improved - Alia Ridley, All Heart - Lauren Young Bantam Girls V-ball: MVP- Megan Steffens, Most Improved - Courtnie Baek, All Heart - Sophie Chappell, Best Defensive - Annnika Lee Grade Girls 7 V-ball: MVP -Abbey Sewell, Most Improved - Stephanie Mounzer, All Heart - Sarah Walker, Best Defensive - Rachel Raffard Sr. Girls B-ball: MVP -Katrina Kernaghan, Most Improved - Kelsey McLean, All Heart - Tirajeh Mazaheri, Best Defensive - Laura Blair Juvenile Girls B-ball: MVP -Lauren Young, Most Improved - Gloria Feng, All Heart - Florence Belanger-Jones, Best Defensive - Ameeqa Ali Bantam Girls B-ball: MVP -Katrina Ross-Ghali, Most Improved - Meg Coleman, All Heart - Celine Chen, Best Defensive - Gina Stylianides Grade 7 Girls B-ball: MVP -Christine Catliff, Most Improved - Abby Sewell, All Heart - Angela Joannou, Best Defensive Yunya Lee Sr. Boys B-ball: MVP -Mitchell Weir, Most Improved - Ian Knowles, All Heart - Andre Linaksita, Best Defensive - Zac Lim Juvenile Boys B-ball: MVP -Hossein Saliholnasab, Most Improved - MC deBeer, All Heart - Armaan Ali, Best Defensive - Kyle White Bantam Boys B-ball: MVP -Yahya Sahiholnasab & Marcus Hann, Most Improved - David Cross, All Heart - Brent Coutts Best Defensive - MJ Mayo Grade 7 Boys B-ball: MVP -Kevin Fabian, Most Improved - Adrian Dean, All Heart - Hirmand Saffari, Best Defensive - Jonathan Andrews Sr. Girls Rugby: MVP -Laura Blair, Most Improved - Dominique Hart, MV Back - Madison Inman, MV Forward - Katrina Kernaghan Sr. Boys Rugby: MVP -Brett Zielke, Most Improved - Kevin Lee, MV Back - Kevin Catliff, MV Forward - Mitchell Weir Bantam Boys Rugby: MVP -Yahya Sahiholnasab, Most Improved - Justin Smyth, MV Forward - Nicky Allen, MV Back Dax Inman Grade 6/7 Rugby: MVP -Gereon Wahle, Most Improved - Hirmand Saffari, MV Back - Jonathan Mitchell, MV Forward Andrew Ablett Sr. Badminton: MVP -Conrad James & Ellie Chen, Most Improved - Zain Alimhamed & Claire Kim, All Heart - Erik Leung & Melanie Moller Jr. Badminton: MVP -Justin Chan & Gloria Feng, Most Improved - Toby Roper & Celine Chen, All Heart - John Hu & Yichu Dai Swimming: MVP - Girls: Talia Benson, Boys: Gorden Larson, Gr7: Jolee Tung, Most Improved - Girls: Michaela Hughes, Boys: Tyler Benson Gr7: Claire Haston, All Heart - Girls - Megan Steffens, Boys - Kei Yamamoto, Gr 7 - Sarah Myton Sr.Tennis: MVP -Bobby Jelveh, Most Improved - Madison Inman Nicholas DempseyArmaan Ali Jr. Tennis: Ammar Karmali, Most Improved - Anisha Navaratnam, All Heart - Daniel Lee, Most Consistent - Rachel Raffard Golf: Michael Miniccuci, Most Improved - Andre Linaksita, All Heart - Amanda Woida Cross Country: Brigitte Matheusik, Most Improved - Simon McEvoy, All Heart - Charlie Hart 93

Now that graduation is in sight I guess it is time to look back on the 9 years I have spent at Mulgrave. This has been a loooooooong time coming. I’m going to miss seeing all of the friends (including the teachers !!!) I have made here. It’s going to be weird leaving our little family to go and find our feet somewhere else. I’m not that nervous, though, because all of the people I have had supporting me throughout my time at Mulgrave have prepared me well... and despite the homework and the physical and emotional pain brought upon us by these past couple years, in the grand scheme of things I’m glad we got to go through it together! So thank you and congratulations to the grad class of ’ 10! We made it!

Sevan Agopiar

I am so happy to be part of such an amazing group of diverse individuals. 1could not have done without each and every one of you. I want to say thank you to my parents, family, teachers, am friends who were with me every step of the way and a special thank you to my best friend Ciar Kim, who continues to inspire me. My 13 years at Mulgrave have been a tough journey, but 1 hav enjoyed every single experience, memory, and laugh on the way. Honestly, we are the mos beautiful Grad class at Mulgrave! I love you all best of lue1 xoxox <3 Seva

Zain Alimohamed Thank you all for being rungs in a human step ladder; your services have been much appreciated and you all look like ants from up here. Now, obviously what I mean by that (facetious) statement is that I have had, in my eight years at this institution, a tremendous amount of support from all sides without which I could never have achieved any of my goals. As the thank you’s would take up this entire page I will instead offer a general expression of gratitude: THANK YOU! The memories we have forged as a grade will resonate throughout the halls of our minds for all eternity...or at least until the imminent apocalypse in 2012...BAM. DONE, dnsert witty/profound /enlightening quotation here>

Melissa Ar

Don't cry because it came to an end. Smile because it happenet All the memories we made will always stay with us Good bye dear friends. Good luck to you all

Loryn Arnett Grad 2010. We have somehow survived IB. and now we can finally move beyond this era of our teenage years. Remember to leave the grounds with your head held high, and know this: University will be a party compared to good old Mulgs. Congratulations, Graduates... I'll miss you.

Over 13 years Mulgrave has witnessed my awkward transformations from Junior to Middle school then to Senior school. It's finally over, and it feels well worth the wait. Good luck to the grads of 2010 its been fun.

Marize Bakhet We made it! To all the good times, the bad times, the hard work, the uncontrollable fits of laughter, the adventures, and the never ending stack of papers. Thank you Grad 2010 for such a great end to this trip they call high school! Congratulations and best of luck :)

Haig Basmadjian “Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. 1 have to be liked. But it's not like this compulsive need to be liked, like my need to be praised.” “Fool me once, strike one. Fool me twice, strike three.” -Michael Scott

To Andre Linaksita: Sick Belt Buckle Bro!

Mamie Beddis There have been many memories .... I’m sure we’ve all coplained at one point or another about being here, but we probably wouldn’t have had it any other way. It feels as though a grad write-up isn’t complete without some mentioning of IB so here it is: yes, I did consider laminating my notes so I could study in the shower and yes, I did break a sweat playing French grammar games... we’ll just leave it at that. I’d like to thank all my friends for making school enjoyable, working around my paranoia and making me laugh, my teachers for being more than just teachers but almost a part of this grad class and my family for encouraging me to succeed in everything I do. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that unity is strength, knowledge is power and attitude is everything and I’m proud to say we have it all. Congratulation Grad ’ 10, we did it!

Anna Bengtson I came to mulgrave in Grade 6 and end now in Grade 12, growing no more than one inch. I noticed with passing years that most of you began to literally grow while I remained staring up your noses and double chins. Despite this fact, I am so thankful that although not literally, I was able to grow with you amazing people of grad 2010! Because of you all I feel like I'm really 6 feet tall and still growing. Thank you parents, teachers and of course my friends-love you all! Anzie

Talia Benson Live with intention - Walk to the edge - Listen hard - Practice wellness - Play with abandon Laugh - Choose with no regret - Appreciate your friends - Continue to learn - Do what you love Live as if this is all there is. - Mary Radmacher .... And do what makes you happy. I will miss you all. It’s time we leave the school with a view and start a new chapter in our lives but I will never forget you. Lots of love.

Alex Bleim I am happy to say that I have truly enjoyed my 13 years here at Mulgrave. It feels like yesterday when we were chasing each other on the tennis courts of the NSWC, playing handball in the parking lot or lying on the field trying to catch a tan. I want to say thank you to all my teachers and advisors for their never ending help and support over the years. Your life lessons have been invaluable and have helped me become the person I am today. I also want to thank my grad class for being so much fun over the years! We have gone through A LOT together and I will cherish (and laugh at) our memories forever. Stay in touch and I wish you all the best for the future! Just remember... Dance as though no one is watching.... Love Alex Xox

Gail Borjiet Thanks everyone for the great times! I’ll miss high school as much as I will miss the uniforms. It was SO great to not have to think of what to wear in the morning, haha. See you all at the reunion

“Life is a journey, our graduation is only our first step out the back door.” I treasure the time I have spent at Mulgrave and will take lessons I’ve learned with me on my further journey. I WISH ALL GRADS BEST OF LUCK AND I CAN’T WAIT FOR OUR REUNION PARTY. LOVE JOSI

Matt Bromley Let me forget about today until tomorrow. If you are looking for me, I'll be down at the crossroads To Haig: Sick Belt Buckle Bro.

I cannot believe I am actually graduating! It has been a long 13 years at Mulgrave, from the North Shore Winter Club to Mount Cypress; there have been so many memories. Now it is finally time for a much needed change. Best of Luck Grad 2010! Words to live by: ‘Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are’

At this point in time, there is a little bit less than 4 months of school. BUT, then again, 4 months in II months is about the equivalent of 10 human months of work piled into 1 day then stretched out to fee like 5 years. As an IB student we should be able to work out exactly how much time that is. However all 1can tell you for sure is that how to spell “international baccalaureate programme” will b< ingrained in my brain forever. I don't know where I will ever use the knowledge of how to spell tha ever again, but, I theorize that I can take the differential of the “international baccalaureat* programme” and estimate the velocity, then obtain acceleration from the second derivative, then usin| integral calculus and quantum physics prove that Einstein’s theory of relativity originates from tha

Ellie Chen

Jeremy Cox Mulgrave was a experience that I will never forget. As the perscribed difficulty was at time; overwhelming, it was the teachers and friends around me that made it easy. Despite the looming deadlines, it is possible to say that the past two years were made enjoyable. Thanks everyone for the great times

“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

Jenna Hassan 'Motho ke motho ka batho"- Nelson Mandela (A person is a person through other people) To my ’avorite Grads- Nobody becomes who they are by standing alone. We all need each other in this world, because, in some sense, we’re just a fusion of everyone else. Everything we do shapes the people around us and so, it is YOU, Grads, that I want to thank. You have all molded me in some way or another and I'm glad I know you all. I feel connected to us. We are going to change the world ogether-1 know it! So stand tall, sing loudly and smile life you’ve won the lottery- you have. \ special thank you to the rock solid pillars in my life for their tremendous support without which I would not have made it

Pedram Hemati “If all my friends were tojump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them... 1 would be at the bottom to catch them." Without you guys, the two torturous years of IB would have been impossible for me. I can still remember the first few weeks in grade 11 and how scared I was. Everything was new: the community, the school, the people. But now that I’m looking back, I honestly think knowing you guys was worth getting destroyed by IB! I also have to thank all my dear teachers, particularly my advisors who always supported me and gave me motivation to end this looooong journey. I will miss you all... I wish all of you a life full of happiness, success and love.

Scott Hirst 1never thought I would get this far. I proved myself wrong, and I’m sure most of you have the same feeling. It was great to meet you all and 1 hope you get far with your life. See you soon.

Esther Jang


Selen Karadeniz Finally Grad! It's been "wonderful” three years with you guys. One day we shall all meet again whether it is at a party, reunion, wedding, or simply the streets of California. But Hawaii, Whistler, Los Angeles, Caprice, Seattle camp, Meet me half way, Tik Tok, Exit 13 (ADT flash lights on), lunch tours, dinner discussions (ADT,AA,AG,SK), The Queen of Diamonds, dance group, mass emails, and grad parties will always stay with me as great memories. Thx to ADT,MB,LM,AB,LT.RP,ARS,MM (minicucci not moore:) SH,DILA,AG,MS,AA. I can’t wait for the moment we all walk out these doors because I know without you I would not be where I am now. Live life to the fullest guys, WE DID IT! ‘It’s always good at the end, if it is not, it’s not the end.’

When I first entered Mulgrave as a little Grade 8 girl, I did not know what I would get myself into. I mean.. .who would have known that I would be writing 4000 word essay on nuclear arms in Korean War, staying up all night to write planning labs, organizing Sharing Our Cultures Weeks (along with sipping the Lee tea every Thursday), listening to Mrs. Willard's 'twinkle twinkle little star' lecture, watching 'movies' in Mr. Lawson's history classes, investigating pH level and microorganisms of Pearson college's sewage, and who knows more... IB's just overloaded... :P My special thanks go to Princess SA, DL, MA, AL, mom, dad, Jeffrey Kim and all the teachers for making my high school years :)

Gorden Larson I do not like leaving close friends - But all good things come to ends - And so we all move on - Soon life as we know it will be gone - 1 will remember you all - Far after next fall - Good luck to our grad class - Our next meeting shall not be our last - We will go out into the world - The map finally unfurled - Oh, all the places we'll go - Whoa.

Andrew Lee i

HL f ‘

Let the waitress put the chairs up, let the glasses that she broke form a picture of our leader with a halo made of smoke. Let the Golden Oldies station crackle and come through with a final benediction we'll hum along to, before we say goodnight. Let our talk about the ballgame and the weather show we care, like a sound we didn't notice until it stopped and left us there with the traffic and our heartbeats beating in straight time. Let our hatred and affection march in the same line, before we say goodnight. Oh, protect our secret handshake. Once more, with feeling, let the toast to absent members push through the ceiling, before we say goodnight. Psalm for the Elks Lodge Last Call

"You must knock on doors until your knuckles bleed. Doors will slam in your face. You must pick yourself up. dust yourself off, and knock again. It's the only way to achieve your goals in life." By Michael Uslan

It has been eight long years since I first joined Mulgrave, but it feels like even longer. Not that that's a bad thing though; it's these memories that really define who I am today. Friends, family, teachers, I'd like to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to learn from my mistakes, for making these experiences unforgettable. Without all of you, it would never have been the same. Looking towards the future, it only looks bright from here on out. Congrats and best of luck to the grads of 2010. To everyone else, thank you.

Andre Linaksita Cheers to those never ending weeks. Cheers to essays, assignments, commentaries, labs, and tests that we've got through. Cheers to the good times and memories that we shared. Most of all, cheers to you. From here on, the path together through high school has ended and we now separate onto our own. Hope there's a crossroad ahead because I can't wait to see you all again. Remember..."Nothing worth having comes easy" To Matt Bromley: Sick Belt Buckle Bro. Pee. Dre

Being knowledgeable is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Being intelligent is knowing not to put tomatoes into a fruit salad. Being an IB student is knowing all of that, but upon deconstructing the fruit salad, finding a tomato anyways and then having to justify its existence. And that is all you need to succeed in life. Apparently. P.S. Always keep the faith! A.A -(Brought to you by the C.o.V.C.)-

Garo Mavyan Oh man, it took way too long to get to this moment! It was two long, hard years, but we made it. Congratulations Grad 2010, the hard part is over! I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that my life as a high school student is over. There were many good times, and many bad times, but it’s one experience that I’ll never forget. Thanks to all those who I shared these years with; AN, MB, AT, SA, PH, MM, ES, TB, MR and so many more! It was a good ride! So, in closing, I would like to leave my peers with a little advice for their future endeavors: “The Tiger can kill the Whale..., but the Whale can swim." Jharo.

Laura McAlduff Maybe I’ll forget you all But for now I’m better having met you all Grad ’10 was always told it was different, and it always kind of sucked.. ..but maybe it was a good thing to have experienced uniqueness before being thrust into a world where everyone might have a different face, but are all regarded as the same. 104

Laura Meakings My ten years at Mulgrave are finally coming to an end, and I could not ask for a better group of people to have experienced it with. To my amazing friends, I would like to say that my life would be SO different without you guys. Thanks for the laughs, the long conversations, and too many inside jokes to count. To my family, I would like to say thank you for all your love and support through everything. I couldn’t have done it without you.So now I leave Mulgrave, but I take with me some great friends, great memories, and absolutely no regrets. I wish you all the best of luck in where ever life takes you. We’ll always have grad 2010! Stay in touch, guys, I’ll miss you. Laura

"I look up to the sky, and now the world is mine, I made it." Congratulations grad class of 2010! It was a pleasure knowing all of you and we will stay in touch. Thank you for all of the great friendships and memories. Good luck to everyone, I will miss you all!

“Everything possible to be believ’d is an image of truth” William Blake This isn’t really goodbye, Class of ’ 10.1 know all of us will go off and do great things, but we’ll always be able to share our incredible stories either at reunions or through the everlasting friendships we’ve made here. Thank you everyone for the laughs, memories, shoulders to cry on, and inspirations... I’ll never forget you guys. Good luck! 105


_______________Mark Montazem Sadighi I would have never thought that over a time period of two years you could gain friends for life. I hope that you guys enjoyed your two years with the German Kid, sometimes crazy, sometimes annoying, but usually always really nice. It will be really tough to say good-bye to all of you, when I will be returning to Germany, but I hope that you guys have an awesome time in university and that we will stay in touch. I am gonna miss you all a lot ! Ich hab euch lieb !

Benjamin Neil This school took my two front teeth during my first year here...Mulgrave has clearly left its mark and I will remember this experience for the rest of my life, the good and the bad. I’d like to wish you all good luck with your lives after Mulgrave. If you have made it this far I am sure you will be successful with whatever you pursue. I can’t forget to thank teachers, parents and friends for helping me through this year! - Ben

Andrew Neilson Finally Grad! It's been a "fun filled" two years with you guys. I have met some truly amaizing and interesting friends along the way. You know who you are! One day, we might all meet again whether it is at a party, reunion, wedding or a possible job interview, but the most memorable thing at Mulgrave, is being able to get to know you guys and walking out the door for the last time with you. Have great lives, I know we will all be increadibly successful, but remember; "success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer.

Emma Peng I love you all! <3<3<3 AA

Rachel Petrovicz " Q u i t e s i m p l y c a p t a in , I e x a m i n e d t h e p r o b l e m f r o m a l l a n g l e s , a n d i t w a s p l a i n l y h o p e le s s . L o g i c in f o r m e d m e th a t u n d e r th e c ir c u m s ta n c e s , th e o n ly lo g ic a l a c tio n w o u ld h a v e to b e o n e o f d e s p e r a t i o n . L o g i c a l d e c i s i o n , l o g i c a l l y a r r i v e d a t . " - S p o c k , o n t h e I B e d u c a t i o n s y s t e m . || P a r t o n e c o m p le te , G r a d 1 0 , o n to b ig g e r a n d b e t te r th in g s !

Riva Ridley —

I t ’ s b e e n a lo n g tim e w e ’ v e b e e n h e re , a n d f o r s o m e it s e e m s lik e a g e s .

I c a n n o t say h o w H A P P Y I

a m t o f i n a l l y b e o u t - b u t e v e r y t h i n g a s id e . I w i l l n e v e r f o r g e t m y t i m e a t t h i s s c h o o l . M y f r i e n d s g r a d 2 0 1 0 , t h e g o o d t i m e s a n d b a d , t h e p a r t ie s a n d t h e d e a d l in e s ; w e ’ v e a l l g o n e t h r o u g h i t t o g e t h e r . A n d m o s t im p o r ta n tly , W E S U R V I V E D .

Meghan Robinson Y o u a r e a l l s u c h a m a z i n g p e o p l e . Y e s . I k n o w t h i s is s t a r t i n g o u t v e r y " M e g h a n i s h ' b u t i t ' s t r u c . I c o u ld n o t h a v e a s k e d f o r b e t te r f r ie n d s a n d b e tte r p e e rs t o h e lp m e th r o u g h th e h o u r s o f c r y in g , m e n t a l b r e a k d o w n s , v e r y , v e r y la t e n i g h t p e r f o r m a n c e s , a n d o f c o u r s e , t h e I B . T o t h i n k o f

all t h e

la u g h s w e h a v e h a d , a n d a ll th e a m a z in g e x p e r ie n c e s w e h a v e a ll s h a re d . I a m s o lu c k y to h a v e b e e n a b le t o g e t t o k n o w a l l o f y o u , a n d t o w o r k w i t h a l l o f y o u . A s N e l s o n M a n d e l a o n c e s a id , " A f t e r c lim b in g a g r e a t h i l l , o n e o n ly f in d s th a t th e r e a re m a n y m o r e h ills to c lim b . ”

W e h a v e c lim b e d th e

g r e a t h i l l o f t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l B a c c a la u r e a t e P r o g r a m m e , a n d w e w i l l h a v e m a n y o t h e r h i l l s t o c l i m b as w e ll. B u t fr o m th e h e lp o f m y fr ie n d s , as I h a v e le a rn e d f r o m a ll o f y o u m o u n t a in . T h a n k y o u f o r e v e r y t h in g .

Emily Stewart I a m n o t a n e rd o r a s n o b

I lo v e s o c c e r, n o t b a s k e tb a ll o r r u g b y - 1 h a v e a H e a d m a s te r, n o t a

P r i n c i p a l . - 1 s p e a k E n g l i s h , n o t D u t c h , G e r m a n o r a n y t h i n g e ls e . - 1 u s e t h e w o r d s t o t e s , o b v s , d e f s , p ro b s b e c a u s e I t h in k th e y a re c o o l

t h a t ’ s m y p r e r o g a t iv e - 1 t h i n k p e r s o n a l e x p r e s s io n is im p o r t a n t ,

n o t u n t u c k e d s h ir t s o r h a ir le n g t h r e g u la t io n s . - 1 a m a n in q u ir e r , r i s k t a k e r a n d c o m m u n ic a t o r , o th e r w is e k n o w n as a g r e a t I B le a r n e r . - I t ’ s q u a lit y n o t q u a n t it y - 1 t h i n k e v e r y o n e s h o u ld lik e e v e r y b o d y , a n d e v e r y o n e m u s t h a v e a fa n ta s y . - A n d f o r th e r e c o r d , its s p e lt “ S te w a r t ” n o t “ S tu a r t” “ S t u a r t ” j u s t l o o k s w e i r d M y n a m e is E m i l y S t e w a r t a n d n o w t h a t I a m d o n e I c a n s a y : M a y b e a l l o n e c a n d o is h o p e to e n d u p w it h th e r i g h t r e g re ts .

w e c a n c lim b a n y

Andrea Sun Been here 2 years—-Not a long time.. .IB is really a happy pain! ! Enjoy every seconds I spent with your guys— Enjoy having class in the room which can overlook the sea— Finally..hope you guys enjoy your life in universities!! Cheer up—-

Ashley Szarkowicz “Grad 20101 know that in every university there will be a girl like me; a girl who uses the word ‘hi’ exesively when she first meets you, drinks AT LEAST 5 gallons of water a day, goes on Polish chat 24/7, and is proud of being an immigrant. Well.. .tell her to back off cuz there’s only room for one of us.” “Thank you for being there for me every morning in the Senior Study lounge: Anika-popcorn, Selen TT, Josie Samsung, Mark medieval”

Lauren Thomas Time takes it's crazy toll And I'd like to say that a good portion of that time was spent here with you, grads of 2010. So let the immediate shock of "the end" sink in and then go off and have fun with your lives (and don't let your struggles and triumphs bleed into the wash when you do). But who am I to preach a word or two when I can't lift my own head without you? We’ll find out soon enough.

“The years have been short but the days were long.” The Shins. Mulgrave, it’s been swell. Thanks for the friendships, memories and most importantly, my fantastic international perspective on education. But it’s finally time to be released on the world, so all I’ll say is: CONGRATS GRAD 2010! We made it.

Cassie Tra vlos “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go.” (Dr. Suess) Grad 20101 will miss you all so much! You have each made such an impact on my life. I will never forget all the smiling faces, amazing friends, the people I have shared laughs with, and all the unfortunately embarrassing moments I have witnessed and experienced over the years with you all! To Limey, "peace n blessings" and BZ "u will always make me smile":)

Anna Tungusova The end is bittersweet, but it's just the beginning . I hope something shiny and expensive is coming my way. I guess it's time to move on, go to university or at least marry a rich guy. Does anyone know if 'trophy wife' is an official occupation? Because “in order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different” CoCo Chanel. As for the thanks they go to my family; to MB, ARS, SMA, SK, GM, PH, JB; to teachers, especially Mr. Lawson, and everyone who put up with my hardships. I feel like this is one of those bad relationships that just lingers on and you’re too used to the person to let go of them now, well it’s finally over! And I won’t miss you and I won’t be calling you! Except for when I need to give you your stuff back.. .this is awkward.. .well take care <3

Many thanks to my teachers and family members who have supported and helped me get to where I am today. You have opened my heart to the future, and made me believe that truly anything is possible. To my amazing friends, you have made these years memorable. The laughs, the smiles, and the good times will definitely be remembered. So, thank you for holding my hand, and thank you for letting me go... Congratulations Grad 2010!

Mitchell Weir When thinking about Mulgrave, one will always have a sense of the insistent whining by all the students in the IB. I have always just thought how nice it would be if people would just spend more time working since they seemed to have so much time to complain... But then the time came when I could no longer get by with 'night before preparation' and suddenly all my mouth could do in my free time was complain about all the things I should be doing rather than complaining! How I miss the days when I could do no homework at all and get by just listening in class :'( But enough of that.) To my fellow students; I have had countless irreplaceable experiences here. Good or bad I wouldn't give up a single one! I wish you all the best, and will miss most of you.

Well friends, we have finally done it. We have been through the fiery pits of IB hell and survived only slightly scathed. We have ventured into the gallows and come back, apparently smarter. This journey reminds me of a quote: “And when he goes to heaven, to St. Peter he will tell: one more soldier returning for duty sir, I’ve spent my time in hell.” I don’t know who it is by, but there is the strong possibility that it was written by and IB graduate. Anyways, I just want to say that it has been fun, and I’m sure I’ll see you all somewhere down the road, but for now, I leave you with a quote from one of the wisest mean any galaxy has ever seen, Yoda: "Do or do not. There is no ‘try’”.


Fashion 101 : Tips on how to look your best on the night of your life

The Toast

All Smiles

A new adventure awaits... A Night to Remember!


Ming 5fien (Alex) Bai Mackenzie Copp Mififiafi Ali Damii Ion Ergwn Dowlnic Haston

Mamu lwa¡ Maxwell McCarter Kigaan Merali Afina Noormofiamed Cfieng (Félix) Qln

Daniel Aminbatëfcfi Ka¡ 5un Cfc Samantfóa Coppin Giulia Cdx Grace Ezzati

Ziyan Hewani Dayoon (Yooni) lung lam il Lalani Maftíiew Lede Madelyn Marchant

Dlesya Mensfíyffova Veronica Morabito Cole Roppel Mark Sínort Ali Talib

Cfiantal Yosfíino

Inaya Alibfial Tristan Campeau Etfian Ciiang Ryan Cf\ea(\ Garrett Dal

Bela Desai Kaysan Dfianii Jeffrey Felcan Kiiirad Hassam Kamran Hemanl

Peyton Pownall Pranav Ramdfiani Siiaiya Sayani Kalden Tallb Vivian Ye

Si yw (Selina) Zinu

Evan Alfreds Jaden Bourcfiier Lilian Franfe Amin M aman Ewan Hadden

Yasfi Jain Ryan Kearns Kal Koptëe Jenna Ladatë Tianna Lawton

Eritëa Layton Adelyn Lee Lucy Lepoidevin Eli Llppman Aly Mamdani

Isaac Manii Jolene Morabito Kasey D'Connor Alyza 5amü Cfiloe Tfiorwas

Jenny Xu


Alexandra Bosroei Jed Decooman Kiiayali Dfianii Melissa Foster Benedict Harvey

Aria Klíorciiidian Hamisló Kiriwood Alexander Lepoldevln Victoria Lu Emma Marram Zantvoort

Anna Mariwlin Sascíia McEvoy Ellle Mitchell Taia Nofidoml Gabrlella Novai

ti Min (Ellie) Pari Saira Raiani Kaden Sayani Miles Sullivan Emily Tan

Sarafi Berton Josiiua Borrell Kevin Calder Braxton Caléins Nicole Cfieafi

Comor CfiittocÈ Cfoae Yeon (May) Cfo Cleo Cox Steele Curry Beniamin Kendrick

Markus Marosits Kala McKay Branden Modrovlc Harry Pñllpotts Jayden S M

Jasper Thomas Kristjana Wafer Lily Yan Christie Yang Audrey Yosfiino absent: Ni(?i Mahmoudi

Kay ley Cfiang Will Colllster Blake C m y Gia da Roza Azad Dfiaramsi

Matthew Dixon Jeremy Franfc Clara Gonzalez Kaden Gwlamani Martë Homer

Lindsay lite) Claire Joyce Salira Kasslm-Latëfia Zoe Korfje Stacy Plsfova

David Polevoy Campbell Sowtfiey Mk(\aW Talib Connor Wals(i Lwna Wang

Justin Abrala) Raiyana Alibííai Qwíkih Cfc Cecile Dai Sasíia Ergas

Jessica Felcan Sebastian Hadden Natalie Hanna Mollie Hawgom Rfiianna Hiom

Adam Jamal J¡ Won (Grace) Jung Imraan Karmall Sayeed Mavanl Alisfia Mwljiani

Ava Awinba^ñstñ Madeleine Campeau Yufei (Linda) C(íen Nima Damei Max Elyzen

Andrew Gaastra Maggie Hawgom Lillian Huang Aleem Karmali Natasiia Kearns

Katerina Koenig Nicole Lee lema Mamdani Sebastian Paisley Cole Rajani

Colin Beaulieu Natfóan Bidder Juliana Bosrock Jocelyn Desabráis Mlcfíael Gates

Andrew Horner Jonathan Ibbott Mattfiew Katz Etíian Lippman Celina Manil

Alexander Neocleous Reagan Pownal! Keaton Ross Gñali Xln Tong (Ines) Wang Se A (SaraO) yang absent: Jack Bircló

Tessa Barrow Precious Grayson Bec6 Aiden Carere Jae6y Ciiang Pin Yw (Betfiany) Cfien

Laura Fabian Matthew Frost Ari Kaufman losfam Levy Claudia Menziwso

Daniella Polevoy Arveen SfiotĂŤravi Caitlyn Sowtfiey Veronica Steel David


Jofm Tagfiavi Emma Tfiomas Jeffrey Wang S itin g (Angela) Zfm

Marlin Abrarg Nicolas BeauI¡cm Isabella Bosreet Alexander Brun Michael Calder

Ciñan Hw¡ (Mattíiew) Cfo Siri Coypland Micaela Cox Micfielle Creber Emma Dean

Kezla Devalfiasan James Fergyson Alessla Kettlifz Sliayan La^iianl Kaflóerlne O'Brien

Flannali Palacios Jacfcon Pike Michael Rocfcindel Sian Sliin Sara Somanl absent: lack DeCooman

Maya Alfreds Míetela Borrell Emilie Desabráis Laura Dixon William Fuller

Stefanle Oates Rafael Gonzalez Liam Gray Jordan Henderson Jacob Blom

Angela Ibbott Kensfiln Iwal Klyaana Manil William McEvoy Tilomas McIntyre

Adam Rafiemtulla Natasfia Somanl S te il Veriee An!ka Walter Josfiua Wfilte absent: Sydney Hague

Zoé Ablett Liana Biasuccí Sydney Copp Aurora Cummings Tian Ai (Tina) Fu

Emma Godin Aria Guld Bo Yang (Ben) Huang Tusfíya Iyer Zadir Jamal


1 jHH


I I ; !/

Jemsa iJanmodamed Aramis Kííorcííidian Kyu Bum (Lucdy) Kim Madeleine Kirkwood Fanglian (Hand) Liu

¡4 f Parinaz Mahmoudi

Jacob McKenzie Ben Scott Maria Sobotdova Sam Wildinson

yowswf Abdwliawad John Allen Jordan Bec6 Emily Borrell

James Crake

Elizabeth de Beer Zoé Rae Dixon Laura Goitner Chelsea Henry Hae Jin (Angela) Kwal


Jacob Laçasse Kíiylam Lalani Emma Neill Klein Penelope Neocleows Vivian Duniian

Jwn Hyowf? (Andy) Park Gregory Read Yeoniae Song Carl Steffens Jared Tomanlá

Kyu In (Sean) yang




Cfiristopper Andrews Jessica Beddis Emma Berfon Bryson Bourcfiier Kristopher Coppln

Joel Cox Mattfiew Durrans Elias Ergas Zachary Ingram Soralya Lalani

Emme Lee Jenny LI Welyun LI Duncan Lucas Phillip Martin

Sarafi Orsmond Hannafi Rahim Jordan Somanl Karl-Luhas Stelniger Sydney Wfilte

Jeff Z(รณoM

Bisfir Alimofiamed Georgia Boddez Anna Crone AOmed Diiaramsi Alexander Eastman

Victor Feng MattFiew Haston Myowngjwn (tames) Jung Anniqa Karmali Rebecca Kendrick

tune Bwan (Jonathan) Kim Min Suk (Micfiael) Kim Tae Heon (Brandon) Lee Erin Longo Natalie Marshall

Omar Mitfia Ya Man (Angela) Pai Nadia Rodrigues Merina Wfirle Danielle Wlerenga

Claire Attridge Christina Catliff Sunny C M Adrian Dean Claire Hasten

Cameron Henderson )amilla Danmofiamed y unnya Lee Jerico Lumanlan Daniela Martin

Simon McEvoy Liam Mitchell Sarafi Mytten Victoria O'Brien Jay Paré

Abbey Sewell Scfon Tan Sandra Tííies Mitchell Thompson Jolee Tung

Trevor Withers Maggie Zéeng Oscar Zimmerman

Saman Alรณmadi -Vafa Jonathan Andrews Dara Barrow-Preciows Tiare Brea Lewis Croise

Benny Jean Cytrynbaum Kevin Fabian Lauren Forster Andrew French Sarafi Halldorson

Helen Jeong Franร Kim Maren Lester Stephanie Mownzer Rachel Raffard

Jem Roper Omar Salemotiamed Yeonsoo Song Ilya Van Nieuweniiuyse Gereon Wafile

Andrew Ablett Andy Aguilar Medina Zoe Anderson David Bai Tera BatĂŤ

Emma Earner Goult Matreya Fedor Nicholas Frost Ryan Gray Angela toan non

Eric Jung Fred Kim Joftn Mitchell Mitchell Oswald Holly Peters

Georgie Piiilpotts William Pullen Hlrmand Saffari Kelcy Timmons Sarafn Waiter

Caroline Williams Wood Lucy Willis

Nicholas Allen Mleíóael Arnold Michael Arnould Kelvin Au Crystal Cfieng

Tasfia Flscfier Marcus Hann Connor Bugfies Isabelle Kirkwood Sabrina Lalanl

Annina Lee Carlos Martin Megan Moffatt Aleem Muülanl Anlsña Navaratnam

Connor Petrovlcz Dames Pife Dustin Smytfi Connor Stanton Megan Steffens

Gina Stylianldes Bianca Verjee William Wang Elena Wesfelnde Katherine yan

fessica Afin festin An Courfnle Baek Tyler Benson Fraser Christian

Meg Coleman Heather Corbett Cole Coupland David Cross Rose Gallo

Noafi Guld femes Guscott Rachel tofinston Cayla Kaufman Asfilelgfi Kearns

Alicia Lee Mitchell Madill Hayley McIntyre 5tanlslav Mensfiyfiov Daniel Moffatt

fesfiua Paisley Katrina Ross-Gfiall Yafiya Safilfiolnasab Micafi Smitfi Mattfiew Zwlmpfer

Matthew Abrary Josephine Bird Benjamin Boddez Georgina Borland Bronwyn Cam e

Sophie Chappell Celine Chen Ruby Choi Brent Coi/tts Sukhmm Hare

Samiya Hassan Dax Inman Michael 7\ Ammar Karmali William Kim

Daniel Lee Nif?a Magfeowd M3 Mago Morgan McIntyre Aaron McKenzie

Helia Movasagfii Alex Stedman Emma Tallos Sandy Wilson Carol Wu

Mari Baifief Florence Belanger-Jones Cara Blair Justin Cian yl Cfou Dal

Melissa Godin Erli Jacobsen Oliver Kiriwood Aryan Magfeowd Nooian Mazafieri

Cfirisfopfier Ryan Ji Min Sewng Rory Tfiies Tori Timmons Natasia Vlrani

Constantin Waile Mackenzie Wallster Katiryn Wfiife Ian Wlddows Devon yip

Lauren young

Ameeqa All Margaret Berton Jason Cftang Alexandra Earner Goult Gloria Feng

Cfiristopíóer French Cfirls Gollner Racfiel Ingram Nicolas Isla Jlmmg Kim

Jonathan Meanings Gragson O'Brien Eunice Paré Stephanie Porter Hannafi Rose Radford

Emma Rafiemtwlla Toby Roper Emily Shields Sophie Zfiow

Elite Beveridge Teela Broofc Adam Cfiandani Nicholas Durrans Spencer Gair

Andrew Graystone Carl Jeong Yuta Ktéucíii Louis Kim Alexander Lee

Amy Neilson Debbie Pai Raclóael Read Alla Ridley Honor Rozee

Emily Sewell Jasmine Somani Ken Tang Maddy Turner

Medya Asfírafi Tenal QourcfAer Sean Bromley George Collister MC de Beer

Brenna Dowling Mana Habiblan Dominique Hart Elina Kalamtëarova Katrina Kernagñan

lake Larson Kevin Lee Weiziien (Jeff) Li Claudia Linafclta Mona Lu

Sara Mahmoudi Brigitte Matiieusltë Kendall McIntyre Nicf? Pallone Dustin Riley

Alexander Sadler Nadir Suranl AndrewTallos

Heather Addison Amirreza Aiimadi-Vafa Armaan Ali Lutëe Allard öraiiam Brown

Kevin Catliff Cíírlstopfier Clóan Alexandra Crone Bradan Declcco Dwen Hann

Ciiarlle Hart Tayler Hutton Kelsey McLean Nlsia Minlcwccl Nicole Moller

Ali Movasagiil Artmls Rafibar Benyamln Ressldefi Hossein Safilftolnasab Powya Slíaflel Radglnoml

Omar Aguilar Medina Eric Bleim Heather Coleman Jessie Evans 5am Griffiths

Paige Gwscott Adam Hart Jeffrey He Jofin Hu Micfiaela Hugfies

James Kim Rebecca Lambert Micfielle Lee Cfieryl Linafcita Lily Liu

Charlotte Millar Brian D(i William Ouniian Hayden Ritter Saina Tagfii GanJi

Jofin Salamat Kate Sfiepard Oscar Tweet Regina Vergara

Peter Arnould Annafils Basmadüan Laura Blair Hannaii Borland Ksenia Borovlnséaya

SAarmalne Brar Cameron Broofc Fiona Brougfi Shannon Caron Siobñan Can

Louise Clóong Kyra Crooébaln Kleran Cullen Julian Deggan Nicholas Dempsey

Etfían Gaudry Gardner Aazan Habib Francis Han Eliiam Hassantasli Winnie Huang

Madison Inman Conrad James Daniel Jang Bobby Jelvefi Woo Jin Jeong

Charlotte Julian Arthur Kim Jlny Kim Julia Kim Rlctëy Kim


£rlctë Leung Miette Levine Rita Liao Nicole Linafclfa lack Macpiiail

Tiraiefi Mazafierl Andrew Moffatt Victoria Ong Jesse Peng Glara Rfiee

Julia Rinaldi Alyssa Rodrigues Soralya Salemofiamed Spencer Shields Grade Smid

Natfian Stedman Hana Turner Jullfer Voltëmann Theresa Voltëmann Sfnirley Wang

Max Wimmer Amanda Wolda Melila Xiong Kel Icliiro Yamamoto Norléa Yue


Steila Ablett Christine Acfitem Ríionda Altman Lian Anson Shirley Arnold Linda Asíi

Elizabeth Ayre Kim Bai Clayre Brougfi Wendy Campbell Melaine Cannon Claire Carbone

Jonathan Cawêell Betty Ciiapin Hazel Cftee Kathryn Clartë Megan Collins Samanttia Coufts

Monique Creber Eddie de Beer Amanda Delorme Nicole Dlgiacinto Kristen Dixon Carla Donnelly

Alisa Douglas Alison Dow Erifsa Drexl Rob Ea(?in Karen Fairall Nicola Ferguson

Diana Ferreira 5uzanne Finlayson Jofin Flanagan Michael Frewin tames Gardiner Ty Gee

Christine Giesbrecfit Graiiam Gilley Helen Gleeson Tom Green Evan Hall Jean Han


Lee Hard 14 Sfiirley BawÉIns Jan tterdlna Jane Heward Kent Jamieson Alnoor Janmofiamed

Cfíarlene Jenneson Tisfi Jolley Martin Jones Sean Juteau Richard Kelefier Lutëe Lawson

Nicole Lebrun Claude Leduc David Lo Tina Logan David Lopez Mlcñael Lopez

Haffert Lopez Claire Lyncíi Tony Macoun Marisa Fuscaldo Jessica May Sopíile May

Alexandra McIntyre Claude McLean Murray Miller Karyn Mitchell Melissa Moore Michael Moore

Marlena Morgan Deretë Muzy6a Kristy Newton Polly Novatë Lynn Drsmond Shirley Perry

Beatfier Pez Karen Plncfiln Glen Pope Cecile Poulin Mark Pulfer Lorraine Radford


Natasha Ratfibone Jessica Richmond Gareth Ronald-Dones Bawbl Roy

Ashley Scfimldt Die Sealey

Christina Seccombe Donna 5heh Libby Soper Mark Steffens Zsw Zsu Strawb Dowg Super

Monique Terrillon Lesley Teti^er Nlfiat Tetter Gerry Tfiomson Pippa Thomson LenfeaTrasollnl

Siรณauna Wilman Lindsay l/lzzell Ferdinand Van Zyl Patricia Vlcfery Monique Vodrey Kelly Vofey

tayne Walter Angela Walsfi Tania Wei Isobel Willard Antony Wilson Valerie Wilson


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• í Abduljawad, Yousuf 132 Ablett, Andrew 137 Ablett, Stella 150 Ablett, Zoé 131 Abrary, Justin 123 Abrary, Martin 129 Abrary, Matthew 140 Achtem, Christine 150 Addison, Heather 145 Aguilar Medina, Andy 137 Aguilar Medina, Omar 146 Ahmadi Vafa, Amirreza 145 Ahmadi Vafa, Saman 136 Ahn, Jessica 139 Alfreds, Evan 119 Alfreds, Maya 130 Ali, Ameeqa 142 Ali, Armaan 145 Alibhai, Inaya 118 Allbhai, Raiyana 123 Allmohamed, Bishr 134 Allard, Luke 145 Allen, John 132 Allen, Nicholas 138 Altman, Rhonda 150 Aminbakhsh, Ava 124 Aminbakhsh, Daniel 117 An, Justin 139 Anderson, Zoe 137 Andrews, Christopher 133 Andrews, Jonathan 136 Anson, Lian 150 Arnold, Michael 138 Arnold, Shirley 150 Arnould, Michael 138 Arnould, Peter 148 Ash, Linda 150 Ashrafi, Medya 144 Attridge, Claire 135 Au, Kelvin 138 Ayre, Elizabeth 150

â Bach, Una 127 Baek, Courtnie 139 Bai, David 137 Bai, Kim 150 Bai, Ming Shen 116 Baik, Tera 137 Bakhet, Mark 141 Barrow Precious, Dara 136 Barrow Precious, Tessa 126 Basmadjian, Annahis 148 Beaulieu, Colin 125 Beaulieu, Nicolas 129 Beck, Grayson 126 Beck, Jordan 132 Beddis, Jessica 133 Belanjer-Jones, Florence 141 Bengtson, Anna 96 Benson, Tyler 139 Berton, Emma 133 Berton, Margaret 142 Berton, Sarah 121 Beveridge, Ellie 143 Biasucci, Liana 131 Bidder, Nathan 125 Bird, Josephine 140 Blair, Cara 141 Blair, Laura 148 Bleim, Eric 146 Boddez, Benjamin 140 Boddez, Georgia 134 Borland, Georgina 140 Borland, Hannah 148 Borovinskaya, Ksenia 148 Borrell, Emily 132 Borrell, Joshua 121 Borrell, Michaela 130 Bosrock, Alexandra 120 Bosrock, Isabella 129 Bosrock, Juliana 125 Bourchier, Bryson 133 Bourchier, Jaden 119 Bourchier, Tenal 144

Brar, Sharmaine 148 Brea, Tiare 136 Bromley, Sean 144 Brooks, Cameron 148 Brooks, Teela 143 Brough, Clayre 150 Brough, Fiona 148 Brown, Graham 145 Brun, Alexander 129

£ Calder, Kevin 121 Calder, Michael 129 Calkins, Braxton 121 Campbell, Wendy 150 Campeau, Madeleine 124 Campeau, Tristan 118 Cannon, Melaine 150 Carbone, Claire 150 Carere, Aiden 126 Carere, Bronwyn 140 Caron, Shannon 148 Carr, Siobhan 148 Catliff, Christina 135 Catliff, Kevin 145 Cawkell, Jonathan 150 Chan, Christopher 145 Chan, Justin 141 Chandani, Adam 143 Chang, Ethan 118 Chang, Jacky 126 Chang,Jason 142 Chang, Kayley 122 Chapin, Betty 150 Chappell, Sophie 140 Chasmar, Matthew 128 Cheah, Nicole 121 Cheah, Ryan 118 Chee, Hazel 150 Chen, Celine 140 Chen, Pin Hung 127 Chen, Pin Yu 126 Chen, Yufei 124 Cheng, Crystal 138 Chittock, William 121 Cho, Ah Jin 128 Cho, Chae Yeon 121 Cho, Chan Hwi 129 Cho, Kai Sun 117 Cho, Quinn Sun 123 Choi, Ruby 140 Choi, Sunny 135 Chong, Louise 148 Christian, Fraser 139 Clark, Kathryn 150 Clarke Scott, Aidan 128 Coleman, Heather 146 Coleman, Meg 139 Collins, Megan 150 Colllster, George 144 Collister, William 122 Copp, Mackenzie 116 Copp, Sydney 131 Coppin, Kristopher 133 Coppin, Samantha 117 Corbett, Heather 139 Coupland, Cole 139 Coupland, Sin 129 Courts, Brent 140 Courts, Samantha 150 Cox, Cleo 121 Cox, Giulia 117 Cox, Joel 133 Cox, Michaela 129 Creber, Michelle 129 Creber, Monique 150 Croke, James 132 Croke, Lewis 136 Crone, Alexandra 145 Crone, Anna 134 Crookbain, Kyra 148 Cross, David 139 Cross, James 128 Cullen, Kieran 148 Cummings, Daphne 131 Curry, Blake 122 Curry, Steele 121 Cytrynbaum, Benny Jean 136

0 Da Roza, Gia 122 Dai, Cecile 123 Dai, Garrett 118 Dai, Yi Chu 141 Damji, Mikkah Ali 116 Danaei, Amir 124 de Beer, Eddie 150 de Beer, Elizabeth 132 de Beer, M.C. 144 Dean, Adrian 135 Dean, Emmanuelle 129 Decicco, Bradan 145 Decooman, Jefferson 120 Deggan, Julian 148 Delorme, Amanda 150 Dempsey, Nicholas 148 Desabráis, Emilie 130 Desabráis, Jocelyn 125 Desai, Bela 118 Devathasan, Kezia 129 Dhanji, Kaysan 118 Dhanji, Khayali 120 Dharamsi, Ahmed 134 Dharamsi, Azad 122 Digiacinto, Nicole 150 Dixon, Hannah 128 Dixon, Kristen 150 Dixon, Laura 130 Dixon, Matthew 122 Dixon, Zoe Rae 132 Donnelly, Carla 150 Douglas, Alisa 150 Dow, Alison 150 Dowling, Brenna 144 Drexl, Erika 150 Durrans, Matthew 133 Durrans, Nicholas 143

a Eakin, Rob 150 Earner Goult, Alexandra 142 Earner Goult, Emma 137 Eastman, Alexander 134 Elyzen, Maxwell 124 Ergas, Elias 133 Ergas, Sasha 123 Ergun, Jon 116 Evans, Jessie 146 Ezzati, Grace 117

if Fabian, Kevin 136 Fabian, Laura 126 Fairall, Karen 150 Fedor, Matreya 137 Felcan, Jeffrey 118 Felcan, Jessica 123 Feng, Gloria 142 Feng, Victor 134 Ferguson, James 129 Ferguson, Nicola 150 Ferreira, Diana 150 Finlayson, Suzanne 150 Fischer, Tasha 138 Flanagan, John 150 Forster, Lauren 136 Foster, Melissa 120 Franks, Jeremy 122 Franks, Jillian 119 French, Andrew 136 French, Christopher 142 Frewin, Michael 150 Frewin, Timothy 128 Frost, Matthew 126 Frost, Nicholas 137 Fu, Tian Ai 131 Fuller, William 130

Gaastra, Andrew 124 Gair, Spencer 143 Gallo, Rose 139 Gardiner, James 150 Gates, Michael 125 Gates, Stefanie 130 Gaudry Gardner, Ethan 148 Gee, Ty 150 Giesbrecht, Christine 150 Gilley, Graham 150 Gleeson, Helen 150 Godin, Emma 131 Godin, Melissa 141 Gollner, Chris 142 Gollner, Laura 132 Gonzalez, Clara 122 Gonzalez, Rafael 130 Gray, Liam 130 Gray, Ryan 137 Graystone, Andrew 143 Green, Thomas 150 Griffiths, Sam 146 Gulamani, Amin 119 Gulamani, Kaden 122 Guld, Aria 131 Guld, Noah 139 Guscott, James 139 Guscott, Paige 146

Habib, Aazan 148 Habibian, Mana 144 Hadden, Ewan 119 Hadden, Sebastian 123 Hall, Evan 150 Halldorson, Sarah 136 Han, Francis 148 Han, Jean 150 Hann, Marcus 138 Hann, Owen 145 Hanna, Natalie 123 Hardy, Lee 151 Hare, Sukhmun 140 Hart, Adam 146 Hart, Charlie 145 Hart, Dominique 144 Harvey, Benedict 120 Hassam, Khirad 118 Hassan. Samiya 140 Hassantash, Elham 148 Haston, Claire 135 Hasten, Dominic 116 Hasten, Matthew 134 Haugom, Maggie 124 Haugom, Mollie 123 Hawkins, Shirley 151 He, Jeffrey 146 Hemani, Kamran 118 Hemani, Ziyan 117 Henderson, Cameron 135 Henderson, Jordan 130 Henry, Chelsea 132 Herdina, Jan 151 Heward, Jane 151 Hiom, Jacob 130 Hiom, Rhianna 123 Hole, Isaac 128 Homer, Andrew 125 Horner, Mark 122 Hu, John 146 Hu, Kai Chao 128 Huang, Bo Yang 131 Huang, Lillian 124 Huang, Winnie 148 Hughes, Connor 138 Hughes, Michaela 146 Hutton, Tayler 145

Ibbott, Angela 130 Ibbott, Jonathan 125 llkay, Lindsay 122 Ingram, Rachel 142

Ingram, Zachary 133 Inman, Dax 140 Inman, Madison 148 Isla, Nicolas 142 Iwai, Kenshin 130 Iwai, Mamu 116 Iyer, Tushya 131

tf Jacobsen, Erik 141 Jain, Sparsh 127 Jain, Yash 119 Jamal, Adam 123 Jamal, Zakir 131 James, Conrad 148 Jamieson, Kent 151 Jang, Daniel 148 Janmohamed, Alnoor 151 Janmohamed, Jamilla 135 Janmohamed, Jenissa 131 Jelveh, Bobby 148 Jenneson, Charlene 151 Jeong, Carl 143 Jeong, Helen 136 leong, Woo Jin 148 li, Michael 140 loannou, Angela 137 loannou, Joanna 128 lohnston, Rachel 139 lolley, Tish 151 ones, Martin 151 oyce, Claire 122 oyce, Lauren 127 ulian, Charlotte 148 ung, Dayoon 117 ung, Eric 137 ung, Ji Won 123 ung, Myoungjun 134 uteau, Sean 151

^3 alamkarova, Elina 144 armali, Aleem 124 armali, Ammar 140 armali, Anniqa 134 armali, Imraan 123 assim Lakha, Sahra 122 atz, Matthew 125 aufman, Ari 126 aufman, Cayla 139 earns, Ashleigh 139 earns, Natasha 124 earns, Ryan 119 eleher, Richard 151 endrick, Benjamin 121 endrlck. Rebecca 134 srnaghan, Katrina 144 attlitz, Alessia 129 lorchldian, Aramis 131 lorchldian, Arka 120 kuchi, Yuta 143 m, Arthur 148 m, Clare 100 m, Frank 136 m, Fred 137 m, James 146 m, Jimmy 142 m, Jiny 148 m, Julia 148 m, June Hwan 134 m, Kyu Bum 131 m, Louis 143 ri, Min Suk 134 a, Ricky 148 n, William 140 ■kwood, Hamish 120 kwood, Isabelle 138 •kwood, Madeleine 131 kwood, Oliver 141 owles, Ian 100 enig, Katerina 124 pke, Kai 119 rtje, Zoe 122 rak, Hae Jin 132

£ Laçasse, Jacob 132 Ladak, Jenna 119 Lakhani, Shayan 129 Lalani, Jamil 117 Lalani, Khylam 132 Lalani, Sabrina 138 Lalani, Soraiya 133 Lambert, Rebecca 146 Larson, Jake 144 Lawson, Luke 151 Lawton, Tianna 119 Layton, Erika 119 Lebrun, Nicole 151 Lede, Matthew 117 Leduc, Claude 151 Lee, Adelyn 119 Lee, Alexander 143 Lee, Alicia 139 Lee, Annika 138 Lee, Dana 101 Lee, Daniel 140 Lee, Emme 133 Lee, Kevin 144 Lee, Michelle 146 Lee, Nicole 124 Lee, Tae Heon 134 Lee, Yunnya 135 Lepoidevin, Alexander 120 Lepoidevin, Lucy 119 Lester, Maren 136 Leung, Erick 149 Levine, Juliette 149 Levy, Joshua 126 Levy, Samantha 128 Li, Pei Yi 133 Li, Weiyun 133 Li, Weizhen 144 Liao, Rita 149 Linaksita, Andre 102 Linaksita, Cheryl 146 Linaksita, Claudia 144 Linaksita, Nicole 149 Lippman, Eli 119 Lippman, Ethan 125 Liu, Fanghan 131 Liu, Lily 146 Lo, David 151 Logan, Tina 151 Longo, Erin 134 Longo, Trevor 127 Lopez Salazar, Haffert 151 Lopez, David 151 Lopez, Michael 151 Lu, Mona 144 Lu, Victoria 120 Lucas, Duncan 133 Lumanlan, Jerico 135 Lynch, Claire 151

Macoun, Tony 151 Macphail, Jack 149 Madill, Mitchell 139 Maghsoud, Aryan 141 Maghsoud, Nika 140 Mahmoudi, Parinaz 131 Mahmoudi, Sara 144 Mamdani, Aly 119 Mamdani, Jenna 124 Manderson, Isabella 128 Manji, Celina 125 Manji, Isaac 119 Manji, Kiyaana 130 March, Liam 128 Marchant, Madelyn 117 Marisa, Fuscaldo 151 Markham Zantvoort, Emma 120 Markulin, Anna 120 Marosits, Markus 121 Marshall, Natalie 134 Martin, Carlos 138 Martin, Charles 127 Martin, Daniela 135 Martin, Phillip 133 Matheusik, Brigitte 144

Mavani, Sayeed 123 May, Jessica 151 May, Sophie 151 Mayo, Mj 140 Mazaheri, Noojan 141 Mazaheri, Tirajeh 149 McCarter, Maxwell 116 McEvoy, Sascha 120 McEvoy, Simon 135 McEvoy, William 130 McIntyre, Alexandra 151 McIntyre, Hayley 139 McIntyre, Kendall 144 McIntyre, Morgan 140 McIntyre, Thomas 130 McKay, Kala 121 McKenzie, Aaron 140 McKenzie, Jacob 131 McLean, Claude 151 McLean, Kelsey 145 Meakings, Jonathan 142 Mejia, Sarah 127 Menshykov, Stanislav 139 Menshykova, Olesya 117 Menziuso, Claudia 126 Menziuso, Rachel 127 Merali, Kiyaan 116 Millar, Charlotte 146 Miller, Murray 151 Minicucci, Nisia 145 Mirpourain, Amir Ali 127 Mitchell, Elizabeth 120 Mitchell, John 137 Mitchell, Karyn 151 Mitchell, Liam 135 Mitha, Omar 134 Modrovic, Branden 121 Moffatt, Andrew 149 Moffatt, Daniel 139 Moffatt, Megan 138 Moller, Nicole 145 Moore, Melissa 151 Moore, Michael 151 Morabito, Jolene 119 Morabito, Veronica 117 Morgan, Marlena 151 Mounzer, Lauren 127 Mounzer, Stephanie 136 Movasaghi, Ali 145 Movasaghi, Helia 140 Muljiani, Aleem 138 Muljiani, Alisha 123 Muzyka, Derek 151 Mytton, Catherine 128 Mytton, Sarah 135

K Navaratnam, Anisha 138 Neil, Benjamin 104 Neill Klein, Emma 132 Neilson, Amy 143 Neocleous, Alexander 125 Neocleous, Penelope 132 Newton, Kristy 151 Nohdomi, Ethan 120 Noormohamed, Ahna 116 Novak, Gabriella 120 Novak, Polly 151

& O'Brien, Grayson 142 O'Brien, Katherine 129 O'Brien, Victoria 135 O'Connor, Kasey 119 Oh, Brian 146 Ong, Victoria 149 Orsmond, Lynn 151 Orsmond, Sarah 133 Oswald, Mitchell 137 Ounjian, Vivian 132 Ounjian, William 146

? Pai, Debbie 143 Pai, Angela 134 Paisley, Joshua 139 Paisley, Sebastian 124 Palacios, Hannah 129 Pallone, Nick 144 Park, Eunice 142 Park, Jae Kyun 127 Park, Jay 135 Park, Ji Min 120 Park, Jun Hyouk 132 Peng, Jesse 149 Perry, Shirley 151 Peters, Holly 137 Peters, Samuel 128 Petrovicz, Connor 138 Pez, Heather 151 Phllpotts, Georgie 137 Philpotts, Hannah 127 Philpotts, Harry 121 Pike, Jackson 129 Pike, James 138 Pinchin, Karen 151 Piskova, Stanislava 122 Polevoy, Daniella 126 Polevoy, David 122 Pope, Glen 151 Porter, Stephanie 142 Poulin, Cecile 151 Pownall, Peyton 118 Pownall, Reagan 125 Pulfer, Mark 151 Pullen, William 137

Qin, Cheng 116

Radford, Hannah Rose 142 Radford, Lorraine 151 Raffard, Rachel 136 Rahbar, Artmis 145 Rahemtulla, Adam 130 Rahemtulla, Emma 142 Rahim, Hannah 133 Rajani, Cole 124 Rajani, Sarah 120 Ramdhani, Pranav 118 Ransanz, Miguel 127 Ransanz, Paula 116 Rathbone, Natasha 152 Read, Gregory 132 Read, Rachael 143 Ressideh, Benyamin 145 Rezazadeh, Aydin 128 Rhee, Glara 149 Richmond, Jessica 152 Ridley, Alia 143 Riley, Dustin 144 Rinaldi, Julia 149 Ritter, Hayden 146 Rockandel, Michael 129 Rodrigues, Alyssa 149 Rodrigues, Nadia 134 Ronald Jones, Gareth 152 Roper, Jena 136 Roper, Toby 142 Roppel, Cole 117 Ross Ghali, Katrina 139 Ross Ghali, Keaton 125 Rosu, Tudor 116 Roy, Bambi 152 Rozee, Honor 143 Ryan, Christopher 141

Sadler, Alexander 144 Saffari, Hirmand 137 Sahlholnasab, Hossein 145 Sahlholnasab, Yahya 139 Salamat, John 146

Salemohamed, Omar 136 Salemohamed, Soraiya 149 Samji, Alyza 119 Sayani, Kaden 120 Sayani, Shaiya 118 Schmidt, Ashley 152 Scott, Ben 131 Scott, Sam 123 Sealey, Ole 152 Seccombe, Christina 152 Seung,Jae Hyun 127 Seung, Ji Min 141 Sewell, Abbey 135 Sewell, Emily 143 Sewell, Ryan 124 Shafiei Radghomi, Pouya 145 Sheh, Donna 152 Sheldon, Thomas 123 Shepard, Kate 146 Shields, Emily 142 Shields, Spencer 149 Shin, Sian 129 Shokravi, Armón 128 Shokravi, Arveen 126 Short, Mark 117 Shull, Alyssa 127 Shull, Jayden 121 Smid, Gracie 149 Smith, Micah 139 Smyth, Justin 138 Sobotkova, Maria 131 Somani, Jasmine 143 Somani, Jordan 133 Somani, Natasha 130 Somani, Sara 129 Song, Yeonjae 132 Song, Yeonsoo 136 Soper, Libby 152 Southey, Caitlyn 126 Southey, Campbell 122 Stanton, Connor 138 Steek, Veronica 126 Stedman, Alex 140 Stedman, Nathan 149 Steffens, Carl 132 Steffens, Mark 152 Steffens, Megan 138 Steinberg, Will 129 Steiniger, Karl Lukas 133 Straub, Zsu Zsu 152 Stylianides, Gina 138 Sui, David 126 Sullivan, Miles 120 Sullivan, Sofia 127 Super, Doug 152 Surani, Nadir 144

Taghavi, John 126 Taghi Ganji, Saína 146 Talib, All 117 Talib, Kaiden 118 Talib, Kayla Iman 128 Talib, Mikhail 122 Tallos, Andrew 144 Tallos, Emma 140 Tan, Emily 120 Tan, Schon 135 Tang, Ken 143 Teasdale, Carsen 127 Terrillon, Monique 152 Tetiker, Lesley 152 Tetiker, Nihat 152 Thles, Rory 141 Thies, Sandra 135 Thomas, Bosley 116 Thomas, Chloe 119 Thomas, Emma 126 Thomas, Jasper 121 Thompson, Mitchell 135 Thomson, Gerry 152 Thomson, Pippa 152 Timmons, Kelcy 137 Timmons, Tori 141 Tomanik, Jared 132 Trasolini, Lenka 152 Travlos, Angie 145 Tung, Jolee 135 Turner, Hana 149

Turner, Maddy 143 Tweet, Oscar 146


Yip, Devon 141 Yoshino, Alexander 127 Yoshino, Audrey 121 Yoshino, Chantal 117 Young, Lauren 141 Yue, Norika 149

Uhrle, Merina 134 Ullman, Shauna 152 Uzzell, Lindsay 152

Ÿ Van Nieuwenhuyse, liya 136 Van Zyl, Ferdinand 152 Vergara, Regina 146 Verjee, Bianca 138 Verjee, Shanil 130 Vickery, Patricia 152 Virani, Natasha 141 Vodrey, Monique 152 Vokey, Kelly 152 Volkmann, Julika 149 Volkmann, Theresa 149

Zagar, Susan 152 Zhang, Han 149 Zhao, Shuting 126 Zheng, Andrew 128 Zheng, Maggie 135 Zhou, Jeff 133 Zhou, Sophie 142 Zhu, Si Yu 118 Zimmerman, Oscar 135 Zwimpfer, Matthew 139

fv Wahle, Constantin 141 Wahle, Gereon 136 Walker, Anika 130 Walker, Jayne 152 Walker, Kristjana 121 Walker, Sarah 137 Wallster, Mackenzie 141 Walsh, Angela 152 Walsh, Connor 122 Wang, Jeffrey 126 Wang, Luna 122 Wang, Shirley 149 Wang, William 138 Wang, Xin Tong 125 Wearmouth, Antonia 136 Wei, Tania 152 Westeinde, Elena 138 White, Eoin 116 White, Joshua 130 White, Kathryn 141 White, Kyle 145 White, Sydney 133 Widdows, Ian 141 Wierenga, Danielle 134 Wilkinson, Samuel 131 Willard, Isobel 152 Williams Wood, Caroline 137 Williams Wood, Tal 122 Williams, Madeline 134 Willis, Lucy 137 Wilson, Antony 152 Wilson, Chris 145 Wilson, Sandy 140 Wilson, Valerie 152 Wimmer Manderson, Nicholas 136 Wimmer, Max 149 Withers, Rachael 130 Withers, Trevor 135 Woida, Amanda 149 Wortman, Alexander 127 Wozny, Brooke 152 Wu, Carol 140

Xiong, Meijla 149 Xu, Jenny 119


Yaghoubi, Dina 131 Yakachuk, Christine 152 Yamamoto, Kei Ichiro 149 Yan, Katherine 138 Yan, Lily 121 Yang, Christie 121 Yang, Kyu In 132 Yang, Se A 125 Ye, Sophie 120 Ye, Vivian 118

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Many people have been working since September to put this yearbook together. Thanks must go to all of those writers, photographers, artists and editors who helped out this year. In particular, Karen Pinchin, Gerry Thomson and Brooke Wozny who went above and beyond. Leah King from Jostens has been, as always, invaluable.




Please enjoy your yearbook and remember the highlights of the 2009-2010 year at Mulgrave for many years to come. Nicola Ferguson 16th August 2010




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Sam Oldenburg

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CP Press/Richard Lar

Marie and Kirby Fontaine from Sagkeeng First Nation in Manitoba take home $50 million in the new Lotto Max jackpot.

The Hudson's Bay Company pays $100 million for the rights to be the official merchandiser to the Canadian Olympic Teams.

The United States draws closer to providing health care for all with the passage of reform bills in both the House and the Senate.



Haiti’s earthquake - with a magnitude of 7.0 - is declared by the United Nations as the worst disaster it has ever confronted. Aid pours in from Canada and around the world.

Tony Avelar/ChristiaivScience Monitor/Getty Images

Studies find that texting while driving % may be up to six times more dangerous than talking on a phone while driving. By ^ the end of the year, 7 provinces are expected to pass cellular bans in Canada.


Price per litre of gas in 2000: 71.5 <t in 2009: 94.6 <t


Movie ticket price in 2000: $9 in 2009: $10 www.cbc.ca/news/story/2000/05/02/movies000502.htnil

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In December, Michelle Lang, a journalist with the Calgary Herald and four Canadian soldiers were killed when their armoured vehicle rolled over an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan.

CP Press/Colin Perkel

Parliament votes that Canada s military mission in Afghanistan will end in 2011. There are currently 2800 Canadian soldiers serving in the Southern provinces of the war-ravaged country.

The H1N1 virus appears to affect teens more than typical flu viruses. Hand sanitizer is a commonplace sight in classrooms and other public spaces



Justin Sullivap/Getty Images

f WELCOME TO f o r t HOOD—, lome of Amei^i Armored Cr 

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Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

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America honours the lives of 13 innocent victims of a tragic shooting spree at Fort Hood, Texas, in November.

Unemployment rate in 2000: 6.8% in 2009: 8.6% http://dsp-psd.communication.gc.ca/Collection/F12-5-2000-12E.pdf top7/www.investmentexecutive.com/dient/en/News/0etailNews.asp?ld=51316&cat=148&ldSection=148&PageMem=&nbNews=

Canadian population in 2000: 31 million in 2009: 34 million

I In efforts to make General Motors more economically viable, the company discontinues the Saturn brand and announces plans to phase out its Pontiac division.

Facebook users in Canada 2000:0 in 2009:14,228,460+ http^/www.nickburcher.com/2009/12/facebook-usage-statistio-by-country.html


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CP Press/Ryan Remiorz

According to Food Banks Canada, approximately 800,000 Canadians turned to food banks in March; an increase of almost 120,000 people from the same month last year.

Six-time Olympic medalist Clara Hughes once stated that ‘sports saved her life’ and has donated her 2010 Bronze medalist bonus to the Take a H ik e F o u n d a tio n ,

a program that provides adventure-based learning for at-risk kids in Vancouver.

AP Photo/Chris Carlson

Roots Canada is one of the first brands to use sustainable cotton alternatives, such as bamboo and hemp in their clothing.

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( I During October, Breast Cancer Awareness ^ ' Month, pink products are everywhere: from printers to power tools, snowboards to golf balls, blow dryers to water bottles.

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ia CP Press/Christian Lapid


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■ Thousands of college and university w students across Ontario protest rising tuition fees which have risen as much as 8% annually since 2006.

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According to a study commissioned by Mackenzie Investments, 93% of Canadian teens volunteer approximately 100 million hours a year to support causes they believe in.




1 Turn off the lights when no one’s in the room. 2. Carry a reusable tote bag when you go shopping. 3 Bike or walk instead of driving. *1 Get a reusable metal water bottle. s. Unplug and shut down electronic devices when not in use. G Buy music online instead of purchasing CDs. l Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposables, a. Replace standard light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs, a In winter, turn down the heat and wear more layers, in In summer, set your air conditioner thermostat to 22° or higher.


Olympic Gold for the 5000m five-man-team in short track relay. Charles Hamelin and Francois-Louis Tremblay also brought home Gold and Bronze respectively in the 500m.

Nova Scotia-bom, Sidney Crosby becomes the youngest captain to hoist the Stanley Cup as he leads the Pittsburgh Penguins to their third championship ; and first since 1992. 3 Jason Payne/Canwest News Service

Hockey great Wayne Gretzky lights the outdoor Olympic Cauldron at the conclusion of the opening ceremonies in Vancouver.

Team Canada claims their 3rd straight Gold Medal in Women’s Olympic Hockey by defeating Team USA 2-0 on February 25th,

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The New Orleans Saints beat the Indianapolis Colts 31-17 to win Super Bowl XLIV, their first championship title.

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Team Canada captures OlvmDic Olympic aold gold as it defeats Team USA 3-2 In overtime during the much-anticipated Gold Medal game.

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Alexandre Bilodeau wins Canada's first gold medal in the men’s moguls at Cypress Mountain on February 15, 2010.

The Montreal Alouettes take home the Grey Cup after a nail-biting win of 28-27 against the Saskatchewan Roughriders at the 97th Grey Cup in Calgary.



2000 - B.C. Lions

2005 - Edmonton Eskimos

2001 - Calgary Stampeders

2006 - B.C. Lions

2002 - Montreal Alouettes

2007 - Saskatchewan Roughriders

2003 - Edmonton Eskimos

2008 - Calgary Stampeders

2004 - Toronto Argonauts

2009 - Montreal Alouettes

After the release of their fifth studio album, the Black Eyed Peas launch The E.N.D. World Tour, with stops in Australia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand and Thailand.

Billboard names Canadian rockers Nickelback the “Band of the Decade”. The post-grunge foursome from Hanna, Alberta formed the band in 1995.

takes home the title of Favorite Rock Band at the MTV’s People's Choice Awards. Lead singer Hayley Williams kept in touch by Tweeting with fans throughout the awards program. P a ra m o re

Taylor Swift has an amazing year with four CMA Awards and the Grammy for Best Album of the Year.

“gleeks” go wild! Volume 1 of the G le e soundtrack features 17 songs from the hit Fox show about a struggling high school glee club.

G le e

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Justin Bieber, Canadian teen sensation from Stratford, ON, parlays YouTube fame into a record deal and a coveted spot as Presenter at the 2010 Grammy Awards.

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t í Michael Jackson, the ^ W legendary King of Pop, ^ td dies unexpectedly at the age of 50, just weeks before his This Is It world tour is to begin.

Alicia Keys guest stars on JayZ’s album, The B lu e p rin t 3 . Their joint effort, “ Empire State of Mind,” is one of the most successful songs of the year.

Beyonce broke the record for a female artist at the Grammys with six awards, including Song of the Year and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance.

Kevin Mazu/Wireimage

TOP 1 1. Fearless, Taylor Swift I Dreamed a Dream, Susan Boyle


E Flannah Montana: The Movie Soundtrack,

Hannah Montana

Number Ones, Michael Jackson

7 The E.N.D., Black Eyed Peas

The Fame, Lady GaGa

S Relapse, Eminem

My Christmas, Andrea Bocelli

9 The Blueprint 3, Jay-Z ID Only By the Night, Kings of Leon

Tina Fey’s acclaimed NBC comedy 3 0 R o c k receives a record 22 primetime Emmy Award nominations and wins five, including Best Comedy Series and Best Actor in a Comedy Series (Alec Baldwin).

A new generation of rock fans discover the Fab Four. The Beatles: Rock Band is a smash hit among teens, parents and even grandparents! New Fox hit TV show G lee takes home the Golden Globe for Best Musical or Comedy Television Series over such veteran shows as The O ffic e , 3 0 R o c k


E n to u ra g e .


Reality TV shows like CBS’s Survivor and

The Amazing Race continue to draw in viewers of all ages.

the legendary PBS children's show, celebrates 40 years of ABCs and 123s with the likes of Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch and Big Bird. S e s a m e S tre e t,


SpongeBob SquarePants celebrates 10 years on the air with the debut of Truth o r S q u a re , a Nickelodeon TV movie featuring celebrity guests and several shocking twists.

After just seven months, Conan O’Brien receives $45 million to surrender his position as host of The T o n ig h t S h o w after NBC decides V v to return Jay Leno SJr to his previous time slot.


Mitchell Haaseth/©NBC/courtesy Everett Collection



I. Wii Fit


1. Pokém on Platinum Version

8. Resident Evil 5 (PS3)

1. M ario Kart Wii


6 . Killzone 2

!. Wii Play

S. Resident Evil 5 (Xbox 360)

Call o f Duty: W orld a t War

9 . Halo Wars 10. Street Fighter IV

Yui Mok/PA Photos/^ndov





£ ■ H a rry P o tte r a n d the After two weeks of limited ™ ' H a lf-B lo o d P rin c e raked sold-out shows, 1 million in the biggest midnight moviegoers submit online earnings of all time, requests that cause the nationwide grossing $22.2 million release of P a ra n o rm a l A c tiv ity . at the box office.


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Sandra Bullock wins X „, the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Motion T p Picture-Drama for her performance In The B lin d S id e , based on the true story of Baltimore Ravens football player Michael Oher.


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In just 41 days, James Cameron's A v a ta r overtakes T ita n ic to become the highest-grossing movie ever worldwide at $1.859 billion.

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t( #y -Fox Film Corporatrantoeurtesy Everett Collection

a film about the ^ late Michael Jackson's t o u r ^ / rehearsals, becomes the world’s highest-grossing concert movie and documentary. This Is It,


uncos ITEfIM EDUARD Are you “Team Jacob” or “Team Edward” ? “Twihards" around the world swoon over the supernatural love triangle in The T w ilig ht S a g a: N e w M o o n .


2009 1. How the Grinch Stole Christmas

1. Avatar

2. Cast Away

2. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

3. Mission: Impossible II

3. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

4. Gladiator

4. The Twilight Saga: New Moon

5. What Women Want

5. Up

6. The Perfect Storm

6. The Hangover

7. Meet the Parents

7. Star Trek

8. X-Men

8. The Blind Side

9. Scary Movie 10. What Lies Beneath

9. Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel 10. Monsters l/s. Aliens Boxotficemojo.com



Snuggie, the blanket with sleeves, is a runaway hit. The company introduces versions for kids and pets and features designer styles in a fashion show.


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Graphic tees, worn alone or paired with zip-front ^ hoodies, are a comfortable way to make a style _ statement, promote your favorite band and express your individuality.



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1 2 3 8. 5

Skinny jeans Big '80s shoulders Over-the-knee boots Graphic tees Hoodies

6. Animal prints

7 Rachel Roy bags 8 Ripped jeans 3 ’90s grunge 10. Flared jeans


Brenda Grismer


W irwlfjy,

MONOPOLY R a te b o o k , co'

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January 11- - February i l " © Hasbro v id e o s B o in a W atch ed Now

Martin Keene/PA Photos/Landov^

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Spas and salons across the country are gaining popularity and catering to a growing demographic - tweens and teens.

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More than half (58%) of Canadians ages 13-17 use social networking websites.

Now Canadian consumers can carry a whole library in a device the size of a pocketbook with Amazon’s Kindle and the Sony Reader.




Tim Ireland/PA Photos/Landov

Youth unemployment rose from 10.7% in January 2008 to 16.3% during the summer of 2009.


Pass the potatoes, please. Busy families^i are cutting back on expensive take-out meals and making time to sit down together for healthier, home-cooked family dinners.

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