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In 2016, Mulgrave began researching ways to further nurture our students’ social and emotional wellbeing across the curriculum. The ultimate goal is to have cohesive practices and a common language from PK to Grade 12 to help students gain a greater understanding of their social-emotional health and wellbeing.

Our leadership team was interested in a programme that would help students discern their own individual strengths and learn to be inclusive in recognising and celebrating the strengths of others. Through research, our former Director of Character Education, Alison Wall (now Enriched Pathway and CAS Coordinator), discovered the Positive Education framework and the Values in Action (VIA) 24 Character Strengths. She realised this philosophy aligned perfectly with our IB Learner Profile, as both focus on developing caring, balanced, and reflective individuals.

Karyn Mitchell, the Principal of the Junior School, is now implementing and sharing the programme through weekly wellbeing lessons in every Junior School classroom from Grades 1 to 6. “Each week, we engage in breathing exercises and focus on aspects of the Positive Education framework,” explains Karyn. “Not only are we helping students expand their character strengths, we are also teaching and learning what it means to feel emotion and how to explain these feelings to others.”

Each week, a lesson is taught in one area of the Positive Education curriculum to help students understand the foundational concepts. Lessons incorporate many different elements, including teaching breathing techniques, empathy, compassion, kindness, self-knowledge, leadership, and teamwork development. These lessons aren’t just for students; part of their homework includes sharing with their families what they’ve learned, and how they can practice the techniques at home. Our Junior School counsellor, Kelly Harris, also works closely with each class to supplement the lessons that Karyn is teaching. Positive Education has become a vital aspect of our curriculum and continues to foster resilience in our students’ lives.

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